IRMS User Guide - Online Business Applications

User Guide
IRMS- Guide.doc
January 31, 2011
IRMS User Guide
9018 Heritage Parkway
Suite 600
Woodridge, IL 60517
The information in this document is proprietary. No part of this document may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the
express written permission of Online Business Applications, Inc.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The companies, names, and data
used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
 2011 Online Business Applications, Inc. All rights reserved.
This document was produced using Microsoft Word.
Table of Contents
Purpose of this Manual ................................................................................................................................. 1
How to Use this Guide ................................................................................................................................. 1
Communicating with Online Business Applications, Inc. ............................................................................ 3
Browsing our Website .................................................................................................................................. 4
IRMS Support .............................................................................................................................................. 5
IRMS Education ........................................................................................................................................... 7
IRMS Documentation .................................................................................................................................. 8
IRMS User Group ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Getting Around in IRMS ............................................................................................................................ 10
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Command Buttons .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Menus ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Toolbars and Toolbar Buttons ............................................................................................................................ 12
Scroll Bars .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Scroll Wheels ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Record Navigation Bars ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Text Boxes ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Combo Boxes ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Check Boxes....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Radio Buttons ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Right-click Menus .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Zoom Text Box .................................................................................................................................................. 17
AutoCorrect ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Spelling Check ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Cursor Hover Tool Tips ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Status Bar Information ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Show Full Menus in IRMS ................................................................................................................................. 22
About IRMS ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
IRMS Help ......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Logging into IRMS .................................................................................................................................... 25
Starting and Logging into IRMS ........................................................................................................................ 25
Seeing New Data ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Resetting Security .............................................................................................................................................. 27
Refreshing Table Values (Updating Combo Box Selections)............................................................................. 27
Adding a New User to IRMS ..................................................................................................................... 28
Step One – Add a New User Record .................................................................................................................. 28
Step Two – Add a Signature Record .................................................................................................................. 29
Step Three – Establish Individual User Preferences ........................................................................................... 30
User Preferences ......................................................................................................................................... 31
IRMS Main Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 51
Menu Bar .................................................................................................................................................... 53
The Form Menu .................................................................................................................................................. 53
The Edit Menu.................................................................................................................................................... 55
The Case Menu................................................................................................................................................... 56
The Tools Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 57
The Tools Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 57
The Documents Menu ........................................................................................................................................ 59
IRMS User Guide
The Tables Menu ................................................................................................................................................ 60
The System Menu............................................................................................................................................... 62
The Reports Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 64
The Window Menu............................................................................................................................................. 65
The Help Menu................................................................................................................................................... 66
Shortcuts menu from the Case Entry Screen ...................................................................................................... 67
Shortcuts menu from the Response Letters Screen............................................................................................. 68
Shortcuts menu from the Document Maintenance Screen .................................................................................. 69
Toolbars ...................................................................................................................................................... 70
Case Entry Screen Toolbar ................................................................................................................................. 70
Response Letters Screen Toolbar ....................................................................................................................... 73
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 75
Entering a Case into IRMS ......................................................................................................................... 78
Step 1 – Starting a New Case ............................................................................................................................. 79
Step 2 - Adding a New Contact .......................................................................................................................... 80
Step 3 - Adding a New Question ........................................................................................................................ 87
Step 4 - Entering Basic Case Information .......................................................................................................... 96
Step 5 – Verbally Responding to the Requester ................................................................................................. 98
Step 6 – Creating a Written Response .............................................................................................................. 103
Step 7 – Processing the Written Response........................................................................................................ 110
Step 8 – Completing the Case .......................................................................................................................... 121
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 127
Additional Functionality of the Contact Section ...................................................................................... 128
Right Click Menu for the Contact Section........................................................................................................ 128
Adding Account Masters in Case Entry ........................................................................................................... 130
General Options................................................................................................................................................ 132
Optional Fields in the Contact Section ............................................................................................................. 133
Additional Functionality of the Question Section .................................................................................... 134
Right Click Menu for the Question Section...................................................................................................... 134
Changing Question Information ....................................................................................................................... 136
Finding General Information for a Question .................................................................................................... 137
Optional Fields in the Question Section ........................................................................................................... 139
Using the Frequently Asked Questions Screen................................................................................................. 140
Recording Sources Checked ............................................................................................................................. 144
Additional Functionality of the Basic Case Sections................................................................................ 146
Finding the Rep’s Name and Address .............................................................................................................. 146
Referring a Case to Another User..................................................................................................................... 149
Using the Note Pad ........................................................................................................................................... 150
Adding Attachments to a Case ......................................................................................................................... 151
Optional Fields in the Basic Case section......................................................................................................... 154
Additional Functionality of the Case Entry Toolbar ................................................................................ 155
Case Entry Datasheet View .............................................................................................................................. 155
Case Entry Enhanced Datasheet View ............................................................................................................. 155
Finding All of your Open Cases ....................................................................................................................... 156
Finding Duplicate or Repeat Callers................................................................................................................. 156
Searching the Account Table............................................................................................................................ 158
Searching the Contact Table ............................................................................................................................. 159
Searching With the Smart Contact Search ........................................................................................................ 161
Searching the Representative Table.................................................................................................................. 163
Transfer the Current Case................................................................................................................................. 164
Sending a Case to Another Department/User ................................................................................................... 164
Creating Quick Response Letters ..................................................................................................................... 166
Case Correspondence Management Screen ...................................................................................................... 169
Printing Case Snapshots ................................................................................................................................... 171
Selecting Specific Labels to Print..................................................................................................................... 172
Functionality of the Shortcuts menu in Case Entry .................................................................................. 173
Adding a Literature Fulfillment Case ............................................................................................................... 173
E-mail Case Information .................................................................................................................................. 174
Updating a Completed Case ............................................................................................................................. 177
Re-opening A Case ........................................................................................................................................... 177
Changing a Completed Case ............................................................................................................................ 178
E-mailing a Case Transfer ................................................................................................................................ 179
Copying the Current Case ................................................................................................................................ 180
Deleting a Case................................................................................................................................................. 182
Case Audit Trail ............................................................................................................................................... 183
Case Log........................................................................................................................................................... 184
Entering Client Defined Fields ......................................................................................................................... 186
Copying the Current Response Letter............................................................................................................... 189
Deleting the Current Response Letter............................................................................................................... 189
Re-Opening a Completed Response Letter ....................................................................................................... 190
Changing a Response Letter that has been Edited ............................................................................................ 190
Entering CCs for Response Letters .................................................................................................................. 191
Case Log........................................................................................................................................................... 192
Additional Functionality of IRMS Main Menu – Print Letters......................................................................... 193
On-Call Staff Calendar (Main Resource Calendar) .................................................................................. 195
Main Resource Calendar .................................................................................................................................. 196
Basic Month View ............................................................................................................................................ 197
Detail Month View ........................................................................................................................................... 198
Maintain Resources using the Month Detail View ........................................................................................... 200
Monthly Shift Resource Report Toolbar .......................................................................................................... 201
Maintain Resources (Backup and Proxy): ........................................................................................................ 202
Displaying All New and Existing Cases ................................................................................................... 205
Attention screen................................................................................................................................................ 205
My Inbox Window ........................................................................................................................................... 206
E-mailing Corporate ................................................................................................................................. 213
Print Representative Memos ..................................................................................................................... 217
Selecting Data for Rep Notification ................................................................................................................. 217
Crosslink Cases ........................................................................................................................................ 221
Finding Cases using Case Query .............................................................................................................. 225
Additional Methods to Find Cases ........................................................................................................... 226
Finding All of your Open Cases ....................................................................................................................... 226
Finding “My Inbox” ......................................................................................................................................... 226
Finding the “Attention” screen ......................................................................................................................... 227
Finding Specific Data Records ......................................................................................................................... 228
Finding a Record Using “Find and Replace”.................................................................................................... 228
Searching Case Log Information ...................................................................................................................... 230
Searching Communications Log Information................................................................................................... 232
Finding Contact and Account Information ............................................................................................... 234
Finding Duplicate or Repeat Callers................................................................................................................. 234
Searching for Accounts .................................................................................................................................... 235
Searching for Contacts ..................................................................................................................................... 236
Finding Cases/Questions by Contact ................................................................................................................ 237
IRMS User Guide
Finding FAQs ........................................................................................................................................... 239
Maintaining the FAQs Master .......................................................................................................................... 244
Finding General Information .................................................................................................................... 247
Using the Read General Information Window ................................................................................................. 248
Maintaining the General Information Screen ................................................................................................... 249
Finding Representative Information ......................................................................................................... 251
Finding the Rep’s Name and Address .............................................................................................................. 251
Selecting Data for Rep Notification ................................................................................................................. 253
Finding Documents and Enclosures ......................................................................................................... 256
Finding Documents .......................................................................................................................................... 256
Finding Deleted Cases .............................................................................................................................. 259
Case Entry Screen .................................................................................................................................... 261
Response Letters Screen ........................................................................................................................... 269
REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................................... 278
Chapter 1
Welcome to IRMS
Now that you have implemented the Information Request Management System (IRMS) from
Online Business Applications, Inc. (OBA) for your medical communications solution, it’s time to
learn how to use the software. This guide explains how to use Case Entry and its associated features.
Purpose of this Manual
The purpose of this guide is to explain how to enter cases, create response letters, and use other
features related to case entry.
This manual is intended for IRMS Medical Information Associates.
How to Use this Guide
What this guide includes
This guide includes the documentation needed to efficiently enter cases, create response letters, and
use other features associated with Case Entry.
How this guide is setup
Each chapter in this guide provides information on using everyday features in IRMS. This includes
Case Entry and all the associated features used with Case Entry. Chapter 1 provides an introduction
to IRMS and this guide. There is also a section on how to get around in IRMS.
Chapter 2 – Launching IRMS discusses the basic setup needed to start using IRMS. This chapter
includes logging into IRMS, adding a new user, and setting User Preferences.
Chapter 3 – IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar, and Toolbars provides an overview of the options
available throughout the IRMS application.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry Processing Steps outlines the step by steps process required for entering a
case and printing a response letter.
Chapter 5 –Additional Case Entry Functionality describes the additional functionality available in
the Contact, Question, and Basic Case sections. A detailed description of the options available on the
Case Entry toolbar and Shortcuts menu that is also included.
Chapter 6 –Response Letters explains how to create and merge a Response Letter. After the
response letter is created, steps are included to mail, fax, or email the letter to a contact.
Chapter 7 –Other Functionality describes the process for using the On-Call Staff Calendar, My
Inbox, Sending e-mails to the corporate office, Representative Memo Generation.
Chapter 8 –Finding Information describes various methods of finding information throughout
IRMS. The chapter includes finding information about cases, accounts, contacts, questions, FAQ’s,
general information, representatives, documents, and enclosures.
Chapter 9 –Field Definitions provides a definition of the fields used in Case Entry. Included is a
brief description, where the field is used, a table where values are defined (if used), and the merge
field name.
Chapter 10 – Index provides a listing of the topics discussed in the guide.
IRMS User Guide
Key to the Guide:
Explanation of data field
Explanation of Checkbox
Explanation of Radio Button
Explanation of Command Button
Recommendation from OBA
Important Information – Please Read
Make a Note
Additional information is explained here.
Communicating with Online Business Applications, Inc.
Via Phone
Account Management (630) 243-9810 ext 215.
(630) 243-9810 ext 209.
Technical Support
(630) 243-9810 extension 250.
Support Team Hours – 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM US Central Standard Time.
(630) 243-9810 ext 218.
Via Website
Our website is To contact us from our website, go to the Quick Links
section on the Home page and click Email Support or Email Sales.
Visit our website for information on new releases, documentation, training, the IRMS User Group,
and the latest information at Online Business Applications, Inc.
Via E-mail
E-mail us at
Via Fax
Fax number is 630-243-9811.
IRMS User Guide
Browsing our Website
Our website at contains the latest information on OBA and IRMS.
Everything from information on our products, news articles on the latest workshops, current and
previous newsletters, registration for training classes and workshops, to User Group information is
available. This is the place with the latest updates on new IRMS releases, education, and
We are creating a new User Center with IRMS Knowledge Base Articles, Tips & Tricks, FAQ’s,
Client Workshop Presentations, and Focus Group Results. It should be available soon on the website.
Information on the latest version of IRMS
The Support menu provides information about new features and functionality added to IRMS.
Information for previous versions is also available here. From the Support menu, click Release Notes
or Documentation. The following information is available.
Release Notes
View the latest release notes to find out what’s changed in
IRMS. Release Notes for previous versions are also found here.
Release Documents
View the latest documents for a release. The set of documents
for a new version includes User Requirement Specifications,
Functional Specifications, Upgrade Instructions, and
Deployment Plans.
Documentation Guides
View the guides for current and previous releases of IRMS. In
2006 OBA began releasing documentation for each major
Information on IRMS Education
The Services menu provides information about training courses and training class availability. From
the Service menu, click Education. The following information is available.
Course Descriptions
View the latest courses offered to efficiently operate IRMS.
Training Classes
Find out when and what training courses are offered at the IRMS
Education Center in Lemont, Illinois.
Training Packet
Download a Training Packet containing all the information
needed to select and schedule a training class at the OBA
Education Center. You can also register for classes online.
IRMS Support
The Support Team answers questions and responds to problems encountered in IRMS. Important
information about our Support Team is listed below.
Contacting the Support Team
Support Team Hours:
Monday through Friday
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM US Central Standard Time
(630) 243-9810 extension 250
How the Support Team Works
When a call is received by the Support Team it is logged into a Support Database. At this time a case
number and priority is assigned. The case is assigned to a member of the Support Team.
The question or problem is investigated by the Support Team. During the investigation the Support
Team may request additional information. This may include additional questions, screen prints, and
reports. If a problem cannot be resolved quickly, sometimes a workaround is provided until the
problem can be fixed.
If the problem is not resolved in a reasonable amount of time, the problem is escalated to the next
level of support. The Support Team member assigned to the case will provide periodic updates on the
status of the problem and call with a resolution or workaround.
Reporting a Problem to Online Business Applications
It is important to notify OBA of problems. Any information provided (screen name, action being
taken, etc.) will help to eliminate these issues in future releases of IRMS. Serious problems affecting
the operation of IRMS will be addressed as soon as possible.
The Best Way to Report a Problem
When problems are found in IRMS, they should be reported to the Support Team at OBA with as
much detail as possible. Below is a list of information that may be requested to aid in resolving
problems. Additional information may be requested after contacting our Support Team.
Provide a screen printout (if needed)
A screen can be captured by executing the following steps:
1. Move the error message so any important information can be seen in the screen capture.
2. With the error displayed on the screen, press the Print Screen key located on the top row
of the keyboard.
3. Activate Microsoft Word and start a new document.
4. Perform a Paste. (Point to Edit from the menu bar and click Paste from the options
5. Print the screen to fax to OBA. Provide details on the process being executed. For
example, what was clicked and data that was entered.
IRMS User Guide
6. If manually faxing a screen print, fax it to 630-243-9811. If electronically faxing or emailing, save the document to a file to be attached to the message or use File Send to
Provide a report sample (if needed)
If there is a problem with a report, a report sample will be requested by the Support Team. If
providing a report in error, follow the steps below to send the report to OBA:
1. Email the report as a PDF. Provide the Report Type and Criteria. Provide any other details
about how the report was printed, what options were selected, and what parameters were
entered. Email the report to
2. If manually faxing a report, print the report and fax it to 630-243-9811. Include the company
name, contact information, a brief description of the problem, the report type and criteria with
any additional information.
Capture workstation settings (if needed)
Workstation settings can be emailed to OBA by executing the following steps:
1. From the IRMS toolbar point to Help and click About IRMS. The About IRMS screen is
2. An email screen is opened with the current IRMS values. Enter a brief description of the
error in the subject line and enter your contact information in the body of the email. Click
Send Email to Online.
Schedule a Webex session (if needed)
If a problem is persistent and cannot be resolved based on the requested information, the Support
Team may request a Webex session to walk through the problem. If requested, the Support Team
will provide the necessary information for the Webex session.
IRMS Education
Online Business Applications, Inc. offers a variety of education for all its products. Training is
provided in Continuing Education Courses and Workshops.
Continuing Education Classes offered at the IRMS Education Center in Lemont, Illinois.
Continuing Education Courses offered at the Client’s location.
Semi-Annual IRMS Workshops offered at the Drug Information Association show and various
locations throughout the country.
How to Find Education Information
Available Courses:
Services / Education
Workshop Information:
Home Page
Class Location:
IRMS Education Center in Lemont, Illinois or Client’s Location
Contacting the Education Team
(630) 243-9810 extension 218
Overview of Training
During the implementation of IRMS, Administration and Basic User courses are taught. At this time,
the training courses are tailored to meet the client’s business requirements defined during the
Business Development Meeting.
After IRMS has been used for a while, clients can receive additional training by attending workshops,
attending continuing education courses at OBA, or scheduling training at the client’s location.
Courses are tailored to meet the requirements of the individual and client.
Who Should Receive Training?
New Users - After the initial training of IRMS personnel during implementation, new employees
may move into the Medical Information Department to work with IRMS. New Users should receive
Basic User Training. If the employee will have Administration responsibilities, they should receive
Administration Training.
Users Needing In Depth Knowledge – After using IRMS for a while, some clients request
additional training for specific functions in IRMS. Continuing Education Courses meet this request.
Continuing Education Courses
For more information on our courses, visit our website at
Basic User Training
Advanced User Training
Reporting & Query
Documents in Depth
System Administration
System IT Training
Adverse Events
Product Complaints
Effective Tables Admin for Effective Entry and Reporting
IRMS User Guide
IRMS Documentation
There are several documentation guides available which describe how to efficiently operate IRMS.
Each guide focuses on a specific function of IRMS. The documentation guides are updated to match
new releases of IRMS. The guides are available on the website.
How to find Documentation Guides
New Installation:
Documentation Folder installed during installation
Support / Documentation
Contacting the Documentation Team
(630) 243-9810 extension 203
Current Documentation Guide
IRMS Users Guide
A more advanced, detailed guide explaining how to launch IRMS, enter
cases, create letters, process letters, find information, and more.
Additional Guides Available from Online Business Applications, Inc.
IRMS Administration Guide
IRMS Adverse Events Guide
IRMS Document Management
IRMS Fields Codes Guide
IRMS Maintenance Guide
IRMS Product Complaints
IRMS Quality Assurance Guide
IRMS Query and Reporting
A detailed guide explaining how to setup IRMS, define system security,
add users, define parameters, and setup initial table values.
A detailed guide explaining how to use the Adverse Events module of
IRMS. (Module purchased separately.)
A detailed guide explaining how to add and maintain documents, set up
letter formats, and use letter templates in IRMS.
A guide containing a complete listing of merge and replacement fields in
A detailed guide explaining how to maintain the IRMS environment for
efficient operations, IRMS maintenance that may be performed, and an
overview of the IRMS upgrade process.
A detailed guide explaining how to use the Product Complaints module
of IRMS. (Module purchased separately.)
A detailed guide explaining how to use the Quality Assurance modue in
IRMS. (Module purchased separately.)
A detailed guide explaining how to process queries in IRMS. Also
included is an explanation of the reports available in IRMS and how to
setup ad hoc reports using the IRMS Report Wizard.
IRMS User Group
The IRMS User Group was established in 2006. The purpose of the IRMS
User Group is to provide effective two-way communications between Online Business Applications
(OBA) and its customers. The goal of the user group is to provide:
A means by which customers can influence the direction, development and support of the IRMS
software product
An efficient mechanism for OBA to share information about IRMS
A forum for the exchange of practical IRMS implementation and user experiences
Contacting the User Group Liaison at OBA
US Code (630) 243-9810 extension 215
How to Join the IRMS User Group
The IRMS User Group is a fully independent organization. The User Group Chairperson is elected
from participating clients. Focus Groups are offered that meet regularly to discuss issues that directly
affect the enhancement process of our software. In addition, issues of a general nature affecting the
gathering of medical information and industry issues are discussed.
Any client with IRMS installed is welcome to join the user group. Conference calls are held
frequently to discuss User Group business. Participation from our clients is encouraged. The
meetings are organized and chaired by one of the User Group Members (client).
User Group meetings are held at our semi-annual workshops.
For more information on the User Group, visit our website. To join the IRMS User Group register at
Support / User Group.
IRMS User Guide
Getting Around in IRMS
IRMS uses the built-in functionality of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Access. The standard Windows
command buttons, drop down menus, scroll bars, record navigation bars, text boxes, combo boxes, check
boxes, and radio buttons are used throughout IRMS. Each of these items is designed to make data entry faster
and easier. In addition, many keyboard shortcuts are available for users who prefer not to use the mouse.
Command Buttons
Command Buttons appear on many screens in IRMS. They are used to initiate an action within
Command Button Example
button on the IRMS Main Menu.
To Activate a Command Button
1. Single-click on the button using the mouse.
- or 2. Hold down the ALT key and press the underlined letter or number.
- or 3. TAB until the button is highlighted and then press ENTER.
Drop down menus appear at the top of the IRMS screen. The options that are available to each user
depend upon the settings for that user in the IRMS Security table.
Drop Down Menu Example – Case Drop Down Menu
To Activate a Drop Down Menu
1. Single-click on it using the mouse.
- or 2. Hold down the ALT key and press the underlined letter. (If the underlined letter is also used
on the screen you are on, this method will cause the command button on the screen to be
3. Choose an item from the drop down menu. This is accomplished by performing one of the
following actions:
a. Single-click on it using the mouse.
- or b. Use the up and down arrows until the desired option is highlighted and then press
IRMS User Guide
Toolbars and Toolbar Buttons
Each screen within IRMS will have a toolbar associated with it. There will be buttons on some
toolbars that have unique functionality for a particular screen.
Toolbar Example – The Case Entry screen toolbar.
Toolbar Button Example
button on the Case Entry screen toolbar.
To Activate a Toolbar Button
1. Single-click on it using the mouse.
Scroll Bars
Most of the screens in IRMS are displayed in "Form" view and only show you one record at a time.
These screens also have a "Datasheet" view, which is a spreadsheet-style presentation of the data.
Screens presented in this way can have both vertical and horizontal scroll bars.
Scrollbar Example
The vertical scroll bar (located to the far right of the screen) is used to move up and down through the
record list. The horizontal scroll bar (located at the bottom of the screen) is used to move left and
right through the individual fields in the record list when there are more fields than can be displayed
on the screen.
To Use Horizontal and/or Vertical Scroll Bars
1. Click the arrows (,) to move one field at a time.
2. Click and drag the square box to move quickly left or right.
3. Click the area between the square box and the arrow to move a screen width at a time.
Scroll Wheels
The scroll wheel can be used to navigate through the form. Sometimes t his can cause a problem
when the scroll wheel is accidently activated when in a form.
To inactivate the scroll wheel, the MouseHook.dll must be installed in the Windows\System32 folder.
The .dll is included with the IRMS versions and above.
Record Navigation Bars
Screens in IRMS that display more than one record have a record navigation bar that is used to move
among the data records for that screen. Some of the buttons in the navigation bar will be dimmed
when their function is not available.
Record Navigation Bar Example – Case Navigation Bar
To Use a Navigation Bar
1. Single-click the
(left arrow with vertical bar) to move to the first record.
2. Single-click the
(left arrow) to move backwards through the records.
3. Single-click the
(right arrow) to move forward through the records.
4. Single-click the
(right arrow with vertical bar) to move forward to the last record.
5. Click on the number that displays the current record. Enter the record number you want to
move to, and press ENTER or TAB to move there. (The number following the “of”
represents the total number of records available.)
6. To begin a new record, click on the
button (this button will sometimes look like this
.) This will cause the total number of records to increase by one.
IRMS User Guide
Text Boxes
Many of the fields on the screens in IRMS are simple text boxes. They are rectangular boxes that
accept data from the user. If the field contains multiple lines of data, such as an address, the ENTER
key is used to add additional lines of text within the text box, rather than advancing to the next field.
Some large text fields have vertical scroll bars to allow movement within the field.
Simple Text Box Example – Last Name
Text Box Accepting Multiple Lines of Data Example – Address
To Use a Text Box
1. Single-click in the box and begin typing.
- or 2. Tab until the cursor is in the correct text box and begin typing.
Combo Boxes
Many of the fields in IRMS are combo boxes. These boxes combine the functionality of the text box
with that of a choice list.
Combo Box Example – Request Via
To Use a Combo Box
1. Type in data just like you would for a text box. (Some combo boxes will accept only the
values presented, while others will accept data other than the choices listed.)
- or 2. Click the arrow at the right of the box and select from the list of valid choices.
- or 3. Once the cursor is in the combo box, hold ALT and press the DOWN ARROW on the
keyboard. Select from the list of valid choices.
Check Boxes
When presenting options or other fields where a “yes” or “no” answer is required, IRMS uses check
boxes (x or in the box represents a yes).
Check Box Example – Verbal Check Box
To Use a Check Box
1. Clicking the box changes the value. (In most cases, clicking the label will toggle the value.)
- or 2. If the field is the active one, the space bar will toggle between checked and unchecked.
Radio Buttons
Radio Buttons are used for situations where options are mutually exclusive (only one can apply at
any time). Any one button can be pressed in, but when a different one is pressed, the other button
pops out.
Radio Button Example – Group Radio Button
To Use a Radio Button
1. Clicking the button or the label (in most cases) selects that option.
- or 2. If the field is the active one, the up and down arrows can be used to change the option
IRMS User Guide
Right-click Menus
Right-click menus are used to display a context sensitive menu.
Right-click Menu Example – Case Entry Screen Address Field
To Use a Right-click Menu
1. Move your mouse pointer to a field.
2. Click the button on the right side of your mouse.
3. Move your mouse pointer to an option.
4. Click on the option with the left side of your mouse.
Zoom Text Box
Text can be longer than what fits in the space provided on the screen. To see more of the text at once,
use the Zoom feature of the Right-click menu.
Right-click Menu Example – Case Entry Screen Response Field
To Use the Zoom feature
1. Move your mouse pointer to a field.
2. Click the button on the right side of your mouse.
3. Move your mouse pointer to the Zoom option.
4. Click on the Zoom option with the left mouse button.
5. You can type text into the Zoom box and it will automatically be saved in the current field.
6. Click the
button when done.
IRMS User Guide
You can use the AutoCorrect feature available in other Windows Applications (i.e. Word).
AutoCorrect Example
To Use the AutoCorrect feature
1. Select AutoCorrect Options… from the Tools drop down menu.
2. Check any or all of the listed options.
3. Select from the menu or type text into the Replace field and insert the appropriate text in the
With field.
4. Click the
5. Click the
Spelling Check
You can use the Spell Check feature available in other Windows Applications (i.e. Word).
Spell Check Example
To Use the Spell Check feature
1. Select Spelling… from the Tools drop down menu.
2. IRMS runs spell check on the current screen or section.
3. The Spell Check feature will highlight the misspelled word and provide a Spelling screen
containing several options. Evaluate your options and select one or cancel.
IRMS User Guide
Cursor Hover Tool Tips
You can display a Tool Tip if you position your cursor over a command button for about one second.
Cursor Hover Example – Open the Response Letter Screen
To Use the Cursor Hover Tool Tips
1. With your mouse, position the cursor over a button. (In the example above, the mouse was
positioned over the
toolbar button.)
2. A Tool Tip will display near the button. (In the example above, the box
appears slightly below the appropriate button.)
Status Bar Information
The Status Bar at the bottom of the screen displays information regarding the field that the cursor is
Status Bar Information Example – Type Field
To Use the Status Bar Information
1. Move the cursor to any field on the screen. (In the example above, the cursor is located in the
Type field.)
2. Look to the bottom left hand corner of the screen and a brief description of the field will be
displayed. (In the example above, the description of the Type field is “Contact classification
used for processing and reporting.”)
IRMS User Guide
Show Full Menus in IRMS
If you would like to see a full drop down menu, either click on the arrows located at the bottom of the
drop down menu
or you can customize your computer to always show full drop down menus.
Show Full Menu Example – Tools Drop Down Menu
To Use the Full Drop Down Menus in IRMS
1. Select a drop down menu.
) at the bottom of the menu or keep the drop down menu selected
2. Click the arrows (
and after a few seconds the entire menu will appear.
About IRMS
Information regarding your IRMS installation and licensee information can be accessed at any time.
About IRMS Example – Help Menu
To Use the About IRMS Screen
1. Select About IRMS… from the Help menu in IRMS.
2. The About IRMS screen is displayed showing information regarding the IRMS installation.
3. To send IRMS installation and licensee information to OBA via email, click
4. To refresh your IRMS program at the next login session, click
5. To exit About IRMS, click
IRMS User Guide
IRMS uses the Windows Help system.
IRMS Help Example – Help Menu
To Use the IRMS Help Screen
1. Select IRMS Help from the Help drop down menu in IRMS.
2. The Windows Help system will be used.
Chapter 2
Launching IRMS
Logging into IRMS
Starting and Logging into IRMS
To use IRMS, you must start the program and then log in. The ID that you use to log in will be used
to determine what you can do in IRMS. It will also be used to determine your personal preferences
for many items within IRMS.
To Start IRMS
1. Double click the
icon on your desktop.
- or 2. Click Start > Programs > IRMS 5 (program group) > IRMS 5 (icon).
The IRMS Login screen will appear as shown below.
The User ID will probably be filled in with the ID of the last user to use IRMS on your
computer. (You may type over a User ID by highlighting the field and typing.)
To Log in to IRMS
1. Enter your User ID and Password provided by the IRMS Administrator.
2. Click the
3. If a valid User ID and Password are entered, the IRMS Main Menu will open. If the User
ID and Password combination is not valid, a warning message will appear. Click OK and
try again.
IRMS User Guide
To Logout of IRMS without Exiting
To use IRMS, you must start the program and then log in. Once you have started the IRMS program
you may want to logout of IRMS and log back in without exiting the IRMS program.
To logout of IRMS without exiting IRMS, select Logout from the Form menu. The IRMS Login
screen will appear and you may log in as the same user or as a different user.
Disabling a User in IRMS
If you attempt to login 3 times in a row unsuccessfully, IRMS will automatically disable your User
ID. This is shown on the Add/Edit Users screen through the Disabled check box.
Additionally, an administrator can manually disable a user by checking this box on the Add/Edit
Users screen. When a user is disabled, the User ID will remain in user pick lists. An administrator
can enable the user by un-checking the Disabled box on the Add/Edit Users screen.
To Set and/or Change Your Password
Your initial password for IRMS is blank. Since IRMS tracks changes made by users, we recommend
that you use a password.
1. Select Tools from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
2. Select Change Password… from the drop down menu. The Change Password screen will
open, as shown at the bottom of this section.
3. Your User ID should appear in the User ID field. If not, manually type your User ID or
select your User ID from the drop down menu.
4. Enter the old password in the Old Password field. If you have no password, leave this box
5. Enter the new password in the New Password field. Your typing will be masked so that
nobody can see your password. (See your IRMS Administrator for password
6. Enter the new password again in the Confirm field. Your typing will be masked so that
nobody can see your password.
7. Click the
pop up window.
button. You will be notified that your password has been changed by a
8. Click OK. You will be returned to the Change Password screen.
9. Click the
If a user forgets their password, the IRMS Administrator can reset that user's password to blank.
The user can then log in without a password and follow this procedure to set a password.
Launching IRMS
Seeing New Data
Resetting Security
This item is used to refresh tables used by IRMS. This will allow you to see records that are
available to you now that were not available when you last logged in to IRMS.
To Reset Security:
1. Select the Tools drop down menu from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
2. Select Reset Security from the drop down menu.
If new standard documents are entered and approved while you are already logged in to IRMS, this
function will give you immediate access to them without restarting IRMS.
Refreshing Table Values (Updating Combo Box Selections)
Many screens in IRMS contain combo boxes that are filled with information drawn from a table.
Data that has been changed in those underlying tables is not reflected in any of the open screens until
you manually select the Refresh item on the Form menu drop down.
To Update the Information in the Combo Box Selections:
1. Select the Form drop down menu from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
2. Select Refresh from the drop down menu.
IRMS User Guide
Adding a New User to IRMS
Adding new users to IRMS is typically done by the IRMS Administrator. A full explanation of
adding users is provided in the IRMS Administration Guide. A brief outline, though, of the process is
provided in this section.
Three steps should be followed to add a new user to IRMS. First, a new user record should be set up.
Next, this user’s signature record should be established, if this user’s signature should appear on
letters. Finally, this user should have his/her individual user preferences set up.
Step One – Add a New User Record
Each user of IRMS must belong to a security group. Therefore, if no security groups have been
established, then a security group must be added first. To add a security group, please reference the
IRMS Administration Guide. As a new user is added, it must be assigned to one of these security
groups. The new user is added through the Add/Edit Users screen.
To Add a New User Record:
1. Select Add/Edit Users…from the System drop down menu.
2. Select the
(New Record) button on the toolbar at the top of the screen, or click the
(new) button on the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.
3. Enter a User ID (this will be used to enter IRMS).
4. Enter the name of the new user in the Full Name field.
5. Enter the new user’s initials (not case sensitive) in the Initials field.
6. Enter the new user’s e-mail address in the E-mail Account field.
7. Select a security group from the Security Group drop down menu. (You may have to create a
new group through the Group Security screen, which is accessed by selecting Group
Security… from the System drop down menu.)
8. Department and Division are determined by the security group selected.
9. Add the user to a Therapeutic Group, if applicable.
10. If the new user is the Primary Referred to User in this Group, then check the Primary Ref To
11. If the new user is an administrative user then check the Admin User box. If the box is not
checked, the user can only see their own user information, the user cannot add users.
12. Close the Add/Edit Users screen.
Launching IRMS
Add/Edit Users Screen Shot
Step Two – Add a Signature Record
If the new user will be signing response letters, a record of the new user’s signature must be added to
the Signature Table.
To Add a Signature Record:
1. Open the Signature Maintenance screen, by selecting Signature… from the Tables drop
down menu.
2. Select the Division that the user belongs to.
3. Assign a Signature Code. This code can be the same as the User ID. (For example, the
Signature Code is usually the initials of the user.) The Signature Code must be entered before
inserting a signature image or specifying authorized users.
4. Enter the signer’s name and title that will appear on the letter. The Title field is a multi-line
field; therefore, the ENTER key will move to a new line within the Title field.
5. The initials, phone, extension, and e-mail address can be merged into the letter through
6. Select the Department that the user belongs to.
7. Import the scanned signature by clicking the
8. Assign the users who have access to this signature image in the Authorized Users section.
IRMS User Guide
Signature Maintenance Screen Shot
Step Three – Establish Individual User Preferences
The User Preferences screens are where each individual can set their own defaults and override some
system parameters. User Preferences can be set to make many of the tasks in IRMS faster and
easier for you. While it is not necessary to make a selection for most of these fields, doing so will
eliminate many of the repetitive tasks on the Case Entry, Case Query, Adverse Events, Case Copy,
and Response Letters screens.
Changes can be made to your User Preferences at any time. You must reset security, though, to have
the changes occur without logging out of IRMS. For a detailed explanation of each tab in User
Preferences, please see the User Preferences section of this guide.
Launching IRMS
User Preferences
The User Preferences table allows each user to set their own defaults and overrides for various
system parameters and fields. User Preferences can be set to make many of the tasks in IRMS faster
and easier by automatically populating some of the fields. While it is not necessary to make a
selection for most of these fields, doing so will eliminate many of the repetitive tasks on the Case
Entry, Case Query, Adverse Events, Case Copy, and Response Letters windows.
User Preferences Window
1. To access User Preferences, log into IRMS. The IRMS Main Menu is displayed.
2. Click User Preferences… from the Tools menu. The User Preferences window is displayed.
3. The User ID, Security Group, Division, and Department fields are automatically populated
with user’s individual information by the IRMS Administrator. This information cannot be
4. The Full Name and Initials are also pre-populated with the user’s name and initials. These
fields can be changed.
5. If your name and initials are not shown at the top of the window, click the Mine button. The
user’s information is displayed. This button is only displayed if you have Administrator rights.
IRMS User Guide
Case Entry Tab of User Preferences
The Case Entry tab populates the fields in the Case Entry window each time a new case is started.
If most of the cases processed have the same data in any of these fields, designate that value in this
field and avoid selecting it every time in the Case Entry window.
1. If the Case Entry tab is not already selected, click the Case Entry tab. The Case Entry window
is displayed.
3. Field Defaults
Values entered in the Field Defaults section will auto populate the corresponding fields on the
Case Entry window for each new case.
Division – If you are assigned to be in a division, this field will be preset with your
division and it cannot be changed.
Department - This is usually set to your "home" department. If most of the cases that
you enter are for another department, enter that department name here.
Case Status – If you would like all new cases to be set to "Open" then select “Open”
from the pick list. If left blank, new cases will default to “open”.
Requested Via - If most of your cases come through Sales Reps, select that here.
CC Representative – If most of your cases should have the sales representative
automatically receive a copy of the response letter, select this box.
Misc Data – If most of your cases have the same miscellaneous data, then select it here.
Case Type – IRMS can serve as a common starting point for different types of calls. If
your site chooses to use Case Types, enter your most common type here.
Priority – If most of your cases have the same priority, then select it here.
Launching IRMS
Source - The way in which most of the cases come in. For most users this will be
Entry Period - The data in this field will be inserted into the Entry Period field on the
Case Entry screen.
Handling - The "Handling Method" is the way in which most cases are delivered.
Examples are mail, phone, or fax.
Product - The Product Code specified defaults in the Question section in Case Entry.
NDC/DIN – If a product is selected, then an NDC Code can be selected from the pick list
for that product. The NDC/DIN defaults in the Question section in Case Entry.
Referred To - If most of the cases entered are immediately referred to another IRMS
user, enter that user's ID here, otherwise enter your user ID.
4. Action Defaults
Select the boxes in the Action Defaults section that apply to Case Entry, My Inbox, and Email
Open Attention window or My Inbox at Startup
There are two options for displaying new cases when starting Case Entry. The Attention
window displays new cases only. The My Inbox window displays folders containing
Cases, AE, QA, Follow-up, and Group cases assigned to the user. There is also a folder
for Workflow and Workflow Tasks for Documents assigned to the user. Select either
Attention or My Inbox to be displayed at startup. Only one checkbox can be selected.
Leave both checkboxes unchecked to not display a window at startup.
Note: The Division Parameters to Populate the Attention or My Inbox window must also
be checked. (See Division Parameters in the Administration Guide)
“Open Attention screen at Startup” – Select this checkbox to display the Attention
window at startup.
“Open My Inbox screen at Startup” – Select this checkbox to display the My Inbox
window at startup.
Close Case After Printing Response - If the case should be automatically closed after
completing all output formats (letter, fax, e-mail) for a case, select this checkbox. This
value will serve as the default for the Change Status of Case field on the Response
Letter Processing screen.
Make Questions Verbal Responses - By default, questions are not marked as Verbals
(or counted in reports) unless explicitly set to verbal in the Case Entry window. Select
this box to set all questions to be "Verbals" unless unchecked by the user.
Do Not Notify Me for Cases Referred to Me – Select this checkbox to stop e-mail
notifications of cases that have been referred to your user id.
Do Not Notify Me for QAs Referred to Me – Select this checkbox to stop e-mail
notifications of QA cases that have been referred to your user id.
IRMS User Guide
Check for New Cases every 0 Seconds – If the Open Attention screen at Startup is
selected, enter a value to determine how frequently IRMS should check for new cases
from the Attention screen.
Refresh My Inbox every 120 Seconds – If the Open My Inbox screen at Startup is
selected, enter a value to determine how frequently IRMS should refresh the My Inbox
window. The default is 120 seconds.
Launching IRMS
Case Query Tab of User Preferences
The Case Query tab controls the defaults presented when opening the Case Query window.
1. Click the Case Query tab. The Case Query window is displayed.
2. Field Values
Values entered in the Field Defaults section will automatically populate the corresponding
fields in the Case Query window when a new case is started. The query can be cleared of all
pre-populated values by selecting the Clear Criteria toolbar button.
Division - If you are assigned to be in a division, this field is automatically populated
with your division and it cannot be changed.
Department – Enter a department to automatically populate the field.
Service Rep – Enter a Service Rep to automatically populate the field.
Referred To – Enter a Referred To Rep to automatically populate the field.
Case Status – Enter a Case Status to automatically populate the field.
Source – Enter a Source to automatically populate the field.
Contact Class – Enter a Contact Class to automatically populate the field.
Requested Via – Enter a Requested Via to automatically populate the field.
Handling – Enter a Handling code to automatically populate the field.
Case Type – Enter the Case Type to automatically populate the field.
Product – Enter the Product Code to automatically populate the field.
NDC/DIN – Enter the NDC/DIN code to automatically populate the field.
IRMS User Guide
3. Action Defaults
Select the checkboxes in the Action Defaults section that apply to Case Query.
Select the Remember Last Case Query checkbox to use the last query the next time the
Case Query window is accessed.
Launching IRMS
Contact Tab of User Preferences
The Contact tab controls the defaults that are displayed in the Contact section of the Case Entry
window. These values are only useful if most of your calls come from the same kind of caller.
1. Click the Contact tab. The Contact window is displayed.
2. Field Defaults
Values entered in the Field Defaults section will automatically populate the corresponding fields
in the Contact section on the Case Entry window for each new case.
Country – Enter the Country to automatically populate the field.
Contact Class – Enter the Contact Class to automatically populate the field.
Salutation - Enter the Salutation (Dr., Mr., Ms, etc) to automatically populate the field.
This field also automatically populates from the Contact Class table.
Degree – Enter the Degree (PharmD, M.D, etc.) to automatically populate the field. This
field also automatically populates from the Contact Class table.
Type - Enter the Type to automatically populate the field.
Specialty – Enter the Specialty to automatically populate the field.
Misc – Enter the miscellaneous information to automatically populate the field.
Personal Info – Select the Personal Info indicator to automatically populate the field.
The default is “Visible”. This determines if the personal information is visible or hidden
for the Case Snapshot.
IRMS User Guide
Smart Contact Search Section
These fields define how the Smart Contact Search is used. The fields selected are the criteria used for
the search. Setup the data below to customize the Smart Contact Search for the logged in user. The
criteria can be changed in the Smart Contact Search window as needed.
Default Search Fields
The fields selected in this pick list define the search criteria. If the Smart Contact Search is
selected from Case Entry, any data populated in the selected fields are used in the search.
Select any fields for the selection criteria. To select multiple fields, press the CRTL key and
click the fields.
There is a special field called “Full Name” that will concatenate the first and last name into
one search field for the criteria.
The fields selected can be changed on the Smart Contact Search window.
Select this checkbox to automatically start the search when the Smart Contact Search is
executed from Case Entry. Any criteria populated in the Contact section are used for the
automatic search. Any contacts meeting the criteria are displayed in the Results section.
Deselect the checkbox to display the Smart Contact Search window prior to executing the
search. The Search Field is blank and the criteria must be entered prior to executing the
Use Phrases
If Auto Search is selected, the Use Phrases option is available. This option allows phrases
to be used as part of the search criteria. This is used to narrow the results.
For example, if the “Main St” phrase is defined as part of an address, any records with the
entire phrase “Main St” are returned. If the criteria is not setup as a phrase, any records with
“Main” and “St” in the address are returned, resulting in a greater number of records meeting
the criteria.
Show Search Fields
Select this checkbox to display the Search Fields on the Smart Contact Search window.
There is also a Search Fields button in the Smart Contact Search that can display the fields if
the fields are not already displayed.
The Type field defines the type of search to be executed. The values are “And” and “Or”. If
“And” is selected, the records must match all the fields defined for the criteria, resulting in a
smaller result list. If “Or” is selected, only one for the fields in the record must meet the
criteria, resulting in a much larger result list. The default value is “And”.
Launching IRMS
AE Tab of User Preferences
The AE tab controls the defaults displayed in the Adverse Events window.
1. Click the AE tab. The AE window is displayed.
2. Field Defaults
Values entered in the Field Defaults section will automatically populate the corresponding fields
in the Adverse Events window for each new case.
Report Type – Select the Report Type to automatically populate the field.
Age Category – Select the Age Category to automatically populate the field.
Height/Weight – Select either “English” or “Metric” to automatically populate the field.
If “English” is selected, the Lb and In checkboxes are automatically checked on the
Adverse Events window. If “Metric” is selected, the Kg and Cm checkboxes are
automatically checked on the Adverse Events window.
3. Action Defaults
Select the “Display “No Information” on the 3500A when no data provided” checkbox to print
“No Information” on the 3500A report if there is no data provided in the AE case.
IRMS User Guide
Copy Case Tab of User Preferences
The Copy Case tab controls the defaults displayed when a case is copied using the Copy Requests or
Prepare Mail Merge Data window.
1. Click the Copy Case tab. The Copy Case window is displayed.
2. Define Items to Copy
Select the checkboxes to automatically select the corresponding checkboxes in the Copy
Requests or Prepare Mail Merge Data window and the Transfer the Current Case window.
These checkboxes indicate what information should be included when the case is copied or
Contacts – Select this checkbox to indicate that the Contacts section should be copied.
Product/Q&A – Select this checkbox to indicate that the Product Question and Answer
section should be copied.
Response Letters – Select this checkbox to indicate that the Response Letters should be
copied. Some of the data can be overridden by using the Letter Overrides section in the
Copy Requests or Prepare Mail Merge Data window when the case is copied.
CC Names – Select this checkbox to indicate that the CC Names associated with the case
should be copied.
AE Data – Select this checkbox to indicate that the Adverse Event data associated with
the case should be copied.
PC Data – Select this checkbox to indicate that the Product Complaint data associated
with the case should be copied.
RMP Data – Select this checkbox to indicate that the Risk Management Program data
associated with the case should be copied.
Launching IRMS
Client Defined – Select this checkbox to indicate that the Client Defined data associated
with the case should be copied.
Attachments – Select this checkbox to indicate that the Attachments associated with the
case should be copied.
Sources Checked – Select this checkbox to indicate that the Sources Checked data
associated with the case should be copied.
IRMS User Guide
Document Tab of User Preferences
The Document tab controls the defaults displayed in the Document Search/Selection screen.
1. Click the Document tab. The Document window is displayed.
2. Field Defaults
Select the checkboxes to automatically populate the corresponding fields in the Document
Maintenance window.
Language - Select the Language to automatically populate the field.
3. Document Search Field Defaults
Select the checkboxes to automatically populate the corresponding fields in the Document Search
Type – Select the Document Type to automatically populate the field.
Status – Select the Document Status to automatically populate the field.
Department – Select the Department to automatically populate the field.
Launching IRMS
E-mail/PDF/Fax Tab
The E-mail/PDF/Fax tab defines the settings for the e-mail software, PDF software, and fax software
used on the desktop.
1. Click the E-mail / PDF / Fax tab. The E-mail / PDF / Fax window is displayed.
2. E-mail Settings
The values entered in this section determines the e-mail software used on the desktop.
Software – Enter the e-mail software to use with IRMS on this desktop. If none is
specified, the e-mail software designated in the IRMS System Parameters is used. If
the E-mail software has been locked in Division Parameters, then this field is not
Address – Enter the user’s e-mail address. This is the e-mail address used for email
notifications. This is the same field used in the Master User record.
Alias (Send As) – Enter the e-mail address to impersonate when sending e-mail from
IRMS. This e-mail address is used as the Reply To address when a contact sends a reply
from a response e-mail. This is supported to different degrees depending on your e-mail
software. If the E-mail Reply To field has been locked in Division Parameters, then this
field is not displayed.
3. PDF Settings
The value selected in the PDF Settings section defines the PDF software and version used with
IRMS on the desktop. The value selected in this pick list will override the PDF value set in
Division Parameters. If “Acrobat” is selected from the pick list, then IRMS will attempt to
determine the version of Adobe Acrobat on its own. IRMS is compatible with Adobe Acrobat
and PDF-Xchange.
4. Fax Software Settings
The values selected in the Fax Software Settings section defines the Fax software used with
IRMS on the desktop. IRMS is compatible with a Printer, Rightfax, and Winfax.
IRMS User Guide
Software – Enter the faxing software used with IRMS. If the faxing software has been
locked in the Division Parameters, then this field is not displayed.
Directory – Enter the location of the Fax Software.
Launching IRMS
Folders Tab of User Preferences
The Folders tab defines the folder to import data from and export data to on the desktop.
1. Click the Folders tab. The Folders window is displayed.
2. Microsoft Word Location Override section
This item is obsolete and will be removed in a later version of IRMS.
3. Other Folder Default section
The value entered in the Other Folder Defaults section defines where to look for the user’s other
Import Data From – Enter the default folder displayed when users import documents
into IRMS from the Document Maintenance and Import Wizard windows.
Click the Browse button next to the field to display the Import Directory pop up
window. Select the default folder to contain the Import Data.
Export Files To – Enter the default folder displayed when using the Export operations or
the “Save As” functions. If a folder is not entered, the system defaults to the “ExportDir”
folder in the “IRMS.ini” file. If neither of these is specified, then the system defaults to
the My Documents folder. If the system cannot save the file to My Documents, then the
system uses the IrmsTemp folder as the “Save As” location.
Clicking the Browse button next to the field to display the Export Directory pop up
window. Select the default folder to contain the Exported and “Save As” files.
IRMS User Guide
Letter Tab of User Preferences
The Letters tab controls the defaults displayed in the Response Letter window.
1. Click the Letters tab. The Letters window is displayed.
2. Field Defaults
The values entered in the Field Defaults section automatically populates the corresponding fields
on the Response Letters screen.
Letter Format – Select the Letter Format to automatically populate the field.
Language – Select the Language to automatically populate the field. If no value is
entered, the default is "English".
Opening – Select the Opening Template to automatically populate the field. If a value is
entered, this Opening Template is used anytime a Response Letter is created, even if
there is a more appropriate opening as determined by the Template Control process.
Closing – Select the Closing Template to automatically populate the field. If a value is
entered, this Closing Template is used anytime a Response Letter is created, even if there
is a more appropriate closing as determined by the Template Control process.
Signature – Select the Signature Code to automatically populate the field.
◄ User
Auto- ►
Launching IRMS
3. Action Defaults
Select the checkboxes in the Action Defaults section that correspond to the Response Letters
Print Label – Select this checkbox to select the Label checkbox in the Special Functions
Print Envelope – Select this checkbox to select the Envelope checkbox in the Special
Functions section.
Output to Printer/Enclosure – These fields are the defaults for the corresponding Print
checkboxes in the Output Enc section. If the Printer checkbox is selected, then the
response letter will be printed. If the Enclosure checkbox is selected, then the enclosures
will be printed along with the response letter.
Output to Fax/Enclosure – These fields are the defaults for the corresponding Fax
checkboxes in the Output Enc section. If the Fax checkbox is selected, then the response
letter will be faxed. If the Enclosure checkbox is selected, then the enclosures will be
faxed along with the response letter.
Output to E-mail/Enclosure – These fields are the defaults for the corresponding E-mail
checkboxes in the Output Enc section. If the E-mail checkbox is selected, then the
response letter will be e-mailed. If the Enclosure checkbox is selected, then the
enclosures will be e-mailed along with the response letter.
◄ User
Auto- ►
4. Edit My Signature button
This button displays the Signature Maintenance window. This window allows the user to make
changes to his/her own signature.
IRMS User Guide
Other Tab of User Preferences
The Other tab defines the parameters in IRMS that are user specific. This includes the stored sizes
and locations for monitors.
1. Click the Others tab. The Other window is displayed.
2. Miscellaneous Fields
Default IRMS Directory
Click the Browse button next to the Default IRMS Dictionary field to select a different
dictionary from the default dictionary used with the Word application.
Choosing a rep level from the FAQ Service Rep Default field will determine the level of
access that is auto-populated in the Find and Display FAQs screen the FAQs that this
user will have access to.
User Preference ▲
Auto-population ►
Automatically Reset Security Settings
Select the Automatically Reset Security Settings to automatically refresh Documents,
Enclosures, and Table updates when changes are made. The updated data is displayed in
pick lists without requiring the user to run the Reset Security option from the Tools
General Info Class Default
Select the General Info Class Default field to automatically populate Class field when
searching for a record in the Read General Information table.
Launching IRMS
◄ User Preference
Auto-population ▼
3. Other Parameters
Select the Parameter pick list to display the list of parameters. The Description contains a brief
explanation and the values for that parameter.
The number of days before today to check what AE Reports that are due. In a separate
step, an e-mail notification is sent and the AE cases are placed in the AE folder in My
Inbox. For example, if the value is “1”, then the system will check for AE Reports that
are due tomorrow. Enter the number of days prior to the due date for the AE Reports.
Expands the Question and Response text fields in Case Entry. Enter “Yes” in the
Description field to automatically expand these fields when the cursor is in these fields.
The default is no.
Values are “Never”, “Once” “Always”. This parameter determines how the Product pick
list is displayed throughout the system. If the value is “Never”, the Code and Trade
Name column are a fixed width. This is the default value. If the value is “Once”, the size
of the columns for Product Code and Trade Name are determined when the user logs into
IRMS. If the value is “Always”, the size of the columns for Product Code and Trade
Name are determined each time the Product pick list is selected from a window. For
“Once” and “Always”, the Product pick list displays the maximum width of the longest
Code and Trade Name fields. The width of the pick list may be limited by the screen
This parameter is used with Documentum. Enter the domain name for the Documentum
login screen in the Description field.
This parameter is used with Documentum. Enter the initial cabinet or folder when
selecting from Documentum.
This parameter is used with Documentum. Enter your user name for the Documentum
login screen.
Enter the user’s default label printer.
This parameter is used with Lotus Notes. Enter your command line for starting Lotus
Chapter 3
IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar and Toolbars
IRMS Main Menu
The IRMS Main Menu will always be the first screen displayed after logging into IRMS. The main
menu is comprised of drop down menus (i.e. Form), toolbar buttons (i.e. Case Entry), and command
buttons (i.e. Query Cases). Please note that the screen title bar lists your user ID to the right of the
menu title (i.e. IRMS Main Menu – SCP).
Additionally, two more bits of information are contained on this screen. First the version of IRMS
that you are running is listed in the lower left hand corner of the screen (i.e. Version
Secondly, the lower right hand corner indicates the location of IRMS in your system (i.e.
C:\ProgramFiles\IRMS5\IrmsProg.mde). These bits of information should be communicated to
the support staff of Online Business Applications any time you are calling with a question or problem.
Depending upon your group security, you may not see some of the drop down menus. Also
depending upon your group security some of the toolbar buttons and command buttons may be
IRMS Main Menu Screen Shot
IRMS User Guide
IRMS Main Menu Command Button Field Definitions
Case Entry – Clicking the
button will open the Case Entry screen. This is the
primary working screen within IRMS. When a request for information is received, data is entered
into IRMS via the Case Entry screen.
Query Cases – Clicking the
button will open the Case Query screen. This is a
powerful “query-by-form” screen that is used to find previously entered data for further processing.
Print Letters – Clicking the
button will open the Print Response Letters, Faxes,
and E-mails – Selection screen. This screen allows you to select records for batch output processing.
Documents – Clicking the
button will open the Document Maintenance screen.
This screen allows you to maintain a repository of documents that are used to create response letters.
Read FAQs – Clicking the
button will open the Read FAQs screen. This screen is
a collection of frequently asked questions and answers. It allows the user to quickly access responses
to the more commonly asked questions.
General Information – Clicking the
button will open the Read General
Information screen. This screen is a searchable database to store any non-medical general
Reports – Clicking the
button will open the IRMS Reporting Module screen. This
screen allows the user to order reports using several pre-defined report formats that can be sorted and
summarized in a variety of ways.
IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar, and Toolbars
Menu Bar
The Form Menu
The Form drop down menu contains items that are available on most screens displayed by IRMS.
Form Menu
Form View
Datasheet View
Top Left
Size To Fit
Save Size
& Location
Use Default
Print Setup
This is the normal view you see in most
screens of IRMS. One record is
presented with prompts for each field.
(Also see the Using Form View or
Datasheet View section.)
This view presents multiple records in a
spreadsheet format.
(Also see the Using Form View or
Datasheet View section.)
Many of the screens in IRMS contain
combo boxes that are filled with
information from another table in
IRMS. Data changed in those
underlying tables is not reflected in any
other screen that is in use unless the
Refresh item is chosen.
(Also see the Refreshing Table Values
Like any Windows screen, IRMS screens can be dragged around to
different places on the desktop. The Top Left item returns the active
screen to the extreme top and left of the IRMS window.
Most IRMS screens can be resized by dragging the edge of the screen to a
new location. The Size To Fit item is used to restore an IRMS screen to a
size that will show all the data.
IRMS can save the size and location of several screens. If you choose this
item, the forms size and location will be saved. Those settings will be
used each time that screen is opened.
This will cause IRMS to use the default size and location for this screen.
The Print item is used to print the active screen. This is a very basic
printout that duplicates the screen (placing as many records on each page
as it can). To get just the current record being displayed, be sure to click
the Selection option under the Print Range group.
Note: Many screens have a print command button that produces a report
specifically designed for that screen. Use that button for best results.
The Print Setup option (also available on the Print screen shown above)
brings up the Print Setup screen. This screen can be used to change the
printer for the current report. Context-sensitive help can be obtained by
using the question mark button that appears in the title bar of the form.
IRMS User Guide
Form Menu
IRMS can attempt to send the current screen via electronic mail by using
the Send option. This option may not work with all e-mail systems or if
your e-mail system has not been set up to interface to Microsoft Office.
If this option is selected while in Form View, all the underlying records
will be included in the message. For this reason, it is better to go to
Datasheet View and select the rows and columns desired. This will
designate the range of cells to be selected. While in datasheet view, click
in the first cell to be included (Top-most, left-most box) and, while
pressing the Shift key, click in the last cell to be included (Bottom-most;
right-most box). The selected cells will be highlighted.
The data to be sent must be converted to either a spreadsheet file or
a word processing file. Neither of these formats will exactly
duplicate the appearance of the screen. This item is intended to get
the information transferred in the most compatible way.
The screen that appears after clicking the OK button on the Select Format
selection will vary according to the e-mail software, but should be familiar
to the user. The data to be sent will appear as an attachment in the format
This item logs you off of IRMS, but brings up the IRMS LogIn screen. If
you do not want to login then hit Cancel and IRMS will close.
This item exits you from IRMS. Information contained in any open forms
will be saved.
IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar, and Toolbars
The Edit Menu
The Edit drop down menu contains several items related to the entering of data.
Edit Menu
Undo/Can’t Undo Typing
Cut Ctrl+X
Copy Ctrl+C
Office Clipboard Ctrl+B
Paste Ctrl+V
Replace Ctrl+H
This item is dimmed out until some
change is made to the current field.
When changes are made, the item
changes to Undo Typing.
This item will take the highlighted data,
remove it, and place it in the clipboard.
From the clipboard, it can be pasted into
another location later. Typing CTRL- X
(holding down the CTRL key and
hitting the X key) also does this.
This item will take the highlighted data
(without removing it), and place it in the
clipboard. From the clipboard, it can be
pasted into another location later.
Typing CTRL- C (holding down the
CTRL key and hitting the C key) also
does this.
This item will activate the Office Clipboard. Typing CTRL- B (holding
down the CTRL key and hitting the B key) also does this..
This item will insert the contents of the clipboard into the current cursor
location (the active / current field). Typing CTRL- V (holding down the
CTRL key and hitting the V key) also does this.
This item will bring up a Find screen specific to the current field.
Context-specific help may be obtained by using the question mark button
in the title bar of the Find screen. (Also see the Finding a Record Using
“Find and Replace” section in User’s Guide 3.)
This item will bring up a Replace screen specific to the current field. This
is a powerful command and should be used with extreme caution. Contextspecific help may be obtained by using the question mark button in the
title bar of the Replace screen. (Also see the Finding a Record Using
“Find and Replace” section in User’s Guide 3.)
IRMS User Guide
The Case Menu
The Case drop down menu contains the menu items used to process most cases.
Case Menu
Case Entry…
Case Query…
Print Letters…
Rep Memos…
Starts the Case Entry screen, the primary
working screen in IRMS.
Starts the Case Query screen. From there
you can find and select records for
processing in Case Entry.
Starts the Print Response Letters, Faxes, and E-mails – Selection
screen. From there you can process groups of responses.
Starts the Rep Notification Processing screen, which is a query screen to
search for letters for Rep Memos and Rep Copies. From there you can
keep your sales reps informed of activity in their area.
IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar, and Toolbars
The Tools Menu
The Tools drop down menu contains tools that are available on most screens displayed by IRMS.
Tools Menu
Starts the Document Search/Selection
Search Documents…
screen. From there you can find and view
any document defined in IRMS. (Also see
the Using the Documents Search/Selection
Screen section.)
Search Enclosures…
Starts the Enclosure Search/Selection
screen. From there you can find and view
any enclosure defined in IRMS. (Also see
the Using the Enclosure Search/Selection
Screen section.)
Search Reps…
Starts the Representative Search screen.
From there you can find representatives
defined in IRMS. (Also see the Finding
Representative Name and Address
Search Accounts…
Starts the Account Search screen. From
there you can find accounts defined in
IRMS. (Also see the Searching the
Account Table section.)
Starts the Contact Search screen. From
there you can find contacts defined in IRMS.
(Also see the Searching the Contact Table
Starts the Case Log Search screen. From there you can find case logs in
IRMS. (Also see the Searching the Case Log section.)
Starts the Change Password screen. From there you can change your
IRMS password. (Also see the To Set and/or Change Your Password
Starts the Logged In Users screen. From there you can see who is logged
in to IRMS.
Reinitializes IRMS. Use this when new documents (or any other items)
have been defined in IRMS since you last logged in. (Also see the
Resetting Security section.)
Starts the User Preferences screen. From there you can define many of
the defaults presented to you in IRMS. (Also see the Setting up
Individual User Preferences section.)
Starts the AutoCorrect screen. This is the standard AutoCorrect screen
found in Microsoft Office applications.
Starts the Microsoft Office Spelling check (if available on your
Starts the My Inbox screen. From there you can see a list of all of the
cases and follow ups to your User ID.
(Also see the My Inbox section.)
Starts the Attention screen. From there you can see a list of all of the
newly transferred cases to your User ID.
(Also see the Checking for Cases Requiring Your Attention section.)
Search Contacts…
Search Case Logs…
Change Password…
Logged In Users
Reset Security
User Preferences…
AutoCorrect Options…
Check Spelling…
“My Inbox” screen
“Attention-” screen
IRMS User Guide
Tools Menu
General Information
E-mail Corporate
Starts the Sources Checks Master screen. From there you can add and
make changes to the list of references that the user can check while
preparing a response to the question. (Also see the Maintaining the
Sources Checked Screen section.)
Starts the General Information Maintenance screen. From there you can
add and make changes to the list of non-medical related references that are
accessed through the Reference button on the IRMS Main Menu screen.
(Also see the Maintaining the General Information section.)
Starts the FAQ Maintenance screen. From there you can add and make
changes to the questions and answers that will make up the Read FAQs
screen. (Also see the Maintaining the FAQs section.)
Starts the E-mail Corporate screen. From there you can e-mail a
template to corporate about the active case. IRMS will merge information
from the active case into the template.
Communications Log
Starts the Communications Log screen. This logs e-mails sent thru
On-Call Staff Calendar
Starts the On-Call Staff Calendar screen. From there you can add
proxies and backups for your shift. (Also see the On-Call Staff Calendar
IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar, and Toolbars
The Documents Menu
The Documents drop down menu contains selections used for manipulating documents in IRMS.
The items in this menu will be explained in further detail in the IRMS Document Management
Documents Menu
Starts the Document Maintenance
screen. From there you can control the
documents used in IRMS.
Combo Documents…
Starts the Combo Documents
Maintenance screen. From there you
can create and maintain combination
document records and the documents
that comprise them.
Template Control…
Starts the Template Decision Table
screen. From there you can control how
IRMS uses opening and closing
Starts the Letter Formats screen. From there you can define multiple
letter formats and how IRMS will operate in order to produce letters in
those formats.
Starts the Images screen. From there you can instruct IRMS to insert
letterhead graphics, logos, signatures, and other enhancements to your
Starts the Document Log screen. From there you can see when and by
whom a change was made to a document.
Starts the Mass Document Change using MS-Word screen. From there
you can run a user-defined macro on a group of IRMS documents. Use
with extreme care! The macro will run on each document meeting the
selection criteria AND IS NOT REVERSIBLE! This option will only
be available through the IRMS – Main Menu screen.
Starts the Multiple Document Import screen. From here you can import
multiple documents. This option will only be available through the IRMS
– Main Menu screen.
Starts the Sample Document – Requester Information screen. From
here you can control the information printed on sample documents.
Letter Formats…
Document Log…
Mass Update…
Mass Import…
Sample Data…
IRMS User Guide
The Tables Menu
The Tables drop down menu allows you to maintain many of the underlying tables that IRMS uses to
present combo boxes of valid choices for many different fields. The tables are generally maintained
by the IRMS Administrator at your site. A detailed explanation of how to maintain these tables is
covered in the IRMS Administration Guide.
Tables Menu
Starts the Table Maintenance screen. From
there you can maintain the many tables in
IRMS that consist of just a description and
the many tables that consist of just a code
and a description. This screen includes the
ability to report on the table you are
Abstract Control
Starts the Abstract Maintenance screen.
From there you can maintain abstract
Starts the Account Maintenance screen.
From there you can maintain a list of
accounts that might call with a question.
Starts the Contact Maintenance screen.
From there you can maintain a list of
contacts that might call with a question.
Starts the Contact Class Maintenance
screen. From there you can maintain a list of
contact (profession) classes and their defaults
for salutation and degree.
Contact Class…
Postal Code…
Starts the Postal Code Maintenance screen. From there you can
maintain the postal/zip codes.
Starts the Product Maintenance screen. From there you can maintain
product information.
Starts the Representative Maintenance screen. From there you can
maintain the list of sales reps for your organization.
Representative Type…
Starts the Representative Type Maintenance screen. From there you can
define the representative types for your organization..
Rep/Postal Link…
Starts the Rep / Postal Code Link screen. From there you can maintain
the linkage between postal codes and representatives.
Starts the Shift Maintenance screen. From there you can define
information about the shifts assigned to people in IRMS.
Starts the Signature Maintenance screen. From there you can maintain
information about the people authorized to sign letters generated by
Starts the Watermarks Maintenance screen. From there you can define
the watermarks to be used in IRMS..
Starts the QC Site Maintenance screen. From there you can create and
maintain Quality Control or Manufacturing sites. This screen is used with
the Product Complaints module.
QC Site…
IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar, and Toolbars
Tables Menu
Terms Maintenance
Starts the MedDRA Terms Maintenance screen. From there you can
maintain all of the MedDRA terms.
Drug Dictionary…
Starts the Drug Dictionary screen. From there you can see a complete
list of all drugs..
Import Wizard…
Starts the IRMS - Import Wizard screen. From there you can import
records for several tables including accounts, representatives, rep/postal
links, and requests.
Starts the Code Converter screen. This screen allows the automatic
matching of codes from an external system to codes in IRMS. This
screen is for use with the Siebel Connector.
Code Converter
IRMS User Guide
The System Menu
The System drop down menu allows designated users to perform system maintenance tasks. The
tasks under the System menu are usually performed by the IRMS System Administrator at your
site. These tasks are described in detail in the IRMS Administration Guide.
System Menu
Add/Edit Users…
Security Log
Starts the Security Log screen. From
there you can see activity concerning
security settings.
Show Users…
Starts the Logged In Users screen. From
there you can see who is logged in to
Group Security…
Starts the Security screen. From there
you can add and modify the IRMSSpecific security. This is where you
control what a Group can see and do in
Document Security…
Starts the Document Security screen.
From there you can control who can see
individual documents.
Compact Databases…
Starts the Compact Attached Databases
warning box. From there you can agree
to compact your Microsoft Access Jet
Starts the Clean Up Docs warning box. From there you can agree to
remove documents from the DOCS folder if they are no longer associated
with Document records in IRMS.
Starts the Database Administration screen. From there you can
perform database administration functions including the attaching of data
tables to a new version of IRMS.
Clean Up Documents…
Database Administration
Starts the System Parameters screen. From there you can configure
IRMS for your site.
Division Parameters…
Starts the Division Parameters screen. From there you can configure
IRMS for your site.
Starts the Archive and/or Copy IRMS Data screen. From there you can
copy and/or archive data.
Starts the Move Cases screen. From there you can move all of the cases
from a country from one division to another division.
Starts an IRMS warning box. From there you can agree to delete old
records from the table that records each time a user logs into and out of
Move Cases…
Delete Current User
Starts the Add/Edit Users screen. From
there you can add new users and make
changes to current users to the Microsoft
Access security file.
IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar, and Toolbars
System Menu
Table Name Definitions
Acrobat Security…
EDL Parameters…
Starts the Sequence Number Maintenance screen. From there you can
modify the next available number in a variety of situations. This would
include changing the Case Number at the start of a new year.
Starts the Table Names Definitions screen. From there you can define
the "General" tables available in IRMS.
Starts the Acrobat Distiller – Security within IRMS screen. From
there you can specify the settings to be used when making secured PDF
Starts the External Document Library Parameters screen.
Starts the Watermark Maintenance screen. From there you can define
the watermarks to be used in IRMS.
IRMS User Guide
The Reports Menu
The Reports drop down menu contains items for running reports within IRMS. The items in this
menu will be explained in further detail in the IRMS Reporting Guide
Reports Menu
Table Listings
Report Generator
Periodic Reports
Starts the IRMS List Selection screen.
From there you can create listings of the
values entered in the underlying tables of
Starts the IRMS Reporting Module screen. From there you can define
and create a variety of reports based on case and response data.
Starts the Periodic Reports screen. From there you can order and make
changes to periodic reports. (This option is only available for cases with
Adverse Events.)
IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar, and Toolbars
The Window Menu
The Window drop down menu contains selections used for manipulating open windows in IRMS.
The items contained in this menu will vary based upon the number of open windows. IRMS allows
the user to leave multiple screens open. Each screen will, however, consume "system resources".
There will be a numbered list of all the open windows in IRMS at the bottom of this menu. Selecting
one of them will bring that window to the top and it will become the active window.
Window Menu
Tile Horizontally
Tile Vertically
Arranges open windows
horizontally across your screen
with the top and bottoms of
windows touching, like ceramic
Arranges open windows vertically
across your screen with the left and
right sides touching, like ceramic
Arrange Icons
Arranges open windows in a
"waterfall" pattern, one on top of
the other, exposing the Title Bar
of each window
Arranges icons.
Hides the active window.
Unhide previously hidden windows.
Size to Fit Form
List of Open Windows
Returns resized windows to their default values.
Displays a list of the screens open in IRMS.
IRMS User Guide
The Help Menu
The Help Menu contains menu items for obtaining assistance with IRMS.
Help Menu
Starts the IRMS help system.
About IRMS…
This item displays general information about IRMS.
IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar, and Toolbars
Shortcuts menu from the Case Entry Screen
The tasks under the Shortcuts menus will change depending upon the screen in use when the
Shortcuts menu is accessed. This drop down menu is accessed from the Case Entry screen by
clicking on the Shortcuts drop down menu.
Shortcuts Menu
Starts the Enhanced Datasheet View screen.
Enhanced Datasheet View
From there you can see selected "important"
information about multiple records in an
enhanced spreadsheet view.
Starts the Copy Requests or Prepare Mail
Merge Data screen.
Re-Open Case
Starts the Re-Open Case warning box. From
there you can agree to have the status of the case
changed back to "Open".
Saves the changes to the current case. Cases are
automatically saved when you leave the case.
This item does a save "on demand".
Starts the Case Communications Log screen.
From there you can view the activity for the
Starts the Select a Destination screen. From
there you send the case via e-mail.
Starts the E-mail Case Info form to send an email. E-mails are based on a pre-defined set of
e-mail templates.
Starts the Send Copy of this Case to Another
Department screen.
Starts the Case Attachments screen.
Starts the Case Correspondence screen for the current case.
Starts the Client Defined Fields screen for the current case.
Case Communications
E-mail Case Transfer
E-mail Case Info
Send Copy to Another
Case Correspondence
Client Data
Literature Request
Response Letters
Sources Checked…
Case Audit Trail
Case Log
Case Snapshot
Case Snapshot Preview
Print Letter
Delete Case
Starts the Literature Category Selection screen.
Starts the Case Note Pad screen for the current case.
Starts the Response Letters screen.
Starts the Sources Checked screen for the current case.
Opens the Case Audit Trail in "Print Preview" mode for the current case.
A history of the changes made to the case is displayed with who and what
was changed.
Starts the Case Log screen. From there you can see important transactions
for the case.
Prints a case snapshot for the current case.
Opens the Case Snapshot in "Print Preview" mode where several output
options are presented
Starts the Response Letter Processing screen. From there you can print
the response letters for the current case.
Starts the Delete Case warning box. From there you can agree to delete
the current case.
IRMS User Guide
Shortcuts menu from the Response Letters Screen
The tasks under the Shortcuts menus will change depending upon the screen in use when the
Shortcuts menu is accessed. This drop down menu is accessed from the Response Letters screen by
clicking on the Shortcuts menu.
Shortcuts Menu
Case Log
Choose Templates
Re-Open Letter
Currently not being used.
Changes the letter status and case status back to
“open” and re-opens the letter.
CC Names…
Makes a copy of the letter.
Begins a new letter for the current case.
Saves the letter.
Starts the Response Letter Copies screen.
Merge Fields…
Edit Letter
Bring up the Merge Fields screen.
Brings up the letter and you may make changes to
the letter.
Merges the letter.
Prints the letter
Allows you to view the letter. You may not make any changes to the
Deletes the letter.
Merge Letter
Print Letter
View Letter
Delete Letter
Displays major case changes with date and user.
IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar, and Toolbars
Shortcuts menu from the Document Maintenance Screen
The tasks under the Shortcuts menus will change depending upon the screen in use when the
Shortcuts menu is accessed. This drop down menu is accessed from the Document Maintenance
screen by clicking on the Shortcuts menu.
Shortcuts Menu
Edit Document
Edit Document Merge
Print an Enclosure Where
Used List
New Document
Copy Current Document
Copy File for Linking
Print Sample Document
Delete Document
Starts the Document Enclosures
From here you can associate
enclosures with this standard
Brings up a screen to define "mail
merge" fields specific to this
document. When this document
is used in a response letter, the
user will be prompted to fill in a
value for the defined merge
If this document is of Type "Enclosure", then this item will start the
EnclWhereUsed: Report screen. This screen will generate a report telling
you all the standard documents that have this enclosure associated with
Start working on a new document record of this same type.
Copy the current document record and make a new one whose status will
be "Pending".
Assists in placing a document in a Shared Folder based on division
parameters. (Used only for specific clients)
Print a sample letter based on the data specified in your Sample Data table.
This will take the opening and closing document specified, create "mailmerge" data based on the Sample Data, and create and print a letter with
this document as the "body" of the letter.
Changes the status of the current record to "Deleted". The NEXT time you
select records, this one will NOT appear.
IRMS User Guide
Case Entry Screen Toolbar
The following are explanations of the toolbar buttons available on the Case Entry screen.
Explanation and Comments
Form View - Displays the records one record at a time in a form.
Datasheet View - Displays multiple records in a spreadsheet
Enhanced Datasheet View - Displays selected information about
multiple records in an enhanced spreadsheet format. (See the
Case Entry Enhanced Datasheet View section.)
Find Open Cases – Finds all your open cases. (See the Finding
All of your Open Cases section.)
Case Query - Starts the Case Query screen. (See the IRMS
Main Menu – Query Cases section.)
Document Search - Starts the Document Search/Selection
screen. (See the Using the Document Search/Selection
Account Search - Starts the Account Search screen. (See the
Searching the Account Table section.)
Contact Search – Starts the Contact Search screen. (See the
Searching the Contact Table section.)
Smart Contact Search – Starts the Smart Contact Search which
allows the user to define the fields to search criteria in User
Preferences. (See the Smart Contact Search section.)
Display the record of the Representative associated with the
request – Starts the Representatives screen. This screen
displays all of the information for one sales representative at a
time. (See the Finding the Rep’s Name and Address section.)
IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar, and Toolbars
Duplicates Search - Starts a special version of the Case Query
screen. This screen looks for other cases that have the same Last
Name, Phone Number, and Postal Code as the current case. (See
the Finding Duplicate or Repeat Callers section.)
Duplicate Nsme Search - Starts a special version of the Case
Query screen. This screen looks for other cases that have the
same First and Last Name as the current case. (See the Finding
Duplicate or Repeat Callers section.)
Copy Case - Starts the Copy Requests or Prepare Mail Merge
Data screen. (See the Copying All or Part of a Case section.)
Save Case - Saves the changes to the current case. Cases are
automatically saved when you leave the case. This button does a
save “on demand.”
Send Case – Starts the Send Copy of this Case to Another
Department screen. (See the Sending a Case to Another
Department/User section.)
Response Letters - This button starts the Response Letters
screen. (See the Creating Standard Response Letters section.)
Note Pad - This button brings up the Notes screen. (See the
Using the Note Pad section.)
Product Complaint – Starts the Product Complaint Entry
screen, if it is installed on your system.
Adverse Event - This button starts the Adverse Event Data
Collection screen, if it is installed on your system.
Case Correspondence Management Screen – Starts the Case
Correspondence screen. (See the Case Correspondence
Management Screen section.)
Case Log – Starts the Case Log screen. (See the Case Log
Case Snapshot - Prints a Case Snapshot for the current case.
(See the Printing Case Snapshots section.)
Case Snapshot - Previews a Case Snapshot for the current case.
(See the Printing Case Snapshots section.)
Labels – Select specific labels to print. (See the Selecting
Specific Labels to Print section.)
IRMS User Guide
Print Submitted Letters for Case - Starts the Response Letter
Processing screen for the printing of submitted letters for the
current case. (See the Processing All Submitted Letters for
One Case section.)
Decrypt Contact information for an encrypted case. Allows a
user with the appropriate rights to decrypt the Case Contact
information. (See the Personal Identifying Date section.)
Delete Case - Deletes the current case. (See the Deleting a Case
Close - Closes the Case Entry form.
Toolbar Options – Add or remove buttons.
IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar, and Toolbars
Response Letters Screen Toolbar
The following are explanations of the toolbar buttons available on the Response Letters screen.
Explanation and Comments
Form view. Displays the records one record at a time.
Datasheet view. Displays multiple records in a spreadsheet format.
New. Starts a new response letter record.
Copy the current response letter record. (See the Copying the Current Response
Letter section.)
Save the current response letter record.
Starts the carbon copy screen. (See the Entering CCs for Response Letters
Merges all the pieces (opening, closing, document(s), reference(s), and data) into the
letter and generates the word processing document. (See the Merging and/or
Viewing the Response Letter section.)
Brings up the merged letter using word processing software to allow editing of the
letter. (If the letter has not been merged, that process will take place at this time.)
(See the Editing the Response Letter section.)
Brings up the merged letter using word processing software but will not allow
changes to the letter. (If the letter has not been merged, that process will take place at
this time.) (See the Merging and/or Viewing the Response Letter section.)
Starts the Labels screen. From there you can select specific labels to print. (See the
Selecting Specific Labels to Print section.)
Prints label to file.
Prints standard #10 envelopes.
Print Letter - Sends this letter to the printer.
Delete Letter - Deletes this response letter record. (See the Deleting the Response
Letter Record section.)
Exits from the response letter and returns to the Case Entry screen.
Chapter 4
Case Entry Processing Steps
The Case Entry screen is the primary working screen within IRMS. When you receive a request for
information, you enter this data into IRMS via the Case Entry screen. All of the information
collected for each case, including the final version of the response letters that were printed, is
permanently stored. Any part of this case history can be recalled at any time for review and analysis.
The IRMS Main Menu – Case Entry section will help you through the process of taking a new case
from beginning to end. All of the functionality of the Contact section of the Case Entry screen will
be explained, including adding a new contact, recording multiple contacts for a case, copying a
contact, deleting a contact, changing contact information, finding duplicate callers, and searching the
account and contacts table.
All of the functionality of the Question section of the Case Entry screen will be covered, including
adding a new question, recording multiple questions and responses, deleting a question, changing a
question, finding general information for a question, finding frequently asked questions, and using
documents as verbal responses.
All of the functionality of the Basic sections of the Case Entry screen will be explained, including
recording sources checked, finding rep names and addresses, entering information into the note pad,
entering client defined fields, printing case snapshots, adding a literature fulfillment case, sending a
case to another department, sending an e-mail to the sales rep, completing a case, updating a
completed case, reopening a case, changing a completed case, and deleting a case.
Any additional functionality of the Case Entry screen will be covered, including creating letters,
picking documents, searching for documents, picking combo docs, using question documents,
viewing standard documents, picking enclosures, searching for enclosures, viewing enclosures,
entering CCs for response letters, merging the response letter, re-opening a response letter, finding a
response letter, e-mailing a response letter, faxing a response letter, submitting a letter for processing,
creating quick response letters, processing letters, and using the mass print function.
IRMS User Guide
Case Entry Screen Shot
To access the Case Entry screen, click the
button on the IRMS Main Menu, or
button on the IRMS Main Menu toolbar, or select Case Entry… from the
click the
Case menu. The Case Entry screen is broken into 3 separate sections. The Basic Case sections
include the top row and the bottom portion of the screen. The Contact section is on the left side of
the screen. The Question section is located on the right side of the screen.
To see an explanation of each toolbar button, please see the Toolbar section. To see an explanation
of each drop down menu item, please see the Drop Down Menu section. To see a definition for each
field, please see the Field Definitions in Alphabetical Order – Case Entry Screen section. For
information on merge and replacement fields, refer to the Field Codes Guide.
Shortcut Keys for the Case Entry screen
The Shortcut Keys in Case Entry moves the cursor to the different areas of the screen. Below is the
shortcut key and field the cursor is moved to.
1 First Name
Contact Section
2 Address
Contact Section
3 E-mail
Contact Section
4 Product
Question Section
5 Question
Question Section
6 Response
Question Section
Case Entry Processing Steps
7 Request Via
Basic Case Section
8 Case Type
Basic Case Section
9 Service Rep
Basic Case Section
IRMS User Guide
Entering a Case into IRMS
When you receive a request for information, you enter this data into IRMS via the Case Entry
1. Upon starting a new case in IRMS, a few fields in the Basic Case section at the top of the Case
Entry screen will be filled automatically by IRMS. (See the Step 1 – Starting a New Case
2. Enter data into the Contact section of the screen. (See the Step 2 – Adding a New Contact
3. Enter data into the Question section of the screen. (See the Step 3 – Adding a New Question
4. Enter data into the bottom section of the screen. (See the Step 4 – Entering Basic Case
Information section.)
5. Provide a verbal response to the request. If a written response is also required proceed to step
6, if a verbal response is sufficient for this inquiry, proceed to step 7. (See the Step 5 –
Verbally Responding To the Requester section.)
6. Create a written response to the request. (See the Step 6 – Creating a Written Response
7. Process the written response either via printing, faxing, and/or e-mailing. (See the Step 7 –
Processing the Written Response section.)
8. Close the case. IRMS will store all of the data for reporting. (See the Step 8 – Completing
the Case section.)
Case Entry Processing Steps
Step 1 – Starting a New Case
1. From the Case Entry screen, click the
bottom of the screen.
button on the Case navigation bar at the very
Master Contact Required
2. If a Master Contact is required for a new case, the Contact Search screen is displayed. (A
Master Contact is required if the “RequireMasterContact” parameter on the Other tab in
Division Parameters is set to “Yes”.) If a Master Contact is not required, skip to New Case
Created section.
3. Enter the search criteria for the Contact. To use the Find 3 of 5 functionality, enter at least 3 of
the following fields and click the Find 3 of 5 toolbar button.
♦ First Name
♦ Last Name
♦ Phone
♦ Zip/Postal
♦ State/Region
Otherwise, enter the criteria and click the Find toolbar button.
4. If search results are found, the results are displayed in the Results section at the bottom of the
Contact Search screen. Select the appropriate Contact and click Create Case toolbar button. If
the contact is not displayed in the list, click Create Contact toolbar button, enter the contact
information and click the Create Case toolbar button. Skip to New Case Created.
5. If no results are found, a message window displays “No matching records were found.” Click
Create Contact toolbar button to enter the contact information into the Contact Master. Click
Create Case toolbar button to create a new case.
New Case Created
6. The next consecutive case number will be assigned by IRMS.
7. The Language, Division, and Department will be pre-set based on your User Preferences or based
on your Group Security.
8. The Status will default to Open or your User Preferences can be set to override this value.
9. If a Master Contact is required, the Contact information is populated, including the Contact ID.
10. You may now proceed to Step 2 – Adding a New Contact.
Screen Shot of the top section of Case Entry
IRMS User Guide
Step 2 - Adding a New Contact
Data in the Contact section must be entered in upper and lower case because it is used in the response
letter generated by the word application. The number of contacts that can be added to a case is
unlimited. This allows you to enter patients, reporters, doctors, and pharmacists.
If a Master Contact is required, most of the contact information is already populated. Enter any
additional information that is missing. If a Master Contact is not required, proceed with the
following steps and enter the contact information.
Note: If any of the Contact fields are encrypted, the field background is displayed in gray.
1. Enter the First and Last name of the requester. The Enter or Tab key will move you to the next
2. Enter the gender of the requester with an M or F. (Tabbing into this field can be turned off in the
Case Entry tab of System Parameters by your IRMS Administrator.)
3. The button to the right of the gender field indicates if this contact is the Primary Contact. A
Primary Contact is indicated by a red
button. The first contact entered is automatically
assigned as the Primary Contact. There must be one Primary Contact per case. To assign a
different Primary Contact, click the button. The button will change from
indicating that this contact is the Primary Contact. Prior to deleting a Primary Contact, a
different contact must be selected as the Primary Contact.
4. Enter the Phone and Fax numbers. Do not enter spaces or dashes, as IRMS will auto format the
numbers. IRMS can capture two phone numbers for the requester. Only the first phone number
will be linked to the address.
5. If there is a Contact Phone (second Phone Number) displayed, enter the Contact Phone. This
field is defined as an Optional Field in the Division Parameters.
6. If Attention is displayed, enter data into the Attention field if you wish. This field is defined as
an Optional Field in the Division Parameters.
7. Enter the Title of the requester.
Case Entry Processing Steps
8. Enter the Company name of the requester. This field can hold multi lines of data. To add lines
while remaining in this field, hit the Ctrl and Enter keys simultaneously. The Enter or Tab key
will move you to the next field.
9. If Department is displayed, enter the department of the requester in the Dept field. This field is
defined as an Optional Field in the Division Parameters.
10. Enter the Address. This field can hold multi lines of data, thus the Enter key will allow you to
add lines while remaining in this field. Use the Tab key to move to the next field.
11. If you enter the Country, it will appear as part of the address.
12. Enter the zip code in the Zip/Postal field. The City and State/Region will automatically be
populated. If there are multiple cities within a zip code, a menu will pop up for you to choose the
correct city. To override a city and/or state/region, simply type over the displayed value.
13. Choose the requester’s classification from the Class drop down menu. When the Class is
selected, the Gr (greeting), Sa (salutation) and De (degree) of the requester will be auto
populated. To override a greeting, salutation, and/or degree, simply type over the displayed
14. Choose the Type of contact (i.e. Health Professional)
15. If the Specialty field is displayed, enter the Specialty of the contact (i.e. Neurology or
Cardiology). (The Specialty field may be auto-populated from the selection of the Type.) This
field is defined as an Optional Field in the Division Parameters.
16. Enter any miscellaneous information in the Misc field.
17. Enter the E-mail address of the requester or select the Auto-Populate
Note: The Auto-Populate Email
button is activated when the OutlookAddressFolder
Parameter in the System Parameters is set to “Global Address List” or a contact folder in
Outlook. If there is more than one match, all matches are displayed in a window for a final
18. Choose the personal information to be hidden or visible from the P.I. Info pick list menu. This
will determine if the personal information will be visible or hidden for a Case Snapshot report.
19. If a Master Contact is required skip to Add Additional Contact section.
Add Contact Master
20. If the user has access to Contact Maintenance, the Add/Update Master button is displayed.
This button will check for the contact’s Last Name, First Name and Contact Phone Numbers. If
no Contact Master is found, the user is prompted to add the contact as show below.
Click “Yes” to add the Contact. Click “No” to return to the Case Entry screen. If a Contact
Master is added, the AddNewMasterContact window is displayed.
IRMS User Guide
Click “OK” to acknowledge that the record was added.
21. If a Contact Master is found, all matching records are displayed in the Contact Search screen as
Select the correct contact information and proceed with the steps for using a contact from the
Contact Search screen.
22. If a single Contact is found that matches the Last Name, First Name, and Phone Number, but
other contact information is different, the old and new contact information is displayed and the
user is prompted to update the information. The screen is shown below.
Case Entry Processing Steps
23. To update the Contact Master, click Update Master. To cancel the updates, click Cancel. If the
Contact Master is updated, an additional window is displayed stating the Contact was updated as
shown below.
Click OK to return to the Case Entry screen.
Add Additional Contact
24. To add an additional contact, right-click in the Contact section of the Case Entry screen and
select New Contact from the right-click menu or click the
navigation bar, as shown below.
button on the Contact record
Copy Contact to New Case
25. To copy the current contact to a new case, right-click in the Contact section of Case Entry and
select Copy Contact to New Case. A new case is initiated with the current contact information.
If the user is “Non-Divisional”, a pop up window is displayed prompting the user to select a
Division. Any fields that are Divisional are cleared.
Master Contact Required for Additional Contacts
26. If a Master Contact is required for a new case, the Contact Search screen is displayed. (A
Master Contact is required if the “RequireMasterContact” parameter on the Other tab in
Division Parameters is set to “Yes”.) If a Master Contact is not required, skip to Master
Contact Not Required section.
27. Enter the search criteria for the Contact. To use the Find 3 of 5 functionality, enter at least 3 of
the following fields and click the Find 3 of 5 toolbar button.
♦ First Name
♦ Last Name
♦ Phone
♦ Zip/Postal
♦ State/Region
Otherwise, enter the criteria and click the Find toolbar button.
28. If search results are found, the results are displayed at the bottom of the Contact Search screen.
Select the appropriate Contact and click Create Case toolbar button. If the contact is not
displayed in the list, click Create Contact toolbar button, enter the contact information and click
Add to Current Case toolbar button. Skip to Required Field Processing section.
IRMS User Guide
Master Contact Not Required
If no results are found, a message window displays “No matching records were found.” Click Create
Contact toolbar button to enter the contact information into the Contact Master. Click Add to
Current Case toolbar button to continue. Continue entering contact information as described above.
Add Account Master
29. If the user has access to Account Maintenance, the Add/Update Acct button is displayed. This
button checks Last Name, First Name and Contact Phone Number before adding an account. If
no Account Master is found, the user is prompted to add the account as show below.
30. Click “Yes” to add the Account. Click “No” to return to the Case Entry screen. If an Account
Master is added, the AddNewMasterAccount window is displayed.
Click “OK” to acknowledge that the record was added.
31. If there is a Contact Master associated with the current case, the Case Contact has a Master
Contact screen is displayed.
Click “Yes” to link the Master Contact in the Case to the new Master Account record just
created. Click “No” to return to Case Entry without linking the account.
Case Entry Processing Steps
32. If an Account Master is found, all matching records are displayed in the Account Search screen
as shown.
33. Select the correct account information and proceed with the steps for using an account from the
Account Search screen.
34. If a single Account is found that matches the Last Name, First Name, and Phone Number, but
other contact information is different, the old and new contact information is displayed and the
user is prompted to update the information as shown.
35. To update the Account Master, click Update Master. To cancel the updates, click Cancel. If the
Account Master is updated, an additional window is displayed stating the Account was updated.
Click OK to return to Case Entry.
IRMS User Guide
Add Additional Contact
36. To add an additional contact, right-click in the Contact section of the Case Entry screen and
select New Contact from the right-click menu or click the
navigation bar, as shown below.
button on the Contact record
Required Field Processing
37. If a field contains an “*” to the left of the field label, then the field is a required field and must
contain data before The case is completed. Choosing fields to be required is specified through the
Required Fields tab of System Parameters.
The E-mail field requires data, whereas the Type field and the Misc field do not require data
before completing this case.
If you try to complete a case with required fields left blank, IRMS will provide a warning box and
will not allow you to complete the case.
The following fields can be setup to auto-populated from the Contact tab of the User
Preferences: Country, Class, Salutation, Degree, Type, and P.I. Info.
38. You may now proceed to Step 3 – Adding a New Question.
Case Entry Processing Steps
Step 3 - Adding a New Question
Data in the Question section must be entered in upper and lower case because it may be used in the
Response Letter generated by the word application. The number of questions that can be added to a
case is unlimited. This allows you to segregate each question and answer. Each question for a case
can have multiple Abstracts, FAQs, Resolutions, and Verbal Documents. The Multiple Documents
button ( ) is displayed if the Question Section values for Abstracts, FAQs, Resolutions, and
Verbals are set to “Multiples” on the Case Entry/Resp Letters tab in the Division Parameters.
Restrict Viewing Resolution for a Question
If a user does not have rights to view a question as defined by the
Service Level in Document Maintenance, the background for the
question is yellow and a message is displayed stating “The data in this
response exceeds your access level”. The user cannot change the
information on the screen as shown.
Enter Question Information
1. Select the Product that the question pertains to from the pick list menu. If applicable, this will
cause the Product Status and Status Date fields to be automatically populated.
Note: If the UserAccessByProduct parameter is set to “Yes” in the System Parameters, the
Product pick list will only display the Products the Service Representative is authorized to
2. Choose the NDC, Topic, and Category to which this question pertains from the appropriate pick
lists. (The Category may be auto-populated from the Topic selection.)
3. If the Abstract field is displayed, any Abstract can be selected. (This field is defined as an
Optional Field in the Division Parameters).
Multiple Abstracts can be entered for the same question if the Multiple Abstracts button is
displayed as shown below.
IRMS User Guide
An optional method of displaying Multiple Abstracts is to press ALT + CTRL +A.
If the Multiple Abstracts button is not displayed, only one Abstract can be selected for this
To select a single Abstract, point to the pick list and click an Abstract.
To select multiple Abstracts, click the Multiple Abstracts button. A new window is displayed
with Abstracts for the Product, Category, and Topic selected in the Response section of Case
Entry. . Any Abstract without a Global Product is also displayed.
All Abstracts that meet the criteria are initially displayed in selected order. To narrow the
selection, click one of the Alphabet buttons to the left. To sort the Abstracts in ascending or
descending order of any field, click the column heading.
Note: To display Abstracts that begin with a multi-byte character, click All.
To select all Abstracts, on the Multiple Abstracts toolbar, click Select All.
To exclude all Abstracts, on the Multiple Abstracts toolbar, click Select None.
To select specific Abstracts, select the checkbox to the left. Clear the check box to exclude the
Abstract. Another method is to use the Up and Down arrows to highlight the Abstract and then
press the Space Bar to check or uncheck the check box. This first selected Abstract is displayed
in Case Entry.
To select a Non Standard Abstract, enter the Abstract name in the field and click Add.
To Exit this screen, click X from the screen or on the Multiple Abstracts toolbar, click Close.
The Case Entry screen is redisplayed. If multiple Abstracts are selected, the Multiple Abstracts
button is displayed in red.
Case Entry Processing Steps
Note: To view all the selected Abstracts, hover over the Multiple Abstracts button.
4. Enter the text of the Question asked. This field can hold multi lines of data, thus the Enter key
will allow you to add lines while remaining in this field. Use the Tab key to move to the next
5. If the Notes button is displayed, then additional information about the question can be entered by
clicking the Notes button to the left of the Question text box. A notepad is displayed to capture
additional information. The information cannot be queried or reported on. It is not displayed in
the Case Snapshot, but is displayed in the Audit Trail report. (This button is defined as an
Optional Field in the Division Parameters)
6. If the Classification and Sub Classification fields are displayed, the Question data can be further
grouped. (This field is defined as an Optional Field in the Division Parameters). To enter
these fields, click the pick list and select a classification. (The Classification and Sub
Classification are defined in General Table Maintenance.)
7. Enter either a single FAQ or Multiple FAQs.
Single FAQ
To select a single FAQ, click the FAQ button as shown.
The Find and Display FAQs window is displayed as shown.
If needed, change the search criteria, and click Manual Find. The screen is redisplayed with the
FAQs that meet the search criteria.
To use an FAQ in a Response, highlight the FAQ and click Use in Response. The FAQ is
appended to the existing Question and Response and the Case Entry screen is displayed.
IRMS User Guide
To exit this screen, click X in the window or Close on the FAQ toolbar. The Case Entry screen
is displayed.
Case Entry Processing Steps
Multiple FAQ’s
Multiple FAQs can be entered for the same question if the Multiple FAQs button is displayed as
shown below. (The Multiple FAQs button is displayed if the Multiple FAQs parameter in the
Division Parameters is set to “Yes”.)
An optional method of displaying Multiple FAQs is to press ALT + CTRL +F.
To select multiple FAQs, click the Multiple FAQs button. A new window is displayed with
FAQs for this Product, Category, and Topic.
All FAQs that meet the criteria are displayed.
To select all FAQs, click Select All from the toolbar.
To exclude all FAQs, click Select None from the toolbar.
To change the layout of the window, point to one of the headings and select the right-click menu.
The Show Fields and Save Layout options are displayed. Click Show Fields to select and
reorder the fields displayed in the window and then click OK. Click Save Layout to save the
new changes.
To select specific FAQs, select the checkbox to the left. Clear the check box to exclude the FAQ.
Another method is to use the Up and Down arrows to highlight the checkbox and press the Space
Bar to check or uncheck the check box. The first selected FAQ is displayed in Case Entry.
To view the specific FAQ, highlight the FAQ and click View on the toolbar.
To replace the question and response with an FAQ, highlight the FAQ and click Replace Q/R on
the toolbar.
To append the FAQ to the existing question and response, highlight the FAQ and click Append
Q/R on the Multiple FAQ’s toolbar.
To exit this screen, click X in the window or Close on the Multiple FAQs toolbar. The Case
Entry screen is redisplayed. If multiple FAQs are selected, the Multiple FAQs button is
displayed in red.
Note: To view all the selected FAQs, hover over the Multiple FAQs button. The selected FAQs
are displayed in a drop down list.
IRMS User Guide
8. If the Resolution field is displayed, either a single Resolution or Multiple Resolutions can be
selected. (This field is defined as an Optional Field in the Division Parameters).
Multiple Resolutions can be entered for the same question if the Multiple Resolutions button is
displayed as shown below.
An optional method of displaying Multiple Resolutions is to press ALT + CTRL +R.
If the Multiple Resolutions button is not displayed, only one Resolution can be selected for this
To select a single Resolution, point to the pick list and click a Resolution.
To select multiple Resolutions, click the Multiple Resolutions button. A new window is
displayed with Resolutions for this Resolution Type.
All Resolutions that meet the criteria are displayed in alphabetical order. To narrow the selection,
click one of the Alphabet buttons to the left. To sort the Resolutions in ascending or descending
order, click the column heading.
Note: To display Resolutions that begin with a multi-byte character, click All.
To select all Resolutions, on the Multiple Resolutions toolbar, click Select All.
To exclude all Resolutions, on the Multiple Resolutions toolbar, click Select None.
To select specific Resolutions, select the checkbox to the left. Clear the check box to exclude the
Resolution. Another method is to use the Up and Down arrows to highlight the Resolution and
then press the Space Bar to check or uncheck the check box. The first selected Resolution is
displayed in Case Entry.
To Exit this screen, click X from the screen or on the Multiple Resolutions toolbar, click Close.
The Case Entry screen is redisplayed. If multiple Resolutions are selected, the Multiple
Resolutions button is displayed in red.
Case Entry Processing Steps
Note: To view all the selected Resolutions, hover over the Multiple Abstracts button.
9. The Contact field assigns the question to one of the contacts that appear in the Contact section.
To change the Contact, point to the pick list and click a different contact name.
10. If the Owner field is displayed, select the user id of the person responsible for answering the
question from the Owner pick list. To see a list of the available users click on the Owner box.
This field is defined as an Optional Field in the Division Parameters.
11. Enter the text of the Response given verbally. To help in answering the question the following
options are available:
If the question is a frequently asked question, click the
button. (See the Using the
Frequently Asked Questions Screen section located later in this chapter.)
If you need to use the General Information screen to help in answering the question, click
button. (See the Finding General Information for a Question section located
later in this chapter.)
To select a document and read it to the caller: select a standard document from either of the
two drop down menus below the Response field. Click the
You may need to use the Document Search/Selection screen. (See the Using the Document
Search/Selection Screen section or the Using Documents as Verbal Responses section, which
are both located later in this chapter.)
12. Check the Verbal box only if this question is to be recorded and reported as a “verbal” response
independent of any letters sent. (If you change the Status of the case from Open to Completed,
IRMS will automatically check the Verbal box.) If a written response is required, you must
create a Response Letter, which can be sent as 67 67a letter, fax, and/or e-mail. (For more
information on providing a written response, see the Creating Standard Response Letters
section, which is located later in this chapter.)
Multiple Verbal Documents can be entered for the same question if the Multiple Verbal
Documents button is displayed as shown below.
An optional method of displaying Multiple Verbal Documents is to press ALT + CTRL +D.
If the Multiple Verbal Documents button is not displayed, only one Verbal can be selected for
this question.
To select a single Verbal, point to the pick list and click a Verbal Response.
To select multiple Verbal Responses, click the Multiple Verbal Documents button. A new
window is displayed with Verbal Responses for the Product and Category selected in the
Response section of Case Entry.
IRMS User Guide
To sort the multiple Verbal Documents in ascending or descending order, click any of the column
Note: To display multiple Verbal Documents that begin with a multi-byte character, click All.
To select all Verbal Documents, on the Multiple Verbal Documents toolbar, click Select All.
To exclude all Verbal Documents, on the Multiple Verbal Documents toolbar, click Select
To view the highlighted Verbal Documents, on the Multiple Verbal Documents toolbar, click
View. The Verbal Documents are displayed.
To search for Verbal Documents, on the Multiple Verbal Documents toolbar, click Doc Search.
The Document Search screen is displayed.
If multiple documents are selected for one question and the Multiple Verbal Documents feature is
turned on, all the documents are associated with one question. Otherwise, only one Verbal
Document is allowed per question.
To select specific Verbal Documents, select the checkbox to the left. Clear the check box to
exclude the Verbal Document. Another method is to use the Up and Down arrows to highlight
the Verbal Document and then press the Space Bar to check or uncheck the check box. The
first selected Verbal Document is displayed in Case Entry.
To Exit this screen, click X from the screen or on the Multiple Verbal Documents toolbar, click
Close. The Case Entry screen is redisplayed. If multiple Verbal Documents are selected, the
Multiple Verbal Documents button is displayed in red.
Note: To view all the selected Verbal documents, hover over the Multiple Verbal Documents
Case Entry Processing Steps
13. The Question Owner defaults to the Service Representative entering the case. The Owner can
be changed by selecting a different Service Representative from the pick list.
14. If the Q Status and Completed fields are displayed, the status of the question remains open until
it is completed. To complete the question, click “Completed” from the pick list. The Completed
Date is automatically populated when the question is completed. All questions must be
completed before the case Status can be changed to “Completed”. The Q Status can be accessed
in Query and Reporting.
15. To add an additional question, either right-click in the Question section of the Case Entry screen
and select
from the right-click menu or click the
record navigation bar, as shown below.
button on the Question
16. You may now proceed to Step 4 – Entering Basic Case Information.
IRMS User Guide
Step 4 - Entering Basic Case Information
This section records information about the sales rep, service rep and information about how the
case is/was handled.
1. Choose Representative or Non-Representative from the Request Via pick list. (The Request Via
can be set up to be auto-populated through the Case Entry tab of your User Preferences.)
, or the
2. If you need to enter a sales rep for this case, then choose from either the
tables. A selection from one of these tables will populate each of these fields in
addition to the Rep Type and Rep Contact fields.
If a sales rep does not need to be entered for this case, leave the
Type, and Rep Contact blank.
, Rep
3. Select the CC? field if you would like a copy of the response letter to be sent to the selected sales
representative. (Checking this field will automatically insert the sales representative into the
Response Letter Copies screen.). This checkbox may be selected or deselected based on the
Representative Type and User Preferences.
4. Enter data in the field or select from the Misc Data pick list. This field is an additional
miscellaneous field for you to use at your company’s discretion.
5. Select the Case Type, Priority, Source, Entry Period, and Handling from the appropriate pick
The Case Type, Source, Entry Period, and Handling can be set up to be auto populated through
the Case Entry tab in User Preferences.
The Case Type, Priority, Source, Entry Period, and Handling pick lists are setup in the General
option from the Tables menu.
Note: The font color for the priority field is displayed in the color defined in the “Case Priority”
table defined in the General option on the Tables menu. For example, High Priority can be
displayed in red.
6. If the Case Product field is displayed, it is automatically populated with the product from the
first question. The Case Product field can be changed by selecting a different product from the
pick list.
Subsequent questions for the case are automatically populated with the product in the Case
Product field. If the value in the Division Parameters for Case Product is set to “Force”, the
Case Entry Processing Steps
product cannot be changed for subsequent questions. If the value is set to “Default”, a different
product can be selected from the pick list in subsequent questions.
Note: This field is only displayed if the Case Product parameter in Division Parameters
is set to “Force” or “Default”.
7. The Service Rep will be pre-filled based on the User ID used when starting IRMS.
8. The Ref to will be filled with the person currently assigned the responsibility for the case. To see
a listing of all available users, click on the Ref to button. (The Ref to can be set up to be autopopulated through the Case Entry tab of your User Preferences.) (See the Re-assigning a Case
to Another Department/User section located under the Additional Functionality of the Case
Entry Screen heading.)
9. The Entered and Received dates will be filled by IRMS. The Entered Date can be locked in
Division Parameters. The Received Date can not be greater than the Entered Date. If the user
enters a Received Date greater than the Entered Date, the following warning will arise:
10. The 1st Response date will be filled by IRMS once any initial response is sent out (i.e. the Verbal
box is checked or the first letter/fax/e-mail is sent). ┼Version Note: this field was added in
IRMS Version
11. The Completed date is automatically populated by IRMS when the case is closed. The
Completed date cannot be changed unless the security group you are in has rights to update the
Completed Case Date. (For further information, see the Group Security section in the
Administration Guide.)
12. The Days…1st Resp field is automatically populated by IRMS once an initial response is sent
(i.e. the Verbal box is checked or the first letter/fax/e-mail is sent). This field represents the
number of work days (Monday through Friday) from the Entered Date to the 1st Response
Date. If the completed time is less than one day, it is displayed in hours and minutes.
13. The Days…Comp field is automatically populated by IRMS once the case is completed. This
field represents the number of work days (Monday through Friday) from the Entered Date to the
Completed Date. If the completed time is less than one day, it is displayed in hours and minutes.
14. You may now proceed to Step 5 – Verbally Responding to the Requester.
IRMS User Guide
Step 5 – Verbally Responding to the Requester
IRMS provides documents at your fingertips that can be read to a contact via the phone. If reading
this information to a contact is sufficient and no written document is necessary, IRMS can store this
case as a verbal response.
To Provide a Verbal Response:
1. Access any information necessary to answer the inquiry. This information can be attained from
the FAQs screen (see the Looking for Frequently Asked Questions section), the General
Information screen, the Sources screen, the document drop down menus located to the right of the
verbal check box, and/or entering the Document Search/Selection screen via the Standard button
or the Global button (see the Using Documents as Verbal Responses section.)
2. Answer the question by reading the documents to the inquirer.
3. Close the case. To close the case, select “Completed” from the Status combo box on the Case
Entry screen -. Upon completing the case, IRMS will check the Verbal
check box -, also located on the Case Entry screen. The data will be stored for
4. Since no written response is necessary, you may skip to Step 8 – Completing the Case. If a
written response is necessary, do not complete the case, and proceed to Step 6 – Creating a
Written Response.
Looking for Frequently Asked Questions
If the inquiry is a frequently asked question (FAQ), IRMS contains a special screen dedicated for
finding these questions and their responses quickly.
1. Access the Find and Display FAQs screen, by clicking the
section of the Case Entry screen.
button in the Question
5. If a product had been selected in the Question section, the list of FAQs will be based solely on
the selected product. The FAQs list can be increased or limited by selecting the
button and adjusting the search criteria. Enter information into the criteria
search section that will assist you in refining your search for the proper FAQ and answer. When
the Auto Find field is checked, this screen will automatically find the appropriate FAQs as you
input information into the Search Criteria fields.
Note: The FAQs displayed is limited to the FAQs with the statuses defined in the
FAQResponseStatuses parameter on the Other tab in Division Parameters.
Case Entry Processing Steps
6. To view a specific FAQ, simply double click on the appropriate row containing the FAQ. The
FAQ and Answer screen will be displayed containing the full formatted response.
7. If this question and answer is indeed the appropriate response, click the
insert this information into your Question and Response fields in Case Entry.
button to
IRMS User Guide
Using Documents as Verbal Responses
IRMS allows you to view the contents of a standard document while answering a question. You can
do this in one of two ways. First you can choose a document from the Doc ID or Doc Title fields in
the Question section of the Case Entry screen. Secondly, you can choose a document from the
Document Search/Selection screen.
To Find a Document from the Doc ID or Title combo boxes:
The Doc ID and Doc Title fields are the two unlabeled fields found at the bottom of the Question
section. The Document ID Numbers and Document Title combo box fields are populated with the
Standard Documents available for the Product specified as well as all documents that have not been
assigned to a specific product. The two fields will display the same documents.
1. Select one of the arrows on either the Doc ID combo box or the Document Title combo box. If a
product was selected, then the combo box will be populated with Documents that have been
assigned to this specific product. In addition, Documents that have not been assigned a specific
product will also be available at the bottom of this list.
2. Select the appropriate document, by clicking anywhere on its row. The Doc ID and Document
Title fields will be populated with the selected document.
3. To view this document, click the
Word in Read-only mode.
button. The document will be shown in Microsoft
4. Read the document to the caller.
5. If the information is sufficient for this inquiry and no written response is necessary, close the case
by selecting “Completed” from the Status combo box in Case Entry. IRMS will store the data
for reporting.
Note: If all required fields have not been populated in Case Entry, then the Status can not be
changed to “Completed”. An IRMS warning box will open such as shown below:
6. Since no written response is necessary, you may skip to Step 8 – Completing the Case. If a
written response is necessary, do not complete the case, and proceed to Step 6 – Creating a
Written Response.
Case Entry Processing Steps
To Find a Document using the Document Search screen:
IRMS provides a powerful query screen that allows you to enter or delete criteria to either increase or
limit your selection of documents.
1. From the Case Entry screen, click the
(Launch Document Search) toolbar button or select
from the Tools drop down menu. Additionally, you may enter the
Document Search/Selection screen by clicking the
buttons in the Question
In the above example, the product ACULAR had been selected from Case Entry, therefore it is
populating the Product field.)
2. If a product had been selected from the Case Entry screen, it will be pre-filled in the Product
field on the Document Search screen. Your department and division will also be carried over
into the Document Search criteria fields. (The Type, Status, and Dept for this document search
can be set up in your User Preferences to pre-populate the corresponding fields.) Enter as much
or as little data in the fields that could possibly help refine your search. All search criteria data
can be deleted simply by clicking the
toolbar button.
(Please note that if the Type is Global, the search criteria will change slightly, than if any of the
other types are selected.)
3. Once the search criteria is entered, click the
toolbar button.
4. All documents that meet your search criteria will be listed. Select the document(s) you want to
use, by clicking the box in the first column that corresponds with the appropriate document(s).
5. You may view the document from the Document Search/Selection screen in two ways. First
you can select the
toolbar button. This will show you the text of the document. If you
would like to see the actual document, click the
document in Microsoft Word Read-only mode.
toolbar button. This will bring up the
6. To select the document as a verbal document, click the
toolbar button. This will insert
the selected document’s information into the Product, Category, Topic, Doc ID and Doc Title
fields in Case Entry. (If you have already entered something different in any of these fields, you
IRMS User Guide
will be prompted before that data is changed.) Additionally, IRMS will check the Verbal check
box. (Please note the status of the case is still “Open”.)
7. To view the selected document from Case Entry, click the
will be displayed in Microsoft Word Read-only mode.
toolbar button. The document
8. Read the document to the caller.
9. If the information is sufficient for this inquiry and no written response is necessary, close the case
by selecting “Completed” from the Status combo box in Case Entry. IRMS will store the data
for reporting.
Note: If all required fields have not been populated in Case Entry, then the Status can not be
changed to “Completed”. An IRMS warning box will open such as shown below:
10. Since no written response is necessary, you may skip to Step 8 – Completing the Case. If a
written response is necessary, do not complete the case, and proceed to Step 6 – Creating a
Written Response.
Case Entry Processing Steps
Step 6 – Creating a Written Response
When a written response is required for a requester, a Response Letter must be created. The
Response Letter initially is stored as separate documents that will be combined during the merge
process to form the letter. This provides IRMS more flexibility in producing letters and allows the
user to essentially customize each letter by simply clicking a few buttons. The individual documents
are stored as opening templates, closing templates, standard document(s), references, and enclosures.
For more information regarding this process, see the Response Letter Management chapter in the
Document Management Guide.
Security Restrictions
The user creating new Response Letters needs “Create” privileges granted in Group Security.
The user can only view documents for the Level granted in Group Security. For example, if the
security for the group is set up to grant access to Level 1 documents, only Level 1 documents are
displayed for the user to select. Searching documents is also restricted to the Level assigned to
the group.
The user can only select E-mail templates for the Level granted in Group Security. For
example, if the security for the group is setup to grant access to Level 2 E-mail Templates, only
Level 2 E-mail templates are displayed.
Steps To Creating a Standard Response Letter
Response Letters are created from the Response Letters screen. The Response Letters screen is
divided into the following three sections: Letter Information, Documents Used in this Letter, and
Enclosures Used in this Letter. A description of each field can be found at the end of this section.
An explanation of each toolbar button is explained in detail in the Toolbar section of this manual.
IRMS User Guide
Shortcut Keys for the Response Letter screen
The Shortcut Keys in Response Letters moves the cursor to different areas of the screen. Below is the
shortcut key and field the cursor is moved to.
1 Contact
2 Documents Used in this Letter
3 Enclosures Used in this Letter
1. Access the Response Letters screen, by clicking the
button on the Case Entry toolbar or by
clicking the
button in the bottom portion of the Case Entry screen. The Response
Letters screen will open.
2. If no letters currently exist for this case, a new letter will automatically be started upon entering
button on the
the Response Letters screen. If letter(s) already exist for this case, click the
Letters navigation bar to begin a new letter.
3. Some of the fields will be populated automatically with data from the corresponding fields of the
Case Entry screen including the Contact and Product. You may modify either of these fields.
4. IRMS will go through a pre-determined process, set up in Template Control, and will select the
appropriate Format, Opening, and Closing for you. (Some fields may be populated
automatically with information from the Letter… tab of your User Preferences – if a format,
opening, and closing have been selected in your User Preferences, these will override any that
IRMS would have selected.)
5. A Signature can be pre-populated from your User Preferences. If not, you must select a
Signature from the pick list.
Note: If the Case Product parameter in Division Parameters is set to “Force” or
“Default”, the signature assigned in Product Maintenance defaults to the signature for
the letter. The signature can be changed by selecting a different signature from the pick
6. Verify if the Contact, Format, Opening, Closing, Signature, and Language are correct.
Modify any information, if necessary, by selecting from the drop down lists or entering valid
information manually.
7. Select the document(s) to be included in this letter. The standard documents make up the body of
the Response Letter. The options are individual standard documents, combination documents,
and/or question documents. Once document(s) are inserted into the Document section, viewing
it can be done by selecting the appropriate document and then clicking the
Case Entry Processing Steps
Individual standard documents can be chosen individually through the Document Title pick
list. If a product has been chosen, the only options available in the pick list will be those
documents that are attached to the current product.
Note: If the Document Sub Type is defined with an Output of “Verbal”, the document is
not displayed in the list. If a Verbal document is selected, a warning message is displayed.
Another method for selecting individual standard documents is to use the Document
Search/Selection screen. To access this screen, select the button or select
from the Tools drop down menu. This screen is a powerful query
screen that allows you to enter or delete criteria to either increase or limit your selection of
documents. Some fields may be pre-populated based on entries from the case. (Please note,
at any time you may delete all of the criteria fields to reset your search by clicking
.) You may further refine your search by entering data into one or more
additional fields.
Select the
toolbar button. Click the check box to the left of the document(s) you
want to use in the Response Letter and then click the
toolbar button.
The selected document(s) will be inserted into the Document section of the Response
Letters screen. Some documents may have enclosures attached to them and if this is the
case, their enclosures will automatically populate the Enclosure section of the Response
Letters screen.
IRMS User Guide
A combination document is a document in which two or more documents have been prelinked together. A combo document can be selected by clicking on the
button. The button will become a drop down list of combination documents. Selecting a
combo doc will populate the Document section of the Response Letter screen.
A question document refers to the document that was previously selected in the Question
section of Case Entry. To insert the documents from the Question section into the Response
Letters screen, click the
button. (If the documents selected in Case Entry
were "pending" documents, then IRMS will provide a warning box and will not allow you to
use these pending documents in the response letter. All documents used in response letters
must be approved.
Note: If UseQuestionDocsOptions in the Other tab in Division Parameters is set to “Use
Standard”, then the Product, Category, Topic and Abstract from the Document metadata is
used, otherwise the Product, Category, Topic, and Abstract from the Question is used.
8. Select any enclosures to be included in the letter. If there is not enough information displayed in
the Enclosure section, the fields displayed can be changed. After changing the fields to view for
an enclosure, select the enclosure.
Working with Enclosures
Changing Enclosure Display
Additional and/or different enclosure information can be displayed in the Enclosure section. To
change the information displayed, point to the Enclosure Heading bar and right-click mouse as
A menu window is displayed with Show Fields and Save Layout options. Select Show Fields to
change the fields to display. A Change Layout window is displayed as shown.
Case Entry Processing Steps
Highlight fields from the Available fields list and click Add to display the field in the list. To
remove a field from the list highlight the field in Show these fields in this order list and click
Remove. To move the fields up or down in the list, highlight the field name and click Move Up or
Move Down. When the list displayed contains the preferred field names and order, click OK. The
Response Letters for Case screen is displayed.
After the fields are changed, the layout must be saved to display the changed layout in the Enclosures
section. To save the fields and the order the fields are displayed, point to the Enclosure Heading bar
and right-click mouse. The Show Fields and Save Layout options are displayed. Click Save Layout
to save the changes just made. The next time the Enclosures section is displayed on the Response
Letters for Case screen, the new changes are displayed.
The Enclosure layout can be changed when searching for enclosures by Enclosure Doc Id or
Enclosure Description. To change the layout, point to the Title bar in the search display and rightclick mouse as shown.
Click Show Fields option. Follow the instructions above to change the fields and save the layout.
Searching for Enclosures
Select any enclosures to be included in the letter. Some enclosures may be pre-populated based on a
document that has already been selected. Many documents are entered into IRMS with enclosures
attached so that any time that document is selected, the enclosures will automatically be included.
However, individual enclosures may be also be chosen. Up to 50 enclosures can be added to a letter.
One method for selecting an enclosure is to simply choose one from the Enclosure ID or the
Enclosure Description pick list as shown.
Another method for selecting an enclosure is to begin entering the Enclosure Description. The
Description automatically populates as the description is entered. To see additional descriptions
matching the data already entered, click the Enclosure Description pick list. Other Descriptions
matching the entry are displayed as shown.
Another method for selecting an enclosure is to access the Enclosure Search/Selection screen by
button or selecting Search Enclosures from the Tools drop down
clicking the
menu. This screen is a powerful query screen that allows you to enter or delete criteria to either
IRMS User Guide
increase or limit your selection of enclosures. Some fields may be pre-populated based on entries
from the case. (Please note, at any time you may delete all of the criteria fields to reset your search
by clicking
additional fields.
Select the
.) You may further refine your search by entering data into one or more
toolbar button. Click the check box to the left of the enclosure(s) you want to use
in the Response Letter and then click the
toolbar button.
The selected enclosure(s) will be inserted into the Enclosure section of the Response Letters screen.
To view these enclosures, select an enclosure and click the
1. Now that you have selected an Opening Template, a Closing Template, Standard Document(s),
and Enclosure(s), it is time to create the letter. The merge process will take these separate
entities, take data from Case Entry, and form one united Response Letter in the format selected.
To start the merge process, click the
toolbar button, the
button, or select Merge
Letter from the Shortcuts menu. IRMS will generate the Response Letter. The current date and
User ID will be entered into the Merge field.
Reference Manager
Reference Manager version 12.0.0 interfaces with IRMS. When the Response Letter
is merged, a bibliography is generated with the citations from all the standard
documents using the Reference Manger format.
When editing a Response Letter, the bibliography must be re-generated manually if
any citations have changed.
At this point, you may view the letter by selecting the
button on the toolbar. IRMS will
open the Response Letter in Microsoft Word Read-only mode. (If a merge had not been
completed prior to selecting the
button, IRMS would merge first and then send you
right into Microsoft Word Read-only mode.)
Case Entry Processing Steps
2. You may edit the Response Letter. To edit the letter, click the
toolbar button, the
button, or select Edit from the Shortcuts menu. (Please note that if the letter has not already
been merged, choosing to edit the letter will cause IRMS to first merge and then IRMS will open
the letter for you to edit.) Make your changes to the letter in Microsoft Word. Close MSWord.
The current date and User ID will be entered into the Edit field. The Custom Letter field on the
Response Letters screen will be checked by IRMS to indicate that changes were made to the
Response Letter.
If you add any documents, enclosures, or modify any of the letter specifications including
Format, Opening, Signature, and/or Closing, after the initial merge has taken place, you will lose
your merge date and will be required to re-Merge the letter.
If you re-Merge a document that you have made changes to in the Edit mode, then the following
warning box will appear. If you select Yes, you will lose any changes that were made and you
will be required to re-Merge the letter.
3. If the Response Letter looks OK, you may now choose a delivery method in the Output section.
Your choices are to print, fax, and/or e-mail. You may also choose whether or not to print your
enclosures. Check any or all that apply. To process the letter immediately, select the Print, Fax,
or E-mail button. You may also have an envelope printed, by checking the Envelope field or
have labels printed by checking the Label field.
You can submit the letter to be batch processed at a later time. To submit the Response Letter to
be processed later, change the Letter Status from “Open” to “Submitted”.
4. You may now proceed to Step 7 – Processing the Written Response.
IRMS User Guide
Step 7 – Processing the Written Response
Printing a Response Letter from the Response Letter screen
1. From the Response Letters screen, click the
open. Click the
screen will open.
button. The Print Instructions screen will
button and the Response Letter Processing
- or 2. Click the
(Print the Response Letter) button on the Response Letter screen toolbar. The
Response Letter Processing screen will open.
The Response Letter Processing screen is shown below.
3. The Selected option from the Letter Range section will automatically be chosen. If applicable,
select from the Print Options section.
4. In the Output Mode section of the screen, choose the Draft or Final option.
(Only the output methods from the Response Letters screen selected for the letter will be
available. If the
Output is checked then the Final button will be available. Likewise, if
Output is checked and/or the
Output is checked, then the corresponding Fax
and/or E-mail buttons will be available on the Response Letter Processing screen.)
The Output section from the Response Letters screen is shown on the left and the Output Mode
section from the Response Letter Processing screen is shown on the right.
5. Check the "Change Status of Case" box as desired. If you want IRMS to automatically close
the case after all output methods have been produced, you MUST check this box. If there is an
AE or PC case and either parameter “Require a Password to close a case with an AE” or
Case Entry Processing Steps
“Require a Password to close a case with a PC” is checked in the Division Parameters, the
system will prompt you for a password before changing the Status to “Completed”. If the letter
is processed in Batch mode, the Status will not change to “Completed”. (This box can be autopopulated from your User Preferences.)
6. Choose the printer from the Direct Output To section.
7. To print preview the Response Letter, click the
8. To print the Response Letter, click the
Processing screen.
button on the Response Letter
9. After the printing has finished, several things will take place.
On the Response Letters screen, the Complete Date and User fields for the Print output
method will be filled in.
The Status of the letter will change to "Completed."
If a Fax and/or E-mail also need to be done, the Letter Status will not be changed to
“Completed” until all of these actions have been completed.
If the “Change Status of Case” box from the Output Mode section of the Response Letter
Processing screen was checked, the Status field on the Case Entry screen (
) will automatically be changed to "Completed."
If a Fax and/or E-mail also need to be done, the status will not be changed to “Completed”
until all of these actions have been completed.
If the Division Parameters are setup to save a copy of the Response Letter for the
Representative, a copy of the Response Letter is saved to the RepCopy subfolder in the
System Folder.
The case Status will not be changed if all required fields have not been populated in the Case
Entry screen. If all of your outputs are complete, but the case is not, you will need to
populate all required fields and then manually complete the case by changing the status in the
top right hand corner of the Case Entry window.
If there is an AE or PC case and either parameter “Require a Password to close a case with
an AE” or “Require a Password to close a case with a PC” is checked in the Division
Parameters, and the letter is processed in Batch mode, the Status will not change to
The Response Letter Processing screen will close automatically.
IRMS User Guide
Faxing a Response Letter from the Response Letter screen
1. From the Response Letters screen, click the
button. The Fax Message screen is
2. To process the replacement fields, click Process Replacements. The replacement fields are
replaced with the value from the case. For example:
3. To proceed with faxing, click the Proceed with Faxing button. The Response Letter
Processing screen will open. To return to the Response Letter screen, click Return to Response
Letter Screen.
- or 4. Click the
(Print the Response Letter) toolbar button. The Response Letter Processing
screen will open. (Note: To process replacement fields, the Process Replacements button must
be selected prior to selecting this toolbar button.)
5. The Selected option from the Letter Range section will automatically be chosen. If applicable,
select from the Print Options section.
6. In the Output Mode section of the screen, choose the Fax option.
(Only the output methods from the Response Letters screen selected for the letter will be
available. If the
Output is checked then the Final button will be available. Likewise, if
Output is checked and/or the
Output is checked, then the corresponding Fax
and/or E-mail buttons will be available on the Response Letter Processing screen.)
The Output section from the Response Letter screen is shown on the left and the Output Mode
section from the Response Letter Processing screen is shown on the right.
Case Entry Processing Steps
7. Click the "Change Status of Case" checkbox as desired. If you want IRMS to automatically
close the case after all output methods have been produced, you MUST check this box. If there is
an AE of PC case and either parameter “Require a Password to close a case with an AE” or
“Require a Password to close a case with a PC” is checked in the Division Parameters, the
system will prompt you for a password before changing the Status to “Completed”. If the letter
is processed in Batch mode, the Status will not change to “Completed”. (This box can be autopopulated from your User Preferences.)
8. Choose the Fax Device from the Direct Output To section.
9. To preview the Fax of the Response Letter, click the
10. To fax the Response Letter, click the
Processing screen.
button on the Response Letter
11. After the faxing has finished, several things will take place.
On the Response Letters screen, the Complete Date and User fields for the Fax output
method will be filled in.
The Status of the letter will change to "Completed.”
If a Print and/or E-mail also need to be done, the Letter Status will not be changed to
“Completed” until all of these actions have been completed.
If the Change Status of Case box (located on the Response Letter Processing screen) was
checked, the Status field on the Case Entry screen (
automatically be changed to "Completed.”
) will
If a Print and/or E-mail also need to be done, the status will not be changed to “Completed”
until all of these actions have been completed.
If the Division Parameters are setup to save a copy of the Response Letter for the
Representative, a copy of the Response Letter is saved to the RepCopy subfolder in the
System Folder.
Note: The case Status will not be changed if all required fields have not been populated in
the Case Entry screen. If all of your outputs are complete, but the case is not, you will need
to populate all required fields and then manually complete the case by changing the status in
the top right hand corner of the Case Entry window.
If there is an AE or PC case and either parameter “Require a Password to close a case with
an AE” or “Require a Password to close a case with a PC” is checked in the Division
Parameters, and the letter is processed in Batch mode, the Status will not change to
The Response Letter Processing screen will close automatically.
IRMS User Guide
E-mailing a Response Letter from the Response Letter screen
1. From the Response Letters screen, click the
appear. Click the
screen will open.
button. The Email Message screen will
button. The Response Letter Processing
- or 2. Click the
(Print the Response Letter) button on the Response Letters screen toolbar. The
Response Letter Processing screen will open.
3. The Selected option from the Letter Range section will automatically be chosen. If applicable,
select from the Print Options section.
4. In the Output Mode section of the screen, choose the E-Mail option.
(Only the output methods from the Response Letter screen selected for the letter will be
Output is checked then the Final button will be available. Likewise, if
available. If the
Output is checked and/or the
Output is checked, then the corresponding Fax
and/or E-mail buttons will be available on the Response Letter Processing screen.)
The Output section from the Response Letters screen is shown on the left and the Output Mode
section from the Response Letter Processing screen is shown on the right.
5. Click the "Change Status of Case" checkbox as desired. If you want IRMS to automatically close
the case after all output methods have been produced, you MUST check this box. If there is an
AE or PC case and either parameter “Require a Password to close a case with an AE” or
“Require a Password to close a case with a PC” is checked in the Division Parameters, the
system will prompt you for a password before changing the Status to “Completed”. If the letter
is processed in Batch mode, the Status will not change to “Completed”. (This box can be autopopulated from your User Preferences.)
6. Click the
button on the Response Letter Processing screen.
7. After the e-mailing has finished, several things will take place.
On the Response Letters screen, the Complete Date and User fields for the E-mail output
method will be filled in.
The Status of the letter will change to "Completed.”
If a Print and/or Fax also need to be done, the status will not be changed to “Completed”
until all of these actions have been completed.
Case Entry Processing Steps
If the Change Status of Case box (located on the Response Letter Processing screen) was
checked, the Status field on the Case Entry screen (
automatically be changed to "Completed.”
) will
If a Print and/or Fax also need to be done, the status will not be changed to “Completed”
until all of these actions have been completed.
If the Division Parameters are setup to save a copy of the Response Letter for the
Representative, a copy of the Response Letter is saved to the RepCopy subfolder in the
System Folder.
Note: The case Status will not be changed if all required fields have not been populated in
the Case Entry screen. If all of your outputs are complete, but the case is not, you will need
to populate all required fields and then manually complete the case by changing the status in
the top right hand corner of the Case Entry window.
If there is an AE or PC case and either parameter “Require a Password to close a case with
an AE” or “Require a Password to close a case with a PC” is checked in the Division
Parameters, and the letter is processed in Batch mode, the Status will not change to
The Response Letter Processing screen will close automatically.
IRMS User Guide
Submitting a Response Letter to Print/Fax/E-mail at a Later Time
IRMS will not try to print, fax, and/or e-mail a letter until you have indicated that you are ready. If
you would prefer to have your Response Letter processed (printed/faxed/e-mailed) at a later time, you
may submit your letters.
1. From the Response Letters screen, change the Letter Status to “Submitted”.
2. When you are ready to process the Response Letter(s), you can process letters for a single case
from the Response Letter Processing screen. (See the Processing All Submitted Response
Letters for One Case section.)
3. To process Response Letters for multiple cases, the Print Response Letters, Faxes, and E-mail
Selection screen must be used. (See the Processing A Group of Submitted Response Letters
for Multiple Cases section.)
If you try to submit a letter when all selected outputs have a date showing that the output is
finished, then IRMS will provide the following “Unable to Submit this Letter” warning box:
Processing All Submitted Response Letters for One Case
IRMS allows you to process all the submitted Response Letters for the current case.
1. Access the Case Entry screen for the appropriate case number.
2. Click the
(Print Submitted Letters for Case) icon on the Case Entry screen toolbar. The
Response Letter Processing screen will open.
3. The All option from the Letter Range section will be automatically chosen. If applicable, select
from the Print Options section.
4. In the Output Mode section of the screen, choose from the available options. (Only the output
methods selected for the letter will be available.)
5. Click the "Change Status of Case" checkbox as desired. If you want IRMS to automatically
close the case after all output methods have been produced, you MUST check this box. If there is
an AE or PC case and either parameter “Require a Password to close a case with an AE” or
“Require a Password to close a case with a PC” is checked in the Division Parameters, the
system will prompt you for a password before changing the Status to “Completed”. If the letter
is processed in Batch mode, the Status will not change to “Completed”.
Case Entry Processing Steps
6. Click the
button to do your final printing.
7. Click the
button to do your faxing.
button to do your e-mailing.
Click the
The actual text of the button will vary depending on the Output Mode selected, i.e. print, fax, or
9. After the printing, faxing, and/or e-mailing have finished, several things will take place.
On the Response Letters screen, the Complete Date and User fields for the appropriate
output method will be filled in.
If all methods of output checked on the Response Letters screen have been completed, the
Status of the letter will change to “Completed.”
If all methods of output checked on the Response Letters screen have been completed and
the Change Status of Case box (located on the Response Letter Processing screen) was
checked, the Status field on the Case Entry screen will automatically be changed to
If the Division Parameters are setup to save a copy of the Response Letter for the
Representative, a copy of the Response Letter is saved to the RepCopy subfolder in the
System Folder.
The case Status will not be changed if all required fields have not been populated in the Case
Entry screen. If all of your outputs are complete, but the case is not, you will need to
populate all required fields and then manually complete the case by changing the status in the
top right hand corner of the Case Entry window.
If there is an AE or PC case and either parameter “Require a Password to close a case with
an AE” or “Require a Password to close a case with a PC” is checked in the Division
Parameters, and the letter is processed in Batch mode, the Status will not change to
The Response Letter Processing screen will close automatically.
IRMS User Guide
Processing a Group of Submitted Response Letters for Multiple Cases
IRMS allows you to print, fax, and e-mail batches of response letters which have been submitted by
all users throughout the day. When a letter is submitted, its output method is selected as Print, Fax,
E-mail, or any combination of those methods. You can only group and process similar output
methods at any one time. Thus you can print all response letters marked for printing, fax all response
letters marked for faxing, and e-mail all response letters marked for e-mailing. All output methods
must finish, before a case can be completed.
1. To select a group of Response Letters, access the selection window by selecting one of the
Click Print Letters from the IRMS Main Menu, or
Click Print Letters from the IRMS Main Menu toolbar, or
Click Print Responses… from the Case menu.
2. The Print Response Letters, Faxes, and E-mails – Selection Screen is displayed.
3. Enter Case Criteria manually or select from the pick lists to help narrow the search to find the
submitted Response Letters to be processed.
4. Enter Letter Criteria manually or select from the pick lists to help narrow the search to find the
submitted Response Letters to be processed.
5. If Case Product is used, an additional Other Criteria section is displayed in the window. Enter
the Other Criteria if applicable. Select the cases for the Therapeutic Group. The Case
Product is automatically populated from Case Product in Product Maintenance. (Case Product is
defined on the Case Entry/Resp Letters tab in Division Parameters.)
Case Entry Processing Steps
6. Click one of the Find buttons. The records matching the search criteria are displayed in the lower
half of the screen.
The Find for Print button finds Response Letters to be printed that match the criteria.
The Find for Fax button finds Response Letters to be faxed that match the criteria.
The Find for E-mail button finds Response Letters to be e-mailed that match the criteria.
7. To process the selected Response Letters, click the Print/Fax/EMail toolbar button. The
Response Letter Processing window is displayed.
The Do button displays Print, Fax, or E-mail based on the letter handling selected.
Response Letter Processing Options
8. The All option in the Letter Range section is automatically selected. If applicable, select one of
the checkboxes in the Print Options section.
9. The Output Mode section is automatically set to the mode selected in the Selection window.
10. The Direct Output To section is populated based on the mode selected in the Selection window.
11. Click the Do Final Print button to do a final printing. Click the Do Fax button when you are
faxing. Click the Do E-mail button when you are e-mailing.
A Progress Bar is displayed while the letters are printing, faxing, and emailing. The format of
the progress bar is an X of Y format. X indicates the number of letters processed, Y indicates the
total number of letters to be processed.
12. Click the Cancel button to cancel the process and return to the Selection window.
13. After printing, faxing, and/or e-mailing has finished, several things will take place.
On the Response Letters screen, the Complete Date and User fields for the appropriate
output method are populated.
If all methods of output checked on the Response Letters window have been completed, the
Status of the letter is changed to “Completed.”
IRMS User Guide
If all methods of output checked on the Response Letters screen have been completed and
the Change Status of Case box (located on the Response Letter Processing screen) was
checked, the Status field on the Case Entry screen is automatically changed to “Completed”.
Once a Response Letter is completed, the fields on the window cannot be changed. The
exception is: If the user has Updated if Completed rights, the Category and Topic can be
changed by selecting the appropriate pick list..
A Response Letter window where all letters, faxes, and emails are completed displays a
yellow background when returning to the window at a later date.
The case Status will not be changed if all required fields have not been populated in the Case
Entry window. If all of the outputs are complete, but the case is not, the user needs to
populate all required fields and then manually complete the case by changing the status in the
top right hand corner in the Case Entry window.
If there is an AE or PC case and either parameter “Require a Password to close a case with
an AE” or “Require a Password to close a case with a PC” is checked in the Division
Parameters, and the letter is processed in Batch mode, the Status is not change to
14. The Response Letter Processing window is automatically closed.
Case Entry Processing Steps
Step 8 – Completing the Case
The processes that need to take place before closing a case will vary according to individual company
policy. When all of the specifications required for a case have been completed, IRMS can be set to
automatically complete the case or the case can be completed manually.
Completing a Verbal Response Case
If a verbal response is sufficient, simply change the Status at the top of the Case Entry screen from
. The Verbal checkbox -“Open” to “Completed” -automatically by IRMS and the data will be stored for reporting.
-- will be checked
If all required fields have not been populated in Case Entry, then the Status cannot be changed to
“Completed”. An IRMS warning box will open such as shown below:
If a Business Rule is defined for Resolution and Resolution Type in the Question section, all
requirements for the business rule must be met prior to closing the case. If there are any requirements
that are not met, an IRMS warning box is displayed as shown below.
IRMS User Guide
Preparing IRMS to Complete a Case Automatically
IRMS can be set up to complete a case automatically following the printing/faxing/e-mailing of all of
the written responses. There are two different methods to prepare IRMS to handle this task. One
method is through your User Preferences and the other method is through the Response Letter
Processing screen. Providing one or both of these procedures has been followed, then once you
complete a written response, the Case Status will automatically be changed to “Completed.”
Require a Password to Close a Case
If Require a Password to Close a Case checkbox is selected on the General tab in Division
Parameters, then the Case Status will not automatically change to “Completed” as part of
the Response Letter Processing. This option overrides the Close Case After Printing
Response option specified in User Preferences and Change Status of Case checkbox on the
Response Letter Processing screen. If this parameter is selected, each case will need to be
closed manually. See Completing a Written Case Manually in the next section for additional
Method 1 - To set your User Preferences to have IRMS automatically
change the Case Entry Status to “Completed” after processing the response(s):
1. Enter the User Preferences screens, by selecting User Preferences from the Tools menu.
2. Select the Case Entry… tab.
3. Check the
4. Close the User Preferences screens.
Action Defaults box.
Case Entry Processing Steps
Method 2 - To have IRMS automatically change the Case Entry Status to “Completed” after
processing the response(s) from the Response Letter Processing screen:
1. Access the Response Letter Processing screen, by selecting print, fax, or e-mail from the
Response Letters screen.
2. Check the Change Status of Case box -of the Response Letter Processing screen.
-- in the Output Mode section
3. When the final print has finished and any potential e-mailing or faxing has been completed, then
IRMS will change the status of the case to “Completed.”
The case Status will not be changed if all required fields have not been populated in the Case Entry
screen. If all of your outputs are complete, but the case is not, you will need to populate all required
fields and then manually complete the case by changing the status in the top right hand corner of the
Case Entry window.
IRMS User Guide
Completing a Written Case Manually
You may also choose to close a case manually, simply by changing the Status box on the Case Entry
screen to “Completed.” IRMS will warn you if there are any outstanding items (i.e. printing, faxing,
e-mailing of letters) that have not been processed yet. If all letters have been processed, the case will
become completed and the data will be stored for reporting.
Note: If all required fields have not been populated in Case Entry, then the Status can not be
changed to “Completed”. An IRMS warning box will open such as shown below:
Requiring a Password to Complete a Case
If Require a Password to Close a Case checkbox is selected on the General tab in the Division
Parameters, the IRMS Login screen is displayed as shown.
Enter the Password to complete the case. The case cannot be closed without entering a password.
Case Entry Processing Steps
Notifying a Sales Representative that a Case is Closed
When the Status of the case is changed to “Completed”, there are two ways to notify the Sales
Representative. The methods are by email or update a table to send information to the SFA system.
E-mail Representative when Case is Closed
The system can notify the Sales Representative when a case is closed. To use this feature, an E-mail
Template must be setup in Document Maintenance and defined in the Division Parameter listed
To send an e-mail to the Sales Representative, enter an E-mail Template in the
“CaseCompletedRepEmailTemplate” parameter on the Other tab in Division Parameters.
Automatically Update Staging Table for SFA Notification
The system can automatically create a record in the RepNotify Staging table when a case is closed.
To automatically create a record, update the “RepNotifyRequestVia” parameter on the Other tab in
Division Parameters. A record is added to the table for cases that match the Request Via defined in
this parameter.
For additional information about Division Parameters, refer to the Division Parameter section in the
System Administration chapter in the IRMS Administration Guide.
Chapter 5
Additional Case Entry Functionality
The Case Entry screen is the primary working screen within IRMS. When you receive a request for
information, you enter this data into IRMS via the Case Entry screen. All of the information
collected for each case, including the final version of the response letters that were printed, is
permanently stored. Any part of this case history can be recalled at any time for review and analysis.
The IRMS Main Menu – Case Entry section will help you through the process of taking a new case
from beginning to end. All of the functionality of the Contact section of the Case Entry screen will
be explained, including adding a new contact, recording multiple contacts for a case, copying a
contact, deleting a contact, changing contact information, finding duplicate callers, and searching the
account and contacts table.
All of the functionality of the Question section of the Case Entry screen will be covered, including
adding a new question, recording multiple questions and responses, deleting a question, changing a
question, finding general information for a question, finding frequently asked questions, and using
documents as verbal responses.
All of the functionality of the Basic sections of the Case Entry screen will be explained, including
recording sources checked, finding rep names and addresses, entering information into the note pad,
entering client defined fields, printing case snapshots, adding a literature fulfillment case, sending a
case to another department, sending an e-mail to the sales rep, completing a case, updating a
completed case, reopening a case, changing a completed case, and deleting a case.
Any additional functionality of the Case Entry screen will be covered, including creating letters,
picking documents, searching for documents, picking combo docs, using question documents,
viewing standard documents, picking enclosures, searching for enclosures, viewing enclosures,
entering CCs for response letters, merging the response letter, re-opening a response letter, finding a
response letter, e-mailing a response letter, faxing a response letter, submitting a letter for processing,
creating quick response letters, processing letters, and using the mass print function.
IRMS User Guide
Additional Functionality of the Contact Section
Right Click Menu for the Contact Section
The Contact section contains a unique right-click menu. Follow the steps below to access the menu.
1. Point and click in any field in the Contact section.
2. Right-click to see the menu. The Right-Click menu is displayed.
3. Click to select an option.
Zoom feature
Any field in the contact section can be enlarged, simply by placing the
cursor in the appropriate field, right-click on your mouse, and select the
Zoom option.
For example, the Address field normally looks as follows:
but using the Zoom feature will enlarge the Address field to the
To change the font, click the Font button. The MS Word Font dialog is displayed. Change the font
as required. Click OK to return to the Zoom window with the changed font. Click Cancel to return
to the Zoom window without any changes.
Once the data is changed, click OK to update the data and return to the Contact section. Click
Cancel to return to the Contact section without making any changes.
Navigating between Contacts
When more than one contact exists for a case, a variety of ways are
provided to navigate between these contacts. The most common
method is to use the Contact navigation bar at the bottom of the
Contact section. However, the right-click menu also allows you to
quickly maneuver to a new contact.
Returns the user to the first Contact for the Case.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Returns the user to the previous contact for the Case.
Displays the next contact defined for the case.
Displays the last contact for the case.
Case Contact Options
New Contact
Opens a blank Contact record for the case. Some fields may be
populated from the Division Parameters and User Preferences. The
number of contacts for the case is increased by 1. Enter the contact
information. For more information about adding a contact, see Step 1
on page Error! Bookmark not defined.
Copy Contact
Copies the active contact information to a new contact record for the same case.
1. Navigate to the contact to be copied by using the Contact navigation bar at the bottom of the
Contact section.
2. Right-click in the Contact section of the Case Entry window.
3. Click Copy Contact from the right-click menu.
4. The Contact information is copied to a new contact and the number of contacts for the case is
increased by one.
Rep As Contact
Add the Sales Representative as a contact. This allows Response Letters to be sent to the Rep that
may include or exclude specific information about the contact or question. The Sales Representative
information is populated from the Representative Master.
The Contact Class and Case Type fields are determined by the “RepAsContactClass” and
“RepAsContactType” parameters defined on the Other tab in Division Parameters.
Copy Contact to New Case
Copies the active contact to a new case. If the user is “Non-Divisional”, a pop up window is
displayed prompting the user to select a Division. A new case is created with a Case Number
assigned, User Preferences populated, and Contact information populated.
Adding Contact Masters in Case Entry
Add/Update Contact Master
Adds or updates the active contact information in the Contact Master.
This feature works the same as the Add/Update Master button to the
right of the Contact ID field in the Contact section. Once the Contact
Master is updated, the focus is returned to Case Entry. For more
information, see Error! Reference source not found. on page Error!
Bookmark not defined..
View the Contact Master
Displays the Contact Master Maintenance for the active Contact ID in the window. The contact
master can be updated. Click the Close toolbar button to exit the window and return to Case Entry.
If a Contact does not exist in the Contact Master, a message is displayed asking the user “Would you
like to add this case contact as a Contact Master?”.
IRMS User Guide
Click Yes to add the contact to the Contact Table. The Case Entry window is displayed.
Click No to close the window and return to the Contact section without adding the Contact.
Add Address to Contact Master
Adds the address information from the contact to a new address in the Contact Master. The Add New
Address? message window is displayed. Click Yes to continue. The address is added and a
confirmation message is displayed stating “The address has been added”. Click OK to return to the
contact section in Case Entry.
Click No to return to Case Entry without making any changes.
Clear Contact Master
Clears the link between the contact in the current case and the Contact ID defined in the Contact
A warning message is displayed stating “Are you sure you wish to de-associate this Case with its
IRMS Master Contact record?”
Click Yes to clear the Contact ID and return to the Contact section in Case Entry. The Contact is still
active in the case.
Click No to return to the Contact section in Case Entry without clearing the link to the Contact
Delete Contact from Master
Removes the active Contact from the Contact Master. The Contact information is no longer available
for other cases. A message window is displayed stating “Are you sure you want to delete the Master
Contact?”. Click Yes to remove the Contact from the Contact Master and return to the Contact
section in Case Entry.
Click No to return to the Contact section without deleting the Contact Master.
Adding Account Masters in Case Entry
Add/Update Account Master
Adds or updates the active contact information in the Account Master.
This feature works the same as the Add/Update Master button to the
right of the Account ID field in the Contact section. Once the Account
information is added, the focus is returned to Case Entry. For more
information, see Error! Reference source not found. on page Error!
Bookmark not defined..
View the Account Master
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Displays the Account Master Maintenance for the active Account ID in the window. The account
master can be updated. Click the Close toolbar button to exit the window. Click the Close toolbar
button to return to Case Entry.
If an Account does not exist in the Contact Master, a message is displayed asking the user “Would
you like to add this case contact as a Account Master?”.
Click Yes to create the account in the Account Master and return to Case Entry.
Click No to close the window and return to the Contact section without adding the Account.
Add Address to Account Master
Adds the address information from the account to a new address to the Account Master. The Add
New Address? message window is displayed. Click Yes to continue. The address is added and a
confirmation message is displayed stating “The address has been added”. Click OK to return to the
contact section in Case Entry.
Click No to return to Case Entry without making any changes.
Clear Account Master
Clears the link between the active account in the case and the Account ID defined in the Account
A warning message is displayed stating “Are you sure you wish to de-associate this Case with its
IRMS Master Account record?”.
Click Yes to clear the Account ID and return to the Contact section in Case Entry. The Account
is still active in the case..
Click No to return to the Contact section in Case Entry without clearing the Account ID.
Delete Account from Master
Removes the Account from the Account Master. The Account information is no longer available for
other cases. A message window is displayed stating “Are you sure you want to delete the Master
Account?”. Click Yes to remove the Account from the Account Master and return to the Contact
section in Case Entry.
Click No to return to the Contact section without deleting the Account Master.
IRMS User Guide
General Options
Delete Contact
Removes the active contact from the Case,
A warning message window is displayed stating “You are about to delete 1 record(s).”
Click Yes to remove the contact from the Case and return to the Contact section in Case Entry.
Click No to return to the Contact section without deleting the active contact. The contact is displayed
in Case Entry.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Optional Fields in the Contact Section
There are three optional fields defined in the Contact section of Case Entry. The optional fields are
Attention/Department, Contact Phone, and Specialty. The optional fields are specified in the
Division Parameters (For further information, see the Division Parameters section in the
Administration Guide.) If the optional fields are checked, the fields are displayed in the Contact
section, circled, as shown below.
Contact Phone
If the optional fields are not checked, the fields are not displayed in the Contact section. The Phone,
Title, Company, Address and Type fields are expanded as shown below.
IRMS User Guide
Additional Functionality of the Question Section
Right Click Menu for the Question Section
The Question section contains a unique right-click menu. To access this menu, the cursor should be
located in any field in the Question section or simply hovering in the Question section, and then click
the right button on your mouse.
Zoom feature
Any field in the Question section can be enlarged, simply by placing
the cursor in the appropriate field, right-click on your mouse, and
select the Zoom option.
For example, the Question field normally looks as follows:
but using the Zoom feature will enlarge the Question field to the
Navigating between Questions
When more than one question exists for a case, a variety of ways have been provided to navigate
between these questions. The most common method is to use the Question navigation bar at the
bottom of the Question section. However, the right-click menu also allows you to quickly maneuver
to a new question.
To go straight to the first question entered for this case, put the cursor anywhere in the question
section or hover over the Question section, right-click on your mouse, and select the First option.
To switch to the preceding question of the active question, or to switch to the very next question
following the active question; put the cursor anywhere in the question section or hover over the
Question section, right-click your mouse, and select either the Previous option or the Next option.
To go straight to the last question entered for this case, put the cursor anywhere in the question
section or hover over the Question section, right-click on your mouse, and select the Last option.
Adding a New Question to a Case
The right-click menu also provides another method to add a new question to the case besides using
the new button on the Question navigation bar. Right-click anywhere in the Question section of
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Case Entry, and select the New Question option. A blank question form will open (note: some
fields may be populated through User Preferences) and the number of questions for the case will be
increased by one.
Copying a Question Already in a Case
This feature can be used when most of the information for the new question is the same as one that is
already entered. The question information will be duplicated into a new record.
To copy the question:
1. Navigate to the question to be copied by using the Question navigation bar at the bottom of the
Question section.
2. Right-click in the Question section of the Case Entry screen.
3. Select
from the right-click menu.
4. The Question information will be copied and the number of questions for the case will be
increased by one.
Find Selection in General Info
The right click menu provides a wonderful shortcut for finding General Information quickly based
upon one word or a few words. Highlight the appropriate word(s), right click on your mouse, and
select the Find Selection in General Info option.
If the highlighted word(s) are not found, a warning box will inform you of this. When you click OK,
you will be sent to the Read General Information screen and the highlighted word(s) will be located
in the turquoise Find field. If the highlighted word(s) are found, then you will be sent directly to the
Read General Information screen and the highlighted word(s) will be highlighted within the record.
Find Selection in FAQ
The right click menu also provides a shortcut for finding an FAQ quickly based upon one word or a
few words. Highlight the appropriate word(s), right click on your mouse, and select the Find
Selection in FAQ option.
If the highlighted word(s) are not found, you will be sent to the Find and Display FAQs screen and
the highlighted word(s) will be located in the turquoise Text field, but no results will appear in the
bottom section. If the highlighted word(s) are found, then you will be sent directly to the Find and
Display FAQs screen and the highlighted word(s) will be highlighted with the entire question that
contains them.
Deleting a Question
You can delete questions in the situations allowed by your security settings.
To delete the question:
1. Navigate to the case containing the question to be deleted by using the Case navigation bar at
the bottom of the Case Entry screen.
2. Navigate to the question to be deleted by using the Question navigation bar at the bottom of the
Question section.
3. Right-click in the Question section of the Case Entry screen.
IRMS User Guide
4. Select
from the right-click menu.
5. IRMS will provide a warning box and ask you if you are sure you want to delete this question.
will cause the question to be deleted and you will return to the Case Entry
screen with a blank Question section. Clicking
screen with the Question still in place.
will return you to the Case Entry
Changing Question Information
You can change question information in the situations allowed by your security settings.
To change the contact information for a case:
1. Navigate to the case containing the question to be changed by using the Case navigation bar at
the bottom of the Case Entry screen.
2. Navigate to the question record that needs to be changed by using the Question navigation bar
at the bottom of the Question section.
3. Highlight the information in the field you wish to change and simply begin typing or select
another item from the combo box list.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Finding General Information for a Question
General information used by your company can be stored in the General Information Table. Some
examples of this general information include other divisions and departments, other pharmaceutical
companies, charitable organizations, and government agencies.
In addition to the text fields presented, you may attach Word documents to General Information
records. This allows you to have "FYI" documents outside of the IRMS Document Maintenance
To find reference information for a question:
1. Click the
toolbar button from the IRMS Main Menu or click the
button in the Question section of the Case Entry screen. The Read General Information
screen will appear.
2. There are two different methods for finding records from this screen.
Option One – Find Records Using a Key Word or Phrase:
Move the cursor to the Find field and enter the key word(s) you are searching for.
Standard IRMS text searching options apply.
Click the Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field codes. button to find the
first occurrence of the words or letters entered.
To continue searching, click the Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field
codes. button.
Select the appropriate record, by clicking anywhere on its row.
Option Two – Find Records Starting with a Specific Letter:
Click the specific letter button to move to the first record where the first character in the
first column begins with that specific letter.
Select the appropriate record, by clicking anywhere on its row.
To find general information for a question using the right-click Menu:
1. Highlight any word in the question of the Question section on the Case Entry screen.
2. Right-click on the word while it is highlighted. The right-click menu will be displayed.
IRMS User Guide
3. Choose
from the right-click menu. The Read General
Information screen will be displayed with the highlighted word in the Find field and an auto
find will be done.
4. Select the appropriate record, by clicking anywhere on its row.
To view the document attached to the general information record:
1. Click anywhere on the row of the appropriate record. A
will appear to the left of the
appropriate record. If a document is attached to the record, the
button will be
toolbar button will be enabled, and a Yes will be displayed in
enabled, the
the bottom of the fourth column.
2. Click the
button or click the
toolbar button. The word
processor will start up and the document attached to the current record will be viewed in the
word processor in read-only mode.
3. To return to IRMS, close the document in the word processor. Control will be returned to
To use general information in a response:
1. Navigate to the appropriate record by clicking anywhere on the row.
button at the top of the Read General Information screen. The
2. Click the
Reference Number (located in the top of the fourth column) and the first text field (located in
the first column) will be appended to whatever data you have in the Response field of the
current Question record.
NOTE for IRMS Setup:
The General Information screen is maintained in the General Information Maintenance screen.
To access this screen, choose
Maintaining the General Information Screen section.)
from the Tools drop down menu. (See the
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Optional Fields in the Question Section
There are three optional fields defined in the Question section of Case Entry. The optional fields are
Abstract, Resolutions, and Owner. The optional fields are specified in the Division Parameters
(For further information, see the Division Parameters section in the Administration Guide.) If the
optional fields are checked, the fields are displayed in the Question section as shown below.
Optional Fields
If the optional fields are not checked, the fields are not displayed in the Question section. The
Question and Response fields are expanded as shown below.
IRMS User Guide
Using the Frequently Asked Questions Screen
Frequently asked Questions and their associated Answers are accessed through the Find and Display
FAQs screen. This screen can provide inexperienced call takers a fast but yet accurate response. The
Find and Display FAQs screen can be accessed in a Read-only mode from the IRMS Main Menu,
by clicking the
button or from the Question section of Case Entry.
The Find and Display FAQs screen is maintained through the FAQ Maintenance screen. To access
the FAQ Maintenance screen, choose
Maintaining the FAQs Screen section.).
from the Tools drop down menu. (See the
Finding Frequently Asked Questions
To find FAQs with the Search Criteria hidden using the
1. Click the
button in the Question section of the Case Entry screen.
2. The Find and Display FAQs screen will appear as shown below.
3. The screen is currently in List View and the Search Criteria is hidden. Moving the bottom
navigation arrow to the right will allow you to see more information regarding the question,
including the attached Doc ID, FAQ Code, Usage Count, Line No., Status, Date, Department,
Product, Category, Abstract, Topic, Searchable Answer, SR Level 1 and 2, Contact Level 1 and
2, and Rec ID.
4. Moving the cursor into the Question section will cause the cursor to become a hand. Clicking
on any question, will cause the FAQ and Answer screen to be displayed, as shown below.
5. To have the displayed question and answer appended to your current Question and Response
in the Case Entry screen, click the
6. The Product, Category, Topic, FAQ ID, and FAQ Code from the FAQ Master will be
entered in their corresponding fields of the current Question record. (If you have already
entered something different, you will be prompted before that data is changed.)
Additional Case Entry Functionality
To find FAQs with the Search Criteria visible using the
1. To display the Search Criteria section of the Find and Display FAQs screen, click the
3. To use search criteria to restrict your selections, choose a Division, Department, Status of the
product, Service Rep Level, Contact Level, Product, Category, Topic, and/or Abstract from
their respective pick lists.
4. Criteria can also be specified by entering key word(s) into the blue Text field. The standard
IRMS text searching options apply. Comparison operators (= , <> , < , > , >= , <= , ~ );
Reserved words (NULL, TODAY); Wildcard symbols ( * , ? , | ); and Logical operators ( , , + ,
() ) can also be used to narrow down your search. An explanation of all of these symbols can
be displayed by clicking the
5. Click the
button to find the first occurrence of the words or letters entered. If the
Auto Find box is checked, then IRMS will automatically re-find when you exit one of the
selection fields.
6. All of the questions that meet the criteria specified will be listed. To display the question on
the FAQ and Answer screen, navigate the cursor to the appropriate question and click on the
7. To have the displayed question and answer appended to your current Question and Response
in the Case Entry screen, click the
8. The Product, Category, Topic, FAQ ID, and FAQ Code from the FAQ Master will be
entered in their corresponding fields of the current Question record. (If you have already
entered something different, you will be prompted before that data is changed.)
To find FAQs without using the
1. Highlight any word in the question of the Question section on the Case Entry screen.
2. Right click on the word while it is highlighted. The right click menu will be displayed.
3. Choose
from the right click menu. The Find and Display FAQs
screen will be displayed with the highlighted word in the Text field of the Search Criteria and
an auto find will be done.
IRMS User Guide
Viewing Attached Documents to the FAQ
To view the document attached to the FAQ record from the Form View mode:
1. Form view displays one question at a time with all of the question’s details. To insure you are
button. If this button is shown as “List View”, then
in Form View, click the
you are already in the Form View mode.
2. If a document is attached to this FAQ, the Doc ID field will be populated and the
button will be enabled. Click the
button. The word processor will start up and the
document attached to the current record will be viewed in the word processor in read-only
3. To return to IRMS, close the document in the word processor. Control will be returned to
To view the document attached to the FAQ record from the List View mode:
1. List view displays many questions at a time. To insure you are in List View, click the
button. If this button is shown as “Form View”, then you are already in the List
View mode.
2. Click anywhere on the row of the appropriate record. A
(record selector) will appear to the
left of the record. If a document is attached to the record, a document ID number is listed under
the DocID column.
3. Click on the document ID in the appropriate row. The word processor will start up and the
document attached to the current record will be viewed in the word processor in read-only
4. To return to IRMS, close the document in the word processor. Control will be returned to
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Using FAQ Information in a Response
To use FAQ information in a response using the Form View mode:
1. Navigate to the appropriate FAQ, and click the
2. The Question field from the FAQ Master will be appended to whatever data you have in the
Question field of the current Question record.
3. The Response field from the FAQ Master will be appended to whatever data you have in the
Response field of the current Question record.
4. The Product, Category, Topic, and Doc ID codes from the FAQ Master will be entered in
their corresponding fields of the current Question record. (If you have already entered
something different, you will be prompted before that data is changed.)
To use FAQ information in a response using the List View mode:
1. Click anywhere on the row of the record so that the
of the record.
2. Click the
(record selector) will appear to the left
3. The Question field from the FAQ Master will be appended to whatever data you have in the
Question field of the current Question record.
4. The Response field from the FAQ Master will be appended to whatever data you have in the
Response field of the current Question record.
5. The Product, Category, Topic, FAQ Code, and FAQ ID codes from the FAQ Master will be
entered in their corresponding fields of the current Question record. (If you have already
entered something different, you will be prompted before that data is changed.)
FAQs in Multiple Languages
An FAQ can be associated with a document that is written in more than one language, as long as the
documents each have the same document ID. (These documents are set up in Document
To view the FAQs associated with these documents:
1. Access the Find and Display FAQs screen.
2. Select the appropriate FAQ (which is associated with documents containing multiple language
3. Clicking the View button will cause an intermediary screen, Select a Language, to appear.
Select a language from the pick list. Note that the only languages available in this pick list are
the languages that this document has been written in.
4. Click the OK button. The selected document will appear in the appropriate language.
IRMS User Guide
Recording Sources Checked
IRMS allows you to record the sources that you checked while preparing the response to a question.
The Sources Checked screen presents a series of check boxes for indicating which sources were
used. The format of this screen is based on the Source Master screen, which is available from the
item in the Tools drop down menu.
To Record Sources Checked for a Question:
1. Click the
button in the Question section of the Case Entry screen.
2. Click the check box to the left of each source that you used to prepare the response for this
3. Close the Sources Checked screen, by clicking the
button or clicking the
in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This will return you to the Case Entry screen.
4. The letters inside the
button on the Case Entry screen will turn red to indicate that
sources were used to respond to the question.
The Sources Checked screen is shown below.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Maintaining the Sources Checked Screen
from the Tools drop down menu. The Source Master screen will be
displayed. The Sources Checked screen records only the "Yes/No" values. If you rearrange the
Source Master, the check boxes will NOT be moved around. Because of this, we recommend that
you NOT rearrange the order of items in the Source Master. You should add new sources to the
END of the current list.
IRMS User Guide
Additional Functionality of the Basic Case Sections
Finding the Rep’s Name and Address
IRMS contains a Representative Master table. This table contains sales representative information.
button to search for reps assigned to the postal
While in Case Entry, you can use the
code entered for the case. In addition, from anywhere in IRMS you can access the Representative
Search screen by selecting the Search Reps item from the Tools drop down menu.
IRMS can be parameterized to find the representative automatically once the zip code has been
entered. This is established in Division Parameters on the Case Entry tab by selecting the Lookup
Rep via Zip/Postal option. If more than one representative is assigned to the zip code then the Select
a Representative screen opens to allow you to choose the appropriate representative. ┼Version
Note: as of IRMS Version 5.5.7, this Select a Representative screen can be canceled without
selecting one of the representative options.
To Look Up Rep Information from Case Entry:
1. Click the
button in the lower left portion of the Case Entry screen. This button will
search based on the Zip Code entered for the current case. The Representative Search screen
will be displayed with a list of all the reps in the Zip Code.
2. Check the Record Selection box at the left of the record to specify the record you wish to access.
(Skip to step 7)
3. If no Zip Code was entered or if no reps match the entered Zip Code, the Representative Search
screen will be blank and the following IRMS box will be displayed.
4. Click
Additional Case Entry Functionality
5. You may clear the search criteria by clicking
, enter new search criteria, and click
6. Check the Record Selection box at the left of the record to specify the record you wish to access.
7. To display the complete record for this rep, click the
button on the toolbar.
The Representatives screen will be displayed, as shown below. Close the screen using the
toolbar button to return back to the Representative Search screen.
8. To assign the selected rep as the representative for this case, click the
button on the
toolbar. IRMS will return you to the Case Entry screen and the Rep/Terr# and the Rep Name
fields will be populated with the representative information that you had selected.
9. To use the selected rep as the contact, select the
toolbar button. IRMS will
return you to the Case Entry screen and the Contact information will be populated with the
selected rep’s name, address, etc. WARNING: This will replace the current Contact (if any)
with the rep’s name and address information.
IRMS User Guide
To see Representative Data of a Selected Rep
If a Representative has been selected on the Case Entry screen in the Rep Name field, the
Representatives screen can be accessed containing the data regarding this rep simply by clicking the
toolbar button.
To Select a Rep by Last Name
1. Click on the
button located on the Case Entry screen in the bottom section. The
Select a Rep by Last Name screen will be displayed.
2. Click on the drop down arrow or start typing some characters of the last name. Highlight the
appropriate sales rep.
3. Click on the
4. Control will be returned to the Case Entry screen and the Rep/Terr#, Rep Name, and Rep Type
fields will be populated with the selected sales rep’s information.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Referring a Case to Another User
IRMS allows you to re-assign a case to another department or user. To do this you would use the Ref
to function.
1. From the bottom portion of the Case Entry screen, click the Ref To pick list arrow and select a
user to re-assign this case to. - or 2. Click the Ref to button. Available users will be organized by Call Center. To select a user,
double click on the appropriate person.
3. The case will be sent to the “referred to user” and will appear on their Attention or My Inbox
screen. The case will have the exact same case number. When the new individual retrieves the
case, they may make changes to this case unless the previous individual is still in a field located
in the Question section of this case ( if this is true then the referred to user will see a padlock
notifying them that are temporarily locked out of this case).
4. The “referred to user” will receive an email notifying them of the new case.
5. Once you logout of IRMS, the case will no longer appear on your Case Entry screen.
6. Depending upon your Division Parameters, you may be required to provide a reason for referring
the case to a different individual. If so, the following box will open:
To Refer the Case, enter a reason by either clicking on the pick list arrow and selecting a reason,
. IRMS will refer the case and return you to
or entering the reason as free text, then click
Case Entry. To cancel referring the case, click
without referring the case.
. IRMS will return you to Case Entry
IRMS User Guide
Using the Note Pad
To add notes to a case:
button on the Case Entry screen, choose Notes from the Shortcuts
1. Click on the
menu, or click the (Notes) Case Entry toolbar button.
2. The Notes screen will appear.
3. Type your note.
4. Close the Notes screen by clicking on the
5. The lettering in the
the color red.
button or the
button will change to
and the letters will change to
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Adding Attachments to a Case
Attachments can be added to a case from a file or a URL. Once there is an attachment, it can be
viewed or exported. Adding attachments is explained below:
1. To access Case Attachments, click the
button in Case Entry or choose Attachments
from the Shortcuts menu. The Case Attachments screen is displayed as shown below.
2. Attach a file to the case. .
To import an attachment, click
screen is displayed as shown below
Navigate to the file to attach and then click Import. To cancel, click Cancel. The Case
Attachments window is displayed.
. The Attachment Import - File Selection
3. Attach a URL to a case.
IRMS User Guide
To add a URL to a case, click
displayed as shown below
Enter a link in the window and then click
. To cancel, click
or click
Exit ( ) without entering a link in the window. The Case Attachments window is
displayed with the new link.
. The IRMS Request Insert Link window is
4. The file name or URL is inserted into the File Name column. An Attachment ID is assigned to
the file or URL and appears in the Attachment ID column. This field cannot be changed. The
Date Added and Date Received are populated.
5. Any comments can be entered in the Notes field. To add notes, simply move the cursor to the
Notes field and click. Begin typing your note.
6. View an attachment to a case.
To view the attachment, navigate to the appropriate attachment using the selection arrow at
the left, and click the
displayed as shown below.
to proceed, or
button. A Microsoft Office Access window is
to cancel.
7. Export an attachment to a case.
To export an attachment, navigate to the appropriate attachment using the selection arrow at
. The Attachment Export – New File Location
the left, and then click
window is displayed as shown below.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Navigate to the appropriate folder and then click Select. To cancel, click Cancel. The Case
Attachments window is displayed.
8. Close the Case Attachment window.
To close the Case Attachment screen, click Exit ( ). Closing the Case Attachment screen
will return control to Case Entry and the attachment button will change from black letters to red letters with the number of attachments this case has attachments and how many attachments there are.
. This indicates that
Completing a letter will automatically attach the letter to the case.
IRMS User Guide
Optional Fields in the Basic Case section
There is one optional field defined in the Basic Case section of Case Entry. The optional field is
Call Center. The optional fields are specified in the Division Parameters (For further information,
see the Division Parameters section in the Administration Guide.) If Call Center is checked, it is
displayed in the Basic Case section next to the Service Rep as shown in the circle below.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Additional Functionality of the Case Entry Toolbar
Case Entry Datasheet View
To display the Case Entry screen in Datasheet View, click on the
(Datasheet View) toolbar
button or select Datasheet View from the Form drop down menu. The Datasheet View displays
multiple records in a spreadsheet format.
Case Entry Enhanced Datasheet View
To display the Case Entry screen in Enhanced Datasheet View, click on the
Datasheet View) toolbar button. The Enhanced Datasheet View displays selected information about
multiple records in an enhanced spreadsheet format.
To display the selected case in the Case Entry window, click the
Enhanced Datasheet View in Report Format, click on the
button. To view the
IRMS User Guide
Finding All of your Open Cases
1. From the Case Entry screen, click on the
(Find all your open cases) toolbar button.
2. If you are in Form view the number of records on the Case navigation bar at the bottom of the
screen will represent the number of cases that have an “open” status.
3. If you are in Datasheet view, only the cases with an “open” status will be listed on the
Finding Duplicate or Repeat Callers
Duplicate Contact information can be found based on the last name through a special version of the
Case Query screen, shown at the bottom of this section.
To find duplicate contacts:
1. Navigate to the contact that may have duplicate information.
2. Click the
button on the Case Entry toolbar. The Case/Contact section of the Case Query
screen will appear.
3. The data from the Contact screen will populate the corresponding fields in the Case Query
screen. Enter or change any selection criteria in the fields to refine your search.
4. Click the
button on the Case Query toolbar. If you find any matching cases, you can
proceed in one of three ways.
Option 1 - Update the Current Case with the Contact Information Found:
Click the record selector box to the left of the record you wish to select.
Click the
button on the toolbar.
Option 2 - Abandon the Current Case and Update One of the Cases Found:
Click the record selector box to the left of the record you wish to select.
Click the
Option 3 - Return to the Current Case Without Using Found Information:
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Close the Case Query screen by clicking the
button in the upper right hand corner.
(close) button on the toolbar or click
IRMS User Guide
Searching the Account Table
If you have a relatively stable set of callers, you may use the Account Search screen. By selecting a
pre-defined account, you will not have to enter their contact information. (The Account Search
screen is maintained through the Account Maintenance screen, which is accessed through the
Account… item under the Tables drop down menu. Please see the Administration Guide.)
To Search for Account Information:
button on the Case Entry toolbar or select Search Accounts from the Tools drop
1. Click the
down menu.
2. The Account Search screen will be displayed, as shown below.
3. Select the appropriate account by clicking the record selector box to the left of the record you
wish to select. (Skip to Step 6)
- or 4. Enter selection criteria to refine your search and click the
button on the toolbar. To
toolbar button and then enter your selection criteria.
clear the criteria, click the
5. Select the appropriate account by clicking the record selector box to the left of the record you
wish to select.
6. To use the Address of the Account in the Contact section of the Case Entry screen:
Click the record selector box to the left of the record you wish to select.
Click the
Control will be returned to the Case Entry screen, and the contact information will be
populated with the selected account information, except for the Name of the contact.
7. To use the Name and Address of the Account in the Contact section of the Case Entry screen:
Click the record selector box to the left of the record you wish to select.
Click the
Control will be returned to the Case Entry screen, and the contact information will be
populated with the selected account information.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Searching the Contact Table
If you have a relatively stable set of callers, you may use the Contact Search screen. By selecting a
contact, the demographic information is automatically populated in the Contact section in Case Entry.
Contacts can be maintained in Contact Masters, which is accessed from Tables menu. For more
information, refer to the Table Administration chapter in the Administration Guide.
To Search for Contact Information:
1. To search for a contact, perform one of the following steps:
Click the Contacts toolbar button in Case Entry.
Click Search Contacts from the Tools menu.
2. If Contact Search is selected from Case Entry, the criteria is pre-populated with information
from the case. If Contact Search is selected from the toolbar, the search criteria is blank. The
Contact Search screen is displayed as shown.
3. If the appropriate contact is already displayed, select the contact by clicking the record selector
box to the left of the record to select. (Skip to step 8)
- or 4. To clear the criteria, click the 1 - Clear toolbar button and enter new criteria.
5. Enter new or additional criteria to refine the search. Click the 2 - Find button on the toolbar.
Any contacts meeting the criteria are displayed in the Results section on the bottom half of the
6. To use the Find 3 of 5 functionality, enter at least 3 of the following fields and click the
3 - Find (3 of 5) toolbar button.
♦ First Name
♦ Last Name
IRMS User Guide
Any contacts meeting the criteria are displayed in the Results section on the bottom half of the
If no records are found that meet the criteria entered, the following message box is displayed.
Click OK to return to the Case Entry window to create a new contact.
7. Select the appropriate contact by clicking the record selector box to the left of the record. The
line containing the Contact Name is highlighted.
8. Click one of the following to use an existing contact name and address in Case Entry.
To use the contact in an existing case, click the 7 - Use In Current Case toolbar button.
To use the contact in a new case, click the 8 - Create Case toolbar button.
Control is returned to Case Entry, and the contact information is populated with the selected
contact information.
9. To view the contact information in the Contact Master, click the 4 - Display toolbar button. The
Contact Master Maintenance screen is displayed and pre-populated with the Contact selected
from the Results list.
10. To create a new contact master from the search criteria, click 5 - Create Contact toolbar button.
The Contact Master Maintenance screen is displayed and pre-populated with the selected
Note: If a non-divisional user chooses a contact with a different language than the case
uses, and the user tries to update the Master Contact record, IRMS will allow different
11. To view all the cases and questions for the selected contact, click the 10 - Cases by Contact
toolbar button. The Cases by Contact screen is displayed.
12. To exit the screen, either click X in the upper right corner of the screen or click the Exit toolbar
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Searching With the Smart Contact Search
The Smart Contact Search allows the user to define the fields to search and provides a more
robust search engine.
Note: Prior to using this feature, the Smart Contact Search section on the Contact tab in User
Preferences should be reviewed.
The Smart Contact Search can be initiated from Case Entry or the Tools menu.
Follow the steps below to use the Smart Contact Search feature.
1. To search for a contact, perform one of the following steps:
Click the Smart toolbar button in Case Entry.
Click Smart Contact Search from the Tools menu.
2. If the Smart Contact Search is selected from Case Entry, the information displayed in the
window is determined by the setup defined in User Preferences. If the Auto checkbox is selected,
the search is automatically started and the results are displayed in the window. If the Smart
Contact Search is selected from the toolbar, the search criteria is blank. The Smart Contact
Search window is displayed.
3. If the search is automatically executed, the results are displayed in the window. To select a
contact, click the record selector box to the left of the record. The Contact Name is highlighted.
Skip to step 7.
4. To clear the criteria, click the 1 - Clear toolbar button and enter new criteria.
5. Enter new or additional criteria to refine the search. Click the 2 - Find toolbar button. Any
contacts meeting the criteria are displayed in the window
See the Search Features section below for additional information about entering search criteria.
IRMS User Guide
If no records are found that meet the criteria entered, the following message is displayed.
Click OK to display the Smart Contact Search window to start another search.
6. If the contact is displayed in the window, select the contact by clicking the record selector box to
the left of the record. The line containing the Contact Name is highlighted.
7. Click one of the following to use the selected contact name and address in Case Entry.
To use the contact in an existing case, click the 7 - Use In Current Case toolbar button.
Control is returned to Case Entry, and the contact information is populated with the selected
contact information.
8. To view the contact information in the Contact Master, click 4 - Display toolbar button. The
Contact Master Maintenance window is displayed and pre-populated with the Contact selected
from the list.
9. To view all the cases and questions for the selected contact, click the 10 - Cases by Contact
toolbar button. The Cases by Contact screen is displayed.
10. To exit the screen, either click X in the upper right corner of the screen or click the Exit toolbar
Search Features
Separate individual search terms with spaces
Searches are not case-sensitive
Phrase Search: Place double-quotes around a phrase to search for that exact phrase
Search Whole Field: Precede a search term (or phrase) with a plus sign to search fields as a
whole for that term/phrase
Exclusions: Precede a search term (or phrase) with a minus sign to exclude it from the results
Wildcard (Many): Use an asterisk to represent zero or more characters
Wildcard (One): Use a question mark to represent one character
Full Name: A concatenation of First Name and Last Name with a space in-between is
included as an additional search field
"OR" Operator: Separate search terms with the pipe symbol ("|"), with no spaces in-between
(e.g. bill|william)
Search Type: Specifies whether a contact must contain all of the search terms ("And" search
type) or any of the search terms ("Or" search type) to be included in the search results
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Searching the Representative Table
You can search the Rep table from Case Entry. If you are looking for information on a apecific rep,
you may use the Rep Search screen. By selecting a representative, you will not have to enter their
contact information. (The Rep Search screen is maintained through the Representative
Maintenance screen, which is accessed through the Representative option in the Tables menu. For
further information, see the Administration Guide.)
To Search for Representative Information:
1. Click the
button on the Case Entry toolbar or select Search Representative from the Tools
2. The Representative Search screen is displayed. Any Representative information from the Case
Entry screen is automatically populated in the search screen. For further information, please see
Finding the Rep’s Name and Address section under Additional Functionality of the Basic
Case section in this guide.
IRMS User Guide
Transfer the Current Case
Sending a Case to Another Department/User
The Transfer Current Case function allows multiple departments to work on different aspects of a
case. (The Transfer Current Case function will automatically populate the check boxes using the
defaults defined on the Copy Case… tab in User Preferences. (See the Copy Case TabCopy Case
Tab section on page 40 in User Preferences for additional information.)
When a case is transferred, a letter is appended to the Case Number starting with the letter “A”.
1. To access the Transfer Current Case function, access the Case Entry window, and then click the
(Transfer the Current Case) button on the toolbar or click Transfer the Current Case
from the Shortcuts menu.
2. The Transfer Current Case window is displayed.
Select either the Shift or Department.
3. If a Shift is selected, select a Shift to receive the case from the pick list. The Department,
Service Rep, and Refer to User cannot be entered. The Shift is defined as a Referral Shift in
Shift Maintenance. The case is displayed in the Group folder in My Inbox with the next
sequential letter in the Sub Number.
4. If Department is selected, select a Department to receive the case from the pick list. A Shift
cannot be entered.
a. If Department is selected, select the user who is to be responsible for this case from the
Service Rep pick list. The Service Rep is automatically populated in the Refer to User
field. If the Service Rep selected is different from the Refer to User, the Service Rep will not
see the case in My Inbox.
b. If Department is selected, select the user who will be responsible for this case from the Refer
to User pick list. The case is displayed in the Case folder in My Inbox with the next
sequential letter in the Sub Number.
5. Select the Send E-mail checkbox, if an e-mail should be sent to the Refer to User, notifying them
of the copied case.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
6. Select the checkboxes in the Copy the selected information section to define which parts of this
case should be included as part of the copied case.
Copy Contacts as New – Select this box to create a new Contact for the case.
Share Contacts – Select this box to share the same Contact information.
Ignore Contacts – Select this box to ignore the Contact information.
7. To transfer the case click the Send button. An IRMS verification message is displayed.
Click OK to continue. The Transfer Current Case window is activated. The following
processes are executed.
A copy of the case is sent to the Referred to User and is displayed in their Attention or My
Inbox window.
The case number for the Referred to User will have the next sequential letter assigned to the
Sub Number field.
If the Send Email check box was selected, an email is sent to the Referred to User.
The case will remain on your Case Entry screen with the original case number.
8. Click Cancel to close the window or cancel the process.
IRMS User Guide
Creating Quick Response Letters
The IRMS Quick Response Letter window allows the user to automatically create a letter quickly
from the information entered in the Question section.
The functionality provided includes:
Displaying the Quick Response Letter window and allowing the user to modify any data or
documents prior to creating the letter.
Automatically creating an “Open” letter from the data in the case without displaying the
Quick Response Letter window.
Automatically creating a “Submitted” letter from the data in the case without displaying the
Quick Response Letter window.
The default information for the letter is created from the Template Control Table and User
If the Rep CC checkbox is selected in Case Entry, the Response Letter is sent to the Sales
Review Division Parameters
Review the “QuickLetterAction” parameter on the Other tab in the Division Parameters. This
parameter determines how the Quick Response Letter toolbar button will function. Options are
“OpenForm”, “CreateOpenLetter”, and “CreateSubmittedLetter”.
(For additional information, see the Division Parameters section in the System Administration
chapter in the IRMS Administration Guide.)
Create an Open Response Letter Automatically
The Quick Response Letter window is NOT displayed. The QuickLetterAction parameter is set to
1. To execute this process, click the Quick Letter (
) toolbar button in the Case Entry window.
The Quick Response Letter window is NOT displayed. A letter is automatically created with a
Status of “Open”. The system will use the Template Control Table and User Preferences to
create the letter. The letter is added to the Response Letter window.
2. To complete the letter, the user must access the letter, update any missing information, merge,
and print, fax or e-mail the letter. The letter is then change to a Status of “Completed”.
Create a Submitted Response Letter Automatically
The Quick Response Letter window is NOT displayed. The QuickLetterAction parameter is set to
) toolbar button in the Case Entry window.
1. To execute this process, click the Quick Letter (
The Quick Response Letter window is NOT displayed. A letter is automatically created with a
Status of “Submitted”. The system will use the Template Control Table and User Preferences to
create the letter.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
The letter is added to the Response Letter window. The background is displayed in yellow and
the letter cannot be changed. This is the same action as clicking Create Letter from Q&A from
the Quick Response Letter window.
Create a Response Letter Quickly
The Quick Response Letter window is displayed and the user can modify the data and select
additional documents as necessary. The QuickLetterAction parameter is set to “OpenForm”
1. To access the Quick Response Letter window, click the Quick Letter ( ) toolbar button on
the Case Entry window. The Quick Response Letter window is displayed.
Several fields are automatically populated with data from the corresponding fields in Case Entry.
2. To change the Contact, click Contact from the pick list.
3. To change the Letter Format, click Letter Format from the pick list.
4. To change the Opening or Closing, select an Opening and Closing template from the pick lists.
5. To select a Signature, click Signature from the pick list.
6. To change the Language, click Language from the pick list
7. Check the Envelope and/or Label checkbox if using an envelope or label.
8. Enter a Letter Date or click Calendar Control and select a date.
9. Select how the letter should be sent. Select the Print, Fax, and/or E-mail checkboxes to use that
output method.
10. Select the Enclosure checkbox to include the enclosures with the selected output method.
11. Click Create Letter from Q&A. The letter is automatically created and submitted with the
documents chosen in the Question section of Case Entry. The letter is added to the Response
Letter window with a Status of “Submitted”. The background is displayed in yellow and cannot
be changed. The user is returned to Case Entry.
Note: If any information is missing, the letter is created with a Status of “Open”. The user can
correct any problems and submit the letter from the Response Letter window.
Create a Response Letter by Selecting Documents
1. From the Quick Response Letter window, review and change the data as described in the previous
IRMS User Guide
Select a Single Document
2. To select a document for the Response Letter, click either Doc ID or Doc Title from the pick list.
Both fields are populated with the pick list selection.
- or Select Multiple Documents
3. Click Document Search to open the Document Search/Selection window. (See Using the
Document Search/Selection Screen section.)
4. Select the appropriate document(s) from Document Search and close the window. The user is
returned to the Quick Response Letter screen.
5. Click Create Letter. The letter is created and submitted with the selected document(s). The
letter is added to the Response Letter window with a Status of “Submitted”. The background is
displayed in yellow and cannot be changed. The user is returned to Case Entry.
Note: If any information is missing, the letter is created with a Status of “Open”. The user can
correct any problems and submit the letter from the Response Letter window.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Case Correspondence Management Screen
Creating / Generating Case Correspondence Records
Case Correspondence records can be entered manually from Case Entry. Additional Case
Correspondence is automatically created when the requirements defined in Business Rules are met.
1. To access the Case Correspondence window, navigate to the appropriate case in Case Entry, and
then select the Case Correspondence ( ) toolbar button or Case Correspondence from the
Shortcuts menu. The Case Correspondence window is displayed.
2. To automatically setup Case Correspondence records, define a business rule. The Business
Rules are accessed from the Systems menu on the Setup submenu. For more information on
Business Rules, refer to the Business Rules section in the IRMS Administration Guide.
Entering Information into the Case Correspondence Window
Correspondence Type
Select a Correspondence Type from the pick list. The Follow-up Date is automatically
populated based on the number of days defined for the Correspondence Type. The
Correspondence Type is defined in the General Table Maintenance.
Select the Action from the pick list for this correspondence. The Action is defined in the
General Table Maintenance in Correspondence Action.
Contact Name
Select the Contact Name from the pick list. The pick list contains the Contacts entered
for this case in Case Entry.
Letter Number
If a letter has already been created, then select a letter number from the pick list. If not,
access the Response Letters screen by clicking the Letters toolbar button. The letter
can be created from the Response Letters screen at any time and is displayed in the pick
list for this field. A Response Letter is not required to create a Case Correspondence
Notify Via E-mail
If the correspondence will be an email, select the Notify Via E-mail checkbox.
IRMS User Guide
E-Mail Template
If the correspondence will be an email, select an E-mail Template from the pick list.
The e-mail will be sent to the “To Address” defined in the E-mail template. The E-mail
Templates are defined in Document Maintenance.
Reply Required
If a reply is required for the follow-up, select the Reply Required checkbox.
Follow-up Date
IRMS will automatically populate the Follow-up Date based on the number of days
defined for the Correspondence Type.
If the Correspondence Action is complete, select the Completed checkbox. The
Completed Date is automatically populated with the current date.
Add Notes button
To enter additional information, click the Add Notes button. This works like other Notes
screens throughout IRMS. When the notes are added, the button turns red and reads Has
Correspondence Date
The Correspondence Date is automatically populated with the current date when the
correspondence is initiated. The date can be changed by either entering a different date
or clicking the Calendar button and selecting a different date.
Processing Case Correspondence Records
The Case Correspondence Records are processed as follows:
When the Follow-Up Date is met, the case is sent to the Attention or My Inbox screen of
the User ID located in the Ref To field for the case. IRMS will send this case everyday after
the Follow-up Date is met until the task is manually completed by selecting the Completed
This case is sent to the Attention screen or My Inbox everyday after the Follow-up Date is
met until the Correspondence is manually completed by selecting the Completed checkbox
on the Case Correspondence window.
If a Case Correspondence record was automatically created by a Business Rule. An E-Mail
is sent to the E-Mail address specified in the record. If there is no E-Mail Address, the e-mail
is sent to the Ref To User ID in the case.
Case Correspondence Toolbar
The Case Correspondence Toolbar is below with explanation for each toolbar button.
Displays the Response Letters screen in Case Entry.
Deletes the active record.
Closes the Case Correspondence Management window.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Printing Case Snapshots
Print a Case Snapshot:
1. Click the
button on the Case Entry toolbar or select Case Snapshot from the Case Entry
Shortcuts menu.
2. The Case Snapshot will be printed from your printer.
View a Case Snapshot:
1. To view a Case Snapshot, perform one of the following steps.
Click View from the Case Entry toolbar
Click Case Snapshot Preview from the Shortcuts menu
Double-click the word Case on the Case navigation bar.
The Case Snapshot screen and toolbar is displayed.
Case Snapshot Toolbar Options
1. To print the Case Snapshot, click the Print toolbar button.
2. To e-mail the Case Snapshot, click the Email As toolbar button and
then click PDF, Rich Text (RTF), or Snapshot (SNP). If the
“SaveCaseSnapshotAsAttachment” parameter in Division Parameters
is set to “Yes”, a copy of the e-mail message including the Case
Snapshot is attached to the case.
3. To save the Case Snapshot, click the Save As toolbar button
and then click Excel (XLS), PDF, Rich Text (RTF),
Snapshot (SNP), or Text (TXT).
IRMS User Guide
Selecting Specific Labels to Print
1. To access the Labels screen, click the
toolbar button.
2. Enter the Number of Labels to Skip.
3. Enter the # of labels to print for each name.
4. Decide where to Generate the Labels From.
5. Choose a Label Type.
6. To print the labels, select the
7. To preview the labels, select the
8. To create a label file, select the
9. Closing the Labels screen by selecting the
return you to the Case Entry screen.
toolbar button.
toolbar button.
toolbar button.
toolbar button or clicking on the
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Functionality of the Shortcuts menu in Case Entry
Adding a Literature Fulfillment Case
IRMS has built-in functionality to help you quickly respond to requests for literature. You can
choose the pieces to be included and print a Literature Fulfillment Order Form.
To Process a Literature Request:
1. Access the Case Entry screen.
2. Select Literature Request from the Shortcuts menu. The Literature Category Selection
screen will open.
3. Highlight the desired category. The Literature List screen will open.
4. Check the box of the appropriate literature.
button on the toolbar. The report will be sent to the printer and
5. Click the
you will be returned to the Case Entry screen. The Response text box field will contain a
descriptive list of the literature that was requested.
IRMS User Guide
E-mail Case Information
There are several situations that occur when an e-mail should be sent to someone else. This option
allows the user to send an email to a Sales Representative or someone else. E-mail Templates defined
in Document Maintenance can be used to format the subject and text in the e-mail.
An e-mail can be sent with Case Data from the Case Entry and Response Letters windows.
An E-mail template can be defined in Document Maintenance that populates data in the Subject and
Text of the e-mail using replacement fields. The e-mail can be saved for future reference.
An e-mail can sent to the Sales Representative specified in the case. (Once the e-mail has been sent,
the Notes button for the case will turn red.)
Division Parameter(s) for E-mail Case Information
Below are the Division Parameter(s) that should be reviewed prior to using the E-mail Case
Review the Email Address for Corporate
Enter the E-mail address for corporate in the Division Parameters on the General tab in the E-mail
Processing Steps for E-mailing Case Information
1. To e-mail case information, click E-Mail Case Info from the Shortcuts menu.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
The E-mail Case Information window is displayed. The email address for the Representative (if
known) is automatically populated in the To: field. The To: and Cc: pick list display Sales
Representatives and IRMS users.
Finding E-mail Addresses
2. There are several ways to find e-mail addresses.
Select the E-mail addresses from the pick list for the To: and Cc: fields.
View the E-mail addresses from the Find E-mail Addresses window. Click the To: or Cc:
button to display Find E-mail Addresses.
In the Find Addresses in field, select either “IRMS Users”, “Representatives”, “Case
Contacts”, or “Global Address List”. The e-mail addresses for the selected group is
displayed. Select the email addresses and click To-> or Cc-> to add the address to the email.
To select multiple e-mail addresses, click CTRL and then select the E-mail Addresses.
Note: If Representative E-mail Addresses are selected, the Representative Code,
Representative Type, and Postal Code are also displayed.
Enter the <<ALLCONTACTSEMAILS>> replacement field in the To: field to send an email to all the contacts for the case.
3. Select an e-mail template from the Template pick list. The Subject and Text fields are
automatically populated. Data from the current case is substituted for the replacement fields in
the Subject and Text fields. Make any necessary changes to the e-mail. (For additional
information and a complete list of replacement fields, see the Replacement Field Codes chapter
in the Field Codes Guide.)
4. If a template is not selected, then type the text in the Subject and Text fields.
IRMS User Guide
Include Selected Reports
5. Select the checkbox preceding the Report Name to include the report in the email. The reports
that can be included are the Case Snapshot and the CIOMS Report.
Save Options from Case Entry and Response Letters
6. The Save Options are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Select the appropriate checkbox to
save the e-mail. More than one checkbox can be selected.
If an E-mail template is selected and the Case Log? checkbox is checked in Document
Maintenance, then the Case Log checkbox is automatically checked and cannot be changed.
Case Notes
If the Case Notes checkbox is selected, a copy of the e-mail is created in Case Notes as
Case Log
If the Case Log checkbox is selected, an entry is logged in the Case Log file for the email as shown.
Case Attachments
If the Case Attachments checkbox is selected, a copy of the e-mail is attached to the
case as shown.
7. To send the e-mail, click Send. The e-mail is sent, the Communications Log is updated, and the
previous screen is displayed. To cancel the email, click Cancel. The previous screen is
displayed and the e-mail is not sent.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Updating a Completed Case
There are two ways to change data in a completed case. The use of these methods is restricted by
settings in Group Security.
Method 1 – Changing the case status to “open” and then updating the case.
(See Re-opening a Case)
Method 2 – Having the status remain “completed” and then updating the case.
(See Changing a Completed Case)
Re-opening A Case
If your security settings allow it, you may reopen a case.
To change the case status to “open” and then update the case:
1. Navigate to the case to be re-opened.
2. Click Shortcuts on the Case Entry menu bar.
3. Select Re-open Case from the Shortcuts menu.
4. If your System Parameters do not require a reason for re-opening case, an IRMS warning box
will appear, as shown below.
5. Click
to confirm that you want to re-open the case and make your changes.
6. If your System Parameters require a reason for re-opening a case, the IRMS Re-Open Case box
will be displayed, as shown below.
7. To re-open the case, enter a reason by either clicking on the pick list arrow and selecting a reason,
or entering the reason as free text, then click
. IRMS will re-open the case and return
you to the Case Entry screen. To cancel re-opening the case, click
. IRMS will return
you to Case Entry without re-opening the case.
8. When the case is re-opened, the status will change to “open”, and the completed date will be
IRMS will allow you to do a follow-up letter without re-opening the case so that the Completion
Date is not affected.
IRMS User Guide
Changing a Completed Case
If your security settings allow it, you may make changes in a completed case. This will allow you to
make changes without changing the Completed Date.
1. Navigate to the case to be changed.
2. Make any necessary changes.
3. Depending upon your System Parameters, you may be required to provide a reason for changing
this case. The IRMS Change Logging box will be displayed.
4. Type a reason and click
5. The Completed Date will remain the same and the Status will remain “completed.”
Additional Case Entry Functionality
E-mailing a Case Transfer
General Tables for E-mail Case Transfer
Review the E-Mail Case Transfer Destination & Code defined in the General table on the Tables
menu. This table displays the window below with the available email destinations.
Sending an E-mail
1. Navigate to the case to be e-mailed in Case Entry.
2. Select
window is displayed.
from the Case Entry Shortcuts menu. The Select a Destination
3. The case is e-mailed to the destination that has been selected. If the destination is another IRMS
site, the case will automatically be added to that IRMS system and is displayed in the user’s
Attention or My Inbox window.
IRMS User Guide
Copying the Current Case
Copy the Current Case function allows a case to be duplicated and sent to other departments. (The
Copy the Current Case function will automatically populate the checkboxes using the defaults
defined on the Copy Case… tab in User Preferences. (See the Copy Case TabCopy Case Tab
section on page 40 in User Preferences for additional information.)
When a case is copied, a new Case Number is assigned to the case copy.
To access the Copy Current Case function, access the Case Entry window, and then click the
Copy the Current Case button on the toolbar or click Copy from the Shortcuts menu.
The Copy Requests or Prepare Mail Merge Data window is displayed.
Select either the Current Case or a Range of Cases
To copy cases, select either the Current Case or All Cases Selected button. The Current
Case is automatically selected.
The Items to Copy section allows the user to select what sections of the case should be
copied. Defaults for this section are in the Copy Case… tab of the User Preferences. Please
review the User Preferences section of the User’s Guide for an explanation. Select or
deselect the checkboxes for the appropriate information.
The Action section performs several functions. The Copy Cases is automatically selected.
Select one of the actions.
“Copy Cases”
Creates a copy of the case and sends it to the Service Rep selected in Case Overrides. The
case is assigned a new number.
“Mail Merge”
Creates a copy of the case?????
“Copy/Follow Up”
Creates a copy of the case and assigns a new number. The Case Overrides, Letter Options,
and Follow Up Options sections are activated.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
“Follow Up”
Creates a copy of the case and assigns a new number. The Case Overrides, Letter Options,
and Follow Up Options sections are activated.
The Case Overrides section allows the user to reassign certain case data fields during the
copy or follow-up.
The Representative section has several options The options are:
“None” – The representative information is copied as is
“By Rep Code/Territory” – The copied case is updated based on the Rep Code
“By Postal Code” – The copied case is assigned to the representative defined in the
Representative Alignment table for that postal code.
The Letter Overrides section allows the user to reassign certain letter data fields during the
copy or follow-up. Select the appropriate letter overrides from the pick list.
The Follow Up Options apply to the Mail Merge, Copy/Follow Up, and Follow Up actions.
Select the appropriate document for the action.
button. Click Cancel to exit the window without copying
To copy the case, click the
the case. The user is returned to the Case Entry window.
IRMS User Guide
Deleting a Case
If you find that a case has been entered in error, you may delete it. IRMS has a security setting that
can restrict this privilege by the individual.
To Delete a Case:
1. Navigate to the case that you want to delete, by using the Case navigation bar in the Case
Entry screen.
2. Click the
(Delete the Current Case) button on the Case Entry toolbar.
3. If your System Parameters do not require a reason for deleting a case, an IRMS warning box
will appear, as shown below.
4. To delete the case, click
cancel the delete, click
. IRMS will delete the case and return you to Case Entry. To
. IRMS will return you to Case Entry without deleting the case
5. If your System Parameters require a reason for deleting a case, the IRMS Delete Case box will
be displayed, as shown below.
6. To delete the case, enter a reason by either clicking on the pick list arrow and selecting a
. IRMS will delete the case and
reason, or entering the reason as free text, then click
. IRMS will return you to Case Entry
return you to Case Entry. To cancel the delete, click
without deleting the case.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Case Audit Trail
1. In Case Entry, navigate to the appropriate case using the Case navigation bar at the bottom of
the screen.
2. On the Shortcuts menu, click Case Audit Trail.
3. The Case Audit Trail report for the current case is displayed as shown below.
4. To print the report, click
on the toolbar.
5. To email the report in a PDF, rtf, or snapshot format, click
on the toolbar.
6. To save the report in an Excel spreadsheet, PDF, rtf, snapshot, or text file format, click
on the toolbar.
IRMS User Guide
Case Log
1. In Case Entry, navigate to the appropriate case using the Case navigation bar at the bottom of
the screen.
2. Click the
toolbar button or select Case Log from the Shortcuts menu.
3. The Case Log screen displays log records for the current case.
4. To add a new transaction to the Case Log, click End of Records button on the Navigation Bar.
5. Select the type of Transaction (this field is maintained in the Tables – General – Case Log
Transaction table).
6. Enter the appropriate details in the Notes field.
7. IRMS will auto-populate the When, By User, and Call Center fields.
Transaction Types added to the Case Log
The table below contains a list of the transactions that are automatically added to the Case Log in
Case Entry, Adverse Events, and Product Complaints.
Transaction Description
Transaction Description
Change AE
Complete Letter
Close AE Version
Delete Letter
New AE
Generate Letter
New AE Version
New Letter
Re-Open AE Version
New Quick Letter
Additional Case Entry Functionality
Transaction Description
Transaction Description
Change Case
Output Letter – E-Mail
Delete Case
Output Letter – Final
Re-Open Letter
E-Mail Snapshot
Close PC
New Case
New PC
Re-Open Case
Re-Close PC
Transfer Case
Re-Open PC
IRMS User Guide
Entering Client Defined Fields
IRMS allows each client to define up to ten additional data fields and a memo field not contained in
IRMS. The Client Defined Fields are entered at the case level. (Note: There are also client fields
that can be assigned at the document level with Document Merge Fields.)The Client Data Fields
are defined in the Case Entry/Response Letters tab of the Division Parameters. Please refer to the
Administration Guide if these fields are not setup.
Enter Client Defined Data:
1. Navigate to the appropriate case from Case Entry. Click the
button at the bottom
right side of Case Entry or choose Client Data from the Shortcuts menu. The Client Defined
Fields screen is displayed as shown below.
2. The Client Memo Field can be used in two ways to enter information.
Data can be entered using templates. To select a template, click on the Pick List arrow in the
first field to display a list of templates. (The templates are defined in the Maintenance…
option from the Documents drop down menu. These templates are setup as an E-mail
document type. Please refer to the Document Maintenance section in the Document
Management Guide.) The template selected is displayed in the Client Memo Field. The
information enclosed in the << >> signs needs to be filled in. For example,
need to be filled in with today’s date. Move to the next template field and fill in that
information. Continue until all the information is filled in. Other information in this field
can be modified as needed. When you have finished, tab to the next field.
Data can be entered with free text. Click in the Client Memo Field and enter the data. Tab
to the next Data Field to enter other Client Data.
Additional Case Entry Functionality
3. It is at your discretion how you enter data into Client Data Field1 through Client Data Field 10.
The fields can be either text fields, numeric fields, date fields, and/or yes/no fields. Enter data
into any of the fields and close the Client Defined Fields screen to return to Case Entry.
4. When data is entered in the Client Data Fields, the
button will be displayed with red
Chapter 6
Response Letters
Copying the Current Response Letter
5. From the Response Letters screen, navigate to the appropriate response letter by using the
Letters: navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.
(Copy the Current Response Letter Record) toolbar button or select Copy from
6. Click the
the Shortcuts menu.
7. A new letter will be started with all of the details copied. The number of letters for this case
will increase by one.
Deleting the Current Response Letter
1. From the Response Letters screen, navigate to the appropriate response letter by using the
Letters: navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.
2. Click the
(Delete the Current Response Letter Record Document) toolbar button or select
Delete from the Shortcuts menu.
3. If your System Parameters do not require a reason for deleting a Response Letter, the IRMS
Delete Response Letter box will appear, as shown below.
4. Click
and the current record letter will be deleted and the total number of letters for this
case will be decreased by one.
5. If your System Parameters require a reason for deleting a Response Letter, the IRMS Delete
Response Letter box will be displayed, as shown below.
6. To delete the letter, enter a reason by either clicking on the pick list arrow and select a reason,
. IRMS will delete the letter and decrease
or entering the reason as free text, then click
the total number of letters for this case by one. IRMS will return you to the Response Letters
screen. To cancel deleting the letter, click
Letters screen without deleting the letter.
. IRMS will return you to the Response
Re-Opening a Completed Response Letter
1. From the Response Letters screen, navigate to the appropriate response letter by using the
Letters: navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.
2. Click Shortcuts on the Response Letters menu bar.
3. Select Re-Open Letter from the Shortcuts menu.
4. If your System Parameters do not require a reason for re-opening a Response Letter, the IRMS
Re-Open Response Letter box will appear, as shown below.
5. Click
and the current record letter will be re-opened. The letter status will be changed
to open and the Status Date will be cleared.
6. If your System Parameters require a reason for re-opening a Response Letter, the IRMS ReOpen Response Letter box will be displayed, as shown below.
7. To re-open the letter, enter a reason by either clicking on the pick list arrow and selecting a
. IRMS will re-open the letter. The
reason, or entering the reason as free text, then click
letter status will be changed to open and the status date will be cleared. IRMS will return you
to the Response Letters screen. To cancel re-opening the letter, click
. IRMS will return
you to the Response Letters screen without re-opening the letter.
Changing a Response Letter that has been Edited
There may be times that you will want to make changes to a letter (i.e. add an additional enclosure)
that has been already been edited. Normally, IRMS will not allow you to make these changes without
re-merging the letter. If the letter is re-merged then all edits that were made will be lost. A special
field in System Parameters called Letter Control allows you to change the logic that IRMS follows
during this situation. If the Letter Control field is set to “Strict”, then IRMS will not accept any
changes to a letter that has already been merged or output. If the Letter Control field is set to
“None” however, then IRMS will allow you to make changes to the Letters screen without altering
the Merge date, Edit date, and/or any Output dates.
Response Letters
Entering CCs for Response Letters
Entering CCs from the Response Letter Copies Screen
1. To enter CCs for the letter, click the
button on the Response Letters screen toolbar or
choose CC Names from the Shortcuts menu. The Response Letter Copies (CC’s) screen will
open as shown below.
2. You may select one or more people to receive a CC of the Response Letter. Enter the name as it
should appear on the CC of the Response Letter or use the combo box arrow to choose from a
list of all the contacts on this case.
- or 3. Pick a sales rep, by using the combo box arrow to choose a Rep No. Any name entered in the
Name field will be replaced by the representative name selected.
4. Select the Save field to store a copy of the Response Letter for the name specified in the
RepCopy subfolder in the System folder.
5. Select the E-mail checkbox and enter an e-mail address in the E-Mail Address field to e-mail a
copy of the Response Letter to this name. The e-mail is sent regardless of the output method of
the original Response Letter.
6. Select the Blind field to exclude this name from printing in the CC section on the original
Response Letter.
IRMS will apply a watermark to all representative copies regardless if they are e-mailed or
printed. If no watermark record is defined, the text “For Internal Use Only” will be applied. To
suppress the watermark, create a Rep Copies watermark with text set to “none”.
Entering CCs from the Case Entry Screen
1. From Case Entry, once a sales representative has been selected for this case, check the CC?
CC? field ▼
2. This will automatically send this representative into the Response Letter Copies screen.
Rep from ►
Case Entry
3. A Division Parameter can be set to allow the default for all rep cc’s to either be set to e-mail
or to printed copies.
4. The Address field is an e-mail address only field. If you enter an e-mail address and check the
E-Mail box, a copy of the response letter will get e-mailed to that address, regardless of the
output method of the original response letter.
5. Check the Blind field, if you want the name to not print on the original.
Case Log
1. From the Response Letters screen, navigate to the appropriate letter using the Letter
navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.
2. Select Case Log from the Shortcuts menu.
The Case Log screen will be displayed, in which major case changes with date and user are
Response Letters
Additional Functionality of IRMS Main Menu – Print Letters
We have discussed the process of printing, faxing, and e-mailing batches of response letters in Step 7
– Processing the Written Response. Once you have selected the letters to process you can also get a
response summary report of all the cases selected, a case snapshot of each case selected, and mailing
labels for all the cases selected
Printing a Response Summary Report and/or Case Snapshots
1. Enter the Print Response Letters, Faxes, and E-mails Selection screen, by clicking the
button on the IRMS Main Menu or selecting Print Responses… from the
Case drop down menu.
2. Enter Case Criteria and/or Letter Criteria to increase or limit your search for a group of
3. Click one of the Find buttons. The records matching the search criteria will be displayed in the
lower half of the screen.
4. The
button finds responses that need to be printed.
button finds responses that need to be faxed.
button finds responses that need to be e-mailed.
5. Click the
button on the toolbar. A Response Summary Report will print to your default
6. To print case snapshots for the selected group, click the
series of Case Snapshot Reports will print to your default printer.
button on the toolbar. A
Printing Labels
Labels can be printed on a sheet of labels or to a Dymo Label Printer for selected groups of
The Label check box on the Response Letters screen or the Quick Letter screen must have been
selected and a count entered.
1. To print labels for the selected group, click the Labels (
) toolbar button from the
Response Letters screen. A sheet of default labels will print to your printer.
- or -
Skips this
many labels
Prints this many
labels for each
Set up in the
Other tab of
Parameters under
the “Default
Label” item.
Printing Envelopes
2. From the Print Response Letters, Faxes, and E-mails – Selection screen, your group should
already be selected.
3. Click the
button on the toolbar. A #10 envelope will print to your default printer.
This option may not work correctly with your printer. A more flexible version of envelope
printing is planned for a later version of IRMS.
The Envelope check box on the Response Letters screen must have been checked.
Chapter 7
Other Functionality
On-Call Staff Calendar (Main Resource Calendar)
The On-Call Staff Calendar was reworked in version 5.7.0 to look and function like a calendar. When this
option is selected, the Main Resource Calendar displays Staffing and QA shifts in a weekly format. The
Monthly format, the On-Call Staff Calendar allows Resources (Service Rep) to be assigned or removed from
a shift. A Monthly Shift Resource report can be generated.
Reason to Run the On-Call Staff Calendar (Main Resource Calendar):
The On Call Staff Calendar is executed to review and change the staffing shifts. The Main
Resource Calendar displays the Resources in a weekly view. The Detail Month View displays
the Resources, Proxies, and Backups assigned to a shift.
Prerequisites (Cautions) Prior to Executing the On-Call Staff Calendar:
The QA and Staffing shifts must be setup in Shift Maintenance prior to using the option. For
more information, see the On-Call Staff Calendar section in the IRMS Admin Guide.
The Backups and Proxies assigned by the Resources should be setup in the old On-Call Staff
Calendar which can be accessed from the Main Resource Calendar or the On-Call Monthly
Staff Calendar.
IRMS User Guide
Main Resource Calendar
Processing Steps for the On-Call Staff Calendar:
1. Access this option, from the Tools menu, click On-Call Staff Calendar. The Main Resource
Calendar is displayed as shown.
2. The Main Resource Calendar displays the shifts and resources for the current week. The
Division is populated from the User Information and cannot be changed unless the user is a
Non-divisional user. To see a complete list of the resources for a specific shift, hover over a
day and shift. All the resources assigned to the shift are displayed as shown below.
In the example above, the cursor is in the calendar for the Early Shift on Tuesday. After hovering
over the box, another window is displayed showing June and Mike on that shift.
Another method to view all the resources for a day is to double-click on the day. A window is
displayed as shown below.
Other Functionality
This is the same example as above. Click Close to exit the window.
3. To display all the resources for a shift, double-click the Shift to view. Below is a Resource list
for a Shift.
4. The following options are available from the Main Resource Calendar screen. The options are
explained below.
Basic Month View (
Displays a Month View for a selected Shift.
Detail Month View (
Displays a Month View for all the Shifts and allows changes to the Resources
Maintain Resources (
Displays the old On-Call Staff Calendar shifts and resources. Notify and Referral Shifts can
be setup here. These shifts are not displayed in the Main Resource Calendar.
Calendar Control (
Displays a calendar and allows a date to be selected. The week is displayed for the date
Close (
Closes the program and displays the IRMS Main menu.
Basic Month View
The Basic Month View (
)displays the Resources for a shift. To display this view, point to the
Shift Name column and then click a Shift, then click Basic Month View. The window is displayed
as shown below.
IRMS User Guide
The example above shows CAN, June and Mike scheduled to work the Month of September.
The Shift, Days and Hours staffed is displayed in the upper right corner.
The calendar month can be changed by clicking the Calendar Control button or one of the arrows on
either side of the Staff Calendar title.
Resources can be maintained by clicking the Maintain Resources button. (See Maintaining
Resources later in this chapter.) Below is a display of the actions available on this screen.
To Exit the screen, click Close or click X. The Main Resource Calendar is displayed.
Detail Month View
The Detail Month View (
)displays and maintains the Shift Resources. To display this view,
click Detail Month View. The window is displayed as shown below.
Other Functionality
In the example above, multiple shifts are displayed. To see the resources assigned to all the shifts on
a specific day, hover on the day. Another window is displayed with a complete list of shifts and
resources assigned for that day as shown below.
The Division is populated from the User Preferences and cannot be changed. The Shift Type, Shift,
Staff Type, and Resource can be selected to limit the information displayed in the Calendar.
The calendar month can be changed by clicking the Calendar Control button or one of the arrows on
either side of the Staff Calendar title.
Resources can be maintained from this screen. Resources can be added or deleted from a shift. All
Resources should be maintained on this screen.
IRMS User Guide
A Backup and a Proxy for a Resource is setup by clicking the Maintain Resources button. This
button should only be used for setting up a Backup or Proxy. Any other addition or deletions of
Resources should be done from this screen, not the Maintain Resources option. (See Maintaining
Resources later in this chapter.)
A Monthly Resource Report can be printed clicking the Report button.
Below is a display of the actions available from this screen.
Maintain Resources using the Month Detail View
Add or Delete Resources from a Shift
1. To add or delete resources select a Shift Type (“Staffing” or “QA”) and Shift from the pick
list for the fields. The calendar will change and display the Resources for the Shift Type and
Shift selected.
2. Select a Staff Type (“Assigned”, “Backup”, or “Proxy”) from the pick list for the field. The
calendar will change and display the resources for the Staff Type selected.
3. Select a Resource from the pick list to Add or Delete from the shift. Only Resources with a
Staff Type “Assigned” can be updated from this view.
4. Select the date range to be changed. To select individual days, hold down the Ctrl key and
click each day. To select a date range, hold down the Shift key and click the start date and
then click the end date. When the dates are selected, the color will change from blue to gray
as shown below.
5. The prerequisites steps are complete. To add or delete the resource, click the Add or Delete
button. The updated screen is displayed with the changes.
Clear Preferences
To clear the selections in the calendar, click the Clear button.
Refresh the Calendar (
To refresh the calendar after changes are made using Maintain Resources, click the Refresh
Other Functionality
Monthly Shift Resource Report
1. To print the Monthly Shift Resource Report, select the report criteria from the Shift Type,
Shift, Staff Type, and Resource. If a field is blank, all the values will be included.
2. The data for the current month is selected. The calendar month can be changed by clicking
the Calendar Control button or one of the arrows on either side of the Staff Calendar title.
3. Once the criteria are selected, click Report. The report is displayed on the screen as shown
4. After completing the report options, click Close to return to the Detail Monthly View screen.
Monthly Shift Resource Report Toolbar
The report can be printed, emailed, or saved in a different format. The Toolbar options are explained
Print the Monthly Shift Resource Report.
Display a single page of the report.
Display multiple pages of the report. Click the button and then
click the number of pages to display on the screen.
Change the size of the report displayed on the screen. Click the
pick list and select a percentage of the page to display on the
Email the Report to another user as a PDF, Rich Text (RTF), or
Snapshot (SNP).
IRMS User Guide
Save the report in a different format. Click the pick list and
select Excel, PDF, Rich Text (RTF), Snapshot (SNP), or Text
(TXT) format.
Close the report and return to the Monthly Detail View.
Maintain Resources (Backup and Proxy):
The old Maintain Resource screen for the On-Call Staff Calendar should only be used to setup
a Backup and Proxy for a Resource. Adding or removing a Resource from a shift should be
done on the Detail Monthly View screen for the On-Call Staff Calendar.
1. Access the On-Call Staff Calendar to setup a Proxy or Backup, click the Maintain
button from the Detail Monthly View screen.
2. The Division will populate from the User Information and cannot be changed. The From
Date will default to the current date.
On-Call Staff Calendar Screen Shot
3. Enter a Shift Type by clicking the pick list arrow and selecting a Shift Type. Backup and
Proxy information can only be entered for Staffing and QA shifts.
4. Enter Shift by clicking the pick list arrow and selecting a shift. The “Resources Datasheet
with Backups and Proxies” view in the On-Call Staff Calendar is displayed. The screen is
shown below.
Other Functionality
5. Staffing Days and Times are populated and cannot be changed. The Resources assigned to
the shift are displayed along with the Backup and Proxy information.
Assigning Backup and Proxy Resources
The individual can assign Backup and Proxy resources when the resource is unavailable. A Proxy is
a Resource assigned to take the individual’s cases during a specific time. The Proxy will
automatically receive the cases during the specified date and time. A Backup is a Resource assigned
to assist when the individual is too busy.
To enter a Proxy or Backup, highlight your resource information by clicking in the first
column of the Resource. The information for the Resource is highlighted. You can only
enter Backup and Proxy information for yourself.
Type - Click in the Type column and then click the pick list arrow and select either
Backup or Proxy.
Start Date – Enter the date when this Resource will start to receive cases
End Date – Enter the date when this Resource will stop receiving cases.
Start Time – Enter the time when this Resource will start receiving cases. The time is in
the following format: hh:mm am/pm.
End Time – Enter the time when this Resource will stop receiving cases. The time is in
the following format: hh:mm am/pm.
Resource – Enter the Resource by clicking on the pick list arrow and select a Resource
(Service Rep) to receive cases.
Notes – Enter any additional comments or information.
Set Up On-Call Unavailability
Setting up On-Call Unavailability information warns other Resources (Service Reps) when they
attempt to assign Backup and Proxy times to you when you are not available.
5. Click the
(On-Call Unavailability) button to enter a Proxy or Backup. The On-Call
Unavailability pop up window is displayed as shown below.
The Select a Resource information is already pre-populated with the Resource (Service
Rep), is grayed out and cannot be changed.
IRMS User Guide
Unavailable From and to – Click on the
(Calendar Control) button to display a
calendar and select a range of dates the Resource is unavailable. Click
populate the dates.
Between the Hours of – Enter the starting time the Resource is unavailable in the
following format: hh:mm am/pm.
Between the Hours … and – Enter the ending time the Resource is unavailable in the
following format: hh:mm am/pm.
Notes – Enter any additional comments or information.
6. Return to the On-Call Staff Calendar screen by clicking the
(Close) button.
Display Resource Unavailability
The Resource has the ability to view and print the Resource Unavailability Report.
button. The
1. Display the Resource Unavailability Report by clicking the
Date Range Criteria pop up window is displayed prompting for the Date Range as shown
Enter the Start Date and End Date by clicking the
date. Click OK to display the report.
(Calendar Control) button and selecting a
2. The Unavailability Report can be printed, sent as an email, or saved as a file. The report is
shown below.
3. To exit the report, click the
(Close) button to return to the On-Call Staff Calendar
4. To exit the On-Call Staff Calendar, click X to return to the Detail Monthly View screen.
From the Detail Monthly View screen, click X to return to the Main Resource Calendar
Other Functionality
Displaying All New and Existing Cases
There are two different options available to display Case information. Those options are the
Attention and My Inbox screen. The screen to be displayed is defined in the Division Parameters
of the System drop down menu. (See Division Parameters… section of this Administration Guide)
You have the option to display the Attention screen or My Inbox screen when starting up IRMS.
There are also parameters to define how often the screen should be refreshed. Both of these options
are defined in the User Preferences of the Tools drop down menu in the Users Guide.
Attention screen
Other IRMS users have the ability to send cases to your User ID (see the Sending a Case to another
Department/User section and Referring a Case to another User section). To check to see what
cases have been transferred to your User ID, the Attention screen must be accessed. A list of these
cases appears on this screen.
To access the Attention screen, select “Attention” Screen from the Tools menu.
An “A” following the case number indicates that a copy of the case was sent to you. If no “A” is
following the case number, then the case was re-assigned to you.
Your User Preferences can be set to open the Attention screen at the startup of IRMS. This is done
through the Case Entry…tab of the User Preferences screen. The Open Attention screen at
Startup box in the Action Defaults: section needs to be checked.
If this box is selected in your User Preferences, your IRMS Main Menu at start up will include the
Attention screen.
To add a red flag to a case in the “Attention” screen:
1. Prior to referring a case or transferring a case to a different user, select “High” or “Immediate”
from the Priority pick list in Case Entry. Then send the case to the other user.
2. The case will appear in the Attention screen with the Case # field and the Priority field colored
red. This will indicate to the user that this is a high priority case and should be taken care of
To eliminate a case from the Attention screen:
1. Double click on the arrow to the left of the appropriate case.
2. IRMS will send you to Case Entry with the selected case as the active case.
IRMS User Guide
3. IRMS will instantly remove the case from the Attention screen.
4. Additionally, if you have processed the case through Case Entry all the way to completion, then
IRMS will automatically delete the case off of your Attention screen.
My Inbox Window
The My Inbox window is a different method of displaying case and follow up data. My Inbox
displays several folders. The folders include Cases, AE, QA, Follow Up, Group cases, Workflow,
and Workflow Tasks. There is a toolbar used with My Inbox as shown.
Case Folder
The Case folder displays all cases with a status other than completed that are referred to you,
imported, or created by you. The cases appearing for the first time on the My Inbox screen are
displayed in bold until you click the case or activity occurs for that case in Case Entry. Cases
marked with a High Priority are highlighted in red. Next to the Case label, the new and total number
of cases are displayed in parenthesis.
To select the Case folder, click the
option on the left-hand side of the window.
To select a case within the Case folder, point to the Case and double-click.
A Toolbar is displayed at the top of the screen when the Case option is selected. After selecting a
case from the My Inbox window, select the appropriate Toolbar button. The Toolbar buttons are
explained below.
Case Entry – Click the
button to view or edit a case in Case Entry. The case
will appear not bolded in the My Inbox screen.
Mark as Read – Click the
button to mark a case as read without viewing it
in Case Entry. The case will appear not bolded in the My Inbox screen.
Mark as Unread – Click the
will appear bolded on the My Inbox screen.
Close – Click the
button to mark a case as unread. The case
button to close the My Inbox.
Other Functionality
AE Folder
The AE folder displays the Adverse Event cases with Regulatory Reports that are due soon. When
the reports are due is determined by the “AE_INBOXDAYS” parameter specified in User Preferences.
The user is notified that many days in advance.
The AE cases appearing for the first time in My Inbox are displayed in bold until the case is selected
by the user. Next to the AE label, the new and total number of cases are displayed in parenthesis.
To select the AE folder, click AE on the left panel in the window.
To select an adverse event case within the AE folder, point to the AE Report Number and doubleclick.
AE Folder Toolbar
After selecting a folder in My Inbox, the following toolbar buttons are available. The Toolbar
buttons are explained below.
Case Entry – Click the
button to view or edit a case in Case Entry. The case
will appear not bolded in the My Inbox screen.
Mark as Read – Click the
button to mark a case as read without viewing it
in Case Entry. The case will appear not bolded in the My Inbox screen.
Mark as Unread – Click the
will appear bolded on the My Inbox screen.
Close – Click the
button to mark a case as unread. The case
button to close the My Inbox.
IRMS User Guide
Quality Assurance (QA) Folder
The Quality Assurance (QA) folder displays all QA cases that are assigned to you and have not been
completed. The QA folder will only be populated if the QA module is used. New QA cases are
displayed in bold until you click on the case. Next to the QA label, the new and total number of QA
cases are displayed in parenthesis.
To select the QA folder, click on the
option on the left-hand side of the window.
To select a case within the QA folder, point to the Case and double-click.
A Toolbar is displayed at the top of the screen when the QA option is selected. After selecting a case
from the My Inbox window, select the appropriate Toolbar button. The Toolbar buttons are explained
View Case – Click the
Edit QA – Click the
Mark as Read – Click the
button to mark a case as read without viewing it
in Case Entry. The case will appear not bolded in the My Inbox screen.
Mark as Unread – Click the
will appear bolded on the My Inbox screen.
Close – Click the
button to view a case in Case Entry.
button to edit a QA case.
button to mark a case as unread. The case
button to close the My Inbox.
Other Functionality
Follow-Up Folder
The Follow-Up folder displays a list of cases where Follow-Ups have been set and are now due. You
can click on the case and edit it in Case Entry. All cases will continue to be displayed in this folder
until the correspondence causing the follow-up has been marked completed. This functionality works
the same as the existing “Attention” screen. Next to the Follow-up label, the new and total number
of Follow-up reminders are displayed in parenthesis.
To select the Follow Up folder, click on the
option on the left-hand side of the window.
To select a case within the Follow-Up folder, point to the Case and double-click.
A Toolbar is displayed at the top of the screen when the Follow-Up option is selected. After
selecting a case from the My Inbox window, select the appropriate Toolbar button. The Toolbar
buttons are explained below.
Case Entry – Click the
Correspondence – Click the
Correspondence screen.
Mark as Read – Click the
button to mark a case as read without viewing it
in Case Entry. The case will appear not bolded in the My Inbox screen.
Mark as Unread – Click the
will appear bolded on the My Inbox screen.
Close – Click the
button to view a case in Case Entry.
button to display the Case Entry and Case
button to mark a case as unread. The case
button to close the My Inbox.
IRMS User Guide
Group Cases Folder
The Group Cases folder displays all Cases for the Therapeutic Group you are in. The cases in this
folder are not assigned to a specific individual. Next to the Follow-up label, the new and total
number of Group Cases are displayed in parenthesis.
To select the Group Cases folder, click on the
option on the left-hand side of the window.
To select a case within the Group Cases folder, point to the Case and double-click.
A Toolbar is displayed at the top of the screen when the Group Cases option is selected. After
selecting a case from the My Inbox window, select the appropriate Toolbar button. The Toolbar
buttons are explained below.
View Case – Click the
button to view a case in Case Entry. Viewing the case
does not assign it to you and the case will remain in the Group Cases folder.
Take Ownership – Click the
button to display the case in Case Entry.
Taking Ownership of a case assigns the case to you and removes it from the Group Cases
Mark as Read – Click the
button to mark a case as read without viewing it
in Case Entry. The case will appear not bolded in the My Inbox screen.
Mark as Unread – Click the
will appear bolded on the My Inbox screen.
Close – Click the
button to mark a case as unread. The case
button to close the My Inbox.
Other Functionality
Workflow Folder
The Workflow folder displays the Workflow Processes owned by this user. All open and active
workflow processes are displayed. If there is a task that is overdue in the workflow process, the
workflow is displayed with a red font. Next to the Workflow label, the number of open workflows is
displayed in parenthesis.
To select the Workflow folder, click the Workflow option on the left panel of the window.
To select a workflow, point to the Workflow and double-click.
Workflow Folder Toolbar
A Toolbar is displayed for the Workflow folder. After selecting a workflow from the My Inbox
window, select the appropriate Toolbar button. The Toolbar buttons are explained below.
Mark as Read – Click the
button to mark a case as read without viewing it
in Case Entry. The case will appear not bolded in the My Inbox screen.
Mark as Unread – Click the
will appear bolded on the My Inbox screen.
Close – Click the
button to mark a case as unread. The case
button to close the My Inbox.
IRMS User Guide
Workflow Tasks Folder
The Workflow Tasks folder displays the Workflow Tasks assigned to this user. All open tasks are
displayed. Next to the Workflow Tasks label, the number of workflow tasks is displayed in
To select the Workflow Tasks folder, click the Workflow Tasks option on the left panel of the
To select a workflow, point to the Workflow Tasks and double-click.
Workflow Tasks Folder Toolbar
A Toolbar is displayed for the Workflow Tasks folder. After selecting a workflow from the My
Inbox window, select the appropriate Toolbar button. The Toolbar buttons are explained below.
Mark as Read – Click the
button to mark a case as read without viewing it
in Case Entry. The case will appear not bolded in the My Inbox screen.
Mark as Unread – Click the
will appear bolded on the My Inbox screen.
Close – Click the
button to mark a case as unread. The case
button to close the My Inbox.
Other Functionality
E-mailing Corporate
An e-mail can be sent to the corporate office from many screens throughout IRMS.
An E-mail template is defined in Document Maintenance that populates data in the Subject and Text
of the e-mail using the replacement fields. If sending an e-mail from Case Entry or Response
Letters, the e-mail can be saved for future reference.
The E-mail address for corporate is defined in the Division Parameters on the General tab in the Email field.
Processing Steps for E-mailing to Corporate
1. To E-mail Corporate, click E-Mail Corporate from the Tools menu.
The E-mail Corporate screen is displayed with the To: e-mail address already populated from
the Division Parameters.
IRMS User Guide
Finding E-mail Addresses
2. There are several ways to find email addresses.
E-mail addresses can be selected from the pick list for the To: and Cc: fields.
E-mail addresses can be viewed from Find E-mail Addresses. The Find E-mail Addresses
screen is displayed by clicking the To: or Cc: button. A list of IRMS Users, Representatives,
Case Contacts, or Global Address List can be selected from a pick list to display the email
addresses for the option selected as shown. .
The four options are:
“IRMS Users” – Displays the IRMS users defined in Add/Edit Users for the
selected Division.
“Representatives” – Displays the Representatives defined in Representative
Maintenance for the selected Division.
“Case Contacts” – Displays the case contacts from the current case in Case Entry.
“Global Address List” – Displays the e-mail addresses defined in the Global
Address List or the folder defined in “OutlookAdddressFolder” in System
Select one or several e-mail addresses by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting additional
addresses. Click either To: or CC: to populate the addresses. Once all the addresses are
Other Functionality
selected, click OK to return to the E-mail screen. To exit the screen without selecting any
addresses, click Cancel.
Note: If Representative E-mail Addresses are selected, the Representative Code,
Representative Type, and Postal Code are also displayed.
To email all the contacts for this case, enter <<ALLCONTACTSEMAILS>> in the To:
field. (Note: In version 5.5.7 and later, inactive users are no longer displayed in these pick
3. Select a Template from the pick list. The Subject and Text field are automatically populated.
If e-mailing from Case Entry or Response Letters, data from the current case is substituted for
the replacement fields in the Subject and Text fields. Make any necessary changes to the e-mail.
(For additional information and a complete list of replacement fields, see the Replacement Field
Codes chapter in the Field Codes Guide.)
Save Options from Case Entry and Response Letters
4. If e-mailing from Case Entry or Response Letters, the Save Options are displayed. Select the
appropriate checkbox to save the e-mail. More than one checkbox can be selected.
If an E-mail template is selected and the Case Log? checkbox is checked in Document
Maintenance, then the Case Log checkbox is automatically checked and cannot be changed.
Case Notes
If the Case Notes checkbox is selected, a copy of the e-mail is created in Case Notes as
Case Log
If the Case Log checkbox is selected, an entry is logged in the Case Log file for the email as shown.
IRMS User Guide
Case Attachments
If the Case Attachments checkbox is selected, a copy of the e-mail is attached to the
case as shown.
5. To send the e-mail, click Send. The e-mail is sent, the Communications Log is updated, and
the previous screen is displayed. To cancel the email, click Cancel. The previous screen is
displayed and the e-mail is not sent.
Other Functionality
Print Representative Memos
The Rep Memo printout is a report to representatives regarding activity on their accounts. In
addition to the report (memo format), you have the option of giving the reps a copy of all the response
letters generated. The report and letters can be printed or e-mailed. Once the e-mail process is run,
IRMS automatically marks the records used so that they are not reported on again. If you print the
memos and copies, you will have to manually click a button to mark the records (once you are sure
that they were printed correctly).
The format of the e-mails will be determined by the E-mail Attachment Format field in the
E-mail/Fax tab of the Division Parameters screen.
If you specify Native (as Is), the report will be sent as an RTF (rich text format) file and the
letter copies will be sent as Word documents.
If the E-mail Attachment Format field is set to Unsecured PDF, both the report and letter
copies will be in Adobe PDF format.
If the E-mail Attachment Format field is set to Secured PDF, both the report and letter
copies will be in Secured Adobe PDF format preventing text selection and modification.
Selecting Data for Rep Notification
The Create Selection… tab of the Rep Notification Processing screen is a query form in which you
provide the parameters for the search and IRMS will find the matching records. To access the Rep
from the Case drop down menu.
Notification Processing screen, select
To select criteria for the search for cases to notify the reps:
1. The Create Selection… tab should be enabled when you enter the Rep Notification
Processing screen. Select any Case Criteria to be included in the search for cases to notify the
2. Select any Response Criteria you would like to be included in the search for cases to notify
the Representative(s).
3. Check the box(es) of the Response Type(s) to be included in the search for cases to notify the
4. Only enter a date in the Repeats box if you want IRMS to re-select records that have already
been reported on.
5. To get tips and examples of using comparison operators in selecting records, click the
action toolbar button.
6. To clear the criteria items, click the
action toolbar button.
IRMS User Guide
7. To execute the query to find the matching records, click the
action toolbar button.
8. If any matches were found, the Review Selection…tab will be displayed with a list of all the
matching records.
9. To sort the records in ascending order, click on any column and select the
action toolbar button.
10. To sort the records by the way that they will be processed, click the
toolbar button.
11. To process the selection, click on the Process Selection… tab.
Other Functionality
12. Select one or more of the Recipient Type(s).
13. To print the memos, verify that the “Print Memos” Output Method is selected, and click the
button or click the
action toolbar button. A Rep Memo print
preview screen will be displayed. You can choose to print, e-mail in RTF format, e-mail in
PDF format, export to a MS Excel file, or export to a text file.
If the P.I. Info is set to Hidden, then the only personal information that will print is the
Contact Class, Contact Specialty, and "Withheld by Request".
If a watermark is defined for “Rep Copies”, the watermark will print on the Rep Memo.
14. To e-mail the memos, verify that the “E-mail Memos” Output Method is selected and click
button or click the
action toolbar button.
15. To print the copies of letters, verify that the “Print Copies of Letters” Output Method is
button or click the
action toolbar button.
selected and click the
The Representative Copy Print screen will be displayed. Select the printer and click the
IRMS User Guide
16. To e-mail the memos and copies of the letters, verify that the “E-mail Memos and Copies of
Letters” Output Method is selected and click the
or click the
action toolbar button.
17. To mark all of the records that were selected so that they are not selected next time, click on the
button. The date will appear on the Response Letters screen in the
Rep field.
NOTE: You may print or e-mail the memos/copies from the Review Selection… screen, by
action toolbar button. The memos/copies will be printed or e-mailed
clicking the
based on the settings from the Process Selection… tab.
18. To set user’s defaults for the rep memos, select the appropriate Output Method and Recipient
button. (If the user’s defaults do not get changed, then the
Type(s) and click the
standard default is the Print Memos output method.)
Other Functionality
Crosslink Cases
The Crosslink button on the Case Entry window allows this case to be linked to other Medical Information,
Adverse Entry, and Product Complaint cases. This feature is used to link shared or common problems,
reactions, events, quality, labeling, distribution or other common issues. This Crosslink button is also
available from the Adverse Events and Product Complaints windows.
Reasons to Use the Crosslink
Link a Medical Information cases to other medical information cases with similar issues or problems.
Link a Medical Information case with Adverse Event or Product Complaint case(s).
Cautions Prior and Prerequisites Prior to using Case Query features
The person using this feature must have access to the Medical Information module.
IRMS User Guide
Entering Information into the Crosslink Window
1. To open the Crosslink window, click the Crosslink button on the bottom right of the Case Entry
The Crosslink window is displayed.
Any cases that are currently cross-linked with this case are displayed.
Other Functionality
2. To associate a case with this medical information case, click Search. The Crosslink Search
window is displayed.
The Case Query Search window is displayed.
3. Enter the search criteria and click Find to Results List. The records meeting the criteria are
displayed. To select one case, click Select One Case. The case is displayed in the Crosslink
window. To select multiple cases, click All Cases. All selected cases are displayed in the
Crosslink window.
For more information about the Search window, see the Basic Search chapter in the Query and
Reporting Guide.
4. To view a crosslinked case, click the Goto Case button. The case is displayed in the Case Entry
5. To close the Crosslink window, click the Close toolbar button or click X on the window.
6. When a case is crosslinked with another case, the following process occurs:
button on the Case Entry window changes to red
indicate that this case has been linked to other case(s). The Crosslink button on the other
case(s) also turns red.
IRMS User Guide
Crosslink Toolbar
The following is an explanation of the toolbar buttons for the Crosslink window.
Explanation and Comments
Form view
Datasheet view
Print preview
Starts a new record
Filter by selection
Apply filter
Sort Ascending
Sort Descending
Can’t undo
Delete record
Chapter 8
Finding Information
Finding Cases using Case Query
IRMS allows you to find previously entered cases through the use of a powerful Case Query
program. The Case Query screen prompts for search criteria and IRMS does the rest. For a
comprehensive explanation of how to use Case Query, see the appropriate chapters in the Query and
Reporting Guide.
IRMS User Guide
Additional Methods to Find Cases
Finding All of your Open Cases
1. From the Case Entry screen, click on the
(Find all your open cases) toolbar button.
2. If you are in Form view the number of records on the Case navigation bar at the bottom of the
screen will represent the number of cases that have an “open” status.
3. If you are in Datasheet view, only the cases with an “open” status will be listed on the
Finding “My Inbox”
The My Inbox screen displays four folders with Cases, Follow Ups, Quality Assurance cases, and
Group cases. Below is a screen shot of the My Inbox screen. For an explanation of the My Inbox
functionality, please see the My Inbox section of the User’s Guide.
To access the My Inbox screen, select “My Inbox” Screen from the Tools menu.
Finding Information
Finding the “Attention” screen
Other IRMS users have the ability to send cases to your User ID (see the Sending a Case to another
Department/User section and the Referring a Case to another User section). To check to see what
cases have been transferred to your User ID, the Attention screen must be accessed. A list of these
cases appears on this screen.
To access the Attention screen, select “Attention” Screen from the Tools menu.
An “A” following the case number indicates that a copy of the case was sent to you. If no “A” is
following the case number, then the case was re-assigned to you.
Your User Preferences can be set to open the Attention screen at the startup of IRMS. This is done
through the Case Entry…tab of the User Preferences screen. The Open Attention screen at
Startup box in the Action Defaults: section needs to be checked.
If this box is checked in your User Preferences, your IRMS Main Menu at start up may look like
the following screen print.
IRMS User Guide
Finding Specific Data Records
IRMS has several ways for the user to find specific data records. You can move around in Form
View or Datasheet view, you can use “Find in Field”, or you can select records using one of the many
Query-By-Form screens.
Using Form View or Datasheet View
Form View is a style of displaying one record at a time, usually in a “fill-in-the-blank” format. You
can still access all of the other records through the Record Navigation Bars at the bottom of the
appropriate screen.
Datasheet View is a style of displaying multiple records in a spreadsheet format. This view can be
used to print selected fields and records and/or copy and paste into other applications such as Excel,
Switching between Form View and Datasheet View
1. If you are in form view, you can switch to datasheet view by clicking
the Form drop down menu, or by clicking the
button on the toolbar.
2. If you are in datasheet view, you can switch to form view by clicking
Form drop down menu, or by clicking the
from the
button on the toolbar.
Finding a Record Using “Find and Replace”
IRMS is very powerful database management software and allows specific records to be found on
any screen.
1. Put the cursor into the appropriate field.
2. Hold down the CTRL key and press the F key.
- or 3. Choose Find from the Edit drop down menu.
4. Find and Replace will bring up a screen specific to the current field. While in the Phone field
of Case Entry, for example, the following screen will appear.
If the Find tab is in the forefront, the screen will be as follows:
Finding Information
If the Replace tab is in the forefront, the screen will be as follows:
5. The Search Fields as Formatted checkbox will be checked. The Match Case check box
should be left unchecked.
6. You may specify one of the three options available under the Match combo box. The options
are as follows:
Any Part of Field – Searches for the Find What value anywhere in that field.
Whole Field – Searches for the Find What value (exactly) in that field.
Start of Field – Searches for the Find What value at the beginning of that field.
button. If a record is found
7. After all the parameters have been entered, click the
matching the parameters specified and you would like that record to become the current record
click the
8. If the first record found is not the desired record,
rest of the records that meet the designated parameters.
can be used to step through the
The Find and Replace box can be dragged around or off the main screen to allow a better view
of the record displayed.
IRMS User Guide
Searching Case Log Information
IRMS allows you to query the Case Log information. Case Log information can be queried by Case
Number, User ID, Log Transaction Type, Transaction Dates, and Notes. The Case Log information
can also be exported to Excel.
Note about Searching Case Log Information
Case Log data can also be searched for in Case Query. Case Query has a Case Log tab
where criteria can be entered. Other case data can be queried at the same time. See the Basic
Case Query Features chapter in the IRMS Query and Reporting Guide for more information.
Case Log Search screen shot
Case Log Search
1. To access this option, on the Tools menu, click Search Case Logs. The Case Log Search
screen is displayed.
2. The Division is populated from the User ID and cannot be changed.
3. Enter the fields necessary to expand or limit the search. If no information is entered, all the
Case Log records are displayed.
Case Number (Full)
Enter the Full Case Number. This is the number assigned to the case when the case is
User ID
Enter the User ID or click the pick list arrow to select a user.
Transaction Date
Enter the Transaction Date or click Calendar Control and choose a range of dates.
Finding Information
Transaction Type
Enter the Transaction Type or click the pick list arrow and choose a type. The
Transaction Type is defined in the Case Log Transactions in Table Maintenance. For
more information, see the General Table Maintenance section in the IRMS
Administration Guide.
Enter a word or phrase to search for in the Notes field.
4. After the criteria is entered, click
on the toolbar. The records meeting the criteria are
5. The records selected can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking
the toolbar.
6. To start a new search, click
on the toolbar.
Case Log Search Toolbar
Explanation and Comments
Reset Criteria clears the fields for a new search
Find displays the records that meet the search criteria
Export to Excel sends the records that meet the search criteria to an
Excel spreadsheet
The Toolbar Options allows buttons to be added or removed from the
IRMS User Guide
Searching Communications Log Information
IRMS allows you to query the Communications Log information. Communications Log information
can be queried by Case Number and Sent Date.
Note: If the Division Parameter “SaveCaseSnapshotAsAttachment” is set to “Yes”, the Case
Snapshot is saved and viewed in the Attachments section.
Communications Log Search Screen
Communications Log Search
1. To access this option, on the Tools menu, click Communications Log. The Communications
Log screen is displayed.
2. The Division is populated from the User ID and cannot be changed. Only the Communication
Logs for the Division are displayed.
3. Enter the fields necessary to expand or limit the search. If no information is entered, all the
Communication Log records are displayed.
Case Number (Full)
Enter the Full Case Number. This is the number assigned to the case when the case is
Finding Information
Sent Date
Enter the Sent Date or click Calendar Control and choose a dates. The Sent Date
defaults to today’s date.
4. After the criteria is entered, click Find. The records meeting the criteria are displayed.
5. If there are multiple records, navigate to the appropriate record.
6. To view attachments, select the attachment and then click the View button. The attachment is
Note: If the contact information is encrypted, the View button is grayed out and an
attachment cannot be viewed.
7. To exit from the window, click the Close toolbar button.
IRMS User Guide
Finding Contact and Account Information
Finding Duplicate or Repeat Callers
Duplicate Contact information can be found based on the last name through a special version of the
Case Query screen, shown at the bottom of this section.
To find duplicate contacts:
1. Navigate to the contact that may have duplicate information.
2. Click the
button on the Case Entry toolbar. The Case/Contact section of the Case
Query screen will appear.
3. The data from the Contact screen will populate the corresponding fields in the Case Query
screen. Enter or change any selection criteria in the fields to refine your search.
button on the Case Query toolbar. If you find any matching cases, you can
4. Click the
proceed in one of three ways.
Option 1 - Update the Current Case with the Contact Information Found:
Click the record selector box to the left of the record you wish to select.
Click the
Option 2 - Abandon the Current Case and Update One of the Cases Found:
Click the record selector box to the left of the record you wish to select.
Click the
Option 3 - Return to the Current Case Without Using Found Information:
button on the toolbar.
Close the Case Query screen by clicking the
button in the upper right hand corner.
(close) button on the toolbar or click
Finding Information
Searching for Accounts
If you have a relatively stable set of callers, you may use the Account Search screen. By selecting a
pre-defined account, you will not have to enter their contact information. (The Account Search
screen is maintained through the Account Maintenance screen, which is accessed through the
Account… item under the Tables drop down menu. Please see the Administration Guide.)
To Search for Account Information:
1. Click the
button on the Case Entry toolbar or select Search Accounts from the Tools
2. The Account Search screen is displayed, as shown below.
3. Select the appropriate account by clicking the record selector box to the left of the record you
wish to select. (Skip to Step 6)
- or 4. Enter selection criteria to refine your search and click the 2 – Find Account button on the
toolbar. To clear the criteria, click the 1 – Clear Criteria toolbar button and then enter your
selection criteria.
5. Select the appropriate account by clicking the record selector box to the left of the record you
wish to select.
6. To use the name and address of the Account in the Contact section of the Case Entry screen:
To use in an existing case, click 6 - Use In Current Case toolbar button.
To use in a new case, click 7 - Create Case toolbar button.
Control is returned to Case Entry, and the account information is populated with the selected
account information.
7. To update the account information from Case Entry, click 8 – Update Account toolbar button.
The account is updated with the new information from Case Entry.
8. To view all the cases and questions for the selected account, click 9 - Cases by Account
toolbar button. The Cases by Contact screen is displayed.
9. To exit the screen, either click X on the screen or click Exit.
IRMS User Guide
Searching for Contacts
If you have a relatively stable set of callers, you may use the Contact Search screen. By selecting a
contact, the demographic information is automatically populated in the Contact section in Case Entry.
Contacts can be maintained in Contact Masters, which is accessed from Tables menu. For more
information, refer to the Table Administration chapter in the Administration Guide.
For more information on searching for contact information, refer to Searching the Contact Table on
page 159.
Finding Information
Finding Cases/Questions by Contact
The Cases/Questions by Contact is used to review cases or questions from a specific contact. This
screen displays all the cases and questions from a contact that has called multiple times. This screen
is accessed from Case Entry or Contact Search screens.
Finding Cases and Questions by Contacts in Case Entry
To Search for cases and questions for a contact in Case Entry, double-click Contact ID in the
Contact section in Case Entry. The Cases by Contact for Case Entry screen is displayed as
The Cases by Contact screen is displayed with a total number of cases and questions for the contact.
Finding Cases and Question by Contacts in Contact Search
To search for cases and questions for a contact in Contact Search, click the Cases by Contact
toolbar button. The Cases by Contact for Contact Search window is displayed as shown.
IRMS User Guide
The Cases by Contact screen is displayed with the total number of the cases and questions for the
To exit the screen, click the Close toolbar button.
Modifying the Cases by Contact Layout
The Cases by Contact layout can be modified. To modify the layout, right-click on any field name
on the screen. The Show Fields and Save Layout options are displayed as shown. Select Show
Fields to add, remove, or rearrange fields. Click Save Layout to save the changes. This
functionality is similar to Search Documents and Search Enclosures.
To exit the screen, click the Close toolbar button.
Finding Information
Finding FAQs
The screen, Read FAQs, is used to familiarize yourself with the most frequently asked questions
from your callers. It is helpful for inexperienced call takers to provide fast and accurate responses.
This is a Read-only screen: therefore, you do not have the ability to have the FAQs inserted into the
Case Entry screen or to make any changes to the FAQ Master.
To have the ability to insert FAQ information into the Case Entry screen, the Find and Display
FAQs screen must be accessed from the Case Entry screen through the
button. (This
process is covered in the Using the Frequently Asked Questions section.)
The Read FAQs screen is maintained through the FAQ Maintenance screen. To access the FAQ
Maintenance screen, choose
from the Tools drop down menu.
Finding Frequently Asked Questions
To Find FAQs with the Search Criteria hidden:
1. Access the Read FAQs screen, by clicking the
button from the IRMS
Main Menu. The Read FAQs screen will appear, as shown below.
2. The screen is currently in List View and the Search Criteria is hidden. Moving the bottom
navigation arrow to the right will allow you to see more information regarding the question,
including the Doc ID, FAQ Code, Usage Count, Line No., Status, Date, Department, Product,
Category, Topic, Searchable Answer, SR Level 1 and 2, Contact Level 1 and 2, and Rec ID.
3. Moving the cursor into the Question section will cause the cursor to turn into a hand. Clicking
on any question, will bring up the FAQ and Answer screen.
4. The FAQ and Answer screen (shown below) only shows the question and the answer.
IRMS User Guide
To Find FAQs with the Search Criteria visible:
1. To display the Search Criteria section of the Read FAQs screen, click the
2. The search criteria section allows you to restrict the selection of the FAQs to match the criteria
3. The criteria that can be specified is as follows:
Division – Your division will be displayed.
Department – Your department will be displayed.
Status – The status of the product.
Contact Levels – The level of the contact.
Product – The product that the question pertains to.
Category – The category that the FAQ pertains to.
Topic – The topic that the product is about.
Abstract – The abstract that this FAQ pertains to.
Service Rep Levels – The logged in user is the Service Rep. The level is assigned in
Group Security.
Text – Typing in this field will cause this screen to search for this text throughout the
Finding Information
4. Comparison operators (= , <> , < , > , >= , <= , ~ ); Reserved words (NULL, TODAY);
Wildcard symbols ( * , ? , | ); and Logical operators ( , , + , () ) can also be used in any of the
above fields to narrow down your search. An explanation of all of these symbols can be
displayed by clicking the
5. Once information has been entered into the fields, click the
button to begin the
search. If the Auto Find box is checked, IRMS will automatically re-find when you exit one
of the selection fields.
6. All of the questions that meet the criteria specified will be listed. To display the question on
the FAQ and Answer screen, navigate the cursor to the appropriate question and click on the
7. The Read FAQs screen can also be used in Form View. To switch from the list view to the
form view, click the
button. The screen will be shown as follows:
8. Form view displays one question at a time and it displays all of the specifics regarding this
To find FAQs without using the
1. Highlight any word in the question of the Question section on the Case Entry screen.
2. Right click on the word while it is highlighted. The right click menu will be displayed.
3. Choose
from the right click menu. The Find and Display FAQs screen
will be displayed with the highlighted word in the Text field of the Search Criteria and an
auto find will be done.
Viewing Attached Documents to the FAQ
To view the document attached to the FAQ record from the Form View mode:
1. Form view displays one question at a time with all of the question’s details. To insure you are
in Form View, click the
button. If this button is shown as “List View”, then
you are already in the Form View mode.
IRMS User Guide
2. If a document is attached to this FAQ, the Doc ID field will be populated and the
button will be enabled. Click the
button. The word processor will start up and the
document attached to the current record will be viewed in the word processor in read-only
3. To return to IRMS, close the document in the word processor. Control will be returned to
To view the document attached to the FAQ record from the List View mode:
1. List view displays many questions at a time. To insure you are in List View, click the
button. If this button is shown as “Form View”, then you are already in the List
View mode.
2. Click anywhere on the row of the appropriate record. A
(record selector) will appear to the
left of the record. If a document is attached to the record, a document ID number is listed under
the DocID column.
3. Click on the document ID in the appropriate row. The word processor will start up and the
document attached to the current record will be viewed in the word processor in read-only
4. To return to IRMS, close the document in the word processor. Control will be returned to
Using FAQ Information in a Response
To use FAQ information in a response using the Form View mode:
1. Navigate to the appropriate FAQ, and click the
2. The Question field from the FAQ Master will be appended to whatever data you have in the
Question field of the current Question record.
3. The Response field from the FAQ Master will be appended to whatever data you have in the
Response field of the current Question record.
4. The Product, Category, Topic, and Doc ID codes from the FAQ Master will be entered in
their corresponding fields of the current Question record. (If you have already entered
something different, you will be prompted before that data is changed.)
To use FAQ information in a response using the List View mode:
1. Click anywhere on the row of the record so that the
of the record.
2. Click the
(record selector) will appear to the left
3. The Question field from the FAQ Master will be appended to whatever data you have in the
Question field of the current Question record.
4. The Response field from the FAQ Master will be appended to whatever data you have in the
Response field of the current Question record.
Finding Information
5. The Product, Category, Topic, and Doc ID codes from the FAQ Master will be entered in
their corresponding fields of the current Question record. (If you have already entered
something different, you will be prompted before that data is changed.)
IRMS User Guide
Maintaining the FAQs Master
To make any changes or additions to the FAQs master, the FAQ Maintenance screen must be used.
This screen is your storehouse for Frequently Asked Questions. To access this screen, choose
from the Tools menu.
Adding an FAQ:
1. From the FAQ Maintenance screen, click the
2. Select the
(new record) toolbar button.
3. Type a short description of this FAQ in the FAQ Code field.
4. The system will assign a number for this FAQ in the ID# field.
5. Choose the approval status for this FAQ from the Status drop down menu. Only approved
FAQs can be used in Case Entry.
6. IRMS will insert the date the FAQ was created in the Date field. Once the FAQ is approved,
the date will be modified to the approval date.
7. Type the frequently asked question in the Question field.
8. Select the division and department for this FAQ from the Division and Department drop down
9. Type in an answer in the text box at the bottom of the screen. Upon leaving the text box, the
answer will populate the Searchable Answer field. (You may not modify the Searchable
Answer field directly.)
Finding Information
10. Choose Access Level for Service Rep and Contact.
Service Rep – To select Access Levels for Service Reps, select Service Rep Level 1, 2 3
or 4 to grant rights to the FAQ. To grant access to all the preceding levels, click the
arrow to the left of the checkbox. For example, to grant access to Level 1, 2, and 3, click
the arrow to the left of the third checkbox. Otherwise, select the specific checkboxes to
grant access to that level. If all checkboxes are selected, the FAQ can be used by all
Service Reps. At least one checkbox should be selected. The Service Rep Access Level
rights are granted in Group Security.
Contact – To select Access Levels for Contacts, select Contact Level 1 or Level 2 to
grant rights to the FAQ. If both checkboxes are selected, the FAQ can be used by all
Contacts. At least one checkbox should be selected. The Level for the Contact Type is
defined in the “Contact Type” Table Name in the General Tables.
11. The Usage Count field is the number of times this FAQ is used in Case Entry. Do not enter
data into this field. IRMS will update the field each time the FAQ is used.
12. The Line No. field determines the order in which the records are displayed for this FAQ.
13. Select the Product, Category, Topic, and Abstract to which the FAQ pertains.
Note: If the UserAccessByProduct parameter is set to “Yes” in System Parameters, the
Product pick list will only display Products the Service Representative is authorized to access.
14. Enter a Doc ID, if this FAQ is associated with an IRMS response document. (To view this
response document, click the
has been entered.)
button. This button will only be enabled when a Doc ID
15. A padlock button (
) is available that will allow users to mark or unmark sections of RTF
text as protected. Protected text can not be copied or modified. Simply highlight the section
that you want to protect and click the padlock button. The button will appear as depressed for
any word that has been selected to be protected. ┼Version Note: this button and functionality
was added in IRMS Version 5.5.7.
16. Click the Unlock button, which now reads "Unlocked".
17. Close the FAQ Maintenance screen. If the FAQ has an Approved status then it will now be
available for use from the Case Entry screen.
Deleting an FAQ:
1. From the FAQ Maintenance screen, navigate to the appropriate FAQ by using the record
navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.
2. Click the
3. Click the
(delete record) toolbar button.
IRMS User Guide
4. A warning box will appear as shown below:
5. If you click
, the record will be deleted and you will be returned to the FAQ
Maintenance screen.
Modifying an FAQ:
1. From the FAQ Maintenance screen, navigate to the appropriate FAQ by using the record
navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.
2. Click the
3. Make any changes to the fields that are necessary.
4. Click the Unlock button, which now reads "Unlocked".
5. Close the FAQ Maintenance screen.
Finding Information
Finding General Information
The Read General Information screen that is accessed directly from the IRMS Main Menu is a
searchable database of miscellaneous information. It can be used to store any non-medical general
information. Each company can use it at their discretion. Many companies use it as an electronic
The Read General Information screen is a Read-Only screen. It is maintained from the General
Information Maintenance screen, which is accessed by clicking on the Tools drop down menu and
(For more information, see the Finding General Information for a Question section under the
IRMS – Case Entry heading.)
Accessing the Read General Information Screen
1. Click the General Info button on the IRMS Main Menu.
- or 2. Click the General Info toolbar button.
IRMS User Guide
Using the Read General Information Window
3. You may restrict the selections by choosing a Division, Department, and/or Class from their
respective drop down menus.
4. There are two different methods for finding records. Each of these methods is described below:
Find records using a key word or phrase by entering the text for which you are searching in
the blue Find field. Standard IRMS text searching options apply. Click the
button to continue searching.
button. Click the
Find records starting with a specific letter by clicking the letter button to move to the first
record where the first character in the first column begins with that specific letter.
will be displayed
5. To select the reference item, click anywhere on the appropriate row and a
to the left of the item. An explanation of the fields for the selected item is as follows:
Division Parameter – “GeneralInfoResponseFormat”
There is a Division Parameter called “GeneralInfoResponseFormat”
that indicates what column will be used in the Response field in Case
Entry. This parameter allows the client to select the columns to use
when the Response is selected from Case Entry. IT should be
reviewed before deciding what information should be entered in the
Column 1(Respond 1) - Whatever you want it to be. Be aware, however, that this is the
field used for the alphabetic Go To buttons.
If the Read General Information window was accessed through the Question section of
Case Entry, then this field’s first line will be brought into the Response, by clicking the
Column 2 (Respond 2) – The client defines how this field is used. Usually this field is
used for addresses.
Column 3 (Respond 3) – The client defines how this field is used. Usually this field is
used as a phone number.
Column 4 (top) RefNo - A numeric sequence number for this record. The value in this
field controls the order in which the data is displayed. To make the best use of the
alphabetic Go To buttons, you should assign these numbers to maintain alphabetic order.
Column 4 (bottom) Has FYI Doc - This field will indicate whether this record has an
FYI Document associated with it.
6. If a selected reference item has a “Yes” in the fourth column, then a FYI document is
associated with it. To view this document, click the
toolbar button.
button or click the
Finding Information
7. To see all of the details of a selected general item, navigate to the item and click the
toolbar button. The General Information Detail screen will be displayed, as shown at the
bottom of this section.
8. If the general information needs to be used in a response to a question, then click the
button. This will only be applicable if the General Information screen was
accessed through the Question section of the Case Entry screen. This button will cause the
first line of the first column of the selected record to be added to your Response field along
with a reference to the RefNo (the numeric value listed in that line of data).
button can not be used from the Read General Information screen.
Maintaining the General Information Screen
To make any changes or additions to the General Information, the General Information
Maintenance window must be used. To access this screen, click the
the Tools menu.
IRMS User Guide
To add a General Information Record:
1. From the General Information Maintenance screen, click the New button on the Record
Navigation Bar.
If you would like to insert a new record between two existing records, click one of the rows and
select either the Insert Before or Insert After button. A blank record is added and ready to be
2. Enter data into the first column. This column can contain any information, however, this is the
field used for the Go To letter buttons and is also the field whose first line is brought into the
Response, if the
button is selected.
3. Enter data into the second column. This column consists of whatever information you want it
to contain. It is most often used for an address.
4. Choose from the 3 drop down menus in the third column, which consist of Class, Division
Name, and Departments.
5. Enter data into the fourth column. This column consists of whatever information you want it to
contain. It is most often used for a phone number.
6. The top row of the fifth column is the RefNo field, which is a numeric sequence number for
this record. The value in this field controls the order in which the data is displayed. It is best to
assign these numbers to maintain alphabetic order. IRMS automatically inserts a number with
each new record. If you are inserting a record between two current records, IRMS will make
the number halfway between the two numbers. To re-order the reference numbers, select the
button. This will re-number the reference records (10 ,20 ,30,…).
7. The bottom row of the fifth column indicates if this record contains an FYI document. To
toolbar button. The IRMS
import a FYI document for this record, click the
Document Import – File Selection screen will be displayed. Choose the document to import
button. You will be returned to the General Information Maintenance
and click the
screen and this field will be populated with “Yes.”
8. Upon closing the General Information Maintenance screen, the record that you have entered
will be available for the Read General Information screen accessed through the IRMS Main
Menu screen or the General Information screen accessed through Case Entry.
To modify a General Information Item:
1. From the General Information Maintenance screen, navigate to the appropriate record by
clicking on the far left column to select the record to be modified.
2. Make any changes to the fields that are necessary.
3. To exit the window, click the Close toolbar button.
Finding Information
Finding Representative Information
Finding the Rep’s Name and Address
IRMS contains a Representative Master table. This table contains sales rep information. While in
button to search for reps assigned to the postal code entered
Case Entry, you can use the
for the case. In addition, from anywhere in IRMS you can access the Representative Search screen
by selecting the Search Reps item from the Tools drop down menu.
To Look Up Rep Information from Case Entry:
button in the lower left portion of the Case Entry screen. This button
1. Click the
will search based on the Zip Code entered for the current case. The Representative Search
screen will be displayed with a list of all the reps in the Zip Code.
2. Check the Record Selection box at the left of the record to specify the record you wish to
access. (Skip to step 7)
3. If no Zip Code was entered or if no reps match the entered Zip Code, the Representative
Search screen will be blank and the following IRMS box will be displayed.
4. Click
5. You may clear the search criteria by clicking
, enter new search criteria, and
6. Check the Record Selection box at the left of the record to specify the record you wish to
IRMS User Guide
7. To display the complete record for this rep, click the
button on the
toolbar. The Representatives screen will be displayed, as shown below. Close the screen
using the
or the
toolbar button to return back to the Representative Search screen.
8. To assign the selected rep as the representative for this case, click the
button on
the toolbar. IRMS will return you to the Case Entry screen and the Rep/Terr# and the Rep
Name fields will be populated with the representative information that you had selected.
9. To use the selected rep as the contact, select the
toolbar button. IRMS will
return you to the Case Entry screen and the Contact information will be populated with the
selected rep’s name, address, etc. WARNING: This will replace the current Contact (if any)
with the rep’s name and address information.
To Select a Rep by Last Name
1. Click on the
button located on the Case Entry screen in the bottom section. The
Select a Rep by Last Name screen will be displayed.
2. Click on the drop down arrow or start typing some characters of the last name. Highlight the
appropriate sales rep.
3. Click on the
4. Control will be returned to the Case Entry screen and the Rep/Terr#, Rep Name, and Rep
Type fields will be populated with the selected sales rep’s information.
Finding Information
Selecting Data for Rep Notification
The Create Selection… tab of the Rep Notification Processing screen is a query form in which you
provide the parameters for the search and IRMS will find the matching records. To access the Rep
from the Case drop down menu.
Notification Processing screen, select
To select criteria for the search for cases to notify the reps:
1. The Create Selection… tab should be enabled when you enter the Rep Notification
Processing screen. Select any Case Criteria to be included in the search for cases to notify the
2. Select any Response Criteria you would like to be included in the search for cases to notify
the Representative(s).
3. Check the box(es) of the Response Type(s) to be included in the search for cases to notify the
4. Only enter a date in the Repeats box if you want IRMS to re-select records that have already
been reported on.
5. To get tips and examples of using comparison operators in selecting records, click the
action toolbar button. (A printout of this screen is the IRMS – Query Cases section of this
6. To clear the criteria items, click the
action toolbar button.
7. To execute the query to find the matching records, click the
action toolbar button.
IRMS User Guide
8. If any matches were found, the Review Selection…tab will be displayed with a list of all the
matching records.
9. To sort the records in ascending order, click on any column and select the
action toolbar button.
10. To sort the records by the way that they will be processed, click the
toolbar button.
11. To process the selection, click on the Process Selection… tab.
12. Select one or more of the Recipient Type(s).
13. To print the memos, verify that the “Print Memos” Output Method is selected, and click the
button or click the
action toolbar button. A Rep Memo print
preview screen will be displayed. You can choose to print, e-mail in RTF format, e-mail in
PDF format, export to a MS Excel file, or export to a text file.
14. To e-mail the memos, verify that the “E-mail Memos” Output Method is selected and click
button or click the
action toolbar button.
Finding Information
15. To print the copies of letters, verify that the “Print Copies of Letters” Output Method is
selected and click the
button or click the
action toolbar button.
The Representative Copy Print screen will be displayed. Select the printer and click the
16. To e-mail the memos and copies of the letters, verify that the “E-mail Memos and Copies of
Letters” Output Method is selected and click the
or click the
action toolbar button.
17. To mark all of the records that were selected so that they are not selected next time, click on the
button. The date will appear on the Response Letters screen in the
Rep field.
18. NOTE: You may print or e-mail the memos/copies from the Review Selection… screen, by
clicking the
action toolbar button. The memos/copies will be printed or e-mailed
based on the settings from the Process Selection… tab.
19. To set user’s defaults for the rep memos, select the appropriate Output Method and Recipient
button. (If the user’s defaults do not get changed, then the
Type(s) and click the
standard default is the Print Memos output method.)
IRMS User Guide
Finding Documents and Enclosures
Finding Documents
IRMS provides a powerful query screen to search for documents. This screen allows you to enter or
delete criteria to either increase or limit your selection of documents. This window can be accessed at
any time, by selecting Search Documents from the Tools menu. Additionally, the Document
Search/Selection window can be accessed from the Response Letters window or the Case Entry
1. Access the Document Search/Selection screen by clicking the
Search) Case Entry toolbar button, select
menu, or select the
(Launch Document
from the Tools drop down
command button from the Response Letters screen.
2. If a product had been selected from the Case Entry screen, it will be populated in the Product
field on the Document Search screen. Your department and division will also be carried over
into the Document Search criteria fields. (The Type, Status, and Dept for this document
search can be set up in your User Preferences to pre-populate the corresponding fields.)
3. Enter as much or as little data in the fields that could possibly help refine your search. All
search criteria data can be deleted simply by clicking the
toolbar button.
Entering criteria into the Key Words field will search the entire document, but entering criteria
into the Text field will only search the IMRS text box window.
4. (Please note that if the Type is Global, the search criteria will change slightly, than if any of the
other types are selected.)
5. Once you are happy with your search criteria, click the
toolbar button.
6. All documents that meet your search criteria will be listed. Select the document(s) you want to
use, by clicking the box in the first column that corresponds with the appropriate document(s).
Finding Information
7. You may view the document from the Document Search/Selection screen in two ways. First
you can select the
button. This will show you the text of the document. If you would
like to see the actual document, click the
Microsoft Word Read-only mode.
button. This will bring up the document in
8. If the Document Search window is accessed from the Response Letter window in Case Entry,
and the search criteria is displayed, the 5 – Select for New Letter toolbar button is active.
Select the documents to use in the Response Letter. Click 5 – Select for New Letter to add the
documents to the Response Letter.
Note: If the Division Parameter on the Other tab called
LTR_StatusFromDocSearch parameter is set to “Open”, the Response Letter is
created with a Status of “Open”. If the parameter is set to “Submitted”, the Response
Letter is created with a Status of “Submitted”.
Division Parameter – “LTR_StatusFromDocSearch”
There is a Division Parameter called “LTR_StatusFromDocSearch”
that indicates what Status will be assigned to the Response Letter
when it is created from the Document Search window. If the
parameter is set to “Open”, the Response Letter is created with a
Status of “Open”. If the parameter is set to “Submitted”, the Response
Letter is created with a Status of “Submitted”.
Modifying the Document Search Results List Layout
The Document Search Results List layout can be modified. To modify the layout, right-click on
any field name on the screen. The Show Fields and Save Layout options are displayed as shown.
Select Show Fields to add, remove, or rearrange fields. Click Save Layout to save the changes.
To exit the screen, click the Close toolbar button.
Change Status of Documents to Inactive in the Search Results List
IRMS User Guide
Search for the document(s) to be changed to “Inactive”. Note: The user must have rights to Mass
Update to run this process.
To change the Status, highlight a single document or a group of documents. There is also an
option to change the status of all the documents in the Search Results List.
Point to the Process toolbar option and click Change Status to Inactive. The following
message window is displayed.
Select one of the following options:
Yes – Delete all the documents in the Search Results List.
No – Delete a single document or a selected group of documents.
Cancel – Return to the Document/Search Selection window without change the status of any
Once the status of the documents are changed to Inactive, an entry is logged in the Document Log
To exit the screen, click the Close toolbar button.
Finding Information
Finding Deleted Cases
IRMS provides the ability to search for deleted cases. A variety of criteria can be entered to narrow
the search. This window cannot be accessed from Case Entry.
1. To access the Deleted Case Search window, click Search Deleted Cases from the Tools menu.
The Deleted Case Search window is displayed.
The Division is displayed and cannot be changed unless the user is non-divisional.
2. Enter any known search criteria and then click the Find toolbar button. Search criteria can be
entered by Full Case Number, Product, Date Deleted, and/or Deleted By. Any deleted cases
meeting the criteria are displayed. If no criteria is entered, all deleted cases are displayed.
3. To reset the search criteria, click the Reset Criteria toolbar button. The search criteria is
cleared and another search can be initiated.
4. To select all the cases to be re-opened, click the Select All toolbar button.
5. To deselect all the cases to be re-opened, click the Select None toolbar button.
6. To undelete the case(s), select the cases and click the Un-delete toolbar button. An Un-Delete
Case(s) message window is displayed.
To un-delete the cases, enter a reason for un-deleting the cases and click Yes. To cancel the
process, click No. A confirmation message is displayed showing the case has been re-opened.
Click OK to return to the Deleted Case Search window.
7. Click the Close toolbar button to exit from the Deleted Case Search window.
Chapter 9
Field Definitions
Case Entry Screen
Below is a list of the fields used in Case Entry. The definition, screen name, Merge Field Name, and Table
Maintenance is included.
Field Name
1st Response
The date on which the first response is sent to
the contact. The first response can be either
when the verbal checkbox is checked or the first
letter/fax/e-mail is sent. ┼Version Note: this
field was added in IRMS Version
A short, general description of the question.
This field can also be considered a subtopic.
┼Version Note: this field was added in IRMS
The address of the requester’s institution, not
including the city, state or zip code. Enter as
many lines of data as needed (limited by what
can fit properly print on a label or envelope).
Use the ENTER key to go to another line within
this field. Use the TAB key to get to the next
field. Note: When you leave the Address field
you will only be able to see the first two lines of
text. If you re-enter the field with your cursor, a
scroll bar will appear and allow you to view the
entire field.
The letters on this button will turn red to indicate
the absence or presence of Adverse Events for
this case – red indicating the presence. Clicking
this button will start the Adverse Events screen.
┼Version Note: this button changed from Add
AE to just AE in IRMS version 5.5.3.
The number of attachments currently created as
part of this case. Clicking this button will start
the Case Attachments screen.
An additional field for the requester’s phone
number (i.e. cell phone number). This phone
number is not linked to the address. If you just
enter the numbers, IRMS will attempt to format
the phone number for you.
┼Version Note: this field was added to IRMS
version 5.5.3.
The Case Number assigned by IRMS. The next
sequential number appears with a new case
The Case Type field’s meaning and values can
be defined and used in any way that your IRMS
site desires.
The category code assigned to this question
AE (button)
Blank Field
located to the
right of the
Phone field
Case Type
Screen Name
Merge Field
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
Tables Menu –
Abstract Control –
Abstract Control
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Case Entry (Top
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Tables Menu –
General –
Case Type
Tables Menu –
General –
Case Entry
IRMS User Guide
Field Name
Check this field if you would like a copy of the
Response Letter to be sent to the representative
shown in the Rep Name field. Once a letter is
created, if you click the CC’s toolbar button
from the Response Letters screen, you will see
the representative in the Response Letter Copies
screen. A Division Parameter can set the default
for this copy to be either a printed copy or a emailed copy.
┼Version Note: this field was added in IRMS
Version 5.5.3.
The city of the requester.
If the Division Parameters option "Lookup City
via Postal" is enabled, the city can be
automatically displayed when the postal code is
entered. To override, simply type over the
displayed value.
This field is a code for the requester’s
professional classification. It indicates to the
system the type of person requesting
information. The value of this field must be
one of the choices in the combo box. If a
salutation and/or degree is stored with the
selected code and those fields are blank on the
case screen, the specified defaults are moved to
their respective fields on the case screen.
Clicking this button will start the Client Defined
Fields screen. The letters on this button will
turn red to indicate the absence or presence of
data in the Client Defined Fields for this case –
red indicating the presence. ┼Version Note:
this button was added to IRMS version 5.5.3.
Clicking this button will start the
Communication Log screen.
┼Version Note: this button was added to IRMS
version 5.5.3.
The full name of the requester’s institution.
Enter as many lines of data as needed (limited by
what can fit properly print on a label or
envelope). Use the CTRL and ENTER key to go
to another line within this field. Use the TAB or
ENTER key to get to the next field. Note: When
you leave the Company field you will only be
able to see the first two lines of text. If you reenter the field with your cursor, a scroll bar will
appear and allow you to view the entire field.
The date on which the case was completed.
The country of the requester.
Client Data
Comm Log
Screen Name
Merge Field
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Tables Menu –
Postal Code –
Zip/Postal Code
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Tables Menu –
Contact Class–
Contact Class
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Tables Menu –
General –
Field Definitions
Screen Name
Merge Field
IRMS will fill this field once the first response
has been sent. The number represents the
number of work days (Monday through Friday)
from the Entered Date to the date of the first
IRMS will fill this field once the case has been
completed. The number represents the number
of work days (Monday through Friday) from the
Entered Date to the Completed Date.
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
The college degree (such as M.D.) of the
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Case Entry (Top
The department assigned to this case record.
Case Entry (Top
Case Entry
Tables Menu –
Contact Class–
Contact Class
Tables Menu –
General Department
Tables Menu –
General - Division
Documents Menu –
Maintenance –
Field Name
Days…1st Resp
The division related to the case.
Doc ID
This allows selection of a response document
with the selections presented in order by the
Document ID. Making a selection here will also
fill in the DocTitle field. (There is no prompt
for this field.)
This allows selection of a response document
with the selections presented in order by the
Document Title. Making a selection here will
also fill in the DocID field. (There is no prompt
for this field.)
The e-mail address of the requester.
Entry Period
The date the case was entered (assigned by
Whether or not this case was entered after hours
or not.
┼Version Note: this field was added in IRMS
FAQs (button)
Starts the Frequently Asked Questions screen.
The FAX phone number of the requester. Enter
the data as required by the FAX software. If you
just enter the numbers, IRMS will attempt to
format the phone number for you.
The first name of the requester.
Starts the General Information screen.
DocID1 DocID20
Case Entry
Documents Menu –
Maintenance –
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Tables Menu –
General –
Entry Period
Case Entry
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Case Entry
IRMS User Guide
Field Name
Global (button)
Starts the Document Search/Selection screen
with the Type field pre-populated as Global. If
one or more Global documents that have the
same Doc ID as an approved Standard are found
and selected, then clicking the Select or Verbal
buttons on the Document Search toolbar will
cause these standards to be used in the question
record. If the selected Global documents have
no approved Standard with a matching Doc ID
and the user has the rights to create and approve
documents, then a new Approved Standard will
be created that is the same as the selected Global
and this new standard will be used in the
question record of Case Entry.
┼Version Note: this functionality was added in
IRMS Version
The greeting you want to appear on the response
letter. This is a less formal version of the
salutation. ┼Version Note: this field was added
in IRMS Version
The way in which this case should be handled.
The default language to be used for this case.
The last name of the requester.
The number of letters currently created as part of
this case. Clicking this button will start a new
letter and bring up the Response Letters screen.
Enter the gender of the caller. M for male and F
for female.
A miscellaneous data field. This can be another
phone number (unformatted) or any other piece
of information as directed by your business
The dosage form to which this question pertains.
Notes (button)
P.I. Info
The letters on this button will turn red to indicate
the absence or presence of notes for this case –
red indicating the presence. Clicking this button
will start the Notes screen. ┼Version Note:
this button changed from Add Notes to just
Notes in IRMS version 5.5.3.
Determines if the personal information of the
contact will be visible or hidden on the Case
Screen Name
Merge Field
Case Entry
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry (Top
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Tables Menu –
Contact Class–
Contact Class
Tables Menu –
General –
Tables Menu –
General - Language
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Fixed pick list
Case Entry
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Tables Menu –
Product –
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Fixed pick list
Field Definitions
Field Name
PC (button)
The letters on this button will turn red to indicate
the absence or presence of Product Complaints
for this case – red indicating the presence.
Clicking this button will start the Product
Compaints screen. ┼Version Note: this button
changed from Add PC to just PC in IRMS
version 5.5.3.
The requester’s phone number. This phone
number is linked to the address. If you just enter
the numbers, IRMS will attempt to format the
phone number for you.
The Priority field’s meaning and values can be
defined and used in any way that your IRMS
site desires.
The status of the Product selected. (There is no
prompt for this field.)
Screen Name
Merge Field
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
The product code to which this question pertains.
Case Entry
Prod1 Prod20
Clicking this button will start the QA screen.
This button will only be enabled if this case has
been selected for QA. ┼Version Note: this
button was added to IRMS version 5.5.3.
The text of the question asked. If you are using
an Oracle database you may be limited to 2000
characters in this field.
This field further classifies the Question in Case
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Tables Menu –
General –
Case Priority
Tables Menu –
Product –
Tables Menu –
Product –
Case Entry
Case Entry
Tables Menu –
General Classification
This button displays a notepad where additional
information about the Question can be entered.
The information is only displayed on the Case
Audit Trail.
The name of the Service Representative that
owns the question. Different Reps can own
different questions within the same case.
The status of the question. The question status is
either “Open” or “Completed”.
Case Entry
Case Entry
Case Entry
Case Entry
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
System Menu–
Security –
Add/Edit Users
System Menu–
Security –
Add/Edit Users
Tables Menu –
General – Sub
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
System Menu–
Add/Edit Users –
Add/Edit Users
Prod Stat
Question Notes
Question Status
Question Sub
Ref To
This field further classifies the Question in Case
Entry. This field is linked to the Question
Classification, but can operate independently.
The date on which this case was initially
received. It can be modified to reflect the
difference between when a case was received
and when it actually was entered into IRMS.
The individual currently assigned the
responsibility for this case.
IRMS User Guide
Screen Name
Merge Field
The phone number of the Sales Representative.
┼Version Note: this field was added in IRMS
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Rep Name
The name of the sales rep at the time this case
was entered. The representative’s name is stored
with each case. This ensures that the
representative's name remains with a case even if
a different rep is later assigned to the same code.
If the Division Parameters option "Lookup Rep
via Postal" is enabled, the Representative
number and name can be automatically
displayed when the postal code is entered. To
override, simply type over the displayed values.
Clicking this button starts the Select a Rep by
Last Name screen.
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Tables Menu –
Tables Menu –
Rep Type
The type of sales representative. Some IRMS
sites have several sales reps assigned to the same
territory. When this happens, you will be given
the choice among several reps.
The sales rep or territory code assigned to this
case. If the Division Parameters option
"Lookup Rep via Postal" is enabled, the
Representative number and name can be
automatically displayed when the postal code is
entered. To override, simply type over the
displayed values. Clicking this button starts the
Representative Search screen.
Specifies whether the case came in from a sales
rep or not. Many IRMS sites use this
information to tailor their response letters
(mentioning the sales rep by name).
A short, general description of the response.
┼Version Note: this field was added in IRMS
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Tables Menu –
General –
Requested By
Case Entry
The text of the response given verbally. There is
no practical limit to the amount of information
you can enter in this field.
The letters on this button will turn red to indicate
the absence or presence of the Risk Management
Program for this case – red indicating the
presence. Clicking this button will start the Risk
Management screen. ┼Version Note: this
button changed from Add RMP to just RMP in
IRMS version 5.5.3.
The salutation you want to appear on the
response letter. Example: Mr., Dr., etc. The
period (.) must appear if you want it to appear on
the response letter.
Case Entry
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Tables Menu –
General –
Resolution Type
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Tables Menu –
Contact Class–
Contact Class
Field Name
Rep Contact
Request Via
Tables Menu –
General –
Tables Menu –
Field Definitions
Screen Name
Merge Field
The person who created the case. This value is
based on the log-in name used when starting
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
System Menu–
Add/Edit Users –
Add/Edit Users
The means by which this request for information
was received (i.e. phone).
Case Entry
(Bottom Section)
Starts the Sources Checked screen. From here
you can record any sources that you checked in
pursuit of the answer to this question
Case Entry
Indicates the specialty of the contact, i.e.
Neurology or Cardiology.
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Starts the Document Search/Selection screen
with the Type field pre-populated as Standard.
Stat Date
The date the Product Status was last changed.
(There is no prompt for this field.)
Case Entry
Case Entry
The state or province of the requester.
If the Division Parameters option "Lookup City
via Postal" is enabled, the state/province can be
automatically displayed when the postal code is
entered. To override, simply type over the
displayed value.
The current status of this case. The basic status
codes are Open, Submitted (ready to print), and
Completed. Clicking this button will hold the
case open, regardless of any printing/faxing/emailing.
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Case Entry (Top
Tables Menu –
General –
Case Status
The Case Sub Letter (assigned by IRMS when a
case is sent to another department through the
Send Copy of this Case to Another
Department screen).
The requester’s job title.
Case Entry (Top
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Case Entry
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Tables Menu –
General –
Tables Menu –
General –
Tables Menu –
General –
Contact Type
Field Name
Service Rep
Status (button)
(Empty Box)
The specific subject that this question record
Indicates the contact type, i.e. patient, healthcare
professional, etc.
Check this box if this question is to be recorded
and reported as a "verbal" response independent
of any letters sent.
Views the standard document specified in the
DocID and Doc Title fields. This allows you to
specify a document and then read and discuss the
contents of that document with the caller.
View (button)
Case Entry
Case Entry
Tables Menu –
General –
Case Source
Tables Menu –
General –
Contact Specialty
Tables Menu –
Product –
Tables Menu –
General –
States and
IRMS User Guide
Field Name
The Zip Code or Postal Code.
If the Division Parameters option "Lookup City
via Postal" is enabled, this field is used to
automatically locate the city and state/province.
If multiple cities share the postal code, a
selection box is presented. The automatic
lookup will ask before changing the city and
state/province already entered.
If the Division Parameters option "Lookup Rep
via Postal" is enabled, this field is used to
automatically locate the representative. If
multiple reps service the postal code, a selection
box is presented. The automatic lookup will ask
before changing the representative information
already entered.
Screen Name
Merge Field
Case Entry
(Contact Section)
Tables Menu –
Postal Code –
Zip/Postal Code
Field Definitions
Response Letters Screen
Below is a list of the fields used in the Response Letters. The definition, screen name, merge field name, and
Table Maintenance is included.
Screen Name
Merge Field
This field will show the date and time that the
letter is completed.
Response Letters
screen (Output
The category assigned to the document selected
on this line.
Tables Menu –
General –
The response letter template to be used as the
closing for the response letter. If no closing is
specified, the Source, Requested By, Language,
Handling, and Contact Type fields are used to
determine a closing from the Template Control
item of the Documents drop down menu. The
value entered must be one of the choices in the
combo box.
Changes to a combo box to allow you to pick
from the previously defined combo docs.
Response Letters
Response Letters
Screen (Upper
Left section)
Documents Menu –
Maintenance –
Documents Menu –
Combo Documents
FirstName and
Last Name
Case Entry –
First and Last Name
Response Letters
Response Letters
Response Letters
screen (Activity
DocID1 –
Documents Menu –
Maintenance –
Documents Menu –
Maintenance –
Response Letters
screen (Activity
Field Name
Blank field to
the right of the
Letter Status
Combo Docs
The person to whom this response letter is to be
sent. Because multiple contacts can be
associated with a case, one must be chosen for
each letter. The choices presented are based on
the contacts entered for this case on the main
Case Entry screen. The value entered must be
one of the choices in the combo box. The initial
value will be the contact that is entered from the
Case Entry screen when the case was new.
Doc ID
The list of response documents in order by "Doc
ID". The list of values presented is based on the
entries of type "Standard" in the Maintenance
item of the Documents drop down menu.
The list of response documents in order by title.
Document Title
Edit (button)
Edit Activity
Clicking this button will cause the letter to be
merged (if it has not been merged already) and
will open the letter in Microsoft Word to be
The date and time on which this letter was last
Response Letters
Response Letters
Screen (Upper
Left section)
IRMS User Guide
Screen Name
Merge Field
The IRMS user who edited this letter.
Response Letters
screen (Activity
E-mail (Button)
Clicking this button will cause the letter to be emailed.
E-mail 1st
Check Box
Click this box if this letter is to be e-mailed.
You may also click the Print and Fax buttons.
E-mail 2nd
Check Box
Click this box if the enclosures are to be
included when this letter is e-mailed.
Complete Date
The date that this letter was e-mailed.
E-mail User
The IRMS user who e-mailed this letter.
Response Letters
screen (Output
Response Letters
screen (Output
Response Letters
screen (Output
Response Letters
screen (Output
Response Letters
screen (Output
The title assigned to this enclosure.
Enclosure ID
This field presents the list of enclosure
documents in order by "Enclosure ID".
Check this box if an envelope should be created
along with this letter.
Documents Menu –
Maintenance –
Documents Menu –
Maintenance –
Fax (Button)
Clicking this box will cause the letter to be
Fax 1st Check
Click this box if this letter is to be faxed. You
may also click the Print and E-mail buttons.
Fax 2nd Check
Click this box if the enclosures are to be
included when this letter is faxed.
Fax Complete
The date that this letter was faxed.
Fax User
The IRMS user who faxed this letter.
Response Letters
Response Letters
Response Letters
Screen (Special
Response Letters
screen (Output
Response Letters
screen (Output
Response Letters
screen (Output
Response Letters
screen (Output
Response Letters
screen (Output
The format of the letter that is to be produced
based on the parameters specified using the
Letter Format option of the Documents menu.
Each IRMS site will define the letter formats to
be used. The value entered must be one of the
choices in the combo box.
Documents Menu –
Letter Format –
Letter Formats
Field Name
Edit User
Response Letters
Screen (Upper
Left section)
Field Definitions
Field Name
Check this box if label(s) are to be generated
along with this letter.
Label Count
Enter the number of labels to be produced for
this letter. (There is no prompt for this field.)
Designates the language to be used in this letter.
Let Date
The date assigned as the date of the response
letter. This value can be modified to a previous
date (to backdate a letter) or to a future date (if
the letters are being printed later).
Letter Status
Designates the status of the letter.
Designates the physical location of this
enclosure. This is assigned in "Document
Maintenance" but can be overridden here.
Merge (button)
Clicking this button will cause the letter to be
Merge Activity
The date and time on which this letter was last
Merge User
The IRMS user who merged this letter.
The response letter template to be used as the
opening for the response letter. If no opening is
specified, the Source, Requested By, Language,
Handling, and Contact Type fields are used to
determine an opening from the Template
Control item of the Documents drop down
menu. The value entered must be one of the
choices in the combo box.
A sequence number that controls the order in
which the enclosures are listed (and included if
computer generated) in the response letter.
Order (button)
Print (Button)
Clicking this button will cause the letter to be
Print 1st Check
Click this box if this letter is to be printed. You
may also click the Fax and E-mail buttons.
Print 2nd Check
Click this box if the enclosures are to be
included when this letter is printed.
Screen Name
Merge Field
Response Letters
Screen (Special
Functions section)
Response Letters
Screen (Special
Functions section)
Response Letters
Screen (Upper
Left section)
Response Letters
Screen (Special
Functions section)
Tables Menu –
General –
Fixed pick list
Documents Menu –
Maintenance –
Documents Menu –
Maintenance –
Response Letters
screen (Output
Response Letters
Response Letters
Screen (Activity
Response Letters
screen (Activity
Response Letters
screen (Activity
Response Letters
Screen (Upper
Left section)
Response Letters
Response Letters
screen (Output
Response Letters
screen (Output
Response Letters
screen (Output
IRMS User Guide
Screen Name
Merge Field
The date that this letter was printed.
Response Letters
screen (Output
Print User
The IRMS user who printed this letter.
The product pertaining to this part of your
response letter. The documents in the
Document Title and Doc ID combo boxes will
depend on what you enter in this field. Leave
this field blank to use documents that apply to all
Response Letters
screen (Output
Response Letters
Tables Menu –
Product –
Designates the number of copies of this
enclosure to be inserted with this response letter.
Question Docs
Populates the documents section with the
documents selected in the Question section of
the Case Entry screen.
Rep Activity
If AutoCopy Rep parameter is turned on, this is
the date and time that the letter was printed.
If not, this is the date and time on which the Rep
Acknowledgement Memo was printed for this
If AutoCopy Rep parameter is turned on, this is
the IRMS user who printed this letter.
If not, this is the IRMS user who processed the
Rep Acknowledgement Memo for this letter.
Opens the Document Search/Selection screen.
Response Letters
Response Letters
Response Letters
screen (Activity
Response Letters
screen (Activity
Response Letters
Response Letters
Response Letters
Response Letters
RefInit2 or
SigCode or
SigInits or
Tables Menu –
Signature –
Field Name
Print Complete
Rep User
Opens the Enclosure Search / Selection screen.
See Searching for Enclosures for more
A sequence number that controls the order in
which the documents will be used in the creation
of this response letter.
Seq (button)
Click this button to re-sequence the response
documents based on the value in the Seq
The initials of the professional that will sign the
response letter. If the response is verbal, a
signature code is not required.
Response Letters
Screen (Upper
Left section)
Submit Activity
The date and time on which this letter was last
Response Letters
screen (Activity
Field Definitions
Field Name
Submit User
The IRMS user who submitted this letter.
The topic assigned to the document on this line.
The value of this field tells IRMS whether this
enclosure was assigned automatically based on a
document selected (Type = Enclosure) or if this
enclosure was assigned manually by the user
specially for this case (Type = Request).
This button brings up the enclosure document
selected using the word processing software.
(The selected record is the one with the record
selector arrow to the left of it.)
Brings up the response document selected using
the word processing software. The selected
record is the one with the record selector arrow
to the left of it.
View Selected
View Selected
Screen Name
Merge Field
Response Letters
screen (Activity
Response Letters
Response Letters
Tables Menu –
General –
Fixed pick list
Response Letters
Response Letters
Chapter 10
About IRMS ......................................................................... 23
Multiple Abstracts ............................................................ 87
Optional Field ................................................................... 87
Account Master
Add from Case Entry ........................................................ 84
FAQ ................................................................................ 244
General Information Record ........................................... 250
Add a New User.................................................................... 28
Add a Signature Record ........................................................ 29
Add/Edit Users Screen .......................................................... 29
Adding a New Contact .......................................................... 80
Adding a New Question ........................................................ 87
AE Crosslink
Toolbar ........................................................................... 224
ALLCONTACTSEMAILS ......................................... 175, 215
Attachments ........................................................................ 151
Attention screen .................................................................. 205
AutoCorrect .......................................................................... 18
Backup Resources ............................................................... 203
Batch Print Response Letters .............................................. 118
Business Rules .................................................................... 121
Case Attachments ....................................................... 176, 216
Case Correspondence.......................................................... 169
Case Entry
Add Account Master ........................................................ 84
Case Entry screen ........................................................ 75, 127
Case Entry Screen
Field Definitions ............................................................. 261
Case Log ............................................................. 176, 185, 215
Case Log Search ................................................................. 230
Case Menu ............................................................................ 56
Case Notes .................................................................. 176, 215
Case Query ................ See IRMS Query and Reporting Guide
Cases by Contact
Modify Layout................................................................ 238
Cases/Questions by Contact................................................ 237
Change Enclosure List Display ........................................... 106
Change Password ................................................................ 26
Changing a Completed Case ............................................... 179
Check Boxes ......................................................................... 15
Client Defined Fields .......................................................... 187
Closing a Case .................................................................... 121
Combo Boxes ....................................................................... 14
Command Buttons .............................................................. 10
Communicate with OBA
E-mail ................................................................................. 3
Fax ...................................................................................... 3
Phone .................................................................................. 3
Website ............................................................................... 3
Communications Log.......................................... 177, 216, 232
Completing a Verbal Response Case .................................. 121
Contact Search
Find 3 of 5 ...................................................................... 159
Copy the Current Case ....................................................... 181
Copy the Current Response Letter...................................... 189
Copying a Question Already in a Case ............................... 135
Create Response Letter
Automatic ...................................................................... 166
Creating a Written Response .............................................. 103
Crosslink Window .............................................................. 222
Cursor Hover Tool Tips ....................................................... 20
Datasheet View ................................................................. 155
FAQ ............................................................................... 245
Delete Contact .................................................................... 132
Deleting a Case .................................................................. 183
Deleting a Question ............................................................ 135
Deleting the Current Response Letter ................................ 189
Department ........................................................................... 32
Disabling a User ................................................................... 26
Document Search
Change Status to Incactive ............................................. 257
Modify Results List Layout ........................................... 257
Documentation ....................................................................... 8
Documents Menu ................................................................. 59
Drop down menus............................................................... 11
duplicate contacts ............................................................... 156
Edit Menu ............................................................................. 55
Education ............................................................................... 7
Include Reports .............................................................. 176
Save Options .......................................................... 176, 215
E-mail Case Information .................................................... 174
E-mail Case Transfer .......................................................... 180
E-mail Corporate ................................................................ 213
E-mail Save Options
Case Attachments .................................................. 176, 216
Case Log ................................................................ 176, 215
Case Notes ............................................................. 176, 215
E-mailing a Response Letter .............................................. 114
Enclosure List
Change Display List ....................................................... 106
Enclosure Search/Selection screen ................................... 107
Enhanced Datasheet View ............................................... 155
enter CCs ............................................................................ 191
Entering Basic Case Information.......................................... 96
Case Attachments .......................................................... 152
FAQ Maintenance .............................................................. 244
Add an FAQ ................................................................... 244
Delete an FAQ ............................................................... 245
Modify an FAQ .............................................................. 246
FAQs in Case Entry
FAQs for Verbal Responses ............................................. 98
IRMS User Guide
Multiple FAQs.................................................................. 91
Single FAQ....................................................................... 89
Faxing a Response Letter .................................................... 112
Find all your open cases...................................................... 156
Find E-mail Addresses ................................................ 175, 215
ALLCONTACTSEMAILS .................................... 175, 215
Case Contacts ................................................................. 214
Global Address List ........................................................ 214
IRMS Users .................................................................... 214
Representatives............................................................... 214
Find E-mail Addresses ........................................................ 175
Find E-mail Addresses screen ............................................. 214
Finding Deleted Cases ........................................................ 259
Finding Documents ............................................................. 256
Finding Frequently Asked Questions .................................. 239
Finding Representative Name and Address............ 146, 251
Form Menu ........................................................................... 53
Frequently asked Questions ................................................ 140
General Information
Add ................................................................................. 250
Modify ............................................................................ 250
General Information Maintenance .................................. 249
General Information Table .............................................. 137
Help Menu ............................................................................ 66
How to use this guide.............................................................. 1
Case Attachments ........................................................... 151
IRMS Help............................................................................ 24
IRMS Main Menu ............................................................... 51
IRMS Support
Contact Support .................................................................. 5
How Support Works ........................................................... 5
Reporting a problem ........................................................... 5
Labels ................................................................................. 172
Literature Requests .......................................................... 173
Master Contact Required ...................................................... 79
FAQ ................................................................................ 246
General Information Record ........................................... 250
Multiple Abstracts ................................................................ 87
Multiple FAQs ...................................................................... 91
Multiple Resolutions ............................................................. 92
Multiple Verbal Documents
Multiple Ve ...................................................................... 93
My Inbox ........................................................................... 206
Navigation Bar ..................................................................... 13
Notes .................................................................................. 150
On-Call Staff Calendar ....................................................... 196
Backup ........................................................................... 203
Basic Month View ......................................................... 197
Detail Month View ........................................................ 198
Maintain Resources........................................................ 200
Monthly Shift Resource Report ..................................... 201
Proxy .............................................................................. 203
Resource Unavailability Report ..................................... 204
On-Call Unavailability ....................................................... 203
Optional Fields
Case ............................................................................... 154
Contact ........................................................................... 133
Question ......................................................................... 139
Print a Case Snapshot ......................................................... 171
Printing a Response Letter ................................................. 110
Printing a Response Summary Report ................................ 193
Printing Envelopes ............................................................. 194
Printing Labels ................................................................... 194
Processing the Written Response ....................................... 110
Proxy Resources ................................................................. 203
Pulldown Menus
Window...................................................................... 65, 66
Question Classification......................................................... 89
Question Notes ..................................................................... 89
Question Owner ................................................................... 95
Question Status..................................................................... 95
Question Sub Classification ................................................. 89
Quick Response Letter ....................................................... 166
Radio Buttons ....................................................................... 15
Read General Information screen ................................... 247
Recording Sources Checked ............................................... 144
Reference Manager ............................................................ 108
Referring a Case to Another Department ........................... 149
Refreshing Table Values ...................................................... 27
re-Merge ............................................................................ 109
Re-opening A Case............................................................. 178
Re-Opening a Completed Response Letter ......................... 190
Rep Memo ......................................................................... 217
Rep Notification Processing screen .................................. 217
Report a problem .................................................................... 5
Reporting a problem ............................................................... 5
Reports Menu ....................................................................... 64
Representatives screen ...................................................... 252
Require a Password to Close a Case ........................... 122, 124
Reset Security ..................................................................... 27
Multiple Resolutions ........................................................ 92
Optional Field .................................................................. 92
Response Letters
Batch Process ................................................................. 118
Response Letters Screen
Field Definitions ............................................................. 269
Response Letters Screen Toolbar.......................................... 73
Restrict Viewing Resolution ................................................. 87
Right Click Menu for the Contact Section .......................... 128
Right Click Menu for the Question Section ........................ 134
Right-click menus ............................................................... 16
Scroll Bars ............................................................................ 12
Scroll Wheels ........................................................................ 12
Smart Contact Search ..................................................... 161
Search Case Logs .........See IRMS Query and Reporting Guide
Searching the Account Table ...................................... 158, 235
Searching the Contact Table ............................................... 159
Searching the Rep Table ..................................................... 163
Select a Rep by Last Name ............................................... 148
Setting your password ........................................................... 26
Shortcuts menu from the Document Maintenance Screen .... 69
ShortCuts Menu in Case Entry ............................................. 67
Shortcuts menus from the Response Letters screen ............. 68
Show Full Menus .................................................................. 22
Signature Maintenance Screen .............................................. 30
size ........................................................................................ 53
Source Master ................................................................... 145
Spell Check ........................................................................... 19
Starting a New Case .............................................................. 79
Starting and Logging into IRMS........................................... 25
Status Bar.............................................................................. 21
Submitting a Letter for Print/Fax/E-mail ....................... 116
System Menu ........................................................................ 62
Tables Menu ......................................................................... 60
Text Boxes ............................................................................ 14
Toolbar Buttons .................................................................... 12
Toolbar for Case Entry ......................................................... 70
AE Crosslink .................................................................. 224
Tools Menu .......................................................................... 57
Training .................................................................................. 7
Transaction Types
Automatically Added to Case Log ................................. 185
Transfer the Current Case .............................................. 164
User Group ............................................................................. 9
User Preferences ................................................................. 30
AE Tab ............................................................................. 39
Case Entry Tab................................................................. 32
Case Query Tab ............................................................... 35
Contact Tab ...................................................................... 37
Copy Case Tab ................................................................. 40
Document Tab.................................................................. 42
E-mail/PDF/Fax Tab ........................................................ 43
Folders Tab ...................................................................... 45
Letter Tab......................................................................... 46
Other Tab ......................................................................... 48
Using FAQ Information in a Response .............................. 143
Verbal Documents
Multiple Verbal Documents ............................................. 93
Verbal Response................................................................... 98
View a Case Snapshot ........................................................ 171
Viewing Attached Documents to the FAQ ......................... 142
Education ........................................................................... 4
New Releases ..................................................................... 4
Training.............................................................................. 4
Window Menu ...................................................................... 65
Zoom Text Box .................................................................... 17
IRMS User Guide
No changes for Version
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Create Quick Response Letter section
Add comment about sending Response Letter to Rep when the Rep CC?
checkbox is selected in Case Entry.
Chapter 8 – Finding Information
Search Documents section
Add explanation for the Division Parameter “LTR_StatusFromDocSearch” and
Select for New Letter toolbar option.
Chapter 2 – Launching IRMS
User Preferences – Contact tab section
Add explanation for Smart Contact Search setup.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 3 – Entering Question Information
Add Note for Multiple Abstract, Multiple FAQs, Multiple Resolutions, and
Multiple Verbal Documents about hovering over the multiple documents icon.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 3 – Entering Question Information
Add explanation for populating Enclosure Description as it is entered on the
Response Letters window.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 4 – Entering Basic Case Information
Add Note for Priority font color.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 6 –Creating A Response Letters
Update document explanation with Note for Verbal Documents.
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Additional Features of the Contact section
Update Right Click menu section. Add explanation for Delete Contact Master,
Delete Account Master, Add New Contact Address, Add New Account
Address, and Rep as Contact.
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Additional Options on the Case Entry Toolbar section
Add Smart Contact Search section.
Chapter 3 –IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar and Toolbars
User Preferences Section
Add “CALC_PROD_COLUMNS” to Other Tab.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 8 –Completing a Case
Update Notifying Sales Rep section for “RepNotifyRequestVia” Division
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
E-mail Case Transfer section
Update section with General Tables to be setup.
Chapter 8 – Finding Information
General Information Maintenance
Add explanation for the Division Parameter “GeneralInfoResponseFormat”.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 2 –Adding a Contact
Add explanation for Copy Contact to New Case.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 8 –Completing a Case
Add explanation for Sending Email to Rep when Case is Closed.
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Create Quick Response Letter section
Update section for new “QuickLetterAction” Division Parameter.
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
E-mail Case Information section
Update section with Division Parameters and Finding E-Mail Addresses window
for Representatives.
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Case Audit Trail Report section
Update report example for Case Audit Trail.
Chapter 7 – Other Functionality
My Inbox section
Hide explanation for changing My Inbox
Chapter 8 – Finding Information
Searching Communications Log Information section
Add explanation for the View button. Add note for encrypted data.
Chapter 8 – Finding Information
Searching Deleted Cases section
Add section for Searching for Deleted Cases.
IRMS User Guide
Chapter 3 –IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar and Toolbars
User Preferences Section
Rework and update all tabs and sections. Add “AEINBOX” to Other Tab.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 4 – Entering Basic Case Information
Update Time To 1st Response and Complete explanation
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Case Entry Toolbar section
Add Include Report Name explanation in E-mail Case Info section
Rework Transfer the Current Case section.
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Copy the Current Case section
Rework Copy the Current Case explanation.
Chapter 7 – Other Functionality
My Inbox section
Add explanation for AE Folder
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 4 – Entering Basic Case Information
Update Case Entry Windows,
Add explanation for Case Product.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 6 –Creating A Response Letters
Update explanation for Signature for Case Product parameter.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 7 –Processing the Written Responses
In merge explanation, add Note for Reference Manager
Update explanation for Batch Processing for Response Letters,
Add explanation after the letter/fax/email process section for Save feature.
Chapter 6 – Response Letters
Entering CCs for Response Letters
Update explanation for E-Mail and Blind
Add explanation for the Save checkbox.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 4 – Entering Basic Case Information
Update explanation for CC? field.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Add shortcut keys
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Case Entry Toolbar section
Update Searching for Contact Information section for new message window
and note about languages.
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
E-mail Sales Representative section
Change E-mail Sales Representative description to E-mail Case Info.
Chapter 8 – Finding Information
Searching for Contacts section
Redirect user to Chapter 5 – Searching for Contact Information for complete
explanation on using Contact Search.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Add shortcut keys
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Case Log section
Add PC Transaction Types automatically added to the Case Log to table.
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Case Correspondence section
Update section, add note for Email Templates
Chapter 8 – Finding Information
Searching Communications Log Information section
Add explanation for Division Parameter “SaveCaseSnapshotAsAttachment”
Chapter 1 –Introduction
Scroll Wheel Section
Add Scroll Wheel section for .dll
Chapter 3 –IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar and Toolbars
Edit Menu Section
Update Edit menu for Office Clipboard
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 5 –Verbally Responding to a Requestor
Add explanation for FAQResponseStatuses Division Parameter
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 6 –Creating A Response Letters
Add explanation for Use Question Docs
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 7 –Processing a Written Response
Add explanation for Process Replacements button on the Fax Message screen.
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Case Log section
Add table with Transaction Types automatically added to the Case Log.
Chapter 8 – Finding Information
Searching Communications Log Information section
Add explanation for Division Parameter “SaveCaseSnapshotAsAttachment”
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 2 –Adding a Contact
Add note for indicating when the Question section turns yellow.
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Case Correspondence Management
Add explanation about when a follow-up is automatically created.
Chapter 6 – Response Letters
Update Print Letters section
IRMS User Guide
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 3 –Adding a Question
Add explanation for Add/Update Contact from Case Entry.
Add explanation for Add/Update Account from Case Entry
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 7 –Processing a Written Response
Add explanation for Completed Response Letters about Topic and Category.
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 8 – Completing a Case
Add explanation for how Require a Password to Close a Case option works
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Right Click menu for Contact section
Update right click menu and explanation for Add Contact and Add Account.
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
E-mail Sales Representative section
Update E-mail Sales Representative explanation, add explanation for Save
Options and Case Attachments.
Update section with explanation for Find E-mail Addresses screen
Chapter 5 – Additional Case Entry Functionality
Printing Case Snapshots
Rewrite and update View a Case Snapshot section. Add description for
“SaveCaseSnapshotAsAttachment” Division Parameter.
Chapter 7 – Other Functionality
E-mail Corporate section
Update E-mail Corporate explanation, add explanation for Save Options and
Case Attachments.
Update section with explanation for Find E-mail Addresses screen
Chapter 8 – Finding Information
Search Account section
Update Search Account screen and explanation to Update
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 1 –Creating a New Case
Add explanation for Master Contact Required processing
Step 2 –Adding a Contact
Add Auto Populate Email button explanation
Add Cases by Contact explanation.
Step 3 –Adding a Question
Add Question Notes button explanation
Add FAQ & Multiple FAQ functionality
Add Classification and Sub Classification explanation
Step 8 –Completing a Case
Add note for Business Rule Requirements processing.
Chapter 8 – Finding Information
Finding Contacts section
Update Contact Search screen for 3 of 5 search and Cases by Contact
Add Cases/Questions by Contact section
Update Finding Documents for modifying Document Search Display
Chapter 8 – Finding Information
Finding Cases/Questions by Case section
Add Cases/Questions by Contact section
Chapter 8 – Finding Information
Finding Documents section
Update Document Search Display List explanation for Results List
Chapter 8 – Finding Information
Finding FAQs section
Update Access Level for FAQs
Reformat Guide to meet new Guide Documentation Standards
Chapter 5 – Add’l Case Entry Functionality
Functionality of the Shortcuts Menu for Case Entry Section
Update Case Log subsection.
Chapter 5 – Add’l Case Entry Functionality
Functionality of the Shortcuts Menu for Response Section
Update Case Log subsection.
Chapter 9 – Other Functionality
Staff Calendar section
Update Staff Calendar screen shots for new layout
My Inbox section
Update explanation for number of cases next to the folder label
Print Representative Memo section
Add Note for watermarks on Rep memos.
Chapter 9 – Finding Information
Searching Case Log Section
Update Searching Case Log subsection.
Chapter 7 – Finding Information
Add section for Communication Log
Step 6 –Creating a Response Letter
Add Security Restrictions section
IRMS User Guide
Chapter 2 – Launching IRMS
On-Call Staff Calendar Section
Update new On-Call Staff Calendar processes
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 2 –Adding a Contact
Add Add/Update Contact Master from Case Entry Explanation
Step 3 –Adding a Question
Add Multiple Abstracts explanation
Add Multiple Resolutions explanation
Add Multiple Verbal Documents explanation
Add Contact to Question section
Step 6 –Creating a Response Letter
Add change Enclosure Display explanation (8.)
Update Search Enclosure screen
Step 7 –Processing a Written Response
Add explanation for Batch Processing
Chapter 6 – Printing Representative Memos
Add Liaison to Rep Notification screens
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Getting Around in IRMS section
Update About IRMS screen
Chapter 3 – IRMS Main Menu, Menu Bar,…
Menu Bar section
Update Tools Menu section with Logged in Users
Chapter 4 – Case Entry
Step 7 –Process Written Response
Processing a Group of Submitted Response Letters section…
Add Display Progress Bar during Batch Printing
Steps to Creating a Response Letter section, Step 8
Update Enclosure section on Response Letter screen
Chapter 7 – Finding Information
Finding Records with a Query section
Step 6 – Navigate to appropriate tab section
Chapter 4 – Additional Functionality of the Basic Case section
Add Insert Link button and rework section
Ch 7-Finding Information
Search Case Log section
Add Notes field for search
Chapter 3 – IRMS Main Menu…
Menu bar section
Update menu options with new screen shots for menus
Chapter 3 – IRMS Main Menu…
Menu bar section, System menu
Update System menu options with new screen shots and submenu
Menu bar section, Tools menu
Add Search Case Logs option to the Tools menu.
Chapter 3 – IRMS Main Menu
Menu bar section, Shortcuts menu from the Case Entry screen
Add Case Audit Trail option
Chapter 3 – IRMS Main Menu …
Case Entry Toolbar section
Move Rep button after Contacts
Chapter 4 – Case Entry Screen Shot
Update Case Entry Screen Shot
Chapter 4 – Step 2 – Adding a New Contact
Update the optional fields Attention/Dept, Contact Phone, and Specialty in
this section.
Document new Primary Contact field/
Chapter 4 – Step 3 – Adding a New Question
Update the optional fields Abstract, Resolution and Owner in this section
Chapter 4 – Step 4 – Entering Basic Case Information
Update the Completed Date information with updating the completed
case date option.
Chapter 4 – Step 6 – Creating the Written Response
Update section for 50 Enclosures maximum.
Chapter 4 – Step 7 – Processing the Written Response
Update the Change Status of Case field with “Password to Complete a
Case with an open AE of PC” case constraints.
Chapter 4 – Additional Functionality of the Contact section
Add “Optional Fields in the Contact” section
Chapter 4 – Additional Functionality of the Question section
Add “Optional Fields in the Question” section.
Update Using the Frequently Asked Question Screen section with FAQ
Chapter 4 – Additional Functionality of the Basic Case section
Add “Optional Fields in the Basic Case” section
Chapter 4 – Additional Functionality of the Case Entry Toolbar
Add Reps button explanation to the section.
Chapter 4 – Functionality of the Shortcuts Menu section
Emailing Representatives
Update section with the Save Options checkboxes.
Updatae section with “ALLCONTACTSEMAIL” parameter
Chapter 4 – Functionality of the Shortcuts Menu section
Display all new and existing cases
Update “Cases Requiring Your Attention” screento “Attention” screen.
Update My Inbox section with High Priority cases in Red
Chapter 4 – Functionality of the Shortcuts Menu section
Case Audit Trail
Add Case Audit Trail section.
Chapter 7 – Searching Case Log Information
Add section for Searching Case Log Information
Add On-Call Staff Calendar section (Added after User Preferences)
Update Default Save As Location
Add to “Export Files To” on the Folder Tab in User Preferences section
IRMS User Guide
My Inbox Modifications
Add My Inbox Options to the Case Entry tab on the User Preferences
Add My Inbox to Tools Drop Down Menu
Add My Inbox to Case Entry
Add My Inbox to Additional Methods to Find Cases
Add Cancel Button to Pop Up Reason Window
Change Deleting a Case
Change Referring a Case
Change Reopening a Case
Change Deleting the Current Response Letter
Change Reopening a Response Letter
Client Data Field Modifications
Add “Memo Fld” explanation to Client Data Fields screen
Add Client Data screen to Query Screens, update other query screens
Change the location of the Delete button
Update Case Entry Screen Toolbar
Add Auto Refresh Option
Add “Automatically Reset Security Settings” to the Other tab on the User
Preferences screen.
E-mail Representative drop down
Display Representatives and Users
Copy Cases Changes
Add “PC Data” and “RMP Data” to the Copy Case tab on the User
Preferences screen
Change Items to Copy section of the Copy Requests or Mail Merge Data
Add description for Contacts on the Copy the Selected Information
section of the Send Copy of this Case to another Department.
Product Complaint Changes
Change the Product Complaint… tab on the Case Query screen.
Initial Issue
Last Revision