St. Bruno School Student Supply List 2015-2016 Each family K-8 is asked to bring one ream of Printer Paper. Pre-K 1 pocket folder 2 boxes of crayons (24 pack) 1 bottle of Elmer’s White Glue (4 oz) 2 boxes of tissues 1 roll paper towels 1 pkg of face/hand wipes (baby wipes would be fine too) 1 pair of headphones 1 bottle of hand-sanitizer (10 oz pump) 2 pkgs EXPO dry erase markers (4-6 pack; any color) Kindergarten 2 sturdy pocket folders, pointed scissors 24 pack crayons, 4 glue sticks 4 EXPO black markers 10 #2 only pencils coloring book & doodle pad 3 boxes of tissues 2 Pink Pearl erasers 3 canisters of Clorox wipes 2 rolls of paper towels 2- 1 inch binders with inside pockets watercolor paints headphones gym shoes (to be left at school) No pencil/supply box needed (labels needed on folders, binders, paints, scissors, headphones, coloring book, doodle pad & shoes only- all other supplies will be shared) Grade 1 1 blue and 1 red folder with brads in the middle and 2 pockets 1 homework folder with 2 pockets pointed scissors 2 large glue sticks 4 Pink Pearl erasers 1 pkg. colorful EXPO markers 20 #2 pencils 24 pack of crayons 1 pencil box three 3 x 5 ruled index cards and 1 box 3 canisters of Clorox wipes 1 roll of paper towels watercolors headphones (no ear buds) gym shoes (to be left at school) Pencils, glue sticks and erasers will be collected and used together by the class please put your child’s name on all other supplies. Grade 2 Bring red and blue folders from 1st grade 3 large glue sticks 2 spiral notebooks wide-ruled 1 homework folder (with two pockets) scissors 30 #2 pencils and 2 pink pearl erasers 2 highlighters 24 pack of crayons and/or colored pencils plastic school box 1 package washable markers 1 package EXPO markers (thin) watercolor paints 2 containers Clorox wipes 2 rolls paper towels 2 boxes of tissues headphones (no ear buds) gym shoes (to be left at school) Grade 3 8 oz. Elmer’s glue and glue stick erasers- pencil top & 1 large scissors, 10 #2 pencils, ( Do not send mechanical pencils.) 24 pack of crayons, Colored pencils Markers (thick/thin), Watercolor paints wide-ruled loose leaf paper (1) 3 spiral notebooks, EXPO Markers (thick) 1 homework folder, Ruler (12 in./metric) Scotch tape, 3 boxes of tissues gym shoes (to be left at school) 1 roll of paper towels Flash drive on a lanyard Their own set of headphones Lysol/Clorox wipes (1) Please label supplies. Grade 4 #2 pencils 8 oz glue or 2 glue sticks large eraser Scissors supply box or pencil pouch 2 black pens 2 red pens 24 pack of crayons colored pencils transparent tape markers (thick or thin) thin highlighters (blue, yellow, orange, green, pink/ need one of each) 1 package of thick EXPO markers (multicolored) 1 expandable folder (must have!) 2 containers disinfecting wipes 2 packages of wide-ruled loose leaf paper 2 spiral notebooks with perforations 1 box of tissues, 2 rolls of paper towels 1 composition notebook 2 pkgs 3 x 5 ruled index cards index card holder (flexible plastic, no boxes) USB/Flash drive labeled and on a lanyard Headphones or earbuds Gym shoes (to be left at school, try them on and make sure they still fit) Deodorant (non-aerosol, no perfume or body spray) No Trapper Keepers Please Grade 5 #2 pencils 2 Red pens pencil pouch 1 black permanent marker 3 pkgs post-its 2 pkg. loose leaf paper (wide rule) 1 package 3 x 5 ruled index cards index card holder (flexible plastic, no boxes) 1 expandable folder/ (must have) 2 boxes of tissues thin highlighters (blue, yellow, orange, green, pink/ need one of each) 1 package thick EXPO markers (multicolored) 2 Thick BLACK EXPO markers 1 large pink eraser 2 Lysol/Clorox wipes 1 Roll Paper Towels USB/Flash drive labeled and on a lanyard Headphones or earbuds gym shoes (to be left at school) No Trapper Keepers Please deodorant (non- aerosol, stick only), (no perfume or body spray) optional: 24 count crayons, colored pencils, markers Grades 6, 7, & 8 protractor (6th only) 1 large pink eraser 1 Elmer’s glue stick 10 #2 pencils sharp,pointed scissors 1 zippered pencil pouch 5x7 or more 10 blue pens 10 black pens 2 red pens 2 yellow highlighters colored markers (12 pack) colored pencils (24 pack) 4 boxes of tissues 1 pkg. thick EXPO markers 2 pkgs. of Lysol/Clorox wipes (7th & 8th) gym shoes (to be left at school) USB storage device (any size) headphones 3 composition notebooks religion journal 3 one-subject spiral notebooks 2 three-subject spiral notebook 3 pkgs. loose leaf paper 5 book covers 1- 2” 3-ring binder with pockets binder 3-hole punch (to be place inside binders) 1 pkg. dividers for binder 1 plastic accordion file organizer (6th & 8th) 1 pkg. graph paper deodorant (non-aerosol, stick only & no body spray) Please label all supplies.