ol c Ref. : NIE/lQ ACl201 5-16 Office of the Head, IQAC N.l.E., Mysore - 8 February 6,2016 CIRCULAR Subject: Class Committee Attention: Deans, CoE and HoDs The schedule of Class Committee (CC) for the Even semester of 2015-16 is as follows: SI. No. Event Time period Conducting the first meeting of CC 1. of 2. Transmission of proceedings 3. Conducting the second meeting of CC 4. Transmission of proceedings of 11.3.2016 to 18.3.2016 First meeting of CC Latest by 25.3.2016 20.4.20161o 27.4.2016 Second meeting of Latest by 3.5.2016 CC The Head of Engineering Departments (HoDs) are requested to adhere to the above schedule. While reporting the proceedings, they ai'e requested io make entries for each individual faculty on exclusive sheets. For any clarification with regard to issues of CC, Please contact the undersigned. copy to: 1. Principal, 2. All Hods y,/tlon. ,-/ /A--' Dedns, COE Secretary.NlE-MC for informa tiol /ril"tU I t , -Xu+- "w :"/ ,,XE ltrutStlrpl.9 lrs lra r s frfu{ c'}b 0 Ref. : NIE/lQ AC1?O1 5-16 L Office of the Head, leAC N.l.E., Mysuru - 8 February 0,2016 CIRCULAR Subject: Class Gommittee Following changes have been made in the nominations of members to the class committee for the academic year 2015-16 consequent to changes in administrative positions. Department Earlier Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dr. Sham prasad Mechanical Engineering Dr. N.Kumar Changed to '/ tY {F Dr. Mohan Ram M. Dr. H.V.Saikumar I Copy to: 1. 2. 3. _/ Hon. Secretary, NIE-MC - for information