International Conference on OPTIMIZATION OF ELECTRICAL AND

International Conference on OPTIMIZATION OF
13th Edition, OPTIM 2012, Brasov, May 24-26, 2012
The 13th International Conference on "Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment OPTIM 2012" has been organized jointly by the Faculties of Electrical Engineering from 3 major
universities of Transilvania region of Romania, which incorporate about 3500 students in Power
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (with the first one as the host):
"Transilvania" University of Brasov
University "Politehnica" of Timisoara
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Traditionally OPTIM was (is) technically sponsored by IEEE-IAS, IEEE-PELS, IEEE-IES
(USA), IEEE Romania, the Romanian Academy, the Academy of Technical Sciences in
Romania, Romanian Electrotechnical Committee.
The technical spectrum of OPTIM is similar in breadth to IEEE-IAS Meetings, though at a
reduced scale, as expected.
The official language was (is) English and the paper format was (is) that of IEEE; only full
length papers were accepted from start and then reviewed by 3 reviewers and an advocate.
We did receive 304 full length paper proposals from 36 countries (Algeria, Austria, Belarus,
Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Czechia, China, Denmark, United
Arab Emirats, France, Germany, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Macedonia, Malaysia,
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovacia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden,
Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA).
295 reviewers (228 IEEE Members) helped us
239 papers have been accepted (83,1%); 10 papers have been redrawn,
235 papers from 27 countries (Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Denmark,
France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Moldova, Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom) have
been included in the Final program, and they are grouped in 7 tracks:
TT01: Power Systems and Electromagnetics (47 papers)
TT02: Electrical Machines, Industrial Drives and Control (63 papers)
TT03: Power Electronics and Power Conversion (19 papers)
TT04: Renewable Electric Energy Conversion, Processing and Storage
TT05: Mechatronics, Industrial Automation and Control (13 papers)
TT06: Applied Electronics and System Integration (24 papers)
TT07: Electrical Engineering Education and Emerging Technologies (8 papers)
As requested, 4 special sessions were organized:
SS04: Cold-plasma discharges and applications (12 papers)
SS05: Medical Applications and Ambient Assisted Living (6 papers)
SS06: Robotics, Vision and Real-time Data Processing (15 papers)
SS09: Energy Storage Devices and Their Mobile and Stationary Applications (5 papers)
The Final Program included 10 outstanding keynote addresses that enjoyed large audience and
high appreciation:
 Suitability of fuzzy systems and neural networks for industrial applications, Bogdan
M. Wilamowski, Auburn University, USA
Concurrent design of electrical machines for power conversion capability, load cycle
efficiency and self-sensing, Robert D. Lorenz, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
 Recent advancements in fpga-based controllers for ac drives applications, Eric
Monmasson, Imen Bahri, Lahoucine Idkhajine, University of Cergy-Pontoise, France,
Amira Maalouf, Thales-AES, Chatou, France, Wissem Naouar, L.S.E., ENIT, Tunis le
Belvedere, Tunisia
 Power-electronic grid supply of ac railway systems, Andreas Steimel, Ruhr-University
Bochum, Germany
 Electric machines and power electronics for more electric aircraft, Kaushik
Rajashekara, Rolls-Royce Corporation, Indianapolis, USA
 Force transmission and haptic forceps, Kouhei Ohnishi, Keio University, Yokohama,
 Modern developments in electromagnetic launch systems using linear machines,
John F. Eastham, University of Bath, UK
 Trends in wind turbine technology, Remus Teodorescu, Aalborg University, Denmark,
Pedro Rodriguez, Technical University of Catalonia and Abenoga Research, Spain, Dan
M. Ionel, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA
 Intelligent strategies - nonlinear systems, Dierk Schroeder, Technical University of
Munich, Germany
 PM-less large power wind generators: a review, Ion Boldea, University "Politehnica"
of Timisoara
One volume of abstracts and a memory stick (Gheorghe Pamfil) of the Proceedings of OPTIM
2012 have been edited by "Transilvania" University of Brasov, under
IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1022D-CDR
ISBN: 978-1-4244-7018-1
ISSN: 1842-0133
Brochures with printed full length papers have been distributed to participants in the oral
sessions, thus facilitating core dialogues with the authors.
OPTIM 2012 took place in the touristic complex Cheile Gradistei, Fundata, Brasov county, close
te prime mountain Resorts of Romania: 50 km from Brasov, 12 km from Bran (Dracula castle)
on May 24-26, 2010.
We did have 74 participants from abroad (from 27 countries) and cca 180 participants from
From the 205 papers included in the final Program, 195 have been presented by one of the
authors within 17 oral sessions (5 parallel oral sessions) and two Poster session, all well
attended, with lively discussions, which covered completely two conference days. Five of the
absentees could not come because of the visa problems. The authors presentation coefficient was
The third day of the Conference was dedicated to cultural/touristic activities (visits to famous
medieval places around Brasov) and was attended heavily by most participants. From the 195
papers presented, all anonymously reviewed by 3 reviewers and an advocate (via Internet), based
on highest review rankings, according to our Technical Sponsorship pledge, a Screening
Committee (formed of IEEE members and led by Prof. Ion Boldea, IEEE Fellow) selected 20%
(34 papers ) for final review and potential publication in IEEE Trans. Vol: IA, PEL, IE or MAG,
based on contents and publication space availability.
OPTIM 2012 proceedings:
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