أولا: مواد الائحة

‫جامعـة دمنهور‬
‫كـلـيـــــة العــــلـوم‬
‫‪University of Damanhour‬‬
‫‪Faculty of Science‬‬
‫الالئحة الداخلية‬
‫لكلية العلوم ـ جامعة دمنهور‬
‫نظام الساعات املعتمدة‬
‫(مرحلة البكالوريوس)‬
‫األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬عميد الكلية‬
‫يف إط ا خ ة ا ج مع ا نمور ا خ لتحااث ب اجمهار ا هلتعة س ا لااع لة‬
‫ك هميي نا اااا هلثصل اااا صهتماااا‬
‫لةاااا ه لتساااا ن هلااااثصل‬
‫‪ ACCREDITATION‬من ه ئ ك ه لتس ن هلثصل ‪،‬تأت خغبا ية ا هلعةا يف‬
‫هةت خ نظ هلس ل ك هملعتسثة هملعس‬
‫سسح مب هيب هلت‬
‫اه يف هلعث ث مان ها معا ك هلع مل ا صهلا‬
‫خ ههل ئل يف ي ف ا ك هلعةم ص ت ح مشا خي طبا ا‬
‫أيرب مان ةاب إل ا ل هل ابص فجم ا هةت ا خ هملااجمخهك هلثخهلا‬
‫صإمك ن ترم صخغب ترم ح ب ترثف هلكة‬
‫صفاا لااثخهترم‬
‫إلثهن ةجم ج لة مسات ى لةسا‬
‫ل اكوه من أنهل م و ط اه من مر صصهجب ك يف م ن ن هلعسل هملتو ل صهإلملا‬
‫اكل هملستجثهك صهلت‬
‫خهك ههل ئة يف ا لسةه هن بق من خؤ‬
‫لة أن هخلجم ج هملؤهل ج ثه ل ف ك ن نلس َ ق‬
‫لة أل س من هلثااجمهط‬
‫َ يف من هجملتسع هلساة م هلاا ئم‬
‫صهلاثخة لة هختا هلااجمهخ ماع هإلاا ن ا لعاث صمبا ن‬
‫حا ق هإلنس ن صهملس صهة صهحرته ثا ف ك صأخهل هآلةجم ن‪.‬‬
‫عميد الكلية‬
‫أ‪0‬د‪/‬حممد حممد السيد‬
‫األستاذ الدكتور‪/‬وكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم والطالب‬
‫شرث هلع مل يف هلسو هك هميةرية ت خهك ه ئة صغري مسب ق يف ا ك هلعة ص هلتكو ل ج‬
‫يف هلمو ل ك هلك س ئ صهلغ هئ ‪،‬صهخت ن هلفض ل صهلتكشا ف هلراجمصهك هل ب ع ا‬
‫صث خة هملعة م ك صلة هت لب هآلل صت ب ا ته صهلب ل ج هازئ صههلوثل هل خهث صلة‬
‫هلب ئ ص هلتغريهك هملو ة صه لتشع خ لان اعاث صهلعث اث مان اا ك هلتااث هلتكو لا ج‬
‫اث ب‬
‫صهلمو ل صهلزخهل ‪ ..‬صمت شا ماع ها ل هلت ا خهك يا ن لزهما لةا ية ا هلعةا‬
‫ئحتر لتت هيب ماع ها ه هلت ا خ هلعةسا ههل ئال صهلاتغريهك هاث اثة ‪ ،‬ا تا ح هلفجم ا‬
‫سل هملسئ ل صهلت ع ص هلتكو ل ج هتث ر صتةب ا‬
‫لتخجم ج ي هنخ لةس ق نخة لة‬
‫ح ج ل ق هلعسل مبمجم صهلثص هلعجما ‪.‬‬
‫هلرتش نه اربهمج ها مع ك هلع مل ا هةت ا خهك هلكة ا نظا هلتخممار يهلجمئ سا صهلفجملا‬
‫‪ )Major/Minor‬ح ااب اتاا خ هل لااب ختمماا خئ ساا تو لااب مااع قثخهتااه صإمك ن تااه‬
‫صختمم آةجم فجمل ا سا لثل يف فرام يت ا ك هلتخما هلجمئ سا اما خة ألساأ صأ ال‬
‫جمجح يفه ةاجم ج‬
‫ص ك ن إض ف لةسعة م ك صهملر خهك هملستف نل من هلتخم هلجمئ س‬
‫هلكة يف ل ق هلعسل‪.‬‬
‫مجمهلااا ة لتبااا ن هلااااثخهك اااار هل ااابص أضااا فج هلكة ااا نظااا هلثخجااا هخل ااا‬
‫ا أ طس ح ترم هلعةس ا اشاجمط مت ثال‬
‫ت ح لة بص هملتس ز ن‬
‫ي‪ )Honour Degree‬صهل‬
‫هلشجمصط هملتبع ا ا مع ك هلع مل ‪.‬‬
‫يس هلتحثث اعض هلتخمم ك هاث ثة مل هيب هلت خ هلعةس هملع جم لسث ح ج لا ق‬
‫اث ب هملااجمخهك‬
‫هلعسل يف ي فا مؤلسا ك هلثصلا صهملؤلسا ك هإلقة س ا صيا ل خصلا‬
‫هلثخهل يف معظم ختمم ك هلكة ا مل هيبا ه ه ها ك هلعةس ا هتث را صمساتجثهك‬
‫هلعةم يف هجمل ك هملختةف ‪.‬‬
‫وكيل الكلية‬
‫لشئون التعليم والطالب‬
‫أ‪.‬د‪ /‬عادل زكي نصر‬
‫رســالة الكليــة‬
‫إن خل ل ية هلعة ه إلثهن صتاث م اجمهمج تعة س صفأ هملع ري هلا ل يف اا‬
‫هلعة هميل ل صت ب ا تر اكن من ةبهل إلثهن ي هنخ لةس مثخا صقا نخة لةا‬
‫هملو فس يف ل ق هلعسل ‪ ,‬ا إلض ف إ إججمهل حب ث صنخهلا ك لةس ا متجاثنة ا لاتخثه‬
‫هلتاو ك هملت خة صهلت ه ال ماع ههل ئا ك هلبحر ا ه ة ا صهلثصل ا لات ف ل مت ةبا ك‬
‫هلور ض ا جملتسع صةثمته‪.‬‬
‫رؤيــة الكليــة‬
‫إن خؤ ية‬
‫مت ةب ك هملع‬
‫هلعة هميل ل‬
‫ملست ى لةس‬
‫هميي نا ‪.‬‬
‫هلعةا ها أن تكا ن مؤلسا تعة س ا صحبر ا متس ازة تت هفاأ ماع‬
‫ري هميي نا ا إلض ف إ تعس اأ ثا فا هإلااثها صه اتكا خ يف اا‬
‫صه نفت ح لةا مت ةبا ك هجملتساع لساث هحت ج تاه صهل ا ا لكة ا‬
‫تو لب مع مع ري ها نة لتست ع من ةبلاه هل فا ل مبت ةبا ك ه لتسا ن‬
‫األهداف اإلسرتاتيجية للكلية‬
‫ث ب هلربهمج صهخل ط هلثخهل مب ت هفأ مع خل ل صخؤ‬
‫يف ض ل مع ري أي نا متس زة‪.‬‬
‫ص مر خهك متس زة قا نخة لةا هلتع مال ماع مساتحثث ك‬
‫‪ .2‬ختجم ج يف لهك لةس‬
‫هلبحب هلعةس صمبحا هلت خ هملستسجم لةور ض ا جملتسع‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬تأل س نظ إنهخة ج نة صمت اع لتحا أ ألة معث ك لألنهل ا لكة يف ثبثا‬
‫إ ه لتسا ن‬
‫ي صخ ه هلعسة هلتعة س ‪ -‬هلبحب هلعةس ‪ -‬ةثم هجملتسع ص‬
‫هميي نا ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬تفع ل نصخ هلتكو ل ج هتث ر مب اث لسة ك هلتوس ص سر هلب ئ ا يف‬
‫ض ل هميهثهف هلس ل صه قتم ن صه جتس ل لةثصل ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬هيتس ص ثا هجملتسع ه ة صهلثصل يف خمجمج ك هلعسة هلتعة س ا صهلبحر ا‬
‫ا لكة من ةب هلت ه ل هلاثهئم ماع ه ئا ك لةس ا ية ا صإقة س ا صل مل ا‬
‫متس زة‪.‬‬
‫صها معا‬
‫الئحة كلية العلوم – جامعة دمنهور‬
‫( نظام الساعات املعتمدة )‬
‫مادة ( ‪) 1‬‬
‫أقسام الكلية‪:‬‬
‫تتكون كلية العلوم من األقسام العلمية التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬قسم الرياضيات‬
‫‪ -4‬قسم علم النبات‬
‫مادة ( ‪) 2‬‬
‫‪ -2‬قسم الفيزياء‬
‫‪ -5‬قسم علم الحيوان‬
‫‪ -3‬قسم الكيمياء‬
‫‪ -6‬قسم الجيولوجيا‬
‫الدرجات العلمية‪:‬‬
‫تمنح جامعة دمنهور بناء على طلب مجلس الكلية الدرجات العلمية التالية‪:‬‬
‫( أ ) درجة البكالوريوس العامة في العلوم تخصص رئيسي (‪ /)Major‬فرعي(‪.)Minor‬‬
‫( ب ) درجة البكالوريوس الخاصة في العلوم (‪.)Honours Degree‬‬
‫مادة ( ‪) 3‬‬
‫التخصصات التي تمنح فيها درجة البكالوريوس (رئيسي ‪ /‬فرعي) والخاصة هي‪:‬‬
‫علوم الحاسب اآللي س‬
‫علم الحيوان‬
‫‪Computer Science‬‬
‫ويجوز للكلية استحداث تخصصات رئيسية أو فرعية أخرى وفقا ألحكام قانون تنظيم الجامعات‪.‬‬
‫مادة ( ‪) 4‬‬
‫نظام الدراسة‪:‬‬
‫النظام المتبع في الكلية هوو نظوام السواعات المعتمود( (‪ )Credit Hours System‬فوي ططوار الفصو‬
‫الدراسي‪ ،‬وهو نظام يشوترط لتخورا الطالوب اجتيوازه عودد مون المقوررات الد ارسوية بنجواح وفو المسوتوى الوتح تحودده‬
‫الكلية‪ ،‬كما يتيح للطالب حرية الدراسة والمشاركة في وضع خطة دراسته وفقا لقدراته وحسب النظام المعموو بوه‪.‬‬
‫وبتوجيووه موون المرشوود األكوواديمي‪ ،‬وتلووف فووي ضوووء الحوودود الوودنيا والعليووا لعوودد السوواعات المعتموود( التووي يسوومح لووه‬
‫بالتسجي فيها لك فص دراسي‪.‬‬
‫مادة ( ‪) 5‬‬
‫الفصل الدراسي‪:‬‬
‫يتكون الفص الدراسي من سبعة عشر أسبوعا موزعة على النحو التالي‪:‬‬
‫أ – فتر( التسجي ومدتها أسبوع واحد‪.‬‬
‫ب‪ -‬فتر( الدراسة وتمتد أربعة عشر أسبوعا‪.‬‬
‫ا‪ -‬فتر( االمتحانات ومدتها أسبوعان‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)6‬‬
‫معيار الساعة المعتمدة‪:‬‬
‫تحتسب الساعة المعتمد( خال الفص الدراسي الواحد على النحو التالي‪:‬‬
‫أ – ك محاضر( نظرية مدتها ساعة واحد( أسبوعيا تكافئ ساعة واحد( معتمد(‪.‬‬
‫ب‪ -‬ك فتر( دراسة عملية أو تمارين مدتها ‪ 2‬أو ‪ 3‬ساعات أسبوعيا تكافئ ساعة واحد( معتمد(‪.‬‬
‫ا‪ -‬يسقط من حساب الساعات المعتمد( الدراسة العملية أو التمارين التى مدتها ساعة واحد(‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)7‬‬
‫مستويات الدراسة‪:‬‬
‫تحدد مستويات الفر الدراسية كما يلي‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬الطالب التح يجتاز ‪ 34‬ساعة معتمد( على األكثر يعتبر في المستوى األو (مستوى الفرقة الدراسية األولى)‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬الطالب التح يجتاز مابين ‪ 35‬طلي ‪ 68‬ساعة معتمد( يعتبر في المستوى الثاني (مستوى الفرقة الدراسية الثانية)‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬الطالب التح يجتاز مابين ‪ 69‬طلي ‪ 112‬ساعة معتمد( يعتبر في المستوى الثالث (مستوى الفرقة الدراسية الثالثة)‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬الطالب التح يجتاز ‪ ( 113‬أو أكثر ) ساعة معتمد( يعتبر في المستوى الرابع (مستوى الفرقة الدراسية الرابعة)‪.‬‬
‫وقد رقمت المقررات المبينة بجداو البرامج المختلفة على النحو التالي‪:‬‬
‫ متطلبات الجامعة والكلية ومقررات المستوى األو من ‪ 111‬طلى ‪.199‬‬‫‪ -‬مقررات المستوى الثاني من ‪ 211‬طلى ‪.299‬‬
‫ مقررات المستوى الثالث من ‪ 311‬طلى ‪.399‬‬‫‪ -‬مقررات المستوى الرابع من ‪ 411‬طلى ‪.499‬‬
‫المقررات ذات األرقام الفردية تعرض عادة في الفصل الدراسي األول أما المقرررات ذات األرقرام الجوجيرة‬
‫فتعررض عررادة فرري الفصررل الدراسرري الثراني‪ ،‬وتسووب أرقوام المقووررات حورو‬
‫تعنووي التخصوص الووتح يتبعوه هووتا‬
‫المقرر كما في الماد( (‪ ،)3‬ويجوز للجنة شئون التعليم والطالب وبنواء علوى اقتوراح األقسوام العلميوة عورر مقورر‬
‫في أكثر من فص دراسي أو في غير موعده‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)8‬‬
‫المتطلب السابق‪:‬‬
‫يعتبر المتطلب الساب مقرر دراسي يتعين على الطالب اجتيازه قب التسجي فوي مقورر معوين آخور وفوي‬
‫هته الحالة فإنه يطل على األو متطلب ساب للمقرر اآلخر‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)9‬‬
‫تقبو و كلي ووة العل وووم الط ووالب الحاص وولين عل ووى الثانوي ووة العام ووة (الرياض وويات والعل وووم) والش ووهادات العربيو وة‬
‫واألجنبي وة المعادل وة لهووا وفقووا لشووروط القبووو الت وي يحووددها المجلووس األعلووى للجامعووات وطبقووا لمووا يحوودده مجلووس‬
‫الكلية من أعداد داخ ك شعبة ويلتح طالب الفرقة األولى المستجد بإحدى الشعب الثالث اآلتية‪:‬‬
‫أ – شعبة العلوم الطبيعية‪.‬‬
‫ب‪ -‬شعبة العلوم البيولوجية‪.‬‬
‫ا‪ -‬شعبة العلوم الجيولوجية‪.‬‬
‫يختار الطالب تخصصه الرئيسي قب بودء ثالوث فصو د ارسوى لوه والتخصوص الفرعوي قبو خوامس فصو‬
‫دراسي له بعد موافقة المرشد األكاديمي والقسم المختص وحسب الجدو التالي‪:‬‬
‫العلوم الطبيعية ( أ )‬
‫العلوم البيولوجية ( ب )‬
‫الكيمياء– النبات – الميكروبيولوجي – علم الحيوان‪.‬‬
‫العلوم الجيولوجية ( ا )‬
‫الكيمياء – الجيولوجيا – الجيوفيزياء‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)11‬‬
‫التخصصات التابعة للشعبة‬
‫الرياض وويات – اإلحص وواء – عل وووم الحاس ووب اآلل ووي – الفيزي وواء‬
‫متطلبات التخرج ‪:‬‬
‫متطلبات التخرا لني درجة البكالوريوس في العلوم هي ‪ 141‬ساعة معتمد( على األق ‪ ،‬توزع كما يلي‪:‬‬
‫أوالً ‪ :‬متطلبات الجامعة‪ :‬عدد ‪ 11‬ساعات معتمد( توزع على النحو التالي‪:‬‬
‫(‪ )1‬عدد ‪ 7‬ساعات معتمدة إجبارية وتوجع كاألتي‪:‬‬
‫‪ ‬ساعتان معتمدتان لدراسة الحاسب اآللي س ‪ 1( 111‬ساعة نظرح ‪ 2 +‬ساعة عملي أسبوعيا)‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬ساعتان معتمدتان لدراسة اللغة العربية‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬ساعتان معتمدتان لدراسة اللغة اإلنجليزية‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬ساعة واحد( معتمد( لدراسة حقو اإلنسان‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )2‬عدد ‪ 3‬ساعات معتمدة إختيارية في الدراسات اإلنسانية من بين المقررات التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬مبادئ علم الفلسفة‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬اإلنسان والبيئة‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬تصميم وفنون جميلة‪.‬‬
‫‪ .6‬مبادئ علم نفس‪.‬‬
‫‪ .7‬مدخ القانون‪.‬‬
‫‪ .8‬مقدمة في علم اآلثار‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬محاسبة‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬أساسيات اإلدار(‪.‬‬
‫ويسمح للطالب التسجي في أح من هته المقررات طوا فتر( دراسته الجامعية‪.‬‬
‫ثانياً‪ :‬متطلبات الكلية‪ 25 :‬ساعة معتمد( لك من الشعب المتكور( في ماد( (‪ )9‬وتوزع كما يلي‪:‬‬
‫شعبة (أ) العلــــوم الطبيعـيــــة‬
‫حاسب آلي‬
‫‪ 6‬ساعات معتمد( في‬
‫‪ 4‬ساعات معتمد( في‬
‫‪ 2‬ساعة معتمد( في‬
‫‪ 6‬ساعات معتمد( في‬
‫‪ 7‬ساعات معتمد( في‬
‫الفصلين الدراسيين‬
‫الفصلين الدراسيين‬
‫الفص الدراسي الثاني‬
‫الفصلين الدراسيين‬
‫الفصلين الدراسيين‬
‫شعبة (ب) العلــوم البيولوجيــــة‬
‫نبات عام‬
‫‪ 3‬ساعات معتمد(‬
‫‪ 3‬ساعات معتمد(‬
‫‪ 7‬ساعات معتمد(‬
‫‪ 6‬ساعات معتمد(‬
‫‪ 6‬ساعات معتمد(‬
‫في الفصلين‬
‫في الفصلين‬
‫في الفصلين‬
‫في الفص الدراسي‬
‫في الفص‬
‫شعبة (ج) العلــوم الجيولوجيـــة‬
‫‪ 3‬ساعات معتمد(‬
‫‪ 7‬ساعات معتمد(‬
‫‪ 7‬ساعات معتمد(‬
‫‪ 4‬ساعات معتمد(‬
‫‪ 4‬ساعات معتمد(‬
‫في الفص الدراسي‬
‫في الفصلين‬
‫في الفصلين‬
‫في الفص الدراسي‬
‫في الفصلين‬
‫ثالثاً‪ :‬التخصص الرئيسي‪ :‬يدرس فيه الطالب ‪ 66‬ساعة معتمد( من بينها ‪ 42‬ساعة معتمد( مقوررات طجبارية‬
‫و‪ 24‬ساعة معتمد( مقررات اختيارية‪.‬‬
‫رابع راً‪ :‬التخصررص الفرعرري‪ :‬يوودرس فيووه الطالووب ‪ 31‬سوواعة معتموود( موون بينهوا ‪ 18‬سوواعة معتموود( مقووررات طجباريووة‬
‫و‪ 12‬ساعة معتمد( مقررات طختيارية‪.‬‬
‫خامساً‪ :‬اختيار حر‪ :‬يدرس فيه الطالب ‪ 9‬ساعات معتمود( يختارهوا مون مقوررات القسوم أو الكليوة أو الجامعوة علوى‬
‫أن تكون من خارا متطلبات التخصص الرئيسي والفرعي‪.‬‬
‫سادساً‪ :‬التدريب الصيفي‪ :‬يؤدح جميع الطالب تدريبات في التخصوص الرئيسوي لمود( ‪ 4‬أسوابيع فوي الشوركات أو‬
‫المصوانع أو الهيئووات أو المعاهوود البحثيووة أو د ارسووة حقليووة تات الصوولة بالتخصووص‪ ،‬وتلووف بوودون سوواعات‬
‫معتمد(‪ ،‬ويختار القسم العلمي الوقت المناسب للتدريب خال اإلجازات الصيفية‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)11‬‬
‫المرشد األكاديمي‪:‬‬
‫يحوودد القسووم العلمووي لكو طالووب فووي التخصووص الرئيسووي مرشوودا أكاديميووا موون بووين أعضوواء هيئووة التوودريس‬
‫لتقديم النصح واإلرشاد له خال فتر( دراسته ومساعدته في اختيار مقرراته الدراسية‪ ،‬وال تقب بطاقات التسجي أو‬
‫اإلض ووافة أو اإلنس ووحاب طال باعتم وواد المرش وود‪ ،‬وعل ووى الطال ووب الرج وووع طلي ووه إلستش ووارته ف ووي أم وووره الد ارس ووية وحو و‬
‫المشكالت التي تعترضه أثناء دراسته‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)12‬‬
‫التقييم والتقديرات‪:‬‬
‫يتم تقييم امتحانات ك مقرر من ‪( 111‬مائة) درجة‪.‬‬
‫يتم تقييم الطالب في المقررات النظرية والعملية بناء على األسس التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪ o‬بالنسووبة للمقوورر النظوورح فقووط يحتسووب ‪ %71‬م وون الوودرجات لإلمتحووان التحريوورح‪ %11 ،‬للشف وووح‪%21 ،‬‬
‫لألعما الفصلية‪.‬‬
‫‪ o‬بالنسبة للمقرر التح يحتوح على دراسات عملية يحتسب ‪ %61‬من الدرجات لإلمتحوان التحريورح‪%11 ،‬‬
‫للشفوح‪ %31 ،‬لألعما الفصلية واإلمتحان العملي النهائي‪.‬‬
‫‪ o‬بالنسبة للمقرر العملي فقط يحتسب ‪ %71‬من الدرجات لإلمتحان النهائي و‪ %31‬لألعما الفصلية‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬تقدر الدرجات التي يحص عليها الطالب في ك مقرر دراسي على الوجه التالي‪:‬‬
‫عدد النقاط‬
‫‪ 90%‬أو أكثر‬
‫من ‪ - 85%‬أقل من ‪90%‬‬
‫من ‪ - 80%‬أقل من ‪85%‬‬
‫من ‪ - 75%‬أقل من ‪80%‬‬
‫من ‪ - 70%‬أقل من ‪75%‬‬
‫من ‪ - 65%‬أقل من ‪70%‬‬
‫من ‪ - 60%‬أقل من ‪65%‬‬
‫من ‪ - 56%‬أقل من ‪60%‬‬
‫من ‪ - 53%‬أقل من ‪56%‬‬
‫من ‪ - 50%‬أقل من ‪53%‬‬
‫أقل من ‪50%‬‬
‫جيد جداً‬
‫‪ .3‬يتم حساب المعد الفصلي (متوسط ما يحص عليه الطالب مون نقوواط فوي الفصو الد ارسوي الواحود) ‪Grade‬‬
‫‪ Point Average - GPA‬كما يلي‪:‬‬
‫مجموع حاصل ضرب نقاط كل مقرر ‪ x‬عدد ساعاته المعتمدة‬
‫المعدل الفصلي =‬
‫حاصل جمع الساعات المعتمدة لهذه المقررات في الفصل‬
‫ويقرب الناتج طلى رقمين عشريين فقط‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬يتم حساب المعد التراكمي العام (متوسط ما يحص عليه الطالب من نقاط خال ك الفصو الدراسية التوي‬
‫درسها) ‪ Cumulative Grade Point Average CGPA‬كما يلي‪:‬‬
‫مجموع حاصل ضرب نقاط كل مقرر( تم دراسته ) ‪ x‬عدد ساعاته المعتمدة‬
‫المعدل التراكمي العام =‬
‫مجموع الساعات المعتمدة لكل المقررات التي تمت دراستها فى جميع الفصول‬
‫ويقرب الناتج طلى رقمين عشريين فقط‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬الحد األدنى للمعد التراكمي للتخرا هو نقطتين (تقدير ‪.)C‬‬
‫‪ .6‬يعقوود االمتحووان النهووائي فووي األسووبوعين األخي ورين موون ك و فص و د ارس وي بموجووب جوودو تعووده طدار( شووئون‬
‫الطووالب‪ ،‬وتقو وره لجن ووة شووئون التعل وويم والط ووالب بالكلي ووة‪ ،‬ويعلوون عل ووى الط ووالب م ووع التسووجي ف ووي بداي ووة الفصوو‬
‫الدراسي‪ ،‬ويعتبر الطالب راسبا الئحيا (تقدير‪ )F‬في المقرر طتا حص على أق من ‪ %31‬من درجوة االمتحوان‬
‫التحريرح النهائي مهما كانت درجاته في العملي أو أعما السنة والشفوح ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .7‬تجوورح االمتحانووات الفصوولية والنهائيووة لك و مقوورر بمعرفووة لجنووة مشووكلة موون القووائمين بتدريسووه‪ ،‬ويتووولى منس و‬
‫المقرر تنظيم االمتحانات الفصلية واعداد أو ار أسئلة االمتحانات‪.‬‬
‫‪ .8‬طتا تقدم الطالب بعتر قهرح تقبله لجنة شئون التعليم والطالب عن عودم حضوور االمتحوان النهوائي ألح مقورر‬
‫خال يومين على األكثر من طجوراء اإلمتحوان النهوائي يحتسوب لوه تقودير غيور مكتمو ( ‪ ) I‬فوي هوتا المقورر‪،‬‬
‫بشرط أن يكون حاصال علوى ‪ %61‬علوى األقو مون درجوات األعموا الفصولية‪ ،‬وأال يكوون قود توم حرمانوه مون‬
‫دخو االمتحان النهائي‪ ،‬وفي حالة التقدير " ‪ " I‬يتاح للطالب فرصة أداء االمتحان النهائي في الفص التالي‬
‫وفووي الموعوود ال ووتح يحوودده مجلووس الكلي ووة‪ ،‬وهووو عوواد( األس ووبوع األو موون الفص و الد ارس ووي االعتيووادح الت ووالي‬
‫مباشر(‪ ،‬وتحتسب الدرجة النهائية للطالب في هتا المقرر في االمتحان النهائي مضوافة طلوى الدرجوة التوى سوب‬
‫له الحصو عليها في األعما الفصلية‪.‬‬
‫غير مكتمل‬
‫منسحب إجبارى‬
‫درسوته فوي الكليوة فوي غضوون المود( اإلعتياديوة للتخوورا‬
‫‪ .9‬تمنح مرتبة الشر للطالب التح ينهي ا‬
‫‪ 7‬طلووى ‪ 9‬فصووو د ارس وية اعتياديووة) بشوورط أال يقو معدلووه التراكمووي الفصوولي عوون ‪ 3.1‬نقوواط فووي أح فصو موون‬
‫فصو دراسته وأن يكون معدله التراكمي العام ‪ 3.33‬على األق ‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)13‬‬
‫الدرجة الخاصة‪:‬‬
‫الدرجة الخاصة هي طمتداد للتخصص الرئيسي بدال من التخصوص الفرعوي بحيوث يصوبح عودد السواعات‬
‫المعتمد( للدرجة الخاصة هي ‪ 96‬ساعة معتمود(‪ ،‬منهوا ‪ 61‬سواعة طجباريوة و ‪ 36‬سواعة طختياريوة‪ ،‬ويقبو الطالوب‬
‫المتميز بالدرجة الخاصة طبقا للشروط التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬أن يكون قد أنهي على األق خمسة فصو دراسية دون الرسوب في أح من متطلبات الكلية أو التخصص‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬أن يكون معدله التراكمي العام ‪ 3.3‬على األق ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬أن يكون قد اجتازعلى األق ‪ 36‬ساعة معتمد( من مقررات التخصص الرئيسي بمعد ال يق عن ‪3.3.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬موافقة مجلس القسم المختص في ظ العدد المتقدم من الطلبة وما يناسب طمكانيات القسم‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)14‬‬
‫الفصل الصيفي‪:‬‬
‫يجوووز لمجلووس الكليووة الموافقووة علووى فووتح فصو د ارسووي صوويفي مكثو‬
‫مدتووه ‪ 8‬أسووابيع شوواملة االمتحانووات‬
‫ويسج فيه الطالب بحد أقصى ‪ 9‬ساعات معتمد( وفقا لقواعد ورسوم يحددها المجلس‪ ،‬بحيث تكوون الد ارسوة فوي‬
‫هوتا الفصو اختياريوة سوواء للطالووب أو لعضوو هيئووة التودريس الووتح سوويقوم بالتودريس فيووه‪ ،‬وال يودرس أح مقوورر فووي‬
‫هتا الفص طتا ق عدد الطلبة المسجلين فيه عن ‪ 15‬طالبا طال بموافقة مجلس الكلية‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)15‬‬
‫إعادة المقرر‪:‬‬
‫ورر مووا للتحسووين بعوود نجاحووه فيووه وكووان الطالووب علووى قائمووة اإلنووتار (موواد( ‪ )23‬يحسووب لووه‬
‫‪ .1‬طتا أعوواد الطالووب مقو ا‬
‫أعلى تقدير حص عليه للمقرر وبحد أقصى تقدير ‪.C+‬‬
‫‪ .2‬في حالة طعاد( الطالب دراسة مقرر رسب فيه‪ ،‬يكون أقصى تقدير يحتسب لوه هوو تقودير ‪ ،C +‬وعنود حسواب‬
‫المعد التراكمي يحتسب تقدير النجواح ألو ‪ 8‬مقوررات فقوط يعيود الطالوب د ارسوتها أموا فيموا زاد علوى تلوف فيوتم‬
‫طحتساب تقدير ك من الرسوب والنجاح في معدله التراكمي‪ ...‬واتا تكرر رسووب الطالوب فوي مقورر موا‪ ،‬يكتفوي‬
‫بإحتساب الرسوب مر( واحد( في معدله التراكمي مع تسجي عدد المرات التي أدى فيها امتحان هتا المقرر في‬
‫سجله األكاديمي‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬تحسب الساعات المعتمد( للمقرر التح يعيد الطالب دراسته بسبب الرسوب أو ألح سبب آخر مر( واحود( فقوط‬
‫ضمن عدد الساعات المطلوبة للتخرا‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬ال يجوز للطالب أن يعيد دراسة مقرر سب له دراسته والنجاح فيه بتقدير (‪ )C‬أو أكثر‪.‬‬
‫مادة ( ‪) 16‬‬
‫العبء الدراسي‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬العبء الدراسي هو عودد السواعات المعتمود( التوي يسوجلها الطالوب للفصو الد ارسوي الواحود ويقوع فيموا بوين ‪12‬‬
‫طلى ‪ 19‬ساعة معتمد(‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬يجوووز للطالووب الووتح يحص و علووى معوود تراكمووي ‪ 3‬نقوواط فوووكثر وأنهووى ‪ 34‬سوواعة معتموود( عل وى األق و أن‬
‫يسج بموافقة المرشد األكاديمي أو رئيس مجلس القسم ‪ 21‬ساعة معتمد( للفص الدراسي العادح‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬ال يسمح للطالب بالتسجي في أح مقرر ما لوم يكون مسوتوفيا لمتطلبوات تلوف المقورر‪ ،‬علوى أنوه يجووز السوماح‬
‫لطالب المستوى الرابع بالتسجي في مقرر ما ومتطلبه الساب التح لم ينجح فيه‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬يجوووز لمقتضوويات التخوورا أن يسووج الطالووب بموافقووة المرشوود األكوواديمي أو رئوويس مجلووس القسووم ‪ 21‬سوواعة‬
‫معتمد( للفص الدراسي العادح التح سيتخرا فيه بشرط أال يكون على قائمة اإلنتار(ماد( ‪.)23‬‬
‫‪ .5‬يجوووز للطالووب التسووجي فووي مقووررات د ارسووية موون خووارا برنامجووه الد ارسووي ومطروحووه موون القسووم أو الكليووة أو‬
‫الجامعة طالما أنها تخودم تخصصوه‪ ،‬وتلوف بنواء ًعلوى اقتوراح المرشود األكواديمي وموافقوة مجلوس القسوم‪ .‬علوى‬
‫أن تدخ هته المقررات في حساب المعد التراكمي بحد أقصى ‪ 8‬ساعات طوا فتر( دراسته‪.‬‬
‫‪ .6‬في ك الحاالت يتم تسجي الساعات التي تزيد على العبء الدراسي العادح خال فتر( اإلضافة‪.‬‬
‫‪ .7‬فيما عدا الطلبوة المتوقوع تخورجهم‪ ،‬يعتبور تسوجي الطالوب الغيوا طتا قو عودد السواعات المعتمود( المسوجلة عون‬
‫‪ 12‬ساعة معتمد( بعد نهاية األسبوع األو من بدء الدراسة‪ ،‬ويجوز لمجلس الكلية السماح للطالب بالتسجي‬
‫فيمووا ال يقو عوون ‪ 9‬سوواعات معتموود( خووال األسووبوع األو موون بوودء الد ارسووة‪ ،‬حسووب شووروط أو ظوورو‬
‫يراها المجلس وتلف فيما ال يزيد عن فصلين دراسيين طوا فتر( قيد الطالب بالكلية‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)17‬‬
‫‪ .1‬تعلن طدار( شئون التعليم والطالب عن مواعيد التسوجي لكو فصو د ارسوي باسوتخدام وسوائ اإلعوالن المناسوبة‬
‫والتي تكون غالبا خال األسبوع األو من بدء الدراسة‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬في الحاالت التي يتخل‬
‫فيها الطالب عن سداد رسووم التسوجي أثنواء فتور( التسوجي المعلنوة يسودد رسوم تووخير‬
‫باإلضافة طلى رسم التسجي العادح‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬يجوز للطالب الوتح لوم يوتمكن مون التسوجي ألعوتار تقبلهوا لجنوة شوئون التعلويم والطوالب ويوافو عليهوا مجلوس‬
‫الكلية أن يسج تسجيال متوخ ار خال األسبوع الثاني من بدء الدراسة مع تسديد رسم التوخير المشار طليوه فوي‬
‫البند الساب ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬طتا ق و عوودد الطلبووة المسووجلين فووي أح مقوورر طختيووارح عوون ‪ 7‬طووالب يغل و المقوورر (طال ألسووباب تقبلهووا لجنووة‬
‫شئون التعليم والطالب) وعلى الطلبة طختيار مقر ار بديال‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)18‬‬
‫اإلضافة والحذف واالنسحاب من المقررات‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ -‬يجووز للطالوب بعود موافقووة المرشود األكواديمي أن يضووي‬
‫أو يحوت‬
‫مقور ار أو أكثور حتووى نهايوة األسوبوع الثوواني‬
‫موون الفص و الد ارسووي (األسووبوع األو موون الفص و الصوويفى)‪ ،‬وتلووف بمووا ال يخ و بالعووبء الد ارس ووي المنصوووص‬
‫عليه في الماد( (‪.)16‬‬
‫ب‪ -‬يجوووز أن ينسووحب الطالووب موون د ارسووة أح مقوورر حتووى نهايووة األسووبوع الثووانى عشوور (األسووبوع السووادس موون‬
‫الفصو الصوويفى) موون بوودء التسووجي للفصو الد ارسووي وتلوف بموافقووة المرشوود األكوواديمي ‪ ،‬ويسووج هووتا المقوورر‬
‫في سج الطالب األكاديمي بتقدير " منسحب ‪ ،" W‬بشرط أال يكون الطالب قد تجواوز نسوبة الغيواب المقورر(‬
‫قب االنسحاب‪ ،‬وتعرر حاالت االنسحاب االضط اررية بعود هوتا الميعواد علوى لجنوة شوئون التعلويم والطوالب‬
‫للنظوور فيهووا ثووم طقرارهووا موون وكيو الكليووة لشووئون التعلوويم والطووالب‪ ،‬علووى أال يخو االنسووحاب بالعووبء الد ارسووي‬
‫للطالب وفقا للماد( (‪.)16‬‬
‫مادة (‪:)19‬‬
‫فووي حالووة اختيووار الطالووب تخصص وا فرعي وا يحتوووى عل وى مقوورر طجبووارح موودرا بقائمووة المقووررات اإلجباريووة‬
‫لتخصصه الرئيسي يحسب هتا المقرر مر( واحوده ضومن التخصوص الوتح يتبعوه المقورر ويسوتبد بمقورر اختيوارح‬
‫فووي التخصووص اآلخوور‪ ،‬أمووا طتا كووان هووتا المقوورر ال يتبووع أح موون التخصصووين فيحسووب ضوومن التخصووص الفرعووي‬
‫فقط ويستبد في التخصص الرئيسي بمقرر طختيارح‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪:)21‬‬
‫يطبو النظووام العووام للجامعووة والكليووة الخوواص بقواعوود الشووطب موون الجامعووة‪ ،‬وفوورص طعوواد( القيوود واألعووتار‬
‫المقبولة عن عدم أداء االمتحان‪ ،‬ووق‬
‫القيد وكتلف تطبي كافة القواعود والقووانين واللووائح الخاصوة بشوون توديوب‬
‫الطالب المنصوص عليها بالماد( ‪ 123‬في الالئحة التنفيتية من قانون تنظيم الجامعات‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)21‬‬
‫تعديل المسار‪:‬‬
‫يجوز للطالب التحوي من تخصص رئيسي أو فرعي آلخر بناء على طلبه وتلف طبقا للشروط اآلتية‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬توافر أماكن شاغر( في التخصص التح يرغب في التحوي طليه‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬توافر شروط القبو للتخصص المراد التحوي طليه‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬موافقو ووة المرشو وود األكو وواديمي فو ووي ضو وووء الوضوووع األكو وواديمي للطال ووب وظروفو ووه ومو وودى اس ووتعداده للد ارسو ووة فو ووي‬
‫التخصص المراد التحوي طليه‪.‬‬
‫وف ووي حال ووة موافق ووة لجن ووة ش ووئون التعل وويم والط ووالب عل ووى ه ووتا التحوي و تش ووطب م وون س ووج الطال ووب جمي ووع‬
‫المق وررات التووي اجتازهووا الطالووب موون قب و ‪ ،‬وال تقووع ضوومن متطلبووات التخصووص الجديوود (رئيسووي ‪ /‬فرعووي)‪ ،‬وال يووتم‬
‫احتسابها في المعد التراكمي‪ ،‬ويجوز لمجلس الكلية فرر رسوم طضافية عن هتا التحوي ‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)22‬‬
‫يتولى أستات المقرر تسجي حضور الطالب في ك محاضر( نظرية أو درس عملي في سوج معود لوتلف‬
‫من قب طدار( شئون التعليم والطالب‪ ،‬مع مراعا( ما يلي‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ -‬الحد المسموح به لغياب الطالب بودون عوتر مقبوو هوو ‪ %15‬مون مجمووع سواعات المقورر‪ ،‬وفوي حالوة تجواوز‬
‫هته النسبة يخطر أسوتات المقورر كتابيوا طدار( شوئون التعلويم والطوالب لتوجيوه اإلنوتار األو للطالوب‪ .‬واتا بلغوت‬
‫نسبة غياب الطالب ‪ %21‬يوجه له اإلنتار الثاني واألخير كتابيا‪.‬‬
‫ب‪ -‬طتا زادت نسووبة الغيوواب عوون ‪ %25‬فووي المقوورر وكووان غيوواب الطالووب بوودون عووتر تقبلووه لجنووة شووئون التعلوويم‬
‫والطووالب‪ ،‬يحوورم الطالووب موون دخووو األمتحووان النهووائى ويسووج لووه تقدير"منسووحب طجبووارح ‪ " FW‬للمقوورر وال‬
‫يدخ تلف في حساب المعد التراكمي للطالب‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)23‬‬
‫اإلنذار األكاديمي‪:‬‬
‫ طتا حص الطالب على معد تراكموي ‪ CGPA‬أقو مون ‪ 1.67‬بعود نهايوة الفصو الد ارسوي الثواني مون التحاقوه‬‫بالكلية يوجه له اإلنتار األو ويوضع على قائمة اإلنتار (مراقب أكاديميا)‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬على الطالب أن يرفع معدله التراكمي العام طلى المعد المطلوب ‪ 2.1‬وتلف بإعاد( التسجي في المقررات التي‬
‫رسب فيها أو تحسين المقوررات التوي حصو فيهوا علوى تقودير ‪ D‬أو ‪ D+‬وتطبو المواد( (‪ )15‬فوى قواعود طعواد(‬
‫ طتا استمر المعد المتدني للطالوب فوي الفصو الد ارسوي التوالي لإلنوتار األو يوجوه لوه اإلنوتار الثواني وال يسومح‬‫له بالتسجي طال في الحد األدنى وهو ‪ 12‬ساعة معتمد(‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪)24‬‬
‫إيقاف والغاء القيد‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬يجوز للطالب أن يتقودم بطلوب لوقو‬
‫قيوده لفصو د ارسوي واحود وبحود أقصوى أربعوة فصوو د ارسوية منفصولة أو‬
‫متصلة خال مد( دراسته بالكلية وتلف ألسباب قهرية تواف عليها لجنة شئون التعليم والطالب‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬يلغي قيد الطالب ويفص نهائيا من الكلية في أح من الحاالت التالية‪:‬‬
‫( أ ) طتا تجوواوز الحوود األقصووى عل وى قائمووة اإلنووتار (أربعووة فصووو متصوولة) التووي تعرض وها لجنووة شووئون التعلوويم‬
‫والطالب ويواف عليها مجلس الكلية‪.‬‬
‫( ب ) طتا ارتكب الطالوب مخالفوة تخو بواآلداب أو تخوال‬
‫توديب الطالب بما يتف وقانون تنظيم الجامعات‪.‬‬
‫( ج ) أية حاالت أخرى وارد( في قانون تنظيم الجامعات‪.‬‬
‫أنظموة الكليوة أو الجامعوة أو طبقوت فوي حقوه الئحوة‬
‫مادة (‪ )25‬نظام االستماع‪:‬‬
‫يجوووز لمجلووس الكليووة بعوود أخووت رأح مجووالس األقسووام العلميووة المختصووة بووون يقب و طووالب موون كليووات أو‬
‫جامعووات أخوورى كمسووتمعين لووبعر المقووررات بالكليووة وفقووا لقواعوود ورسوووم يحووددها المجلووس‪ ،‬وتموونح الكليووة شووهاد(‬
‫باجتياز هته المقررات مبينا فيها تقدير الطالب وال يتبع تلف منح أح درجة جامعية‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪:)26‬‬
‫يقوم ك قسم بإعداد توصي‬
‫كام لمحتويات المقررات التي تدرس به‪ ،‬وبعد طعتمادها من مجلس الكلية‬
‫تصبح هته المحتويات ملزمة ألعضاء هيئة التدريس القوائمين علوى تودريس تلوف المقوررات‪ ،‬ويجووز لمجلوس الكليوة‬
‫بناء على طقتراح مجالس األقسام المختصة‪ ،‬تعدي متطلبوات التسوجي والمحتووى العلموي ألح مقورر مون المقوررات‬
‫مادة (‪:)27‬‬
‫تطب أحكام قانون تنظيم الجامعات والئحته التنفيتية فيما لم يرد فيه نص في هته الالئحة‪.‬‬
‫مادة (‪:)28‬‬
‫تسوورح أحكووام هووته الالئحووة مووع بدايووة العووام الجووامعي التووالي إلقرارهووا بقورار وزارح موون وزيوور التعلوويم العووالي‬
‫وتطب فور سريانها على‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ -‬الطالب المستجدين بالفرقة األولى بالكلية‪.‬‬
‫ب‪ -‬أما الطالب الباقين لإلعاد( بالفرقة األولى والمنقولين للفرقة األعلى فتطب عليهم أحكام الالئحة الداخلية التوي‬
‫التحقوا في ظلها وتلف حتى تخرجهم‪.‬‬
‫( أ )شعبة العلوم الطبيعية‬
‫المقررات اإلجبارية ‪ 52‬ساعة معتمدة‪:‬‬
‫ر ‪101‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫تفاضل و تكامل (‪ )1‬و هندسة تحليلية‬
‫كيمياء عامة (‪)1‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫ف ‪101‬‬
‫فيجياء عامة (‪)1‬‬
‫ر ‪102‬‬
‫تفاضل و تكامل (‪ )2‬و جبر‬
‫كيمياء عامة (‪)2‬‬
‫ك ‪101‬‬
‫ف ‪102‬‬
‫فيجياء عامة (‪)2‬‬
‫ك ‪103‬‬
‫ك ‪102‬‬
‫ك ‪104‬‬
‫ر ‪150‬‬
‫ر ‪151‬‬
‫ر ‪152‬‬
‫كيمياء عامة عملي (‪)1‬‬
‫برمجة و تطبيقات الحاسب اآللي‬
‫ميكانيكا (‪)2‬‬
‫كيمياء عامة عملي (‪)2‬‬
‫ميكانيكا (‪)1‬‬
‫‬‫ر ‪101‬‬
‫ف ‪101‬‬
‫ك ‪101‬‬
‫ك ‪103‬‬
‫(ب) شعبة العلوم البيولوجية‬
‫المقررات اإلجبارية ‪ 52‬ساعة معتمدة‪:‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫علم النبات عام (‪)1‬‬
‫ح ‪101‬‬
‫علم الحيوان العام (‪)1‬‬
‫ن ‪102‬‬
‫علم النبات عام (‪)2‬‬
‫ك ‪101‬‬
‫ك ‪102‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫كيمياء عامة (‪)1‬‬
‫كيمياء عامة (‪)2‬‬
‫ح ‪102‬‬
‫تنوع الحيوان البيولوجى‬
‫ك ‪104‬‬
‫كيمياء عامة عملي (‪)2‬‬
‫ك ‪103‬‬
‫ر ‪111‬‬
‫ف ‪112‬‬
‫كيمياء عامة عملي (‪)1‬‬
‫رياضيات عامة‬
‫فيجياء عامة‬
‫‬‫ك ‪101‬‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫ح ‪101‬‬
‫ك ‪103‬‬
‫(ج ) شعبة العلوم الجيولوجية‬
‫المقررات اإلجبارية ‪ 52‬ساعة معتمدة‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اسررم المقررررر‬
‫ك ‪101‬‬
‫كيمياء عامة (‪)1‬‬
‫ج ‪101‬‬
‫جيولوجيا عامة (‪)1‬‬
‫ك ‪102‬‬
‫كيمياء عامة (‪)2‬‬
‫ك ‪101‬‬
‫ج ‪102‬‬
‫جيولوجيا عامة (‪)2‬‬
‫ج ‪101‬‬
‫ك ‪103‬‬
‫كيمياء عامة عملي (‪)1‬‬
‫ك ‪104‬‬
‫كيمياء عامة عملي (‪)2‬‬
‫ك ‪103‬‬
‫ر ‪111‬‬
‫رياضيات عامة‬
‫ح ‪111‬‬
‫مقدمه فى علم الحيوان‬
‫ف ‪112‬‬
‫فيجياء عامة‬
‫ن ‪121‬‬
‫مقدمة فى تطورعلم النبات‬
‫أوال ً ‪ :‬قسم الرياضيات‬
‫يقدم القسم البرامج التالية التي تمنح فيها درجة البكالوريوس العامة (رئيسي ‪ /‬فرعي) والخاصة في التخصصات التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪.1‬الرياضيات ‪:Mathematics‬‬
‫(‪ )1‬متطلبات التخصص الرئيسي ( ‪ 66" ) Major Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة"‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 24‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ر ‪201‬‬
‫تحليل رياضي (‪ )1‬و هندسة فراغية‬
‫ر ‪102‬‬
‫ر ‪202‬‬
‫تحليل رياضي (‪)2‬‬
‫ر‪ 201‬أو ر‪221‬‬
‫ر ‪203‬‬
‫جبر خطي‬
‫ر ‪102‬‬
‫ر ‪251‬‬
‫ميكانيكا (‪)3‬‬
‫ر ‪152‬‬
‫ر ‪301‬‬
‫جبر تجريدي (‪)1‬‬
‫ر‪ 203‬أو ر‪223‬‬
‫ر ‪302‬‬
‫منطق رياضي (‪)1‬‬
‫ر ‪303‬‬
‫معادالت تفاضلية عادية‬
‫ر‪ 201‬أو ر‪221‬‬
‫ر ‪304‬‬
‫دوال خاصة‬
‫ر ‪305‬‬
‫دوال مركبة (‪)1‬‬
‫ر ‪306‬‬
‫تحليل عددي (‪)1‬‬
‫ر‪ ،202‬ر‪203‬‬
‫ر ‪351‬‬
‫الديناميكا التحليلية‬
‫ر ‪251‬‬
‫ر ‪ ،152‬ر ‪201‬‬
‫الكهرباء الديناميكية‬
‫ر ‪251‬‬
‫ر ‪ 354‬طرق الرياضيات التطبيقية (‪)1‬‬
‫ر ‪303‬‬
‫ر ‪ 404‬تحليل حقيقي‬
‫ر ‪407‬‬
‫ر ‪451‬‬
‫نظرية المرونة الخطية‬
‫ر ‪251‬‬
‫ر ‪453‬‬
‫ميكانيكا الكم (‪)1‬‬
‫ر ‪351‬‬
‫ر ‪490‬‬
‫مشروع بحثي‬
‫ر ‪352‬‬
‫ر ‪353‬‬
‫ديناميكا الموائع (‪)1‬‬
‫ب‪.‬المقررات االختيارية " ‪ 42‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ر ‪101‬‬
‫ر ‪454‬‬
‫النمذجة الرياضية‬
‫ر ‪154‬‬
‫ر ‪303‬‬
‫ر ‪104‬‬
‫ر ‪300‬‬
‫معادالت تكاملية‬
‫ر ‪303‬‬
‫ر ‪311‬‬
‫بحوث العمليات (‪)1‬‬
‫ر ‪403‬‬
‫ر ‪314‬‬
‫معادالت الفروق‬
‫ر ‪104‬‬
‫ر ‪350‬‬
‫برمجة رياضية و طرق عددية‬
‫ر ‪150‬‬
‫ر ‪356‬‬
‫نظرية النسبية الخاصة‬
‫ر ‪351‬‬
‫ر ‪201‬‬
‫جبر تجريدي (‪)4‬‬
‫ر ‪301‬‬
‫ر ‪204‬‬
‫منطق رياضي (‪)4‬‬
‫ر ‪304‬‬
‫ر ‪203‬‬
‫معادالت تفاضلية جزئية‬
‫ر ‪205‬‬
‫دوال مركبه (‪)4‬‬
‫ر ‪305‬‬
‫ر ‪206‬‬
‫تحليل عددي (‪)4‬‬
‫ر ‪306‬‬
‫ر ‪200‬‬
‫تحليل دالي‬
‫ر ‪404‬‬
‫ر ‪204‬‬
‫هندسة تفاضلية‬
‫ر ‪401‬‬
‫ر ‪210‬‬
‫نظرية القياس و تكامل ليبيج‬
‫ر ‪104‬‬
‫ر ‪215‬‬
‫الجبر البولوني‬
‫موضوعات مختارة في الرياضيات‬
‫ديناميكا الموائع (‪)4‬‬
‫ر ‪301‬‬
‫ر ‪354‬‬
‫ر ‪252‬‬
‫طرق الرياضيات التطبيقية (‪)4‬‬
‫ر ‪352‬‬
‫ر ‪256‬‬
‫نظريات المرونة المتقدمة‬
‫ر ‪251‬‬
‫ر ‪250‬‬
‫ميكانيكا الكم (‪)4‬‬
‫ر ‪253‬‬
‫ر ‪254‬‬
‫الميكانيكا اإلحصائية‬
‫موضوعات مختارة في الرياضيات‬
‫ر ‪253‬‬
‫ص ‪ 104‬مقدمة في االحتماالت واإلحصاء‬
‫ر ‪240‬‬
‫ر ‪254‬‬
‫ر ‪230‬‬
‫(‪ )4‬متطلبات التخصص الفرعي ( ‪ 30" ) Minor Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 10‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ر ‪201‬‬
‫تحليل رياضي (‪ )1‬وهندسة فراغية‬
‫ر ‪102‬‬
‫ر ‪223‬‬
‫ر ‪102‬‬
‫ر ‪251‬‬
‫ميكانيكا (‪)3‬‬
‫ر ‪152‬‬
‫معادالت تفاضلية عادية‬
‫ر‪ 201‬أو ر‪221‬‬
‫دوال خاصة‬
‫ر ‪305‬‬
‫دوال مركبة (‪)1‬‬
‫ر ‪351‬‬
‫الديناميكا التحليلية‬
‫ر ‪251‬‬
‫طرق الرياضيات التطبيقية (‪)1‬‬
‫ر ‪303‬‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية "‪ 14‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫ص‪ , 112‬ر‪ , 212‬ر‪ , 252‬ر‪ , 311‬ر‪ , 312‬ر‪ , 316‬ر‪ , 317‬ر‪ , 311‬ر‪ 351‬ر‪,352‬‬
‫ر‪ , 353‬ر‪ , 356‬ر‪ , 418‬ر‪ , 419‬ر‪ , 451‬ر‪.453‬‬
‫(‪ )3‬متطلبات الدرجة الخاصة )‪ 30" (Honours Degree Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة " ‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 10‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫ر‪ , 411‬ر‪ , 416‬ر‪ , 418‬ر‪ , 411‬ر‪ , 452‬ر‪.456‬‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات اإلختيارية " ‪ 14‬ساعات معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫يختارها الطالب مون المقور ارت االختياريوة الموجوود( فوي التخصوص الرئيسوي مون غيور الموواد الموجوود( فوي‬
‫(‪ )3‬أ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬اإلحصاء ‪: Statistics‬‬
‫(‪ )1‬متطلبات التخصص الرئيسي ( ‪ 66" ) Major Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 24‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫ص ‪ 102‬مقدمة فى االحتماالت واإلحصاء‬
‫ص ‪ 201‬طرق إحصائية‬
‫ر ‪ 203‬جبر خطي‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ر ‪102‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ص ‪ 203‬نظرية اإلحصاء (‪)1‬‬
‫ص ‪ 204‬تحليل االنحدار‬
‫ر‪( 203‬ر‪ ،)223‬ص‪201‬‬
‫ص ‪ 302‬أساليب المحاكاة والمعاينة‬
‫ص ‪ 304‬تحليل المتغيرات المتعددة االحصائية‬
‫ر ‪221‬‬
‫تحليل رياضي‬
‫ر ‪224‬‬
‫رياضيات متقدمة‬
‫ص ‪ 301‬اإلحصاء الالمعلمي‬
‫ص ‪ 303‬نظرية اإلحصاء ( ‪) 2‬‬
‫ص ‪ 305‬تحليل السالسل الجمنية‬
‫ر ‪311‬‬
‫بحوث العمليات (‪)1‬‬
‫ص ‪ 401‬تصميم التجارب‬
‫ص ‪ 402‬عمليات عشوائية‬
‫ص ‪ 490‬مشروع بحثي‬
‫ر‪( 203‬ر‪ ،)223‬ص‪201‬‬
‫ر ‪203‬‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية "‪42‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫س ‪ 102‬برمجة الحاسب (‪)1‬‬
‫س ‪ 202‬تراكيب بيانات و معالجة ملفات‬
‫س ‪ 203‬تراكيب متقطعة‬
‫س ‪ 302‬نظم قواعد البيانات‬
‫ص ‪ 307‬رقابة إحصائية علي الجودة‬
‫ص ‪ 311‬حجم إحصائية‬
‫ر ‪ 314‬معادالت الفروق‬
‫‬‫س ‪202‬‬
‫ص ‪ 312‬احتماالت تطبيقية‬
‫ص ‪ 314‬تحليل البيانات النوعية‬
‫ص ‪ 316‬إحصاء حسابي‬
‫ر ‪ 350‬برمجة رياضية و طرق عددية‬
‫ر ‪ 210‬نظرية القياس و تكامل ليبيج‬
‫ر ‪150‬‬
‫ر ‪104‬‬
‫ص ‪ 411‬بحوث العمليات (‪)2‬‬
‫ص ‪ 412‬تنقيب البيانات احصائياً‬
‫ص ‪ 413‬اختبارات الحياة والصالحية‬
‫ص ‪201‬‬
‫ص ‪203‬‬
‫‬‫س‪ ، 201‬س‪203‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ص ‪ 415‬مواضيع مختارة في اإلحصاء‬
‫ص ‪ 416‬نظرية االحتماالت‬
‫ص ‪203‬‬
‫ص ‪ 417‬التحليل التتابعي‬
‫ص ‪ 418‬اإلحصاءات المرتبة‬
‫موافقة القسم‬
‫ص ‪301‬‬
‫( ‪ ) 4‬متطلبات التخصص الفرعي ( ‪ 30" ) Minor Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 10‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫ص‪ , 112‬ص‪ , 211‬ر‪ , 311‬ص‪ , 214‬ر‪ ,223‬ص ‪ 314‬باإلضافة للمقرر التالي‪:‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫ص ‪ 321‬إحصاء ال معلمي تطبيقي‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ب‪ -‬المقررات االختيارية " ‪ 14‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫ص‪ , 312‬ص‪ , 315‬ص ‪ , 311‬ص‪ , 312‬ص‪ , 314‬ص‪ , 411‬ص‪ , 411‬ص‪ 412‬ص‪415‬‬
‫‪-3‬علوم الحاسب اآللي‬
‫‪:Computer Science‬‬
‫(‪ )1‬متطلبات التخصص الرئيسي ( ‪ 66" ) Major Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 24‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫ص ‪ 102‬مقدمة في االحتماالت واإلحصاء‬
‫س ‪ 102‬برمجة الحاسب (‪)1‬‬
‫س ‪ 201‬برمجة الحاسب (‪)2‬‬
‫س ‪ 202‬تراكيب بيانات و معالجة ملفات‬
‫س ‪ 203‬تراكيب متقطعة‬
‫س ‪ 204‬نظرية الحسابات‬
‫س ‪ 206‬برمجة متقدمة‬
‫ر ‪ 221‬تحليل رياضي‬
‫ر ‪223‬‬
‫ف ‪250‬‬
‫س ‪301‬‬
‫س ‪303‬‬
‫س ‪302‬‬
‫دوائر الكترونية‬
‫نظم تشغيل و برمجة نظم‬
‫ذكاء اصطناعي‬
‫نظم قواعد البيانات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ر ‪101‬‬
‫‬‫س ‪102‬‬
‫س‪ ، 201‬س‪203‬‬
‫‬‫س ‪203‬‬
‫س ‪201‬‬
‫ر ‪102‬‬
‫‬‫س ‪202‬‬
‫س ‪203‬‬
‫س ‪202‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫س ‪ 304‬عمارة وبروتوكوالت شبكات الحاسب‬
‫س ‪301‬‬
‫ر ‪150‬‬
‫س ‪ 401‬رسومات الحاسب‬
‫س ‪،201‬ر ‪308‬‬
‫س ‪ 490‬مشروع بحثي‬
‫ر ‪350‬‬
‫برمجة رياضية و طرق عددية‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية " ‪ 42‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫ص ‪ 201‬طرق إحصائية‬
‫ر ‪ 202‬تحليل رياضي (‪)2‬‬
‫ص ‪ 204‬تحليل االنحدار‬
‫س ‪ 208‬عمارة الحاسب وتنظيمه‬
‫س ‪ 210‬برمجة الشبكات واالنترنت‬
‫س ‪ 212‬مفاهيم لغات البرمجة‬
‫س ‪214‬‬
‫ر ‪224‬‬
‫ر ‪303‬‬
‫س ‪305‬‬
‫س ‪306‬‬
‫س ‪307‬‬
‫س ‪308‬‬
‫س ‪309‬‬
‫س ‪310‬‬
‫ر ‪311‬‬
‫محاكاة و نمذجة النظم‬
‫رياضيات متقدمة‬
‫معادالت تفاضلية عادية‬
‫تصميم برامج شيئية‬
‫منطق وتفكير تلقائي‬
‫تحليل بيانات وخوارجميات‬
‫هندسة البرمجيات لتطبيقات الويب‬
‫خوارجميات الحاسب‬
‫القابلية للحسابات واللغات المنهجية‬
‫بحوث العمليات (‪)1‬‬
‫س ‪ 311‬تصميم و هندسة البرمجيات الوسيطة‬
‫س ‪ 312‬تصميم وجودة البرمجيات‬
‫س ‪ 313‬مقدمة لتفاعل اإلنسان والحاسب‬
‫س ‪ 314‬حاسبات متواجية‬
‫س ‪ 315‬المعالجات الدقيقة‬
‫س ‪ 316‬تصميم مترجمات‬
‫س ‪ 317‬ضغط البيانات‬
‫س ‪ 318‬خوارجميات فى المعلوماتية الحيوية‬
‫س ‪ 319‬طرق للتعليم عن بعد‬
‫س ‪ 320‬نظرية الخوارجميات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫ص ‪104‬‬
‫ر‪ 201‬أو ر‪221‬‬
‫ر‪(203‬ر‪ ،)223‬ص‪201‬‬
‫س ‪401‬‬
‫س ‪401‬‬
‫س ‪403‬‬
‫ر ‪104‬‬
‫س ‪406‬‬
‫س ‪303‬‬
‫س ‪ ، 404‬س‪402‬‬
‫س ‪ ، 310‬س ‪311‬‬
‫س ‪ ، 404‬س‪402‬‬
‫س ‪402‬‬
‫ر ‪403‬‬
‫س ‪402‬‬
‫س ‪311‬‬
‫س ‪402‬‬
‫س ‪301‬‬
‫س ‪400‬‬
‫س ‪ ، 401‬س‪402‬‬
‫س ‪404‬‬
‫س ‪ ، 404‬س ‪303‬‬
‫س ‪410‬‬
‫س ‪303‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫س ‪ 321‬وسائط متعددة والوصول للمعلومات‬
‫س ‪ 322‬صالحية نماذج ونظريات ‪HCI‬‬
‫س ‪ 323‬تخجين واسترداد المعلومات‬
‫س ‪ 324‬تعليم اآللة‬
‫س ‪ 403‬أنظمة موجعة‬
‫س ‪ 404‬طرق رياضية للروبوتات والرؤية‬
‫س ‪ 405‬سرية الحاسب والمعلومات‬
‫س ‪ 406‬بيئات تخيلية‬
‫س ‪ 407‬تحليل و تصميم النظم‬
‫س ‪ 408‬معالجة الصور الرقمية‬
‫س ‪ 409‬المكتبات الرقمية‬
‫س ‪ 411‬التنقيب في البيانات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫س ‪410‬‬
‫س ‪313‬‬
‫س ‪404‬‬
‫س ‪303‬‬
‫س ‪302‬‬
‫س ‪ ،303‬س‪201‬‬
‫س ‪ ، 301‬س‪302‬‬
‫س ‪201‬‬
‫س ‪304‬‬
‫س ‪201‬‬
‫س‪ ،410‬س‪ ،304‬س‪303‬‬
‫س ‪ ،304‬س‪303‬‬
‫(‪ )4‬متطلبات التخصص الفرعي ( ‪ 30" ) Minor Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 10‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫س ‪ .112‬س ‪ . 211‬س ‪ . 212‬س ‪ . 213‬س ‪ . 311‬س ‪ . 312‬س ‪.313‬‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية " ‪ 14‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫يختارها الطالب من المقررات اإلجبارية واالختيارية الموجود( في التخصص الرئيسي من غير المقررات‬
‫الموجود( في (‪ )2‬أ‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )3‬متطلبات الدرجة الخاصة‬
‫)‪(Honours Degree Requirements‬‬
‫"‪ 30‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 10‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫س ‪ .218‬س ‪ . 211‬س ‪ . 214‬س ‪ . 319‬س ‪ . 316‬س ‪ . 413‬س ‪ . 415‬س ‪.418‬‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية " ‪ 14‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫يختار الطالب من المقررات اإلختيارية الموجود( في التخصص الرئيسي من غير المواد الموجود( في (‪)2‬‬
‫أ علووى أن يكووون الطالووب قوود أتووم المتطلبووات السووابقة لهووا وأن ال تكووون موون المقووررات التووي تووم اختيارهووا فووي‬
‫التخصص الرئيسي‪.‬‬
‫ثانياً ‪ :‬قسم الفيزياء‬
‫يقدم القسم البرامج التالية التي تمنح فيها درجة البكالوريوس العامة (رئيسي‪ /‬فرعي) والخاصة في التخصصات التالية‪:‬‬
‫(‪ )1‬متطلبات التخصص الرئيسي ( ‪ 66" ) Major Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة"‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 24‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ف ‪ 401‬ديناميكا كهربية ونسبية خاصة‬
‫ف ‪104‬‬
‫ف ‪ 404‬ديناميكا حرارية وفيجياء إحصائية‬
‫ف ‪101‬‬
‫ف ‪ 403‬فيجياء ذرية حديثة واشعاعية‬
‫ف ‪104‬‬
‫ف ‪ 402‬فيجياء البلورات واإلكترونيات‬
‫ف ‪101‬‬
‫ف ‪ 405‬فيجياء عملية (‪)1‬‬
‫ف ‪ 406‬فيجياء عملية (‪)2‬‬
‫ر ‪101‬‬
‫ف ‪ 301‬فيجياء الكم‬
‫ف ‪403‬‬
‫ف ‪ 304‬فيجياء نووية‬
‫ف ‪403‬‬
‫ف ‪ 303‬فيجياء الجوامد‬
‫ف ‪402‬‬
‫ف ‪ 302‬فيجياء ذرية و أطياف ججيئية‬
‫ف ‪403‬‬
‫ف ‪ 305‬فيجياء عملية (‪)3‬‬
‫ف ‪ 306‬فيجياء عملية (‪)4‬‬
‫ر ‪441‬‬
‫ف ‪ 201‬جسيمات أولية وأطياف نووية‬
‫ف ‪304‬‬
‫ف ‪ 204‬نظرية كم الجوامد‬
‫ف ‪303‬‬
‫ف ‪ 203‬فيجياء الليجر وتطبيقاتها‬
‫ف ‪302‬‬
‫ف ‪ 202‬فيجياء عملية (‪)5‬‬
‫ف ‪ 205‬فيجياء عملية (‪)6‬‬
‫ف ‪ 240‬مشروع بحثي‬
‫ر ‪441‬‬
‫ر ‪345‬‬
‫تحليل رياضي‬
‫معادالت تفاضلية ودوال خاصة‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية " ‪ 42‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫يختار الطالب ‪ 6‬ساعات معتمدة على األقل من مجموعة مقررات الرياضيات (ب‪ )1‬والباقي من مجموعة مقررات‬
‫الفيزياء (ب‪.)2‬‬
‫ب‪ :1‬مجموعة مقررات الرياضيات‪:‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ر ‪101‬‬
‫ر ‪443‬‬
‫ر ‪104‬‬
‫ر ‪451‬‬
‫ميكانيكا (‪)3‬‬
‫ر ‪154‬‬
‫ر ‪305‬‬
‫دوال مركبة (‪)1‬‬
‫ر ‪441‬‬
‫ر ‪350‬‬
‫برمجة رياضية و طرق عددية‬
‫ر ‪150‬‬
‫الديناميكا التحليلية‬
‫ص ‪ 104‬مقدمة في االحتماالت واإلحصاء‬
‫ب‪ :2‬مجموعة مقررات الفيزياء‪:‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫نظري تمارين عملي‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ف ‪403‬‬
‫بصريات فيجيائية و أجهجة بصرية‬
‫ف ‪104‬‬
‫ف ‪400‬‬
‫ذبذبات وموجات‬
‫ف ‪101‬‬
‫ف ‪404‬‬
‫فيجياء الطاقة وموجات ميكروئية‬
‫ف ‪104‬‬
‫ف ‪410‬‬
‫ف ‪104‬‬
‫ف ‪303‬‬
‫فيجياء الحرارة المنخفضة وتقنية التفريغ‬
‫ف ‪404‬‬
‫ف ‪300‬‬
‫فيجياء حسابية‬
‫ف ‪401‬‬
‫ف ‪304‬‬
‫علوم المواد‬
‫ف ‪402‬‬
‫ف ‪310‬‬
‫كواشف ومعجالت‬
‫ف ‪403‬‬
‫ف ‪314‬‬
‫أطياف تطبيقية‬
‫ف ‪403‬‬
‫ف ‪204‬‬
‫فيجياء المفاعالت‬
‫ف ‪304‬‬
‫ف ‪210‬‬
‫فيجياء أشباه الموصالت ونبائط‬
‫ف ‪303‬‬
‫ف ‪211‬‬
‫الكترونيات تطبيقية‬
‫ف ‪402‬‬
‫ف ‪214‬‬
‫التوصيل الكهربي الفائق‬
‫ف ‪303‬‬
‫ف ‪213‬‬
‫فيجياء البالجما‬
‫ف ‪304‬‬
‫ف ‪212‬‬
‫فيجياء األغشية الرقيقة‬
‫ف ‪303‬‬
‫ف ‪215‬‬
‫رنين مغناطيسي‬
‫ف ‪303‬‬
‫ف ‪216‬‬
‫علوم النانو وتطبيقاتها‬
‫ف ‪303‬‬
‫(‪ )4‬متطلبات التخصص الفرعي ( ‪ 30" ) Minor Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 10‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ف ‪ 404‬ديناميكا حرارية و فيجياء إحصائية‬
‫ف ‪101‬‬
‫ف ‪ 403‬فيجياء ذرية حديثة واشعاعية‬
‫ف ‪104‬‬
‫ف ‪ 402‬فيجياء البلورات واإللكترونات‬
‫ف ‪101‬‬
‫ف ‪ 405‬فيجياء عملية (‪)1‬‬
‫ف ‪ 304‬فيجياء نووية‬
‫ف ‪403‬‬
‫ف ‪ 303‬فيجياء الجوامد‬
‫ف ‪402‬‬
‫ف ‪ 302‬فيجياء ذرية و أطياف ججيئية‬
‫ف ‪403‬‬
‫ف ‪ 310‬فيجياء عملية (‪)7‬‬
‫ف ‪ 203‬فيجياء الليجر وتطبيقاتها‬
‫ف ‪302‬‬
‫ف ‪ 210‬فيجياء عملية (‪)8‬‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية " ‪ 14‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫يختارها الطالب من باقي مقررات التخصص الرئيسي المطروحة بالجدول أ و الجدول ب ‪4‬‬
‫(‪ )3‬متطلبات الدرجة الخاصة )‪ 30" (Honour Degree Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة"‪:‬‬
‫المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 10‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫ر ‪404‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫تحليل رياضي (‪)4‬‬
‫ف ‪ 300‬فيزياء حسابية‬
‫ف ‪ 313‬فيزياء احصائية متقدمة‬
‫ر ‪350‬‬
‫برمجة رياضية و طرق عددية‬
‫ر ‪352‬‬
‫طرق الرياضيات التطبيقية )‪)1‬‬
‫ف ‪ 310‬فيزياء عملية )‪)3‬‬
‫ف ‪ 210‬فيزياء أشباه الموصالت ونبائط‬
‫ف ‪ 216‬علوم النانو وتطبيقاتها‬
‫ف ‪ 213‬فيزياء كم متقدمة‬
‫ف ‪ 210‬فيزياء عملية (‪)0‬‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ر ‪441‬‬
‫ف ‪401‬‬
‫ف ‪404‬‬
‫ر ‪150‬‬
‫ر ‪303‬‬
‫ف ‪303‬‬
‫ف ‪303‬‬
‫ف ‪301‬‬
‫ثالثا ‪ :‬قســم الكيميـاء‬
‫يقدم القسم برنامج الكيمياء ‪ Chemistry Program‬التح يمنح فيه درجة البكالوريوس العامة (رئيسي‪ /‬فرعي)‬
‫(‪ )1‬مقررات طالب الكيمياء كتخصص رئيسـي‬
‫‪(Courses for the chemistry-major students‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية "‪ 24‬ساعة معتمدة"‬
‫اسررم المقرررر‬
‫أسس الكيمياء التحليلية‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫كيمياء تحليلية عملية (‪)1‬‬
‫رياضيات للكيمياء (‪)1‬‬
‫كيمياء العناصر الممثلة‬
‫كيمياء عضوية (‪)1‬‬
‫كيمياء عضوية (‪)2‬‬
‫كيمياء عضوية عملية (‪)1‬‬
‫ديناميكا حرارية و قاعدة الصنف‬
‫كيمياء كهربية عكسية و كيمياء األسطح‬
‫تحليل آلى (‪)1‬‬
‫كيمياء تحليلية عملية (‪)2‬‬
‫كيمياء العناصر االنتقالية و كيمياء تناسقية‬
‫كيمياء عضوية فيجيائية (‪)1‬‬
‫كيمياء عضوية عملية (‪)2‬‬
‫ك‪( 342‬مصاحب)‬
‫حركية التفاعالت الكيميائية و الحفج‬
‫كيمياء كهربية غير عكسية‬
‫كيمياء الكم (‪)1‬‬
‫كيميررررراء مركبرررررات حلقيرررررة غيرررررر متجانسررررررة‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو‬
‫اسررم المقرررر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫كيمياء فيجيائية عملية (‪)1‬‬
‫تحليل آلى (‪)2‬‬
‫كيمياء عضوية طيفية‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫كيمياء عضوية عملية (‪)3‬‬
‫مشروع بحثى‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات اإلختيارية "‪ 42‬ساعة معتمدة"‪:‬‬
‫إحصاء تطبيقي‬
‫ألكترونيات تطبيقية‬
‫رياضيات للكيمياء (‪)2‬‬
‫اتجان المحاليل‬
‫مركبات عضوية فلجية‬
‫كيمياء البلمرات العضوية‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫كيمياء عضوية (‪)3‬‬
‫ك ‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫تحليل و معالجة مياه‬
‫ك‪ ،311‬ك‪411‬‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫تحليرررررل و معالجرررررة نترررررائج و الطررررررق القياسرررررية‬
‫كيمياء البترول‬
‫كيمياء بيئية (أساسيات)‬
‫الكيمياء العالجية و السموم‬
‫ك‪ ،211‬ك‪231‬‬
‫الكيمياء الشرعية‬
‫ك‪ ،311‬ك‪411‬‬
‫االحتراق و تلوث الهواء‬
‫كيمياء االصباغ والصباغة‬
‫ميكانيكية تفراعالت غيرر عضروية و كيميراء غيرر‬
‫عضوية حيوية‬
‫كيمياء نووية واكتينيدات‬
‫كيمياء غير عضوية صناعية‬
‫كيمياء الجوامد و كيمياء النانو‬
‫موضوعات خاصة فى الكيمياء العضوية‬
‫كيمياء فراغية‬
‫ك ‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫كيمياء عضوية فيجيائية (‪)2‬‬
‫كيمياء ضوئية ججيئية‬
‫موضوعات مختارة فى الكيمياء غير العضوية و‬
‫االحماض النووية و االمينية و الليبيدات‬
‫و كيمياء النواتج الطبيعية‬
‫اطياف ججيئية و كيمياء ضوئية‬
‫الديناميكا الحرارية للمحاليل‬
‫كيمياء التآكل‬
‫المواد الغروية ذات النشاط السطحى‬
‫كيمياء الغرويات‬
‫موضوعات مختارة فى الكيمياء الحركية‬
‫الكيمياء الفيجيائية للمواد كبيرة الججيئات‬
‫كيمياء الكم (‪)2‬‬
‫ك ‪353‬‬
‫(‪ )4‬مقررات طالب الكيمياء كتخصص فرعي‬
‫)‪"(Courses for the chemistry-minor students‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية "‪ 10‬ساعة معتمدة‬
‫أسس الكيمياء التحليلية‬
‫كيمياء العناصر الممثلة‬
‫أسس الكيمياء العضوية‬
‫كيمياء عضوية عملية (‪)1‬‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪( 243‬مصاحب)‬
‫ديناميكا حرارية و قاعدة الصنف‬
‫تحليل آلي (‪)1‬‬
‫كيمياء مركبات حلقية غير متجانسة وكربوهيدرات‬
‫حركية التفاعالت و كيمياء كهربية‬
‫كيمياء األسطح و الحفج‬
‫كيمياء فيجيائية عملية (‪)2‬‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪ ،243‬ك‪344‬‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية "‪ 14‬ساعة معتمدة‪:‬‬
‫كيمياء تحليلية عملية‬
‫كيمياء تحليلية‬
‫ك‪( 211‬مصاحب)‬
‫ك ‪253‬‬
‫الكيمياء الحرارية والحركية‬
‫ك ‪ , 101‬ك ‪102‬‬
‫كيمياء تحليلية عملية‬
‫اتجان المحاليل‬
‫الفصل الكروماتوجرافي‬
‫كيمياء العناصر االنتقالية و كيمياء تناسقية‬
‫مركبات عضوية فلجية‬
‫كيمياء عضوية فيجيائية (‪)1‬‬
‫كيمياء البلمرات العضوية‬
‫كيمياء عضوية (‪)3‬‬
‫تحليل آلى (‪)2‬‬
‫كيمياء البترول‬
‫كيمياء بيئية (أساسيات)‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫ك‪ ،211‬ك‪231‬‬
‫الكيمياء العالجية والسموم‬
‫االحت ارق و تلوث الهواء‬
‫كيمياء االصباغ والصباغة‬
‫صناعات كيميائية غير عضوية‬
‫كيمياء الجوامد و كيمياء النانو‬
‫موضوعات مختارة فى الكيمياء غير العضوية‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫كيمياء فراغية‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫كيمياء ضوئية ججيئية‬
‫الديناميكا الحرارية للمحاليل‬
‫كيمياء الغرويات‬
‫الكيمياء الفيجيائية للمواد كبيرة الججيئات‬
‫و التحليلية‬
‫كيمياء عضوية طيفية‬
‫وكيمياء النواتج الطبيعية‬
‫(‪(Honour Degree Requirements) )3‬‬
‫أ‪0‬المقررات اإلجبارية "‪ 60‬ساعة معتمدة"‪:‬‬
‫الكترونيات تطبيقية‬
‫اتجان المحاليل‬
‫تحليل آلى عملى (‪)1‬‬
‫مركبات عضوية فلجية‬
‫كيمياء تناسقية عملية‬
‫كيمياء عضوية (‪)3‬‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫تحليل آلى عملى (‪)2‬‬
‫كيمياء فراغية‬
‫كيمياء عضوية عملية (‪)4‬‬
‫اطياف ججيئية و كيمياء ضوئية‬
‫ك‪ 242‬أو ك‪243‬‬
‫الديناميكا الحرارية للمحاليل‬
‫كيمياء التآكل‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات اإلختيارية "‪ 36‬ساعة معتمدة"‪:‬‬
‫رابعاً ‪ :‬قسم علم النبـات‬
‫يقدم القسم البرامج التالية التي تمنح فيها درجة البكالوريوس العامة (رئيسي ‪ /‬فرعي) في التخصصات التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬النبات ‪:Botany‬‬
‫(‪ )1‬متطلبات التخصص الرئيسي ( ‪ 66" ) Major Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 24‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ن ‪201‬‬
‫تشريح وبيئة النبات‬
‫ن ‪102‬‬
‫ن ‪204‬‬
‫فسيولوجيا النبات الججيئية‬
‫ن ‪102‬‬
‫ن ‪208‬‬
‫بيولوجيا الطحالب‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫ك ‪211‬‬
‫أسس الكيمياء التحليلية‬
‫ك ‪ ، 102‬ك ‪( 212‬مصاحب)‬
‫ن ‪211‬‬
‫العالقات المائية وتغذية النبات‬
‫ن ‪102‬‬
‫ك ‪212‬‬
‫كيمياء تحليله عملية (‪)1‬‬
‫ك ‪221‬‬
‫كيمياء الججيئات الحيوية‬
‫ك ‪102‬‬
‫ح ‪221‬‬
‫بيولوجيا الخلية‬
‫ن ‪ ، 102‬ح ‪101‬‬
‫ن ‪226‬‬
‫أساسيات الوراثة‬
‫ن ‪ ، 102‬ح ‪101‬‬
‫م ‪301‬‬
‫بيولوجيا الكائنات الدقيقة‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫ن ‪301‬‬
‫التنوع في النباتات الالجهرية‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫ن ‪302‬‬
‫التنوع في النباتات الجهرية‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫ن ‪304‬‬
‫التقنية الحيوية للطحالب‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫ن ‪308‬‬
‫كيمياء حيوية وأيض نبات‬
‫ن ‪204‬‬
‫ن ‪321‬‬
‫ديناميكا ووظائف النظام البيئي‬
‫ن ‪201‬‬
‫ن ‪401‬‬
‫التنظيم الهرموني للنمو النباتي‬
‫ن ‪308‬‬
‫ن ‪402‬‬
‫جغرافيا نباتية وفلو ار‬
‫ن ‪321‬‬
‫ن ‪490‬‬
‫مشروع بحثي‬
‫ك ‪211‬‬
‫( مصاحب )‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية "‪42‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اسررم المقرررر‬
‫ص ‪122‬‬
‫ف ‪211‬‬
‫ن ‪202‬‬
‫ر ‪220‬‬
‫ف ‪302‬‬
‫ن ‪232‬‬
‫ن ‪303‬‬
‫ن ‪310‬‬
‫ن ‪305‬‬
‫ن ‪311‬‬
‫ن ‪312‬‬
‫ن ‪325‬‬
‫ن ‪331‬‬
‫س ‪332‬‬
‫ن ‪405‬‬
‫ن ‪408‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫إحصاء حيوي‬
‫أساسيات وطرق الفيزياء الحيوية (‪)1‬‬
‫أساسيات التقنية الحيوية‬
‫رياضيات حيوية‬
‫فيزياء إشعاعية وتطبيقاتها‬
‫نبات اقتصادي‬
‫التقنية الحيوية للنبات وصون األنواع‬
‫التقنيات الدقيقة والتصوير الخلوي‬
‫فسيولوجيا اإلجهاد النباتي‬
‫فسيولوجيا الطحالب‬
‫إكثار النبات‬
‫زراعة أنسجة نباتية‬
‫علوم التربة‬
‫تطبيقات الحاسب‬
‫تقنية جينات وتقسيم جزيئي‬
‫الغشاء أو المجتمعات النباتية‬
‫ن ‪412‬‬
‫تشريح نبات تقسيمي‬
‫م ‪415‬‬
‫أمراض نبات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ف ‪،102‬ف ‪112‬‬
‫ن ‪102‬‬
‫ر ‪111‬‬
‫ف ‪102‬‬
‫ن ‪102‬‬
‫ن ‪102‬‬
‫ح ‪221‬‬
‫ن ‪204‬‬
‫ن ‪208‬‬
‫ن ‪204‬‬
‫م ‪ ، 201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫ن ‪201‬‬
‫س ‪100‬‬
‫م ‪309‬‬
‫ن ‪321‬‬
‫ن ‪201‬‬
‫م ‪ ،201‬م ‪ ،203‬م ‪301‬‬
‫(‪ )4‬متطلبات التخصص الفرعي ( ‪ 30" ) Minor Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 10‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ن ‪201‬‬
‫تشريح وبيئة النبات‬
‫ن ‪102‬‬
‫م ‪201‬‬
‫أساسيات الميكروبيولوجي‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫ن ‪204‬‬
‫فسيولوجيا النبات الججيئية‬
‫ن ‪102‬‬
‫ن ‪208‬‬
‫بيولوجيا الطحالب‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫ن ‪226‬‬
‫أساسيات الوراثة‬
‫ن ‪ ، 102‬ح ‪101‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ن ‪302‬‬
‫التنوع في النباتات الجهرية‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫ن ‪306‬‬
‫تقسيم النباتات الالجهرية‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫ن ‪402‬‬
‫جغرافيا نباتية فلو ار‬
‫ن ‪321‬‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية "‪ 14‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫ص ‪122‬‬
‫ن ‪202‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اســم المقــرر‬
‫إحصاء حيوي‬
‫أساسيات التقنية الحيوية‬
‫ن ‪ ، 102‬ح ‪101‬‬
‫ن ‪102‬‬
‫ن ‪102‬‬
‫ف ‪211‬‬
‫أساسيات وطرق الفيجياء الحيوية‬
‫ن ‪211‬‬
‫العالقات المائية وتغذية النبات‬
‫ح ‪221‬‬
‫بيولوجيا الخلية‬
‫ن ‪232‬‬
‫نبات اقتصادي‬
‫التقنية الحيوية للنبات وصون األنواع‬
‫ديناميكا ووظائف النظام البيئي‬
‫ك ‪211‬‬
‫ن ‪304‬‬
‫ن ‪303‬‬
‫ن ‪308‬‬
‫ن ‪321‬‬
‫ن ‪401‬‬
‫أسس الكيمياء التحليلية‬
‫التقنية الحيوية للطحالب‬
‫كيمياء حيوية وأيض نبات‬
‫التنظيم الهرموني لنمو النبات‬
‫المتطلب السابــق‬
‫ن ‪102‬‬
‫ف ‪ ، 102‬ف ‪112‬‬
‫ك ‪ ،102‬ك ‪( 212‬مصاحب)‬
‫ن ‪102‬‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫ن ‪204‬‬
‫ن ‪201‬‬
‫ن ‪308‬‬
‫‪ – 2‬الميكروبيولوجى ‪: Microbiology‬‬
‫(‪ )1‬متطلبات التخصص الرئيسي ( ‪ 66" ) Major Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 24‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫رقم المقررر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اسررم المقررررر‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫إحصاء حيوي‬
‫م ‪201‬‬
‫أساسيات الميكروبيولوجي‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫ن ‪208‬‬
‫بيولوجيا الطحالب‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫ص ‪122‬‬
‫رقم المقررر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اسررم المقررررر‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ك ‪211‬‬
‫أسس الكيمياء التحليلية‬
‫ك ‪ 102‬و ك ‪( 212‬مصاحب)‬
‫ك ‪212‬‬
‫كيمياء تحليله عملية (‪)1‬‬
‫ك ‪ ( 211‬مصاحب )‬
‫ك ‪221‬‬
‫كيمياء الججيئات الحيوية‬
‫ك ‪102‬‬
‫م ‪309‬‬
‫بيولوجيا ججيئية (‪)1‬‬
‫ك ‪ ، 221‬ح ‪306‬‬
‫م ‪303‬‬
‫فسيولوجيا الكائنات الدقيقة وأنجيماتها‬
‫م ‪ ، 201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪306‬‬
‫فطريات عامة‬
‫م ‪ ، 201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪307‬‬
‫م ‪ ، 201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪311‬‬
‫بكتريولوجيا عامة‬
‫م ‪ ، 201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪312‬‬
‫تقسيم البكتريا‬
‫م ‪331‬‬
‫م ‪322‬‬
‫وراثة ميكروبية‬
‫م ‪309‬‬
‫م ‪401‬‬
‫ميكروبيولوجيا األغذية‬
‫م ‪ ، 201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪402‬‬
‫ميكروبيولوجيا طبية ومناعة‬
‫م ‪ ، 201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪403‬‬
‫ميكروبيولوجيا تطبيقية‬
‫م ‪ , 201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪406‬‬
‫خمائر وتقنية خمائر‬
‫م ‪401‬‬
‫م ‪490‬‬
‫مشروع بحثي‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية "‪42‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اسررم المقرررر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ف ‪211‬‬
‫أساسيات وطرق الفيجياء الحيوية (‪)1‬‬
‫ف ‪ ،102‬ف ‪112‬‬
‫ر ‪220‬‬
‫رياضيات حيوية‬
‫ر ‪111‬‬
‫م ‪206‬‬
‫ح ‪221‬‬
‫بيئة كائنات دقيقة‬
‫بيولوجيا الخلية‬
‫ف ‪306‬‬
‫فيجياء إشعاعية وتطبيقاتها‬
‫م ‪305‬‬
‫تخمررات طبية‬
‫تقنية وحش‬
‫ح ‪263‬‬
‫حيوانات أولية وحشرات طبية‬
‫ك ‪303‬‬
‫كيمياء حيوية إكلينيكية‬
‫ن ‪310‬‬
‫التقنية الدقيقة والتصوير الخلوي‬
‫م ‪ 201‬أو م ‪203‬‬
‫ن ‪ ، 102‬ح ‪101‬‬
‫ف ‪ ، 102‬ف‪112‬‬
‫ح ‪102‬‬
‫م ‪ ، 201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫ك ‪221‬‬
‫ح ‪221‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اسررم المقرررر‬
‫م ‪315‬‬
‫ميكروبيولوجيا بحرية‬
‫م ‪ ، 201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫ن ‪325‬‬
‫جراعة أنسجة نباتية‬
‫م ‪ ، 201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫ن ‪201‬‬
‫س ‪332‬‬
‫تطبيقات الحاسب اآللى‬
‫ح ‪406‬‬
‫إنتقال اإلشارات الخلوية‬
‫ن ‪331‬‬
‫علوم التربة‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫س ‪100‬‬
‫م ‪301‬‬
‫ن ‪405‬‬
‫تقنية جينات وتقسيم ججيئي‬
‫م ‪309‬‬
‫م ‪415‬‬
‫أمراض نبات‬
‫م ‪ ، 201‬م ‪، 203‬‬
‫م ‪411‬‬
‫(‪ )4‬متطلبات التخصص الفرعي ( ‪ 30" ) Minor Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫م ‪ ، 201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪301‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 10‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫م ‪201‬‬
‫أساسيات الميكروبيولوجي‬
‫ن ‪101‬‬
‫م ‪303‬‬
‫فسيولوجيا الكائنات الدقيقة وأنجيماتها‬
‫م ‪،201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪306‬‬
‫فطريات عامة‬
‫م ‪،201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪307‬‬
‫م ‪،201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪311‬‬
‫بكتريولوجيا عامة‬
‫م ‪،201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪401‬‬
‫ميكروبيولوجيا األغذية‬
‫م ‪،201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪402‬‬
‫ميكروبيولوجيا طبية ومناعة‬
‫م ‪،201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫م ‪406‬‬
‫خمائر وتقنية خمائر‬
‫م ‪401‬‬
‫ب ‪.‬المقررات االختيارية "‪ 14‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫ص ‪122‬‬
‫م ‪206‬‬
‫اســم المقــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫إحصاء حيوي‬
‫بيئة كائنات دقيقة‬
‫المتطلب السابــق‬
‫م ‪ ،201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫اســم المقــرر‬
‫ك ‪212‬‬
‫كيمياء تحليله عملية (‪)1‬‬
‫ك ‪ ( 211‬مصاحب )‬
‫كيمياء الججيئات الحيوية‬
‫ك ‪102‬‬
‫بيولوجيا ججيئية (‪)1‬‬
‫ح ‪221‬‬
‫ك ‪303‬‬
‫كيمياء حيوية إكلينيكية‬
‫م ‪309‬‬
‫م ‪312‬‬
‫تقسيم البكتريا‬
‫ميكروبيولوجيا تطبيقية‬
‫م ‪322‬‬
‫ن ‪405‬‬
‫المتطلب السابــق‬
‫بيولوجيا الخلية‬
‫ك ‪221‬‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫وراثة ميكروبية‬
‫ك ‪ ، 221‬ح ‪306‬‬
‫م ‪ ، 201‬م ‪203‬‬
‫ك ‪221‬‬
‫م ‪331‬‬
‫تقنية جينات وتقسيم ججيئي‬
‫ن ‪ ، 102‬ح ‪101‬‬
‫م ‪309‬‬
‫م ‪309‬‬
‫خامساً‪ :‬قسم علم الحيوان‬
‫يقدم القسم البرامج التالية التي تمنح فيها درجة البكالوريوس العامة (رئيسي ‪ /‬فرعي) في التخصصات التالية‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬علم الحيوان ‪:Zoology‬‬
‫( ‪ ) 1‬متطلبات التخصص الرئيسي ( ‪ 66" ) Major Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 24‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اسررم المقررررر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ص ‪122‬‬
‫إحصاء حيوي‬
‫ح ‪201‬‬
‫بيولوجيا الالفقاريات (‪ )1‬والحشرات‬
‫ح ‪202‬‬
‫فسيولوجيا الحيوان‬
‫ح ‪204‬‬
‫بيولوجيا الفقاريات والوراثة‬
‫ح ‪205‬‬
‫علم الطفيليات واألمراض المعدية‬
‫ح ‪206‬‬
‫تشريح مقارن وتطور‬
‫ح ‪101‬‬
‫ح ‪221‬‬
‫بيولوجيا الخلية‬
‫ح‪ ، 101‬ن ‪102‬‬
‫ف ‪222‬‬
‫فيجياء حيوية إشعاعية‬
‫ف‪ ،102‬ف‪112‬‬
‫ن ‪226‬‬
‫أساسيات الوراثة‬
‫ح ‪ ،101‬ن ‪102‬‬
‫ح ‪301‬‬
‫بيولوجيا الالفقاريات (‪)2‬‬
‫ح ‪305‬‬
‫تركيب ووظائف الحشرات‬
‫م ‪309‬‬
‫بيولوجيا ججيئية‬
‫ح ‪303‬‬
‫علم البيئة‬
‫ح ‪401‬‬
‫طفيليات ومناعة‬
‫م ‪301‬‬
‫ح ‪402‬‬
‫فسيولوجيا األعصاب والغدد الصماء‬
‫ح ‪202‬‬
‫ح ‪490‬‬
‫مشروع بحثي‬
‫ك ‪ ،221‬ن ‪، 226‬‬
‫ح ‪ ،101‬ح ‪306‬‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية "‪42‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اسررم المقرررر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابررق‬
‫كيمياء الججيئات الحيوية‬
‫ك ‪102‬‬
‫ح ‪207‬‬
‫علم أجنة الالفقاريات‬
‫ح ‪208‬‬
‫علم أجنة الفقاريات‬
‫ح ‪101‬‬
‫ح ‪210‬‬
‫تقنيات الميكروسكوب االلكتروني‬
‫حشرات طبية‬
‫ك ‪221‬‬
‫ح ‪209‬‬
‫ح ‪211‬‬
‫ح ‪309‬‬
‫م ‪313‬‬
‫أنسجة وتقنية حيوانية‬
‫سلوك الحيوان‬
‫التباين الخلوي وجراعة األنسجة‬
‫أجنة الحبليات التجريبي‬
‫بيولوجيا ججيئية (‪)2‬‬
‫ح ‪306‬‬
‫ح ‪308‬‬
‫البيئة الصحراوية‬
‫م ‪405‬‬
‫فسيولوجيا الحشرات‬
‫ح ‪307‬‬
‫ح ‪221‬‬
‫م ‪309‬‬
‫ح ‪407‬‬
‫فسيولوجيا البيئة‬
‫ح ‪303‬‬
‫ح ‪408‬‬
‫بيئة التربة وعلم السموم‬
‫ح ‪413‬‬
‫األخالقيات المهنية في البيولوجيا‬
‫م ‪309‬‬
‫ح ‪411‬‬
‫البيولوجيا الججيئية للسرطان‬
‫م ‪309‬‬
‫(‪ )4‬متطلبات التخصص الفرعي ( ‪ 30" ) Minor Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪.‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 10‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ح ‪201‬‬
‫بيولوجيا الالفقاريات (‪ )1‬والحشرات‬
‫ح ‪202‬‬
‫فسيولوجيا الحيوان‬
‫ح ‪204‬‬
‫بيولوجيا الفقاريات والوراثة‬
‫ح ‪221‬‬
‫بيولوجيا الخلية‬
‫ح‪ ، 101‬ن ‪102‬‬
‫ن ‪226‬‬
‫أساسيات الوراثة‬
‫ح ‪ ، 101‬ن ‪102‬‬
‫ح ‪303‬‬
‫علم البيئة‬
‫ح ‪305‬‬
‫تركيب ووظائف الحشرات‬
‫ح ‪201‬‬
‫ب‪.‬المقررات االختيارية "‪ 14‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اســم المقــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابــق‬
‫ح ‪205‬‬
‫علم الطفيليات واألمراض المعدية‬
‫ح ‪211‬‬
‫سلوك الحيوان‬
‫ح ‪102‬‬
‫ح ‪209‬‬
‫أنسجة وتقنية حيوانية‬
‫م ‪309‬‬
‫بيولوجيا ججيئية(‪)1‬‬
‫ح ‪309‬‬
‫حشرات طبية‬
‫ح ‪402‬‬
‫فسيولوجيا األعصاب والغدد الصماء‬
‫طفيليات ومناعة‬
‫ك ‪ ، 221‬ن ‪226‬‬
‫م ‪309‬‬
‫ح ‪202‬‬
‫سادساً‪ :‬قسم الجيولوجيا‬
‫يقدم القسم البرنامج التالي والذي تمنح فيه درجة البكالويوس العامة (رئيسي ‪ /‬فرعي)‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬الجيولوجيا ‪:Geology‬‬
‫(‪ )1‬متطلبات التخصص الرئيسي ( ‪ 66" ) Major Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪.‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 24‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫اسررم المقررررر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ج ‪201‬‬
‫المعادن وبصريات المعادن‬
‫ج ‪101‬‬
‫علم الطبقات والترسيب‬
‫ج ‪203‬‬
‫ج ‪203‬‬
‫علم الحفريات‬
‫ج ‪102‬‬
‫ج ‪204‬‬
‫الصخور النارية والمتحولة‬
‫ج ‪201‬‬
‫ج ‪205‬‬
‫جيولوجيا تركيبية‬
‫ج ‪102‬‬
‫ج ‪301‬‬
‫علم الصخور الرسوبية‬
‫ج ‪201‬‬
‫ج ‪302‬‬
‫جيولوجيا اقتصادية‬
‫ج ‪303‬‬
‫ج ‪303‬‬
‫ج ‪204‬‬
‫ج ‪304‬‬
‫جيولوجيا البترول والمياه‬
‫ج ‪205‬‬
‫ج ‪314‬‬
‫استراتيجرافيا حيوية‬
‫ج ‪، 204‬ج ‪205‬‬
‫ج ‪401‬‬
‫علم الحفريات الطبقية‬
‫ج ‪301‬‬
‫جيولوجية مصر‬
‫ج ‪، 205‬ج‪301‬‬
‫ج ‪490‬‬
‫مشروع بحثي‬
‫ج ‪ ,102‬ف ‪112‬‬
‫ج ف ‪ 201‬اساسيات الجيوفيجياء‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلختيارية " ‪ 42‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫رقم المقررر‬
‫اسررم المقررررر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ج ‪208‬‬
‫جيولوجيا تصويرية واستشعار عن بعد‬
‫ج ‪205‬‬
‫ج ‪210‬‬
‫ج ‪205‬‬
‫ج ‪305‬‬
‫جيولوجيا بحرية‬
‫ج ‪301‬‬
‫ج ‪306‬‬
‫تحليل حوضي‬
‫ج ‪301‬‬
‫رقم المقررر‬
‫اسررم المقررررر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ج ‪307‬‬
‫الصفائح التكتونية‬
‫ج ‪205‬‬
‫ج ‪308‬‬
‫جيولوجيا بيئية‬
‫ج ‪301‬‬
‫ج ‪315‬‬
‫ميكانيكا الصخور‬
‫ج ‪201‬‬
‫ج ‪316‬‬
‫جيولوجيا الحقب الرابع‬
‫ج ‪318‬‬
‫تنقيب جيوكيميائي‬
‫ج ‪303‬‬
‫ج ‪320‬‬
‫جيوكيمياء بيئية‬
‫ج ‪303‬‬
‫ج ‪322‬‬
‫إحصاء جيولوجي‬
‫ج ‪324‬‬
‫طرائق معملية‬
‫ج ‪303‬‬
‫ج ‪326‬‬
‫جيولوجيا النظائر‬
‫ج ‪303‬‬
‫جيولوجيا منجمية وهندسية‬
‫ج ‪411‬‬
‫المعادن والصخور في الصناعة‬
‫ج ‪302‬‬
‫الكربونات والمتبخرات‬
‫ج ‪413‬‬
‫جيوكيمياء عضوية‬
‫ج ‪304‬‬
‫ج ‪415‬‬
‫جيولوجيا تحت سطحية‬
‫ج ‪417‬‬
‫جيوكيمياء المياه‬
‫ج ‪304‬‬
‫ج ف ‪ 303‬تسجيالت األبار وتقييم التكاوين‬
‫ج ف ‪202‬‬
‫ج ف ‪ 416‬جيوفيجياء بحرية‬
‫ج ف ‪202‬‬
‫(‪ )4‬متطلبات التخصص الفرعى (‪ 30 )Minor Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة‬
‫أ‪ -‬المقررات األجبارية " ‪ 10‬ساعة معتمدة"‬
‫رقم المقررر‬
‫اسررم المقررررر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫علم الطبقات والترسيب‬
‫جيولوجيا تركيبية‬
‫مبادىء بصريات المعادن‬
‫بترولوجية الصخور الناريةوالمتحولة‬
‫ج ‪207‬‬
‫ج ‪205‬‬
‫المتحولة والمياة‬
‫جيولوجياو البترول‬
‫اسررم المقررررر‬
‫رقم المقررر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ج ‪309‬‬
‫بترولوجية الصخور الرسوبية‬
‫ج ‪207‬‬
‫ج ‪407‬‬
‫مقدمة فى جيولوجية مصر‬
‫ج ‪، 205‬ج ‪304‬‬
‫ب‪-‬المقررات اإلختيارية "‪ 14‬ساعة معتمدة"‬
‫رقم المقررر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اسررم المقررررر‬
‫ج ‪307‬‬
‫الصفائح التكتونية‬
‫ج ‪205‬‬
‫ج ‪311‬‬
‫أساسيات الجيوكيمياء‬
‫مقدمة فى الجيولوجيا األقتصادية‬
‫الكيمياء البلورية‬
‫علم التتابع الطبقى‬
‫إحصاء جيولوجى‬
‫حفريات دقيقة تطبيقية‬
‫المعادن والصخور فى الصناعة‬
‫جيولوجيا تحت سطحية‬
‫‪-2‬الجيوفيزياء ‪:Geophysics‬‬
‫(‪ )1‬متطلبات التخصص الرئيسي ( ‪ 66" ) Major Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪.‬المقررات اإلجبارية"‪ 24‬ساعة معتمدة"‪:‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ج ف ‪ 201‬أساسيات الجيوفيجياء‬
‫ج ف‪ 202‬طرق مسح تثاقلية ومغناطيسية‬
‫جف ‪201‬‬
‫ج ف ‪ 204‬طرق مسح سيجمية‬
‫جف ‪201‬‬
‫ج ف‪ 301‬طرق مسح كهربية و كهرومغناطيسية‬
‫جف ‪201‬‬
‫ج ف‪ 302‬معالجة وتفسير بيانات طرق الجهد‬
‫جف ‪301‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ج ف ‪ 303‬تسجيالت اآلبار وتقييم التكاوين‬
‫ج ف‪ 304‬استكشاف جيوفيجيائى‬
‫جف ‪303‬‬
‫ج ف‪ 305‬معالجة البيانات السيجمية‬
‫جف ‪204‬‬
‫ج ف ‪ 401‬تفسير بيانات سيجمية‬
‫جف ‪305‬‬
‫مشروع بحثى‬
‫برمجة الحاسب (‪)1‬‬
‫تحليل رياضى‬
‫تحويالت وتحليل فورير‬
‫* يشترط أن يكون التخصص الفرعي جيولوجيا‪.‬‬
‫* يجوج لطالب العلوم الطبيعية اختيار التخصص الرئيسي جيوفيجياء إذا اجتاج مقرري الجيولوجيا‬
‫(ج ‪ + 101‬ج‪.)102‬‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية " ‪ 42‬ساعة معتمدة"‪:‬‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ج ف‪ 304‬مقرر خاص‬
‫ج ف‪ 305‬مبادىء علم الجالجل‬
‫ج ف ‪ 306‬تطبيقات الحاسبات فى الجيوفيجياء‬
‫ج ف‪ 311‬المغناطيسية القديمة‬
‫ج ف‪ 402‬سيجمية بحرية‬
‫ج ف‪ 403‬التنقيب عن األثار‬
‫ج ف‪ 404‬سيجمية الطبقات‬
‫ج ف ‪ 405‬جيوفيجياء تثاقلية ومغناطيسية بحرية‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫اســم المقـــرر‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫جف ‪304‬‬
‫ج ف‪ 408‬جيوفيجياء الخجانات‬
‫ج ف‪ 412‬استخدام الرادار فى األستكشاف‬
‫برمجة الحاسب (‪)2‬‬
‫إحصاء تطبيقى‬
‫فيجياء البلورات واأللكترونيات‬
‫ج ف‪ 406‬األستشعار عن بعد واألستكشاف‬
‫ج ف‪407‬‬
‫جيوفيجياء تعدين‬
‫(‪ )4‬متطلبات التخصص الفرعي ( ‪ 30" ) Minor Requirements‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ .‬المقررات اإلجبارية " ‪ 10‬ساعة معتمدة "‪:‬‬
‫إسم المقرر‬
‫عدد الساعات‬
‫المتطلب السابق‬
‫ج ف‪201‬‬
‫أساسيات الجيوفيجياء‬
‫ج ف‪204‬‬
‫طرق مسح سيجمية‬
‫ج ف‪206‬‬
‫طرق مسح تثاقلية‬
‫ج ف‪301‬‬
‫طرق مسح كهربيةوكهرومغناطيسية‬
‫ج ف‪303‬‬
‫تسجيالت اآلبار وتقييم التكاوين‬
‫ج ف‪307‬‬
‫معالجة البيانات السيجمية‬
‫تحليل رياضى‬
‫ب‪ .‬المقررات االختيارية " ‪ 14‬ساعة معتمدة"‪:‬‬
‫يختار الطالب ‪ 12‬ساعة معتمد( من باقي مقررات تخصص الجيوفيزياء الرئيسي المطروحة‪.‬‬
(1) Department of Mathematics
‫قسم الرياضيات‬
1-Courses in (Pure & Applied Mathematics) (Math )
‫) و هندسة تحليلية‬1( ‫تفاضل و تكامل‬
Math 101 Calculus (1) & Analytic Geometry
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Functions and Inverse Functions - Review of Differentiation Formulae - Elementary
Functions Mean Value Theorem and Applications - Extreme Values- Asymptotes and Curve
Tracing – Limits and L’Hôpital’s Rule – The nth Derivative and Leibniz Theorem - Taylor and
Maclaurin Expansions - Applications – Partial Derivatives - Review of the Indefinite Integral Simple Rules - Integration by Rationalizing Substitutions -Integration by Parts.
Polar Coordinates - Review of the Equations of Straight Lines in the Plane – Circles – Conic
Sections - Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola - Translation and Rotation of Axes - The General
Second Order Equation in Two Variables.
‫) و جبر‬2( ‫تفاضل و تكامل‬
Math 102 Calculus (2) & Algebra
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Definite Integrals – The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus - Trigonometric Substitutions - Partial
Fractions – Reduction Formulae – Applications of Definite Integrals.
Mathematical Induction - Roots of Polynomial Equations - Complex Numbers – Introduction to the
Theory of Matrices.
‫رياضيات عامة‬
Math 111 General Mathematics
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Functions - Derivatives and Applications - Methods of Indefinite Integration - Definite
integrals – Applications - Determinants - Complex Numbers - Polynomials and Theory of Equations Polar coordinates - Review of the Equations of Straight Lines in the Plane - Circles - Conic Sections.
‫برمجة و تطبيقات الحاسب اآللي‬
Math 150 Programming & Computer Applications
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
FORTRAN Programming Language: Constants and Variables - Intrinsic Functions – Loops
- Conditional Statements – Arrays - Array Operations in FORTRAN 95 - Functions and
MATLAB Programming - Using Derive - Applications
Math 151 Mechanics (1)
)1( ‫ميكانيكا‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Vector Calculus - Forces and Moments - Elements of equilibrium - Virtual Work Kinematics of Motion of a particle in a straight line - Dynamics of Motion - Simple Harmonic
Motion – Hooke’s law - Plane motion of a particle in Cartesian coordinates – Projectiles - Impulsive
Math 152 Mechanics (2)
)4 ( ‫ميكانيكا‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Constrained Motion - Central Motion – Motion of Planets – Vibrations - Moments and
Products of Inertia - Centre of Gravity - Directional derivatives – Vector derivatives in Cartesian
Coordinates – Div Curl and Grad – General Formulae.
Math 201 Mathematical Analysis 1 and Solid Geometry
‫) و هندسة فراغية‬1( ‫تحليل رياضي‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Functions of Several Variables - Multiple Integrals – Line and Surface Integrals - Theorems of
Green, Stokes and Gauss - Methods of Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations- 1st Order and 2nd
Order with Constant Coefficients.
Planes and Straight Lines in Space - Quadratic Surfaces - General Equation of the Second Degree in
Three Variables.
)2( ‫تحليل رياضي‬
Math 202 Mathematical Analysis 2
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Series and Sequences of Real Numbers - Convergence and Absolute Convergence - Series and
Sequences of Functions - Uniform Convergence - Power Series - Infinite Products - Improper
Integrals - Fourier Series and Fourier Analysis.
‫جبر خطي‬
Math 203 Linear Algebra
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Theory of Matrices – Applications - Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors – Diagonalization of
Matrices - Bilinear, Quadratic and Positive Definite Forms - Fields and Vector Spaces.
‫رياضيات حيوية‬
Math 220 Biomathematics
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Functions of Two Variables - Partial Derivatives - Multiple Integrals - Differential Equations Theory of Matrices and Applications.
‫تحليل رياضي‬
Math 221 Mathematical Analysis
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Functions of Several Variables - Multiple Integrals – Line and Surface Integrals - Theorems of
Green, Stokes and Gauss - Methods of Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: 1st Order and 2nd
Order with Constant Coefficients - Improper Integrals
Math 222 Math. Numerical Methods
‫طرق عددية‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Interpolation - Numerical Integration and Differentiation - Solution of Non-linear Equations
- Solution of Systems of Linear Equations – Optimization – Initial-Value Problems – BoundaryValue Problems- Emphasizes Use of Computer Packages (Matlab or Mathematica).
Math 223 Matrices
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Theory of Matrices – Applications - Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors – Diagonalization of
Matrices - Bilinear, Quadratic and Positive Definite Forms.
Math 224 Advanced Mathematics
‫رياضيات متقدمة‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Some Special Functions - Solutions of Some Differential Equations - Fourier Series - Laplace
Transform - Applications.
)1( ‫رياضيات للكيمياء‬
Math 231 Mathematics for Chemistry (1)
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Functions of Two Variables - Partial Derivatives - Multiple Integrals - Differential Equations Theory of Matrices and Applications - Complex Variables – Integration - Applications.
)2( ‫رياضيات للكيمياء‬
Math 232 Mathematics for Chemistry (2)
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Fourier Series - Properties and Applications - Fourier Integral - Fourier Transforms and
Application to Differential and Integral Equations - Laplace Transform and Applications.
‫تحويالت وتحاليل فورير‬
Math 234 Fourier Transforms and Analysis
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Fourier Series - Properties and Applications - Fourier Integral - Fourier Transforms and
Application to Differential and Integral Equations - Laplace Transform and Applications.
Math 251 Mechanics (3)
)3( ‫ميكانيكا‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hrs
General Curvilinear Coordinates – Divergence – Curl and Gradient – Gauss, Green and
Stokes’ theorems – Applications - Theory of Potential - Motion of Rigid Body.
‫النمذجة الرياضية‬
Math 252 Mathematical Modelling
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Mathematical Formulation of Problems in math and Engineering- Solution and
Interpretation of Real-World Problems Chosen From Various Areas - Dimensional Analysis Perturbation Methods – Stability - Various Topics and Projects.
) 1( ‫جبر تجريدي‬
Math 301 Abstract Algebra (1)
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Introduction to the Concepts of Basic Algebraic Structures: Groups, Rings, Integral Domains-and
) 1( ‫منطق رياضي‬
Math 302 Mathematical Logic (1)
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hrs
Propositional Algebra - Propositional Calculus - Predicate Calculus‫معادالت تفاضلية عادية‬
Math 303 Ordinary Differental Equations
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hrs
Existence and Uniqueness Theorems - Linear Systems and Autonomous Systems - Power
Series Solutions near Singular and Regular Points - Laplace Methods - Stability and Asymptotic
‫دوال خاصة‬
Math 304 Special Functions
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Gamma, Beta-Legendre-Hermite-Laguerre-Bessel-Modified Bessel and Hypergeometric
Functions – Applications.
) 1( ‫دوال مركبه‬
Math 305 Functions of a Complex Variable (1)
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Limits, Continuity and Differentiation of a Function of a Complex Variable - Complex
Integration - Taylor and Laurent Expansions - Calculus of Residues - Contour Integration.
)1( ‫تحليل عددي‬
Math 306 Numerical Analysis (1)
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hrs
Error Analysis - Numerical Solution of Non-Linear Equations - Numerical Solution of
Systems of Linear Equations – Numerical Interpolation - Numerical differentiation and Integration Approximation by Spline Functions.
Math 307 Theory of Numbers
‫نظرية اإلعداد‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic - Euclidean Algorithm - Arithmetical and Multiplicative
Functions - Euler Function - Distribution of Prime Numbers - Congruences - Chinese Remainder
Math 308 Integral Equations
‫معادالت تكاملية‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Definitions and Basic Properties - Volterra and Fredholm Theorems for Degenerate and
Arbitrary Kernels – Applications - Abel’s Integral Equations – Dual Integral Equations.
Math 311 Operations Research (1)
)1( ‫بحوث العمليات‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 2 hrs
Introduction to Linear programming and Operations Research - Simplex Algorithm - Duality
Theory - Sensitivity Analysis - Geometry of Linear programming - Ellipsoidal Algorithm - Interior
Point Algorithms.
Math 312 Difference Equations
‫معادالت الفروق‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Solution of Simple Difference Equations - Homogeneous Linear Equations - Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations - First order Linear Equations with Variable Coefficients.
Math 325 Differential Equations and Special Functions
‫معادالت تفاضلية ودوال خاصة‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Gamma and Beta Functions - Orthogonal Polynomials – Bessel Functions - Applications –
Ordinary Differential Equations and Methods of Solution – Systems of Differential Equations Laplace Transform - Integral Equations – Elements of Partial Differential Equations.
Math 350 Math. Programming and Numerical Methods
‫برمجة رياضية و طرق عددية‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Review of the FORTRAN Programming Language - Additional DATA Types – Derived
DATA Types - Debugging FORTRAN Programs – Procedures.
Applications: Interpolation - Numerical Integration and differentiation - Solution of Non-linear
Equations - Solution of Systems of Linear Equations – Optimization - Initial Value Problems Boundary Value Problems.
Math 351 Analytical Dynamics
‫الديناميكا التحليلية‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Generalized Coordinates and Degrees of Freedom - Constraints on the Motion - Virtual
Displacements - Potential and Kinetic Energies for Systems of Particles, Rigid Bodies and Elastic
Continua - Elements of the Calculus of Variations-Lagrange’s Equations - Constrained Generalized
Coordinates - Treatment of Impulsive and Dissipative Forces - Conserved Quantities and Jacobi
Integral - Systems with Ignorable Coordinates, Routh’s Equations - Examples.
Hamilton’s Principle - Virtual work - d’Alembert’s Principle – Non-holonomic Systems and
Constraints - Small Oscillations – Applications.
Math 352 Fluid Dynamics (1)
)1( ‫ديناميكا الموائع‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Kinematics of Fluids - Acceleration Vector - Streamlines and Path Lines - Conservation of
Mass - Irrotational Motion - Vorticity and Circulation - Boundary-Value Problems for Potential
Flows - Uniqueness Theorem - Kinetic Energy - Kelvin's Theorem - Symmetric Motion About a Point
- Axisymmetric Motion - Dynamics of Fluids - Euler's Momentum Equation - Bernoulli's Equation Impulsive Motion - Two-Dimensional Irrotational Motion of Incompressible Fluids - Complex
Potential – Sources-Sinks and Doublets - Streaming Motion Past a Circular Cylinder - Method of
Math 353 Electromagnetic Theory
‫الكهرباء الديناميكية‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
General laws in Electrostatics - Boundary-Value Problems - Method of Images - Dielectrics
- Energy and Force - Steady Currents - Continuity Equations - Ohm’s law.
General Laws in Magnetostatics - Magnetic Energy. Maxwell’s Equations-Conservation Laws Displacement Current - Vector & Scalar Potentials - Gauge Transformations - Poynting’s Theorem
- Solutions of Field Equations in Various coordinate Systems - Radiation Generation - Propagation
of Electromagnetic waves - various boundary value Problems - Principle of Electromagnetic
Radiation & Interaction with Matter - Waveguides - Applications.
Math 354 Methods of Applied Mathematics (1)
)1( ‫طرق الرياضيات التطبيقية‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Boundary Value Problems- Mathematical Modeling of Physical Phenomena - Methods of
Solution of Boundary Value Problems - Eigenfunction Function Expansion - Use of Integral
TransformsLaplace Transform - Complex Inversion Formula Fourier Transforms - Hankel Transform - Milne
Transform - Finite Fourier and Hankel Transforms - Applications
Math 356 Special Theory of Relativity
‫نظرية النسبية الخاصة‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Tensor Analysis - Geodesics - Galilean Frames of References - Space-Time Metrics - Lorentz
Transformation - Length Contraction and Time Dilation - Relativity of Simultaneity - Time Travel Causality - Unification of Momentum and Energy - Transformation of Mass and Energy Transformation of Trajectories - Kinematics of Moving Particles - Propagation of Light - Relativistic
Dynamics - Collisions.
)4( ‫جبر تجريدي‬
Math 401 Abstract Algebra (2)
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Fundamental Theorem of Finite Abelian Groups - Sylow Theorems - Prime and Primary
Ideals - Primary and Normal Decompositions of Ideals - Field Extensions - Galois Theory.
) 2( ‫منطق رياضي‬
Math 402 Mathematical Logic (2)
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Boolean Algebra and Propositional Algebra - Primitive Recursive Arithmetic and its Logic –
Switching Circuits and Logic Circuits - Skolem's Theorem and Normal Forms – Multsev's Theorem –
Gödel's Completeness Theorem.
‫معادالت تفاضلية ججئية‬
Math 403 Partial Differential Equations
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Partial Differential Equations - Cauchy Problem – Cauchy-Kowalewski Theorem Characteristics - Canonical Forms - Hyperbolic Equations - Wave Equations - Spherical Means Parabolic Equations - Heat Conduction Equation - Mixed Problem - Some Methods and Applications
- Elliptic Equations - Dirichlet Problem - Harmonic Functions - Extremum Principle - Potential
Theory for Laplace Equation.
‫تحليل حقيقي‬
Math 404 Real Analysis
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
System of Real Numbers - Point-Set Topology – Compactness - Metric Spaces - Limits and
Continuity in Rn - Functions of Bounded Variation - Riemann-Stieltjes Integrals - Fourier Analysis.
)2( ‫دوال مركبه‬
Math 405 Functions of Complex Variables (2)
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hrs
Application of Residues and Poles - Conformal Mapping and Applications - Integral Formulas
of Poisson Type - Further Theorems of Functions – Singular Integral Equations.
)4( ‫تحليل عددي‬
Math 406 Numerical Analysis (2)
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Numerical Methods of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors – Initial Value Problems – Boundary
Value Problems - Introduction to Numerical Optimization.
Math 407 Topology
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Cardinal Numbers - Metric Spaces - Topological Spaces - Mappings - Relative Topology Separation Axioms – Compactness - Connectedness.
‫تحليل دالي‬
Math 408 Functional Analysis
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Metric Spaces - Normed Linear Space - Linear Operators - Banach and Hilbert Spaces Linear Functional adjoint Spaces - Adjoint of Bounded Operators in Hilbert Spaces - Applications.
‫هندسة تفاضلية‬
Math 409 Differential Geometry
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Curves in Space - Curvature and Torsion - Involutes and Evolutes - Surfaces in Space Envelopes - Lines of Curvature and Geodesics - Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds-Tangent
Bundle of a Differentiable Manifold - Vector Fields on Manifolds.
‫نظرية القياس و تكامل ليبيج‬
Math 410 Measure Theory and Lebesgue Integration
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
σ-Rings - Set Functions - Construction of Lebesgue Measure - Measure Spaces and
Measurable Functions - Lebesgue Integration and its Properties.
‫الجبر البولونى‬
Math 415 Boolean Algebrah
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Definition and Properties of Boolean Algebra – Subalgebra of Boolean Algebra – Partial
Order – Isomorphism – Boolean Expressions and Boolean Functions - Boolean Algebra and
Propositional Algebra.
‫موضوعات مختارة في الرياضيات ال بحتة‬
Math 420 Selected Topics in Pure Mathematics
Lec. 3 hrs
Offered as needed to present materials not normally available in regular Departmental
course offerings or for offering new courses on a trial basis.
‫نظرية المرونة الخطية‬
Math 451 Theory of Linear Elasticity
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Analysis of Strain: Strain and Rotation Tensors – Pure Deformation and Rigid Body Motion Physical Interpretation - Strain Compatibility Equations.
Analysis of Stress: Stress tensor - Equations of Motion – Symmetry of the Stress Tensor Transformation of Coordinates. Generalized Hooke's law - Homogeneous Isotropic Bodies Equations of Motion in Terms of displacement - Beltrami-Mitchell compatibility equations - Strain
energy function - Uniqueness of solution.
Applications: Torsion of Bars of Any Cross Section - Various Static and Dynamic Boundary-Value
Problems in the Linear Theory of Elasticity.
)4( ‫ديناميكا الموائع‬
Math 452 Fluid Dynamics (2)
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Surface Waves: Kinematic and Dynamic Boundary Conditions - Procedure of Linearization Linear Waves - Dispersion Relation and Phase Velocity - Standing Surface Waves and Stationary
Surface Waves - The Group Velocity - Stability Problem - Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability - Shallow
Water Theory.
Viscous Fluids: Stokes’ Principles and Stokesian Fluids - Newtonian Fluid - Dimensional Analysis
Applied to Navier-Stokes Equation - Boundary Layers - Matching Asymptotic Expansions - Prandtl’s
Equations - Boundary Layer on Flat Plane - Flows at Small Reynolds Numbers - Drag Coefficient as
Function of Reynolds Number - Idea of Turbulence.
Math 453 Quantum Mechanics (1)
)1( ‫ميكانيكا الكم‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Elements of Wave and Matrix Mechanics – S chrödinger’s Wave Equation - The Free Particle
- The Square Well, Step and Square Barrier Potentials - Simple Harmonic Oscillator – The Hydrogen
The Schrödinger’s Wave Equation in Three Dimensions - The Three Dimensional Harmonic
Oscillator - The Particle in a Box - Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics - The Isotropic
Harmonic Oscillator in Spherical Polar Coordinates - Angular Momentum.
Math 454 Methods of Applied Mathematics (2)
)4( ‫طرق الرياضيات التطبيقية‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Elements of the Theory of Distributions (Generalized Functions) - Greens Functions
(Fundamental Solutions)
Variational Methods: Ritz Method - Trefftz Method Direct Approximate Analytical Methods:
Galerkin’s Method – Method of Moments Integral equations – Dual integral equations Applications
Math 456 Advanced Theories of Elasticity
‫نظريات المرونة المتقدمة‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Two and Three Dimensional Problems in Linear Elasticity - Linear and Nonlinear Strain
Measures – Hyperelasticity - Topics from Nonlinear Elasticity – Wave Propagation - Contact
Problems - Fracture Mechanics – Alternate Theories of Elasticity – Viscoelasticity –
Math 458 Quantum Mechanics (2)
)4( ‫ميكانيكا الكم‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Matrix Representations of Wave Functions and Operators - Matrix Representations of Angular
Momentum Operators - Matrix Representations of the Harmonic Oscillator Problem - Approximation
Methods. Time Dependent and Time Independent Perturbation Theory - The Variational Method The Spin Matrices and Addition of Angular Momenta6 - Scattering.
Math 459 Statistical Mechanics
‫الميكانيكا اإلحصائية‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Some Thermodynamic Derivation - Thermodynamic Functions for open Systems - Euler's
Theorem and Gibbs-Duhem Relation - The Fundamental Distribution Laws for Fermi-Dirac, BoseEinstein and Boltzmann -Thermodynamic Functions for a System of Corrected Boltzons - Dirac and
Bose-Einstein Statistics - Classical Statistical Mechanics – Canonical Ensemble – Grand Canonical
‫موضوعات مختارة في الرياضيات التطبيقية‬
Math 470 Selected Topics in Applied ِ Mathematics
Lec. 3 hrs
Offered as needed to present material not normally available in regular departmental course
offerings, or for offering new courses on a trial basis.
2. Courses in Statistics (Stat )
‫مقدمة فى االحتماالت واإلحصاء‬
Stat 102 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
General probability Rules-Conditional Probability-and Bayes Theorem-Discrete and
Continuous Random Variables, Moments and Moment Generating Functions, Standard Discrete
and Continuous Distributions and Their Properties.
‫إحصاء حيوي‬
Stat 122 Biostatistics
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 1 hr
Basic Concepts of Statistical Models and Use of Samples- Variation, Statistical Measures,
Distributions, Tests of Significance- Analysis of Variance- Regression and Correlation- Chi-square
Tests and Use of Statistical Software.
‫إحصاء تطبيقى‬
Stat 132 Applied Statistics
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 1 hr
Concepts Random variables and probability distributions – Special probability distributions
– Use of samples – Confidence intervals and tests of hypotheses - Analysis of variance Regression and correlation - Chi-square tests - Emphasizes use of computer.
‫طرق إحصائية‬
Stat 201 Statistical Methods
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Sampling distributions- Point and confidence estimation- one- and two- sample tests- oneand two- ways ANOVA, χ2 Goodness of fit tests - Tests of independence in Contingency tables.
Emphasizes use of computer
)1( ‫نظرية اإلحصاء‬
Stat 203 Theory of Statistics (I)
Lec. 3 hrs + Lab. 1 hr
Joint and conditional distributions, independence, covariance and correlation - Bivariate
normal distribution - Special probability distributions ( Gamma, Beta, Weibul and Lognormal
distributions) - distributions of functions of random variables - Probability laws and
transformations - Order statistics - Modes of convergence and limit theorems - The central limit
theorem - Law of large numbers - Sampling and derivation of many sampling distributions.
‫تحليل االنحدار‬
Stat 204 Regression Analysis
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Simple and multiple linear regression and correlation- analysis of variance and covariance.
Assumptions of regression- variable selection; prediction- multicolinearity- model diagnosticsdummy variables- transformations- logistic and non-linear regression-Emphasizes use of computer
‫اإلحصاء الالمعلمي‬
Stat 301 Non-Parametric Statistics
Lec. 3hrs + Tut.1hr
Order statistics and their probability distributions - coverage’s - distribution of range.
Theory of tests for one sample problem- Sign test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test- Theory of tests
for the two sample problem- Wilcoxon's test- Mann-Whitney test and their equivalence- Run test
and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
‫أساليب المحاكاة والمعاينة‬
Stat 302 Simulation and Sampling Techniques
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Modeling and principles of simulation- Role of random numbers- generation of Pseudo
random numbers, techniques for generating r.v.’s having known distributions. Assumptions and the
use of simulation in experimentation. Design of finite population sample surveys- Stratifiedsystematic- and multistage cluster sampling designs- Sampling with probability proportional to size.
Class project on design and execution of an actual sample survey
)2( ‫نظرية اإلحصاء‬
Stat 303 Theory of Statistics (II)
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Point estimators: unbiasedness- efficiency and sufficiency- minimum variance unbiased,
maximum likelihood and least squares- exponential family- Bayes estimators- asymptotic
properties. Interval estimators and tests of hypotheses- confidence intervals- power functionsNeyman-Pearson lemma, uniformly most powerful tests- likelihood ratio tests- Bayesian tests.
‫تحليل المتغيرات المتعددة‬
Stat 304 Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Relevant matrix theory- multivariate random vectors. Multivariate normal distributions
(MVN), Q-Q plots- sampling from MVN and inference for population mean vector- covariance
matrix, correlation matrix, MANOVA. Canonical correlation analysis. Principle components.
Discrimination and classification.
‫تحليل السالسل الجمنية‬
Stat 305 Time Series Analysis
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Methods for analyzing data collected over time- stationarity and autocorrelation function.
Regression time series. Autoregressive-moving average and seasonal (Box-Jenkins) models:
identification, estimation, diagnostic checking, and forecasting.
‫رقابة إحصائية علي الجودة‬
Stat 307 Statistical Quality Control
Lec.2hrs + Tut.1hr
Use of statistics for quality control and productivity improvement. Control chart calculations
and graphing, process control and specification; sampling plans- and reliability. Computer use will
be stressed for performing calculations and graphing.
‫حجم إحصائية‬
Stat 311 Statistical Software
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 3 hrs
Structure, content and programming aspects of a modern statistical package. Advanced
techniques in the use of a statistical software system for data analysis. Introduction to graphical
methods in statistics and a macro programming language.
‫احتماالت تطبيقية‬
Stat 312 Applied Probability
Lec. 3 hrs + Lab. 1 hr.
Models in biological, engineering and the physical sciences. Markov chains; Poisson, birthand-death, renewal, branching and queuing processes; applications to bioinformatics and other
quantitative problems.
‫تحليل البيانات النوعية‬
Stat 314 Analysis of Categorical Data
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Varieties of categorical data- cross-classifications- and contingency tables. Tests for
independence. Combining 2x2 tables. Multidimensional tables and log linear models- maximumlikelihood estimation and tests for goodness of fit. Logistic regression, generalized linear models
and multinomial response models.
‫إحصاء حسابي‬
Stat 316 Statistical Computing
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Modern statistical computing. Data management; spread sheets, verifying data accuracytransferring data between systems. Data and graphical analysis with microcomputer statistical
software packages. Macro programming. Algorithmic programming concepts and applications.
Topics including analysis of covariance, random number generation, simulation and Monte Carlo
methods, non-linear regression computations and application to statistical methods of optimization,
‫اإلحصاء الالمعلمي تطبيقى‬
Stat 321 Applied Non-Parametric Statistics
Lec. 2hrs + Tut.1hr
Order statistics and their probability distributions - coverage’s - distribution of range. Tests
for one sample problem: Sign test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Tests for the two sample
problem: Wilcoxon's test, Mann-Whitney test and their equivalence, Run test and KolmogorovSmirnov test.
‫تصميم التجارب‬
Stat 401 Experimental Design
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Experimental design as a method for organizing analysis procedures- analysis of variancemathematical models and assumptions. Experimental units, randomization, replication, blockingsubdividing and repeatedly measuring experimental units; factorial treatment designs, nested, latin
squares- and confounding; extensions of the analysis of variance to cover general crossed and
nested classifications and models that include both classificatory and continuous factors. Stresses
use of computer.
‫عمليات عشوائية‬
Stat 402 Stochastic Processes
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Stochastic processes including discrete, continuous and conditional probability concepts.
Definitions and properties of stochastic processes. Markov processes and chains, basic properties,
transition matrices and steady state properties. Reliability renewal and queuing processes, expected
waiting times, single and multiserver queues.
Stat 407 Operations Research (2)
)4( ‫بحوث العمليات‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Integer programming - Dynamic programming - Inventory models. Simulation techniques Uses of simulation- Sampling from probability distributions- Examples of computer programs.
Reliability theory - Failure rate and survival distributions - Reliability of systems of independent
components - System lives and expected system lifetime - Redundancy.
Stat 411 Operations Research (2)
)4( ‫بحوث العمليات‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Integer programming - Dynamic programming - Inventory models. Simulation techniques Uses of simulation- Sampling from probability distributions- Examples of computer programs.
Reliability theory - Failure rate and survival distributions - Reliability of systems of independent
components - System lives and
expected system lifetime - Redundancy.
ً‫تنقيب البيانات إحصائيا‬
Stat 412 Statistical Data Mining
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab.3 hrs.
Approaches to finding the unexpected in data- pattern recognition, classification, association
rules, graphical methods, classical and computer-intensive statistical techniques, and problem
solving. Emphasis is on data-centered- non-inferential statistics for large or high-dimensional datatopical problems- and building report writing skills.
‫اختبارات الحياة والصالحية‬
Stat 413 Life-Testing and Reliability
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Statistical methods for analyzing life-testing data and accessing system reliability. Grouped
and time-censored data, order statistics. Classical and Bayesian inference for univariate and
multivariate exponential, Weibull, lognormal and gamma distributions. Experimental designs and
sampling plans for accelerated testing and burn-in procedures. Taguchi's reliability improvement
philosophy. Field performance and software reliability analysis.
‫موضوعات مختارة في اإلحصاء‬
Stat 415 Selected Topics in Statistics
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Offered as needed to present material not normally available in regular departmental course
offerings, or for offering new courses on a trial basis.
‫نظرية االحتماالت‬
Stat 416 Probability Theory
Lec. 3hrs + Tut.1 hr.
Measure-theoretic foundations of probability - Probability spaces and measure - σ-Fields Borel-Cantelli lemmas - Strong law of large numbers - Large deviations and the law of the iterated
logarithm - Glivenko-Cantelli theorem - Infinitely divisible distributions - Martingales.
‫التحليل التتابعي‬
Stat 417 Sequential Analysis
Lec. 2hrs + Tut.1 hr.
Sequential test of a statistical hypothesis and its efficiency – The OC (operating
characteristic) function – The Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) - Sequential test for simple
and composite hypotheses against a set of alternatives – Applications to the binomial and normal
‫اإلحصاءات المرتبة‬
Stat 418 Order Statistics
Lec. 2hrs + Tut.1hr.
Distribution of order statistics – Joint distribution of two order statistics or more – some
properties of order statistics – Distribution of the median, range and some other statistics – Discrete
order statistics – Dependence structure of order statistics from some specific distributions (e.g.
Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, exponential, uniform, logistic and normal distributions) – Moment
relations, bounds and approximations – type of order statistic data - order statistics in statistical
inference – Asymptotic theory (exponential order statistics & sample maximum, minimum and
other extreme order statistics).
3. Courses in Computer Science (CS)
)1( ‫برمجة الحاسب‬
CS102 Computer Programming (1)
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Problem-solving strategies. Debugging strategies. Structured decomposition. The concept
and properties of algorithms. The role of algorithms in the problem-solving process. Basic syntax
and semantics of a higher-level language. Variables, types, and assignment. Conditional and
iterative control structures.
CS112 Computer Programming 2Cr
‫برمجة الحاسب اآللي‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3hrs.
Problem-solving strategies. Debugging strategies. Structured decomposition. The concept
and properties of algorithms. The role of algorithms in the problem-solving process. Basic syntax
and semantics of higher-level.
)2( ‫برمجة الحاسب‬
CS201 Computer Programming (2)
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 1 hr
Functions and parameter passing. Simple I/O. Exception handling. Primitive types. Arrays.
Records. Strings and string processing. Data representation in memory. Pointers (or the notion of a
reference in an object-oriented language). The concept of recursion. Recursive mathematical
functions. Simple recursive procedures (Towers of Hanoi, generating permutations). Divide-andconquer strategies Recursive backtracking.
‫تراكيب بيانات و معالجة ملفات‬
CS202 Data Structures and File Processing
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Specification and representation of the elementary data types(integers, real, character,
logical). Specification, representation and implementation of basic data structure: Linear data
structures (Arrays, lists, Queues, Stacks, Double ended queues, Files). Non-linear Data Structures
(Trees, Binary Trees, Graphs). Implementation of Linked and dynamic data structures. File layout.
Directories: contents and structure. Naming, searching, access, backups. Fundamental file concepts
(organization, blocking, buffering). Sequential files. Non-sequential files
‫تراكيب متقطعة‬
CS203 Discrete Structures
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Functions: surjection’s, injections, inverses, composition. Relations: Equivalence relations.
Pigeonhole principle. Cardinality and countability. Propositional logic. Logical connectives. Truth
tables. Validity. Implication, converse, inverse, negation, contradiction. Predicate logic. Universal
and existential quantification. Modus ponens and modus Mathod of proofs. Direct proofs. Proof by
counterexample. Proof by contraposition. Proof by contradiction. Well orderings. Counting
arguments. Permutations and combinations. Solving recurrence relations. Trees. Undirected graphs.
Directed graphs. Spanning trees
CS204 Theory of Computation
‫نظرية الحسابات‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) and Regular Languages Non-deterministic Finite
Automata (NFA). Equivalence of NFAs and DFAs. Closure Properties. Regular Expressions. The
Pumping Lemma. Pushdown Automata. Pushdown Automata. Context Free Languages . Ambiguity
and Chomsky Normal Form. Turing Machines. Turing Machines Variants. Enumerators.
Decidability. Diagonalization. The Halting Problem. Reducibility. Time Complexity. P and NP.
Polytime reductions. NP-Completeness.
CS206 Advanced Programming
‫برمجة متقدمة‬
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Object-oriented design. Classes- subclasses- and inheritance. Class hierarchies.
Polymorphism- Fundamental design patterns. Event-handling methods- Event propagation.
Managing concurrency in event handling-API programming-Class browsers and related tools.
Programming by example- Debugging in the API environment
‫عمارة الحاسب وتنظيمه‬
CS208 Computer Architecture and Organization
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Simple building blocks (logic gates, flip-flops, counters, registers). Logic expressionsSimple adders, structure of a simple arithmetic-logic unit (ALU).Numeric data representation and
number bases. Fixed- and floating-point systems- Signed and twos-complement representations.
Representation of nonnumeric data. Basic organization. Control unit; instruction fetch, decode, and
execution- Instruction sets and types (data manipulation, control, I/O)- Assembly/machine language
programming. Instruction formats- Addressing modes- I/O and interrupts. Storage systems and
technology- Memory hierarchy. Main memory organization and operations- Latency, cycle time,
bandwidth, and interleaving. Cache memories (address mapping- replacement and store
policy).Input/output control methods, interrupts- Synchronization, open loop, handshaking. External
storage, physical organization, and drives. Bus systems, control- direct-memory access
(DMA).Hardwired realization of CPU- Micro-programmed realization; formats and coding.
Varieties of instruction formats. Architectural support for operating systems and compilers.
Instruction pipelining- Introduction to instruction-level parallelism (ILP).
‫برمجة الشبكات و االنترنت‬
CS210 Network and Internet Programming
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Encoding, framing, error detection, Ethernet , token rings, wireless, Network adaptors,
Switching and forwarding, circuit switching, packet switching, datagrams. Switching and
forwarding, IP, service model. Routing and forwarding, UDP, TCP . Application-layer protocols,
HTTP, FTP, SMTP. DNS (domain hierarchy, name servers, name resolution). Socket Programming
in Java, Cache, CDN, P2P. Broadcasting, multicasting), non-blocking I/O. Non-blocking I/O, I/O
multiplexing, reliable transmission (stop-and-wait). Finite state machine; Go-back-n and selective
repeat ARQs. TCP flow control. TCP congestion control (additive increase / multiplicative
decrease, slow start, fast retransmit, fast recovery), brief on congestion-avoidance mechanisms.
Distance vector routing algorithm. Link state and distance vector routing algorithm, hierarchical
routing. Cryptographic algorithms (DES/AES, RSA, MD5). Security services, authentication
protocols, message integrity protocols, public key distribution
‫مفاهيم لغات البرمجة‬
CS212 Concepts of Programming Languages
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Scheme. Expression evaluation and a simple model of evaluation. Data Procedures. Local
variables, logical operators. Data Driven Programming. Inductive definitions, BNF, recursion.
Mutual recursion. Properties of variables. Data abstraction. Abstract syntax. Environments. Mutable
data and sequencing. An new evaluation model. Transformational Languages. Environment Passing
Interpreters. Conditional evaluation and local binding. User-defined procedures and closures.
Variable assignment. Parameter passing. Lazy evaluation. Aggregate data implementations.
Statements. Type checking. Type inference and type abstractions. Polymorphism. Object oriented
language. Inheritance. Implementing object-oriented features. Control Context and Continuations.
A continuation passing interpreter. Procedural representation of continuations. Exceptions and
control flow. Logic programming.
‫محاكاة و نمذجة النظم‬
CS214 System Simulation and Modeling
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Types of systems. Types of models. Discrete and Continuous systems. Stages of a typical
simulation study. Concepts of system Clocks, Event scheduling Vs Time advance algorithms.
Random numbers. Roles of random numbers in simulation, pseudo random number generation
techniques, methods of testing PRN sequences. Random varieties. Generation, Inverse
transformation techniques with exponential distributions and empirical continuous distributions.
Direct isolations with Normal distributions. Acceptance, rejection techniques, with poison
distribution. Simulation languages. CPSS, SIMULA, SIMSCRIPT. Object oriented simulation.
Input Modeling. Data collection. Distribution functions such as Normal, Poisson, exponential
Distributions. Goodness of fit tests, Chi square test. Input model with out data, Effect of covariance
and correlation of the quality of data. Verification and validation of models. Guidelines for
verification of models, their calibration and validation. Face validity. Validation of model
assumptions. Validating input-output transformations, Use of historical Data. Evaluation of
simulation experiments. Length of simulation run, static and dynamic stochastic simulations,
elimination of transients. Auto correlated observations, variance reduction techniques.
‫نظم تشغيل و برمجة نظم‬
CS301 Operating Systems and System Programming
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Structuring methods and the layered model. Evolution of hardware/software techniques.
Device organization. Interrupts. User/system state and protection. State diagrams. Structures (ready
list, process control blocks, and so forth). Dispatching and context switching. Concurrent execution.
Mutual exclusion Deadlock and starvation. Models and mechanisms (semaphores, monitors,
rendezvous). Producer-consumer problems. Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling. Schedulers
and policies. Processes and threads. Deadlines and real-time issues. Overlays, swapping, and
partitions. Paging and segmentation. Memory mapped files. Placement and replacement policies.
Serial or parallel device. Servers and interrupts. File layout. Directories: contents and structure.
Sequential files. Non-sequential files. Process and task scheduling. Memory and disk management.
Real-time systems.
‫نظم قواعد البيانات‬
CS302 Database Management Systems
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Entity-relationship (E/R) models. E/R model designs and constraints. Object definition
language (ODL). The relational model. Converting E/R models to relational designs. Converting
ODL models to relational designs. Design of relational database schemas. 3NF, 4NF, BCNF. SQL
and relational algebra. Data definition using SQL. Constraints in relational algebra and SQL. Bags
vs. Sets, extended operators. Extended operators and views.
‫ذكاء اصطناعي‬
CS303 Artificial Intelligence
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Definitions of intelligent systems. Optimality vs. speed tradeoff. Problem spaces. Bruteforce search (DFS, BFS, uniform cost search).Heuristic search (best-first, A*, IDA*).Local search
(hill-climbing, simulated annealing, genetic search).Game-playing methods (minimax search, alphabeta pruning).Constraint satisfaction (backtracking and heuristic repair).Representation of space and
time. Representations of events and actions Probabilistic reasoning. Bayes theorem. Predicate
calculus and resolution. Logic programming and theorem proving. AI planning systems.
Unsupervised vs. supervised learning. Inductive vs. deductive. Classification vs. clustering vs.
prediction. Decision tree learning and neural network learning as examples. Design and
development of knowledge-based systems. Knowledge representation mechanisms. Reasoning with
uncertainty (non-monotonic logics, certainty factors, fuzzy logic).Knowledge acquisition
techniques. Knowledge engineering. Tools for knowledge-based system development
CS304 Computer Network Architecture and Protocols
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
‫عمارة وبروتوكوالت شبكات الحاسب‬
OSI and TCP/IP layers. Internet protocol suite. Transmission control protocol. User
datagram protocol. Sockets programming. Elementary TCP sockets. Elementary. TCP client/server.
Elementary UDP sockets. Name and address conversions. Multicasting I/O multiplexing. Threads.
Client/server design alternatives. Out-of-band data. Socket options. Advanced UDP sockets.
CS 305 Object-Oriented Software Design and Construction
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
‫تصميم برامج شيئية‬
Design Paradigms. OO Design. Class basics. Identifying classes. Designing classes.
Evaluating class design. Association. Aggregation. Communication. Operator overloading.
Templates. Exceptions. Inheritance. Controlling Inheritance. Polymorphism. Type conversions.
STL. Templates and inheritance.
‫منطق وتفكير تلقائي‬
CS306 Logic and Automated Reasoning
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hrs
Elementary set theory. Propositional logic. Propositional logic reasoning using resolution.
Normal forms, clauses, resolution. First-order/predicate logic introduction. Quantifiers, first order
models, validity and satisfiability. First-order reasoning using unrestricted resolution. Normal
forms, clauses, Skolemization. Elimination of quantifiers, unification, resolution, simplification
techniques. Orderings. Well-founded orderings, lexicographic combinations of orderings, multisets, multi-set orderings, reduction orderings, lexicographic path orderings. Refutational
completeness of propositional resolution. Herbrand interpretations, soundness, clause orderings,
construction of candidate models, reduction of counter-examples, model existence theorem,
refutational completeness, compactness of propositional logic. Refutational completeness of firstorder resolution. Lifting principle, saturation, refutational completeness, Herbrand's theorem,
Löwenheim-Skolem theorem, compactness of first-order logic. Saturation-based framework of
resolution calculi. Ordered resolution with selection, lifting, refutational completeness, Craig
interpolation, redundancy concept, saturation up to redundancy, practical model of a resolution
prover, fairness, refinements of resolution, hyperresolution. Neuman-Stubblebine key exchange
protocol. Semantic tableaux Semantic tableau for propositional logic, decidability, refutational
completeness, free-variable tableau, AMGU substitution rule, treatment of
refutational completeness. Logic Programming. Horn clauses, SLD resolution, Prolog.
‫تحليل بيانات وخوارجميات‬
CS307 Data and Algorithm Analysis
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Problems, complexity, analysis; asymptotics. Recurrences; the master method. Hashing.
Dynamic programming. Greedy algorithms. Depth-1st search; strongly. Connected components.
Minimum spanning trees. Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms. Single-source shortest paths; BellmanFord. Dijkstra. All-pairs shortest paths; Floyd-Warshall. Polynomial time and NP-completeness.
Proving problems NP-complete. Approximation algorithms. String matching
‫هندسة البرمجيات لتطبيقات الويب‬
CS308 Software Engineering for Web Applications
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hrs
Principles of web-based applications. Summary HTTP as an application layer protocol.
MIME types Server side programming including CGI, server-side scripts, and Java server applets.
Client side programming including Javasctript and Java applets. Principles of data management.
Web-based data management Concurrency. Unpredictable load. Security risks. Wide-area
distributed computing. Web services.
‫خوارجميات الحاسب‬
CS309 Computing Algorithms
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Complexity of algorithms. Asymptotic notation. Worst case/average case bounds.
Recurrence relations. Design of efficient algorithms. Polynomial evaluation. Divide and conquer.
Dynamic programming. Sorting and searching. Binary search. Radix sort, insertion sort, merge sort.
Quick sort, heap sort. Order statistics. Graph algorithms. Graph traversal. Minimum spanning trees.
Shortest path problems. Hamiltonian tours. Geometrical algorithms. Convex hulls and related
problems. Optimal placement. Intersection problems. Algebraic and numeric problems. Polynomial
multiplication. Matrix multiplication and related problems. Fast Fourier transform. NPcompleteness. Intractable problems. Cook's theorem. NP-completeness proofs. Coping with NPcomplete problems. Parallel algorithms. Algorithms for shared-memory machines. Algorithms for
interconnection networks.
‫القابلية للحسابات واللغات المنهجية‬
CS310 Computability and Formal Languages
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Strings and languages. Regular languages. Deterministic finite automata. Nondeterministic
finite automata. Regular expressions. Non-regular languages. Context-free languages. Context-free
grammars. Pushdown automata. Non-context-free languages. Church-Turing thesis. Turing
machines. Decidability. The Halting Problem. Reductions. Post Correspondence Problem.
Computability. Advanced topics in computability. Time complexity. P and NP. NP-completeness.
Space complexity. PSPACE. PSPACE-completeness. L and NL. NL-completeness. Intractability.
Advanced topics in complexity theory. Approximation algorithms. Probabilistic algorithms.
Alternation. Interactive proof systems. Parallel computation. Cryptography.
CS311 Intermediate Software Design and Engineering
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hrs
‫هندسة وتصميم البرمجيات الوسيطة‬
Socio-technical systems. Software processes. Software requirements. Requirements
engineering processes. Use cases. System models. Architectural design. Distributed systems
architectures. Object-oriented design. Real-time software design. User interface design. Software
reuse. Component-based software engineering. Project management. Process improvement.
Verification and validation. Software testing. Critical systems validation.
‫تصميم وجودة البرمجيات‬
CS312 Software Design and Quality
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Critical aspects of the software lifecycle. Quality of software system. Techniques and
approaches to software design, Quality and Reliability, Domain Engineering and Software Reuse.
CS313 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hrs
‫مقدمة لتفاعل اإلنسان والحاسب‬
Mapping. Affordances. Constraints. Seven Stages of Action. Schneiderman's 8 Golden
Rules. Information Visualization. Model Human Processor. Keystroke Level Model. Fitt's law.
Input devices (Keyboard, Pointing, Voice). Output devices (Displays, Color, Sound). Interaction
Styles (direct manipulation, menu selection, form-fill-in, command languages) .Windows. Icons.
Menus. Dialogue Boxes. Concepts (grids, simplicity, consistency, white space).Context Sensitive
Help. Tutorials. Reference Material. Cognitive Walkthrough. Heuristic Evaluation. Expert Reviews.
Controlled Experiments (subjects, dependant & independent variables, statistics). Synchronous /
Asynchronous tools. Audio / Video. Shared Workspaces.
‫حاسبات متواجية‬
CS314 Parallel Computation
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Parallel configurations and paradigms, speedup, efficiency. Message passing, programming
in MPI and PVM. Embarrassingly parallel applications. Mandelbrot set, geometrical
transformations, Monte Carlo methods. Partitioning and divide and conquer methods. Bucket sort,
numerical integration, and gravitational N-body problem. Hardware configuration. Inter-process
communication. Visualization and performance evaluation tools. Load balancing. PVM.
Synchronous computations, barriers, data dependencies, deadlock. Shared memory parallelism.
Sorting algorithms. Numerical algorithms. Computational complexity of parallel algorithms.
‫المعالجات الدقيقة‬
CS315 Microprocessors
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Microprocessors and microcomputers. Real-mode software architecture of the 80386/80486
microprocessors. Real-mode assembly language programming methodology. Assembly language
coding and debugging. Real-mode 80386/80486 programming. Program development with
MASM/TASM. Protected-mode software architecture of 80386/80486. Memory and I/O interfaces
of the 80386/80486 microprocessors. Memory devices, circuits and subsystem design. PIC
‫تصميم مترجمات‬
CS316 Compilers Design
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut.
Compiler functions. Language elements. BNF grammars, regular expressions. Finite state
machines. Lexical analyzers. Context free grammars. Grammar ambiguity. Parse trees. Push down
automata. Parsing methods (Top-down, recursive descent, LL, LR). Symbol table construction.
Type checking. Code generation. Handling recursion and arrays. Code optimization techniques.
‫ضغط البيانات‬
CS317 Data Compression
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Document databases. Compression models: static and adaptive. Arithmetic coding. Context
modeling, PPM. Dictionary techniques (Ziv-Lempel variants). Synchronization, performance.
Indexing and compression, signature files, bitmaps. Lexicon structures, perfect hashing. Querying:
Access structures, string matching, ranking, cosine measures. Index construction. Bilevel image
compression, JBIG, JPEG-LS. Lossy image compression, JPEG. Q-Coder and vector quantization.
‫خوارجميات فى المعالجة الحيوية‬
CS318 Algorithms in Bioinformatics
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Exact matching: first algorithms; fundamental preprocessing. Exact matching: classical
algorithms; Boyer-Moore and Knuth-Morris-Pratt. Exact set matching; keyword trees. Suffix trees.
Linear-time construction of suffix trees. Selected applications of suffix trees; exact set matching
again, longest common substring, DNA contamination, and finding repeats. The importance of
sequence comparison in molecular biology. Core string edits, alignments, and dynamic
programming. Multiple string comparison and multiple sequence alignment. Probability in
bioinformatics; the statistical basis for scoring matrices; Sequence databases and searching Hidden
Markov models in bioinformatics.Evolutionary or phylogenetic trees; survey of algorithms for
constructing phylogenetic trees; bootstrapping. Mapping and sequencing.
‫طرق للتعليم عن بعد‬
CS319 Tools for e-learning Education
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Overview of principles and tools used in e-Learning, instructional design and
multimedia/hypermedia technologies. Students apply knowledge and skills learned by creating an eLearning module.
‫نظرية الخوارجميات‬
CS320 Theory of Algorithms
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Closest pair. Analysis techniques. Asymptotics, recurrences, amortization. Counting
comparisons for sorting, selection. Minimum spanning trees. Priority queues. Binary heaps.
Binomial and Fibonnaci heaps. Disjoint set-union. Dynamic connectivity. Augmented search trees.
Interval trees, intersecting rectangles. Dynamic programming. LCS, triangulation. Shortest paths.
Scaling algorithm. Randomized algorithms. Binary trees, convex hulls. Hashing. Parallel
computation. Complexity classes: P and NP. NP-completeness. Reductions & Cook-Levin theorem.
Approximation algorithms. Vertex cover, TSP. Approximation algorithms. Multiprocessor
scheduling. Approximation algorithms. Coloring, clique, set cover.
‫وسائط متعددة والوصول للمعلومات‬
CS321 Online Multimedia, and Information Access
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Organizing multimedia content, physical storage and retrieval of multimedia data, Contentbased Search and retrieval, creating and delivering networked and multimedia presentations.
Different types of multimedia data, different techniques to store, manipulate, and retrieve
multimedia data residing across global computer networks.
HCI ‫صالحية نماذج ونظريات‬
CS322 Usability Models and Theories of HCI
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Computer systems usability. Theoretical foundation. Cognitive models. Human information
processing model. User-system interaction model by Norman. Distributed cognitive models.
Cognitive perception. Visual perception. Organization visual irritations laws. Attention and
memory. Focus attention. Automatic and checked procedures. Memory limits. Known ledge
organization and intelligent models. Representation theories and known ledge organization.
Intelligent models. Use of metaphors in human-computer interaction. Conceptual models. Social
characteristics of human behavior. Conversation models. Treatise of organization behavior.
Interaction engineering: introduction. Input devices. Text input devices. Pointing/selection devices.
Fit law. Output devices. Cathodic pipes displays. Flat displays. New devices. Text readiness on
displays. Multimedia and virtual reality. Sound at user interface. Command language. Select from
menu. Form filling. Natural language. Direct handling. Systems for supporting complicity. Classes
and examples. Planning and social parameters of work systems. Interfaces for persons with special
needs. Systems for persons with optical difficulties. Hearing and moving difficulties. Interactive
systems planning: introduction. Planning interactive systems principles. Planning instructions.
Examples of wrong interfaces. Picture planning. Network interface planning. Interactive system
planning. Planning methods. Analysis of the initial idea and business target. Requirements analysis.
Usability specifications. Interface planning. Interface specifications planning. Interactive interface
development. Fast prototyping language. Interactive systems evaluation. Introduction. Keystroke
level analysis. Cognitive walkthrough. Heuristic evaluation. Compatibility check with planning
rules and models.
‫تخجين واسترداد المعلومات‬
CS323 Information Storage and Retrieval
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Basic principles and tools for analysis and retrieval of documents in bibliographic
information systems. Acquisition of information, subject analysis, terminology control, coding and
recording of results of analysis on a searchable medium, and question analysis and search strategy
‫تعليم اآللة‬
CS324 Machine Learning
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Concept learning. Classification and classifiers. Supervised and unsupervised learning.
Instance-based learning (k-nearest neighbor). Clustering. Learning using decision trees. Neural
networks. Perception networks. Multi-layer perception networks. Self-organizing maps. Hopfield
networks. Radial basis function networks. Fuzzy sets and systems. Fuzzy sets. Learning through
fuzzy logic. Fuzzy inference. Fuzzy modeling and optimization. Learning based on rough sets.
Evolutionary algorithms. Genetic algorithms. Evolutionary strategies. Genetic programming. Ant
colony optimization algorithms. Particle swarm optimization. Hybrid intelligent methods. Neurofuzzy systems. Neuro-symbolic systems. Genetic algorithms-based hybrid systems. Other hybrid
learning approaches. Inductive logic programming. Inductive learning. Applications of ilp to realworld problems. Ensemble methods. Bagging. Boosting. Methods of combining classifiers.
Classifier diversity. Topologies of multi-classifier systems. Evaluating models and algorithms.
Computational learning theory. Model selection. Feature selection. Roc analysis. Pac learn-ability.
The vapnik-chervonenkis dimension.
‫رسومات الحاسب‬
CS401Computer Graphics
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Raster and vector graphics system. Video display devices. Physical and logical input
devices. Issues facing the developer of graphical systems. Hierarchy of graphics software. User
interface. Half-toning. Font generation: outline vs. bitmap. Representation of polyhedral objects.
Scan conversion of 2D primitive, forward differencing. Tessellation of curved surfaces.
Homogeneous coordinates. Affine transformations (scaling, rotation, translation).Viewing
transformation. Clipping. Hidden surface removal methods. Z-buffer and frame buffer, color
channels (a channel for opacity).Color models (RGB, HVS, CYM).Light source properties; material
properties; ambient, diffuse, and specular reflections. Phong reflection model. Rendering of a
polygonal surface, flat shading, Gouraud shading, and Phong shading. Texture mapping, bump
texture, environment map. Ray tracing. Image synthesis, sampling techniques, and anti-aliasing.
Parametric polynomial curves and surfaces. Implicit curves and surfaces. Bézier curves and
surfaces, control points, de Casteljau algorithm. B-spline curves and surfaces, local editing, knots,
control points. NURBS curves and surfaces. Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) for solid
modeling. Boundary Representation of solids (B-Rep).
‫أنظمة موجعة‬
CS403 Distributed Systems
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Basic Distributed Systems Architecture. Hardware. Software Systems. Parallel Computers.
Parallel and Grid Computing. Communication in Distributed Systems. Communication in Parallel
systems. Performance/Scalibility. Client-Server model, Remote Procedure Calls. Synchornization
problems in Distributed systems. Processes and processors in Distributed systems. Distributed File
Systems. Distributed Shared Memory. Parallel Algorithms. Programming Languages.
CS404 Mathematical Methods for Robotics, Vision & Graph
‫نماذج رياضية للروبوت والرؤية بالحاسب‬
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Sources and measure of numerical errors. Accuracy and stability of numerical calculations.
Linear systems. Existence and uniqueness of a solution. Gaussian elimination and LU factorization.
Pivoting. Matrix norms and condition number. Cholesky factorization. Over constrained systems.
Normal equations. QR factorization. Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization. Householder transform.
Eigenvalue problems. Characteristic polynomial. Similarity transforms. Jordan forms. Power
method. Singular value decomposition. Nonlinear equations. Fixed point iteration. Newton, secant
and bisection methods. Convergence rate. Systems of nonlinear equations. Unconstrained
optimization. Golden section search. Newton iteration. Steepest descent method. Conjugate
gradients method. Preconditioning. Constrained optimization. Lagrange multipliers. Function
interpolation. Polynomial interpolants. Lagrange and Newton interpolation. Splines. Numerical
quadrature. Newton-Cotes and Gaussian quadrature. Initial value ODE problems. Stability and
accuracy. Forward and backward Euler, trapezoidal rule. Runge-Kutta, TVD and multi-step
methods. Newmark integrators. Staggered position/velocity grids. Boundary value PDE problems.
Discretization and solution of the Laplace equation. The heat equation. CFL condition and stability.
‫سرية الحاسب والمعلومات‬
CS405 Computer and Information Security
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hrs
Introduction to the protection of computer systems and networks. Authentication, access
controls, malicious software, formal security methods, firewalls, intrusion detection, cryptography
and information hiding, risk management, computer forensics, and ethics. Defense techniques,
intrusion detection, scan techniques and detection, forensics, denial of service techniques and
defenses, libpcap, libdnet and libnet programming. public-key cryptosystems, signatures, pseudorandom sequences, hash functions, key management, and threshold schemes.
‫بيئة تخيلية‬
CS406 Virtual Environments
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Basic viewing and interrogation functions for visualization. Visualization of vector fields,
tensors, and flow data. Visualization of scalar field or height field: iso-surface by the marching cube
method. Direct volume data rendering: ray-casting, transfer functions, segmentation, hardware.
Stereoscopic display. Force feedback simulation, haptic devices. Viewer tracking collision detection
visibility computation. Time-critical rendering, multiple levels of details (LOD).Image-base VR
system. Distributed VR, collaboration over computer network. Interactive modeling. User interface
issues. Applications in medicine, simulation, and training. Color animation. Physical based
animation. Animation of articulated structures: forward and inverse kinematics. Scripting system.
Key-frame animation, inbetweening, quaternions for orientation representation. Motion capture.
Behavioral and procedural animation, particle system. Metamorphosis.Free-form deformation
‫تحليل و تصميم النظم‬
CS407 System Analysis and Design
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr
Types of information systems. Information systems development life cycle. Analytical
skills. Managing the information systems project. Gantt and pert charts. Automated tools for
systems development. Identifying and selecting systems development projects. Corporate strategic
planning. Information systems planning. Project initiation and planning process. Evaluating the
technical risks. Approaches to system development. Investigating system requirements. Modeling
system requirements. Process modeling. Logic modeling. Conceptual data modeling. The objectoriented approach to requirements. Evaluating requirements. Designing databases. Designing the
user interface.
‫معالجة الصورالرقمية‬
CS408 Digital Image Processing
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Visual Perception, Sampling and Quantization, Digital. Topography, Regions, Boundaries,
Connected Components. Sensors. Inner Products, Orthogonal Transformations, Introduction to the
Fourier Transform. Linear Systems, Convolution, Correlation, Impulse Response. Matched
Filtering, Sampling. Karhounen Loeve Transformation. Point Operators, Histogram
Transformations. Color, Color Quantization. Point, Edge, Region Analysis, Shape. Segmentation,
Relaxation, Hough Transforms. Surface Approximation. Image Texture Analysis and Classification.
Image Morphology.
‫المكتبات الرقمية‬
CS409 Digital Libraries
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Foundations. Search, Retrieval, Resource Discovery. Multimedia, Representations.
Architectures. Interfaces. Metadata. Electronic Publishing. Database Issues. Agents
Commerce, Economics, Publishers. Intellectual Property Rights, Security. Social Issues.
‫التنقيب في البيانات‬
CS411 Data Mining
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab. 3 hrs
Basic concepts behind data mining. Data mining applications, techniques and models. Data
mining software suite. Exploration of data mining methodologies. Decision tables, decision trees,
classification rules, association rules, clustering, statistical modeling, and linear models. More
extensive use of SPSS' Clementine data mining suite.
(2) Department of Physics
‫قسم الفيزيــاء‬
1- Courses in Physics (Phy)
)1( ‫فيزياء عامة‬
Phy 101 General Physics ( 1)
Lec. 2hrs. + Tut. 1hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Heat: Temperature, thermal expansion, heat transfer, heat and the first law of thermodynamics,
the kinetic theory of gases. Specific heats of gases, thermodynamical processes, entropy and the
second law of thermodynamics.
Properties of matter: Measurements and units, vectors, circular motion, force and motion,
Newton's laws of motion, work and energy, conservation of energy, collisions, rotational motion,
rolling, torque and angular momentum. Equilibrium and elasticity, gravitation, fluids at motion,
viscosity, moment of inertia, osmosis.
Phy 102 General Physics ( 2 )
)2( ‫فيزياء عامة‬
Lec. 2hrs. + Tut. 1hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Geometrical optics: reflection and refraction at plane and curved surfaces, images formation,
mirrors, thin and thick lenses, optical systems, chromatic and spherical aberrations, prisms and fiber
Electricity and magnetism: Electric charges, electric field, gauss' law, electric potential,
capacitance, current and resistance, circuits. Magnetic field, Biot-Savart law, Ampere's law,
Faraday's law of induction, Inductance, Alternating Current, Maxwell’s Equations.
‫فيزياء عامة‬
Phy 112 General Physics
Lec.2 hr + Lab 2 hrs
PROPERTIES OF MATTTER: Properties of matter: Unite and dimensions. Laminer and
turbulent flow. Continuity equation. Bernoulli equation and its applications. Poiseulele equation.
Determination of coefficient of viscosity of fluid. Fick's law. Graham's law for diffusion of gasses.
Laws of osmatic pressure. Kinetic theory of solutions. Osmosis and vapour pressure of solution.
Osmosis and boiling point of a solution. Osmosis and freezing point of a solution.
Optics: Fundamental of geometrical optics: Theory of light. Refraction at a plane and
spherical surfaces. Reflection as a special case of refraction. Refraction through thin, thick,
compound and cylindrical lenses. Monochromatic aberrations, Chromatic aberration. Optical
instrument: Conventional microscopes. Objectives. Eyepieces. Refractometers. Electron
microscopes. Color measurements and spectrophotometers.
ELECTRICITY and MODERN PHYSICS: Introduction: Vector analysis. The gradient.
Divergence theorem. Stooke's theorem Electrostatic fields: Coulomb's law. Electric dipole. Potential
energy of a charge distribution. Charge density in an electric field. Forces on Conductors.Concept
of atom, Positive rays, Electron spin, The Stern-Gerlach experiment, Thermionic emission, The
Rutherford-Bohr atom, The ma```ss spectrograph, Atomic structure , Atomic emission and
absorption spectra, Photoelectric effect, Photoemissivity, Diffraction, Compton effect, Wave and
particles, DeBrogli's hypothesis, Thomson experiment, Hydrogen atom, Angular momentum and
vector model.
‫ديناميكا كهربية ونسبية خاصة‬
Phy 201 Electrodynamics & Special Relativity
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
I- Electrodynamics: 1½ hr
Electrostatic fields, Electric polarization, Divergence, Calculation of electric fields,
Laplace's equation, Magnetic field, Magnetization, Inductances, energy stored in a magnetic field,
Magnetic induction and Divergence, Magnetic field intensity, Boundary conditions, Maxwell's
equation, Conservation of electric charge, Lorentz condition, nonhomogenous wave equations.
II- Special Relativity: 1½ hr
Galileau transformation, Lorentz transformation, Transformation of a length, Velocity,
acceleration and mass, Transformation of a momentum and of a relativistic energy, transformation
of a force, The four-current density, the conservation of a charge.
‫ديناميكا حرارية وفيجياء إحصائية‬
Phy 202 Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
I- Thermodynamics: 1½ hr
Ideal gases: Equation of state, First law of thermodynamics, Internal energy,
Thermodynamic processes, Elastic model of gas, Thermodynamic cycles, Second law of
thermodynamic, Entropy of ideal gas. Real gases, Van der waal's equation, Intermolecular forces,
Joule-Thomson experiment, Liquefaction of gases, Negative temperature, Entropy of a gas in a
magnetic field, nuclear magnetism and temperature applications.
II- Statistical Physics: 1½ hr
Theory of probability, Random events and Probability, Random variables and their
characteristics, Entropy and randomness, Classical statistical, Maxwell's distribution, Magnitude of
momentum and energy distributions, Boltzmann distribution, Method of self-consistent field, Gibbs
distribution, Relation of statistical of thermodynamics, Thermodynamics meaning of the free
energy, Gibbs-Helmoholts equation, Statistical meaning of entropy.
Phy 203 Modern Physics & Atomic Physics & Radiation Physics
‫فيجياء حديثة وذرية واشعاعية‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
I- Modern and Atomic Physics (1 hr.)
Concept of atom, Positive rays, Electron spin, The Stern-Gerlach experiment, Thermionic
emission, The Rutherford-Bohr atom, The ma```ss spectrograph, Atomic structure , Atomic
emission and absorption spectra, Photoelectric effect, Photoemissivity, Diffraction, Compton effect,
Wave and particles, DeBrogli's hypothesis, Thomson experiment, Hydrogen atom, Angular
momentum and vector model.
II- Radiation Physics (1hr.)
Interaction of radiation with matter, Attenuation and absorption of x and gamma rays,
Characteristics of gamma and beta particles and their interaction with matter, Radioactive sources,
Biological effects of radiation, Detectors and radiation sources, Medical imaging, X-ray
photography, Gamma camera, NMR and ultrasonic tomography.
‫فيجياء البلورات واإللكترونيات‬
Phy 204 Crystal Physics & Electronics
Lec. 2hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
I- Crystal Physics (1hr.)
Crystal structure, Crystal imperfection, Lattice vibration, Electrical and thermal properties
of crystals, Anisotropy of crystals, Elasticity of crystals.
II- Electronics (1hr.)
Alternating current circuits, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, P-N junction, Zener
diode, Equivalent circuit of a diode, Rectifier circuits, Bipolar transistor, Transistor in active
saturation and cutoff region, Common- emitter, Common collector and common base configuration,
Four terminal active network, Open circuit impedance parameters, Short circuit admittance
parameters, Hybrid parameters, Equivalent circuit for active networks, Analysis of transistor circuit
using h-parameters
‫بصريات فيجيائية وأجهجة بصرية‬
Phy 207 Physical Optics And Optical Instruments
Lec. 2 hrs+Tut. 1 hr.
Superposition of waves. Interference : Coherent sources- Two Sources Interference Of Light
. Intensity in Interference Patterns. Phase change in Reflection. Interference in Thin Films.
Newton's Rings. Thin Coating On Glass. Michelson Interferometer. Diffraction: Fresnel and
Fraunhofer diffraction. Diffraction from single slit. Intensity in the single slit pattern. Multiple slits.
The Diffraction Grating . X-Ray Diffraction. Circular Apertures and Resolving Power of Optical
Instruments. Polarization: Introduction. Polarization by Reflection. Double Refraction. Polarizer.
Percentage Polarization (Malus Law). The Scattering Of Light. Circular and Elliptic Polarization.
Optical Activity. Polar- meter Microscopes _Telescopes_ Refractometers And Optical fiber.
‫ذبذبات وموجات‬
Phy 208 Vibrations and Waves
Lec.2hrs + Tut.1hr.
I. Vibrations: (1hour)
Free Vibrations. Damped Vibrations. Forced Vibrations. Anharmonic Vibrations.
II- Waves:Two Coordinate Vibrations. (1hour)
Traveling Waves. Standing Waves. Energy Propagation. Longitudinal waves. Acoustic
Waves. Fourier Theory. Electromagnetic Waves. De Broglie Waves.
‫فيجياء الطاقة وموجات الميكروئية‬
Phy 209 Energy Physics & Microwaves
Lec.2hrs + Tut.1hr.
Microwave fields, Microwave power, Insertion loss, Gain and return loss, Smooth chart,
Microwave transmission lines, Microwave signal control components,
Microwave semiconductor amplifiers, Microwave oscillators, Microwave tubes, Microwave
Phy 210 Electromagnetizm
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Theory Of Electromagnetic Forces. Forces between moving electric charges. Field of
Forces. Vibrations of fields in strength and direction. Moving Charges in a magnetic field. Law of
electromagnetic induction. Alternative form of Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.
Electromagnetic Oscillation. Production of a.c rotating coil. Theory of galvanometer, motor,
electromagnetic pump.
)1( ‫أساسيات وطرق الفيجياء الحيوية‬
Phy 211 Biophysical Foundations and Processes (1)
Lec. 2 hrs. + Lab 3 hrs.
Radioactivity and radionuclide imaging: Causes of radioactivity. Radioactive decay rates.
Activity. Decay constant. Radioactive half life. Specific activity. Production of radionuclides.
Neutron activation.Interaction of radiation with matter. Biological and effective half life. Biological
effect of radiation. Radiation protection.Bioelectricity: Membrane model system. Nernst potential.
Nervous system and neuron. Amplification and measurements of bioelectric signals. Electrical
signals from muscles. Bioelectricity of bone.Biomagnetism: Magnetic field influence on the blood
system, ionic motion, operation of the heart and on cellular membrane.Biomechanics: Types of
forces. Components of force. Torque. Center of gravity. Levers.
Physics of therapeutic heat and cold. Heat and cold in therapy. Heating by ultrasonic waves.
‫فيجياء الكم‬
Phy 301 Quantum Mechanics
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Failure of classical ideas, wave aspects of matter. Superposition of states, wave packets, de
Broglie hypothesis, probability current density, Average of expectation values of an observable,
Operators and commutation relations, uncertainty principle, change of quantum states in time,
Ehrenfest's theorems, Schrodinger wave equations, Stationary states, potential well, potential step
and Tunnel effect, Angular momentum and spin, Motion in a central field of force, The hydrogen
atom, The harmonic oscillator.
‫فيجياء نووية‬
Phy 302 Nuclear Physics
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
General Properties of the Nucleus. Theory of Radioactive Disintegration. Alpha Emission
(spectra and decay). Beta Emission (Pauli hypothesis, Fermi theory of beta-decay, detection of the
neutrino. Gamma Rays (emission, selection rules, internal conversion, nuclear isomerism).
Nuclear reactions . Nuclear Spin and Parity. Nuclear Models. Interaction of radiation with
‫فيجياء الجوامد‬
Phy 303 Solid State Physics
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Crystal Structure - Bravais lattices - Miller indices - X-ray Diffraction - Bragg’s law - The
reciprocal lattice - Lattice Vibrations - Elastic waves - Specific heat - Lattice waves - Thermal
conductivity - The Free electron Model - Conduction electrons - Electrical conductivity - Failure of
the free electron model.
Phy 304 Atomic Physics & Molecular Spectroscopy
‫أطياف ذرية وججيئيرة‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
I – Atomic Physics 1 hr.
Concept of atom: Cathode rays. Positive rays.
Photoelectric effect: Einstein Photoelectric equation.
Photoemissivity of substances. X-rays: Production, Spectra, Diffraction, Scattering, Compton
effect. Diffraction of atoms, molecules. Group velocity.
Uncertainty principle. Probability concept. Schrodinger's equation for a single particle. Optical
spectra and Electron distribution. Electron spin. Magnetic moment. Zeeman effect. The Lande'
factor Magnetic properties of atoms. Faraday effect.
II – Molecular Spectroscopy 1 hr
Origin of spectra. Atomic spectra. Molecular spectra. Continuous and line spectra. Light
sources and detectors, Spectroscopic dispersion and resolving power. Prism and grating
Spectrographs. Michelson interferometer. Fourier transform spectroscopy. Spectroscopy in low
frequency regions: Width and shape of spectral lines: Different sources of broadening. Medical
and industrial applications. Measurements of different spectroscopic parameters.
‫فيجياء اشعاعية وتطبيقاتها‬
Phy 306 Radiation Physics and Their applications
Lec.1 hr + Lab 3hrs
Biological effects of the ionizing radiation. Interaction of the ionizing radiation with the cell. The
deterministic effects – stochastic effects. The hereditary effects of radiation. Radiation dosimetery
Exposure – the radiation absorbed dose the radiation weighting factor – tissue equivalent dose.
Effective dose tissue equivalent factor.
Radiological protection: The maximum permissible dose. Tolerance dose –LARA principle –
Equivalent dose limits. Application of radiation: Uses of ionizing radiation in digonizing. Uses of
ionizing radiation in radiatiothepy. Uses of ionizing radiation in selrilyatim of blood , medical ,
Pharmaceutical produtes.
Phy 307 Low Temperature Physics & Vacum Technology
‫فيجياء الحرارة المنخفضة وتقنية التفريغ‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Low temperature physics: thermodynamics principles. isenthalpic cooling. gas refrigeration
applying joule-Thomson effect. liquefaction efficiency, heat interchanger. Sterling cycle. Air
liquefier. Fractionation of liquid air. Hydrogen and Helium liquefiers. Kapitza's expansion – engine
He-liquefier. Helium3 and Helium4 evaporators, (0.25k). Properties of liquid Helium3 - Helium4
mixture. He3-He4 dilution refrigeration(>0.1k). Applications in science &medicine. Thermometry
at very low temperature. IPTS below zero calicos. The Kelvin scale and the gas thermometer.
Resistance thermometers. He3-He4vapour pressure thermometers. Magnetic thermometer, Vacuum
Technology: High vacuum. The vacuum units. The pumping speed & the impedance of pipe lines
& pump-down time. Vacuum pumps. Rolary or oil pumps. Vapor or diffusion pumps- molecular
pumps. Performance of pumps. Vacuum system. Vacuum measurements. McLeod Gauge. Pirany &
Penning gauges and others.
‫فيجياء حسابية‬
Phy 308 Computational Physics
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Advanced Fortren programming (Matlab) – Random and systematic error analysis, precision
and accuracy- linear least square method. Weighting points. General linear least square. Non-linear
least square. Program packages for physics problems – applications.
‫علوم المواد‬
Phy 309 Material Science
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Introduction to amorphous and crystalline materials. Preparation of amorphous materials
(phase diagram). Metallic glasses and spin glasses. Theories for the glass transitions
(Thermodynamics, Relaxation processes, Dynamical theories and free volume). Microscopic
structure (diffraction pattern, short and long range order). Macroscopic structure (small angle
scattering- defects in growth morphology- phase separation). Nanotechnology in material science.
Mechanisms for ionic conduction, Localization and disorder. Transport properties and small
‫كواشف ومعجالت‬
Phy 310 Detectors and Accelerators
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
I. Detectors:
General Properties of Radiation Detectors. Ionization Chambers. Proportional Counters.
Giger–Muller Counters. Scintillation Detectors, Radiation Spectroscopy with Scintillators.
Semiconductor Diode Detectors. Germanium Gamma Ray Detectors, Lithium-Drifted Silicon
Detectors. Slow Neutron Detection Methods. Miscellaneous Detector Types.
II. Accelerators:
Ion Source. Electrostatic Accelerators. Cockcroft-Walton Accelerator, Van de Graaff
Accelerator, Tandem Van de Graaff Accelerator. Magnetic Resonance Accelerator, Cyclotron
Accelerators , Synchrocyclotron Accelerators and Synchrotron Accelerators.
Accelerators. Colliding Beam Accelerators.
‫أطياف تطبيقية‬
Phy 312 Applied Spectroscopy
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Origin of spectra: Atomic spectra. Molecular spectra.
Light sources and detectors: The excitation of spectral line. The Einstein probability
coefficients. Different types of excitation sources. Different types of detectors.
Width and shape of spectral line: line profiles. Natural broadening. Doppler broadening.
Pressure broadening.
Emission and absorption of line radiation: Boltzman distribution and state sum. Einstein
Phycoefficients and line strength. Life time. Oscillator strength. The f sum rule.
‫فيجياء إحصائية متقدمة‬
Phy 317 Advanced Statistical Physics
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Postulate of quantum state mechanics. Density matrix. Ensembles. Third law of
thermodynamics. Partition function and its classical limits . Variation principle. Ideal Fermi gas.
Ideal Bose gas (photons, phonons, Bose-Einstein, condensation, black-body radiation). Phase
Phy 401 Elementary Particles & Nuclear Spectroscopy
‫جسيمات أولية وأطياف نوويرة‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
I. Elementary Particles(1½hour)
Nuclear shell-model: single-particle potentials, harmonic oscillator potential well, spin-orbit
potential, nuclear isomerism, independent particle model.
Unified collective model: nuclear rotational motion (even-even nuclei, odd A nuclei.
Collective Oscillations: Liquid drop model
Optical model, giant resonance, experimental optical model.
Statistical model.
II- Nuclear Spectroscopy(1½hour)
Measurement of nuclear particles spectra, Energy distribution, Energy to pulse height, effect
of statistical fluctuation, Electronics noise, gamma and alpha rays spectroscopy, neutron
spectroscopy, charged particle spectroscopy, shell model, nuclear energy levels, transition rules,
construction of energy levels from gamma spectrum, alpha particle fine structure.
‫نظرية كم الجوامد‬
Phy 402 Quantum Theory Of Solids
Lec. 3 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Fundamentals of band theory: Schrödinger equation for a solid. Hartree-Fock
approximation. Bloch theorem. Kroing and Penney model. Electron in periodic field. Nearly free
electron model. Tightly bound Electron approximation. Effective mass approximation.
Quantum theory of diamagnetism and paramagnetism. Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic order. Ferromagnetic domains and hysteresis. Magnetic Relaxation and Resonance
Quantum theory of lattice vibrations and phonons. Anharmonic effects and thermal
expansion of solids. Deformed energy bond in strong fields Galvano-Magnetic effect.
‫فيجياء الليجر وتطبيقاتها‬
Phy 403 Laser Physics And Applications
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
An introduction to laser and its characteristics. Energy and power in EM fields. Wave
propagation in isotropic media and in crystals. Birefringence. Index ellipsoid. Spontaneous and
stimulated emission. Homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening. Gain coefficient. Electron
oscillator mode of an
atomic transition. Atomic susceptibility. Gain saturation. Propagation of rays through
lenses, between mirrors and in lens like media. Propagation of optical beams in homogeneous and
guiding media. High order Gaussian beam. Optical resonators and their characteristics. Two, three
and four level laser. Mode locking. (Q-Switched) laser. Hole burning and lamb dip in Application
of laser.
‫فيجياء المفراعالت‬
Phy 409 Reactor Physics
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
1-fission reactors:
types of fission reactions – slowing down of neutrons- thermal neutron diffusion –
diffusion of slowing down neutrons- chain reactions-multiple factor in an infinite medium- neutrons
in the absorption process – thermal utilization- resonance escape- probability- reproduction factor of
fast neutron- optimum parameters of reproduction media – critical date of the reactor- neutron
reflector – non critical reactor- electricity generating reactors- examples of different types of
reactors – fusion reactors.
II - fusion reactors:
plasma physics( introduction) – plasma confinement- basic fusion reactions- characteristics
of fusion processes- control fusion reactors-future of nuclear power.
‫فيجياء أشباه الموصالت ونبائط‬
Phy 410 Semiconductor Physics And Devices
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Crystal structure and bonding in semiconductors,Energy bands in solids, intrinsic and
extrinsic semiconductors, Carrier concentration in semi conductors(intrinsic and extrinsic),
Hydrogen-like modelc effective Bohr radius and effective binding energy. Compensation and semi
conductor Statistics, Degenerate and non-degenerate, conduction mechanisms , MI-transitions,
magnetic effects, hot electrons, Gunn effect, optical properties, Diffusion, Ideal p-n junction
biasing band diagram, reverse breakdown, Bi polar transistors and characteristics of CB ,CE, FET,
MOSFET, LED and hetero junctions, Semiconductors optical amplifiers and lasers.
‫الكترونيات تطبيقية‬
Phy 411 Applied Electronics
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Transistors Characteristics. Amplification of step voltage and pulses. Some important
circuits. Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators. Operational Amplifier. Delay lines. Some
applications in nuclear electronics. Noise.
‫التوصيل الكهربي الفرائق‬
Phy 412 Superconductivity
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
A Brief Overview About Superconductivity. Superconducting Material. Electrodynamics
of Superconductivity. Thermodynamics of Superconductivity. Ginzburg-Landau Theory . BCS
Theory. Weak Links and
Josephson effect.
Small and Large Scale Applications of
‫فيجياء البالجما‬
Phy 413 Plasma Physics
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Plasma concepts, note on units. Properties of plasma. Debye radius plasma oscillations.
Distribution of energy-dissociation equilibrium. Saha's equation for ionization. Temperature and
equilibrium. Local thermodynamics equilibrium. Application of plasma spectroscopy.
Spectroscopic measurement of temperature, gas kinetic temperature. Population and excitation
temperature, ionization temperature. Spectroscopic measurement of electron density, line width,
plasma frequency.
‫فيزياء األغشية الرقيقة‬
Phy 414 Physics Of Thin Filims
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
Thermostatistics (review of thermodynamics of pure systems- partition functions statistical mechanics of vapor systems- mean free path and vapor flux). Vacuum Technology
(pumping and pumping systems- conductance- vacuum gauges). Methods of preparation of thin
(electrochemical- vacuum evaporation- sputtering- MBE- CVD- mashing and micro
fabrication). Film formation (Nucleation- Capillary theory of nucleation- atomistic theory of
nucleation- growth modes- 3 D nanostructures by shadowing growth). Film characterization (
RHEED- LEED- XRD- STM- SEM- AES- FIM- AND RBS). Mechanical properties (
experimental methods- mechanical constants of thin film- adhesion of thin film- Rayleigh waves).
Electrical and Magnetic properties (resistivity of continuous and discontinuous metal films- semi
conducting thin films- dielectric properties of thin films- galvanomagnetic effects in thin films).
Optical properties (n, k metals dielectrics, semiconductors, optics of transparent films, multiple
coating). Thin film application (Friction and wear coating- quantum well structures- photovoltaic
devices).Optical coatings (UV blocks- anti- reflection)
‫رنين مغناطيسي‬
Phy 415 Magnetic Resonance
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
equations of Bloch. Radiation interaction with spin systems. Spin Lattice relaxation, spinspin relaxation, strong electron dipole interaction, strong electron dipole interaction. Hamiltonian.
Fine structure and Hyperfine structure, line shape and line width. Magnetic resonance
spectrometers. Magnetic resonance in gasses and liquids. Magnetic resonance of free electrons in
metals and semiconductors. Defect centers, and free radicals in solids. Magnetic resonance
imaging techniques. Application of magnetic resonance to materials having special properties.
‫علوم النانو وتطبيقاتها‬
Phy 416 Nano Science And Applications
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
This interdisciplinary course introduces students to the science and technology of
nanoparticles. It presents both theoretical concepts and practical applications in the field of
Nanotechnology. A nanometer (nm) is one billionth of a meter. Nanostructures, that is objects on
the length scale of 1 to 100 nm, often exhibit properties that are inconsistent with bulk properties.
For example, bulk gold has a golden color, but gold nanoparticles with diameters ~15 nm are red
and ~40nm gold nanoparticles are purple. The phenomenon of size effects is critical to nanoscience
and nanotechnology, Physical properties of nanostructures, magnetic and optical, will be dicussed,
Different synthesis methods of nanoparticles, Introduction to nanoscale characterization methods
such as scanning probe microscopy, electron microscopy, X ray diffraction, Applications of
nanoparticles for advanced electronic, magnetic, biomedical and other areas will be presented.
The course description mentioned above could be modified according to the new findings in the
)2(‫فيجياء كم‬
Phy 417 Quantum Physics
Lec. 2 hrs + Tut. 1 hr.
perturbation theory (time independent).perturbation theory (time dependent).theory of
quantum transitions under the influence of external perturbation. Quantum theory of scattering
(partial wave approximation and born approximation). Hydrogen atom in an electric field. Atom in
a magnetic field. Introduction to relativistic quantum theory. Spin and addition of angular
‫مشروع بحثي‬
Phy 490 Research Project
Under the supervision of a department member , the student write a report about a topic
approved by the department and defends it publicy.
(3) Department of Chemistry
‫قسم الكيميــاء‬
‫مقررات الكيمياء‬
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Research Project
‫تفسير الرقم العشرى فى‬
General Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Applied Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
)1( ‫كيمياء عامة‬
C101 General Chemistry (1)
Lec. 3 hrs
Radiant energy, Quantum theory, Bohr’s model, Wave mechanics, Nature of the electron.
Schrödinger wave equation, Orbital shapes, Shielding effect, Electronic configuration of the
elements, Effective nuclear charge,
Atomic radii, Ionization energies, Electron affinity, Electronegativity, Diagonal and inert pair
effect, Ionic bond, Covalent bond, Lewis structures, Polarity of molecules, Valance bond theory,
Hybrid orbitals, Molecular orbital theory, VSEPR theory, Binding forces and metallic bonding.
Structural, Bonding in organic molecules, Reactivity, Acids and bases, Polar and non polar
molecules, Functional groups, Qualitative and quantitative determination of organic compounds,
Types of reagents and reactions, Nomenclature of organic compounds, Isomerism, Chemistry of
alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.
)2( ‫كيمياء عامة‬
C102 General Chemistry (2)
Lec. 2 hr
States of matter(gases, liquids, solids), Physical properties of solutions and colloids,
Chemical thermodynamics and thermochemistry, Chemical kinetics, Chemical equilibrium, Acidbase equilibria in aqueous solutions, Solubility, Electrochemistry.
)1( ‫كيمياء عامة عملي‬
C103 General Chemistry Lab (1)
Lab. 3 hrs
General inorganic experiments, Qualitative analysis, Identification of simple organic
)2( ‫كيمياء عامة عملي‬
C104 General Chemistry Lab (2)
Lab. 3 hrs
PH-indicators (pH-meters), Hydrolysis and amphoterism, Molar volume of oxygen,
Enthalpy of formation, Molecular weight from freezing point depressing, Chemical equilibrium
using the spectrophotometer, Conductivity of electrolytes, Electrode potentials, Determination of
the solubility products, Chemical kinetics-clock reaction.
‫أسس الكيمياء التحليلية‬
C211 Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry
Lec. 2 hrs
Fundamentals of quantitative chemical analysis, Quantities and concentrations,
Stoichiometric calculations, Errors and uncertainties in quantitative analysis, Acids and bases, Acidbase equilibria, Acid-base titration, Precipitation and solubility of precipitates in water and in the
presence of a common ion or fixed acid concentration, Precipitation titrimetry involving
argentometric titrations, Complexometric titration, Oxidation-reduction titration, Applications
covering all four types of volumetric titrations.
‫كيمياء تحليلية عملية‬
C212 Practical Analytical Chemistry
Lab. 3 hrs
Selected volumetric analysis experiments: Acid-base, Precipitation, Complexometric,
Oxidation-reduction titrations and Application covering standard titrimetric methods of water
‫كيمياء تحليلية‬
C213 Analytical Chemistry
Lec. 2 hrs+ Lab. 3 hrs
Electroanalytical methods: Potentiometry and conductometry. Spectral methods:Absorption
( Ultraviolet and visible),emission. Atomic absorption spectroscopy,Atomic fluorescence
spectroscopy, Atomic emission spectroscopy with plasma and electrical discharge.
Lab3. hrs
Experiments relevant to the aforementioned topics.
‫كيمياء الججيئات الحيوية‬
C 221 Chemistry of Biomolecules
Lec. 2 hrs. +Lab 3 hrs.
The chemistry of biologically relevant aqueous solutions; structure and properties of
biomolecules (amino acids, peptides and proteins, nucleotides and nucleic acids, carbohydrates,
biopolymers, DNA, RNA, polysaccharides, lipids and biomembranes); introduction to enzymes and
Practical periods: Qualitative and Quantitative determination of amino acids, proteins, lipids and
carbohydrates. Measurments of enzyme activity.
‫كيمياء العناصر الممثلة‬
C231Chemistry of Representative Elements
Lec. 2 hrs
Chemistry of s- and p-block elements with special reference to their industrial applications
and chemistry of the environment.
)1( ‫كيمياء عضوية‬
C241 Organic Chemistry (1)
Lec. 2 hrs
Isomerism, Preparation, Properties and reactions of alcohols, Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones,
Carboxylic acids and their derivatives, Amines.
)2( ‫كيمياء عضوية‬
C242 Organic Chemistry (2)
Lec. 2 hrs
Conjugated unsaturated systems, Aromatic hydrocarbons, Electrophilic and nucleophilic
aromatic substitutions, Chemistry of arenes and aromatic amines, Fused and isolated polynuclear
aromatic hydrocarbons.
‫أسس الكيمياء العضوية‬
C243 Organic Chemistry
Lec. 2 hrs
Alcohols, Ethers, Aromatic hydrocarbons, Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic acids and their
derivatives, Amines. Fused and isolated polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.
)1( ‫كيمياء عضوية عملية‬
C244 Practical Organic Chemistry (1)
Lab. 3 hrs
Reactions of different functional groups, Identification of organic compounds.
‫ديناميكا حرارية وقاعدة الصنف‬
C251 Thermodynamics and Phase Rule
Lec. 2 hrs
Thermodynamics: Heat, Energy and work, First law of thermodynamics, Heat capacities,
Adiabatic processes, Joule-Thomson effect, Thermochemistry, Second and third law of
thermodynamics, Carnot cycle, Entropy and free energy, Properties of solutions.
Phase rule: The phase rule equation, One-component systems, Two component systems consisting
of solid and liquid phases, Compound formation, Solid solutions, Three component systems.
C252 Reversible Electrochemistry and Surface Chemistry
‫كيمياء كهربية عكسية وكيمياء اآلسطح‬
Lec. 2 hrs
Reversible electrochemistry: Reversible and irreversible processes, Electrochemical
galvanic and electrolytic cells, Determination of electrode potential, Standard cells, Nernst
equation, Electromotive force series. Applications of electrode potentials and cell e.m.f, Primary
and secondary batteries, Fuel cells, Electroplating.
Surface chemistry: Surface tension, Different methods to measure surface tension, Adsorption at
liquid-air interface, Solid-air interface, Liquid-liquid interface, Adsorption at solid surface,
Determination of surface area.
‫الكيمياء الحرارية والحركية‬
C 253 Chemical thermodynamic and Kinetics
Lec. 2 hrs
An introduction to the principles of kinetics in the solution and at solid surfaces. Examples will
be from biochemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry.
An introduction to the principles of chemical thermodynamics and their applications in
thermochemistry, chemical equilibria and phase equilibria
‫كيمياء حيوية إكلينيكية‬
C 303 Clinical Biochemistry
Lec. 2 hrs +Lab 3 hrs.
Samples for biochemical investigations and general quality control assurance. Pre-clinical
factors affecting results. Complete routine urine analysis. Complete blood picture. Renal function
tests. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Acid-base balance (respiratory aspects and renal
aspects). Diagnostic tests for gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Lipids and lipoproteins disorders.
Markers of cardiac diseases and their measurements. Practical periods: Direct application on the
theoretical course.
)1( ‫تحليل آلي‬
C311 Instrumental Analysis (1)
Lec. 2 hrs
Sampling, Gravimetric analysis, Solvent extraction, Chromatographic separation (liquid,
planar and gas chromatography), Electromigration, Electroanalytical methods (potentiometry,
coulometry, voltammetry, conductometry).
‫كيمياء تحليلية عملية‬
C312 Practical Analytical Chemistry
Lab. 3 hrs
Experiments in gravimetric analysis, Application in water analysis, Solvent extraction,
Chromatography, General sample analysis, Selected experiments of instrumental analysis.
‫اتجان المحاليل‬
C313 Solution Equilibria
Lec. 1 hr
Mass and charge balances, Solving polynomial equations of higher degree in equilibrium
calculations, Buffer and dilute buffer solutions, Solubility of salts and solubility calculations,
Complex formation equilibrium calculations, Hydrolysis of metal ions, Ionic strength effects,
Dissolution of a precipitate in a complexing agent.
C314 Practical Instrumental Analysis (1)
)1( ‫تحليل آلي عملي‬
Lab. 3 hrs
Gravimetric analysis and applications in water analysis, Solvent extraction, Chromatography
(paper, thin layer and ion-exchange chromatography), Potentiometric titration, Conductmetric
titration and Coulometry.
‫الفصل الكروماتوجرافى‬
C315 Chromatographic Separations
Lec. 1 hr +Lab3. hrs
paper, thin layer , ion-exchange and gas chromatography, electrophoresis.
Lab3. hrs
Experiments relevant to the aforementioned topics.
C331 Chemistry of Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry
‫كيمياء العناصر االنتقالية وكيمياء تناسقية‬
Lec. 3 hrs
Chemistry of transition metals: d-block elements and lanthanides.Coordination chemistry:
Introduction, Structure of coordination compounds, Isomerism and metal complexes. Magnetic
properties, Bonding theories in metal complexes, Electronic spectra and energy level diagrams,
Thermodynamic stability.
‫مركبات عضوية فلجية‬
C332 Organometallic Compounds
Lec. 1 hr
Introduction, Properties, Classification of Organometallic compounds, Binary metal
carbonyls, Metal carbonyl compounds, Alkene ligands, Metallocenes ligands, Organometallic
compounds with ionic and sigma bonds.
C333 Practical Coordination Chemistry
‫كيمياء تناسقية عملية‬
Lec. 3 hrs
Preparation and identification of double salts and transition metal complexes.
)1( ‫كيمياء عضوية فيجيائية‬
C341 Physical Organic Chemistry (1)
Lec. 1 hr
Methods of investigation of reaction mechanisms, Bonds in organic molecules, Reactivity of
organic molecules, Structure-reactivity relationships.
C342 Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds and Carbohydrates
‫كيمياء مركبات حلقية غير متجانسة و كربوهيدرات‬
Lec. 2 hrs
Chemistry of heteromonocyclic compounds containing one, or more hetero-atoms and
fused heteropolycyclic Compounds, Chemistry of carbohydrates: mono-, oligo-, and
‫كيمياء البلمرات العضوية‬
C343 Chemistry of Organic Polymers
Lec. 2 hrs
Types, Structures, Properties, Synthesis, Characterization, Applications of polymers.
)2( ‫كيمياء عضوية عملية‬
C344 Practical Organic Chemistry (2)
Lab. 3 hrs
Techniques used in organic preparations, Preparation of some heterocyclic compounds and
sugar derivatives, Infrared spectroscopy.
)3( ‫كيمياء عضوية‬
C345 Organic Chemistry (3)
Lec. 2 hrs
Chemistry of bifunctional organic compounds, Conformational analysis of alicyclic
‫حركية التفاعالت الكيميائية والحفج‬
C351 Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis
Lec. 2 hrs
Chemical kinetics: The rate of chemical reaction, First, Second, Third and Zero-order
reactions, Complex reactions, The effect of temperature on reaction rates, Collision theory, The
transition state theory, Uni-, bi- and termolecular reactions, Chain reactions, Reactions in solutions,
Catalysis Homogeneous catalysis, Acid-base catalysis, Enzyme catalysis, Heterogeneous catalysis,
Catalysis poisoning.
‫كيمياء كهربية غير عكسية‬
C352 Irreversible Electrochemistry
Lec. 2 hrs
Nature of electrolyte solutions, Structure of the electric double layer, Electrocapillary,
Charge transfer at electrochemical systems, Theories of overvoltage, Fundamentals of kinetics and
mechanism of electrode reactions, Mass transport, Kinetics and transport in electrode reactions,
Exchange current density.
)1( ‫كيمياء الكم‬
C353 Quantum Chemistry (1)
Lec. 2 hrs
Classical mechanical treatment of the simple harmonic oscillator, Standing waves, Black
body radiation, Photoelectric effect, Compton’s effect, de Broglie waves, Electron diffraction,
Schrödinger's wave equation, Solutions of Schrödinger's equation for some simple systems with
chemical applications: Particle in a one-dimensional box, Three dimensional box, Particle on a ring.
)1( ‫كيمياء فيجيائية عملية‬
C354 Practical Physical Chemistry (1)
Lab. 6 hrs
General physical chemistry experiments covering the theoretical basis of chemical kinetics,
Electrochemistry, Surface chemistry and Spectroscopy.
‫حركية التفاعالت وكيمياء كهربية‬
C355 Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry
Lec. 2 hrs
Chemical kinetics: The rate of chemical reactions. First, second, third and zero order
reactions, The effect of temperature on reaction rates, Collision theory, The transition state theory,
Uni-, bi- and termolecular reactions.
Electrochemistry: Electrochemical galvanic and electrolytic cells, Electrode potential and standard
cells, Nernst equation, Types of cells, Measurements of electrode potential and cell electromotive
force, Primary and secondary batteries, Electroplating.
‫كيمياء اآلسطح والحفز‬
C356 Surface Chemistry and Catalysis
Lec. 1 hr
Surface chemistry: surface tension, Different methods to measure surface tension,
Adsorption at liquid air interface, Solid-air interface, Liquid-liquid interface, Adsorption at solid
surface, Determination of surface area.
Catalysis: Homogeneous catalysis, Acid-base catalysis, Enzyme catalysis, Heterogeneous
catalysis, Catalysis poisoning.
)2( ‫كيمياء فيجيائية عملية‬
C357 Practical Physical Chemistry (2)
Lab. 3 hrs
General physical chemistry experiments covering the theoretical basis of chemical kinetics,
Electrochemistry and surface chemistry.
)2( ‫تحليل آلي‬
C411 Instrumental Analysis (2)
Lec. 2 hrs
Absorption and emission spectroscopy, Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy, Turbidimetry
and nephelometry, Flow injection analysis (FIA), Infrared absorption spectroscopy, Atomic
Atomic absorption spectroscopy, Flame emission spectroscopy, Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy,
Atomic emission spectroscopy with plasma and electrical discharge.
‫تحليل ومعالجة مياه‬
C412 Water Treatment and Water Analysis
Lec. 2 hrs
Classification of water types, Sources of pollutants in water, Introduction of water treatment
and water use, Water treatment processes for different types of water, Standards methods of water
analysis techniques and water sampling, Laws and regulations of permissible amounts of foreign
materials in drinking water.
)2( ‫تحليل آلي عملي‬
C413 Practical Instrumental Analysis (2)
Lab. 3 hrs
Quantitative analysis using electronic absorption spectra, Flame photometry (flame emission
spectroscopy) and Atomic absorption spectroscopy,Quantitative techniques covering the calibration
curve, Standard addition method, Analysis of mixtures, End point determination, Determination of
the formula of complexes and non-absorbing substances, Determination of stability constants by
potentiometric titration, Quantitative identification of some transition metal complexes
(conductometry, Ultraviolet / visiblet and infrared spectrophotometry).
C414 Data Analysis, Data Handling and Standard Methods of Calibration
Lec. 2 hrs
‫تحليل ومعالجة نتائج والطرق القياسية للمعايرة‬
Introduction to data analysis, Descriptive statistics (normal distribution, mean, median,
standard deviation, confidence levels) Comparative tests, The use of t-test, Non-parametric
methods, Least-squares method, Evaluation of sources of variation in chemical data (Anova and
regression analysis), Calibration of analytical instruments using linear least-squares, Analysis of
residuals, Analysis of variance, Prediction and error estimation of unknowns from the calibration
curve, Calibration by standard addition method, Introduction to weights and weighted linear leastsquares calibration, Introduction to non-linear calibration, Calibration procedures and steps
according to ISO standards, Sensitivity and limit of detection, Decision limits, Detection limits and
the concept of three, six and ten sigma.
‫كيمياء البترول‬
C421 Petroleum Chemistry
Lec. 2 hrs
Constituents and properties of natural gas and crude oil. Industrial petrochemical processes.
)‫كيمياء بيئية (أساسيات‬
C422 Environmental Chemistry (Principals)
Lec. 2 hrs
Introduction to environmental science and environmental chemistry, Fundamentals of
aquatic chemistry, Redox process, Phase interaction, Water pollution, The atmosphere,
Atmospheric chemistry, Air pollution, Soil chemistry, Nature of hazardous waste, Introduction to
environmental analysis.
‫الكيمياء العالجية والسموم‬
C423 Chemotherapy and Toxicology
Lec. 2 hrs
Sulphanilamides, Arsenical drugs, Various groups of antibiotics, Types of toxic compounds,
Chemistry of some physiologically active compounds.
‫الكيمياء الشرعية‬
C424 Forensic Chemistry
Lec. 2 hrs
Forensic analysis of inks, paints, plastics, fibers, papers, polymers. Forensic analysis of
drugs and drug identification, Forensic chemistry of combustion and Arson, Chemistry and
firearms, Artificial aging, Analysis of blood samples, Glass and soil evidence, Chemistry of
fingerprint collection, Databases.
‫االحتراق وتلوث الهواء‬
C425 Combustion and Air Pollution:
Lec. 2 hrs
Diffusion and premixed flames, Laminar and turbulent flames, Flame stability , Low
pressure flames , Spontaneous ignition and cool flames, Flammability limits, Factors affecting
burning velocity , The structure of the reaction zone, Two stage combustion, Three-way catalytic
converter, Formation of oxides of nitrogen and of sulfur, The carbon black process.
‫كيمياء االصباغ والصباغة‬
C426 Chemistry of Dyes and Dying
Lec. 2 hrs
Color and chemical structure, Synthesis and properties of different classes of dyes and
C431 Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms and Bioinorganic Chemistry:
Lec. 2 hrs
‫ميكانيكية تفاعالت غير عضوية وكيمياء غير عضوية حيوية‬
Introduction to inorganic substitution reactions, Ion solvation and water exchange reaction
mechanism, Substitution reactions in octahedral complexes, Substitution reactions in square planer
complexes, Oxidation reduction reactions (outer- and inner-sphere mechanisms), Bioinorganic
‫كيمياء نووية وأكتينيدات‬
C432 Nuclear Chemistry and Actinides
Lec .2 hrs
Introduction to nuclear chemistry, The phenomenon of radioactivity, Nuclear reactions and
energies, Nuclear masses and stability; Actinides, Trans Uranium elements.
‫كيمياء غير عضوية صناعية‬
C433 Industrial Inorganic Chemistry
Lec. 2 hrs
Industrial inorganic chemistry depending on representative elements e.g. nitrogen, sulpher,
phosphorous, chlorine etc their properties and uses, Industrial inorganic chemistry depending on
transition metals e.g. iron nickel copper, etc , The chemistry of reactive etching, Ultra clean
surfaces, Transition metal catalysis in industrial processes.
‫كيمياء الجوامد وكيمياء النانو‬
C434 Solid State Chemistry and Nanochemistry
Lec. 2 hrs
Solid state: Electrical properties of solids, Mean free time of scattering mechanism, Types of
defects, Forbidden gaps, Stoichiometry and non-stoichiometry, Types of semiconductors, Hall and
temperature effects, Fermi level, Landu theory, Magnetism, Fermi-dirac statistics, Thermal
conductivity, Lattice defect theory, Diffusion process, Photoconductivity, Fluorescence of crystals
and their applications.
Nano chemistry: Formation of nano particles, Nucleation and micellar formation, Electro-kinetics,
Stability of dispersions and emulsions, Adhesion mechanism and technology.
C455 Special Topics in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
‫موضوعات مختارة في الكيمياء غير العضوية والتحليلي‬
Lec. 2 hrs
Contents to be announced at the beginning of each semester.
‫كيمياء عضوية طيفية‬
C441 Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds
Lec. 2 hrs
Theories of ultraviolet, Infrared, Nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectra, Structural
determination of organic compounds by spectroscopic methods.
)3( ‫كيمياء عضوية عملية‬
C442 Practical Organic Chemistry (3)
Lab. 3 hrs
Spectroscopic and quantitative analyses of organic compounds, Separation and identification
of organic mixtures, Extraction of some naturally occurring compounds.
C445 Nucleic acids, Amino acids, Lipids and Natural Products
Lec. 2 hrs
‫األحماض النووية واالمينية و الليبيدات وكيمياء النواتج الطبيعية‬
Chemistry of Amino acids, Lipids, Peptides, Proteins , Nucleic acids, Terpenoids,
Alkaloids, Steroids, Vitamins, Anthocyanines, and Flavones.
‫موضوعات خاصة في الكيمياء العضوية‬
C444 Special Topics in Organic Chemistry
Lec. 2 hrs
Contents to be announced at the beginning of each semester.
‫كيمياء فراغية‬
C445 Stereochemistry
Lec. 2 hrs
Shapes, Sizes , Strain in organic molecules, Isomerism, Molecules with one, two or more
stereogenic or without stereogenic carbons, Racemates and resolution , Stereospecific and
stereoselective reactions.
)2( ‫كيمياء عضوية فيجيائية‬
C446 Physical Organic Chemistry (2)
Lec. 2 hrs
Mechanism of nucleophilic and electrophilic reactions, Extended structure-reactivity
relationships, Intramolecular rearrangements, Symmetry controlled reactions, Mechanisms of
elimination and free radical reactions.
‫كيمياء ضوئية ججيئية‬
C447 Molecular Photochemistry
Lec. 2 hrs
Radiation and molecular orbitals, Photochemical conversions, Theoretical and mechanistic
organic photochemistry, Photochemical reactions,Isomerizations and rearrangements.
Chemilumenescent organic reactions.
)4( ‫كيمياء عضوية عملية‬
C484 Practical Organic Chemistry (4)
Lab. 6 hrs
Spectroscopic analysis of organic compounds, Multi-steps organic syntheses, Preparation of
some dyes, Dyeing.
‫أطياف ججيئية وكيمياء ضروئية‬
C451 Molecular Spectroscopy and Photochemistry
Lec2. hrs
Molecular spectroscopy: Rotational spectra of diatomic and polyatomic molecules,
Vibriational spectra of diatomic and polyatomic molecules, Rotational-Vibriational spectra,
Electronic spectra of diatomic and polyatomic molecules.
Photochemistry: Laws of photochemistry, Franck-Condon principal, Quantum yields, Primary and
secondary photochemical processes, Fluorescence and phosphorescence, Photochemical kinetics
(liquid and solid phases), Chemiluminescence and thermo-luminescence, Lasers, Photosynthesis,
Photochemical smog, Ozone depletion.
‫الديناميكا الحرارية للمحاليل‬
C452 Thermodynamics of Solutions
Lec. 2 hrs
Solution composition , Equations for the chemical potential, Partial molar quantities,
Thermodynamic properties of ideal solutions, Activity and activity coefficients on the molality and
molar concentration scales, Standard-state, Thermodynamic properties of solution components,
Excess functions and activity coefficients for real systems.
‫كيمياء التآكل‬
C453 Corrosion Chemistry
Lec. 2 hrs
The cost and causes of corrosion, The environment and material factors controlling the
probability of a corrosion failure, Thermodynamics of corrosion reactions, Potential-pH diagrams,
Kinetics of corrosion reactions, Forms of corrosion, Corrosion control and corrosion monitoring.
‫المواد الغروية ذات النشاط السطحي‬
C454 Colloidal Surfactants
Lec. 2 hrs
Principle concepts and classification of colloidal surfactants, State of surfactants in solution,
Stabilizing action of surfactants, Solubilization and practical importance of colloidal surfactant
‫كيمياء الغرويات‬
C455 Colloid Chemistry
Lec. 2 hrs
Classification of colloids, Preparation and purification of sols, Physical, colligative, optical,
electrical and kinetic properties of sols, Viscosity and surface tension of colloids, Structure of the
solid-liquid interface. Colloid stability, Electrostatic stabilization (Derjarguin-Landau-VerweyOverbeek theory), Steric stabilization and flocculation kinetics, Emulsion stability and experimental
methods for study of emulsion, Surfactants.
‫موضوعات مختارة في الكيمياء الحركية‬
C456 Selected Topics in Chemical Kinetics
Lec. 2 hrs
Contents to be announced at the beginning of each semester.
‫الكيمياء الفيجيائية للمواد كبيرة الججئيات‬
C457 Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules
Lec. 2 hrs
General information (polydispensity molecular weight and structure of macromolecules).
Theories of solutions and properties of macromolecular substances.
)2( ‫كيمياء الكم‬
C458 Quantum Chemistry (2)
Lec. 2 hrs
Mathematical introduction, The fundamental postulates of quantum mechanics and some of its
applications. The rigid rotator, The simple harmonic oscillator, The hydrogen atom, Many electron
atoms, Approximate methods for solving the Schrödinger equation of many electron systems.
‫مشروع بحثي‬
C490 Research Project
Lec. 2 hrs
A minor research project to be conducted either in the department of chemistry or in an
industrial factory in the vicinity of Alexandria. The results should be presented in the form a report
comprising: (a) introduction (b) results, (c) discussion, and (d) references. Evaluation will be made
through a seminar given by the student before a committee from the staff of the department.
(4) Department of Botany
‫قسم النبـات‬
)1( ‫علم النبات العام‬
BOT 101 General Botany I
Diversity of Plants and Related Organisms: Introduction to the biology and genetics of plant
cells and prokaryotic cells, biodiversity of plants and plant-related organisms with emphas is on
morphology, nutrition and reproduction.
BOT 102 General Botany II
)2( ‫علرم النبرات العرام‬
Structural and Functional Organization of Plants: Plant cell structure and contents,
meristematic cells and plant tissue differentiation, Types of mature plant cells and tissues, Anatomy
of young plant organs (stems, roots and leaves), Absorption and plant transport systems, Enzymes
and catalysis, Photosynthesis and pathways of carbohydrate conversion, Cellular respiration.
‫مقدمة في تطور علم النبات‬
BOT 121 Introduction to Evolutionary Botany
An evolutionary survey of the principle groups of plants (algae, bryophytes and vascular
plants) based on the fossil records, Modes of fossilization, Palaeobotanical techniques.
‫مقدمة في علم النبات‬
BOT 123 Introduction to Botany
Introduction to the biological and genetic diversity of plants and plant-related organisms;
Types of plant cells and tissues, Anatomy of young plant organs; Transport systems, enzymes,
photosynthesis and respiration in plants; Introduction to plant ecology.
BOT 201 Plant Anatomy & Ecology
‫تشريح وبيئة النبات‬
Lec. 2 hrs. + Lab 3 hrs.
Anatomy: Study of the development and microscopic structure of the young and old plant
structures of vascular plants with emphasis on the flowering plants; Ecology: Relationships among
living organisms and their environments at the individual, population, community and biosphere
BOT 202 Principles of Biotechnology
‫اساسيات التقنية الحيوية‬
Lec. 2 hrs.
Biosafety issues; Fields of biotechnology (areas of microbial technology, agricultural
technology, food biotechnology, genetic diagnostics, and gene therapy); Industrial applications
(manufacture of enzymes, antibiotics, fuels, and biopharmaceuticals); Environmental applications
(waste recycling and bioremediation).
BOT 204 Plant Molecular Physiology
‫فسيولوجيا النبات الجزيئية‬
Lec. 1 hrs. + Lab 3 hrs.
A study of the physiological processes of plants, including carbon metabolism, mineral
assimilation, and phytohormones at the molecular level.
BOT 208 Biology of Algae
‫بيولوجيا الطحالب‬
Lec. 1 hrs. + Lab 3 hrs.
Basic characteristics of algae, cellular and subcellular organization, Range of structure of
algae, Reproduction and life histories, Classification of algae, Diagnostic features of the different
classes with representative examples, algae and human affairs and the environment.
BOT 211 Plant Water-Relation & Nutrition
‫العالقات المائية وتغذية النبات‬
Lec. 1 hrs. + Lab 3 hrs.
This course will explore the mechanistic basis of water relations and membrane transport in
plants as well as historical and modern perspectives on plant mineral nutrition.
This will include water transport processes in plant cell, role of cell wall in water uptake,
water potential, water absorption by roots, water transport in the xylem, transpiration, stomatal
control, plant macro- and micronutrients, mechanism of ion uptake in plants, membrane transport
processes, ion transport in roots and mechanism of nutrient translocation. It also includes
mechanisms of nutrient acquisition, rhizosphere interactions, and biochemical function of essential
and beneficial elements.
BOT 226 Principles of Genetics
‫اساسيات الوراثة‬
Lec. 1 hr. + Lab 3 hrs.
Linkage and chromosome mapping, gene expression and environment, cytoplasmic
inheritance, genetics of cancer, mutation and mutagenesis, population genetics, applications of
BOT 232 Introduction to Economic Botany
‫نبات اقتصادي‬
Lec. 1 hr. + Lab 3 hrs.
Devoted to the consideration of plants that are useful or harmful to humans, their origins and
history, botanical relationships, chemical constituents that make them economically important, and
their roles in prehistoric and modern cultures and civilizations.
BOT 301 Diversity of Non-Flowering Plants
‫التنوع في النباتات الالزهرية‬
Lec. 2 hrs. + Lab 3 hrs.
Explanation of the current diversity of lower land plants. Allowed to point out the interrelationship between lower and higher plants, to understand the evolution among different plant
groups and evidence on which evolutionary relationship is postulated. The principles of
classification of plants with attention to the phylogeny and evolutionary development. To illustrate
the comparative morphology, structure and reproduction of various members within different
BOT 302 Diversity of Angiosperms
‫التنوع في النباتات الزهرية‬
Lec. 2 hrs. + Lab 3 hrs.
This course addresses the diversity and adaptation of flowering plants, angiosperms.
Lectures focus on morphological, anatomical and molecular evidences for relationships within
angiosperms. Topics include the comparative study of selected systematic groups, their
relationships and the use of new information and techniques to enhance our understanding of plant
BOT 303 Plant Biotechnology & Conservation Biology
‫التقنية الحيوية للنبات وصون األنواع‬
Lec. 3 hrs. + Lab 3 hrs.
Man influence upon the environment, habitat loss, factors limiting growth and distribution,
Ex-Situ and in-Situ programs for conservation, causes and constrains for conservation.
BOT 304 Algal Biotechnology
‫التقنية الحيوية للطحالب‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab 3 hrs.
Algae and human affairs, uses and cultivation of algae, conventional and molecular
techniques concerning the algal mass production for applications in nutrition, industry, medicine,
agriculture as well as the.
BOT 305 Plant Stress Physiology
‫فسيولوجيا اإلجهاد النباتي‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Plant adaptation and response to different environmental stresses such as water, salt,
drought, high and low temperatures, mineral and heavy metals and air pollution; Synthesis and role
of osmo-regulators and stress proteins.
BOT 306 Non flowering plants
‫تقسيم النباتات الال زهرية‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
This course addresses the principles of nomenclature and classification of organisms related
to plant kingdom and the significant differences between cellular and sub-cellular forms of life and
those between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. It aims to illustrate the basic biological concepts of plant
related organisms and how to distinguish among them structurally.
BOT 308 Plant Biochemistry & Metabolism
‫كيمياء حيوية وأيض نبات‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Relationship and connecting points of universal and special metabolism. Classification of
primary and secondary plant metabolites. Carbohydrate metabolism and respiration: Carbohydrates
and their role in plant metabolism. Mono-, di-, oligo and polysaccharids, biosynthesis and
decomposition of sucrose, starch, cellulose and fructan polimers. Glycolysis, oxidation of piruvate,
the pentose-phosphate shunt, citric-acid cycle. Glioxalate cycle and gluconeogenesis. Oxidation of
reduced coenzymes in mitochondria and the alternative respiratory pathway, oxidative
phosphorylation. Direct oxidases, special aspects of plant respiration. Regulation of carbohydrate
metabolism, influence of environmental factors. Lipid metabolism. N- and S-metabolism: N-cycle,
biological N2 fixation and its regulation, structure and function of nitrogenase, fixation of ammonia.
Amino acid metabolism.
‫التقنيات الدقيقة والتصوير الخلوي‬
BOT 310 Microtechniques and Cellular Imaging
Lec.1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs
Basis of optics, light microscopy, phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy, electron
microscopy, calcium imaging, confocal microscopy, image analysis, 3D reconstruction and
qualification, radioactivity imaging, and current topics in cellular imaging.
BOT 311 Physiology of Algae
‫فسيولوجيا اإلجهاد‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Characteristics of algal growth in cultures of limited volumes, Assimilation of carbon in
algae, Assimilation of nitrogen in algae (nitrogen fixation, assimilation of inorganic and organic
nitrogen), Photosynthetic pigments in algae, Storage products in algae, Inorganic nutrients of algae,
Antibiotics from algae, Distribution of pheromones in algae.
BOT 312 Plant Propagation
‫إكثار النبات‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Patterns of plant genetic variation, ecotypes & ecolines, plant reproductive systems, self and
cross-fertilization, vegetative reproduction.
BOT 321 Ecosystem Dynamics & Function
‫ديناميكا ووظائف النظام البيئي‬
Lec. 2 hrs.
Ecosystem components, types of Ecosystems, ecological factors, temporal changes at
population levels, growth curves, functional processes in the ecosystem, productivity, succession
and community formation.
BOT 323 Photobiology
‫بيولوجيا ضوئية‬
The photochemical reactions that occur in biological systems: properties of light energy,
utilization of light energy by photosynthetic organisms, mechanism of visual transduction,
photochemical triggering mechanisms for developmental processes.
BOT 325 Plant Tissue Culture
‫زراعة أنسجة نباتية‬
ec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Basic methods and applications for culturing plant cells in vitro, propagation and growth of
embryo and germ-plasm culture, somatic hybridization, genetic transformation, secondary
metabolism in tissue cultures.
BOT 331 Soil Sciences
‫علوم التربة‬
Lec. 1 hrs. + Lab 3 hrs.
Composition, general characteristics, genesis and classification, of soils; soil properties for
importance in the supply of nutrient elements, water oxygen and heat for plants; quality
deterioration in soils; basic principles of conservation and management of soil and water resources.
BOT 401 Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth & Development
‫التنظيم الهرموني للنمو النباتي‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Basic concepts of plant growth and development. Morphogenesis and differentiation of plant
organs. Environmental factors affecting plants ontogenesis. Intercellular regulation of plant growth
and development: structure, biosynthesis, transport and physiological function of plant hormones
including Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, ethylene, jasmonic acid, brassinosteroids,
polyamines, peptide hormones and other plant growth regulators. Growth of shoot, root and leaves,
concept of apical dominance. Photomorphogenesis, plant photoreceptors, the phytochrome system
and its physiological function. Mechanism of plant motions, gravitropism, phototropism.
Physiology and regulation of germination. Physiology of flower and fruit development, endogene
photoperiodicity. Physiology of dormancy, vernalisation and senescence.
BOT 402 Phytogeography and Flora
‫جغرافيا نباتية فلورا‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
History of plant geography, vegetation of the world, methods of studying vegetation and
ecosystem changes, nomenclature of plants, natural selection, biomes and life forms, domestication
of plants, rare and endangered species, endemism, discontinuity and cosmopolitanism, idea of
continental drift, phytogeography and flora of Egypt.
BOT 405 Gene Technology & Molecular Systematics
‫تقنية جينات وتقسيم جزيئي‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab 3 hrs.
Isolation and characterization of nucleic acids, Cutting and joining DNA molecules, gene
cloning in E. coli and yeasts, Construction of gene libraries, PCR and some applications, Basic
principles of genetic diversity, Molecular taxonomic tools: Random whole-genome analysis
(nucleic acid hybridization, Genetic fingerprints and applications, …), Specific gene variation
(molecular chronometers, sequence methodology, DNA and protein sequence alignment),
Construction of phylogenetic trees, Introduction to bioinformatics (gene identification, biological
sequence analysis).
BOT 408 Phytosociology
‫الغشاء أو المجتمعات النباتية‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Physiographic factors play roles in vegetation zones, sociability and dispersion, pattern,
allelopathy and chemical defense, quantitative analysis of vegetation, man influence upon
environment, role of NOG’s, response of individuals, population and community.
BOT 412 Taxonomic Plant Anatomy
‫تشريح نبات تقسيمي‬
Lec. 1 hrs. + Lab 3 hrs.
An advanced course that emphasizes most reliable and useful aspects of plant anatomy for
systematic purposes.
BOT 490 Research Project
‫مشروع بحتي‬
Lec. 1 hrs.
Independent research related to a student's approved essay proposal with written and oral
presentation of research results.
MICB 201 Principles of Microbiology
‫اساسيات الميكروبيولوجي‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Diversity of the microbial world; control of microbial growth; Microbial growth (nutritional
requirements, types of media, factors affecting growth, growth measurements); Isolation,
purification and maintenance of bacterial cultures; A survey of important microbiology
MICB 301 Biology of Microorganisms
‫بيولوجيا الكائنات الدقيقة‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Introduction to the microbial world: diversity, metabolism and genetics; Control of
microbial growth; Microbial growth (nutritional requirements, types of media, factors affecting
growth, growth measurements); Isolation, purification and maintenance of microbial cultures;
Microbial growth measurements; Immunology; Introduction to microbiology applications.
MICB 203 General Microbiology
‫ميكروبيولوجيا عامة‬
Lec. 2 hrs. + Lab 3 hrs.
Basic principles of microbiology emphasizing the various types of microbes, their
morphology, genetics and metabolic processes; Control of microbial growth; Microbial growth
(nutritional requirements, types of media, factors affecting growth, growth measurements);
Isolation, purification and maintenance of microbial cultures; Microbial growth measurements;
Immunology; Introduction to microbial technology.
MICB 206 Microbial Ecology
‫بيئة كائنات دقيقة‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Diversity of microbial communities in their natural habitats, their interactions with the
environments under variable and often extreme conditions.
MICB 303 Microbial Physiology & Enzymology
‫فسيولوجيا الكائنات الدقيقة وأنزيماتها‬
Lec. 2 hrs. + Lab 3 hrs.
Structure and organization of microbial cells, Enzymes and coenzymes, Fueling reactions
and pathways, Generation of ATP during aerobic or anaerobic growth, Anaerobic respiration,
Fermentation, Quest for food, Types of transport system, Monomer and polymer biosynthesis in
microbial cells (Replenishment pathways and assimilation of nitrogen and sulfur biosynthesis of
nucleotides, amino acids, fatty acid, proteins and polysaccharides, Regulation (Control of enzyme
synthesis and sites of microbial regulation).
MICB 305 Basic Fermentation Technoloy
‫تقنية التخمرر‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Fundamental aspects of fermentation technology: kinetics of growth, product formation and
substrate utilization in batch, fed batch and continuous culture as well as aeration and agitation,
scale-up and basic principles of down stream processing will be studied.
MICB 306 General Mycology
‫فطريات عامة‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Major characteristics of fungi, Importance of fungi in nature, Structure of fungal cells, Life
cycles and methods of reproduction, Basis of classification of fungi, Fungal groups: Myxomycotina
and Eumycotina (Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, Deuteromycetes).
MICB 307 Virology
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Nature of viruses, Architecture and assembly, Proteins and Nucleic acids of Virions,
Genome organization and gene expression, Replication, Plant viruses nomenclature and
classification, Modes of transmission, diagnosis and assay, Disease symptoms and control, Animal
viruses nomenclature and classification, Initiation of infection and synthesis of macromolecules,
Methods of transmission, diagnosis, and assay, Representative viruses, their pathogenesis,
epidemiology and control, Bacterial viruses habitat, replication and classification, Viruses as
vectors in genetic engineering.
)1( ‫بيولوجيا ججيئية‬
MICB 309 Molecular Biology 1
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Structure and function of DNA, RNA and proteins, gene transcription, translation, protein
structure and function, DNA replication and recombination, regulation of gene expression,
polymerases, mediators, transcription factors, cis- and trans-elements, RNA maturation and
exportation, and posttranslational modifications.
MICB 311 General Bacteriology
‫بكتريولوجيا عامة‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Introduction to microbiology, Microscopy, Isolation, purification, maintenance, and
examination of bacteria, Structure of prokaryotic cell, Structures external to the cell wall, Structures
internal to the cell wall, Bacterial nutrition, Conditions required to bacterial growth, Bacterial
MICB 312 Bacterial Systematics
‫تقسيم البكتريا‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Basics of classification, Numerical taxonomy, Chemosystematics, Phylogeny,
Nomenclature, Identification and diagnosis, Archael Diversity, Extreme halophiles, Methanogens,
Extreme thermophiles, Sulfate reducers, Wall-less Archaea, Eubacteria, Photosynthetic bacteria,
Clamidiaceae, Spirochetes, Proteobacteria, Mollicutes-wall-less, Low G+C Gram positive bacteria,
High G+C Gram positive bacteria.
‫التباين الخلوي وجراعة األنسجة‬
MICB 313 Cell Differentiation and Tissue Culture
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs
positional information, activators-inhibitors activation, differentiation enhancers, cell cycle
machinery, somatic cell nucleus differentiation, totipotance, tissue culture principles, isolation and
propagation of different types of cells, immortalization, and transfection.
MICB 315 Marine Microbiology
‫ميكروبيولوجيا بحرية‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Abundance and distribution of bacteria, Archaea and single-celled eukaryotes in marine
environments and the factors that influence their distribution within the water column; Methods of
examining the diversity and activity of various marine microbial communities; Roles of marine
microbes and their interactions with other microbes and higher organisms.
MICB 322 Microbial Genetics
‫وراثة ميكروبية‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Genetic notation and terminology, Principles of heredity and variation, Crossing over and
gene conversion, Bacterial genetics (recombination and gene mapping, Aspects of fungal genetics
(cell division and sexual reproduction, yeast genetics, tetrads analysis and gene mapping in
ascomycetes), Viral genetics (viral genome structure and replication, viral mutations, mapping the
viral genome).
MICB 401 Food Microbiology
‫ميكروبيولوجيا األغذية‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Microorganisms and their significance in foods, how their growth is controlled and the
methods used to detect their presence and activities.
MICB 402 Medical Microbiology & Immunology
‫ميكروبيولوجيا طبية ومناعة‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Host-parasite relationships, pathogenic properties of microorganisms and pathology of
disease processes; Fundamental concepts of antibody-mediated and cell-mediated mechanisms of
MICB 403 Applied Microbiology
‫ميكروبيولوجيا تطبيقية‬
Lec. 3 hrs +Lab 3 hrs
Different applications of microbiology: The scope of biotechnology, large scale production,
biotechnology in food production, biotechnology in industry and biotechnology in health care and
)2( ‫بيولوجيا ججيئية‬
MICB 405 Molecular Biology (2)
Lec. 1 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
The human genome project-chromatin remodelling-epigenetics- cell division and
chromosome segregation-mutations-DNA repair-DNA and protein sequencing-recombinant DNA
diagnostics-overview of the molecular basis of disease.
MICB 406 Yeast & Yeast Tecnology
‫خمائر وتقنية خمائر‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Biology of yeasts with special emphasis on industrial yeast fermentation applications
(production of glutamic acid, citric acid, baker yeast, single cell protein) and waste water treatment
by yeasts.
MICB 411 Actinomycetes
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
Biology of actinomycetes and their applications in industrial, agricultural, environmental,
and pharmaceutical fields.
MICB 415 Plant Pathology
‫أمراض نبات‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab 3 hrs.
The concept of plant diseases, Host-parasite interaction, Environmental factors that cause
plant diseases, Plant diseases caused by fungi, bacterial spots & blights, vascular wilts, soft rots,
galls, cankers, scabs, Plant diseases caused by parasitic higher plants, Plant diseases caused by
viruses, Plant diseases caused by nematodes and protozoa.
(5) Department of Zoology
‫قسم علم الحيوان‬
1. Zoology Courses ( Z )
‫علم الحيوان العام‬
Z 101 General Zoology
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Fundamentals of modern animal biology from cells to organisms, including structure,
function, genetics, development, ecology, and the diversity produced by animal evolution.
Z 102 Animal Biodiversity
‫تنوع الحيوان البيولوجي‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab.3 hrs
An introductory course that explores the full range of animal life on this planet, from
unicellular organisms to primates at the levels of species, genus, populations, and ecosystems.
Emphasis will be on different phyla including ِArthropods, also the role of different animals in the
natural economy of the biosphere and on the impact of human populations and human activities on
global biodiversity. Laboratories will focus on the basic skills necessary for identifying components
of biodiversity and the use of classification in storing and representing information about the
The biological basis for the conservation and management of biological resources is stressed.
Z 111 Introduction to Zoology
‫مقدمة فى علم الحيوان‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 2 hrs
Life characteristics of living things. Chemistry of the life. The cell as the unit structure and
function. Cell diversity. Cell energetics. Tissues and early embryonic development. Animals and
their environment. The concept of evolution.
Z 201 Invertebrates (1) and Insects
‫) والحشرات‬1( ‫بيولوجيا الالفقاريات‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
A review of invertebrate design and classification. Detailed investigation of selected groups
such as Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda,
Mollusca and Echinodermata. an Introduction to the general characteristics of insects. Practical
classes illustrate and develop the main themes introduced in lectures. Diversity, form and function,
and adaptive radiation of the major phyla.
Z 202 Animal Physiology
‫فسيولوجيا الحيوان‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Introduces the principles of animal function. The major systems (digestion, metabolism,
respiration, circulation, osmotic and ionic regulation, nerve-muscle function, endocrine control) are
covered with emphasis on functional mechanisms at the cell and tissue levels.
Z 204 Vertebrates and Genetics
‫بيولوجيا الفقاريات والوراثة‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Classification of chordates. Origin of aquatic and terrestrial life of vertebrates. Study of life
and morphology of representatives of the different classes of vertebrates, with special emphasis on
their phylogenetic relationships.
Chromosomal aberrations (examples in man), Heterozygous gene expression ( intermediate
inheritance, lack of dominance, carrier detection ) examples in man; Heredity and environment (
non-genetic environment and genetic environment) examples in animal and man. Genetics of sex in
man (complete sex-linked genes; incomplete sex-linked genes, sex-influenced characters; sexlimited genes ), lethal genes in man.
Z 205 Parasitology and Infectious Diseases
‫علم الطفيليات واألمراض المعدية‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
An introduction to parasitism. Selected specimen of some medically important parasites,
with emphasis on morphology, life cycle and pathogenicity.
Z 206 Comparative Anatomy and Evolution
‫تشريح مقارن وتطور‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs
Introduction to the structural evolution of the different organs and organ systems of the
vertebrate body. The functional significance and evolutionary importance of the various changes is
Z 207 Invertebrate Embryology
‫علم أجنة الالفقاريات‬
Lec. 1hr + Lab. 3 hrs
Asexual and sexual reproduction. Morphology of gametes. Mechanism of development in
Sponges, Coelenterates, Platyhelminthes, Annelida and Crustacea.
Z 208 Vertebrate Embryology
‫علم أجنة الفقاريات‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs
Development from fertilization to adulthood in different model systems. Evolutionary
patterns of development. Morphogenes, gene regulation during development, cellular
differentiation. Positional information and body axis formation. Development of sex and of the
nervous system as microcosms.
Z 209 Histology and Zoo-Techniques
‫أنسجة وتقنية حيوانية‬
Lec. 1 hr +Lab. 3 hrs
Structure and cellular organization of major tissues of the mammalian body as the basis of
functional specialization of tissues and organs. A comparative study of the microscopic structure of
certain tissues in some animal phyla.
Methods of preparation of museum jars. Theoretical basis of microscopical techniques.
Whole mounts of different animals and microscopical slides of the different organs. Scanning and
transmission electron microscopy.
Basis of this to chemistry, cytochemistry & immunochemistry, autoradiography, cloning,
tissue culture, fractional centrifugation and separation of cellular organelles.
Z 210 Electron Microscopy
‫تقنيات الميكروسكوب االلكتروني‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs
Introduction to the difference between electron and light sources. Microscopic resolving
power (resolution). Principles of transmission electron microscopy. The illumination system
(electron gun and condenser lenses), the image forming system (objective, intermediate and
projector lens), observation and recording of the image (fluorescent screen), vacuum, electronics,
specimen orientation and manipulation, specimen preparation.
Additional techniques include Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray microanalysis
and Immunolabeling technique.
Z 211 Animal Behaviour
‫سلوك الحيوان‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs
Nature of behaviour and its relation to the nervous system. Reflexes. Orientation, learning,
social and sexual behaviours. parental care.
Z 221 Cell Biology
‫بيولوجيا الخلية‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs
Introduction to cell biology. The fine structure and function of the plasma membrane.
Specific properties of tumor cell membrane. Cells with specialized functions. Methods for
cytological techniques.
Z 263 Protozoa and Medical Entomology
‫حيوانات أولية وحشرات طبية‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Protozoan Phyla, position in animal kingdom, Classification, representative types of
Protozoa, Phytoflagellates, Zooflagellates, Intestinal flagellates, Haemoflagellates, Sarcodina,
Apicomplexa, and Ciliophora. Role of Insects in transmission of animal pathogens.
Z 301 Invertebrates (2)
)4(‫بيولوجيا الالفقاريات‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hr
General characters of major and minor phyla of Arthropoda: Trilobites, Chelicerata,
Crustacea, Myriapoda, Tardigrada, Pentastomida. Mollusca. Echinodermata.
Z 303 Ecology
‫علم البيئة‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs
Ecosystem; Structure and Function. The interaction of animals with their physical, chemical
and biological environments. Principles of population ecology. Introduction to quantitative methods
in ecology. Environmental pollution and its causes.
‫تركيرب ووظرائف الحشررات‬
Z 305 Insect Structure and Function
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Study the structure and function of different organs and systems including insect
morphology, integumentary system, alimentary canal, Circulatory system, ventilatory system.
Endocrine system. Muscular system, Reproductive system, Sensory system, Insect development and
insect adaptation to environment.
‫فسيولوجيا الحشرات‬
Z 306 Insect Physiology
Lec. 1 hr +Lab. 3 hrs
Molting and formation of new cuticle. Function of cuticle, digestion, functions of mid gut
and peritrophic membrane, and absorption. Circulation and its functions, gas exchange in aquatic
and endoparasitic insects. Nutrients and hormonal regulation. Role of excretory system.
Mechanoreception, chemoreception etc., Neuron responses to stimuli.
endoparasitic insects. Nutrients and hormonal regulation. Role of excretory system.
Mechanoreception, chemoreception etc., Neuron responses to stimuli.
Z 307 Experimental Vertebrate Embryology
‫أجنة الحبليات التجريبي‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs
This course considers the cellular and molecular events which underlie animal development,
drawing on examples of a range of model organisms. It aims to bring the students’ knowledge and
understanding of development biology to the level of current research.
Z 308 Desert Ecology
‫البيئة الصحراوية‬
Lec.1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs
General description of desert classification and distribution of the major deserts of the
world. Weather and climate of desert environment. Morphological, behavioral and physiological
adaptation of animals to desert environment.
‫حشرات طبية‬
Z 309 Medical Entomology
Lec. 1 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
General introduction to entomology, Insects and other arthropods of medical importance, Insect
Transmission of parasites Borne-diseases to vertebrates (Human beings). Management of Arthropod
Borne-diseases by vector control prevention and their Epidemiology
Z 401 Immunology And Parasitology
‫طفيليات ومناعة‬
Lec. 3 hrs + Leb. 3 hrs
Introduction. The evolution of the immune system. Innate immunity. Phagocytosis and
complements. Antigens and immungens. Structure and function of immunoglobulin. Ontogeny of
cells of the immune system. Acquired immunity. The immune response with special reference to
Z 402 Neurophysiology And Neuroendocrinology
‫فسيولوجيا األعصاب والغدد الصماء‬
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
Nervous and hormonal co-ordination. A study of the endocrine glands of vertebrates and
selected invertebrates (mechanism of action of hormones).
‫آلية الحفج الخلوي‬
Z 404 Cellular Signal Transduction
Lec. 2 hrs
Signal transduction mechanisms, regulatory proteins, intracellular signaling pathways,
genomic interactions, G-protein coupled receptors, tyrosine kinas receptors, channel receptors,
second messenger, membrane transport, thermal sensitivity transduction, and calcium signaling.
‫مبيدات حشرية وعلم السموم‬
Z 305 Toxicology and Insecticides
Lec. 2 hrs
Classification of insecticides, chemical properties and toxicity reactions of insecticides in
animals. Mode of action, biochemical behaviour and metabolism of poisons in organisms, impact of
insecticides on environment.
Z 406 Cell Signaling
‫انتقال االشارات الخلوية‬
Lec. 2 hrs
Unicellular and multicultural organism cell signaling: Definition and importance: Types of
signals – cell signaling through secreting molecules. Receptors for cell signals: [Hormones,
Neurotransmitters, Cytokines, Growth factors] Steroid receptor – Nitric oxide (NO) receptors – GProtein coupled receptors – Frizzled receptor – Cytokine receptor – Growth factor receptor
Tynosime Kinase receptor.Signaling Pathway: MAPK/ERK pathway – GABA receptor – proteinprotein interactions – Phosphorylation – epidermal growth factor & adaptor protein. Classification
of intercellular communication: Endocrine – Paracrine Jucxtacrine - Autocrine.
Z 407 Ecophsiology
‫فسيولوجيا البيئة‬
Lec. 1 hrs+ Lab. 3 hrs
The environmental physiology of animals; Osmotic and ionic regulation; Temperature
regulation, Heat effects; Gas exchange; physiological aspects of environmental pollution.
Z 408 Soil Ecology and Toxicology
‫بيئة التربة وعلم السموم‬
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs
Soil as a living community. Soil composition. Methods of extraction of soil organisms,
impact of soil and on soil fertility, soil pollution: source and effect, and methods of control.
‫البيولوجيا الججيئية للسرطان‬
Z 411 Molecular Biology of Cancer
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs
The hallmarks of cancer, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, molecular regulation of
cell cycle, apoptosis, senescence, checkpoints, aberration in cellular signaling in caner, stem cell in
cancer, breast cancer as a model, and animal models for human cancer
‫األخالقيات المهنية في البيولوجيا‬
Z 413 Bioethics
Lec. 2 hrs
DNA analysis controls, identification, gene selection, criminology, cloning and society,
animal experimentation, social implications in genetics, and euthanasia.
‫قسم الجيولوجيا‬
Courses Description
)1( ‫جيولوجيا عامة‬
G 101General Geology (1)
Lec. 3 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
The structure, composition and origin of the Earth; materials of the earth's crust:
minerals and rocks. External processes: weathering, mass wasting, streams, glaciers, groundwater,
deserts, and coasts. Internal processes: volcanism, earthquakes, crustal deformation, mountain
building, and plate tectonics. Crystallography: crystal description, structure, symmetry of normal
classes. Mineralogy: identification, structure, composition, and occurrence of minerals.
)2( ‫جيولوجيا عامة‬
G 102 General Geology (2)
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
The evolution of the Earth including: the creation of the Universe, formation of a layered
earth, continents, ocean basins, atmosphere, and biosphere. Origin, evolution, and mass extinction
of major life forms with emphasis on stratigraphic record; development of the geologic time scale
and paleogeographic features of the Earth. Composition, classification and origin of different rocks;
natural resources: ores, hydrocarbons and groundwater; major geologic structures.
‫المعادن وبصريات المعادن‬
G 201 Mineralogy and Optical Mineralogy
Lec. 1 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Polarization of light; the polarizing microscope; mineral preparations for microscopic study;
optical properties of minerals in thin sections; optical orientation in minerals; systematic review of
optical characteristics, orientation and identification of different mineral species from major groups
of rock-forming minerals (silicates, oxides, hydroxides, sulphates, carbonates, phosphates and
‫علم الطبقات والترسيب‬
G 202 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Principles and evolution of modern stratigraphic nomenclature; concepts of space and time
in the rock and fossil record; integrated stratigraphic techniques: classification, description,
lithostratigraphy, and correlation of stratigraphic units. Properties of sediments and sedimentary
rocks, environments of deposition: modern/ancient analogs; facies analysis.
‫علم الحفريات‬
G 203 Palaeontology
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Detailed study of: I- Mega-Invertebrate fossils: including their morphology,
taxonomy, skeletal chemistry, fossil record, ecology, and paleoecology. And II- Microfossils: study
of microfossils, especially Foraminifera and Ostracodes, their morphology, classification, common
genera, ecology, paleoecology, and their task as indicators of present and past environments.
‫الصخور النارية والمتحولة‬
G 204 Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Plate tectonics and petrology, crystallization and melting conditions of igneous rocks,
magma characteristics, internal processes and generation, igneous rocks association: description,
occurrence, and origin. Classification of metamorphic rocks, metamorphic processes, conditions of
metamorphism, metamorphic rocks association: description, occurrence, and origin.
‫جيولوجيا تركيبية‬
G 205 Structural Geology
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Description of geological structures: primary and secondary; stress, strain, deformation
mechanisms; geometric, kinematic and dynamic analysis of deformed structures in rock bodies at
different scales, in both brittle and ductile regimes; micro-structural analysis; selected structural
provinces of the world; at least one field trip to a nearby locality is required.
‫مبادئ بصريات المعادن‬
G 207 Principles of Optical Mineralogy
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Polarization of light and polarizing microscope; optical properties of minerals in thin
sections; optical orientation in minerals; general characterization of mineral groups.
‫جيولوجيا تصويرية واستشعار عن بعد‬
G 208 Photogeology and Remote Sensing
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Introduction to aerial photography; types of aerial photos and mosaics; controlling factors of
aerial photograph; geometric principles of photographs; relief and tilt displacement; principles of
rectification; instruments of aerial photos interpretation; interpretation of landforms, drainage
patterns, rock types and geologic structures. Basic principles, electromagnetic spectrum, energy
interaction with atmosphere and Earth's surface, reflectance of minerals, rock and water,
multispectral scanners, satellite images, transmission and digital image processing, radar images,
geological applications.
G 210Geomorphology
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Introduction to geomorphology; description and classification of landforms, drainage and
basin forms, relation to geological and climatic processes; slopes and mass movements;
morphology and evolution of streams, rivers and floodplains. Emphasis is placed on the mechanics
of geomorphic processes and on the relationships between properties of earth materials and the
forces applied to them by gravity, wind, ice, water, waves and humans.
‫بترولوجية الصخور النارية والمتحولة‬
G 212 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Plate tectonics and igneous rocks; petrographyic description of igneous rocks; magma
characteristics; study of common igneous rocks. Factors controlling metamorphism; field relations
of metamorphic rocks; metamorphic grades; zones and facies; nomenclature of common
metamorphic rocks.
‫علم الصخور الرسوبية‬
G 301 Sedimentology
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Origin and classification of mechanical, chemical and biogenic sedimentary rocks; sedimentary
textures and structures; modeling of depositional environments and diagenesis.
‫جيولوجيا إقتصادية‬
G 302Economic Geology
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Introductory definitions; nature and morphology of ore deposits. Classification and
genesis of ore deposits. Plate tectonic and formations of ore deposits; selected types of ores in
Arabian-Nubian Shield.
G 303 Geochemistry
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Fundamental chemical concepts applied to geological processes; origin, distribution, and
geochemical behavior of elements; chemical evolution of the Earth; element partitioning between
coexisting minerals; geochemistry of geochemistry of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic
rocks; biogeochemical evolution; crystal chemistry, trace element geochemistry, isotope
‫جيولوجيا البترول والمياه‬
G 304 Petroleum Geology and Hydrogeology
Lec. 3 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Composition and physical properties of petroleum; origin and migration of hydrocarbons;
reservoir and seal rocks; types of reservoir traps; methods of exploration; sedimentary basins and
hydrocarbons distribution; oil and gas provinces in Egypt. The hydrologic cycle; principles of
groundwater flow; groundwater hydraulics; occurrence of groundwater in geologic materials;
aquifer analysis; field methods; chemistry of groundwater; aquifer systems in Egypt.
G 305
‫جيولوجيا بحرية‬
Marine Geology
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Geology of world's ocean basins, their continental margins; impact of geophysical,
geochemical, and geobiological principles on concepts of origin and evolution of ocean basins;
source, transportation, and deposition of marine sediments; formation of marine stratigraphic
record; role of oceanographic processes affecting earth history: sea level fluctuation, plate tectonics,
paleogeography, and paleoclimatology; marine mineral resources.
‫تحليل حوضى‬
G 306 Basin Analysis
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Evolution of sedimentary basins in a global context, based upon their structural and
stratigraphic styles; factors that affect basin evolution such as sea-level change, sediment supply
and climate; facies analysis and mapping methods; depositional systems; burial history; basin
classification and models.
‫الصفائح التكتونية‬
G 307 Plate Tectonics
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Structure and geometry of lithospheric plates and plate boundaries; mechanisms of
divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries; orthogonal and oblique subduction; triple
junctions; mantle plumes; nature and origin of large igneous provinces and sedimentary basins;
Phanerozoic Orogenic belts.
‫جيولوجيا بيئية‬
G 308 Environmental Geology
Lec. 2 hrs
Fundamental concepts; earth materials and geological processes: river flooding, landslides,
earthquakes, volcanic activity, coastal hazards; human interaction with the environment, water
pollution, waste disposal, impact of mining and mineral processing, air pollution and global
climatic change; environmental law.
‫بترولوجية الصخور الرسوبية‬
G 309 Sedimentary Petrology
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Methods and principles of sedimentology: description, textures, mineralogy, and
classification of sedimentary rocks; environment of deposition and post-depositional history.
‫أساسيات الجيوكيمياء‬
G 311 Fundamentals of Geochemistry
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Chemical composition of the Earth and factors governing the cycling of chemicals
throughout the Earth from the core through to surface environments; principles of crystal chemistry,
chemical reactions and equilibria, oxidation and reduction, absorption and ion exchange; water
chemistry; isotope geochemistry.
‫مقدمة فى الجيولوجيا اإلقتصادية‬
G 313 Introduction to Economic Geology
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Introductory definitions. The nature and morphology of ore deposits. Genesis of ore
deposits. Plate tectonic and formations of ore deposits.
‫إستراتجرافيا حيوية‬
G 314 Biostratigraphy
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Basic concepts in biostratigraphy, biostratigraphic units (the biozone): nomenclature and
types of zones, correlation methods of stratigraphic units with the geological time scale including
biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy for basin analysis; integrated correlation with fossils and
microfossils (planktic foraminifera) to distinguish different zones of like polarities between
different stratigraphic sections, with emphasis on petroleum exploration (case study from Egypt).
‫ميكانيكا الصخور‬
G 315 Rock Mechanics
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Classification of rock masses, stress and strain in rock, elastic and time-dependent behavior
of rock, state of stress in rock masses, factors affecting the rock strength, failure mechanisms, lab
testing, geological and engineering applications.
‫جيولوجيا الحقب الرابع‬
G 316 Quaternary Geology
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Characteristics, distribution, and origin of Pleistocene and recent deposits,; stratigraphy and
chronology; formation of associated landforms, landscapes, paleosols, and soils; causes of
glaciation and climactic changes, sea-level variations and isostasy; Quaternary environments; study
of some Quaternary deposits of Egypt.
‫الكيمياء البلورية‬
G 317 Crystal Chemistry
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Introduction of crystal chemistry; relation of structure to ionic size and nature; influence of
pressure and temperature on structure; chemical-structural defects, crystalline solutions, phasetransitions, symmetry of internal structure; space groups, diffraction of X-rays by crystals and
properties of materials and minerals.
‫تنقيب جيوكيميائى‬
G 318 Geochemical Exploration
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Basic principles: geochemical environments, dispersion, mobility, metallogenic provinces,
associations and patterns of geochemical distribution; geochemical anomalies in different
geospheres; lithochemical dispersion flows; primary and secondary dispersion aureoles of ore
deposits; hydrochemical, atmochemical and biogeochemical methods of mineral exploration;
analytical and statistical techniques used in exploration; geochemical exploration in Egypt.
‫علم التتابع الطبقى‬
G 319 Sequence Stratigraphy
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Historical developments of sequence stratigraphy; methods of sequence stratigraphic
analysis; basic types of stratigraphic cycle; sequence models: depositional systems, system tracts,
sequence boundaries; the global cycle chart; sequence mechanisms: long-term eustasy, epeirogeny,
tectonic; implications for petroleum geology.
‫جيوكيمياء بيئية‬
G 320 Environmental Geochemistry
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
The natural geochemical cycles of elements at the surface of the Earth, as well as effects of
human activities upon these cycles; the distribution and transport of chemical substances between
the atmospheric, continental and marine environments; interactions between chemical, geological,
physical and biological environmental processes; analysis of environmental geochemical data
(geochemical modeling techniques and methods).
‫إحصاء جيولوجى‬
G 322 Geostatistics
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 2 hrs.
Application of statistical analysis techniques to geological data: graphical representations,
univariate statistics, probability, normal distributions, statistical inference, bivariate correlation,
analysis of variance, regression analysis, directional data, analysis of spatially distributed data and
multivariate methods.
‫طرائق معملية‬
G 324 Laboratory Techniques
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Principles of geochemical analysis as applied to a variety of geological problems;
sample preparation, separation of the sample constituents, analytical techniques: digestion, wet
analysis, spectrochemical analysis, atomic absorption and inductively coupled plasma
spectrophotometry, X-ray analysis, infrared analysis, DTA, instrumental neutron activation
analysis, lab safety.
‫جيولوجيا النظائر‬
G 326 Isotope Geology
Lec. 2 hrs.
Principles of stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry, and applications to economic geology,
geochronology, petrology, and tectonics.
‫علم الحفريات الطبقية‬
G 401 Strigraphical Palaeontology
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Evolutionary patterns in the fossil record and application of evolutionary theory to
understanding these patterns; events and processes pertaining to micro- and macro-evolutionary
change; and methods of determine phylogenies of organisms. Stratigraphic sequences of
microfauna; mega- and micro-faunal correlation; phylogenesis of foraminifera; case study from
‫جيولوجية مصر‬
G 402 Geology of Egypt
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Location and geomorphologic features of Egypt; regional structure and geologic evolution
of Egypt, with emphasis on basement complex of the Eastern Desert and Siniai; Cryptozoic and
Phanerozoic ears; palaegeographic maps; economic mineral deposits: ore deposits, petroleum and
Nubian aquifer system.
‫مقدمة فى جيولوجية مصر‬
G 407 Introduction to Geology of Egypt
Lec. 1 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Location and geomorphologic features of Egypt; tectonic framework and geologic history;
occurrence of mineral deposits, petroleum and groundwater system.
‫جيولوجيا منجمية وهندسية‬
G 409 Mining and Engineering Geology
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Introduction; mining geology: exploration methods for ore deposits, mine feasibility studies,
mining and ore processing techniques, reserve estimation and environmental management
requirements; engineering geology: site investigation methods, minerals, rock, superficial deposits
and soil properties; aspects of engineering construction practice, and elementary slope stability
analysis; geologic exploration of engineering sites.
‫حفريات دقيقة تطبيقية‬
G 410 Applied Micropalaeontolgy
Lec. 1 hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
This course deals with the association between micropaleontology and petroleum
exploration; major microfossil groups, with emphasis on foraminifera, and palynology; Life and
their application to studies stratigraphic problems; paleoenvironmental analysis, paleoclimatic
changes, biopaleogeography and paleooceanography; applications to petroleum and environmental
geology (Case studies).
‫المعادن والصخور فى الصناعة‬
G 411 Industrial Minerals and Rocks
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Introduction, mineral industry classification, metallic and non-metallic minerals, ceramic
and glass industry, rare-metal mineral industry, construction industry, gem minerals, abrasive
‫جيوكيمياء عضوية‬
G 413 Organic Geochemistry
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Global carbon cycle; hydrocarbon composition; organic theories for oil and gas generation;
geochemical evaluation of source rocks; organic matter diagenesis/catagenesis; analytical
techniques used in organic geochemistry; biomarkers and their role as indicators for source rock
depositional environments and maturation assessments; infrared oil-oil and oil-source correlation;
carbon and hydrogen isotopes geochemistry.
‫جيولوجيا تحت سطحية‬
G 415 Subsurface Geology
Lec. 2 hrs + Lab. 3 hrs.
Sources of subsurface data, types of drilling, the drilling Mud Fluids (Composition,
Properties and problems during drilling), casing, coring, perforating production casing, well site
geological control, well logging (types, techniques and interpretation), subsurface mapping
techniques based on drilling and well logging data, subsurface profiles and cross-sections,
subsurface exploration and prospection for oil and gas deposits.
‫جيوكيمياء المياه‬
G 417 Hydrogeochemistry
Lec. 2 hr + Lab. 3 hrs.
Chemical composition of natural groundwater; inorganic parameters in natural water,
chemical reactions and processes in groundwater systems; water-rock interaction processes,
chemical evolution of groundwater; equilibrium and disequilibrium; dissolution and precipitation of
minerals; calculation and presentation of hydrochemical data as a basis for interpretation;
‫مشروع بحثي‬
GEO 490 Research project
GP 201 Basic Geophysics
‫أساسيات الجيوفيجياء‬
Physical properties of rocks and minerals, importance of geophysics and its relation to other
subjects, principles of seismic, gravity, magnetic, electrical and electromagnetic, methods.
GP202 Gravity and Magnetic Methods
‫طرق مسح تثاقلية ومغناطيسية‬
Introduction , Basic concepts ,Earth’s Gravity field ,Gravity anomalies, acquisition of
Gravity data (gravity Instruments ,Gravity surveys , corrections of gravity Data (, elevation
correction, terrain correction , drift), interpretation of gravity data ( qualitativeand quantitative
interpretations). Rock magnetism ,Geomagnetic field , magnetic anomalies , acquisition of magnetic
data (magnetic surveying instruments ,ground magnetic surveys, aeromagnetic and marine surveys,
corrections of magnetic data (normal correction , diurnal correction , elevation and terrain
corrections, interpretation of magnetic data (qualitative interpretation ,quantitative interpretation,
ambiguity of magnetic interpretation.
GP 204 Seismic Methods
‫طرق مسح سيجمية‬
Seismic methods in relation to the other geophysical methods, role of seismic methods
in hydrocarbon , water & mining explorations, seismic methods ( refraction and reflection ),
theoretical background Basic elasticity theory , elementary wave propagation theory , types of
seismic waves and noises , seismic velocities , seismic refraction method, seismic refraction along
horizontal and dipping layers, refraction data acquisition refraction data corrections, seismic
velocities , seismic reflection method ( seismic reflection along horizontal and dipping layers ,
reflection data acquisition , reflection data corrections , seismic stratigraphy and seismo - tectonics
GP 301 Geoelectrical and Electromagnetic Methods
‫طرق مسح كهربية وكهرومغناطيسية‬
Electrical properties of rocks and minerals and their determinations, fundamentals of direct
current flow, relationship between point and line pole potential distribution. Measuring System
(quantities measured in various electrical methods and description of the instruments used,
discussion of various configurations used in electrical method and field procedure adopted), D.C.
Resistivity Methods ( Potential distribution at the surface of a horizontally stratified earth, Kernel
function and its relation to the subsurface parameters, apparent resistivity function, computation of
apparent resistivity model curves, principle of digital linear filtering, vertical Electrical Sounding (
Interpretation of resistivity VES data, empirical methods for interpretation of resistivity sounding
data, indirect interpretation techniques, auxiliary point method, partial curve matching, complete
curve matching, direct interpretation techniques, automatic direct interpretation method, Dar
Zarrouk parameters, inversion techniques in resistivity method of interpretation, computer-aided
resistivity data interpretation (softwares), principles of equivalence, suppression and detectibility
problems, effects of deviations from the fundamental assumptions, electrical Profiling : Profiling
near a vertical contact and thin vertical dykes and discussion of the expected apparent resistivity
curves, self Potential Method : Mechanism of SP, field techniques, field due to vertically polarized
sphere and interpretation, induced Polarsation Method : Mechanism of IP instruments and
principles of measurements both in time and frequency domain and its interpretation. Introduction,
electromagnetic theory ( vector and scalar potentials), EM equipment (power sources, transmitter
loops, receiver coil, receiver amplifiers), EM systems for ground survey ( frequency domain
system, dip angle measurements, time domain) , airborn EM survey ( quadrature method, turair
method, VLF), EM field procedure and interpretation procedure, field examples.
GP 302 Interpretation of potential field methods
‫معالجة وتفسير بيانات طرق الجهد‬
Magnetic and gravity data are interpreted in conjunction with other geoscience information
to provide constraints on subsurface structure, for example in mining camps and in the western
Canada Sedimentary Basin, Mafic magmatic events of large volume and short duration are studied
in connection with mantle plumes, continental breakup and paleocontinental reconstruction,
locating platinum group element ore deposits and catastrophic paleo-climatic changes
‫تسجيالت األبار وتقييم التكاوين‬
GP 303 Well Logging and Formation Evaluation
Definition of a well – log, importance of well – logs, logging techniques and
measurements,classification of log measurements, problems specific to well log measurements,
logging equipments ( surface and downhole ), log presentation , origin of SP curve . Static SP
, pseudo - SP , factors influencing in the shapes and amplitude of SP peaks, Geology and the SP
log. applictions, resistivity logs, classification of resistivity logs .geological factors which influence
resistivity .Environmental corrections of resistivity logs, applications, natural gamma ray log ( GR
origin of natural radioactivity in rocks, minerals and rock containing radioactive elements factors
affecting the gamma ray responses . applictions natural gamma ray spectrometry ( NGS ) ,definition
, tools descriptions , computation of the U, Th and K content Applictions, neutron logs ( N),
principles, neutron logs environmental effects, geological factors affecting the hydrogen index
applictions, formation density log ( FDC ), applications, sonic logs ( BHC ) Principles . factors
influencing the measurements, environmental corrections and other factors, applications, thermal
decay time ( TDT ), principles, tools, factors influencing the measurements . environmental effects
.Geological factors affecting on measurements, applications .Well log interpretation, qualitative and
quantitative interpretation of well logs porosity determination, permeability determination
Saturation determination . lithology identification .
GP 304 Geophysical Exploration
‫استكشاف جيوفيجياء‬
Applications of different geophysical tools in the field of groungwater , hydrocarbon and
mineral exploration. Case studies.
GP 305 Principals of Earthquake Seismology
‫مبادئ علم الجالجل‬
Seismicity and its causes in the context of plate tectonics, determination of earthquake
location, size and focal parameters, seismogram interpretation, seismometry, hazard potential, use
of earthquakes in determining earth structure
GP 306 Computer Application in Geophysics
‫تطبيقات الحاسبات في الجيوفيجياء‬
Logical Expressions, Loops, Formatted-Unformatted Data Input/Output, Modules, Array
Processing, Complex data type, File types and Open, Close statements, Numerical calculations,
Precision, Iterations, Basic Applications in Geophysics.
GP 307 Seismic data processing
‫معالجة البيانات السيجمية‬
Digitise analogue signal ( graphical method choosing different sampling intervals, plotting
the digitised record and examining the aliasing phenomenon), convolving the two signals
(wavelets), plot and examine the results, autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions for a given
data set, plot and examine the results, digital filtering after designing a low, high and band pass
filters and to examine the effects of truncation, computation of the amplitude, phase and power
spectra of a given time series, application of Wiener inverse filtering to seismic data, comment on
wavelet extraction problems.
GP 311 Paleomagnetism
‫المغناطيسية القديمة‬
Fundamental principles of rock magnetism, paleo-magnetism, and geomagnetism and its
applications to geology and geophysics, the origin and behavior of the geomagnetic field, physical
and chemical basis of paleomagnetism; physics of magnetism as it applies to rocks and minerals,
origin of remanent magnetization; mineralogy of magnetic minerals; paleomagnetic measurement
techniques, magnetostratigraphy; geodynamics, environmental magnetism; and biogeomagnetism.
The course is suitable for undergraduate juniors and seniors and graduate students in physics,
geophysics, geochemistry, mineralogy-petrology, and quaternary studies who want a basic
understanding of paleomagnetism and its potential applications to the Earth Sciences
GP 401 Seismic data interpretation
‫تفسير البيانات السيجمية‬
Basic geological concepts in exploration, refraction interpretation ( delay time methods,
wavefront methods, reflection interpretation ( modelling, evidences of faulting, folds and flow
structures, reefs, unconformities and seismic facies pattern, use of velocity information,
hydrocarbon indicators, VSP, shear wave exploration, AVO and cross hole methods), methodology
allowing management of a very large number of seismic lines, interpretatio of a 3D survey
campaign with several horizons and a complex structural pattern, preparatio of maps showing
isochronous and various seismic attributes (on a surface or grid), as well as isopachous attributes,
establish a time/depth conversion, match well-data with seismic data and draw up a synthetic
seismogram, Seismic interpretation theory: typical trap types and their seismic definition, velocity
effects and structural effects, timing effects, amplitude with offset change, direct hydrocarbon
indicators, lithology modelling, numerical modelling types, geological settings and their seismic
response, event contouring with case histories.
GP 402 Marine Seismic
‫سيجمية بحرية‬
Ocean and Seas (Classification, growth and decline of ocean basins, turbidity currents,
submarine sedimentation and stratigraphy, physiography and divisions of the sea floor, continental
shelves, slopes, aprons and abyssal planes, occurrence of mineral deposits and hydrocarbon in
offshore), seismic Surveys : Marine energy sources, Finger, Boomer, Sparker, explodor, airgun,
vapour cook etc. hydrophones active section and streamer towing gear, shooting methods near
offshore and offshore exploration techniques, recording of signals by digital system, analysis of
seismic data their processing and interpretations, refraction survey with Sonobuoy’s and
interpretation, radio Positioning System : Short range and long range Doppler Sonar, satellite
navigation, GPS and GIS.
GP 403 Archaeological Prospecting
‫التنقيب عن اآلثار‬
The nature of matter, Soils and Chemical Prospection, Site Evaluation Strategies, Electrical
Methods of Survey, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Methods of Survey, Treatment, Display and
Interpretation of Field Data.
‫سيزمية الطبقات‬
Overview of seismic data acquisition and processing methods, seismic wavelets, static and
dynamic corrections, and seismic velocities; seismic reflection data interpretation; seismic
reflection responses; seismic mapping; seismic stratigraphy and seismic lithology, consent required.
GP 405 Marine Gravity and Magnetic Geophysics
‫جيوفيجياء تثاقلية ومغناطيسية بحرية‬
Types of magnetometers used in a survey ship, towing cable and fish, data collection,
reduction and interpretation, underwater gravity measurements, ship borne gravimeters, Graf sea
gravimeter, vibrating string accelerometer, Lacoste Romberg gravimeter, problems with shipborne
gravity measurements, survey procedure, data reduction and interpretation.
‫االستشعار عن بعد واالستكشاف‬
GP 406 Remote Sensing and exploration
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing : Energy sources, principles of solar and terrestrial
radiation, laws of radiation, energy interactions, spectral patterns and signatures, application in
geological mapping and mineral resource evaluation, concepts of GIS and applications: theory and
principles, structural concepts, geological interpretation and its ambiguity, geological guides,
characteristics for mineral resource, application to water resources evaluation and soil moisture
determination: watershed parameters, physiographic measurements, surface water, flood plain
delineation, precipitation, ice and snow monitoring, evaporation and evapotranspiration, subsurface
water information system and analysis, Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, circular and elliptical
orbits of satellites, polar, geosynchronous and geostationary satellite, types of sensors, photographic
and TV cameras, visible and infrared sensing, radiometer, side looking radar, Historical
development, various meteorological satellite system, INSAT system, data acquisition system,
Automatic Picture Transmission (APT). Remote sensing application in meteorology , visible and
infrared pictures of clouds, recognition of various clouds and weather systems, estimation of surface
temperature and cloud tops, vertical profiles of temperature and water vapour, wind estimation, role
of weather satellites in global coverage of observation in synoptic and climatological studies.
GP 407 Mining Geophysics
‫جيوفيجياء تعدينية‬
Seismic waves, refraction and reflection seismology. Electromagnetic techniques.
Radiometric, remote sensing and miscellaneous methods. Drill hole logging. Geophysics in
exploration programs, Physical properties of rocks - geological environments of mineralisation, oil,
gas and their physical nature. Gravity, magnetic fields and survey techniques. Resistivity and
induced polarisation methods.
GP 408 Reservoir geophysics
‫جيوفيجياء الخجانات‬
Eelastic wave propagation and petro-acousticrelations, principle geophysical methods for
characterising oil and gas reservoirs, mapping of elastic properties from post-stack and pre-stack
seismic data,, integration of well information with seismic data in order to extract petrophysical
properties, flow of reservoir characterization from a geophysical point of view; (Amplitude Versus
Offset - Amplitude Versus Angle) (importance of anomalies according to different contexts, in
relation to the petrophysical data), post-stack and pre-stack seismic inversion, 4D/monitoring
seismic, and analysis of seismic attributes (qualitative and quantitative approaches).
GP 412 Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
‫استخدام الرادار في االستكشاف‬
basic principles of radar propagation, Velocity, Attenuation, Reflection, Penetration,
Resolution, GPR survey design, data collection, processing, and interpretation, GPR equipment,
Common Field Proceedures, Acquisition Geometry and The Reflection Travel-Time Curve,
Determining Velocity and Reflector Depth