4. 4.1 Items for Information: Drone Project Update SB summarised papers relating to the Surrey/Sussex Drone Project. It was stated training for new equipment was progressing well and the procurement process for the purchase of four extra drones was now complete - giving five in total which are all ready to be deployed. A trial and evaluation project will take place over a 3 month period which will be reviewed and reported into the national group chaired by SB. SB confirmed we will not be looking at reducing NPAS costs until conclusion of the review. HC confirmed although there were initial issues at Guildford that these had been rectified, which she will update on in due course. It was stated assistance had recently been provided to the West Mids Fire Service for Drone deployment at Didcot Power Station. Feedback was positive, reporting devices were able to detect heat sources and SB encouraged all to experiment more now that devices are available for use. It was confirmed <CONTENT REMOVED> remains point of contact for the project should anyone have further queries. 4.2 SECTU March 16 Briefing LN summarised March’s monthly SECTU briefing document which was circulated prior to the meeting. There were no questions raised as a result. Planned activity includes a significant EDL demonstration for this coming Saturday and discussions also took place surrounding the Annual March for England, although details of a venue have not yet been confirmed. Forces are starting to prepare for a table top SMS2 response and will be writing to heads of ops in order to streamline processes and set a formal approach - particularly with regards to investigative/management issues. An update was provided surrounding CT and it was stated SB had reviewed the MOU which was now ready for sign off regarding the Regional approach for Prevent, although the TOR is yet to be finalised. A query was raised as to how ports posts have come under SB and it was agreed to look into the history of funding etc. IT roll out in relation to Apollo has been subject to further delay by 3 months, in order to ensure all technical issues have been resolved. It has however been agreed to continue with the training programme. Discussions took place surrounding Prevent and the ongoing serious case review relating to the ‘D’ family. An investigation will take place into the disclosure of sensitive information contained within reports relating to the case which headlined yesterday. It was stated the local MP for Hove had recently appeared on local news and it was queried whether we should be considering doing anything locally particularly with regards to social media activity. All agreed we need to be clear Prevent and the report is owned by the Council and we need to ensure we are aligned and working closely supporting the local authorities. It was confirmed timelines are currently being drafted which set out official times as to when the report will be shared. LN agreed she would obtain more detail which may assist with routine activity. Discussions also took place relating to ongoing work under Crime/Soc. It was stated recent changes had been made as to how ROCU performance will be recorded and score cards will now come out to forces for completion, which has already been piloted with some forces. It was queried how this factors into performance regimens overall, in order to avoid any duplication and ensure best practices going forward. SB stated in the meantime Sussex are currently looking at need and preparing assessments around Taser use. GY suggested looking into the position with other forces around rationale for use and business needs. Command functions can manage much more effectively at the moment and it is anticipated the difficulty will come due to roll out not being mandatory, when sending officers into situations having no Taser capability. It was confirmed JCOM have already considered surge capacity. This is a choice required from Surrey CC perspective. It was stated the force supports the Feds views and that it is the principles which should be decided here. Action - SB to update Taser uplift paper for consideration at next JCOM. This will require an initial discussion with NE and subsequent meeting with GY/NE/Fed to bring back proposals for consideration by JCOM. Action - Updated Taser uplift paper to be presented at JIB to assist the decision making process. T/ACC Collins HC provided an update relating to Criminal Justice and work surrounding the Women in Justice process. It was stated this is a new initiative which involves working with the Probation Service and other Local Authorities to look at how vulnerable women offenders are being dealt with and what can be improved and done differently. The work stream is still in the early stages and HC will provide a more in depth update in due course. HC also gave an update relating to the Specials and Volunteers model, which is no longer fit for purpose within the Surrey Local Policing Model. A meeting will be taking place with the MPS to see if any ideas can be taken and to gain better understanding. It is hoped work can be built on recently carried out by <CONTENT REMOVED>. It was stated we are keen to change perceptions surrounding use of volunteers and consideration will be given as to how much work can be done jointly around this. Thought will also be given to holding a volunteer strategy event and it was stated PCC Katy Bourne is very keen to explore this more. Action - LT to provide an update as a result of meeting with <CONTENT REMOVED> and to consider arranging a joint Volunteers strategy meeting. Finance: Mark Baker & Paul Bundy It was stated budget information is yet to be circulated to budget holders - it is hoped this will be finalised tomorrow. It was confirmed communications have been circulated relating to Finance BPs and the new structure. MB/PB are keen to take on board feedback received to date in relation to the new finance model and ensure there is a clear understanding amongst teams of what the new arrangements will entail. Human Resources: Jane Harwood JH updated the meeting on recruitment which is currently focussing on probationers and ACPO. It was confirmed the new People Services structure starts today. It was stated there have been no challenges received to date relating to ERP and it is hoped to make public tomorrow. Work will take place with PCCs surrounding future ERP governance, with a view to holding a half day workshop which will also look at how that will work across 3 forces. It was confirmed there are no issues for Purdah. Work also remains ongoing with regards to the Leadership Model/Framework. GY stated it would be useful to have a view of what Inspector/Sgt training will look like in the new