Dark current measurements 1. Main participants 2. Measurement set-up 3. Field enhancement factor and field emission area 4. Results for Cs2Te photo-cathodes, copper plugs without and with etching cleaning 5. Strange phenomena during conditioning process 6. Conclusion G. Suberlucq AB-ATB CLIC Meeting 8/07/03 Main participants Ä PS Operators Ä Klystron Team Ä Eric Chevallay Ä Thibaut Lefèvre Ä Guy Suberlucq G. Suberlucq AB-ATB CLIC Meeting 8/07/03 Faraday cup C = 0.11 nF Measurement set-up e-beam Cup ZOUT = 50Ω G = 0.9 1.4 nF 1 MΩ Cyl. 2m UFC + 125 V Ion pump Ion pump Valve Intensified Camera I (A) = UFC(V)/4.93 Ion pump MDK-98 e-beam Faraday cup C = 0.11 nF Transport carrier BPM 103 DVT SNF DHZ SNF 100 105 110 Q (nC) = 17xUFC (V) FC Cup Cyl. 6.8Ω WCM DB RF gun Pumping Tank Cs-Te cath. ZIN = 1 MΩ Probe ÷ 10 10 MΩ / 3 pF 1 MΩ UFC + 125 V G. Suberlucq AB-ATB CLIC Meeting 8/07/03 Field enhancement factor and field emission area Ä For RF gun the field emission current could be approximated by : I FE = Ä 5.7 × 10 −12 4.52×φ − 0.5 × 10 φ 1.75 Ae( βE ) 2.5 The modified Fowler-Nordheim plot : ×e (1) − kφ 1.5 βE I FE 1 vs give : log( 2.5 ) E E 2.84 × 109 φ 1.5 the field enhancement factor β= slope of the plot I −12 4.52φ 2.5 1.75 log( Ae) = log( FE ) − log( 5 . 7 × 10 × 10 β ) + log( φ ) E → ∞ 2.5 E − 0.5 Ae = area of a single dominant emitter or area of a collection of emitters of similar strengths (1) J.W. Wang, PhD Thesis, Stanford University (1989) G. Suberlucq AB-ATB CLIC Meeting 8/07/03 Dark current measurement on Cs2Te photocathode Fowler-Nordheim curve for RF gun : photocathode No 162 - 19/06/03 -22 0.00E+00 2.00E-09 4.00E-09 6.00E-09 8.00E-09 1.00E-08 1.20E-08 1.40E-08 1.60E-08 -22.2 FC 5 Ω -22.4 -22.6 -22.8 FC high Z -23 y = -2.8637E+08x - 1.9275E+01 R2 = 9.9935E-01 -23.2 -23.4 1/E (m/V) Dark current : photocathode No 162 (fresh) 19/06/03 0.008 0.007 0.006 Mean dark current (A) log(I/(E^2.5)) y = -2.6077E+08x - 1.9560E+01 R2 = 9.9867E-01 From Q meas. mean duration of the dark current ? 1.3 µs 0.005 From Q meas. Icomp with βHZ = 66.3 0.004 (after Q measurement) From I meas. Icomp with βR = 72.8 Ae = 9.52*10-15 m2 (R ? 55 nm ) 0.003 I meas. Ae = 3.91*10-15 m2 (R ? 35 nm ) 0.002 0.001 0 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 E (MV/m) G. Suberlucq AB-ATB CLIC Meeting 8/07/03 Main results from dark current measurements (1) Ä Standard conditioning process: Slow increase of the klystron output power by minimizing break-downs, until 18MW nominal power, corresponding to 100 MV / m. After more than 10 minutes without breakdown, the cathode is considered as conditioned. Fresh Cs2Te photo-cath. Used Cs2Te photo-cath Chemically cleaned copper plug ICE cleaned copper plug ICE cleaned used Cs2Te photo-cath. φ (eV) 3.55 3.55 4.6 4.6 4.6 β From - to 73 - 66 77 - 53 104 - 70 94 - 49 102 - 100 Eq.Radius (nm) 35 - 55 27 - 165 38 - 269 55 - 2616 31 - 37 Imean (mA) 7.3 – 6.9 6.9 – 6.5 5.2 – 4.8 4.3 – 3.8 3.2 at 100MV/m ICE : Argon ion bombardment at 5x10-2 mbar eq. N2 G. Suberlucq AB-ATB CLIC Meeting 8/07/03 Main results from dark current measurements (2) Conditionning process of the Cs2Te photocathode No 162 from 100 MV/m to 105 MV/m 105 100.3 100.3 101.8 95 4.1 4 85 3.5 3.5 75 3.2 3.2 3 65 Power off 2.5 Power off photocathode stored in the MPC @ 5x10-11 mbar 55 2 45 -9 -9 2 - 5 x 10 mbar 2 - 5 x 10 mbar 1.5 35 1 25 0.5 15 0 Electric field (MV/m) Charge produced by dark current (nC) 5 100.2 4.5 5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time (hours) G. Suberlucq AB-ATB CLIC Meeting 8/07/03 Strange phenomena charge produced by dark current 100µs/div Electric field 1.7 nC/div 5µs/div 1µs/div Long tail shape sometime during conditioning process often just before an RF breakdown. Confirmed by light measurements Nominal shape Evolution of the dark current shape during the conditioning process : Copper plug 4A-17 after ICE 0 100 100 E (100 %) = 95.9 MV/m U_GL1 (100%) = 0.494 V I (100%) = 5.4 mA Light (100%) = A.U. -0.5 E delay = -88 ns -1 80 80 U_GL1 Light delay = -88 integration ns time 200 ns Dark curent (mA) I 60 E (MV/m) E 4.5 h later 40 RF pulse width = 3 µs FWHM -1.0E-06 0 0.0E+00 Time (sec.) G. Suberlucq AB-ATB 1.0E-06 -3 I 60 40 -4 -4.5 1rst meas. After standard conditioning -2.0E-06 -2.5 -3.5 20 -3.0E-06 -2 % max value -1.5 20 -5 2.0E-06 3.0E-06 4.0E-06 -5.5 5.0E-06 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Time (µs) CLIC Meeting 8/07/03 5 Conclusion Ä No major difference between Cs2Te photo-cathodes and copper plugs in term of dark current up to 100 MV/m Ä Cleaning by argon ion bombardment (ICE) helps to reduce dark current Ä Conditioning process of the copper plug, with or without ICE, before Cs2Te cathode preparation, helps for the photo-cathode conditioning. Ä The long tail of the charge produced by dark current during the conditioning process should come from ions which can potentially destroy the photo-cathode. More investigations should be done. G. Suberlucq AB-ATB CLIC Meeting 8/07/03