HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human Resource Option Requirements * A minimum of 20 credits as follows: MGMT 351 – Human Resource Management (4) MGMT 461 – Reward Systems and Performance Management (4) MGMT 471 – Staffing and Employee Selection (4) MGMT 493 – Human Resource Policies (4) Plus 4 credits from a MGMT 400 level elective class. Choose from the following: MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT 404/409 – Internship/Practicum ** Offered online EVERY term 410 – Selected Topics (3-4) 428 – Team Processes (4) 421 – Design Thinking for Social Innovation (4) 422 – Money Matters for Social Innovation (4) 423 – Storytelling & Impact Measurement for Social Innovation (4) 441 – Collective Bargaining/Labor Relations (4) *** 442 – Human Resources Information & Technology (4) *** 445 – Organizational Design and Change (4) 446 – Principles of International Management (4) 464 – Contemporary Leadership Issues (4) 481 – Entrepreneurship (4) 491 – Training and Development (4) *** * Students who wish to complete a double option in Management & Leadership and Human Resource Management cannot apply more than eight common MGMT credits to each program. *** Highly recommended for Human Resource Management majors Prerequisites: COURSE MGMT 351 MGMT 461 MGMT 471 MGMT 491 MGMT 493 MGMT 410 MGMT 421 MGMT 422 MGMT 423 PREREQUISITE BA 302 MGMT 351 MGMT 351 MGMT 351 MGMT 461, 471 BA 302 None MGMT 421 MGMT 422 COURSE MGMT 428 MGMT 441 MGMT 442 MGMT 445 MGMT 446 MGMT 447 MGMT 464 MGMT 481 PREREQUISITE BA 302 BA 302 BA 351 BA 302 BA 302 BA 302 BA 302 BA 302 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Course offerings are not guaranteed and may vary by time or term. Human Resource Management courses tend to be offered: FALL MGMT MGMT MGMT MGMT 351 461 471 493 (Day/Night) (Day/Night) (Day/Night) (Day) MGMT 404/409 (Online) WINTER MGMT 351 MGMT 461 MGMT 471 MGMT 493 (Day/Night) (Night) (Night) (Day) MGMT 404/409 (Online) MGMT 410 (Online) MGMT 421 (Online) SPRING MGMT 351 MGMT 461 MGMT 471 MGMT 493 (Day/Night) (Night) (Night) (Day/Night) MGMT 404/409 (Online) MGMT 410 (Online) SUMMER MGMT 351 MGMT 461 MGMT 471 MGMT 493 MGMT 404/409 (Online) MGMT 422 (Online) MGMT 423 (Online) MGMT 428 (Day/Online) MGMT 441 MGMT 442 (Night) MGMT 445 (Day/Night) MGMT 442 (Night) MGMT 446 (Day) MGMT 481 (Day) MGMT 491 (Day) MGMT 491 (Day) *Please note that the number of sections of each course varies each term. HRM is a popular major and classes fill quickly. If you need a particular course in a particular term, please register within the first few minutes to ensure your timely progression toward the term you plan to graduate. **Please see Management & Leadership handout for additional information on other courses like MGMT 428, 441, 445, and 464. Suggested Sequence: TERM 1: TERM 2: TERM 3: TERM 4: TERM 5: BA 302 BA 301 MGMT 351 MGMT 461 and/or MGMT 471 MGMT 461 and/or MGMT 471 MGMT 493 MGMT elective ** To apply for MGMT 404/409, Online internship/practicum, fill out the intake form at G:\UpdatedMaterials\SequenceSheets\Marketing.14-15.doc Updated 7/7/15