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One-­‐page  faculty  profile  for  UM-­‐SJTU  Research  Collaboration  

7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Alfred Hero, R. Jamison and Betty Williams Prof of Engineering  

Email  address:  

Group  webpage:

Email See  above  

Research interests


Statistics   of   high   dimensional   spatio-­‐temporal   data,   statistical   signal   processing,   and   machine   learning.   Applications   to   networks,   including   social   networks,   multi-­‐modal   sensing   and   tracking,   database   indexing   and   retrieval,   imaging,   biomedical   signal   processing,  and  biomolecular  signal  processing.

Research interests for seed program



Alfred  O.  Hero  III  is  the  R.  Jamison  and  Betty  Williams  Professor  of  Engineering  and  co-­‐ director  of  the  Michigan  Institute  for  Data  Science   (MIDAS)   at  the  University  of  Michigan,  

Ann  Arbor .  His  primary  appointment  is  in  the  Department  of   Electrical  Engineering  and  

Computer   Science   and   he   also   has   appointments,   by   courtesy,   in   the   Department   of  

Biomedical  Engineering  and  the  Department  of   Statistics .  He  received  the  B.S.  (summa   cum  laude)  from   Boston  University  (1980)  and  the  Ph.D  from   Princeton  University  (1984),   both  in  Electrical  Engineering.  He  is  a  Fellow  of  the  Institute  of  Electrical  and  Electronics  

Engineers   (IEEE) .  He  has  served  as  President  of  the  IEEE  Signal  Processing  Society  and  as  a   member  of  the  IEEE  Board  of  Directors.  He  has  received  numerous  awards  for  his  scientific   research   and   service   to   the   profession   including   the   IEEE   Signal   Processing   Society  

Technical  Achievement  Award  in  2013  and  the  2015  Society  Award,  which  is  the  highest   career  award  bestowed  by  the  IEEE  Signal  Processing  Society.  Alfred  Hero's  recent  research   interests  are  in  the  data  science  of  high  dimensional  spatio-­‐temporal  data,  statistical  signal   processing,   and   machine   learning.   Of   particular   interest   are   applications   to   networks,   including   social   networks,   multi-­‐modal   sensing   and   tracking,   database   indexing   and   retrieval,  imaging,  biomedical  signal  processing,  and  biomolecular  signal  processing.



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One-­‐page  faculty  profile  for  UM-­‐SJTU  Research  Collaboration  

7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  

Brian D. Athey, Ph.D.

Michael A. Savageau Collegiate Professor and Chair

Department of Computational Medicine & Bioinformatics


Professor of Psychiatry and Internal Medicine

Co-Director, Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS)

Email address:

Group webpage:


Research interests


My recent research interests are in the creation and use of bioinformatics pipelines, epigenomics, and machine learning methods to radically improve the efficacy of psychiatric pharmacogenomics—allowing patients to take the most effective drug for their illness and suffer the fewest side effects. He is also developing new high-throughput methods to analyze images of genes in the context of the cellular nucleus (the 4D Nucleome) to better understand the machinery of bioinformatics in context.

Research interests for seed program

Big Data at the interface of health care and the environment.


Brian Athey is the Michael Savageau Professor and founding Chair of the Department of

Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics in the U-M Medical School, where he also has appointments as a Professor of Psychiatry and of Internal Medicine. Brian has served as Director of Academic Informatics and as Associated Director of the Michigan Institute for Clinical and

Health Research. Brian also serves a founding Co-director of the U-M wide Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS).

Brian received his Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology (Biophysics Concentration) at the

University of Michigan in 1990, and was trained as a macromolecular structural biologist, where he made seminal contributions to our understanding of chromatin structure. Brian has led many well-known data intensive projects including the National Library of Medicine (NLM) Visible

Human Project, the DARPA Virtual Soldier Project, and the NIH National Center for Integrative

Biomedical Informatics (NCIBI). He was an early leader in the NIH Clinical and Translational

Sciences Award (CTSA) Biomedical Informatics movement, and was the founding Co-Chair of its Informatics Key Function Committee (IKFC). He was also the PI of the Michigan Center for

Biological Information (MCBI), which helped to establish the current statewide Michigan

University Research Corridor ( Brian is currently serving as a co-founder and

Chief Science Officer (CSO) of the tranSMART Foundation. tranSMART is the standard open science translational bioinformatics analysis platform used by the pharmaceutical industry.

Brian is the Principal Investigator of one of the most well established NIH Training Programs in Bioinformatics in the US. He is an elected fellow of the American College of Medical

Informatics (FACMI). He has consulted extensively for the Defense Advanced Research

One-­‐page  faculty  profile  for  UM-­‐SJTU  Research  Collaboration  

7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  

Projects Agency and at the NIH Office of the Director. He has also been a Peace Fellow of the

Federation of American Scientists ( for his work countering biological terrorism.



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  



Assistant Professor

Civil and Environmental



Research interests


Research interests for seed program


Smart water systems, sensor networks, water resources.


Branko Kerkez an assistant professor and Berker and Gokyigit Faculty Scholar in the Civil and Environmental Engineering department at the University of Michigan.

He obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, and an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, all from UC Berkeley. His research interests include water, data and sensors.



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One-­‐page  faculty  profile  for  UM-­‐SJTU  Research  Collaboration  

7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Dan Brown, Professor and Interim Dean

School of Natural Resources and Environment

Group   webpage: http://www-



Research interests


Research interests for seed program human-­‐environment  interactions,  GIS  

Land use and land cover change, spatial analysis, remote sensing, agent-based modeling  


Daniel  G.  Brown  (PhD  in  Geography,  1992,  University  of  North  Carolina  at  Chapel  Hill)  is  

Professor   in   the   School   of   Natural   Resources   and   Environment   at   the   University   of  

Michigan.     His  work,  published  in  over  150  refereed  articles,  chapters,  and  proceedings   papers,  has  aimed  at  understanding  human-­‐environment  interactions  through  a  focus  on   land-­‐use  and  land-­‐cover  changes,  through  modeling  these  changes,  and  through  spatial   analysis  and  remote  sensing  methods  for  characterizing  landscape  patterns.  Recent  work   has   used   agent-­‐based   and   other   spatial   simulation   models   to   understand   and   forecast   landscape  changes  that  have  impacts  on  carbon  storage  and  other  ecosystem  services,   and   human   health   and   well-­‐being.     He   has   conducted   field   work   on   three   different   continents:  North  America,  Asia,  and  Africa.  He  has  chaired  the  Land  Use  Steering  Group   and  Carbon  Cycle  Steering  Group  and  was  a  lead  coordinating  author  for  the  third  National  

Climate  Assessment,  all  under  the  auspices  of  the  U.S.  Climate  Change  Science  Program.  

In  addition,  he  has  served  as  a  member  of  the  NASA  Land  Cover  and  Land  Use  Change  

Science   Team,   as   panelist   for   the   National   Research   Council,   NASA,   EPA,   USDA   Forest  

Service,  the  National  Science  Foundation,  and  the  European  Research  Council,  and  on  the  

Editorial   Boards   for   Landscape   Ecology ,   Computers,   Environment   and   Urban   Systems ,  

International  Journal  of  Geographical  Information  Science ,  and  the   Journal  of  Land  Use  

Science .  In  2009  he  was  elected  fellow  of  the  American  Association  for  the  Advancement   of  Science.  



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Kayvan Najarian

Associate Professor , Department of Computational Medicine and

Bioinformatics, School of Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann


Email address:

Group webpage:


Research interests


Research interests for seed program

Big Data, Computer-Aided Clinical Decision Support Systems, Biomedical Signal and

Image Processing, Machine Learning for Medicine

Big Data Analytics for Clinical Decision Making and Resource Optimization


Dr. Kayvan Najarian is an Associate Professor at departments of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, and Emergency Medicine at the University of Michigan. The focus of

Dr. Najarian’s research is on the design of signal/image processing and machine learning methods to create computer-assisted clinical decision support systems that improve the quality of patient care and reduce the costs of healthcare. Funded by agencies such as

National Science Foundation and Department of Defense, Dr. Najarian’s research focuses on creating clinical decision support systems to manage traumatic injuries, in particular traumatic brain injuries, hemorrhagic shock, cardiac arrest and other critical care states. Dr.

Najarian’s lab also designs sensors to collect and analyze physiological signals and images.

He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology,

Associate Editor of two other journals in the field of biomedical informatics, and the editorial board of several other journals in the field. Dr. Najarian has over 200 peerreviewed journal and conference publications. He also serves as an Associate Director of

Michigan Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care (MCIRCC), which is one of the world’s first comprehensive research enterprises devoted to improving the care of the victim of critical illness and injury. MCIRCC is pursuing this unique mission by creating an innovative multidisciplinary research infrastructure designed to catalyze the translation of scientific discovery to the multiple interrelated disease platforms of critical illness and injury. MCIRCC serves as the scientific home and platform for basic scientists, engineers, clinical investigators, inventors and entrepreneurs interested in the care of patients with life-threatening acute illness and injury.



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  

Lutgarde Raskin

Altarum/ERIM Russell O'Neal Professor of Engineering ,

University of Michigan

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Michigan

Email address:

Group webpage:


Research interests


I am inspired by the complexity of the microbial world and the astonishing progress we have made in the field of microbial ecology over the past few decades. This progress continuously motivates me to rethink engineered systems so we can better harness the power of microorganisms to treat water and recover resources from waste stream. Most of the research projects my team and I work on strive to understand and improve various aspects of the engineered water cycle microbiome to improve human health using sustainable design approaches. We especially focus on (i) water and energy recovery from waste streams and energy crops, and (ii) drinking water systems including biofiltration, disinfection, distribution and premise plumbing.

Research interests for seed program

Use my expertise in microbial water quality to develop meaningful real-time monitoring and control strategies to reduce the public health impacts of aging urban water infrastructure.


Dr. Raskin is a pioneer and an internationally recognized scholar in the application of molecular techniques to study the dynamics of complex microbial communities in a variety of water quality control processes. Most of her research focuses on various aspects of the engineered water cycle microbiome to improve human health using sustainable design approaches. Her laboratory especially focuses on (i) water and energy recovery from waste streams, and (ii) drinking water systems including biofiltration, disinfection, distribution, and premise plumbing.

She has published 120 papers in high impact journals. Her work is well cited, receiving over

700 citations a year for the past five years. She further has made an impact through the contributions of her former students and postdocs. Dr. Raskin has served as the research advisor and mentor of approximately 60 graduate students (including 20 Ph.D. students) and 12 postdocs.

Dr. Raskin is an elected Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology (since 2009) and the Water Environment Federation (since 2012). She further received the 2007 Association of

Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Frontier Award in Research, the

2006 American Society of Civil Engineers Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize, the 2002 Paul L. Busch Award (Water Environment Research Foundation Endowment for

Innovation in Applied Water Quality Research), and a 1997 National Science Foundation



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Sara Adar

John G Searle Assistant Professor of Epidemiology

UM School of Public Health  

Group   webpage:


Research interests


Research interests for seed program


Air pollution and health, noise and health, individual susceptibility

Air pollution and health, noise and health, individual susceptibility  



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Weidong Xiang, Associate Professor, ECE Dept. University of

Michigan, Dearborn.



Research interests


Wireless Communications; Vehicular Communications and Networks; Wireless sensor network; Internet of things;

Research interests for seed program


Title:  Big  data  collection  through  propertied  dedicate  short  range  communications  (DSRC)   networks  sniffer  and  advanced  processing  for  connected  vehicle  and  autonomous  vehicles   in  United  State  and  China.    

Related  ongoing  projects:    

1)   LGE,   Road   Testing   and   Modeling   of   Packet   Latency   for   Dedicate   Short   Range  

Communications  (DSRC)  and  Long  Term  Evolution  (LTE)  Based  V2X  Systems,  PI:  

Weidong  Xiang,  02/01/2015-­‐07/31/2017,  $199,860.  

2)   NSF,  I-­‐Corps,  Development  of  Active  Driving  Assistance  (ADA)  Systems  for  Safety  

Enhancement   and   Real   Time   Traffic   Mapping,   PI:   Weidong   Xiang,   12/15/2015-­‐

5/31/2016.  $50,000.  

3)   “Mobility  Transformation  Center,  University  of  Michigan,  Development  of  DSRC  

Radios  upon  the  IEEE  802.11p  Standard  and  Physical  Layer  Security  for  Automated   and  Connected  Vehicles  Applications,  PI:  Weidong  XIang,  $100K,  2014-­‐2015.”  

Weidong Xiang received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing,

China, in 1996 and 1999, respectively. From 1999 to 2004, he worked as a Postdoctoral

Fellow/Research Scientist in the Software Radio Laboratory (SRL) at Georgia Institute of

Technology, Atlanta, USA. In 2004, he joined the ECE Department, University of

Michigan, Dearborn (UMD) where he currently is an Associate Professor. His research interest includes vehicular communications and networks, ultra-wideband (UWB), wireless networked control systems, Internet of Things and wireless positioning. He established and leads the Center for Vehicular Communications and Network Laboratory at UMD focusing on dedicate short range communications (DSRC), machine type communications (MTC),

LTE for high mobility applications and UWB positioning. He serves as an Associate

Editor/Editor for IEEE Communications Magazine, EURASIP Journal on Wireless

Communications and Networking and others. He has published 75+ technical papers in relevant international journals and conferences. His current research is widely supported by NSF, DoE, CISCO Research and other companies.



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Herek L. Clack

Research Associate Professor

U of M Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Email  address:  

Group  webpage:



Research interests


Research interests for seed program

Air pollution and air quality; aerosols, droplets and particulate matter; transport phenomena; electric charge effects on particles and fluid flows.

Airborne  transmission  of  biological  contaminants  and  infectious  agents.  


Herek   Clack   is   a   Research   Associate   Professor   in   the   Department   of   Civil   &  

Environmental  Engineering  at  the  University  of  Michigan.     Prof.  Clack  received  his  S.B.   in  Aeronautical  and  Astronautical  Engineering  from  MIT  (1987)  and  his  M.S.  (1997)  and  

Ph.D.   (1998)   in   Mechanical   Engineering   from   the   University   of   California,   Berkeley.    

Prior   to   joining   the   U   of   M   faculty,   Prof.   Clack   was   a   tenured   associate   professor   of  

Mechanical   and   Aerospace   Engineering   at   the   Illinois   Institute   of   Technology   in  

Chicago.   Prof.   Clack   has   received   the   Harry   J.   White   Award   for   Outstanding  

Achievement   in   the   Science   and   Application   of   Electrostatic   Precipitation   from   the  

International  Society  for  Electrostatic  Precipitation  (ISESP)  (2013)  and  was  awarded  a  

National   Science   Foundation   Faculty   Early   Development   (CAREER)   Award   in   2004.    

He   serves   on   the   board   of   directors   of   the   ISESP,   as   the   vice-­chair   of   the   Control  

Technology  Working  from  of  the  American  Association  for  Aerosol  Research,  and  has   served   on   several   National   Research   Council   committees   addressing   topics   ranging   from   changes   in   environmental   regulation   to   the   destruction   of   chemical   weapons   stockpiles.  He  currently  serves  as  a  member  of  the  standing  oversight  committee  for   the  U.S.  Army’s  chemical  demilitarization  program  and  the  Global  Mercury  Partnership  

(GMP)  sponsored  by  the  United  Nations  Environmental  Programme  (UNEP).  



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Hui Jiang




Research interests


Research interests for seed program

Statistical Genomics and Bioinformatics

Statistical  methods  for  analyzing  environment  and  human  health  data  


Hui Jiang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at University of

Michigan. He received his Ph.D. in Computational and Mathematical Engineering from

Stanford University in 2009. He received his B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from

Peking University. Before joining the University of Michigan in 2011, he was a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Statistics and Genome Technology Center at

Stanford University. He is interested in developing statistical and computational methods for the analysis of large-scale biological data generated using modern high-throughput technologies.



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Dinov, Ivo

Associate Professor and SOCR Director

Health Behavior and Biological Science, Nursing

Michigan Institute for Data Science, University of Michigan


Research interests


Research interests for seed program

Mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, computational processing, scientific visualization of large datasets (Big Data), informatics, multimodal biomedical image analysis, and distributed genomics computing.

Predictive   Big   Data   analytics,   data   harmonization   and   aggregation,   modeling   and   inference,  compressive  big  data  analytics  


Dr.   Dinov   is   Director   of   the   Integrative   Biostatistics   and   Informatics   Core ,   University   of  

Michigan  Nutrition  Obesity  Research  Center  (MNORC) ,  Director  of  the   Biostatistics  and  

Data  Management  Core,  University  of  Michigan  Udall  Center  for  Excellence  in  Parkinson's  

Disease ,   Co-­‐Director   of   the   Center   for   Complexity   and   Self-­‐management   of   Chronic  

Disease   (CSCD   Center) ,   Co-­‐Director   of   the   multi-­‐institutional   Probability   Distributome  

Project ,  and  Associate  Director,  Education  and  Training,  of  the   Michigan  Institute  for  Data  

Science  (MIDAS) .



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  

Jon Lee , G. Lawton and Louise G. Johnson Professor of Engineering.

Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, College of

Engineering, University of Michigan

Email  address:


Group  webpage:



Research interests


Research interests for seed program


Jon's   research   focus   is   on   nonlinear   discrete   optimization   (NDO).   Many   practical   engineering   problems   have   physical   aspects   which   are   naturally   modeled   through   smooth  nonlinear  functions,  as  well  as  design  aspects  which  are  often  modeled  with   discrete  variables.  Research  in  NDO  seeks  to  marry  diverse  techniques  from  classical   areas   of   optimization,   for   example   methods   for   smooth   nonlinear   optimization   and   methods  for  integer  linear  programming,  with  the  idea  of  successfully  attacking  natural  

NDO  models  for  practical  engineering  problems.  

Jon  has  done  considerable  work  on  developing  optimization  methods  aimed  at   optimally  locating  environmental  monitoring  stations  (for  analyzing   atmospheric   deposition  and  study  its  effects  on  the  environment),  taking  an  information-­theoretic  

(entropy-­based)  approach  to  deal  with  the  massive  data  that  is  currently  collected.  

This  work  remains  the  state-­of-­the  art  in  this  area.  Still,  there  is  a  need  to  scale  to   larger   environmental  monitoring  networks,  and  so  an  effort  at  improving  the   algorithmics/analytics  is  warranted.  See  the  following  paper  and  the  references   therein:  Jon  Lee.   Maximum  entropy  sampling.

 In  A.H.  El-­Shaarawi  and  W.W.  

Piegorsch,  editors,  “Encyclopedia  of  Environmetrics”,  Second  edition,  pp.  1570-­

1574.  John  Wiley  &  Sons  Ltd,  Chichester,  UK,  2012.    

Jon   Lee   is   the   G.   Lawton   and   Louise   G.   Johnson   Professor   of   Engineering  at   the  

University   of   Michigan.   He   received   his   Ph.D.   from   Cornell   University.   Jon   has   previously  been  a  faculty  member  at  Yale  University,  the  University  of  Kentucky,  and  

New  York  University.     He  was  a  Research  Staff  member  at  the  IBM  Watson  Research  

Center,  where  he  managed  the  Mathematical  Programming  group.  Jon  is  author  of  "A  

First  Course  in  Combinatorial  Optimization"  (Cambridge  University  Press)  and  "A  First  

Course  in  Linear  Optimization"  (Reex  Press).  He  was  the  founding  Managing  Editor  of  

Discrete   Optimization,   and   he   is   currently   on   the   editorial   boards   of   Mathematical  

Programming  (Series  A  and  B),  Optimization  and  Engineering,  and  Discrete  Applied  

Mathematics.   Jon   was   Chair   of   the   Executive   Committee   of   the   Mathematical  

Optimization  Society,  and  Chair  of  the  INFORMS  Optimization  Society.     He  won  the  

INFORMS  Computing  Society  Prize,  and  he  is  a  Fellow  of  INFORMS.  



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  

Andrew Jones, PhD

Assistant Professor

Department of Nutritional Sciences

School of Public Health

University of Michigan  

Email  address:  

Group   webpage:


Email See  above  

Research interests


Research interests for seed program

See biography below

Developing  innovative  data  collection,  visualization,  and/or  analysis  methods  to  assess  the   linkages  between  biodiversity  (especially  agricultural  biodiversity)  and  human  nutrition.  


Andrew  Jones   is  a  public  health  nutritionist,  interested  in  understanding  the  influence  of   agriculture  and  food  systems  on  household  food  security,   and  the  nutritional  status  of   women   and   children   in   low-­‐income   countries.   His   research   examines   the   extent   and   pathways   via   which   agricultural   livelihoods,   biodiversity,   and   program   or   policy   interventions  into  food  systems  impact  food  security,  diet  quality  and  nutrition  outcomes   in  rural  and  peri-­‐urban  settings  of  low-­‐income  countries.  He  is  particularly  interested  in   understanding   the   role   of   agroecological   environments   and   physical   landscapes   in   modifying  these  dynamics  across  contexts.  Andrew  also  examines  the  role  of  food  systems   and   food   insecurity   in   shaping   the   co-­‐occurrence   of  undernutrition   and   obesity   within   regions,  households,  and  individuals.    


Andrew’s   research   combines   quantitative   survey   methods,   with   dietary   and   anthropometric   assessment   approaches,   collection   of   biologic   biomarker   data,   and   geospatial   analyses.   He   pursues   research   questions   both   through   observational   epidemiological   study   designs,   as   well   as   through   the   evaluation   of   randomized   interventions   aimed   at   improving   maternal   and   child   nutrition,   especially   through   agriculture  and  food  systems-­‐based  approaches.  Andrew  has  ongoing  research  projects  in  

India,  West  and  Southern  Africa,  and  throughout  the  Andean  region  of  South  America.  



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  

Data Fusion Research for Manufacturing Systems Improvement


Judy  Jin  

Professor  and  Richard  C.  Wilson  Faculty  Scholar  

Department  of  Industrial  and  Operations  Engineering  

The  University  of  Michigan  


Current  data  rich  environment  provides  unprecedented  opportunities  and  research  challenges  for   improving  our  decision-­‐making  processes  in  both  manufacturing  and  service  industries.  Efforts  in   data  fusion  research  through  advanced  data  analytics  by  integrating  advanced  statistics,  machine   learning,   and   decision   making   theory,   represent   one   of   the   frontiers   in   the   quality   engineering   research  area.  This  talk  will  provide  an  overview  of  my  data  fusion  research.  The  basic  concepts  in   data  fusion  research  will  be  introduced  with  the  emphasis  placed  on  promoting  the  integration  of   disparate  methodologies  into  a  cohesive  entity  to  enable  effective  decision-­‐making  for  complex   manufacturing  system  design  and  operations.  Examples  on  multistream  sensing  signal  analysis  will   be  discussed  in  detail  to  demonstrate  the  characteristics  of  data  fusion  research  and  to  emphasize   the  need  for  multidisciplinary  integration  efforts.      




Short  Bio  for  Professor  Jionghua  (Judy)  Jin  

Jionghua  (Judy)  Jin  is  currently  a   Professor  and  Richard  C.  Wilson  Faculty  Scholar   in  the  Department  of  Industrial  and  Operations  Engineering  and  the  Director  of  

Manufacturing  Engineering  Program  at  the  University  of  Michigan.  She  received   her  BS  and  MS  in  Mechanical  Engineering  at  Southeast  University,  China,  in  1984   and  1987,  and  her  PhD  in  Industrial  and  Operations  Engineering  at  the  University  of  Michigan  in  



Dr.  Jin’s  research  focuses  on  developing  new  data  fusion  methodologies  with  broad  applications  in   both   manufacturing   and   service   industries.     She   has   received   numerous   awards   including   the  

Forging  Achievement  Award  from  Forging  Industry  Educational  and  Research  Foundation  in  2007,   the  NSF  CAREER  and  PECASE  Awards  in  2002  and  2004,  respectively,  and  nice  Best  Paper  Awards   since   2000,   etc.     She   is   currently   a   Departmental   Editor   for   IIE   Transactions.   She   was   also   the   former   Vice   President   of   INFORMS-­‐International   Activities   in   2010~2013   and   the   President   of  

Quality  Control  and  Reliability  Engineering  Division  in  IIE  in  2007~2008.  She  is  a  Fellow  of  IIE,  a  

Fellow  of  ASME,  an  elected  senior  member  of  ISI,  a  senior  member  of  ASQ,  and  a  member  of  IEEE,  


INFORMS,  and  SME.  



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  

Title + Department/ School/University:  

Kirby Shedden, Professor of Statistics and Biostatistics, Director of

Consulting for Statistics, Computing and Analytics Research photo

Email  address:  

Group  webpage:


Research interests


Consulting for data science, statistics for high dimensional and complex data, spatial statistics, time series, inference for large scale data, advanced computing for data management and analysis

Research interests for seed program


    I'm   mainly   interested   in   exploring   opportunities   for   CSCAR   staff,   including   myself,   to   collaborate  with  people  participating  in  this  initiative.  



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Louis Yen, Associate Research Scientist, Health  

Email  address:  

Group  webpage:


Research interests



As a founding member and Associate Research Scientist at the Health Management

Research Center (HMRC), our group focuses on knowledge discovering and algorithms development of health and economic consequence of personal lifestyle choices and health risks through integrated data approach, including personal health risks, health enhance program participation, medical claims costs and individual productivity loss. To work with industrial partners in demand health management, our group has been a leader in health management research and decision support on workplace healthcare cost containment and productivity management in the US. Over the past 25 years, the HMRC has processed over 8 million Health Risk Appraisals for employers and health insurance providers and recruited over 30 employers representing over 1 million covered lives, such as General Motors, American Express, or J.P. Morgan Chase. Our corporate consortium members have become a partner with us in health management research. The major research achievements and pursues for me include:

1) Develop an integrated data system to evaluate and predict the health and financial impact of workplace health program and individual health changes;

2) Develop measurement and computing technologies to help organizations to make data-driven management decisions in health related policies and programs and help individual and family to learn the importance of healthy choices and available resources for their health promotion and disease management needs.

Research interests for seed program

Develop   an   integrated   managed   care   enrollment   system   to   manage   and   evaluate   the   delivery  of  community-­‐based  health  enhancement  and  medical  services  for  both  financial   and  health  outcomes  collaborated  with  community  health  centers  in  Shanghai,  China.  

As a founding member and Associate Research Scientist at the Health Management

Research Center (HMRC) in the School of Kinesiology at the U-M, Dr. Yen has estimated the personal health relational databases and developed predictive models for the Integrated

Health Management System. This system, which is used worldwide, has become an important tool to provide decision supports for various organizations in health care cost containment and productivity improvement for organizational and personal health management during the past 20 years. As a main architect, he develops a Health Risk

Appraisal (HRA) at the HMRC which has become a basic component of this system and provided millions of individuals on health information and practice guide. His research on the economic value of personal health and health management programs has been well

One-­‐page  faculty  profile  for  UM-­‐SJTU  Research  Collaboration  

7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health   recognized in both China and the United States through academic publications and conference presentations. As a main contributor, he developed Wellness Score for the

HRA, Trend Management Technology, Costs Estimator and Program Evaluator for healthcare and demand management. Currently, he is on the editorial boards for the

American Journal of Health Behavior and the Chinese Journal of Health Management and serves as a visiting professor for applied health at eight different universities in China.

During the past 15 years, he developed and directed numerous Chinese Executive Programs utilizing resources at the University of Michigan to train over 500 Chinese executives, researchers and teachers in education and health management. As an invited speaker, he has made over 40 presentations in China and Japan. He earned a Ph.D. in Movement

Science from the School of Kinesiology at the University of Michigan.



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Nancy  G.  Love  

Professor,  Department  of  Civil  and  Environmental  Engineering  

Group  webpage:



Research interests


Dr.  Love’s  research  focuses  on  methods  and  technologies  to  assess  and  advance   environmental  and  human  health  using  both  biotechnology  and  systems  analysis   approaches  that  encompass  experimental  and  modeling  tools.  She  has  expertise  in   evaluating  the  fate  of  chemicals,  pathogens  and  contaminants  of  emerging  concern   in  water,  the  use  of  technologies  to  sense  and  remove  these  entities,  approaches  to   recover  useful  products  from  constituents  in  water,  and  computational  skills   associated  with  modeling  bioprocesses  and  including  applications  with  next   generation  sequencing.  She  has  growing  expertise  in  aspects  of  water  quality  and   sciences  applied  in  developing  countries  with  an  emphasis  on  Ethiopia.    

Research interests for seed program

I  am  interested  in  projects  focused  on:  urban  water  systems,  water  reuse  and   resource  recovery,  the  confluence  of  sanitation  and  health,  trace  environmental   contaminants  and  the  interplay  between  microbial  processes  and  chemicals.



Dr.  Nancy  Love  is  a  professor  of  Civil  and  Environmental  Engineering  at  UM.  

She  served  as  chair  of  the  department  from  January  2008  –  August  2011,  and  

Associate  Dean  in  the  Rackham  School  of  Graduate  Studies  at  UM  from  2011   through  December  2012.  Prior  to  2008,  Dr.  Love  was  a  faculty  member  in  the  

Departments  of  Civil  and  Environmental  Engineering  and  Biological  Sciences   at  Virginia  Tech.  She  has  B.S.  and  M.S.  degrees  in  Civil  Engineering  from  the  

University  of  Illinois,  a  Ph.D.  in  Environmental  Systems  Engineering  from  

Clemson  University,  and  is  a  licensed  professional  engineer  (PE)  in  the  state  of  

Michigan.  After  completing  her  M.S.  degree,  she  worked  as  a  process  design   engineer  for  approximately  3  years.  Dr.  Love  has  served  or  serves  as  major   advisor  for  over  50  graduate  students  and  numerous  undergraduate  students.  

Her  research  collaborations  have  totaled  over  $17  million  and  resulted  in  86   peer-­‐reviewed  journal  articles  and  250  book  chapters,  peer-­‐reviewed   research  reports,  and  conference  papers  or  abstracts.  In  2011  she  co-­‐ authored  the  3 rd  edition  of  the  textbook  Biological  Wastewater  Treatment   with  Grady,  Daigger  and  Filipe.  Dr.  Love  has  multiple  awards  (see  resume)  and   recently  served  as  the  2015-­‐2016  Distinguished  Lecturer  for  the  Association   of  Environmental  Engineering  and  Science  Professors  (video  clips  of  talks   available  at­‐lecturer).

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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  

Ming Xu

Assistant Professor

School of Natural Resources and Environment

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering  

Email  address:


Group  webpage:



Research interests


Research interests for seed program

Environmental implications of emerging technology and networked systems

Human  mobility  dynamics,  travel  trajectory  data  analysis,  environmental  implications  of   new   mobility   (e.g.,   electric   vehicles,   autonomous   vehicles,   ridesharing),   agent-­‐based   modeling,  network  analysis  


Ming   Xu   is   an   Assistant   Professor   in   School   of   Natural   Resources   and  

Environment  and  Department  of  Civil  and  Environmental  Engineering  at  the  

University  of  Michigan,  Ann  Arbor.  He  earned  his  BS  and  MS  from  Tsinghua  

University,  China,  and  PhD  from  Arizona  State  University,  all  in  environmental   engineering.   His   research   focuses   on   systems-­‐based   evaluation   of   environmental  implications  of  emerging  technology  and  networked  systems.  At   the  University  of  Michigan,  he  co-­‐directs  the  Graduate  Certificate  Program  in  

Industrial  Ecology  and  serves  on  the  Advisory  Committee  of  the  University  of  

Michigan  Transportation  Research  Institute  (UMTRI).  He  is  the  Editor-­‐In-­‐Chief   of  

Resources,  Conservation  &  Recycling

.  He  was  awarded  the  Robert  A.  Laudise  

Medal   from   International   Society   for   Industrial   Ecology   for   “outstanding   achievement  in  industrial  ecology  by  a  researcher  under  the  age  of  36”  in  2015.  

He  received  the  National  Science  Foundation  Faculty  Early  Career  Development  

(CAREER)  Award  in  2016.



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  

Title + Department/ School/University

Mihai Burzo

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

University of Michigan

Rada Mihalcea

Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

University of Michigan

Mohamed Abouelenien

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

University of Michigan

Email  address:


Group   webpage:



Research interests


Research interests for seed program


Natural language processing, multimodal processing, tracking and understanding of human behaviors. Current projects: tracking of values and behaviors across cultures, multimodal deception detection, geolocation of text, NLP for motivational interviewing

Multimodal  tracking  of  stress  

Multimodal  tracking  of  counselor  behavior  in  counseling  sessions  




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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Paul Drevnick, Assistant Research Scientist, University of Michigan,

Biological Station and School of Natural Resources and Environment

Email  address:  

Group  webpage: photo


Research interests


Research interests for seed program environmental chemistry and toxicology development  of  technology  for  continuous  measurement  of  (low-­‐level)  mercury  (Hg)  in   precipitation,  surface  water,  groundwater  


I seek to understand the physical, chemical, and biological responses of aquatic systems to environmental perturbations, such as watershed disturbance, air pollution, and climate change. My research is problem oriented, hypothesis driven, and strongly empirical, with the ultimate goal of providing data and interpretation to resource managers and policy makers so informed decisions can be made about our water resources.



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  

Professor Peter Song

Department of Biostatistics

School of Public Health

University of Michigan

Email  address:  

Group  webpage: photo


Research interests


Research interests for seed program


Data harmonization, data integration, high-dimensional data, regression analysis in Big

Data, spatio-temporal data analysis

Applications  in  Environmental  Health  Sciences  and  Nutritional  Sciences    

Spatio-­‐temporal  modelling  of  chronic  disease   data  harmonization  across  multiple  cohort  studies  

Environmental  exposure  data  analysis    

Peter Song is a Professor of Biostatistics at the Department of Biostatistics, School of

Public Health, University of Michigan. He received his PhD in Statistics from the

University of British Columbia in 1996. Prior to the appointment at the University of

Michigan, he was a faculty member at the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science,

University of Waterloo (2004-2007) and a faculty member at the Department of

Mathematics and Statistics, York University, Toronto (1996-2004). Peter Song's research interests include data harmonization, data integration, high-dimensional data, meta analysis, regression analysis in Big Data, and spatio-temporal data analysis. He is interested in methodological developments related to modelling, statistical inference and applications in biomedical sciences. In particular, Dr. Song's research projects are strongly motivated from real world data analysis and have published over 100 articles in the top-tier statistical and substantive science journals. In 2007 he published a monograph "Correlated Data

Analysis: Modeling, Analytics and Applications" by Springer. His research has been funded by multiple NIH and NSF grants.



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  

Allison Steiner

Associate Professor

Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering (College of

Engineering) and Earth and Environmental Sciences (LSA)

Email  address:  

Group   webpage: http://clasp-


Research interests


Research interests for seed program

Atmospheric chemistry, regional climate, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, trace gas emissions

Air   quality,   climate   data   and   applications,   pollen   and   health,   lightweight   sensors   for   environmental  monitoring  


Allison   Steiner   is   an   associate   professor   of   atmospheric   sciences   in   the   Department   of  

Atmospheric  Oceanic  and  Space  Sciences  and  the  Department  of  Earth  and  Environmental  

Sciences  at  the  University  of  Michigan.     Allison  creates  state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art  models  to  explore   the  complex  interactions  of  the  biosphere  and  atmosphere  with  the  goal  of  understanding   the   natural   versus   human   influence   on   climate   and   atmospheric   chemistry.     She   also   works   on   synthesizing   atmospheric   chemistry   and   climate   data   to   provide   input   to   interdisciplinary  projects  that  investigate  how  climate  change  will  affect  a  broad  variety  of  

  societal  problems.  

After  earning  a  B.S.  degree  in  chemical  engineering  from  Johns  Hopkins  University  and  

Ph.D.   in   atmospheric   science   from   Georgia   Institute   of   Technology,   Professor   Steiner   worked  as  a  research  fellow  at  the  University  of  California,  Berkeley,  prior  to  joining  U-­‐M   in  2006.     Dr.  Steiner  is  the  recipient  of  a  National  Science  Foundation  CAREER  grant  award  

(2010-­‐2015),  the  UM  Henry  Russel  Award  (2013),  and  the  American  Geophysical  Union  

Atmospheric   Sciences   Ascent   award   (2015).   She   is   currently   editor   for   Journal   of  

Geophysical   Research-­‐Atmospheres ,   and   serving   on   the   National   Research   Council’s   committee  on  the  Future  of  Atmospheric  Chemistry  Research.  



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Wencong Su, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Michigan-Dearborn


Group webpage:

Office: 313-593-5314



Research interests


Research interests for seed program

Power and energy systems, energy internet, electrified transportation systems, automated and connected vehicles, and cyber-physical systems. reliable electricity clean air and water  


Dr. Wencong Su received his B.S. degree (with distinction) from Clarkson University,

Potsdam, NY, USA, in May 2008, his M.S. degree from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA,

USA, in December 2009, and his Ph.D. degree from North Carolina State University,

Raleigh, NC, USA, in August 2013, respectively. All in electrical and computer engineering. Dr. Wencong Su is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and

Computer Engineering at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA, since September

2013. He worked as a Research Aide at Argonne National Laboratory in IL, USA, from

January to August 2012. He also worked as a R&D engineer intern at ABB U.S. Corporate

Research Center in NC, USA, from May to August 2009. His current research interests include power and energy systems, energy internet, electrified transportation systems, automated and connected vehicles, and cyber-physical systems.

Group webpage:



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7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  

Chuanwu  (Wu)  Xi,  Ph.D.  

Associate  Professor  

Department  of  Environmental  Health  Sciences  

University  of  Michigan  School  of  Public  Health  

Email  address:  

Group  webpage:­ profiles/xi-­chuanwu.html


Research interests


Dr.  Xi  is  a  molecular  microbiologist  and  microbial  ecologist.  His  research  focuses   on   biofilms,   water   quality   and   treatment   and   human   health  in   three   major   inter-­ related   areas:   (A)   molecular   mechanisms   of   biofilm   development;;   (B)   characterization   of   biofilms   and   microbial   community   in   industrial   and   clinical   settings  and  its  impact  on  human  health;;  and  (C)  development  of  novel  approaches   for  biofilm  control.  

Research interests for seed program


Real-­‐time  and  onsite  monitor  microbiological  and  chemical  water  quality  and  alert  system   using  a  cloud  database.­profiles/xi-­chuanwu.html



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One-­‐page  faculty  profile  for  UM-­‐SJTU  Research  Collaboration  

7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Xiang  Zhou,  PhD  

Assistant  Professor,  Department  of  Biostatistics  

School  of  Public  Health,  University  of  Michigan  

Email  address:


Group  webpage:




Research interests


Our  group  is  interested  in  developing  statistical  and  computational  methods  to  address   interesting   biological   questions   in   genetic   and   genomic   studies.   These   studies   often   involve  large-­‐scale  and  high-­‐dimensional  data  sets,  and  examples  include  genome-­‐wide   association  studies  and  functional  genomics  sequencing  studies.  We  are  developing  novel   analytical   tools   to   extract   important   information   from   these   data,   with   the   hope   to   advance   our   understanding   of   the   genetic   basis   of   phenotypic   variation   for   various   quantitative  traits  and  complex  diseases.


Research interests for seed program

Develop  and  apply  statistical  and  machine  learning  methods  to  perform  analysis  and   interpretation  of  data  collected  from  biology,  healthcare  and  other  related  fields.  


09/2000-­06/2004     B.S.,  Department  of  Biology,  Peking  University,  Beijing,  China  

08/2004-­05/2009     M.S.,  Department  of  Statistics,  Duke  University,  Durham,  NC  

08/2004-­09/2010     Ph.D.,  Department  of  Neurobiology,  Duke  University,  Durham,  NC  

10/2010-­09/2013     Postdoc,   Department   of   Human   Genetics,   University   of   Chicago,  

Chicago,  IL  

09/2013-­06/2014     William  H.  Kruskal  Instructor,  Department  of  Statistics,  University   of  Chicago,  Chicago,  IL  

07/2014-­Now         Assistant   Professor,   Department   of   Biostatistics,   University   of  

Michigan,  Ann  Arbor,  MI  



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One-­‐page  faculty  profile  for  UM-­‐SJTU  Research  Collaboration  

7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Yan Chen

Daniel Kahneman Collegiate Professor of Information,

School of Information, University of Michigan  

Email  address:  




Research interests


Research interests for seed program

Behavioral and experimental economics, information economics

Professor  Ming  Jiang  at  Shanghai  Jiao  Tong  University  and  I  have  been  collaborating  on  the   topic   of   health   and   economic   decisions.   We   hope   to   receive   seed   funding   from   this   program.    


Chen’s   research   focuses   on   mechanism   design   and   experimental   economics.   The   fundamental  challenge  Chen  addresses  in  her  research  is  the  design  of  robust  mechanisms   when  the  agents  involved  are  not  perfectly  rational.     In  meeting  this  challenge,  she  applies   experimental,  computational,  and  theoretical  approaches  to  incorporate  dynamic  learning   theories   from   economics   and   cognitive   psychology   into   the   static   mechanism   design   framework.  

In  other  work  she  synthesizes  economic  and  social  psychology  theories  to  understand  the   effects   of   social   identity   in   economic   decision   making,   and   to   develop   approaches   to   increasing  member  contributions  in  online  communities.  She  also  investigates  efficient  and   fair  mechanisms  for  allocating  indivisible  resources.  

Chen  has  published  in  leading  economic  journals,  such  as  the   American  Economic  Review,  

Journal  of  Political  Economy,  Journal  of  Economic  Theory,  Journal  of  Public  Economics,   and  

Games   and   Economic   Behavior .   She   has   also   published   in   prestigious   conference   proceedings  in  computer  science,  such  as   CHI  and   WSDM .  

Chen’s  research  is  funded  by  the  National  Science  Foundation.  She  serves  as  an  associate   editor  of   Management  Science,  an  advisory  editor  of   Games  and  Economic  Behavior ,  and   an   associate   editor   of   Experimental   Economics .   She   is   the   President   of   the   Economic  

Science  Association.    



Please  return  completed  forms  to  Ann  Leffler  (  


One-­‐page  faculty  profile  for  UM-­‐SJTU  Research  Collaboration  

7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  



Title + Department/ School/University:

Assistant Professor, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao

Tong University  

Email  address:  

Group  webpage:


Research interests


Research interests for seed program

Structural Health Monitoring; Modeling and Simulation; Smart Structures

Structural  health  monitoring  using  active  sensing  data  and  numerical  simulation   library  for  sustainable  wind  energy  infrastructures  


Dr.   Yanfeng   Shen   received   his   B.Sc.   in   Engineering   Mechanics   from   Wuhan  

University,   Hubei,   China   in   2010.   He   obtained   his   Ph.D.   degree   in   Mechanical  

Engineering  from  University  of  South  Carolina,  Columbia,  USA  in  2014.  Then,  he   was  recruited  by  the  University  of  Michigan  and  became  a  Postdoctoral  Research  

Fellow  in  the  Department  of  Aerospace  Engineering.  Dr.  Shen  just  started  as  an  

Assistant   Professor   of   Mechanical   Engineering   at   University   of   Michigan-­‐

Shanghai  Jiao  Tong  University  Joint  Institute  in  2016.  His  research  interest  covers   structural   health   monitoring,   guided   waves,   nonlinear   ultrasonics,   active   materials  and  smart  structures,  and  advanced  computational  mechanics.  He  was   absorbed  by  the  Nondestructive  Structural  Monitoring  and  Diagnosis  Technical  

Committee  under  ASME  and  became  the  youngest  member  on  the  committee.  




Please  return  completed  forms  to  Ann  Leffler  (  


One-­‐page  faculty  profile  for  UM-­‐SJTU  Research  Collaboration  

7 th

 round  of  seed  funding  

Topic:  Data  Sciences  for  Sustaining  Critical  Infrastructures  for  the  Environment  and  Human  Health  


Bochen Jia Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems

University of Michigan – Dearborn

Group webpage:


Research interests


Research interests for seed program

Connected and Automated Driving and Road Sharing, Work-related Musculoskeletal

Disorders, Occupational Ergonomics, Worker Rehabilitation,

Pedestrian Motion analysis and pre-collision detection, Driver Behavior during Prolonged

Automated Driving


Bochen Jia received a B.S. and a M.S. degree in Engineering Mechanics from Beijing

Institute of Technology, P.R. China. Later he received a M.S. and a Ph.D. degree from the department of Industrial and System Engineering at Virginia Tech with a focus on Human

Factor and Ergonomics.

His current research interests focus on quantitative assessment of ergonomic exposures to a broad range of working conditions, such as, driving, office working, and manufacturing environment, etc. Specifically, his current research mainly focuses on understanding driver behaviors during connected and automated driving as well as the interaction between drivers, vehicle, and other vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, etc. His recent work has also involved quantifying and modeling the effects of prolonged sitting and psychosocial task demands on human musculoskeletal system among sedentary population.

He also has experiences related to workers’ safety in construction, and the product design

& evaluation in manufacturing environment.



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