Spelling City Directions

Computers are available in the classroom for those without access at home.
Spelling City Directions
Go to http://www.spellingcity.com/.
Right from the home page, you simply type
your spelling words right into the list.
Then, select the “take test” button at the
end of your list.
Finally, scroll down below the take your test
intro and note the selections available.
Select “teach me” and go through each
word on your list.
Then, select “play a game” button at top or
bottom of your list and play “Missing
Letter” or “Word Unscramble.”
You’re on your honor; parents sign the
agenda book for spelling practice.
These spelling activities are NOT
mandatory. You do not have to do all
of them—mix & match! I want you to
document what you do in your agenda
book so that we are in communication
about your hard work at home, but
that’s all. I’m not grading Spelling City
activities. They are fun and great ways
to learn and do match up with our
“eyes v/s ears” discussion. If you make
spelling grades of 75% or higher each
time we take a test, I will not make
activities such as these mandatory.
e your word list in from home page
select play a game button
Choose “Spelling Test Me”
Your parent should record this pre-test
score into your agenda book.
Type your word list in from home page.
Select play a game button
We’ll have a vocabulary and/or spelling test in class
on Fridays or Monday mornings. I hope you enjoy
these activities!  Let me know! 
Choose “hang mouse” and “read a word.”
Mrs. Robbins
type your word list in from home page
select play a game button
Choose “Test & Teach”
*When given a choice, always select: Hard,
regular game, timer on…
Parents have the option to modify these
choices, when they see the need, or to set a
timer of no longer than 20 minutes.
Want to be “ahead of the game?”
Vocabulary has the power to improve
comprehension in all content areas! 
Just below where you type in your spelling list, you’ll
see a spot entitled, “Featured Vocabulary and
Spelling Lists.”
You will find options such as science and math
vocabulary words, as well as ELA options.
Go crazy! ‘-) Build that background knowledge and
wow me in class discussion!
Even more:
Computers are available in the classroom for those without access at home.