C.P. No. 912 /+4213 MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY AERONAUTICAL RESEARCHCOUNCIL CURRENTPAPERS Studies of the Flow Fields Created Single Downwards Vertical upon Jets Directed a Horizontal M. Cox and W. A Abbon LONDON: HER MAJESTY’S STATIONERY 1967 Price by 7s. 6d. r,et OFFICE Surface 3 8006 10038 6385 U.D.C. Elo. ~3:?.5?5:533,,5yl.:$ C.P. No. 912 * October, I 964 - by - M. Cox and 3. A. Abbott sfiy,,; 4;iy I- The velocity single surface and temperature nozzle discharging hot pas vertically have been studied. amount of recirculation conditions in the space surrounding downwards on to a horizontal Except at very loii exit to an intake a situated velocities, the on the axis of the jet away .,.>( 0 i 'li'.c. 5.~ from the axis is indepenknl of the height of the nozzle above the/*gkund. 2 h13:;;::y L j These limits are decided by Yie s;~reod of the jet before it reache'$he 13 \'. Qf ground, and by the lateral ex-Lent of t!le je t before it separates and rxses." small. Within limits , the d;rnamic head at ground level is at a point from the ground. A parameter $erature its is used to define lateral extent if mic head in t!le jet In transic;nt the jet including it alon experiments, the initial velocity both the vertical strikes its of the ~jet and its penetration the ground. The rate of the jet temand of decay of dyna- axi s and ac?xss the ground has been studied. the rate of progress across the ground has been determined. Replaces!'.C.T.E. X.3% - n.Fc.c. No5 of the initial sLx-ead of -, 2- COl+TTm;PS 1 .o Introduction 2.0 Apparatus 3.0 Transient 4.0 Initial 5.0 Steady-state rate Horizontal 6.1 6.2 .6.3 Vertical 8.0 Discussion 2; 9.0 velocity around the jet 6 7 field at ground level along axis of jet extent extent 6 measurements of jet flow Choice of correlating Experimental results Effect of temperature 7,.0 8.1 in the field of spread of the jet Velocity Velocity 5.1 5.2 6.0 temperatures a parameter : ratio TJ/T, . 9 of the jet 9 of choice, of parameters 9 Velocity and temperature ratios extent of flow The buoyancy parameter, horizontal The buoyancy parameter, vertical penetration of jet Conclusions 13 References Detachable IO IO 13 15 abstract cards 7Title -NO. I List of symbols II The buoyancy effect in flow impinging, heated jet III The buoyancy effect'in vertically downwards spreading a hotjot from.an diroctod -3- Fig. Title MO. 1 Test apparatus 2 Temperature field 3 Initial 4 Relation betneen velocity at ground level anii distanca from axis oi' vertical jet in transient and steady-state conditions 5 Variation of velocity at ground level related to total pressure at point of progress of ~jet across ground impingement Variation horizontal of velocity extent along axis of jet of ho-: jet at ground level Relation between jet dynamic pressure and temperature for constant horizontal extent of jet 9 Vertical extent of hot jet 10 Separation from the ground. of flow spreading from impinging jet 11 Horizontal parameter 12 Calcula.ted 13 Comparison between experimental observation of vertical extent of hot jet and theory extent of hot jet. Correlating includes tem;?erature ratio term penetration of vertical jet -4- 1.o Introduction The use of' direct jet thrust for assisting aircraft to take off vertically raises a number of problems in operation, one of which is the possibility that the temperature of t!~ie air into the engine intake may be increased owing to recirculation of ho' L gases from the lifting jets. In the region near the jet exits, where the gases still have an qpreciable velocity, the flow of the gases is dependent on geometrical factors, that is, on the relative disposition of the jets and adjacent surfaces. Thus recourse is often made to model tests' to investigate heating effects on surfaces of the aircraft, and it is usual to simulate the full-scale velocity and temperature of the jet gases. Temperatures at the engine intake of a few degrees above ambient can seriously affect engine performance; for example, a rise of IO'C may cause a loss of up to 5 per cent in thrust. Thus we are concerned in this respect also with gases which may have recirculated from more distant parts of the flow field, where velocities are low, and where forces on the gases due to their buoyanoy become an important factor in establishing the flow patterns. In this situation it is not clear what the relationships between the various parameters are which have to be observed yihen simulating full-scale conditions in model tests. The object of the present experiments was to study the flov from a single jet directed towards the ground, particularly in regard to law of scaling appropriate to the outer regions of the flow field, and to investigate whether recirculation from this region, bobh under steady-state and transient starting conditions, xas affected by the presence of an intake situated just above the jet discharging hot gas, 2.0 Apparatus A The set up for the experiments is illustrated in Figure 1. ~&ply of hot gas was provided by an aircraft combustion chamber burning kerosine; a simple air-driven ejector was used as a source of subBoth these supplies,nero ducted through concentric atmospheric pressure. pipes to a point zell away from surrounding obstructions xhere the hot gas i:as led to a jet pointin vertically doxwards, and the suction pipe terminated in a rounded inlet located above the jet. The height of the jet above the floor could be altered by interposing suitable distance pieces in the pipes. Both supplies could be turned on or off suddenly by operating slate valves in the supply pipes. The temperature of the air around the jet ;:as measured by a rake of thermocouples. The couples themselves were made of fine wires about a.005 in. diameter, and a suction of about 5 in. of water gauge was eqplied to draw air over the couples to onsure rapid response. The outputs from the couples and from a thermocouple located in .tha gas just upstream of the jet exit vere recorded on a sensitive recording galvanomctor having twlve separate channels. In many cases, it r:as necessary to warm the pipe leading from the combustion chamber ta the jet before starting the experiment proper, To do this, an exhaust pipe eras positioned under the jet nozzle, so that the hot gas was led away from the test area. Having wrmed the pipe, the valves were moved to by-pass the hot &as and the exhaust pipe was removed. -5- The floor nas smooth cement, but no special preparation of the surface was made. Usually, the hot gas nas not allowd to flow for more than 30 seconds during a test, and there ;,as no significant erosion of the floor. 3.0 Transient temperatures in the field around the jet The thermocouple rake was erected at various radial distances from the jet axis and recordings of the temperatures uere made during a 30 second period after the jet and intake flows vere turned on suddenly. A thermocouple located just inside the intake nas monitored to determine the temperature of the air at this point. So far as could be determined, the temperatures in the region around the jet and in the vicinity of the intake ?~ere the same iihether or not suction uas applied to the intake. There appeared to be a small amount of recirculation of hot gas to the intake region, the temperature rise being about I to 2 per cent of the temperature above ambient of the jet at exit. Observations of temperature close to the nozzle were made difficult because there nas always a small leakage of hot gas from the nozzle when the valve eras closed, and this gas convected upuards and Yhen the jet was caused the intake thermocouple readings to fluctuate. turned on, the readingsat the intake steadied very considerably, but all the thermocouple readings during the test runs showed fluctuations in temperature, except when tho couples were directly in the faster moving parts of the jet near the floor. The fact that the temperature fluctuations in the outer regions of the jet field were of a similar magnitude to tiio temperature differences being measured, meant that it was difficult to get precise quantitative measurements. An indication of the steady-state temperature pattern is Approximately, the maximum value of excess temperagiven in Figure 2. ture close to the ground, 0, varied inversely -;;ith radial distance from were similar the axis of the jet and it WE noted that these indications 4 to the measurements of Reeves . 4.0 Initial rate of spread of the jet A transient phenomenon which could clearly be determined from the temperature records u&s the rate at.nhich the initial boundary of the' jet spread across the floor when the jetnas first turned on. The sudden &fined on the record, and by placing change in temperature i;as clearly the rake in a horizontal position just above the floor surface the.time at Figure 3 show how which Lhe jot reached a given radius could be found. these measurements fall on curves in which distance is proportional to (time)~n The curves for the same jetexit velocity, but with the height of the jet above the ground varying in the range 1 to 36 diameters, are Results for nozzles with diameters of 2 in. and 1 in. are the same. shown. The curves of Figure 3 give the rate of progress of the jet boundary, u, as the slope of the ourve at any instant, t. The curves are of the form il : ct ' =- ct =z (where c is a constant) -3 2 R Values of the velocity u have been obtained from the results in this nay and are~plottcd on Figure 40 The velocity is shown relative to V the velocity of the jet at the nozzle and the distance is related to t ii'e diameter of the.nozzle. It is seen that the measurements may be correlated quite well-by this form of non-dimensional plotting. It was not immediately apparent that the rate of spreading of the jet should be the same for widely different heights of the nozzle above the ground, since it was clear that the ?rcssures in the jet at the region of impingement nith the ground were vary much reduced as the nozzle height Therefore, measurements of the steady state velocity was increased. field were made. 5.0 Steady-state velocity measurements The dynamic head of the jet.flon at ground level was measured on a sensitive water manometer using a total head probe ;ihich.was held at a small distance above the ground (usually about 4 to 1 in.) at the height which nas found to give the maximum pressure reading. The pitot pressure at the exit plane from the nozzl c and the pressure close to the ground at the point of jet impingement were also measured xith the same pitot tube. Generally, .the jet air was at ambient temperature, and the jet velocities ranged from 350 ft/s to 1100 ft/sccond. 5;1' Velocity field at ground lcv& _. A non-dimensional plot of the measurements is shown on Figure 4; the squnre~root of the ratio of the dynamic pressure reading to the dynamic pressure at the jet exit, (q/43)5, is equivalent to the velocity ratio V/VJ for isothermal, incompressible conditions. The readings lie.close to a characteristic for all heights in the range Z~DJ = 1 to 36, all jet velocities and two That is, within limits the velocity at a point near nozzle diemeters. the ground awey from the jet axis is a fixed proportion of the jet exit -7velocity, irrespsctivz of the hoi&t of the nozzle above the pound, Fear the axis of the jet, the velocity does vary nith tho height of the nozzle above the ground. If, alternatively, the dynanic pressure q is relattd to q9, the pressu:c at ground level on the axis of the jet, and Dlottod agalnst radir.1 distance as shoirn on Yii;ure 5, the proportionality is different for each nozzle hci Qt so that the str.aight-line chzractcristics intercopt the axis (q/q TF = 1 at vnlues of R/DJ ;:hich increase with height. Those distances mi&t be termed "effective" diamiturs of the jot at impingement; that ins A fen tests rierc made with the get heated to about 300°C, end these confirmed that the relationship (q/q~)" to (R/DJ) was ths eczmees when the jet 'was at ambient temperature. Zeferring again to Figure 4 it is seen that the rete of adv,znce of the initial nave, u, is about one qulrtcr of the final steady velocity appropriate to each rndiai station. 5.2 Velocity along axis of jot The decay of dynamic prc ssuro c.long the axis of the jet t-193 measured irith the jet exit at several heights above ths ground, Figure 6. After an initial distance over which thcrc is little change, the velocity decreases lintzly with distance. The vclue of k is between 6 and 6.5 which is similar to that reported by Squire2~3 and othcr~ . It also apTears that the dynamic pi.essure at the point of impingcmont is the saw RS the vrlue at that axial distance in absence of ground effect, On the same graph, tho "eff;ctj.ve" diameters of the jet D$DJ at the various nozzle heights determined from Figure 5 have been plotted to show that Do hes the same but invcrsc rclntionship with nozzle height as the velocity on the jet axis. That is which establishes the compatability of the two equations relating velocity of the spreading jot v,ith radial distance given above. the 6.0 Horizontal extent of jet flow As the jet spreads across the ground, the maximum dynamic pressure of the flow decreases in inverse proportion to the square of the radial distance; .homever, the temperature.of the gases near the ground decreases at a much slower rate, the excess temperature varying in inverse proportion to apprcximately the first poner of the distance. Whi1st.e.t small radial distances the dynamic presswe of the flog is vary great compared with the forces;due to buoyancy of the gase.s, in the outer regions the magnitudes of these quantities become~opmperable, and the jet flow will tend to lift from the ground. 6.1 Choice ozi^ correlating parameter The non-dimensional parame'ter usually aszociated aith natural oonIt is formed from the vective processzs is the Grashof number, F. the first term is Reynolds.number, the second is product !k@?x 9; I-I the non-dimensional parameter :Jhich appears in the generalised analysis of velocity and temperature fields in a fluid. 'This latter parameter, a rewritten as .8@3Cp + e is seen to be the ratio between the buoyancy forces on an element and the viscous shearingforces. In the present instance nc are primarily concerned with the relative effects of buoyanoy and the kinetic forces in the flow SO that a more suitable parameter aould be Since velocity and temperature are related to the initial values VJ and SJ, and DJ is a oharaoteristic dimension of the system, a suitable correlating parameter for a first attempt at analysing the experimental results is 6.2 Experimental results "The point at which the jet flak leaves the ground was determined by advancing a sensitive suction thermocouple hold close to the floor inwards toaards the jets axis until a point was reached xhere fluctuations in the Although galvanometer indication shoved the presence of some hotter gas. the point at which fluctuations commenced was VC11 defined, its radial distanco from the jet axis v.aried consiierably in a random way with time, so that the radial extent. of the jet, R', is an estimate based on a series of observations made over the space of a minute or so. The observesions are plotted on Figure 7, vrith the extent of the jet as the'ratio R'"/DJ,~~ terms of the parameter ,derived in the previous Results are shomn for two sizes of nozzle 1 in. and 2 in.-, paragraph. diameter, for jet velocities from 50 to 500 ft/s and temperature at the the height of the nozzle nozzle exit from 63OC to 265Oc above ambient; exit above the ground ranged from 6 diameters to 23 DJ: -y- From the upper graph of Figure 7, where log/log scales are zsed it is seen that a good epproxim~tion to the course of the points is R /DJ proportional to (VJp/fig3 JDJ)"; therefore, the horizontal scale has been chosen accordingly in the lower graph. 6.3 Effect of temperature ratio Although Figure 7 shows a fair chosen, the range of temperature used the flow too unsteady for the results involving the temperature ratio (TJ&) account. As will be indicated latter, cal analysis and accordingly a further ate the temperature (or density) ratio TJ/T~ correlation between the parameters was too small, and the boundary of to show whether there W.S a factor which should be taken into this term appears in the theoretites t was made to attempt to evalueffect. The apparatus was re-arranged to bring the combustion chamber nearer to the jet exit, and three suction thermocouples at distances &O, 51 and 59 DJ were supported just above ground level. Records of the temperature at these points were taken over periods of about 30 seconds while the gas conditions at the nozzle were held constant. Several tests of this sort were made at different combinations of jet pressure and temperature. Later, the temperature records Here examined to see whether the trace was steady or fluctuating denoting that the boundary of the exhaust gases fell short of or extended beyond the fixed point. The results are ressure has been corrected in each shown on Figure 8; the jet dynamic $ case t0 apply t0 a radial distance R = 50 1)~. If for a given horizontal extent of the jet the parameter constant then rie can draw characteristics on Figure 8 corresponding to various constant values of n. Those for n = 0 and n = 4 are shown; it seems unlikely that n should lie much outside these limits. 7.0 Vertical extent of the jet Having determined the horizontal extent of spread of the jet after it touched the ground, it seemed worthwhile to find how high above the ground the nozzle had to be before the vertical part of the jet just failed to reach the ground. Similar experiments ;iere, therefore, made by searching beneath the nozzle, chich was raised ~11 from the floor, with the suction thermocouple so that the lcrrest point reached by the hot gases might be determined. Again the results correlate VJe/&e JDJ, as shonn on Figure 9. 8.0 Discussion quite well using the parameter of choice of parameters From the data presented ire can gain an assessment of the factors on which the velocity and temperature patterns in the field around a single jet depend. The dynamic pressure of the spreading flow is - IO - to the exiti‘dynamic pressure at the nozzle and varies inversely.;?ith the Bquiire of the raditis; similar dynamic pressure'ratios occur at p,cints having the same ratio.of radial distance,$o nozzle diameter. Near the'axis of t'e jct,~'-the dynamic pres&r&s depend on the height of the jet nozzle above the ground; the pressures in this region and their extent can be decided.from considerations of the decay of dynamic pressure and the growth of a jet discharging axially from a nozzle. pr$o&icnal The rate at'vjnich the bbunda$ is given approximately .&c&e quarter radial position. ., off the jet spreads along the ground of the steady-state velocity at each The,,extent of the r&i+ s&oad of the jet acboss the ‘&xxx-&is found'to correlate with a non-dimensional parameter VJ"/~~&JDJ, i7hich relates the jet dynamic pressure to the initial buoyancy forces on the jet. cissed, results Thc.several parameters used in these relationships will ndw be diswith reference particularly ,to extending the application of the to higher.velocities and temperatures than those 'used.in the tests. 8.1 Velocity and temperature ratios j Iqmost of the tests, the Mach number of the jet flow was too low there to be a grea;t difference batween the quantities dynamic.pressure (total pressure - static pressure) and kinetic pressure (&prr") pr between,' total and static temperature. In any case, in regions of flow mere than' a few jet diameters azey from the point of impingement, these +fferences will a.lws,ys be negligible. However, in maw practical cases, vfhere hot gases at choking pressure ratios are involved, the choice VJhether the operative yrameter is (Pt - P,)/(Pt - Ps) J or +~+/(-~$V")J can alter estimates of velocity in the spreading jet by an Qnportant fraction. In cases where the velocity decw durves for the SZIIC system have been ccmpared ever a range of jet pressure ratios, we have noted that the correlation between tests at Cfferent pressures ?< s better when dynamic presAn examination of.Kuhn's ff data sho?s B similar tendency sures were used. for the correlation to be wcrse if kinetic pressure ratios ai% used instead Anderson and Johns4 studied jets at Mach of ratios of dynamic prcs+re. numbers up to 3.5, and concluded that linearity of the &al decay parameters when plotted to logarithmic scales 'iias obtained when the pressure ratio was formed from pitot tube readings,' related to a pitot pressure Therefore, measuyement made immediately doimstream of the nozzle exit. in the present tests, the quantity q is taken to be.the difference between the pressure measured on a pitot tube aligned with the flow, a& the surrounding ambient static pressure, and it is proposed that this relationship should be used when extending present data to.pressure levels beyond those. actually'tested. for The s8me author& the axis of high, velocity peratures sh&ld'beus&d ture differences in order 8.2 V'/$&lD report measurements of the temperature decay along jets from iihich it,is concluded that total temin f&ming.non-dimensional ratios between temperato correlate measurements. The buoyancy parameter, horizotital extent bf flow In an initial correiation of the e,xperim6ntel data'the parameter was used1t.o express th& interaction betqeen buoyancy and kinetic - II - forces in the flow field. mile it is clearly possible that the interaction of these forces can decide the path of a freely-moving buoyant element of fluid, it is not so clear that they are relevant when the flow is bounded on one side by a surface. Dr. B. S. Stratford suggested that the separation of the buoyant flow from the ground might be analogous to the separation of isothermal flows which occurred in many cases when the rise in static pressure at the surface exceeded a fraction (usually between 0.3 and 0.55) of the dynamic head of the main stream. In the present instance the pressure rise at separation may be equated to a defect in pressure of the jet flow at the surface due to the buoyancy of the heated gas above (Figure IOa). It might be anticipated that separation will oocur when the pressure rise exceeds a certain fraction of the local maximum dynamic head in the spreading jet, &V'. A theoretical analysis of the buoyancy effect has been made in Appendix II. It has been assuncd that the distributions of velocity and temperature transverse to the direction of flo1-i follon a normal error law, and that the ratio between the rates at -cthich tomperaturc and velocity effects sproad across the flow is characterised by a factor 'b', the value of which is not much different from 1. It is shonn that thu pressure defect at the surface due to buoyancy is Since, approximately, V/VJ and R/DJ are in inverse relationship, Ap is constant within the region of the spreading flow and, for a given jet temperature, is proportional tc nosele diameter. It is further shol-m that the ratio of this pressure dofeot to t:he local maximum dynamic pressure of the flow is Where compressibility effects in the jet this relationship msy bs written at the nozzle exit are small, Since this expression contains a temperature ratio term, a* the results shown on Figure 8 are compatible also \iith a factor (TJ/T,)~, the results of horizontal extent have bcsn replottcd to include this on Figure Il. The straight line which best fits the observations is given by So that when separation occurs = 0.14 (b = I) = 0.17 (b = 1.4) The value of b is probably within the limits indicated; if b = 1, then temparature effects are spreading across the flow at the same rate as Usually in mixing systems, tomperaturc effects spread slightly momentum. It may be the faster, so that b is probably rather greater than unity. said that qualitatively the extent of the jet to the point of separation Ap/$pVa is follows the oresent analysis, but that the pressure coefficient about-6 to +Aof,the value found in o.ther types of separating flow. Another situation where separation of,the spreading flow occurs is U opposes the jet flon along shown in Figure lob, where a wind of velocity The pressure rise which the jot flov is seeking to overcome the ground. Therefore, the pressure coefficient is will be near to &-pu". For the values 0.14 to 0.17 found previously, U 7 = 0.37 w have to 0.41 In the present tests we have the velocity of advance of the initial is 0.25V. Honever, the two cases are not strictly comparable as iiave, u, If we assume that the presthe initial navt is's transient phenomenon. sure rise to be accomplished in the transient case is about twice that in the equivalent steady-state whore .&cross-nind of velocity u is opposing the flow, then - 13 - $j = 0.26 which is not far from the experimental 8.3 The buoyancy parameter, to 0.29 value. vertical penetration of jet A theoretical approach to the interaction of kinetic and buoyancy This forces in a downwardly-directed hot jet is given in Appendix III. leads to a buoyancy parameter of the form used initially to correlate the experimental results, but a temperature retie term is new included. Thus ka VJ~ = i;;x~~~D,x~ *a Again there is reasonable qualitative agrcomont between theory and exporimont, although the theoretical line ahox-mon Figure 13 overestimates the penetration by a factor of about 1.4, indicating some shortcomings in the theoretical analysis. There are certain similarities bctwsen this problem and that of the Ixnetration of a column of heated air upwards into the atmosphere which has been studied by Taylor and other35, but in their case the buoyancy forces at the startin, - condition were of the 3aaaemagnitude a3 the dynamic forces in the plume. It may bc that the analysis could be improved by considering the momentum of the sys-tom, starting from a point on the axis of the jot !?here mixing has reduced the dynamic pressures to the same order of magnitude as the buoyancy forces. However, a satisfactory result along these line3 has not been found. 9.0 Conclusions single The velocity and temperature condition3 in the space surrounding a nozslo discharging hot gas vertically downwards hnvc been studied. ?l'hen the jet strikes the amount of recirculation to be small. the ground it spreads radially outrrords~and of hot gas to the region of the nozzle appears The dynamic head of the flow at ground level decreases inversely as the square of the distance from the jet ‘axis and is proportional to the dynamic head at the nozzle exit. To a c1030 approximation, the dynamic head at ground. level at any point outside the region of direct impingement of the jet is independent of the height of the nozzle above the ground. The lateral extent of the flow at in terms of a parsactor relating the jot to excess tcmporaturo above ambient. A to correlate the vertical oxtunt of a jot level. ground love1 has been correlated dynamic head to its buoyancy due similar parameter has been used discharging no11 above ground The evidence of the tests supports tho view that in model experiments vthere the flow field around jets diroctod towards the ground is of importance, the value of the paramctcr should be tho same -.1.!+ - in model and full-scale C~SCS~ The value of the index n should be 0.5 rihore the jet strikes the ground, and 1.0 if the jet does not reach the ground. Thosc values for n are based on a theoretical approach, and while the experiments do not establish absolutely that they are correct, the experimental results and theoretical values are nevertheless compatible. A slightly altored form of the parameter is recommended for cases rihere cqmpressibility effects in the jet flow at the nozzle exit must be taken into accotint. In tests where the jot was suddenly switched on, the rate,at which the initial boundary'of the jet advances across the ground has been found to be about dne quarter of the final stoati velocity of the gases at each radius. - 15 - REFEREZCES No. Title, Author(s) etc. 1 D. Reeves Conderning the heating effects jet exhaust gases from vertical take-off aircraft A.R.C. 16057, &n-i1 1953 of the 2 H. B. Squire Jet flow and its effects on aircraft Aircraft Engineering, 701. 22, P? 62-67, 1950 3 R. 2. Kuhn in investigation to determine conditions under which downwash from VTOL aircraft will start surface erosion from various types of terrain N&L Technical Note u-56, September 1959 4 ?.. R. Anderson F. R. Johns Characteristics of free supersonic jets exhausting into quiescent air Jet Propulsion Vol. 25, pp 13-15 1955 5 B. R. Morton G. I. Taylor J. S. Turner Turbulent gravitational convection from mnintained and instantaneous souroes proc. Roy. soo. 2. Vol. 234, PP I-23, 1956 -- 16 .WPEiKDIX I List of symbols. b +acto+, ha/h>," defkng relative rates at which temperature &I motientumeffects penetrate transversely to the flow 0 constant CP speo@'ic heat D diameter De of .'&uivalent .; jet diameter of. jet at ground k&l due. to, gravity is .aoceleration h height above'&ound in &eld away from jet axis hl:, ha height, ,tioving away from surface, at which v and (T - Ta) ', have decreased to l/e of the maximumlocal values, V and B L Z BJ LO~ L e 8 ,c~raoteris~tio AP defect in pressure at&face 9 dynamic head in jet flow R radial distance from jet I-P limit T absolute temperature, t time u velocity of advance of initial U velocity of cross-wind V velocity of flow above ground level V maxLmum velocity X (1 + ba)' * $ Y S- along z vertical at XT limit y =0 length of radial axis axis extent of jet across ground TJ = jet total temperature jet wave in jet flow at given radial of jet distance downwards from nozzle etit distance APFzENDIX I (cont'd) limit of vertical penetration expansion coefficiefit. of hot jet of gas $a P density 0 temperature difference (T - Ta), maximumvalue in jet flow at given radial distance Suffices a ambient conditions J conditions at exit plane of nozzle 0 conditions at ground on axis of jet - 18 APF'EJDIX II The buoyancy effect in flow spr@ading from an impinging, heated jet The flow outwards from the point of impingement is assumed to be symmetric about the vertical axis of the jet. Let us consider the conditions where the flow crosses a surface defined by a vertical cylinder radius R, and suppose that the variations of temperature and horizontal velocity with height h follovv normal error distributions; that is that v T-T, = Ve = Be V and 0 are the values of velocity and temperature difference at ground level, that is they are maximum values, and t3 is small compared with Ta. The buoyancy force acting on an element of the floaing dh and unit cross-section due to its density p being different ambient is gas height from -p)-g*dh =p (P* = Therefore, the defect ancy of the gas above is pP in pressure (T - Ta) g a at ground level due to the buoy- m Ap = p? 0 - Ta) g a 0 a Because the change in absolute constant in this integration. value of p is small, it is regarded as - 19 The total quantity heat passing the cylindrical surface time is E 2?rRpv (T - Ta) Cp . db = 2xRpCp / v (T - Ta) dh dh ++ba) (3," dh where Put (I + ha>(2)’ = xa ha dh = /(I :. Total quantity of heat = +V8Cpha i(1 This must equal the total + ba) ' dx +ba) heat discharged -2 Io e dx from the nozzle in unit 20 - - Pep0 ’ hz / e 42 dx z DJaVJPSJ pg. RV 0 But we have from Equation it follows, It by substitution . &T-zFJ 6 . ...(2) (1) that in Equation (2), AP =Pe' DJavJf'JBJ . m RV has been observed (Figure that l *..(3) 8 4) that a . ...(4) If we consider absent then first flow conditions = where compressibility v ‘“;’ epJ 4 ( > effects ars - 21 - Substituting thi3 in Equation (3) we have AP = @g eJ DJ t'J 'J ' Thus the pressure defect due to buoyancy varies very little with radius and is independent of jet velocity. At the radius of separation, R*, the maximum dynamic head of the flow, is and the ratio of the buoyancy pressure defect to this is . ...(6) In the present results experiments, (p/pJ) can be replaced The proportionality shown by the straight on Figure II is that So that, R”= 062 DJ * - at separation AP 1p pva - (0.62)= line g-$ - v = 0.14 (b = 1) = 0.17 (b = 1.4) by (TJ/Ta) so that drawn through the - 22 This analysis would seem to indicate, therefore, that separation occurs when the difference between ambient pressure and local surface static pressure has a value of about 15 per cent of the local maximum dynamic pressure of the flow. This critical condition for separation might be compared with the critical pressure rise coefficient found in other types of separating flow. For examule, when detachment of a semiinfinite flow from a surface occurs, Ap/$p? is often found to be between 0.3 and 0.55, V in this case being the flow velocity of the main stream outside the boundary layer. Clearly, however, it is invalid to expect a direct quantitative comparison between a semi-infinite flow on the one hand and a wall-jet flow on the other, and it might be expected that the latter is incapable of overcoming a static pressure rise of as large a proportion of the maximum local dynamic pressure as the former. If the approximation 4~ s & pJ VeJ is not valid, (3) can be combined to give Equations (4) and Thus me see that if we wish to preserve similarity in those parts of the flow field where buoyancy effects are significant, then we have to ensure similarity between values of the parameter represented by the expressions in the square brackets. ratios In most practical cases where the gas is air up to choking value, the substitution and for nozzle pressure may be made, where TJ is the total temperature of the jet at the nozzle Furthermore, temperatures in exit; the error is less than 4 per cent. the spreading flow at points where buoyancy is becoming relatively important are not far from ambient, so the buoyancy parameterbecomes qJ pgeJDj .-. 2 Pa For oases where compressibility effects at the nozzle parameter has the form discussed in Section 6.3 viz:- exit are small, this - 23 - The buoyancy effect directed vertically in a hot jit donnwards One line of approach to the problem of calculating the point of arrest of a jet of heated air directed dowxsrds into quiescent aurroundings is to consider the rate at which the initial energy of the jet is dissipated by mixing and by the buoyancy forces on the heated gases. If we consider the conditions on the axis of the jet, measurements in the absence of buoytixy effects that we have from (where k is a constant) ZksDJa qJ ' ss This term is taken to represent the rate of decrease of snergy per unit volume of the flori at the axis of the jet. From Squire ne have the temperature decay along the axis as (where k' is a constant) 'Ae may non relate jet by the temperature de -= dz I k' 5--i; and dynamic pressure in the core of the -aFor temperature, the initial condition is that 8 : BJ at z = k'DJ so that or buoyancy per unit volurtie bf gas Ye have seen that the upthrist, is 8pgp so that over a distance dz, the loss of energy of the jet is epgpaz. : Therefore, the total decrease in energy of the jet over a distance dz is For energy at the axis, z = kDJ so that the initial condition is that q = qJ when Put A way has not been found. of integrating this expression to obtain the value of L ;?hen y = 0, but it can be done in a step-by-step fashion. A fez hand calculations were made and it is clear that in the region of greatest interest, 0 is small whcn,buoyancy begins to have an effect, so - that we may take the density parameter is then 25 - p to be the ambient value. The buoyancy @f’aOJDJ . k, 9r A computer programm$ was usea to find values of L when y = 0 for several values of the buoyancy parameter. These values are shown on Figure 12, and the relationship indicated between the variables is The distance L*, the point where no kinetic energv remains in the gases at the jet axis is taken to be the point of arrest of the jet, so sef ir;l in the present tests ka qJ 2’o F * @SJDJpa = where the jet velocity iias low. On Fi,we 13 the experimental observations have been plotted against the parameter given above, and the calculated line has bee added, taking k = 6.5 and k’ = 4.8, yihich are the values quoted by Squire 8 for velocity and temperature decay along the axis of a jet. f P. W. “. “me pmrrmmed this aperatlo” md Wteined ths Tp8ultS quoted. To buction b pump - nermocouple wires copper constantan 40 SWG (D005”dia Hot gas supply from combustion chamber .) Thermocouple rake 8ft FIG. I Test apparatus high\ 6 5 Nozzle Nozzle 7 Jet velocity VJ = in in. 1350 5 ft/sec eJ ~240’ C ‘C 6 7 5 5 7 6 5 7 3 7 6 0 5 7 7 7 6 6 55 37 28 23 9 6 IO 23 II 21 5 7 //---,Y DJ -2 i!,=Z Jet temperature above ambient. Temperatures are above ambient 5 7 diameter height 6 5 13 I4 IO II 0 7 -/.7 Scale of feet I7 v- // - \\ 4 FIG.2 Temperature field I2 IO -/.7- II II I3 II I2 IO \\ IO I2 9 IO 0 -// - 200 R . . ‘riches too 0. ,// DJ’ 2 ” OJ -225’C Z,/DJ =I VJ~535”lSec ft lsec 0’ ; 200 R R DJ= 2* DJ =I” -240’ 8~ 0J = 215’ C Zo/ DJ -23 VJ -mono ft Time -seconds FIG. 3 Initial progress of jet across C ground / set I.0 Steady Nozzle l z, r height% I' 3, +0 II,. 9, 99 v ” x I-0 state = I 12 DJ 10 6 I 2’ 'J .I 23,D = I #? O-I !( 9J 0.0 -’ ( l-01 Transient DJ ~2” . FIG.4 VJ=550 ft/sec Zo/DJ =36 Relation distance between from and axis steady velocity of state at vertical ground jet conditions level in and transient - 25 - that we may take the density parameter is then p to be the ambient value. The buoyancy @P,OJ~J . k, 9r A computer programmd was used to find values of L when y = 0 for These values are shown on several values of the buoyancy parameter. Figure 12, and the relationship indicated betseen the variables is The distance L*, the point where no kinetic energy remains in the gases at the jet axis is taken to be the point of arrest of the jet, 80 a se \ ij;i in the present tests = 2.0 where the jet ka T;I- Q velocity qJ @‘JDJoa ‘x&s low. On Fi,we 13 the experimental observations have been plotted against the parameter given above, and the calculated line has bee added, taking k = 6.5 and k’ = 4.8, which are the values quoted by Squire 8 for velocity and temperature decay along the aria of a jet. f P. W. “. How p~rcmmed th,s aperatIo” and obtained ths IpBultS qlloted. To buction pump - Hot gas supply from combustion chamber Tnermocouple wires copper constantan 40 SWG (0.005”dia / Ceramic .) CJUZ bush ‘-\ Detail E E -tz of thermocouple - Thermocouple rake 8ft high\ Distance pieces 1 12‘ : Intake Suction line ; FIG. I Test apparatus Nozzle 6 5 Nozzle Nozzle 7 Jet velocity VJ = in in. 1350 5 ft/sec eJ ~240’ C ‘C 6 7 5 5 7 6 5 7 3 7 6 0 5 7 7 7 6 6 55 37 28 23 9 6 IO 23 II 21 5 7 //---,Y DJ -2 i!,=Z Jet temperature above ambient. Temperatures are above ambient 5 7 diameter height 6 5 13 I4 IO II 0 7 -/.7 Scale of feet I7 v- // - \\ 4 FIG.2 Temperature field I2 IO -/.7- II II I3 II I2 IO \\ IO I2 9 IO 0 -// - 200 R . . ‘riches too 0. ,// DJ’ 2 ” OJ -225’C Z,/DJ =I VJ~535”lSec ft lsec 0’ ; 200 R R DJ= 2* DJ =I” -240’ 8~ 0J = 215’ C Zo/ DJ -23 VJ -mono ft Time -seconds FIG. 3 Initial progress of jet across C ground / set I.0 Steady Nozzle l z, r height% I' 3, +0 II,. 9, 99 v ” x I-0 state = I 12 DJ 10 6 I 2’ 'J .I 23,D = I #? O-I !( 9J 0.0 -’ ( l-01 Transient DJ ~2” . FIG.4 VJ=550 ft/sec Zo/DJ =36 Relation distance between from and axis steady velocity of state at vertical ground jet conditions level in and transient 6.3 Intercept = De / DJ Points are mean of three readings tor qJ = 3, IO+ 20” Hg FIG.5. Variation of velocity at ground level related total pressure at point of impingement l-0 x nozzle o nozzle t nozzle to height I2 DJ height I8 DJ height 56 DJ 0.5. I.0 o-5 I+ 0 QJ 2 De o-2 O-2 0-I I 2 FIG.6. Variation 5 of velocity IO Z/D, 20 along axis 50 of jet. 04 100 101 IO’ I I 2 5 I I I I IO’ 2 5 IO’ v,2/#9 eJ DJ 15o- -- IO O- R" 0 DJ -x+- ; x 5'o- ++ 0 +o 4 . t / b I’ 7 t Dia. nozzle, Z, = II B I” Dia. nozzlr,Z,, = 23 DJ . 2” Dia. nozzle, 2, = 6 ; 2” Dia. nozzle, 0' 200 extent of hot jet at ground DJ Z, = I2 DJ / FIG.7. Horizontal DJ Iuvel Conditions when hot gas always reached R = 50 D \ 0 1 0 7 .Condit ions when hot qas did not reach R =5OD \ \ \ \ 1 lO( I temperature 300 above A No hot gas detected v Hot gas always o Hot gas detected Jet FIG .8. Relation for I 200 between constant jet horizontal I I rnrnrn( 400 500 800 ambient -‘C (iog scale) over present perlod over of 30 seconds perlod of 30 reconds intermittently dynamic extent pressure of jet. and temperature 00 150 cl* 0 0 FIG.II.Horirontal o f Dia. nozzk 203 23 DJ + f Dia. nozzle, 20~6 x Z”Dia. norxk. Lo temperature of 300 200 100 cxtrnt =I2 DJ DJ hot ratio jet correlating tet n parameter includes /A +’ 0 FlG.lZ. calculated penetration Hand calculation + Computer of vertical jet - l- / 2oc IOC 2" z 5c o 1”Dia. nozzle + i’Dia. 20 50 IO0 200 vJ2 heJo, 600 $ +J IC nozzla _ - ,- ~. _ _ - _ _ . .__----~~--~.---- A.R.C. October COI, “. C.P. 1ga and No. Abbott, --...__.._- --.~-_------_----_---_________ _____, A.R.C. 912 W. October COI. Il. A. SITJDIESOF BY SINW? WRJWARDS THE FIKM FIEUX CREA’ZD “ERTICAI, JETS PIRECTFD UPON A HORIZONMLSLRFACE C.P. No. 912 1964 aml Abbott. W. - _.___ -_--_-----..~__~ 532.?25:533.691.18 A. SRJDIES OF THE FIKA4 FIELDS CREA!IEC BY SINOIX VSRTICAL .,EYS DIRECTEX, LOUPON A BORIZONPAL SURFACE The velocity and temperature condltlons In the space surmundlng a single nozzle discharSl”S hot gas vertically darmHardS on to a hcrizontal surface have been studied. Except a very low exit velocities. the aa!nt of reclrculatio” M an I”t&e situated on the axis of the jet Is mall. Wlthh limits. the dynanlc head at ground level at a pofnt amy lmm the axis IS independent of th3 height of the nozzle sbwe the !?J’“““d. Tlx?Se limits We decided by the spread Of the jet before it reaches the ground, ard by the lateral extent of the jet teeiore it separates and rises im the Sro”nd. tempemtw condltlO”s in th? space surmmding a hot gas vertically domwards on t” a ha-lzontal mmce have been studied. Except a very low exit vel”cltl2s. the arount or recirculation M a” Intake situated on the axis of the jet IS Snail. Within llmlts, the dynanlc head at gm”“d level at a p”I”t away fmm the axis IS independent “I the hel&t “I the nozzle ab”ve the ground. These limits are decided k6’ the sw-ad of the .iet tefom it reaches the ground. and by the l&em-extent-of the jet before it separat& &d rises rm t.rE m”,,d. single The VelOClty and nozzle dIschsrSi”S P.T.O. A.R.C. C.P. October Co& M. 1964 and NO. Abbott, October Cm, tl. A. sPODIE.¶ CFTfIE FLCHFIEUS CFZATED BY SINGIS VERTICAL JETS DIRECTED tXX?MARDS UPON A AORIZONTAL RJP.FACE The Velocity and tenperatwe nozzle discl!ar’Sing hot e3s have been studied. Except C.P. NO. 912 1964 and Abtott. W. 532.525:533.691.18 A. STUDIES OFTHE FL‘MFIELDSCPEATSD BY S1NDI.E VERTICAL JETS DIRECP,Z IX,lthWm UPON A HWIZONPAL SURFACE in the space sulo”“d,nS a downwards on t” a horizontal low exit ~elocitfes, the amol”t Of rec1xulat10n to an intalre situated on the axis 0r the jet is mall. Wlthin limits, the dynmlc &ad at gro""d level at a point anay rP33 the aXlS is independent Of the hei@,t Of the nozzle above the md. These limits are decided by the spmad of the jet beiore it reaches the ground. and by the lateral extent “r the jet ber0m it separates and rises im the ground. single s”l-face P.T.O. A.R.C. 912 W. .--.--.....-..---.. condltlons vertically at WY, P.T.O. The velOC1t.y and tempWat”R CondltlO”S 1” th Space SU-m”“d,“F, a single nozzle discharging hot gas vertically downwards on to a h”rIz”“tal SJI-faCe baw bee” stucied. Except at very low exit Velo”itleS, the amwnt or recimu1ation to a” intake sltuated on the axlS or the jet IS -11. Wlthin limits, the dynamic head at Smund level at a point away from the axis Is independent of th? height Of the nozzle ab.xe the gM”“d. These limits are decided W the spread “t the jet before It reaches the w,,r,d, and by the lateral extent or the jet beR”-e It separates and Pises rmm the wd. P.T.O. ---- A parameter Including the lnltlal velocity of the jet and Its Cmperature is .lsed to define both the vertical penetratlcm of the jet and its lateral extent If It strikes the g-and. The rate of decay of dynmlc head I" the jeC along Its axis and across the grO""d has bee" studied. I" cmsient experiments, the rate or pmgress or the initial spread of the jet acrOSS the ground has bee" detemlned. A meter including the 1nltIalvetilty of the jet and Its temperature is used M define both the vertical penetratlo" of Cb jeC and its lateral erte"t lf it strikes The rate oi decay of dynamic head in the Jet the mund. along it8 axis and BcI‘OSs the EmU,d ha.9 tee" studied. I" transient experhEnts. the Iate Of pmgrss or the in1tm1 qread of the Jet acmss the md has been.detemined. A parameter lncludlng the Inltlal velocity of the jet and Its tpnperattm is used to define both the vertical penetrat*on or the jet and its lateral extent ii it strikes tb grolmd. The rate Of decay Of @"amiC head I" the Jet along Its axis and acrw.S the gTo""d has Me" studled. I" tmS,e"t experiments, the rate or pmtipss or the inithl spread oi the jet acms~the zqamdhas bee" determIned. ' A parameter ineludlng the lnltial velocity of the jet end Its tm.pemuTe 1s used M dellne both the vertical penetrac*ml or the jet and its latelal extent if It strikes The ,-ate of decay of ~J,BD,~C head in,th!Z Jet the ground. along its axis and acrosti the ground has hem studled. In transient expe-nts. the rate or progress or the initial spread of the jetacmssthe gmmdhas been determined. C.P. No. 912 fP Nn 917