UNLOCKING ACCESS TO SEQUENCE INFORMATION FROM LOW-INPUT HYBRIDIZATION CAPTURE Cassie Schumacher, Sukhinder Sandhu, Laurie Kurihara, Sergey Chupreta, Jonathan Irish, Julie Laliberte, Justin Lenhart, Jordan RoseFigura, Tim Harkins, Vladimir Makarov Swift Biosciences, 58 Parkland Plaza, Suite 100, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, Tel: 734.330.2568 High Quality DNA Input Abstract Hybridization capture is an important tool for exploring exomes and other subsets of the genome in a cost-effective manner. The use of these techniques, however, comes at the price of requiring a minimum 100 ng of input material. This requirement makes this technique prohibitive for precious samples, such as clinical specimens, where this amount is not readily available. Here, we introduce a novel library preparation technique before four different hybridization capture assays to see if we could improve the efficiency of the capture from as little as 1 ng input. Two capture panels targeted a spectrum of base compositions between high AT-/ GC-rich regions of the genome. We found that there was no significant loss in the percent of bases on target between 100 ng and 10 ng with the new technique, and lost only about 10% of these bases when dropped to 1 ng. This is significant compared with the existing method which lost almost half of the coverage at 10 ng and dropped to 16x lower coverage at 1 ng. The other two capture panels probed genes with high clinical relevance. There was no drop in on-target bases between the 100 ng, 10 ng, and 1 ng samples using the new technique. This was a dramatic finding compared to the current method which lost some (~10%) coverage at 10 ng and produced 8x less coverage at 1 ng. We also used the new hybridization capture technique with this panel and FFPE samples and saw only a negligible loss of performance with these damaged samples when compared with high quality genomic DNA. By utilizing this new technique, we have demonstrated that hybridization capture is now possible from 1 ng of input with minimal loss of quality. This advancement is critical for enabling the use of clinical samples with hybridization capture. ® Accel-NGS 2S Hyb NimbleGen™ SeqCap™ EZ MedExome INPUT 100 ng 10 ng 1 ng Increased library complexity Balanced coverage of AT-/ GC-rich regions Figure 1. Accel-NGS 2S Hyb workflow. Accel-NGS 2S Hyb has 5 steps: Repair I dephosphorylates the 5’ ends of the DNA, Repair II repairs and polishes DNA ends, Ligation I adds the P7 adapter to the 3’ terminus, Ligation II adds the P5 adapter to the 5’ terminus, and PCR amplifies the library for hybridization capture. Swift Kapa Swift Kapa Swift Kapa % DUPLICATION 1 6 5 13 26 71 MEAN BAIT COV. 50X 51X 52X 47X 37X 10X Table 1. Comparative performance metrics between Accel-NGS 2S Hyb and Kapa using SeqCap EZ MedExome hybridization capture. Libraries were made using HapMap DNA NA12878 (Coriell) with both the Swift Accel-NGS 2S Hyb kit and the Kapa Library Preparation kit, followed by the NimbleGen SeqCap EZ MedExome Panel. % INPUT PANEL ALIGNED Pan-Can 96 100 ng AML 93 Pan-Can 95 10 ng AML 93 Pan-Can 94 1 ng AML 92 % DUP. 1 2 3 3 20 21 MEAN BAIT COV. 41X 42X 40X 41X 31X 32X % COV. ≥ 1X 99 99 99 98 99 99 % COV. ≥ 20X 87 90 86 90 79 84 % ON TARGET 79 70 78 71 75 69 The Pan-Cancer panel is 0.9 Mb; libraries were normalized to 0.6M reads. The AML panel is 1.1 Mb; libraries were normalized to 1.1M reads. Table 2. Accel-NGS 2S Hyb performance metrics using the xGen Pan-Cancer and xGen Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cancer Panels for hybridization capture. Libraries were made using HapMap DNA NA12878 (Coriell). FFPE DNA Input xGen Pan-Cancer Panel SAMPLE INPUT TYPE Frozen 6 hr. Fix 100 ng 24 hr. Fix 48 hr. Fix Frozen 6 hr. Fix 10 ng 24 hr. Fix 48 hr. Fix Frozen 6 hr. Fix 1 ng 24 hr. Fix 48 hr. Fix % % MEAN ALIGNED DUP. BAIT COV. 96 1 42X 96 1 43X 97 1 44X 97 1 45X 96 3 42X 96 5 41X 97 4 42X 97 8 42X 95 18 33X 94 32 26X 95 31 27X 95 44 22X % COV. ≥ 1X 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 100 99 % COV. ≥ 20X 91 93 93 88 90 92 93 86 85 77 79 53 % ON TARGET 80 81 82 82 80 80 81 81 77 74 76 73 The Pan-Cancer panel is 0.9 Mb; libraries were normalized to 0.6M reads. Small Sample Limitations Reminder: 1 ng of gDNA = 334 chromosomal copies of any locus Achieving 1% detection of a mutation → 3 chromosomal copies Conversion Rates Table 3. Accel-NGS 2S Hyb performance metrics using the xGen Pan-Cancer Panel for hybridization capture with FFPE DNA. To examine the effects of fixation on sequencing data, libraries were made with the Accel-NGS 2S Hyb kit from fresh-frozen kidney DNA and from the same sample fixed for 6-, 24-, or 48-hr, then paraffin embedded. Agilent INPUT 20 ng 10 ng SureSelectXT Q2 Lab Solutions Comprehensive Cancer Panel SAMPLE % TYPE ALIGNED 97 FFPE 96 FFPE % MEAN DUP. BAIT COV. 18 121X % COV. ≥ 1X 99 % COV. % ON ≥ 20X TARGET 99 89 30 99 98 96X 88 The QCCP panel is 1.3 Mb; libraries were normalized to 3M reads Figure 2. Genomic considerations of low input. Conversion rates measure the amount of input DNA converted to functional NGS library molecules. Factors influencing library molecule loss include the degree of DNA damage, the source of this damage, and size selection. Measuring conversion rates can be problematic as accurately quantifying the DNA as it changes during the NGS workflow is difficult. Swift Biosciences calculates conversion rates by the following: [actual nM library yield] / [theoretical maximum library yield (nM)] A Table 4. Accel-NGS 2S Hyb performance metrics using the Agilent SureSelectXT Q2 Solutions Comprehensive Cancer Panel for hybridization capture with FFPE DNA. The Accel-NGS 2S Hyb kit was used to make libraries of three different inputs from the FFPE lung tumor sample. Many thanks to at Q2 Lab Solutions for generation and sequencing of libraries. © 2016, Swift Biosciences, Inc. The Swift logo is a trademark and Accel-NGS is a registered trademark of Swift Biosciences. NimbleGen and SeqCap are trademarks of Roche NimbleGen, Inc. xGen and Lockdown are registered trademarks of Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. SureSelectXT is a product of Agilent Technologies. Chemagic is a trademark of PerkinElmer Inc. Illumina is a registered trademark of Illumina, Inc 16-0649, 02/16 Liquid Biopsy xGen Pan-Cancer Panel B INPUT 10 ng 0.5% 1% 0.5% 1% 1 ng Figure 3. Limit of detection schematic. To assess the limit of detection of AccelNGS 2S Hyb, DNA samples from two individuals with different ethnic backgrounds were used to prepare libraries. 10 ng of DNA from one individual with a 0.5% or 1% spike-in of the DNA from the second individual was used as the input DNA. Once libraries were prepared, they were hybridized to xGen Pan-Cancer probes and SNPs were detected within this panel. High Quality DNA Input xGen® Lockdown® Panels Broad input range: 10 pg-1 µg Compatible with cfDNA and FFPE samples METHOD % EST. LIBRARY ALIGNED SIZE (M) 93 1125 93 240 93 275 93 97 93 45 90 7 All libraries were normalized to 39M reads. The MedExome Panel is 64 Mb in size. Simple with-bead protocol Sequential repair steps enable use of damaged DNA Limit of Detection CHR: POS REF 10: 123239112 G 12: 40762546 T 19: 40901604 A 11: 32410002 T 10: 8116598 G 19: 1228191 T ALT A C G C A C ALLELE FREQUENCIES % A SPIKE-IN % B SPIKE-IN 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.6% 1.4% 99% 99% 0.7% 0.9% 99% 99% 0.8% 1.2% 99% 98% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 0.5% 0.5% 0.7% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% Table 5. SNP detection from DNA spike-in experiment using Accel-NGS 2S Hyb and the xGen Pan-Cancer Panel. To determine the limit of detection for calling SNPs using Accel-NGS 2S Hyb, 0.5% and 1% of one DNA was spiked into 100 ng of the other DNA of varying ethnic background. Libraries were sequenced to an average coverage of 8500X. High Quality DNA Input CHR: POS REF ALT 2: 44502788 A C 9: 100190780 A G 17: 71197748 G A 2: 75115108 A G 4: 5749904 T C 12: 8757481 G A ALLELE FREQUENCIES % A SPIKE-IN % B SPIKE-IN 0.5 1 1% 2.5 5 10 0.5 1 2.5 5 10 2% 3% 6% 11% 99% 1% 2% 4% 6% 11% 100% 99% 98% 97% 93% 1% 1% 4% 7% 12% 100% 99% 99% 96% 93% 99% 98% 96% 93% 99% 98% 95% 92% 85% 0% 1% 1% 4% 7% 99% 98% 95% 93% 86% 1% 1% 2% 3% 7% 98% 98% 93% 92% 86% 0% 0% 2% 3% 7% Table 6. SNP detection from DNA spike-in experiment using the AccelAmplicon Sample_ID Panel. To compare the efficiency of calling SNPs using Accel-NGS 2S Hyb against a PCR-based method, the Accel-Amplicon Sample_ID panel was used to make libraries with the same A and B samples and spike-ins listed above. SNPs could again be detected at the 1% level. Additionally, the 2.5%, 5%, and 10% spike-in levels were also examined. Libraries were sequenced to an average coverage of 200X. cfDNA Input CHR: POS 2: 212244718 12: 25361074 12: 25361142 12: 25361646 12: 40688695 12: 115108136 ALLELE FREQUENCIES A Background 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% B Background 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% C Background 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% A into 10 ng B 0.6% 1.6% 1.1% 1.9% 0.5% 0.7% 1% A into 10 ng C 1.0% 1.9% 0.9% 1.6% 1.1% 2.0% Table 7. SNP detection from cfDNA spike-in experiment to determine limit of detection for Accel-NGS 2S Hyb. To determine if SNPs present at 1% allele frequency could be detected, 1% of cfDNA sample (A) with a unique ethnic background was spiked into two, 10 ng cfDNA samples (B and C) of different ethnic backgrounds. SNPs at 100% from sample A could be detected around 1% when those SNPs are not present in B and C backgrounds. Libraries were sequenced to an average coverage of 8700X. % ALIGNED 98 98 98 97 97 97 97 % DUP. 0.1 0.1 0.1 17 15 16 11 MEAN BAIT COV. 50X 49X 50X 37X 39X 38X 41X % COV. ≥ 1X 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 % COV. ≥ 20X 92 95 93 87 88 90 88 % ON TARGET 87 85 88 85 86 83 86 The Pan-Cancer panel is 0.9 Mb; libraries were normalized to 0.6M reads. Table 8. Accel-NGS 2S Hyb performance metrics using the xGen Pan-Cancer Panel for hybridization capture with cfDNA. Using cfDNA extracted using the Perkin Elmer Chemagic™ 360, libraries were generated from as little as 1 ng and 10 ng cfDNA using the Accel-NGS 2S Hyb kit. Agilent SureSelectXT Q2 Lab Solutions Comprehensive Cancer Panel INPUT 20 ng 10 ng SAMPLE % TYPE ALIGNED 97 cfDNA 96 cfDNA % DUP. 20 MEAN BAIT COV. 111X % COV. ≥ 1X 99 % COV. % ON ≥ 20X TARGET 98 80 38 95X 99 98 80 The QCCP panel is 1.3Mb; libraries were normalized to 4M reads. Table 9. Accel-NGS 2S Hyb performance metrics using the Agilent SureSelectXT Q2 Lab Solutions Comprehensive Cancer Panel for hybridization capture with cfDNA. The Accel-NGS 2S Hyb kit was used to make libraries of three different inputs from the cfDNA of a subject with a lung tumor. Many thanks to at Q2 Lab Solutions for generation and sequencing of libraries. Conclusions In this study, we have demonstrated: • The Accel-NGS 2S Hyb DNA Library Kit produces high complexity library with few PCR duplicates, even at low input. • The Accel-NGS 2S Hyb Kit produces library with much higher complexity than the competition, particularly at low input. • Through its repair steps and sequential adapter ligations, the Accel-NGS 2S Hyb Kit enables sequencing of library for hyb starting from low input without sacrificing data quality. • The Accel-NGS 2S Hyb Kit is capable of making high quality library even from damaged FFPE samples. • The Accel-NGS 2S Hyb Kit enables hybridization capture technology from circulating, cell-free (cfDNA) input. • The Accel-NGS 2S Hyb Kit enables detection of variants even at 1%. We acknowledge Q2 Lab Solutions for Agilent SureSelectXT library preparation and sequencing. We acknowledge Perkin Elmer for www.swiftbiosci.com cfDNA extraction.