Application Note 1427 Opto-Isolation Option for the ICM-1900/ICM-2900 Overview: The ICM/AMP-1900 and ICM-2900 modules from Galil have an option for optoisolated outputs. This option is specified by including the name -OPTO when ordering. FROM CONTROLLER ICM-1900 / ICM-2900 CONNECTIONS ISO OUT POWER (ICM-1900,PIN 19) OUT POWER (ICM-2900) +5V RP3 10K OHMS RP4 on ICM-1900 RP2 on ICM-2900 LOAD (OPTO-MODULE, ETC) OUT[x] (66 - 73) OUT[x] TTL ISO POWER GND (ICM-1900,PIN 35) OUT GND (ICM-2900) The ISO OUT POWER (OUT POWER ON ICM-2900) and ISO POWER GND (OUT GND ON ICM-2900) signals should be connected to an isolated power supply. This power supply should be used only to power the outputs in order to obtain isolation from the controller. The signal "OUT[x]" is one of the isolated digital outputs where X stands for the digital output terminals. The default configuration is for active high outputs. When the controller is configured in this manner, the opto-isolated outputs will sink current when the outputs are set low and will not sink current when the outputs are high. To invert the sense of the outputs, see the discussion below, “Inverting the Logic Sense of the Opto-Isolation” NOTE: If power is applied to the outputs with an isolated power supply but power is not applied to the controller, the outputs will float high (unable to sink current). This may present a problem when using active high logic and care should be taken. Using active low logic should avoid any problems associated with the outputs floating high. The opto-isolation provides 25mA drive current / output with approximately 400 usec response time. -1Galil Motion Control, Inc. • 3750 Atherton Road • Rocklin, CA 95765 USA • 800-377-6329 • Ph: 916-626-0101 • Fax: 916-626-0102 • Inverting the Logic Sense of the Opto-Isolation: It is often useful to invert the logic sense of the Galil outputs. Commonly used optoisolation modules such as those by OPTO-22 or Grayhill operate with negative true logic. With this type of module, it is desirable to drive these modules with an open collector output. Furthermore, it is important for the default and power-on state of these outputs to be non-active. Using the opto-isolation option, this can be easily provided by inverting the output. If the logic sense has been inverted, when the outputs are set low (using the command CB) the opto-isolation output will be inactive. When the outputs are set high (using the command SB), the opto-isolation output will be active (sink current). To invert the opto-isolation outputs, remove the resistor pack on RP3, turn the resistor pack around 180 degrees and replace it. This places pin 10 of the resistor pack into pin 1 of the socket on the ICM-1900. Connections to the opto-isolated outputs do not need to be modified. This configuration can be specified when ordering the interconnect by using the designation –INVOUT (ex. ICM-2900 –OPTO –INVOUT). FROM CONTROLLER ICM-1900 / ICM-2900 CONNECTIONS (-INVOUT OPTION) ISO OUT POWER (ICM-1900,PIN 19) OUT POWER (ICM-2900) This point connected to GND when resistor pack, RP3, is inverted 10K OHMS RP4 on ICM-1900 RP2 on ICM-2900 LOAD (OPTO-MODULE, ETC) OUT[x] (66 - 73) OUT[x] TTL ISO POWER GND (ICM-1900,PIN 35) OUT GND (ICM-2900) Configuring for High Side Operation (-HISIDE option): Galil can provide the opto-isolation configured for applications that require a High Side Drive Circuit. This type of configuration is denoted as –HISIDE and must be specified when the Interconnect Module is ordered. In this configuration, the load is connected to ground and the output delivers current see diagram. With the –HISIDE configuration, the opto-isolated output can source 24mA of current and the maximum voltage to the load will be 1.5Volts less than the voltage supplied to the circuit. With the option –OPTO –HISIDE, the sense of the outputs will be inverted; when the output is cleared (using the CB command), the output will source current to the load and when the output is set (using the SB command), the output will not source current to the load. To re-invert the sense of the outputs, use the option –OPTO – HISIDE –INVOUT (see previous section “Inverting the Logic Sense of the OptoIsolation”). -2Galil Motion Control, Inc. • 3750 Atherton Road • Rocklin, CA 95765 USA • 800-377-6329 • Ph: 916-626-0101 • Fax: 916-626-0102 • FROM CONTROLLER +5V ICM-1900 / ICM-2900 CONNECTIONS (-HISIDE OPTION) ISO POWER GND (ICM-1900,PIN 35) OUT GND (ICM-2900) TO BE CONNECTED TO USERS ISOLATED POWER SUPPLY OUT[x] (66 - 73) OUT[x] TTL 10K OHMS RP4 on ICM-1900 RP2 on ICM-2900 TO LOAD (RELAY ETC.) ISO OUT POWER (ICM-1900,PIN 19) OUT POWER (ICM-2900) TO BE CONNECTED TO USERS ISOLATED GND NOTE: When the opto-isolation is configured for high side operation, the terminal connections ISO GND and ISO POWER are not connected in the usual manner: The ISO GND terminal should be connected to the opto-isolation power supply. The ISO POWER terminal should be connected to the opto-isolated ground. The outputs (OUT[1] through OUT[8] will be connected to the load). -3Galil Motion Control, Inc. • 3750 Atherton Road • Rocklin, CA 95765 USA • 800-377-6329 • Ph: 916-626-0101 • Fax: 916-626-0102 •