0.0899* 20.268 14.025 1 1 18 2 0.1787* 4.215 0.95 (at26atm) 1.01 1 Helium Hydrogen H 1s¹ 3 0.53 1615 453.7 6.94 1 Lithium 1.85 2745 1560 2 4 9.01 Boiling point, K 22.99 1 1.74 1363 922 [Ne]3s¹ [Ne]3s² 19 20 Mg 1 1.55 1757 1112 Symbol (1) Electron configuration 40.08 2 3 21 3.0 3104 1812 44.96 3 4.50 3562 1943 4 22 47.90 4 3 6.2 3682 2175 5 23 50.94 5 4 3 2 6 24 7.15 2945 2173 52.00 6 3 2 7 25 7.43 2335 1517 54.94 7 6 4 3 2 Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Mn [Ar]4s¹ [Ar]4s² [Ar]3d¹4s² [Ar]3d²4s² [Ar]3d34s² [Ar]3d54s¹ [Ar]3d54s² K 1.53 961 312.64 37 Ca 85.47 1 2.6 1650 1041 38 Sc 87.62 2 39 4.5 3611 1799 Ti 88.91 3 6.49 4682 2125 40 V 91.22 4 8.55 5173 2740 41 Cr 92.91 5 3 10.2 5833 2893 42 95.94 6 5 4 3 2 43 11.5 4538 2473 7.86 3135 1809 8 26 55.85 3 2 Iron (98) 7 12.2 4423 2607 9 27 8.90 3201 1768 58.93 3 2 58.70 3 2 Co Ni Cu [Ar]3d74s² [Ar]3d84s² [Ar]3d104s1 101.07 45 12.4 3970 2236 102.91 4 3 2 46 12.0 3237 1825 106.4 4 2 Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium [Kr]5s¹ [Kr]5s² [Kr]4d¹5s² [Kr]4d²5s² [Kr]4d45s¹ [Kr]4d55s¹ [Kr]4d65s1 [Kr]4d75s1 [Kr]4d85s1 75 76 1.87 944 301.55 55 132.91 1 Cesium 950 300 3.5 2171 1002 56 137.33 Zr 57-71 13.1 4876 2500 2 72 Nb 178.49 4 16.6 6373 3269 73 Mo 180.95 5 19.3 6173 3693 74 183.85 6 5 4 3 2 Ru Tc 21.0 5869 3453 186.21 22.6 5285 7 6 4 2 -1 3400 190.2 8 6 4 3 2 Rh 22.65 4701 2716 77 192.22 6 4 3 2 78 21.4 4100 2045 195.09 4 2 Cs Ba [Xe]6s¹ [Xe]6s² [Xe]4f145d²6s² [Xe]4f145d36s² [Xe]4f145d46s² [Xe]4f145d56s² [Xe]4f145d66s² [Xe]4f145d76s² 1 Francium 5.5 2010 973 88 226.03 89-103 Radium Fr Ra [Rn]7s¹ [Rn]7s² 104 - 2 (261) 105 - (262) 106 - 26.98 3 19.3 3130 1337.58 79 3 1 1.82 550 4 317.30 28.09 200.59 2 1 ±2,4,6 3.17* 239.1 172.16 1s²2s²p6 17 35.45 ±1,3,5,7 57 6.7 3730 1193 138.91 3 Lanthanum 6.78 3699 1071 58 140.12 3 4 Cerium La Ce [Xe]5d¹6s² [Xe]4f¹5d¹6s² 10.07 3473 1323 89 227.03 3 11.7 5061 2028 90 6.77 3785 1204 59 140.91 3 4 CI Ar [Ne]3s²p4 [Ne]3s²p5 [Ne]3s²p6 31 32 33 34 35 P 69.72 3 5.32 3107 1210.4 72.59 4 49 114.82 3 5.72 876 (subl.) 1081 (28atm.) S 74.92 ±3,5 4.80 958 494 78.96 -2,4,6 3.12 332.25 265.9 79.90 ±1,5 60 3 Praseodymium Neodymium 232.04 4 15.4 - Pr Nd [Xe]4f36s² [Xe]4f46s² 91 231.04 5 4 18.90 4407 1405 92 238.03 6 5 4 3 6.475 3273 1204 61 (145) 3 7.54 2064 1345 62 150.4 3 2 5.26 1870 1090 63 151.96 3 2 Ge As Bromine Krypton [Ar]3d104s2p2 [Ar]3d104s2p3 [Ar]3d104s2p4 [Ar]3d104s2p5 [Ar]3d104s2p6 7.30 2876 505.06 50 118.69 4,2 51 6.68 1860 904 Se 121.75 ±3,5 6.24 1261 722.65 52 Br 127.60 -2,4,6 4.92 458.4 386.8 53 Kr 126.90 ±1,5,7 In Sn I Xe [Kr]4d105s2p1 [Kr]4d105s2p2 [Kr]4d105s2p3 [Kr]4d105s2p4 [Kr]4d105s2p5 [Kr]4d105s2p6 11.85 1746 577 81 204.37 3 1 Pt Au [Xe]4f145d106s1 [Xe]4f145d106s2 8.27 3496 1630 65 158.93 4 3 8.54 2835 1682 66 11.4 2023 600.6 82 Sb 207.2 9.8 1837 4,2 544.52 83 Te 208.98 3,5 9.4 1235 527 84 (209) 4,2 85 610 575 Xenon (210) ±1,3,5,7 Tl Pb Astatine At Rn [Xe]4f145d106s2p1 [Xe]4f145d106s2p2 [Xe]4f145d106s2p3 [Xe]4f145d106s2p4 [Xe]4f145d106s2p5 [Xe]4f145d106s2p6 67 164.93 3 Bi Holmium Erbium [Xe]4f56s² [Xe]4f66s² [Xe]4f76s² [Xe]4f75d16s² [Xe]4f96s² [Xe]4f106s² [Xe]4f116s² 20.4 910 93 237.05 6 5 4 3 19.8 3503 913 94 (244) 6 5 4 3 13.6 2880 1268 95 (243) 6 5 4 3 Gd 13.511 1340 96 Tb (247) 3 - 97 Ho Dy (247) 4 3 900 98 (251) 3 - 99 (252) - Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium [Rn]6d¹7s² [Rn]6d²7s² [Rn]5f²6d¹7s² [Rn]5f36d¹7s² [Rn]5f46d¹7s² [Rn]5f67s² [Rn]5f77s² [Rn]5f76d17s² [Rn]5f97s² [Rn]5f107s² U 3 Dysprosium Protactinium Pa 167.26 Terbium Thorium Th 68 Gadolinium Actinium Ac 9.05 3136 1795 Europium Eu Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf (222) Polonium Samarium Sm 86 Bismuth Promethium Pm 211 202 Lead 8.80 2968 3 1743 162.50 131.30 Iodine [Xe]4f145d96s1 3 54 Tellurium Thallium 157.25 5.89* 165.03 161.36 Antimony Mercury 64 83.80 Tin Gold 7.89 3539 1585 36 Selenium Po Radon (263) 144.24 3.74* 119.8 115.78 Arsenic [Rn]5f146d47s² 7.00 3341 1289 39.95 [Ne]3s²p3 Si Unq Unp Unh [Rn]5f146d37s² 18 Argon Unnilquadium* Unnilpentium* Unnilhexium* [Rn]5f146d²7s² 1.784* 87.3 83.8 [Ne]3s²p2 7.31 2346 429.76 Hg 32.06 Ne [Ne]3s²p1 Ga 80 16 F Chlorine [Ar]3d104s2p1 13.53 630 234.28 ±3,5,4 2.07 717.75 388.36 Neon Sulfur [Ar]3d104s2 2 30.97 20.18 Phosphorus Zn 112.41 15 10 Silicon Cd 196.97 14 2.33 2628 1685 O 0.901* 27.096 24.553 Aluminium [Kr]4d105s2 Platinum (223) 13 [Kr]4d105s1 Iridium 87 1s²2s²p5 Germanium 48 -1 1s²2s²p4 N Gallium 8.65 1040 594.18 1s² 19.00 1s²2s²p3 C Ag Osmium Ir 1 -2 1.696* 84.95 53.48 1s²2s²p2 [Kr]4d10 Rhenium Os 107.87 16.00 1s²2s²p1 5.91 2478 302.90 Zinc ±3,5,4,2 1.429* 90.18 50.35 Fluorine Pd Tungsten Re 47 10.5 2436 1234 2 14.01 Oxygen Al 65.38 ±4,2 1.251* 77.35 63.14 He 17 9 Nitrogen Indium Tantalum W 7.14 1180 692.73 12 30 12.01 16 8 Carbon Cadmium Hafnium Ta 2.26 (Graphite) 3 4.020 (subl.) Silver Barium Hf 2 1 [Ar]3d64s² Yttrium Y 63.55 Fe Strontium Sr 8.96 2836 1357.6 Copper Rubidium Rb 11 29 Nickel 8 6 4 3 2 10.81 15 7 Boron 2.70 2793 933.25 Cobalt 44 14 6 B 10 28 8.90 3187 1726 13 5 2.34 4275 2300 (1) black = solid, red = gas, blue = liquid, grey = synthetically prepared (2) Based upon carbon -12. Values in brackets indicate most stable or best known isotope. (3) Entries marked with asterisks refer to the gaseous state at 273 K and 1 atm and are given in units of g/l. (4) blue = not radioactive, orange = radioactive (5) Names and symbols marked with asterisks are those recommended by IUPAC as systematic alternatives to those suggested by the purported discoverers. Berkley (USA) researchers have proposed Rutherfordium (Rf) for element 104, Hahnium (Ha) for element 105 and Seaborgium (Sg) for element 106. Dubna (USSR) researchers, who also claim the discovery of these elements have proposed different names (and symbols). 2 Magnesium 39.10 Atomic weight (2) Oxidation states (Bold most stables) [Kr]4d55s¹ 24.31 Sodium Na 95.94 6 5 4 3 2 Mo Name (5) 12 42 Molybdenum Melting point, K 1s²2s² 11 10.2 5833 2893 Density (3) at 300 K (g/cm³) Be 1s²2s¹ 0.86 1032 336.35 Atomic number (4) 2 Beryllium Li 0.97 1156 371.0 4.00 - 9.33 2220 1818 69 168.93 3 2 6.98 1467 1097 70 173.04 3 2 9.84 3668 1936 71 174.97 3 Er Thulium Tm Ytterbium Lutetium [Xe]4f126s² [Xe]4f136s² [Xe]4f146s² [Xe]4f145d16s² 100 (257) - - 101 Yb (258) - - 102 Lu (259) - - 103 (260) - Es Fermium Fm Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium [Rn]5f117s² [Rn]5f127s² [Rn]5f137s² [Rn]5f147s² [Rn]5f146d17s² Md No Lr Strong metals. Whether it's high temperatures, aggressive chemicals or extreme mechanical loading: when conventional materials come up against their limits, molybdenum, tungsten, tantalum, niobium and chromium take over. For more than 90 years, we have been working with these refractory metals. We know exactly what they are capable of and can manufacture even the most complex products out of them. To make sure that the properties of our materials precisely meet your requirements, we enrich them with additional metallic and ceramic materials to form alloys and composites. We manufacture and market our high performance metals worldwide. Production sites in Europe, USA and Asia and a global network of sales subsidiaries and sales partners, enable excellent customer service and outstanding product quality. For more information and local contacts please visit our website: www.plansee.com 7000986 - EN 10.12 (2000)