001 - Physics and Astronomy

Western University
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Physics 1301A – Introductory Physics I
Course Information - Summer Evening: May 9 - June 18, 2016
1. Course Description
An introductory calculus-based laboratory course in physics covering the foundational principles
of kinematics, force and motion, energy, linear momentum, rotation, torque and angular
momentum, gravitation, fluids.
6 lecture hours/ week, 2 tutorial hours/ week, 4 labs total/ 3 hrs each, 0.5 course
Antirequisite(s): Physics 1021, 1028A/B, 1301A/B*, 1401A/B*, 1501A/B, the former Physics
1020, 1024, 1026.
* NOTE: Physics 1301A/B and Physics 1401A/B are identical courses, and thus Physics
1301A/B is an anti-requisite for Physics 1401A/B, and vice versa.
Prerequisite(s): Grade 12U Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) or Mathematics 0110A/B.
Note: The department recommends that students also take a concurrent course, or have
completed a course that includes Calculus. Physics 1301A/B, together with Physics 1302A/B, is
a suitable prerequisite for modules having an introductory physics requirement (including
modules in the Faculty of Science, modules offered by the basic Medical Science departments,
and professional schools having a physics requirement).
Note: Unless you have either the requisites for this course or written special permission from
your Dean to enroll in it, you may be removed from this course and it will be deleted from your
record. This decision may not be appealed. You will receive no adjustment to your fees in the
event that you are dropped from a course for failing to have the necessary prerequisites.
2. Timetable & Contact Information
Lecture Times
Tutorial Time/Location
Course Instructor
Course website
Laboratory website
Tuesday and Thursday
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm; Room PAB 117 (Physics & Astronomy)
Wednesdays: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Room PAB 117
Professor Kanthi Kaluarachchi
email: kanthi@uwo.ca
PAB 261 (second floor)
Office Hours: Tuesday: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Wednesday: 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
OWL: https://owl.uwo.ca/
(Western password required)
Click on the course link: PHYSICS 1301A 001 SU16
OWL: https://owl.uwo.ca/
(Western password required)
Click on the lab link: PHYSICS 1301A 002 SU16
Physics 1301A ‐ Summer Evening‐ 2016 ‐ Course Information Page 1 of 8 3. Course Materials
The following course materials can be purchased at the UWO Bookstore:
Essential University Physics, 3rd Edition, by Richard Wolfson (Pearson, 2016).
The textbook package for Physics 1301A/1401A contains an access code for
Mastering Physics, the accompanying on-line learning resources.
Lab Manual: Physics Laboratory Manual 2015-2016 for Physics 1301/1401A/B (Required)
Buy the correct lab manual as it is not refundable.
SHARP Scientific calculator EL-510RN or old models starting with EL-510
This is the only calculator allowed in exams and tutorial quizzes.
NOTE: In addition, all online materials (lecture notes, tutorial material, access to interim grades,
announcements, etc.) are available from the course OWL (Sakai) sites. To access this site, you
will need to go to owl.uwo.ca and log on using your UWO username and password.
4. Course Evaluation
Your final grade in this course will be derived according to:
Midterm Examination
Final Examination
Tutorial Quizzes
In order to pass the course, you must attain a grade of at least 50% in at least one of the
examinations, and pass the laboratory component of this course. Unless you achieve both
of the above criteria, your maximum grade in this course will be 40%. The Department of
Physics and Astronomy may adjust the final course marks in order to conform to Departmental
Quiz grades will be posted regularly on the class OWL (Sakai) site. Any errors, or appeals to
your scores, must be reported to your instructor within one week of their initial posting.
Physics 1301A ‐ Summer Evening‐ 2016 ‐ Course Information Page 2 of 8 5. Course Schedule
Lectures: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm, Tuesday & Thursday; Room PAB 117
Tutorials & Quizzes: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm; Room PAB 117
Laboratory: May 28/29 (Saturday, Sunday), M2220, M2230, M2250
Midterm Examination: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Saturday, June 4, 2016, PAB 106
Final Examination: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Saturday, June 18, 2016, NS1
Building Code:
PAB - Physics & Astronomy Building
M - Materials Science Addition (MSA)
NS - Natural Science
Any changes to the following course schedule will be announced in class.
Summer Evening - Physics 1301 - Course Calendar
May Monday
Wednesday Thursday
9 10 Lecture 17 Lecture 24 Lecture 31 Lecture 11 Tutorial 7 Lecture 14 Lecture 16 23 30 June 6 13 Friday
12 Lecture 13 14 15 18 Tutorial Quiz 1 25 Tutorial Quiz 2 1 Tutorial Quiz 3 19 Lecture 20 21 22 26 Lecture 27 2 Lecture/ Midterm Review 3 29 Lab Weekend 9:30‐5:00 pm
5 8 Tutorial Quiz 4 15 Final Exam Review 9 Lecture 10 28 Lab Weekend 9:30‐5:00 pm
4 Midterm Exam 2:00‐5:00 pm
PAB 106 11 Math Review 17 16 Lecture/ Extra Help 12 19 18 Final Exam 2:00‐5:00 pm
NS 1 Physics 1301A ‐ Summer Evening‐ 2016 ‐ Course Information Page 3 of 8 6. Course Content
The course content is outlined in the following table. Note that this is a provisional list and if the
list is changed, the website will be updated as necessary. Any changes to the course content list
will be announced in the class as well (e.g., if sections are omitted).
(First Tutorial)
Appendix A: Math Review, Basic Algebra, Trigonometry,
Basic Calculus and vectors
Appendix B : SI Units; Appendix C: Conversion Factors
Chapter 1
Measurements and Units
Chapter 2
Motion in a Straight Line (1-D)
Chapter 3
Motion in Two and Three Dimension (2-D and 3-D)
Chapter 4
Force and Motion
Chapter 5
Using Newton's Laws
Chapter 6
Energy, Work and Power
Chapter 7
Conservation of Energy
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Systems of Particles
Chapter 10
Rotational Motion
Chapter 11
Rotational Vectors and Angular Momentum
Chapter 15
7. Tutorials, homework problems and Quizzes
The tutorials are designed to provide additional practice for problem solving on the lecture
material. Tutorials are scheduled in every week on Wednesdays from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in
PAB 117.
The first hour of the tutorial period is spent working through problems relevant to the lecture
material with the guidance of a Teaching Assistant. During the second hour you will write a quiz
containing multiple-choice questions and numerical problems. These quizzes are graded and
used to assign your tutorial mark. There will be 4 quizzes and your tutorial grade will be based
on your best 3 quizzes, allowing you to drop the quiz with the lowest mark without a penalty. As
a result of this policy, no make-ups will be provided for tutorial quizzes.
Physics 1301A ‐ Summer Evening‐ 2016 ‐ Course Information Page 4 of 8 Any changes to the following Tutorial/Quizzes schedule will be announced in class.
Tutorial Time
and Location
Wednesdays: 7:00 - 9:00 pm: Room PAB 117
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Problem solving
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm - Quiz
Teaching Assistants
Name: Nirosh Getangama
email: ngetanga@uwo.ca
Office Hours:
Wednesday: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Room: PAB 47
Tutorial/ Quizzes:
Tutorial Help
May 11 - Math Review - TA: Nirosh
May 18 - Quiz 1 - TA: Pubu
May 25 - Quiz 2 - TA: Nirosh
June 1 - Quiz 3 - TA: Pubu
June 8 - Quiz 4 - Prof. Kluarachchi
Name: Pubu Abeyasinghe
email: pabeyasi@uwo.ca
Office Hours:
Wednesday: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Room: PAB 47
Mastering Physics
Mastering Physics is an online source available at the textbook publisher's site for learning,
practising and training yourself how to solve physics problems. Problems posted here are
based on the material in the textbook. You are not required to use Mastering Physics, however,
it is a great tool for practising physics problem solving. An access code to Mastering Physics
site is included in your textbook. You will also need the course ID shown below.
8. Laboratories
Information on the laboratory component of the course is posted separately on the lab website
on OWL, https://owl.uwo.ca/ (Select the Lab link: PHYSICS 1301A 002 SU16 ).
All labs for this course will be held in the weekend, May 28 and 29, 2016. Please go to the lab
webpage for more information.
Lab Evaluation
There will be 4 labs in this course and all 4 lab marks will be counted for the final lab grade.
Your final laboratory grade is worth 15% of your course grade. In order to pass the course, a
student must obtain a passing grade in the laboratory.
A missed lab will be assigned a mark of zero unless it has been excused by an academic
counsellor at the Dean’s office of your home Faculty. You must complete at least 3 labs to
pass the lab and therefore may not miss more than one lab. If you miss 2 labs or more without
receiving academic accommodation, you will automatically fail the lab and the physics course.
There are no make-up labs. You must be free to attend the lab course in the weekend, May 28
& 29, 2016.
Physics 1301A ‐ Summer Evening‐ 2016 ‐ Course Information Page 5 of 8 Laboratory Orientation Lecture
A laboratory orientation lecture will be posted on the lab website. You must visit the website
and familiarize yourself with the contents of this lecture and the lab rules before attending your
first lab.
Laboratory Schedules
Lab schedules will be posted on the lab webpage. If you have difficulty following the timetable
scheduled for your lab sub-section, please contact the laboratory coordinator, Dr. Kanthi
Kaluarachchi, kanthi@uwo.ca
Lab Exemption for students who are repeating this course
If you have taken this course or another first year physics course during the last three years,
and want to know if you have to repeat the labs, contact Dr. Kaluarachchi via email
(kanthi@uwo.ca) as soon as possible.
9. Examinations: Midterms and Final
Exam times are listed under the course schedule in this document and also posted on the
course website homepage.
Exams will consist of a combination of multiple-choice questions designed to test conceptual
understanding of topics covered in class, and numerical problems (which may consist of
multiple parts) that test problem solving abilities.
No extra written material, advanced calculators, computers, cell phones, etc., are permitted
during exams.
The only calculator that may be brought into an exam is the Sharp EL-510RB calculator, which
is available from the UWO Bookstore. The only exception is any Sharp model EL-5xx (where xx
is typically 00 or 10R). If you are in doubt about your calculator, show it to us before the
examination. Students needing to make travel arrangements are advised to book a travel date after the end
of the examination period. No makeup exams will be given to accommodate travel!
10. Academic Accommodation
Students seeking academic accommodation for missed quizzes, labs or exams on medical
grounds or other reasons are required to provide valid documentation to the Academic
Counselling office of their home Faculty. Please submit documentation within one week of your
Academic accommodation cannot be granted by the course instructor or the department. Only
the accommodation approved by an academic counsellor will be considered. It is the student's
responsibility to make alternative arrangements with their instructor once the accommodation
has been approved. In the event of a missed final exam, a "Recommendation of Special
Examination" form must be immediately obtained and submitted to the Office of the Dean of the
student’s home Faculty.
Physics 1301A ‐ Summer Evening‐ 2016 ‐ Course Information Page 6 of 8 A Western Student Medical Certificate (SMC) is required where a student is seeking academic
accommodation. This documentation should be obtained at the time of the initial consultation
with the physician/nurse practitioner or walk-in clinic. A SMC can be downloaded at:
Academic Calendar has other useful information at the following links:
Academic Accommodation for Medical Illness:
Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities:
Accommodation for religious holidays:
11. Makeup Policy
Lab Marks: Absences and grading policies for the laboratory are given in the lab course outline
posted on the lab webpage. There will not be any opportunity to make up missed labs.
Tutorial Quizzes: Three out of four quizzes will be counted toward the tutorial grade. Your
lowest quiz mark will be dropped. No make-up quizzes will be given. If you miss more than one
quiz and want to be excused, you must seek academic accommodation as explained in the
Section 10.
Midterm Examination: With approved accommodation from the Dean's office, the department
will provide one makeup exam.
Final Examination: In accordance with Senate Policy, a Special Examination will be held
within thirty days of the regular final examination for students who are unable to write the regular
examination for medical or other documented reasons. Requests for such a Special
Examination must be immediately made to the Associate Dean, Academic, Faculty of Science.
12. Help
Students who are in emotional or mental distress should refer to Mental Health@Western
http://www.uwo.ca/uwocom/mentalhealth/ for a complete list of options about how to obtain
13. Accessibility
Please contact the course instructor if you require material in an alternate format or for any
other arrangements to make this course more accessible to you. For any specific question
regarding an accommodation, you may also wish to contact, Services for Students with
Disabilities (SSD), Western Student Services Building, Room 4111, 519 661-2111 Ext. 82147,
Physics 1301A ‐ Summer Evening‐ 2016 ‐ Course Information Page 7 of 8 14. Scholastic Offences
University policy states that cheating is a scholastic offence. The commission of a scholastic
offence is attended by academic penalty, which may include expulsion from the program. If you
are caught cheating, there will be no second warning. Cheating includes having available any
electronic devices other than a watch (non-programmable) and the Sharp calculator discussed
previously above during a test or exam. You may not have a cell phone accessible during
exams. Cell phones cannot be used as calculators or clocks during exams, quizzes or
laboratories. You may bring your laptop to lectures.
Complete information on the University policy on academic offenses can be found at:
Students must write their assignments in their own words. Whenever students take an idea, or a
passage from another author in an essay, they must acknowledge their debt both by using
quotation marks where appropriate and by proper referencing such as footnotes or citations.
Plagiarism is a major academic offence (see Scholastic Offence Policy in the Western
Academic Calendar).
15. Classroom Conduct
Disruptive behaviour during lectures, tutorials, quizzes, laboratory and the course OWL chat
room or forums will not be tolerated. This also includes the inappropriate use of mobile phones
or other electronic devices. Please respect the rights of your classmates to benefit from class by
limiting your conversations to those essential to the class. Students who persist in loud or rude
behaviour will be asked to leave.
16. Suggestions and Feedback
If you have a concern about something, please let us know. Please contact initially the person
most directly concerned; this will usually be your instructor or tutor. If that is not satisfactory, or
if there is something more general bothering you, you may talk it over with the Physics &
Astronomy Undergraduate Chair or Department Chair.
(for contact information see http://www.physics.uwo.ca).
Prof. K. Kaluarachchi
Department of Physics & Astronomy
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