QUICK OPERATING 1/+TURN FASTENERS The 4002 Series fasteners utilize a variety of grommets designed to reinforce the panelforadded 4OO2 SERIES strength. Certain 4002 seriesl/+-turn fasteners are qualified to MIL-F-5591* specifications for sizes 5 and 7. Stud Available in six head styles. Panel ---r__ Grommet and Grommet Relaining Ring Must be installed in top of panel (Plus Flush Version shown for Ring Retained Grommets). Flare Retained Grommets are also available which do not use a Retaining Bing. Grommet Relaining Ring shown inslalled in panel Slud Retaining Ring Used for long studs (-16 or greater). Shorter studs (-15 and under) are self-captivating and do not require retaining rings, Receptacle Available in six styles. Frame r --:- : Specifications: l.i t Ultimate tensile strength: 1050 lbs. Working strength: 700 lbs. Stud grip increments: .030 inch. Contact factory for strengths for stainless steel stud assemblies. To Order a Complete Fastening System: Stud part numbers vary depending upon the specific receptacle used. 1, Select receptacle to be used. 2. Select style of stud to be used, then combine thicknesses of panel and frame to determine total thickness, "G'l Find the specific stud part number adjacent to "G" Total Thickness column with respect to receotacle selected. 3. lf you are ordering long studs (-16 or greater), you will need to order a Stud Retaining Ring. Shorter studs (-15 and under) are self-captivating and do not require retaining rings. 4. A Grommet is required for all 4002 studs except Part Number 40S128. A choice of Flared or Retaining Ring Retained styles are available. Section Contents Page No Stud Assemblies Receptacles Grommets A-48 - A-sO Retaining Ring Retained Flare Retained A-51 - A-52 A-52 - A-53 A-46 - A-47 Grommet Installation Retaining Ring Retained Flare Retained Stud Assembly Installation Sealed Stud and Grommet Installation Receptacle nstal lation Stud Dash Number Selection Weights for Flare Retained Grommets I -Meets the design, physical and performance requirements of M lL-F-5591. Howevet f ull mechanical properties testing may not be performed on each production lot. tt Camloc/Ram Products A-54 - 4-56 A-57 A-58 A-59 A-60 A-61 - 4-62 A-OJ 40pi2SERIES QUICK OPERATING 1 /4TTURN FASTENERS 4002 Series. Stud Assemblies and Receptacles r ,oo" 71I\ ,,\ :s-. 0q9 i\ K{-'\ l/\r f-i\-7 \P/ r|.ffi Note: Part numbers shown are basic \l-,/.CROSS , RFCFSS 13841 | .317 | | .344 | 177 I IJK 'rio,FFFf -l part numbers onlv. See orderino information 6n Page A-62 for required dash numbers. .0,l qt@ FsE-=r-" Itrt#l i#"'^f!.;t*" | 412 | 371 (FOR IK ''iq | I Material :> (FOBr stzE oNLY) *S:.62 + (.03 x Dash No.) Gross Recess Part No. Part No. 4055{ IS Stainless Steel High Strength 40s41-[ ]S Stainless Steel 40s45-[ I -S I IUJI l-1 19,^fl' | .427 l-l- |.346 | 427 | 386 iFOF 1 t srzE oNLYt -lE-l :.63 * (.03 x Dash No.) "Tamper Resistant" Recess | "," - i |ri#'^ (FOFi . slzE oNLY) *S:.62 + (.03 x Dash No.) Recess Style per NAS4000 Part No. Part No, 40s11e-[ ]-3AA 40s80-[ ]B ] 4002-l l 40s5-[ 40s119-[ ]-3BB ] 40s5-[ ]c Clear Chromate) Steel (Nickel Plated) i#,^fl t.336 4002-[ ]s Steel (Cadmium Plated, Yellow Chromate) Steel (Zinc Plated, 's-o2 | l& tt|Jl Stainless Steel (Spring: lnconel "X") 13771 lK ]]ry:'i'^ LUI 1 :.63 * (.03 x Dash No.) Slotted Recess r _sL |.341-- DASH NO | 's102FF:tf Liaq",^ l#'^fl' l--l | .427 srzE oNLY) *S I| | .334 \::lol *prcar"Y L_!9{l l-s.*l -[w DASH NO .-+.\ _t_11\ +-+ a. r r"p'cor-\F/ 40s80-[ ]c 40s7e-[ ] Steel (Head: Chrome Plated) Steel (Zinc Plated, Yellow Chromate) 40s5-[ ]D - . 40s80-[ ]E ...\ .:> Maximum Service Temperature: Staln/ess Steel with lnconel "X" Spring-700'E; Sfaln/ess Stee/l-550'E; tsea/ed Stud Assembly, P/N 40537-[ ]-130'F.; all otherc 450. F. 'Wota|4002 Series stud assemb/ies seat nominally tiush with mating grommet. For Wing, Bait Handle or Knurled Knob versions, top side protrusion is nominally equal to mating grommet "B" dimension plus the height of the wing, handle or knob. Grommetless Stud Specifications: This series utilizes a variety of grommets which must be installed into the top panel. They significantly enhance the system's performance. Ultimate tensile strength: 1050 lbs. Working strength: 700 lbs. Stud grip increments: .030 inch. Contact factory for strengths for stainless steel stud assemblies. For other styles,.materials, or finishes, please contact Camloc Products Division. .S: Protruding Slotted Head Part No. 405128-( )-1AA. 40s128 Protruding Head NOTE: This stud does not require a grommet, bul must be used with retaining ring part number 40S142-1-1AA. Retaining Ring .-l J- Part Number 40s142-1-1AA CRES Spring Steel (Passivated) A-46 Camloc/Ram Products )+/'' 4o0zSERIES QUICK OPERATING 1 /4.TURN EASTENERS oAsHNo_Fal \ i.tt-\ .L .,^ / /-fD') \ \.2 ,/ t"{\ \\+ v I .S : I| @-T@ t_LlJ .71 ljfore lfl F;+ + (.03 336 {FOB -- x rwt -E- I x Dash No.) Sealed 6mm Part No. (.03 Part No. t l'rYPrcAL - ,; l-i:+"^ --l-l LENGTHT *S:.63 * 'l-,/ i rRUEL!?Z! 1 Hex Recess 4mm Part No. CAMLOC tHxlfl$ore I SrzE oNLY) Dash No.) t-] \\ T| H,**"" ''i'--l -1 .1,,,F1_i#,^ ^,. oeoo,o.l ., I A\ I t-t-r;jsp8tNG cup | ffi33H1-*" "ie{ffi;i'^ ''s n= I Hi | I ll if, ll .,r -t -&ffi i' I k5rffiu^ besnerrver ltz\l ,Lll 'i'lllil tW t\lz l_w- m0 I T-rff\ .384 i-.. f \€ CLL \ [--t:--J top \P' I ffil -n-r| T--r fr#* It I ,Y-a r T' _ 9lq- =v__f ,-F. *S :.63 + IE '"1.0, N -t_ lJ__]_t- * lNa | .,,{Ey,!-l *S :# _{ffg1,^ ..1", I 3s6 rFoR.l Dash No.) -F-to'^ I | -{ptFj:+'" I 412 -7ilrZEO(yt (.03 I t!,* '-- r7r n,^ F.',&,1 S9: 1336 3t1 59E ",".", =.81 + (.03 x Dash No./ -U-r[_ Fixed Wing Folding Bail Handle Part No. Part No. 4002-[ ]sw 91P "^i!-l--.1| .427 | 412 | .S i**, :.53 * (.03 x Dash Knirrled Knob No Part No. 40s83-[ ] I 40s37-[ ]r 4002-[ IW 40s47-[ ] 40s77-[ 40s47-[ ]A ] 40s83-[ ]A 40s83-[ ]B /' )t,- 40s122-[ ]-1AA 40s122-l l-2AA f -'Lq Not available with dash numbers smaller than #4. Reter to installation instructions on page A-59. -1\ .jo Camloc/Ram Products -J A-47 4gU2SERIES QUIC K OPERATING 1 /4.TURN FASTENERS 4OO2 Series. Receptacles Standard l_ Mounting ii$_ , I r'*i''-1 l-]+ ---! p-,,,idi*,1 ;-rao 1.36 , f 1mt.oo3+ tl -J tj_NT_T '/ I llf,'q1r'L1 M+fl' : | I l,/ 'o' "f .FI ( /cstNhHoLE oPTToNAL )-,4 \.IJ FJ aY P/N | 'i" I \l \ nores j$a Rlvet Holes Weight (per Part 100 pcs. No. 65 65D Plain C'Sunk 1.76 1.68 (Cadmium Plated) 214-16 214-16D Plain C'Sunk 1.85 1.77 Zinc 214-16E Plain 1.44 Material No. (lbs.) .""'J?T' HJt, I l\/l- ""o.. l-i33o'o'l "ETl?Xi' "oo Encapsulaled See Note 1 for sealing Narrow Width Part '100'\ K; \l l./zis f,-ffiffi^ff, F t\+ll /C'SINKHOLE ' uj-d | ,n -l$aseq ('""D* tr ,{F-sw .ti'oo'\...ru | f ^FVryT 'u i#;;-;;;;;;\\, itKV>4 Lqzr jjf, ora TF-sw I ;ffii :1; . 7, 1er #* o'i-*o*s J?9 I I Rivet Holes Weight (per 100 pcs.) {lbs.) Plain C'Sunk 1.80 1.72 Weight (per 100 pcs.) (lbs.) No. Rivet Holes 40R1 2-1 Plain 40R12-2 'Sunk Part Stainless Steel Stainless Steel (Red Dye) 21 4-1 21 4-1 Steel (Cadmium Plated) Silicon Bronze (Zinc Plated) Steel (Cad. Plated) Receptacle Element: Silicon Bronze (Cad. Plated) Steel (Cad. Plated) Receptacle Element: Zinc (Zinc Plated) l l- ] l*_,",i*._ lffi *@^rlx /+]+ L (z) I I ora xores l f,iu1',m.^,. il I ,J \ MrcHoLE | -l-Ur|!u^s'i"o Floating Stainless Steel Steel (Cad. Plated) Receptacle Element: Silicon Bronze (Cad. Plated) Steel (Cad. Plated) Receptacle Element: Zinc (Zinc Plated) (1 I o,o *o,*".-r"-,y',, r E il /8" lotal) No. Rivet Holes 244-225 Plain 2.77 244-22 Plain 244-22E Plain rZl'"' 12) | \L 6os ,l I.20^ 1-1 ."i =:: DIA. HOLES \ /A{\ trA DrM. 1-\Y,7 u oo/ hEr' /|UU \ < J L_Z 25s I t | \i rl,z 'lc :TT,,,T-::m*",.o fi,- W',o,uo *";:" Floating (1/8" total) MTG H.LE See Note 1 for sealing Weight (per No. Rivet Holes 2.99 244-22C Plain 3.98 2.61 244-22EC Plain 3.60 Part 100 pcs. (lbs.) Part A No. Dim. 40R8-1 6-1 A Notes: 1. IJse to seal against leakage ot air, dust or water. lnstall with suitable sealing compoun.J such as 3M #EC-847 or adhesive silicon sealant. 2. Receptacles and Shims with countersunk holes are for use with dimpled panels. Camloc/Ram Products 666* lr-\)ry-. ner. .. Tf,ffi+ +T [\Jr3'+3\f&. Alumlnum A-48 l-1 I -t1P]'-,{T\\i-F" .a12 lI I ,r,.';; l Encapsulaled Weight (per 100 pcs. (lbs.) Part i u-K4e€)-';' /\.Y ,/ ,A\ \l 05 li i.vs1oo3 ?s'.1"/A\- l--+*__-_-] _l $-tr4a)9).+ 7.\ rYz ,,2 Material 2.45 2.37 , 1.'1'1 Standard Mounting Continued 6N 6ND 21 4-1 21 4-1 40R8-1 6-1 40R8-1 6-2 Rlvet Holes Weight (per 100 pcs.) (lbs,) Plain Plain .033-.027 .033-.027 Dimpled .019 -.01 3 Maximum Seriice Temperatures for Standard Mounting Types: Staln/ess Steel-700'F.; Steel (Cadmium Plated) and F.; Silicon Bronze (Cadmium Plated) Steel with Zinc Silicon Bronze lvlth Erass Cap and-450" Rece ptac le Element 300" F. : Al u m i n u m - 350" F. - 0.06 0.11 0.11 \ =z '.* 40f}2SERIES QUIC K OPERATING 1 /4.TURN FASTENERS l-, #--; I l._:.i*l--]-__ 2"'.1,(,4. \l 1.39 135 ,., ,I [I r 1@olm- I |<++:*-_-] I l.-166"00" -1 I ,,K\y-z I K*1""'P. i+"'^ {2) _)_J!-:j:+l -f oas I F-I------Z-t-t Eq /tt r -% 516- rl \ tjjf I pLArN "^ r5o ^,, I No. 40R1 7-1 40R17-2 40R17-5 40R 1 7-A Plain Dimpled 1.20 1.20 Plain Dimpled 1 1 uores lLs ll( | tr .,. JIIDTMPLEo i'l-\\|r-f,4/"'" \*/\ { ""* sea.Eo Floating (1/16" total) Encapsulated See Note 1 tor sealing -1" llhc I I AYl ore llffi##+- Floating (1/16" total) Weight (per Part Rivet No. Holes 100 pcs.) (lbs.) 2.57 244-16S Plain 2.55 244-165D Dimoled Weight (per 100 pcs.) ]jf ^4'*')2 Dra HoLEs \ -i-?,"\#,?"** HoLEs Rivet Holes 1zr 1 ,ffu.^," T RLVET Lightweight Part .#r .^./ l# [r-d - w "'^ "ll8t'.'.' {s-(ffi}@)-r t#(ffi@r* AVZ i | I +".l,,r xl-I i -+--i-r _KA]-{r I 1.39 -l| Welght (per 100 pcs.) (lhs ) No. Rivet Holes 244-'t 6So 244-1 65CD Plaln Dimoled 3.31 Part 3.33 .19 .19 244-16 Plain 2.60 244-16c Plain 3.33 244-16D Dimpled 2.62 244-16CD Dimpled 3.35 244-16E Plain 2.24 )*i 2-Piece Floating Receptacles/Spotweld Attachment over conventional designs. Choose from versions within 1/16 inch or 1/8 inch total float. These receptacles are designed to be attached by spotwelding. Separate cage and receptacle element allow smaller envelopes and significaht weight savings Order receptacle element and cage separately. For 1 /8 inch Total Float For 1/16 inch Total Float ,e --l r ]L t mo. oor*L \A/'\ I f(.t-iJri 7mt\r',,^r4ffi 1 fiI [l\|-zt , :r: i L1\\IZJI eo- Jl | r---l- 'u., , t, T-=-T l, F- \.# I t# n"."pt".1"* :*ffi Element Receotacle Element Material Steel (Cadmium Plated) Silicon Bronze (Cadmium Plated) Zinc (Zinc Plated) Part No. Weight" l3i *"?*"' -1I " - ,, ,uo'o iage 756W 0.51 Encaosulated Part No. Weioht* 757W .lI I -l+({ lil\ lv[ffi-T, \)Z-Zir"\ \ AJ - | 'o Part No. Weight* I w{,D\rBs-\ -: Cage Receotacle Element Caqes Weiqht* 11?5@3 19 r tA -K\l Ffeceptacie i Element Standard Cage Part No. F I t- l, ll-, -l[/-ti\] t't-030 FTF. Encapsutated Standard *l F:: '---1----i , Caqe Part No. Weight* 706W 1.43 75'l 1.74 701 1.65 751E 1.36 701E 1.29 0.70 *Weights shown are in lbs. per 100 pcs. Camloc/Ram Products A-49 4of}2SERIES QUIC K OPERATING 1 /4.TURN EASTENERS 4002 Series. Receptacles continued Side Mounting L-l-91l---TF-_- -l-i r?I !-.------]----:--l :l \.-+'Nr -.iil , \}{'r.'I r.ao r-'i'; lJ qv)L I t-rd--I { l.-lj} li.7gl "- li74 tl=ffill ob ll -T--l---r- \[ N l r T t-E------r-----glt I I-r--_l-TE- ll .!l-L t,i i;i f-j---J-------,rjl olA. | 5lo I I J cri/er oprrouer u6res l-m11 LBYP/N 1o@a.@3*l (1 /16". total) Encapsulated Floating F Floating ,Vores.' 1, See Nofe 1 tor sealing No. Weight (per 100 pcs.) (lbs.) 244-'t6B-R Plain 244-168 (weld Material Ste6l (Cad. Plated) . Receptaele Element: Silicon Bronze (Cad. Plated) (1/i6" total) Rivet Holes Part iI i\ll I : its Dla Liro J lnr,)rr Ocrroru, 4{ | HOLES |<-1.@f.m__+1 IBYP/N _^. 12) 1 (2) I -m\z\il AJi+ "lJ v1 I l\il t\tl A I T ll-i-\ I .m FI Ill /l'$ rH\t nV, , ]El I'i' ,'",;s Br\-t--r tl [l{, Part No. Rlvet Holes 4.80 244-168C-R Plain 4.84 244-168C (Weld Weight (per 100 pcs.) (lbs.) 5.84 None None 5.80 Tvpe) Tvpe) Use to seal against leakage ol air, dusl ot water. Install with suitable sealing iomp-ound such as 3M #EC-847 or adhesive s/rcon sea/anl 2. Maximum Service Temperature : 450" cl ip-ln F. I J.-]40 i++- MAX l*=-lrio -__1t_E:+i_l _:L orol\ ____ll lffi*Jr sto \J:==t:==71! MN ll-@.1 FTffi1 l---^-l 1.69 l.- /--J:\---+ | --# s'", .14I ftqrsil /Ai4i\\'-|l-l1 ]| IMA) dr I T I H-r\W', --\l-4_]hi I I o* tl NJ -s\v#f \+/ | l-fH!441T=Aiti| + Boltom View Bottom Viiw Provides Material Steel & Zinc Alloy (Zinc Plated) aximum Serv ice Tem Float Provides 1/+" Fioat Peirt Rivet Part No. Holes No. Holes 40R39-1 -1AA None 40R44-1-1AA None Steel {Cad. Plated) Receptacle Element: Silicon Bronze (Cadmium Plated) M 1/a" Rivet perature : 300" E r \-50 Camloc/Ram Products ''.,,! QUIC K OPER/AflNG 1 /4-TURN FASTENERS 4of}2SERIES Grommets 4OO2 Series. 4002 Series stud assemblies must be used in conjunction with one of the grommets shown here. Both flush mounting and plus flush grommets are available with either retaining ring or flare retention. F- ih.-l I ll " I 7'M PTH} Retaining Ring Retained Plus Flush Grommels Ring retained grommets are easily installed without the need for extensive special tooling. t y-T-r\ |I I an l\ " l+EDlA.}l TYPICAL END DETAIL Plus Flush Version Part t\o. P Material Max. Thickness A D iCadmiirm Pleicrl) .201 .082 Steel (Cadmium Plated) 193 .074 ,c69 .063 4002-NS Stainless Steel Steel (Cadmium PIated) Alloy Steel (Cadmium Plated, Olive Drab) Stainless Steel Steel (Cadmium Platecl\ 11a. .029 3-23 .025 4002-N .065 40G6-2 4002-0s 4002-o t; 40G6-1 .094 E€q 4002-N3 .201 . tvo 091 .202 Alloy Steel (Cadmium PIated, Olive Drab) .otI .192 Steel (Cadmium Plated) .876 ...: .db / .252 .244 . tc/ --7-;; .IJI .029 std. Dimpled Panel Panel .074 .064 40G5 4002-HS 117 40G10 .086 0.30 .128 .054 tt0 .023 0.33 0.33 ln -04e .150 0.60 l**#o'o--1 ! I I |,420" Tre---W'--;T 1471ll -ffii---T F:DIA.I -r.---1-'t I nernnrrruc Material Stainless Steel Steel (Cadrnium'Plaltbd) Allov Steel (Cadmium Plated, OIive Drab) Stainless Steel Steel (Cadmium Plated) Alloy Steel (Cadmium Plated, Olive Drab) Notes: (Applies to both Plus Flush and Flush Mounting Versions above.) *1. Grommets will protrude from the back side ot panet. Minimum total thickness "G" musl be obseryed to prevent grommets trom jamming against the receptacle. (Undet certain conditions "G" minimum may be B tt nrNoJ -\ | | ,!., .j' " t* ( Typical lnstal(ation (for detail P Max. Thlckness 4002-GS \-' 0.39 0.34 .625 Flush Mounting Version 4002-G 0.40 ntre 0.30 Flush Mounting Grommets (Standard Series) No. (lbs.) 0.31 .625 .o | / Retaining Ring Retained Part Min. Stainless Steel 4002-N2 -_4\ Weight (per 100 pcs.) G D (Note 1) 4002-N2S ' (for detail see Page A-54). c sey{age A-54) .-.--.--Weight--. G" (per Min. (Note 1) 100 pcs.) (lbs.) 0.31 .191 .183 .132 .124 .090 0.30 0.30 0.34 .201 .193 .173 .167 , tcu 0.33 0.33 2. Panels with thicknesses greater than "P" Max. may be back counterbored. 3. M axi m u m Service Temperatures: Stainless 700"F. : Steel 45Oo E - - reduced. See Nofe 3 on Paoe A-62. Camloc/Ram Product5 A-51 4{cfJ2SERIES QUIC K OPERATING 1 /4.TURN FASTENERS 4002 Series. Grommets Retaining Ring Retained F+;"-r DrA.i | | I i i Ts--e_ AllWLYru I l\.nsa ---l\ \cl Af7 ies / DIA. CHAMFEB CHAMFER 5 ONLY -10 & 11 ONLY i L | Flush Mounting Grommets. (High Shear Series) M axi mu m Service Te m perature Part No. 40G1-5 40G1-B : P G* Max. Min. A B Alloy Steel .065 .092 113 120 150 . t/3 175 ,063'.066 .090 -.093 111-.114 .126-.129 .185-.189 185-.189 215-.218 .215-.218 .128 40G1-11 lmportant Notes: *1. Grommets wilt protrude f rom the back side ot panel. M.inimum total thlckness "G" ritust be observed to prevent grQmmets from iamming against the receptacle. (lJnder certain conditi'ns "G" minimum may be reduced. See Note 3 on Page A-62.) Weight (per 100 pcs.) (lbs.) Dlmensions Material (Cadmium Plated) 40G1-1 0 Typical Installation (for detail see Page A-54). High Shear Flush Mounting 450" F - _ -.132 .37 56 -.1 59 .41 129 1 177 -.180 .50 95 .50 .1 S2 -.1 2. For maximum shear capability, receptacle mounting hole in substructure may be reduced to.576 inch This hole size provides no accommodation for misalignment. Flare Retained Flush and Plus Flush Grommets Flare retained grommets will accommodate relatively thick panels often eliminatir-rg the need for back counterboring. Flared grommets should also be specified -i-Tr l.-i- li -r'*{---lP-? ,'| ffi ii ilH I Eyl:-F----ta STANDARD D il H lll l*j!|orn-i Note: Part numbers shown are basic part numbers only. See Data Table indicated below for "P" panel thlckness, "L" dimension and required grommet length dash number. Typical lnstallation Flush Series Plus Flush Series t_nJr ,'r---Wi | ,r FI:F=4 Dr if, I H I F ', $ when axial grommet movement must be restricted. f*j!$orn*l l*r-1A. -rrl3-T lffi I u-8 LHIN l$lH _LflII P.'' T I Ij;otn*1 LARGE BEAFING ABEA Data Tables Material Part No. Series 40G16.[ 4002-P3-[ ] 40G16-[ ]-1 40G16-[ ]-2 4002-P4-l lA Plus Flush, Large Bearing Area 4oo2-P4-[ ] 4002-P4-[ ]B 40G15-l 1S 4oo2-P2-l l Flush 40G15-[ I Stainless Steel Steel (Cadmium Plated) m S e rv i ce Te m pe r ature.' Staln/ess Steel - 7 00' F ; Stee l ( C ad m i u m P I ate d ) - 450" F. ; Steel ( N i cke I P I ated ) - 550" F. 2. For weights see Page 4-63. N otes: 1. M ax i m A-52 .625 .617 Alloy Steel (Nickel Plated) Alloy Steel (Cadmium Plated, Clear Chromate) Stainless Steel Steel (Cadmium Plated) Steel (Nickel Plated) Stainless Steel Steel (Cadmium Plated) Alloy Steel (Cadmium Plated) u Camloc/Ram Products D .049 .043 .049 .043 Alloy Steel (Cadmium Plated) ] 40G16-[ ]S Plus Flush, Standard A dia. .032 .025 .049 .o43 .049 .043 Look up "P" and "1" dimensions, plus grommet length dash number, from the data table indicated below.( See next page) #1 #1 #3 Tl #1 #3 .876 .867 .061 #3 .041 #3 #2 .625 .617 N/A #3 #2 '< QU lC "f\ l( OPER/AflNG l/4-TURN FASTENERS 4OO2 Series. GrOmmetS 4oO2SERIES (conrinued) Data Tables for Flared Retained Grommets. ("P", "L" and Grommet Dash Numbers) T I To Selecl Grommel Dash Number 1. Determine "P" panel thickness. 2. Locate "P" thickness in the appropriate table below. 3. Find the corresponding dash number to the right. Typical Inslallation (for detail See Page A-57). DATA TABLE 1 DATA TABLE 3 L Grommet Length Dash Number .040 -.069 109-.116 -040 .1 56 -.21 .070 -.099 142-.149 .100-.129 172-.179 30 -.1 59 .202-.209 160-.189 .232-.239 I .262-.269 P Panel Thickness 1 1 90 -.21 L Grommet Length Dash Number I .266-.296 -187 -070 .220-.281 .328-.358 -250 -'t 00 .282-.543 .391-.421 -Jtz -1 30 .344-.407 .453-.483 -375 -1 60 .368 -.432 .478 -.508 -400 190 .405 -.469 .516-.546 -437 .468-.532 .578 -.608 -500 .593-.657 .703-.733 -625 .718-.782 .828-.858 -750 .780-.844 .891-.921 -812 DATA TABLE 2 P =-.y'\ ' .t. \ Panel Thickness .040-.069 .070-.099 .100-.129 .1 30 -.1 59 Grommet Length Dash Number L .roo-.too -040 .145-.156 -070 .1 65 -.1 76 .193-.204 -1 -1 ,/ 00 30 .160 -.1 89 .220-.231 -1 .190-.219 .250-.261 -190 60 ,Votes.' 7. For longer lengths contact Camloc products Division. 2. Data tables are applicable to specilic part numbers. Setect the corrcct table as indicated on page A-52. P Panel Thickness .843-.907 .953-.983 .968-1.032 1.078-1.'t 08 -1 000 .171 -1 062 -875 1.030-1 .094 1 1.093-1.157 1.203-1.233 t 1.218-1.282 1.328-1.358 -1 1.343-1;407 1.453-1.483 -1375 1.468-1 .532 '1 .141 -1 .578-1.608 112s -1 250 500 See Grommet Weights on page 4-69. How to Order: Example: "P" thickness -.125 lnch. Grommet selected: 40G15-[ IS From data above, Table #2 applies. Grommet Dash Number selected f rom Table #2: -100, Complete part number: 40G15-100S. ;,t Camloc/Ram Products QUIC K OPERATING 1 /4.TURN FASTENERS 4of}2SERIES Series. Panel Preparation and Installation Data 4OO2 /G' (For Ring Retained Grommets) Installing Grommet Plus Flush Grommets {:l: Insert grommet into mounting hole and captivate with retaining ring. Please see Page A-56 for more information. l-1*o'o'1 T Drill #30 (.1285) pilot hole. Enlarge pilot hole to .478-.473 diameter with hole saw HS-471 . "P" maximum panel thickness varies with grommet selected. Please see Page A-51 for tabulation. Panels with thicknesses greater than "P" maximum must be back counterbored to a concentric .688 lnch diameter with a remaining material thickness not exceedlng "P" maximum, Note.' Hole saws and counterboring tools are available as a convenience in selected sizes. Please see Page A-55. Typical Installations Flush Mounting Grommets Alternate Dimpling Method. "Thin" panels constructed from ductile materials allow use of an alternative method which eliminates the need for grommet retaining rlngs, DIMPLED PANEL .074 .064 .086 * Hole Saw B Max. P Max. Dimpling Tool HS-471 117 Sef X-, (orderboth PNs) 4c200M-t w= \ -t--;6u i 40' I 4G200F-[ ] See Nert Page fot dimpling tool ordering information. PANEL PUSHED BACK TO EETAIN GROMI\4ET Note: When using panels constructed of ductile materials, I\,4AX. -f* -ft * DRILLED PANEL "F" larger than .086 inch, drill #30 pilot hole. Enlarge pilot hole using hole saw specified below to X diameter. C'Sink using tool specified. 40G1 X Dia. Hole Saw .500 N/A High shear version only Min. All other flush mounting ring retained .478 .473 versions C'Sink Tool 4GC-500 or 4GC-1-500* HS-471 4GC or 4GC-1-470* *Supplied with optional 1/4-28-UNF-2A Thread "P" maximum panel thickness varies with grommet selected. Please see Pages A-51 and A-52. Panels with thicknesses greater than "P" maximum must be back counterbored to a concentric .688 inch diameter with a repaining material thickness not exceeding "P" maximum. ,Vole; Hole saws, counterboring tools and countersinks are available as conveniance in selected sizes (see alternative dimple method). A-54 Camloc/Ram Products Max. Hole Saw 086 HS-418 P I Grommet I ALTERNAIE PANEL PREPARATION see alternate dimpling method. For panel thlckness I |._soo -1 Dimpled Panel Preparation for panel thicknesses "P" up to .086 inch. Drill #30 (.1285) pilot hole. Enlarge pilot hole to .478-.473 diameter with hole saw HS-471 . Then dimple using tools specified in the table above. Spot face back side of panel if required to meet "B" maximum. P " \l-6s6rREF*'] Dimpling Tool Sef (orderbottr PNs) Closing Tools* (orderbotr PNs) 4-G100M-[ ] 4-G100F-[ ] 4-GM-[ ] 4-GF-[ ] See Nert Page for dimpling tool ordering information. Drill #30 (.1285) pilot hole. Enlarge hole using hole saw P/N HS-418. Then dimple using tools tabulated above. Insert grommet and push panel back using closing tool specified. Panel must be securely engaged behind shoulder of grommet tor positive retention, z QUICK OPERATING I/+TURN FASTENERS .1 40pi2SERIES 4002 Series. Panel Preparation and InStallatiOn Data (conrinued) Installation Tools for Ring Retained Grommets. Hole Saws Accurately sizes grommet mounting holes. /\---F-a' /\\<- Counterboring Tool4G2C For back counterboring thick panels to .688 concentric diameter. t\\\ I]t ut__LJt/ \tlt I I|t cJ> \.'\ r/4.sHANKJ \l_l__S 1/8" DtA. 'a--t-| 6_ M) lol I\ NOT TO SCALE R',t'-;T,)-':;,f,"" Application Part No. OPIIONAL, SPECIFY Alternate dimple method only HS.41B All mounting holes except alternate dimple method Hs-471 Countersinking Tool (4GC) Forms C'Sink required for flush mounting grommets. Qa1=) -- '- Dimpling and Glosing Tools Dimpling tools for panels. \/i . .,.1 dimpling 5/16-32 NEF 2A THD (1/4 28 UNF2A OPTTONAL SPEC|FY P/N 4cc 1 470 oB 4ccr-500 As APPLICABLE). i afy <=> \=zz- (Part number for dimpling and closing tools are listed with the installation insti'uctions on preceding page.) thin P1161 1ur", Closing tools must be used with alternative dimpling method to push back panel. SHANK I^:_SHANK Part Number Thread Pilot Hole AN? 5t16-32 .470 4GC-500 5/16-32 .500 4GC-1-470 1t4-28 .470 4GC-1-500 1/4-28 .500 PUNCH [-J+ANVTL <e6v2 /-.:\ Fla,-,1 tl IJ \# DI ['PLI NG TOOL SET u\sgnrux -.1 l-'" -_u_l'u___J14 v -r| | 1.0t0 't.990t1 | J-- -l 1.510 1.490-- ----l I Dia. Shank Length 1/4 9/16 C'Sink Tciol Thread -2 c/ to 5/8 5/16-32 NEF-28 T19 -.t 5/16 7/8 1/4-28 UNF-28 T19-1 -4 3/B 7/B I Shank May be used to adapt any C'Sinking or C'Boring tool for use in a drill chuck. THBEAD .375 DEEP s'3:3S Dash Nos. for Shank Diameters and Lenqths Used On Dimpling and Glosing Toold Dash Number Adaptors Adaptor Part No. Note: It is recommended that tools be ordbred in sets. However, punch and dies may be ordered separately. Number Structure Toolinq - Part Example: 4G2OOM-2 TI Lz = 5/16" Dia. x 5/B" Long Shank M = Punch F=Die Camloc/Ram Products A-55 4{cpi2SERIES QUICK OPERATING 1/+TURN FASTENEBS <4et 1o? Retaining Rings for Ring Retained Retaining Ring lnstallation Grommets. --1*ffi .042 .036 Standard Retaining Ring Part No. R4G 40G26-1 Material Weight (per 100 pcs.) (lbs.) Steel (Cadmium Plated) 0.06 Cres. (Non-Magnetic, Corrosion- lnstallalion Tool Application For use wlth all ring retained grommets Tool T26 1. Place grommet in PrePared hole. 2. Place mandrel into grommet. 3. Place retaining ring over mandrel as shown. 4. Push handle over mandrel until snap ring is fully seated behind shoulder of grommet. excepl 0.07 ffi 40G1 Serles Resistant) g\ GPoMMET/ -w\ 'BETAINING "- \=^ lnr.i"n"a crommet |l '-fl-' Retaining Ring Installation Tool and Replacement ComPonents. U --- r- .057 .053 Ftioh Shear Retainino Rino Part No. Material Welght (per 100 pcs.) (lbs.) Alloy Steel R4T (Cadmium Plated) 0.15 Application For use with 40G1 Series l-,ligh Shear' Description Part No. Complete I nstallation Tool f-26 Rubber Tip T-26-1 Mandrel r--9-1 Tool T39-1 Grommets only r A-CO Camloc/Ram Products zi QUIC K OPERATING 1 /4.TURN FASTEN ERS 40f}2SERIES 4092 Series. Panel Preparation and InStallatiOn Data (conrinued) For Flare Retained Grommets Plus Flush Grommets Installation Tools-^. T -L Form .515-,505 mounting hole. Insert grommet into panel and flare using appropriate flaring tools from table at right. Flaring Tools Used to flare grommets in place. T:.- SHANK [-l Typical Installation Grommet Part No. )-=l.- @ ffi --/ SLEEVE SHOULD BE COI\,PLETELY FLARED OVEF Tool Part Numbers a1-I-) L:+ ooor- F, {(P4 40G15 40G16 SHANK Die 4-GM-[ I 4-PF-[ 4-GM-[ re2-[ ] ] ] Determine baslc part number from table above, Flaring tools are available in a number of shank diameters and shank lengths. Select from table below and list corresponding dash number as a suff ix to basic part number. Flush Mounting Grommets Shank Diameters and Lengths Dash Shank Diameier Shank Length -1 1/4 Y/ lo -2 5/16 5/8 -3 5/ 16 7/8 -4 3/8 7/8 Number Form .515-.505 mountlng hole. Countersink with C'Slnk tool P/N 4-GC-500. Insert grommet into panel and flare using appropriate flaring tool set from table at right. Punch Example:To specify Flaring Die P/N 4-PF-[?], with 5/16,, shank diameter andT /8" shank length, complete the part number with a -3. Completed part number: 4-pF-3. Countersinking Tool 4GC-500 Forms C'Slnk required for Flush Mounting Grommets. g.aV) l----- | 5/16-32 NEF-2A THD {1/4,2s uNF-2A oproNAL spEctFy p/N 4cc-r-5oo) CL:fl .----,-Y--\ \a-2 \Z- Adaptors for Countersinking Tools May be used to adapt any C'Sinking tool for use in drill chuck. T.250 f_ I | 1.ojo L-J '1.99011 1.510----' |l, 1.490 *l | C'Sink Tool Thread Part Number 5/1 6-32NEF-28 T19 1 /4-28UNF-28 Camloc/Ram Adaptor T19-1 Products A-s7 ann2sERtES QU|C K OPERATING 1 /4JTURN FASTENERS 4002 Series. Stud Assembly lnstallation Stud Ejector Spring (optional) Installing Stud Into Panel Provides full retraction of stud assembly to allow opening and closing of equlpment without the possibility of jamming or damage. 4002 Series studs must be used in coniunction with a grommet. (See Page A-51 for grommet selection.) CompreQs stud assembly spring using Camloc pliers P/N 4P3 as shown. Insert stud through grommet and release when cross pin clears. Studs with dash numbers greater than -15 require retaining rings. These longer studs may be installed without compressing the stud assembly spring (pliers not reouired). --f I I studs are Longer studs Dash "15" require a and smaller self captivating. retaining ring. Part Numbers Retaining Rings #-iMaximum Service Temperature Material Part No. For use with Materlal Fl ush Grommets For use with Plus Flush Grommets 4002 sG Rivet Holes Plain 4002 sN Spring Steel 4OO2 SGD (Cadmium Plated) Dimpled 4OO2 SND 4002 sGF* 4002 sNF* Plain 4002-sw Spring Steel (Cadmium Plated) 450'F. *Ejector P/N 4002 SNFIs f/at; i.e. no 4" radius bend. 4002-sw-ss Stainless Steel 700"F. Aroles.' 7. Thru hole in Ejector Spring Part Numbers 40025N, SND and SNF is tormed to allow grommet to seat l/ush to top surface Retaining_ Ring Installation 1. To install, place retaining ring on stud with slot aligned over leJt side of cross pin as shown on figure 1. 2. Snap retaining ring under cross pin using needle nose pliers, then rotate retaining rihg 180" until ring is over right side of cross pin as shown on figures 2 and 3. 3. To complete installation, snap retaining ring the right side of cross pin, 4. Completed installation is shown in figure 4. Oo M ll M^ V Figure A-58 1 tt Figure 2 Figure 3 Camloc/Ram Products - -l .a) Figure 4 of Eiector Spring. 2. When using Stud Ejector Springs, Retaining Ring/Retained style grommets must be used. 3. Maximum Service Tempercture: 450'F. 4. Add .021 to total material thickness "G" when uslng these pal,ts. See Page A-61. 5. Weight per 100 pieces: Eiector Spring used with Flush Grcmmet: 1.84 lbs. Eiector Spring used with Plus Flush Grommet: 1.86 lbs. QUIC K OPERATING 1 /4.TURN FASTENERS 40fJ/2SERIES Series. Sealed Stud and Grommet Installation 4OO2 40537 Series stud assembly contains an integral seal which is usually sufficient where only splash-proof installation is required. For more complete sealing the following procedures should be followed. Grommet Installation 1. Select grommet from the table below, 2. Prepare panel according to standard procedures, See table below for page reference. 3. lnstall gasket onto grommet. 4. Place grommet in prepared hole and complete installation following standard procedure. .o20 | --*l f| .o1( GROI,,IMET GASKET Grommet/Gasket Selection Grommets Gasket Part Number Ring Retained: 4002-G, H, N, O 40G11-3 Flare Retained: 4002-P2-P3 40G15.40G16 40G11-4 Stud Installation 1. Install gasket P/N 40539 over stud spring Gasket Material lnstallation lnstructions See Pages .501 Vellumoid Gasket Material per Fed. Spec. .489 HH-P-96 A Dia. .443 .431 cup. following -r+-rr tut SPRING CUP -{ntilil tDtnl -tl_r 40537 Stud Spring cup is color coded black. (See Page 35 for complete dimensions.) See Page A-57 3. For studs with dash numbers greater than -15, install retaining ring. For procedures see Page A-58 2. Using 4P3 pliers, install stud into grommet standard procedures. (See Page A-58.) l---rE A-54-A-56 TYPICAL /A -tw--[ I ll s44 ll lF33e-rl |^^^|il.034 ll F=g!q*l ll ll ---r .382 TYPICAL lw Typical Installalion 40539 Stud Gaskel Choice of receptacle has no effect on sealing capability of stud/g rommet assembly. Arotes.' 1. Applications usmg this assembly are limited by the gasket material to 1300F. maximum temperature. 2. Add .045 inch to "c" thickness to compens ate tor gasket thlcknesses. (See Page 4-61.) 3. 40537 SludAssemb/ies are not available with dash numbers smaller than -4. Camloc/Ram Products A-59 QUIC K OPERATING 40p/2SERIES /4.TURN FASTENERS 1 4002 Series. Receptacle Installation Data Two piece floating receptacles Spot weld attachment Standard Mounting RecePtacles 1. Drill #30 (.1285) diameter pilot hole. 2. Drill holes for.125 rivets using drilljig specified. 3. Enlarge pilot hole to X diameter. 4. Rivet receptacle in place. 1. Form through hole to X diameter. 2. Place receptacle element into cage. 3. Locate receptacle assembly on center and spot weld in place. l--' I ?/_i\ I \t-l -+-(-]-I OLE C'SUNK FOR HOLE DIMPLED FOR .125 DIA RIVETS 125 DIA. FIVETS ll f- Typical Installation (Thin panels may be dimpled) Receptacle 244-22 Series Standard Mount X Dia. (Ret.) Hole Saw .812 .688 R Rivet Hole Spacing LOCATE RECEPTACLE WELD NIBS ON CENTER (Ref.) Drill Jis HS-812 1.375 T22 Receptacle Assembly X Dia. (Ref.) (Ref .) 6" Float Versions HS-687 1.00 T16 751.751E/756W. 757W .687 1.00 HS-687 .812 1.375 HS-812 Typical lnstallation 'l / All Other Standard Mount 1 / 8" Float Versions 701,701E/706W 1 R Hole Saw Side Mounting RecePtacle Optional Installation Tools DrillJigs Provide convenient means for accurately locating rivet holes relative to receptacle mounting hole. etft iHSI Sslii l.- 1 om-*l ooi Drill Jis Typical Installation Snap-ln Receptacle :iIr eJ; A T16 1.000 T22 1 e7q \@+l Y/ 1erru 40Rse-1-1AA) Hole Saws Accurately size mounting holes. Hole Savt Forms Hole Dia. HS-687 .687 HS-812 .812 I I l-r-it .egz --*lI L.010 R MAX I Typical Installation t,'"*r*rr Panel Preparalion 4-60 Camloc/Ram Products 0 ,llffY1 lR u"ssaux/ \/ NOT TO SCALE When using hole saw, f irst drill #30 (.1285) pilot hole. - l S- \ un nra -l QU ICK OPERATING 1 /4-TURN FASTENERS 4{JO2SERIES -,;-,/,- - 4002 Series. Ordering lnformation/ Stud Dash Number Selection To Select Stud Dash Number 1. Stud dash number varies with receptacle used. This information must be known before proceeding. Select receptacle from Pages A-48 through A-50. 2. Determine "G" thickness. Notes: (a) Increase "G" to allow for thickness of paint or other finishes and for the compressed thickness of any gasket. (b) When selecting stud dash number, "G,, must be increased for the following "Special" condiilons. "Soecial" Conditions 4002 Series Ejector Increase "G" Thickness Spring installed Add .021 inch Snap-in Receptacle (P/N 40R 39-1-1AA) Allow .020 inch for receotacle top side protruslon. installed Shims installed For each shim used, add an amount equal to "A" max. shim PIus Flush Grommets installed For purposes of selecting stud dash number only, add "D" max. protrusion of qrommet. 40R8 Series Receptacle D (PLUS FLUSH GROMMEIS REOUIRE MAX, "D" PROTRUSION BE ADDED TO "G" FOB STUD DASH NUI\,4BER SELECTION PURPOSES ONLY) thickness. (See Page A-48) (See Pages A-51 an-d A-52) 40S37 Stud Assemblv installed with sealing gaskets Standard Mount Floating Receptacle Side Mount Receptacle Add .045 inch 3. Locate "G" total thickness in the stud dash number table on the following page. 4. Then find the corresponding stud dash number in the column designated for the receptacle selected. How To Order Example'1. Stud Assembly Used: 4002-[?]S "G" Total Thickness: .220 inch Grommet Used: 4002-05 (Plus Flush Style) Receptacle Used: 40R17-1 Required Calculation*: G + .029 - .220 + .029: .249 Stud Dash Number Selected From Table: -7 Completed Part Number: 4002-75 - (Plus Flush grommets require that "D" max. dimension from Pages A-51 and A-52 be added to "G" total thickness when determining Stud Dash Number). Example 2. Stud Assembly Used: 4055-[?] "G" Total Thickness: 1.520 inch Grommet Used: 4002-P2-625 (Flush Style) Receptacle Used: 244-16E Stud Dash Number Selected From Table: -51 (See Note 2, Page 4-62) Completed Part Number: 4055-51 Camloc/Ram Products A-61 QU lC K OPER/ATING 1 / 4fc02SERIES 'TURN FASTENERS Stud Dash Number Selection Table Grommetless Studs Grommeted Studs u Total Thickness All rec. not tab. at right A| 244-16 ex-1 68 & -168R All 244-22 .05.1-.080 140 -2 -3 141 170 -4 111 110 171-.200 .201-.230 231-.260 .261-.290 291-.320 .321-.350 ,351-,380 .381-.410 .41 1- .440 .441-.470 .471-.500 ,501-.530 531-.560 .561-.590 ,591-.620 621-,650 .651-.680 .681-.710 711-.740 .741 770 .771-.BOO .801-.830 .83.1-,860 ,861-.890 891-.920 .921-.950 .951-.980 .981-1 .010 1 .01 1-1 .040 -2 -3 -4 -4 tr 244-168-R -2 -2 -2 -2 -4 -4 -2 -6 -6 -6 o -B -B o -8 10 a 10 10 10 10 IZ -4 -4 -6 I -4 -6 a -9 -B -9 10 -9 -10 11 10 11 1T 12 IJ IJ 14 12 14 13 14 l3 tc t1 14 14 to 14 14 lo to 17 14 to to 1B to to 1B 14 -6 10 t3 lo 17 17 1B 19 to 1B 1B 1B 19 -20 1B 1B -20 .19 -20 1B -20 -22 -23 -22 -23 -20 -zl -22 -23 -24 -25 -22 -22 -20 -22 -22 -24 -20 -20 -22 -24 -25 -22 -24 -25 -26 -24 -24 -24 -26 -27 -28 -27 -28 -29 -30 -26 -27 -28 -20 -29 -30 -Jl -32 -32 aa -33 -34 -34 -38 1.19 1.22 1.220 1,250 -39 -40 -40 -41 1.25 1.28 1.280 -41 310 1.340 -42 -43 -42 -43 1.34 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.370 -44 1.400 1.430 AA 45 -46 .4t) -47 -48 -49 1.49 1,490 1.520 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 1.52 1.550 -50 -cl 1,460 -2 -3 A| 244-168 o 1.190 | ex-l 68 & -168R All 244-22 -7 1.16 1,31 iab at right -6 -7 1.10 1.13 1 not 7 -6 -7 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 1.O7 244-16B'R 6 All 244-16 tr E 1.070 1.100 1.130 1.160 1.O4 A| 244-168 All rec. -2 021-.050 081 5 4 3 2 1 -35 -36 -37 -44 -29 -30 -ol -26 -26 -28 -26 -26 -24 -24 -26 -26 -28 -28 -28 -28 -30 -30 -30 -30 -32 -33 -28 -30 -30 -34 -35 -32 -32 -32 -32 -34 -32 -32 -34 -34 -34 -36 -36 -36 -38 -38 -36 -38 -38 -40 -40 -40 -40 -42 -40 -42 -42 -42 45 -46 -47 42 -44 -44 -44 -48 -46 -46 -48 -48 -50 aa -34 -34 -38 -39 -36 -36 -40 -38 -38 -36 -41 -42 -43 -44 -49 -50 .52 44 -46 -46 -48 -48 -50 -50 -40 -42 -44 44 -46 -46 -48 -48 -50 -50 -52 lmportant Notes: 1. 40537 stud assemblies are not available with dash numbers smaller than -4. 2. lf the totai thickness "G" is very near ihe top of the thickness range, selection of the next greater dash number is recommended. For "G" thicknesses longeithanthosetabulated,contactCamlocProductsDivision.3."G"min.thicknessspecifiedonPagesA-51 be reduced ,030 inch when column 3 dash numbers apply and .060 inch when column 4 dash numbers apply, A-62 Camloc/Ram Products andA-52may QU ICK OPERATING 1/4.TURN FASTENERS 4002 Series. Weights for Flare Retained Grommets (Pounds per 100 pieces. All weights are approximate.) Data Table 1* Grommet Dash Numbers Data Table 40G16-[ ]-1 40G16-[ ]-2 40G16-[ ]S 2* 40c15-[ ] 40G15-[ ]S -40 .35 .41 70 .36 .41 -1 00 .38 .42 -1 30 .39 .4J -1 60 .40 .44 -1 90 .42 .46 Data Table 3 Grommet Dash Numbers - '\'^ *Y\ - 4002-P2-l l 4002-P3-[ ] 4002-P4-l I 4002-P4-l 1A 4002-P4-[ ]B 187 0.48 0.49 0.79 250 0.51 0.52 0.81 312 0.53 37s 0.56 - 400 - 437 - 500 - 625 - 750 0.84 0.58 0.87 0.57 0.60 o.62 0.63 0.92 0.67 0.69 0.98 v,tz 0.74 1.03 812 0.77 - 875 0.78 0.79 1.09 -1 000 0.83 0.85 1.14 lvoz - O.BB 1125 0.89 0.90 1.20 -1250 0.94 0.96 | -1375 It -1 500 ,zc .oo 1.01 1,30 t.uc 1.07 t.Jo -1562 . Data Tahle Numberc Corrcspond to those tisted on page A-Sg. 1.09 40pi2SERIES QUICK OPERATING 1 /4.TURN FASTENERS 91F SERIES Extra Heavy-Duty Stud Assemblies and Receptacles Featufes:DeSigned for heavy duty service in farm, construction equipment and other applications where high strength and clamping force are required. Stud Assemblies --f- /z/-f-\ //'A\\ -------Ttr\ri-7-7- ,,4.. //xNN # \ \*Vff -t( I Y .33 El Note: Part numbers shown are basic part numbers only. See ordering information for required dash numbers. i ,nrn f*---l | ,/,/ ,n" I -f-r l.-/- -i57- \T:f \l I l/.33 tl r r.r40 tl l :"^^ t4AX. WHEN / -'rn rocxeo ----J_I]-!!| 1-- --+"#^ I t-u-|]-l-l I | ll:l t \lz \\ \igl .ss2 \:iJ_l/ \\\\_I-l,/ .: | ;-T-: ,/ | l-[.'+* LOCKED./tit\l "oil9f"." / m fl\ srnNoeno' n I lt \ I |YHE 17all it I \t 9a \l\ lo 1f rD"oELD I oprrorunr I I n- | | BY PiN | ; l*.si.oz 1.010 lo | trt -i7=r-:-l I -eso- - llt .szal-ll aTttttl rYPE -r-l "ro*oo"o fl- | I \ RUBBERSEAL ;TH -'- I .625 IIOPTIONALBYP/N | _599 -- | 625 | .599 | Slotted-Hex Head | | Fixed Wing Material Standard Part No. Self-sealing Part No. Standard Part No. Self-seallng Part No. Steel (Cadmium Plated) e1s2-[ s1s7-[ 91S2-[ ]W e1s7-[ ]w ] ] Maximum ServiCe Temperature: Selt-Sealing parts have rubber seal and temperature limitation of 225"F.; Standard: 450"F.; Plastic Knob Version: 140"F. 'S =.64 * (.03 x Dash No.) i-\ Receptacles r ti3* -.g9: 2HoLESa ^ , T7ir^-]\ $l\d_Il l '* Material --l l Rivet Holes Rivet Hole Dia. 119-18 Plain .134 (for 1/8" rivets) .128 Plain (for 5/32" rivets) .165 .'t 59 Steel (Oil Coated) Serv i ce Temperatu re : 450" I l*r'rzst*'-| --r--,4------------\ I /,fn,i,\ TTY-,\A'Y-/- -i Yl f- t-60-----.-'--_l For use wilh dimpled panels No. 119-18A m --- Part Steel (Cadmium Plated) M axi mu 'o0 ru 25 sb-]-6lK'z :1,6I -F;*.,J_*l i o-ioo'i., +,_X+-.-Mm 1 'V-4Jl),' l_1ffo,o !-r__#sffrEr!"_\_ ---t-t--ii-l- Part No. Rivet Holes 119-1BD (for 1/8" rivets) lf"^*l,F lr*3q,-L ItaLA- .?\-rW-T lt-l--:'.q:*# Tr ttl r- r.rzca.wJ+l | +xJY/iw\- :3 l\l-v1 -llt_---.-.--._\ -, Yl Camloc/R.ann Products ( l\ ^lx-f l/ r--l6d-'.'' ....*l For Spot Weld Attachment Part No. C'Sunk 119-18C F. I