ORARI-OPIHI-PAREORA WATER ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE on Monday 9 June 2014 at 1pm Timaru District Council 2 King George Place Timaru ORARI-OPIHI-PAREORA WATER ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Notice is hereby given that an Orari-Opihi-Pareora Water Zone Management Committee meeting will be held on Monday 9 June 2014 at 1pm in meeting room 1, Timaru District Council, King George Place, Timaru. Committee Members: Dermott O’Sullivan (Chairman), Kylee Galbraith, David Henshaw, Tony Howey, Tom Lambie, Richard Lyon, Mokai Reihana, Ad Sintenie, John Talbot, Mark Webb, Evan Williams ORARI-OPIHI-PAREORA WATER ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 9 JUNE 2014 Page 1 1 Workshop on water quality modelling results 2 BREAK 3 Apology - Ad Sintenie 4 Public Forum 5 3 Confirmation of minutes 7 April 2014 6 8 Follow up to briefing on Tekapo Economics Study 9 7 18 8 Action on the ground a Landcare Trust update b Developing on-farm capacity for change in land use (ZIP re 1.2.3). Presentation from Andrea Lesley: Aoraki Polytechnic c Land Management Advisor update d Immediate Steps Proposal (to be circulated) Facilitator Update CLOSE ORARI-OPIHI-PAREORA ZONE WATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE MEETING OF 9 JUNE 2014 Report for Agenda Item No 1 Prepared by Dennis Jamieson, Brett Painter OOP Zone infrastructure: Water Quality modelling _______________________________ Purpose Present and discuss (“ground truth”) initial water quality modelling results for the “Status Quo” scenario and outline the specification for the OOP Zone computer modelling of water distribution (“OOP integrated model”). Background 1. Potential Water Supply Concepts for bringing new water into the OOP Zone from the south, west and north have previously been presented. Additional potential in-catchment sources are via local storage and efficiency improvements. Information on each of these potential sources is being advanced. 2. Potential Water Demand a. OOP Zone computer modelling of water quality The OOP Zone contains a complex combination of ground and surface water catchments. Some parts of the zone have a reasonable level of monitoring information and have functioning computer models, while other parts of the zone are not well understood and not modelled. Determining potential future demand and resulting effects on CWMS targets can only be confidently addressed through computer modelling. The Irrigation Acceleration Fund and ECan are funding a project to begin the development of sufficient computer modelling resources to enable potential demand questions to be progressed in parallel with potential water supply initiatives. This will feed into future ECan work to support the development of the sub-regional plan. The current stage of this project runs from June 2013-June 2014 and includes Cultural Opportunity Mapping and Response (COMAR) studies and the development of a computer model that can run water quality studies for a variety of potential future demand scenarios. A variety of relevant information has been gathered. i. 9 June 2014 #879974 Potentially irrigable area A number of previous studies have considered potentially irrigable area in the OOP Zone and have consistently produced a figure of approximately 40,000 ha of new irrigation. 1 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee ii. Potential future scenarios Workshops with the OOP Zone Committee in February and June 2013 developed key model reporting requirements and three sets of model scenarios, known as “Status Quo”, “Environmental Optimisation” and “Sustainable Development”. The modelling team have created the model structure for the OOP Zone groundwater systems, key rivers and their reporting points. iii. Other potential demand Any further information on potential additional demand was requested by the modelling team from attendees at OOP zone committee meetings and elsewhere. This led to discussion with ECan staff on the potential effects on groundwater supply reliability of increasing lowland stream minimum flows, discussion with Timaru DC (TDC) staff on potential future demand for drinking and industrial water, and various discussions with current irrigation schemes (Opuha and Rangitata South) on future plans. Note that the TDC has a need for information on drinking supply options by December 2014 due to infrastructure planning needs. The relevant outputs from the COMAR studies will be added to the modelling as they become available. b. OOP Zone computer modelling of water distribution (‘OOP integrated model’) Once the potential water quality effects of future water management scenarios for the OOP Zone are better understood, potential water supply, distribution and re-distribution options need to be considered. This will require a further stage of computer model development and assessments. It is expected that contracts for this work will be started in the third quarter of 2014. Information on the potential to supply water from the south, west and north will be incorporated into the model as relevant. The timeframe for this stage of modelling would be six months to a year. Questions such as economic viability of options would be considered during this phase. Recommendations That the Zone Committee considers the above updates, participates in a workshop session with the modelling team and provides ECan staff with requests for further information and/or feedback on further work, OOP Zone Committee involvement etc. 9 June 2014 #879974 2 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee ORARI-OPIHI-PAREORA WATER ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE MEETING OF 9 JUNE 2014 Report for Agenda Item No 5 Prepared by Joanne Brownie Secretary Confirmation of Minutes – Committee Meeting 7 April 2014 ___________________________ Minutes of the April Committee meeting. Recommendation That the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 7 April 2014, be confirmed as a true and correct record. 9 June 2014 #879974 3 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee ORARI-OPIHI-PAREORA ZONE WATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE ORARI-OPIHI-PAREORA ZONE WATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD IN THE MEETING ROOM, FISH AND GAME OFFICES, RICHARD PEARSE DRIVE, TEMUKA ON MONDAY 7 APRIL 2014 AT 1PM PRESENT Dermott O’Sullivan (Chairman), Kylee Galbraith, David Henshaw, Tom Lambie, Richard Lyon, Mokai Reihana, Ad Sintenie, John Talbot, Mark Webb and Evan Williams APOLOGY Tony Howey IN ATTENDANCE Barbara Nicholas (OOP facilitator), Hannah Leppard (Land Management Advisor ECan), Katherine Trought (Director Communications), Dennis Jamieson (Project Leader Infrastructure), Emma Coleman (Biodiversity officer), Jo Abbott, Duncan Grey, Zella Smith (Team Leader Consents and Planning) 1 KARAKIA Mokai Reihana offered a karakia at the commencement of the meeting. 2 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Proposed Mark Webb Seconded Ad Sintenie “That the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 4 March 2014 be confirmed as a true and correct record.” MOTION CARRIED 3 CONSENTS UPDATE The Committee considered a report by the Team Leader Consents Planning providing an update on consent activity in the zone. In regard to the application for consent to re-route a farm track in the Orari Gorge, Zella Smith further explained ECan’s consent notification process and the assessment of the success or failure of consent conditions – particular care will be taken as to how this one proceeds. It was pointed out that this consent is designed to improve the track, with all parties holding a meeting to work towards the best solution. In regard to the Canterbury Biodiversity Strategy, Zella explained that this is a non statutory document which does not have rules, policies or objectives that ECan can enforce, but is more a guideline. Consents are dealt with through the Regional Policy Plan and territorial local authorities’ District Plans. The Committee commented that biodiversity should be more prominent in the decision making process, not only for the larger projects but also for change of land use. People need to be encouraged to do more on their properties. 9 June 2014 #879974 4 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee It was noted that the OOP ZIP seeks biodiversity to be part of the considerations but it would be advisable for OOP to ask that the consent process include requirements relating to biodiversity values, to be in the sub regional plan. 4 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT GROUP QUARTERLY UPDATE The Committee received a presentation from Jo Abbott, Team Leader Biodiversity and Duncan Grey Senior Ecology Scientist; Surface Water, on biodiversity protection and restoration in the OOP zone. The biodiversity team works closely with other teams on where projects need to be carried out. Projects by type and by activity were highlighted, examples illustrated and communication tools such as the website, newsletter, and biodiversity trail were explained. It was noted that the Immediate Steps programme is currently under review. The Committee commented that OOP’s main thrust is with the catchment groups and these groups could identify important opportunities in each catchment, then develop a vision and a plan. It was noted that at the moment there is a reliance on willing landowners, which is something the OOP Committee could concentrate on. Emma Coleman, Biodiversity Officer then gave a brief presentation on progress with projects in the zone. It was suggested that communities could be encouraged to be more involved in planting and also weed control afterwards, to ensure the success of projects. 5 WORKING GROUP UPDATE - BIODIVERSITY John Talbot gave an update on the biodiversity working group and made a request for ECan to undertake a mapping exercise to bring together biodiversity information held by all agencies – Dept of Conservation and local authorities for example, to create an integrated picture for the zone. The aim would be to create a comprehensive picture, with biodiversity part of that picture and enabling biodiversity opportunities to be identified from the map, with the ability to more easily create potential linkages. Jo Abbott advised that similar work is well established in Britain and some work has been done in Wellington. There may already be a lot of information available for the local map. Biodiversity needs to be integrated with other factors such as water quantity and quality, pest control, development, nitrate leaching etc and biodiversity needs to be integrated into the planning process at local, zone and regional level. At a local level it is easier to do ‘opportunity mapping’ with a willing farmer and at regional level it is mostly dealing with public land, however at zone level where there is a mix of private and public land, it can be more difficult. A two pronged approach is being proposed – Information held by agencies such as the QE II Trust, DOC, Councils etc, can be made available for a strategic zone overview. At farm level, opportunities can be mapped and integrated with farm environment plans. This could also work for water user groups and catchment groups, enabling people involved in those groups to identify opportunities. (Although it was pointed out that some people can be wary at having areas of their properties identified on a map.) Proposed John Talbot Seconded Mark Webb 9 June 2014 #879974 5 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee “a b That the Committee notes the work underway, and supports the ongoing directions; and Requests ECan to undertake a mapping exercise to bring together biodiversity information held by all agencies (DOC, Council, LINZ, QEII, ECan etc) to create an integrated picture for the OOP Zone.” MOTION CARRIED 6 INFRASTRUCTURE The Committee considered a report by Matthew Ross (Regional Committee Facilitator) and Dennis Jamieson (Project Leader Infrastructure) on the Regional Committee’s engagement with zone committees regarding the project to transfer water from Lake Tekapo into South Canterbury (including water for hydropower and irrigation). The Regional Committee is to visit the study area in May to consider the project report findings. The full Regional Committee will consider feedback from the Regional Infrastructure Working Group in June. There is an opportunity for zone committees to discuss the study report then contribute to the regional discussion. 7 UPDATE OF OOP INFRASTRUCTURE INITIATIVES The Committee considered a report by Dennis Jamieson and Brett Painter providing an update on infrastructure initiatives potentially relevant to the OOP zone and with reference to the OOP ZIP, including potential water supplies from the north, south and west. It was suggested that the OOP Committee needs to know how much water is available and what it would cost, especially given that Timaru District Council will have to make a decision in regard to its public water supply by December 2014. 8 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT GROUP QUARTERLY UPDATE (cont’d) Hannah Leppard briefly spoke to her report on the catchment groups progress. 9 WORKING GROUP UPDATES – Action on the Ground A successful workshop was held with industry on 28 March. It was agreed that the group now needs to take those parties forward and meet with them on a regular basis. It was suggested that LINZ also be involved, and this will be followed up. Community Engagement The Committee considered a report by Gerald Raymond and Katherine Trought (Director Communications) on a communication and engagement programme for 2014. The programme met with general agreement, with the added suggestion that the agendas for the OOP meetings be forwarded to Federated Farmers to circulate amongst its members, and the meetings to be advertised in farming publications in order to encourage attendance by members of the farming community. 10 ELECTION OF REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE The Committee considered a report by Barbara Nicholas on the appointment of a Regional Committee representative. Proposed David Henshaw Seconded Kylee Galbraith 9 June 2014 #879974 6 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee “That John Talbot be appointed as the OOP Committee representative to the Regional Committee.” There being no further nominations the motion was put and CARRIED and John Talbot was declared the Regional Committee representative. 11 FACILITATOR’S UPDATE Treaty of Waitangi Training Workshop A workshop on the Treaty of Waitangi is being run on April 15 and 16 for anyone on the committee who is interested. Visit to Ngai Tahu Farms Following the visit by Sir Mark Solomon a trip has been arranged to Ngai Tahu farms in Waimakariri on Monday 5 May, which is the same day as the OOP Committee monthly meeting. It was suggested that the visit should be made available to a wider group than just the committee. It was agreed that catchment group leaders could also be invited. Urban Waterways Barbara Nicholas advised that as requested she has met with TDC staff to discuss opportunities for contributing to the health of urban water ways. Arising from these conversations, it is proposed to hold discussions with the Department of Conservation, LINZ, Timaru District Council, ECan, land management advisors and the local Runanga around opportunities for upgrading the Washdyke lagoon. The meeting concluded at 4pm. ________________ Chairman 9 June 2014 #879974 7 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee ORARI-OPIHI-PAREORA ZONE WATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE MEETING OF 9 JUNE 2014 Agenda Item No 6 Prepared by Barbara Nicholas, Environment Canterbury Reflections on Tekapo Transfer economics report _______________________________ Purpose To reflect on the outcomes of the Tekapo Transfer report (May 2014). Background The Zone committee received a briefing on the Tekapo Transfer Review 2014 at a meeting on 12 May 2014, at the Mackenzie District Council offices in Fairlie. This meeting was hosted by the regional committee of the CWMS, and was also attended by some members of the Upper and Lower Waitaki zone committees. The OOP chair and the convener of the water resources working group also attended a field trip with the regional committee immediately prior to the briefing. There will be an opportunity to reflect on the report, informed by further thinking of the water resources working group. Dennis Jamieson will be present to respond to further questions and suggestions to progress work to improve water supply in the zone. 9 June 2014 #879974 8 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee ORARI-OPIHI-PAREORA ZONE WATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM MEMO TO: Orari-Opihi-Pareora zone committee DATE: 9 June 2014 SUBJECT: Landcare Trust Catchment Improvement Project the in the Opihi Phil Keen has provided the following update on the confirmation of the Sustainable Farming Funded Catchment Improvement Project. Attached is a summary of the application setting out the three year programme and associated milestones. All cash funders have re affirmed their contributions ( NZLT, Rabobank, DINZ) and the CEO of Mackenzie District Council has a submission in to the current annual planning process to support the project and the results of this should be known mid June. All in kind funders have been contacted and are ‘on board’ I have had discussions with reps for another MPI/SFF approved project on Sustainable Dairy Grazing which will be Central Otago based (strongly supported by Beef+Lamb and DairyNZ) and agreed to collaborate / share information for mutual / maximising benefits to both projects. I have provided feedback and confirmations of information requested by MPI/ SFF and await their advice to complete contract process. Their target date for this is 14 June. So as to not complicate the contracting process I would prefer to work in any possible cash contribution from MDC as well as the timing and format of community catchment workshops/ master class post contract and after we have had a collective opportunity to discuss the timing and content of this component based on catchment group development and what are the ‘needs’. I will update you on the contracting process as it evolves and look forward to the meeting on 7 July”. 9 June 2014 #879974 9 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee WOW- Opihi General description of Deliverables Coordination of 5 farmer catchment groups, and their wider communities, to develop widespread understanding and ownership of water and nutrient management problems and solutions. Strengthening of relationships will occur between the stakeholders through community events, meetings workshops, focus groups and field days. Use a variety of communication methods to engage the community to develop solutions to use water more efficiently. Look at options for the use of new water to improve water quality, water reliability, and increase the area under irrigation. Provide coordination and support for the delivery of Farm Environment Plan (FEP) workshops (up to 10 per annum). These FEP workshops will take farmers through a process of problem awareness and acceptance and environmental risk identification at both a catchment and property level. Build capacity and capability within the community by delivering a master class in community-led catchment management and foster farmer leadership within the catchment groups. Review SFF projects, Pastoral 21 and other current research on winter management and good practices to reduce nutrient losses to identify new, innovative approaches for the project's catchment groups to adopt. Farmers will identify on-farm good management practice (GMP) and solutions tailored to each sub-catchment/group with a focus on water quality, water use efficiency and winter management to reduce property and catchment risks. The ADOPT tool will be used to prioritise GMPs. Provide a targeted extension programme for on-farm GMP adoption through case studies and practical workshops and field days. o o o Demonstrate how improved catchment and farm management can reduce N, P and soil sediment in the rivers and improve ground water quality. Increase farmer understanding around nutrient management, why it is important and its value for the farming business Show case farms using best management practices or innovative approaches Resources developed will include fact sheets on winter crop management, reducing sediment in streams, nitrogen mitigation strategies, and approaches to improving water use efficiency Build capacity and capability within the community by delivering a master-class in community-led catchment management and foster farmer leadership within the catchment groups. 9 June 2014 #879974 The project will trial ADOPT, an Australia model designed to enhance the uptake of good management practices. This free and easy to use software helps to identify what practices, tools and innovations are going to have highest uptake so therefore prioritises the extension activities for farmers. This tool has the potential to assist in achieving better adoption within SFF 10 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee projects, and other sustainable land management initiatives. The tool will be evaluated by the project team to determine its usefulness. The project will extend key messages from new research on winter management developed under Pastoral 21 and Southern Wintering Systems (DairyNZ) due to be completed in 2014/2015. These new research solutions will be included in on-farm demonstration field days and workshops focused on supporting improved management of winter feed crops. This extension programme will deliver catchment management and Good Management Practice training to farmers in the 5 catchment groups. This will involve taking farmers through a process of problem awareness and acceptance; environmental risk identification at both a catchment and individual property level; individual property planning and finally implementing good practice. Good Management Practices and solutions to reduce the environmental risks will be identified by farmer/catchment groups and uptake supported by a wide range of industry organisations. 3 year Programme Year 1 1. Project Governance and Collaborative Approach a. Confirm project collaborative governance (through the OOP Zone Committee ). b. Provide support and coordinate for the 5 catchment groups and the wider community networks c. Develop a Communication Strategy and Extension Plan. Identify Communication and Social opportunities to achieve extension of good practice. Use a variety of communication methods including workshops, newsletter, local newspapers, social media Milestone Number M-000323 Milestone Description Project governance and collaborative approach Activities Undertaken Confirm collaborative governance structure. Establish terms of reference for Project's steering group. Establish a coordinated approach across farmer groups. Develop Project Communication Plan Prepare a Project newsletter. Establish Project stakeholder database Deliverables/Eviden Project steering group meeting held. Terms of Reference for project governance completed. Meetings to establish 9 June 2014 #879974 11 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee ce of Completion coordinated catchment groups completed and recorded. Project Communication Plan and website prepared. First newsletter sent. Project stakeholder database established. Due Date MPI Amount Non-MPI Cash In Kind Contrib Total 31/12/201 4 $27,580.00 $5,000.00 $15,640.00 $48,220.00 2. Good Management Practice a. Literature review and research review of SFF projects, Pastoral 21 and other current research on winter management and good management practices to reduce nutrient losses to identify new, innovative approaches for the project/catchment area. b. Farmers identify on-farm GMPs and solutions tailored to each subcatchment/group with a focus on nutrient management, water use efficiency and winter management c. Establish a tool kit of GMPs d. Pilot the use of ADOPT to prioritise and enhance adoption of practices identified. The ADOPT tool helps to identify practices that are most likely to be taken up and considers cost, risk, ease of application etc. e. Set up a monitoring and evaluation process so farmer learning and project outcomes can be evaluated in year 3 of the project. Milestone Number M-000337 Milestone Description Identify good management practices Activities Undertaken Literature and research review of GMPs. Field days held to discuss practical GMPs tailored to the group's needs. Establish a tool kit of GMPs. ADOPT tool trialled. Set up a monitoring and evaluation process of project Deliverables/Eviden ce of Completion GMPs toolkit completed. 2 farmer field days completed and notes prepared on new or additional farmer-identified GMPs compiled. ADOPT tool trialled and short report prepared on its utility within the project. 9 June 2014 #879974 Due Date MPI Amount Non-MPI Cash In Kind Total Contrib 31/03/201 5 $18,260.00 $5,000.00 $12,420.00 12 $35,680.00 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee 3. Build Capability Within the Community: a. Deliver a masterclass on community-led catchment management. b. Coordinate and support the delivery of Farm Environment Plan (FEP) workshops. This will involve taking farmers through a process of problem awareness and acceptance; environmental risk identification at both a catchment and individual property level; and individual property planning. (up to 10 FEP workshops will be delivered.) Milestone Number M-000324 Milestone Description Building Capability in the community Activities Undertaken Deliver a masterclass on community-led catchment management. Coordinate and support the delivery of Farm Environment Plan (FEP) workshops Deliverables/Eviden ce of Completion Catchment management masterclass completed and reported. 3 fact sheet case studies distributed to project stakeholder network. Minutes of steering group meetings recorded. Project website updated. Due Date MPI Amount Non-MPI Cash In Kind Total Contrib 30/06/201 5 $27,460.00 $5,000.00 $29,157.00 $61,617.00 Year 2 4. Winter Management a. Set up a on farm demonstration of good practices for winter feed crops (2 locations) b. Provide demonstration days on 2 sites (upper & lower catchment) on winter crop management (kale or fodder beet) to reduce nitrogen leaching. Present key messages from Pastoral 21 research and other research. Provide Overseer modelling and scenarios for each demonstration site to extend options to reduce N leaching. c. Develop fact sheets resource on GMPs for winter crop management Milestone Number M-000338 Milestone Description Winter Management Activities Undertaken Set up on-farm demonstration sites in 2 locations across the catchment of GMPs for winter feed crops. Undertake 2 demonstration site field days to showcase GMPs for winter crop management to reduce nitrogen leaching. Prepare a fact 9 June 2014 #879974 13 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee sheet resource on GMPs Deliverables/Eviden ce of Completion Demonstration sites prepared and 2 field days undertaken. Winter crop management GMP factsheet distributed to stakeholder network. Second Project newsletter distributed. Due Date MPI Amount Non-MPI Cash In Kind Contrib Total 30/09/201 5 $15,820.00 $5,000.00 $14,960.00 $35,780.00 5. GMP Extension and Adoption a. Increase farmer understanding around sediment and nutrient management and water use efficiency b Show case farms using good management practices c. Deliver 5 GMP field days or workshops (one in each catchment group area) across the catchment d. Prepare 3 GMP factsheets on sediment management, nutrient management and water use efficiency e. Coordinate and support the delivery of Farm Environment Plan (FEP) workshops. This will involve taking farmers through a process of problem awareness and acceptance; environmental risk identification at both a catchment and individual property level; and individual property planning. (up to 10 FEP workshops will be delivered) f. Review the use of the ADOPT tool to support GMP uptake and adoption Milestone Number M-000339 Milestone Description GMP Extension and Adoption Activities Undertaken Deliver extension programme on GMPs using workshops, field days and factsheets. GMPs will focus on sediment management, nutrient management and water use efficiency. Review the use of the ADOPT tool to support GMP uptake and adoption. Deliverables/Eviden ce of Completion 5 GMP field days or workshops held and notes on each event posted on project website. 3 GMP factsheets.. Report prepared on efficacy of ADOPT tool. Due Date MPI Amount Non-MPI Cash In Kind Total Contrib 30/04/201 6 $46,130.00 $8,000.00 $35,613.00 $89,743.00 9 June 2014 #879974 14 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee 6. Community Solutions for New Water a. Host workshop focused on developing solutions to use water more efficiently and options for the use of new water. b. Use a variety of communication methods including project newsletter, local newspapers, social media to engage the community to develop solutions to use water more efficiently & options for new water Milestone Number M-000340 Milestone Description Community Solutions for New Water Activities Undertaken Host 2 workshops focused on developing solutions to use water more efficiently and options for the use of new water Deliverables/Eviden ce of Completion 2 Workshops on community solutions for water efficiency and new water use completed. Notes on the project website. Minutes of steering group meetings recorded. Project website updated Due Date MPI Amount Non-MPI Cash In Kind Total Contrib 30/06/201 6 $8,500.00 $10,000.00 $24,480.00 $42,980.00 Year 3 7. GMP Extension and Adoption Continued a. Continue to deliver extension programme on GMPs using workshops and field days b. Deliver 5 GMP field days or workshops (one in each catchment group area) across the catchment c. Coordinate and support the delivery of Farm Environment Plan (FEP) workshops. This will involve taking farmers through a process of problem awareness and acceptance; environmental risk identification at both a catchment and individual property level; and individual property planning. (up to 10 FEP workshops will be delivered) Milestone Number M-000344 Milestone Description GMP Extension and Adoption Continued Activities Undertaken 5 GMP field days/ workshops, one per catchment; coordinate and support the delivery of up to 10 FEP workshops. Deliverables/Eviden ce of Completion Notes / photos of events on project website on the project website. Minutes of steering group meetings recorded and Project website updated 9 June 2014 #879974 15 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee Due Date MPI Amount Non-MPI Cash In Kind Contrib Total 31/12/201 6 $26,800.00 $3,000.00 $36,553.00 $66,353.00 8. National Showcase of GMPs a. Deliver a national workshop on learnings and key messages from GMP adoption in this project. The workshop will showcase successful case studies of GMP adoption across sediment and nutrient management, winter crop management and water use efficiency. Participants in other catchment groups, SFF projects and research programmes across NZ will be encouraged to attend and share experiences in delivering sustainable land and water outcomes. b. Evaluate the effectiveness of the project - what have stakeholders learnt, changes in decision making, what actions have changes as a result of the the GMP extension plus the FEPs. The findings will be included in the national workshop. Milestone Number M-000345 Milestone Description National showcase of GMPs Activities Undertaken Deliver a national workshop on learnings and key messages from GMP and FEP adoption Deliverables/Eviden ce of Completion National showcase of GMPs delivered. A report on the national workshop will be prepared and uploaded on to the project website. Due Date MPI Amount Non-MPI Cash In Kind Contrib Total 30/03/201 7 $29,240.00 $5,000.00 $13,610.00 $47,850.00 9. Sharing the Knowledge a. Prepare end of project report detailing the learnings and outcomes of the project. This will include an in-depth review of the use of the ADOPT tool to support GMP uptake and adoption. b. Prepare a summary factsheet based on the final report and distribute nationally through project partner networks. Milestone Number M-000346 Milestone Description Sharing the knowledge Activities Undertaken Prepare end of project report detailing the learnings and outcomes of the project, include an in-depth review the use of 9 June 2014 #879974 16 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee the ADOPT tool to support GMP uptake and adoption. A summary factsheet based on the report prepared and distributed nationally through project partner networks. Deliverables/Eviden ce of Completion 9 June 2014 #879974 End of project report prepared. Summary factsheet on key project outcomes prepared and distributed. Media articles on project successes and findings prepared and distributed through media networks. Project website updated. Due Date MPI Amount Non-MPI Cash In Kind Contrib Total 30/06/201 7 $28,480.00 $5,000.00 $5,126.00 $38,606.00 17 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee ORARI-OPIHI-PAREORA ZONE WATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE MEETING OF 9 JUNE 2014 Report for Agenda Item No 7c Prepared by Hannah Leppard (Land Management Advisor, Environment Canterbury) OOP Zone Committee Meeting – Land Management Advisor update _______________________________ Purpose of Report This report is an update on catchment group development and other initiatives for the period April – May 2014. Opihi Catchment Barkers Creek A field trip was held on the 28 May. The field trip looked at three sites – from the Upper down to the Lower Catchment (Barkers Creek – Waihi River confluence). The field trip was a follow up from the meeting held in April at which the results from the recent Barkers Creek surface water quality monitoring programme were presented. The field trip looked at the various land uses, issues and opportunities in the catchment. Lee Burbery (Senior Groundwater Scientist) was also in attendance to provide background information on potential mitigation measures e.g. Bioreactors. Next steps: Following up on information requests and provide further support around the Land and Water Regional Plan requirements and implications Te Ngawai The first Te Ngawai Catchment meeting was held on the 19 May at the Cave Hall. A surface water quality presentation was delivered and a Te Ngawai Steering Group was confirmed. The Te Ngawai catchment will also be extended to include Totara Valley. Next steps: Scoping exercise – to ensure all landowners are informed of group, building of local knowledge and identification of critical source areas in the catchments Kakahu Next steps: The next meeting is scheduled for the 16 June at the St Johns Room – Geraldine at 7pm The focus of the meeting will be on identifying critical source areas in the catchment and collating existing water quality monitoring information to inform 9 June 2014 #879974 18 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee the development of a potential water quality monitoring programme for the Kakahu All Catchment Groups - planning and development The Orari-Opihi-Pareora Project Schedule is due to be drafted. The Project Schedule sets out how Environment Canterbury will implement the Land Use, Water Quality and Biodiversity components of the Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Implementation Programme (ZIP) for June 2014-2015. 9 June 2014 #879974 19 Orari-Opihi-Pareora Zone Management Committee