2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking

2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Program at a Glance
PR 8
Dafna Foyer
PR 7
PR 5
PR 6
PR 9
Sunday, April 3
08:00 am08:40 am
Technology Trends for
Communications in Extreme
08:40 am09:20 am
WS-05-Keynote-02 : Resilient
Wireless Sensor Networks for
Industrial Monitoring
09:20 am10:00 am
WS-05-01: Panel:
Communication in Extreme
WS-01, WS03, WS-04,
WS-05, WS06, WS-10
* Poster setup
after 08:00
10:00 am11:00 am
11:00 am11:20 am
11:20 am12:20 pm
WS-04-Keynote-01: Multi-beam
MIMO for Millimeter-Wave
Wireless: Architectures,
Prototypes, and 5G Use Cases
WS-10-Keynote-01: IoT
Security: What Are We
Talking About?
Addressing Spectrum
Scarcity through Optical
Wireless Communications
WS-04-Keynote-02: What mmwaves offer for 5G networks?
WS-10-Keynote-02: Using
Software Defined
Relationships to Build the
Internet of Things
Semiconductor Lasers for
Gbps Visible Light and
WS-04-01: Key challenges for
mmWave communications in 5G
mobile networks
WS-10- Keynote-03:
Tutorial: Mobile Edge
Computing to Enable
Consumer Internet of
WS-01-01: Free Space
Optical Communications
02:40 pm03:20 pm
03:20 pm04:00 pm
WS-05-02: System Design and
Channel Models for
Communication in Extreme
05:40 pm06:20 pm
The Tactile Internet,
Use Cases and 5G
WS-06-01: Panel: 5G,
Vertical Industry &
Tactile Internet
WS-04-02: Millimeter wavebased mobile networks
WS-10-01: Mobile Edge
Computing and Internet of
Coexistence of Wi-Fi and
Li-Fi Toward 5G
WS-01-02: Visible Light
WS-03-01: Energy
Efficiency in 5G
WS-06-02: Vertical
Industry & Tactile
Lunch (Dafna 2)
Information-theoretic Security:
Old, New, and Personal
WS-09-Keynote-02: Lattice
Codes for Wiretap Channels: A
Finite Dimensional Analysis
WS-09-01: Fundamental
04:00 pm05:00 pm
05:00 pm05:40 pm
Industrial IoT with 5G
Networking/ Flash presentations, and Poster Session for Morning Workshops
12:20 pm02:00 pm
02:00 pm02:40 pm
Energy Harvesting and
Energy Cooperation
towards Green and
Sustainable Wireless
Doubly-massive MIMO
Systems at mmWave
Opportunities and
Research Challenges
Fighting Exponential
Traffic Growth - Is
Mobile Network Energy
Efficiency a Desperate
WS-02, WS07, WS-08,
* Poster setup
after 02:00
WS-08-Keynote-01: Trends,
Research Activities, and Views
on Future Spectrum
WS-02-Keynote01: Promising PHY
Research Directions for
5G+ Wireless
Wireless Powered
Networks: An Overview
Communications for
5G and the Role for
D2D/ M2M
WS-08-Keynote-02: Vehicle
Communications and Spectrum
Allocation: State of the Art &
WS-02-Keynote02: Resource Allocation in
the D2D Communications
Wirelessly Powered
Communications: From
Theory to Practice
from 4G to future 5G
WS-08-01: Spectrum
Occupancy Measurements and
WS-02-Keynote03: Resource Allocation and
Cross Layer Design in 5G
Wireless Networks
Waveform Design for
WS-12-01: Panel:
M2M Communication
in 5G: Challenges
and Opportunities
WS-07-01: Wireless
Power Transfer - State
of the Art and Beyond
WS-12-02: D2D
Communications for
5G Networks
Networking/ Flash presentation, and Poster Session for Afternoon Workshops
WS-09-02: Practical Schemes
WS-08-02: Cogitive Radio
Networks and Dynamic
Spectrum Access
WS-02-Keynote-04: When
Nanotechnology meets
Internet of Things
WS-02-01: Uplink waveform
for 5G
Salwa 2
Salwa 1
Salwa 3
PR 7
PR 8
Dafna Foyer
Networks - 2
APP 1: Cellular
APP 2:
Testbeds and
PAN 1: Global Research
Funding Opportunities:
Models & Lessons Learnt
NET-P: Poster
APP 3: M2M and
APP 4: Content
Caching and
PAN 2: Increasing
Academic and Industrial
Competitiveness in a
Changing ICT Value Place
PHY-P1: Poster
Session I - PHY and
NET5: Wireless
Networks - 1
NET6: Energyefficient
APP 5: Data
Centers and
PAN 3: Roadmap to 5G
and Beyond: Global
MAC-P: Poster
Session MAC/Scheduling/Res
ource Management
Cognitive Radio
APP 6:
PAN 4: The Internet‐of‐
Things (IoT): Challenges
and Opportunities
APP-P: Poster
Session - Advances
in Wireless Networks
Security and
NET12: Resource
Allocation and
QoS Support
APP 7:
Sensing and
PAN 5: Connected and
Autonomous Vehicles:
From Vision to Reality
PHY-P2: Poster
Session II - PHY and
Localization - 2
Localization and
Network Coding
and Index
PAN 6: Personalized
Medicine and Mobile
Health: Role of ICT
Monday, April 4
Opening remarks
KEY 1: 5G Physical
Layer and MAC:
Opportunities and
Morning Break
PHY-I1: Cellular
Networks I
PHY2: Device to
Estimation and
MAC 1: Machineto-Machine
MAC 2: Game
Theory for
Wireless Networks
Design 1
PHY5: Multiple
PHY6: Cognitive
Radio Networks I
PHY7: Energy
Harvesting I
NET1: Routing and
Localization in
Vehicular Networks
MAC 3: Cognitive
Radio Networks
NET3: Localization
Afternoon Break
NET-I: Cloud and
Communications in
5G Systems
Management I
PHY10: Cogntive
Radio Networks II
Design 2
MAC 5: Energy
Efficiency and
Energy Harvesting
Tuesday, April 5
KEY 2: Opportunism
and Symbiosis in
Mobile Cloud
Computing: The
Promise and the
Morning Break
PHY-I2: Interference
Management II
PHY13: Wireless
Networks I
PHY14: Channel
MAC 6: Energy
Efficiency in LTE
Networks 1
MAC 7: MassiveMIMO Systems
MAC-I2: Energy
Efficiency in LTE
Networks 2
PHY16: Wireless
Networks II
PHY17: Cellular
Networks II
PHY21: Relaying
and Cooperative
Communications I
MAC 9: Energy
Efficiency in
and Sensor
NET7: Wireless
Sensor Networks 2
MAC 8: Energy
Efficiency in
Multihop Networks
Cellular Networks 1
Afternoon Break
APP-I: Cloud
Security I
PHY20: Wireless
Networks III
PHY22: Wireless
Energy Transfer
Wednesday, April 6
KEY 3: Resilient
Communications - A
Frontier to Be
Morning Break
PHY-I3: Energy
Harversting II
Security II
PHY25: Selected
Topics in
Communications I
PHY26: Relaying
and Cooperative
Communications II
MAC 10:
Management and
Cognitive Radio
Network Planning
and Configuration
NET19: D2D,
UAV, and IOT
APP 8:
Using Emerging
Allocation and
QoS Support
APP 9: Smart
Grids and
Protocols for
NET27: Network
Planning and
APP 10: QoEQoS of Cellular
PHY27: Relaying
and Cooperative
Communications III
PHY29: mmWave
Space Time
Block Codes
PHY33: Selected
Topics in
PHY30: Selected
Topics in
Communications II
MAC 11: EnergyEfficient Resource
NET17: Multicast
Network Coding
NET20: Mobility
Management in
NET21: Media
Streaming in
Wireless Networks
Afternoon Break
PHY31: Modulation
and Coding
PHY34: Spectrum
Design 3
NET24: D2D
NET25: MIMO and
PAN 7: Security Issues &
Sunday, April 3
Sunday, April 3, 08:00 ­ 08:40
WS­10­Keynote­01: IoT Security: What Are We Talking About?
Marc Dacier, QCRI, Qatar
Room: Dukhan
Chair: Soumya Kanti Datta (EURECOM & Co­Founder, Future Tech Lab, France)
T he s e curity o f the s o ca lle d "Inte rne t o f T hing s " b ut, m o re g e ne ra lly, the p ro b le m s link e d to the s e curity
o f cyb e r p hys ica l e co s ys te m s is re ce iving a lo t o f a tte ntio n in the m e d ia a s we ll a s within the s cie ntific
co m m unity. In this ta lk , I will lo o k into the ne w cha lle ng e s p re s e nt in s uch e nviro nm e nts , d e s crib e
e x is ting a p p ro a che s tha t co uld p ro b a b ly b e us e d to b e tte r und e rs ta nd a nd p ro te ct the m a nd finis h b y
lo o k ing into s o m e ne w p a ths fo r re s e a rch.
WS­01­Keynote­01: Addressing Spectrum Scarcity through Optical Wireless Communications
Mohamed­Slim Alouini, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Room: PR 5
Chair: Mohamed M. Abdallah (Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar)
R a p id incre a s e in the us e o f wire le s s s e rvice s o ve r the la s t two d e ca d e s ha s le a d the p ro b le m o f the ra d io ­
fre q ue ncy (R F) s p e ctrum e x ha us tio n. Mo re s p e cifica lly, d ue to this R F s p e ctrum s ca rcity, a d d itio na l R F
b a nd wid th a llo ca tio n, a s utilize d in the re ce nt p a s t, is no t a nym o re a via b le s o lutio n to fulfill the d e m a nd
fo r m o re wire le s s a p p lica tio ns a nd hig he r d a ta ra te s . T he ta lk g o e s firs t o ve r the p o te ntia l o ffe re d b y
o p tica l wire le s s co m m unica tio ns to re lie ve s p e ctrum s ca rcity. It the n s um m a rize s s o m e o f the cha lle ng e s
tha t ne e d to b e s urp a s s e d b e fo re s uch k ind o f s ys te m s ca n b e m a s s ive ly d e p lo ye d . Fina lly the ta lk o ffe rs
a n o ve rvie w o f s o m e o f the re ce nt re s ults fo r the d e te rm ina tio n o f the ca p a city o f o p tica l wire le s s
cha nne ls .
WS­03­Keynote­01: Fighting Exponential Traffic Growth ­ Is Mobile Network Energy Efficiency a
Desperate Game?
Markus Gruber, Nokia Bell Labs, Germany
Room: PR 6
Chair: M. Majid Butt (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
T his ta lk s ta rts with p re s e nting e ne rg y e fficie ncy in the lig ht o f his to rica l d e ve lo p m e nts , hig hlig hts e ne rg y
co ns um p tio n fa cts , a nd re ve a ls the two b ig g e s t m is co nce p tio ns a b o ut e ne rg y e fficie ncy in ne two rk s . It a ls o
d is cus s e s m e tho d o lo g ie s fo r e va lua ting ho w g re e n a ne two rk is a nd wha t to e x p e ct till 2020. Fina lly, a
vis io n to wa rd s (ne a r) ze ro p o we r ne two rk ing is s k e tche d .
WS­04­Keynote­01: Multi­beam MIMO for Millimeter­Wave Wireless: Architectures, Prototypes,
and 5G Use Cases
Akbar Sayeed (Univ. of Wisconsin­Madison, USA)
Room: PR 7
Chair: Miurel Tercero (Ericsson AB, Sweden)
Millim e te r­wa ve (m m W ) te chno lo g y is e m e rg ing a s a k e y e na b le r fo r m e e ting the Gig a b it ra te a nd
m illis e co nd la te ncy re q uire m e nts fo r 5G ne two rk s . In a d d itio n to the la rg e r (m ulti­GHz) b a nd wid ths , m m W
fre q ue ncie s na tura lly e na b le m a s s ive MIMO o p e ra tio n with co m p a ct­s ize d hig h­d im e ns io na l 2D a nte nna
a rra ys . Ho we ve r, ha rne s s ing the o p p o rtunitie s o f m m W MIMO p o s e s ne w cha lle ng e s in co m m unica tio n
the o ry, s ig na l p ro ce s s ing , a nte nna d e s ig n, R F a rchite cture , a na lo g ­d ig ita l inte rfa ce , a nd b a s e b a nd
p ro ce s s ing . In p a rticula r, while e le ctro nic m ulti­b e a m fo rm ing a nd d a ta m ultip le x ing is a k e y o p e ra tio na l
functio na lity, no e x is ting s ys te m s ca n d e live r it: co nve ntio na l d ig ita l a p p ro a che s s uffe r fro m a p ro hib itive ly
hig h co m p le x ity, a nd the curre nt p ha s e d a rra y­b a s e d s ys te m s fo r R F b e a m fo rm ing a re lim ite d to s ing le
b e a m s . I will firs t o utline a b e a m s p a ce MIMO fra m e wo rk fo r the d e s ig n a nd a na lys is o f 2D m a s s ive MIMO
s ys te m s , a nd the ro le o f b e a m s p a ce cha nne l s p a rs ity in re d ucing co m p le x ity. A hyb rid a na lo g ­d ig ita l
tra ns ce ive r a rchite cture ­ co ntinuo us a p e rture p ha s e d (C AP ) MIMO ­ tha t a chie ve s m ulti­b e a m fo rm ing with
a le ns a rra y a nd e na b le s p e rfo rm a nce ­co m p le x ity o p tim iza tio n will b e hig hlig hte d . Initia l the o re tica l a nd
num e rica l re s ults o n the p o te ntia l o f m m W MIMO will b e p re s e nte d , includ ing d e ns e b e a m s p a ce
m ultip le x ing ca p a b ility a nd g a ins in ca p a city a nd p o we r e fficie ncy. R e s ults fro m o ng o ing e ffo rt in C AP ­
MIMO p ro to typ e d e ve lo p m e nt fo r te chno lo g y tra ns la tio n will b e p re s e nte d , a lo ng with a n o utlo o k fo r
e m e rg ing Gig a b it a p p lica tio ns a nd 5G us e ca s e s , includ ing b a ck ha ul, la s t­m ile co nne ctivity, a nd s m a ll­ce ll
m o b ile a cce s s ne two rk s .
WS­05­Keynote­01: Technology Trends for Communications in Extreme Conditions
Hussein Mouftah, University of Ottawa, Canada
Room: PR 8
Chair: Tuncer Baykas (Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey)
O ve r the p a s t fe w d e ca d e s firs t re s p o nd e rs , na m e ly p o lice , fire d e p a rtm e nt a nd Em e rg e ncy Me d ica l
Se rvice s (EMS) ha ve e a ch d e ve lo p e d p riva te ly­o p e ra te d na rro wb a nd wire le s s s e rvice s to m e e t the ir
co m m unica tio ns ne e d s . Ho we ve r, re ce nt incid e nts , whe the r na tura l o r hum a n m a d e , ha ve e x p o s e d tha t
the inco m p a tib ility b e twe e n the s e wire le s s s e rvice s , a s we ll a s the ir lim ite d ca p a city, o fte n p re s e nts critica l
thre a ts to the live s o f firs t re s p o nd e rs a nd the p ub lic in g e ne ra l. T hus , the re is a p e rs is te nt ne e d fo r a
unifie d b ro a d b a nd wire le s s s o lutio n tha t ca n s up p o rt re a l­tim e co lla b o ra tio n a nd info rm a tio n s ha ring
a m o ng d iffe re nt typ e s o f firs t re s p o nd e rs . LT E p re s e nts its e lf a s a p ro m is ing ca nd id a te fo r s uch a ne two rk
d ue to its num e ro us a d va nta g e s s uch a s its la rg e g e o g ra p hica l fo o tp rint, la rg e b a nd wid th, Q ua lity o f
Se rvice (Q o S) ca p a b ilitie s , e tc. Ne ve rthe le s s , the re a re uniq ue re q uire m e nts a nd cha lle ng e s fo r b ro a d b a nd
wire le s s p ub lic s a fe ty ne two rk s . T he m o s t im p o rta nt re q uire m e nt is inte ro p e ra b ility, which m e a ns tha t
p e rs o nne l in d iffe re nt a g e ncie s ha ve to b e a b le to co m m unica te d ire ctly. T his re q uire m e nt, co m b ine d with
the lim ite d b a nd wid th a s s ig ne d to p ub lic s a fe ty ne two rk s in No rth Am e rica fo r ins ta nce , ra is e s m ultip le
cha lle ng e s re la ting to b a nd wid th a llo ca tio n, p rio ritiza tio n a nd s che d uling , s p e ctra l e fficie ncy, a nd Q o S
a chie ve m e nt. T hus , in o rd e r to e x te nd the a va ila b le b a nd wid th, co g nitive ra d io a cce s s ca n b e us e d in
co njunctio n with the LT E ne two rk . Ano the r im p o rta nt re q uire m e nt fo r p ub lic s a fe ty ne two rk s is the s e curity
a nd p riva cy o f info rm a tio n, which m a y no t b e the s a m e fo r a ll e m e rg e ncy a g e ncie s . Fina lly, ne two rk
ro b us tne s s is a n im p o rta nt re q uire m e nt tha t ha s to b e a chie ve d e ve n in the ca s e o f m a jo r incid e nts s uch
a s na tura l d is a s te rs tha t ta k e o ut p a rt o f the ne two rk . T hus the m a in o b je ctive o f this p re s e nta tio n is to
a d d re s s a ll the s e is s ue s o f LT E inte ro p e ra b ility, b a nd wid th a llo ca tio n, s e curity a nd p riva cy, a nd ro b us tne s s ,
fo r a firs t re s p o nd e r ne two rk .
WS­06­Keynote­01: Industrial IoT with 5G
Linus Thrybom, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden
Room: PR 9
Chair: Meryem Simsek (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Ind us tria l us e o f wire le s s co m m unica tio ns is to d a y lim ite d to a fe w d o m a ins b ut ha s g a ine d inte re s t the
la s t ye a rs within ind us tria l ve rtica ls s ince it ca n re d uce co s t, im p ro ve fle x ib ility a nd p ro d uctio n. T his
k e yno te will e x e m p lify the curre nt ind us tria l us a g e o f wire le s s co m m unica tio ns a s we ll a s its re q uire m e nts ,
a nd the n a d d re s s the g a p b e twe e n curre nt re s e a rch a ctivitie s in the a ca d e m ia a nd the a ctua l ne e d in
ind us try, in o rd e r to e na b le a wid e s ca le a d o p tio n o f 5G.
Sunday, April 3, 08:40 ­ 09:20
WS­10­Keynote­02: Using Software Defined Relationships to Build the Internet of Things
Bob Frankston, IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, USA
Room: Dukhan
Chair: Soumya Kanti Datta (EURECOM & Co­Founder, Future Tech Lab, France)
C o ns um e r e le ctro nics is in tra ns itio n. W e a re s hifting fro m cre a ting va lue a nd d e fining p ro d ucts us ing
e le ctro nics to cre a ting s o lutio ns us ing s o ftwa re . C o ns id e r the s m a rtp ho ne : is it a te le p ho ne , o r is it a
g a m ing unit, a ca le nd a r a ca m e ra o r a te le vis io n? W ith o the r fo rm fa cto rs we ca n m ix o r m a tch p a rts to
cre a te a d e s k to p co m p ute r, a te le vis io n, a ho m e co ntro l s ys te m o r wha te ve r we ca n im a g ine . Ma ny s ing le ­
us e d e vice s a nd cla s s ic lim ita tio ns no lo ng e r e x is t. T he Inte rne t is ce ntra l to this re vo lutio n. It is a
b yp ro d uct o f cre a ting co nne ctivity s o lutio ns us ing a ny a va ila b le m e a ns . T he Inte rne t re p re s e nts a
fund a m e nta l cha ng e in ho w we b uild s ys te m s a nd in wha t it m e a ns to co m m unica te . Y o u s im p ly click o n a
U R L a nd yo u're "the re ". Y o u d o n't wo rry a b o ut wire s o r re s e rve d fre q ue ncy. Y o u ca n jus t a s s um e tha t the
p a ck e ts will a p p e a r a t the d e s tina tio n m o s t o f the tim e . U s ing s o ftwa re d e fine d re la tio ns hip s a s b uild ing
b lo ck s is ve ry d iffe re nt fro m tra d itio na l ha rd wa re ­b a s e d e ng ine e ring . W e lco m e to the ne w wo rld o f
s o ftwa re a nd the Inte rne t. T he re 's no d e p e nd e nce o n p ro vid e rs o r ne two rk s . Fo r the IEEE the s e cha ng e s
p re s e nt a n o p p o rtunity a nd cha lle ng e . De vice s a re b e co m ing co nne cte d , o p e ning up ne w fro ntie rs a s we
cre a te a nd s ha re o ur o wn s o lutio ns a nd b e co m e le s s d e p e nd e nt o n s e rvice p ro vid e rs . W e 're a t the ve ry
e a rlie s t s ta g e s o f a n e x citing ne w wo rld .
WS­01­Keynote­02: Semiconductor Lasers for Gbps Visible Light and Underwater
Boon S. Ooi, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Room: PR 5
Chair: Mohamed M. Abdallah (Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar)
T he unre g ula te d vis ib le lig ht s p e ctrum ha s re ce ntly b e e n ha rne s s e d fo r e ne rg y­e fficie nt, ultra ­la rg e
b a nd wid th, a nd s e cure d a ta tra ns m is s io n. Fo r ins ta nce , the d e p lo ym e nt o f m icro lig ht­e m itting d io d e
(LED) b y m LED fo r vis ib le ­lig ht co m m unica tio ns (VLC ) p ro vid e s a d a ta ra te o f 512 Mb it/s . T his co ns id e rs
lo w co s t d e p lo ym e nt fo r the s o le functio n o f wire le s s d a ta co m m unica tio ns , witho ut the inte ntio n o f us ing
the m icro LEDs fo r illum ina tio n. Y AG:C e p ho s p ho r is a ls o co m b ine d with LEDs fo r full­ o r ha lf­d up le x
co m m unica tio ns with 10 Mb p s link s o ve r ~3 m , a s d e ve lo p e d b y p ure LiFi. In s uch s ce na rio , whe re b y b o th
VLC a nd s o lid ­s ta te lig hting (SSL) a re s im ulta ne o us ly im p le m e nte d , hig h p o we r lig ht­e m itte rs , s uch a s
la s e r d io d e s , re lia b le p ho s p ho r fo r white ­lig ht g e ne ra tio n a nd s p e ctra l­e fficie nt o p tica l m o d ula tio n
te chniq ue s a re critica l a s p e cts tha t re q uire furthe r re s e a rch a nd d e ve lo p m e nt.Fo r a d va ncing the hig h­
p o we r lig ht­e m itte r a rchite cture , we fo cus e d o n the d e ve lo p m e nt o f la s e r d io d e s a s the illum ina tio n s o urce
in p la ce o f a n LED. In o ur re ce nt inve s tig a tio n, we und e rto o k the cha lle ng e o f inte g ra ting lig ht­g e ne ra tio n
a nd m o d ula tio n functio na litie s o n a s e m ico nd ucto r. T his is a chie ve d b y e m p lo ying a s m a ll fo o t­p rint, lo w
m a te ria l p o la riza tio n fie ld wa ve g uid e ­m o d ula to r / la s e r­d io d e (W M­LD) co nfig ura tio n, fa b rica te d
s e a m le s s ly o n s ing le crys ta l (20/2/1) s e m ip o la r Ga N s ub s tra te . T he g a in s e ctio n p ro d uce s the inte ns e
co he re nt b e a m re q uire d fo r s ub s e q ue nt white ­lig ht g e ne ra tio n, while the inte g ra te d m o d ula to r s e ctio n
e na b le d hig h p e rfo rm a nce lig ht m o d ula tio n. T he fa b rica te d W M­LD e x hib ite d a la rg e e x tinctio n ra tio o f 9.4
d B a nd a lo w o p e ra ting vo lta g e ra ng e o f 0 to 3.5 V, le a d ing to a hig h m o d ula tio n e fficie ncy o f 2.68 d B/V.
T he m o d ula tio n e ffe ct, which is re s ulte d fro m the e x te rna l­fie ld ­ind uce d q ua ntum ­co nfine d ­Sta rk ­e ffe ct
(Q C SE), s ug g e s ts tha t o ur d e vice wa s a b le to o p e ra te in a m a nne r s im ila r to o the r III­V m a te ria ls typ ica lly
us e d in o p tica l te le co m m unica tio ns , d ue to the re d uce d inhe re nt p ie zo e le ctric fie ld . A ­3d B b a nd wid th o f
~1 GHz wa s m e a s ure d in the W M­LD, a nd a d a ta ra te o f 1 Gb it/s (lim ite d b y the d e te cto r b a nd wid th) wa s
d e m o ns tra te d us ing no n­re turn­to ­ze ro o n­o ff k e ying (O O K) m o d ula tio n.Fo r p ro o f o f co nce p t
d e m o ns tra tio n o f VLC a nd SSL d ua l functio na litie s s ys te m , we a ls o utilize d the co m m e rcia lly a va ila b le c­
p la ne b lue Ga N la s e r d io d e (LD) in co njunctio n with a s ing le crys ta l Y AG:C e p ho s p ho r. A hig h d a ta ra te o f
2 Gb p s o f the unfilte re d white lig ht wa s a chie ve d us ing a n NR Z­O O K m o d ula tio n s che m e , with b it­e rro r ra te
(BER ) le s s tha n the fo rwa rd e rro r co rre ctio n (FEC ) lim it o f 3.5×10­3. T he g e ne ra te d white lig ht e x hib ite d a
co lo r re nd e ring ind e x (C R I) o f 58 a nd a co rre la te d co lo r te m p e ra ture (C C T ) o f 4740 K. Alte rna te ly, b y
us ing s p e ctra l­e fficie nt o rtho g o na l fre q ue ncy d ivis io n m ultip le x ing (O FDM) e nco d ing s che m e , a
s ig nifica ntly hig he r d a ta ra te o f 4.4 Gb p s wa s d e m o ns tra te d , fo r the ind ivid ua l re d , b lue a nd g re e n LDs ;
the co m b ina tio n o f which a re s uita b le fo r R GB white lig ht g e ne ra tio n. In a d d itio n, b y e va lua ting the
p ho s p ho r­film p re p a ra tio n p ro ce s s , a nd o p tics ­p ho s p ho r co nfig ura tio ns , the g e ne ra te d white lig ht ca n b e
s ys te m a tica lly tune d fro m co o l d a y lig ht to ne utra l lig ht, a nd s till a chie ving o ve r 4 Gb p s d a ta tra ns m is s io n
b a s e d o n O FDM. It is e x p e cte d tha t furthe r d e ve lo p m e nt in this a re a co uld le a d to 100 Gb p s d a ta ra te
VLC ­SSL s ys te m .In und e rwa te r o p tica l wire le s s co m m unica tio ns (U W O C ), we to o k a d va nta g e o f the lo w
a b s o rp tio n o f s e a wa te r in b lue ­g re e n (400­550 nm ) wind o w o f the e le ctro m a g ne tic s p e ctrum . U s ing 520
nm g re e n LD, we e x p e rim e nta lly d e m o ns tra te d 2.3 Gb it/s U W O C o ve r 7 m d is ta nce us ing NR Z­O O K
m o d ula tio n s che m e . By e m p lo ying O FDM te chniq ue , we a chie ve d 4.8 Gb it/s d a ta ra te o ve r 5.4 m wa te r
cha nne l us ing a 450 nm LD.
WS­03­Keynote­02: Doubly­massive MIMO Systems at mmWave Frequencies: Opportunities and
Research Challenges
Stefano Buzzi, University of Cassino and Lazio, Italy
Room: PR 6
Chair: M. Majid Butt (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
O ne o f the k e y fe a ture s o f ne x t g e ne ra tio n wire le s s co m m unica tio n s ys te m s will b e the us e o f fre q ue ncie s
in the ra ng e 10­100GHz (a k a m m W a ve b a nd ) in d e ns e ly p o p ula te d ind o o r a nd o utd o o r s ce na rio s .
Altho ug h co nve ntio na l wis d o m ha s a lwa ys co ns id e re d m m W a ve fre q ue ncie s uns uite d fo r ce llula r
co m m unica tio ns , d ue to incre a s e d p a th­lo s s a nd a tm o s p he ric a b s o rp tio n, re ce nt re s e a rch re s ults ha ve
s ho wn tha t o n d is ta nce s up to o ne hund re d m e te rs o r e ve n m o re the y a re a ctua lly ca p a b le o f p ro vid ing
a s to nis hing d a ta ­ra te s , la rg e r tha n 1 Gb p s .Due to the re d uce d wa ve le ng th, a nte nna a rra ys with a la rg e
num b e r o f a nte nna s ca n b e p a ck e d in ve ry s m a ll vo lum e s , m a k ing thus it p o s s ib le to co ns id e r, a t le a s t in
p rincip le , co m m unica tio n link s whe re in no t o nly the b a s e ­s ta tio n, b ut a ls o the us e r d e vice , a re e q uip p e d
with ve ry la rg e a nte nna a rra ys . W e d e no te this co nfig ura tio n a s a "d o ub ly­m a s s ive " MIMO wire le s s
link .T his ta lk will fo cus o n the fund a m e nta ls o f d o ub ly­m a s s ive MIMO s ys te m s a t m m W a ve fre q ue ncie s ,
s ho wing the ultim a te g a ins tha t the y a re a b le to a chie ve , b ut a ls o hig hlig hting the e x tra o rd ina ry re s e a rch
cha lle ng e s (s uch a s , e .g ., the ha rd wa re co m p le x ity a nd the cha nne l e s tim a tio n p ro b le m ), tha t the y p o s e .
WS­04­Keynote­02: What mm­waves offer for 5G networks?
Jyri Putkonen (Nokia Bell Labs, Finland)
Room: PR 7
Chair: Miurel Tercero (Ericsson AB, Sweden)
La rg e va rie ty o f unp re ce d e nte d a nd d is p e rs e d us e ca s e s o f co nne cte d s o cie ty d rive the re s e a rch o f 5th
g e ne ra tio n m o b ile g lo b a l ne two rk te chno lo g ie s . T a rg e te d >10x us e r ca p a city incre a s e a nd e ve n hig he r
incre a s e in us e r d e ns itie s ha ve turne d inte re s t to ve ry hig h fre q ue ncie s a nd b a nd wid th the y ca n p ro vid e .
Ho we ve r, it is no t o nly the b a nd wid th b ut no w it is tim e to s crutinize a ll a s p e cts o f m m ­wa ve s fro m
te chno lo g y a nd b us ine s s p o int o f vie w, no t to fo rg e t va rio us s ta nd a rd iza tio n a nd re g ula tio n s ta nd p o ints .
W e ne e d to id e ntify the cha lle ng e s a nd o p p o rtunitie s a s we ll a s re co g nize wha t we k no w a nd whe re m o re
m m W ­re la te d re s e a rch is ne e d e d . T his is a cha lle ng e fo r a ll p la ye rs in 5G va lue cha in: W ha t co uld b e the
d iffe re ntia to rs m m W s o ffe r fo r 5G ne two rk s ?
WS­05­Keynote­02: Resilient Wireless Sensor Networks for Industrial Monitoring
Hossam Hassanein Queens University, Canada
Room: PR 8
Chair: Tuncer Baykas (Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey)
W e p re s e nt, Sp ro uts , a m o d e rn W ire le s s Se ns o r Ne two rk s (W SN) p la tfo rm tha t utilize s uniq ue s e rvice ­
o rie nte d s e ns o rs with a n e ne rg y­a wa re a rchite cture in a Zig b e e ­co m p lia nt ne two rk . Se rvice a b le s e ns o rs
a llo w fo r the ra p id co nce p tio n o f a wid e s p e ctrum o f a p p lica tio ns ; e fficie ntly s ho rte ning the tim e g a p
b e twe e n d e s ig n a nd d e p lo ym e nt. T he Sp ro uts p la tfo rm is the re s ult o f a n ind us try re la te d re s e a rch a t
Q ue e n's U nive rs ity, a nd ha s s ucce s s fully a ttra cte d s o m e o f the b ig g e s t ind us tria l co m p a nie s in C a na d a
includ ing O il & Ga s m ining , s te e l p ro d uctio n, a nd P o we r Grid m o nito ring . W e a ls o d e s crib e the d e p lo ym e nt
o f the Sp ro uts p la tfo rm to m o nito r the he a lth co nd itio ns o f the vib ra tio n s cre e ns a nd s ho ve l te e th us e d b y
Syncrud e in the o il s a nd s o f C a na d a . P re vio us to W SN, wire d s e ns ing s o lutio ns ha ve b e e n a tte m p te d fo r
this p ro je ct, b ut fa ile d to s us ta in inte g rity in the ha rs h co nd itio ns im p o s e d b y the e nviro nm e nt. A co m p le te
s ys te m wa s d e ve lo p e d a t Q ue e n's U nive rs ity T e le co m m unica tio ns R e s e a rch La b (T R L) a nd s ucce s s fully
re a lize d o n a m inia ture wo rk ing la b m o d e l.
WS­06­Keynote­02: The Tactile Internet, Use Cases and 5G Enablers
Vladimir Vukadinovic, Nokia, Poland
Room: PR 9
Chair: Meryem Simsek (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
T he T a ctile Inte rne t will a d d re s s m a ny cha lle ng e s tha t a re fa cing o ur s o cie ty in the a re a s o f he a lthca re ,
e d uca tio n, m a nufa cturing , a nd tra ns p o rta tio n. T o a chie ve this , the T a ctile Inte rne t will re ly o n the ne w
g e ne ra tio n o f m o b ile co m m unica tio n s ys te m s ca p a b le o f p ro vid ing ve ry lo w ro und ­trip la te ncie s a lo ng with
ca rrie r g ra d e ro b us tne s s a nd a va ila b ility. T his k e yno te will p re s e nt No k ia 's vie w o n s o m e o f the typ ica l us e
ca s e s fo r the T a ctile Inte rne t a nd its vis io n o f 5G co m p o ne nts a nd m e cha nis m s tha t ha ve the p o te ntia l o f
p ro vid ing the p e rfo rm a nce s re q uire d b y tho s e us e ca s e s .
Sunday, April 3, 09:20 ­ 10:00
Show person
WS­10­Keynote­03: Tutorial: Mobile Edge Computing to Enable Consumer Internet of Things
Soumya Kanti Datta, EURECOM, France
Room: Dukhan
Chair: Soumya Kanti Datta (EURECOM & Co­Founder, Future Tech Lab, France)
Mo b ile Ed g e C o m p uting (MEC ) is a no ve l p a ra d ig m tha t e x te nd s clo ud co m p uting ca p a b ilitie s a nd s e rvice s
to the e d g e o f the ne two rk . Due to its p ro x im ity to co ns um e rs , d e ns e g e o g ra p hica l d is trib utio n a nd
s up p o rt fo r hig h m o b ility, MEC p la tfo rm s ca n p ro vid e s e rvice s with re d uce d la te ncy a nd im p ro ve d Q o S.
T hus it is b e co m ing a n im p o rta nt e na b le r fo r co ns um e r ce ntric Inte rne t o f T hing s a p p lica tio ns a nd s e rvice s
tha t re q uire re a l tim e o p e ra tio ns e .g . co nne cte d ve hicle s , s m a rt ro a d inte rs e ctio n m a na g e m e nt a nd s m a rt
g rid . T he ta lk will hig hlig ht a n a rchite cture fo r MEC a nd d is cus s its a p p lica b ility to co nne cte d ve hicle s .
WS­01­01: Free Space Optical Communications
Room: PR 5
Chair: Murat Uysal (Ozyegin University, Turkey)
Perform ance Analysis of MIMO NLOS UV Com m unications ov er Atm ospheric Turbulence
Maryam Haghighi, Ardakani, Ali Reza Heidarpour and Murat Uysal (Ozyegin University,
Unequal Error Protection for MPOLSK based MIMO Com m unication ov er Atm ospheric
Turbulence Channels
Tuğba Özbilgin (Bogazici University & TUBITAK Uekae, Turkey); Mutlu Koca (Bogazici
University, Turkey)
WS­03­Keynote­03: Energy Harvesting and Energy Cooperation towards Green and Sustainable
Wireless Networks
Sennur Ulukus, University of Maryland, USA
Room: PR 6
Chair: M. Majid Butt (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
W ire le s s ne two rk s co m p o s e d o f e ne rg y ha rve s ting d e vice s will intro d uce s e ve ra l tra ns fo rm a tive cha ng e s in
wire le s s ne two rk ing a s we k no w it: e ne rg y s e lf­s ufficie nt, e ne rg y s e lf­s us ta ining , p e rp e tua l o p e ra tio n;
re d uce d us e o f co nve ntio na l e ne rg y a nd a cco m p a nying ca rb o n fo o tp rint; unte the re d m o b ility; a nd a n
a b ility to d e p lo y wire le s s ne two rk s a t ha rd ­to ­re a ch p la ce s s uch a s re m o te rura l a re a s , within the
s tructure s , a nd within the hum a n b o d y. Ene rg y ha rve s ting b ring s ne w d im e ns io ns to the wire le s s
co m m unica tio n p ro b le m in the fo rm o f inte rm itte ncy a nd ra nd o m ne s s o f a va ila b le e ne rg y, which
ne ce s s ita te s a fre s h lo o k a t wire le s s co m m unica tio n p ro to co ls a t the p hys ica l, m e d ium a cce s s a nd
ne two rk ing la ye rs . In a d d itio n, e ne rg y co o p e ra tio n thro ug h wire le s s e ne rg y tra ns fe r e na b le s co ntro lle d a nd
o p tim ize d e ne rg y ha rve s ting a t the re ce iving e nd . In this ta lk , I will s um m a rize re ce nt re s e a rch re s ults o n
e ne rg y ha rve s ting co m m unica tio n a nd e ne rg y co o p e ra tio n in the fie ld s o f co m m unica tio n the o ry,
info rm a tio n the o ry a nd wire le s s ne two rk ing , a nd o utline s e ve ra l o p e n re s e a rch p ro b le m s .
WS­04­01: Panel: Key challenges for mmWave communications in 5G mobile networks
panel session
Akbar Sayeed (Univ. of Wisconsin­Madison, USA), Jyri Putkonen (Nokia Bell Labs, Finland),
Laurent Dussopt (CEA­LETI, France), Mythri Hunukumbure (Samsung R&D, UK), Tran Gia
Khanh (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Room: PR 7
Chair: Miurel Tercero (Ericsson AB, Sweden)
WS­05­01: Panel: Communication in Extreme Conditions
Hossam Hassanein (Queens University), Hussein Mouftah (University of Ottawa)
Room: PR 8
Chair: Tuncer Baykas (Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey)
WS­06­01: Panel: 5G, Vertical Industry & Tactile Internet
Gerhard Fettweis, Linus Thrybom, Vladimir Vukadinovic
Room: PR 9
Chair: Gerhard P. Fettweis (Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany)
Sunday, April 3, 10:00 ­ 11:00
WS­01­Interactive­01: Networking Break & Poster Session for Morning WS
Room: Dafna Foyer
Chair: Imran Shafique Ansari (Texas A&M University at Qatar (TAMUQ), Qatar)
P1: On the Perform ance of Downlink Optical Com m unication v ia Relaying in the
Presence of Pointing Errors
Selami Şahin (TUBITAK­BILGEM­UEKAE, Turkey); Tuğba Özbilgin (Bogazici University &
TUBITAK Uekae, Turkey)
P2: Quad­ LED Com plex Modulation (QCM) for Visible Light Wireless Com m unication
Robbi Tejaswi (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India); T. Lakshmi Narasimhan
(National Instruments, Bangalore, India); A. Chockalingam (Indian Institute of Science,
WS­03­Interactive­01: Networking Break & Poster Session for Morning WS
Room: Dafna Foyer
Chair: Imran Shafique Ansari (Texas A&M University at Qatar (TAMUQ), Qatar)
P3: Cooperativ e Uplink OFDMA­ MIMO Resource Allocation with Multiplexing Relays
Salma Hamda and Mylene Pischella (CNAM, France); Daniel Roviras (Cnam, France);
Ridha R. Bouallegue, B. (Ecole Supérieure des Communications de Tunis, Tunisia)
P4: A TDMA­ Based MAC between Gateway and Dev ices in M2M Networks
Seungmo Kim (Virginia Tech, USA)
WS­04­Interactive­01: Networking Break & Poster session for morning WS
Room: Dafna Foyer
Chair: Laurent Dussopt (CEA, LETI, Minatec, France)
P5: m m Wav e Channel Sounder based on COTS Instrum ents for 5G and Indoor Channel
Measurem ent
Zhu Wen (Keysight Technologies Co. Ltd, P.R. China); Hongwei Kong (Keysight
Technologies Co Ltd., P.R. China); Qi Wang, Shu Li and Xiongwen Zhao (North China
Electric Power University, P.R. China); Mengjun Wang (China Academy of
Telecommunication Technology, P.R. China); Shaohui Sun (China Academy of
Telecommunications Technology (CATT), P.R. China)
P6: Tim e­ Dom ain Sounder Validation and Reflectiv ity Measurem ents for m m ­ Wav e
Angelos Goulianos (University of Bristol & University of Bristol, United Kingdom); Tom
Barratt, Wenfang Yuan, Siming Zhang, Mark Beach, Andrew Nix and Evangelos Mellios
(University of Bristol, United Kingdom); Peter Cain (Keysight Technologies, United
Kingdom); Moray Rumney (KeysightTechnologies, United Kingdom); Tim Masson
(Keysight Technologies, United Kingdom)
WS­05­Interactive­01: Networking Break & Poster session for morning WS
Room: Dafna Foyer
Chair: Tuncer Baykas (Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey)
P7: Im age Restoration for Through­ The­ Earth Com m unications
Sávio Neves and Lucas Silva (Universidade de Brasília, Brazil); Mylene Farias (University
of Brasilia, Brazil); Andre Barreto (University of Brasilia and Nokia, Brazil)
P8: Resource Allocation for Multibeam MISO Satellite System s: Sum Rate v ersus
Proportional Fair Optim ization
Dai Nguyen and Long Bao Le (INRS, University of Quebec, Canada)
WS­06­Interactive­01: Networking Break & Poster Session for Morning WS
Room: Dafna Foyer
Chair: Toktam Mahmoodi (King's College London, United Kingdom)
P9: The 5G Enabled Tactile Internet: Applications, Requirem ents, and Architecture
Meryem Simsek (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Adnan Aijaz (Toshiba
Research Europe Ltd, United Kingdom); Mischa Dohler (King's College London, United
Kingdom); Joachim Sachs (Ericsson Research & Ericsson AB, Sweden); Gerhard Fettweis
(Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
P10: Delay­ aware and Power­ Efficient Resource Allocation in Virtualized Wireless
Saeedeh Parsaeefard and Vikas Jumba (McGill University, Canada); Mahsa Derakhshani
(Imperial College London, United Kingdom); Tho Le­Ngoc (McGill University, Canada)
P11: MTC Value Network for Sm art City Ecosystem s
Amirhossein Ghanbari (KTH Royal Institute of Technology & Wireless@kth, Sweden);
Óscar Álvarez (KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden); Jan Markendahl (Royal
Institute of Technology, Sweden)
P12: Cov erage and Capacity Self­ Optim isation in LTE­ Adv anced Using Activ e Antenna
System s
Basel Barakat (University y of Greenwich, United Kingdom); Mohammad Sharsheer and
Kamran Arshad (University of Greenwich, United Kingdom)
P13: Effectiv e decentralised segm entation­ based schem e for broadcast in large­ scale
dense VANETs
Chong Han and Mehrdad Dianati (University of Surrey, United Kingdom); Maziar Nekovee
(Samsung Electronics, United Kingdom)
P14: Reshaping the Mobile Core Network v ia Function Decom position and Network
Slicing for the 5G Era
Malla Reddy Sama (DOCOMO Euro­labs, Germany); Xueli An and Qing Wei (Huawei
Technologies, Germany); Sergio A. Beker (DOCOMO Euro­Labs, Germany)
WS­10­Interactive­01: Networking Break & Poster Session for Morning WS
Room: Dafna Foyer
Chair: Soumya Kanti Datta (EURECOM & Co­Founder, Future Tech Lab, France)
P15: User­ centric Network Selection in Multi­ RAT System s
Alaa Awad Abdellatif and Amr Mohamed (Qatar University, Qatar); Carla­Fabiana
Chiasserini (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
P16: Trickle­ Plus: Elastic Trickle Algorithm for Low­ Power Networks and Internet of
Baraq Ghaleb, Ahmed Y Al­Dubai, Elias Ekonomou, Ben Paechter and Mamoun Qasem
(Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom)
P17: Dynam ic Media Buffer Control Schem e for Seam less Stream ing in Wireless Local
Area Networks
Hun­je Yeon (Yonsei University & Samsung Electronics, Korea); Seongil Hahm, Pilseob
Kang and Hanmin Bang (Samsung Electronics, Korea)
Sunday, April 3, 11:00 ­ 12:20
WS­10­01: Mobile Edge Computing and Internet of Things
Room: Dukhan
Chair: Soumya Kanti Datta (EURECOM & Co­Founder, Future Tech Lab, France)
A Nov el RACH Mechanism for Dense Cellular­ IoT Deploym ents
Sreekanth Dama and Thomas Valerrian Pasca S (IIT Hyderabad, India); Vanlin Sathya
(Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India); Kiran Kuchi (IIT Hyderabad, India)
Threshold Sensitiv e Region­ Based Hybrid Routing Protocol for Precision Agriculture
Sonam Maurya (PDPM­Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and
Manufacturing, Jabalpur, India); Vinod Jain (PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, India)
Mobile Panoram ic Video Maps Ov er MEC Networks
Mohammed Ghazal, Yasmina Al Khalil, Assem Marwan Mhanna and Fatemeh Dehbozorgi
(Abu Dhabi University, UAE)
Analysis of recom m endation algorithm s for Internet of things
Ibrahim Mashal, Osama Alsaryrah and Tein Yaw Chung (Yuan Ze University, Taiwan)
Sunday, April 3, 11:00 ­ 11:20
WS­01­Invited­Talk: Coexistence of Wi­Fi and Li­Fi Toward 5G
Hany Elgala, State University of New York, USA
Room: PR 5
Chair: Mohamed M. Abdallah (Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar)
T he g ro wth o f Inte rne t­co nne cte d a nd m ultim e d ia ­ca p a b le m o b ile d e vice s ha s b e e n e x p o ne ntia l a nd the
cha lle ng e to co p e with the incre a s ing d e m a nd o f b a nd wid th­inte ns ive s e rvice s is e x p e cte d to co ntinue .
Ex is ting R F wire le s s te chno lo g ie s s uffe r fro m the s p e ctrum s ca rcity, ho we ve r fo cus ing o n s p e ctrum a lo ne to
g ro w ca p a city is lim ite d a nd unlik e ly to s o lve the e x p e cte d ne two rk co ng e s tio n. A he te ro g e ne o us ne two rk
(He tNe t) is a p ro m is ing a p p ro a ch to a d d ca p a city. As we s p e nd 90% o f o ur tim e s ind o o rs a nd 80% o f the
Inte rne t tra ffic ha p p e ns ind o o rs , the W i­Fi te chno lo g y ha s b e e n a lre a d y co ns id e re d to e na b le ind o o r tra ffic
o fflo a d ing fro m ca p a city­s tre s s e d lice ns e d R F m a cro /s m a ll­ce lls . T he vis ib le lig ht co m m unica tio ns (VLC ) o r
Li­Fi is a n e m e rg ing te chno lo g y tha t us e s the e x is ting lig hting infra s tructure to o ffe r hig h­s p e e d d a ta
tra ns m is s io n co m b ine d with hig h­q ua lity illum ina tio n. T he Li­Fi te chno lo g y ha s the p o te ntia l fo r b e ing a n
a ttra ctive co m p le m e nta ry to re a lize ind o o r g ig a b it wire le s s a cce s s a nd to o ff­lo a d d a ta fro m e x is ting
ce llula r a nd W i­Fi ne two rk s . In s uch m ulti­tie re d He tNe t, W i­Fi p ro vid e s o ve rs ha d o wing co ve ra g e fo r
im p ro ve d m o b ility while Li­Fi p ro vid e s g ig a b it a cce s s fo r s ta tio na ry o r q ua s i­s ta tic us e rs . In a n ind o o r
s itua tio n, a co e x is te nce o f W i­Fi a nd Li­Fi is e x p e cte d to im p ro ve the ne two rk thro ug hp ut a s we ll a s the
us e r's q ua lity o f s e rvice .In this ta lk , we fo cus o n d e s crib ing the p o te ntia l o f a hyb rid ne two rk b a s e d o n the
co e x is te nce o f W i­Fi a nd Li­Fi. W e e x p lo re e x is ting re s e a rch a ctivity in this a re a a nd p ra ctica l fra m e wo rk
fo r co e x is te nce . W e a ls o a rticula te curre nt a nd future re s e a rch cha lle ng e s b a s e d o n o ur e x p e rie nce in
b uild ing a p ro o f­o f­co nce p t He tNe t co m b ining W i­Fi a nd Li­Fi.
Sunday, April 3, 11:00 ­ 12:20
WS­03­01: Energy Efficiency in 5G Networks
Room: PR 6
Chair: Eduard Jorswieck (TU Dresden, Germany)
Energy­ Efficient MIMO Ov erlay Com m unications for Dev ice­ to­ Dev ice and Cognitiv e
Radio System s
Alessio Zappone (TU Dresden, Germany); Bho Matthiesen (Technische Universität
Dresden, Germany); Eduard Jorswieck (TU Dresden, Germany)
Resource Optim ization for Energy Efficiency in Multi­ cell Massiv e MIMO with MRC
K N R Surya Vara Prasad (The University of British Columbia, Canada); Vijay Bhargava
(University of British Columbia, Canada)
Energy Efficient Power Control for the Two­ tier Networks with Sm all Cells and Massiv e
Ningning Lu and Yanxiang Jiang (Southeast University, P.R. China); Fu­Chun Zheng (The
University of Reading, United Kingdom); Xiaohu You (National Mobile communication
Research Lab., Southeast University, P.R. China)
Optim al Energy Efficiency Based Scheduling with Im pact of Transition Tim e in Sm all Cell
Rao Zhang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China); Xiaodong
Xu (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications & Wireless Technology
Innovation Institute, P.R. China); Shuyan Peng (Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, P.R. China)
WS­04­02: Millimeter wave­based mobile networks
Room: PR 7
Chair: Laurent Dussopt (CEA, LETI, Minatec, France)
Millim etre Wav e Backhaul/Fronthaul Deploym ents for Ultra­ dense Outdoor Sm all Cells
Jialu Lun, David Grace and Alister G. Burr (University of York, United Kingdom); Yunbo
Han (Huawei Technologies, P.R. China); Kari Leppanen (Huawei Technologies, Finland);
Tao Cai (Huawei Technologies Sweden AB, Sweden)
Practical ev aluation of on­ dem and sm allcell ON/OFF based on traffic m odel for 5G
cellular networks
Gia Khanh Tran (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan); Hidekazu Shimodaira (Tokyo
Institute of Technorogy, Japan); Roya Ebrahim Rezagah (Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Japan); Kei Sakaguchi (Osaka University & Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan);
Kiyomichi Araki (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
5G system s: The m m MAGIC project perspectiv e on Use cases and Challenges between
6­ 100 GHz
Miurel Tercero (Ericsson AB, Sweden); Peter von Wrycza (Ericsson, Sweden); Aditya
Umbu Tana Amah (IMDEA Networks, Spain); Joerg Widmer (IMDEA Networks Institute,
Spain); Maria Fresia (Intel Deutschland, Germany); Valerio Frascolla (Intel Deutschland
Gmbh, Germany); Javier Lorca (Telefonica I+D, Spain); Tommy Svensson (Chalmers
University of Technology, Sweden); Marie­Helene Hamon and Sandrine Destouet Roblot
(Orange Labs, France); Arnesh Vijay (Nokia Bell Labs, Poland); Victoria Sgardoni
(University of Bristol & Technological Educational Institute of Chalkis Greece, United
Kingdom); Mythri Hunukumbure (Samsung, United Kingdom); Jian Luo (Huawei
Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH, Germany); Michael Peter (Fraunhofer HHI, Germany);
Nikola Vucic (Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH, Germany)
WS­05­02: System Design and Channel Models for Communication in Extreme Conditions
Room: PR 8
Chair: Tuncer Baykas (Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey)
Architecture for Public Safety Network Using D2D Com m unication
Kamran Ali (MIddlesex Universtiy London, United Kingdom); Huan X Nguyen (Middlesex
University, United Kingdom); Purav Shah (Middlesex University & School of Science and
Technology, United Kingdom); Quoc­Tuan Vien and Namadev Bhuvanasundaram
(Middlesex University, United Kingdom)
Channel Measurem ents in an Open­ pit Mine using USRPs: 5G ­ Expect the Unexpected
Rickard Nilsson and Jaap van de Beek (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden)
Channel Modelling of Hum an Tissues at Terahertz Band
Ke Yang (Queen Mary University Of London, United Kingdom); Qammer Hussain Abbasi
(Texas A & M University, Qatar); Khalid A. Qaraqe (Texas A&M University at Qatar, USA);
Akram Alomainy (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom); Yang Hao (Queen
Mary University, United Kingdom)
Unm anned Aerial Vehicle based Missing People Detection System em ploying Phased
Array Antenna
Hikari Inata, Sotheara Say, Taisuke Ando and Jiang Liu (Waseda University, Japan);
Shigeru Shimamoto (Waseda University & Graduate School of Global Information and
Telecommunication Studies, Japan)
WS­06­02: Vertical Industry & Tactile Internet
Room: PR 9
Chair: Meryem Simsek (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Network Coding for High­ Reliability Low­ Latency Wireless Control
Vasuki Narasimha Swamy and Paul Rigge (University of California, Berkeley, USA);
Gireeja Ranade (Microsoft Research, Redmond WA, USA); Anant Sahai and Borivoje
Nikolić (UC Berkeley, USA)
Towards 5G­ Enabled Tactile Internet: Radio Resource Allocation for Haptic
Com m unications
Adnan Aijaz (Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, United Kingdom)
Software Defined Networking for Cognitiv e Radio ov er Fiber system s
Sarra Rebhi, Rim Barrak and Mourad Menif (Higher School of Communications of Tunis,
On Am orphous Nature of Ultra Dense Networks
Guozhen Xu, Sen Wang and Chih­Lin I (China Mobile Research Institute, P.R. China)
Sunday, April 3, 11:20 ­ 12:20
WS­01­02: Visible Light Communications
Room: PR 5
Chair: Mohamed M. Abdallah (Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar)
Space Div ision Multiple Access in Optical Attocell Networks
Zhe Chen, Dushyantha Basnayaka and Harald Haas (The University of Edinburgh, United
Perform ance of MIMO Enhanced Unipolar OFDM with Realistic Indoor Visible Light
Channel Models
Anil Yesilkaya (Kadir Has University, Turkey); Farshad Miramirkhani (Özyeğin University,
Turkey); Ertugrul Basar (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey); Erdal Panayirci (Kadir Has
University, Turkey); Murat Uysal (Ozyegin University, Turkey)
On the Im pact of Highpass Filtering when using PAM­ FDE for Visible Light
Com m unication
Liane Grobe (Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Germany); Mike Wolf and Martin Haardt
(Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany); Klaus Langer (HHI, Germany); Volker
Jungnickel (Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute & Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
Sunday, April 3, 14:00 ­ 14:40
WS­02­Keynote­01: Promising PHY Research Directions for 5G+ Wireless
Halim Yanikomeroglu, Carleton University, Canada
Room: PR 5
Chair: Abd­Elhamid M. Taha (Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia)
T he 5G e x p lo ra to ry p ha s e is wind ing d o wn a s 2016 m a rk s the b e g inning o f the 5G s ta nd a rd iza tio n p ha s e .
Acco rd ing ly, it is tim e to re initia te a b ra ins to rm ing e nd e a vo ur fo r the b e yo nd ­5G wire le s s ne two rk s (5G+
wire le s s ). T o wa rd s tha t e nd , this ta lk will p re s e nt s o m e p ro m is ing P HY re s e a rch d ire ctio ns fo r 5G+ wire le s s ,
includ ing b ut no t lim ite d to ­­ 1) So m e re ce nt a d va nce s in P HY re s e a rch. 2) Sig na l co ns te lla tio n d e s ig n:
R e vis iting a we ll­inve s tig a te d co nce p t with ne w e na b le rs in no ve l us e ca s e s . 3) No nco he re nt
co m m unica tio ns : Ge tting a wa y with p ilo t s ig na ls . 4) Fa s te r­tha n­Nyq uis t s ig na ling : Ho w fa s t is to o fa s t?
WS­07­Keynote­01: Wireless Powered Communication Networks: An Overview
Rui Zhang, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Room: PR 6
Chair: Marco Maso (Mathematical and Algorithmic Sciences Lab, Huawei France Research
Center, France)
W ire le s s p o we re d co m m unica tio n ne two rk (W P C N) is a ne w ne two rk ing p a ra d ig m whe re the b a tte ry o f
wire le s s co m m unica tio n d e vice s ca n b e re m o te ly re p le nis he d b y m e a ns o f m icro wa ve wire le s s p o we r
tra ns fe r (W P T ) te chno lo g y. W P C N e lim ina te s the ne e d o f fre q ue nt m a nua l b a tte ry
re p la ce m e nt/re cha rg ing , a nd thus s ig nifica ntly im p ro ve s the co s t a nd p e rfo rm a nce o ve r co nve ntio na l
b a tte ry­p o we re d co m m unica tio n ne two rk s . Ho we ve r, the d e s ig n a nd future a p p lica tio n o f W P C N is
e s s e ntia lly cha lle ng e d b y the lo w W P T e fficie ncy o ve r lo ng d is ta nce a nd the co m p le x na ture o f jo int
wire le s s info rm a tio n a nd p o we r tra ns fe r within the s a m e ne two rk . In this ta lk , we will p ro vid e a n o ve rvie w
o f the k e y ne two rk ing s tructure s a nd p e rfo rm a nce e nha ncing te chniq ue s to b uild a n e fficie nt W P C N.
Be s id e s , we p o int o ut ne w a nd cha lle ng ing future re s e a rch d ire ctio ns fo r W P C N.
WS­08­Keynote­01: Trends, Research Activities, and Views on Future Spectrum Management
Brian Mark, George Mason University, USA
Room: PR 7
Chair: Kenta Umebayashi (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
Future wire le s s s ys te m s re q uire m o re a nd m o re thro ug hp ut to s a tis fy us e rs ' e x p e cta tio ns . Ho we ve r, m o s t
o f the lo we r fre q ue ncie s a re a lre a d y a llo ca te d . Me a s ure m e nts ha ve s ho wn tha t a ctua l us a g e o f the
fre q ue ncie s is lo w. Due to this re a s o n, re g ula to rs a ro und the wo rld a re inte re s te d in ho w to utilize the
unus e d fre q ue ncie s fo r the b e ne fit o f the s o cie ty. Ex a m p le s o lutio ns includ e d a ta b a s e s fo r T V white s p a ce ,
a nd LSA (lice ns e d s ha re d a cce s s ), ASA (a utho rize d s ha re d a cce s s ). Mo s t fle x ib le s o lutio n wo uld b e full
co g nitive ra d io , find ing a uto no m o us ly unus e d fre q ue ncie s to us e fo r its o wn tra ns m is s io ns . T he full
co g nitive ra d io s o lutio n d e m a nd s hig h a ccura cy o f s p e ctrum s e ns ing a nd ve ry e fficie nt s p e ctrum
utiliza tio n. R e ce ntly, it ha s b e e n p ro p o s e d tha t s e ns ing a ccura cy a nd s p e ctrum utiliza tio n ca n b e im p ro ve d
b y us ing re a l wo rld m e a s ure m e nts a nd s ta tis tics e x tra cte d fro m the m . T o a chie ve co g nitive ra d io b a s e d
s p e ctrum utiliza tio n, ne w s p e ctrum m a na g e m e nt p o licie s ne e d to b e d e ve lo p e d . In this k e yno te , tre nd s ,
re s e a rch a ctivitie s , a nd vie ws o n future s p e ctrum m a na g e m e nt a ro und the g lo b e a re p re s e nte d .
WS­09­Keynote­01: Information­theoretic Security: Old, New, and Personal Perspectives
Ueli Maurer, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Room: PR 8
Chairs: Steven McLaughlin (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Zouheir Rezki (King Abdullah
University of Science and Technologie (KAUST), Saudi Arabia)
T his ta lk re vie ws o ld a nd ne w re s ults in info rm a tio n­the o re tica lly s e cure e ncryp tio n, a uthe ntica tio n, a nd
k e y a g re e m e nt, a s k ing the q ue s tio n o f the ir (un­)s uita b ility fo r a n a p p lica tio n co nte x t. A co re is s ue is
co m p o s a b ility; fo r e x a m p le , if a s e cre t k e y g e ne ra te d b y a p ro va b ly­s e cure k e y­a g re e m e nt p ro to co l is
us e d in a p ro va b ly­s e cure e ncryp tio n s che m e , the n the co m b ina tio n s ho uld a ls o b e s e cure . But is it? Such
q ue s tio ns a re a d d re s s e d , with s o m e s urp ris e s , us ing the co ns tructive cryp to g ra p hy fra m e wo rk .
WS­12­Keynote­01: Mm­Wave Communications for 5G and the Role for D2D/ M2M
Mythri Hunukumbur, Samsung, UK
Room: PR 9
Chair: Afef Feki (France Research Center, Huawei Technologies, France)
5G p ro m is e s to p ro vid e e x tre m e b ro a d b a nd , m a s s ive co nne ctivity a nd ultra ­re lia b le / lo w la te ncy
co m m unica tio ns a cro s s m ultip le ve rtica l s e cto rs . Due to the s ca rcity o f s uita b le s p e ctrum in the s ub 6GHz
re g io n, the m m ­wa ve s p e ctrum (lo o s e ly d e fine d a s 6­100GHz) ha s b e co m e ve ry a p p e a ling to the 5G
re s e a rch co m m unity. T he EU fund e d m m MAGIC p ro je ct inve s tig a te s the s uita b ility o f this s p e ctrum fo r 5G
a nd d e s ig ns / d e ve lo p s ra d io a cce s s a rchite cture s a nd s che m e s to m e e t the cha lle ng e s in this s p e ctrum .
U nd e r the m ulti­a nte nna a nd m ulti­no d e the m e o f W P 5 (wo rk p a ck a g e 5), we ha ve id e ntifie d 4 us e ca s e s
to p ro vid e a d is tinct s te p cha ng e in us e r e x p e rie nce to the e a rly a d o p te rs o f 5G. In m e e ting the
cha lle ng ing KP Is , the D2D a nd M2M co m m unica tio ns ha ve a vita l ro le to p la y. In this ta lk , I will hig hlig ht
the e nvis a g e d ro le s fo r D2D/ M2M in the s e le cte d 5G us e ca s e s . Als o I will p re s e nt s o m e e a rly re s ults in
this d o m a in fro m the te chnica l wo rk o f W P 5.
Sunday, April 3, 14:40 ­ 15:20
WS­02­Keynote­02: Resource Allocation in the D2D Communications
Abd­Elhamid M. Taha, Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia
Room: PR 5
Chair: Abd­Elhamid M. Taha (Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia)
De vice ­to ­De vice (D2D) co ntinue s to ho ld s tro ng p ro m is e , no t o nly fo r e nha ncing s p e ctrum utiliza tio n, b ut
a ls o fo r im p ro ving wire le s s s e rvice s . T o d a te , va rio us e ffo rts ha ve b e e n in b o th re s e a rch a nd ind us try, with
p ra ctica l im p le m e nta tio n ins ta nce s no w e m e rg ing . W e ta k e a m ulti­fa ce te d vie w o f re s o urce a llo ca tio n a nd
m a na g e m e nt in De vice ­to ­De vice C o m m unica tio ns (D2D) in d iffe re nt s e tting s : whe the r o ve rla id /und e rla id ;
a nd whe the r in­b a nd /o ut­o f­b a nd . W e re vie w the p ro b le m a t the he a rt o f the m a tte r, a nd d is cus s its
tra cta b ility, the s ta te o f the a rt s o lutio ns , a nd the ro a d a he a d .
WS­07­Keynote­02: Wirelessly Powered Communications: From Theory to Practice
Kaibin Huang, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Room: PR 6
Chair: Marco Maso (Mathematical and Algorithmic Sciences Lab, Huawei France Research
Center, France)
T he a d va nce m e nts in m icro wa ve p o we r tra ns fe r (MP T ) o ve r p a s t d e ca d e s ha ve e na b le d wire le s s p o we r
tra ns fe r o ve r lo ng d is ta nce s . T he la te s t b re a k thro ug hs in wire le s s co m m unica tio n, na m e ly m a s s ive MIMO ,
s m a ll ce lls a nd m illim e te r­wa ve co m m unica tio n, m a k e wire le s s ne two rk s s uita b le p la tfo rm s fo r
im p le m e nting MP T . T his ca n le a d to the e lim ina tio n o f the "la s t wire s " co nne cting m o b ile d e vice s to the
g rid fo r re cha rg ing , the re b y ta ck ling a lo ng ­s ta nd ing IC T g ra nd cha lle ng e . Furthe rm o re , the s e a m le s s
inte g ra tio n b e twe e n MP T a nd wire le s s co m m unica tio n o p e ns a ne w a nd a ctive ly a re a ca lle d wire le s s ly
p o we re d co m m unica tio ns (W P C ). In this ta lk , I will d is cus s no ve l te chniq ue s tha t ca n tra ns fo rm W P C fro m
the o ry into p ra ctice includ ing s up e rd ire ctivity tra ns m is s io n, a na lo g d e co up ling o f p o we r a nd info rm a tio n
tra ns fe rs , s a fe ty a wa re a d a p tive tra ns m is s io n, ne w wa ve fo rm d e s ig ns a nd b a ck s ca tte ring e na b le d
m ultius e r MP T .
WS­08­Keynote­02: Vehicle Communications and Spectrum Allocation: State of the Art & Trends
Hamid Menouar, Qatar Mobility Innovations Center, Qatar
Room: PR 7
Chair: Kenta Umebayashi (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
C o nne cte d a nd a uto no m o us d riving a re the future o f Inte llig e nt T ra ns p o rtSys te m (IT S) a nd ro a d s a fe ty,
a nd the y ha ve ne ve r b e e n clo s e r to m a rk e t tha nto d a y. In fa ct, a ll b ig ca r m a k e rs ha ve b e e n wo rk ing o n
e na b ling s uchte chno lo g ie s , o f which s o m e fra ctio ns ha ve b e e n a lre a d y d e p lo ye d in s o m e no wa d a ys hig h
cla s s ve hicle s , s uch a s us ing b ro a d b a nd co m m unica tio n to b ring Inte rne t ins id e the ca r, o r re la ying o n
s ta nd ­a lo ne s e ns o rs to le t the ca rp a rk b y its e lf o r a uto m a tica lly a d jus t the d is ta nce to the fro nt ca r o n
the hig hwa y. Ma ny m o re life ­s a ving a nd us e ful fe a ture s will co m e ­o ut in the future whe n the full ve rs io ns o f
the s e e m e rg ing te chno lo g ie s a re d e p lo ye d .C o nne cte d ve hicle s te chno lo g y, which is a ls o a k e y e na b le r fo r
a uto no m o us d riving , is b a s e d o n a W iFi­lik e s ho rt ra ng e wire le s s co m m unica tio n a k a ve hicle to ve hicle
(V2V) a nd ve hicle to infra s tructure (V2I) co m m unica tio n.Such a te chno lo g y o ffe rs a lo w la te ncy
co m m unica tio n which is ne ce s s a ry to e na b le re a l­tim e co o rd ina tio n a m o ng ne a rb y ve hicle s a nd ro a d
infra s tructure ,which is re q uire d to e na b le critica l­s a fe ty a p p lica tio ns a s we ll a s a uto no m o us d riving . But it
re q uire s a d e d ica te d ra d io s p e ctrum to e ns ure the re lia b ility le ve l which is re q uire d fo r the s a fe ty
a p p lica tio ns , the re fo re a ra d io s p e ctrum ha s to b e a llo ca te d e x clus ive ly to this typ e o fco m m unica tio n. Fo r
e x a m p le , in b o th Euro p e a nd U S a lim ite d s p e ctrum ha s b e e n a llo ca te d a ro und 5.9Ghz fo r fe w ye a rs to
te s t a nd va lid a te the te chno lo g y. But s till m a ny o the r p la ce s a ro und the wo rld ne e d to a d o p t s ucha
s p e ctrum a llo ca tio n to fa cilita te the d e p lo ym e nt o f the C o nne cte d Ve hicle s te chno lo g y. T his ta lk will p ro vid e
a n o ve rvie w a b o ut C o nne cte d Ve hicle s a nd re la te d inte rna tio na l a nd lo ca l e ffo rts a s we ll a s o p e n
cha lle ng e s to wa rd s the co m m e rcia l d e p lo ym e nt.
WS­09­Keynote­02: Lattice Codes for Wiretap Channels: A Finite Dimensional Analysis
Jean Claude Belfiore, Huawei French Research Lab., Paris, France
Room: PR 8
Chairs: Steven McLaughlin (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Zouheir Rezki (King Abdullah
University of Science and Technologie (KAUST), Saudi Arabia)
La ttice co d e s a re b e co m ing a k e y s o lutio n to s o lve m ultite rm ina l co d ing is s ue s . R e ce nt re s ults ha ve s ho wn
tha t the y ca n a chie ve the s e cre cy ca p a city o f the Ga us s ia n W ire ta p cha nne l. W e firs t e x p la in the ne s te d
co d ing a p p ro a ch. T he n we g ive a d e s ig n crite rio n re la te d to the the ta s e rie s o f the la ttice : the fla tne s s
fa cto r. T his d e s ig n crite rio n is no t e a s y to a na lyze b ut it ca n b e co m p ute d fo r s o m e fa m ilie s o f la ttice s :
m o d ula r la ttice s . So m e e x a m p le s o f m o d ula r la ttice s will b e g ive n a s we ll a s the info rm a tio n le a k a g e
re la te d to the m whe n the y a re us e d fo r s e cre cy p urp o s e .
WS­12­Keynote­02: Device­to­device: from 4G to future 5G
Zexian Li, Nokia, Finland
Room: PR 9
Chair: Majed Haddad (University of Avignon, France)
Dire ct De vice ­to ­De vice (D2D) functio na lity wa s intro d uce d into the 3GP P LT E­Ad va nce d s p e cifica tio ns
s ta ring fro m R e le a s e 12 to s up p o rt p ro x im ity s e rvice s (a ls o k no wn a s P ro Se ).Furthe rm o re it is wid e ly
e nvis io ne d tha t D2D will b e o ne o f the m o s t im p o rta nt te chnica l e na b le rs o f s up p o rting e m e rg ing
a p p lica tio n within 5G e ra , a s s ho wn in fo r e x a m p le in MET IS (http s ://www.m e tis 2020.co m ). Sta rting
fro m s ho rt e x p la na tio n o f the k e y m o tiva tio ns fo r D2D in LT E ra d io a cce s s te chno lo g y, this ta lk is fo cus e d
o n D2D d e ve lo p m e nt in MET IS p ro je ct: D2D re la te d us e ca s e s a nd s ce na rio s , k e y te chno lo g y co m p o ne nts
d e ve lo p e d within MET IS p ro je ct a nd the ro le o f D2D in MET IS co nce p t. Ins ig ht will a ls o b e p ro vid e d into the
future D2D d e ve lo p m e nt.
Sunday, April 3, 15:20 ­ 16:00
WS­02­Keynote­03: Resource Allocation and Cross Layer Design in 5G Wireless Networks
Mohamad Assaad, SUPÉLEC, France
Room: PR 5
Chair: Abd­Elhamid M. Taha (Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia)
T he p ro life ra tio n o f wire le s s m ultim e d ia a p p lica tio ns ne ce s s ita te s the d e ve lo p m e nt o f ne w wire le s s
s ys te m s tha t ca n s up p o rt the e x p e cte d hig h a m o unt o f m o b ile d a ta tra ffic in the ne x t ye a rs . It ha s b e e n
a d o p te d b y the 3GP P tha t the future 5G ce llula r ne two rk s m us t s up p o rt the 1000­fo ld incre a s e in tra ffic
d e m a nd . T his re q uire s d e ve lo p ing ne w p hys ica l la ye r te chniq ue s , e .g . Ma s s ive MIMO a nd Millim e te r wa ve
(m m W a ve ), a nd ne w ne two rk a rchite cture . In fa ct, Ma s s ive MIMO s ys te m s whe re b a s e s ta tio ns a re
e q uip p e d with hund re d s o f a nte nna s ha ve b e e n re co g nize d a s a n e fficie nt te chniq ue to incre a s e the
s p e ctra l e fficie ncy o f wire le s s ne two rk s . Ho we ve r, the incre a s e o f ca p a city o b ta ine d b y p hys ica l la ye r
te chniq ue s m a y no t b e e no ug h to m e e t the tra ffic d e m a nd s a nd a ne w a rchite cture is re q uire d . 5G
ne two rk s will ha ve a he te ro g e ne o us a rchite cture whe re m a cro ce lls , s m a ll ce lls a nd D2D co ­e x is t a nd m a y
co o p e ra te b e twe e n e a ch o the r to e nha nce the p e rfo rm a nce o f the ne two rk . T his will ce rta inly a d d
a d d itio na l cha lle ng e s to the p ro b le m s o f re s o urce a llo ca tio n. In this ta lk , we will hig hlig ht the s e cha lle ng e s
a nd p ro vid e s o m e re ce nt re s ults in this a re a . In p a rticula r, a cro s s la ye r d e s ig n fra m e wo rk ta k ing into the
p hys ica l la ye r (Ma s s ive MIMO ), the he te ro g e ne o us a rchite cture a nd the d yna m ic tra ffic p a tte rn will b e
d e s crib e d . T he inte rp la y b e twe e n D2D a nd Ma s s ive MIMO will b e co ve re d a s we ll.
WS­07­Keynote­03: Waveform Design for WPT and SWIPT
Bruno Clerckx, Imperial College London, UK
Room: PR 6
Chair: Marco Maso (Mathematical and Algorithmic Sciences Lab, Huawei France Research
Center, France)
Fa r­fie ld W ire le s s P o we r T ra ns fe r (W P T ) a nd Sim ulta ne o us W ire le s s Info rm a tio n a nd P o we r T ra ns fe r
(SW IP T ) ha ve a ttra cte d s ig nifica nt a tte ntio n in the R F a nd co m m unica tio n co m m unitie s . De s p ite the ra p id
p ro g re s s , the p ro b le m o f wa ve fo rm d e s ig n to e nha nce the o utp ut DC p o we r o f wire le s s e ne rg y ha rve s te r
ha s re ce ive d lim ite d a tte ntio n s o fa r. In this ta lk , we b rid g e co m m unica tio n a nd R F d e s ig n a nd d e rive
no ve l m ultis ine wa ve fo rm s fo r W P T a nd SW IP T . T he wa ve fo rm s a re a d a p tive to the cha nne l s ta te
info rm a tio n a nd re s ult fro m a p o s yno m ia l/s ig no m ia l m a x im iza tio n p ro b le m tha t o rig ina te s fro m the
inhe re nt no n­line a rity o f the wire le s s p o we r cha nne l (co nca te na tio n o f the p ro p a g a tio n cha nne l a nd
re cte nna ). T he y a re s ho wn thro ug h re a lis tic s im ula tio ns to p ro vid e s ig nifica nt g a ins (in te rm s o f ha rve s te d
DC p o we r a nd ra te ­e ne rg y re g io n) o ve r s ta te ­o f­the ­a rt wa ve fo rm s und e r a fix e d tra ns m it p o we r
co ns tra int.
WS­08­01: Spectrum Occupancy Measurements and Techniques
Room: PR 7
Chair: Mai Ohta (Fukuoka University, Japan)
Long Term Spectrum Surv ey of the 2.4 GHz ISM Band in Multiple Hospital Env ironm ents
Mohamad Omar Al Kalaa, Gregory Butron and Walid Balid (University of Oklahoma, USA);
Hazem Refai (Oklahoma University, USA); Nickolas J LaSorte (University of Oklahoma­
Tulsa, USA)
A study on Welch FFT segm ent size selection m ethod for spectrum awareness
Hiroki Iwata, Kenta Umebayashi and Samuli Tiiro (Tokyo University of Agriculture and
Technology, Japan); Janne Lehtomäki (University of Oulu, Finland); Yasuo Suzuki (Tokyo
University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
WS­09­01: Fundamental Results
Room: PR 8
Chairs: Steven McLaughlin (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA), Zouheir Rezki (King Abdullah
University of Science and Technologie (KAUST), Saudi Arabia)
Type II Wiretap Channel with an Activ e Eav esdropper in Finite Blocklength Regim e
Anna Frank (Technische Universität München, Germany); Harout Aydinyan (TUM,
Germany); Holger Boche (Technical University Munich, Germany)
Three­ User Cognitiv e Multiple­ Access Channels with Confidential Messages
Amir Sonee (Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran); Ghosheh Abed Hodtani (Ferdowsi
University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran)
WS­12­01: Panel: M2M Communication in 5G: Challenges and Opportunities
Mérouane Debbah (Huawei), Zexian Li (Nokia), Mythri Hunukumbur (Samsung), Rapeepat
Ratasuk (Nokia)
Room: PR 9
Chairs: Majed Haddad (University of Avignon, France), Afef Feki (France Research Center,
Huawei Technologies, France)
Sunday, April 3, 16:00 ­ 17:00
WS­02­Interactive­02: Networking Break & Poster session for afternoon WS
Room: Dafna Foyer
Chair: Shahid Mumtaz (Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal)
P1: Hardware Experim ents on Multi­ Carrier Wav eform s for 5G
Petra Weitkemper (DOCOMO Euro­Labs, Germany); Johannes Koppenborg (Nokia Bell
Labs, Germany); Jamal Bazzi (DOCOMO Euro­Labs, Germany); Rupert Rheinschmitt
(Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Katsutoshi Kusume (DOCOMO Euro­Labs, Germany); Dragan
Samardzija (Bell Labs, Nokia, USA); Rolf R.M. Fuchs (Bell Labs, Nokia, Germany); Anass
Benjebbour (NTT DOCOMO, INC., Japan)
P2: Centralised and Distributed Interference Managem ent in Coordinated Downlink
Beam ­ form ing
Swagato Barman Roy and A S Madhukumar (Nanyang Technological University,
Singapore); Francois Chin (Institue for InfoComm Research, Singapore)
P3: On the Perform ance of Tim e Constrained OQAM­ OFDM Wav eform s with Pream ble
Based Channel Estim ation
Toni A Levanen and Markku K. Renfors (Tampere University of Technology, Finland); Tero
Ihalainen (Nokia Research Center, Finland); Eeva Lähetkangas (Nokia Networks,
Finland); Ville Syrjälä (Tampere University of Technology & Kyoto University, Finland);
Mikko Valkama (Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
P4: Perform ance Analysis for the QoS Support in LTE and WiFi
Amer Saeed, SAEED (University of New Haven, USA); Amir Esmailpour (University of New
Haven & Ryerson University, USA); Nidal Nasser (Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia)
P5: SDRAN­ Based User Association and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Wireless
Mohamad Zalghout (INSA de Rennes & Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication of
Rennes (IETR), France); Ayman Khalil (Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications of
Rennes ­ IETR & INSA, France); Matthieu Crussière (IETR ­ Electronics and
Telecommunications Research Institute of Rennes (IETR) & INSA ­ National Institute of
Applied Sciences, France); Samih Abdul­Nabi (Lebanese International University,
Lebanon); Maryline Hélard (INSA Rennes & IETR Institute of Electronics and
Telecommunications of Rennes, France)
P6: Block Lower Multi­ diagonalization for Multiuser MIMO Downlink
Hiroshi Nishimoto and Hiroki Iura (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan); Akinori Taira
(Mitsubishi Electric Corp. & RIEC, TOHOKU University, Japan); Akihiro Okazaki and Atsushi
Okamura (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan)
P7: Codeword based power loading in MU­ MIMO
Filippo Tosato (Toshiba Research Europe, United Kingdom); Magnus Sandell (Toshiba
TRL, United Kingdom)
P8: On Handov ers in Uplink/Downlink Decoupled LTE HetNets
Mukesh Giluka (Indian Institute Of Technology Hyderabad, India); Sibgath Khan (Indian
Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India); Gadde Murali Krishna (Indian Institute of
Technology, Hyderbad, India); Touheed Atif and Vanlin Sathya (Indian Institute of
Technology Hyderabad, India); Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma (IIT Hyderabad, India)
P9: Perform ance of Wireless Backhaul in Satellite Com m unication system
Abdurrahman Alfitouri (Manchester University, United Kingdom); Khairi A. Hamdi
(University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
P10: A distributed Multi­ channel MAC Protocol with Parallel Cooperation for the Next
Generation WLAN
Bo Yang (Northwestern Ploytechnical University, P.R. China); Bo Li (Northwestern
Polytechnical University, P.R. China); Zhongjiang Yan (Northwestern Ploytechnical
University, P.R. China); Mao Yang (Northwestern Polytechnical University, P.R. China)
WS­07­Interactive­02: Networking Break & Poster Session for afternoon WS
Room: Dafna Foyer
Chair: Aissa Ikhlef (Newcastle University, United Kingdom)
P11: Enhancing Full­ duplex Inform ation Transfer by RF Energy Harv esting
Chen­Feng Liu (University of Oulu, Finland); Marco Maso (Mathematical and Algorithmic
Sciences Lab, Huawei France Research Center, France); Chia­Han Lee (Academia Sinica,
Taiwan); Tony Q. S. Quek (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore);
Leonardo S. Cardoso (Université de Lyon & INRIA, INSA­Lyon, CITI­INRIA, France)
P12: Traffic and Energy­ Aware Access in Wireless Powered Cognitiv e Radio Networks
Muhammad Ejaz Ahmed (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea); Dong In Kim (Sungkyunkwan
University (SKKU), Korea)
WS­08­Interactive­02: Networking Break & Poster Session for Afternoon WS
Room: Dafna Foyer
Chair: Janne Lehtomäki (University of Oulu, Finland)
P13: Nov el Two­ Stage Spectrum Sensing for Energy Detection with FFT
Mai Ohta (Fukuoka University, Japan); Osamu Takyu (Shinshu University, Japan); Takeo
Fujii (The University of Electro­Communications, Japan); Makoto Taromaru (Fukuoka
University, Japan)
P14: Perform ance Ev aluation of Multi­ Target Tracking for PhyC­ SN
Minato Oriuchi, Osamu Takyu and Keiichi Shirai (Shinshu University, Japan); Takeo Fujii
(The University of Electro­Communications, Japan); Mai Ohta (Fukuoka University,
Japan); Fumihito Sasamori and Shiro Handa (Shinshu University, Japan)
P15: Energy Detection Based Estim ation of Prim ary Channel Occupancy Rate in
Cognitiv e Radio
Miguel López­Benítez (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom); Janne Lehtomäki
(University of Oulu, Finland)
P16: On the Effects of I/Q Im balance on Sensing Perform ance in Full­ Duplex Cognitiv e
Alexandros­Apostolos A Boulogeorgos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece);
Haythem Bany Salameh (Yarmouk University, Jordan); George K. Karagiannidis (Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
P17: Energy­ Efficient Based On Cluster Selection and Trust Managem ent in Cooperativ e
Spectrum Sensing
Zina Chkirbene, Mazen Omar Hasna and Ridha Hamila (Qatar University, Qatar);
Noureddine Hamdi (INSAT, Carthage University & ENIT SYSCOM Laboratory, Tunisia)
WS­09­Interactive­02: Networking Break & Poster Session for Afternoon WS
Room: Dafna Foyer
WS­12­Interactive­02: Networking Break & Poster Session for Afternoon WS
Room: Dafna Foyer
Chair: Majed Haddad (University of Avignon, France)
P18: A Reference Signal based GLRT for Sim ultaneous Sensing and Reception in
Cognitiv e LTE­ A System s
Prasanth Karunakaran (University of Erlangen­Nuremberg & Lehrstuhl für
Mobilkommunikation, Germany); Wolfgang Gerstacker (University of Erlangen­Nuernberg,
P19: Ev aluation of m ultiple access strategies with power control error and v ariable
packet length in M2M
Qipeng Song (Institut Mines­Télécom / Télécom Bretagne / IRISA, France); Loutfi Nuaymi
(Telecom Bretagne, France); Xavier Lagrange (Institut Mines Telecom / Telecom Bretagne
& IRISA, France)
P20: Analysis of Uplink SIR for Cellular Network with Underlaid D2D Com m unications
Anushree Neogi (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India); Abhay Karandikar (IIT
Bombay, India)
Sunday, April 3, 17:00 ­ 17:40
WS­02­Keynote­04: When Nanotechnology meets Internet of Things
Najah Abed AbuAli, UAE University, UAE
Room: PR 5
Chair: Shahid Mumtaz (Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal)
T he Inte rne t o f T hing s (Io T ) is the m a in p a ra d ig m thro ug h which m e d ica l d e vice s will b e co nne cte d to the
Inte rne t, the re b y e m p o we ring ne a r­re a l­tim e he a lth s e rvice s a nd tra ns fo rm ing a p a tie nt's p hys ica l s p a ce
into a s m a rt s p a ce . R e ce nt d e ve lo p m e nts in na no te chno lo g y e na b le d d e s ig ning no ve l a p p lica tio ns tha t
ca n b e s up p o rte d b y na no m a chine s s uch a s s m a rt d rug a d m inis tra tio n, na no s ca le s urg e rie s , a nd e p id e m ic
s p re a d d e te ctio n a nd m a na g e m e nt. T his up ho ld s he a lth s e rvice s fro m b e ing ne a r­re a l tim e he a lth s e rvice
into re a l­tim e s e rvice s . In this ta lk , we p re s e nt a g lim p s e o n the s ta te ­o f­the a rt o f the Inte rne t o f
na no thing s (Io NT ). W e will id e ntify the a rchite ctura l re q uire m e nts ne ce s s a ry fo r Io NT ­b a s e d he a lthca re
a p p lica tio ns , a nd the ne two rk ing re q uire m e nts e nta ile d b y tho s e a p p lica tio ns . W e will a ls o d is cus s the
Io NT im p le m e nta tio n a nd p e rfo rm a nce e va lua tio n is s ue s , e s p e cia lly tho s e re la te d to d e p lo ym e nt,
co m m unica tio n, a nd co ­e x is te nce with o the r ne two rk ing p a ra d ig m s . Fina lly, we will hig hlig ht the m a in
cha lle ng e s a nd o p p o rtunitie s o f Io NT fo r re a lizing he a lthca re a p p lica tio ns a nd s e rvice s .
Sunday, April 3, 17:00 ­ 18:20
WS­07­01: Wireless Power Transfer ­ State of the Art and Beyond
Room: PR 6
Chair: Aissa Ikhlef (Newcastle University, United Kingdom)
Long­ term throughput optim ization in WPCN with Battery­ Powered Dev ices
Alessandro Biason (University of Padova, Italy); Michele Zorzi (Università degli Studi di
Padova, Italy)
Distributed Energy Beam form ing with One­ Bit Feedback
Seunghyun Lee and Rui Zhang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Secure Beam form ing for Max­ Min SINR in Multi­ Cell SWIPT System s
Ali A Nasir (National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan); Duy T Ngo
(The University of Newcastle, Australia); Hoang D. Tuan (University of Technology,
Sydney, Australia); Salman Durrani (The Australian National University, Australia); Dong
In Kim (Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea)
Energy and Data Cooperation in Energy Harv esting Multiple Access Channel
Berk Gurakan (University of Maryland, USA); Berrak Sisman and Onur Kaya (Isik
University, Turkey); Sennur Ulukus (University of Maryland, USA)
WS­08­02: Cognitive Radio Networks and Dynamic Spectrum Access
Room: PR 7
Chair: Miguel López­Benítez (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom)
Coexistence between OFDM and Pulsed Radars in The 3.5 GHz Band with Im perfect
Seungmo Kim and Junsung Choi (Virginia Tech, USA); Carl B. Dietrich (Virginia Tech &
Wireless @ Virginia Tech, USA)
Characterization and Adaptiv e Selection of Radio Channels for Reliable and Energy­
Efficient WSN
Achim Berger and Markus Pichler (Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH, Austria); Daniele
Ciccarello and Peter Priller (AVL List GmbH, Austria); Andreas Springer (Johannes Kepler
University Linz, Austria)
Dev elopm ent of Measurem ent Techniques and Tools for Coexistence Testing of Wireless
Medical Dev ices
Walid Balid and Mohamad Omar Al Kalaa (University of Oklahoma, USA); Samer Rajab
(Honda R&D Americas, Inc., USA); Hasan Tafish (University of Oklahoma, USA); Hazem
Refai (Oklahoma University, USA)
Knowledge­ based Update of Prim ary Exclusiv e Region for Database­ driv en Spectrum
Sharing Towards 5G
Shota Yamashita, Koji Yamamoto, Takayuki Nishio and Masahiro Morikura (Kyoto
University, Japan)
Sunday, April 3, 17:00 ­ 18:00
WS­09­02: Practical Schemes
Room: PR 8
Chair: Zouheir Rezki (King Abdullah University of Science and Technologie (KAUST), Saudi
Multiband Jam m ing Strategies with Minim um Rate Constraints
Karim A. Banawan (University of Maryland, College Park, USA); Sennur Ulukus (University
of Maryland, USA); Peng Wang (NRC PostDoc, USA); Brian Henz (US Army Research
Laboratory, USA)
Tim e Obfuscation­ Based Priv acy­ Preserv ing Schem e for Location­ Based Serv ices
Fenghua Li (State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Information
Engineering, CAS, P.R. China); Sheng Wan (Xidian University, P.R. China); Ben Niu (State
Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Information Engineering, CAS, P.R.
China); Hui Li (Xidian University, P.R. China); Yuanyuan He (State Key Laboratory of
Information Security, Institute of Information Engineering, CAS, P.R. China)
An Efficient CGA Algorithm against DoS Attack on Duplicate Address Detection Process
Cui Zhang (Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R.
China); Jinbo Xiong (Fujian Normal University, P.R. China); Qiong Wu (Southeast
University, P.R. China)
Sunday, April 3, 17:00 ­ 18:20
WS­12­02: D2D Communications for 5G Networks
Room: PR 9
Chair: Afef Feki (France Research Center, Huawei Technologies, France)
A Hierarchical Radio Resource Managem ent Schem e for Next Generation Cellular
Dariush Mohammad Soleymani, Andre Puschmann and Elke Roth­Mandutz (Ilmenau
University of Technology, Germany); Jens Mueckenheim (Merseburg University of Applied
Science, Germany); Andreas Mitschele­Thiel (Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany)
Topology Form ation in Mesh networks considering Role Suitability
Mohit Agnihotri (KTH Royal Institute of Technology & Eindhoven Technical University,
Sweden); Roman Chirikov (Ericsson AB, Sweden); Francesco Militano (Ericsson, Sweden);
Cicek Cavdar (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
NB­ IoT System for M2M Com m unication
Rapeepat Ratasuk (Nokia Networks, USA); Benny Vejlgaard (Nokia Siemens Networks,
Denmark); Nitin Mangalvedhe and Amitava Ghosh (Nokia Networks, USA)
A Two Dim ensional Beam Scanning Array Antenna for 5G Wireless Com m unication
Stella Ifeoma Orakwue (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia); Razali Ngah
(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia); Tharek Abdul Rahman (Wireless Communication
Centre, Malaysia)
Sunday, April 3, 17:40 ­ 18:20
WS­02­01: Uplink waveform for 5G
Room: PR 5
Chair: Najah A. Abu Ali (UAEU, UAE)
Resource Block Managem ent for Uplink UFMC System s
Hyunsoo Kim (Yonsei University, Korea); Jonghyun Bang (University of Yonsei, Korea);
Sooyong Choi and Daesik Hong (Yonsei University, Korea)
MIMO Uplink NOMA with Successiv e Bandwidth Div ision
Soma Qureshi and Syed Ali Hassan (National University of Sciences and Technology,
Monday, April 4
Monday, April 4, 09:00 ­ 10:00
KEY 1: 5G Physical Layer and MAC: Opportunities and Challenges
Dr. R. Valenzuela
Room: Salwa 2
Reinaldo Valenzuela received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Chile and a Ph.D. from Imperial
College, London. He is currently Director of the Wireless Communications Research Department at Bell Laboratories, and
is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff. Valenzuela has been at the forefront of many recent advances in wireless
systems; his research includes propagation measurements and models, MIMO/space time systems achieving high
capacities using transmit and receive antenna arrays, HetNets, small cells, and next generation air interface techniques
and architectures. The author of more than 185 papers, he has 44 issued patents and more than 22,000 citations in
Google Scholar. Valenzuela is a 'Highly Cited Author' in Thomson ISI, a Fulbright Senior Specialist, an IEEE Fellow, a Bell
Labs Fellow and a WWRF Fellow. For his pioneering contributions to MIMO technology, he was awarded the 2010 IEEE Eric
E. Sumner Award. He is a recipient of the 2015 IEEE VTS Avant Garde Award.
Monday, April 4, 10:30 ­ 12:10
PHY­I1: Cellular Networks I
Room: Salwa 2
Invited talk: 5G: An Evolution or A Revolution?
Mérouane Debbah (Huawei, France)
LTE Rel­13 MTC Device Receiver Algorithms for Coverage Enhancement
Ashok Kumar Reddy Chavva (Samsung Electronics, India); Sripada Kadambar (Samsung R&D
Institute India ­ Bangalore, India); Venkata Ramana Gurugubelli, Anusha Gunturu and
Shubham Khunteta (Samsung Electronics, India)
Non­Feedback Vertical Plane Beamforming for LTE­Advanced Systems
Kenji Hoshino (Softbank Corp., Japan); Teruya Fujii (Vodafone K.K., Japan)
Renewable Energy Management in Cellular Networks: An Online Strategy based on
ARIMA Forecasting and a Markov Chain Model
Johann Leithon and Teng Joon Lim (National University of Singapore, Singapore); Sumei Sun
(Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore)
PHY1: MIMO Detection
Room: Salwa 1
Spectral Efficiency of Distributed MIMO Systems with ZF Receivers
Hisham Almelah and Khairi A. Hamdi (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
Spectral Efficiency of ZF Receivers over MIMO Channels with Out­of­Cell Interference
Hisham Almelah and Khairi A. Hamdi (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
Soft Iterative Detector and Semi­Blind Identification for LDPC­Coded MIMO Systems in
Dispersive Fading Channels
Yantao Qiao and Weidong Xiang (University of Michigan, Dearborn, USA); Xiaoyu Yin
(Shanghai University, P.R. China); Lina Xu (Technische Universität München, Germany)
Low­Complexity Joint Modulation Classification and Detection in MU­MIMO
Hadi Sarieddeen and Mohammad Mansour (American University of Beirut, Lebanon); Louay
Jalloul (Qualcomm Inc., USA); Ali Chehab (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
Detection Issues with Many BS Antennas Available for Bandwidth­Efficient Uplink
Transmission in a MU­MIMO System
Paulo Torres (Instituto Politecnico de Castelo Branco, Portugal); António Gusmao (Instituto
Superior Técnico, Portugal)
PHY2: Device to Device Communications
Room: Salwa 3
FREDDY: A Framework for VANET aided D2D Discovery
Hussein Chour, Youssef Nasser, Hassan A. Artail and Alaa Kachouh (American University of
Beirut, Lebanon)
Resource Allocation for Device­to­Device and Small Cell Uplink Communication Networks
Haibo Dai, Yongming Huang, Chunguo Li, Kang Song and Luxi Yang (Southeast University,
P.R. China)
Mobility Impact on Mode Selection Map in D2D Networks ­ An Analytical Approach
Armin Morattab (Ecole de Technologie Supérieure, University of Quebec, Canada); Zbigniew
Dziong (École de technologie supérieure, University of Quebec, Canada); Kazem Sohraby
(South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, USA); MD. Habul Islam (Southern Alberta
Institute of Technology, Canada)
On the Analysis of Device­to­Device Overlaid Cellular Networks in the Uplink under 3GPP
Propagation Model
Asma Afzal and Syed Ali Raza Zaidi (University of Leeds, United Kingdom); Desmond
McLernon (The University of Leeds, United Kingdom); Mounir Ghogho (University of Leeds &
International University of Rabat, United Kingdom)
Energy Costs for Traffic Offloading by Cache­enabled D2D Communications
Binqiang Chen and Chenyang Yang (Beihang University, P.R. China)
PHY3: Estimation and Detection
Room: Dukhan
Low Complexity Norm­Adaption Least Mean Square/Fourth Algorithm and Its
Applications for Sparse Channel Estimation
Yingsong Li, Yanyan Wang and Tao Jiang (Harbin Engineering University, P.R. China)
Parameter Estimation of Inverse Gaussian Channel for Diffusion­Based Molecular
Lin Lin, Chengfeng Yang and Shiwei Ma (Shanghai University, P.R. China); Maode Ma
(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the alpha­kappa­mu Fading Environment
Fernando Batista (Inatel, Brazil); Rausley Adriano Amaral de Souza (National Institute of
Telecommunications (INATEL), Brazil); Antonio Marcelo Oliveira Ribeiro (University of
Campinas, Brazil)
Massive MIMO Channel Estimation Based on Block Iterative Support Detection
Wenqian Shen and Linglong Dai (Tsinghua University, P.R. China); Yi Shi (Huawei
Technologies, P.R. China); Zhen Gao and Zhaocheng Wang (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
Beam­blocked Compressive Channel Estimation for FDD Massive MIMO Systems
Wei Huang (Southeast University, P.R. China); Zhaohua Lu (ZTE Corporation, P.R. China);
Cheng Zhang, Yongming Huang, Shi Jin and Luxi Yang (Southeast University, P.R. China)
MAC 1: Machine­to­Machine Communications
Room: PR5
Spectrum sharing for M2M applications through Whitetime exploitation in WiFi networks
John Harris (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)
An Improved Random Access Procedure for M2M Communications
Ningbo Zhang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications & Science and Technology
on Information Transmission and Dissemination in Communication Networks Lab, P.R. China)
Efficiency analysis of M2M Data Collection networks using Multipacket Reception in
Frame­Slotted ALOHA
Arun George and Venkatesh Tiruchirai Gopalakrishnan (Indian Institute of Technology
Madras, India)
Clustering and Radio Resource Partitioning for Machine­Type Communications in Cellular
Utku Tefek and Teng Joon Lim (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Time Aware Closed Form Frame Slotted ALOHA Frame Length Optimization
Hazem A. Ahmed (Friedrich­Alexander­Universität Erlangen­Nürnberg & Fraunhofer Institute
for Integrated Circuits, Germany); Hamed Salah (Friedrich­Alexander­Universität Erlangen­
Nürnberg, Germany); Joerg Robert (Friedrich­Alexander Universität Erlangen­Nürnberg,
Germany); Albert Heuberger (Friedrich­Alexander­Universität Erlangen­Nürnberg, Germany)
MAC 2: Game Theory for Wireless Networks
Room: PR6
Gale­Shapley­Algorithm Based Resource Allocation Scheme for Device­to­Device
Communications Underlaying Downlink Cellular Networks
Wenson Chang, You­Ting Jau and Szu­Lin Su (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan);
Yinman Lee (National Chi Nan University, Taiwan)
On Modeling Channel Selection in LTE­U as a Repeated Game
Jordi Pérez­Romero (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain); Oriol Sallent
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain); Hamed Ahmadi (University College Dublin,
Ireland); Irene Macaluso (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Joint Cost­Sharing and Multi­Relay Selection for Two­Way Relay Networks using a
Pricing Game
Mohammed S. Bahbahani (University of Manchester, United Kingdom); Emad Alsusa
(Manchester University, United Kingdom)
Relay Selection for Energy Harvesting Relay Networks using a Repeated Game
Mohammed S. Bahbahani (University of Manchester, United Kingdom); Emad Alsusa
(Manchester University, United Kingdom)
Information Credibility Equilibrium of Cooperative Networks
Chunxiao Jiang (Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China); Zhu Han (University of Houston,
USA); Yong Ren (Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China); Lajos Hanzo (University of
Southampton, United Kingdom)
NET1: Routing and Localization in Vehicular Networks
Room: PR 7
An Intersection UAV­Assisted VANET Routing Protocol
Omar Sami Oubbati (University of Laghouat, Algeria); Abderrahmane Lakas (UAE University,
UAE); Nasreddine Lagraa (Amar Thelidji University, Laghouat & LIM Laboratory, Algeria);
Mohamed Bachir Yagoubi (University of Laghouat, Algeria)
An Enhanced Directional Greedy Forwarding for VANETs using Link Quality Estimation
Ohoud Alzamzami and Imad Mahgoub (Florida Atlantic University, USA)
Mobility Data Verification For Vehicle Localization in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Lina Altoaimy and Imad Mahgoub (Florida Atlantic University, USA)
VALS: Vehicle­Aided Location Service in Urban Environment
Raik Aissaoui (Qatar University, Qatar); Amine Dhraief (University of Manouba, Tunisia);
Abdelfettah Belghith (University of Manouba & National School of Computer Sciences ENSI,
Tunisia); Hamid Menouar (Qatar Mobility Innovations Center, Qatar); Fethi Filali (QMIC,
Qatar); Hassan Mathkour (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia)
The Minimum Delay Relay Optimization Based on Nakagami Distribution for Safety
Message Broadcasting in Urban VANET
Wenjie Wang and Tao Luo (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
NET2: Heterogeneous Cellular Networks ­ 2
Room: PR 8
Maximum Weight Matching based Heuristic for Future HetNets Greening
Hocine Ameur (University of Technology of Troyes, France); Moez Esseghir (Technology
University of Troyes & Charles Delaunay Institute, France); Lyes Khoukhi (University of
Technology of Troyes, France)
Load­aware Handover Decision Algorithm in Next­generation HetNets
Konstantinos Alexandris and Nikolaos Sapountzis (EURECOM, France); Navid Nikaein
(Eurecom, France); Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos (EURECOM, France)
Low­Complexity and Low­Feedback­Rate Channel Allocation for Carrier Aggregation in
Heterogeneous Networks
Apostolos Galanopoulos (University of Thessaly & Industrial Systems Institute, Greece);
Christos G. Tsinos (University of Luxembourg, Greece); Fotis Foukalas (Athena Research and
Innovation Centre, Greece)
Efficient Load­Aware Vertical Handoff for HetNet with Poisson­Point­Process Distributed
Wenson Chang and Heng­Tien Wu (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan); Yinman Lee
(National Chi Nan University, Taiwan); Szu­Lin Su (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
Mobility Prediction based Seamless RAN­Cache Handover in HetNet
Hongjia Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China); Dan Hu (Cisco Systems, Inc., P.R.
APP 1: Cellular Networks
Room: Cigar Lounge
SDN­based Optimal Traffic Engineering for Cellular Networks with Service Chaining
Rung­Hung Gau and Pei­Kan Tsai (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Performance Evaluation for LTE Applications with Buffer Awareness Consideration
Muntadher Alshaikh Ali (University of New Haven, USA); Amir Esmailpour (University of New
Haven & Ryerson University, USA); Nidal Nasser (Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia)
Intelligent Battery Management for Cellular Networks with Hybrid Energy Supplies
Xilong Liu (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA); Tao Han (University of North Carolina
at Charlotte, USA); Nirwan Ansari (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
Cell Search Evaluation: A Step Towards the Next Generation LTE­MTC Systems
Abdelmohsen Ali and Walaa Hamouda (Concordia University, Canada)
Analysis of Discovery and Access Procedure for D2D Communication in 5G Cellular
Zhijian Lin and Liang Du (Xiamen University, P.R. China); Zhibin Gao (Xiamen University
Xiamen, P.R. China); Lianfen Huang (XiaMen University, P.R. China); Xiaojiang Du (Temple
University, USA); Mohsen Guizani (QU, USA)
APP 2: Testbeds and Simulators
Room: Ghazal
SAROS: A Social­Aware Opportunistic Forwarding Simulator
Soumaia A. Al Ayyat (The American University in Cairo, Egypt); Sherif Aly (American
University in cairo, Egypt); Khaled A. Harras (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Genetic Algorithm­based Mapper to Support Multiple Concurrent Users on Wireless
Yaser A. Elnakieb (Virginia Tech, Egypt); Michael Azmy (Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University, Egypt); Mustafa El­Nainay (Alexandria University & Virginia Tech, Egypt)
A Sensor Cloud Test­bed for Multi­Model and Multi­User Sensor Applications
Sanjay Madria (Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA)
Building Virtual 802.11 Testbeds Towards Open 5G Experimentation
Konstantinos Kousias (University of Thessaly, Greece); Kostas Katsalis (EURECOM &
University of Thessaly, France); Donatos Stavropoulos (University of Thessaly, Greece);
Thanasis Korakis (New York University, USA); Leandros Tassiulas (Yale University, USA)
Setting up an extended perception in a vehicular network environment: A proof of
Nader Chaabouni and Abdelhakim Hafid (University of Montreal, Canada); Jihene Rezgui
(College Maisonneuve, Canada); Soumaya Cherkaoui (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada)
PAN 1: Global Research Funding Opportunities: Models & Lessons Learnt
Room: Dafna
•Dr. Abdul Sattar Al­Taie, Executive Director, Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF), Qatar.•Dr. AbdulAziz AlSwailem,
Vice President For Scientific Research and Support, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia.•Dr. Chengshan Xiao, Program Director, ECCS division, NSF, USA.•Dr. Ajit K Chaturvedi, Deputy Director, IIT
Kanpur, India.
NET­P: Poster Session
Room: Dafna Foyer
An Efficient Multi­channel Reader Collision Avoidance Protocol in RFID Systems
Yi Jiang (Northwestern Polytechnical University & School of Electronics and Information, P.R.
China); Ruonan Zhang, Wei Cheng and Wei Sun (Northwestern Polytechnical University, P.R.
A Hybrid Random Access Method for Smart Meters on LTE Networks
Chalakorn Karupongsiri (The University of Sydney, Australia); Kumudu S Munasinghe
(University of Canberra, Australia); Abbas Jamalipour (University of Sydney, Australia)
Performance Modeling of Camera­assisted Proactive Base Station Selection for Human
Blockage Problem in mmWave Communications
Yuta Oguma (Kyoto University & Graduate School of Informatics, Japan); Takayuki Nishio,
Koji Yamamoto and Masahiro Morikura (Kyoto University, Japan)
Single­View Bistatic Sparse Reconstruction in TWRI Exploiting Ghost's Aspect
Dependence Feature
Abdi T Abdalla (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia); Ali H Muqaibel
(KFUPM, Saudi Arabia)
Study of the electromagnetic scattering by large obstacle based on the Method of
Auxiliary Sources
Sami Hidouri (National Engineering School of Tunis, Tunisia)
Monday, April 4, 14:00 ­ 15:40
MAC­I1: MAC Design 1
Room: Salwa 2
Invited Talk: Ad Hoc MACs: Why and How
Jean Walrand (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
An Optimal Link and Rate Combination Search Algorithm for STDMA MAC Protocols
Siqian Cui (Harbin Institute of Technology & University of California, Irvine, P.R. China);
Homayoun Yousefi'zadeh (University of California, Irvine, USA); Xuemai Gu (Harbin Institute
of Technology, P.R. China)
DTMC Modeling for Performance Evaluation of DW­MAC in Wireless Sensor Networks
Lakshmikanth Guntupalli and Frank Y. Li (University of Agder, Norway)
S­CW FD: A MAC Protocol for Full­Duplex in Wireless Local Area Networks
Deniz Marlali and Ozgur Gurbuz (Sabanci University, Turkey)
PHY4: Beamforming
Room: Salwa 1
Distributed Collaborative Beamforming Design in Highly­Scattered Environments
Slim Zaidi (University of Quebec, INRS­EMT, Canada); Bouthaina Hmidet (INRS, Canada);
Sofiene Affes (INRS­EMT, Canada)
Energy Efficient Transmit Beamforming Under Queueing Stability Constraints
Amira Akra and Mohamad Assaad (CentraleSupelec, France)
Capacity Analysis for MIMO Beamforming Based Cooperative Systems over Time­
Selective Links with Full SNR/One­Bit feedback based Path Selection and Imperfect CSI
Neeraj Varshney and Aditya K Jagannatham (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India)
Efficient Combination of Multi­User MIMO THP and User Selection Based on Spatial
Tomoki Maruko and Takahiro Yamaguchi (Waseda University, Japan); Tomoki Yoshimura,
Hiromichi Tomeba and Takashi Onodera (Sharp Corporation, Japan); Fumiaki Maehara
(Waseda University, Japan)
Precoder Design for a Three­Input Multiple­Output Spatial Multiplexing System with
Noncoherent Reception
R. K. Mallik (Indian Institute of Technology ­ Delhi, India); Ross Murch (HKUST, Hong Kong)
PHY5: Multiple Access
Room: Salwa 3
AMC and HARQ: Effective capacity analysis
Redouane Sassioui (INRS, Canada); Leszek Szczecinski (INRS­EMT, Canada); Long Bao Le
(INRS, University of Quebec, Canada); Mustapha Benjillali (INPT, Morocco)
Joint Coding/Decoding for Multi­message HARQ
Abdellatif Benyouss (INRS­EMT, Canada); Mohammed Jabi (Institut National de la Recherche
Scientifique, Canada); Mael Le Treust (ETIS / ENSEA, Université Cergy­Pontoise, CNRS,
France); Leszek Szczecinski (INRS­EMT, Canada)
Enhanced Listen­Before­Talk Mechanism for Licensed Assisted Access in Unlicensed
Liu Liu (DOCOMO Beijing Communications Laboratories Co., Ltd, P.R. China); Yu Jiang
(DoCoMo Beijing Labs, P.R. China); Hiroki Harada (NTT DoCoMo, Inc., Japan); Huiling Jiang
(DOCOMO Beijing Communications Laboratories Co., Ltd., P.R. China)
Performance Degradation of Distributed Cooperative Systems Due to Hidden Nodes
Tarla Abadi and Khairi A. Hamdi (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
Role of Large Scale Channel Information on Predictive Resource Allocation
Chuting Yao and Chenyang Yang (Beihang University, P.R. China)
PHY6: Cognitive Radio Networks I
Room: Dukhan
On Throughput and Quality of Experience in Cognitive Radio Networks
Hung Tran (Malardalen University, Sweden); Hans­Juergen Zepernick (Blekinge Institute of
Technology, Sweden); Hoc Phan (University of Reading, United Kingdom)
Optimal Energy­efficient Power Allocation For Asynchronous Cognitive Radio Networks
Juwendo Denis, Mylene Pischella and Didier Le Ruyet (CNAM, France)
Achieving Energy Fairness in Multiuser Uplink CR Transmission
Zain Ali (COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan); Guftaar Ahmad
Sardar Sidhu (Jacobs University Bremen, Germany); Muhammad Waqas (COMSATS Institute
of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan); Feifei Gao (Tsinghua University, P.R.
China); Shi Jin (Southeast University, P.R. China)
An Efficient Switching Threshold­Based Scheduling Protocol for Multiuser Cognitive AF
Relay Networks
Anas M. Salhab (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia); Salam A.
Zummo (KFUPM, Saudi Arabia)
Underlay Cognitive Radio: What Is the Impact of Carrier Aggregation and Relaying on
Panagiotis D. Diamantoulakis and Koralia N. Pappi (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Greece); Sami Muhaidat (Khalifa University, UAE); George K. Karagiannidis (Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, Greece); Tamer Khattab (Qatar University, Qatar)
PHY7: Energy Harvesting I
Room: PR5
Energy Harvesting Relay Systems in Mixed Rician and Rayleigh Fading: The Effects of
LOS Path Component
Haiyang Ding (State Key Lab. of ISN, Xidian University & Xi'an Communication Institute, P.R.
China); Daniel Benevides da Costa (Federal University of Ceara (UFC) & Area:
Telecommunications, Brazil); Xiaodong Wang (Columbia University, USA); Ugo Dias and Rafael
Timoteo de Sousa Junior (University of Brasilia, Brazil); Jianhua Ge (Xidian University, P.R.
Error Probability Analysis of Energy Harvesting Relay­aided Cooperative Network Using
Hierarchical Modulation
Reza Shakeri (Qatar University, Iran); Tamer Khattab (Qatar University, Qatar)
ARQ with Adaptive Feedback for Energy Harvesting Receivers
Yuyi Mao (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong); Jun Zhang and
Khaled B. Letaief (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
Optimized Collaborative Spectrum Sensing in Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio
Mohammad Hassan Adeli (Imam Khomeini International University, Iran); Fariba
Mohammadian (Qazvin International University, Iran); Abbas Taherpour (Imam Khomeini
International University, Iran); Tamer Khattab (Qatar University, Qatar)
Energy Efficient Power Allocation for Carrier Aggregation Enabled Communications
George A Ropokis (CONNECT, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland); Fotis Foukalas (Athena
Research and Innovation Centre, Greece)
MAC 3: Cognitive Radio Networks
Room: PR6
Spectrum Decision for Cognitive Radio Networks With Various­Bandwidth Channels
Samer T. Talat (Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan); Chung­Wei Wang and Li­
Chun Wang (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Interference minimization based power allocation for Cognitive radio networks with
imperfect spectrum sensing
Yongjun Xu (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications & Chongqing Key
Laboratory of Mobile Communication Technology, P.R. China); Xiaohui Zhao (University of Jilin
& College of Communication Engineering, P.R. China); Fengye Hu (Jilin University, P.R. China)
Novel Cooperative Policy For Cognitive Radio Networks: Stability Region and Delay
Mohamed Salman (University of Colorado Boulder, USA); Amr El­Keyi (Carleton University,
Canada); Mohammed Nafie (Cairo University & Nile University, Egypt); Mazen Omar Hasna
(Qatar University, Qatar)
Exploiting Group Structure in MAC Protocol Design for Multichannel Ad Hoc Cognitive
Radio Networks
Sachin Kadam (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India); Devika Prabhu (IIM Lucknow,
India); Nitish Rathi (Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, India); Prakash Chaki (NEC
Corporation, Japan); Gaurav S. Kasbekar (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India)
On Optimizing Cooperative Cognitive User Performance under Primary QoS Constraints
Adel M. Elmahdy (Nile University, Egypt); Amr El­Keyi (Carleton University, Canada); Tamer
ElBatt (Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University & WINC, Nile University, Egypt); Karim G
Seddik (American University in Cairo, Egypt)
NET3: Localization ­ 1
Room: PR 7
BLE­based Collaborative Indoor Localization with Adaptive Multi­lateration and Mobile
Jun­Wei (Chun­Wei) Qiu (Chiou), Chien­Pu Lin and Yu­Chee Tseng (National Chiao­Tung
University, Taiwan)
Standardizing Location Fingerprints Across Heterogeneous Mobile Devices for Indoor
Han Zou (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore); Baoqi Huang (Inner Mongolia
University, P.R. China); Xiaoxuan Lu (University of Oxford, United Kingdom); Hao Jiang
(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore); Lihua Xie (University of Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore)
Convex Hull based Node Selection NLoS mitigation for Indoor Localization
Stephen Lingfeng Wang and Yuechuan Zhang (Toshiba Research Europe Limited, United
EveTrack: An Event Localization and Tracking Scheme for WSNs in Dynamic
Kamran Ali (Michigan State University, USA); Ijaz Haider Naqvi (LUMS School of Science and
Engineering (SSE) & LUMS SSE, Pakistan)
RSS Based Localization in Rayleigh Fading Environment
Rojina Adhikary and John N. Daigle (University of Mississippi, USA)
NET4: Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Room: PR 8
An MDP­based Vertical Handoff Decision Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Lin Chen and Hui Li (University of Science and Technology of China, P.R. China)
Energy Efficient BSs Switching in Heterogeneous Networks: An Operator's Perspective
Jinwei He (China Mobile Research Institute, P.R. China); Chao Xu (Xidian University, P.R.
China); Sen Bian and Zecai Shao (China Mobile Research Institute, P.R. China); Jiongjiong
Song and Yufei Li (Xidian University, P.R. China); Chih­Lin I (China Mobile Research Institute,
P.R. China)
Jitter­Aware Packet Scheduler for Concurrent Multipath Transmission in Heterogeneous
Wireless Networks
Min­Cheng Chan (National Chiao Tung University, USA); Chien­Chao Tseng (National Chiao­
Tung University, Taiwan); Li­Hsing Yen (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
A Systematic Node Placement Strategy for Multi­Tier Heterogeneous Network Graphs
Kai Ding (University of California at Irvine, USA); Homayoun Yousefi'zadeh (University of
California, Irvine, USA)
Forming a Cluster­Mesh Topology to Boost Base­Station Anonymity in Wireless Sensor
Sami Alsemairi and Mohamed Younis (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA)
APP 3: M2M and IoT
Room: Cigar Lounge
Evaluating Bluetooth Low Energy in Realistic Wireless Environments
Mohamad Omar Al Kalaa and Walid Balid (University of Oklahoma, USA); Naim Bitar (The
University of Oklahoma, USA); Hazem Refai (Oklahoma University, USA)
QoS Estimation and Selection of CSP in Oligopoly Environment for Internet of Things
Subarna Chatterjee (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India); Sudip Misra (Indian
Institute of Technology­Kharagpur, India)
Leveraging Solution­Specific Gateways for Cost­Effective and Fault­Tolerant IoT
Abhimithra Karthikeya Surabhi, Vijeth J Kotagi and Siva Ram Murthy (IIT Madras, India)
An efficient D2D­based strategies for Machine Type Communications in 5G mobile
Miloud Bagaa (Aalto University, Finland); Adlen Ksentini (University of Rennes 1 / IRISA Lab,
France); Tarik Taleb (Aalto University, Finland); Riku Jäntti (Aalto University School of
Electrical Engineering, Finland); Ali Chelli (Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU), Norway); Ilangko Balasingham (Norwegian University of Science & Technology & Oslo
University Hospital, Norway)
Utilizing VIN for Improved Vehicular Sensing
Najah A. Abu Ali (UAEU, UAE); Mervat Abu­Elkheir (Mansoura University, Egypt)
APP 4: Content Caching and Analytics
Room: Ghazal
Student/Supervisor Collaboration and Usage Patterns of Publications Available on
Zahra Hammook, Jelena Mišić and Vojislav B. Mišić (Ryerson University, Canada)
Factor Graph based Multi­source Data Fusion for Wireless Localization
Wanlong Zhao, Weixiao Meng, Yonggang Chi and Shuai Han (Harbin Institute of Technology,
P.R. China)
Feasibility Analysis and Self­organizing Algorithm for RAN Cooperative Caching
Zejue Wang and Hongjia Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China); Chang Yang (Institute
of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, P.R. China)
Learning Automaton based Distributed Caching for Mobile Social Networks
Chuan Ma (The University of Sydney, Australia); Zihuai Lin, Loris Marini, Jun Li and Branka
Vucetic (University of Sydney, Australia)
PAN 2: Increasing Academic and Industrial Competitiveness in a Changing ICT Value Place
Room: Dafna
•Dr. Neeli Rashmi Prasad, Chief Technology Architect of SPA Solutions, San Francisco, USA. Associate Professor and
Director of CTIF­USA, Princeton, NJ, USA.•Mr. Lars Kierkegaard, Head of Strategy & Business Development at Teracom
A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark.•Dr. Vladimir Poulkov, Professor, Technical University of Sofia and Head of Bulgarian
Telecommunications Cluster, Bulgaria
PHY­P1: Poster Session I ­ PHY and Fundamentals
Room: Dafna Foyer
Throughput Performance Models for Adaptive Modulation and Coding under Fading
Miguel López­Benítez (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom)
Lossy Transmission of Correlated Sources in a Multiple Access Quasi­Static Fading
Antonios Argyriou (University of Thessaly, Greece); Ozgu Alay (Simula Research Laboratory,
High Fidelity DSRC Receiver Model for ns­3 Simulation Using Large­scale Field Data
S M Osman Gani, Amin Tahmasbi­Sarvestani, Mohammad Fanaei and Yaser P. Fallah (West
Virginia University, USA)
Performance of Two­Way Overlay Spectrum Sharing Systems in the Presence of Co­
Channel Interference
Pankaj Kumar Sharma and Prabhat Kumar Upadhyay (Indian Institute of Technology Indore,
Transparent operation of kronecker product based full dimension MIMO to exploit 2D
antenna array
Suryong Jeong, Keonkook Lee, Taeyoung Kim and Ji­Yun Seol (Samsung Electronics, Korea);
Young­Han Nam (Samsung Research America, USA); Md Saifur Rahman (Samsung Research
America ­ Dallas & Samsung Information Systems America, USA)
Monday, April 4, 16:00 ­ 17:40
NET­I: Cloud and Fog Communications in 5G Systems
Room: Salwa 2
Invited talk: Fog Networking for 5G and IoT
Mung Chiang (Princeton University, USA)
Evaluation of Adaptive Active Set Management for Multi­connectivity in Intra­frequency
5G Networks
Fasil Tesema (Nokia Bell Labs & Technical University of Dresden, Germany); Ahmad Awada
(Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Ingo Viering (Nomor Research GmbH, Germany); Meryem
Simsek and Gerhard Fettweis (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Load­Aware Dynamic RRH Assignment in Cloud Radio Access Networks
Debashisha Mishra and Amogh PC (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India); Arun
Ramamurthy, Antony Franklin A and Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma (IIT Hyderabad, India)
Parallel Opportunistic Routing in IoT Networks
Fateh Singh (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India); Vijeth J Kotagi and Siva Ram
Murthy (IIT Madras, India)
PHY8: Massive MIMO
Room: Salwa 1
Performance Analysis of Downlink MMSE Beamforming Training in TDD MU­Massive­
Kaifeng Guo (RWTH Aachen University & Institute for Communication Technologies and
Embedded Systems, Germany); Behnam Khodapanah and Gerd H. Ascheid (RWTH Aachen
University, Germany)
Resource Allocation for Licensed/Unlicensed Carrier Aggregation MIMO Systems
Christos G. Tsinos (University of Luxembourg, Greece); Fotis Foukalas (Athena Research and
Innovation Centre, Greece); Theodoros Tsiftsis (Nazarbayev University & Technological
Educational Institute of Central Greece, Kazakhstan)
A CMDP­based Approach for Energy Efficient Power Allocation in Massive MIMO Systems
Peng Li and Yanxiang Jiang (Southeast University, P.R. China); Wei Li (Xi'an Jiaotong
University & University of Maryland, P.R. China); Fu­Chun Zheng (The University of Reading,
United Kingdom); Xiaohu You (National Mobile communication Research Lab., Southeast
University, P.R. China)
Identifying the Maximum DoF Region in the Three­cell Compounded MIMO Network
Galymzhan Nauryzbayev (University of Manchester, United Kingdom); Emad Alsusa
(Manchester University, United Kingdom)
Progressive Channel State Information for Advanced Multi­User MIMO in Next
Generation Cellular Systems
Masoud Sajadieh (Intel Corporation, USA); Ali Esswie (Huawei Network Performance Group,
Egypt); Abdurrahman Fouda (Axxcelera Broadband Wireless, Egypt); Hooman Shirani­Mehr
and Debdeep Chatterjee (Intel Corporation, USA)
PHY9: Interference Management I
Room: Salwa 3
Low Complexity Opportunistic Interference Alignment in K­Transmitter MIMO
Interference Channels
Atul Kumar Sinha and Ajit K. Chaturvedi (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India)
Performance of Strong Interference Cancellation in flexible UL/DL TDD Systems using
Coordinated Muting, Scheduling and Rate Allocation
Anna Lukowa and Venkatkumar Venkatasubramanian (Nokia Networks ­ Research, Poland)
SNR Aware Heterogeneous Blind Interference Alignment in MISO Broadcasting Channel
Qing Yang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China); Ting Jiang
(Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, P.R. China); Zheng Zhou (Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
Performance Analysis of Full­Duplex Multiuser Decode­and­Forward Relay Networks
with Interference Management
Aymen Omri (Qatar University, Qatar); Alireza S. Behbahani and Ahmed M. Eltawil (University
of California, Irvine, USA); Mazen Omar Hasna (Qatar University, Qatar)
A Two Stage PAPR Reduction Technique for The Uplink of LTE­Advanced with Carrier
Abdel­karim Ajami (American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon); Hassan A. Artail
(American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
PHY10: Cogntive Radio Networks II
Room: Dukhan
Resource Allocation with SIC under Statistical CSI in Multi­carrier based Cognitive Radio
Marwa Chami, Mylene Pischella and Didier Le Ruyet (CNAM, France)
Exact Outage Performance of the SIMO Cognitive Cooperative Network in the Presence of
Co­Channel Interference
Jamal A Hussein (Newcastle University, United Kingdom); Salama Said Ikki (Lakehead
University & Electrical Engineering Department, Canada); Said Boussakta and Charalampos C.
Tsimenidis (Newcastle University, United Kingdom)
Dynamic Spectrum Allocation for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Network
Wenjie Zhang (Minnan Normal University, P.R. China); Lei Deng (The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong); Chai Kiat Yeo (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Hybrid Digital­Analog Coding Scheme for Overlay Cognitive Radio Network with
Correlated Sources
Wenbo Xu, Yifan Wang, Wenbo Guo and Jiaru Lin (Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, P.R. China)
Machine Learning Techniques with Probability Vector for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing
in Cognitive Radio Networks
Yingqi Lu (University of Calgary, Canada); Pai Zhu (Carnegie Mellon University, USA); Donglin
Wang (New York Institute of Technology, USA); Michel Fattouche (University of Calgary,
MAC 4: MAC Design 2
Room: PR5
Resilient Misbehaviour Detection MAC Protocol (MD­MAC) for Distributed Wireless
Chaminda Alocious, Hannan Xiao and Bruce Christianson (University of Hertfordshire, United
MMSMAC: A Multi­mode Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Guerroumi Mohamed (University of USTHB, Algeria); Abdelouahid Derhab (King Saud
University, Saudi Arabia); Al­Sakib Khan Pathan (Islamic University in Madinah, Saudi Arabia);
Nadjib Badache (University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediane (USTHB), Algeria);
Samira Moussaoui (USTHB, Algeria)
Distance­alignment Based Adaptive MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks
Shuchao Jiang, Feng Liu and Shengming Jiang (Shanghai Maritime University, P.R. China)
CF­MAC: A Collision­Free MAC Protocol for UAVs Ad­Hoc Networks
Anzhou Jiang and Zhichao Mi (PLA University of Science and Technology, P.R. China); Chao
Dong (College of Communication Engineering, P. L. A University of Science and Technology,
P.R. China); Hai Wang (PLA University of Science and Technology, P.R. China)
A Generic Framework for Heterogeneous Wireless Network Virtualization: Virtual MAC
Bo Fan (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China); Hui Tian (Beijng
university of posts and telecommunications, P.R. China); Xiao Yan (Beijing University of Posts
and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
MAC 5: Energy Efficiency and Energy Harvesting
Room: PR6
Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks with Correlated Energy Sources
Mehdi Salehi Heydar Abad (University of Sabanci, Turkey); Deniz Gündüz (Imperial College
London, United Kingdom); Ozgur Ercetin (Sabanci University, Turkey)
Integrating Energy Harvesting and Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio
Ayman Sabbah (Queen's University, Canada); Mohamed Ibnkahla (Carleton University,
Delay­optimal Data Transmission in Renewable Energy Aided Cognitive Radio Networks
Tian Zhang (Shandong Normal University, P.R. China); Wei Chen (Tsinghua University, P.R.
User Association in Massive MIMO and mmWave Enabled HetNets Powered by Renewable
Bingyu Xu and Yue Chen (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom); Maged
Elkashlan (Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom); Tiankui Zhang (Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China); Kai Kit Wong (University College
London, United Kingdom)
Green Energy Aware User Association in Heterogeneous Networks
Qiang Fan and Nirwan Ansari (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
PHY11: Compressed Sensing
Room: PR 7
Compressive Sensing Based NBI Mitigation in UWB Systems in the Presence of Multiuser
Saleh Alawsh and Ali H Muqaibel (KFUPM, Saudi Arabia)
A Compressive Channel Sensing Method with Optimal Thresholding for OFDM Systems
under Fast Fading Channels
Da Fu (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China); Yuexing Peng
(Beijing University of Posts & Telecoms, P.R. China); Senyao Zheng (Beijing University of
Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
Mitigation of Narrow­band Interference in Two­Way AF­OFDM Relaying Systems Using
Compressive Sensing
Hanan Al­Tous and Imad Barhumi (United Arab Emirates University, UAE); Naofal Al­Dhahir
(University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Identifying Non­Adjacent Multiuser Allocations by Joint l1­Minimization
Dennis Wieruch (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute,
Germany); Peter Jung (TU­Berlin, Communications and Information Theory Group &
Fraunhofer HHI ­ Heinrich Hertz Institute, Germany); Thomas Wirth (Fraunhofer Heinrich
Hertz Institute, Germany); Armin Dekorsy (University of Bremen, Germany)
Modulation Classification of Mixed Signals using Fast Independent Component Analysis
Lu Wang, Qian Gao, Kezhong Zhang, Sai Huang, Yifan Zhang and Zhiyong Feng (Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
NET5: Wireless Sensor Networks ­ 1
Room: PR 8
Optimization Framework with Reduced Complexity for Sensor Networks with In­Network
Sepideh Nazemi Gelyan and Kin K. Leung (Imperial College, United Kingdom); Ananthram
Swami (Army Research Lab., USA)
Ranging In Underwater Wireless Sensor Network: Received Signal Strength Approach
Saleheh Poursheikhali (Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran); Hossein Zamiri­Jafarian
(University of Toronto & Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Canada)
On Using BOC Modulation in Ultra­Low Power Sensor Networks for Wildlife Tracking
Muhammad Nabeel (Paderborn University, Germany); Bastian Bloessl and Falko Dressler
(University of Paderborn, Germany)
Impact of Time Synchronization Error on the Mode­shape Calculation in Wireless Sensor
Networks for Structural Health Monitoring
Abderrazek Abdaoui (Qatar University & College of Engineering, Qatar); Mohamed Hossam
Ahmed (Memorial University, Canada); Tarek M. Elfouly (Qatar University, Qatar)
The Impact of Anchor Misplacement on Sensing Coverage
Yaser Al Mtawa and Hossam S. Hassanein (Queen's University, Canada); Nidal Nasser (Alfaisal
University, Saudi Arabia)
NET6: Energy­efficient Communications
Room: Cigar Lounge
An Energy­efficient Mechanism for Increasing Video Quality of Service in Wireless Mesh
Adriana Hava and Gabriel­Miro Muntean (Dublin City University, Ireland); John Murphy
(University College Dublin, Ireland)
Dynamic Adjustment of Idle Mode Sleep Time by Received Power Outage Probability
Can Altay and Gurkan Gur (Bogazici University, Turkey); Selami Ciftci (Turk Telekom Group
R&D, Turkey); Fatih Alagoz (Bogazici University, Turkey)
Access Points Selection in Super WiFi Network Powered by Solar Energy Harvesting
Tingwu Wang, Chunxiao Jiang and Yong Ren (Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China)
QPSO­based Energy­aware Clustering Scheme in the Capillary Networks for Internet of
Things Systems
Liumeng Song, Kok Keong Chai and Yue Chen (Queen Mary University of London, United
Kingdom); Jonathan Loo (Middlesex University, United Kingdom); Shihab Jimaa (Khalifa
University, UAE); John Schormans (Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom)
Study of context­awareness efficiency applied to duty cycled Wireless Sensor Networks
Dhouha Ghrab and Imen Jemili (University of Manouba, Tunisia); Abdelfettah Belghith
(University of Manouba & National School of Computer Sciences ENSI, Tunisia); Mosbah
Mohamed (University of Bordeaux & LaBRI, France)
APP 5: Data Centers and Storage
Room: Ghazal
Secure Data Storage Structure and Privacy­Preserving Mobile Search Scheme for Public
Safety Networks
Hamidreza Ghafghazi (University of Ottawa, Canada); Amr Elmougy (The German University
in Cairo, Egypt); Hussein T Mouftah and Carlisle Adams (University of Ottawa, Canada)
VacoNet: Variable and Connected Architecture For Data Center Networks
Zina Chkirbene, Sebti Foufou and Ridha Hamila (Qatar University, Qatar)
PTNet: A parameterizable Data Center Network
Emna Baccour, Sebti Foufou and Ridha Hamila (Qatar University, Qatar)
Optimization of Power and Migration Cost in Virtualized Data Centers
Muhammad T Anan and Nidal Nasser (Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia); Ala Al­Fuqaha
(Western Michigan University, USA); Azeem Ahmed (Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia)
SAM: A Secure Anti­Malware Framework for the Smartphone Operating Systems
Md Shahrear Iqbal (Queen's University & Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Technology, Canada); Mohammad Zulkernine (Queen's University, Canada)
PAN 3: Roadmap to 5G and Beyond: Global Perspectives
Room: Dafna
•Malik Gul, National Instruments, USA •Dr. Halim Yanikomeroglu, Carleton University, Canada •Dr. Merouane Debbah,
Huawei, Paris, France•Dr. Reinaldo Valenzuela, Bell Labs, Alcatel­Lucent, USA •Dr Geoffrey Li, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA
MAC­P: Poster Session ­ MAC/Scheduling/Resource Management
Room: Dafna Foyer
VMR­MAC: A Multi­Round Contention based MAC Protocol for Vehicular Networks
Yiwei Mao and Lianfeng Shen (National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory,
Southeast University, P.R. China)
A MAC Solution for Distributed Coordination of 5G LAA Operator Networks and Fair
Coexistence with WLAN in Unlicensed Spectrum
Mohamed Salem (Huawei Technologies Co. LTD., Canada); Amine Maaref (Huawei
Technologies Canada, Canada)
Fully Distributed Scheduling in Cloud­RAN Systems
Hazem Soliman and Alberto Leon­Garcia (University of Toronto, Canada)
Cross­Layer QSI­Aware Radio Resource Management for HetNets with Flexible Backhaul
Naeimeh Omidvar and An Liu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
Rethinking Mobile Data Offloading in LTE and WiFi Coexisting Systems
Qimei Chen and Guanding Yu (Zhejiang University, P.R. China); Amine Maaref (Huawei
Technologies Canada, Canada); Geoffrey Li (Georgia Tech, USA); Aiping Huang (Zhejiang
University, P.R. China)
On the Orchestration of Robust Virtual LTE­U Networks from Hybrid Half/Full­duplex Wi­
Fi APs
Mohammad J. Abdel­Rahman, Mohamed Abdelraheem and Allen B. MacKenzie (Virginia Tech,
USA); Kleber V Cardoso (Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil); Marwan Krunz (University of
Arizona, USA)
Tuesday, April 5
Tuesday, April 5, 09:00 ­ 10:00
KEY 2: Opportunism and Symbiosis in Mobile Cloud Computing: The Promise and the Challenges
Dr. Mostafa Ammar, Georgia Tech, USA
Room: Salwa 2
Mostafa Ammar is a Regents' Professor with the School of Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He
has been with Georgia Tech since 1985. Dr. Ammar received the S.B. and S.M. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology in 1978 and 1980, respectively and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada in
1985. Dr. Ammar's research interests are in network architectures, protocols and services. He has contributions in the
areas of multicast communication and services, multimedia streaming, content distribution networks, network simulation,
disruption­tolerant networks, virtual network design, and most recently in mobile cloud computing. He has published
extensively in these areas. To date, 33 PhD students have completed their degrees under his supervision; many have
gone on to distinguished careers in academia and industry. Dr. Ammar has served the research community in multiple
roles. Most notably, he served as the Editor­in­Chief of the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN) from 1999 to
2003, and he was the co­TPC Chair for the IEEE ICNP 1997, ACM CoNEXT 2006 and ACM SIGMETRICS 2007 conferences.
His awards include the IBM Faculty Partnership Award (1996), Best Paper Award at the 7th WWW conference (1998), the
Georgia Tech Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Advisor Award (2006), the Outstanding Service Award from the IEEE Technical
Committee on Computer Communications (2010), and the ACM Mobihoc Best Paper Award (2012). Dr. Ammar was elected
Fellow of the IEEE in 2002 and Fellow of the ACM in 2003.
Tuesday, April 5, 10:30 ­ 12:10
PHY­I2: Interference Management II
Room: Salwa 2
Invited talk: Interference Management in Wireless Networks
Babak Hassibi (California Institute of Technology, USA)
Superposition Coding Based Inter­User Interference Cancellation In Full Duplex Cellular
Wenping Bi (University of Tsinghua, P.R. China); Xin Su, Limin Xiao and Shidong Zhou
(Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
Analysing Self Interference Cancellation in Full Duplex Radios
Nurul H. Mahmood (Aalborg University, Denmark); Imran Shafique Ansari (Texas A&M
University at Qatar (TAMUQ), Qatar); Gilberto Berardinelli (Aalborg University, Denmark);
Preben Mogensen (Nokia Siemens Networks, Aalborg, Denmark); Khalid A. Qaraqe (Texas
A&M University at Qatar, USA)
Interference Coordination­based Downlink Scheduling for Heterogeneous LTE­A
Rico Mendrzik (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany); Rodrigo Justavino (TU
Hamburg­Harburg, Germany); Gerhard Bauch (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany);
Eiko ES Seidel (Nomor Research GmbH, Germany)
PHY12: MIMO­OFDM Systems
Room: Salwa 1
Robust Precoded MIMO­OFDM for Mobile Frequency­Selective Wireless Channels
Fatma Kalbat (Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research, UAE); Arafat Al­Dweik
and Bayan S Sharif (Khalifa University, UAE); George K. Karagiannidis (Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece)
MIMO­OFDM Transmissions Invoking Space­Time/Frequency Linear Dispersion Codes
Subject to Doppler and Delay Spreads
Jiayi Zhang (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA); Hamid Gharavi (NIST &
ITL, USA); Bin Hu (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA)
Joint Time­Frequency Estimation DMIMO­OFDM in presence of ICI
Sucharita Chakraborty (IIT Kharagpur, India); Debarati Sen (Indian Instutute of Technology
Kharagpur, India)
Selective Optimal Detection for MIMO OFDM Systems
Mohammed Kashoob (The University of York, United Kingdom); Yury Zakharov (University of
York, United Kingdom)
Comparison of Two Channel Shortening Approaches for MIMO­ISI Channels
Sha Hu and Fredrik Rusek (Lund University, Sweden); Naofal Al­Dhahir (University of Texas
at Dallas, USA)
PHY13: Wireless Networks I
Room: Salwa 3
Coverage and Capacity of 28 GHz Band in Indoor Stadiums
Muhammad Nazmul Islam, Sundar Subramanian, Andrzej Partyka and Ashwin Sampath
(Qualcomm, USA)
Multi­Beam Zooming: An Enabler for Energy Efficient 5G Network
Sai Krishna Karthik Molluru (SASTRA University, India); Ilker Demirkol (Universitat Politecnica
de Catalunya & i2CAT Foundation, Spain); Wei­Ho Chung (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Throughput Scaling Laws of Hybrid Wireless Networks with Proximity Preference
Xin Yuan (Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications, P.R. China); Zhiqing Wei,
Zhiyong Feng, Qixun Zhang and Wei Li (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
P.R. China)
A Novel Link Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Networks using Directional Antenna
Zhaoshu Tang, Ming Zhu, Lei Wang and Ma Honglian (Dalian University of Technology, P.R.
Optimal Energy Efficient Association for Small Cell Networks With QoS Requirements
YuKe Cui, Wei Xu, Hong Shen and Hua Zhang (Southeast University, P.R. China); Xiaohu You
(National Mobile communication Research Lab., Southeast University, P.R. China)
PHY14: Channel Modeling
Room: Dukhan
Radio Channel Characterization at 5.85 GHz for Wireless M2M Communication of
Industrial Robots
Bernd Holfeld, Dennis Wieruch, Leszek Raschkowski and Thomas Wirth (Fraunhofer Heinrich
Hertz Institute, Germany)
When the Whispers Become Noise: A Contemporary Look at Radio Noise Levels
Alexandros Palaios (RWTH Aachen University, Germany); Vanya Miteva (RWTH Aachen,
Germany); Janne Riihijärvi and Petri Mähönen (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Channel Gain Prediction for Wireless Links With Kalman Filters and Expectation­
Sami Mekki (France Research Center, Huawei Technologies, France); Mustapha Amara
(France Research Center, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., France); Afef Feki (France Research
Center, Huawei Technologies, France); Stefan Valentin (Huawei Technologies, France)
Analysis and Comparison of 24 GHz cmWave Radio Propagation in Urban and Suburban
Ignacio Rodriguez (Aalborg Universitet, Denmark); Erika Almeida (INDT ­ Institute of
Technology Development, Brazil); Renato Abreu (INDT, Brazil); Mads Lauridsen (Aalborg
University, Denmark); Alexandre Loureiro (INDT, Brazil); Preben Mogensen (Aalborg
University, Denmark)
A Millimeter Wave Spatial Channel Model with Variant Angles and Variant Path Loss
Yi Wang and Zhenyu Shi (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, P.R. China); Mingde Du (Huawei, P.R.
China); Wen Tong (Huawei Technologies Canada Co., Ltd., Canada)
MAC 6: Energy Efficiency in LTE Networks 1
Room: PR5
Multi­RAT Wireless Network Capacity Optimization under Optimal Spectrum Splitting in
Jin Li (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea); Youngnam Han (KAIST,
Impact of the ITU­R Maritime Propagation on the Dimensioning of a Centralized LTE
Achraf Kessab (Telecom Paristech & Thales Communications & Security, France); Lina Mroueh
(Institut Supérieur d'Electronique de Paris, France); Philippe Martins (Telecom Paristech,
France); Serge Hethuin (Thales Communication and Security, France)
Power Allocation in Uplink LTE Femtocells with Zero Forcing Frequency Domain Equalizer
Behzad Khamidehi and Maryam Sabbaghian (University of Tehran, Iran); Hamid Saeedi
(Tarbiat Modares University, Iran)
Layer Management Through Idle­Mode Parameter Optimization in Multi­Carrier LTE
Mehrzad Malmirchegini (QUALCOMM, USA); Mutaz Shukair (Qualcomm Technologies Inc &
Wichita State University, USA); Peter Rached, Mouaffac Ambriss and Kausik Ray Chaudhuri
(Qualcomm, USA); Sandip Sarkar (QualComm, USA)
Multi­Armed Bandit for LTE­U and WiFi Coexistence in Unlicensed Bands
Samantha Sriyananda (Florida International University, Finland); Imtiaz Parvez and Ismail
Güvenç (Florida International University, USA); Mehdi Bennis (Centre of Wireless
Communications, University of Oulu, Finland); Arif Sarwat (Florida International University,
MAC 7: Massive­MIMO Systems
Room: PR6
Adaptive Clustering and CSI Acquisition for FDD Massive MIMO Systems with Two­level
Apostolos Destounis (Huawei Technologies France Research Center, France); Marco Maso
(Mathematical and Algorithmic Sciences Lab, Huawei France Research Center, France)
Adaptive User Grouping Algorithm for the Downlink Massive MIMO Systems
Makram Alkhaled (The University of Manchester, United Kingdom); Emad Alsusa (Manchester
University, United Kingdom); Wahyu Pramudito (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
Adaptive Pilot­Duration and Resource Allocation in Virtualized Wireless Networks with
Massive MIMO
Rajesh Dawadi and Saeedeh Parsaeefard (McGill University, Canada); Mahsa Derakhshani
(Imperial College London, United Kingdom); Tho Le­Ngoc (McGill University, Canada)
Coverage Analysis for Dense Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks: The Impact of Array
Xianghao Yu, Jun Zhang and Khaled B. Letaief (The Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong)
Energy consumption optimization in 5G networks using multilevel beamforming and
large scale antenna systems
Fatma Salem, Abdoulaye Tall, Zwi Altman and Azeddine Gati (Orange Labs, France)
NET7: Wireless Sensor Networks ­ 2
Room: PR 7
A Stateless Time­based Authenticated­Message Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Eric Renault (Institut Mines­Telecom ­­ Telecom SudParis & Samovar UMR CNRS 5157,
France); Selma Boumerdassi (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France); Paul
Muhlethaler (INRIA, France)
Monte Carlo Localization for Path­Based Mobility in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
Salke Hartung, Ansgar Kellner, Konrad Rieck and Dieter Hogrefe (University of Goettingen,
Fault Tolerant Placement Strategy for WSN
Hanen Idoudi and Jihen Bennaceur (National School of Computer Science ­ University of
Manouba, Tunisia)
PITM: Passive Indoor Object Tracking with Markov Probability Estimation in Wireless
Sensor Networks
Jun Tao, Jianhua Liu, Tianqi Zhai, Chen Guo, Ziyi Zhang and Jian He (Southeast University,
P.R. China)
Evaluating Time Synchronization Using Application­Layer Time­Stamping
Osameh Al Kofahi (Yarmouk University, Jordan)
NET8: Cognitive Radio Networks
Room: PR 8
Primary User Activity Prediction Based Joint Topology Control and Stable Routing in
Mobile Cognitive Networks
Yan Xue (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China); Can Tang (The Australian National
University, Australia); Feilong Tang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China); Yanqin Yang
(East China Normal University, P.R. China); Jie Li (University of Tsukuba, Japan); Minyi Guo
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China)
ChiMaS: A Spectrum Sensing­based Channels Classification System for Cognitive Radio
Lucas Bondan (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil); Marcelo Antonio
Marotta and Leonardo Roveda Faganello (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil);
Juergen Rochol (UniversityFederal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil); Lisandro Z Granville (Federal
University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
A Joint Multi­Channel Assignment and Power Control Scheme for Energy Efficiency in
Cognitive Radio Networks
Nasser Shami and Mehdi Rasti (Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran)
Space­Time Opportunistic Interference Alignment in Cognitive Radio Networks
Idris Abdulkadir Yusuf, Oluyomi Simpson, Nnamdi Nwanekezie and Yichuang Sun (University
of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom)
An Evolutionary Game Theoretic Approach for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing
Ahmed Mahmoud Salama, Abdulla K Al­Ali and Amr Mohamed (Qatar University, Qatar)
NET9: LTE Systems
Room: Cigar Lounge
Virtual Cell­Based Mobility Enhancement and Performance Evaluation in Ultra­Dense
Na Meng (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China); Hongtao Zhang
(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications & Key Lab of Universal Wireless
Communications, Ministry of Education, P.R. China)
Secure and Efficient Uniform Handover Scheme for LTE­A Networks
Zaher Haddad (Alaqsa University & Cairo University, Palestine); Mohamed M E A Mahmoud
(Tennessee Tech University, USA); Imane A. Saroit and Sanaa Taha (Cairo University, Egypt)
Mobility State Estimation in LTE
Majed Haddad (University of Avignon, France); Dalia Georgiana Herculea (Alcatel­Lucent Bell­
Labs France, France); Eitan Altman (INRIA, France); Nidham Ben Rached (Alcatel­Lucent,
France); Veronique Capdevielle (Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs France, France); Chung Shue Chen
(Bell Labs, France); Frederic Ratovelomanana (Alcatel­Lucent, France)
A Study on Single­Cell Point­to­Multipoint Transmission for Public Safety
Communications with eMBMS LTE Networks
Ahmad Awada (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); David Navratil (Nokia Networks, Finland); Mikko
Säily (Nokia Bell Labs, Finland)
A Heuristic Approach to Mobility Robustness in 4G LTE Public Safety Networks
Riccardo Fedrizzi (Create­Net, Italy); Leonardo Goratti (Create­net, Italy); Tinku Rasheed
(Create­Net Research, Italy); Sithamparanathan Kandeepan (RMIT University, Australia)
APP 6: Intelligent Transportation Systems
Room: Ghazal
Design, Implementation and Experiments of a Wi­Fi D2D­based Automatic Vehicle
Location (AVL) system
Ping­Fan Ho and Jyh­Cheng Chen (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Cyber Physical Systems: A Framework for Dynamic Traffic Light Control at Road
Ossama Younis (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA); Nader Moayeri (NIST,
Versatile Real­Time Traffic Monitoring System Using Wireless Smart Sensors Networks
Walid Balid and Hasan Tafish (University of Oklahoma, USA); Hazem Refai (Oklahoma
University, USA)
Traffic Signs Localisation and Recognition Using A Client­Server Architecture
Abdelhamid Mammeri, Azzedine Boukerche and Jingwen Feng (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Context­Aware Traffic Light Self­Scheduling (CA­TLS) Algorithm
Maram Bani Younes (University of Ottawa & Philadelphia University, Jordan); Azzedine
Boukerche and Abdelhamid Mammeri (University of Ottawa, Canada)
PAN 4: The Internet‐of‐Things (IoT): Challenges and Opportunities
Room: Dafna
•Dr. Emilio Strinati, Smart Devices & Telecommunications Strategy Program Director, CEA­LETI, France.•Dr. Guillaume
Chelius, Founder and CEO, HiKoB, France.•Mr. Jurgen Hase, Group Director M2M, Group B2B Commercial, Ooredoo,
Qatar.•Dr. Fadel Digham, Executive Director, Research & Development, National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA),
APP­P: Poster Session ­ Advances in Wireless Networks
Room: Dafna Foyer
A Distributed D­hop Cluster Formation for VANET
Meysam Azizian (Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada); Soumaya Cherkaoui (Université
de Sherbrooke, Canada); Abdelhakim Hafid (University of Montreal, Canada)
Quantifying Caching Effects in Urban VANETs
Chaoyi Bian, Tong Zhao and Xiaoming Li (Peking University, P.R. China); Xiaojiang Du
(Temple University, USA); Mohsen Guizani (QU, USA); Wei Yan (Peking University, P.R. China)
Measuring Safety Awareness in Cooperative ITS Applications
Muhammad Awais Javed (Qatar Mobility Innovations Center, Qatar); Elyes Ben Hamida (Qatar
Mobility Innovations Center (QMIC), Qatar)
COUP in VANETs: Vehicular Content Distribution Using Collaborative Urban Parking
Ma Chunmei (Tianjin Normal University & University of Electronic Science and Technology,
P.R. China); Haigang Gong and Xiaomin Wang (University of Electronic Science and
Technology of China, P.R. China); Han Hu (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore);
Ming Liu (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, P.R. China)
A Distributed Prevention Scheme from Malicious Nodes in VANETs' Routing Protocols
Tarek Bouali (DRIVE Lab, ISAT Nevers, France); Hichem Sedjelmaci (University of Bourgogne,
DRIVE Lab, France); Sidi­Mohammed Senouci (University of Bourgogne ­ ISAT Nevers,
A Stochastic Geometry­based Demand Response Management Framework for Cellular
Networks Powered by Smart Grid
Muhammad Junaid Farooq (Qatar Mobility Innovations Center (QMIC), Qatar); Hakim Ghazzai
(Qatar Mobility Innovations Center & QMIC, Qatar); Abdullah Kadri (Qatar Mobility Innovations
Center, Qatar)
Verification of 3G and 4G Received Power Measurements in a Crowdsourcing Android
Mads Lauridsen (Aalborg University, Denmark); Ignacio Rodriguez (Aalborg Universitet,
Denmark); Lars M Mikkelsen, Lucas Chavarria Gimenez and Preben Mogensen (Aalborg
University, Denmark)
A User Centric Self­optimizing Grid­based approach for Antenna Steering Based on Call
Detail Records
Naim Bitar (The University of Oklahoma, USA); Ali Imran (University of Oklahoma, USA);
Hazem Refai (Oklahoma University, USA)
Intercept Probability Analysis of Relay Selection for Wireless Communications in the
Presence of Multiple Eavesdroppers
Xiaojin Ding (Southeast University, P.R. China); Tiecheng Song (National Mobile
Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University, P.R. China); Yulong Zou
(Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China); Xiaoshu Chen (University
of Southeast, P.R. China)
Tuesday, April 5, 14:00 ­ 15:40
MAC­I2: Energy Efficiency in LTE Networks 2
Room: Salwa 2
Invited Talk: Unlicensed LTE
Geoffrey Ye Li (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Iterative Greedy Algorithms for Energy Efficient LTE Small Cell Networks
Ying Wang, Xiangming Dai, Jason Min Wang and Brahim Bensaou (The Hong Kong University
of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
Battery Life Extension for WLAN­LTE Aggregation
Sunheui Ryoo, Jungsoo Jung and Jung­Min Moon (Samsung Electronics, Korea); Byoung Hoon
Jung and Seung­Hoon Park (Samsung, Korea)
Downlink HARQ Enhancement for Listen­Before­Talk Based LTE in Unlicensed Spectrum
Jing Wang (DOCOMO Beijing Communication Laboratories Co., Ltd, P.R. China); Liu Liu
(DOCOMO Beijing Communications Laboratories Co., Ltd, P.R. China); Hiroki Harada (NTT
DoCoMo, Inc., Japan); Huiling Jiang (DOCOMO Beijing Communications Laboratories Co., Ltd.,
P.R. China)
PHY15: MIMO Relaying
Room: Salwa 1
Outage Probability of Spatially Correlated MIMO Full­Duplex Relaying with Imperfect CSI
Ahmed M Almradi (The University of Manchester, United Kingdom); Khairi A. Hamdi
(University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
A Low Complexity Relay Selection & Power Allocation Schemes for Cognitive MIMO
Buffer­Aided DF Relay Networks
Yasser F. Al­Eryani (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia);
Anas M. Salhab (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia); Salam A.
Zummo (KFUPM, Saudi Arabia)
Cooperative Communication in Spatially Modulated MIMO systems
Neeraj Varshney (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India); Amish Goel (Indian Institute
of Technology Kanpur India, India); Aditya K Jagannatham (Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur, India)
RF­Chain Constrained Multi­pair Massive MIMO Relaying Using Hybrid Precoding and
Jian Liu, Wei Xu and Shi Jin (Southeast University, P.R. China); Xiaodai Dong (University of
Victoria, Canada)
PHY16: Wireless Networks II
Room: Salwa 3
Impact of 3D Propagation on Wi­Fi Performance in MIMO System
Reham Almesaeed (University Of Bristol, United Kingdom); Angela Doufexi and Andrew Nix
(University of Bristol, United Kingdom)
Joint Rate Adaptation, Frame Aggregation and MIMO Mode Selection for IEEE 802.11ac
Saeed Abdallah (University of Sharjah, UAE); Steven D Blostein (Queen's University, Canada)
MU­MIMO Channel Emulator with Automatic Channel Sounding Feedback for IEEE
Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Leonardo Jr. Lanante, Yuhei Nagao, Masayuki Kurosaki and Hiroshi
Ochi (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Calculation of Optimum Transmit Power in an IEEE 802.15.4­Based Wireless Sensor
Network Employing Cooperative Relaying
Syed Muhammad Haider Aejaz and Andreas Springer (Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Cooperative Routing for Collision Probability Minimization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Fatemeh Mansourkiaie (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada); Mohamed Hossam
Ahmed (Memorial University, Canada)
PHY17: Cellular Networks II
Room: Dukhan
Low Complexity Base Station Cooperation in Cellular Networks with Blockages
Christodoulos Skouroumounis, Constantinos Psomas and Ioannis Krikidis (University of
Cyprus, Cyprus)
Computation Capacity Constrained Joint Transmission Design for C­RANs
Vu Nguyen Ha and Long Bao Le (INRS, University of Quebec, Canada)
An Efficient Reduced Complexity PAPR Reduction Approach For 3GPP LTE System
Mouna Sghaier and Fatma Abdelkefi (High School of Communications of Tunis (SUPCOM),
Tunisia); Aymen Omri (Qatar University, Qatar); Mohamed Siala (Sup'Com, Tunisia)
3D MU­MIMO Transmission in LTE­A Downlink Systems
Wei Guo (School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, P.R.
China); Jiancun Fan (Xi'an Jiaotong University, P.R. China); Geoffrey Li (Georgia Tech, USA);
Qinye Yin (Xi'an Jiaotong University, P.R. China); Xiaolong Zhu and Yusun Fu (Huawei
Shanghai Rearch Institute, P.R. China)
Gram­Schmidt Precoding for Two­Tier Cellular Networks with Massive MIMO
Namal Rajatheva and Elvino Silveira Sousa (University of Toronto, Canada)
PHY18: Multicarrier Modulation
Room: PR5
WFRFT Precoding for Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing
Zhenduo Wang and Lin Mei (Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R. China); Xiaolu Wang (HIT,
P.R. China); Naitong Zhang (Communication Research Center, Harbin Institute of Technology,
P.R. China)
Optimal Lattice Spacing for GFDM with Gaussian Waveform
Stephan Schedler (Universität Rostock, Germany); Volker Kuehn (University of Rostock,
Multi­taper implementation of GFDM
Shravan Kumar Bandari and Venkata Mani Vakamulla (National Institute of Technology
Warangal, India); Anastasios Drosopoulos (TEI of Western Greece, Greece)
Coded Constellation Rotated Vector OFDM with Generalized Linear Interleaver
Chenggao Han (University of Electro­Communications, Japan)
On ISI and ICI cancellation for FBMC/OQAM system using iterative decoding and ML
Yahya Jasim Harbi and Alister G. Burr (University of York, United Kingdom)
MAC 8: Energy Efficiency in Multihop Networks
Room: PR6
Topology­Transparent Scheduling in Mobile Multihop Ad Hoc Networks with Directional
Yiming Liu (China Acedamy of Electronics and Information Technology, P.R. China); Lina
Weng (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China); Victor O. K. Li
(University of Hong Kong, P.R. China); Shanfeng Xu (China Acedamy of Electronics and
Information Technology, P.R. China)
A Delay­aware Packet Prioritisation Mechanism for Voice over IP in Wireless Mesh
Cristian Olariu (University College Dublin, Ireland); John Fitzpatrick (Rapid7, Ireland); Yacine
Ghamri­Doudane (University of la Rochelle, France); Liam Murphy (University College Dublin,
Performance Analysis of SCMA Ad Hoc Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach
Lei Liu, Min Sheng, Junyu Liu, Yuzhou Li and Jiandong Li (Xidian University, P.R. China)
Fast Synchronisation Protocol with Collision Handling for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Imen Jemili (University of Manouba, Tunisia); Abdelfettah Belghith (University of Manouba &
National School of Computer Sciences ENSI, Tunisia); Mosbah Mohamed (University of
Bordeaux & LaBRI, France)
End­to­end Distortion Analysis of Multicasting over Orthogonal Receive Component
Decode­Forward Cooperative Broadcast Channels
Payam Padidar, James Ho and Pin­Han Ho (University of Waterloo, Canada)
NET10: Heterogeneous Cellular Networks ­ 1
Room: PR 7
Trajectory based Mobility State Estimation for Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
Pravjyot Singh Deogun (Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, India); Mahima Mehta
(Intel Mobile Communications India Pvt. Ltd., India); Abhay Karandikar (IIT Bombay, India);
Nadeem Akhtar (Mojo Networks, India)
On Revenue Efficiency for Coordinated Multipoint Transmission in Heterogeneous
Cellular Networks
Min Xu, Xiaofeng Tao and Fan Yang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R.
Analysis of Heterogeneous Cellular Network with Hexagonal Tessellated Macrocells and
Randomly Positioned Small Cells
Xiaobin Yang and Abraham O Fapojuwo (University of Calgary, Canada)
Performance Analysis of Frequency Reuse Techniques under varying Cellular Network
Achonu Oluwole Adejo and Said Boussakta (Newcastle University, United Kingdom)
Performance Analysis for Cross­tier Cooperation in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: A
Stochastic Geometry Approach
Junxu Zhao and Qiang Wang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R.
China); Yue Dong (Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications, P.R. China); Wei Wei
(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
NET11: Security and Privacy
Room: PR 8
A Probabilistic Energy­Efficient Approach for Monitoring and Detecting Malicious/Selfish
Nodes in Mobile Ad­hoc Networks
Andrea Lupia and Floriano De Rango (University of Calabria, Italy)
Misbehaviour Detection in Vehicular Networks using Logistic Trust
Saneeha Ahmed (University of Windsor & University of Windsor, Canada); Kemal Tepe
(University of Windsor, Canada)
Privacy­Aware Power Charging Coordination in Future Smart Grid
Mohamed M E A Mahmoud (Tennessee Tech University, USA); Muhammad Ismail (Texas A&M
University at Qatar, Qatar); Prem Kumar Akula (Tennessee Technological University, USA);
Kemal Akkaya (Florida International University, USA); Erchin Serpedin (Texas A&M University,
USA); Khalid A. Qaraqe (Texas A&M University at Qatar, USA)
A Practical Group Matching Scheme for Privacy­Aware Users in Mobile Social Networks
Fenghua Li (State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Information
Engineering, CAS, P.R. China); Hanyi Wang (University of Science and Technology of China,
P.R. China); Ben Niu and Yuanyuan He (State Key Laboratory of Information Security,
Institute of Information Engineering, CAS, P.R. China); Jiafeng Hua and Hui Li (Xidian
University, P.R. China)
Trust­Based and Privacy­Preserving Fine­Grained Data Retrieval Scheme For MSNs
Enahoro Oriero and Khaled Rabieh (Tennessee Technological University, USA); Mohamed M E
A Mahmoud (Tennessee Tech University, USA); Muhammad Ismail (Texas A&M University at
Qatar, Qatar); Erchin Serpedin (Texas A&M University, USA); Khalid A. Qaraqe (Texas A&M
University at Qatar, USA)
NET12: Resource Allocation and QoS Support
Room: Cigar Lounge
QoS­aware Joint RRH Activation and Clustering in Cloud­RANs
Hazem Soliman and Alberto Leon­Garcia (University of Toronto, Canada)
A Novel Streaming Method using QoS Control Function of LTE to Prevent Video Freezing
Yasuhiro Nagai (SoftBank Corp., Japan); Takao Okamawari (Softbank Mobile Corp., Japan);
Teruya Fujii (Softbank Mobile, Japan)
Minimum Complexity APP Prioritization by Bandwidth Apportioning in Smart Phones
Karthikeyan Subramaniam (Samsung Research India, India); Kannan Govindan (Samsung
Advanced Institute of Technology SAIT India, India); Sweta Jaiswal and Srihari Das Sunkada
Gopinath (Samsung Research India, India)
A New Approach for Routing Plane Construction in Future Multi­Plane Routing based
Wireless IP Access Networks
Mohammad Farhoudi, Alexandre Jaron, Andrej Mihailovic and Hamid Aghvami (King's College
London, United Kingdom)
Optimal Protection Resource Allocation: A Perspective of Network Science
Zeqi Zhang (Tsinghua University, P.R. China); Chunxiao Jiang and Yong Ren (Tsinghua
University, Beijing, P.R. China)
APP 7: Wearable Sensing and Applications
Room: Ghazal
The Case of Face Recognition on Mobile Devices
Galal Hassan (Queen's University, Canada); Khalid Elgazzar (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Secure Data Access for Wireless Body Sensor Networks
Zhitao Guan and Tingting Yang (North China Electric Power University, P.R. China); Xiaojiang
Du (Temple University, USA); Mohsen Guizani (QU, USA)
WBAN on NS­3: Novel Implementation with High Performance of IEEE 802.15.6
Wenwei Yue, Changle Li, Yueyang Song, Li Yang and Xiaoming Yuan (Xidian University, P.R.
Joint Throughput and Channel Aware (TCA) Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm for Emerging
Wearable Applications
Muhammad Mahtab Alam (Qatar Mobility Innovation Center, Qatar); Elyes Ben Hamida (Qatar
Mobility Innovations Center (QMIC), Qatar); Dhafer Ben Arbia (Qatar Mobility Innovations
Center & SERCOM Lab, Polytechnic School of Tunisia, University of Carthage­ Tunisia, Qatar)
QoE­Based Network Interface Selection for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks: A survey
and e­Health case proposal
Mohamed Abdelkrim Senouci (UPEC, France); Sami Souihi (University Paris Est UPEC,
France); Abdelhamid Mellouk and Said Hoceini (UPEC, University Paris­Est Creteil Val de
Marne, France)
PAN 5: Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: From Vision to Reality
Room: Dafna
•Dr. Dawn Tilbury, Professor at University of Michigan, USA•Dr. Mehrdad Dianati, Associate Professor, University of
Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom.•Dr. Fethi Filali, Head, Technology Development, Qatar Mobility Innovations Center
(QMIC), Doha, Qatar.•Mr. Malike Bouaoud, Head of Technology Trend and Smart Innovation Lab/Cyber Security expert,
Ministry of Transport and Communications, Doha, Qatar.
PHY­P2: Poster Session II ­ PHY and Fundamentals
Room: Dafna Foyer
Reference Sequence design for Zero­Tail DFT­spread­OFDM
Gilberto Berardinelli (Aalborg University, Denmark); Frank Frederiksen (Nokia Siemens
Networks, Denmark); Klaus Pedersen (Nokia Networks, Denmark); Preben Mogensen (Aalborg
University, Denmark); Kari Pajukoski (Nokia, Finland)
Reed­Muller Lattice Coding for the Rayleigh Block Fading Channel
Carole Al Bechlawi (TELECOM Bretagne, France); Jean­Claude Belfiore (Telecom Paristech &
Huawei Technologies, France); Frederic Guilloud (Institut Telecom ­ Telecom Bretagne,
MAP Optimum Receiver Mitigating Correlated Impulsive Noise
Fabien Sacuto, Gaëtan Ndo and Fabrice Labeau (McGill University, Canada); Basile Landaabalo
Agba (Institut de Recherche d'Hydro­Québec & École de technologie superieure, Canada)
A Generalized Algorithm for the Generation of Arbitrary Correlated Nakagami Fading
Yuming Bi (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
Optimal Joint Source­Relay Multi­Resolution Multicast Networks
Chen Zhi and Pin­Han Ho (University of Waterloo, Canada); James She (Hong Kong University
of Science and Technology, Hong Kong); Sagar Naik (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Tuesday, April 5, 16:00 ­ 17:40
APP­I: Cloud Services
Room: Salwa 2
Invited Talk: Services in the Cloud and Big Data Era
Albert Zomaya (The University of Sydney, Australia)
Urban Traffic Characterization for Enabling Vehicular Clouds
Tao Zhang, Robson De Grande and Azzedine Boukerche (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Continuous Double Auction for Cloud Market: Pricing and Bidding Analysis
Yuchao Zhang, Ke Xu and Xuelin Shi (Tsinghua University, P.R. China); Haiyang Wang
(University of Minnesota at Duluth, USA); Jiangchuan Liu (Simon Fraser University, Canada);
Yong Wang (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
PHY19: Physical Layer Security I
Room: Salwa 1
Cross MAC/PHY Layer Security Design Using ARQ with MRC and Adaptive Modulation
Jehad Hamamreh, Marwan Yusuf and Tuncer Baykas (Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey);
Huseyin Arslan (University of South Florida, USA)
An Efficient Physical Layer Security Algorithm for Two­Way Relay Systems
Mohanad Obeed and Wessam Mesbah (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi
Enhancing Physical Layer Security in Dual­Hop Multiuser Transmission
Waqas Aman (COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan); Guftaar Ahmad
Sardar Sidhu (COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Germany); Tayyaba Jabeen
(COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan); Feifei Gao (Tsinghua University,
P.R. China); Shi Jin (Southeast University, P.R. China)
A Practical Physical­Layer Security Method for Precoded OSTBC­Based Systems
Jehad Hamamreh (Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey); Ertugrul Güvenkaya (University of
South Florida, USA); Tuncer Baykas (Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey); Huseyin Arslan
(University of South Florida, USA)
Secrecy Rate Maximization for SIMO Wiretap Channel with Uncoordinated Cooperative
Jamming under Secrecy Outage Probability Constraint
Xiaoyan Hu, Pengcheng Mu, Bo Wang, Zongmian Li and Hui­Ming Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong
University, P.R. China); Ying Ju (Xi'an Jiaotong University & State Radio Monitoring Center,
P.R. China)
PHY20: Wireless Networks III
Room: Salwa 3
Spatially­Coupled LDPC Coding in Cooperative Wireless Networks
Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody and Vitaly Skachek (University of Tartu, Estonia); Bin Chen
(University College Dublin, Ireland)
A Novel Multi­User Grouping Scheme for Downlink Non­Orthogonal Multiple Access
Lei Yao (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China); Jie Mei (BUPT, P.R.
China); Hang Long (Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, P.R. China); Long Zhao
(BUPT, P.R. China); Kan Zheng (Beijing University of Posts&Telecommunications, P.R. China)
Optimal Channel Switching for Average Capacity Maximization in the Presence of
Switching Delays
Ahmet Sezer and Sinan Gezici (Bilkent University, Turkey)
Maximization of Correct Decision Probability via Channel Switching over Rayleigh Fading
Furkan Keskin, Mehmet Kurt, Mehmet Tutay, Sinan Gezici and Orhan Arikan (Bilkent
University, Turkey)
Network Sum­Rate Maximizing Power Allocation Over Time­Varying Multiple­Access
Interference Channels
Mohammed W. Baidas (Kuwait University, Kuwait); Emad Alsusa (Manchester University,
United Kingdom); Khairi A. Hamdi (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
PHY21: Relaying and Cooperative Communications I
Room: Dukhan
Enhancing Spectral Efficiency in Cooperative Cognitive Two­Way Amplify­and­Forward
Relaying Networks
Ahmed Hassan Abd El­Malek (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia);
Anas M. Salhab (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia); Salam A.
Zummo (KFUPM, Saudi Arabia)
Beamforming in Asymmetric Two­Way Relay Systems with Imperfect Channel
Prabhat Kumar Upadhyay and Devendra Singh Gurjar (Indian Institute of Technology Indore,
Statistical Rate Analysis for Multi­Pair Two­Way Full­Duplex Relaying with Massive
Zhanzhan Zhang and Zhiyong Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China); Hao Feng
(Shanghai Jiao Tong Univerisity, P.R. China); Manyuan Shen and Bin Xia (Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, P.R. China); Ling Luo (Electric Power Research Institute, SMEPC, State Grid, P.R.
Full Duplex Relay in Millimeter wave Backhaul Links
Hatem Abbas and Khairi A. Hamdi (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
Distributed Multi­Relay Selection via Political Coalition Formation in Cooperative Wireless
Mohammed S. Bahbahani (University of Manchester, United Kingdom); Mohammed W. Baidas
(Kuwait University, Kuwait); Emad Alsusa (Manchester University, United Kingdom)
MAC 9: Energy Efficiency in WLAN, WPAN, and Sensor Networks
Room: PR5
A Centralized Scheduling Algorithm for IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH based Industrial Low
Power Wireless Networks
Yichao Jin (Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, United Kingdom); Parag Kulkarni (Toshiba Research
Europe Ltd., United Kingdom); James Wilcox (Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, United Kingdom);
Mahesh Sooriyabandara (Toshiba Research Europe Limited, United Kingdom)
Cooperative WiFi Management: Nash Bargaining Solution and Implementation
Chunxiao Jiang (Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China); Yaodong Zhang (TsingHua
University, P.R. China); Jian Yuan (Tsinghua University, P.R. China); Yong Ren (Tsinghua
University, Beijing, P.R. China); Zhu Han (University of Houston, USA)
On the Impact of RN16 Decoding Errors on Time Throughput of RFID Systems
Ezzeldin Zaki (German University in Cairo, Egypt); Tallal Elshabrawy (The German University
in Cairo, Egypt); Mohamed Ashour (GUC, Egypt)
Dynamic Sensitivity Control Algorithm leveraging adaptive RTS/CTS for IEEE 802.11ax
M. Shahwaiz Afaqui, Eduard Garcia­Villegas and Elena Lopez­Aguilera (Technical University of
Catalonia (UPC), Spain)
Energy Consumption and Performance of IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH and DSME
Iacob Juc (University of Grenoble, France); Andrzej Duda (Grenoble Institute of Technology,
France); Michel Favre (STMicroelectronics, France); Olivier Alphand (Grenoble Institute of
Technology, France); Roberto Guizzetti (STMicroelectronics, France)
PHY22: Wireless Energy Transfer
Room: PR6
Downlink Power Allocation for Wireless Information and Energy Transfer in Macrocell­
Small Cell Networks
Sudha Lohani (The University of British Columbia, Canada); Ekram Hossain (University of
Manitoba, Canada); Vijay Bhargava (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Power Transfer in Multi­Pair Two­way AF Relaying Networks with Zero­Forcing
Abdelhamid Salem and Khairi A. Hamdi (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
Optimal Scheduling and Power Allocation for Wireless Powered Two­Way Relaying
Runfa Zhou (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong); Roger Cheng
(HKUST, Hong Kong)
A joint power and information transfer system using retransmissions
Behrooz Makki and Tommy Svensson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden); Michele
Zorzi (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy)
A saddle­point based approach for semi­analytical performance evaluation of a digital
communication system
Fatima ezzahra Naamane (ENSIAS, Morocco); Mohamed Et­tolba (INPT, Morocco); Mostafa
Belkasmi (ENSIAS ­ Mohammed V University ­ Rabat, Morocco)
NET13: LTE/WiFi Coexistence
Room: PR 7
Enabling Media Streaming over LTE­U Small Cells
Wessam Afifi (University of Arizona, USA); Mohamed Hassan (American University of Sharjah,
UAE); Marwan Krunz (University of Arizona, USA)
Performance Evaluation of User Centric Multihoming Strategies in LTE/WiFi Networks
Ghina Dandachi (Institut Mines­Telecom, Telecom SudParis, France); Salah Eddine Elayoubi
(Orange Labs, France); Tijani Chahed (Telecom SudParis, France); Nada Chendeb Taher
(Lebanese University, Lebanon)
Channel Occupancy Cognition Based Adaptive Channel Access and Back­off Scheme for
LTE System on Unlicensed Band
Tuo Yang, Chunxia Guo, Siwen Zhao, Qixun Zhang and Zhiyong Feng (Beijing University of
Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
Spectrum Sharing for LTE and WiFi Coexistence Using Decision Tree and Game Theory
Fengen Cai, Yuehong Gao, Lei Cheng, Lin Sang and Dacheng Yang (Beijing University of Posts
and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
A Field Trial of LTE in Unlicensed Bands with SDL (Supplemental Downlink)
Yang Lan and Lihui Wang (DOCOMO Beijing Communications Laboratories Co., Ltd, P.R.
China); Huiling Jiang (DOCOMO Beijing Communications Laboratories Co., Ltd., P.R. China);
Kazuki Takeda (NTT DOCOMO, INC., Japan); Hiroki Harada and Satoshi Nagata (NTT DoCoMo,
Inc., Japan); Wenfang Tang (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Beijing, P.R. China); Qiang Li
(Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., P.R. China)
NET14: Localization ­ 2
Room: PR 8
Accurate Range­Free Node Localization in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Slim Zaidi (University of Quebec, INRS­EMT, Canada); Ahmad El Assaf (INRS, Canada);
Sofiene Affes (INRS­EMT, Canada); Nahi Kandil (Université du Québec en Abitibi­
Temiscamingue, Canada)
Applying Kriging Interpolation for WiFi Fingerprinting based Indoor Positioning Systems
Hailong Zhao, Baoqi Huang and Bing Jia (Inner Mongolia University, P.R. China)
HED: Handling Environmental Dynamics in Indoor WiFi Fingerprint Localization
Yu Gu and Mengni Chen (Hefei University of Technology, P.R. China); Fuji Ren (The University
of Tokushima, Japan); Jie Li (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
A Sparsity­Based Algorithm for Power­Efficient Node Localization
Zacharias Psarakis (Rutgers University, USA); Dimitris Toumpakaris (University of Patras,
Range­Free Node Localization in Multi­Hop Wireless Sensor Networks
Slim Zaidi (University of Quebec, INRS­EMT, Canada); Ahmad El Assaf (INRS, Canada);
Sofiene Affes (INRS­EMT, Canada); Nahi Kandil (Université du Québec en Abitibi­
Temiscamingue, Canada)
NET15: Localization and Sensing
Room: Cigar Lounge
Three Dimensional (3D) Underwater Sensor Network Architectures for Intruder
Localization Using EM Wave
Md. Farhad Hossain (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET),
Bangladesh); Musbiha Binte Wali (Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET),
Bangladesh); Kumudu S Munasinghe (University of Canberra, Australia); Abbas Jamalipour
(University of Sydney, Australia)
An Indoor Localization System Based On Backscatter RFID Tag
Jun Wang, Yiyin Wang and Xinping Guan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China)
S­TDoA ­ Sequential Time Difference of Arrival ­ A Scalable and Synchronization Free
Approach for Positioning
Mathias Pelka (Fachhochschule Lübeck, Germany); Horst Hellbrück (University of Applied
Sciences Lübeck & CoSA Center of Excellence, Germany)
Fair QoI and Energy­aware Task Allocation in Participatory Sensing
Rim Ben Messaoud (LIGM ­ University Paris­Est, France); Yacine Ghamri­Doudane (University
of la Rochelle, France)
MagiCrowd: A Crowd based Incentive for Location­aware Crowd Sensing
Yao Wu, Yuncheng Wu, Hui Peng, Hong Chen and Cuiping Li (Renmin University of China,
P.R. China)
PHY23: Network Coding and Index Coding
Room: Ghazal
Optimization Scheme of Noisy Network Coding in the Two Way Relay Channels
Di Chen and Volker Kuehn (University of Rostock, Germany)
Optimal Coefficients for Channel­Coded Linear Physical Layer Network Coding
Mehrdad Tahernia and Soung Chang Liew (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Index Coded PSK Modulation
Anjana Ambika Mahesh (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India); B. Sundar Rajan
(Indian Institute of Science, India)
On The Number Of Optimal Linear Index Codes For Unicast Index Coding Problems
Kavitha Radhakumar, Niranjana Ambadi and B. Sundar Rajan (Indian Institute of Science,
Estimation of an approximated likelihood ratio for iterative decoding in impulsive
Vincent Dimanche (University of Reims Champagne Ardennes, France); Alban Goupil
(Université de Reims Champagne­Ardenne, France); Laurent Clavier (Institut Mines­Telecom,
Telecom Lille & IEMN / IRCICA, France); Guillaume Gelle (University of Reims Champagne­
Ardenne & CReSTIC, France)
PAN 6: Personalized Medicine and Mobile Health: Role of ICT
Room: Dafna
•Dr. Julio C. Silva, MD, MPH Chief Medical Informatics Officer, Sidra Medical and Research Center.• Dr. Lakshman Tamil,
Professor, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA.•Dr. Waleed Qoronfleh, Director of Biotechnology Development, Qatar
Biomedical Research Institute (QBRI), Qatar.•Dr. Roozbeh Jafari, Associate Professor, Center for Remote Health
Technologies and Systems, College of Engineering, Texas A&M Univ. College Station, USA
Wednesday, April 6
Wednesday, April 6, 09:00 ­ 10:00
KEY 3: Resilient Wireless Communications ­ A Frontier to Be Challenged
Dr. Gerhard Fettweis, TU Dresden, Germany
Room: Salwa 2
Gerhard Fettweis earned his Ph.D. under H. Meyr's supervision from RWTH Aachen in 1990. After one year at IBM
Research in San Jose, CA he moved to TCSI Inc., Berkeley, CA. Since 1994 he is Vodafone Chair Professor at TU Dresden,
Germany, with currently 20 companies from Asia/Europe/US sponsoring his research on wireless transmission and chip
design. He coordinates 2 DFG centers at TU Dresden, cfAED and HAEC. Gerhard is IEEE Fellow, member of acatech, has an
honorary doctorate from TU Tampere, and has received multiple awards. In Dresden he has spun­out ten start­ups, and
setup funded projects of more than EUR 1/3 billion volume. He has helped organizing IEEE conferences, most notably as
TPC Chair of IEEE ICC 2009, IEEE TTM 2012, and General Chair of VTC Spring 2013. He remains active within IEEE.
Wednesday, April 6, 10:30 ­ 12:10
PHY­I3: Energy Harversting II
Room: Salwa 2
Invited Talk: Energy Harvesting for the Internet­of­Things
Ross Murch (HKUST, Hong Kong)
Wireless RF­based Energy Harvesting for Two­Way Relaying Systems
Ahmad Alsharoa (Iowa State University, USA); Hakim Ghazzai (Qatar Mobility Innovations
Center & QMIC, Qatar); Ahmed E. Kamal (Iowa State University, USA); Abdullah Kadri (Qatar
Mobility Innovations Center, Qatar)
Optimal Collaborative Energy Harvesting Spectrum Sensing With Limited Time Resource
Fariba Mohammadian (Qazvin International University, Iran); Zahra Pourgharehkhan and
Abbas Taherpour (Imam Khomeini International University, Iran); Tamer Khattab (Qatar
University, Qatar)
Energy Harvesting for Wearable Wireless Health Care Systems
Riad Kanan (Abu Dhabi University ADU, UAE)
PHY24: Physical Layer Security II
Room: Salwa 1
Secure Transmission with Artificial Noise in Millimeter Wave Systems
Ying Ju (Xi'an Jiaotong University & State Radio Monitoring Center, P.R. China); Hui­Ming
Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong University, P.R. China); Tong­Xing Zheng (Xi'an Jiaotong Unviersity, P.R.
China); Qinye Yin (Xi'an Jiaotong University, P.R. China)
A Low­Complexity Antenna Subset Modulation for Secure Millimeter­Wave
Nafel Alotaibi and Khairi A. Hamdi (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
Secrecy Beamforming Design for Large Millimeter­Wave Two­Way Relaying Networks
Shiqi Gong, Chengwen Xing, Fei Zesong and Jingming Kuang (Beijing Institute of Technology,
P.R. China)
Secrecy Outage Probability for The Multiuser Downlink with Several Curious Users
Na Li and Xiaofeng Tao (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China); Hui
Chen (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), P.R. China); Huici Wu
(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
Secrecy Outage Probability Analysis for Cooperative Communication with Relay Selection
Under Non­Identical Distribution
Esa R. Alotaibi and Khairi A. Hamdi (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
PHY25: Selected Topics in Communications I
Room: Salwa 3
Efficient Near­Optimal 8x8 MIMO Detector
Hadi Sarieddeen, Mohammad Mansour and Ali Chehab (American University of Beirut,
Latency aware Decoder for High­Order Modulations MIMO transmissions with parallel
processing architectures
Zhipeng Zhao (Huawei Technologies, FRC, France); Loig Godard (Huawei, France); Mohamed
Kamoun (Huawei France, France)
Evaluation of the Hardware Complexity of the ADMM approach for LDPC decoding
Imen Debbabi (SUPCOM, Tunisia); Bertrand Le Gal (University of Bordeaux, France); Nadia
Khouja (CIRTA'COM Laboratory Sup'Com Tunis, Tunisia); Fethi Tlili (Ecole Supérieure de
Communications de Tunis, Tunisia); Christophe Jego (IMS CNRS Laboratory & IPB ENSEIRB­
MATMECA, France)
A New Family of Filters for PAPR Reduction of Carrier Aggregated Signals
Sylvain Traverso (Thales Communications, France)
Properties of Faster­than­Nyquist Channel Matrices and Folded­Spectrum, and Their
Yong Jin Daniel Kim (Rose­Hulman Institute of Technology, USA)
PHY26: Relaying and Cooperative Communications II
Room: Dukhan
Joint Optimization of Power Allocation and Relay Position for Lossy­Forwarding Relaying
Shen Qian (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology & University of Oulu,
Finland); Markku Juntti (University of Oulu, Finland); Tad Matsumoto (Japan Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
On Relay Selection in Bursty Impulsive Noise Channel
MD. Sahabul Alam and Fabrice Labeau (McGill University, Canada)
Energy­Aware Relay Selection and Power Allocation for Multiple­User Cooperative
Sabyasachi Gupta (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India); Ranjan Bose (Indian Institute
of Technology, India)
Delay­ and diversity­aware buffer­aided relay selection policies in cooperative networks
Dimitrios Poulimeneas (Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden); Themistoklis
Charalambous (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden); Nikolaos Nomikos (University of
the Aegean, Greece); Ioannis Krikidis (University of Cyprus, Cyprus); Demosthenes
Vouyioukas (University of the Aegean, Greece); Mikael Johansson (Royal Institute of
Technology, Sweden)
Large Scale Opportunistic Antenna and User Selection in AF Relay Networks with
Imene Trigui (INRS ­ Centre Energie, Materiaux et Telecommnunications, Canada); Sofiene
Affes (INRS­EMT, Canada); Alex Stéphenne (Ericsson & INRS­EMT, Canada)
MAC 10: Spectrum Management and Cognitive Radio
Room: PR5
An Opportunistic Guard­band­aware Channel Assignment: A batch­based Approach
Haythem Bany Salameh (Yarmouk University, Jordan); Hadi Kasasbeh (The University of
Mississippi, USA); Bassam Harb (Yarmouk University, Jordan)
Energy Efficient Cross Layer Design for Spectrum Sharing Systems
Abdulrahman Alabbasi (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi
Arabia); Basem Shihada (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
Optimizing Dynamic Spectrum Allocation for Cognitive Radio Networks Using Hybrid
Access Scheme
Ayman Sabbah (Queen's University, Canada); Mohamed Ibnkahla (Carleton University,
Optimizing Multi­node Multi­carrier Cognitive Radio Transmission
Tayyaba Jabeen (COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan); Guftaar Ahmad
Sardar Sidhu (Jacobs University Bremen, Germany); Feifei Gao (Tsinghua University, P.R.
China); Shi Jin (Southeast University, P.R. China)
Channel Aggregation with Guard­Band in D­OFDM based CRNs: Modeling and
Performance Evaluation
Songpu Ai (University of Agder, Norway); Lei Jiao (University of Agder & Department of
Information and Communication Technology, Norway); Frank Y. Li and Milka Radin
(University of Agder, Norway)
NET16: LTE Network Planning and Configuration
Room: PR6
Exploiting Multi­homing in Hyper Dense LTE Small­Cells Deployments
Abdellaziz Walid (ENSIAS, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco); Essaid Sabir
(ENSEM/UH2C, Morocco); Abdellatif Kobbane (ENSIAS, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
Morocco); Tarik Taleb (Aalto University, Finland); Mohammed El Koutbi (ENSIAS, Morocco)
Cell Planning Based on Minimized Power Consumption for LTE Networks
Zhaohui Yang, Ming Chen, Linqiong Jia and Yun­Peng Wen (Southeast University, P.R. China);
Zhang Yuan (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
Cell cluster­based dynamic TDD DL/UL reconfiguration in TD­LTE systems
Fanglei Sun (Alcatel­Lucent, P.R. China); Yan Zhao (Alcatel­lucent shanghai bell, P.R. China)
Cell Outage Compensation Algorithm for Frequency Reuse One and ICIC LTE Networks
Omar Nasr (Cairo University, Egypt); Mai Said (Axxcerlera Broadband Wireless Egypt, Egypt);
Tamer ElBatt (Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University & WINC, Nile University, Egypt)
Study on the Impact of Pico Site Antenna Pattern and Tilt on TD­LTE Networks in 3D
Sa Zhang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China); ZhuYan Zhao and
Hao Guan (Nokia Siemens Networks, P.R. China); Hongwen Yang (Beijing University of Posts
and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
NET17: Multicast
Room: PR 7
An Energy­Efficient Multicast Protocol for ZigBee­based Networks
Shu­Chiung Hu, Chia­Hung Tsai and Yi­Cheng Lu (National Chiao­Tung University, Taiwan);
Meng­Shiuan Pan (Tamkang University, Taiwan); Yu­Chee Tseng (National Chiao­Tung
University, Taiwan)
Energy Optimal Multi­resolution Multicast With Asynchronous Relaying
Chen Zhi and Pin­Han Ho (University of Waterloo, Canada); James She (Hong Kong University
of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
PEMSE: A High­throughput Multicast Routing Protocol for Multi­rate IEEE802.11
Asma Ben Hassouna (Cristal Lab, ENSI, University of Manouba, Tunisia); Hend Koubaa (ISI
Ariana, Tunisia); Leila Azouz Saidane (ENSI tunisia, Tunisia); Farouk Kamoun (SESAME
University, Tunisia)
Mathematical Model of QoS­aware Multicast Transmission via Periodic Reservations
Aleksandr Sergeevich Ivanov, Evgeny Khorov, Egor Kuznetsov and Andrey Lyakhov (IITP
RAS, Russia)
Cooperative Live Video Multicast for Small Cell Base Stations with Overlapping Coverage
Ozgu Alay (Simula Research Laboratory, Norway); Antonios Argyriou (University of Thessaly,
NET18: Network Coding
Room: PR 8
Security Enhanced via Dynamic Fountain Code Design for Wireless Delivery
Wanyu Li (Xi'an JiaoTong University, P.R. China); Qinghe Du, Li Sun, Pinyi Ren and Yichen
Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong University, P.R. China)
Leaner and Meaner: Network Coding in SIMD enabled Commercial Devices
Chres W. Sørensen and Achuthan Paramanathan (Aalborg University, Denmark); Juan A
Cabrera (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Morten V. Pedersen and Daniel E.
Lucani (Aalborg University, Denmark); Frank H.P. Fitzek (Technische Universität Dresden &
ComNets ­ Communication Networks Group, Germany)
Delivery Time Reduction for Order­Constrained Applications using Binary Network Codes
Ahmed Douik (California Institute of Technology, USA); Mohammad S. Karim and Parastoo
Sadeghi (The Australian National University, Australia); Sameh Sorour (King Fahd University
of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia)
A Novel Systematic Raptor Network Coding Scheme for Mars­to­earth Relay
Shushi Gu and Jian Jiao (Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, P.R.
NET19: D2D, UAV, and IOT Systems
Room: Cigar Lounge
Flow level analysis of the offloading capacity of D2D communications
Antonia Masucci, Salah Eddine Elayoubi and Berna Sayrac (Orange Labs, France)
A Two­Stages Relay Selection And Resource Allocation Joint Method for D2D
Communication System
Ming Zhao, Xinyu Gu, Di Wu and Luming Ren (Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, P.R. China)
Distributed Sleep Management for Heterogeneous Wireless Machine­to­Machine
Evripidis Paraskevas (University Of Maryland College Park, USA); Jianlin Guo (Mitsubishi
Electronic Research Laboratories, USA); Philip Orlik (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories,
USA); Kentaro Sawa (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan)
A Three Dimensional Scalable and Distributed Conflict Detection Algorithm for Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles
Imen Mahjri and Amine Dhraief (University of Manouba, Tunisia); Abdelfettah Belghith
(College of Computer and Information Sciences, Tunisia)
Role of altitude when exploring optimal placement of UAV access points
Markus Gruber (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany)
APP 8: Applications Using Emerging wireless technologies
Room: Ghazal
A VLC­based System for Optical SPR Sensing Facility
Noha Anous, Mohamed M. Abdallah and Mohamed Kashef (Texas A&M University at Qatar,
Qatar); Khalid A. Qaraqe (Texas A&M University at Qatar, USA)
An Implementation of Multichannel Multi­Interface MANET for Fire Engines and
Experiments with WINDS Satellite Mobile Earth Station
Yasunori Owada (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan);
Byongpyo Jeong (NICT, Japan); Norihiko Katayama and Kiyohiko Hattori (National Institute of
Information and Communications Technology, Japan); Kiyoshi Hamaguchi (NICT, Japan);
Masugi Inoue (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan);
Ken­ichi Takanashi and Masafumi Hosokawa (National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster,
Japan); Abbas Jamalipour (University of Sydney, Australia)
Non­audible Acoustic Communication and its Application in Indoor Location­based
Kashif Ali (University of California, Berkeley, USA); Hossam S. Hassanein and Sharief M.A.
Oteafy (Queen's University, Canada)
Seamless Convergence of Radio­over­Fiber and Millimeter­Wave Links for Highly
Resilient Access Networks
Abdelmoula Bekkali (KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc., Japan); Kosuke Nishimura (KDDI R&D
Laboratories Inc. & Optical Access Network Laboratory, Japan)
A Highly­accurate Device­free Passive Motion Detection System Using Cellular Network
Zengshan Tian and Luyan Shao (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R.
China); Mu Zhou (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications & Chongqing Key
Lab of Mobile Communications Technology, P.R. China); Xiangyong Wang (Chongqing
University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
PAN 7: Security Issues & Challenges
Room: Dafna
•Dr. Zouheir Rezki, King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia•Dr. Marc Dacier, Qatar
Computing Research Institute, Qatar•Dr. Munir Tag, Director, ICT Program, Qatar National Research Fund, Qatar •Mr.
Malike Bouaoud, Head of Technology Trend and Smart Innovation Lab/Cyber Security expert, Ministry of Transport and
Communications, Doha, Qatar.•Dr. Gabriele Oligeri, Al Kindi Center, Qatar University
Wednesday, April 6, 14:00 ­ 15:40
PHY27: Relaying and Cooperative Communications III
Room: Salwa 2
Energy­Efficient Multi­Objective Power Allocation for Multi­User AF Cooperative Networks
Zhenzhou Tang and Qian Hu (Wenzhou University, P.R. China); Guanding Yu (Zhejiang
University, P.R. China)
Outage Analysis of OFDM AF Relaying Systems Over Nakagami­m Fading Channels with
Non­linear Power Amplifier
Nagendra Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology, Indore, India); Vimal Bhatia (Indian
Institute of Technology Indore, India)
Outage Performance Analysis of Relay Selection in SWIPT Systems
Aissa Ikhlef (Newcastle University, United Kingdom); Mohammud Z Bocus (Toshiba Research
Europe Ltd, United Kingdom)
Multiple­Access Capabilities of AF Relaying with Zero Forcing
Abdurrahman Alfitouri (Manchester University, United Kingdom); Khairi A. Hamdi (University
of Manchester, United Kingdom)
Autonomous Relaying Scheme for Energy­Efficient Cooperative Multicast
Liying Li (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, P.R. China); Guodong
Zhao (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), P.R. China); Wuyu
Shi (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, P.R. China); Zhi Chen
(University of Electronic Science and Technology of China & University of California, Riverside,
P.R. China); Qi Zhang (Aarhus University, Denmark)
PHY28: Molecular Communications
Room: Salwa 1
Performance Comparison of Message Encoding Techniques for Bacterial Nanonetworks
Vitaly Petrov, Boya Deng, Dmitri Moltchanov, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam and Yevgeni
Koucheryavy (Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
Demodulation of Reaction Shift Keying Signals in Molecular Communication Network
with Protein Kinase Receiver Circuit
Hamdan Awan and Chun Tung Chou (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Offset Estimation for Clock Synchronization in Mobile Molecular Communication System
Zhan Luo and Lin Lin (Shanghai University, P.R. China); Maode Ma (Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore)
Molecular Code Division Multiple Access in Nano Communication Systems
Yeganeh Zamiri­Jafarian (Queen's University, Canada); Saeed Gazor (Queens University,
Canada); Hossein Zamiri­Jafarian (University of Toronto & Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,
Performance Analysis of Convolutionally­Coded Telegram Splitting Telemetry Systems
under Different ISM/SRD Collision Behaviors
Tallal Elshabrawy (The German University in Cairo, Egypt); Joerg Robert (Friedrich­Alexander
Universität Erlangen­Nürnberg, Germany); Sally Nafie (German University in Cairo, Egypt)
PHY29: mmWave Communications
Room: Salwa 3
MMSE Hybrid Precoder Design for Millimeter­Wave Massive MIMO Systems
Ruikai Mai (McGill University, Canada); Duy H. N. Nguyen (University of Texas, Austin, USA);
Tho Le­Ngoc (McGill University, Canada)
Hybrid Precoding with Data Stream Adaptation for High Throughput mmWave MIMO
Liang Zhou (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan); Yoji Ohashi (Fujitsu, Japan)
An Efficient Beam Training Technique for mmWave Communication Under NLoS Channel
Wenfang Yuan, Simon Armour and Angela Doufexi (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)
Spectral Efficiency Analysis for Analog Beamforming in Millimeter Wave Communication
Hatem Abbas and Khairi A. Hamdi (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
Non­Coherent FSK: An Attractive Modulation Set for Millimeter­Wave Communications
Ali A Nasir (National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan); Hani
Mehrpouyan (Boise State University, USA); David W Matolak (University of South Carolina,
USA); Salman Durrani (The Australian National University, Australia)
PHY30: Selected Topics in Communications II
Room: Dukhan
Planar Ultra­Wideband Elliptical Antenna for Communication Applications
Mousa Hussein and Ali Hakam (UAE University, UAE); Mohammed Ouda (Majmaah University,
Saudi Arabia)
Power Performance Enhancement of Underlay Spectrum Sharing using Microstrip Patch
ESPAR Antenna
Ahmad Abdalrazik (Port Said University, Egypt); Heba Soliman (Port­Said University, Egypt);
Mohamed F. Abdelkader (Port Said University, Egypt); Tamer Abuelfadl (Cairo University,
Millimeter­Wave Ultra­Wideband (UWB) Bandpass Filter (BPF) Using Microstrip Parallel
Coupled Lines
Hussein Shaman (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Tecknology (KACST), Saudi Arabia);
Ahmed AlAmoudi (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia); Sultan
Almorqi (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Saudi Arabia)
Enhancing Passive UHF RFID Backscatter Energy Using Chirp Spread Spectrum Signals
and Channel Shortening
Taoufik Ben­Jabeur (Qatar University, Qatar); Abdullah Kadri (Qatar Mobility Innovations
Center, Qatar); Khalifa Hazaa (Qatar University, Qatar)
Optimal Impersonation of CSI for Maximizing Leaked Information to Untrusted Relay in
Osamu Takyu and Kengo Matsumoto (Shinshu University, Japan); Takeo Fujii (The University
of Electro­Communications, Japan); Tomoaki Ohtsuki (Keio University, Japan); Fumihito
Sasamori and Shiro Handa (Shinshu University, Japan)
MAC 11: Energy­Efficient Resource Allocation
Room: PR5
Energy­Efficient Mode Selection and Power Control for Device­to­Device Communications
Dingzhu Wen, Guanding Yu and Lukai Xu (Zhejiang University, P.R. China)
Energy Efficiency Optimization for 2D Antenna Arrays in Self­Organizing Wireless
Maciej Soszka (Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems, Germany); Sascha Berger,
Meryem Simsek and Gerhard Fettweis (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Coordinated OVSF Code Allocation for Improved Sum Rate and Energy Efficiency in 3G
Small Cells
Hanifa Nabuuma (University of Manchester, United Kingdom); Emad Alsusa (Manchester
University, United Kingdom)
Queue­aware Energy­efficient Scheduling and Power Allocation in Small­cell Networks
with Interference
Hongxin Wei, Limin Xiao, Yunzhou Li and Shidong Zhou (Tsinghua University, P.R. China)
Energy Efficient Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks
With User Cooperation and QoS Guarantees
Yuan Zhang and Ying Wang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China);
Weidong Zhang (China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology, P.R. China)
NET20: Mobility Management in SDNs
Room: PR6
Forging Client Mobility with OpenFlow: an experimental study
Nikos Makris, Kostas Choumas and Christos Zarafetas (University of Thessaly, Greece);
Thanasis Korakis (New York University, USA); Leandros Tassiulas (Yale University, USA)
Mobility Management for Low­Latency Handover in SDN­Based Enterprise Networks
Ce Chen, Yu­Ting Lin and Li­Hsing Yen (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan); Min­Cheng
Chan (National Chiao Tung University, USA); Chien­Chao Tseng (National Chiao­Tung
University, Taiwan)
SDN­Based Distributed Mobility Management for 5G Networks
Tien­Thinh Nguyen (EURECOM, France); Christian Bonnet (Institut Eurecom, France); Jérôme
Härri (EURECOM, France)
OpenFlow­based Mobility Management scheme in Software Defined Networking
Pill­Won Park, Seong­Mun Kim and Sung­Gi Min (Korea University, Korea)
Mobility Management in Three­Tier SDN Architecture for DenseNets
Ibrahim Elgendi (Canberra University, Australia); Kumudu S Munasinghe (University of
Canberra, Australia); Abbas Jamalipour (University of Sydney, Australia)
NET21: Media Streaming in Wireless Networks
Room: PR 7
Streaming Variable Bitrate Video Over Mobile Networks with Predictable Performance
Yan Liu and Jack Y. B. Lee (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
eTVSQ based Video Rate Adaptation in Cellular Networks With α ­Fair Resource Allocation
Nagabhushan Eswara, Sumohana Channappayya and Abhinav Kumar (Indian Institute of
Technology Hyderabad, India); Kiran Kuchi (IIT Hyderabad, India)
The Role of Multimedia Source Codecs in Green Cellular Networks
Andres Kwasinski (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA); Alexis Kwasinski (University of
Texas, USA)
Design and Performance Impact of Long Cyclic Prefixes for eMBMS in LTE Networks
Ahmad Awada (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Mikko Säily (Nokia Bell Labs, Finland); Lauri Kuru
(Nokia Solutions and Networks, Finland)
Impact of Chunk Duration on Adaptive Streaming Performance in Mobile Networks
Yu­Ting Lin (Orange Labs, France); Thomas Bonald (Telecom ParisTech, France); Salah Eddine
Elayoubi (Orange Labs, France)
NET22: Resource Allocation and QoS Support
Room: PR 8
A QoS­Guaranteed Dynamic Two­Way Cooperation Approach in Cognitive Networks
Xinyu Fang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China); Can Tang (The Australian National
University, Australia); Feilong Tang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China); Jie Li
(University of Tsukuba, Japan); Wenchao Xu (East China Normal University, P.R. China);
Minyi Guo (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R. China)
A QoS Controlled Spectrum Switching Resource Allocation Technique for Cognitive Wi­Fi
Samoda L Okanda Gamage, Jamil Y Khan and Duy T Ngo (The University of Newcastle,
Adaptive Modulation Transmission in High Speed Railway Environment with QoS
Qian Gao (Beijing Jiaotong University, P.R. China); Gang Zhu (Electronics and Information
College of Beijing Jiaotong University, P.R. China); Siyu Lin, Shichao Li and Xiong Lei (Beijing
Jiaotong University, P.R. China)
A Dependency­Aware QoS System for Mobile Satellite Communication
Markus Brückner (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany); Philipp Driess (TU­Ilmenau,
Germany); Manuel Osdoba and Andreas Mitschele­Thiel (Ilmenau University of Technology,
Scalability and Satisfiability of Quality­of­Information in Wireless Networks
Scott Rager (Pennsylvania State University, USA); Ertugrul Necdet Ciftcioglu (IBM Research,
USA); Ram Ramanathan (BBN Technologies, USA); Tom La Porta (Pennsylvania State
University, USA); Ramesh Govindan (University of Southern California, USA)
NET23: Cooperative Communications
Room: Cigar Lounge
Energy Efficient Antenna Selection for a MIMO Relay Using RF Energy Harvesting
Islam Samy (Qatar University, Egypt); M. Majid Butt (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland); Amr
Mohamed (Qatar University, Qatar); Mohsen Guizani (QU, USA)
Cooperative and Collaborative Forwarding in Heterogeneous Mobile Opportunistic
Adnan Noor Mian (Information Technology University, Pakistan); Abderrahmen Mtibaa (Texas
A&M University, USA); Hussein Alnuweiri (Texas A&M University, Qatar); Farah Amjad
(Information Technology University, Pakistan)
Sparsity­Aware Multiple Relay Selection in Large dual­hop Decode­and­Forward
Broadband Relay Networks
Ala Gouissem and Ridha Hamila (Qatar University, Qatar); Naofal Al­Dhahir (University of
Texas at Dallas, USA); Sebti Foufou (Qatar University, Qatar)
Graph­Based Path Selection and Power Allocation for Relay­Aided Transmission
Lu Lu, Dawei He and Qiqin Xie (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Geoffrey Li (Georgia
Tech, USA); Xingxing Yu (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Capacity Analysis of Dense Wireless Networks with Joint Optimization of Reservation and
Yongping Zhang, Bo Li and Mao Yang (Northwestern Polytechnical University, P.R. China);
Zhongjiang Yan (Northwestern Ploytechnical University, P.R. China)
APP 9: Smart Grids and Energy­Aware Protocols for UAV
Room: Ghazal
PMUs Placement with Max­Flow Min­Cut Communication Constraint in Smart Grids
Ali Gaber Mohamed Ali (Virginia Tech, USA); Karim G Seddik (American University in Cairo,
Egypt); Ayman Y Elezabi (American University, Cairo, Egypt)
Flexible Charging and Discharging Algorithm for Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid
Osama Aloqaily (University of Ottawa, Canada); Irfan S. Al­Anbagi (University of Regina,
Canada); Dhaou Said (University of Ottawa & INTERLAB Research Laboratory, Canada);
Hussein T Mouftah (University of Ottawa, Canada)
MK­AMI: efficient Multi­group Key management scheme for secure communications in
AMI systems
Mourad Benmalek (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique ESI (ex. INI), Algeria); Yacine
Challal (University of Technology of Compiegne & Heudiasyc lab. UMR CNRS, France)
Network Connectivity and Area Coverage for UAV Fleet Mobility Model with Energy
Mohamed­Ayoub Messous (University of Bourgundy & DRIVE Lab, France); Sidi­Mohammed
Senouci (University of Bourgogne ­ ISAT Nevers, France); Hichem Sedjelmaci (University of
Bourgogne, DRIVE Lab, France)
Energy Efficient Path Planning Techniques for UAV­based Systems with Space
Shaimaa Ahmed (College of Computing and Information Technology, AAST, Egypt); Amr
Mohamed (Qatar University, Qatar); Khaled A. Harras (Carnegie Mellon University, USA);
Mohamed Kholief (Arab Academy of Science and Technology, Egypt); Saleh Mesbah (Saleh.
Mesbah, Egypt)
Wednesday, April 6, 16:00 ­ 17:40
PHY31: Modulation and Coding
Room: Salwa 2
Automatic Modulation Classification Using Hierarchical Polynomial Classifier and
Stepwise Regression
Ameen Abdelmutalab, Khaled Assaleh and Mohamed El­Tarhuni (American University of
Sharjah, UAE)
Performance of Quadrature Spatial Modulation with Imperfect Channel Information over
Correlated α ­ µ Fading Channels
Osamah S. Badarneh (University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia); Raed Mesleh (German Jordan
University, Jordan)
Capacity Bounds and Performance of Precoder Index Modulation
Yalagala Naresh (Indian Institute of Science, India); T. Lakshmi Narasimhan (National
Instruments, Bangalore, India); A. Chockalingam (Indian Institute of Science, India)
A Direct­Code to Increase the Spectral Efficiency of Generalized Space Shift Keying
Nafel Alotaibi and Khairi A. Hamdi (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
Feature based Modulation Classification using Multiple Cumulants and Antenna Array
Sai Huang, Zhiyong Feng, Yifan Zhang, Kezhong Zhang and Wei Li (Beijing University of Posts
and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
PHY32: Space Time Block Codes
Room: Salwa 1
A Low­Complexity Sub­Optimal Decoder for OSTBC­Based Mobile Cooperative Systems
Yazid Khattabi and Mustafa Muhammad Matalgah (University of Mississippi, USA)
Implementing Differential Distributed Orthogonal Space Time Block Coding using
Coefficient Vectors
Nnamdi Nwanekezie, Gbenga Owojaiye and Yichuang Sun (University of Hertfordshire, United
OSTBC Transmission over Cooperative Diversity Systems under Nodes Mobility Impact
Yazid Khattabi and Mustafa Muhammad Matalgah (University of Mississippi, USA)
Rateless Space Time Block Code for Antenna Failure in Massive MU­MIMO Systems
Ali H. Alqahtani (College of Telecommunication and Information Technology (CTI), Saudi
Arabia); Ahmed Iyanda Sulyman and Abdulhameed Alsanie (King Saud University, Saudi
Cognitive MIMO Quadrature Spatial Modulation Systems with Mutual Primary­Secondary
Co­channel Interference
Islam Abu Mahady and Ali Afana (Lakehead University, Canada); Raed Mesleh (German
Jordan University, Jordan); Salama Said Ikki (Lakehead University & Electrical Engineering
Department, Canada); Ibrahem E. Atawi (University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia)
PHY33: Selected Topics in Communications III
Room: Salwa 3
An Enhanced DCO­OFDM Scheme for Visible Light Communication System
Yang Yang, Zhimin Zeng and Caili Guo (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
P.R. China)
Security­Reliability Analysis and Power Allocation in Multiuser SIMO Mixed RF/FSO Relay
Ahmed Hassan Abd El­Malek (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia);
Anas M. Salhab (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia); Salam A.
Zummo (KFUPM, Saudi Arabia)
Digital Weighted Autocorrelation Receiver Using Channel Characteristic Sequences for
Transmitted Reference UWB Communication Systems
Zhonghua Liang (Chang'an University, P.R. China); Xiaodai Dong (University of Victoria,
Canada); Xiaojun Yang (Chang'an University, P.R. China); Huansheng Song (Chang’an
University, P.R. China)
IR­UWB Detection and Fusion Strategies using Multiple Detector Types
Vijaya Parampalli Yajnanarayana and Satyam Dwivedi (KTH Royal Institute of Technology,
Sweden); Peter Händel (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
PHY34: Spectrum Sensing
Room: Dukhan
Energy Detection Based Spectrum Sensing over Enriched Multipath Fading Channels
Alireza Bagheri (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA); Paschalis C. Sofotasios (Tampere
University of Technology & Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Finland); Theodoros Tsiftsis
(Nazarbayev University & Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece, Kazakhstan);
Khuong Ho Van (HoChiMinh City University of Technology, Vietnam); Michalis Loupis
(Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece, Greece); S. Freear (University of
Leeds, United Kingdom); Mikko Valkama (Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
An Accurate Multi­Stage Energy Detection Spectrum Sensing
Amr Shata (CWS Faculty of Engineering Cairo University, Egypt); Omar Nasr and Yasmine
Fahmy (Cairo University, Egypt)
On the Performance of Spectrum Sensing Based on GLR for Full­Duplex Cognitive Radio
Ahmed Badawy (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Tamer Khattab and Tarek M. Elfouly (Qatar
University, Qatar); Carla­Fabiana Chiasserini (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Daniele Trinchero
(Politecnico di Torino & iXem Labs, Italy)
On Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Improved Energy Detector over Erroneous
Control Channel
Narasimha Rao Banavathu and Mohammed Zafar Ali Khan (Indian Institute of Technology,
Hyderabad, India)
On the Sensing Sample Size for the Estimation of Primary Channel Occupancy Rate in
Cognitive Radio
Miguel López­Benítez (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom); Janne Lehtomäki (University
of Oulu, Finland)
MAC 12: MAC Design 3
Room: PR5
Context­Aware Mobility Resource Allocation for QoE­Driven Streaming Services
Imen Triki, Majed Haddad and Rachid El­Azouzi (University of Avignon, France); Afef Feki
(France Research Center, Huawei Technologies, France); Marouen Guechaoui (University of
Avignon, France)
Efficient random access control scheme with reservation channel for QZSS short
message SS­CDMA communication
Kei Ohya, Tomohide Takahashi and Suguru Kameda (Tohoku University, Japan); Hiroshi
Oguma (National Institute of Technology, Toyama College, Japan); Akinori Taira, Noriharu
Suematsu, Tadashi Takagi and Kazuo Tsubouchi (Tohoku University, Japan)
A Hybrid Collision Coordination­based Multiple Access Scheme for Super Dense Aerial
Sensor Networks
Sotheara Say and Hikari Inata (Waseda University, Japan); Shigeru Shimamoto (Waseda
University & Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies, Japan)
Optimal Power Allocation and User Selection in Non­Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems
Soumendra Nath Datta (Nokia Networks ­ Bangalore, India); Suresh Kalyanasundaram (Nokia
Networks, India)
Success Coverage Probability for Dynamic Resource Allocation in Small Cell Networks
Lei Li (BUPT, P.R. China); Mugen Peng (Beijing University of posts & Telecommunications, P.R.
China); Zhipeng Yan (BUPT, P.R. China); Zhongyuan Zhao and Yong Li (Beijing University of
Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
NET24: D2D Communications
Room: PR6
Interference­Aware Resource Allocation for D2D Underlaid Cellular Network Using
SCMA: A Hypergraph Approach
Yanpeng Dai, Min Sheng, Kepeng Zhao, Junyu Liu, Lei Liu and Jiandong Li (Xidian University,
P.R. China)
Efficient Selection of Source Devices and Radio Interfaces for Green Ds2D
Muhammad Ismail (Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar); Muhammad Zeeshan Shakir
(Carleton University, Canada); Erchin Serpedin (Texas A&M University, USA); Khalid A.
Qaraqe (Texas A&M University at Qatar, USA)
A Resource Allocation Scheme for Multiple Device­to­Device Multicasts in Cellular
Ajay Bhardwaj and Samar Agnihotri (Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, India)
Discrete Location­aware Power Control for D2D Underlaid Cellular Networks
Wenping Chen (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China); Zebing Feng
(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications & Wireless Technology Innovation Lab,
P.R. China); Zhiyong Feng, Qixun Zhang and Baoling Liu (Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, P.R. China)
A Distributed Joint Power Control and Mode Selection Scheme for D2D Communication
Underlaying LTE­A Networks
Ehsan Naghipour and Mehdi Rasti (Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran)
NET25: MIMO and Beamforming
Room: PR 7
Beam focusing antenna array technology for non­stationary mobility
Hind Zaaraoui (Orange labs & University of Avignon, France); Zwi Altman (Orange Labs,
France); Eitan Altman (INRIA, France)
A Novel Hierarchical Channel State Information Measurement and Feedback Scheme in
Massive MIMO Systems
Leiming Zhang (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., P.R. China); Jianghua Liu (Huawei
Technologies Co. Ltd., P.R. China); Jiangguo Wang (Huawei Tecnologies Co., Ltd., P.R. China)
Efficient Beamforming in Multi­cell Multi­antenna Networks: Exploiting Network Duality
Haythem Bany Salameh (Yarmouk University, Jordan); Tha'er F. Hailat (Yarmouk, Greece)
Weighted MMSE Iterative Alignment Algorithm for Faster Convergence
Zhenzhe Sun (ZTE Corporation, P.R. China); Chengnian Long (Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
P.R. China); Jian Lin and Qiongjie Lin (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Mary Ann
Weitnauer (Georgia Tech, USA)
3­way Multi­carrier Asynchronous Neighbor Discovery Algorithm Using Directional
Siwen Zhao, Yunfeng Liu, Tuo Yang, Zhiyong Feng, Qixun Zhang and Chao Gao (Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China)
NET26: DTNs and Opportunistic Communications
Room: PR 8
A Data Forwarding Scheme with Reachable Probability Centrality in DTNs
Jiagao Wu (Nanjng University of Posts and Telecommunications & University of Victoria, P.R.
China); Jianming Wang and Linfeng Liu (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
P.R. China); Maryam Tanha and Jianping Pan (University of Victoria, Canada)
A Non­Cooperative File Caching for Delay Tolerant Networks: A Reward­based Incentive
Sidi Ahmed Ezzahidi (University Mohamed V, Morocco); Essaid Sabir (ENSEM/UH2C, Morocco);
Mohamed El Kamili (LIMS, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco); Bouyakhf
Houssine (Université Mohammed V Agdal, Morocco)
Social­Aware Data Forwarding through Scattered Caching in Disruption Tolerant
HyunAe Kim and HyungJune Lee (Ewha Womans University, Korea)
Analytic Latency Model for Message Dissemination in Opportunistic Networks
Qi Wang (Southeast University, P.R. China); Sanfeng Zhang (School of Computer Science and
Engineering, Southeast University, P.R. China)
Explore K­Anycast information dissemination in Mobile Opportunistic Networks
Peng Liu (Hangzhou Dianzi University & Temple University, P.R. China); Jia Xu and Biao Xu
(Hangzhou Dianzi University, P.R. China)
NET27: Network Planning and Simulation
Room: Cigar Lounge
Adaptive Network Selection based on Attractor Selection in Data offloading
Zhiqun Hu, Zhaoming Lu, Zhaoxing Li and Xiangming Wen (Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, P.R. China)
Network planning tool based on network classification and load prediction
Seif eddine Hammami (Institute Mines­Telecom, Télécom SudParis, France); Hossam Afifi
(Institut Telecom & Paris South, France); Michel Marot (Institut TELECOM Telecom SudParis,
France); Vincent Gauthier (Institut TELECOM; Telecom SudParis; SAMOVAR UMR, France)
Simulating Dense Small Cell Networks
Pedro Alvarez (CTVR, Trinity College, Ireland); Carlo Galiotto (CTVR, Trinity College Dublin,
Ireland); Jonathan van de Belt (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland); Danny Finn (Trinity College
Dublin & CTVR Telecomunications Research Centre, Ireland); Hamed Ahmadi (University
College Dublin, Ireland); Luiz DaSilva (Trinity College & Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Sensitivity Analysis of Small Cells and DAS Techno­economic Models in Mobile 5G
Christos J Bouras (University of Patras CTI&P­Diophantus & University of Patras, Greece);
Anastasia Kollia (University of Patras, Greece); Andreas Papazois (University of Patras &
GRNET S.A., Greece)
WiDiSi: A Wi­Fi Direct Simulator
Luciano Baresi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Naser Derakhshan (Politecnico di Milano &
TELECOM Italia, Italy); Guinea Sam (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
APP 10: QoE­QoS of Cellular Networks
Room: Ghazal
Towards Elastic Application­oriented Bearer Management for enhancing QoE in LTE
Tarik Taleb (Aalto University, Finland); Konstantinos Samdanis (NEC Europe Ltd., Germany);
Adlen Ksentini (University of Rennes 1 / IRISA Lab, France)
Service­oriented Resource Virtualization for Evolving TDD Networks Towards 5G
Salvatore Costanzo (University of Athens, Greece); Rudraksh Shrivastava and Konstantinos
Samdanis (NEC Europe Ltd., Germany); Dionysis Xenakis (University of Athens, Greece);
Xavier Costa Pérez (NEC Europe Ltd, Germany); David Grace (University of York, United
QoE Based Random Sleep­Awake Scheduling in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
Abbas Farrokhi and Ozgur Ercetin (Sabanci University, Turkey)
QoE in 5G Cloud Networks using Multimedia Services
Muhammad Sajid Mushtaq (University of Paris­Est Creteil (UPEC) & Image, Signal and
Intelligent Systems Laboratory­LISSI, France); Scott Fowler (Linköping University, Sweden);
Brice Augustin (UPEC, University Paris­Est, France); Abdelhamid Mellouk (UPEC, University
Paris­Est Creteil Val de Marne, France)
A Traffic­Driven Analysis for Small Cells Backhaul Planning
Btissam Er­rahmadi (University Rennes 1 & Orange Labs, France); Adlen Ksentini (University
of Rennes 1 / IRISA Lab, France); Djamal­Eddine Meddour (Orange Labs, France)