APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Guidance for using this document The following table sets out the changes that are required in order to address the recommendations set out in the Examiner’s report. The Examiner’s specific recommendations are listed in bold text. Throughout the table, specific changes are highlighted as follows: • text in italics and underlined identifies new text to be added to the Plan • text that is shown as strikethrough identifies text to be deleted from the Plan The relevant paragraph, policy and page numbering relates to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Development Plan, as published, dated September 2014 and to its related documents as indicated. The final Plan, to be published for the purposes of the referendum, will need to renumber the policies and paragraphs as appropriate following the insertion of changes. 1 APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 6 16 Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Front cover Section 1.0 Page 2 Recommendation and changes Reason for change Include the dates to which the plan relates on the front cover as well as in the Plan itself and add the start date of the Plan period to the Introduction section. In the interests of clarity. Add the dates “2006 to 2026” under the title of the document on the front cover. Insert “from 2006” before “to 2026” at the end of the last sentence in paragraph 1.1. 8 31 The submitted Consultation Statement Add information about the pre-submission consultation period and its dates to the Consultation Statement. In the interests of clarity. 12 57 The submitted SEA Report Page 79, section 9 Copy section 9 on page 79 of the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), identify it as the non-technical summary and make available as a separate document or identify it as such at the start of the SA / SEA. In the interests of clarity. 2 APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 13 63 Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Section 2.0 Planning Policy Context Pages 2 and 3 Recommendation and changes Reason for change Update this section of the Plan and complete the paragraph numbering. In the interests of improving accuracy and clarity. The paragraph numbering in Section 2.0 needs to be deleted and re-numbered to run from 2.1 to 2.8. In addition, there is a need to make certain additional changes to the text to address issues of conformity with the policies of the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy as set out below. Number the third paragraph as 2.1 and amend the text as follows: “The Wiltshire Core Strategy (WCS) (adopted January 2015), saved policies of the Kennet Local Plan and adopted policies of the Wiltshire and Swindon Minerals and Waste Development Framework is form the current Local Plan for the area covered by the NDPalthough it is soon to be superseded by the Wiltshire Core Strategy.” 3 Changes also made to address minor conformity issues between the Plan and the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy. APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 13 (cont...) 63 (cont...) Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Section 2.0 Planning Policy Context Pages 2 and 3 (cont...) Recommendation and changes Reason for change Number the third paragraph as 2.2 and amend the text as follows: In the interests of improving accuracy and clarity. In terms of the overall WCS and saved policies of the Kennet Local Plan, the NDP takes forward their its policies, and especially the focus on sustainable development, including the reinforcement of the selfcontainment of Pewsey and enhancement of its role as a Local Service Centre. Detailed correspondence between the WCS and the NDP is discussed through the plan, especially in the main plan document. Information on how the NDP relates to and takes forward the policies of the WCS (including saved policies) is discussed through the plan. 4 Changes also made to address minor conformity issues between the Plan and the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy. APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 13 (cont...) 63 (cont...) Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Section 2.0 Planning Policy Context Pages 2 and 3 (cont...) Recommendation and changes Reason for change Number the third paragraph as 2.3 and amend the text as follows: In the interests of improving accuracy and clarity. In terms of the overall thrust of the WCS and saved policies of the Kennet Local Plan, the NDP reflects the same general approach; a desire to achieve sustainable development by permitting growth on carefully selected urban and suburban sites within the village boundary (Policy HC21, HC21, HC26, ED8, ED12 WCS policies CP1, CP2, CP34, CP35 and CP39), ensuring adequate infrastructure (HC42 and HC43, AT10 WCS policies CP3 and CP61), providing housing and sufficient affordable housing (e.g. proposals map insert 7 and HC28 WCS policies CP2 and CP43), reinforcing Pewsey’s role as a Local Sservice Ccentre (ED23 WCS policy CP2 and saved Kennet Local Plan policy ED24) and as a tourist attraction (TR10, TR11, TR12, TR13, TR18 WCS policies CP2, CP39, CP40 and saved Kennet Local Plan policy TR20), achieving growth without detriment to its character (WCS policy CP58 HH5, HH8, HH9), or to the wider environment including the AONB (WCS policies CP1, CP2 and CP51 NR6, NR7, NR8). Kennet Transport policy is taken forward in the NDP (e.g. WCS policies CP48, CP51, CP52, CP60 and CP61 AT17, AT23) which aims to reduce reliance on the car by improving self-containment of the village, and aims to improve access to sustainable modes. 5 Changes also made to address minor conformity issues between the Plan and the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy. APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 13 (cont...) 63 (cont...) Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Section 2.0 Planning Policy Context Pages 2 and 3 (cont...) Recommendation and changes Reason for change Renumber paragraph 2.1 to 2.4 and amend the text as follows: In the interests of improving accuracy and clarity. Previously the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) Development Strategy, along with RPG10 and the Structure Plan, provided strategic planning guidance to the whole of the South West; but RPG10 and the Structure Plan were abolished by the Localism Act 2011 and Paragraph 216 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) provides guidance for emerging plans. Renumber paragraph 2.2 to 2.5 and amend the text as follows: The saved policies of the Kennet District Council’s (KDC) Local Plan remain extant until either deleted, or incorporated replaced by those of into the WCS Wiltshire Council’s Core Strategy, through the partial review of the WCS which is currently being undertaken probably in 2014/15. In November 2002, the Pewsey Village Design Statement was published and adopted as planning guidance by Kennet District Council KDC. The saved policies of the KDC Kennet Local Plan, the emerging Core Strategy WCS, the Village Design Statement, the Pewsey Community Plan and the NPPF therefore make up the formal planning context for the NDP and have been used as a reference in the preparation of this plan. 6 Changes also made to address minor conformity issues between the Plan and the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy. APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 13 (cont...) 63 (cont...) Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Section 2.0 Planning Policy Context Pages 2 and 3 (cont...) Recommendation and changes Reason for change Renumber paragraph 2.3 to 2.6 and amend the text as follows: In the interests of improving accuracy and clarity. An NDP Scoping Report for Pewsey was published in July 2013 and a Sustainability Appraisal and Environmental Assessment will be published later in 2014. A Neighbourhood Area Designation Application dated 29th Jan 2013 was approved by Wiltshire Council following the statutory period of consultation, establishing the area of Pewsey Parish as the plan area for the NDP (Appendix 5: Map 1). An NDP Scoping Report for Pewsey was published in July 2013 and a Sustainability Appraisal incorporating a Strategic Environmental Assessment, was will be published later in 2014. Renumber paragraph 2.4 to 2.7 and amend the text as follows: The longstanding policy of Pewsey Parish Council has been to contain development within the Pewsey village settlement boundary limits, defined as the Limits of Development (LoD) as set out in the KDC Local Plan and endorsed by the draft Core Strategy WCS (Appendix 5: Map 1). 7 Changes also made to address minor conformity issues between the Plan and the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy. APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 13 (cont...) 63 (cont...) Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Section 2.0 Planning Policy Context Pages 2 and 3 (cont...) Recommendation and changes Reason for change Renumber paragraph 2.5 to 2.8. In the interests of improving accuracy and clarity. Consequential amendments Section 7 Policies Paragraphs 7.9 and 7.13 Amend second sentence of paragraph 7.9 as follows: It is the policy of the plan to provide employment land from sites allocated in the Kennet Local Plan/WCS. Changes also made to address minor conformity issues between the Plan and the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy. Amend first sentence of paragraph 7.13 as follows: The saved policy position from the Kennet Local Plan (saved Policy ED5) and the draft emerging adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy (Core Policy 18) both refer to an employment site (EMP – ED1 and ED5) at Marlborough Road. 14 67 Section 6.0 Objectives Delete Objective 10 8 Not related to the development of land and therefore fails the basic conditions test. APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 16 78 Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Paragraph 7.3 Pages 6 - 7 Theme 1: Policy 1 - Development Strategy Recommendation and changes Reason for change Substitute the word ‘suitable’ where it appears in criteria (i) and (ii) with the word “developable”; and add the NPPF definition of ‘developable’ to the supporting text. To better reflect Core Policy 2 of the WCS and so meet the basic conditions. Add the text from Footnote 12 of the NPPF (relating to paragraph 47, bullet point 2). Change the wording of the second bullet point of criterion (ii) to read: “the development is brought forward through a sites allocations development plan document or through a neighbourhood plan or as a rural exceptions site defined by the Core Strategy.” As a consequence to the above change, amend final sentence of paragraph 7.3 as follows: “This may come forward through either a site allocation DPD, through a neighbourhood plan a masterplan, other community planning documents involving the Parish Council or a Rrural Eexceptions Scheme site as defined by the Core Strategy. Add reference to Maps 1 and 3 in Policy 1 or its supporting text. 9 APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 16 (cont...) 78 (cont...) 18 84 Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Consequential amendment to Objective 8 on page 5, Paragraph 6.1 Recommendation and changes Reason for change In response to this change, amend criterion (ii) to add “as defined on Maps 1 and 3” after the first reference to “village LoD.” To better reflect Core Policy 2 of the WCS and so meet the basic conditions. Section 7 Page 8 Policy 2A The Economy Add reference to Map 4 in Policy 2A or its supporting text. As a consequence of the above changes, amend Objective 8 on page 5 of the Plan by replacing ‘suitable’ with the word ‘developable’. In response to this change, insert: “as shown on Map 4” after “…on the following sites” in criterion (i). Delete the word “possible” from the title of Map 4 on Page 29 of the plan. Delete criterion (iii) from policy 2A in its entirety and re-number criterion (iv) as (iii). 10 In order to meet the Basic Conditions APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 19 93 Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Section 7 Page 9 Policy 2B The Economy Recommendation and changes Reason for change Reword Policy 2B as follows: To meet the basic conditions; better reflect Core Policy 51 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy policy; to comply more fully with the NPPF and for clarity. i. A mixed use development comprising residential development and a minimum of 0.5 hectares of employment uses on land at Marlborough Road as identified on Map 4 will be permitted. ii. A minimum of 1.5 hectares of employment land on land at Salisbury Road Business site as identified on Map 4 will be permitted subject to the development demonstrating that account has been taken of the North Wessex Downs AONB Management Plan and that development protects, conserves and where possible enhances landscape character. Therefore the development of this site must include high quality design and landscape measures to ensure that the development is satisfactorily integrated into the landscape and the development should not have a harmful effect on traffic in the area. Paragraph 7.18 should be deleted in its entirety and subsequent paragraphs will need to be renumbered. 11 APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 23 - 24 114 Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Section 7 Page 15 (plus Appendices) Policy 6 Housing Recommendation and changes Reason for change Change criterion 1 of Policy 6 to read: To meet the basic conditions, for clarity and consistency, to avoid duplication of elements of the Wiltshire Core Strategy. New Housing development is acceptable in principle on approximately 1 hectare of land at Marlborough Road together with a minimum of 0.5 hectare of employment land Identified by Policy 2B, and on the Old Hospital Phase III site. Both sites are identified on Map 4. Ensure that it is clear that Appendix 1 is for information purposes only by the addition of: “for information purposes only” at the start of the Appendix. Consequential amendments to paragraphs in Section 7 Policies As a consequence of this change, also insert “for information purposes only” after “Appendix 1” in paragraph 7.45. 12 APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 23 – 24 (cont...) 114 (cont...) Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Section 7 Page 15 (plus Appendices) Policy 6 Housing Recommendation and changes Reason for change Delete all references to figures and housing numbers from paragraphs 7.42 to 7.44 inclusive (although reference to the information in Appendix may still be made). To meet the basic conditions, for clarity and consistency, to avoid duplication of elements of the Wiltshire Core Strategy. In response to this change: (i) Insert “Approximately” before “600 dwellings” at the start of the second sentence in paragraph 7.42 consistent with Core Policy 18 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy, and delete the final sentence that starts “At June 2014…”; (ii) In paragraph 7.43, delete the words after “…development and growth” and insert a full stop. Insert a new sentence at the end of the paragraph to state “Appendix 1 sets out the approach to the identification of housing sites within the NDP and is for information purposes only.” (iii) Delete first two sentences of paragraph 7.44. Revise the supporting text in paragraph 7.44 to delete references to the former Police Station Site. Delete Site 3 from Map 4. 13 APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 23 – 24 (cont...) 114 (cont...) Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section 15 (plus relevant Appendices) Section 6.0 Policy 6 Housing Recommendation and changes Reason for change Delete Appendix 4 in its entirety and undertake any consequential amendments to remove references to it in the plan; and renumber any subsequent appendices (and undertake any consequential revisions) or remove the reference to “Appendix 5” and simply have the series of Maps at the back of the document (this latter option would be preferable). For clarity and consistency, to avoid duplication of elements of the WCS and to comply with the Basic Conditions (deletion of Paragraph 3). As a consequence to this change, delete final sentence of paragraph 7.46 that starts “The Wiltshire Council Affordable Housing…” and remove Appendix 4 from contents page. In addition, remove references to Appendix 5 from the “Contents” page (and instead have a subheading ‘Maps’ with the maps listed beneath) and paragraphs 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 4.1, 7.10, 7.33, 7.35, 7.41, 7.54 and 7.56. Delete criterion 3 of the policy and Appendix 3 in its entirety. As a consequence of this change, also amend final bullet point of paragraph 7.44 to delete “by local people and their families” and “(Appendix 3)”; and remove Appendix 3 from contents page. Change first reference to Appendix 4 in paragraph 7.46 to Appendix 2. 14 APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 25 122 Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Section 7 Policy 7 Transport Page 16 Recommendation and changes Reason for change The policy should be reworded to read: In order to meet the Basic Conditions; better reflect national policy and remove policy requirements that are not development and land use matters. 1. New development in the village will usually be required to provide off-street car parking as part of the development or conveniently located near to it. The amount needed will be assessed on a case‐by‐case basis and take into account the type of development, its location and its impact on the overall parking provision in the village. 2. New development should encourage and enable the use of sustainable transport modes and alternatives to the car. 3. Developer contributions will be sought to provide new or improved transport-related infrastructure. 4. Proposals that improve parking facilities and provide and enhance safe and suitable access to the train station will be supported. Move references to free village centre parking and the desire to retain this to a separate section or appendix of the Plan. 15 APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Paragraph in Examination Report 25 (cont...) 122 (cont...) Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Section 7 Policy 7 Transport Page 16 Recommendation and changes Reason for change In response to this change, delete “Retain the free parking policy in the village” from paragraph 7.50 and move the text from paragraph 7.51 to a separate section or appendix of the Plan. In order to meet the Basic Conditions; better reflect national policy and remove policy requirements that are not development and land use matters. As a consequence of these changes, the paragraph numbering in Section 7 will need to be revised. Move criterion 4 supporting the direct train service to London to a separate section or appendix of the Plan. As with the amendments set out above, proposals within the plan that relate to non-land use planning matters; or matters outside the direct control of the Parish Council, should be taken out of Policy 7 and moved to a different part of the plan (e.g. a separate Appendix). Not applicable Not applicable Section 7 Pages 18-19 Paragraphs 7.56, 7.58 and 7.59 Amend paragraph 7.56 to reflect the fact that there are two Conservation Areas in Pewsey: The centre of Pewsey is a covered by two designated Conservation Areas (CAs), the Pewsey Conservation Area which covers the historic town core and the Wilcot Road Conservation Area (CA) (see Appendix 5: Map 3). tThere are also a number of Grade II…” 16 In the interest of clarity and accuracy. APPENDIX 1 Modifications to the draft Pewsey Neighbourhood Plan in response to the Examiner’s recommendations and to correct errors Page in Examination Report Not applicable Paragraph in Examination Report Not applicable Neighbourhood Plan / related documents Page / Section Section 7 Pages 18-19 Paragraphs 7.56, 7.58 and 7.59 Recommendation and changes Reason for change Also, amend reference to “Conservation Area” in paragraph 7.58 to read “Conservation Areas”, and amend paragraph 7.59 to clarify which area has been declared ‘At Risk’ as follows: In the interest of clarity and accuracy. This gradual degradation has been particularly noticeable in the Wilcot Road area and has led to theis Conservation Area being declared ‘At Risk’ by English Heritage. The Pewsey Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan has also identified structures ‘at risk’. The purpose of this policy is to reverse this trend, improve the quality of the village as a whole especially the Conservation Areas and protect Listed Buildings and their settings. Not applicable Not applicable Section 7 Page 18 Policy 8 Heritage Amend criterion 3 as follows: Proposals which include the sensitive conservation of listed buildings or the enhancement of the designated Conservation Areas, especially the public realm and elements identified as being Aat Rrisk’ by English Heritage, will be welcomed.” 17 In the interest of clarity and accuracy.