Pensord Technical Data Finishing – Insert Specification – A4 Bound-in Perfect Bound A4 – 4 page Perfect Bound (Bound in) Insert Specification 5mm head trim allowance Fold 210mm 210mm Finished page width Finished page width FOOT FOOT HEAD 210mm 210mm Finished page width Finished page width FOOT Folded 5mm Foot trim 5mm Foot trim 3mm grind off Bind allowance 6mm Binding grind off allowance 5mm Foot trim 5mm foredge trim allowance Page area (including trim allowances) = 307mm x 218mm Page area (After trimming) = 297mm x 210mm Head Trim Allowance = 5mm - Foot Trim allowance = 5mm Foredge trim allowance = 5mm - Bind grind off allowance = 3mm If it is intended to UV Varnish the insert - the 6mm binding grind off area plus 2mm each side (10mm in total) must be kept free of UV Varnish. - Telephone 01495 223721 307mm Page depth including trims HEAD 297mm Finished Page depth HEAD Pensord Technical Data Finishing – Insert Specification – A5 Stitched-in Saddle Stitched A5 – 16 page Saddle Stitched (Stitched in) Insert Specification Knocked to the head 5mm head trim allowance Fold 148mm 148mm Finished page width Finished page width FOOT FOOT 148mm 210mm Finished magazine Finishedwidth page width FOOT Spine 148mm 210mm Finished depth Spine 148mm HEAD 16 page stitched in insert should be supplied prestitched. 5mm head trim required Foredge and Foot of magazine ‘only’ should be trimmed to the finished size. The ‘Head bolt’ MUST be left intact to allow the insert to feed on the saddle stitch machine This Stitched-in specification is for a ‘KNOCK to the HEAD’ final bind - Telephone 01495 223721 215mm Page depth including trims HEAD 210mm Finished Page depth HEAD Pensord Technical Data Finishing – Insert Specification – A5 Stitched-in Saddle Stitched A5 – 16 page Saddle Stitched (Stitched in) Insert Specification Knocked to the foot Spine Spine 148mm 148mm Finished page width Finished page width FOOT FOOT HEAD 148mm 210mm Finished magazine Finishedwidth page width FOOT 148mm 148mm 210mm Finished depth 5mm foot trim allowance 16 page stitched in insert should be supplied prestitched. 5mm foot trim required Foredge and Head of magazine ‘only’ should be trimmed to the finished size. The ‘Foot bolt’ MUST be left intact to allow the insert to feed on the saddle stitch machine This Stitched-in specification is for a ‘KNOCK to the FOOT’ final bind - Telephone 01495 223721 215mm Page depth including trims HEAD 210mm Finished Page depth HEAD Pensord Technical Data Finishing – Insert Specification – A5 Stitched-in Saddle Stitched A5 Single Leaf – (2 page) Saddle Stitched (Stitched in) Insert Specification With binding guard - Knocked to the head 5mm head trim allowance Binding Guard Fold HEAD 80mm minimum Finished page width See note 3 FOOT 215mm Page depth including trims GUARD 148mm 210mm Finished Page depth HEAD HEAD 148mm 210mm Finished Insert page Finishedwidth page width FOOT FOOT Fold Fold 1. A 5mm head trim is needed to enable the insert to be bound into the main magazine. 2. All other edges must be trimmed to finished size. 3. The binding guard must be a minimum of 80mm wide or 1/3 of the magazine ‘spine to foredge’ size – whichever is the greater. 4. The insert should be supplied folded. 5. The insert should be supplied boxed turned in minimum quantities of 100. 6. The insert can run with a front or rear guard – Publishers choice. 7. The insert can only be stitched ‘between’ sections. This Stitched-in specification is for a ‘KNOCK to the HEAD’ final bind - Telephone 01495 223721 Pensord Technical Data Finishing – Insert Specification – A5 Stitched-in Saddle Stitched A5 Single Leaf – (2 page) Saddle Stitched (Stitched in) Insert Specification With binding guard - Knocked to the foot GUARD 80mm minimum Finished page width FOOT See note 3 215mm Page depth including trims 148mm HEAD HEAD 210mm Finished Page depth HEAD Binding Guard Fold Fold FOOT 148mm 210mm Finished insert page Finishedwidth page width FOOT 5mm foot trim allowance 1. A 5mm foot trim is needed to enable the insert to be bound into the main magazine. 2. All other edges must be trimmed to finished size. 3. The binding guard must be a minimum of 80mm wide or 1/3 of the magazine ‘spine to foredge’ size – whichever is the greater. 4. The insert should be supplied folded. 5. The insert should be supplied boxed turned in minimum quantities of 100. 6. The insert can run with a front or rear guard – Publishers choice. 7. The insert can only be stitched ‘between’ sections. This Stitched-in specification is for a ‘KNOCK to the HEAD’ final bind - Telephone 01495 223721 Pensord Technical Data Finishing – Insert Specification Perfect bound Insert -2 page ‘bound in’ - Reader service card Minimum Specification 110mm 10mm 100mm Perforation S P I N E Insert page area 150mm A R E A Minimum paper weight = 130gsm Minimum Specification: Perforation -The perforation should be Minimum paper weight = 130 gsm Minimum width = 110mm Minimum height = 150mm Minimum perf position from spine edge = 10mm Perforation type = Paper perforation a light (paper perforation) not a heavy card Perforation as the feed mechanism on the binding line will ‘pull’ the perforated strip off the insert if too heavy a perforation is used rendering the card un-bindable. An insert can only be bound between sections - Telephone 01495 223721