DOUGLAS BAUER Professor Mathematical Sciences Department

Mathematical Sciences Department
Stevens Institute of Technology
Ph.D., Stevens Institute of Technology, 1978
M.S., Stevens Institute of Technology, 1972
B.S., City College of New York, 1969
Graph theory; in particular problems in hamiltonian cycle theory, matching
theory, extremal graph theory and graph connectivity.
Network analysis; in particular the synthesis of reliable probabilistic networks.
Professor of Mathematics, Stevens Institute of Technology (1990 - present)
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Stevens Institute of Technology (1984 - 1990)
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Stevens Institute of Technology (1980 - 1984)
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Hofstra University (1979 - 1980)
Instructor of Mathematics, Stevens Institute of Technology (1978 - 1979)
Stevens Fellow (1977 - 1978)
Teaching Assistant (1976 - 1977)
Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories, (1969 - 1976)
Visiting Professor, Universitá di Roma, (November 2005)
Visiting Professor, Universitá di Roma, (May 2004)
Visiting Professor, Universitá di Roma, (May 2002)
Visiting Professor, Universitá di Roma, (May 2001)
Visiting Professor, Universitá di Roma, (June 1999)
Visiting Professor, Universitá di Roma, (January 1997)
Visiting Professor, Universitá di Roma, (May 1994)
Research Fellow, Universiteit Twente, (Spring 1987)
Visiting Professor, Universitá di Roma, (Fall 1986)
American Mathematical Society
Mathematical Association of America
Foundation Fellow of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications
1. “A proposal in hamiltonian cycle theory”, funded by the National Security Agency in 1989 for 3 years.
2. “Long cycles in graphs” - Project Coordinator,
funded by the NATO Collaborative Research Grants Programme. This
is for work with Dr. H. J. Veldman, University of Twente, The Netherlands (1992-1997).
3. “Toughness and cycle structure” - Project Coordinator,
funded by the NATO Collaborative Research Grants Programme. This
is currently for work with Dr. H. J. Broersma, University of Twente,
The Netherlands (1998-2001).
1. D. Bauer and E. Schmeichel, Binding Number, Minimum Degree, and
Cycle Structure in Graphs, submitted.
2. D. Bauer, H. Broersma, N. Kahl, E. Schmeichel, and J. van den Heuvel.
Toughness and Vertex Degrees, submitted.
3. D. Bauer, N. Kahl, E. Schmeichel, and M. Yatauro. Best Monotone
Degree Conditions for Binding Number, to appear in Discrete Mathematics.
4. D. Bauer, H. Broersma, N. Kahl, E. Schmeichel, and J. van den Heuvel.
Degree sequences and the existence of k-factors, to appear in Graphs
and Combinatorics.
5. D. Bauer, S. L. Hakimi, N. Kahl, and E. Schmeichel. Sufficient Degree
Conditions for k-Edge-Connectedness of a Graph, NETWORKS, 54
(2009), 95 - 98.
6. D. Bauer, S. L. Hakimi, N. Kahl, and E. Schmeichel, The Strongest
Monotone Lower Bound for the Independence Number of a Graph,
Congressus Numerantium 192 (2008), 75 - 83.
7. D. Bauer, N. Kahl, L. McGuire, and E. Schmeichel, Long Cycles in
Two-Connected Triangle-Free Graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 86 (2008)
295 - 304.
8. D. Bauer, H. J. Broersma, A. Morgana and E. Schmeichel, Tutte sets
in graphs I: Maximal Tutte sets and D-graphs, J. Graph Theory, 55
(2007) 343 - 358.
9. D. Bauer, E. Schmeichel, and T. Surowiec, Subdivision of Edges and
Matching Size, Ars Combinatoria, 84 (2007) 141 - 153.
10. D. Bauer, H. J. Broersma, N. Kahl, A. Morgana, E. Schmeichel and T.
Surowiec, Tutte sets in graphs II: The complexity of finding Maximum
Tutte sets, Discrete Applied Math.., 155 (2007) 1336 - 1343.
11. D. Bauer, H. J. Broersma and E. Schmeichel, Toughness in Graphs A Survey, Graphs and Combin., 22 no. 1, (2006) 1 - 35
12. D. Bauer, T. Niessen and E. Schmeichel, Toughness, Minimum Degree,
and Spanning Cubic Subgraphs, J. Graph Theory, 45 (2004) 119 141 (Erratum J. Graph Theory, 46 (2004) 144).
13. D. Bauer, H. J. Broersma and E. Schmeichel, More Progress on Tough
Graphs - The Y2K Report. The Proceedings of the Ninth Quadrennial International Conference on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms, and Applications, Electronic Notes in Discrete Math. 11 (July
14. D. Bauer, H. J. Broersma, A. Morgana and E. Schmeichel, Polynomial
algorithms that prove an NP-hard hypothesis implies an NP-hard conclusion, Discrete Appl. Math., 120 (2002) 13 - 23.
15. D Bauer, L. McGuire, H. Trommel and H. J. Veldman, Long cycles in
3-cyclable graphs, Discrete Math 218 (2000) 1-8.
16. D. Bauer, H. J. Broersma and H. J. Veldman, Not every 2-tough graph
is hamiltonian, Discrete Appl. Math., 99 (2000) 317 - 321.
17. D. Bauer, G. Y. Katona, D. Kratsch and H. J. Veldman, Chordality
and 2-factors in tough graphs, Discrete Appl. Math., 99 (2000) 323 329.
18. D. Bauer, E. Schmeichel and H. J. Veldman, Progress on tough graphs
- Another Four Years. In Y. Alavi, D. R. Lick and A. Schwenk, editors, Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Algorithms: Proceedings of
the Eighth Quadrennial International Conference on Graph Theory,
Combinatorics, Algorithms, and Applications, Volume I, New Issues
Press (1999) 69 - 88.
19. D Bauer, J. van den Heuvel, A. Morgana and E. Schmeichel, The
complexity of toughness in regular graphs, Congr. Numer., 130 (1998)
20. D. Bauer, J. van den Heuvel, A. Morgana and E. Schmeichel, The
complexity of recognizing tough cubic graphs, Discrete Appl. Math.,
79 (1997) 35 - 44.
21. D. Bauer, E. Schmeichel and H. J. Veldman, A note on dominating
cycles in 2-connected graphs, Discrete Math 155 (1996) 13-18.
22. D. Bauer, J. van den Heuvel and E. Schmeichel, 2-Factors in trianglefree graphs, J. Graph Theory, 21 (1996) 405 - 412.
23. D. Bauer, J. van den Heuvel and E. Schmeichel, Toughness and trianglefree graphs, J. Combinat. Theory - Ser.B, 65 no 2 (1995) 208 - 221.
24. D. Bauer, H.J. Broersma and H.J. Veldman, On generalizing a theorem
of Jung, Ars Combinatoria 40 (1995) 207 - 218.
25. D. Bauer, H. J. Broersma, J. van den Heuvel and H. J. Veldman,
Long cycles in graphs with prescribed toughness and minimum degree,
Discrete Math, 141 (1995) 1-10.
26. D. Bauer, E. Schmeichel and H. J. Veldman, Cycles in tough graphs
- Updating the last four years. In Y. Alavi and A. Schwenk, editors,
Graph Theory, Combinatorics , and Applications: Proceedings of the
Seventh Quadrennial International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Graphs, Volume I , John Wiley and Sons (1995) 19-34.
27. D. Bauer, T. Niessen and E. Schmeichel, Neighborhood Unions, Degree
Sums, Toughness, and 2-Factors, Congr. Numer., 100 (1994) 47-57.
28. D. Bauer, H. J. Broersma, J. van den Heuvel and H. J. Veldman, On
Hamiltonian properties of 2-tough graphs, J. Graph Theory, 18 (1994)
29. D. Bauer and E. Schmeichel, Toughness, minimum degree and the
existence of 2-factors, J. Graph Theory, 18 (1994) 241 - 256.
30. D. Bauer, A. Morgana and E. Schmeichel, On the complexity of recognizing tough graphs, Discrete Math., 124 (1994) 13 - 17.
31. D. Bauer and E. Schmeichel, Toughness and the cycle structure of
graphs, Ann. Discrete Math., 55 (1993) 145 - 152.
32. D. Bauer, G. Chen and L. Lasser, A degree condition for hamiltonian
cycles in t-tough graphs with t > 1. In V.R. Kulli, editor, Advances
in Graph Theory, Vishwa International Publications (1991) 20 - 33.
33. D. Bauer and E. Schmeichel, On a theorem of Häggkvist and Nicoghossian. In Y. Alavi, F.R.K. Chung, R.L. Graham and D. S. Hsu, editors,
Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms, and Applications (1991)
20 - 25.
34. D. Bauer, G. Fan and H.J. Veldman, Hamiltonian properties of graphs
with large neighborhood unions, Discrete Math., 96 (1991) 33 - 49.
35. D. Bauer, H.A. Jung and E. Schmeichel, On 2-connected graphs with
small circumference, J. Combin. Inform. System Sci.,15 (1990) 16-24.
36. D. Bauer, E. Schmeichel and H.J. Veldman, Some recent results on
long cycles in tough graphs. In Y. Alavi, G Chartrand, O. R. Oellermann and A. J. Schwenk, editors, Graph Theory, Combinatorics, and
Applications: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the
Theory and Applications of Graphs, John Wiley and Sons (1991)
113 - 123.
37. D. Bauer, H.J. Broersma and H.J. Veldman, Around three lemmas in
hamiltonian graph theory. In R. Bodendick, R. Henn, editors, Topics in Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Physica-Verlag Heidelberg
(1990) 101 - 110.
38. D. Bauer, H.J. Broersma and H.J. Veldman, On smallest nonhamiltonian regular tough graphs, Congr. Numer. 70 (1990) 95 - 98.
39. D. Bauer, S.L. Hakimi and E. Schmeichel, Recognizing tough graphs
is NP-hard, Discrete Appl. Math., 28 (1990) 191 - 195.
40. D. Bauer and E. Schmeichel, Hamiltonian degree conditions which
imply a graph is pancyclic, J. Combinat. Theory - Ser.B, 48 no 1
(1990) 111 - 116.
41. D. Bauer, A. Morgana, E. Schmeichel and H.J. Veldman, Long cycles
in graphs with large degree sums, Discrete Math., 79 (1989/90) 59 70.
42. D. Bauer, A. Morgana and E. Schmeichel, A simple proof of a theorem
of Jung, Discrete Math., 79 (1989/90) 147 - 152.
43. D. Bauer, H.J. Broersma, Li Rao and H.J. Veldman, A generalization
of a result of Häggkvist and Nicoghossian, J. Combinat. Theory Ser.B, 47 no. 2 (1989) 237 - 243.
44. D. Bauer, E. Schmeichel and H.J. Veldman, A generalization of a
theorem of Bigalke and Jung, Ars Combinatoria 26 (1988) 53 - 58.
45. D. Bauer and E. Schmeichel, Sufficient conditions for a graph to be
pancyclic, Congr. Numer. 64 (1988) 211 - 214.
46. D. Bauer, A report on some short proofs of an Ore type theorem,
Congr. Numer. 64 (1988) 55 - 57.
47. D. Bauer and E. Schmeichel, A proof of an extension of Ore’s theorem,
Ars Combinatoria 24B (1987) 93 - 99.
48. D. Bauer, F. Boesch, C. Suffel and R. Van Slyke, On the validity
of a reduction of reliable network design to a graph extremal problem, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol. Cas-34, no 12,
(1987) 1579 - 1581.
49. D. Bauer, A note on degree conditions for hamiltonian cycles in line
graphs, Congr. Numer. 49 (1985) 11 - 18.
50. D. Bauer, F. Boesch, C. Suffel and R. Tindell, Combinatorial optimization problems in the design of probabilistic networks. NETWORKS,
15 (1985) 257 - 271.
51. D. Bauer, Extremal non-bipartite regular graphs of girth 4, J. Combinat. Theory - Ser.B, 37 no 1 (1984) 64 - 69.
52. D. Bauer, G. Bloom and F. Boesch, Edge to point degree lists and
extremal triangle-free point degree regular graphs. In J. Adrian Bondy
and U. S. R. Murty, editors, Progress in Graph Theory (1984) 93 - 103.
53. D. Bauer, Regular Kn -free graphs, J. Combinat. Theory - Ser.B, 35
no 2 (1983) 193 - 200.
54. D. Bauer, F. Harary, F. Nieminen and C. Suffel, Domination alteration
sets in graphs, Discrete Math., 47 (1983) 153 - 161.
55. D. Bauer and R. Tindell, The connectivities of the middle graph, J.
Combin. Inform. System Sci., 7 (1982) 54 - 55.
56. D. Bauer and R. Tindell, Graphs isomorphic to subgraphs of their line
graphs, Discrete Math., 41 (1982) 1 - 6.
57. D. Bauer and R. Tindell, The connectivities of line and total graphs,
J. Graph Theory, 6 (1982) 197 - 203.
58. D. Bauer, F. Boesch, C. Suffel and R. Tindell, Connectivity extremal
problems and the design of reliable probabilistic networks, In Gary
Chartrand, et. al., The Theory of Applications of Graphs: Proceedings
of the 4th International Conference on the Theory and Applications of
Graphs, John Wiley and Sons (1981) 45 - 54.
59. D. Bauer, Line graphical degree sequences, J. Graph Theory, 4 (1980)
219 - 232.
60. D. Bauer and R. Tindell, Graphs with prescribed connectivity and line
graph connectivity, J. Graph Theory, 3 (1979) 393 - 395.
61. D. Bauer, On regular line graphs, Topics in Graph Theory, Annals of
the New York Academy of Sciences, 328 (1979) 30 - 31.