© 2012 Technological Studies Standard Grade – Credit Finalised Marking Instructions Scottish Qualifications Authority 2012 The information in this publication may be reproduced to support SQA qualifications only on a non-commercial basis. If it is to be used for any other purposes written permission must be obtained from SQA’s NQ Delivery: Exam Operations. Where the publication includes materials from sources other than SQA (secondary copyright), this material should only be reproduced for the purposes of examination or assessment. If it needs to be reproduced for any other purpose it is the centre’s responsibility to obtain the necessary copyright clearance. SQA’s NQ Delivery: Exam Operations may be able to direct you to the secondary sources. These Marking Instructions have been prepared by Examination Teams for use by SQA Appointed Markers when marking External Course Assessments. This publication must not be reproduced for commercial or trade purposes. Mark Allocation 1. (a) Marks KU RNA The system moves the camera to the position set by the user RNA The error detector compares the desired position with the actual position RNA The O/P driver provides the power required to drive the motor RNA The position sensor provides feedback RNA 2 1 0 (max 2) plus any other valid point. Not “control right = moves right” Closed loop has feedback Open loop has no feedback 2. Init: Action: KU KU 2 1 0 let dirs = %1100000 Alternative: symbol counter = b0 if pin 0 = 1 then jump if pin 0 = 0 then action goto action high 7 jump: RNA RNA RNA pause 1000 low 7 RNA for counter = 1 to 3 high 6 RNA RNA pause 200 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 low 6 pause 200 RNA RNA next counter return Page 2 Marks KU RNA 3 (a) Z= RNA for ANDing inputs RNA for OR conditions A•B•C + A•B•C (A•C RNA) 2 1 0 (b) Z = (A•C) + B A Z B C 1 0 KU for 3 symbols RNA for connections to each gate KU Quad 2 input AND KU 2 1 0 RNA for each valid response 2 1 0 Hex Inverter (d) High power consumption/high speed switching/unaffected by static/low fan out Page 3 3 2 1 0 Marks KU RNA 4. A (a) C KU for SPST symbol KU for buzzer symbol B 6V RNA for connecting components in series to parallel RNA for connecting parallel switches 2 1 0 (b) KU (c) A resistor should be connected RNA in series RNA Page 4 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 Marks KU RNA 5. (a) 1 0 KU It is predictable/negative aesthetics of wind power RNA (b) Wind causes a turbine to turn RNA Turbine causes a generator to turn and produce electricity (c) 2 1 0 Pollution/limited supply RNA for each valid descriptive response (d) (i) E = MC ∆ T 7000 000 = 100 x 4190 x ∆ T ∆T = 16·7°C Final Temp = 10 + 16·7 = 26·7°C (27°C) η Eout Ein 2 1 0 RNA for substitution RNA for answer from RNA working(FTE) 3 2 1 0 (ii) = RNA for substitution = 7 MJ = 11MJ = 0·636 64% RNA for answer from working Page 5 2 1 0 Marks KU RNA 6. (a) KU for each valid 2 1 explanation/answer 0 Easier to reprogram/requires fewer components/ shorter assembly time/etc Smaller/cheaper must be qualified (b) Sub-system Clock Function Synchronises the system/keeps all parts working in time with each other KU KU I/0 Port Links the microcontroller to the outside world KU EEPROM Stores the program ALU Performs calculations 4 3 2 1 0 KU (c) Electrically (Electronically), Eraseable, Programmable, Read-Only KU Memory (d) Reduce overall program size/make program easier to understand/reduces memory requirement KU for each valid explanation/response 1 0 2 1 0 Microcontrollers use binary numbers in their calculations and operations. (e) (f) (i) 56 = % 00111000 (ii) %11001101 = 205 RNA 1 0 RNA 1 0 KU PWM/Pulse Width Modulation Page 6 1 0 Marks KU RNA 7. (a) Mechanism A Mechanism B KU Compound gear (train) Crank & slider (any order) 2 1 0 KU 1 0 (b) Rotational to reciprocal Any order (c) Output speed = RNA for substitution 80 48 2000 RNA for answer = 156 rev/min 20 15 RNA for VR1 from working RNA for VR2 4 3 2 1 Alt: RNA T1 = 500 rev/min RNA 20 x 2000 = 80 x T1 (d) Worm and wheel 15 x 500 = 48 x T2 T2 = 156 rev/min 0 1 0 KU (e) Lubricating moving parts or bearings on shafts (f) 1 2 RNA RNA KU correct description KU Rack and pinion KU Worm and nut Allow FTE from (b) if applicable Page 7 1 0 2 1 0 Marks KU RNA 8. (a) 5 4 3 2 1 0 When Valve A is activated Valve C changes state causing the DAC to outstroke slowly. When the DAC is fully outstroked it actuates Valve D which sends a pilot signal to Valve C . This caused Valve C to change state and instroke the DAC. If Valve A and Valve B are actuated the DAC will outstroke quickly. RNA for each valid point up to a (maximum of 5) (b) Valve C KU for each term any order 5/2 / pilot / pilot 3 2 1 0 Device E Uni Directional Restrictor KU 1 0 (c) (i) 1 0 KU Solenoid (ii) KU FTE from (c) (i) 1 0 r2 r2 = = ATOTAL = 706 - 78·5 F = PxA = 0·2 x 627·5 = 125·5 N (d) A = a = x 152 x 52 RNA for = = 706 mm2 78·5 mm2 = 627·5 mm2 RNA for answers either calculation RNA for substitution (FTE) RNA for answer from working Page 8 4 3 2 1 0 Marks KU RNA 9. (a) V1 0×5 = 4×3 4×5 V1 R1 = V2 R2 V1 = RNA for substitution 0×5× 4×3 4×5 = 478 Ω 2 1 0 RNA for answer from given working (b) (i) (ii) RNA 5 kΩ IB = V 3×2 - 0×7 = R 1500 = 0·0017A (1·7 mA) (c) 1 0 (i) Relay (ii) Base Resistor (Rb) (iii) Diode RNA for voltage calculation RNA for substitution 3 2 1 0 RNA for answer from given working Allows the electronic circuit to control high powered electrical circuits Protects the transistor from high current Protects the transistor from back EMF/voltage KU 1 0 RNA 1 0 RNA 1 0 (d) Components will not be damaged/quicker to fix or adapt design/etc Page 9 RNA 1 0 Marks KU RNA 10. (a) Free body (diagram) (b) ΣCWM = ΣACWM 1 0 KU (1300 x 0·5) + (6000 x 1·5) + (1800 x 2) = R2 x 3 RNA for substitution 650 + 9000 + 3600 = R2 x 3 R2 = 13250 3 = 4416·7 N RNA for transposition RNA for answer from given working [END OF MARKING INSTRUCTIONS] Page 10 3 2 1 0