Programming EMTP-ATP-PSCAD Software Functions using



, Abdelhafid HELLAL


, Slami SAADI


Nuclear Research Center of Birine-Algeria (1), Electrical engineering Department, Laghouat University- Algeria (2)

Programming EMTP-ATP-PSCAD Software Functions using

MATLAB for Power Systems Transient Analysis

Abstract . This article aims to create a simulation software MATP for power systems transients, replacing the two transients simulation softwares

ATP and PSCAD. Were presented a brief description of the ATP and PSCAD softwares. We described the program MATP, and then we simulated several defects that can cause transients in different networks by ATP, PSCAD and MATP with interpretations of results.

Abstract . W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie programu symulacyjnego MATP w systemach mocy, jako uzupe ł nienie programów symulacyjnych ATP i PSCAD. Przedstawiono krótki opis programów ATP i PSCAD. Opisano tak ż e program MATP a nast ę pnie przedstawiono symulacje ró ż nych defektów jakie mog ą si ę zdarzy ć w sieciach zasilaj ą cych. ( Programowanie funkcji w EMTP-ATP-PSCAD przy u ż yciu Matlaba na potrzeby analizy sieci zasilaj ą cych )

Keywords: Transients in power systems, ATP / EMTP, MATP, MATLAB / SIMULINK .

S ł owa kluczowe: Stany przej ś ciowe w sieciach zasilaj ą cych, Matlab, MATP, ATP, EMTP.


The MATP "Matlab Transients Analysis Program," [1], is a transient’s simulation program in electrical networks created to replace the simulation softwares such as ATP /

EMTP and PSCAD. As we have previously mentioned, these programs are black boxes for us, and if their use is simple, modification is impossible. We are obliged to use them according to their own characteristics, and we have no way to change their content (which is obvious since we must be authorized and agreed by authors who hold rights over their product). But if we need to have changes such as adding new models of components or another mathematical resolution tool, or non-existent applications in the versions available, it is absolutely necessary to develop our own program. This is without mentioning the costs that such programs can claim.

Description of the computer tools

Alternative Transient Program (ATP)

ATP is a universal program system for digital simulation of transient phenomena [2].of electromagnetic as well as electromechanical nature. With this digital program, complex networks and control systems of arbitrary structure can be simulated.

ATP has extensive modeling capabilities and additional important features besides the computation of transients. It has been continuously developed through international contributions over the past 20 years.


EMTDC is a transients simulator [3] which has been evolving since the mid-1970. Originally inspired by Dr.

Hermann Dommel from his classic April 1969 IEEE paper published in the Transactions on Power Apparatus and

Systems, its development has always been completely independent of EMTP and its many derivatives.

PSCAD [4] is a powerful graphical user interface that integrates seamlessly with EMTDC, a general purpose time domain program for simulating power system transients and controls. Together they provide a fast, flexible and accurate solution for the simulation of virtually any electrical equipment or system.

PSCAD/EMTDC [5] represents and solves the differential equations of the entire power system and its controls in the time domain (both electro-magnetic and electro-mechanical systems). This class of simulation tool differs from load flow and transient stability tools, which use steady state equations to represent electrical circuits (i.e. electromagnetics) but solve the differential equations of machine mechanical dynamics (i.e. rotational inertia).


MATLAB [6] is a high-performance language for technical computing. It integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation

MATLAB is an interactive system whose basic data element is an array that does not require dimensioning. This allows you to solve many technical computing problems, especially those with matrix and vector formulations, in a fraction of the time it would take to write a program in a scalar non interactive language such as C or FORTRAN.

Structure of MATP

Our program called MATP was developed to analyze various functions issuing from transients like those for ATP or PSCAD. MATP can analyze actually two types of functions, the first type “Commutation transients and defects” represented by defects: opening and closing a line, short circuit defect and Their removal, loss of a generator, over load defect, The latter contains the loss of load and load power supplying While the second type concerns

“shots and lightning surge” represented by the defects caused by lightning strikes [7] on current.

Fig. 1. Structure of program MATP

MATP is a program implemented in MATLAB environment and allows you to run multiple applications and functions (Simulink files). The structure of MATP is based on graphical interfaces made by MATLAB (GUI), so if one

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runs the program MATP (MATP.m), a graphical interface called MATP appears as shown in Fig 2.

If we click on the first fault of the first function the following window appears with systems: system1 (Network

2genrator, 4node [8]), system2 (network 2generator, 5node

[9]), system3 (network 3generator, 9node [10])

Fig. 2. Principal Window of MATP Program

The graphical interface MATP program contains a title which signify the objective of this program "Simulation of the functions of ATP and PSCAD by MATLAB," under a program called Liste_Fonctions and three push buttons:

The first button Réalised by: the author of this program.

The second button Help: gives an overview of the program.

Fig. 6. System selection with Fault1 of the Fonction1 in MATP

Application example

Example: Opening and re-closing a line in network system1

Fig.7. Opening and re-closing of the line side node 2 in network system1

Nodes voltages (example)

With ATP

Fig. 3. Help window of MATP program

T he third button close: You can quit the program MATP.

If we click on Liste_Fonctions, another window pops up and we can choose to study the function

"Switch_Transi_Faults"or " Lightning_Overvoltage"

If you click on the first function Switch_Transi_Faults the following window appears

Fig. 8. Voltages of example


Fig. 4. Types of defects in the function 1 in MATP

If you click on Help the window below appears:

Fig. 9. Voltages of example


Fig. 5. Fonction1 Help of MATP program

Fig. 10. Voltages of example

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Analysis of the results

During normal operation nodes2 and 4 voltages vary around 113kV, but when the incident occurred at t =

0.03sec (opening line), the voltage of noeud2, VN2 decreases up following a 81kV transient fluctuation deaden

(the current discontinuities due to the discontinuity of the derivative di / dt during the extinction of current passing through its zero) until the end of the incident at t = 0.06sec.

The tension of the node 4, VN4 increases to the value

200kV (transformer empty). A t = 0.06sec, the breaker is closed and both voltages VN2 and VN4 return to their initial value, oscillations are justified by the line capacitive effect.


The implemented program is called MATP (Matlab-

ATP), developed in Matlab environment, and using the

Simulink package has been tested using the same examples, and gave full appreciation for the simulations carried out which confirmed the relevance of the project.

The results have virtually the same appearance and overlap completely with those obtained with the ATP / EMTP and

PSCAD, and we have confirmed the possibility of analysing other types of transients on other power grids.

Based on various simulations carried out for a number of functions and on a number of different networks, which we consider quite representative to validate our software, and allow a reasonable comparison with other similar tools, we can conclude that MATP software gives results similar to the ATP and PSCAD softwares.


[1]. Souli Aissa, ‘’Programmation de Fonctions du Logiciel EMTP-

ATP-PSCAD à L’aide de MATLAB‘’Mémoire de Magistère,

Université Amar Telidji, Laghouat, Algerie2008.

[2]. Marin Gaudet, ‘’La Théorie des Graphes Appliquée à la

Conception Assistée par Ordinateur des Circuits de Contrôle pour les Systèmes d'électronique de Puissance‘’, Maîtrise Es

Sciences Appliquées, Université de Moncton, Canada, 2001.

[3]. PSCAD Version 4.0.2 Copyright2003 (all rights reserved),

Manitoba HVDC Research Centre Inc., July 17 2003.

[4]. PSCAD/EMTDC, Manitoba HVDC Research Centre,

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

[5]. Paul Wilson, ‘’EMTDC Transient Analysis for PSCAD Power

System Simulation‘’, Manitoba HVDC Research Centre,

Canada, April 2005.

[6]. Owyong Siew Leng, ‘’ Simulating Power Quality Problems‘’,

Bachelor of Engineering, University of Queensland,

October 2001.

[7]. M.A. Uman,”All About Lightning”, PP.1-158, Toronto, Canada,


[8]. H Saadat, ‘’ Power System Analysis‘’ , Second Edition, Mc Graw

Hill, Printed in Singapore, 2004

[9]. P M. Anderson, ‘’Analysis of Faulted Power Systems‘’, The

Iowa State University Press/Ames , USA, 1973

[10]. J. Jatskevich, O.Wasynczuk, N.Mohd Noor, E.A.Watters

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Authors : Aissa Souli. Researcher Nuclear Research Center of

Birine-Algeria, E-mail:; prof. dr Abdelhafid

Hellal, Electrical engineering Department, Laghouat University -

Algeria, E-mail:


Slami Saadi

Researcher Nuclear Research Center of Birine-Algeria,

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