Medium and Small Scale Concentrating Solar Thermal Power (MSS-CSP) Chances and Potentials Dr. Werner Platzer Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE SolarPaces Workshop Berlin, 16th September 2009 Content Introduction Demand worldwide Collectors for MSS-CSP Heat engines Case studies Outlook 2 3 Motivation Larger power stations using Concentrated Solar thermal Power (CSP > 20 MWel) is available on the market having levelised electricity costs (LEC) between 0,15 – 0,25 €/kWh (2006) and predicted price reductions of 50% until 2015 Large power stations require appreciable planning efforts and financial expense There is increasingly experience and development in alternative heat engines from ORC turbines to steam piston motors and screw compressors in a lower nominal power range Photovoltaics, wind power and biomass projects have shown to be successfully implemented by cooperative public investment projects 4 Potential disadvantages of smaller projects Lower efficiencies (lower temperature levels, less complex thermodynamical processes) Suitable heat engines not available higher specific planning costs higher specific investment costs 5 Potential advantages of smaller projects Coupling with heating or cooling consumer loads with matching nominal power possible Off-grid systems may replace more expensive solutions using e.g. Diesel engines Series production of components -> basis for cost degression Less complex operation, lower temperatures -> lower component costs 6 Content Introduction Demand and potentials Collectors for MSS-CSP Heat engines Case studies Outlook 7 European Demand for Process Heat => about 55% (6500 PJ/a) below 400°C Source: 8 Cooling Demand 9 Yearly Sales of Diesel Generators for Continous Operation > 9000 Units 10 Regional Distribution 11 Example India 12 Content Introduction Demand worldwide Collectors Heat engines Case studies Outlook 13 14 Overview of collector types for process heat IEA Task 33 From improved flat-plate collectors to vacuum tube receivers to concnetration collectors Performance data partially available Cost information missing 15 Efficiency curves for generic collectors 1 0.9 effic ienc y [-] 0.8 0.7 Trough 1 0.6 F res nel 0.5 Trough 2 0.4 Tube 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 100 200 300 400 Delta_T [K] 16 Content Introduction Demand worldwide Collectors Heat engines Case studies Outlook 17 Characterisation of power block Data from manufacturers and publications Steam engines Smaller engines in prototype stadium Cost data for complete power block (pumps, heat exchanger, controls,…) 18 Part load behaviour of heat engines elec tric al effic ienc y 0.25 Example: s team turbine ORC -turbine s team s crew motor 0.2 s team pis ton motor 0.15 0.1 Nominal power: 1 MWel Field outlet: 300°C 0.05 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 P /P _Nenn 19 Turbines: Efficiency is depending on size and mass flow! Example: Saturated steam at 270 °C and 55 bar 20 Screw motor • Screw used in compressors, copes with saturated steam • Power range 100 – 200 kWel, different developments 21 Prognostizierte Lernkurve Lernkurve für eine 1000 kW Schraubenmotoranlage 2000 Spezifische Investitionskosten [€/kW] 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Gefertigte Stückz ahl pro Jahr 22 Spezifische Schraubenmotor-Kosten 23 Piston motor • Power range 25 to 1.500 kW • Suitable for saturated steam • Only one manufacturer 24 Organic Rankine Prozess (ORC) Kollektorfeld Dampf Thermoöl Verdampfer Turbine G Vorwärmer Rekuperator Pumpe Speisewasserbehälter Kondensator Kondensat Pumpe 25 ORC – Organic Rankine cycle No condensation during expansion! 26 Range of ORC-Turbines • Adoratec • GMK mbH • Turboden S.r.l • Barber Nichols • UTC Power • Adaturb GmbH 315 - 1500 kWel 100 - 1500 kWel 200 - 2000 kWel 10 - 2700 kWel 225 kWel 30-60 kWel 270 – 320 °C 275 °C 265 °C 265 °C 75 °C 270 °C 18% 20% 18% 18% 8% 18% 27 Ausblick • Leistungsspezifische Kosten (700 kWel) uneinheitlich: Turbinen 1250 €/kW 19% Dampfschraube Dampfmotor Zentrifugalkompressor ORC-Turbine 2100 €/kW 1000 €/kW 700 €/kW 1500 €/kW 13% 12% 18% 28 s pec ific inves tment c os t [€/kW] Cost function for ORC turbines 4000 3500 R egres s ion manufacturer information 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 nominal power [kW] 29 Cost functions of heat engines 5500 s pec ific inves tment c os ts [€/kW] 5000 4500 4000 s crew motor 3500 s team turbine OR C turbine 3000 pis ton motor 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 power [MW] 30 Cost situation not clear • Efficiency losses for smaller engines have technical and economical reasons (e.g. gap losses for turbines) • Specific costs (200 kWel) very vague: turbines steam screw projection steam piston motor 700 – 2000 €/kW 3000 – 3500 €/kW 900 – 1100 €/kW ORC-Turbine 1500 – 3000 €/kW 31 Absorption Cooling 32 Content Introduction Demand worldwide Collectors for MSS-CSP Heat engines Case studies Outlook 33 Case Study 1: Combined Cooling Grid-connected Speicher 260 °C / 25 bar Thermoöl Kollektorfeld 345 °C Dampf Überhitzer Turbine G AKM (1-st.) Verdampfer 85 °C Vorwärmer 245 °C Kühler Pumpe Speisewasserbehälter Location Faro, Portugal with Feed-in tariff 27 Cent/kWh Cooling demand 500 kW at 6°C 24h -> 4,4 GWh/a 34 Optimal Nominal Power 180 Kapitalwert [T€] Net present value [k€] 160 900 140 120 800 100 700 80 60 600 COP = 0,7 40 500 20 0 400 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 Thermische Leistung Thermal power [kW] [kW] 1000 185 Elektrische Kraftwerksblock ElectricalNennleistung nominal power [kW] [kW] Capital value Kapitalwert Kondensationswärme Condensation heat Nennleistung Power AC AKM Heizleistung Heat AC AKM 35 Efficiency power block and COP Absorption Cooler 0,35 0,8 27 °C 0,7 35 °C 0,25 0,6 ηel [-] 41 °C 0,2 0,5 46 °C 0,4 0,15 COP [-] 0,3 0,3 0,1 0,2 0,05 0,1 0 0 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Kondensationstemperatur [°C] 36 Optimization Condensation Temperature 600 200 €/m² Kapitalwert [T€] [k€] Net present value 500 250 €/m² 300 €/m² 400 300 200 100 0 -100 70 80 90 100 110 -200 -300 Kondensationstemperatur [°C] 37 Investment Cost for Absorption Cooling 2,5 y = -45,693x3 + 130,65x2 - 124,34x + 40,395 IKT / IKTopt 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 0,65 0,7 0,75 0,8 0,85 0,9 0,95 1 1,05 T / Topt [-] 38 Optimization of Solar Field Area 1000 [T€] [k€] NetKapitalwert present value 200 €/m² 250 €/m² 500 300 €/m² 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 -500 -1000 -1500 Kollektorfläche [m²] 39 Optimization of Storage Size 600 Kapitalwert [T€] 400 200 €/m² 5000 250 €/m² 4500 300 €/m² 4000 300 200 100 0 -100 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 -200 Betriebsstunden WKM [h] 500 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -300 Speichervolumen [m³] 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Speichervolumen [m³] 40 Optimization of Storage Size 2,5 Kälte Strom Ertrag [GWh/a] 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Speichervolumen [m³] 41 Example: Results for 2 different collector costs 200 €/m² 300 €/m² Electricity yield [MWh/a] 540 420 Cooling yield [MWh/a] 2130 1640 49 37 Collector area [m²] 4900 3500 Storage size [m³] 240 140 Investment sum [k€] 1700 1600 Capital value [k€] 492 - 103 Solar fraction cooling [%] Load profiles for cooling important ->large load beneficial, if storage is included 42 Wärmenutzungsgrad / IRR [%] Influence of load profiles for cooling 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 60 Wärmenutzungsgrad Interner Zins 41 38 21 17 16 500 kW 8 - 18 Uhr (2 GWh/a) 500 kW 24 Stunden (4,4 GWh/a) Bürogebäude (1,7 GWh/a) 43 Case Study 2: Combined Process Steam Generation Speicher 300 °C / 40 bar Überhitzer Thermoöl 320 °C Kollektorfeld Dampf 245 °C Turbine Verdampfer G Kühler 55 °C Vorwärmer 220 °C / 10 bar Überhitzer Verdampfer Prozessdampf Backup Gasbrenner Vorwärmer 190 °C 160 °C Pumpe 44 Variations for grid-connected systems Two locations with different feed-in tariff: Faro, Portugal, DNI = 2197 kWh/(m²a) Feed-in tariff 27 Cent/kWh Ajaccio, Korsika, DNI = 1780 kWh/(m²a) Feed-in tariff 40 Cent/kWh Profiles for process heat demand: 500 kW from 9h to 18h 500 kW over 24 hours 45 Results grid-connection Kapitalwert [T€] [k€] Net present value 3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 Demand: 500kW kW 8h18 - Uhr Bedarf: 500 8 bis 18h Standort: Faro 1.000 Location Faro Process steam Prozessdampf 500 Process steam + electr. Prozessdampf + Strom 0 500 1500 2500 3500 4500 Kollektorfläche Collector area[m²] [m2] 46 Results grid-connection Net present value Kapitalwert [T€] [k€] 4.000 3.500 3.000 2.500 Demand: Bedarf: 500500 kW kW 24h 24h 2.000 Standort: Faro Location Faro 1.500 1.000 Prozessdampf Process steam 500 Prozessdampf + Strom Process steam + electr. 0 500 1500 2500 3500 4500 Kollektorfläche Collector area[m²] [m2] 47 Case Study 3: Comparison CSP with PV grid-connection with feed-in tariff 45 40 Einspeisevergütung Feed-in tariff CSPCSP Einspeisevergütung Feed-in tariff PV PV LEC [€-Cent/kWh] 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 PV 3000 €/kW PV 4000 €/kW PV 5000 €/kW CSP 200 €/m² CSP 300 €/m² CSP 400 €/m² 48 Case Study 3: Comparison CSP with PV off-grid system 18 16 14 IRR [%] 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 PV 3000 €/kW PV 4000 €/kW PV 5000 €/kW CSP 200 €/m² CSP 300 €/m² CSP 400 €/m² 49 Case Study 3: Comparison with PV+ flat-plate collector CSP combined heating and generation 25 PV flat plate PV ++Flachkollektor CSP combined heating CSP KWK IRR [%] 20 15 10 5 0 3000 €/kW 4000 €/kW 5000 €/kW 200 €/m² 300 €/m² 400 €/m² 500 €/m² 50 Case Study 4: Variation in DNI 1 2 Standort ∑ DNI 1 Freiburg 890 2 Perpignan 1390 3 Faro 2197 4 Bahariyya 2529 5 Keetmanshoop 3049 3 4 5 51 Case Study 4: Variation in DNI Off-Grid Systems [kW] Cooling 500 (24h) Kälte: 500 kWkW (24h) Prozessdampf: 800 kW kW (8h (8 bis 18 Uhr) Process steam 800 – 18h) Strom: 400 kW Maximalleistung (aus literature Literatur) Electricity profile max. 400kW from [kW] [h] [kW] [h] [h] 52 Case Study 4: Solar Electricity 350 Freiburg rel. LEC (Faro = 100%) 300 250 200 Perpignan 150 Faro 100 Bahariyya Keetmanshoop 50 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 rel. Summe DNI (Faro = 100%) 53 Case Study 4: Solar Combined Heating and Cooling 14000 10000 15 8000 10 6000 4000 5 Einsparung [T€] Savings [k€] 12000 20 2000 ho op Ke et m an s Ba ha riy ya Fa ro 0 Pe rp ig na n 0 Fr ei bu rg Amortisationszeit Amortisation [a] [a] 25 54 Content Introduction Demand worldwide Collectors for MSS-CSP Heat engines Case studies Outlook 55 Conclusions and outlook Small scale grid-connected electricity production with CSP is certainly still further away from market competitivity than large scale CSP! Replacement of off-grid diesel generator applications might be interesting in some cases, even in comparison to photovoltaic stand-alone systems Combined heating and/or cooling enhances economics substantially Development of alternative small power blocks (screw, ORC) are under way, demonstration and adaptation to dynamical solar field conditions necessary! We need more experience and demonstration worldwide! Large potential markets (e.g. India) exist 56 Internet-Plattform (englisch) Kontakte Termine Informationen Studien 57 Internet-Plattform - Firmendarstellung Kostenfreies Angebot Einfache Eintragung über Internet-Formular 58 Thank you for listening! 59