Handout Supplier Details

PSYCHOMETRIC ASSESSMENT SUPPLIER LIST AVAILBALE PRODUCTS SUPPLIER CONTACT DETAILS Pearson international Tracey Anderson Extensive range of products for: e‐mail: Tracey.Anderson@pearson.com  Ability www.pearsonassessments.com  Achievement www.psychcorp.pearsonassessments.com
 Behaviour Tel: 1 800 627 7271  Memory  Neuropsychology  Personality  Vocational Extensive range of products for: Phone : 011 486 0247 Fax : 088 011 496 0247  Psychological e‐mail : nelva@iafrica.com  Educational www.innovact.co.za  Occupational therapy and physiotherapy  Organisational o Ability and attainment o Career guidance o Dexterity o Neuropsychological o Personality / work styles and motivation  Speech and language therapy e‐mail: international@mhs.com. Extensive range of products for: customerservice@mhs.com  Clinical www.mhs.com  Educational  Public safety  Emotional intelligence
Phia Henning Assessments: e‐mail: phiahenning@integrity‐inter.com  Integrity (IMI and IP‐200) www.integrity‐inter.com  Cognitive and potential (COPAS – Cognitive and Potential Assessment)
Tel: 082 441 5006  Personality (Personality at Work)  Competency (Security Assessment Profile)  Aptitude (GAT) Innovact MHS Integrity International 1 SUPPLIER CONTACT DETAILS AVAILBALE PRODUCTS Al‐Q‐Mie Kincaid Kotze e‐mail: info@alqmie.co.za www.alqmie.co.za Tel: 012 346 7692 Speex Hough and Horne Dr. Pieter Schaap e‐mail: psi@pixie.co.za www.pibspeex.com Tel: 011 782 1379
Frikkie van Kaayenburg Email: frikkie@leadthefield.co.za www.leadthefield.co.za Tel : 011 791 4008 Dr. Erick Schmikl Email: synlead@mweb.co.za www.syndynam.com Tel: 012 663 3063 www.tjhorne.co.za Service provider for:
 Ability – level of complexity  Habitual Work Styles & Team Role Dynamics  Integrity & World Views  Change Management  Emotional Intelligence (EQ)  Organisational Culture Assessments  Resilience & Stress Assessments  Return‐On‐Investment Battery  COMPINDEX (measures of attainment and preference)  SPEEX (psychological measures)Cognitive  Job profiling  Comprehensive structured interviewing Omnicor (Nationally and internationally based) Michael Chihande Email: michael@omnicor.co.za www.omnicor.co.za Tel: 011 327 7810 / 0860 OMNICOR Lead the field training Synerlead Learning ability battery (LAB) (in‐house or outsourced) Consulting practice focusing of leadership development mainly utilizing
the MBTI.
LITERATI ‐ Short cut to English literacy ELSA ‐ Standardized measuring instruments HANDS‐ON ENGLISH ‐ Accelerated‐learning, modularized ABET English program  Plain English ‐ Readability and Controlled Writing Distributes all assessments from psychometric assessment distributors
2 SUPPLIER CONTACT DETAILS AVAILBALE PRODUCTS MadMac (Nationally and Internationally based) Robyn Stephenson Email: robyns@macgroup.co.za www.madmac.co.za Tel: 011 327 7387 Jopie van Rooyen Nicola Taylor e‐mail: info@jvrafrica.co.za www.jvrafrica.co.za Tel: 011 781 3705/6/7 PsyTech Gillian e‐mail: gillian@psytech.co.za www.psytech.co.za Tel: 011 646 7010 Izak Steyn e‐mail: info@shl.co.za www.shl.com Tel: 012 428 0100  Non‐assigned role group discussions  Assigned role group discussions  Interview simulations – internal  Interview simulations – external  Fact find exercises  Analysis Exercises  In basket exercises  Oral presentation exercises  Scheduling exercises Extensive range of products for:  Ability  Clinical  Educational  Behaviour  Organisational  Neuropsychology  Personality Range of products for:  Personality  Counseling and Development  Ability Product Range for:  Personality Assessments  Development  Competency  Culture & motivation  Ability screening and testing  Aptitude assessments and job competencies
 Self-report measures (motives, talents, interests)
 Organisational (culture, satisfaction, climate)
SHL Saville Consulting Werner Barkhuizen Email: info.za@savilleconsulting.com www.savilleconsulting.com 083 294 7676 3 SUPPLIER CONTACT DETAILS AVAILBALE PRODUCTS BIOSS SA Anna Rammusa e‐mail: anna@bioss.com www.bioss.com Tel: 011 450 2434 Thomas International & A Technologies Angela de Jongh e‐mail: angelad@thomas.co.za www.thomasinternational.co.za Tel: 012 346 3721 A & DC Ltd Email: info@adc.uk.com www.adc.uk.com Tel: 44 (0)1483 860 898 Dover Institute Kerry Petze Email: dover@iafrica.com www.doversystems.co.za 011 886 1400 Aprolab Dr Terri Taylor E‐mail: aprolab@icon.co.za www.aprolab.co.za Tel: 082 850 6021 Consulting organization with the following products:  Career Path Appreciation (CPA)  Initial recruitment interview schedule (IRIS)  LPA  EDA (360 Tool)  Mapper (Profiling Tool)  Working relationship appreciation (WRA) Product Range for:  Skills Assessments  Behavioral Assessments  Values  Learning Potential  Emotional Intelligence  Graduate assessment
 Management assessment
 Executive assessment
 Specialist assessment
 Redundancy assessment
 The Dover Test
 Rehacom Training System
 CongiPlus
 Dover Decision Reaction Test (DDRT)
 Vocational Testing
 Aptitude Testing
 Tram 1  Tram 2  APIL  APIL short version  iLamp (ABET)  BB‐CAB 4 SUPPLIER CONTACT DETAILS AVAILBALE PRODUCTS Kenexa www.kenexa.com Email: kenexaafrica@kenexa.com Capacityinc Beatrix Brink www.capacityinc.co.za Tel: 083 658 4827 Range of tests and products:
 Skills and ability tests  Behavioural and personality assessments  Leadership assessments  Custom‐fit assessments  Structured interviews  Assessment centres  Simulations, performance indicators  Cultural, job and career fit  Realistic job previews  Belbin Team Role Assessment  Job Profiling  Career Assessment  Team Assessment  Career Counseling  Performance Improvement  Project Team Development  Organisational Culture Assessment Mindmuzik Siphephile e‐mail: sales@mindmuzik.com www.mindmuzik.com Tel: 012 342 1606 
Giotto SA Christine Botha e‐mail: Christine@giottasa.com www.giottosa.com Tel: 082 824 0194 
5 Cognitive group tests
Cognitive individual tests
Interest Questionnaire
Career Development Questionnaire (CDQ)
Self Directed Questionnaire (SDS)
The South African Vocational Interest Inventory (SAVII)
Clinical Assessments
Neuropsychological Assessments
Career Development Products
Creative Therapy Tools
GiottoSA Integrity Questionnaire (Integrity) SUPPLIER CONTACT DETAILS Insights Nicolle Sorrell e‐mail: info@insights.co.za www.insights.com Tel: 021 422 4221 Elrie Botha Email: monate@cyberserv.co.za www.tmsdi.com Tel: 016 910 3412 Ms Sylvia Baloyi Tel/fax: +27 (0) 12 460 9726 e‐mail: info@mminitiatives.com http://www.mminitiatives.com Dr Maretta Prinsloo Tel: 27 (0)11 884 0878 TMS Development International M & M Initiatives Magellan Consulting / Cognadev Ltd AVAILBALE PRODUCTS 
Team Management Profile
LP CAT – Computerised adaptive testing 
Cognitive Process Profile (CPP) VO Tool 6 