April 11, 2012 1. FCC Consumer Facts: Stolen and Lost Wireless

April 11, 2012
1. FCC Consumer Facts: Stolen and Lost Wireless Devices. Fact sheet. CGB.
2. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, Prepared Remarks on Stolen Cell Phones Initiative, City Hall,
Washington, D.C. OCHJG.
3. Chairman Genachowski Joins Senator Schumer, D.C. Mayor Gray, State Police Departments, and
Wireless Carriers to Announce New Initiatives to Combat Massive Smartphone and Data Theft.
News release. OCHJG.
4. National Cyber Awareness System - Technical Cyber Security Alert TA12-101B.
Adobe Reader and Acrobat Security Updates and Architectural Improvements –
Original release date: April 10, 2012. Last revised: -- Source: US-CERT
Systems Affected:
* Adobe Reader X (10.1.2) and earlier 10.x versions for Windows and Macintosh
* Adobe Reader 9.5 and earlier 9.x versions for Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX
* Adobe Acrobat X (10.1.2) and earlier 10.x versions for Windows and Macintosh
* Adobe Acrobat 9.5 and earlier 9.x versions for Windows and Macintosh
April 11, 2012
Overview - Adobe has released Security Bulletin APSB12-08, which describes multiple
vulnerabilities affecting Adobe Reader and Acrobat. As part of this update, Adobe Reader and
Acrobat 9.x will use the system-wide Flash Player browser plug-in instead of the Authplay
component. In addition, Reader and Acrobat now disable the rendering of 3D content by default.
Description - Adobe Security Bulletin APSB12-08 describes a number of vulnerabilities affecting
Adobe Reader and Acrobat. These vulnerabilities affect Adobe Reader and Acrobat versions 9.x
through 9.5, and Reader X and Acrobat X versions prior to 10.1.3. The Adobe ASSET blog provides
additional details on new security architecture changes to Adobe Reader and Acrobat. Adobe
Reader and Acrobat 9.5.1 will use the Adobe Flash Player plug-in version installed on the users
system rather than the Authplay component that ships with Adobe Reader and Acrobat. This
change helps limit the number of out-of-date, vulnerable Flash runtimes available to an attacker.
Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.5.1 also now disable rendering of 3D content by default because the
3D rendering components have a history of vulnerabilities. US-CERT recommends that Flash users
upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Flash Player and turn on automatic updates. An attacker
could exploit these vulnerabilities by convincing a user to open a specially crafted PDF file. This can
happen automatically as the result of viewing a webpage.
Impact - These vulnerabilities could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code, write
arbitrary files or folders to the file system, escalate local privileges, or cause a denial of service on
an affected system as the result of a user opening a malicious PDF file.
Solution - Update Reader. Adobe has released updates to address this issue. Users are encouraged
to read Adobe Security Bulletin APSB12-08 and update vulnerable versions of Adobe Reader and
Acrobat. In addition to updating, please consider the following mitigations. Disable JavaScript in
Adobe Reader and Acrobat. Disabling JavaScript may prevent some exploits from resulting in code
execution. You can disable Acrobat JavaScript using the Preferences menu (Edit -> Preferences ->
JavaScript; uncheck Enable Acrobat JavaScript). Adobe provides a framework to blacklist specific
JavaScript APIs. If JavaScript must be enabled, this framework may be useful when specific APIs are
known to be vulnerable or used in attacks. Prevent Internet Explorer from automatically opening
PDF files. The installer for Adobe Reader and Acrobat configures Internet Explorer to automatically
open PDF files without any user interaction. This behavior can be reverted to a safer option that
prompts the user by importing the following as a .REG file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AcroExch.Document.7] "EditFlags"=hex:00,00,00,00
Disable the display of PDF files in the web browser. Preventing PDF files from opening inside a
web browser will partially mitigate this vulnerability. Applying this workaround may also mitigate
April 11, 2012
future vulnerabilities. To prevent PDF files from automatically being opened in a web browser, do
the following:
1. Open Adobe Acrobat Reader.
2. Open the Edit menu.
3. Choose the Preferences option.
4. Choose the Internet section.
5. Uncheck the "Display PDF in browser" checkbox.
Do not access PDF files from untrusted sources. Do not open unfamiliar or unexpected PDF files,
particularly those hosted on websites or delivered as email attachments. Please see Cyber Security
Tip ST04-010.
* Security Update Available for Adobe Reader and Acrobat https://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb11-30.html
* Adobe Reader and Acrobat JavaScript Blacklist Framework http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/504/cpsid_50431.html
* Background on Security Bulletin APSB12-08 http://blogs.adobe.com/asset/2012/04/background-on-security-bulletin-apsb12-08.html
* Adobe Flash Player http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
* Adobe Flash Vulnerability Affects Flash Player and Other Adobe Products http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/259425
* Vulnerability Notes with Advice to Disable 3D Rendering http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/bypublished?searchview&query=rt3d.dll
April 11, 2012
5. National Cyber Awareness System - Technical Cyber Security Alert TA12-101A - Microsoft
Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities
Original release date: April 10, 2012. Last revised: -- Source: US-CERT
Systems Affected:
* Microsoft Windows
* Microsoft Internet Explorer
* Microsoft .NET Framework
* Microsoft Office
* Microsoft Server Software
* Microsoft SQL Server
* Microsoft Developer Tools
* Microsoft Forefront United Access Gateway
Overview - There are multiple vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer, Microsoft
.NET Framework, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Server Software, Microsoft SQL server, Microsoft
Developer Tools, and Microsoft Forefront United Access Gateway. Microsoft has released updates
to address these vulnerabilities.
Description - The Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for April 2012 describes multiple
vulnerabilities in Microsoft software. Microsoft has released updates to address the vulnerabilities.
Impact - A remote, unauthenticated attacker could execute arbitrary code, cause a denial of
service, or gain unauthorized access to your files or system.
Solution - Apply updates. Microsoft has provided updates for these vulnerabilities in the Microsoft
Security Bulletin Summary for April 2012, which describes any known issues related to the updates.
Administrators are encouraged to note these issues and test for any potentially adverse effects. In
April 11, 2012
addition, administrators should consider using an automated update distribution system such as
Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). Home users are encouraged to enable automatic
* Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for April 2012 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/bulletin/ms12-apr
* Microsoft Windows Server Update Services http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/wsus/default.aspx
* Microsoft Update https://www.update.microsoft.com/
* Microsoft Update Overview http://www.microsoft.com/security/updates/mu.aspx
* Turn Automatic Updating On or Off http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/Turn-automatic-updating-on-or-off
In the news:
NTIA Cautions Against Early Public-Safety LTE Deployments.
U.S. Wireless Industry Announces Steps to Help Deter Smartphone Theft.
Sen. Grassley Continues FCC Nominee Standoff.
U.S. Mobile Backhaul Demand to Grow More Than Nine Times in the Next Four Years.
U.S. Willing to Share Airwaves with Commercial Users.