Automotive Engineering - Mississippi State University | Mechanical

courses for the Automotive
Engineering Certificate
Level I (one course):
ME 3523
ME 3423
ME 3533
CHE 3123
IE 3124
IE 3913
IE 3323
ECE 3414
ECE 3163
CSE 2383
CSE 3324
ASE 3223
ASE 3333
CE 3113
Thermodynamics II
Mechanics of Machinery
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
Industrial Ergonomics
Engineering Economy I
Manufacturing Processes
Fundamentals of Energy Systems
Signals & Systems
Data Structures and Analysis of Algorithms
Distributed Client/Server Programming
Aircraft Structures I
Transportation Engineering
Automotive Engineering
For further information about the program,
Automotive Certificate Coordinator
210 Carpenter Engineering Building
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Telephone: (662) 325-3260
Fax: (662) 325-7223
Level II (two courses):
ME 4123
XX 4193
ME 4463
ME 4543
CHE 4613
CHE 4423
CHE 4990
IE 4113
IE 4533
IE 4753
ECE 4653
ECE 4913
ECE 4723
ECE 4833
CSE 4153
CSE 4214
CSE 4233
CSE 4283
CSE 4733
ASE 4553
EM 4133
CE 4103
CE 4133
CE 4143
Failure of Engineering Materials
Automotive Engineering
Engineering Design
Combustion Engines
Air Pollution Control Design: Theory
and Practice
Fundamentals of Industrial Corrosion
Special Topics: Fuel Cells
Human Factors Engineering
Project Management
Systems Engineering and Analysis
Introduction to Power Electronics
Feedback Control Systems I
Embedded Systems
Data Communications and Computer Networks
Data Communications and Computer Networks
Introduction to Software Engineering
Software Architecture
Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Operating Systems I
Engineering Design and Optimization
Mechanics of Composite Materials
Pavement Design
Geometric Design of Highways
Traffic Engineering
M i s s i s s i p p i S ta te U n i v er s i t y co m p l i e s w i th all
appl i cabl e l aws re gardi ng af f i rm at i v e ac t i on a n d
eq u a l o p p o r t u n i t y i n a l l i t s a c t i v i t i es a n d p r ograms
and do es no t di sc ri m i nate agai nst anyo ne pro tec ted by
l a w b eca u s e o f a g e, co l o r, d i s a b i l i t y, n a t i o n a l origin,
r a ce, r el i g i o n , s ex , h a n d i ca p , o r sta t u s a s a v eteran or
di sabl ed v eteran.
Requirements for the
certificate progr am
The program is available to undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at Mississippi State.
Undergr aduates
he State of Mississippi and the Southern
Region of the United States are home to a
number of diverse automotive related manufacturing companies. Collectively, these industries, both
large and small, contribute significantly to the
overall state economy. Many of these companies
depend on Mississippi State University to educate future employees and are currently actively
recruiting graduates to meet their strategic hiring
needs. The university recognizes the needs of our
citizens, students, and companies by tailoring selected programs to meet the needs of all of these
This certificate program is a formal acknowledgement of engineering students who complete
a specialized program of study related to automotive engineering. This program, although not
all inclusive, demonstrates the Bagley College of
Engineering’ ’ 's commitment to the automotive industry in the state.
The Automotive Engineering Certificate program
is the first of its kind in the Southern Region of
the United States and is designed to give students
an opportunity to focus on engineering knowledge
and issues related to the design of vehicles and
their production. The program is multi-disciplinary
allowing students from all areas of engineering to
To meet the requirements for the Automotive
Engineering Certificate, an undergraduate student
must complete 15 hours of designated courses.
These courses include one from the Level I list,
two from the Level II list, a course entitled “Automotive Engineering,” that will be taught under
the cross listed course numbers of ME 4193, ECE
4193, IE 4193 and CHE 4193, and a directed individual study course (ME/ECE/IE/CHE-4000) related
to a team experience in automotive engineering.
Additionally, at least two of the courses (6 hours)
taken for the Automotive Engineering Certificate
must be in addition to the courses required for the
student’ ’ 's degree program in the student’ ' ’ s major.
Engineering Course
his course is required for the Automotive Engineering Certificate program. The course is
taught under the cross listed course numbers of
ME 4193/6193, ECE 4193/6193, IE 4193/6193 and
CHE 4193/6193.
All students in the Automotive Engineering
Certificate program are required to take this
"Automotive Engineering" course. The course is
available to all engineering majors and includes
topics in Power Units, Mechanical Systems,
Electrical Systems and Industrial and Systems
Team Experience in
Automotive Engineering
Gr aduate Students
To meet the requirements for the Automotive
Engineering Certificate, a graduate student must
complete 12 hours of graduate level courses.
These courses include two from the Level II list, a
course entitled “Automotive Engineering,” that will
be taught under the cross listed course numbers
of ME 6193, ECE 6193, IE 6193 and CHE 6193,
and a directed individual study course (ME/ECE/
IE/CHE-6000) related to a team experience in
automotive engineering. To receive the certificate,
the student must have a minimum 3.0 GPA
in the courses taken for the certificate. The
student’ 's graduate committee will determine what
certificate-related courses, if any, fulfill course
requirements for the student’ 's graduate degree.
ll students are required to participate on an
MSU team to design/build a vehicle or in a
pre-approved alternative experience with consent
of the director of the Automotive Engineering Certificate program. An example of an alternative
experience may be a co-op or internship with an
automobile company. The level of effort for the
team or alternative experience must be equivalent
to a three-hour course with a grade assigned for
the appropriate directed individual study course.
Membership in the student section of the
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) is strongly
encouraged. Typically SAE members are involved
in a design team: DOE Energy Efficient Vehicle,
Formula Race Car, Solar Car, etc.