COLLEGE PHYSICS PH 222-3A (MIROV) Exam 3 (04/05/10) STUDENT NAME: ________KEY____________STUDENT id #: ______________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORK ONLY 5 QUESTIONS ALL QUESTIONS ARE WORTH 30 POINTS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: Clearly write out solutions and answers (circle the answers) by section for each part (a., b., c., etc.) Important Formulas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ch.28. Magnetic fields Magnetic force exerted on a point charge by a magnetic field: F= qv × B B Bi The number density n of charge carriers (Hall Effect): n = Vle mv Circular orbit in magnetic field: r = q B Magnetic force on a straight current carrying wire of length L: FB = iL × B The force acting on a current element in a magnetic field: dF = idL × B B Magnetic dipole moment of current loop: µ= [current] x [area] Torque on a current carrying coil: τ= µ × B Orientation energy of a magnetic dipole: U (θ ) = −µ ⋅ B The work done on the dipole by the agent is: Wa = ∆U = U f − Ui 10. Permeability constant: µo = 1.26x10-6 N⋅s2/C2 = 1.26x10-6 H/m; 11. Permittivity constant: εo = 8.85x10-12 C2/(N⋅m2) = 8.85x10-12 F/m; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ch. 29 Magnetic fields due to currents µo ids × rˆ The Bio-Savart Law: dB = 4π r2 µ0I Magnetic field of a long straight wire current: B = {Unit 1 tesla = 1T = 1 N/(C⋅m/s)} 2πr µoiφ Magnetic field of a circular arc: B = 4π R µo Lia ib Forces between parallel currents: Fba ib= LBa sin 90 = 2π d Ampere’s Law: B ⋅ ds = µ i o enc ∫ Magnetic field of an ideal solenoid: B = µoin µoiN 1 Magnetic field of a toroid: B = 2π r 1. µo µ Field of a magnetic dipole: B ( z ) = 2π z 3 Ch. 30. Induction and Inductance ∫ B ⋅ dA 1. Magnetic flux: Φ B = 2. Faraday’s Law of Induction: ε = − 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. {Unit 1weber = 1Wb = 1 T m2} dΦB dt Lenz’ Law: Induced emf opposes change that produced it dΦB Emf and the Induced Electric Field: ε = − ∫ E ⋅ ds = dt NΦB Inductance: L = {SI unit henry(H), where 1 H=1Tm2/A) i L The inductance per unit length of solenoid: = µo n 2 A l di Self-induction: ε L = − L dt Φ B2 Φ B1 di1 di2 Mutual induction: M = = −M −M ; ε2 = ; ε1 = i1 i2 dt dt = i Series RL Circuits: ε R (1 − e −t τL ) (rise of current) −t i = io e τ L (decay of current) 1 UB = Li 2 (magnetic energy) 2 10. Magnetic Energy: B2 (magnetic energy density) uB = 2 µo Ch. 31. Electromagnetic Oscillations and Alternating Current q2 Li 2 , UB = , U = U E + U B = const 2C 2 1. LC Energy transfer: U E = 2. Emf of an electromagnetic generator: 3. 1 LC Charge and Current Oscillations: q = −ωQ sin(ωt + φ ) Q cos(ωt + φ ); ω = ; i = LC ε= - ∆Φ /∆t=NABω sin(ω t) 4. Damped Oscillations: q = Qe − Rt 2 L cos(ω ' t + φ ), where ω ' = ω2 − ( R 2L) 5. Alternating Currents; Forced Oscillations: A series RLC circuit may be set into forced oscillation at a driving angular frequency ωd by an external alternating emf ε =ε m sin = ωd t ; i I sin(ωd t − φ ) 2 εm ωd = when ω. Then = XC = X L, φ 1. Resonance: = I 2. Capacitive reactance: VC=IXC; X C = 3. π/2 rad) Inductive reactance: VL=IXL; X L = ωd L ; the current lags behind the voltage by π/2 4. R 0 1 ; the current leads voltage by π/2 radians (φ=ωd C radians(φ=π/2 rad) Series RLC Circuits Relation between emf and current: εm=IZ Impedance: Z = R 2 + (X L − X C ) 2 Phase angle between current and voltage: tan φ = XL − XC R Average Power dissipated: 2 = Pavg I= ε rms I rms cos φ , = I rms rms R ε rms 2; = I/ Vrms V / 2; = ε/ 2 Power factor of the circuit: cosφ 5. Transformers: Vs = V p Ns (transformation of voltage) Np Is = I p Np Ns (transformation of currents) The equivalent resistance of the secondary circuit, as seen by the generator 2 Req N = p R, where R is the resistive load of the secondary circuit Ns Ch. 32. Maxwell’s Equations. Magnetism of matter 1. 2. 3. B ⋅ dA = 0 ∫ dΦ Maxwell’s Extension of Ampere’s Law: B = ⋅ dS + µ0ienc µ 0ε 0 ∫ dt dΦE Displacement current: id = ε 0 dt Gauss’ Law for Magnetic Field: Φ B= 1. 4 2. 3. 6 4. 7 5. A capacitor in an LC oscillator has a maximum potential difference of 15V and a maximum energy of 360 μJ. At a certain instant the energy in the capacitor is 40 μJ. At that instant what is the emf induced in the inductor? 1) U E ,max 2 2U E ,max 2 ⋅ 360 ×10−6 CVmax = ; ⇒ C= = = 3.2 × 10−6 F = 3.2 µ F 2 2 2 15 Vmax CV12 2) At a certain instant t= ; ⇒ potential difference across the capacitor 1 U E1 2 = V1 2U E1 = C 2 ⋅ 40 ×10−6 = 5.0V −6 3.2 ×10 Li 2 q 2 3) At any instant in an oscillating LC circuit U = U B + U E = + 2 2C Since U remains constant with time dU d Li 2 q 2 di q dq di = + = = Li + Vi= 0; Li + dt dt 2 2C dt C dt dt di V1 = 0; ⇒ at t1 ε L = 5.0V ⇒ L +V = −ε L + V = dt 6. I VR VL θ=-28 VC-VL VC φ = arccos 0.88 = −28deg Vo A ) is connected to an emf that is increasing uniformly with time at a d rate of 100V/s. What is the displacement current between the plates of the capacitor? 7. A 1-μF capacitor ( C = ε o V d ( A) dΦE d ( EA) A dV dV d id ε= ε 0 = ε 0 = ε 0= C 0 dt dt dt d dt dt V −6 (1 10 F ) ⋅ (100 ) = 1× 10−4 A ⇒ id =× s 8.3. Immediately after switch S in the circuit shown is closed, what is the current through the battery? The inductor prevents a fast build-up of the current through it, so immediately after the switch is closes, the current in the inductor is zero. V0 It follows that i = R1 + R2