Rotary News June 3, 2016

The Madison, WI Rotary News for June 3, 2016
a publication of the Rotary Club of Madison
Upcoming Speakers
at Inn on the Park
June 8 Meeting at Inn on the Park
Zero Suicide – A Model for Community Transformation
In 2001, the Behavioral Health Services division of Henry Ford
System set out to radically transform its mental health care
 June 15
delivery system by participating in the Robert Wood Johnson
Brenda DeVita
Foundation’s “Pursuing Perfection National Collaborative.” This
What’s New at
American Players
“Perfect Depression Care” (PDC) initiative leveraged the power of
an audacious goal — eliminating suicide — to achieve dramatic and
 June 22
sustained reductions in patient suicide, as well as improved
TIF Panel Discussion:
performance of the entire delivery system. The goal of zero suicides
Michael Barry, Natalie
has since become an international movement. Join us next week,
Erdman, Ed Hughes
June 8, at the Inn on the Park, when guest speaker, Dr. Edward Coffey will provide details
and Dan Thompson
on how to achieve PDC.
Dr. Coffey is a neuropsychiatrist, President and CEO of The Menninger Clinic, and
 June 29
Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, and of Neurology, at the Baylor
Annual Changing of
College of Medicine, in Houston, Texas.
the Guard and Roast
He earned his undergraduate degree in Psychology (BS) from Wofford College (Phi Beta
Kappa) in 1974, and was then awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to attend St John's College,
Oxford University (BA in Psychology, Philosophy, and Physiology, 1976). He earned his
medical degree from Duke University (AOA) in 1979, where he also subsequently completed a medical internship and
residencies in neurology and psychiatry (1984). Dr. Coffey has held faculty and leadership positions at Duke University
Medical Center (1984-1990), Allegheny University of the Health Sciences (1990-1996), and Henry Ford Health System and
Wayne State University School of Medicine (1996-2014). Dr. Coffey was recruited to The Menninger Clinic in 2014.
Dr. Coffey has also made important contributions to the fields of neuropsychiatry, brain stimulation, brain imaging, and
brain aging. He is the author of over 130 scientific publications and book chapters, and he is the editor of several influential
textbooks including Textbook of Geriatric Neuropsychiatry (now in its 3rd edition). Dr. Coffey also serves on the Editorial
Board of several medical journals.
He is the recipient of numerous academic distinctions, honors, and awards, including The American Neuropsychiatric
Association’s 2016 Gary J. Tucker Award for Lifetime Achievement in Neuropsychiatry, the highest honor awarded by the
So that we can plan for sufficient seating, members planning to bring guests are asked to contact the Rotary office with
the number of guests you plan to bring by Tuesday noon ( or phone 255-9164).
(unless otherwise noted)
Rotary Club of Madison, 22 N. Carroll St., Ste. 202, Madison, WI 53703, 608-255-9164,
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World Dairy Expo Celebrates 50 Years
If you consider Wisconsin’s $44 billion dairy business to be all about big business, you might be surprised to find out that
96 percent of all of Wisconsin’s dairy farms are actually family-owned.
That family touch also is discernible in the World Dairy Expo that this year will celebrate its 50th anniversary when more
than 70,000 visitors will attend the exposition October 4 through 8 here in Madison at the Alliant Energy Center campus.
Scott Bentley, general manager of the World Dairy Expo since 2013, told members of the Rotary Club of Madison at its
June 1 Club meeting that the exposition represents the 25th largest trade show in the U.S. and generates an economic
impact of more than $30 million. But yet the Expo holds on to its humble beginnings by including a commitment to provide
educational efforts for the state’s youth and including various competitions. All this is accomplished with a small staff that
relies on an army of volunteers, many of whom are affiliated with the Badger Dairy Club of the University of Wisconsin.
“We are the world’s finest dairy trade show,” Bentley said. “The focus is on dairy equipment, products and cattle.” Indeed,
2,500 heads of cattle from 40 different states “attend” as well.
The Expo attracts attendees from 95 different countries, and among the 850 commercial exhibitors, 30 different nations
are represented.
Wisconsin, which trails California in actual milk production (but according to Bentley, California’s status is threatened by
the potential of future water shortages), is a natural home for the World Expo. In recent years, Wisconsin has dominated the
cheese competitions, taking 38 percent of all international cheese competitions. There are 45,000 dairy farms in Wisconsin.
A trend that is now growing in the U.S. and here in Wisconsin and that has been in the making for decades in Europe is
“automated milking,” a process whereby robotic technology in individual milking stalls recognizes the cows by sophisticated
technology and accordingly milks the cows. Cows typically produce between 50 and 75 pounds of milk per day twice a day
for an annual lactation period of 305 days.
Our thanks to Scott Bentley for making a presentation to our club this week; to Ben Hebebrand for preparing this review
article and to WisconsinEye for recording the presentation. CLICK to watch the video.
Meet Our New Members
Thomas R. Keeler rejoined our Rotary Club this week and was previously a member of our club from
2005 to 2009 and was a Rotary member in Harlingen, Texas, from 2011 to 2015. He has been loaned
the classification of Communications and is a vice president and general manager for Morgan Murphy
Media which operates WISC TV, Madison Magazine and Tom and his wife,
Heather, make their home on Wisconsin Avenue and have two daughters and one son. He earned his
BA degree in Broadcasting from Arizona State University, a BA degree in Journalism from Ohio
University and an MS degree in Mass Communication from Arizona State University. Tom’s
professional associations include the American Advertising Federation and the National Association of
Broadcasters. He enjoys all kinds of sports. Tom’s sponsors are Sean Baxter and Ted Ballweg.
Ronald A. Lampert has been loaned the classification of Health Services and is the new President
and CEO of Journey Mental Health Center. Prior to this, he served as vice president of health strategy
and development for Thresholds in Chicago, Illinois. He was born in Detroit, Michigan. He and his
partner, Janet Shore, came to Madison in April of this year and live on Post Road in Fitchburg. He has
two adult sons. Ron attended the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor where he earned his BS and MSW
degrees. He is a member of Mental Health Corporation of America and the American Academy of
Healthcare Executives. Ron enjoys outdoor activities including swimming and Bonzai. His sponsors
are Jim Christensen and Mary Wright.
Rotary Club of Madison, 22 N. Carroll St., Ste. 202, Madison, WI 53703, 608-255-9164,
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Bob Shumaker Receives Rotary Club of Madison Youth Service Award
Presented by Rich Leffler -- June 1, 2016
Each year, our club recognizes six members for their service in one of Rotary’s five avenues of
service, which are club, community, international, vocational, and youth. I am pleased to be able
to introduce one of our members today as the recipient of our Rotary Club of Madison Youth
Service Award.
Bob Shumaker is a litigation attorney with the Dewitt Ross and Stevens Law Firm, and he
joined our Rotary Club in 2002.
Bob is a former teacher and, like many in that noble profession, he has a passion not only for
teaching and learning but also for sharing those passions with youngsters. Since joining Rotary,
he has been active in many of our club’s youth-related activities. Bob served on our Youth
Awards Committee from 2004 to 2010. He has been a member of our Ethics Symposium
Committee since 2004, and he chaired the event in 2011. Bob also organizes Symposium
activities at local high schools, and he has even been known to drive hundreds of miles to talk to
other Rotary Clubs in an effort to expand our Ethics Symposium to other areas. Bob has served on our Madison Rotary
Foundation Scholarship Committee since 2009, chairing the committee for the past two years, and he is also a mentor to
one of our Rotary scholars.
For each of these roles, Bob goes above and beyond. If you serve on a committee with Bob, you will see emails from him
day or night, often after midnight, as he generates new ideas and suggests enhancements to make our programs even
better. He can be counted on to tend to every detail to ensure a successful event. Last week’s scholarship program is the
most recent example of how his dedication and passion for a project makes for a very successful program. Bob also served
on our Club Board of Directors from 2013 to 2015.
For Bob’s tireless efforts, at our June 1 Rotary luncheon, he was presented with a pin and a certificate as our 2016 Rotary
Club of Madison Youth Service Award recipient. Our Club has also made a $200 gift in his name to The Rotary Foundation
of Rotary International.
Thank you, Bob, for your continuing “Service Above Self” on behalf of our Rotary Club of Madison and its youth
That’s not all! After Bob was presented with the award, he asked Rich to read the following message: “I very much
appreciate and I am honored to receive a Rotary award for service to youth. But there is another member of my family who
deserves more recognition for her service to youth. On Monday, my wife, Janet Kilde Shumaker, will retire after 47 years as
an English teacher in Beaver Dam. I have made a contribution to the Synergy Scholarship Fund in honor of Janet's 47 years
of outstanding service to thousands of students.”
Thank you, Bob!
Volunteer for June 11 SummerPalooza
Next Saturday, June 11, will be our 4th Annual SummerPalooza which features free
Madison Children’s Museum admission all day and a festival including free
performances and activities outside the museum from 10am-2pm.
SummerPalooza is a partnership between our Rotary Club of Madison and Madison
Children’s Museum, with generous supplemental support from BMO Harris Bank.
We are in need of a few more Rotary volunteers (including family members.) Click
to complete the sign-up form and return it to our Rotary office.
Sign Up for Annual Breakout Vocational Fellowship Luncheon Day July 6
This year’s Rotary Vocational Fellowship Luncheon Day will be held in place of our regular Rotary
luncheon on Wednesday, July 6. Included in our May 27 Rotary News was the sign-up form you need to
use if you plan to attend one of the locations for that date. Be sure to sign-up by the June 17 deadline.
Rotary Club of Madison, 22 N. Carroll St., Ste. 202, Madison, WI 53703, 608-255-9164,
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Happy Birthday Wishes to…
June 5 -- Lee Lazar -- Adm. Date: 04/06/2016 Insurance. Associated Agencies, Inc.
June 5 -- Lester Pines -- Adm. Date: 08/08/2001 Law. Cullen Weston Pines & Bach LLP Sgt.-at-Arms
2003-04. PHF
June 5 -- Linn Roth -- Adm. Date: 11/04/2015 Business Services, Supplies & Technology-Retired.
Former member 1995-2001
June 8 -- Mike Hamerlik -- Adm. Date: 03/06/2013 Insurance. WPS Insurance Corp. PHF
June 9 -- Allen Arntsen -- Adm. Date: 05/04/2016 Law. Foley & Lardner LLP Former member 2007-11
June 9 -- Randy Banks -- Adm. Date: 10/01/2008 Architecture. Strang, Inc.
June 10 -- Herman Baumann -- Adm. Date: 01/09/2013 Consulting-Retired.
June 10 -- Valerie Johnson -- Adm. Date: 11/07/2012 Community Services. Habitat for Humanity of
Dane County
June 10 -- Courtney Searles -- Adm. Date: 10/07/2015 Financial Institutions. Johnson Bank
June 10 -- Yigit Uctum -- Adm. Date: 01/09/2013 Accounting. Wegner CPAs PHF
June 11 -- Tom Carroll -- Adm. Date: 10/12/1994 Brokerage & Investments. R.W. Baird & Co. Inc.
June 11 -- Karl Gutknecht -- Adm. Date: 01/07/1998 Business & Convention Development. Culture
Ventures International Director 2003-05; 100% Attendance since 1/7/1998 PHF (2)
Weekly Statistics
Make-Up Artists
Hands, Larry at Athens, Greece 5/26; Kendrick-Hands, Karen at Athens, Greece 5/26; Ripp, Al at Breakfast 5/23
Guest List – June 1, 2016
Ruth Stampfl & Janet Kilde Shumaker of Program Committee; Brett Stratton of Scholarship Committee; Jennifer Kuhn of
Valerie Johnson; Stefanie Freyberger of Rob Stroud; Nick Topitzes of Bill Haight; Diane Morgenthaler, Judy Frankel,
Danielle Ziegler & Sharon Corrigan of Deb Archer; Rebecca Prochaska of Beth Prochaska; Mike Kollath of Bryan Chan
Visiting Rotarian List – June 1, 2016
Dan Millmann from South; Jason Salus from Horizons
Attendance Record
Total Members
Total Active
Active Attending (incl. make-ups)
326 (122)
284 (68)
Rotary Club of Madison, 22 N. Carroll St., Ste. 202, Madison, WI 53703, 608-255-9164,
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