appendix f. - Cork Past and Present

Nov., 1419.-Sciant presentes et futuri, quod ego Patricius de Courcy dedi
Micho' de C. filio mea, omnia qme habeo in Kinsale et Rincon. Datum apud
Rincon. post festum S. Catherinre virg' et mart' vii. Hen. V. Test' Simon Laules.
Prepos' Mauritio et J oh. Lions, Wm Browne, Tho. Martell, Phil. Gough, Nicho.
Douagh et aliis (Laud. B.).
1422.-S. p. et f. quod ego Walterus fil' Ricardi Reyth civis Cork dedi Johanni
fil' David Myagh civi C. unum mess' cum pert' vocatum Magna Aula lapidea,
quod quondam fuit J oh. Mine nuper civis C. situat' in Downgarvan suburbio C.
in lat' inter mess' Joh. Knappe ex parte boreali et mess' ejusdem Walteri ex
parte australi, in long' jacet a strata regia anterius ex parte occidentali, usque ad
muros dictre civitatis posterius, ex parte orientali, cum omnibus terris, &c. Habendum predicto, Joh. f. David, heredibus, &c., in perpetuum. In cujus rei sigillum
meum apposui. Datum apud Cork die Lunre prox. post oct. Paschre, anna Henrici quinti, undecimo, et quia sigillum meum est incognitum, Sig' Maioratus Cork,
present' apponi procuravi, et nos, Perys Drowpe, maior Civ. C., sig. officii dicti
maioratus apponi fecimus. Testibus, David Candebec, J ohe. Skyddy, J ohe. Michell,
civibus C., et aliis.
Aug., 1428.-S. p. et f. quod ego Philippus fir Thomre Gogh, dedi E lyse Gogh
filire mere, omnia mea, terrre, &c., in burgagia de Kynsale et alibi in toto com. Cork,
Habend' Elyse hered. in perp' de capit' dam' feod' per servitia inde debita, &c.
In cujus rei, &c. Datum apud Kynsale, die Jovis prox' post festum assumpcionis beatre Marire virgo anno Henrici sexti, sexto.
Feb., 1438.-S. p. et f. quod ego Andreas Onerey, dedi Will. fil' Maur. Roche,
omnia mess. in burg' de Kynsale, cum infra villam quam extra, in perp'. Red. de
capit' dam' feod' per servitia iude debita. In cujus rei, &c. Datum apud Kynsale die J avis prox' post festum S. Valentini martyris, an no Henrici sexti, sextodecimo.
15 Nov., 1459.-Noverint universi per presentes, me Jacobum fil' Will. Brone
quondam burg' villre de Kynsale, remisisse, &c., Joh. fil' Maur. Whyte quondam
burg' de K. totum jus quod habeo in uno mess' in burg' de K. quod mess' jacet
inter t erram hered. Galfridi Galwy ex parte orient' et terram hered. Phil. Gohs
ex parte occident' in lat'. In long' se extendit inter com' viam ex parte australi et
vicum communem, ibidem posterius, ex parte boriali. In cujus rei, &c. Datum
apud Kynsale in festo S. Machuti, episcopi et confessoris, anno H enrici sexti, tricessima viii·. (Seal, a rose.)
10 March, 1468.-Hooc indentura facta apud Cork decimo die Marcii anno Edwarda quarti, octavo, inter Will. Galwy civem Cork ex parte una, et Patricium
Copner burg' de Kynsale ex parte altera, testatur, quod predictus Will. dedit predicto Patricio, unum mess. cum pert' in strata fratrum de K. jacent in long' inter
mess' dicti Will. ex parte orient' et mess' dicti P. ex parte occident' et in lat' a
strata predicta ex parte boreali usque ad mess' dicti Will. ex parte aust.'. Habend'
red' annatim predicto P. duos solidos.
10 May, 1468.-S. p. et f. quod ego Thomas Miloth, marinarius, villoo de KynsaIl, dedi Patricio Copener, licenciam edificandi, &c., suum mess' jacens inter mess'
Will. Galwy ex parte orient' et mess' meum ex parte occident', super parietem
mess' mei. H abend. dicto P. in perp'. In cujus rei, &c. Datum apud Kynsall
decimo die Maii, anno Edwardi quarti, octavo. (Seal, a merchant's mark.)
10 April, 1470.-Hooc indent. testatur, quod MatH. Ronan, mere' de K et Nicolana Roche ejus uxor, dedimus Donato 0 Laznan, mere' et E lene Roche, ej us uxor,
unum mess' in burg' de K quod jacet inter mess' David fil. Patricii Coursyex
aust' et viam com' per quam itur ad Eccles. S. Multosi ex boreali, in long', et in
lat' a via regia per quam itur ad Stradyndornoke anterius, ex orient' ad mess'
quondam David Hoye et Anastacioo Roche, uxoris ejus, posterius ex occident'
Red. annatim 11 solid' argenti. et de cap' dom' feodi'. Datum apud K. x die
Aprilis anno Edwardi quarti, decimo.
22 March, 1473.-N. u. pp. me Thomam Miloyt, marinarium et Thanam ny
D aly, uxorem meam, remisisse. Pat. Copener et Margaret, uxori ej us, totum jus
meum quod habeo in una pariete in burg' de K. quoo paries jacet inter meum mess'
ex parte occident' et mess' P. C. ex orient' in lat'. In long' se extendit a strata
regia ex boreali, usque ad terram Joh. Whyte ex aust'. In cujus rei, &c. D atum
apud Kynsale, xxii die Marcii, anno l Ed wardi q uarti, xiii·. Test' Domino J oh.
Aelward, capellano, Tho. Martell, lI~[aur. Ronan, Dominico Martell, Ricard Roche,
et aliis.
11 Ap1'il, 1473.-S. p. et f. quod ego Jacobus Curci fi.l' Nicolai C. Dom. de
Rinron et villoo de Kinsale, dedi Horico fil' Melmory M<Beha; medico, dimid' unius
caruc' terroo arrab. in burgag. villoo de Rinron, in long' a via regia ex aust' ad mal'e
ex boriali. In lat' a vale quoo vocatur Glanquil, ex orient'. Datum apud Kinsale,
xi April, 1473. (Laud. B.)
1473.-P. U. pp. nos Thomam Myloth, fecisse Edmundum Curcy meum hal'
adponend' Cath. M'Shyly in poss' unius mess' in K. in vico Stradindornok, &c.
Datum apud Kynsale anno Edwardi Quarti, decimo quarto.
31 March, 1476.-Hooc indentura facta apud Cork, ult. die Marcii anno Edwardi
quarti, sexto decimo, inter Will. Galwey civem et mercatorem ex parte una, et
Ricardum Ronan merc' de Kynsale, ex parte altera, testatur, quod predictus Will'
dedit R. unum mess' in K. jacens in lat' inter com' venellam 'ex boreali et. mess'
predicti Will., quod Will. Roche tenet ex australi. In long. se extend it a terra
quondam Thomre Sparoke, ex occident' usque ad litus maris ex orient'. Habend'
prefato R. red. Will. quat uor solidos argenti. In cujus rei, &0. (Seal, a merchant's mark.)
28 Feb., 1481.-Pateat universis, &c., me Margaritam Sawter, in mea legitima
viduetate, fecisse Dominum "ViII. Went, capellanum, in possesion'1 unius mess' in
burg' de K. per meum attornatum Will. Martell burg' dictre vi lIre, jacens' inter
mess' quondam J oh. Odowill, fullonis, ex occident' et mess' quondam Galfricli
Galwayet hered' Pat. Copner. Tenet et rivulum comnmnem ibidem currentern.
In cujus rei, &c. Datum apud Kinsall ult. die Feb. anna Edwardi quarti, vicessima.
22 May, 1488.-S. p. et f. quod ego Maul'. age Buan, dedi Jacobo Bron unum
mess. in Fysherstrete, in burg' villre de K. jacens in long' a via regia ex orient'
usque ad viam regiam ex occident'. In long' a mess' quod Edmundus Roche tenet.
Habend. red' duoclecem den arias argenti. In cujus rei, &c. Datum apucl Kynsale vicessimo secunda die Maii anna Henrici septimi, tertia.
25 April, 1-l,90.-P. U. pp. me Mauricium 0 Ronan, villre de Yoghyll, fecisse
Thomam Ocolnn burg' de Y. meum bal' adponend' Dam. Walterum Stevyn,
capell anum, in posses' omnium mess' qure habeo in Y. In cujus, &c. Datum
apucl Kynsale anna Henrici septimi, quinto.
20 May, 1493.-S. p. et f. quod ego Pat. Galwy burg' de K. dedi Thom::e Copener burg' dick"e vill::e, unum ortum in burg' de K. jacens in lat' inter ortum
Thomre Sumer ex boreali, et viam com' qure ducit ad parcam J oh. Martell ex australi. In long' a terra Thomre de Rupe ex orient' usque ad viam com' per quam
itur ad Dromdirige, ex occident'. H abend. red' dicta Pat' G. et hered. duos sol. et
sex denar. argenti. In cujus rei, &c. Datum apud Kinsale vicessimo die Maii,
anna Henrici Septimi, octavo. Test. Domino Phil. Copenor, Joh. Yonge, Ricardo
Ronane et aliis. (Seal, a merchants' mark.)
3 Nov., 1504.-Indent facta apucl Kinsal, 3 Nov., 20· Hen. VII. inter Jacobum
Blowet f. and h. Johis. B. et David Schein et Elinam B. ej us uxorem. Test' quod
J. B. dedit D. et E. unum mess' cum pert' in K. Jacens in lat' a terra Johis'
Galwy ex aust' ad terram capellre Sancti Jacobi in eccles. paroch' ex boreali. In
long' a vico Fratl'um ex occident' ad Regles' ex orient'. Habend' de assensu Ricardi Martell, proavi dicti Jacobi, et domus Leprosorum villre de Kinsal. Redd.
Jacobo, durante vita sua, victum et vestitum. In cujus rei, &c. Test'Dno. Philippa Copener, dictre villre vicario, Dna. Philippa MCCraghe, capellano, Patricio
Edmundo Keleghatt,
. David. Roche, J oh. fil. Eugenii, Willo. 0 Hegan, &c.
17 March, 1507.-P. U. pp. me Anastaciam Yugcozlum, in mea legit. viduitate,
constituisse Andream Roche meum ballivum, adponend' Patricium W ent et Eliciam Roche in seisin a unius mess' in burgag' villre de K. Datum apun. Kynsale
tlecimo septimo MarcH, anna Henrici septimi, vicessimo secunda. Test' Edmundo
Martell, superiore, Hel1rico Martell, proposito, ejusdem villre, Andre Roche, J oh.
Ivvre et aliis. (Seal, a bird volant.)
a Reig-lios, a church or shrine; hence the word Reilig, a churchyard, may be deduced.
(0 Brien, 8. v.)
7 May, 1507.-N. u. pp. me Patricium f. and h. Johannis Galwy, remisisse
Thomre fil' Patricii Copener et J ohanne Yugmecrahe, uxori sure, heu' quod habeo
in uno orto in burg' villre de K in lat. inter ortum quondam Thomre Sommyr ex
boreali, et vicum communem qui ducit ad parcam J oh. :lVIartell ex australi. In
long' a·t erra Thomre de Rupe ex orient' usque ad vi am per quam itur ad Dromdirige ex orient'. In cujus rei, &c. Datum apud Kinsall, vii Maii anno Henrici
Septimi, xxii. Test' Domino Philipo Copener, villre vicario, Edmundo Martell,
Sup"., Henrico Martell, propos', Robert Martell, Andrea Roche et aliis. (Seal, a
merchant's mark.)
P . u. pp. nos Dominum Edmundum Courci, Episcopum Rossen. fecisse Andreaw Roche meum ballivum adponend' Johannem Bolter in sesina unius mess'
in burg' vill re de K, in lat' inter viam regiam ex orient' et muros dictre villre ex
occident'. . In cujus rei, &c. Datum apud Kinsal. Test. Dom. Phil. Copener,
villm vicario. Leonardo Nashe, supp-riore, Georgio Roche, proposito, Andrea Roche,
Edmundo Martell, Roberto Martell et ali is. (Seal, a merchant's mark.)
3 Dec. , 1513.-8. p. et f. quod ego Margarita Galwey, vidua, dedi Anastacire
Makdermydy also Power fili re mere, unum mess' in burg' de K. infra muros, et
unum ortum cum pert' extra muros villre, quod mess' j acet inter Als. Yuykquy ex
orient' et mess' Will. Bulbeke ex occiuent' in lat. In long' a via regia per quam
itur ad domum fratrum de K. ex boreali, usque ad t erram bed' Jhae. Reche, posterius ex australi. In clljuS rei, &c. Datum apud !Cynsall tercio Decembris,
~nno Henrici octavi, quinto.
1516.--HU'c indent' facta apud Corke x die Maii A.D. :1IICCCCCXVJ. inter Phylyppum Harry dom' de K enaley, et Mauricium Rochy, civem C. testatur, quod predictus Maul'. dedit in pignore viginti librarllm et tradidit antedicto Phil. villaru de
Ballymychell in dominio de K enal AY cum omnibus terris, &c., ad pTedictam villam
spectantem. Habend' donec predictus Maur. et her' solvent xxl-ib. In cujus rei,
&c. (Seal, arms of Lord Barry, on a shield two bars.)
16 April, 1523.--P. u. pp. me Johan. Buteler fecisse Jacobum Nogill, meum
ball. adponend' Villatum Yonge in seisina unius mess. in burg' vill re de K. In
cujus rei, &c. Datum apnd Kinsall xvii Aprilis, A.D. MCCCCCXXIII. Test. Phillipo
Roche, superiore, Thoma Ronan, proposito, Pat. Roche, Henrico Martell et aliis.
22 April, 1523.-S. P _ et f. quod ego Thomas Ronayn burg' villre de Kynsaille
dedi Dno. Phillippo Pounche, capell an 0, unum tenement' in civ' CorlL In long'
a strata regia anterius ex occident' ad murum dictre Civ. posterius ex orient'. In
lat' inter tenement' Edmundi Tyrry ex aust' et ten' Maul'. I{oche ex boreali; et
omnia, &c., qure habeo in civ' C. ac in villis de Y cghyll et K. &c. Datum apud
Cork 22 April, 1523. Test. Edmundo, Juveni, Gowll et Maul'. Draddy burg' C. ac
Dno. Willmo. Gowll not. pub. (Seal, a merchant's mark.)
16 Jan., 1525.-S. p. et f. quod ego Elina Clll'sy, vidua, dedi Thom re Cormyk,
burgen. de K. unum ruess' in burgag' de K. prout idem mess' recepi ex dono patris
ruei Magistri Edmundi Cursy, Rossen. Episc. quod jacet in Corkstreth. In lat'
inter tCl'ram Edmundi MartelJ ex aust' et tel" Ricardi Deyvys ex boreali. In long'
a strata regia ex occident' usque ad tel" Kyrky ex orient'. Habend' de cap' dns'
feodi, per servicia, &c. In cujus rei, &c. Datum apud Kynsall xvi. Jan. allno
H eurici octavi, decimo sexto. Test. Joh. W enth, nota rio, Hicardo Gwlle, Jacobo
N angy 11, Job. Eugenii J\l!cKarryg.
17 J une, 1525.- N. U. pp. me Anastaciam Power til' Henrici MODermyt, also
Power, et Margarit::e Gallwey, remisisse Andr::e Brown, hed' to tum jus quod habeo
in unum mess' in burgag' de K. In cujus rei, &c. Datum apud Kynsall xvii
Junii A.D. MCCCCCXXV. Test' Dom. Phil. Churth, Jacobo Reych, ,mperiore, Georgio
Galwey, proposito, Jacobo Copner, Donato 0 Herlythy, Joh. Bowrk et aliis.
9 April, 1530. -8. p. et f. quod ego Philippus fil' Edmundi Martell, burg' de K.
dedi Andr::e fil' Jacobi Brown, burg' ejusdem vill::e, unum mess' in K. inter mess'
her' ' \Till. Martell ex boreali et portam Dorosbreack ex australi, et inter litus
maris ex orient' usq ue ad terram communitatis vill::e ex occident'. Habend' And.
et hered' de cap' dns' feodi, viz., com. ejusdem vill::e per servitia in de debita et de
jure consuetudinis, sex denar', annatim. In cujus rei, &c. Datum apud Kynsale,
ix die Aprilis, anna H enrici octavi, xxi. Test' Joh' W enth, Fratre Will. 0 Harth,
Mauricio Kehirnayg, et aliis.
8. p. et f. quod ego Patricius Gallwey civis Cork et burg' de K. dedi Andr::e
Brown unum mess' in burgag' de K. infra muras, et unum ortum extra muros
vill::e, quod jacet inter mess' Gallwy ex orient' et mess' hered' J acobi Brown ex
occident' in lat'. In long' a strata regia per quam itur ad domum Fratrum ex
boriali, ad terram Joh' Whytth ex aust', vero j acet extra portum borialem et ortum
predicti Patricii. In long' a strata regia ad domum Leprosorum usque ad terram
commun' vill::e. Redd' xl den an' ann'1tim, de capit' dns. feodi. In cujus rei, &c.
Datum apud Kynsalle. Test' Dom' Phil. MOCraght, Georgio Roych, J oh. Curssy,
Jacobo Ronan, et aliis.
15 Oct., 1541.-8. p. et f. quod ego Philippus Barry, ocke, me::e nationis capitaneus, Dominus de Kinnalega ac verus patl'onus ecclesi::e parochialis de Yuyssonan, Corcag' dios' cum consensu omnium fratrum meorum, viz., Thom::e Barri,
germ ani mei, Joh. Barri, et Odonis Barri fratrum meorum, dedi Patricio Myaghe
burg' de K. unam peciam terl'::e arrabilis vulg' nuncup' Flemynoustrake in ten'
de Hincol'l'yn in dominio de Kinnalega, inter G1anbeke ex boriali et Flemynygtraght ex australi, et F arrinyvacarithe ex orient' usque ad viam Regis ex occident'.
H abend' cum omnibus pratis et cum advocatione patronatus eccles' par' predict::e.
P atricio hered', &c. Et ulterius sciatis me Phil. Barry Dom. de Kinnalega feci sse
Dom. Valterium Yong, rectorem de Rinron ac Villam Yong, tunc superiorem Vill::e
de K. meos ballivos adponend' prefat' Patricium. In cujus rei, &c. Datum
apud Kinsall, xv Oct., anna Henrici Octavi, xxxiii. Test' Davyd Malfond, Jacobo
Huddfuard, Villa Malfond, Ricardo Malfond, et aliis.
9 April, 15 30.- N. U. pp. me Philippum Martell burg' de K. remisisse Andree
Brown, burg' ejusdem vill::e, qu::e habeo in unum mess' in K. jacens inter litus
maris ex orient' et ter' commun' ex occident' in lat'. In long' a mess' her'. Will.
Martell ex boriali ad pOltam Dorosbryak ex aust'. Et ego predict' Phil' meam
benedictionem cum premissis supradicto Andree, do. In cujus rei, &c. Datum
apud Kynsale, ix Aprilis, anno Henrici Octavi xxi". Test' Joh. Wenth, Fratre
Will. Ohart, ordinis beat::e Mari::e, Mauricio 0 Kehirna et aliis.
May, 1531.-N. U. pp. me Willmus. Barry, Dom' de Kynalega, remisisse Andree
Browne, burg'vill::e de K. omnimodas actiones versus predict' Andream, et ego predict'
Willmus dedi licentiam predicto Andree, construendi piscarias in fiumine Enysg
versus ripam predii sui vocati Cnoykdwyth. Habend' h ered', &c. Insuper si guerra
aut cliscordia aliqua iuter me et villam de Kyns~\lc mov eri contingeI'it, eundem
Andream in meum refugium et munimen recepio. In CUjUR rci, &c . Datum in
lllonasterio beatm JI,farim de Kynsale, feria vi post festum Si Brandaui, A.D.
Test. J oh. VI enth, judice de Kynale;.;a, Thum~ F lelllYu, priore de
Kynsale, Jacobo fil' Thomm Hoche, Edmundo de B.lrry, rectore de ltynchoI'I'an, et
24- Nov, 1531.-S. p. et f. quod ego Patricius Galwy, civis Cork et burg' de K.
dedi Andree Brown uuum mess' in burg' de K . infra IU Ul'OS et unum ortum extra
mllros, quod jacet inter mess' Dui. Galwy ex orient' et mess' dicti Andree ex
occident' in lat'. In long' a strata regia per quam itur ad dOUllllll Fratrum ex
boreali ad terram hed' Galfridi Whyth ex anstrali, ortus vero j ,wet extra portalU
borialem, inter ortum dicti Pat. ex boriali et terram ej usdem Pat. ex australi in
lat'. In long' a via regia per quam itur ad domum Leprosornm ex occirlent' et tel"
com. ville ex orient', red' annatim iiis. ivd. In cujns rei, &c. Datum apud Ky nsale, xxiiii die Nov., anna Henrici octavi, xxiii'. (Seal, a merchant',; marie)
12 April, 1538.-S. p. et f. quod ego Andreas Brown de K. burg', dedi Patricio
Myagb. burg' de K. dimid' unius pecim terrm vuc' CnoknaL:horo ill lJllrg' de K.
inter foss am de COllloyg et semitam declinantem versus austrum ad litus maris ex
orient', et, eanalem maris ex occident' et a canale maris ex horeali ad canalem maris
ex australi. Red. annatim iid. In cuj ns rei, &c. DatLlm apnd Kynsale, xii
Aprilis, anno Henrici Octavi, xxix', Nota.-Ita conventum est, quod didus Patricius non poterit nec -heredes sui poterient alienare predietam dimid' alicui Hiberniere nationis llec Anglicre nation is, nisi burgensi vel tenenti viUm de Kynsale,
llec custrulll in dicta pecia terrm edificare.
18 Feb., ' 1551.-S. p. et f. quod ego Tho. Ronan, civis Cork, dedi 1\fagistro
Di ouiceo P hitico UIlUlll. mess' in K., int!'l' cemitel'ium eccles' paroell' ex boreali,
et Il1Il1'OS ("jusdem ('x australi in lat'. In long' a mess' Jacobi GouU ex orient' et
mess' meum ex oecid'. H abend' D. P. et Johanne Martell, ejus uxori, ac J oh'
filio eorum, de octo denar' monetre Anglicre. Datum apud K., anna Edwardi
Sexti, quarto.
29 Nov., 1552.-S. p. et f. quod ego Philippus Barry, Dom. de Kynal ega, de
eonseusu MargHritG'e Barry, sororis mere, dedi Hicardo Yonge de K. uurg' unalD
car LIe' terrre voe' I3alymychell in Kynalega, j acentem in lat' inter vialll l'egiam ex
boreali et marc ex aust'. In long' a mare ex occident' ad terram voe' llalylltyrl'yg
et Balynychoyll ex orient' sub hac cond' quodcunque ego Phil. soh -am )Jrefato H..
xxiii marcas argenti, liceat mihi intrare. In cujus rei, &c. Datum a)JLIlI KYllsale,
xxix die Nov., aIIllO Ed wardi Sexti, sexto.
Philipp Barry oge's patent.-l\faria D ei gra' Regina, &c. Sciatis quod nos in
consideratione laudabilis servitii nobi~, et fratri nostro, preclur' Ed wardo lluper
Regi Anglim, Sexto, dedimus clilecto nostro Philippo Barry dno. Barry, £tls.
Younge Harry, omnia, honoree, &c., piscarias, com' custumas, pOl'tam maris vocati
Oysterhaven, wrecca mari~, &c., qnre fuerunt "Villi. Barry dni. Barry aut. alicujus
antcccssoris predieti Philippi in patria voc' Kynaghlee, infra com' Corke. Tenendi
de nobis. Et ulterius idem P. n ec hed' sui nOll tl'ahentur in placitum ac sectam
'tlicujus subditornm nostrornm cofitm aliquo just', preterquam coram deputato aut
Justicinriis nostris. In cujus rei, &c. Teste apud Westmonast., xx Oct. ' P.
30 April, 1558.-S. p. et f. quod ego Edmundus Roche de K. dedi Will' nigro
I.nchnayn, carpentario, et Elicire Inywollachan, ejus uxori, unum mess' cum pert' in
uurgag' villre, in vico Fratrum, quod j acet inter mess' meum quod Dermicius
COl'bay occupat ex occident' et mess' Dni. Galwey in quo Joh. Huff'us, carnifpx,
habitat, ex orient' in lat'. In long' a strata regia ex boreali ad terram Kat.erin re
Copiner ex australi. R abend' predicto W. et hered' in perp' red' dicto E. R
iiis. ivd. In cujus, &c. Datum apud Kynsale, xxx Aprilis. an no dni. MCCCCCLV lll.
et PLilippi et Marire reg' et reg', quarto et quinto. Test' ' ViII. Gallwey et Andrf'a
Brown de eadem burgag'. David White, carpant', Dno. Dermicio Drisycull,
capellano, Ryckyrd Ronan, melc', et aliis'. (Seal, a merchant's mark.)
3 Nov., 1558.-0mnibus Christi fid el', &c. .Noveritisquod nOR Geraldns Cursye
Baro et Dom' de Chrythch ersayathe, dedimus H en. Brown de Ie merc' privileg'
exemptionis a serviiute et officio cujllsdem ministri nostri officiarii in villa K. qui
vnlg' nuncup' P orteree also Propositus. Ita quod nec nos Dom. G. hered', &c.,
dictum H enricum, vita sua durante, ad dictum Propositurre officinm eligere valialli ns in perp', et si forte contingat dictulIJ H . per consilium villre ad dict' oflic'
eligi, teneor H en. nullatinus atlmittere, sed alium pro eo eonstituero, refectione
consilii dictre ,illre excepta. In cnjus rei, &c. Datum apud Kynsale, iii Nov.,
A.D. 1558.
(Seal, a double eagle displayed.)
11 Sep., 1562.-Indent' facta apud Kynsale inter Will' Gallwey de K. burg' et
Jacobum Ronan f. et h. Thom re R. test' quod J. dedit W. unum mess' in K. in
quo Philip Ronayn quondam habitavit, et jacet in CUl'ckstrethe inter stratam
regiam ex orient' et magnum mess' quondam Mawr. R. ex occid ent', et a venela
communi ex bnreali ad mpss' dicti Jacobi, quod J obann es, Juveni8, Bowler inhahitat'
ex aust'. H abend' W. G. ad tel" quinquaginta ann orum, Red. Jacobo 6s. 8d. antiqu re monetre, et si redd' post tres terminos non sol vend' tunc liceat J. R intrare.
In cujus rei, &c. D erruicius DrYf;ocoill, Not. Pub. (Seal, the bust of a RonJan
3 }.tlaii, 1563.-Hrec ind ent' facta apud K. inter AllClrram Browne burg' vil1re
et Will. Leyry, testatur, quod A. dedit W. unam domum in eadem villa, inter
domum David Artor in long' et Durissebreak ex ori ent' et occid', et a via com' ad
litu s maris ex aust' et boreali in lat'. H abend' in pig' x marc' antiq' monetre sterling' de halface impressre tempore H en VIII., aut rialls ita ut unum rea11 valeat
grot di ctre monetre. In cujus rei, &c. (Seal, a merchant's mark.)
27 Maii, 1563.-S. p. et f. quod ego Andreas Browne burg!'n' de K. dedi
H enrico Browne iiI' meo, duo cellaria cOlltigua in villa, inter Dorisbreak ex occid'
a<1 llless' David Artor ex orient', t't "i a com' ex boreali et litus rnaris ex aust'.
Hflbenrl' in pig' xl coronarum auri de sole, aut xii rialii de pl att in loco coronarum.
In cujus rei, &c. Datum apud Kinsale, xxvii Maii, A.D. ],fCCCCCLXUI.
29 Oct., .J 563.-S. p. et f. quod ego Robertus Water de K. dedi Andree Browne
burg' licentiam, sagenas et retia sua, pro pis.ciLus capiendis, in punctu terrre mere
de Rinn-Iteannachaslayn, laxftndi et tmhendi, qnamdiu mare flllit et refluit ibidem,
nec non alia inRtrumenta, lignea grossa vel gracilia, viz., palos et ligna pro pisciulll
captura, in littore construendi et fi·ftbricandi, ac suas sagenas et retia, in terra sicca
predicta, &c. Red' iis. vid. In cujus rei. Datum apud Kinsale, xxix Oct.,
Et liceat dicta A. B. hered' dum abnndaverint pisces, ipsos in terra
salvare, prrestando discretos pisces Rob' hered', toties quoties. (Seal, a merchant's
3 July, 1565.-S. p. et f. quod nos Edmundus fil' Phi' Roche de K. et Margarita Brone, pro summa pecunire, quam recep' abo Hen. Brone hurg', dedimus Hen'
unum mess' in vico Fratrum de K. In lat' a terra Will Galfridi Gallwy ex orient'
ad stratam Iegiam ex boreali. In long' a domo J oh. Roo, carnificis, ex orient' ad
stratam regiam ex occident'. Quum E. solver' H. viiili. pot' reintrare. Sciatis
deputas~e Phil. 0 Gyane lml'. Datum apud Cork, iii die Julii, A.D. MCCCCCLXV.
(Sir Patrick Roche, Archd • of Cork's name is endorsed as a witness.)
15 July, 1565.-S. p. et f. quod ego Edmundus Roche fil'. Phil', pro summa
pecunire per Hen. Browne, dedi unum mess. in K., jacens a mess' Ie Galwey ubi
nunc manet J oh. Rwo, carnifex, ex orient', de Regles ex occident', et a strata Reginre
anterius ex boriali ad ter'. Will. Galwey fz. Geffreie ex aust' et etiam unam parcam extra Nicolls-gate. In lat' a via com' Reg' ex orient', ad purvam lanam ducend'
ad Crok's-parke ex occid'. Et in long' a parca voc' Crok's parke, als_ Parca Grynaghu in aust' ad tel" pred' ·Will. G. fz. G. ex boreali. Red' annatim vs. flrgenti.
Datum xv Julii, 1565. (A power of attorney to Will. Talbot, of Dublin, gent.,
same date.)
10 Sep., 1567.-S. p. et f. quod ego Jacobus Brone f. et h. Andrre B. burg' de
K. dedi naturali fratri H en. Brone, burg' de K. unum mess' in quo habitavit
predict' Andreas pater meus, quod j acet in platea Fratrum ejusd. villre a t erra
Hen. ex boreali, ad terram Joh. Whyte ex allst. et a terra Georgii Whyte ex occident' ad terram predicti H. ex orient', cnm loco vacuo a dorsa. Red' annatim vis.
Insuper Hen' et h. m. de corp' legit' procreatis invenirent Jacobo et h. m. cameralll,
Iectum et stablllum, toties ad villam de K. contingerit venire. Datum apud Cork,
x Sep., anna Elizabeth, nona. (Seal, 1. B.)
31 March, 11>68.-S. p. et f. quod ego Johannes f. et h. Jacobi \Vbytt de K.
dedi Hen. Brone burg' de K. meum pomerium in eadem villa, ut jacet a terra predicti Hen. ex boreali a terram Pat. Myaghe ex australi, et de terra Dawid Whytt
ex occident', ad venulam sive cursum aqure currentis ex orient'. Red' J. W. annatim vid. Datum apud Kinsall.
10 Feb., 1570.-This indent' mftde at Yoghull, x Feb., 1570, bytwen John
Ronan, s. and h. to Richard R, of Y., bnrg', and H en. Browne, of K. ' Vito said
J. hath !jranted H. a park called Cornock in Dwomdyrryg, in burg' K. To have
for Ix years at viiis. yearly.
12 Oct., 1570.-In Dei nomine Amen. Visis et cognitis circumstantiis controversire motre inter Rev. patrem Hicardum COl'cke et Clan. Episc. ex una parte, aIlegantem ecclesiam de Corrowraine Corke dios' esse sua! colJationis, et superior,
consilium et com' villa~ de K., qui bus nOll compctit jus p<l.Ll'unatus eccles' paroch'
47- 2
de Rinrone, parte ex altem, allegantes dictam eccles' de Corrowraiue, capell am et
parcellam esse ejusd' eccles' de Rinrnne, et ita esse et fuisse. Verum quia all egationem Superioris, &'c., de K. fuudatam esse de jure et fui sse veram, N os Pat.
Roche Archd• Corke et Clonen ac Leonardus Palmer gen. geueral' commiss' cur' et
caus' eccles' Corke et CIon' quorum judicio controversia commissa fuit. declaramuR
eccles' de Corrowraine esse et. fuisse cn pellam arl eceleR' de Rinrone spectautem, et
decimas, &c., ejusdem capellre cum jnribus eccles' de ilinrone esse, fuisse et fore
in perp.' H rec nostra sententia promulgata in eccles'S. Petri, Cork, 12 Oct.,
1570. Sub test' officii nostri sigilli, quod utimur, et ad corroborationem, Sigillum
dni. Epi. apponi pr(Jcuravil1lu~, et insurer sigil. .Maioratus civ. Corke, ad instantiam discreti viri Gulielmi Galwey fz. Geifry, de Kinsale. Maurice Roche, Mayor,
Stephell Thyl'l'y et Gerrard Meagh, Baliifs. Patricius Archid, Leo. Palmer.
23 M(t?'ch, 1576.-S. p. et f. quod ego Margarita Barry de Kynalega in Com'
Con:ke, dedi Jacobo Bayes de K. gen' unam carnc' terrfl~ voc' Ballymichell in
Kynalegr., jotCent' in lat' inter viam regium ex boreltli, et mare ex australi. In long'
a mare ex occid' ad t erram voc' Bctllyntirrig et Ballimicheill. H abend' CUIll silvis
Jac. Bayes ad usum Hen. Browne de K. merc'. In cujus rei, &c. (Seal, the bust
of a lady.)
20 Sep., 1576.-S. p. et f. qu()(1 ego Th omas Yong f. et h. Ricardi Y. burg' de
K. dedi Heu. Browne de K. lIl erc' unam curue' terrre voc' BaUymychell, et ego T.
Y. qnudcuuqne solvam H . .B. xxix marcas, liceat mihi intrare. Datulll apuLl Kynsaliam.
20 JM., 1590.--,--Hrec indE'nt' facta inter Andream Browne de K. et J oh. f.
Edmondi Buies, t estatur, quod A. B. dedit. Job. unum mess' inter terram Rob.
Miaghe ex boriali et muros villre ex aust'. Tn long' a vico Fratrum, et in lat'
inter stratam rf'giam ex orient;' ad muros villre ex occident'. Habend' ad tel" xli
annar'. Red. annatim, ivs. In cujus rei, &c.
12 Aug., 1595.-S. p. et f. qnod ego Thomas Yong de K. dedi filio meo Will mo.
unum mess' infra villam K. ex aust' et terra olim Edmond Savadge ex bOl'iali, et
inter terram Phil' Roche fz. J ohannis ex occident, ad meRS' Galfridi Gall wey ex .
orient'. Sciant insuper me prefat'. Tho. fecisse Audream Browne, merc' meum
ballivum. (Seal, a swan.)
16 Sep. , 1595.-S. p. et f. quod ego Thomas Ronan fz. Ricardi de K. merc' in
cons' summre pecunire, mihi per J oh. Browne defuDct', dedi J ohan' Miaghe fil'
l~icardi, merc', ad usum Dominici et Henrici Browne f. et h. antedicti J oh. B.
unum mess' cum gardino et unum ortum extra muros dictre villre, jacens in inferiori vico piscatorum, inter terram olim beredis J oh' fil. Phi. l~oc h e nunc Jacobi
Monighan ex aust', ad muros villre ex boriali, et inter stratam regiam ex occident'
ad muros villro ex orient, ortus j acet juxta januam voc' Nicolls-gate, inter terram
Magistri Galwey ex occident', ad viam per quam itur ad Dromdirrig ex orient' in
long'. In lat' inter t erram J acobi Galwey fil. Joh' ex aust', ad fossam com' ambientem muros villre ex boreali'. Habend', &c., quando cunque ego T. R solvero
D. et H . B. xxixli. licebit intrare, et me fecisse Edw. Roche, merc' me um bal'.
(Seal an acorn, letters 1. C.)
15 JUne, 1597.-To all, &c. Robert Myaghe, J asper Browne, Gcffrey Gallway,
of K. , burgen' and J ohn Bayes, of the Abbey of Mawne, Greeting. Wh ereas controversy hath been betwixt Will. Mallefont, of Kylely, in Kynalea. gent. , as t enant
unto Mr. H enry Barry, also Barry oge, po~sPssor of the lands of Knockdwffe, and
P atk • Browne, pos' of the lands of Brownesfielde, also Knockdwffe, concerning the
meares and title demanded by said "V. M. in part of the lands of Brownesfi elde,
by virtue of a lease passt unto him by said H. B., of Knockdwffe, for eliding which,
said party slVore to abide by the judgment of us R. M. J . B. G. G. and J . B. arbitrators. Having examined witnetises and perused ancient evidences of "V. M. and
P . B., we accord, that th e south valley called Glan I chaligige as it leadeth, recta
linea, to the highway northward, until the valley called Glanballyfill ybn, north of
said land, and from the highway on the W. until the sea on the E. are the meares
of Brownesffielde, and the said valley Glan-Ichaligige is the true meares betwixt
Barry oge and W . M., and that the land between said valley and the pathway
leading throllgh Brownesfield belongeth to P at. Browne and his heirs. ·W itness.
Robt. Myaghe (seal, a helm eted head), J aspar Browne (seal, the letters 1. B. between two trefoils), Geffrey Galwey (seal, in a chief a cross, on a step, impaling a
bird , in base a bar embattled), J ohn Bayes (seal, a bird langued, and erased at
the neck).
29 Mct1"Ch, 1601.- N. U. pp. nos K ath erinam et Annam Coppinger fil' Patricii
C. de K. reillisisse P at. Browne til' H enrici de K . merc' omne jus, quod habemus
in princ' mess' patris nostre in K ., quod mess' jacet inter t erram dicti P . ex aust'
stratam regiam voc' Freerstreat ex boriali, nec non in alio mess' in inferiori vico
piscatorum, inter mess' J oh' W ater ex boreali et terram Ricardi Roche fz. J oh'
ex aust' et vicum pisc' ex orient' et terram Ric. Roche ex uccid' etiam in uno orto
extra muros villoo, inter viam quoo clucit a N icholls-gate versus Dromdirrig ex occid'
et ortum Vicarii ex orient' et terram her' Tho. Young ex boreali, et angustum
vicum, qui ducit a via magna e~ aust', necnon vs. an' red' levand' de mess' J acobi
Morowghwe inter int" stra' pil'lc' ex occid', atque inter terram Galfridi Gallwey ex
boreali et t erram R oberte Miaghe ex aust'. Datum apud Kinsale.
10 Oct., 1601.-Indent' made between Richard Browne, of K ., burg', and Joan .
.Fowh ell, also D arraghe. Wit' that R. for a yearly rent hath let J. a house and
garden in Corkestreet, between the land of said R. on S. and that of Morrish
Roche fz. Richard, of Cork, gent., on N., the town walls on E., and the King's
Street on W . To have for 31 years at 32s. yearly.
14 Feb., 1604.-N. U . pp. nos Rob. f. P atio Miagh, burg. de K., ac Steph.
Miagh f. dicti Rob. merc' t eneri P at. Browne fil' Hen. de K. merc' in xlli. The
condition is, that R. and S. M. granted unto H. B. a parcel of land called Cnocknycorry, cont. 4 ac., between the land of the commonalty of K. called Dromdirrig
on E., th e sea channel on VV., the hedge of a piece of land called Commoig on N. ,
the sea channel on S. within the burgage of K.
1 Aug., 1604.-Indent' made at K. betwixt Patk • Browne, mercht., and John
Miaghe, do., and I whan fz. Edmond Bayes, his wife. 'Whereas Dominick, S. and
h. to J ohn Browne, of K , dec., with t he consent of said J. M. and J ., his wife,
mother t o said D omk . , have confir med to P . B. th e house where J . lVI. now dwelleth,
near the gate D orrisbreack on W., and froUl the strande on S. to the King's
Streete on N. To have in mortgage for l 5li.
15 JUne, 1597.-To all, &c. Robert Myaghe, J asper Browne, Gcffrey Gallway,
of K, burgen' and J ohn Bayes, of the Abbey of Mawne, Greeting. Wh ereas controversy hath been betwixt Will. Mallefont, of Kylely, in Kynalea. gent., as t enant
unto Mr. H emy Barry, also Barry oge, PORsPsRor of the lands of Knockdwffe, and
Patk • Browne, pos' of the lands of BrowJlesfielde, also Knockdwffe, concerning the
meares and title demanded by said W . M. in part of the lands of Brownesfielde,
by virtue of a lease passt unto him by said H. B., of Knockdwffe, for ending which,
said party swore to abide by the judgment of us R. M. J. B. G. G. and J. B. arbitrators. H aving examined witne:;ses and perused ancient evidences of W. M. and
P. B., we accord, that the south valley called Glan Ichaligige as it leadeth, recta
linea, to the highway northward, until the valley called Glanballyfillybn, north of
said land, and from the highway on the W. until the sea on the E. are the meares
of Bl'ownesffielde, and the said valley Glan-Ichaligige is the true meares betwixt
Barry oge and W . M., and that the land between said valley and the pathway
leading throllgh Brownesfield belongeth to P at. Browne and his heirs. ·W itness.
Robt. Myaghe (seal, a helmeted head), Jaspar Browne (seal, the letters 1. B. between two trefoils), Geffrey Galwey (seal, in a chief a cross, on a step, impaling a
bird, in base a bar embattled), John Bayes (seal, a bird langued, and erased at
the neck).
29 March, 1601.-N. U. pp. nos K atherinam et Annam Coppinger fil' Patricii
C. de K. relllisisse Pat. Browne fil' H emici de K . merc' omne jus, quod habemus
in princ' mess' patris nostre in K ., quod mess' jacet inter terram dicti P . ex aust'
stratam regiam voc' Freerstreat ex boriali, nec non in alio mess' in inferiori vico
piscatorum, inter mess' J oh' W ater ex boreali et terram Ricardi Roche fz. J oh'
ex aust' et virum pisc' ex orient' et terram Ric. Roche ex uccid' etiam in uno orto
extra muros villre, inter viam qure ducit a N icholls-gate versus Dromdirrig ex occid'
et ortum Vicarii ex orient' et terram her' Tho. Young ex boreali, et angustum
vicum, qui ducit a via magna e~ aust', necnon vs. an' red' levand' de mess' Jacobi
Morowghwe inter int"' stra' pif>c' ex occid', atque inter t erram Galfridi Gallwey ex
poreali et t erram Roberte Miaghe ex aust'. Datum apud Kinsale.
10 Oct. , 1601.-Indent' made between Richard Browne, of R., burg', and Joan.
Fowhell, also Darraghe. Wit' that R. for a yearly rent hath let J. a house and
garden in Corkestreet, between the land of said R. on S. and that of Morrish
Roche fz. Richard, of Cork, gent., on N., the town walls on E., and the King's
Street on W . To have for 31 years at 32s. yearly.
14 Feb., 1604.-N. U . pp. nos Rob. f. P atio Miagh, burg. de K, ac Steph.
Miagh f. dicti l{ob. merc' t eneri P at. Browne fir Hen. de K merc' in xIli. The
condition is, that R. and S. M. granted unto H . B. a parcel of land called Cnocknycorry, cont. 4 ac., between the land of the commonalty of K called Dromdirrig
on E., th e sea channel on W., the hedge of a piece of land called Commoig on N.,
the sea channel on S. within the burgage of K .
1 Aug., 1604.-Indent' made at K betwixt P atk • Browne, mercht., and John
Miaghe, do., and I whan fz. Edmond Bayes, his wife. 'Whereas Dominick, s. and
h. to J ohn Browne, of K ., dec., with the consent of said J. M. and J., his wife,
mother to said D omk . , have confirmed to P. B. the house where J . 1\,1:. now dwelleth,
near the gate Dorrisbreack on W., and from the strande on S. to the King's
Streete on N. To have in mortgage for 15li .
30 J~tly, 1605 .-S. p. et f. quod ego Dominicus Browne ne K. merc' "in consideratione 25li. mihi per Pat. Browne fil' Hen. menm patruelem, do P . meum
princ' mess' in K. inter mess'. J oh. Arth our ex orient' et januam juxta littus
maris voc' Derrisbryack ex occid' in long'. In lat' inter littus maris ex aust', et
stratam regiam ex boreali. Datum aplld Kinsaliam.
10 March, 1600.-Recd • by me, Andrew Gallwey, of Cork, gent., s. and h. of
Walter G., late dec., by the hands of Patriek Browne, of K, burg., lOs. for all
rents, &c., out of one mess' in the lower Fisher's street, called Thomas Coppinger's
house, now the freehold of said P .
3 March, 1610.-To all, &c. Henrie Browne fz. John, of K, mp,rch', greetiug,
Know that I, H. B., for 14li. 13s. rec d• from Richarcl R oche fz. Phillippe fz. James,
of K., have given said R, his heirs, the mess' in lower Frier Street, near Dowlysgate, betwixt the land of John Monichane on S. to the garden of the Galwey of
Cork, now in pos' of Jaspar Browne, on N., and the King's Street on W. to town
walls on E. (Provided that on repayment of said sum he shall re-enter.)
1 Feb., 1612.-Inclent' betwixt Richard Roche, s. and h. of John R. fz" Morris,
of Corke, and Patk. Browne fz. H enry, of K, gent. Wit' said R. demised to said
P . one garden in the burgag' of K., situated without Friersgate, at 2s. yearly.
21 Nov. , 1614.-Indent. betwe.en Patrick Browne, of K.., burg', and Will.
Kyery, of same, locksmyth, Wit. said P. granted one mess' to W. in Cork Street,
betwixt the land of said P., which Morrishe Twomy holdeth on S. to land of John
Roche fz. Morrish, of Cork, on N., from King's Street on E. to town walls on E.
To have for 31 years at 22s. 8d. yearly.
22 Dec., 1615.-Indent' betwixt Patrick Browne, of K., burg', and Richard
Creber, of same, Mariner. Said P. demised to R. a house and garden in lower
Fisher's street, betwixt the land of Jasper :Browne on N. to the common ditch on S.,
from King's Street on W. to town walls on E. For 21 years at 40s. yearly.
4 M(ty, 1616.- N. U. pp. me Ricardum Roche fz. John de K., gen. her' et nep'
Edmundi R. patrui mei, teneri, Pat. Browne fz. Hen. in 300li.
20 Nov., 1616. -Indent' between Patk • Browne, of K., burg', and J ames Bowler
and Morris, his brother, tookers. Wit' said P . hath given J . and M. one house in
Frier's Street, betwixt the land of Tho. Ad erley ou E. to th e land of said P. on
VV., and the King's Street on N. to said Aderley's land on S., at 13s. 4d. yearly.
8 May, 1617.-W e, Morris and Phillip Roche fz. George, of K, for 5li., by the
hands of our uncle, Patk. Browne, have given said P. a decayed pair of walls,
where was Nicolas H eymoddes' house, purchased by our father from said N. 20
July, 1584.
1618.-N. U. pp. me Will. Galwey de civ' Cork, gen. f. and h. Edmondi G.
defuncti. Coram David Tyrry fz. Stephen, maiore stapulre dom. Hegis in Cork,
P etro Goold, Phil. Gooln, constabulariis ejusdem stapulre, teneri Pat. BlOwne de
K. in 40li. (Seal of the mayor of the stavle).
19 Ma1'Ch, .1:620.-N. U. pp. nos Johan' Hoche fz. Morris fz. Recarc1i de Cork,
gen. et }{icardum Roche de eadem gen' f. et h. ]Jreuidi Joh,m. teneri Pat. Bruwne
de K., gen., in 200li.
27 Feb., 1620.-To all, &c. Pat k . Browne, of K., for, &c., granted to'lVill.
Young, of same, burg', aud E rlmountl Baies, of Rame, l11crcht., one hO'lSfl in Frier's
Street near Nichol's-gate, between the house once of 'vVill. Heymod(h ou N. to
town walls on S., and from the King's Street on E. to town walls on 'vV.
24 Aug., 1618. -T ~ all, &c. vVee, p ,ttk. Tyrrie, of Curk, ald., anu Anstase
Skyddie, my wife, relict of 'vYill. Gallwey, of C., dec., for, &c., recd. from Patk.
}{rowne, of K., mercht., have remised to saitl P. the right of ~aiu Anstase in any
mess' in K.
18 Feb., 1620.-1, James Browne, of K, mercht., s. and h. of Andrew R, late
dec., have released my uncle, Patrick R, of all debts, &c., betwixt said P. and my
19 July, 1620.-N. U. pp. me Johan' R ochA de civ. Cork, geu. f. et h. Mauricii
f. Edmondi nuper defuncti, in consid' pecuni oo SU1l1moo per Pat' Browue, rB1l1itiisse
pl'edicto P. totum jus quod habeo in uua caruc' tel'l'OO vue'. The Great or ,Vest
Miehelstowne in patria de Kynalega, &e.
3 Nov., 1620.-Nov' nos Rieal'dum Roche de Cork gen. f. et h. Johan' Roche
fz. Morris de eadem, gen. Pat. Roche fz. Murris de eadem, gcn', teneri Will. i'Vlallefont de vVaterstowne, et Pat' Browne, in 6UOti.
28 June, 1621.-1ndent' between Palko Browne, of K., burg., and John Thoms,
of samc, mason, and Talll~y, his wife. 1'. set tu J. a ganlen adjuYllillg Freer's
Gate, from the King's way on W. to the land uf Monis Roche, Oll E., from the
town ditches on S. to the land uf Domynieke N[yaghe on N., at lOs. yearly.
9 J?tly, 1621.-1ndent' between Patk. Browne, of K., burg', and vVili. Saunderson, of same, yeoman. Wit' said P. let W. a house in lower Fisher's street, lying
from the house of Richard Nagle on N. to that of said P., where Tho. Bibby, taylor,
d welleth, and from the house now in Buckford's use on E. to J ams '~T ater's ten' on
VV. For 31 years at 30s. yearly.
30 Sep., 1625.-1, John,
and h. of James Bowler, of K., tooker, late dec., fur
16li. reed. from Patk. Browne, have given saill P. half of the house aud getruen
which he granted to my father and uncle, Morris R, &e.
1 May, 1626.-1ndent' between Thomas Martell, of Cork, mereh., and Richard
Browne fz. Patk., of C., do. Wit' said R., by cousent of his father anu frieuds, aud
40li. from said T. M. and same from R. B., hath put himself .J:lartner with said '1'. .
for five year.
31 March, 1628.-1ndent' between Patk. Browne, of K., burg., and Thomas
Cock well, of same, chandler. Wit' P. demised T. a house in lower Fishel' streete,
between the lanu of P., now in the occupatioll of Tho. Benson, on S. King's Street
on N., and P.'s land, now in the use of' the adms' of ·Will. Sanderson, late dec., on
VV., the King's Street on E., for 25 years, at 2Os. yearly.
19 Feb., 163-i.- Imlent. between Richard Browne, of K , mer.:ht., and John
Buckford, mercht. 'W it' said R. let J. the village known as Garrye, also Browenstild, cont' a pld' Irish measure. For 20 years at 12li. yearly.
15 May, 16 34.-Indent' between Richard Browne, of K., mercht., and Hugh
vVinter, rope-maker, said R. hath demisi l H. that plot of land knowu as Cnock-ncCorry, situated in the ould burgage of K. For 21 years at 40s. yearly.
8 May, 1640.-Indent' between Richard Browne, of K ., and Richard Shearlocke,
of same. 'W it' R. B. hath demised R. S, a garden without Coreke-gate. For 30
years at 40s. yearly.
14 Feb., 1643.-Indent' between Richard Browne and Alex:. Russell, of the
parish of Innishannon, yeoman. Wit' R. let A. the town and lands of Michelstowne, bounded by the creacke that runneth to the new mill from O.Y~terhaven on
W., the lauds of J ohn Young, calleri East Michelstown, on E. said river of Oysterhaven on S., unto the glyne called Sharhanne Bealynne, and the ditche leatling up
to the corner I)f the ditche of said Young's land on N. For 31 years at 31li. yearly.
10 Oct., 1647.-Indent' between I{ichard Browne, of K., burg', anri J ohn
Towmy, shipwright. R. for a yearly rent hath demised to J. a hon se and garrl en in
Corcke Street, between the land of Philip Roche fz. Riehartl, of K., on S. , said R.'s
land on N., from the town walls on E. to the King's Street on W. For 31 years
at 32s. yearly.
31 A ug., 1653.-Indent', ·Wit'. Richard Browne, of K, for 12li., rec~. of James
Bowler, hath demised to J. one thatch house in :Fryar's Street in K, with a garden
extending from Capt. Adderlye's house on E. to said Add erly e's Kiln house and
part of th e lane called Relegasy or Church Lane on VV., and from Fryar's St. on N.
to Cap. Adderlye's garden on S.
1 Nov., 1655.- Indent' between Richard Browne ann. Richard Hodcl en, of K.,
Esq. Wit. R. B. granted R H. three small honses for 61 years, at 3li. 6s. yearly.
4 Dec., 1651.- To all, &c. 'William Milner, of K., burg., greeting. vVhereas
Richard Browne, for, &c., hath set W. M. a ruinous mess' with a garden in lower
Fisher Street, as same was held by H enry Mich ell, of K., glover, I, V{. M., for
32li. , recd• from John Marten, ofK., gent., have given him said tenement.
24 Dec., 1674.-Indent' between John Browne, of K, gent., and J ohn Smalbridge, of same, mercht. Wit'. J. R for 60li. reed. from J. S., granted him the
mess' near the market-place, K., now in occupation of Robert. Miagh fz. Pa,tricke
and N icholas Cunningham, bounded by the markPt-place on S , the lanels of Patrick
Galwey, dec., on N., the King's Wall on E., and King's Street on W.