Potomac Elementary Summer Learning 2016 Summer is upon us! That means we have more time to kick back relax and enjoy some of the things that we have always wanted to do! It’s also a great time to continue to wonder, question, investigate, experience and explore. This year, Potomac’s Summer Learning Opportunities will be all online! We are going GREEN! We have put together a “bucket list” for each grade level of things that we want you to experience, explore, try and accomplish this summer. The link to the Summer Learning Opportunities website is below: https://sites.google.com/a/mcpsmd.net/pes-summer/ Begin by taking some time to explore the website and discover all there is to do! We’ve even included an Olympics inspired activity! Then move along into your grade level challenges (the grade you are entering in the fall). You will find your grade level “bucket list” on the back of this page. Work this summer to complete the activities. In the fall when you return to school, bring your “bucket list” with you and turn it in to your teacher. We will award medals and prizes to those completing summer learning activities! Gold Medal = (All items on bucket list completed) Ice Cream Party with Dr. Allie, name announced on the morning announcements and a pencil! Silver Medal = Name announced on the morning announcements and a pencil! Bronze Medal = A pencil! We will be watching all summer online to see all of your discoveries and adventures! Have fun! Go Team USA!!