Space Weather





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Part 2



John White


Revision 1 -11 April 2012

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 1

Sun – Earth Interactions



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 Part 1 – The Sun

 Solar 11 year cycle

 Solar ultraviolet radiation

 Solar Wind – charged particles flowing out from sun

 Solar Flares – x-rays, energetic particles

 Part 2 – The Earth

 Ionospheric Review

 Ionospheric Storms

 Solar Indices

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 2

Ionospheric Review



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 Ultraviolet radiation ionizes rarified upper atmosphere

50 – 500 km

 Creates a “layer” of free electrons, “e”

 Electromagnetic radiation (RF) interacts with the electrons

 Electric field causes electron to “vibrate” at the radio frequency

 Vibrating electrons coherently re-radiate the energy

 Hence the radio wave propagates within the ionosphere

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 3

Ionospheric Layers



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F Layer

 Highly refractive

 Enables long skip being highest altitude

 Make possible world wide communications

E layer

 Refractive for short skip being lower altitude

 Typically useful on lower bands

D layer

 Non refractive

 Absorptive to lower frequencies

 Higher frequencies are able to penetrate

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 4

Profile of Ionosphere



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 Starting at high altitude, the total electron count increases with decreasing altitude even as IONOGRAM

though air density increases

 Ionization peaks ~ 300 km

 Due to continued absorption,

electron production decreases

further down since UV is “consumed”

 Electron production ceases at

about 50 km D Layer E Layer F Layer

 Residual UV creates the Ozone layer at about 20 km

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 5

Ionosphere Refraction



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 Ionization gradient, “e” increases with altitude

 If “e” density was same everywhere the radio wave would be “bent” just once, like air-water refraction, and not be returned earthward

 The increasing “e” density with height causes continual bending of the EM wave and hence the return to earth

 The higher the operating frequency , the greater the “e” density has to be to refract. This is Maximum Operating Frequency – MUF

 At solar minimum, reduced uV does not produce sufficient electron density to refract higher frequencies back to earth. Hi bands close

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 6

Earths Magnetic Field



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 Earth has a magnetic field

 Field surrounding the planet is


 The magnetosphere is very important in that it deflects and shields the surface of the Earth from harmful high energy particle bombardment dangerous to life.

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 7

Magnetic Fields and

Charged Particles



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 Solar Wind - negative electrons and positive protons

 Just as charged particles interact with Sun’s

magnetic field, so with Earth’s

 Particles travelling along the magnetic lines of force are effectively captured

B = magnetic line v = velocity of particle

F = force applied to particle

 Path becomes a spiral

 Earths magnetic field “traps“ these particles along the magnetic field line

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 8




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 Magnetosphere is distorted by the pressure of the Solar Wind

 Solar wind particle flow is fended off by the “bow wave”

 Electrons are particularly captured

 Protons not captured to same extent

 Some charge is captured at the bow wave

 Some of the charge is captured in the tail

 Some of the charge is diverted past Earth

 Captured charge flows in to the polar regions at the North and

South pole cusps

 This defines the auroral zone

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 9

Magnetic Field Coupling



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 Solar wind has an embedded magnetic field sense based on Suns field & particularly CME’s

 Wind field aligned with Earth’s (same direction) particles deflected around Earth and can be deposited in the “tail”

 Wind field opposite to Earth’s particles can couple into field directly from the front


Solar Wind









Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012





Magnetospheric Coupling



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 Solar Wind and the Magnetosphere

 Fields aligned

 particles go into magneto-tail and then are guided in to the polar

Ionospheric regions from the “rear”

 Fields opposite

 particles coupled directly into polar Ionospheric regions from the front

 Either way, Ionosphere is GREATLY affected by precipitation of particles introduced into the polar regions

 Depending on the intensity & quantity, ionospheric effects can migrate southward and northward

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 11

The Ideal Ionosphere



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 Uniform ionization that follows the 11 year solar cycle smoothly through from the solar minimum to the solar maximum and back to the minimum

 Rather like the ideal weather temperature pattern, cool in winter smoothly warming to summer and smoothly cooling off towards winter

 Unfortunately for both, storms occur. Weather conditions change rapidly and unpredictably as does the ionosphere.

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 12

Ionospheric Measurements



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 How to measure the state of the ionosphere

 Is it quiet, unsettled, disturbed, stormy etc ?

 Direct measurements of the ionosphere

 Height, critical frequencies etc by echo sounding (ionogram)

 Direct measurements of non-ionospheric parameters that affect the state of the ionosphere (ground and satellite based observations)

 Propagation forecasts are typically based on the indirect ionospheric measurements that infer ionospheric conditions

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 13

Ionospheric Storms



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 An Ionospheric Storm is a disturbance occurring in the ionosphere that alters propagation, generally for the worse

 Ionospheric storms directly driven by stormy “weather” on the Sun, particularly at the solar maximum

 Signals may be weakened, absorbed, subjected to erratic fading, multipath distortions, unusual modulations and noise increases or decreases

 The disturbances can be gradual or sudden, minor to severe, of short and log duration, and not altogether predictable

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 14

Effect of Storms



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 Think of ionosphere as weather clouds, highly variable, lumpy, moving, vary by location etc

 Storms will cause ionization densities to change

 Change not the same everywhere

 Polar, sunlit, local regions all differ

 All cause degrees of disruption to the steady state properties

 Extent of disruption depends on intensity of the storm

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 15

Type of Storms



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 Ionospheric Earth Storms result from a Stormy Sun

 Ionospheric storms classified by NOAA

(National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration) according to the disturbing mechanism

(G) Geomagnetic Storms due to Solar Wind

(R) Radio Blackout Storms due to X-ray Flares

(S) Solar Radiation Storms due to High Energy Protons

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 16

(G) Geomagnetic Storm

Solar Wind Particles



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 Disturbances to the magnetosphere occur due to particle charge and magnetic fields carried by the solar wind

 Solar Wind most common purveyor of disturbances due to the constancy of the wind as compared to unpredictable eruptive events

 Drives aurora phenomena

 Geomagnetic events typically commence within hours can last for days; sometimes onset is sudden

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 17

Geomagnetic Storm Ratings



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 Storm properties as affects HF radio

 A Geomagnetic Storm is designated by letter “G”

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 18

(R) Radio Blackouts

X Ray Flares



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 A Blackout is a near to complete loss of HF propagation

 Disturbances are caused by high energy X-rays illuminating the sunlit side of Earth

 X-rays are produced by Flares

 Onset of degradation is quick, within minutes

 X-rays penetrate deeply into the ionosphere

 D layer absorption attenuates signals to the extent that propagation can fail altogether

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 19

Blackout Storm Ratings



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 Storm properties as affects HF radio

 A Radio Blackout Storm is designated by letter “R”

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 20

(S) Solar Radiation Storm

Energetic Protons



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 Solar protons normally have insufficient energy to penetrate earths magnetic field

 Disturbances are caused by numerous and highly energetic protons entering the ionosphere in the polar regions

 High energy particles are able to penetrate to the D layer and result in over-dense ionization

 Increased electron density causes greater chaotic collisions increasing RF absorption

 Loss of paths through the N and S polar regions

 Depending on the intensity, the disturbance will move further towards the equator from both North and South direction

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 21

Radiation Storm Properties



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 Storm properties as affects HF radio

 Solar Radiation Storm is designated by letter “S”

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 22

Solar Indices



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 The following are the Major Solar Indices defining prevailing conditions,

 Solar Flux index - SFI

 Sun Spot Number - SSN

 “a” and “K” index

 Solar Wind parameters

 X Ray flux

 Protons

 Aurora activity

 MUF map

 Solar Images

 Current Conditions

 Forecast

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 23

Propagation Web Page



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 This site is installed on NSARC HF Stations

 Line by Line explanation of reported parameters

 There are many other forecast web sites

 Google “ HF Propagation” pick your own source …

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 24

Solar Flux Index - SFI



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 SFI is a measure of the energy radiated by the Sun at 2800 MHz

 SFI ranges from ~ 50 at solar min to > 200 at solar max

 Measured as 10 -22 watts / square meter / per Hz of bandwidth

 Correlates very well with the level of uV radiation and hence the level of ionization state of the ionosphere

 Increased ionization supports high MUF’s; better DX opportunities and opening of higher bands

 SFI is the guide as to overall ionization levels linked to solar cycle

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 25

Sun Spot Number



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 SSN can be used in same

way as SFI, your choice

 Observed number of sun spots is

statistically related to SFI

 Different measurement, much

the same indication for

propagation purposes

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 26

“a” and “K” Index



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 GEOMAGNETIC storm indicators

 Electric currents flow within the D and E layers as belts around the earth (electrojets) which in turn, generate a magnetic field

 Electrojet magnetic field is imposed on Earths field

 Changes in the current are due to solar wind disturbances

 “a” and “K“ measure the disturbance of Earths’ magnetic field to infer Ionospheric disturbance

 The value of the “a” index measures the change in value of

Earth’s magnetic field intensity

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 27

“a” and “K” Ratings



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 “a” and K are measured every 3 hours world wide

 “a” is an average of the last 8 readings over the last 24 hours

 “K” is the 3 hour reading advising us of change “now” taking place

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 28

“a” & “K” Interpretation



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 “a” & “K” reports magnetic change impacting ionospheric disturbance

 a = 0 and K= 0 indicates a stable, quiet ionosphere

 Bands free of Geomagnetic disturbances

 Increased values of “a” and K, i,e. a=25 / K=3, will indicate disturbed conditions

 High values of “a” and K, i.e. a = 50, K=5, propagation will become difficult to impossible

 Bands unstable to closed.

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 29

Solar Wind Parameters



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 Orientation of magnetic field

indicates coupling of particles

into ionosphere

 Wind speed variations reflect

Solar conditions; higher velocities

infer eruptions, flares, coronal


 Pressure related to velocities

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 30

X-Ray Flux



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 Flares produce x-rays

 X-rays are measured continuously by satellite and graphed according to their intensity

 X-rays are energetic and penetrate deep down into the D layer increasing absorption, leading to fades and Blackouts

 Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance or “SID”

GOES = Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 31

X-Ray Classifications



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 Flares rated by the intensity of emitted X-rays

 A, B and C class of little consequence, M class may be noticeable

 X class is very noticeable – higher bands go suddenly dead

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 32




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 Proton flux measured by satellite

 High energy protons produced by energetic flares

 Major component of Solar Radiation


 Polar blackouts known as Polar Cap

Absorptions, “PCA” events

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 33

Auroral Activity



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 Concentrated particle “precipitation” occurs at the poles where the magnetic field lines converge

 Particles enter the ionosphere. Energetic particles increase ionization levels and increase RF absorption

 Auroras result from intensive, ongoing ionization where light is emitted when recombination occurs

 Occurs in the lower E and D layers

 The extent (southward width) of the aurora indicates the magnitude of the particle activity and hence disturbance

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 34




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 A near real time MUF map

 MUF given in MHz

 Contours of equal MUF

 Gray Line

 Auroral zone- green lines

 Sun’s position

 Not a great circle map

 MUF is based on a 3000 km hop

 To use, look for DX location and estimate if MUF is sufficient over the path at operating freq

 Contours ~ 1 to 2 MHz

 Lowest Useable Frequency LUF are red lines (D absorption)

 frequencies < LUF will be absorbed

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 35

Solar Images



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 Current images of Sun state

 Double click on any image

to load a large detained image

 Useful for catching a quick

visual image of Sun activity

 Refer to Part 1 this presentation for interpretations

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 36

An Example



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 Solar Flux is very good

 Bands ought to be open

As reported on

DX cluster Oct 23

At 00:36 UTC

 Geomagnetic Field (GMF)

 Quiet, ought to be good

 Radio Blackout

 Extended M1.3 flare

 X-Ray absorption

 Observation

 20m was dead; 10 m was open

 Lower frequencies being

absorbed but high SFI supports higher frequency propagation

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 37




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 Forecasts are based on Solar observations, such as eruptive

Sun spots

 New spots rotating into view, old ones rotating out of view

 Ability of satellites to look on far side to see what’s coming…

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 38

Scientific Summary



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…in a few words …..

With apologies to Jerry Lee Lewis

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 39

Some References



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Good DX to all

Rev 1 -11 Apr 2012 HF OPS 40
