Curriculum Vitae Personal Information


Jae Hoon Lee

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name : Lee, Jae Hoon

DOB : 25th May 1984

Citizenship : Republic of Korea

E- mail : jaehoonlee.

Telephone : +1 617 448 0780

Major : Physics / Mathematics

Affiliation : Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University

Military Service : ETS as a Sergeant, ROKA KATUSA Admin. Spec. (2004-2006, 2yrs)


 Mar. 2003 ~ : Seoul National University, candidate for B.S. in Physics & Mathematics

 Jan. 2008 ~ Jan. 2009 : Harvard University, Visiting Undergraduate Student (Cambridge, MA)

 Jun. 2004 ~ Aug. 2004 : UC Berkeley Summer Session (Berkeley, CA)

 Mar. 2000 ~ Feb. 2003 : Seohyun High School (Seongnam, South Korea)

 Jul. 1999 ~ Aug. 1999 : Lanley College Summer Session (Oakland, CA)

 Feb. 1999 ~ Feb. 2000 : Albany High School (Albany, CA)

Research / Study Interest

Mostly in Theoretical Physics o o o o

Quantum Gravity – Black Holes / Holographic Duality / String Theory

Particle Physics – Beyond the Standard Model / LHC Phenomenology

Cosmology – Inflation / Very Early Universe / Landscape

High Energy Theory applied to Condensed Matter or Statistical Systems

Mathematics o Connection between Mathematics and Physics

Jae Hoon Lee

Honors & Awards

Nov. 2008 ~ : Samsung Scholars hip for Graduate Studies o $50,000 (tuition + stipend) per year for 4 years during PhD program

Mar. 2008 : Annual Academic Award from College of Natural Science (SNU)

Nov. 2007 : University Engineering Mathematics Competition, Bronze Prize (KMS)

Nov. 2006 : ARCOM (US Army Commendation) Medal

Mar. 2006 ~ : KFAS Distinguished Undergraduate Students o KFAS : The Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies

Mar. 2004 : Annual Academic Award from College of Natural Science (SNU)

Mar. 2003 ~ : Presidential Science Scholars hip (by President of ROK) o Korea Science and Engineering Foundation

Oct. 2002 : Korea Science Creativity Competition, Gold Prize o The Korea Federation of Science Education Societies

Aug. 2002 : National Math / Science Competition, Silver Prize (Physics)

Mar. 2002 : Korea Physics Olympiad, Silver Prize (KPS) o KPS : The Korean Physical Society

Nov. 2001 : Korea Mathematical Olympiad, Honorable mention (KMS) o KMS : The Korean Mathematical Society

Academic Experience

2008. 9 ~ : Ongoing project on AdS/CFT Superconductors with


=2 Supergravity o Collaboration with Prof. Denef / Dr. Esole(Harvard) / Gaasbeek(Leuven)

2008. 7~2008.8 : String Phenomenology – CERN TH Institute (Audit)

2008. 6 ~ 2008.8: CERN Summe r Student (ATLAS, SUSY Particle Analysis)

2008. 5 : GR, Cosmology and Other Topics Final Project (Cosmic Strings and CMB)

2008. 2 ~ 2008. 5 o Supervised Research (Interaction of Cold Atoms, Prentiss Lab, Harvard)

2007. 12: Modern Physics Experiment Project (Raman Spectroscopy of DNA)

2007. 8 : 7 th

Summer Institute for Theoretical Physics – APCTP & KIAS

2007. 6 : Modern Physics Experiment Project (2D Photonic Crystal)

2007. 1 : KIAS-SNU Physics Winter Camp (Project on Exchange Interaction)

2006. 1 ~ 2006. 8 o Paper Review Assistance / 3D Holography Project in NIMO Lab, SNU

2006. 1 : KIAS-SNU Physics Winter Camp (Project on Gravitational Waves)

Standardized Test Scores

 GRE General (710/800/3.5, V/Q/AW), Jul 2008

 GRE Subject (990, Physics), Apr 2008

 iELTS 7.5(8.5/9.0/6.5/6.5, L/R/W/S), Oct 2008

 TOEFL iBT 107(29/28/23/27, R/L/S/W), Jan 2007

 SAT Reasoning (680/800/630, V/M/W), Dec 2006

 SAT Subject (800/800, Math II/Physics), Oct 2006

Computer Skills

Programming Language : C++ / C / PYTHON

Mathematics : Matlab / Mathematica

Data Analysis Software : OriginPro / MS-Excel / ROOT

Word Processing : LaTex / MS-Word / MS-PPT / HWP

Jae Hoon Lee

Jae Hoon Lee

Selected List of Courses Taken

Physics (Course Name / Instructor / Year Taken / Offered Institution) o o o o o

General Theory of Relativity, A. Strominger, 2008f, Harvard (Grad)

Relativistic Quantum Field Theory 2, E. Farhi, 2008f, MIT (Grad)

CERN Summer Lectures, various Lecturers, 2008 summer, CERN

General Relativity, Cosmology, and Other Topics, F. Denef, 2008s, Harvard(Grad)

Supervised Reading , H. Georgi, 2008s, Harvard

 Lie Algebras in Particle Physics o o o o o o o

Quantum Field Theory 1, S. Lee, 2007s, SNU(Grad)

Thermal and Statistical Physics, G. Jeon, 2007f, SNU

Quantum Physics 2, K. Char, 2007f, SNU

Quantum Physics 1, J. Lee, 2004s, SNU

Electromagnetic Waves and Optics, K. Ahn, 2004s, SNU

Electricity and Magnetism, K. Ahn, 2003f, SNU

Mechanics 1&2, I. Yu, 2003, SNU

Mathematics o Topology 1, T. Lam, 2008f, Harvard

 Topological Spaces and the Fundamental Group o o o

Classical Geometry, P. Kronheimer, 2008s, Harvard

Introduction to Differential Geometry 2, Y. Kiem, 2007f, SNU

 on Complex Algebraic C urves

Introduction to Differential Geometry 1, Y. Kiem, 2007s, SNU o o o o

Modern Algebra 1, S. Kang, 2007s, SNU

Differential Equations, 2007s, SNU

Introduction to Number Theory, 2004-Sum, UC Berkeley

Introduction to Analysis 1, H. Kang, 2004s, SNU o o

Linear Algebra 1, 2004s, SNU

Functions of Complex Variables, Y. Kiem, 2003f, SNU o Honor Calculus 1&2, M. Kim, 2003, SNU

 Prospective Courses in Spring 2009 (tentative) o o o o

Advanced Theory on Fields and Particles, S.J. Rey, SNU (Grad)

Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, G.S. Jeon, SNU(Grad)

Differentiable Manifolds, C.H. Cho, SNU (Grad)

Special Topics in Mathematics I, H. Heisuke, SNU
