':', i'l tl\rl(!-1li , t l ( c Pl \ Hfre|d-q Tctgrt:- gf{q|q ---- qT-rilT €-d sTIqR qltdT ( --i-4.- de of cond ct) o1 urf,rTgRtr+f, fi,d v-n fg t sqirfi'ffi 15 dT16q, q1-tflr --J a\ f' , . l E l q c sr dq qs {rwl d EB{'T d ftd wfr erqn iitrat (Cod a1B t conduct)i rr-q t ar-1o-ri et ertarT (-\ !', -+ lqqsl I \1 g qn+q .i* S C sffi en'qnriFot ot 6 qvet {e -s---\ ------\ \rll-1 lctq _-----:-3Eirq oiT e-r 6E F{ | : H.drq:- sltlKT=Trr{ | frfuts s-ar-troZffi qE-q, g-sdt{fr-q q"F+q +ifrrrrr7 11-wq.qftqoT ererTo dq €.q.tt(ro)wTzooe qqgq,frqr6: f : "iii, ?fjt$ -J , qr{f, ffi qa q-qiq: 10/16/ C €E-d e1.stT. izl2.zoos d grfli ; glqt t fu rihclT d M & G qt emx - - A A Ql ql_E 1',2009 AIiY, ori'fl1 CHIEF Pleaserelbr to rny d.o. letter. even numbel. da A L r g u s t2, 0 0 9 i r l b r i n i ugn r n . , , , ; ; , : ' . ,of ; : . " : : " "in abouf the change flie time firrrriql_',i,.,." ftr'r ishi'grt.^ ther^ , . 2tth t. for decrarari oir;i *1r';,;' iilf"i,,ii,ff J:T, accordance wirhpara2(a)of i, theC"J" {l IN "t:C"irii,.r. 22- l t t partial ln n a | t i a | mot.lification ,rrn.rifi^^,:^-o1.theexisl.ingpiiovisions of the Code in this regard, ir lrasl",ee,, o."tieJ.;;;; ;fr#rproval o[ the ffi'.i";,"n*ishingrrre the z z ual declararion H:'#;",:.:::.jl: *"q,T of assers u"a riouiliti"r;;""#"0'T*sn1ng 2 f the oi.31srJrrrlt:"ul1gtuplt 9o{" ui to 3rsr A'gustinstead decIarari onwourdcoritai,. d;;il;;;"';;"1;yirT,:"#, i:i; The also.:rpproved rharrheprovisioof paragraph l;.""j:,iTI #*j,f:,g, ofthecode..be,r"difi;;;;'il#;ffirT:"rfi; assetsand liabilitieswjli now .U" ."qrir"j'to of be furnished y a anycase period #nT:;l*:::l:l{ 1l1er 31terj'e;ri;;"il,n oftwornonttis u:,l.rl: a"i!.i:"**"0r,["j7#'"1:Jwi L I N A cha ri"r, Ji,i",l""j; il il [,o"cr orrrre year ij:l-n:T,: ll,::,: fd nn,Lcial forwhich theincome Minisrer. the Thiswill aooly ";,*;;;ffi?"il3i'iltlT ro frai"ir,*, ' Cou.*_"nr Union _ - - - " ^ r Territories r v.rrLvt tlJJ a also. lsO. A 't: "i"Slot" and r r am.enclosing am enclosinga copy of the ,Codeof gs116u"1, revised,Codeiof c.,,.,. adopt thisc9d_e. r ,r,uiii"-gltefulif anintii: :?rJ".:1",: I':-o,l adopted therevised ll l""t"* Codeof ConEuct is sentat an o11 v GO\ryE}ATENTOFINDIA MINISTRY OF IIOME AFFAIRS CODE OF CONDUCT FOR MI]'{ISTE]RS (BothUnion and State) r- ^rl;,:^- dor,llrlu.ll 1n +L U^ +l I lLL o n \ Jh L -c l rc ! , -] l-v-i -l l -l l-- s (^J{r . hr.l r L n - n r r-rivcr vi -or tr s Prv *L^ LIlE of the Constiiuti larv ior the time F"qrresentailonof the- riPeople Act, 1951,*d Stll :tft] r as a Minister, and in anY jmmediatell' afler efiermg o 1c( :1n lbrce, a person ,. -^ irr-- shall: ^L^'.. orioffice. of trvomontiufromthedateof assumption ffi;|;;rt"d ^) maY tt the disclose to the Prime N{inisier, or the Chief Mirlister' as be details of the assetsand liabiLities,and 'of business osed tc be i"-*r.ii Ja of membersof his farnill" The details of particularsof all immovableproperty andthe total ,nJt and "otttitt valueof (i) shares anddebenturet: {ltl 1*11^9 could "ppt"*i**" (iii) jewellerl'. Such a i Itatementof assetsand liabilities 1I1 has tax t.ri,"" of the financiai y?T for u'hich the income alreadybeen filed by the Ir4inister; ^ hl -L ^* ^l li-'-.+i-n 1 ' ' i r . n . : crrl of the oqn ln.r-LrrL sever all corutecti.ons,snofi 01 uIvtrstu1B busmessin rrhich h wift the conduct and managementof any and interested before his appohtment asMinister; goods or with regard to ,ebusinessconcemwtich suppiies of that G the Goverrrment concerned or to underLaking's at stani in the usuai courseof trade or businessand io""o1** ff##.;) 14ias to trl1L or on ^1i or whosebusiriessprimariiydepends - ^ ^ ^:-,^,1 +/ e1c., received or to be received I his interestsi:r Governmentconcemeo,divesthimselfof all LIIg said tusiness and also of the managementtliei:eof,: jdeci, thathe T : i' T'.:i:l-1,*:l': hora'ever, Pro., ::il?i:::::t::: -*a itt tnt caseof (c)bothown-ership :iif:T?:::*:': - =-- rlremDer--orr]1s ]''lrt;;;;;;;;#;;tas adult relative; other than h"is-wife{tor nily-or r-drrl'Ilr rnember--ofhis far ra'iththe c Milister asSc'ciatea rho -unugffi-, rriay be), r #;"rJ#;; l^'as prlr ir the adult duct ru^ ^..^-+i^- nf rti estirg business' ottt".said - 11;.3::.Yi.:i',: "i "''*'nip caseof holding .bf Sharein Public himself iis ilterests s'ould not arisein '2 u x c e,lt c ct , r . i r r l,vcr i J r j , \ t c r . , iu c] ,, ,'Ll l; lt:l r, r, 's:ri r l c r ' s \ v l i ( 1 r h , { - h i c r lN I i r r i s r , r . " t l i r , rl l r c , , , , , , , , .,"r r ' . " , ' , " , 1 j ] l ' l l','t,,ij ,rl h r r st c case l]liry l l c t of his hr.r embrr.r-uss rriroi" rir..rir.tlll.: is ,-:"r.'t sLrch ihar it ts Iiliely 1o trargeof bisolllcial.t,,u#tttg 2. A1icr ialiingo1fice, andsoiongasireremains in ollice, thelVini (a) annuajiyby thc 3 I ,r ]liui.h Augustro rhepr as._ thecase'ray tte, a.r."ir.uriu,r' r'ilre Clhiel' Iiabiliries *t;il] i",.,*r"r ur"pr"uio,', l]iy,il]::,::l r'ega.d i'g rrisasselsand r'r;;ilfijJ_ltio9 (b,i l c J i a i r r fi.orrr lcllairr fi.o,,, h ,,,,;.... buyitrg I. o,l ":: tl:u. iJ1 iH:i* J',:""".;;::i11, t*i ;;";,T," nt any ulsor.ily (c) r-elierin1i.ornstartirtg, oljoining, anybusinesrs; (dl ensurc rat ilrenrenbers^of his lhnrilydo rrolsrarl, or cin:rl p i,, '1 DlrPllryrnggoocls Covermreirt or selvic to that 1""""ptlrri i"-u i" ;,'p;ril;sloo,* ATJ.ff:iT:i::,::gic:g o.., ;:mf ,*li:i{'::l^v#:t!;'"''#;;i::*:l /- \ (cJ pennils, quotas, r"o,",, 61ffiffitfi#ffi,Jd1:f*" "if tcpo|t and a.t licenses, t l r c l l t a t t e r t o t h r . p , . i , - ^ r rz : Pr-irne Minister, o. tlhechief casernay 0", ,, *l..tt]j Mihis ny rneflrber"of iris lbuilv cnnrr,,^r -'^ r , conduct and munug.*.'ioil*il'ffililjj. uir,orjo .sels rn-, ^- : ^ : as dte ur the No MinistershoLrld _ (a) ff ff 1i*":'ffi1'"'5i,T:::1"::f },3iani'v,acceprconrri n fot ttlcal' cheu'ilable ol othe;wrse. cheque e.r inrc,,.toj ro. c-,. ^i f'a' ueintended uISeor u', 3h ;;i#;.iltfi T.".jilil:,il;ij rnstJt,trollrecognised iill , ol' 0o by a rublic pLrbricauthoritv, 0rrlrrnrir.,^.. ^ ' o"ii,"r' is ". ^ to the ilt:"ri*ffi1t"fi1 sooraspossibr ;;.il;^r"Tfll'i:: ;!r 1 orsa'isarion tbft; (b) 6^^^^:,, r arruLrrare _ ^^r^'rv' tumselt'wiili \,v.rur the ule r.aiqi,,.,nFf,,...r_- rarsrngof fllnds except a regisrered for the bene of (i) sociery, , u,.h*nEll d;;, #linsrirurion rec aujlo4tvauo(n) \:'"' *a polilical-partrl H!'ulruanparry: HA.ar;;;r.r ll;lrll,l]t: r,. ensuretltat t,,.h .onrr.ibr- He stould; h Ii:iiff:,;.jI "r11' ",;;; ;';;ffi;TJ :::l#ffii :; J:Jr'ffi ever, , etc. him. -'->.' fi'om being z Nothing herein before shal1prevent a Minister as above of fund:;ra'rsed operationfor disbursement ;tth;; the Chief Ministers d otl.rer 3.2 A Milister, including the Unionl4inisters' shorLidnot pt"11i1tl ir spouse Ministers of State Govemnients'tTnion Tenitories' a Foreigrr Government' r: India or and dependentsto accept employment under nrrt nli otcommercialconcei:ls)u'11 (including o'gu"i'utio" a foreign abroad, or'in lster is 'cependentof a I Priie Minister' \vhere the u'ife or a ;;;;;;;i;ith" shouldbe reported to tbe Prtm Minister alread,vin such emptoyment, the matter a general or should.not for decisionwhethertft" "*pf"y*ent should. }4ision. Foreign u'irha?11i11";*: employmenr on i:i$:#ffi;;;;;ililition 4.1 4.2 A M i n i s t e rs h o u l dciosereialives' and he a) not accept valuabie gifts except from gifts at all'ftom any of his family should not accept any and whom he muy have official dealings; members family' contract debts of a b) not, nor permit a member of his toembarrasso'nn"""""himinthedisr:hargeofhisofficial like1y u'hen he goes abroad or A lvliriistei may receive gifts n with fnr-ei on will gory *:: gift s rau Suchit gtit"ti"t it, India' T",,:1"-gli]1"i.^ Tt*'i of honour' " l]k'3a sword 'Ih:.-^"::1"**: iliiil!?'*to''#*rt *" "rivmbou"na-ture' ry of gifts recipients U" lttui""a which robesetc. and !1fe "* If itsvalueislesstht Rs.5,000/of svmbolic,natu1e' lffita * ffi;^'h;t;ittlot about the t1:1-: If'.ho1v11er' Mnnst"r' tL" uv vJ retained tt,L4lrve be us . can lL ua.L.t it lt.1l^dfl be: refrjrred 1o the Tos value of the gift, the matler should within the o:. tr" li value cil the If valuation' totheMinister.it exceeds beretumed wi1lTses:me11l:.f:#-3i' "rti**"0 tr,""gifi #llliiii; i*i "r*l,ooor_ ollion:",p::::trtt:t1itl:: *oi ttu* therecrprenr F s.5,C00f ii;i;'-'""""id"#;; ' J !e bv the Tos betweenthe value as assessed -f goods which are retainedby the anabY and oshakhana, -- Rs.5,000/-.Only glns or househoid exceeding r:-^- D -< nnn/-in rrrlrre 1bekePt invalua 5i0-0!/Rsetc tumihrre *i;i;li''J"#i'p"#"*', .e proPefiY. n"]::::^11].:i"::L:ii; t lr4inister' St'u"a","Piime in Rashtrapati countqt of ift;::H.*###r-'.;eift-"f*.r"itsapproximarenrarket:v.a,1ue.i+ origin). erla pelson 4 . 3 l n c a s e o f g r a n t o f a n a w a r d b y a n ) ' oprocr:dure r g a n i s a rnay t i o nbe t ofo alvliru following trre ,,"ilrir^"r., holding the Minister,s a) the cr:edentials ol.tie organisationgiving awarclmay be g n e inlo; b) if the credentials ol tlie body giving rhe aw:t.r-cls ar.e the awald as sLrchmay be accepteJ but the cash par-t accepted; c) iI'the awards relate to tl:e work done by the inclivic.lr-rzL pliol to his holding the oflice of Minisler, such awaris may be acceg DL,t llt all such cases specific approval of the prirle Minister lvtinlslel as llte ciLscnlay be, shoujd be obtai,,ecl.The and odrer Minister.s sjrall have to tal<e pemissioit o Minister and the Union FlomeMir.rister;and d) peacliable, or-rlclnot be r the Chief icf li{inislcr: ihe Pririie those inslances, where a Minister is to receive any a ar-d by ar.iy organisalioil whicir has comrcctiotis wilh Iroreigir Ageircies/Organisations, such a Miirister/ a. irer.son olding ihe Minister's statushank,will have1o seekprior appr.oval f the Prime Minister of India. 4 A Mi'ister- sho,ld foilow the i'structions givfl1 from ti're to ! hme by the Prime Mi'ister in rlatters rerating to atteMing fu'ctions arrangqc by foieign 'rissio's in l*dia or abroad,and arsofor acceptirigtrremernbershilior aly foreign trust,_institutio'or organisationo*ie. thariU.N. oi-ganisationsof ihi India is a Mernber. 5. A Minister shoulda) while on official tour, as far as practicable stay in belonging to" himself or maintained by Goverrulent, odation erflnellt undertakings, public bodiesor institutions(suchas Circuit uses,clali bungalowsetc.) or in recognisedhotels;and ! 6) avoiA:attending,as far as possibie,:ostentatioilstji javiifr i his lionour. o. Ihe autirorityfor ensurirgtheobservance ofilre Codeof Co fnme Muuster. ru the CaSebfUnioir MiiiiBters" the Home Minister;in the caseof chief Minislers, a.d the chief Minister the caseof StateMinisters exceptwhereit is otherwisespecifi will bethe 111011 ed in The said facts deem ht, accordingto mi9|1 it asprocedure, authority r#ou1dfoliow such rning any eoed or or dr rtith dealirig for cuse' and circumstances ot each suspectedbreach of this Code' e hls wife (or h band, as on:ln this code," yStl:l' : :T,ltt :Hi#tj" minor Explanati seParatedom him (or h ), 1egail'v nct be) \)v rrlal ) casg il"';;*;;Y tne iood or marrr to, and b1' relared peLs:ns u,ti unv'otl"t ili;;, - \4ilister' trtc on dePendeni whollY ). -d q( rt I -.'rir-rx\ .l-i $lal iFIi Eriil rrs .I{ut q' {;l :F EK iiqt l="1 (.it ) 't Flor.q lq-'.d ou.illl*nllfoii el'lriqotqj i;Ellt 'l sune-q{llon --;l\rt trurort],q) qtl i; Itrt. 3I 3F]-{ddih9rlpp1fielul..tiXl{lirl' (ls ) -.riderqar v{n trrmr "dq-€irqilii situr € iiiii (ri) -qi{ .qqlr snl-lri €tEl-']'q srEr a'F} rn llte+"r3 -tl'} ; (E{) srri;;tGr{ril g6qilorFnrdr.'ri q1iiil .i rnmrsgl r{l,t5ar m gRk+o di fu r+b qR+r t Qqr"tse 3pr.nrlqn ,rqm;Flih qilqi} e'il g{ ainn 3lqerrcti Rw qfr a G t (a].|qH3Frsl +) q"mq'I fi JrRlt q-€i qt {|Iq|q gffizlr \Q Q ei1l' t or-r-dF.fq],fizl, 6s 1 qr+Fs{zfcfi er"tr si s{, d d-g-+,r)3]2rqt qgutn;r.n1axsnivr gern'ft'k =rtit r q1.1, t 3rrfal3Q+ (-s) cR il$ ctrqn .Frqi{ lr<q d{ erq or}qn {s 16 3{rr-dr u-qq{il vnFon}ort d Eqrr{A {rFT 3T2l-[ dw qlqn{rrfr.dhnt 3.r lffi*t'iftd*r"firf qrcq-q{ (6) qltcrsRGFfr gRI c cpll lffiqr T.JI-{IEF ffiqsl (G) . \ ... c-.+ q-rll? {1ffi, qq 6l (i) lqr$l"-+-If, afWqFfr glfqrrfl gRi rlFrdlgrq q{e-llf,zll (ii) l+{rl :€f ff -)qt$ t[ SffF{-d Fre'ri,ri=r $ l q q t ( l { l q ' 1 r \ Y ' s . ' 961 qrcrsrt6cfs \il ei{qlqrdi {drq {iEiltn FffiTq,3Te-IEr co h enqb I -d4lllq; d.E qt , s1sf.lTfiEfqe si ti "14t Ellhc6A a-* ; ; fuSftRreqErFra'fi ggq d r{* E'TsI-{ apr h gnr+* {iEfis'T'i rdd{ol Ai* .t" {qi{It I (1lcF q{ql q{d 'r1;16l 21. -)*i' 4'lln fi1q.)l{ :lF 4:lar Fifui a; ftn r,-- =;+. ,,,. JJ, q rr fJlFCil lti=' ' : \ . \r;| ! - -a c ' l -.- ] ) €r"rfia q. 3c-dT.,i, ar+ sft,fiE.a },p,,G":i ;riul n 91{-, $1 qr. * qs rF"lF-{+ fi atre. + Er q6A 3TqF*. ."_ . i st -'r=dro, qi i;cEia?i-T 'Fd " m*Tff'-o B r - n f i I S *+'EqTi = . r t | + - o . g-fr:rqE ffi d ffi !E ra (iiil r;iit 36qqqi *r:r*-i;+ # =-.-' a-a ' ':.= " l-fl-t c-r.iqrr * ;;ffi; ""'o't' q"lll el G-i; +;ali =:_.,,, -r Gqr{ '. \'-J dir (i) ?}q-$-1i( \r/ rJelr -+{ IE3!TI Efut ('i) qr' 1;;;qlT 61E;. 'ralcr gin== ilrl'jd '\ 'a' *qffi'qi * ; ate-+-ar i .* # J+Jffi:ffi v+ga +l * irTti6); ftmI3 Buoor q-. ft= -# J Ei nT hii EqrqR. ffi 3,_B+rr* +e_+; 4p .q rdqa qs q;t-aT;; . ._"- .' Fntt aE aq--T3iisT p;fr * nc i a-+ ,a,crm$ F 3T+ Ga +, * FqIF?q * * :'=ftfted r-t #; €'qrrF sfurr a:[ sec,-]slr (s) T{ qrq-o} n, mq{ ffir q-fidi ts q.rd_{t Itr-d il-n lcqtrfu{i-fiiqfr q-}gnTrrd{t t ,ii qq q-*rq 5Tg-,f{ +t qsfits ET{or aTkfl+l snrdg gqrqri*qi- +guh rm €rrtr $ 4.4 ful+i:1+) mqi ftst-iiEr{rqno qr i fAsrT , i enl erffiii-qpT qqql, rui F+riibc,efr-Fp r _,.R_Ptrs.Tsld+,v5nirq.v'l6ii iis+r, qrro ! ^ qqsdr " t, s-i srftcr 5. req oG-t ftlc !-rliq*;i;q_#; eq6q,qFjqh-mffiqlr{cqieilEr{r{G_Tqn r_ (q) psqffi stal riEifi {(g E.,GT fuifrqfr+)qTRctu _ (e,r €-{ilfrdthdRF, qsrnqqq6dd,r+qt 6. Ic aIJH Er l\nlld, st+ erkil 3ilRlqTqrqf,rsrq m t 6 F,+, E-Ein'firrus A,sq+qqrqqRqrnqfiilss q6rq{Tqa?n fuRHra€r,fti 3lEfgqIS-{{R, elqRiitS$ Wi9fd-ilqq udRI ei|-s6{3il!R-sRdr sf qffi + qrr,TClEriq-m 5c.qffi * *na t * ET-Jq, dl SF{trq-d { q') ehffiao 3lR cssR-f,rsfr si-f + n'ufr3i-{ lqr eqTfrrq:cs {qR-dr t, ffi Tfrh qkqi{t 3vfi qc* (q,ch, baqvnd + smli t g"nr5{d, rjEf(4rr d-d,3tt{EE ,fi "q ulr=fttq++ rirfrarcgST 6C 'qI rtq + iffi * qq-dt v+FTd rt r# n $qq-fi'erFnnrfr g M h fhRqrtrtrfRrsG rituq 3rcqlilqT b L{sr+d qvn etrorwfr qri qd sbql +l lteqqtrr r d, nwpf w t ni w enPrn d, tiir Tq' *'5'r. 3.2 --:- qrHi,3@iffi }ir lr;4 vrt/riq rni enFrn;n ftffi s{Err, r,En} qTfiiql ffi di", ,.----:- ---L-.-----:- +,1 ,ai \.1I r.1ltll ri i.1 I ---.------+ .----c.--( qll uliv'-{+ ll (i$--l.il .,r I;;ll . :q ---------:-a --: ---J ^--=----=: :q, +- ) -i: - --3 --,--: - fll 3.:l -li.i(i'q,i q nril qll! \ <lI {€i 1.l . i, t=].J-r[.q{-| E I's.l-!-{ . E-T; Ij{; aceli e*frq-rlli ,":l {| -r{ri !-d.T:ft -.1F 3:fi ffi lr 3#&rnrE<rn t cn irErTri ffi qtftct !R i* litTqir*u; qrffi :-^ \tlIlr-l li q.i +l ^ _ -\:r:-ii2i q, e,.-J l z':l Itr_-----:------:: : '- =---J ---- l{Ydqi',1 +l til5qi \qr, i l..)* ---a---1 'Jlrcl - +.t,ir -.]iiE( H s-.g d it ffii efra t :ltn eir'ar _T=:i CI-qEE,, +;iT qft"n* qqs qi t'i €fE<i xq fr 't Et _ :i -\ I]lq€ E qI qk-frnT ERTellr q{q TG sqtE ri+.t cfuir |:-9ltn+nl +) i l+i --.}-: niill€lll ti a.lEl\ -s_:- ^ \ :-=i_ \ ! -tll I l ( ' l l q , q l c r l , - -i--c- . q Hqt('1t{ed 9t_*,'- --:- --l- lE?; !-l!;il I zrc' Ei-,r 5cq S9ET{l;T ETfia \ \ \ €.-RilllrT-{n. {.q G'R 5000i-FCq4; 3!ER qT qq{ eerai:r FgtTI'ifr ' 1 q,t i4.q1cqlti l-II nR-lTLqTlT EL IE'q< --.c-.--\ -^^^, $lllc Ji )UUUi-tq\ -: --: -: - ' ------.::. $ !.q- - l- q c + , l l 'r q ,-L \ ' ' . , ---:- ' ' N - ' ' ---:- .---lc- /-tqq q,ltiqti(( ru.T, 000/ -Eqq F 3T, +;I EI lTll?l? - " ' ' itT9i j -=---.L. qT {-q-'T4qq {Gq J . .d sTTqTfq-dq-lEl.tqEq ffi€qar .: s*d-J c',, ,i,.:'.mn ' q l l E q .l q q s u E l \ + l - . ( ' q . ! \ " - 1 1 : . ,+, i( l q { ----a\- 4.3 -----:, qK EE€T!E 5000/-!qq c,-qEnT!Eq:] lcr=lif ' ' 'E I - i " ' E; T;T ' '\ { )- -! )* ------------cqEEf !@ian o-, q\ :5 Eii r EqF E rlqER S 3lll.ri" T:q -r 3!EREFIqT A . F .ir-l€6n-I E I E1frll6 s3T<{graTqrfl'E ^ ^ -'!---1 r l u l q lE I --------5 q i v:\c-.! q E ( ' i i' u l l I S c l l c ' 1 l r l +y ? l c l --------! t 1 + c l lE l k \ i s ! F l i l _-:- -\_ _:_ c l l V l l { 9 l i lc h lv l ! rI c-------! El llitii \ ' \ Fl({T q gTdI E qI ERc q lq(fl r]nlq4 S€ffi, qE -\ . :_\ -: tqrqi+qts";Tq€r 9.)1 4.2 ----: ql 3t _ ---: -ii +,!-.a,i' i stc El?E ' - . N '!-+dgi ' . J - - ! q, F, -:-- c h 6 1 1 , l r G v l l K r l . r ( i t a : s r ] F l i , q . ,l r { i Eq?,IEFrr.l q€tFi etr'ryq, .\' rliliT?i qI Eql/Ifr tllTrTF-,{TqlT elFd sFi-qiltq ^ . . \ . qq q€ Fi-€fq\4 !e3!1 3{iIJ;qGgF ^ \ \'\nFdTIfrqqtIFSd 6 615q {Ss{i ---: | l l l c l l E l , c , l l q l t l v - $ l i t l l r l s l l . J i l - lr . l l L E g l stt{ffi .15q-ffea"+jq6 11i>--' -' 6 q, FflqCTIqT eT{ 3l:4 9