Dr. Ramesh S. Paranjape Designation

Name : Dr. Ramesh S. Paranjape Designation : Director and Scientist ‘G’ Date of Birth : 20/10/1952 Department : Immunology Email Address : rparanjape@nariindia.org, director@nariindia.org Educational Qualification Degree Ph.D. : Year Institute / University 1982 University of Madras M.Sc. (Medical Microbiology) 1975 B.Sc. (Zoology) 1972 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi Fergusson College, Pune University Areas of Interest: HIV and STI Prevention: Vaccine Immunopathogenesis of HIV infection HIV drug resistance Diagnosis of HIV infection and assays for monitoring the response to ARV treatment Research Experience: I have spent over 38 years in the research on Infectious diseases. During this period I had an opportunity to work in two ICMR Institutes, National Institute for Tuberculosis Research, from 1976 to 1993 and National AIDS Research Institute from 1993 onwards. Early during the career I worked on immune responses in Human filariasis. The work resulted in identifying allergic response to filarial antigens as an etiology of tropical pulmonary eosinophilia. A circulating filarial antigen was identified and purified; and a monoclonal antibody based assay was developed for the detection of filarial antigen. After a short time spent in understanding immune responses in tuberculosis patients I have spent last two decades in HIV research. Establishing the specialty laboratories and a team of multi‐disciplinary research scientists was priority to kick start the activities of this new Institutes. Besides supporting various Institutional activities I personally developed immunology programme, vaccine research programme and anti‐HIV drug development programme at NARI. In the last decade and a half I provided the leadership for the Institute. During this period the Institute assumed leadership in a number of research areas such as clinical research for HIV prevention and treatment, women controlled methods for HIV prevention, HIV and HPV infection, HIV and TB co‐infections, HIV biology, HIV drug resistance testing etc. During this period NARI has forged a close alliance with National AIDS Control Programme and NARI plays a major role in quality control and surveillance studies besides involving in human resource development, developing guidelines and manuals and providing technical inputs. As the Director of NARI, I have been instrumental in promoting research in different areas for prevention of HIV, treatment and care of HIV infected and HIV biology. The Institute established a large number of collaborations, both nationally and internationally during my two decades at NARI. I also promoted close linkages between NARI and National AIDS Control Programme. Tuberculosis Research Center, Madras • Asst Research Officer (March 1976 to October 1980) • Research Officer (October 1980 to July 1983) • Senior Research Officer (July 1983 to June 1990) • Assistant Director (July 1990 to May 1993) National AIDS Research Institute, Pune • Assistant Director (June 1993‐ June 1995) • Deputy Director (June 1995 to October 1998) • Officer in Charge (October 1998 to March 2006) • Director ( March 2006 to till date) Awards & Honors: 1.
Recipient of the Certificate of Merit and the recipient of National Science Talent Scholarship, From year 1969 to 1975. 2. Fogarty Fellowship: July 1983‐August 1984 at Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, U.S.A. July 1994‐May 1995 at the Division of Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A. 3. WHO Fellowship to strengthen Human Resource development in thrust areas of Medical Research under ICMR relevant to India April 1990‐July 1990 at Department of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, U.S.A. 4. Received “Dr. Sahib Singh Sokhey Memorial Oration Award” instituted by Haffkine Institute , Mumbai on 13th January 2012. 5. I was awarded 2011 Society of Applied Biotechnology Honorary Fellowship on 24th February 2012. 6. Distinguished Lecturer award by Signature Interdisciplinary Programme in Allergy, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA. 7. Life member of the Indian Immunology Society. 8. Fellow, Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, Pune Membership of Committees: 1. Member and Asia‐Pacific Scientific Partner of the Conference Coordinating Committee for International AIDS conference: AIDS 2014 2. National AIDS Control Organization’s Technical Resource Group on Research and Development on HIV and AIDS. 3.
National AIDS Control Organization’s Core committee for Feasibility study for AZT prophylaxis for prevention of Mother to Child transmission of HIV. Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of Regional Medical Research Center, NE Region (ICMR), Dibrugarh, National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai and National Institute of Medical Statistics, New Delhi. H.E. Governor of Maharashtra’s Apex Committee on HIV and AIDS. Member of the Armed Forces Medical Research Committee. Member of National Advisory Board on HIV Vaccine Development and related issues. Chairman of the Ethics Committee of National Center for Cell Sciences, Pune. Member of the Advisory Committee of Pathway Project, Pune. Member of Dept of Biotechnology Task Force on Biology of Infectious Diseases. Member of the National AIDS Control Organization’s Technical Resource Group on Laboratory services. Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of National Institute of Medical Statistics, New Delhi Member of the Finance Committee of National Center for Cell Sciences. Member of Planning Committee, Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nasik. Member of the State Level Steering Committee of Maharashtra State Horticulture and Medicinal Plants Board. 16. Member of Technical Advisory Group and Ethics Committee of Pathfinder International Mukta Project, Pune. 17. Member of the DST Task Force Committee on Condoms. 18. Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for ICMR Advanced Centre for Pediatric Primary Immune Disorder of PGIMER, Chandigarh. 19. Member of the Conference Coordinating Committee of the International AIDS Society’s World AIDS Conference at Melbourne in July 2014. 20. Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of National Institute of Biologicals, NOIDA. 21. Director, WHO Collaborating Center on HIV diagnosis and monitoring of anti‐retroviral treatment. 22. Member, Indo‐US Joint Working Group on HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections. 23. Member, Project Advisory Committee, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai 24. Member, India Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) of the Global Fund 25. Member, Research Advisory Council, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune 26. Member, National PPTCT‐NRHM Coordination Committee, Dept of AIDS Control 27. Member, Monitoring Committee for ICMR Task Force Project National Hospital Based Surveillance Network 28. Member, ICMR Task Force on Translation a Immunology Academic: • Recognized as guide for M.Sc. and Ph D studies By Pune University and Symbiosis International University. Guided 10 Ph.D. students. • Have been examiner for Ph. D. candidates for Mumbai University, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University • Chief Editor of the open access journal, Journal Of Global Infectious Diseases • Reviewer of manuscripts for a number of journals • WHO temporary advisor on a number of occasions. List of Major Research Projects as Principal Investigator: 1. RO1 Grant – Pathogenesis of Acute Infection in India 1998‐2001 NIAID/NIH 2. HIV Vaccine Trial Network 2000‐2005 NIAID/NIH 3. HIV Vaccine Trials 2004‐2010 International AIDS Vaccine Initiative 4. Mapping, Size Estimation and Integrated Bio‐Behavioral Assessment (IBBA) in High HIV Prevalence Settings in India. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation / Family Health International / National AIDS Control Organization. 2005‐2013 5. Evidence for Action 2006‐2011 DFID 6. Molecular epidemiology/HIV/STD patients/IVDUs/India 2007‐2008 NIAID/NIH 7. Global HIV/AIDS Vaccine Enterprises (GHAVE) 2008‐2009 Duke University [Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation] 2007‐2009 8. Full length Genome Analysis of HIV‐1 isolates from India Department of Biotechnology, Government of India Total Publications: 158 Ph.D. Fellows: 4 List of Publications: 1.
Paranjape, R., A. Sen and A. Das Gupta (1976). An attempt to characterize antigens from adult rat filaria. Aspects of Allergy and Applied Immunology, 9:93‐95. Ottesen, E.A., F.A. Neva, R.S. Paranjape, S.P. Tripathy, K.V. Thiruvengadam and M.A. Beaver (1979). Specific allergic sensitization to filarial antigens in tropical eosinophilia syndrome. Lancet, 1:1158. Ramesh Paranjape (1981). Immune response in human filariasis. Ph.D. Thesis submitted to University of Madras. Ottensen, E.A., V.Kumaraswami, Ramesh Paranjape, R.W. Pointdexter and S.P. Tripathy (1981). Naturally occurring blocking antibodies modulate immediate hypersensitivity responses in human filariasis Journal of Immunology, 127(5): 2014‐2020. Paranjape, R.S., R.Hussain, T.Nutman and E.Ottesen (1984). Detection of High Molecular weight circulating parasite antigen in Bancroftian filariasis. Federation Proceedings, 43(6) Abstract No. 578. Ramesh S. Paranjape, Kumaraswami, V., Prabhakar, S. Subramanian and P.R. Narayanan(1985). Anti‐filarial IgG antibodies in patients with Bancroftian filariasis and tropical pulmonary eosinophilia. Indian J. Exp. Biology, 23: 676‐678. Ramesh S. Paranjape, Kumaraswami, V., Prabhakar, R. and Narayanan, P.R.(1985). Increased serum level of antifilarial IgA antibodies in Patients with Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia. Lung India III(1): 27‐29. Ramesh S. Paranjape, Rabin Hussain, Thomas B. Nutman, Robert Hamilton and Eric A. Ottesen (1986). Identification of circulating parasite antigen in patients with bancroftian filariasis. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 63: 508‐516. Ramesh S. Paranjape, Acharyulu, G.S., Krishnamurthy, P.V., Padma R. (1986). Cell mediated immunity in children with tuberculous meningitis. Indian Paediatrics, 123: 127‐134. Narayanan, P.R. and Paranjape, R.S. (1986). Detection of circulating filarial antigen. Annals of the Nat. Aca. Med. Sci., 21:168‐172. Renu B. Lal, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Briles, D. E., Nutman, T.B. Eric A. Ottesen. (1987). Circulating parasite antigen(s) in lymphatic filariasis: Use of monoclonal antibodies to phosphocholine for immunodiagnosis. Journal of Immunology, 138: 3454‐3460. Milford N. Lunde, Ramesh Paranjape, Thomas J. Lawley and Eric A. Ottesen (1987). Filarial antigen in circulating immune complexes from patients with Wuchereria bancrofti filariasis. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 38(2): 366‐371. Paranjape, R.S., Ravoof, A., Acharyulu, G.S., Krishnamurthy, P.V., Tripathy, S.P., Narayanan, P.R., and Prabhakar, R. (1988). Cell mediated immune response in South Indian pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis, 35: 163‐170. Robert S. Wallis, Ramesh Paranjape and Manijeh Phillips(1993) 'Identification of Two‐Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis of a 58 Kilodalton TNF inducing protein of M. Tuberculosis' Infection and Immunity 61(2), PP: 627‐632. 15.
R. Paranjape (1990) 'Immunodiagnosis in Tuberculosis' Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 41(3): PP 366.
JeanetteJ.Rodrigues,S.M.Mehendale,M.E.Shepherd,A.D.divekar,R.R.Gangakhedar, T.C.Quinn, R.S.Paranjape, A.R.Risbud, R.S.Brookmeyer, D.A.Gadkari, M.R.Gokhale, A.M.Rompalo, S.G.Deshpande, M.M.Khaladkar, N.Mawar and R.C.Bollinger, "Risk factors for HIV infection in People attending clinics for sexually transmitted diseases in India" British Medical Journal, 311, pp 283‐286 (1995). Sanjay M. Mehendale, J.J.Rodrigues, R.S.Brookmeyer, R.R.Gangakhedkar, A.D.Divekar, M.R.Gokhale, A.R.Risbud, R.S.Paranjape, M.E.Shepherd, A.E.Rompalo, R.R.Sule,S.N.Tolat, V.D.Jadhav, T.C.Quinn and R.C.Bollinger "HIV‐1 incidence and predictors of seroconversion in patients attending sexually transmitted diseases clinics in India" Journal of Infec Dis 1995;172:1486‐91. Ramesh S. Paranjape, S.S.Kulkarni, Sumit Chanda, S.M.Mehendale,
S.S.Jawadekar, A.K.Pratinidhi and J.J.Rodrigues. "Evaluation of algorithms of anti‐HIV antibody tests ( without western blot) on sera from long distance truck drivers",Indian Journal Of Community Medicine;XXII:54‐57. Bollinger R., T. Quinn, J. Rodrigues, S. Mehendale, R. Brookmeyer, A. Risbud, R. Gangakhedkar, A. Divekar, M. Shepherd, R. Paranjape. “HIV sero‐incidence and risk factors for seroconversion in patients attending STD clinics in Pune, India.” AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 1995:11; S173. Abstract No. 258B. Mehendale SM, Shepherd ME, Divekar AD, Gangakhedkar RR, Kamble SJ, Menon PA, Yadav R, Risbud AR, Paranjape RS, Gadkari DA, Quinn TC, Bollinger RC and Rodrigues JJ.“ Evidence for high prevalence and rapid transmission of HIV among individuals attending STD clinics in Pune, India.” IJMR 1996;104:327‐335. R.S. Paranjape. “Immunologic Responses in HIV Infection” Proceedings of National Conference on HIV/AIDS Medicine, Poona Medical Research Foundation and National AIDS Research Institute, Pune. November 23‐
24,1997. Robert C. Bollinger, Ronald S. Brookmeyer, Sanjay M. Mehendale, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Mary E. Shepherd, Deepak A. Gadkari and Thomas C. Quinn“Risk factors and clinical presentation of acute primary human immunodeficiency virus infection in India”. JAMA 1997;278:2085‐2092. “Cross‐reactive HIV‐1‐specific CTL in Recent Seroconverters from Pune, India”. Ramesh S. Paranjape, Deepak A. Gadkari, Michel Lubaki, Thoma C. Quinn and Robert C. Bollinger, Indian J Med Res 1998; 108:35‐41. Paranjape R.S., Tripathy S.P., Menon P.A., Mehendale S.M., Khatavkar, P, Joshi P.D., PatilU, Gadkari D.A. and Rodrigues J.J.“Increasing trend of HIV seroprevalence among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Pune, India.”Indian J Med Res 1997;106:207‐211. Lole Kavita S, Bollinger RC, Paranjape RS, Gadkari D, Kulkarni SS, Novac NG, Ingersoll R, Sheppard H and Ray SC.“ Full Length Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Genomes from Subtype C‐Infected Seroconverters in India, with Evidence of Intersubtype Recombination.”J Virol 1999;73. Paranjape R.S.“HIV vaccine development: An Overview”AIDS Research and Reviews 1999; 2:19‐24.
Kulkarni Smita S, Tripathy S, Paranjape RS, Mani NS, Joshi DR, Patil U and Gadkari DA. “Isolation and preliminary characterization of two HIV‐2 strains from India”. Ind J Med Res 1999;109:123‐
130. Thakar M.R., Ghate M.V. and Paranjape R.S. “Collection of Blood on Filter Paper; Stability and validation Study for HIV Serology” Indian Journal of Community Medicine. 2000;XXV:184‐187. 29.
Tripathy S, Menon P, Joshi DR, Patil U, Gadkari DA and Paranjape RS. “Lymphocyte subpopulations in HIV seropositive and HIV seronegative tuberculosis patients in Pune, India ” Ind J Med Res 2000;111:195‐198 “HIV seroprevalence and awareness about AIDS among pregnant women in rural areas of Pune District of Maharashtra”. Kunte A, Misra V, Paranjape R, Mansukhani N, Padbidri V, Gojrani S, Kakrani V, Thakar M and Mehendale S. Ind J Med Res 1999; 110:115‐122. Senthil Kumar K.S., Alamelu Raja, Uma Devi K.R. and Paranjape R.S. “Production and Characterization of monoclonal antibodies to Mycobacterium tuberculosis” Ind J Med Res 2000;112:37‐46. “Direct evidence of HIV infection” in HIV Testing Manual: Laboratory Diagnosis, Biosafety and Quality Control, Publ. National AIDS Control Organization, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Immunology of HIV” in HIV/AIDS: Diagnosis and management Physician’s Handbook, Ed. Vinay Kulkarni, Publ. Prayas, Pune 4. “Chemoprophylaxix after Occupational exposure to HIV” Ghate M.V. and Paranjape R.S., AIDS Research and Review1999;2:139‐144. Quinn TC, Brookmeyer R, Kline R, Shepherd M, Paranjape R, Mehendale S,Gadkari DA, Bollinger R.C. Feasibility of Pooling Sera for HIV‐1 Viral RNA to Diagnose Acute, Primary HIV‐1 Infection and Estimate HIV‐1 Incidence.AIDS 2000, 14:2751‐2757 D. Cecilia, S.S. Kulkarni, S.P. Tripathy, R.R. Gangakhedkar, R.S. Paranjape and D.A. Gadkari.“Absence of coreceptor switch with Disease progression in Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection in India” Virology 2000;271:253‐258. M.V. Ghate, S.M. Mehendale, B.A. Mahajan, R.Yadav, R.G. Brahme, A.D. Divekar & R. S. Paranjape.“Relationship between reported clinical conditions and CD4 lymphocyte counts in HIV infected subjects in Pune, India” National Medical Journal of India. 2000;13:183‐187. S.M. Mehendale, M.E. Shepherd, R.S. Brookmeyer, R.D. Semba, R.S. Paranjape’ A.D. Divekar, R.R. Gangakhedkar, S. Joshi, A.R. Risbud, D.A. Gadkari and R.C. Bollinger. “Low Carotinoid Concentration and the Risk of HIV Seroconversion in Pune, India” JAIDS 2001;26:352‐359. Risbud AR, Mehendale SM, Basu S, Kulkarni SS, Walimbe A, Arankalle V, Gangakhedkar RR, Divekar AD, Bollinger RC, Gadkari DA and Paranjape RS. “Prevalence and Incidence of Hepatitis B virus infection in STD clinic antendees in Pune, India.”Sexually Transmitted Infections 2002; 78:169‐173. S. Tripathy, Dr Joshi, SM Mehendale, P.Menon, AN Joshi, SV Ghorpade, U Patil and RS Paranjape, “Sentinel surveillance for HIV Infectionin Tuberculosis Patients in India”Indian J Tuberculosis 2002;49:17‐20. “Sensitivity and Specificity of Rapid HIV Testing of Pregnant Women” Bhore AV, Sastry J, Patke D,Gupte N, Lele S, Karmarkar A, Bharucha KE, Shrotri A, Pisal H, Suryavanshi N, Tripathy S, Risbud AR, Paranjape RS, Shankar AV, Kshirsagar A, Phadke MA, Joshi PL, Brookmeyer RS and Bollinger RC. International Journal of STD & AIDS 2003;14:37‐41. Monika Manocha, Chitralekha K.T., Thakar M,. Paranjape R. S., Rao D.N. “Comparing modified and plain peptide linked enzyme immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of human immunodeficiency virus type‐1 (HIV‐1) and type‐2 (HIV‐2) antibodies.” Immunology Letters, 2003;85:275‐278. 43.
M.R. Thakar, D. Patke, S.K. lakashe, L. Bhonge, S.V. Kulkarni, S.P. Tripathy, N. Gupte, R. Brookmeyer, T.C. Quinn, R.S. Paranjape, R.C. Bollinger. “Consistent subtype‐specific Anti‐HIV 1 T lymphocyte Responses in Indian Subjects Recently infected with HIV‐1.” AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 2002;18:1389‐1393. Sanjay M. Mehendale, R.C. Bollinger, S.K. Kulkarni, R. Stallings, R.S. Brookmeyer, S.V. Kulkarni, A. D. Divekar, R.R. Gangakhedkar, S.N. Joshi, A.R. Risbud, M.R. Thakar, B.A. Mahajan, V.A. kale, M.V. Ghate, D.A. Gadkari, T. C. Quinn, R. S. Paranjape. “Rapid progression in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type! Infected seroconverters in India.” AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 2002;18:1175‐1179. Steven J. Reynolds, A.R. Risbud, M.E. Shephard, J.M. Zenilman, R.S. Brookmeyer, R.S. Paranjape, A.D. Divekar, R.R. Gangakhedjkar, M.V. Ghate, R.C. Bollinger and S.M. Mehendale. “Recent Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Infection and Risk of Human Immunodeficiecy Virus Type I Acquisition in India.”J Infect Dis 2003;187:1513‐
1521. Arun R. Risbud, Mycal Pareira, S. M. Mehendale, R.R. Gangakhedkar, M.V. Ghate, S. N. Joshi, S. P. Tripathy, R.C. Bollinger and R.S. Paranjape.“Lack of evidence for sexual transmission of hepatitis C virus in patients attending STD clinics in Pune.”Sex Transm Infect 2003;79:425. Shankarkumar Umapathy, Madhuri Thakar, Sanjay Mehendale, Ramesh Paranjape, Dipika Mohanty. “Association of HLA B*3520, B*1801 and Cw*1507 with HIV‐1 infection in Maharashtra, India.” J AIDS 223;34:113‐114. Mridula A. Phadke, B.Gadgil, K.E. Bharucha, A.N. Shrotri, J. Sastry, N.A. Gupte, R. Brookmeyer, R.S. Paranjape, P.M. Bulakh, H. Pisal, N. Suryavanshi, A. Shankar, L.Propper, P.L. Joshi and Robert Bollinger. “High post‐partum hospitalization rate in replacement fed infants born to HIV infected mothers in India.” J Nutr 2003;133:3153‐
3157. N. Mawar and R.S. Paranjape. “Live and Let live: Acceptance of People living with HIV/AIDS in an Era where Stigma and Discrimination persist” ICMR Bulletin2002;32:105‐114. Shepherd ME, Gangakhedkar RR, Sahay S, Reynolds SR, Ghate MV, Risbud AR, Paranjape RS, Bollinger RC, Mehendale SM.Incident HIV infection among men attending STD clinics in Pune India: Pathways to disparity and interventions to enhance equity. J Health Population and Nutrition. 2003 Sep; 21(3):251‐63. Abhay Jere, Srikanth Tripathy, Kalpana Agnihotri, Sushma Jadhav, Ramesh Paranjape. “Genetic analysis of Indian HIV‐1 nef: subtyping, variability and implications.” Microbes and Infection 2004;6:278‐89. Agnihotri Kalpana, Tripathy Srikanth, Jere Abhay, Jadhav Sushama, Kurle Swarali and Paranjape Ramesh. gp120 sequences from HIV ‐1 subtype C early seroconverters in India .AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 2004;20:889‐894. Kurle Swarali, Tripathy Srikanth*, Jadhav Sushama, Agnihotri Kalpana and Paranjape Ramesh. Full‐length gag sequences of HIV‐1 subtype C recent seroconverters from Pune, India.AIDS Res Human Retroviruses 2004; 20(10): 1113‐1118. Saxena R.K., V. Chaudhary, I. Nath, S. N. Das, R. S. Paranjape, G. Babu, A. Ramalingam, D. Mohanty, H. Vora, M.Thomas, Q.B. Saxena, N.K. Ganguly. “Normal ranges of some select lymphocyte subpopulations in peripheral blood of normal healthy Indians: Results of a task force study”.Current Science 2004;86:969‐975. Radhika Brahme, Seema Sahay, Rewa Malhotra Kohli, Anand Divekar, Raman Gangakhedkar, Aparna Parkhe, Mahesh Kharat, Arun Risbud, Robert Bollinger, Sanjay Mehendale, Ramesh Paranjape. High risk behaviour of men attending STD clinic in Pune India. AIDS Care 2005;17(3):377‐385. 56.
Eshleman SH, Hudelson S, Gupta A,
Bollinger R, Divekar AD, Gangakhedkar
RR, Kulkarni SS, Thakar MR, Paranjape RS, and Tripathy S. Limited evolution in the HIV‐1 pol region among acute seroconverters in Pune, India. AIDS Res Human Retroviruses. 2005;21(1)93‐97. Abhay Jere, Ahmad piroozmand, Srikanth Tripathy, Ramesh Paranjape, Akiko Sakuria, Mikako Fujita and Akio Adachi. “Generation and Characterization of HIV‐1 clones chimeric for subtype B and C Nef” International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2004; 14:1087‐1090 . Rewa M. kohli, Suvarna Sane, Kishor Kumar, Ramesh S. Paranjape and Sanjay M. Mehendale. “Assessment of quality of life among HIV infected persons in Pune, India.” (Accepted for publication in Journal of Quality of Life Research). S. Sahay, Sanjay Mehendale, Suvarna Sane, Radhika Brahme, Amishah Brown, Karen Charron, Chris Beyrer, Robert Bollinger, Ramesh Paranjape. “Correlates of HIV Vaccine Trial Participation: an Indian Perspective”Vaccine 2004; 23(11) pp 1351‐1358. Abhijit M. Bal, Samir K. Lakhashe, Madhuri R. Thakar, Srikanth P. Tripathy and Ramesh S. Paranjape. “Dysregulation of pro‐inflammatory and regulatory cytokines in HIV infected persons with active tuberculosis.” Cytokine 2005, 30:275‐281. Smita Kulkarni and Ramesh Paranjape, “Role of Non‐Human Primates in HIV /AIDS Research” in National Center for Primate Breeding and Research: Vision, Challenges and Opportunities” Edited By C.P. Puri and N.K.Ganguly, Publ. National Institute for Research In Reproductive Health, Parel, Mumbai. 2005. Srikanth P. Tripathy, Smita S. Kulkarni, Sushama D. Jadhav, Kalpana D. Agnihotri, Abhay J. Jere, Swarali N. Kurle, Sujit K. Bhattacharya, Khomdon Singh, Sriram P. Tripathy, Ramesh S. Paranjape . “Subtype B and Subtype C HIV Type 1 Recombinants in the Northeastern State of Manipur, India.” AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, February 2005, Vol. 21, No. 2: Pages 152‐157. “Immunopathogenesis of HIV Infection” Ramesh S. Paranjape, Indian J Med Res April 2005; 121:240‐255.
Rewa M. Kohli, S. Sane, K. Kumar, R.S. Paranjape, S.M. Mehendale. “Quality of life of people attending the HIV reference clinic in Pune, India” Accepted for publication in Journal of Quality of Life Research. Rewa M. Kohli, S. sane, K. Kumar, R.S. Paranjape and S.M. Mehendale. “Modification of Medical Outcome Study (MOS) Instrument for quality of life assessment & its validation in HIV infected persons in India” Indian J Med Res 2005;122:297‐304. Smita S. Kulkarni, Tripathy S, Agnihotri K, Jatkar N, Jadhav S, Winston U, Dhande K, Tondare P, Gangakhedkar R and Paranjape RS. “Indian primary HIV‐2 isolates and relationship between V3 genotype, biological phenotype and coreceptor usage”. Virology 2005; 337: 68‐7. Madhuri R. Thakar, Leena S. Bhonge, Samir K. Lakhashe, U. Shankarkumar, Suvarna S. Sane, Smita S. Kulkarni, Bharati A. Mahajan and Ramesh S. Paranjape “HIV‐1 C infected Indian patients recognize T cell epitopes from conserved immunodominant region of HIV‐1 Gag and Nef.” . Journal of Infectious diseases, 2005, 192:749. Manocha M, Pal PC, Chitralekha KT, Thomas BE, Tripathi V, Gupta SD, Paranjape R, Kulkarni S, Rao DN “Enhanced mucosal and systemic immune response with intranasal immunization of mice with HIV peptides entrapped in PLG microparticles in combination with Ulex Europaeus‐I lectin as M cell target” Vaccine.2005; 23: 5599‐617. 69.
Kalpana D. Agnihotri, Srikanth P. Tripathy, Abhay J. Jere, Sameer M. Kale and Ramesh S. Paranjape. "Molecular analyses of gp41 sequences of HIV‐1 subtype C from India." Accepted for publication in J. AIDS. Smita N. Joshi, V Gopalkrishna, B.Kishorkumar, Soma Dutta, Pratima Nyaynirgune, Madhuri Thakar, Srikanth Tripathy, Sanjay Mehendale and Ramesh Paranjape. “Cervical squamous Intra‐Epithelial changes and Human Papillomavirus infection in women infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Pune India.” J Med Virol, 2005;76:470‐475. Rewa M. Kohli, Suvarna S. sane, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Sanjay M. Mehendale. “Coping strategies adopted by the HIV positive individuals in Pune” Quality of Life Research’ 2005; 14:2125. S Arole, R Premkumar, A Arole, S Mehendale, A Risbud, R Paranjape. Prevalence of HIV infection in pregnant women in remote rural areas of Maharashtra State, India. Tropical Director, April, 2005; 35 111‐112. Rachana Kairon, Sheela Godbole, Sangeeta Kulkarni, Manisha Ghate, Suvarna Sane, A. Shrotri, Kapila. Barucha, Sanjay Mehendale, Arun Risbud, and Ramesh Paranjpe. Fluconazole resistant non‐albicans vaginal yeast in HIV seropositive women with vaginal discharge in Pune, India. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2004; 8: 251‐2. Extensive cross‐reactive neutralizing antibody response in Indian patients with limited genetic diversity of HIV‐1.Lakhashe SK, Kulkarni SS, Thakar MR, Ghate MV, Paranjape RS Virology Mar 15 2007; 359(2): 295‐301. Swarali N. Kurle, R.R. Gangakhedkar, S. Sen, S.S. Hayatnagarkar, S.P. Tripathy and R.S. Paranjape. “Emergence of NNRTI drug resistance mutations after single‐dose Nevirapine exposure in HIV Type 1 subtype C infected infants” .AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 2007;23(5):682‐685. “Non Human Primates in HIV‐AIDS Research” Smita Kulkarni and Ramesh Paranjape In book ‘National Center for Primate Breeding and Research: Vision, Challenges and Opportunities’ Ed Chander P. Puri & N.K. Ganguly. Indian Council of Medical Research. “Organization and Establishment of Test Center for Evaluating HIV Vaccine” Dr. R.S. Paranjape. In Book, Research Issues in HIV and AIDS; Ed. D. Raghunath and C Durga Rao, Sir Dorabji Tata Center for Tropical Diseases and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Pub Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi. Sourav Sen, S.P. Tripathy, V.M. Chimanpure, A.A. Patil, R. D. Bagul, and R.S. Paranjape. “Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 drug resistance mutations in peripheral blood mononuclear cell proviral DNA among anti‐retroviral Treatment Naïve and Treatment Experienced patients from Pune, India.” AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 2007;23(4):489‐497. Madhuri R Thakar, B Kishore Kumar, Bharati A Mahajan, Sanjay M Mehendale and Ramesh S Paranjape.
“Comparison of capillary based microflurometric assay for CD4+ T cell count estimation with dual platform Flow Cytometry” AIDS Research and Therapy 2006; 3:26‐32. SM Mehendale, MV Ghate, B Kishore Kumar, S Sahay, TR Gamble, SV Godbole, MR Thakar, SS Kulkarni, A Gupta, RR Gangakhedkar, AD Divekar, AR Risbud, RS Paranjape, RC Bollinger. “Low HIV‐1 incidence among married serodiscordant couples in Pune, India.” Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2006; 41: 371‐373. Sen S, Tripathy SP, Paranjape RS; “Antiretroviral Drug Resistance Testing” Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 2006; 52 (3): 187‐193. 82.
Gupte MD, Mehendale SM, Pandav CS, Paranjape RS, Kumar MS. Lancet. HIV‐1 prevalence in young adults in south India.2006 Jul 8;368 (9530):114. Riedel D, Ghate M, Nene M, Paranjape R, Mehendale S, Bollinger R, Sacktor N, McArthur J, Nath A. J Neurovirol. “Screening for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) dementia in an HIV clade C‐infected population in India.” 2006 Feb;12 (1):34‐8. Nita Mawar, Pyare L. Joshi, Seema Sahay, Rajani D Bagul, & Ramesh S Paranjape, “Concerns and experiences of women participating in a short‐term AZT intervention feasibility study for prevention of HIV transmission from mother‐to‐child” Culture, Health & Sexuality, March‐April 2007; 9(2): 199‐207. Samir K. Lakhashe, Madhuri R. Thakar, K. E. Bharucha and Ramesh S. Paranjape; “Quantitation of HLA Proteins Incorporated by Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 and Assessment of Neutralizing Activity of Anti‐HLA Antibodies” Journal of Virology (Jan 2008) 82: 428‐434. Samir Lakhashe, Srikanth Tripathy, Ramesh Paranjape and Jayanta Bhattacharya; “Characterization of B/C Recombinants of Near Full‐Length HIV Type 1 from Northeastern India with Mosaics Identical to ARE195FL But with a Different Ancestral Origin”AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses (Jan 2008) 24: 92‐99. Samir Lakhashe, Srikanth Tripathy, Ramesh Paranjape and Jayanta Bhattacharya; “Evidence of a Novel B/C Recombinant Exhibiting Unique Breakpoints of Nearly Full‐Length HIV‐1 Genome in North Eastern India”AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses (Feb 2008) 24: Mehendale S,van Lunzen J, Clumeck N, Rockstroh J, Vets E, Johnson PR, Anklesaria P, Barin B, Boaz M, Kochhar S, Lehrman J, Schmidt C, Peeters M, Schwarze‐Zander C, Kabamba K, Glaunsinger T, Sahay S, Thakar M, Paranjape R, Gilmour J, Excler JL, cia Fast P and Heald AE. “A phase I study to evaluate safety and immunogenicity of a recombinant HIV‐1 subtype C Adeno Associated Virus Vaccine” Accepted for publication in AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. Smita Kulkarni, Srikanth Tripathy, Raman Gangakhedkar, Sushama Jadhav, Kalpana Agnihotri, Suvarna Sane, Robert Bollinger and Ramesh Paranjape. Neutralizing antibody responses in recent seroconverters with HIV‐1 subtype C infections in India. AIDS Research & Human Retroviruses, 24:1159‐1166 (2008). Milka a. Rodriguez, Chengli Shen, Ddeena Ratner, Ramesh S. Paranjape,, Smita S. Kulkarni, Ramdas Chatterjee, and Phalguni Gupta, Genetic and Functional Characterization of the LTR of HIV‐1 Subtypes A and C Circulating in India, 23:1428‐1433. Mahima Lall, Gupta RM, Sen Sourav, Kapila Ketoki, Tripathy SP and Paranjape RS. “Profile of primary resistance in HIV‐1 infected treatment naïve individuals from Western India.” Accepted for publication in AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. Injecting and sexual risk behaviours, sexually transmitted infections and HIV prevalence in injecting drug users in three states in India. Jagadish Mahanta, Gajendra Kumar Medhi, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Nandan Roy, Anjalee Kohli, Brogen Akoijam S, Bernice Dzuvichu, Hiranya Kumar Das, Prabuddhagopal Goswami, Gay Thongamba, for the IBBA study team, AIDS 2008, 22 (suppl 5):S59–S68. HIV, sexually transmitted infections and sexual behaviour of male clients of female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, India: results of a cross‐sectional survey. Thilakavathi Subramanian, Mohan D. Gupte, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Ginnela N.V. Brahmam, Lakshmi Ramakrishnan, Rajatashuvra Adhikary, Boopathi Kangusamy, Beena E. Thomas, Srinivasan Kallam and C.P.K. Girish, for the IBBA Study Team, AIDS 2008, 22 (suppl 5):S69–S79. 94.
Risk behaviour, sexually transmitted infections and HIV among long‐distance truck drivers: a cross‐sectional survey along national highways in India. Arvind Pandey, Sudhir Kumar Benara, Nandini Roy, Damodar Sahu, Mariamma Thomas, Dhirendra Kumar Joshi, Utpal Sengupta, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Aparajita Bhalla and Ajay Prakash, for the IBBA Study Team, AIDS 2008, 22 (suppl 5):S81–S90. Sexual practices, HIV and sexually transmitted infections among self‐identified men who have sex with men in four high HIV prevalence states of India. Ginnela N.V. Brahmam, Venkaiah Kodavalla, Hemalatha Rajkumar, Hari Kumar Rachakulla, Srinivasan Kallam, Shiva Prakash Myakala, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Mohan D. Gupte, Lakshmi Ramakrishnan, Anjalee Kohlid and Banadakoppa M. Ramesh, for the IBBA Study Team, AIDS 2008, 22 (suppl 5):S45–S57. Baseline integrated behavioural and biological assessment among most at‐risk populations in six high‐
prevalence states of India: design and implementation challenges. Tobi Saidel, Rajatashuvra Adhikary, Mandar Mainkar, Jayesh Dale, Virginia Loo, Motiur Rahman, Banadakoppa M. Ramesh and Ramesh S. Paranjape Banadakoppa M. Ramesh, Stephen Moses, Reynold Washington, Shajy Isac, Bidhubhushan Mohapatra, Sangameshwar B. Mahagaonkar, Rajatashuvra Adhikary, Ginnela N.V. Brahmam, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Thilakavathi Subramanian and James F. Blanchard, for the IBBA Study Team, AIDS 2008, 22 (suppl 5):S17–S34. Determinants of HIV prevalence among female sex workers in four south Indian states: analysis of cross‐
sectional surveys in twenty‐three districts. Banadakoppa M. Ramesh, Stephen Moses, Reynold Washington, Shajy Isac, Bidhubhushan Mohapatra, Sangameshwar B. Mahagaonkar, Rajatashuvra Adhikary, Ginnela N.V. Brahmam, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Thilakavathi Subramanian and James F. Blanchard, for the IBBA Study Team, AIDS 2008, 22 (suppl 5):S35–S44 Sushama Jadhav, Srikanth Tripathy, Smita Kulkarni, Kalpana Agnihotri, Arun Risbud Ramesh Paranjape, Molecular Phylogenetics of nearly full length HIV‐2 envelope gene sequences from West India. AIDS Research & Human Retroviruses 24 (2009) . Samir Lakhashe, Madhuri Thakar, Sheela Godbole, Srikanth Tripathy and Ramesh Paranjape, J.Biosci., HIV infection in India: Epidemiology, molecular epidemiology and pathogenesis.2008, 33(4) 515‐525. Ravindra K. Rawal, Rajkamal Tripathi, Smita Kulkarni, R. Paranjape, S. B. Katti, Christophe Pannecouque and Erik De Clercq. 2‐(2,6‐Dihalo‐phenyl)‐3‐heteroaryl‐2‐ylmethyl‐1, 3‐thiazolidin‐4‐ones: Anti‐HIV agents.Chem Biol Drug Des; 72:147‐154 (2008). Single, dual and triple class resistance among HIV‐Infected Persons on antiretroviral therapy in private Clinics in Mumbai, India, AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses Gharu L, Ringe R, Pandey S, Paranjape R, Bhattacharya J. HIV‐1 clade C env clones obtained from an Indian patient exhibiting expanded coreceptor tropism are presented with naturally occurring unusual amino acid substitutions in V3 loop.,Virus Res Sep 2009, 144 (1‐2) : 306‐314. Amita Gupta, Dattaray G. Saple, Girish Nadkarni, Bijal Shah, Satish Vaidya, Nitin Hingankar, Devidas Chaturbhuj, Praveen Deshmukh, Louise Walshe, Sarah E. Hudelson,Maria James, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Susan H. Eshleman, and Srikanth Tripathy. One‐, Two‐, and Three‐Class Resistance among HIV‐Infected Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy in Private Care Clinics: Mumbai, India.AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses Jan 2010; 26 (1): 25‐31. Martha Jacob, Nita Mawar, Lysander Menezes, Satish Kaipilyawar, Sanjay Gandhi, Irfan Khan, Manoj Patki, Allison Bingham, D. Scott LaMontagne, Rajani Bagul, Tuman Katendra, Neelima Karandikar, Varada Madge, Kishore Chaudhry, Ramesh Paranjape and Anjali Nayyar. Assessing the Environment for Introduction of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in India. The Open Vaccine Journal 2010, 3: 96‐107. 105.
L. Ramakrishnan, A. Gautam, P Goswami, S Kallam, R Adhikari, M K Mainkar, B M Ramesh, G Morineau, B George, R S Paranjape, Programme coverage, condom use and STI treatment among FSWs in a large‐scale HIV prevention programme: results from cross‐sectional surveys in 22 districts in southern India, STI, February 2010 86 (1): 62‐68. Krutika Wadekar, Sudhanshu Pandey, Preeti Jain, Vikas Chandra Roy, Aanchal Asthana and Ramesh Paranjape, Frequency of P/S(XX)P Duplication and FRFE, Absence of LYP in P6Gag of Indian Human Immunodeficiency Virus‐1 Subtype C Isolates.accepted for publication in American Medical Journal. Singh Meera, Thakar Madhuri, Ghate Manisha and Paranjape Ramesh, Irreversible Loss of pDCs by Apoptosis during Early HIV Infection May Be a Critical Determinant of Immune Dysfunction. Viral Immunology, 23 (3) 2010. Ashwini Shete, Madhuri Thakar, Philip Raj Abraham, Ramesh Paranjape, Peripheral Blood CD4+ T Lymphocyte Counts in Healthy Adult Indians: A Review,accepted for publication in Ind J Med Res 132, Dec 2010, pp 667‐
675. . Sanjay Mehendale, Seema Sahay, Madhuri Thakar, Sushant Sahasrabuddhe, Meghana Kakade, Ashwini Shete, Aparna Shrotri, Aggeliki Spentzou, Tony Tarragona, Gwynneth Stevens, Sonali Kochhar, John Louis Excler, Pat Fast & Ramesh Paranjape. Safety & immunogenicity of tgAAC09, a recombinant adeno‐associated virus type 2 HIV‐1 subtype C vaccine in India.Indian J Med Res 132, August 2010, pp 168‐175. Devidas N. Chaturbhuj, Nitin K. Hingankar, Padmini Srikantiah, Renu Garg, Sandhya Kabra, Pravin S. Deshmukh, Sushma D. Jadhav, Smita R. Thorat, Sharda R. Datkar, Preeti Mehta, Nayana Ingole, Meenakshi Mathur, Anita Ramachandran, Partha Haldar, D.C.S. Reddy,Damodar Bachani, Sujatha Rao, Srikanth P. Tripathy, and Ramesh S. Paranjape. Transmitted HIV Drug Resistance Among HIV‐Infected Voluntary Counseling and Testing Centers (VCTC) Clients in Mumbai, India.AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 2010; 26(8): 927‐932. Nita Mawar, Ramesh S Paranjape and Mohamed Ejazuddin Khan. Social and behavioural research: tool for intensifying fight against AIDS in India. Eastern Journal of Medicine 16 (2011)94‐98. Thilakavathi Subramanian, Lakshmi Ramakrishnan, Ramesh S. Paranjape. Integrated behavioral and biological assessment: methodological issues in social and behavioral research.Eastern Journal of Medicine 16 (2011)107‐112. Nita Mawar, Rajani Bagul, Suvarna Sane, Tuman Katendra, Srikanth Prasad Tripathy, Ramesh Shivram Paranjape. Lessons learnt from ongoing counseling during follow‐up visits by men and women attending a VCTC.Eastern Journal of Medicine 16 (2011)137‐146. Kulkarni A, Paranjape R, Thakar M. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. Expansion of Defective NK Cells in Early HIV Type 1C Infection: A Consequence of Reduced CD161 Expression. 2011 Jun 28. [Epub ahead of print] Shete AV, Thakar MR, Tripathy SP, Raut C, Chakrabarti S, Paranjape RS. T‐cell Epitopes Identified by BALB/c Mice Immunized with Vaccinia Expressing HIV‐1 Gag lie within immunodominant Regions Recognized by HIV‐
infected Indian Patients. J Glob Infect Dis. 2011 Jul;3(3):246‐53. Rajesh Ringe; Deepak Sharma; Susan Zolla‐Pazner; Sanjay Phogat; Arun Risbud; Madhuri Thakar; Ramesh Paranjape; Jayanta Bhattacharya. A single amino acid substitution in the C4 region in gp120 confers enhanced neutralization of HIV‐1 by modulating CD4 binding sites and V3 loop.Virology 418 (2011) 123–132. 117.
Thakar MR, Abraham PR, Arora S, Balakrishnan P, Bandyopadhyay B, Joshi AA, Devi KR, Vasanthapuram R, Vajpayee M, Desai A, Mohanakrishnan J, Narain K, Ray K, Patil SS, Singh R, Singla A, Paranjape RS. Establishment of reference CD4+ T cell values for adult Indian population. AIDS Res Ther. 2011 Oct 3;8: 35. Amita Gupta, Ramesh Bhosale, Arti Kinikar, Nikhil Gupte, Renu Bhardwaj, Anju Kagal, Suvarna Joshi, Medha Khandekar, Alaka Karmarkar, Vandana Kulkarni, Jayagowri Sastry, Vidya MAve, Nishi Syryavanshi, Mathuri Thakar, Smita Kulkarni, Srikanth Tripathy, Pradeep Sambarey, Sandesh Patil, Ramesh Paranjape, Robert C. Bollinger, Arun Jamkar and for the Six Week Extended‐ Dose Nevirapine (SWEN) India Study Team, J. Maternal Tuberculosis: A Risk Factor for Mother‐to‐Child Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Infectious Diseases, 2011; 358‐363 Mandar M Mainkar, Dilip B Pardeshi, Jayesh Dale, Sucheta Deshpande, Shirin Khazi, Abhishek Gautam, Prabuddhagopal Goswami, Rajatashuvra Adhikary, Shreena Ramanathan, Bitra George Ramesh S Paranjape. Targeted interventions of the Avahan program and their association with intermediate outcomes among female sex workers in Maharashtra, India. BMC Public Health 2011; 11 (Suppl 6):S2.). Arvind Pandey, Ram Manohar Mishra, Damodar Sahu, Sudhir Kumar Benara, Uttpal Sengupta, Ramesh S Paranjape, Abhishek Gautam, Satya Ranjan Lenka and Rajatshurva Adhikary. Heading towards the Safer Highways: an assessment of the Avahan prevention programme among long distance truck drivers in India. BMC Public Health 2011; 11 (Suppl 6):S15.) Harjot K Singh, Nikhil Gupte, Aarti Kinikar, Renu Bharadwaj, Jayagowri Sastry, Nishi Suryavanshi, Uma Nayak, Srikanth Tripathy, Ramesh Paranjape, Arun Jamkar, Robert C Bollinger, Amita Gupta and the SWEN India Study Team. High Rates of All‐cause and Gastroenteritis‐related Hospitalization Morbidity and Mortality among HIV‐exposed Indian Infants.BMC Infectious Disesases 2011; 11:193. Shete A, Thakar M, Singh DP, Gangakhedkar R, Gaikwad A, Pawar J, Paranjape R. HIV Antigen‐Specific Reactivation of HIV Infection from Cellular Reservoirs: Implications in the Settings of Therapeutic Vaccinations. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2011 Nov 21. [Epub ahead of print] Kulkarni A, Paranjape R, Thakar M. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. Expansion of Defective NK Cells in Early HIV Type 1C Infection: A Consequence of Reduced CD161 Expression.2011 Jun 28. [Epub ahead of print] Elizabeth E.Tolley, Sharon Tsui, Sanjay Mehendale, Mark A.Weaver, Rewa Kohli. Predicting Product Adherence in a Topical Microbicide Safety Trial in Pune, India. Accepted in AIDS And Behavior. Medhi GK, Mahanta J, Paranjape RS, Adhikary R, Laskar N, Ngully P. Factors associated with HIV among female sex workers in a high HIV prevalent state of India. AIDS Care. 2011 Sep 9. [Epub ahead of print] Mukhopadhyay S, Ringe R, Patil AA, Paranjape RS, Bhattacharya J. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. Characterization of circulating HIV‐1 env genes in plasma of two antiretroviral naïve slow progressing patients with broad neutralizing antibody response with evidence of recombination. 2011 Sep 15. [Epub ahead of print] Current Status of Research on HIV Epidemic, Pathogenesis, Management and Prevention in India, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Madhuri R. Thakar, Manisha V. Ghate and Sheela V. Godbole, Proc. Natl, Acad. Sci. Sect B. Biol. Sci. Feb 2012 Rajatashuvra Adhikary, Abhishek Gautam, Satya Ranjan Lenka, Pabuddhagopal Goswami, Lakshmi Ramakrishnan, Srinivasan Kallam, Bitra Geore, Mandar M. Mainkar, S. Thilakavathi, GNV Brahmam, and Ramesh S. Paranjape. Evidence of decline in unprotected sex and STI among female sex workers from repeated behavioural and biological surveys in three southern states of India.Accepted in Ind J Med Res. 129.
S Thilakavathi, K Boopathi, CP Girish Kumar, A Santhakumar, R Senthilkumar, C Eswaramurthy, V Ilaya Bharathy, L Ramakrishnan, G Thongamba, R Adhikary, R Paranjape. Assessment of the scale, coverage and outcomes of the Avahan HIV prevention program for female sex workers in Tamil Nadu, India: is there evidence of an effect? BMC Public Health 2011; 11(Suppl 6):S3. Hari Kumar Rachakulla, Venkaiah Kodavalla, Hemalatha Rajkumar, SPV Prasad, Srinivasan Kallam, Prabuddhagopal Goswami, Jayesh Dale, Rajatashuvra Adhikary, Ramesh Paranjape, GNV Brahmam. Condom use and prevalence of syphilis and HIV among female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, India – following a large‐scale HIV prevention intervention.BMC Public Health 2011, 11(Suppl 6):S1. Joglekar N, Paranjape R, Jain R, Rahane G, Potdar R, Reddy KS, Sahay S. Barriers to ART adherence & follow ups among patients attending ART centres in Maharashtra, India. Indian J Med Res 2011 Dec;134(6): 954‐9. Sushama Jadhav, Srikanth Tripathy, Smita Kulkarni, Devidas Chaturbhuj, Rucha Ghare, Jayanta Bhattacharya, and Ramesh Paranjape. AIDS Research And Human Retroviruses Dec 2011; 27 (12): 1337‐
43.Genetic Conservation in gp36 Transmembrane Sequences of Indian HIV Type 2 Isolates. Swarali Kurle, Madhuri Thakar, Ashwini Shete, Ramesh Paranjape. Viral Immunology. January 2012, ahead of print.In Vitro Sensitization of T Cells with DC‐Associated/Delivered HIV Constructs Can Induce a Polyfunctional CTL Response, Memory T‐Cell Response, and Virus Suppression. The Integrated Behavioural & Biological Assessments ‐ Tool for analysis & evaluation of trends in HIV epidemic. Ramesh S. Paranjape, Lakshmi Ramakrishnan & Bitra George, Index based mapping of high risk behaviours for HIV among female sex workers in India. Indian J Med Res Oct 2012; 136 (Supplement): 1‐3. Decline in unprotected sex & sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among female sex workers from repeated behavioural & biological surveys in three southern States of India. Rajatashuvra Adhikary, Abhishek Gautam, Satya Ranjan Lenka, Prabuddhagopal Goswami, Lakshmi Ramakrishnan, Bitra George, Mandar K. Mainkar, S. Thilakavathi, G.N.V. Brahmam & Ramesh R. Paranjape. Index based mapping of high risk behaviours for HIV among female sex workers in India.Indian J Med Res Oct 2012; 136 (Supplement): 5‐13 Vasna Joshua, M.D. Gupte, Rajatashurva Adhikary, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Mandar K. Manikar, G.N.V. Brahmam, J. Mahanta & B.M. Ramesh. Index based mapping of high risk behaviours for HIV among female sex workers in India. Indian J Med Res Oct 2012; 136 (Supplement): 14‐22. Vasna Joshua, Selvaraj V., Thilakavathi Subramanian, Girish Kumar C.P., Lakshmi Ramakrishnan, Prabuddhagopal Goswami, Ramesh S. Paranjape & Mandar K. Manikar. Spatial modeling of HIV prevalence among the clients of female sex workers in Tamil Nadu, south India.Indian J Med Res Oct 2012; 136 (Supplement): 23‐29. Purnima Barua, Jagadish Mahanta, Gajendra Kumar Medhi, Jayesh Dale, Ramesh S. Paranjape & Gay Thongamba. Sexual activity as risk factor for hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission among the female sex workers in Nagaland. Indian J Med Res Oct 2012; 136 (Supplement): 30‐35. Sucheta Deshpande, Anjalee Kohli, Sunil Rathod, Mandar Mainkar, Shirin Kazi, Dilip Pardeshi, Jayesh Dale, Shailaja Aralkar, Narayan Panchal, Uma Mahajan & Ramesh Paranjape . Recruitment of at‐risk population through network based sampling: experiences from Maharashtra IBBA Round‐I survey.Indian J Med Res Oct 2012; 136 (Supplement): 36‐43. 140.
Arvind Pandey, Ram Manohar Mishra, Damodar Sahu, Sudhir K. Benara, Mandakranta Biswas, Utpal Sengupta, Mandar K. Mainkar & Rajatshurva Adhikary . Heterosexual risk behaviour among long distance truck drivers in India: Role of marital status. Indian J Med Res Oct 2012; 136 (Supplement): 44‐53. Vasna Joshua, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Rajatashurva Adhikary, J. Mahanta, Prabuddhagopal Goswami, Mandar K. Manikar, G.K. Medhi, S. Brogen Akijam & Bernice Dzuvichu . An exploratory analysis of spatial mobility of injection drug users in the northeast region of India. Indian J Med Res Oct 2012; 136 (Supplement): 54‐63. Gajendra Kumar Medhi, Jagadish Mahanta, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Rajatashuvra Adhikary, Senjam Gojendra Singh, Brogen Akoijam S. & Prabuddhagopal Goswami. Factors associated with ever HIV testing among injecting drug users (IDUs) in two HIV high prevalent States of India. Indian J Med Res Oct 2012; 136 (Supplement): 64‐71. Ashwini Shete , Priyanka Jaywant , Madhuri Thakar , Swarali Kurle , Dharmesh P. Singh, R. S. Paranjape. Differential Modulation of Phenotypic Composition of HIV‐Infected and ‐Uninfected PBMCs during Cryopreservation. Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry 2013; 34:4: 333‐345. DOI: 10.1080/15321819.2012.741087 Choudhary I, Chimanpure V, Patil A, Mukhopadhyaya R, Paranjape R, Bhattacharya J. Single step detection of HIV‐1 proviral DNA and housekeeping β‐actin gene from dried blood spots by a monoplex polymerase chain reaction. J Virol Methods. 2013 Jan;187(1):203‐6. Sanjay Mehendale, Madhuri Thakar, Seema Sahay, Makesh Kumar, Ashwini Shete, Pattabiraman Sathyamurthi, Amita Verma, Swarali Kurle, Aparna Shrotri, Jill Gilmour, Rajat Goyal, Len Dally, Eddy Sayeed, Devika Zachariah, James Ackland, Sonali Kochhar, Josephine H. Cox, Jean‐Louis Excler, Vasanthapuram Kumaraswami, Ramesh Paranjape, Vadakkuppatu Devasenapathi Ramanathan. Safety and Immunogenicity of DNA and MVA HIV‐1 Subtype C Vaccine Prime‐Boost Regimens: A Phase I Randomised Trial in HIV‐
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