;pff. r@pW*#*/vf? lr V SUGGESTIQNS Enforee the restc'ictians on keeplrrg F"rsats sn f,leating dsak, the limit" Maybe a nonthLy tctal of seven'd*ys r+or.eld be gercd, *'Temporsry Dock"age[ signs Fosted" Maybe S days should be Equipment prablems et regetta.s neede bo l:e addressed. Adequate eclta{pme_nt'.,1** $toragp ,qeol& f,or .it is &eeded Horq about s*Hre ladderp an the w&ve fence to allow temporabi]-y docked boatere easier *.cs'ess; t Our ster*o sy*tem needs work, $ermane44 fenders on the middle. dockr at, 3.qeet .o* dqep. wgter sidei ;. ,l!' Mernbership'{s -tr*f, f*r u.s tta spend &oney, ?he generaL inpression is t,het we,Srei buil"di*g a" trqasure qftest," ,.' r_:'.: r : prebl-em &ri"th bu3inesses bein6 run :fron cur docks? Is there a ibs rega:'d a*d sqles Parti"cul.erly in '"epairs r are nrembers gett,ing bhe last 4hoi-ces?. i: "!rJ*ve din€lhy raelrs qouth..- iOlo.3ef .to r*oorings. tsetter*nr'ietrr ',1 frcrn cl-ubhouse.. r: ' , A list of the me$bershi"p {witb.phone $r*;abers}, fopies avai lahl e to alL *,' ,More memberstlip meetings to discuss busi"ness and ideas sre needed, !,ighta tbh*t come o$ i:n p'*sponse t* ntovemend ns&r affi::rr. ,:< .. - " .,, ' .i: '.ii '! .: ' .: - ': :. of' the :ri.ew t' I ',,:l .. ,, Race *o*nittir. should consider different things. ie, fnee beer, J.or**r. pricasi be*ter trophies (like beer *ugs j. , Are *ctive sailors beingl penq.]-ized fol their pariieipati.on in Move the.r*oodp.il+ out, _ -: regattas ? . :i i, :, ' :;. := , I l i I : Sarassta Sai1 ing Sqxadr*n Sgeci*l I'le*ber*hip Heeting lrlednesdayn Septer*ber ?S1 i*Sg Appr*xir*stely rnem'berg, r'. ;! ,ii, 4CI - 5* perrmns 7r** pm et tl'tis n*eeting i ncl udi mg s board Csrnme:dr:re Dave t-evin cslled th* mseting trl srder and i*tr-r:duced bnard melnber {ahn Fyan whs v*ould .trFen LrF the meeting ts a discu=sicn s$:the Lnngi Ra*ge Ptran {"LFF'I nutline prepared by hi.s csrnrni ttge. ? Re; LRP, streseing cccnpl ying? ble thst xe ennply H*th sur lease. Are r+e nst are rnmplying" Fiave t* be =ure hbcause r.le &t-e not a =tterage facitrity, Keep gemd ioaEe up" vislation, $e keep bsa* use high r*hich l*nuld be a : Term o* lease? ? I* years witFr * Xil yeer rene**al" Eylah,E r.rerr arnended'a year agn te require "a LRP and that expanditures reflrain in line *ith the lJP. 7 Re; Active *ailing1 not a tavern ar restaurant...what'dt:es that rnean? tlants Co =ee better food and nrsre heurs that club is open. Not just hot dogr. Net euthsrized t*: heve nqatxurant" * $nsck bar, sanduiches, etc. n *l{" lve Elur Genu? ttg bnugfit:a hamburger machine a fete years agn and its not used. 2 7 yeu expand you rlpen yourself problensr etc. al trle cosld $.r*pnove quality. hlhen up tn rnore riskn cost, i : require & fnodlbar &an6ger" Sle're a vnlunteer arg*nizat*.en 'and nigfit be hard tcr get vclunteer* .fin ' da this. l'laybe xe shoutrd discuss a paid cook ar barl.fned manager. '. 'Fxpsng hsurs during the day. ,, Haybe, . : ? 7 . .i ';, ''r In#orming, the rnembership, Fast :rninuteg. I'linut*s *re posted en:*buttetin bsard ingide -i cLubheruge. ii lr il ? I t Pernnission ts_use gravs {ence as dtrs$r" idhat does that rnean? Ferrnanent slips? Thinks its better ta be used ss ter*parary dockege. What'p dt"etus an et*ter-, 2 ? w€tr3^ or city r"r*ter? tI csuldn't'hesr the resprlnses.l Hire yard cr**, under c*ntrx*t" Thnught yle hrerE! dairrg that" Alss Reed pr*:fessianal csntnacted cleaning crew" WilL that .i ncreass dues? hlhEt's Sinancial statug? lCe're *.n gond Fhape. ? Night guard - &hinks tfist is rlnnecrlssary, ouraFlves* ?' We should police Fhysical changes * ras# g3vrr d*nce f}*ror. This ar-pa cften used tn r*easure sails, dnying sa*rso stc. lsesd ter be sure re irant te rssf it sver. xslands s* vegetatian rhereupk*ep! flenbs: wa6 net against either idear just- xanted j caraf*l csneideraticn rr* br:th" j So r+e orn I Rsnt. l cr rent tents l: $e u=e? i Fsn'* have flur oarn because'they are difficult tc erect'', str:re and naintain, Digcugsing rr:crf on dance {loor similar.to that on hLrts. One,Flan requires the cutting dcwn of EBffie trees. u ? ,3 Lil*es tlre setting of gnals xnd trbjectives sf the LRF. Like qerelities af vclunteerisilr - r$dkes y*u pertly respansible for the place' l*taybe edd that rrur greatest' reg.crurse is the qEality of tha bay - make a steter*ent. re; snaintaining the qua!.ity.c* the bay- Eritiral tn meintain the relaticriship of b*y ''ind land - dredging, tree=, 'setc" I{ SSS becanre ;l propctive participantr csurld bercer .reader and nst hsvs derigisns made *nr us, St*rrk xith $lst€r et"c, rrnplement r*rrk clr pay Frclqra,r. Require members tc wsrk certai.n nui*ber cl$ times F€r y€lar or , be assessed $/hsur" Some rnernbers agreedl but hor* to enforce? i4hat about handicapped or .elderly? There are jsbs fsr, everyclne, office wnrk, phone trees, etc. Fut ds rre xant ts risk losing sslrner oxlney and n*mber= if gcne penple dan't. *,lork and don't like this plan? f'laybe betten to anceRrra€e vslunteerisrn lhan tn punish thsse who dt]n.t help out.' , i il f.i ? ? *r:at rsfinps in-bad shape - n€Fd to be dredged and frlsintained HEfif"**H6ghe.nr+ ]$av' sence. Rartins $FltE'*rrf{F[F*flf:$itff Poli'cy to "*qbep {r.,atinrg-'*ecks cr,ear is nat even if *olicy is Fut _enfi.o*J, weeteno ii* i= *"*o..=r_' there'5 n' roirrn- siiiilLille se heavy that .;;ttiIt**il,rEE! ra.ln probrems_ ? ? events overSapping. $het carl lire da abeut boats si-rrking {m naari.ng=? lce have n., cantr*r. over ar*ia nnress rnaybe with Togri,-,g men:berg *ho keep at the *sn 14F fingystheir say that i{ thev do*'t sraint*in "r'r*r€theycsuld **,o.*J-u;;;; carrnat i<*=p dingy here- ssn't have tn h*ve sss penmissinn rnc$rirrg' f,f, abenderned, wgi. cqcrld have t*e state ts sink "a csrne and remcve'it. Is there a hrsy tc gat contr.ol, tr* sooring area? State r!*rns the b.nttn$r. state is roolring aL boating and navbr *e shnuld thi*k abotrt *r.*-"=&nE -d;;"-*iiii h,aaards trr* state or city. '- poxer:bnat hite -, noE-Eid boat; is the rikery Lc gertr :I"5! 'Fs 1 Ccruldn't hrc d${n tlf nnr:aring and rsnt out ts boaters? ble ccul d get enauEtr Ii,ab'itity " caveraqF to i'nsure us? ,. l*e used tei ds that;, hut Beard decided t.a,, nrurih risk, But, €rv.en if we dqfi't .'lrn ar ,naintain *ne--mn,nri,.,*F, *t c'urd be thst we arE aqtr€rpting s'rne rii*--[v ;;;"8 invorved in the setting of the rnooniles. ') a chi l crren 's aFtsar smar r nith tnees- ? !'far* r*.,r-k er*as- 'one f,qr smali b*ate' in ner.r brdg maybe *ith ta&Ie, vicb" etc and E*"ilr*rone by r'-r the,.pump hquse" ig .) night Directienal Eiet a e*ing=, but don . t r-efi,,v* any guand. ,siqns for a SS$ up hy lrler+ Fass Bni.dge", $hculd nst rnEke ffBqFy on. rega*as, * our active sailors are penaliaed. ' ' ilutside b*n * clani.$,y i.ntent ca#' ubg*"* bei.ng ? .f {*esse prrhib.its ss Srsn,sel3.ing hand liquerr. !3 I i I il li t I ? ' I{ rsErf linsg sre jtrin*d {rco* rr\rerr d*nae f,Ioor and existing hu{tding}n woutrd the rastrictians p*rtainir"lg ta nur beer and &*ine'license extend te the dance flsnr? ? Gazebs and seati.nE area t:n la*d end s{ wave {ence. ? Nc #urther sprf.rtkler system far grounds *ttrer than lrhat i g tletressary fcrr qr&ss ein east p*rt nf lel*n- i ge clilr Eurn systetin f or creat i ng a ',tent,, . f4ayb* pclrft*nent poles or suppmrts that me could e*sily attarh e cs!"Iapsibtrs ctlvsr aF res* ts, Sevi. ? snn't tf.ke the idea cf, perma*snt nssf orr dance tlaar, the apen ai.r, see .th* stars.,. ? Fut e-ra**L3y i*,s tes het ttl' sit sut here" f.last people sit under thr hutE. *}tr we dr lE ksep cleaning the dance flsor ar€&. -: ? city rcater, watch sgt fnr'roiogen cost= nf instslr!*g. Designated ar€ra for equipment storege Iike life jacket=, bumperso outhoqrd=, rrayhe. ? r; ','.' r .. t_ike : , in budgat trnce fsr lockers, but oicn't want ts have dack'it bnxEg ' axl" Elvgr the place. Her* hruiLding, perhap= stl:rpge there" Utili.aatirln ccc$mittee l*ants input club csuld rent *u*, brrxes, Needs te be sesLrre enywhere ern property. ' hlc hni st ierrwents.' i ? !.Jants LFIF ttl gtr '*urther. A Lftp usrlatrI"y has ta develsp a br*rad misgirln state*e*t f,l:r trganieatisn. H*r*I to decide r*hat ts dtl nex* if I'tru're unclear cln r*hat cnrnrnitted csbjective is' Fcelogy, saiLing thege things are not . =tated anyrrbere in L&P. hfeed clear understanding of . Qbjectives. t*hat is $undamental s*iseisn o$ the ESS trthe:r tfien t$e canvenience s{ its rnemhers? l-lad . .i But-[-RF ie to guide expenditurEis oyar- s-------, $n fgreed. that. if some future bsard sl: grrll&p Fresges {oF- * Lennis cr:urt- anq .a tennis cnurt is. not. in tlre [-RF, funds nilt nel be allscated #er it. ? Hission stEternent ran be ccmrnunirated te the community, gr-lide dssisit:n ntaklng, and a rn€aerrre n* hcr"l yau'r-e doing, safety. I I.t i I l,i ..:! !* :.:ii ? hlaw rl I are we dning trr! thsge peints? Byl ar*s, Arti cl e r r: 'nrha purpore of thi s cl Lrb shal I be ta enecurBge the spnrt {3{ sailingo tg prcnote the science,of se*rsacship antd navi€atiano tq sFsnsBr cruises, racegl and I instructicn,cls=ses, and to fereter a spirit sf gnod {el I oushi p, cr:r-lrtesy: a*d spartsgr'an=hi p i t$ provi de entertsinrnent and ref reshnnent= f trr trlernberg and thei r gue,sts"'" .' " ? lll:w is t,hat different, *rrn the sanss.ata Yasht, club? t*hat is public perception,erf €SS? segree c:f, educatisn here distingu*.shes'*E f rsrer syc. sclcial Frtrgralns foster gooduill sn the water. . t. 'thirlg* 'ionderful. Have seen destroyed by paopls xrlrn didn't undergtand the motivs - the $issign'statlrnent.' csnvince the pubtric that y<rlt arf;* *rorking tsuard tlre rnisgion. €etf evaluatitrrt trr see if ilr are accgrnptishing rehat nB want. . bettsr attended rnenbel.=hip and bt:ard meetings. l{ake rneetlngs Later than ?lS* pm,, Itleed ? ! : I l{eei, on weekends? {Nst favoSed by raembers present} : rneetings" Ghristaras party/annual rneeting i= nr:t ennuEir" Llxually iust tg E'lect brrard membersn di=cuss any by la* changea a*d have a gaad time. Nt:t a gocd time to conduct busiBGIES. ,: Y5F * is it il.en$iinlrnity or.ltreach Fragretll rlrl just fcr serns and daurghters of rnernbers? Hnne mersberghip ? t ? Fnr any ehildnan in the cnnnunity. That"g gapd" It sheuld be a part of the mieslan"'.Also the Brand Fri''l $eil'Fest is gcrod F* and cn$nlunity involvenrent by the SS$ pnd should be pait ef the missisn. . , .. ri.j., .,... : relatisns. Paqt r:f rrur rElesErn fnr being is He er*r a paf! qrf enrhmunity, not an elitist grclup. lrkrt'totaltry self serving- Eeolaqy, imB*ct sf recr'eat{trnai use - l*e yrant trr 6s,pagt o$, the gnlutir:n5 n*rt'part of the preblern,.., Hembens shnwld vmluntesr *er city and ccunty'*dvi.sory board= gueh as natunal resouries, etc tn extend S$S involvement in city -a*f *irs-. Eemrnunity ; cs I rl r.i I ? i1 t _l Ecaltrgical trrrarfiiittee &aybe? Ttr see htrw 55S csr.lLd aEgist in cslramunity ecc}logy ef{nrts" Of fer ctur faciiities ta ecology'. gr.ouFr in nays that r*suld -'n' nst int€rfere r*ith sailing. Fut aur educatinnal classes and ne*s in lccal n€HspaFers_ p*hlic to our navigatign and cr.uising classegn etc. l""1te pen't charge nsn-neabers if members aii-s,not ihargad- Labor Ilay Regatta is advertised as tlFen to the public ti csne out and enjlry _!t= racer" attend the partyt.etF. sther thingr qbaut the *EE sher.rld be. itrpg$r tc t*e puulic.,,especiariy edusatianel " , ' Dead bsats is big i=sue and concern. ! '.rl ? ? Equipment rnanager :o. slece tern*ittee ,Fragsr markers, radioc, etc. Ehputd have inventory maintained, iq.,iprn*nt hinded nut rac*'s arid returned pramptly. *hcutd be lscked up-;; ilthings are ncrt Lsst bet**een big events_ Rent radios for larger racrs* Labqr Doy Reg*tta thi= year w;ts a preblenr- csnmunisati-ng' betwgen RC boa.ts'. t:' a. :r: ,t..' 'ri r. 6