The Art Theater Co

The Art Theater Co-op
rental prices
126 W. Church St | Champaign IL, 61820 | |
This pricing list is effective for events booked through December 31, 2013.
Daytime Rentals (up to 5 PM):
 Monday – Thursday : Half day (9-1 or 1-5): $350, full day: $500
 Friday – Sunday: $225/hour
Nighttime (after 5 PM) Rentals:
 Monday or Tuesday: $350 or $115/hour, whichever is greater.
 Wednesday or Thursday: $500 or $165/hour, whichever is greater.
 Friday: $750 or $245/ hour, whichever is greater.
 Saturday: $1,000 or $330/hour, whichever is greater.
 Sunday: $700 or $230/hour, whichever is greater.
Late Night Rentals (after 10 PM, until 2 AM):
 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday: $150
 Thursday: $300
 Friday or Saturday: $450
All Day/Night Rentals (until 2 AM):
 Monday or Tuesday: $750
 Wednesday: $850
 Thursday: $950
 Friday: $1,400
 Saturday: $1,700
 Sunday: $1,300
Full movie week (Fri – Thurs)**:
 $5,000 - excluding Late Shows (10:00 shows)
 $6,000 - with Late Shows or if Late Shows cannot be scheduled due to the event.
Discounts for multiple day rentals in the same movie week (Fri – Thurs):1
 Rentals of 3 or 4 consecutive days get a 10% discount
 Rentals of 5 or 6 consecutive days get a 15% discount
Explanation about movie weeks: Movies are leased by film distributors from Fridays to Thursdays.
Theater rentals disrupt our ability to book a film for that movie week. This is why discounts apply only
when rentals are within one movie week. For example, if a rental was from Thursday to Saturday, it
would disrupt two different weeks – and so would not be eligible for a discount.
Contact: Austin McCann
Pricing and scheduling includes the following:
 Use of the theater space, including the lobby, before and after the event.
 Time and effort of employees to set up, staff, and cleanup the event.
 Ability to project either film or video.
 Use of microphones, PAs, and lectern.
Pricing does not include:
 Rental fees for the films. Every film must be rented from the current rights holder. We
can help you with this process, or you can book the film on your own.
 Food and drink. These can be purchased in an “open bar” model, or patrons can
purchase their own. All revenue from food and drink goes to the Art Theater Co-op.
 Access to employee-only areas of the theater, such as the projection booth.
 $25/day insurance fee to cover liability for event guests while on the theater grounds.
This cost will be waived if the event/renter has its own insurance.
 If additional equipment is required (e.g. rented stage or lighting equipment), additional
labor costs may apply, to be determined by the general manager.
Options for selling tickets:
You have the choice to sell tickets, or not, during your rental. Any of these three models is
 Sell no tickets.
 Renter sells tickets in advance and at the door, keeping all proceeds. You may set any
price for entry that you want.
 Theater sells tickets in advance and at the door. We will sell the tickets for any price you
wish. For sales performed by the theater, a 4% convenience fee applies.
Contact: Austin McCann