SYMPOSIUM JJ The Undergraduate Curriculum in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) December 2 { 4, 2002 Chairs Elliot P. Douglas Materials Science and Engineering Univ of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 352-846-2836 Oscar D. Dubon Jacqueline A. Isaacs William B. Knowlton Dept of MS&E Univ of California-Berkeley 587 Evans Hall #1760 Berkeley, CA 94720-1760 510-643-3851 Mech, Ind & Mfg Engr Northeastern Univ 334 SN Moston, MA 02115 617-373-3989 College of Engineering Dept of Electrical & Computer Engr Boise State Univ Boise, ID 83725 208-426-5705 M. Stanley Whittingham Dept of Chemistry SUNY-Binghamton Science II Binghamton, NY 13902-6016 607-777-4623 Proceedings to be published online (see ONLINE PUBLICATIONS at as Volume 760E of the Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Series * Invited paper 739 SESSION JJ1: Chair: M. Stanley Whittingham Monday Afternoon, December 2, 2002 Republic A (Sheraton) teaching style in Japan that their eectiveness has been debated among faculty members and students. I shall discuss how we have addressed these challenges and have stimulated student interest in MSE at Keio University. 3:30 PM *JJ1.4 1:30 PM *JJ1.1 THE NEW MSE CURRICULUM AT THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. Prabhat Gupta, Robert Snyder, The Ohio State University, Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, Columbus, OH. LURING UNDERGRADUATES TO MATERIALS SCIENCE. Gregory C. Farrington, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA. Undergraduates do not naturally ock to specialize in Materials Science. Physics and Chemistry departments are not much better at luring undergraduates away from the dazzling world of information science, computer engineering, and bio-everything. This situation is unfortunate for all of the obvious reasons, not the least of which is the central importance of materials science and engineering to the economy. More ominously for academics, declining enrollments can result in disappearing departments. In the UK, for example, a number of chemistry and physics departments have been closed or consolidated in recent years because of insucient student interest. The same fate has befallen materials departments in the US. Too often departments approach undergraduate enrollments the same way they deal with the rain, as in either it rains or it doesn't and there is not much you can do about it either way. Yet there is, at least in the case of undergraduates. The focus of this talk is on the means of attracting undergraduates to Materials Science, and the fundamental sciences as well, through curricular innovation and a restructuring of the undergraduate experience. Included is a discussion of the innovative use of the web in such programs as the Clipper Project, a Lehigh experiment in oering rst year college education to advanced high school students; and the MatPaC coalition in which six materials departments in Pennsylvania are cooperating in oering advanced materials courses to students using the Internet and Internet2. 2:00 PM *JJ1.2 AN INTRODUCTION TO MATERIALS SCIENCE FOR BIOENGINEERS: STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF BIOMATERIALS. William R. Graham, The University of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Philadelphia, PA. An eective platform for an introductory course in Materials Science for Bioengineering students will be presented. The traditional structure, property and performance relationship for materials becomes very much more relevant to bioengineering students when presented in the context of the materials used for surgical implants and medical devices, the primary focus of this course being the total hip prosthesis. A fascinating history is associated with the evolution of the materials and design of contemporary prosthetic implant systems, stemming from the original low-friction arthroplasty introduced by Sir John Charnley in the early '70s. Aseptic loosening and osteolysis are currently recognized as the primary long-term complications in total hip replacement. In addition to appropriate mechanical properties, component xation, wear characteristics, biocompatibility, response of biological systems to implant materials and response of the materials to the biological environment are important issues aecting the long-term outcomes of total hip arthroplasty. In addition to traditional examinations, students are required to prepare and present a term paper from material in the current research literature connecting the structure, property, performance relationships for materials employed for a medical device application of their choosing. 2:30 PM *JJ1.3 MATERIALS SCIENCE EDUCATION AT KEIO UNIVERSITY: ADOPTING U.S. INSTRUCTION PRACTICES IN JAPAN. Kohei M. Itoh, Keio Univ, Dept of Applied Physics, Yokohama, JAPAN. The undergraduate experience in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) in Japan diers from that at U.S. institutions in several respects. While MSE programs at many U.S. universities exist as established departments, it is rare to nd MSE departments in Japan. Therefore, materials science education in Japan is more convoluted with other disciplines, occurring across a variety of departments such as applied physics, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and bioengineering. Here, I will report on the challenges of materials science education in Japanese universities focusing on the Department of Applied Physics at Keio University as an example. The challenge is two-fold: 1) stimulating student interest in MSE before undergraduate students choose their home department at the conclusion of their rst year and 2) providing a rigorous MSE curriculum that will prepare students for graduate education both domestically and abroad. For this purpose, we have adopted a U.S. teaching style such as two 90-minute lectures per week (instead of one in Japan), weekly homework assignments, discussion sessions with teaching assistants, and oce hours. Such conventional pedagogical practices in the U.S. represent major changes in instruction and culture of the traditional A new MSE curriculum will go into eect at the OSU starting Fall, 2002. This curriculum is composed of four parts: 1) General Education Core (required by the University of all undergraduates), 2) Engineering Core (required by the College of Engineering and includes courses in English, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Statistics, Programming, Statics, and Stress Analysis) 3) Materials Science and Engineering Core (includes courses on Atomic Scale Structure, Microstructure and Characterization, Mechanical Behavior, Electrical Properties, Thermodynamics, Transport and Kinetics, Phase Diagrams, Phase Transformations, Materials Processing, Materials Selection, and Materials Performance), and 4) Senior Year MSE-Specialization. Novel features of this curriculum include: 1) Concentration in a specialized area of MSE in the senior year: a student can either choose from the six pre-approved specialization tracks (Bio, Ceramic, Electronic, Manufacturing, Metallurgical, and Polymers) or can petition for a customized track. 2) Increased exposure to MSE courses in the sophomore year: four MSE core courses have been moved to the sophomore year (Atomic Scale Structure of Materials, Microstructure and Characterization of Materials, Intro. to Mechanical Behavior of Materials, and Intro to Electrical Properties of Materials). 3) Increased industrial exposure: two new courses have been added (a lab course consisting of a tour of local MSE-industries in the sophomore year and a seminar course in the junior year consisting of speakers from a variety of MSE-industries) in addition to the industry-sponsored design projects in the senior year. 4) Development of ancillary skills in lab courses: for most labs the focus will shift away from demonstration of concepts from lecture courses and more towards development of various skills: lab, experimental design and data analysis, computational, writing, and communication. 4:00 PM *JJ1.5 TOWARDS A NEW UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM IN MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING. Donald R. Sadoway, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. The eld of materials science and engineering continues to grow while the time to earn a bachelor's degree remains xed. Only by implementing major changes both in content and in format of undergraduate degree programs in MSE can we expect to meet the educational needs of our students. At MIT, wholesale revision of the undergraduate degree program in MSE is underway with the intention of devising a course of study whose aim is to educate specialists in the development and use of materials in technology. The curriculum comprises core technical knowledge, professional development, and a capstone activity. Pedagogical considerations include integration of subject matter between subjects, reinforcement of theory through applications, and presentation of material on a need-to-know basis, i.e., in time blocks of several weeks as opposed to full semesters. Core technical knowledge is divided into three broad categories: synthesis & processing; composition & structure; properties & performance. In the junior and senior years students can tailor their course of study by choosing from a large number of restricted electives, each running approximately four weeks, building upon the core and moving towards the frontiers of the eld. Professional development is to be embedded in the curriculum in accordance with ABET specications. Capstone activities include senior thesis, industrial internship, and interdisciplinary design studio. Launch of the new program is slated for fall 2003. 4:30 PM JJ1.6 THE CYMBALS AS AN INSTRUCTIONAL DEVICE FOR MATERIALS EDUCATION. Mary Anne White, Dept. Chemistry and Institute for Research in Materials, Dalhousie University, Halifax, CANADA. Discussion of the materials chemistry behind the production of a cymbal provides an opportunity for exploration of a number of materials topics, which could well resonate with students. 4:45 PM JJ1.7 THE NSF NSDL GREEN DIGITAL LIBRARY: GREEN'S FUNCTIONS RESEARCH AND EDUCATION ENHANCEMENT NETWORK. Laura M. Bartolo, Kent State University, Applied Linguistics Institute, Kent, OH; Adam C. Powell IV, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Materials Science and Engineering 740 Department, Cambridge, MA; Gregory M. Shreve, Kent State University, Applied Linguistics Institute, Kent, OH; Vinod K. Tewary, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Materials Reliability Division, Boulder, CO. Greens functions are powerful mathematical tools with strong pedagogical value providing not only solutions to dicult problems but also visualization for understanding phenomena. The majority of upper division engineering and materials science students receive very little exposure to Greens functions and the boundary element method (BEM). The Greens Functions Research and Education Enhancement Network (GREEN) digital library, which the authors are developing, will therefore play an important role in undergraduate and graduate education. The National Science Foundation has launched the National Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education Digital Library (NSDL) program to stimulate and sustain continual improvements in the quality of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education. The NSDL Program is a major digital library initiative and the GREEN Digital Library is a collaboration of the Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials Science of the Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Kent State University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with funding from the National Science Foundation. This presentation describes the primary components of GREEN Digital Library, an organized collection of educational materials integrating research, education, and application of Greens functions to serve undergraduate and graduate communities: 1. Problem Bank: A bank of available real-world problems, introduced by industrial participants. 2. Code Bank: Working code for solved Greens functions routines. 3. Archive: A list of citations to relevant literature, and published / unpublished works subject to copyright restrictions, with links elsewhere for additional information. 4. Teaching Bank: A collection of lecture / course notes from existing university courses, as well as providing a forum for discussion of approaches to teaching this material. SESSION JJ2: Chair: Oscar D. Dubon Tuesday Morning, December 3, 2002 Republic A (Sheraton) 8:30 AM *JJ2.1 EXCITEMENT IS THE KEY TO LEARNING ABOUT MATERIALS. John J. Mecholsky Jr., University of Florida, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Gainesville, FL. Creating courses that excite Materials Science & Engineering students is one of the most useful tools for enabling student learning. I will describe a new course developed in the MSE Department at the University of Florida to retain students in engineering: Engineering Innovations in the 21st Century. This course had students examine patents in biomaterials, nano-technology, MEMS devices and related materials subjects. The students were required to write individual and group reports about the patents, and then to make technical presentations to the class. In addition to being presented with interesting and useful information, students need to optimize information retention. We, as teachers, can help. There are three main ways everyone accesses information: verbally, kinestetically, and/or visually. Unless we attempt to address all these media in the classroom, we will not reach all of the students. I will discuss techniques that can be used in the classroom to stimulate students to think on their own and to create ideas. These techniques include challenging contests with associated rewards, group homework, and \hands-on" demonstrations and \quizzes." The positive and negative aspects of these techniques will be discussed. 9:00 AM JJ2.2 USING INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA TOOLS TO TEACH ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES IN THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM. Karin Prunera , Klaus Pingelb , Jens Beckerb , Horst-Peter Dressela , Christof Reinerc , Marc Schlosserc and Hans-Jurgen Christa ; a Institute for Materials Technology, University of Siegen, GERMANY; b Institute of Physics, University of Siegen, GERMANY; c Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Siegen, GERMANY. teaching materials characterization diers from department to department, the basic principles are the same. Therefore, we use an interdisciplinary approach involving the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Department of Physics and the Department of Chemistry to develop a modular set of web-based teaching/learning software tools with computer-based visualizations and simulations to introduce the basics of these characterization techniques. The level of introduction is suitable for undergraduates and examples from actual research and industry projects give easy access for the beginner. For the advanced learner more detailed chapters are provided as well. Therefore, self-directed learning is possible for every student and the software can be used both as a stand-alone tool or to complement existing lectures. In a rst step a module on scanning electron microscopy was developed and currently work on transmission electron microscopy is under way. Additional modules are anticipated for the future. 9:15 AM JJ2.3 TECHNIQUES FOR STUDYING SOLIDS: AN ON-LINE APPROACH TO JUST IN TIME LEARNING FOR MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION. Wayne E. Jones Jr., Chuan-Jian Zhong, and M. Stanley Whittingham, Department of Chemistry and Institute for Materials Research, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY. The breadth of the Materials Science curriculum demands familiarity with a broad range of characterization tools and techniques. We have developed a hybrid course approach to a broad array of materials characterization techniques that uses both conventional and on-line methods. The on-line modules, taken individually, provide for just in time learning which supports the research eorts of advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and continuing education industrial students. Working in partnership with experts from academia and industry, we can ensure the most up to date curriculum. With the support of an NSF CCLI grant a complete scanning probe microscopy laboratory has been introduced into the freshman and advanced undergraduate curriculum as an atomic scale analytical visualization tool. Both scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) have been incorporated and simulate the study of well-dened, crystalline conductive or non-conductive materials such as HOPG, mica, and other materials or biology relevant systems. A number of open-ended questions have also been generated involving interpreting the images of well-dened crystalline materials and performing special projects. These questions serve as an ideal vehicle for enhancing inquiry-based learning activities. Additional modules involving X-ray diraction, Electron Beam Microscopy, and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy have also been developed. Examples of individual modules, curricular design strategy, and class testing will be discussed. 9:30 AM JJ2.4 MANAGING STUDENT GROUP PROJECTS IN AN INTRODUCTORY MATERIALS SCIENCE COURSE. Jacqueline A. Isaacs, Northeastern University, Boston, MA. In an introductory materials science course for mechanical and industrial engineering sophomores, a term-long student team project is included as a graded activity. Successful completion of the project fullls three course objectives where students learn 1) to compose professional reports in teams and demonstrate eective communication skills, and 2) to apply introductory concepts of materials science well enough to follow technical articles on various topics, and 3) to locate resources to gather additional information related to a topic. To help students learn to research a topic, to write, to work in teams, and to speak publicly, the course includes guest lectures with various instructors with expertise in library research skills, technical writing, and communication studies. Course assessment indicates that sophomores nd their projects interesting and they report learning a lot about the topics they selected. Interventions in the early stages of the curriculum allow the students to perform better during their senior year Capstone Design Project. The details of how the projects are managed will be described. 10:15 AM JJ2.5 A TWO COURSE SEQUENCE FOR INTRODUCTION TO MATERALS. Elliot P. Douglas, Univ of Florida, Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, Gainesville, FL. The use of analytical techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diraction (XRD), or optical microscopy (OM) for materials characterization is of great practical importance in many dierent disciplines. A basic knowledge of the underlying physical principles and the capabilities and limitations of these techniques should be developed during undergraduate education to facilitate further more focused practical and theoretical training in graduate school and in research projects. While the approach to For many years the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Florida has provided a single course in Introduction to Materials. Recently, a new course in Materials Chemistry was developed as an alternative to the traditional chemistry course for MSE majors. Although not designed as a sequence, the two courses together provide a more complete introduction to the basics of MSE than the traditional single course. For example, Materials Chemistry provides a brief description of the thermodynamics underlying phase diagrams, while Introduction to 741 Berbeco, Robert Martello, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, Needham, MA. Materials provides a phenomenological description of how to interpret phase diagrams. Together, these two courses oer a means to excite students about MSE and attract more students to this major. 10:30 AM *JJ2.6 USING INTERDISCIPLINARY EXAMPLES IN NANOTECHNOLOGY TO TEACH CONCEPTS OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Wendy C. Crone, Department of Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI; Arthur B. Ellis, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI; George C. Lisensky, Department of Chemistry, Beloit College, Beloit, WI; S. Michael Condren, Department of Chemistry, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, TN; Amy Payne, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI; Ken Lux, Department of Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. The National Science Foundation-supported Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) on Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces at the University of Wisconsin - Madison has an extensive education and outreach eort. One theme of this eort is the development of instructional materials based on cutting-edge research in nanoscale science and engineering. The \Nanoworld Cineplex" contains movies of experiments and demonstrations that can be brought into classes and laboratories. Also available are kits, software, teaching modules and articles. A hands-on kit for nontechnical audiences, \Exploring the Nanoworld," has been produced in collaboration with the Institute for Chemical Education. In this presentation, novel hands-on demonstrations and innovative laboratory experiments aimed at the college and high school levels will be highlighted. High-tech devices and materials such as light emitting diodes (LEDs), shape memory alloys, amorphous metal, and ferrouids are discussed in the classroom and studied in the laboratory as illustrations of nanotechnology and its impact on energy, the environment and our quality of life. These examples illustrate interdisciplinary research that provides connections among materials science, chemistry, physics, engineering, and the life sciences. They also highlight the tools of nanotechnology, such as scanning probe microscopy, electron microscopy, x-ray diraction, and chemical vapor deposition, which are associated with the preparation and characterization of nanostructured materials. Demonstrations of the incorporation of nanotechnology to teach fundamental materials science principles presented are summarized at SESSION JJ3: IN-ROOM POSTER SESSION Chair: Oscar D. Dubon Tuesday Morning, December 3, 2002 11:00 AM Republic A (Sheraton) JJ3.1 TOOLS FOR TEACHING NANOTECHNOLOGY CONCEPTS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Wendy C. Crone, Department of Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI; Arthur B. Ellis, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI; George C. Lisensky, Department of Chemistry, Beloit College, Beloit, WI; S. Michael Condren, Department of Chemistry, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, TN; Amy Payne, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI; Ken Lux, Department of Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. The National Science Foundation-supported Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) on Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces at the University of Wisconsin - Madison has an extensive education and outreach eort. One theme of this eort is the development of instructional materials based on cutting-edge research in nanoscale science and engineering. Novel hands-on demonstrations and innovative laboratory experiments that illustrate interdisciplinary research connections among materials science, chemistry, physics, engineering, and the life sciences will be highlighted. These teaching tools are summarized at SESSION JJ4: Chair: Jacqueline A. Isaacs Tuesday Afternoon, December 3, 2002 Republic A (Sheraton) 1:30 PM JJ4.1 MATERIALS SCIENCE IN A PROJECT-CENTERED, INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSE BLOCK. Jonathan Stolk, Hillary Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering (Olin), a new institution charged with redesigning engineering education, is currently developing an innovative curriculum that combines best practices from many other institutions with new, pedagogically sound ideas and approaches. Central to the Olin curriculum is the cohort, an integrated course block that combines technical and non-technical topics with a substantial, hands-on design project. Taught by multidisciplinary faculty teams, cohorts enable tight coordination between the understanding of underlying disciplines and the application of this disciplinary knowledge to real-world problems. Our preliminary work suggests that such integrated curricular components can be extremely eective and may oer synergistic reinforcement of pedagogical benets not fully exploited in other curricular approaches. In the sophomore year, Olin students will participate in project-centered cohorts that integrate scientic courses with Business Entrepreneurship and Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, allowing students to work on engineering projects that have broader implications than the purely technical. Materials Science and Engineering plays an important role as one of the integrated technical topics in the sophomore cohorts. In this paper, we describe the structure of the Olin curriculum and the characteristics of Olins interdisciplinary cohorts, including key features, pedagogical benets, and possible implementation diculties. We provide specic examples of potential materials science cohort projects, a description of materials science course structure within an interdisciplinary cohort, and plans for development and implementation of the materials science cohorts at Olin. 1:45 PM JJ4.2 INCORPORATING MATERIALS SCIENCE INTO AN UNDERGRADUATE APPLIED PHYSICS CURRICULUM. Claudio Guerra-Vela, University of Puerto Rico at Humacao, Dept of Physics and Electronics, Humacao, PR; Fredy Zypman, Yeshiva Univ, Dept of Physics, New York, NY. Beginning in 1981, we created an applied physics (electronics) undergraduate program in the Humacao campus of the University of Puerto Rico. The program is a very successful one with a sustained average 100-student population over the years and a graduation rate averaging 15 students/year in the last ve years. Beyond the general courses of a natural sciences baccalaureate degree program, this program oers a mix of physics courses, electronics, microprocessors, controls, and a one-year intermediate laboratory course. This laboratory course has a mix of classical and modern experiments. Among these modern experiments, we include measuring the transverse and longitudinal Young and Shear modulus of a homemade concrete block by analyzing their standing modes of vibrations in a way similar to that of the C-215 ASTM Standard. From these measurements, we deduce Poissons ratio. Our technique is much simpler, since it only uses ordinary student laboratory equipment and some piezoelectric transducers. The technique can be performed during the curing of the concrete sample process with a precision comparable to that of the standard. Through the experiment, students learn about the properties of concrete, make the samples following the C-192 ASTM standardized process, and review several concepts about waves such as: wave equations, dierent resonant modes of vibrations (transverse, longitudinal and torsional), dispersion relations, standing waves, overtones, harmonics, nodes, antinodes and some important non-linear eects that are also considered in the model. 2:00 PM JJ4.3 INSTRUCTIONAL LABORATORY EXERCISES FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS IN SOLID-STATE PHYSICS OR MATERIALS SCIENCE. Colin Ingleeld, Weber State University, Department of Physics, Ogden, UT; Royce Anthon, University of Utah, Department of Physics, Salt Lake City, UT. A laboratory program developed for undergraduate students in solid state physics will be discussed. The laboratories are designed to emphasize central concepts while exposing students to some modern technology of the eld. In particular, a table-top diraction experiment based on laser light scattered by a two-dimensional lattice of gold dots created with electron-beam lithography will be discussed. Students were able to map the microscopic pattern of gold dots from the laser diraction pattern using the formalism developed in class for x-ray crystallography. The students were later able to conrm their map with an Atomic Force Microscopy image of the pattern. This exercise is at least comparable in pedagogical value to other, more expensive options. Other laboratory exercises and future plans will also be presented. 2:15 PM JJ4.4 WEB-BASED DATA ANALYSIS AND FEEDBACK FOR GENERAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY: IMPROVING ANALYSIS WITH 742 TIMELY, DISTANCE FEEDBACK. Joseph F. Lomax, Debra K. Dillner, Melonie A. Teichert, U.S. Naval Academy, Chemistry Dept, Annapolis, MD. materials and demonstrations being developed to assist students in understanding the role materials have played throughout history and in current events. Nothing can replace the hands-on experience of a laboratory. Safe handling of potentially dangerous materials, the satisfaction of creation and learning to take care in following directions and taking measurements are among the many benets of the undergraduate lab experience. However, a job is not done until the paperwork is nished. Quite often student are capable of following laboratory instructions and generating excellent data only to fail in the analysis of the data. The analysis rarely happens in the connes of the laboratory or in the presence of the instructor. All too often, students are unable to draw correct conclusions and learn important information from the interpretation of experimental results because they make calculational errors. In a traditional setting, these errors are discovered by the instructor during grading and found out by the student if they bother to look at there correct papers. An important educational opportunity is lost. There is an opportunity for distance learning to help bridge the gap between the collection of data and its correct analysis. At the U.S. Naval Academy we have developed a web-based system where the student inputs their data and calculational results into a web form. This input is submitted. Using Perl CGI programs, the data is brought into a server, the proper calculations are done and the results are compared with the student calculational results. In the resulting web page, incorrect calculations are agged. The student is then allowed to correct their errors and resubmit. This system has been in successful use for ve years. A description of a typical experiment will be given and assessment of student and faculty satisfaction will be reported. 3:30 PM JJ4.7 2:30 PM JJ4.5 THE JUNIOR LABORATORY: A PLACE TO INTRODUCE BASICS AS WELL AS NEW FINDINGS. Luz J. Martinez-Miranda, O.C. Wilson Jr. and L.G. Salamanca-Riba, Dept. of Materials and Nuclear Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Since its establishment in 1997, the undergraduate program at the University of Maryland has successfully established laboratories where new ndings are introduced and used to teach the basic concepts and basic experimental methods in Materials Science and Engineering. This presents the challenge of changing the materials, keeping in mind that the students are being introduced for the rst time to many of the concepts. In the junior laboratory of materials, we have successfully changed two laboratories (X-ray and optical microscopy), and a demonstration (TEM) in order to introduce nanomaterials and biomaterials, and are currently working on introducing nanomaterials on a third laboratory (rectifying elements). These laboratories show that currently used techniques can aid in studying the new developments in materials and that most, if not all, the basic concepts can be applied in studying them. They also help the students look at the eects of the structure - processing - properties relationship that is basic to Materials Science and Engineering. We relate all laboratories to experiments and studies currently happening in materials science, even if we have not had the opportunity or the facilities to change them. 3:15 PM JJ4.6 INTRODUCING UPPER DIVISION NON-ENGINEERING STUDENTS TO MATERIALS. D.F. Bahr, M.G. Norton, Washington State Univ., Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Pullman, WA. "Materials: The foundation of society and technology" has been taught for three semesters over two years at Washington State University. The course is designed for upper division students in non-engineering elds to fulll a general education course requirement grounded in scientic methodologies. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the role that materials have played in human development and how materials continue to impact their lives and the world, ranging from historical development (e.g., bronze age) to current events linked to materials (e.g., aluminum smelters and power consumption). The primary goal of this course is to provide a mechanism for increasing the awareness of materials and materials science among college graduates from non-engineering disciplines. We will report on the development and results for the course over the past two years. The number of students who have chosen to take this elective has risen from 17 students the rst year to 30 students each semester the second year. We will present the demographics of the course by major, the topics covered, summarize the assigned work and the students? response to the workload and the types of topics. The majority of the students who chose this class to fulll their general education requirement come from technical, but non-engineering backgrounds. Initial evidence suggests that students from management information systems, agriculture, and architecture appear to be particularly aware of the importance of materials in their eld. Additionally, we will discuss aspects of the course which are currently being considered for modication and suggestions for faculty interested in developing similar courses, and present the basics of the PUI/MRSEC COLLABORATION TO CREATE OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN IN MATERIALS RESEARCH. Velda Goldberg, Physics Department, Simmons College, Boston, MA; Michael Kaplan, Chemistry and Physics Department, Simmons College, Boston, MA; Leonard Soltzberg, Chemistry Department, Simmons College, Boston, MA; George Malliaras, Materials Science and Engineering Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; Helene Schember, Nevjinder Singhota, Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. This three-year collaboration between a predominately undergraduate women's college (Simmons College) and a NSF-supported Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (the Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR)) focuses on establishing a collaborative Simmons/Cornell research program that provides opportunities for students to work with faculty on timely research projects, have access to sophisticated instrumentation, and gain related work experience in industrial settings. To interest women in participating in materials-related research and to encourage them to consider further career exploration in this area, the secondary goal of the project focuses on augmenting women's undergraduate experience. In this regard, the project uses the PUI/MRSEC collaboration to enhance the undergraduate curriculum at Simmons and encourage new Ph.D.s in materials-related disciplines at Cornell to consider academic careers at PUIs. To provide opportunities for students to work on research throughout their undergraduate careers, this program focuses on studying the degradation processes in organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). These materials are currently of great interest for display applications, and an understanding and control of the degradation processes could ultimately inuence their use in various types of consumer products. To widen science students' exposure to materials science, a new minor in materials was developed and materials science topics are being incorporated into physics and chemistry courses. To encourage students to consider graduate or industrial careers in materials science and to ease the transition into these large research environments, CCMR will place students in summer industrial jobs and REU positions. To provide students with further access to sophisticated instrumentation, a portion of the laboratory requirement for the new minor in materials will be co-taught during the summer by Simmons and Cornell collaborators at CCMR's Shared Experimental Facilities. Cornell's graduate students will participate in the program as mentors for Simmons undergraduates, and will visit Simmons to better understand postgraduate teaching careers at PUIs. 3:45 PM JJ4.8 LABORATORY ON A COMPUTER. Mikhail I. Mendelev, David J. Srolovitz, Princeton Materials Institute & Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ; B.S. Bokstein, Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys, Moscow, RUSSIA. It is rarely possible to give an undergraduate student the full range of laboratory experiences we would like. In particular, there is rarely an opportunity for a student to go into the laboratory, choose an approach to a problem, make mistakes and repeat the experiment as often as necessary to develop real prociency. We propose a set of computer-based laboratory experiments in which a student can decide which experiment to perform, the conditions under which to run the experiment, analyse the results, draw conclusions and repeat as needed until he/she is successful. These laboratories can be used rst with the instruction of the professor, followed by individual activity and discussion with the lab instructor. This clearly is not a replacement for a real laboratory experience, but rather an opportunity to develop the level expertise seldom realizable in laboratory courses and which he/she cannot obtain based solely upon a textbook. Laboratory experiments have been developed for several cases to complement and thermodynamics and kinetics course. We will present two such \labs," namely, the determination of phase diagrams from cooling curves and measurement of diusivities. SESSION JJ5: Chair: William B. Knowlton Wednesday Morning, December 4, 2002 Republic A (Sheraton) 8:30 AM *JJ5.1 PREPARING FOR SUCCESS: INDUSTRIAL SKILLS FOR MATERIALS ENGINEERS. Kristin J. Duxstad, Recording Head Operations, Seagate Technology, Minneapolis, MN. 743 The hard drive industry is a fast paced high technology industry that requires engineers and scientists with a wide variety of knowledge and skills. Analysis of problems, discovery of solutions, and the communication of these must be done quickly accurately, and eectively. While the academic environment often well prepares students to understand the basic science and engineering principles, other skills are lacking. A focus on complex problem solving and analytical skills should be integrated into the current materials engineering curriculum. This could include projects that incorporate the principles of design of experiments, Design For Six Sigma, and statistical analysis. Succinct and eective communication of the problem analysis and solution is also critical. It is important to understand how to tailor presentations depending on the audience and time available, while still incorporating critical details. Development of both analytical and communication skills should be incorporated directly into science and engineering courses rather than relegated to separate courses. An example of a project will be discussed. Ultimately, required skills may depend on the goals of the student and may require additional skills and coursework in areas such as technology management, nance, or education. 9:00 AM *JJ5.2 CHANGING SKILL SET NEEDED FROM MS&E EDUCATION DUE TO EVOLUTION OF THE Si MICROELECTRONICS INDUSTRY. Christopher S. Olsen, Applied Materials, TCG, Santa Clara, CA. Due to the continuing advancement of the Si microelectronics industry, physical semiconductor processing related issues now need more sophisticated electrical device understanding, including quantum mechanical eects. Due to the small less than 100nm feature sizes, diusion, activation, and thermal stability of semiconductor processes need to be better characterized, especially physical to electrical relationships. MS&E graduates have an inherent strength in understanding the physically phenomena, but may not in understanding electrical devices, CMOSFETs. In addition to electrical device properties, project management and statistical data analysis such as design of experiments, DOE, for characterizing complex multivariable systems are critical for MS&E graduates to be successful in the Si microelectronics industry. 9:30 AM JJ5.3 UTILIZING INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS TO DESIGN AN ADVANCED UNDERGRADUATE CHEMISTRY LABORATORY. Jason J. Keleher and Yuzhuo Li, Department of Chemistry Center for Advanced Materials Processing, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY. As education in material science and engineering enters the new millennium it is clear that the ability to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real world application becomes ever so important. One such example has been developed at Clarkson University investigating the chemistry involved in Chemical Mechanical Planarization better known as CMP. CMP has emerged as the key planarization technology for the fabrication of sub-quarter micron metals and dielectric lines in ultra large scale integration (ULSI) of silicon devices. This process utilizes abrasive particles dispersed in aqueous solution, coupled with various chemical additives, to eectively planarize a non-uniform metal topography. The addition of chemical additives, such as oxidizers, chelating/complexing agents, and stabilizers, to the slurry will aect the metal material removal rate and the overall surface quality. In a recent study reported by Li et al, glycine is shown to form a complex with the copper ions generated during the polish and the complex can catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and lead to the formation of hydroxyl radical (*OH)[1] which is a much stronger oxidizing[2-3]. The hydroxyl radical attack on the copper surface may be the cause of a signicant increase in copper removal rate. The static dissolution rate of copper was found to be closely correlated to the *OH concentration[4-5]. Similarly, the formation kinetics of *OH has also shown to have a direct correlation with the material removal rate of Cu during polishing. Upon addition of excess Cu+2 , in the form Cu(NO3 )2 , the material removal rate is further increased as the concentration of *OH radicals is elevated.[6-7] This presentation will describe a laboratory exercise which exposes upper level undergraduate students to the fundamental and practical technique for hydroxyl radical trapping and its relationship to kinetic rate determination. Secondly it will allow the students to correlate the kinetics of catalyzed systems with the static dissolution rate of Cu metal. Furthermore it provides a means for students and instructors to discuss and analyze the relationship between classroom chemistry and real world applications of material science. [1] Keleher, J., Tyre, E., Babu, S.V., Li, Y., Her, R., Proc.of the 5th International Conference of VMIC Conference on CMP and Planarization, Santa Clara, CA, 2000 [2] Hage, R., Iburg, J.E., Kerschner, J., Koek, H.H., Lempers, E., Martens, R.J., Racheria, U.S., Russe, W.W., Swartho, T., Vliet, M., Warnaar, J.B., Wolf, L., and Krijnen, B., Nature 1994, 369, 637 [3] Thompson, K.M., Spirito, M., Grith, W.P., J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1996, 92, 2535 [4] Kraljic, I., Trumbone, C.N., J. American Chem. Soc., 1965, 87, 2547 [5] Liu, X., DiLabio, G.A., Martin, F., Li, Y., J. American Oil Chem. Soc., 1999 [6] Hariharaputhiran, M., Ramarajan, S., Li, Y., Babu, S.V., Proc. Of VMIC Meeting, Santa Clara, CA, June 16-18, 1998, p 443 [7] Hariharaputhiran, M., Ramarajan, S., Li, Y., Babu, S.V., Proc. Of MRS Meeting, San Francisco, CA April 1999. 10:15 AM JJ5.4 ATOMIC EXPLORERS: A CASE STUDY TEACHING MATERIALS SCIENCE IN A VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT. Frank Cherne, Los Alamos National Laboratory, MST-8, Structure and Property Relations, Los Alamos, NM; Pierre Deymier, The University of Arizona, Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, Tucson, AZ. We examine an implementation of Virtual Reality (VR) in a Materials Science Curriculum. This cases study examines VR as a method to introduce materials principles to freshman engineering students. A specic VR laboratory focusing on an atomic scale diusion mechanisms is used to illustrate the approach. Evaluation of student responses to a post laboratory survey and recorded observations during the laboratory are used to asses the appeal and eectiveness of VR as a teaching tool. The laboratory proved to be a valuable tool in providing a vivid intuitive grasp of atomistic mechanisms involved in materials processes without getting into abstract theoretical descriptions. 10:30 AM JJ5.5 APPLICATION OF CDIO METHODS IN THE MSE CURRICULUM. David Roylance, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, Cambridge, MA. CDIO (\Conceive - Design - Implement - Operate") is a rich set of pedagogical methods, patterned on the tasks engineers carry out in professional practice, aimed at improving the relevance and excitement of an undergraduate engineering education. It has been implemented in a number of engineering departments seeking to reduce somewhat the emphasis on engineering science theory, and increase the emphasis on design and applications-oriented teaching. Student learning is intended to be in depth rather than a broad survey of many academic concepts. Applications rather than theory drive the instruction, with theory brought in on a just-in-time basis as needed in increasingly complex design situations. The CDIO approach is natural in traditional design-oriented engineering disciplines such as Aeronautical or Mechanical Engineering, but is somewhat more dicult to envision in Materials Science and Engineering. MSE in many departments has traditionally been centered on science and theory, with design playing a secondary role. Nevertheless, Bachelor-level graduates will often nd themselves in design situations, and they themselves have expressed concern that our curriculum needs more relevance and real-life practice. The MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering is currently redesigning its undergraduate curriculum \from the bottom up," and CDIO concepts are being used both in the new curriculum and in the process by which the curriculum itself is being designed. This presentation will elaborate on these methods, and outline how they are being implemented in MSE. 10:45 AM JJ5.6 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TECHNIQUES FOR THE CHARACTERIZATION OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS. Antonia Moropoulou, Nikolaos P. Avdelidis, Eleni Aggelakopoulou, Natl Technical Univ of Athens, Athens, GREECE. In National Technical University of Athens, in the Department of Chemical Engineering, the undergraduate curriculum in Materials Science and Engineering contains an innovative laboratory occupied by non-destructive techniques that are usually applied in situ, in structure-scale. These techniques are the following: Fiber Optics Microscopy for the examination of materials surface texture Ultrasonics for the evaluation of the materials mechanical strength and the their conservation state Infra-red Thermography for the evaluation of the humidity distribution in the masonries Digital Image Processing (DIP) for the decay mapping of architectural surfaces Ground Penetrated Radar for the evaluation of a possible stromatography in masonries and the existence of cracks and defects in the interior of the materials The above-mentioned techniques are supported by instrumental techniques such as (Dierential Thermal Analysis (DTA-TG), mercury intrusion porosimetry, X-ray diraction, Optical microscopy, Mechanical Tests (exural, compressive), e.t.c.) for the characterization of the structural materials. Therefore, the undergraduate students become familiar with this innovative technology, using it as a tool for the evaluation of the structures conservation state. 744 curriculum has the power to reinvigorate the teaching of general chemistry and thereby keep students excited about the prospects of a career in engineering. 11:00 AM *JJ5.7 THE UNDERGRADUATE CORE COURSE IN THERMODYNAMICS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Robert DeHo, University of Florida, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Gainesville, FL. 2:45 PM JJ6.4 Essentially every undergraduate curriculum in the eld boasts a required core course in thermodynamics that is specically designed for materials science and engineering. This presentation compares the content, objectives, strategies and presentation of a sampling of such courses. The results of this comparison illustrate the broad consensus that exists with respect to this subject and may be used to emphasize dierences where they are important. SESSION JJ6: Chair: Elliot P. Douglas Wednesday Afternoon, December 4, 2002 Republic A (Sheraton) 1:30 PM *JJ6.1 THE INTRODUCTORY MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING COURSE. William D. Callister, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. This presentation discusses a number of issues that pertain to the introductory materials science and engineering course taught at the college/university level. Topics to be addressed include the following: (1) challenges in teaching the introductory MSE course; (2) course content-breadth versus width; (3) course organization-traditional (i.e., \metals rst") versus integrated approaches; (4) course mechanics-providing relevance and generating student interest; (5) electronic resources; and (6) textbook issues. 2:00 PM *JJ6.2 A STUDIO VERSION OF AN INTRODUCTORY MATERIALS COURSE. Linda S. Schadler, J.B. Hudson, Materials Science and Engineering Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. A MULTI-FUNCTIONAL INTRODUCTORY MATERIALS SCIENCE COURSE: EMPHASIZING ENGINEERING AND ACHIEVING ACCREDITATION OBJECTIVES. K.C. Chen, L. Vanasupa, and T. Orling, Materials Engineering Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA. In 1998, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, along with industry, shifted its philosophy of accrediting programs. Rather than counting courses and units, their focus became educational outcomes and the processes that programs use to achieve these outcomes. Many engineering programs deleted the introductory materials science course, citing the lack of value added to their engineering curricula. To more eectively serve other engineering programs and preserve the exposure to materials science for engineering students, we have redesigned the introductory course to be more engineering-oriented and relevant to other disciplines. The fundamental materials science concepts have been regrouped into ve, 2-week sections that emphasize applications: Materials Basics; Mechanical Strength; Thermo-mechanical Treatments; Semiconducting Behavior; and Economic, Environmental and Societal Issues. Although the topics that are covered are similar to those in an introductory materials science courses, the presentation of the topics has been re-arranged to create clearer links between materials science and engineering. We have also identied accreditation criteria within each section and built in mechanisms for providing feedback to other engineering programs for their accreditation processes. We intentionally chose criteria that are normally dicult to achieve, such as a knowledge of contemporary issues to add the most value to other engineering programs. Our learning objectives for each section ensure standardization among dierent sections and instructors. We will present the redesigned course and its objectives, our mechanisms for feedback and data on students performance. 3:00 PM JJ6.5 The National Science Foundation recently funded a set of grants at Rensselaer to develop an active learning environment in the Introductory Materials course taken by more than half of all engineers at Rensselaer. To accomplish this we have a set of classrooms arranged for interactive learning across the hall from ample laboratory space to allow 120 students at a time to complete hour-long laboratories. This, combined with the development and/or purchase of table-top units has enabled the development of laboratories that serve up to 300 students in a given day. This talk will outline the structure of the course, the educational strategy, and present in detail several of our most recent experiments. In addition, we worked for many years to combine chemistry and materials in a course entitled \Chemistry of Materials." Our successes but eventual rethinking of that strategy will also be discussed. 2:30 PM JJ6.3 TEACHING GENERAL CHEMISTRY VIA A MATERIALSCENTERED CURRICULUM: REINVIGORATING ENGINEERING EDUCATION. Donald R. Sadoway, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. EFFECTIVE TEACHING IN THE INTRODUCTORY MATERIALS COURSE. R. Gibala, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. A major diculty in teaching an introductory materials course is that many dierent concepts must be presented, sometimes several in an individual class period. We have found that putting the concepts into contexts from everyday life and current events serves a critical role in making the material click and stick with students. We also use an extensive course website plus selected demonstrations, short lms, and \touchy-feely" items as complements to conventional lectures, reading assignments and homework. More broadly, we employ several dierent approaches in a way to give constructively repetitious coverage of the class material. Finally, we've seen that for eective teaching, probably in any course, nothing beats an enthusiastic instructor who demonstrates enthusiasm for the eld and expert knowledge outside the connes of the text. Even so, there are times when student comments, exam answers, and questions (e.g., \Is silicon a ceramic or polymer?") make us realize the Carnot eciency of our course is yet to be realized. For almost 30 years, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering has taught one of the subjects that satises the freshman chemistry requirement at MIT: Introduction to Solid State Chemistry. This subject teaches basic principles of chemistry and shows how they apply in describing the behavior of the solid state. The relationship between electronic structure, chemical bonding, and atomic arrangement is developed. Attention is given to characterization of crystalline and amorphous solids: metals, ceramics, semiconductors, and polymers (including proteins). Each lecture ends with a ve-minute segment presenting a \real world" application of the subject matter. Examples are drawn from industrial practice (including the environmental impact of chemical processes), from energy generation and storage, e.g., batteries and fuel cells, and from emerging technologies, e.g., nanotechnology and biomaterials. Enrollment is in the vicinity of 400 (Fall 2001 is 520). The class meets as a whole three times a week for 50-minute lectures. Twice a week the class meets in groups of 20 students in so-called recitations led by either faculty or student teaching assistants. For many students this is their rst exposure to materials science and engineering. As a result this subject has the potential to awaken latent interests and has thus become a powerful recruiting vehicle for the Department. As important, the content and style of this subject have broad appeal; students who have no interest in chemistry nd this approach engaging in contrast to that of the traditional general chemistry oerings. It is the thesis of the author that a materials-centered 745