Characteristic diode parameters in thermally annealed Ni/p

Vol. 37, No. 4
Journal of Semiconductors
April 2016
Characteristic diode parameters in thermally annealed Ni/p-InP contacts
A. Turut1; Ž , K. Ejderha2 , N. Yildirim3 , and B. Abay4
1 Istanbul
Medeniyet University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Engineering Physics, 34720 Istanbul, Turkey
2 Department of Electricity and Energy, Vocational High School of Technical Sciences, Bingol University, 12000 Bingöl, Turkey
3 Bingöl
University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Department of Physics, 12000 Bingöl, Turkey
of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Ataturk University, 25240 Erzurum, Turkey
4 Department
Abstract: The Ni/p-InP Schottky diodes (SDs) have been prepared by DC magnetron sputtering deposition. After the diode fabrication, they have been thermally annealed at 700 ıC for 1 min in N2 atmosphere. Then, the
current–voltage characteristics of the annealed and non-annealed (as-deposited) SDs have been measured in the
measurement temperature range of 60–400 K with steps of 20 K under dark conditions. After 700 ıC annealing,
an improvement in the ideality factor value has been observed from 60 to 200 K and the barrier height (BH)
value approximately has remained unchanged in the measurement temperature range of 200–400 K. The BH of the
annealed diode has decreased obeying the double-Gaussian distribution (GD) of the BHs with decreasing measurement temperature from 200 to 60 K. The BH for the as-deposited diode has decreased with decreasing temperature
obeying the single-GD over the whole measurement temperature range. An effective Richardson constant value of
54:21 A/cm2 K2 for the as-deposited SD has been obtained from the modified Richardson plot by the single-GD
plot, which is in very close agreement with the value of 60 A/K2 cm2 for p-type InP. The series resistance value of
the annealed SD is lower than that of the non-annealed SD at each temperature and approximately has remained
unchanged from 140 to 240 K. Thus, it can be said that an improvement in the diode parameters has been observed
due to the thermal annealing at 700 ıC for 1 min in N2 atmosphere.
Key words: Ni/p-InP; Schottky diodes; Gaussian distribution
DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/37/4/044001
PACS: 85.30.-z
1. Introduction
Indium phosphide (InP) semiconductor materials have
been raised recently as a highly attractive material for high
power microwave and high-speed optoelectronic devices. The
application of InP to microwave and optoelectronic devices has
led to great interest in the ohmic and rectifying properties of
metal/InP contacts. The formation of high quality metal/InP
contacts is an essential prerequisite for the development of a
lot of advanced devicesŒ1 9 . Experimental results have shown
that the electrical characteristics of the devices strongly depend
on the metal/semiconductor (MS) interfaceŒ5 17 . The performance of the ohmic and rectifying MS contacts is drastically
determined by the interface quality between deposited metal
and the semiconductor surface. Furthermore, the MS contacts
are usually subjected to elevated temperatures at some stage of
the device manufacture, therefore the thermal stability of the
MS contacts is of great practical importance in device technology. Many researchers have reported that the thermal annealing process converts the non-ideal MS contacts into nearly
ideal Schottky contactsŒ1 4; 10 12 . A more stable contact can
be obtained by utilizing inter-metallic compounds formed via
solid state reactions between metal films and semiconductor
substrates during thermal annealingŒ1 4; 10 12 . In addition,
some reactive metals have been found to reduce the oxide
on InP, even during the metal deposition at room temperatureŒ1 4; 10 12 . Moreover, analysis of the current–voltage (I –
V / characteristics of the Schottky diodes (SDs) at room tem-
EEACC: 2520
perature does not give us enough information about their conduction process or the nature of barrier formation at the MS
interface. Therefore, the temperature dependence analysis of
the I –V characteristics just allows us to understand different
aspects of conduction mechanismsŒ9 26 .
The Ni/p-InP SDs has been prepared by DC magnetron
sputtering deposition and the diodes have been thermally annealed at 700 ıC for 1 min in N2 atmosphere. Then, the I –V
characteristics of the SDs have been measured in the measurement temperature range of 60–400 K with steps of 20 K under
dark conditions. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge,
the sample temperature-dependent I –V characteristics of the
annealed and non-annealed Ni/p-InP SDs fabricated by magnetron sputtering or vacuum deposition technique have been
not reported over a wide temperature range of 60–400 K in the
literature so far.
2. Experimental procedure
The samples have been prepared using cleaned and polished p-InP (as received from the manufacturer) with (100) orientation and (4–8) 1017 cm 3 carrier concentration given by
the manufacturer. Before making the contacts, the p-InP wafer
was dipped in 5H2 SO4 C H2 O2 C H2 O solution for 1.0 min
to remove the surface damage layer and undesirable impurities and then in H2 O C HCl solution followed by a rinse in
de-ionized water of 18 M. The wafer has been dried with
high-purity nitrogen and inserted into the deposition chamber
† Corresponding author. Email:,
Received 10 June 2015, revised manuscript received 15 October 2015
© 2016 Chinese Institute of Electronics
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A. Turut et al.
immediately after the etching process. An ohmic contact on the
back side of the p-type InP has been formed by sequentially
evaporating ZnAu alloy on InP in a vacuum-coating unit of
10 6 Torr. Then, a low resistance ohmic contact was formed
by thermal annealing at 350 ıC for 3 min in flowing N2 in a
quartz tube furnace. Then, the wafer was immediately inserted
into the deposition chamber to form the Schottky contacts. The
Ni Schottky metallization with the circular dot and with a diameter of 1.0 mm was made by magnetron DC sputtering. The
thickness of Ni was approximately 50 nm. After formation of
the SDs, the samples were annealed in a quartz tube furnace at
700 ıC for 1 min in flowing N2 . No capping has been applied
to the samples during annealing. The I –V characteristics of
the devices have been measured using a Keithley 487 Picoammeter/Voltage Source in the temperature range of 20–400 K by
means of a temperature controlled cryostat which enables us to
make measurements in the temperature range of 20–450 K under dark conditions. The sample temperature has been always
monitored by using a copper-constantan thermocouple and an
auto-tuning temperature controller with sensitivity better than
˙0.1 K.
Figure 1. Forward and reverse bias current–voltage characteristics for
the non-annealed Ni/p-InP Schottky diode in the measurement temperature range of 60–400 K.
3. Results and discussion
To understand whether or not a SD has the ideal diode behavior we can analyze its experimental I –V characteristics by
the forward bias thermionic emission (TE) theoryŒ1 5 :
q.V IR/
q.V IR/
I D I0 exp
1 exp
; (1)
where I0 saturation current is defined by
I0 D AA T 2 exp
˚ap is the zero bias apparent barrier height (BH), q is the electron charge, k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute
temperature, V is the forward-bias voltage, A is the effective
diode area, and A* is the effective Richardson constant of
60 Acm 2 K 2 for p-type InPŒ1 4 . The ideality factor n accounts for the departure of the current transport mechanisms
from the ideal TE model using the definition:
q dV
kT d ln I
Figures 1 and 2 show the forward and reverse bias I –V
characteristics for the as-deposited and 700 ıC annealed Ni/pInP SDs in the measurement temperature range of 60–400 K
with steps of 20 K, respectively. The BH and ideality factor values for both diodes have been calculated from the forward bias
I –V curves in Figures 2 and 3 using Equations (2) and (3), respectively. The values for both diodes are given in Table 1 and
Figure 3. As can be seen from Table 1 and Figure 3, the ideality factor for the as-deposited diode takes the values of 1.11
at 400 K, 1.32 at 200 K and 2.99 at 60 K increasing with a decrease in the measurement temperature. The ideality factor for
the annealed SD takes the values of 1.88 at 400 K, 1.24 at 200 K
and 2.55 at 60 K decreasing from 400 to 200 K and increasing
from 200 to 60 K. Thus, an improvement in the ideality factor
Figure 2. Forward and reverse bias I –V characteristics, in the measurement temperature range of 60–400 K, for 700 ıC annealed Ni/pInP Schottky diode after Schottky contact formation.
value of the annealed diode has been observed in the measurement temperature range of 200–400 K, when compared to that
of the as-deposited SD. As can be seen from Table 1 and Figure 3, the BH for the as-deposited diode takes the values of
0:99 eV at 400 K, 0.80 eV at 200 K and 0.36 eV at 60 K decreasing with a decrease in the measurement temperature. Moreover,
as can be seen from Figure 3, we can say that the BH for the
as-deposited diode decreases with a slope of 0.53 mV/K, from
200 to 400 K. The change in the BH with a decrease in measurement temperature is not due to its temperature-dependent
but rather the current transport mechanisms. That is, the current transport mechanisms depend on the temperature. When
varying the temperature, the current mechanism changes too,
and the current will preferentially flow through the lowest BH
with decreasing temperatureŒ9 21 .
As can be seen from Table 1 and Figure 3, the BH for
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Table 1. Experimental barrier height ˚b (eV) and ideality factor n for the non-annealed and 700 ıC annealed Ni/p-InP Schottky diodes as a
function of the measurement temperature, T (K).
700 ıC annealed
T (K)
˚b (eV)
Rs (/
˚b (eV)
Rs ./
Figure 3. (Color online) Zero-bias apparent barrier height and ideality
factor versus measurement temperature curves for the Ni/p-InP Schottky diodes.
Figure 4. (Color online) Comparison of the current–voltage characteristics of the Ni/p-InP Schottky diodes at some measurement temperatures.
the annealed diode takes the values of 0.88 eV at 400 K, 0.90
eV at 200 K, 0.88 eV at 180 K and 0.41 eV at 60 K. We
can say that the BH for this diode approximately remained
unchanged in the measurement temperature range of 200–
400 K. After 200 K, the BH of the diode decreases with decreasing measurement temperature down to 60 K, because the
current will preferentially flow through the lowest BH with decreasing temperature. Thus, it can be said that an improvement
in the BH value of the thermally annealed diode was observed
in the 200–400 K range, when considering the BH of these SDs.
Figure 4 shows the forward and reverse bias I –V characteristics given for the SDs to make a comparison in some
measurement temperatures. As can be seen from Figures 1, 2
and 4, it has been seen that the forward bias current value in
the annealed sample decreases with increasing bias voltage ac-
cording to that of the as-deposited diode in the measurement
temperature range of 60–400 K. For example, the current values for the annealed and as-deposited sample are 4.78 10 6 A
and 1.98 10 5 A at 0.16 V and 400 K, respectively, and 1.02
10 4 A and 1.25 10 3 A at 0.36 V and 400 K, respectively. That is, the difference between the current values of both
diodes increases with increasing forward bias voltage at 400 K.
The same case has been also observed for the other forward bias
I –V curves of both diodes. At the measurement temperatures
below 200 K, the current curves of both devices extend in parallel to each other over almost the whole forward bias voltage,
but, again, the annealed sample has a lower current value than
that of the as-deposited sample at a given forward bias voltage
at any temperature below 200 K. An alternate explanation for
the attenuation by the annealed sample could be a recombina-
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Figure 5. (Color online) Series resistance versus measurement temperature plots for the Ni/p-InP Schottky diodes.
tion of the thermionically emitted electrons by traps in the MS
interface. The defect or trap states may originate from the indiffused Ni atoms to the InP semiconductor due to the thermal
annealing processŒ9 16 .
As well-known, it can be said that the total current
is assumed to be the sum of thermionic emission current,
generation–recombination current, tunneling current and leakage current. The contribution of the current transport mechanisms to the total current can change with the change of the
sample temperature. At higher temperatures the thermionic
emission and the generation–recombination dominate while
the tunneling current and leakage current become more significant at lower temperatures. At this temperature, the tunneling
current has no influence on the total current. At higher temperatures, the current decrease with increasing forward bias voltage
in the annealed sample may be ascribed to the thermionic emission and the generation–recombination transport mechanisms.
The leakage current compound is stated as the leakage current
and it is given by .V IRS /=RL , where the resistance denoted
as RL limits the ohmic part of the leakage current and is considered to be a fitting parameter which represents defects and
inhomogeneities at the Ni/p-InP interface under biasŒ1 4; 8 16 .
The leakage may arise from defect states originated from the increase of the in-diffused Ni atoms to the InP semiconductor due
to the thermal annealing process. The presence of defect states
can enhance significantly leakage and/or recombination. The
generation–recombination at high temperatures is attributed to
electron transfer from one localized state to the higher ones,
where they are either trapped or undergo recombination. We
did not observe recombination generation at low temperatures,
probably because at low temperatures the electrons do not possess sufficient energy for transfer from one localized state to
anotherŒ1 4; 8 16 .
Figure 5 shows the series resistance versus measurement
temperature plots for the Ni/p-InP SDs. The temperaturedependent series resistance value was obtained by fitting Equation (1) to the experimental forward bias I –V curve at each
sample temperature in Figures 1 and 2. The series resistance
Figure 6. (Color online) Barrier height versus measurement temperature plots for the Ni/p-InP Schottky Diodes. The continuous curves
for the 700 ıC annealed and non-annealed diodes were obtained using
Equations (4) and (5), respectively. Equation (4) is called the doubleGaussian distribution expression and Equation (5) the single-Gaussian
distribution expression.
values are also given in Table 1. The series resistance value
of the annealed Ni/p-InP SD is lower than that of the nonannealed SD at each temperature, for example, such as 46 and
65  at 280 K, 55 and 90  at 180 K, and 65 and 150  at
100 K. The Rs value of the annealed device increases more
slowly in respect to that of the non-annealed SD over the whole
measurement temperature range, that is, from 60 to 400 K, and
especially it approximately takes a constant value from 140 to
240 K. Thus, it can be said that the Rs value of the annealed
diode improves due to the thermal annealing. To the best of
our knowledge, there are no experimental determinations about
annealed Ni/p-InP diodes, therefore a direct comparison is not
possible with other experimental results.
The I –V characteristics of the real SDs usually deviate
from the ideal TE current modelŒ9 23 . The BH value of the
annealed diode decreases with decreasing temperature in the
temperature range of 60–180 K and the BH value of the asdeposited diode over the whole temperature range. Such a
behavior observed in real Schottky barriers is commonly attributed to a spatial fluctuation of the BH at the MS interface, which is in agreement with those reported in the literature
for inhomogeneous Schottky contactsŒ18 34 . It has been suggested by some authorsŒ18 30 that a modified TE mechanism
with Gaussian distribution (GD) of the BHs can be used to explain the reasons for the observed deviation from standard TE
The decrease in the BH and increase in the ideality factor
with a decrease in sample temperature have been explained by
the lateral distribution of the BHŒ29 39 . In such cases, the BH
has GDs with the mean BH ˚N b Œ19 30 . The multi-GD model
suggested by Jiang et al.Œ12; 34; 35 can be used to describe the
BH inhomogeneity, reducing to the double-GD and single GD
model. As can be seen from Figure 6, the apparent BH versus temperature curves or the decrease of the BH with decreasing temperature in the annealed and as-deposited Ni/p-InP SDs
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Table 2. The parameters obtained for the Ni/p-type InP Schottky diodes.
˚N 1 (eV)
˚N 2 (eV)
1 (meV)
1.12 10 5
1 1
700 ıC annealed
Figure 7. (Color online) Richardson and modified Richardson plots
in the measurement temperature range of 60–400 K for the Ni/p-InP
Schottky diodes. The dashed lines represent the linear fits to the experimental data.
obey the double- and single GD, respectively. Thus, for the
double-GD and single GD, the following expressions can be
writtenŒ34; 35
˚N 1
˚ap D kT ln 1 exp
2.kT /2
C2 exp
˚N 2
2.kT /2
respectively. The quantities 1 D 1 and 2 D 0 are taken for
the single GD, Equation (5)Œ19 21 . In Equations (4) and (5),
1 , 2 (2 D 1 – 1 /, 1 , 2 , and ˚N 1 , ˚N 2 are the weight, standard deviation, and mean value of two Gaussian functions, respectively. The obtained parameters for the annealed and nonannealed Ni/p-InP SDs are given in Table 2.
Figure 7 shows the standard Richardson ln(I0 /T 2 / versus
(kT / 1 and modified Richardson ln(I0 =T 2 / versus (nkT / 1
plots for the Ni/p-InP SDs according to Equation (2). The deviation in the experimental ln(I0 /T 2 / versus (kT / 1 curves
at low temperatures is caused by the temperature dependence
of the current due to the presence of the spatially inhomogeneous potentialŒ19 21 . In such cases, the BH has GDs with the
mean BH ˚N b Œ29 39 . The Richardson plot of the non-annealed
SD has given an effective BH value of about 0.70 eV. The
modified Richardson ln(I0 /T 2 / versus (nkT / 1 plot of the
non-annealed SD has given the values of about 1.05 eV and
˚ap D ˚N b1
2 (meV)
Figure 8. (Color online) Modified Richardson ln(I0 =T 2 /–
q 2 s2 =2k 2 T 2 versus (kT / 1 plot for the as-deposited Ni/p-InP
Schottky diode according to the single-Gaussian distribution of
barrier heights in the measurement temperature range of 60–400 K,
the solid straight line is the fit to the modified experimental data.
40.72 A/cm2 K2 for the BH and Richardson constant, respectively. The value of 40.72 A/cm2 K2 is a close value to the
value of 60 A/K2 cm2 for p-type InP. The standard Richardson
ln(I0 =T 2 / versus (kT / 1 and modified Richardson ln(I0 =T 2 /
versus (nkT / 1 plots have given the effective BH values of
about 0.86 and 0.88 eV for the annealed Ni/p-InP SD. These
values almost equal the BH values in the measurement temperature range of 180–400 K. The Richardson plot has given
a Richardson constant value of 23.44 A/cm2 K2 , which is 2.56
times lower than the value of 60 A/K2 cm2 for p-type InP.
The non-linear nature of the Richardson plots with a decrease in sample temperature has been explained by the lateral
distribution of BH. In such cases, the BH has GD with the mean
BH ˚N b0 Œ19 21 . Now, from Equations (2) and (5), the modified
Richardson expression according to the GD of the BHs can be
written as:
q 2 12
D ln.AA /
2k 2 T 2
q ˚N b1
A modified ln(I0 /T 2 /–q 2 o2 /2k 2 T 2 versus (kT / 1 plot
according to Equation (6) should give a straight line with
the slope directly yielding the mean ˚N bo and the intercept
(D ln AA ) determining A at the ordinate. Figure 8 shows the
modified plot according to the Gaussian distribution of BHs in
the temperature range of 60–400 K, for the as-deposited Ni/pInP SD. The modified ln(I0 /T 2 /–q 2 o2 /2k 2 T 2 versus (kT / 1
plot gives the values of 1.0 eV and 54.21 A/cm2 K2 for ˚N bo
and A*, respectively. The Richardson constant value is in very
close agreement with the value of 60 A/K2 cm2 for p-type InP.
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As can be seen, the value of ˚N bo D 1.0 eV from this plot almost equals the value of ˚N bo D 1.10 eV from the ˚ap versus
temperature plot given in Figure 6.
4. Conclusion
The BH value for the as-deposited diode has decreased with decreasing temperature, obeying the singleGaussian distribution over the whole measurement temperature range. Therefore, the modified ln(I0 /T 2 /–q 2 o2 /2k 2 T 2
versus (kT / 1 plot from the experimental data of the asdeposited SD has given a Richardson constant value of
54.21 A/cm2 K2 , which is in very close agreement with the
value of 60 A/K2 cm2 for p-type InP. An improvement in the
ideality factor value of the 700 ıC annealed diode has been observed, when compared to that of the as-deposited SD in the
measurement temperature of 60–200 K. Again, we have seen
that the BH for the annealed diode approximately has remained
unchanged from 200 to 400 K, but it has decreased obeying
the double-Gaussian distribution with decreasing measurement
temperature from 200 to 60 K. Moreover, it has been seen that
the resistance value is lower for the annealed SD than that for
the as-deposited SD at each temperature.
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