SHAPE AND LUMINANCE CUES FOR THE VISUAL PERCEPTION OF GLOW MINJUNG KIM A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS GRADUATE PROGRAM IN PSYCHOLOGY YORK UNIVERSITY TORONTO, ONTARIO AUGUST 2011 SHAPE AND LUMINANCE CUES FOR THE VISUAL PERCEPTION OF GLOW by Minjung Kim a thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies of York University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS c 2011 Permission has been granted to: a) YORK UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES to lend or sell copies of this dissertation in paper, microform or electronic formats, and b) LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA to reproduce, lend, distribute, or sell copies of this thesis anywhere in the world in microform, paper or electronic formats and to authorise or procure the reproduction, loan, distribution or sale of copies of this thesis anywhere in the world in microform, paper or electronic formats. The author reserves other publication rights, and neither the thesis nor extensive extracts for it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author’s written permission. SHAPE AND LUMINANCE CUES FOR THE VISUAL PERCEPTION OF GLOW by Minjung Kim By virtue of submitting this document electronically, the author certifies that this is a true electronic equivalent of the copy of the thesis approved by York University for the award of the degree. No alteration of the content has occurred and if there are any minor variations in formatting, they are as a result of the conversion to Adobe Acrobat format (or similar software application). Examination Committee Members: 1. Dr. Laurie Wilcox 2. Dr. Richard Murray 3. Dr. Keith Schneider 4. Dr. Laurence Harris Abstract We investigated the role of three-dimensional shape cues on glow perception, a novel research area, and tested the hypothesis that real-life glowing objects are bright in valleys and dark on peaks (bright-means-deep). Experiment 1. We simulated the bright-means-deep relationship using a novel technique called diffuse countershading. We found that countershaded stimuli appeared to glow and that higher countershading weights yielded stronger glow. Experiment 2. We disrupted the bright-means-deep relationship of countershaded stimuli by inverting or randomizing their depths under stereoscopic viewing. This did not reduce the perceived degree of glow. Experiment 3. Participants judged the relative depths of probed locations on countershaded stimuli. These judgments were fairly accurate, suggesting that the visual system can infer depth from the bright-means-deep pattern. We find that the bright-means-deep relationship only partially captures the perceptual cues to glow, but that it may be important in physically generating glow. iv Acknowledgements I am deeply grateful for my supervisor and mentor, Dr. Richard Murray, without whom this thesis could not have been completed. Thank you very much for your boundless patience, ceaseless understanding, and—most of all—your amazing sense of humour. Science should be fun. v Table of Contents Abstract iv Acknowledgements v Table of Contents vi List of Figures x 1 Introduction 1 2 Background 7 2.1 2.2 Lightness-Based Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.1.2 The Anchoring Theory of Lightness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.1.3 Lightness-Based Glow and Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Blur-Based Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2.1 15 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi 2.2.2 The Glare Illusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.2.3 Blur-Based Glow and Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3 Experiment 1: Can we induce perceived glow by simulating a bright-means-deep relationship? 24 3.1 Experiment 1A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.1.1 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.1.2 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Experiment 1B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3.2.1 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 3.2.2 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 General Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3.3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3.3.2 Luminance Histogram Skewness as a Predictor of Glow . . . 58 3.3.3 Final Remarks 59 3.2 3.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Experiment 2: Can we reduce perceived glow by destroying an existing bright-means-deep relationship? 64 4.1 Experiment 2A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 4.1.1 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 4.1.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 vii 4.2 4.3 Experiment 2B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 4.2.1 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 4.2.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 5 Experiment 3: Can we accurately perceive 3D shape from glow (shape-from-glow)? 83 5.1 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5.1.1 Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5.1.2 Stimuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 5.1.3 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 5.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 5.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 6 Conclusion 94 6.1 Diffuse Countershading and Perceived Glow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 6.2 Future Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 6.2.1 Varieties of Glow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 6.2.2 Glow, Glowability, and Material Properties . . . . . . . . . . 100 6.2.3 Glow and Colour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 6.2.4 Glow as a Pre-Attentive Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 viii References 107 ix List of Figures 1.1 The Mach bent-card illusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 The importance of shape for perceived glow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1 Depiction of glow in paintings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2 The anchoring theory of lightness on glow perception . . . . . . . . 12 2.3 Glow in a complex object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.4 Glow from contrast-reversed shadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.5 Example of bloom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.6 Depiction of glow in line drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.7 The glare illusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.8 Luminance gradients for glow and depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.1 Example of glow in real life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.2 Objects under diffuse lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.3 Experiment 1A: sample stimuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 x 3.4 Experiment 1A: response matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.5 Experiment 1A: Thurstone scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.6 Experiment 1A: Thurstone scaling predictability . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.7 Experiment 1B, Condition 1: mean luminance control . . . . . . . . 46 3.8 Experiment 1B, Condition 2: maximum Weber contrast control . . 47 3.9 Experiment 1B, Condition 1: mean luminance ratio does not predict participant response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3.10 Experiment 1B, Condition 2: contrast ratio does not predict participant response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.11 Experiment 1B, Condition 1: countershading weights predict participant response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 3.12 Experiment 1B, Condition 2: countershading weights predict participant response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.13 Number of pixels contributing to glow does not decrease with increasing countershading weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 3.14 Diffuse countershading with low-skew stimulus . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 3.15 Diffuse countershading with medium-skew stimulus . . . . . . . . . 61 3.16 Diffuse countershading with high-skew stimulus . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4.1 71 Experiment 2A: sample stimuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi 4.2 Experiment 2A: destroying the bright-means-deep relationship does not reduce perceived glow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 4.3 Experiment 2A: response time analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 4.4 Experiment 2B: stimuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 4.5 Experiment 2B: results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 5.1 Shape-from-shading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 5.2 Experiment 3: T-junctions can provide strong depth cues . . . . . . 88 5.3 Experiment 3: sample stimulus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 5.4 Experiment 3: participants can make accurate depth judgments . . 91 6.1 Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 6.2 A ‘glowable’ object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 6.3 Glow and saturation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 6.4 Asperity scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 6.5 Glow and colour in natural settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 6.6 Glow and colour in art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 xii 1 Introduction What are the perceptual cues that signal the presence of glow in a scene? Glow, or self-luminosity, is associated with high luminance—and so, we might naı̈vely expect that the visual system signals glow whenever an extremely luminous surface patch is present in a scene. This is not the case, however. For example, we can create illusions of glow in paintings and photographs, where the paint depicting glow is not the most luminous surface patches in the scene. Therefore, the visual perception of glow must involve a psychological explanation beyond simple luminance detection. Previous research on glow confirms above the observation. It has been shown, for example, that glow percepts in simple stimuli are modulated by the perceived areas of surface patches, in addition to their physical luminance values (Bonato & Gilchrist, 1999). Indeed, recent neuroimaging evidence demonstrated that glowing stimuli, compared to non-glowing stimuli with equivalent mean luminance and contrast levels, generated more activation near colour-processing areas (Leonards, Troscianko, Lazeyras and Ibanez, 2005). Overall, there exists strong evidence that 1 the human visual system has sophisticated mechanisms for distinguishing glowing surfaces from non-glowing surfaces of equal luminance. However, existing research has largely neglected the potentially important role of three-dimensional shape on perceived glow. This is surprising, because the important role of 3D shape perception in lightness processing has long been recognized in classic demonstrations such as the Mach bent-card illusion (Fig. 1.1). The card is set up with the central edge towards the viewer (convex), and with the light source illuminating the left face such that it has a higher luminance than the right face. When viewed binocularly, the left and the right faces appear to be of approximately the same lightness, due to lightness constancy. When viewed monocularly, and we force ourselves to see the card as pointing away from us (concave), the left face appears to be painted a lighter shade of grey than the right. This is because, according to the concave interpretation of the bent card, the left face is under the same illumination as the right face and yet has a higher luminance—and therefore, the visual system interprets the left face as having a higher reflectance. For an example of how shape influences glow, consider Figure 1.2. We first render a randomly generated blobby object and a smooth sphere as Lambertian, or matte, surfaces (top row; for a description of Lambertian surfaces, see Experiment 3, Introduction). We then take the shading pattern of the sphere and texture-map it onto the corresponding points of the blob, as though the sphere were shrink2 Figure 1.1: The Mach bent-card illusion (Mach, 1885/1959). For this illusion, we take a plain, rectangular piece of cardboard and bend it in half. We then set up the card with the central edge towards the viewer (convex), and with the light source illuminating the left face. When viewed binocularly, the left and the right faces appear to be of the same lightness. When viewed monocularly, and we force ourselves to see the card as pointing away from us (concave), the left face appears to be painted a darker shade of grey than the right. This phenomenon shows the influence of shape on lightness. Adapted from Gilchrist (2006). 3 wrapped onto the shape of the blob. The resulting object appears translucent, and even appears to glow (bottom row). This percept of glow must arise from the interaction between the 3D shape and luminance, as neither the blob nor the sphere appears to glow on its own; it is the specific way in which the shape of the blob is shaded with the luminance of the sphere that causes the glow percept. In this thesis, we propose and examine what we call the bright-means-deep hypothesis: we hypothesize that, in at least some complex glowing objects, concavities are bright and convexities are dark (‘bright-means-deep’), and that the visual system is sensitive to the particular bright-means-deep correlation between the shape and the luminance of an object. If, indeed, this hypothesis is supported, then we should find that either mimicking or disrupting the shape-luminance relationship of an object will either increase or decrease the perception of glow. In addition, we should find that the visual system is able to make depth discriminations using glowing objects by assuming that brighter points are placed deeper than darker points. We begin by reviewing previous studies on glow, then describe three experiments that examined the bright-means-deep hypothesis. In the first experiment, we asked if glow can be induced in complex objects by manipulating the 3D shape and luminance profiles of objects. In the second experiment, we examined whether interfering with the bright-means-deep relationship between shape and luminance 4 + shape luminance = Figure 1.2: The importance of shape for perceived glow. Top row. The blob and the sphere are both Lambertian. Bottom row. Texture-mapping the shading pattern of the sphere onto the shape of the blob drastically changes the perceived material of the blob; the blob now appears to glow. The illusion is particularly strong when viewed on a monitor rather than on paper, as LCDs have larger dynamic range than ink on paper. 5 can reduce the perceived degree of glow. In the final experiment, we examined whether the visual system is able to recover reliable shape information from glowing objects, even though their shape and luminance relationships are very different from those of non-glowing objects. Together, our experiments demonstrate that, to perceive glow, the visual system relies on the ways in which the shape and luminance of an object interact—but that this interaction is only partially captured by the bright-means-deep relationship. Our experiments identify an important research area, and contribute some of the first investigations on 3D shape and glow. 6 2 Background Although the important role of perceived depth on perceived surface lightness has been examined extensively (e.g., Mach, 1885/1959, Fig. 1.1; Kardos, 1934, and Koffka, 1915, in Gilchrist, 2006, p.53), the influence of perceived depth on glow has received limited attention. In this section, we review current theories of glow, and suggest they can be classified as one of two broad categories that we call lightnessbased and blur-based approaches. 2.1 2.1.1 Lightness-Based Approaches Overview Lightness-based approaches posit that lightness constancy is a critical factor for glow perception, and that a surface patch appears to glow when its luminance exceeds an illumination-dependent luminance threshold. Even a moderately luminous surface patch may appear to glow in dim light; however, an equally luminous surface patch may not appear to glow in bright light. 7 Contrast-based accounts, as in Arnheim (1974), are examples of lightness-based approaches. Arnheim (1974) presented a set of observations on factors that strengthen perceived glow in images, remarking that paintings with strong apparent glow generally depict dark scenes accented with relatively bright paint (e.g., Fig. 2.1). This work, however, only considered 2D image-based properties (i.e., pixel luminances), without accounting for possible role of 3D shape. Figure 2.1: In art, glow is sometimes depicted by contrasting bright patches with the overall low illumination (Rembrandt van Rijn, 1638). Ullman (1976) experimentally demonstrated that a high-contrast scene does not necessarily yield a perception of glow. He proposed a new model of glow detection based on intensity gradient ratios, which were used to approximate reflectance ratios. These terms are explained below. 8 Suppose that we have a pair of non-glowing surface patches, P0 and P1 . The reflectance at these patches, R0 and R1 , is a function of surface pigmentation, and describes the proportion of incident light that is reflected from the surface patches. Under identical lighting conditions, a surface patch with high reflectance appears lighter than one with a low reflectance. Assuming that illumination is approximately uniform with a value of I, and also that P0 and P1 are facing the light source, the luminance at these points are (Horn, 1986) L0 = I R 0 (2.1) L1 = I R 1 (2.2) where L0 and L1 correspond to P0 and P1 , respectively. Moreover, R0 L0 = L1 R1 For two non-glowing patches, we expect that the luminance ratio, to the reflectance ratio, R0 . R1 (2.3) L0 , L1 is equivalent While obtaining R0 and R1 is extremely difficult—a general solution to this problem has yet to be found in either human or computer vision research—Ullman (1976) proposed that the reflectance ratio may be approximated by the intensity gradient ratio, S0 , S1 where the intensity gradients are the first-order derivatives of luminance at P0 and P1 . Then, L0 S0 = L1 S1 9 (2.4) L0 − L1 S0 =0 S1 (2.5) =G Equation 2.5 is called the Source-, or S-, operator, and is expected to return G = 0 for two non-glowing surface patches. Suppose now that P0 is a glowing surface patch whereas P1 is a non-glowing surface patch. The luminance at P0 is L0 = I R 0 + g where g represents the luminance contribution from glow, g > 0. Then, S0 L0 − L1 =g S1 (2.6) (2.7) =G Therefore, if G = 0, both surface patches are non-glowing, and if G = g, g > 0, P0 is glowing. In practice, G may not only have to be positive but also exceed a pre-defined luminance threshold, as noisy input luminances may lead to spurious G > 0. However, Ullman did not specify how the luminance threshold should be chosen, beyond that it should illumination-dependent. The strength of Ullman’s method is that it only requires simple arithmetic operations on input luminances (subtraction and division), and that it is also specific enough to be implemented on a computer vision system. Indeed, Ullman reported that the S-operator was effective in detecting glow in simple, Mondrian-type stimuli consisting of grey square patches on a flat plane. 10 However, it is not clear how the S-operator applies to more complex scenes with 3D shapes. Suppose, e.g., that some of the surface patches were randomly reoriented such that they no longer faced the light source. In this situation, luminance variations from shading and from reflectance would be conflated, and S-operator would need to be modified to account for the role of 3D shape. 2.1.2 The Anchoring Theory of Lightness Gilchrist and Bonato published an extensive series of studies (Bonato & Gilchrist, 1994, 1999; Gilchrist & Bonato, 1995; Gilchrist et al., 1999) framed in terms of Gilchrist’s anchoring theory of lightness perception (Gilchrist, 2006; Gilchrist et al., 1999, Chapters 9-11). According to the anchoring theory, every scene has some reference luminance value that serves as the anchor; all other luminances are compared to this anchor value for lightness estimation. Glow is perceived if a surface patch exceeds the luminance of the anchor by a factor of 1.7 (Bonato & Gilchrist, 1999), and a perceptually fluorescent, or fluorent (Evans, 1959), white is perceived if a surface patch is more luminous than the anchor but does not exceed the 1.7 threshold. To a first approximation, the anchor is the highest luminance in the scene. However, its precise value depends on the perceived area of the brightest surface patch relative to other surface patches (Bonato & Gilchrist, 1999; Li & Gilchrist, 11 Figure 2.2: As the area of the dark patch increases with respect to the area of the light patch, the light patch begins to glow. The numbers below the discs, as well as the labels ‘A’ and ‘B’, were added for this thesis, and were not part of the original figure. Adapted from Li and Gilchrist (1999). 12 1999). For example, consider a Ganzfeld composed of two homogeneous regions A and B such that A is five times as luminous as B. When A occupies at least 50% of the visual field (Fig. 2.2, discs 1 through 3), white is anchored to A and B appears correspondingly grey. Suppose that we begin increasing B’s area (Fig. 2.2, discs 4 and 5), and continue until B occupies a larger region of space than A. As B’s area increases, it appears brighter and begins to appear white; meanwhile, A begins to generate a percept beyond white (Li & Gilchrist, 1999), and when finally A appears at least 1.7 times as bright as white, A begins to glow (Bonato & Gilchrist, 1999). The anchoring theory of lightness incorporates an important role of scene structure, whereby shape and depth cues segment a scene into regions of similar illumination, or frameworks (Gilchrist et al., 1999). For example, the adjacent faces of a cube may belong to different frameworks, as light may illuminate one face but not the others. While the role of frameworks with respect to lightness constancy in general has been extensively studied, however, it is unclear as to how the anchoring theory would explain the role of shape and depth in complex glowing objects. Thus far, studies on glow have been limited to easily segmented stimuli, such as rectangular surface patches (Bonato & Gilchrist, 1994, 1999), centre-surround displays (Bonato & Gilchrist, 1999; Gilchrist & Bonato, 1995), Mondrian-patterned boxes (Bonato & Gilchrist, 1994, 1999), and Ganzfelds (Li & Gilchrist, 1999). In contrast, consider Figure 2.3, which is a photograph of a translucent, backlit 13 Venus de Milo. Does the entire statue belong to a single framework, or should it be segmented into multiple frameworks? On one hand, Figure 2.3 appears to be lit from a single source, so perhaps it belongs to a single framework. On the other hand, some parts of the statue appear to glow more strongly than others, implying different regions of illumination, so perhaps it should be segmented into multiple frameworks. If so, should each ridge or valley be considered to be a separate framework? Anchoring theory has not yet addressed these problems that are associated with glow in complex shapes. 2.1.3 Lightness-Based Glow and Shape In a theoretical paper, Langer (1999) posited that the visual system may perceive glow when surface patches in a concavity appear to be brighter than its surroundings. Consider, for example, Figure 2.4: the top figure depicts a scene composed of white blocks, arranged such that an area is cast in shadow. The shadowed area is concave with respect to the rest of the scene geometry, and when the image is contrast-reversed, as in the bottom figure, the concavity appears to glow. Langer noted that, in the contrast-reversed image, the pattern of brightness around the concavity mimics the type of lighting pattern that would be expected if a real light source were placed within the concavity. However, Langer did not explore in detail the perceptual aspects of this apparent glow in concavities. 14 Figure 2.3: Glow in a complex object. Here, glow is perceived to emanate from within the statue of Venus de Milo. Does the statue belong to a single framework, or to multiple? If multiple, how should it be segmented? Chen, Lensch, Fuchs and Seidel (2007). 2.2 2.2.1 Blur-Based Approaches Overview Blur-based approaches rely on bloom, which is the halo of light surrounding some glowing objects (Fig. 2.5). Although the precise cause of bloom is under debate, most researchers agree that it is likely due to the scattering of light at the cornea, the lens, and the retina (Spencer, Shirley, Zimmerman & Greenberg, 1995); this 15 Figure 2.4: Glow from contrast-reversing shadows. Top. Some blocks are arranged such that an area is cast in shadow. Bottom. Contrast-reversed version of the top image. The shadowed region in the top image appears to glow in the bottom image. Adapted from Langer (1999). scatter can be characterized by a point-spread function (PSF), and can be thought of as a blurring of the input image such that even an infinitesimally small point light source projects onto the retina as a 2D shape such as a disc. The human visual system seems to recognize bloom as a cue for detecting light sources. Artists are recommended, for example, to draw halo-like rays to indicate radiance (Beckman, Nilsson & Paulsson, 1994; Fig. 2.6). Indeed, studies have 16 Figure 2.5: A real-life example of bloom. All imperfect imaging systems are prone to bloom, including camera lenses. Here, bloom is the most apparent around the edges of the stained glass windows (Pemberton, 2006). found that filtering images with a blurring kernel—either using a physiologically accurate PSF that characterizes the human eye (Spencer et al., 1995), or some approximation thereof (Yoshida, Ihrke, Mantiuk & Seidel, 2008)—can enhance the perceived brightness of images by 20% to 35% (Yoshida et al., 2008). Yoshida et al. (2008) report, for example, that convolving the input image with a Gaussian kernel is almost as effective as a physiologically-based PSF in inducing glow, and is computationally less intensive as the Gaussian kernel is spatially separable. However, 17 the authors also note that the PSF is less likely to distort the size and shape of the light source than the Gaussian. Figure 2.6: An example of glow depicted in graphic art. Although (a) is a simple black-and-white line drawing with only a few rays for bloom, the radiance of the candle is still successfully conveyed. In comparison, (c) appears quite dull without bloom. Note, also, that simply having rays present is not sufficient; attaching the halo to the flame, as in (b), fails to trigger the psychological recognition of glow. Adapted from Beckman et al. (1994). 2.2.2 The Glare Illusion A related effect is the glare illusion (Zavagno, 1999, Zavagno & Caputo, 2001, Zavagno, Annan & Caputo, 2004, Zavagno & Caputo, 2005; similar to the ‘sun 18 Figure 2.7: The glare illusion. Top row. Luminance gradients induce the appearance of glow, whereas solid squares do not. Bottom row. The glare illusion persists even when the gradients are placed on a grey background, yielding a percept of ‘grey glow.’ According to some lightness-based approaches to glow, glow requires that the luminance of the glowing patch exceeds the luminance of white; the existence of grey glow provides a strong counterexample. Adapted from Zavagno and Caputo (2001; 2005). 19 illusion’ reported by Kennedy, 1976). To create this illusion, four luminance gradients, which vary smoothly from black to white, are arranged around a central white square such that the white edges of the luminance gradients are adjacent to the central square (Zavagno & Caputo, 2001, Fig. 2.7, top left). The luminance gradients greatly enhance the perceived brightness of the central square, such that the central square appears to glow; this illusory brightness enhancement is stronger than in other perceptually similar illusions, such as the brightness enhancement in the Kanizsa triangle (Zavagno, 1999). Zavagno and Caputo (2001) explained the glare illusion in terms of bloom, emphasizing the role of blurry edges on 2D images. This model, therefore, is also structure-blind, addressing only luminance variations on the 2D plane without any contribution of shape or depth. The glare illusion provides compelling evidence that the anchoring theory of lightness does not present a complete account of glow. For example, they show that a perceptually grey square—which is less luminous than white—can appear to glow (Zavagno, 1999; Zavagno & Caputo, 2001; Fig. 2.7, bottom row), and that luminances eliciting percepts of glow can be lower than those eliciting the perception of white. These findings demonstrate that at least some perception of glow is independent from the anchoring of white (Zavagno et al., 2004; Zavagno & Caputo, 2005). It is therefore interesting that Ullman (1976) predicted, but did not expound 20 upon, the possibility of grey glow. Consider, again, Equation 2.5: S0 G = L0 − L1 S1 (2.8) The model predicts glow percepts at pixels where G is positive and above some threshold, which occurs when L0 is sufficiently larger than L1 SS01 . This means that, even if L0 is small on an absolute scale, it should be possible to perceive glow if L0 sufficiently dwarfs L1 SS10 —i.e., glow is possible even when an object is less bright than its surroundings. In the glare illusion (Fig. 2.7), S0 is the intensity gradient of the central square; since the square is constant in luminance, S0 is equal to zero. Similarly, S1 is the intensity gradient of the luminance gradients on the side; S1 has some real, non-zero value. Therefore, L1 SS01 is always equal to zero for any stimulus with a luminance gradient, and therefore will yield a glow percept for even small values of L0 —i.e., grey glow. Beyond Ullman’s (1976) prediction, the disparity between the lightness-based approaches and the blur-based approaches has not been resolved. One possible explanation for this apparent contradiction is that glow processing is multi-faceted, and that the two streams of research are examining different types of glow. This leaves open the possibility that there exist completely unexamined forms of glow, and further supports the notion that the perception of glow is an area ripe for investigation. 21 2.2.3 Blur-Based Glow and Shape Leonards, Benton and Scott-Samuel (2008) used the glare illusion (Fig. 2.7) to examine the relationship between perceived depth and glow. This work was motivated by the observation that luminance gradients may be interpreted as shading patterns (Leonards et al., 2008); for example, Fig. 2.8 (left) may appear to be a cross receding in depth. Luminance gradients were overlaid on backgrounds of varying luminances (Fig. 2.8). Participants judged whether the luminance gradients appeared to glow (glow judgment) or appeared to be in front or behind the background (depth judgment). In general, Leonards et al. found that the threshold background luminance required to elicit glow percepts was lower than the threshold for depth percepts, and concluded that glow and depth are likely processed by separate mechanisms. However, the researchers did not identify the precise mechanisms, and—more importantly— did not investigate whether perceived shape may actually contribute to the percept of glow. 22 Figure 2.8: Luminance gradients for glow and depth. Participants made judgments on whether the luminance gradients appeared to glow (glow judgment) or appeared to be in front or behind the background (depth judgment). The arrowed annotations are part of the original figure, and can be ignored for this thesis. Adapted from Leonards et al. (2008). 23 3 Experiment 1: Can we induce perceived glow by simulating a bright-means-deep relationship? How might 3D shape influence glow perception? Consider a translucent object with an internal light source. Assuming constant material thickness, the most luminous surface patches of this object are the most closely located to the internal source of glow, and hence, are located in valleys; conversely, the darkest surface patches are located the furthest away from the light source, and are found on peaks. That is, the deeper the surface patch, the brighter it is: brightness and depth are positively correlated in an approximate ‘bright-means-deep’ relationship (see, e.g., Fig. 2.3, Fig. 3.1). Note that the bright-means-deep relationship is the inverse of the dark-meansdeep relationship found between depth and brightness for non-glowing objects under diffuse light (Langer & Bülthoff, 2000, Fig. 3.2). Under diffuse lighting conditions (e.g., on a cloudy day), light is received more or less uniformly from all directions, and therefore, the luminance of a surface patch is determined by how much of the 24 Figure 3.1: A real-life example of glow. Regions with bright valleys appear to glow, whereas regions with dark valleys do not. Joseph and O’Connell (2010). light source is visible from the patch: for example, a surface patch on a peak is bright, as it is exposed to the whole sky, and a surface patch in a valley is dark, since much of the sky is occluded. In computer graphics, this dark-means-deep shading pattern under purely diffuse lighting is approximated with a technique called ambient occlusion, because diffuse (ambient) light is prevented from reaching surface patches in valleys due to occlusion (Zhukov, Iones & Kronin, 1998). In our first experiment, we induced the percept of glow by inverting the darkmeans-deep relationship between brightness and depth in diffusely illuminated ob- 25 Figure 3.2: Langer and Bülthoff (2000) analyzed the shading patterns found on diffusely lit objects, and found that they roughly follow a ‘dark-means-deep’ pattern: surface patches on peaks tend to be bright, and those in valleys tend to be dark. The arrowed annotations are from the original figure, and can be ignored for this thesis. Adapted from Langer and Bülthoff (2000). jects, thus creating the bright-means-deep relationship found in some glowing objects. We call this technique diffuse countershading, as the technique involves modulating the luminance of an image in a manner opposite to the shading pattern of a diffusely illuminated object. Langer (1999) also suggested that a bright-meansdeep relationship may be characteristic of glowing objects, but did not explore the relevance of the bright-means-deep relationship to the perception of glow in psychophysical experiments. 26 The full description of our stimulus generation can be found under Stimuli, below. Briefly, we generated images with diffuse countershading as follows. We rendered objects with complex, wavy surfaces under purely direct and purely diffuse lighting, and then contrast-reversed the diffuse image to obtain the countershaded image (Fig. 3.3). Akin to a photographic negative, the countershaded image preserves shape information, only affecting the relative values of the pixel luminance. The final stimulus was a weighted sum of the direct, the diffuse, and the countershaded components; we call this the (diffusely) countershaded image (Fig. 3.3). We hypothesized that images with large countershaded components will appear to glow, as the diffusely countershaded component will induce the bright-meansdeep relationship between brightness and depth that is characteristic of some glowing objects. We evaluated two hypotheses: Hypothesis 1.1: Diffusely countershaded images can appear to glow. Hypothesis 1.2: The perceived degree of glow increases with increasing amounts of diffuse countershading. 27 3.1 Experiment 1A 3.1.1 Methods Participants. Six participants between the ages of 18 and 40 volunteered for the study; five were naı̈ve to the purpose of the experiment, and one was the author (MK). One of the naı̈ve participants was stereoblind (MS), but was not excluded from the study as the experiment did not examine stereoscopic depth cues. Otherwise, all participants had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Stimuli. Object meshes were generated as follows. A torus can be parameterized as x(θ, φ) = (R + r cos(φ)) cos(θ) (3.1) y(θ, φ) = (R + r cos(φ)) sin(θ) (3.2) z(θ, φ) = r sin(φ) (3.3) Here, R is the major radius, defined as the distance from the centre of the whole torus to a point at the centre of the tube, and r is the minor radius, defined as the radius of a cross-section of the tube. θ and φ are angles ranging from 0◦ to 360◦ . We made the torus bumpy by modulating its minor radius with low-pass noise. 28 The bumpy torus was parameterized as x(θ, φ) = (R + (1 + n(θ, φ)) r cos(φ)) cos(θ) (3.4) y(θ, φ) = (R + (1 + n(θ, φ)) r cos(φ)) sin(θ) (3.5) z(θ, φ) = (1 + n(θ, φ)) r sin(φ) (3.6) r and R had a ratio of 1:2. Here, n(θ, φ) is the modulating noise function. It is 2D, low-pass-filtered white noise with a sharp upper cut-off frequency of 20 cycles over the range [0◦ , 360◦ ] and a standard deviation of 0.10. We generated a wire mesh torus by obtaining 550 samples from Equations 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6, at θ and φ evenly distributed between 0◦ and 360◦ . The meshes were used to render shapes with a medium grey Lambertian surface (50% reflectance) on a completely black background in RADIANCE (Ward & Shakespeare, 1998; Fig. 3.3). 550 different samples of these randomly generated object shapes were used in Experiment 1A. Objects were rendered under purely direct lighting, and separately under purely diffuse lighting. The purely direct and purely diffusely lit stimuli were used to generate the final stimulus, but were not themselves seen by participants during the experiment. For the directly lit images, the light source was simulated as an infinitely distant disk subtending 1◦ of the sky. The disk was randomly positioned 29 Figure 3.3: Glow by diffuse countershading. The glow stimulus is a weighted sum of the direct, diffuse, and countershaded images. Top row. The object is rendered under purely direct and purely diffuse lighting. The purely diffuse component is contrast-reversed to generate the countershaded image. Bottom three rows. The stimulus is generated at multiple countershading weights ranging from 0.0 to 10.0. 30 on the arc along 60◦ slant and ±15◦ tilt, where 0◦ slant points towards the camera along the optical axis and tilt is coded so that 0◦ is overhead. For the diffusely lit images, the light source was simulated as a uniformly lit sphere covering the whole sky except for the small portion visible behind the object. The direct and diffuse light source luminances were chosen so that, under either light source alone, a white surface patch would have a maximum luminance of 200 cd/m2 . After rendering the directly lit and the diffusely lit stimuli, the countershaded stimuli were generated as follows. First, we obtained the countershaded image: C = max(F ) − F (3.7) where F is the luminance of the diffuse image and max(F ) is the maximum luminance present in the diffuse image. C is the countershaded luminance, with the brightest pixel of F mapped to zero, and the darkest pixel of F mapped to max(F ) − min(F ). The final stimulus, S, was a weighted sum of the direct, the diffuse, and the countershaded images, such that S = D + 0.2F + wC (3.8) where D, F , and C were the directly lit image, the diffusely lit image, and the countershaded image, respectively. D + 0.2F was a rendering of the torus under a typical lighting condition consisting of a point and an ambient light source (Phong, 1975; Shreiner & Khronos Group, 2009). The constant w was the countershading 31 weight, and ranged from 0.0 to 10.0 in steps of 1.0. This can be conceptualized as starting out with a Lambertian object (w = 0.0), and gradually increasing the contribution of countershaded component. The average image-wise contribution of the countershaded component can be calculated as follows: contribution = w 1.2 + w (3.9) So, at a weight of 1.0, the countershaded image contributed almost 50% of the luminance, and at 5.0 and higher, more than 80% of the luminance. The final rendered images were 800×800 pixels, and were viewed from a distance of 1.67 m. The images subtended 6.71◦ × 6.71◦ of visual angle. The monitor refresh rate was 60 Hz, and the monitor resolution was 1920×1200 pixels, where each pixel was 0.00026 cm × 0.00026 cm. The colour look-up table of the LCD monitor was linearized prior to the experiment. Procedure. Before the experiment began, participants were instructed on the task. To describe glow, the following phrases were used: “is radiant,” “is emitting light,” or “is not just bright because of an external light source.” In each trial, participants were simultaneously presented with a pair of randomly selected torus shapes with different diffuse countershading weights. With a key press, participants indicated the object that appeared to glow more strongly. The 32 key press ended the trial, and the subsequent trial began immediately, without any pause or feedback. Since we tested 11 countershading weights, there were 11 × 10 2 = 55 possible pairwise comparisons. We ran 10 trials per pair, for a total of 550 trials for the entire experiment. To minimize fatigue, the experiment was divided into five blocks. We employed a randomized design, displaying all possible pairwise comparisons in the same block. 3.1.2 Results and Discussion Glow Response Probabilities. For each of the 55 possible pairwise comparisons, we calculated the proportion of trials in which the participants chose the stimulus with the higher diffuse countershading weight w, thus generating a response matrix for each participant (Fig. 3.4). The response matrix is arranged such that diffuse countershading weights increase from top to bottom, and from left to right. The pale yellow cells correspond to the perfect response of always choosing the stimulus with the higher w, whereas the medium green cells correspond to 50% chance. Rates lower than chance are depicted with deep green. The main diagonal corresponds to same-weight comparison trials; although we did not have any trials 33 with same-weight comparisons, we expect that comparing two stimuli with identical w would only lead to chance-level responses. Note also that the matrix is symmetric across the main diagonal, as comparing stimuli with w = 3.0 and w = 5.0, for example, is equivalent to comparing stimuli with w = 5.0 and w = 3.0. Our main finding is that participants were more likely to choose the stimulus with higher countershading weight when comparing stimuli pairs with very different countershading weights. All six participants were more likely to choose stimuli with w > 0.0 over stimuli with w = 0.0, as can be seen by the largely pale and yellow leftmost column of the response matrix. By contrast, participants were almost as likely to choose either the higher- or the lower-weight stimulus when stimuli with similar w weights were compared. This pattern is tested statistically in the next section. Thurstone Scaling Analysis. For each pairs of countershading weights, we analyzed the participant responses using Thurstone scaling analysis for data with binary preferences, which is a method of constructing scales for psychological quantities (Thurstone, 1927a,b). This technique allowed us to examine how the countershading weights corresponded to psychological units of glow, measured as a psychological distance in a signal detectionlike framework. 34 100 90 80 proportion correct 70 60 50 40 0 20 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 MK VM 10 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 30 1 0 MD MS 10 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 10 TP 0 AC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 3.4: Response matrices from Experiment 1A. For each participant, 11 diffuse countershading weights, ranging from 0.0 to 10.0 in steps of 1.0, were tested. Participant MK was the author, and participant MS was stereoblind. 35 Suppose that we have a psychological scale of glow, ranging from zero glow to extremely strong glow. Percepts on this scale are probabilistically generated and can be represented as normal random variables. This means that, on average, we expect a stimulus to generate a specific level of perceived glow, but that on a trial-to-trial basis, the same stimulus may yield a range of different levels of glow. Furthermore, the distance between any pair of glow percepts is measured in standard deviations (SD), following from the assumption that the percepts are normally distributed. If glow percepts are separated by a small distance (e.g., 0.0 or 1.0 SD), then participants are about equally likely to choose either stimulus. If glow percepts are separated by a large distance (e.g., 3.0 or 4.0 SD), then participants are much more likely to choose one of the two stimuli. We can formalize this framework as follows. Let i and j be independent normal random variables representing a pair of glow stimuli I and J, such that i ∼ N (µi , σi 2 ) (3.10) j ∼ N (µj , σj 2 ) (3.11) where µ is the mean and σ 2 is the variance of the normal distribution. Then, the discriminability between i and j can be treated as a single random variable dij , dij ∼ N (µi − µj , σi 2 + σj 2 ) (3.12) Following convention (Thurstone, 1927a,b), we assume that glow percepts are equally 36 variable (σi = σj = 1). Therefore, dij ∼ N (µi − µj , 2) (3.13) Using Thurstone’s Law of Comparative Judgment (Thurstone, 1927a,b), we convert response probabilities into discriminability values using Φ−1 (x), the inverse normal cumulative distribution function: dij = Φ−1(pij ) p σi 2 + σj 2 √ = Φ (pij ) 2 (3.14) −1 where pij is proportion of trials in which participants choose i in favour of j, obtained from response matrices (Fig. 3.4). Since we obtained 55 possible pairs of countershading weight combinations, and a response probability for each pair, we have 55 different discriminability estimates. By contrast, the number of parameters in our Thurstone model is much smaller. We have 11 glow parameters to model, but use one degree of freedom by fixing the w = 0.0 percept as the zero point of the glow scale (Thurstone, 1927b). With 55 estimates and 10 unknowns, we have an overconstrained system, meaning that estimates could be inconsistent with each other—e.g., dik could yield a different value depending on whether it was calculated directly from pik or from dij + djk . Therefore, we obtained the final discriminability values by choosing the estimates that maximized the log-likelihood. 37 The maximum-likelihood fit was determined as follows. Let wi , i = 1, 2, ...11, represent the 11 countershading weights, and let gi represent the 11 internal glow levels corresponding to each wi . The probability of choosing a stimulus with countershading wi over wj can be obtained by rearranging Equation 3.14, gi − gj √ pij = Φ 2 dij =Φ √ 2 (3.15) where dij = gi −gj is the discriminability between two stimuli and Φ(x) is the normal cumulative distribution function. The maximum-likelihood estimates of the glow parameters, gi , were obtained by maximizing the following likelihood function: 11 Y 11 Y gi − gj √ L= Bin kij , nij , Φ 2 i=1 j=1 (3.16) Or, equivalently, the log-likelihood function: log(L) = 11 X 11 X i=1 gi − gj √ log Bin kij , nij , Φ 2 j=1 (3.17) Here, Bin(k, n, p) is the binomial probability mass function, which returns the probability that a Bernoulli random variable with success probability p yields k successes out of n trials. With respect to our model, nij represents the number of trials on which participants compared stimuli with countershading weights wi and wj , ordered such that wi > wj , and kij represents the number of trials on which participants chose the higher-weight stimulus. The origin of the glow scale was fixed to g = 0.0, corresponding to the stimulus with countershading weight w = 0.0. 38 The maximum log-likelihood fit—or equivalently, the minimum negative loglikelihood fit—was obtained from the f minsearch function in MATLAB 2009 (Mathworks, 2009). To avoid local minima, we repeated the function minimization 20 times, starting from different random initial estimates each time, and chose the glow values gi with the overall best log-likelihood estimate. The results of this analysis for all six subjects can be found in Figure 3.5. On the x-axis, we show the countershading weights. On the y-axis, we show the psychological strength of glow (gi ) in standard deviation units. If countershading had no effect on perceived glow whatsoever, the graphed line would be constant at 0.0 SD; this is not the case. Rather, we see that countershading induced a percept of glow in all participants, and increasing the countershading weight led to an increase in the strength of perceived glow (Fig. 3.5). Indeed, we found an extremely strong effect of countershading: for most of the participants, w = 5.0 was enough to induce a glow of 3.0 SD or higher, or equivalently, to generate a glow percept 98% of the time. Note that the strength of perceived glow appears to increase rapidly at low countershading weights (w = 0.0 to w = 4.0), then plateaus by w = 6.0 or w = 7.0 for all participants. This is probably because the effectiveness of countershading reaches a point of diminishing return for purely physical reasons: using Equation 3.9, we see that when we increase the weight from 1.0 to 2.0, the contribution of the countershaded image increases by 17%, but that when we increase the weight 39 from 9.0 to 10.0, the contribution only increases by 1%. 25 Participants MK MS VM TP MD AC perceived glow (SD) 20 AC 15 TP 10 VM MK MD 5 MS 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 countershading weights (w) Figure 3.5: Thurstone scaling analysis from Experiment 1A. The analysis revealed that diffuse countershading yields extremely strong glow percepts. On the x-axis, we have the countershading weights. On the y-axis, we have the glow responses, in standard deviation (SD) units. The dotted line at 0.0 SD represents chance response. For most of the participants, w = 5.0 was enough to induce a glow of 3.0 SD or higher—i.e., when provided with a pair of stimuli, one with w = 5.0 and one with 0.0, participants choose the higher-weight stimulus 98% of the time. Participant MK was the author, and participant MS was stereoblind. 40 We evaluated the goodness of the model fit. For all of the 55 model-predicted discriminabilities, dij , we obtained the model-predicted response probabilities, p̂ij (Eq. 3.15). We calculated the Pearson correlation between the model-predicted response probabilities p̂ij and the actual response probabilities pij ; the results are summarized in (Fig. 3.6). For all six participants, we found that the modelpredicted probabilities are very good predictors of the actual probabilities, with correlation coefficients ranging from ρ(53) = 0.81, p < .0001, to ρ(53) = 0.95, p < .0001 (Fig. 3.6). Overall, the results of Experiment 1A may be summarized as follows: Result 1.1: Hypothesis 1.1 was supported. We have found that adding a diffusely countershaded component to the image of an otherwise ordinarily lit object can induce a percept of glow. Result 1.2: Hypothesis 1.2 was supported. Increasing the weight of the countershading component increased the perceived strength of glow. 3.2 Experiment 1B Diffuse countershading can change the mean luminance and contrast of the stimulus. This raises the possibility that countershading may not induce perceived glow via the bright-means-deep relationship, but simply by manipulating low-level image properties like luminance and contrast. In Experiment 1B, we deliberately varied 41 0.0 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 VM ρ = 0.95 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.0 actual response probability 0.2 MK ρ = 0.84 MD ρ = 0.87 1.0 MS ρ = 0.81 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.0 TP ρ = 0.90 1.0 AC ρ = 0.88 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 model-predicted response probability Figure 3.6: Evaluation of model-fit glow strengths from Experiment 1A. For all six participants, the model-fit glow strengths accurately predicted the obtained responses, with correlation coefficients ranging from ρ = 0.81 to ρ = 0.95. For all participants, p < .0001. Participant MK was the author, and participant MS was stereoblind. 42 stimulus luminance and contrast to test this possibility. 3.2.1 Methods Participants. Six participants between the ages of 18 and 40 volunteered for the study; five were naı̈ve to the purpose of the experiment, and one was the author (MK). All had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Of the naı̈ve participants, only AC had previously participated in Experiment 1A. Participants CP later participated in Experiment 2. Stimuli. General. Randomly generated objects were rendered under purely direct and purely diffuse lighting using the same RADIANCE set-up as in Experiment 1A. In this experiment, we used countershaded stimuli with countershading weight w = 5.0 and non-countershaded stimuli with w = 0.0. These values were selected because, in Experiment 1A, participants almost always perceived the w = 5.0 stimulus as glowing more than the w = 0.0 stimulus (Fig. 3.5). The equipment set-up was identical to that of Experiment 1A, except that the monitor was placed 1.46 m from the participant. To maintain approximately the 43 same stimulus size, the stimuli were reduced to 512 × 512 pixels, or 5.16◦ × 5.16◦ . Condition 1. Mean luminance control. In this condition, we randomized mean luminance and held contrast constant, to examine whether luminance variations influenced on participants’ glow judgments. The mean stimulus luminances were set to one of five levels, ranging from from a minimum of 25.0 cd/m2 to a maximum of 100.0 cd/m2 , increasing by a factor of √ 2 per step. We chose the mean luminances on a geometric scale, rather than on a linear scale, in order to ensure that the five luminance levels were roughly equally discriminable (Wallach, 1963). The maximum Weber contrast of each stimulus in the luminance control condition was set to a constant value. The Weber contrast, c, of a pixel located at (i, j) is defined as follows: c= L − L̄ L̄ (3.18) Here, L is the luminance of the pixel at (i, j), and L̄ is the mean luminance of the torus; pixels belonging to the background were excluded from L̄ calculations. The Weber contrast of the pixel, c, may be either positive or negative, depending on whether the pixel luminance higher or lower than the image mean. We took the maximum Weber contrast of an image to be cmax = max(|c|) (3.19) We calculated the average maximum Weber contrasts of non-countershaded 44 stimuli (cc = 1.71) and countershaded stimuli with w = 5.0 (cs = 2.45). All stimuli in the mean luminance condition were scaled to have a maximum Weber contrast at the geometric mean of the above two values (c = p (cc cs ) = 2.05). Sample stimuli, at each of the five levels, are shown in Figure 3.7. Condition 2. Maximum contrast control. In this condition, we randomized maximum Weber contrast and held luminance constant, to examine whether contrast had a large effect on participants’ glow judgments. The maximum contrasts were scaled to one of five levels, ranging from a minimum contrast of 0.85 to a maximum of 3.42, with the middle level set to cc = 1.71. As with Condition 1, the levels were chosen on a geometric scale, increasing by a factor of √ 2 per step. The mean luminance of each stimulus in the contrast control condition was set to 100 cd/m2 . Sample stimuli, at all five levels, are shown in Figure 3.8. Procedure. General. The procedures of this experiment were identical to those in Experiment 1A, except that same-luminance and same-contrast comparisons were allowed. Each condition consisted of 200 blocks, with 40 trials assigned to each of the five possible luminance ratio or contrast ratio comparisons (explained in detail below). To minimize fatigue, the experiment was divided into five blocks. We employed a randomized design, displaying all possible pairwise comparisons in the same block. 45 Figure 3.7: Experiment 1B, Condition 1: mean luminance control. Top half. Sample glow stimuli (w = 5.0) at each of the five mean luminance levels. Bottom half. Sample control stimuli (w = 0.0) at each of the five mean luminance levels. 46 Figure 3.8: Experiment 1B, Condition 2: maximum Weber contrast control. Top half. Sample glow stimuli (w = 5.0) at each of the five maximum Weber contrasts. Bottom half. Sample control stimuli (w = 0.0) at each of the five maximum Weber contrasts. 47 Condition 1. On each trial, participants simultaneously viewed a countershaded stimulus (w = 5.0) and a non-countershaded stimulus (w = 0.0), and indicated by a key press which appeared to glow more. A luminance ratio was chosen randomly √ √ from the following set: 1:1, 1: 2, 1:2, 1:2 2, and 1:4. Two luminances were √ √ chosen randomly from the set, 25 cd/m2 , 25 2 cd/m2 , 50 cd/m2 , 50 2 cd/m2 , and 100 cd/m2 , so as to produce the required luminance ratio. The two luminances were randomly assigned to the countershaded and non-countershaded stimuli. Note that a consequence of using five fixed luminance levels was that when the desired ratio √ was, say, 1: 2, there were four possible luminance pairs, but when the desired ratio was 1:4, the only possible luminances were 25 cd/m2 and 100 cd/m2 . Condition 2. On each trial, participants simultaneously viewed a countershaded stimulus (w = 5.0) and a non-countershaded stimulus (w = 0.0), and indicated by a key press which appeared to glow more. A contrast ratio was chosen randomly √ √ from the following set: 1:1, 1: 2, 1:2, 1:2 2, and 1:4. Two contrasts were chosen randomly from the set, 0.85, 1.21, 1.71, 2.42, and 3.42, so as to produce the required contrast ratio. The two contrasts were randomly assigned to the countershaded and non-countershaded stimuli. As in Condition 1, a consequence of using five √ fixed contrast levels was that when the desired ratio was, say, 1: 2, there were four possible contrast pairs, but when the desired ratio was 1:4, the only possible contrasts were 0.85 and 3.42. 48 3.2.2 Results and Discussion During debriefing, participant CP reported that he or she responded based on the absolute brightness of the stimuli, rather than whether the stimuli appeared to glow. This was confirmed in the analysis, and therefore, CP’s data were omitted from subsequent analyses. The trials were aggregated by luminance or contrast ratios. For each mean luminance ratio, we calculated the proportion of trials in which the higher-luminance stimulus was chosen over the lower-luminance stimulus as glowing. Similarly, for each maximum contrast ratio, we calculated the proportion of trials in which the higher-contrast stimulus was chosen over the lower-contrast stimulus as glowing. The results are plotted in Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10. The dotted grey line at 50% represents chance, i.e., the expected pattern of results if participants did not make glow judgments based on luminance or contrast. In Condition 1, we found that all participants except CP, chose between higher and lower luminance stimuli with equal probability, even when one stimulus was four times as luminous as the other. As well, in Condition 2, we found that all participants except CP chose between higher or lower contrast stimuli with equal probability, even when one stimulus was as high in contrast as the other. These results demonstrate that luminance- and contrast-based cues had little influence on participants’ glow judgments. 49 probability of choosing higher luminance stimulus (%) 1:1 1:�2 1:2 1:2�2 4:1 1:1 1:�2 1:2 1:2�2 4:1 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 AC 0 MK 0 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 GP 0 SME 0 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 CW 1:1 1:�2 1:2 1:2�2 4:1 1:1 CP 1:�2 1:2 1:2�2 4:1 0 mean luminance ratios Figure 3.9: Experiment 1B, Condition 1. Mean luminance ratio does not predict participant response. The only exception is participant CP, who responded based on absolute brightness of the image, rather than whether or not it appeared to glow. The dotted grey line represents the pattern of results expected if participants had not made glow judgments based on luminance or contrast. 50 probability of choosing higher contrast stimulus (%) 1:1 1:�2 1:2 1:2�2 4:1 1:1 1:�2 1:2 1:2�2 4:1 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 AC 0 MK 0 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 GP 0 SME 0 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 CW 1:1 1:�2 1:2 1:2�2 4:1 1:1 CP 1:�2 maximum Weber contrast ratios 1:2 1:2�2 4:1 0 Figure 3.10: Experiment 1B, Condition 2. Maximum contrast ratio does not predict participant response. The only exception is participant CP, who responded based on absolute brightness of the image, rather than whether or not it appeared to glow. The dotted grey line represents the pattern of results expected if participants had not made glow judgments based on luminance or contrast. 51 We see a different pattern of results when we re-plot the data as a function of the proportion of trials in which the countershaded stimulus was chosen over the non-countershaded stimulus (Fig. 3.11, 3.12). The dotted grey line along the diagonal represents the expected pattern of results if participants had made glow judgments based on luminance or contrast, rather than countershading. To see why luminance- or contrast-based responses predict a diagonal line, consider the following example. In the 1:4 luminance ratio comparison, the trial consists of a countershaded, low-luminance stimulus (Fig. 3.7, first torus in top half) and a control, high-luminance stimulus (Fig. 3.7, last torus in bottom half). Therefore, if participants had always chosen the higher luminance stimulus, the probability of choosing the countershaded stimulus would be 0%. In the 4:1 luminance ratio comparison, the trial consists of a counterhsaded, high-luminance stimulus (Fig. 3.7, last torus in top half) and a control, low-luminance stimulus (Fig. 3.7 first torus in bottom half). Therefore, if participants had always chosen the higher luminance stimulus, the probability of choosing the countershaded stimulus would be 100%. All participants, except for CP, overwhelmingly chose the countershaded stimulus over the control stimulus at all luminance and contrast ratio comparisons. These results confirm that, even when mean luminance and contrast vary substantially, diffuse countershading is an effective method of inducing glow. 52 probability of choosing countershaded stimulus (%) 1:4 1:2�2 1:2 1:�2 1:1 �2:1 2:1 2�2:1 4:1 1:4 1:2�2 1:2 1:�2 1:1 �2:1 2:1 2�2:1 4:1 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 AC 0 MK 0 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 GP 0 SME 0 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 CW 1:4 1:2�2 1:2 1:�2 1:1 �2:1 2:1 2�2:1 4:1 1:4 CP 1:2�2 1:2 1:�2 1:1 �2:1 2:1 2�2:1 4:1 0 mean luminance ratios Figure 3.11: Experiment 1B, Condition 1. Countershading weights predict participant response. The only exception is participant CP, who responded based on absolute brightness of the image, rather than whether or not it appeared to glow. The dotted grey line along the diagonal represents the expected pattern of results if participants had made glow judgments based on luminance, rather than based on countershading. 53 probability of choosing countershaded stimulus (%) 1:4 1:2�2 1:2 1:�2 1:1 �2:1 2:1 2�2:1 4:1 1:4 1:2�2 1:2 1:�2 1:1 �2:1 2:1 2�2:1 4:1 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 AC 0 MK 0 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 GP 0 SME 0 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 CW 0 1:4 1:2�2 1:2 1:�2 1:1 �2:1 2:1 2�2:1 4:1 1:4 CP 0 1:2�2 1:2 1:�2 1:1 maximum Weber contrast ratios �2:1 2:1 2�2:1 4:1 Figure 3.12: Experiment 1B, Condition 2. Countershading weights predict participant response. The only exception is participant CP, who responded based on absolute brightness of the image, rather than whether or not it appeared to glow. The dotted grey line along the diagonal represents the expected pattern of results if participants had made glow judgments based on contrast, rather than based on countershading. 54 3.3 3.3.1 General Discussion Overview We examined whether apparent glow can be induced by mimicking the brightmeans-deep relationship, which characterizes some complex glowing objects, and we introduced diffuse countershading as a means to achieve this manipulation. We found diffuse countershading to be an effective method of inducing glow, even when we controlled for simple low-level image properties such as mean luminance or maximum Weber contrast. How well do existing theories of glow explain the effectiveness of diffuse countershading? We consider the lightness-based and blur-based approaches in turn. Lightness-based approaches posit that a surface patch appears to glow when its luminance exceeds a context-dependent luminance threshold. According to Gilchrist’s (1999) anchoring theory of lightness, the luminance threshold must be 1.7 times the anchored luminance of white (Bonato & Gilchrist, 1999). Furthermore, the total area of surface patches exceeding the anchored luminance must be small, following the area rule (Gilchrist et al., 1999). Suppose that our stimuli had the highest anchored luminance possible while still inducing glow—i.e., we met only the minimal requirements for glow. This means that only the pixel with the highest luminance in the stimulus (Lmax ) met the 1.7 55 threshold, thus the luminance of the anchor was Lanchor = Lmax . 1.7 The anchoring theory of lightness predicts that very few pixels would have luminances greater than Lanchor . For the stimuli from Experiment 1A, we calculated the proportion of pixels with luminances above Lanchor ; the result of the analysis is shown in Figure 3.13. Ignoring w = 0.0 (no countershading, hence no glow), above-anchor pixels ranged from 7% (w = 2.0) to 19% (w = 10.0), comprising a non-negligible area of the stimuli; this is contrary to what the anchoring theory would predict. If we relaxed our assumption about minimal glow, we would expect an even larger proportion of above-anchor pixels. Furthermore, in accordance with the area rule, the anchoring theory would predict that participants should have found stimuli with fewer high-luminance pixels to glow more—i.e., participants should have found w = 2.0 to glow more than w = 10.0. This is not what we found in the Thurstone analysis (Fig. 3.5), where increasing countershading weights increased participant glow response. Therefore, such lightness-based approaches are unable to explain the effectiveness of diffuse countershading. What about blur-based approaches? Blur-based approaches posit that smooth luminance gradients provide cues to glow; for example, a suitably blurred white disc appears to glow more than a sharply defined white disc. However, blur-based 56 100 90 pixels above anchor (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 countershading weights Figure 3.13: Proportion of pixels with luminances above Lanchor = Lmax 1.7 . The x-axis shows countershading weights and the y-axis shows the proportion of pixels whose luminances exceeded Lanchor . Each point is an average of 550 torus samples. approaches cannot account for why even simple contrast-reversal can yield a strong sense of glow, as in Langer (1999, Figure 2.4) or in the countershaded component of our stimuli (Figure 3.3, top right). Any luminance gradients present in the countershaded component are also present in the diffusely lit component (Figure 3.3, top centre), but just with the opposite polarity; blur-based approaches cannot 57 predict perceived glow in the countershaded component as it is neither more nor less blurred than the diffusely lit component. It could be argued that—because the experiment stimuli are actually weighted sums of directly lit, diffusely lit, and countershaded components—the luminance gradients on the stimuli are not identical to the luminance gradients generated by contrast-reversal alone. However, we note that the stimuli with the strongest glow percepts consist almost entirely of the countershaded component; for example, at w = 10, the countershaded component contributes 89% of the luminance on average. Therefore, it appears that blur-based approaches are unable to completely account for the effectiveness of diffuse countershading. 3.3.2 Luminance Histogram Skewness as a Predictor of Glow Interestingly, the effectiveness of countershading seems to be correlated with the luminance distribution of the diffusely lit image—which is a distinctly 2D, imagebased statistic. Countershading relies on contrast-reversal, which sets the luminances of bright pixels to be dark, and vice versa. In terms of a the luminance distribution histogram, this means that the histogram becomes mirrored through the y-axis—e.g., a diffuse image with a positively skewed luminance histogram will yield a countershaded image with a negatively skewed histogram (Fig. 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, right column). On average, therefore, we expect that images with highly 58 asymmetric histograms benefit greatly from countershading whereas those with fairly symmetric histograms do not. For example, Figure 3.14, which has a roughly symmetric luminance histogram for the diffusely lit image, has a low absolute skewness of 0.15. When diffuse countershading is applied to it, it appears to be a fairly uninteresting surface with extremely bright points, but it does not yield a sense of glow radiating, as in Figure 3.16, which has an absolute skewness of 1.42. Figure 3.15 has an intermediary absolute skewness of 0.32, and so, its percept appears to be somewhere between that of Figure 3.14 and Figure 3.16. This covariation between skewness of the luminance histogram and perceived glow suggests the interesting possibility that we may be able to predict the maximum amount of glow boost that can be induced by countershading. 3.3.3 Final Remarks We conclude this section with two final remarks. First, although we found that diffuse countershading is an effective method for inducing glow, we have not conclusively demonstrated that perceived depth causally affects the perceived glow of an object. Indeed, the bright-means-deep hypothesis implies that both the luminance-based (‘bright’) and geometry-based (‘deep’) components are important to perceived glow, and so, we need to be able to show that manipulating either one should create or destroy glow. Therefore, in Experiment 2, we manipulate the 59 abs(skewness) = 0.15 diffuse countershaded final stimulus Figure 3.14: Diffuse countershading with a low-skew stimulus. Top and middle rows. The left column depicts the diffusely and countershaded images, and the right column depicts their luminance histograms. Bottom row. The final stimulus, generated using Equations 3.7 and 3.8 with w = 5.0. 60 abs(skewness) = 0.32 diffuse countershaded final stimulus Figure 3.15: Diffuse countershading with a medium-skew stimulus. Top and middle rows. The left column depicts the diffusely and countershaded images, and the right column depicts their luminance histograms. Bottom row. The final stimulus, generated using Equations 3.7 and 3.8 with w = 5.0. 61 abs(skewness) = 1.42 diffuse countershaded final stimulus Figure 3.16: Diffuse countershading with a high-skew stimulus. Top and middle rows. The left column depicts the diffusely and countershaded images, and the right column depicts their luminance histograms. Bottom row. The final stimulus, generated using Equations 3.7 and 3.8 with w = 5.0. 62 geometry-based components to examine directly whether or not bright-means-deep relationship can influence the perceived degree of glow. Second, diffuse countershading is a physically unrealistic approximation to glow: lighting effects such as interreflections are not modelled, for example, in spite of the fact that countershaded stimuli in this experiment appear to be reasonably realistic objects, with globally coherent shape. How accurate is this impression of perceived shape in countershaded objects, given that their shading patterns are so unlike those of most real-life objects? In Experiment 3, we experimentally confirm the goodness of these shape percepts by examining how well the visual system performs depth discrimination tasks using countershaded stimuli. 63 4 Experiment 2: Can we reduce perceived glow by destroying an existing bright-means-deep relationship? Previous research has demonstrated that depth cues influence surface lightness perception. For example, Mach’s classic bent-card illusion shows that the visual system is able to account for convex-concave relations to discount illumination when estimating surface lightness (Mach, 1885/1959, Gilchrist, 2006, p.25; Fig. 1.1). According to the bright-means-deep hypothesis, stimuli that are bright in valleys and dark on peaks appear to glow. This implies that, as with the Mach bentcard illusion, correctly recognizing the convex-concave relationship of an object is important to the perception of glow; therefore, we might expect that modifying the perceived shape of an object should affect whether it appears to glow. In Experiment 1, we found that at least some types of glow are generated by the bright-means-deep relationship. What happens, then, when we take a glowing 64 object and modify its shape, such that valleys are no longer bright and peaks are no longer dark? The bright-means-deep hypothesis predicts that this type of shape modification should significantly reduce the perceived glow of the object. In Experiment 2, we examined this prediction. In the first condition, we replicated Experiment 1 to ensure that diffuse countershading could induce convincing percepts of glow in the new stimuli (see description under Stimuli, below). In the second condition, we examined whether inverting the disparity of a glowing object, and hence inverting the bright-means-deep relationship, can reduce perceived glow; we call this manipulation depth inversion. In the third condition, we examined whether changing the shape of a glowing object, and hence altering the brightmeans-deep relationship in random ways, can reduce perceived glow; we call this depth randomization. Hypothesis 2.1: As in Experiment 1, participants will find the countershaded stimuli to glow more than the non-countershaded, Lambertian stimuli (Condition 1). Hypothesis 2.2: Inverting the 3D shape of a glowing stimulus will significantly reduce the degree of perceived glow (Condition 2). Hypothesis 2.3: Randomizing the 3D shape of a glowing stimulus will significantly reduce the degree of perceived glow (Condition 3). 65 4.1 Experiment 2A 4.1.1 Methods Participants. Six participants between the ages of 18 and 40 volunteered for the study; five were naı̈ve to the purpose of the experiment, and one was the author. All had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Three of the naı̈ve participants also participated in other glow experiments; the remaining two naı̈ve participants were new to the experiment. Stimuli. General. The stimuli were created by first generating disparity maps Z(x, y) and Z 0 (x, y), then rendering a luminance map L(x, y) based only on Z 0 (x, y), and finally texture-mapping L(x, y) onto Z(x, y), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1. The resulting stimulus was a surface (x, y, Z(x, y)) with luminance L(x, y), such that the depth and luminance were determined by Z(x, y) and Z 0 (x, y), respectively. The main experimental manipulation consisted of choosing Z(x, y) and Z 0 (x, y) such that they were either congruent (Z(x, y) = Z 0 (x, y)) or incongruent (Z(x, y) 6= Z 0 (x, y)). The generation of Z(x, y) and L(x, y) is described in detail below. The disparity map Z(x, y) for each stimulus was a square sample of 2D low-pass 66 filtered Gaussian white noise, with a sharp upper cut-off frequency of 8 cycles per square width (or equivalently, height). The maximum amplitude of the noise was equal to the square width. The luminance map L(x, y) was an image of a square, depth-modulated surface patch, created using diffuse countershading (Eq. 3.7, 3.8). The directly lit image D and the diffusely lit image F were rendered in RADIANCE, and depicted a square, medium grey (50% reflectance), Lambertian surface patch that was depthmodulated with Z 0 (x, y). Z 0 (x, y) was a sample of noise with the same statistical properties as Z(x, y) described above. The countershaded image C was generated from F using Equation 3.7, then added to D and F in a weighted sum using Equation 3.8. For D, the light source was simulated as an infinitely distant disk subtending 1◦ of the sky. The disk was randomly positioned on the arc along 60◦ slant and ±15◦ tilt, where 0◦ slant points towards the camera along the optical axis and tilt is coded so that 0◦ is overhead. For F , the light source was simulated as a uniformly lit sphere covering the whole sky except for the small portion visible behind the object. The direct and diffuse light source luminances were chosen so that, under either light source alone, a white surface patch would have a maximum luminance of 200 cd/m2 . To create a stronger sense of depth, we applied a marble-like reflectance pattern 67 to the stimulus by multiplying it pointwise by a sample R(x, y) from the RADIANCE texture. Thus, the luminance map was L(x, y) = R(x, y) · (D(x, y) + 0.2 F (x, y) + w C(x, y)) (4.1) We applied the marble texture using the above equation rather than use the built-in RADIANCE texture-mapping routines, because the countershaded component C was the contrast-reversed version of F —so, if F depicted a marble texture with dark lines, then C would depict a texture with bright lines. Therefore, we had to first generate the untextured countershaded image, and then modulate its luminance by the marble texture to ensure that the resulting image would show dark lines. Also to provide strong cues, stimuli in all conditions sinusoidally oscillated about their vertical axes with an amplitude of 5◦ and a period of 1.54 s, and were stereoscopically presented using the Stereographics CrystalEyes 3 apparatus for Stereo3D viewing, with a simulated interocular distance of 6 cm. The stimuli were displayed on a Philips 107B5 CRT monitor placed 1.36 m away from the participants’ eyes, subtending 276 × 276 pixels, or 2.95◦ × 2.95◦ . The monitor refresh rate was 85 Hz, and the monitor resolution was 1280 × 960 pixels, where each pixel was 0.00023 cm × 0.00023 cm. The colour look-up table of the monitor was linearized prior to the experiment. For sample stimuli, see Figure 4.1. Condition 1. Countershaded vs. Lambertian. Condition 1 tested whether countershading was effective at creating a percept of glow, even though specifics of 68 the stimuli have been modified from Experiment 1, such that they were marbletextured, oscillating, and stereoscopically displayed. Participants viewed a pair of stimuli with luminance map L(x, y); one of the pairs was rendered with w = 5.0 (countershaded) and the other was rendered with w = 0.0 (no countershading; Lambertian). The value of 5.0 was chosen because, at this setting, all participants in Experiment 1A perceived glow of 3.0 SD or higher— meaning that participants chose a stimulus with w = 5.0 over one with w = 0.0 at least 98% of the time. Each luminance map was texture-mapped onto the same disparity map used to generate the luminance map (Z(x, y) = Z 0 (x, y)). Thus the countershaded stimuli followed the bright-means-deep relationship. Condition 2. Depth-normal vs. depth-inverted. In this condition, participants viewed a pair of stimuli with luminance map L(x, y), both rendered with w = 5.0. In one stimulus, the luminance map was texture-mapped on to the same disparity map used to generate the luminance map (Z(x, y) = Z 0 (x, y)), and in the other, the luminance map was texture-mapped onto the depth-reversed version of that map (Z(x, y) = −Z 0 (x, y)). Thus the two stimuli presented the same luminance pattern, but the former showed a bright-means-deep pattern and the latter showed a dark-means-deep pattern. Condition 3. Depth-normal vs. depth-randomized. In this condition, partic69 ipants viewed a pair of stimuli with luminance map L(x, y), both rendered with w = 5.0. In one stimulus, the luminance map was texture-mapped on to the same disparity map used to generate the luminance map (Z(x, y) = Z 0 (x, y)), and in the other, the luminance map was texture-mapped onto a new, independently sampled disparity map. Thus the two stimuli presented the same luminance pattern, but the former showed a bright-means-deep pattern and the latter showed statistically independent luminance and depth. Procedure. Before the experiment began, participants were instructed on how to perform the experiment task. To describe glow, the following phrases were used: “is radiant,” “is emitting light,” or “is not just bright because of an external light source.” In addition, participants were instructed to avoid over-analyzing the task, and to respond using their perceptual “gut feelings” to avoid prolonged trials. We then checked for the participants’ stereoscopic vision by asking whether or not they see perceived depth in a simple stereoscopic display. Each trial began with a fixation dot on the screen for 100 ms. A pair of stimuli were then presented stereoscopically against a black background. Participants then indicated, with a key press, which of the two stimuli appeared to glow more strongly. The following trial began immediately afterwards, without any feedback. 70 luminance depth countershaded normal Lambertian Lambertian normal depth-normal countershaded normal depth-inverted countershaded inverted depth-normal countershaded normal countershaded randomized countershaded stimuli vs. vs. vs. depth-randomized Figure 4.1: Sample stimuli of all three conditions in Experiment 2A. To provide strong shape cues, all stimuli were presented stereoscopically, were textured with marble-like patterns, and sinusoidally oscillated ±5◦ . Note that the images above are not stereoscopic pairs, but are monocular examples of the stimuli seen during the experiment. 71 The stimuli stayed on the computer screen until participant response, and participants were allowed as much time as possible to respond. This was because, due to individual variability in stereoacuity, some participants might not have been able to experience a strong sense of stereoscopic depth from a short, fixed stimulus presentation. To prompt the observers to respond, we played a non-intrusive ‘click’ sound after 2.0 s of stimulus presentation. Participants saw all three conditions interleaved within a single session, and as such, followed the same general procedure. There were 400 trials total: 200 trials of Condition 1, 100 trials of Condition 2, and 100 trials of Condition 3. 4.1.2 Results See Figure 4.2 for a summary. Participants’ glow response rates were analyzed in each of the three conditions. As expected, diffuse countershading was found to be extremely effective in the new stimuli, yielding a glow response rate with M = 95%, SD = 9%, which is significantly above the chance level of 50% (t(5) = 12.21, p < 0.0001). This means that participants chose the countershaded stimuli over the non-countershaded stimuli 95% of the time, and supports the conclusions of Experiment 1. Contrary to our expectations, however, we found that neither depth inversion nor depth randomization resulted in a significant reduction of perceived glow— 72 that is, participants did not reliably choose the depth-normal stimuli as glowing more. The mean glow response rate of the depth inversion condition was M = 63%, SD = 17%, which is not significantly different from chance level (t(5) = 1.84, p = 0.13)—i.e., participants chose depth-normal and depth-inverted stimuli about equally often. The mean glow response rate of the depth randomization condition was M = 57%, SD = 13%, which is not significantly different from chance level (t(5) = 1.30, p = 0.25)—i.e., participants depth-normal and depthrandomized stimuli about equally often. We also analyzed the participant response times. We found that, in a majority of the trials, participants typically responded within 1 s of stimulus onset, and almost always responded within 2 s, suggesting that we could have used a fixed stimulus duration if needed (Fig. 4.3). Result 2.1: Hypothesis 2.1 was supported. Diffuse countershading was found to generate strong percepts of glow in randomly generated blobby surfaces. Result 2.2: Hypothesis 2.2 was not supported. Inverting the depth of a glowing stimulus did not significantly reduce the degree of perceived glow. Result 2.3: Hypothesis 2.3 was not supported. Randomizing the depth of a glowing stimulus did not significantly reduce the degree of perceived glow. 73 response consistent with bright-means-deep pattern (%) 100 *** 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 countershaded vs. Lambertian depth-normal vs. depth-inverted depth-normal vs. depth-randomized Figure 4.2: Results of Experiment 2A. In Condition 1, participants chose the countershaded stimuli over the Lambertian stimuli as the more glowing stimulus on 95% of trials, in line with the results of Experiment 1. However, contrary to our hypothesis, neither depth inversion (Condition 2) nor depth randomization (Condition 3) significantly reduced the degree of perceived glow. The condition means are depicted as orange bars, and the individual subject means are depicted as grey circles (n = 6); the dotted line at 50% represents chance. Note the large individual variability in Conditions 2 and 3. 74 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 MK 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 number of trials 10 MD YM MC 0 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 CO DS 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 reaction times (s) 4 6 8 10 0 Figure 4.3: Response time analysis. Participants typically responded within 2 seconds of stimulus presentation. 75 4.2 Experiment 2B Given the surprising results of Experiment 2A, we repeated the experiment at a much lower countershading weight of w = 1.2 to confirm that depth manipulations do not significantly affect glow judgments across different stimuli configurations. As well, in order to encourage response time consistency across trials and participants, stimuli were replaced with a blank screen after 1.2 s of presentation. 4.2.1 Methods Participants Six participants between the ages of 18 and 40 volunteered for the study; five were naı̈ve to the purpose of the experiment, and one was the author. All had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Three of the naı̈ve participants also participated in other experiments; the remaining two naı̈ve participants were new to the experiment. Stimuli The stimuli were generated using the same method as in Experiment 2A, except that the countershading weight, w, was set to 1.2 rather than 5.0 for all stimuli except for the Lambertian stimuli in Condition 1. The value of 1.2 was chosen 76 because, when w = 1.2, the countershaded image contributes 50% of the final stimulus luminance (Eq. 3.9). Sample stimuli can be seen in Figure 4.4. luminance depth countershaded normal Lambertian Lambertian normal depth-normal countershaded normal depth-inverted countershaded inverted depth-normal countershaded normal countershaded randomized countershaded stimuli vs. vs. vs. depth-randomized Figure 4.4: Experiment 2B stimuli. These were generated as in Experiment 2A, except that the countershading weight was set to w = 1.2 rather than w = 5.0. 77 Procedure The procedure was identical to that of Experiment 2A, except that the stimuli were replaced with a blank screen after 1.2 s of presentation, in order to encourage response time consistency across trials and observers. The duration of 1.2 s was chosen in part because we found that participants tended to respond within 1 s of stimulus onset (Fig. 4.3), and also in part to be consistent with the stimulus presentation duration of 1.2 s in Experiment 3. 4.2.2 Results The results of Experiment 2B were similar to those of Experiment 2A. See Figure 4.5 for a summary of results. In Condition 1, we found that diffuse countershading induced a percept of glow in most participants, M = 82%, SD = 34%, with marginal non-significance (t(5) = 2.29, p = .07). In Conditions 2 and 3, we failed to find evidence of reduced glow; the mean glow response rate for Condition 2 was M = 46%, SD = 15% (t(5) = −0.66, p = 0.54), and the mean glow response rate for Condition 3 was M = 44%, SD = 18% (t(5) = −0.78, p = .47). The non-significant result in Condition 1 is likely due to an extreme outlier increasing the overall variability of the data. With the outlier excluded, we found that the results of Condition 1 are precisely in line with the earlier results of Experiment 78 2A, with M = 96%, SD = 5% (t(4) = 21.65, p < .0001), showing a statistically significant effect of countershading on participant glow response. Excluding the outlier data did not affect the results of either Condition 2, M = 45%, SD = 8% (t(4) = −0.66, p = 0.54) or Condition 3, M = 44%, SD = 9% (t(4) = −0.71, p = 0.52). Note that, in Figure 4.5, the condition means are calculated without the outlier, but the outlier data are plotted for reference. 4.3 Discussion We began with the hypothesis that disrupting the bright-means-deep pattern should reduce perceived glow, but failed to find evidence in support of this hypothesis. For both high glow (Experiment 2A) and low glow (Experiment 2B) objects, we found that neither depth inversion nor depth randomization yielded significant reduction in glow percepts, which seems to show that perceived depth may not have a crucial role in glow processing. This is surprising, given what we know about the visual system’s sensitivity to the perceived 3D shape of an object when making surface lightness judgments (Mach, 1885/1959). What could explain these results? One possibility is that there is individual variability in how depth and luminance cues are integrated to form percepts of glowing objects. In both Experiments 2A and 2B, there was great individual variability in participant glow response rates: some participants showed significant reduction in 79 response consistent with bright-means-deep pattern (%) 100 90 * 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 countershaded vs. Lambertian depth-normal vs. depth-inverted depth-normal vs. depth-randomized Figure 4.5: Results of Experiment 2B confirm the results of Experiment 2A: disrupting the bright-means-deep pattern of glowing objects does not strongly affect perceived glow of the object. The statistical non-significance of Condition 1 is driven entirely by the outlier near the bottom of the y-axis (dotted circle). The condition means, calculated without the outlier, are depicted as orange bars (n = 5); the individual subject means are depicted as grey circles. The dotted line at 50% represents chance. Note the large individual variability in Conditions 2 and 3, even after the outlier is discarded. 80 perceived glow, whereas some showed none at all, with extreme outliers on either side of the chance line (Fig. 4.2). Therefore, we may find some small effects of shape manipulation if we repeated the experiment using participant-specific thresholds for glow percepts. We could, for example, define the threshold countershading weight as the level of countershading at which the participant identifies the countershaded stimulus as the glowing stimulus 75% of the time. We could then generate stimuli at the specific threshold countershading weight for each participant, and evaluate the effects of depth manipulations at these thresholds. At threshold level of glow perception, depth manipulations may be more likely to affect perceived glow. While Experiment 2B examined the effects of depth manipulation on low-glow stimuli, the null result does not necessarily rule out the need to examine individual countershading thresholds. In Experiment 2B, we used a countershading weight of w = 1.2—which, while low, still was large enough to yield a glow percept strong enough that most participants in Condition 1 still obtained glow response rates nearing 100%. This suggests that even a weight of 1.2 is already much higher than the threshold weight for most people, and implies that luminance-based cues may already override shape-based cues at this point. Another possibility is that the stimuli appeared extremely unnatural, and participants simply were not perceiving the shape correctly. This relates to the above point that different individuals may rely on stereopsis cues to greater or lesser ex81 tents, and participants with particularly low reliance on stereopsis cues may have a harder time perceiving depth correctly. Even for participants with strong reliance on stereopsis, it is possible that the physically unrealistic countershading generated incoherent percepts that that were difficult to interpret as a meaningful shape. We examined this possibility in Experiment 3, where we investigated whether or not it is possible obtain reliable shape information from countershaded glow pattern. Finally, it may be that depth cues are not as important to perceiving glow as we predicted. Image-based cues have, in the past, been shown to be sufficient for perceiving complex structures such as 3D shape (see, e.g., shape-from-shading, Horn, 1970; shape-from-specularities, Fleming, Torralba & Adelson, 2004b); perhaps glow in complex objects can also be detected based on image-based cues only. 82 5 Experiment 3: Can we accurately perceive 3D shape from glow (shape-from-glow)? Shape-from-shading is the recovery of 3D shape from shading patterns in a single 2D image. By assuming certain relationships between shape and luminance, the visual system is able to recover 3D shape structure from simple 2D luminance variations (Fig. 5.1). In Experiment 3, we examined whether the visual system can recover shape information from the luminance pattern of glowing objects, or shape-from-glow. According to the bright-means-deep hypothesis, the shading patterns of a glowing object can be approximated by a bright-means-deep relationship between shape and luminance—i.e., peaks are dark and valleys are bright. However, the bright-meansdeep relationship is so unlike the shading found in common scenes, it is not at all clear how standard approaches to shape-from-shading would recover the shape of a glowing object. Compare the bright-means-deep relationship to the standard shape-from-shading 83 Figure 5.1: Shape-from-shading. By assuming certain relationships between shape and luminance, the visual system is able to recover the 3D shape structure from simple 2D luminance variations (Strazza, c. 1850). model under collimated light. Standard shape-from-shading is formulated in terms of surface normals and the light source position, and is formalized in Lambert’s cosine law (Horn, 1986): I= L α cos(θ), if θ < 90◦ 0, (5.1) if θ ≥ 90◦ where L is the light intensity, α is the surface albedo, and θ is the angle between the surface normal and the light source direction. A surface point that is oriented 84 directly towards the light source (θ = 0◦ ) receives the maximal amount of light, therefore the luminance at the surface point is limited only by its albedo and by the lighting intensity (I = L α); a surface point oriented at 90◦ or more receives no light at all (θ ≥ 90◦ ), and therefore has zero luminance (I = 0); and a surface point oriented somewhere in-between (0◦ ≤ θ < 90◦ ) receives some in-between quantity of light, and therefore has some in-between level of shading (0 < I ≤ L). This means that, according to Lambert’s law, a surface patch that is near a peak and is facing the light source must be bright; according to the bright-means-deep hypothesis, we expect that a surface patch near a peak is dark. Note that even the non-classical Langer and Bülthoff (2000) model for shapefrom-shading under diffuse lighting predicts that the visual system should misinterpret glowing images. According to Langer and Bülthoff (2000), shading under diffuse lighting can approximately be characterized as a dark-means-deep relationship— i.e., peaks are bright and valleys are dark. A naı̈ve generalization of the dark-meansdeep model, then, would predict that glowing objects would appear inside-out, with all convex-concave shape relationships inverted. For these reasons, we might wonder how well human observers will be able to perceive the shapes of glowing objects. In this experiment, we employed a relative depth probe task (Langer & Bülthoff, 2000; Todd, 2004) to determine whether, given two surface points on a glowing surface, participants can accurately judge the relative depths of the probes. We also 85 assessed a control condition, in which participants judged the relative depths of probes on non-glowing objects under typical lighting consisting of a direct component and an ambient component. In both conditions, performance was measured in terms of accuracy rates, i.e., the percentage of trials in which participants correctly identified the nearer probe. We evaluated three specific hypotheses: Hypothesis 3.1: Participants will perform significantly above chance (50%) in the glow condition. Hypothesis 3.2: Participants will perform significantly above chance (50%) in the no-glow condition. Hypothesis 3.3: The mean performance in the glow condition will not be significantly different from the performance in the no-glow condition. 5.1 5.1.1 Methods Participants Six participants between the ages of 18 and 40 volunteered for the study; five were naı̈ve to the purpose of the experiment and one was the author. All had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. All participants had previously participated in Experiment 1 or 2. 86 5.1.2 Stimuli We used the stimuli generated in Experiment 1, but with two probes—a red and a yellow—placed on the surface of the stimulus to indicate the surface points to compare. The diffuse countershading weights were set to w = 5.0 for the glow condition, and to 0.0 for the no-glow condition. As in Experiment 1, the light source was randomly positioned somewhere on the arc along 60◦ slant and ±15◦ tilt, where 0◦ slant represents the angle relative to the optical axis and tilt is coded so that 0◦ is overhead. Probe locations were carefully selected to prevent subjects from relying on shape cues other than glow or shading. Following Langer and Bülthoff, contour cues were avoided by placing probes far from junctions, which are known to provide strong depth cues (e.g., T-junctions; Fig. 5.2). See Figure 5.3 for a typical stimulus marked with red and yellow probes. The edge (contour) map on the right-side of the figure show that, near the probe locations, there are no junctions and only few edges present; indeed, the stimulus image on the whole is sparse in contour information, especially away from the centre. Furthermore, to prevent participants from mentally tracing the contours, the stimuli were only presented for 1200 ms, which was too short for subjects to attend to regions far from the probe points (see Procedure, below). Participants were forced to rely on shading cues, as it would 87 have been difficult for participants to make rapid and accurate depth judgments based on line contours alone. Figure 5.2: T-junctions occur at occlusions, and therefore can provide strong depth cues. As such, we avoided placing probes near T-junctions in our stimuli. Adapted from Todd (2004). As our stimuli were untextured and were not presented stereoscopically, participants could not base their responses on texture or binocular disparity cues. 5.1.3 Procedure Each trial began with a blank screen with a fixation dot, followed by the onset of two circular probes (one red and one yellow). Subjects then had 600 ms to foveate on the probes. A stimulus was then shown behind the probes, and subjects indicated which of the two surface points marked by the probes appeared to be closer in 88 Figure 5.3: Top. Sample stimulus. Bottom. Binary edge map of the countershaded image, obtained using the Sobel edge detector implemented in the MATLAB R2009b Image Processing Toolbox with default parameter values (Mathworks, 2009). Although edges are present in this image, they do not provide much contour information and it is difficult to determine depth relations based on them—especially when the image is cropped to the neighbourhood local to the probes. 89 depth. To prevent subjects from mentally tracing the stimulus contours, the screen was blanked after 1200 ms of stimulus presentation, following Langer and Bülthoff. Subjects responded with a key press, which ended the trial and immediately began the following trial. Subjects were not provided feedback. For five of the six participants, we had 320 trials × 2 conditions (glow, no glow), for a total of 640 trials segmented into 5 blocks. For the sixth participant, the experiment software unexpectedly quit after 573 trials (288 glow trials and 285 no-glow trials). For all participants, we interleaved the glow and no-glow stimuli in the same block. 5.2 Results See Figure 5.4. Participants’ accuracy rates in depth judgments were analyzed for the glow and the no-glow stimuli. For both glow and no-glow conditions, participants performed significantly better than chance level (50%): the mean accuracy rate for the glow condition was M = 61%, SD = 9% (t(5) = 2.92, p = .03), and the mean accuracy rate for the no-glow condition was M = 75%, SD = 7% (t(5) = 8.37, p < .001). As well, we found that participants were significantly better at depth judgments in the no-glow condition than in the glow condition, M = 14%, SD = 4% (t(5) = 8.34, p < .0001). Result 3.1: Hypothesis 3.1 was supported. Participants were significantly better 90 * 100 percent correct (%) 90 80 70 * ** 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 glow no glow Figure 5.4: Results of experiment 3. Participants can make accurate depth judgments based on glow information. The individual subject means are depicted in grey circles (n = 6); the dotted line at 50% represents chance response. than chance at discriminating the relative depths of glow stimuli. Result 3.2: Hypothesis 3.2 was supported. Participants were significantly better than chance at discriminating the relative depths of no-glow stimuli. Result 3.3: Hypothesis 3.3 was not supported. Contrary to our original prediction, we found that participants were significantly worse at depth discrimination with glowing stimuli than with no-glow stimuli. 91 5.3 Discussion We examined whether participants can make accurate depth judgments based on the shading patterns of a glowing object. We found that, although depth judgments were more accurate with regular Lambertian objects, participants could still make accurate depth judgments with glowing objects. This is remarkable, as standard approaches to understanding shape-from-shading rely on Lambert’s cosine law (Horn, 1986; Zhang et al., 1999) and shape-fromshading under diffuse illumination describes shading as an approximately ‘darkmeans-deep’ pattern (Langer & Bülthoff, 2000). Neither of these can explain shapefrom-glow. The fact that we can perceive the 3D shape of glowing objects makes it conceivable that 3D shape may have a role in glow perception. Indeed, our results suggest that there may exist different mechanisms (priors) for perceiving shape under different circumstances, which lead to possible topics for further research. Note that the stimuli in the current experiment were not generated by simulating physically realistic glow processes in detail. They were generated via diffuse countershading, which can induce perceived glow (Experiment 1A), but may be lacking some properties of shading found in real-life glowing objects. It may be informative to repeat the experiment with images of physically accurate glow, either by using high-dynamic range photographs of real-life glowing objects or by 92 rendering a glowing object using a 3D rendering software. In the future, the robustness of shape-from-glow should be examined. How well would participants perform depth discrimination tasks on the undulated surfaces from Experiment 2, for example? Perhaps the null result in Experiment 2 can, in part, be accounted for by strongly conflicting cues between stereoscopic depth cues and shape-from-glow depth cues, meaning that participants in Experiment 2 did not have strong, accurate depth percepts. 93 6 Conclusion 6.1 Diffuse Countershading and Perceived Glow We set out to investigate the relevance of 3D shape to the perception of glow. Based on the observation that glowing objects are often bright in concavities and dark at convexities, we proposed the bright-means-deep hypothesis, and predicted that the visual system is sensitive to the bright-means-deep relationship between shape and luminance of glowing objects. In Experiment 1, we introduced a novel technique called diffuse countershading, which we used to mimic the bright-means-deep relationship in glowing objects. The countershaded component of a diffusely countershaded object was obtained by contrast-reversing the luminance pattern of a diffusely lit Lambertian object. We found that diffuse countershading was an extremely effective method of generating apparent glow (Experiment 1A), and that participant glow responses were not driven by low-level image properties such as mean luminance and contrast (Experiment 1B). These results are consistent with the bright-means-deep hypothesis. 94 In contrast, the results of Experiment 2 provided evidence against the brightmeans-deep hypothesis. We interfered with the bright-means-deep relationship of an already glowing object by modifying its depth, and investigated whether this disruption reduced the perceived degree of glow. Surprisingly, we found that neither depth inversion nor depth randomization reduced the perceived degree of glow, which suggests that perceived shape does not play as critical a role as expected. Furthermore, we found that the results hold across both high (Experiment 2A) and low (Experiment 2B) countershading weights, suggesting that countershadinggenerated glow is robust across a wide range of stimulus parameters. These results are inconsistent with the bright-means-deep hypothesis. In Experiment 3, we examined whether the visual system can correctly make depth judgments based on glowing patterns. The results showed that it is possible to obtain strong and accurate impressions of depth from countershaded objects, or shape-from-glow, which suggests that human shape-from-shading mechanisms are much more flexible than can be accounted for by classical theories of shape-fromshading (Horn, 1986; Zhang et al., 1999). These results are consistent with the bright-means-deep hypothesis in that the ability to accurately discern depth on a glowing object is a necessary precondition for the bright-means-deep hypothesis to be a plausible explanation of glow perception. What could explain these seemingly contradictory results across the experi95 ments? We suggest two possible explanations. One possibility is that the results of Experiment 2 were confounded due to competing depth cues from stereopsis and from shading. While stereopsis is known to be a strong cue to depth, the results of Experiment 3 suggest that luminancebased depth cues in glowing stimuli can also be quite strong. This potential cue conflict may explain the large individual variability obtained in Experiment 2, as participants may have placed different weights on stereoscopic and luminance-based depth cues, yielding vastly different depth percepts. To examine this possibility, further studies are needed. For example, participants’ depth percepts could be directly examined using the two-probe method in Experiment 3. Another possibility is that, contrary to the bright-means-deep hypothesis, imagebased, depth-blind mechanisms may be sufficient to explain the perception of glowing objects. Diffuse countershading is an effective method of creating perceived glow because it mimics some aspects of physical glow processes at a broad, statistical level without modelling the underlying physics. Yet, the bright-means-deep correlations may be perceptually irrelevant in that the visual system relies on other, possibly image-based, features to detect glow. This would account for both the positive results of Experiment 1, and the negative results of Experiment 2. However, the implications of our studies are limited by the fact that, while diffuse countershading is an effective approximation to glow, it is not physically 96 accurate—and as a result, subtle but critical nuances in shading may be lost. Given that we used diffuse countershading as a method of generating glow in Experiments 2 and 3, we should allow for the possibility that a more physically realistic method may have yielded different results. Our results show that the bright-means-deep relationship may play an important role in the physical process of generating glow, but that it only partially captures perceptual cues to glow. Future studies should more directly examine the role of shape on glow, either by studying the shape and luminance statistics of real-life glowing objects, or by using a physically realistic method of rendering glow. 6.2 Future Directions As the perception of glow is still an under-studied area, some fundamental questions as to the nature of glow have yet to be addressed. For example, are there multiple cues to glow? Are some material types more conducive to glow than others? In this section, we highlight a few topics of further study and suggest ideas for future investigations. 6.2.1 Varieties of Glow Just as the visual system integrates several different cues to estimate, say, the motion of an object (e.g., retinal motion, occlusion cues, shadow cues), there may 97 be several different types of information that provide reliable evidence that a surface is glowing. Consider, again, the lightness-based versus blur-based models of glow. Lightnessbased models posit that a glowing surface patch must be more luminous than a white patch; yet, research has shown that a grey patch, which is less luminous than white, can appear to glow (Zavagno, 1999; Zavagno & Caputo, 2001, 2005). Conversely, blur-based models posit that smooth luminance gradients provide perceptual cues to glow; yet, it has been found that glow can be generated without luminance gradients (Bonato & Gilchrist, 1999; Li & Gilchrist, 1999). These inconsistencies may be reconciled if we accept that the studies investigated different cues to glow. In fact, other types of cues may exist. Consider, for example, the distinction between an object with a glowing surface, or surface glow, versus an object with an internal source of glow, or volume glow. This distinction is important, because the physical processes involved in generating each can be very different. In surface glow, the surface itself emits light, and any scattering of light occurs outside of the glowing object. In volume glow, the light is emitted from within the object, and scatters as it diffuses through the material. The glow of stars, for example, could be considered to be surface glow as the stars appear fairly flat points. In contrast, the glow in Figure 2.3 could be considered 98 to be volume glow, as there is a strong sense of light emanating from within. We propose that previous studies on glow examined surface glow (Fig. 2.7, the glare illusion), whereas the glow in the Experiment 1 stimuli examined volume glow (Fig. 3.3). Note that some types of glow, such as the glow of an aurora (Fig. 6.1), are difficult to categorize into either surface or volume glow. Figure 6.1: Aurora. Would this be considered to be surface glow or volume glow? From NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day, December 19, 2009 (Hansen, 2009). 99 6.2.2 Glow, Glowability, and Material Properties When we study glow, we should make a clear distinction between studying an object that is currently in the state of glowing and an object that could potentially glow under the right illumination (glowable), as the former is an effect of illumination and the latter is a surface material property. For example, Figure 6.2 is glowable in that it is currently not glowing, but could conceivably glow under backlighting. Figure 6.2: A ‘glowable’ object. Although the above object does not currently glow, it seems conceivable that it could appear to glow under the right kind of illumination. Adapted from Fleming & Bülthoff (2005). Glowability is associated with the transmittance of light through an object’s 100 surface; this is a distinctly non-Lambertian property, and hence, studies of glowability should examine non-Lambertian materials. Translucent materials, such as wax or alabaster, are prime examples. Although our understanding of translucency has vastly improved in recent decades (Jensen, Marschener, Levoy & Hanrahan, 2001), the interaction between translucency and glow has not not been investigated beyond the observation that translucent materials whose luminances positively correlate with saturation can appear to possess a warm glow (Fleming & Bülthoff, 2005; Fleming et al., 2004a, Figure 6.3). As well, surfaces populated by fine hairs, such as velvet or the skin of a peach, can appear to transmit light—and hence, be glowable—due to a radiometric phenomenon called asperity scattering. The hairs form a pseudo-layer of ‘cloud cover’ above the solid surface of the object, and scatter light in a non-Lambertian way (Koenderink & Pont, 2003, see Fig. 6.4). Again, the interaction between asperity scattering and glow has not been investigated. 6.2.3 Glow and Colour Consider Figures 6.5 and 6.6. Although the greyscale images are approximately matched in luminance with the colour images (ITU-R Recommendation BT.601 for converting RGB to luminance; International Telecommunications Union, 2011), they do not appear to glow as strongly. This demonstration implies that the visual 101 Figure 6.3: Glow and saturation. Left. Saturation and luminance are positively correlated. Right. Saturation and luminance are negatively correlated. Fleming reports that most observers find the left image to glow more strongly than the right image (Fleming & Bülthoff, 2005; Fleming et al., 2004a). Note that this figure is best viewed on a monitor rather than on paper, as LCDs have larger dynamic range than ink on paper. Adapted from Fleming and Bülthoff (2005). system is sensitive to chromatic cues to glow. Even though we intuitively associate glow with specific colours, such as with the warm yellow of ember or the cool green of fireflies, the connection between colour and glow has not been formally studied. Are certain hues more likely to appear to glow? For a given hue, is it possible to induce glow by increasing or decreasing saturation? Fleming and Bülthoff (2005) previously observed that objects whose 102 Figure 6.4: Asperity scattering. Left. A red sphere with asperity scattering rendered in blue. Right. A red sphere rendered without any asperity scattering. The presence of asperity scattering, as in velvet, can induce glow. Note that this figure is best viewed on a monitor rather than on paper, as LCDs have larger dynamic range than ink on paper. Adapted from Koenderink & Pont (2003). luminance positively correlated with saturation are tend to induce percepts of glow (Fig. 6.3), but did not investigate this further, leaving open possible topics of future research. 6.2.4 Glow as a Pre-Attentive Feature Given that lighting-related phenomena such as convexity from shading (Ramachandran, 1988), 3D orientation from shading (Enns & Rensink, 1990), and cast shadows (Rensink & Cavanagh, 2004), are processed pre-attentively, it is possible that glow 103 Figure 6.5: Glow and colour in natural settings. Left. Original photographs in colour. Right. Although the greyscale version is approximately matched in luminance (International Telecommunications Union, 2011), the greyscale images do not appear to glow as strongly as the colour images. From top to bottom, photographs adapted from Argerich (2011), Kaplan (2011), and Ayiomamitis (2009). 104 Figure 6.6: Glow and colour in art. Top. Original painting in colour. Bottom. Although the greyscale version is approximately matched in luminance (International Telecommunications Union, 2011), the greyscale image does not appear to glow as strongly as the colour image. Adapted from Monet (1872). 105 is also processed rapidly and without the aid of attention. As far as we know, only one study to date has examined the possibility of glow as a pre-attentive feature (Correani, Scott-Samuel & Leonards, 2006). In a visual search task, participants either searched for a glowing target item among nonglowing distractor items, or vice versa. The glowing items were generated using the glare illusion (Zavagno, 1999; Zavagno & Caputo, 2001, 2005; see Fig. 2.7). Glowing items exhibited both pop-out (Wolfe & Horowitz, 2004) and search asymmetry (Treisman & Souther, 1985), with glowing items found more quickly among nonglowing items, and vice versa. As such, the glowing items passed the two classic criteria for determining whether a property is processed pre-attentively (Correani et al., 2006, Experiment 1); however, control conditions did not conclusively rule out the possibility that luminance gradients were driving the pre-attentive effect, rather than glow per se (Correani et al., 2006, Experiments 2-4). Therefore, further investigation is required. Although our experiments identified an important research area and provide some of the first investigations on 3D shape and glow, it is evident that we have barely touched on the set of possible research topics. 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