li 470. Millon Potters, Itidae. L a n d ] S uyiiani , west by Stillmans Creek. 3'& 303. Willia m R. lie Witt Jr., West Yjtplload, west by Unio n Ave. 1 acre S03.3D being Lots 04 to 91 inc. Unfiled M a p o£ S35.16 S 153.111 j liank. Land Ijo undecl north hy C. I' rabhc. bounded n o r t h by Elizabeth Way, east by ' "' ctcs 81. Alfredo BattiJla, .Moriches. lluilil- Jeffe rson Court. 563. N o r t h a m Warren, Blue Point. L,and .lames 240. Frank He Sannn. Centereacli. \V. Sterry ct al, soulh hy 1 cast by ini; north by I J . Smaland land bounded Land " 10, 11 .... 10 west Lecp, Pleasant View, south by Deer 1 -4.03 \V. C. Ileevcs & Scbabewcll noliinson, | . c otinded norlln by Main Land, east by ., VV. C. Hecves & Sclialiewell 1 loy, cast by Masli* Hoiul. south hy A, bounded north by Cunasl. cast by ,r<ian , Kampc, F. Stott, west by James Atklnscn. ¦ ' llenlly CH I P ., l l , l-i, ifi, JM-:-I ,C9 by Pine Bark. 24 acres S87.03 J .1111 bo & Mary Dotzlcr, south and west by 10 -1.03 llenlly Corp., 0. 7, 0. 10. I Hattillo. west by I-ots 173 to 175 Mastic Ave., south by De M a r t r n o . west by Ccn- !10 acres ,. . High. 12, 13 20. 22 to 25 Inc., 17 lo , mull Bay Holding Corp. 4 acre s 7/ 10 ' 13 to IT inc., 20 to 22 S13.95 j 368. Christian Krabbc, West Yaphank. Colony. GO.\200 feet S70.H5 tercach l l t - i u h t s -Map. Vt acre Land 470. ' Milton Potters, RidKc. 14 10 -1.21 50 hie S27.5B c A . Johns. 1 4.44 241. Kdvviii Diiryeii, Centereacli. Land Land bounded north hy IL .Marcinoivski. bounded n o r t h by Deer Leep. casl by I ine 20 4.44 112. A l l i e d Battil2a, iMoi-i.-lios- H 'lildins l VV. K. Slicker, 15 ,e C llceves & Schnbewell 20 4.21 and Isncl bounded .north b .v 11. Mclvenny, bounded ii'irth by 273, Block 11. Oakwood , casl h .v Munscl Hoad, south by Vaphaak Crescent How, south by Upton .National! 564. Martin F. Wcdeilis, Blue Point, 1 4,21 D. Lyon. 11 'cnltv Corn., 15 lo IP. 181), bounded north by K. Leeds, cast by Map •and 1! ), «ast by Lino, west liy land formerly of Isaac soipi-i NciKlibnr . Asri. Map l)-50l) . il C. E. 10, 25 2G .0.03 by Cily Sieiicsmunil, 17 L. 1 1 . PickellllK, cast l <i '.t .w .llastic Hoad, J. Forest, west by Pleasant View. 19.9 acres i t soulh by I'ortion Blvd.. west by Ave-. C Overton. 20 acres Jne.. '21. 2!*" 4<" «* 51 $31.02 L. A. I'VrrcIrn, 21 20 4.03 lioad ltoad, west b .v Purr and Ano . S31.03 j ;1. Swezev, south by Park Ave. wesr by 1 4,21 A. G. Iltlt ' lingcL 23. 24 ?in c.. 07, 50 to 02 Inc. 10! A. V. Frew, 20 Wcdegis Jr. 00x330 tcot S20.5M I. -i(l, 375. Connie & Frances Ecrlino, West seoi.01 bcinf! Plot on north sid e of Portion H oad N. .SiiriiiHs!c. 2G to 30 inc. 20 7.0G 1 421 I Milton Potters, RidRc. Land " 480. 27 5.U.; 10 -4.03 1 M. N., 2:7 113. A l f r e d Batinia, Moriches. Land formerly known as Lots 274 to 27T inc., IMiddle Island, lluilcliug anil land b o u n d e d bounded north by Deer Leep, cast by ]11 565. Martin Wcdegis Jr., Blue Point, 10. 20 1 4,21 ! 11. l l n r n e y . U to !i inc r ' Hoffman. luilding and Jand bounded north by K. J525.09 j north by C. llm-ton , cast by Swezeytown .1. I'aonns, 2U . 1 bounded north hy McKenny, east by A. Block 11. ;iiap of Loiuibolhuni. 4|'.ei VV. C. Hecves & Scbabewcll 23, 2-1 10 -I.D. ' l soutii I.croy. View, by Upton N a t i o n a l ! .* -eeds, east by Jl. Wcdegis, south by Park Pleasant & I. , v Violn Scliway, west bv 242. Lillian, Centereacli. Land Road, south b . Healty Corp., 6 to 13 K. 51. Sprhljislcscl, 30 to 43 Bnllilla. south b.v Parr, west by Cardn. Forest, west by Pine Bark. 19.8 acres 10 4.03 , i; llaiies, 34, 35 Ivc, west by A. Swezey. 07x330 feet 151. Imhoir. 1 acre S100.R0 bounded north by .1. Hawkins Est., cast inc.. 10 to 20 Inc., 23 inc ] i),in 100x100 feet S15.2! moneS51.03 " ', • ' c Howen , 30 lo 40 Inc. 10 7.00 \V. II. Sillier, '11 to 40 inc. $93.33 lo 25 hit: 27 4.CB ni. ,lonn ii. Daw-son, Moriches. Land by B. Smilli, south toy IT. Terrell, west by , 3111. Jlarle llcai'iis, West Middle Island. 1 5 03 ' Hoover, 41 to -15 Inc. 10 1 . 0 0 Milton Potters. Ridge. Land 572. Earl Albin & Wife, Patcho.gue 401. M. Hulse. | | 1127/100 iBiillcllml and land boundeil nortli Dy VV. . 1 15 27 4.!I3 acres S45.78 . K. Cifl'ill. 14, east by hounded north hy Lons Creel--, II. !.. Ilickson, 00, 01 . V ' 1 4 >n 10 -1.03 .1. A. Stl-aitll, CU. G3 246. Antlnmy & Kocco Guacci, Center- j Cudlen, cast by Swczcy Lane , soulli by bounded north by 11. Given, & Maiirath, :luilding and land bounded north by J . 27 4.S3 Great South Bay, seuth liy Lots: 1. (J2, Oa, I || Chile, 05, 00 1 4]!):) C. IS'. Nlisle, 21. 22 & Pine VVoods, cast by Crescent Bow, :lloss. east by E., »utli by T. 10 4.21 II. .1. Priolcans , 0(1, 07, 70 \{; Mason, 511 04, OS, .VlasUc Acres, wesl hy Lot 01, each. L a n d Hounded north h .v Middle I Denis Lake, west by .11. Cook. 2 acres 1 5.O."; W. C. Ileevcs & Sclialiewell 3.74 Mastic Acres. 1 aero S53.40 soutii by Doer Lecp, west by Pleasant ; vrlttau, wesl by Washington Ave. 7S..xl60 Healty Corp., 1. 1!), 10 20 S52.3J Country liuail , cast by Scldcn Ilolshts, aienilcnh.- ill liros., 3 to 5 \V c. llceves Jjfc Schnbcuoll View. 12 acres S40.52 ; cot S133.00 21) 1 , south hy M. 382. Emil & Julia LeiiRycl. Sec. iilgio, West, -1. 5 4.03 wesf hy .Monlalinc llcnllv Corp.. 1 lo 4 inc.. 2 5.03 S. 00. E. It. TolCree, Moriches. Land , 575. Alfan Homes Inc., Patchogue. 5.03 huuncled north hy Pattersiiuasli Island and bano. 00x17( 1 feci S25.80 ! Middle Island. Building and land bounded J. .1. Trcsslcr, G 433. Santo I'. Itcitano, nidge. Land 2 C, to 10 Inc.. 14, 15. 23 4 21 C. 11. Mc l.arn, 12 lo 14 ille. 2!! " luilding and land bounded north and 240. Alfccd isewich, north by Presbyterian Parish, east by Old Centereacli. llulld20 5.03 Bay, east by Town Trustees, and 51, . bounded north by Middle C o u n t r y -Road, J. A. .Stealth. 7. U 2 in 37 inc. & 42 lo 40 40 3 A. H. Day, 25 lo 17 inc 23 4.21 Ilanbury. south hy Atlantic Ocean, west ing and l a n d bounded n o r t h by Deitz. .Middle Country llond. south by Middle east by 1). J. DoiiRhcrty, south by S. iuuth bv Altaci Homes Inc., east by G-rovc II 5.«7 C. O. Kvans, 0, 10. 11 .... ine 2 s!o3 I I . II. Caniplicll, 20 Vvc. west hy Clifton Shores, .Map 1778. Country llo-itl . & Itoute 25, west by J n east by Baker, south hsMiddle Country 20 4.113 b .v Tolfrce. G.G02 acres Swcnson, west hy J. Wolkoivitz. 1 acre 11 4.21 N. Illnck. 10. 10 2 4 03 VV. C. Gray- 1, 2 I- |- Mackoon, 5 S31.H S1S2.57 cobscn. 1 acre S224.A4 S24.00 10x103 feet 5.G3 L. 11. Wlu-cler. 17. Ill «• sveo. 11 to 18 Inc. . . . 11 2 4 .03 K. M. Siiriniistead, 3, 4, 5. 91. Kdward R. Twlfrce, Moriches. Land Hoad, wesl by Halloek Jload. VA acres 384. John P. & June Malonc. West .1. A. niclvill, 1(1. 20 .. 20, 30 29 7.00 bounijcd north hy Great South Hay. ensl S130.30 Homes Inc., Patchogue. u .M. .Mantling, 17 to 22 2 4 01 405. "Walter Salomon. Ridge. Building ! 570. Alfan ' Island. Land bounded north [Middle and 252. Joh n Nicholas, Centereacli. buildVV. C. llceves & Sclialiewell II. I) Iluild' m g and land bounded north and . White. 21 2 1 1 7.70 4 21 liy F,;istline 80, 34 th Ave., .or .'.Tap 055, (*>oc n n d land bounded north hy M. Micro, casl i llei'.lt.v Corn., 8 to 12 11 4.!I3 .1. A. S t r n i t h , 22. 23 | | iVrclllller. 30. 3fl 2 4.03 south by N o r t h Line of County Hnad 75 ing and l a n d bounded nortli and east by south by A. Finger, east T5y G. Schwab, by He Ucniiinilhsin, soulh by Madeline j soulh bv Alfan Homes Inc., east by Grove ' west by Sive/.ey Lane. 11 ' |„ Mc Uciwell. 40, 4L . . . 11 acres N o r t h Wasltini'lon /16 Ave.south by Jledelinc. & Id to 25 inc 20 4.On Clifton Shores Map 1779. Ave, west ha W. C. llceves ft Si-liabcwcll '1.113! west hy East Line -of Fifth. Ave . Mao 055 -west hy Old Saddle. 2 acres jl SL5.43 Road, ill. List. 13 to 15 inc 20 5,03 75 acres : SLD2.57 " llc.illy Corp.. ."0 & 511 lo -S(!4I!.15 bcrijer, west by Wilder and Wilson. 150.-; S42.02 30x100 feet -. lidlinfi V.' Oltll , 50 to 54 306. Josephine Kelson. West Middle Is*' 103 feet S155.13 30 4.03 K. A. AlcCnUy, '1. 5 Patchogue. 570A. Frank Amotleo, 50 Inc.. 00 lo 05 inc. 11 7.0C i,fr 03. Ldward It. Tolfreo, Moriches .Land 492. Evelyn V. Fink, Soutii Manor. Land I liuilding and land bounded nortbi by land. Land bounded north by S. N' 253. Gladys A. Sarno, Ccxiicrbach. lliiildz cinl 30 4.113 & 03. 70 1 . Sclialiewell w c. Peeves .1 2 4.00 A. .1. Mnrsto-ll. 21. 23 K. M. SprillBSlead. 20. 30 .... 30 4.93 bounded north by County Head Nn. '(5, ini; and land hounded n o r t h hy GritendcL ,& Maul- casl b.v Swe/eylown lload, south bouiulcd north by llirseh, cast by Mot- 1 I-'ordnain St., east by 1311 «: E. Otis, south Healty C H I P .. 1 to :i .1. S. 51c "Williams. 27. 2(1 2 4 03 V. Cfiiccu. el to 10 inc 7.06 cast b.v East Line- 34th Ave soulh hy east by Ha rtnian ft Harr-ctt, south by Tier- by V. La Gala, wesl by Swczcy Lane. 2 f l i t . Silas Carter Tract, south by A. Johns, |hy E. Otis & A. Ackerly, west by Not31 inc.. 10 lo 1(1 inc.. 10, C. W h i l e . H), 30 2 4V; VV. C. Kccv'i-s & Sclialiewell A t l a n t i c Ocean, iv-esl hy F u s t Lin-; nf man, west hy Ilollock Koad. l '/i acres 1 tingham Aye. acres ssH .flU west b-v Wadinii River ltoad. 1 acre Vi acre SL06.10 33 to 37 inc., 41. 42. 45. P. K l - h i r a r t f l . 37. 30 2 Filth Ave, Man 053. 103 acres SI.769.72 S13.85 4J)3 SS5.07 j 300. Unknown Owner, West Middle IsH e a l t y Corn., 11. 12. 21, 581. Roland S. Baker & Wife, Pat12 .1.15 jT. Al'insti'iinK , 30, '-'.0 .. •!«, !tl to 84 inc 2 102. .Maynard G- Bishop, na-ookhavjii, 403 •>& land. Land hounded n o r t h by Lot 12, 258. J u l i a n I). Silverman & Vile, to 30 inn 31 4.21 22, & Cen491. Tluiuias S. & Patricia Kcane, South 1 chogue. liuilding and land bounded north . 12 •l.'J.'l ,' 1). II. A. MalTcy. 41, 48 .... 2 4313 S. W. Cook.:: & Co.. 23, 24 31 I .1 y . a c k m a n , 4. 5 4.03 Huildinu and land bounded nor 'ii by 15. tereacli. U t i i ' d h i K and laaid hounded norlh, I Map 111. Pine Lake Park, cast by S'inc Manor, liullclini! and land bounded norlli 1 by Eric Johnson, East by Bay & ,2livcr 2 7.111 ] C. .1. Pressler, 110 Taml . v ii, cast by H u r n c t t Lane- south lij cast by Moiler, south b y Jlollcr, west by • Lake, south b .v Lot 13, Map 111, 2'inc by J. oast by C. llaynor, south by ! Co., soutii by Edwards St., west hy Carl " 4.21 1-1. K a r l i n a n . 1 to 5 inc., & o I' . S c h m i d t . 0 to !0 Inc. 12 7.00 P. Lorli.- ich. 07. 61! ... 2 4 03 I - ' |- . K n l / c r . 11 to 15 Inc. 12 S155.13 Lake Tack, west by Lakeside lSilve. 1/3 Mollitl Map, wesl h .v VVaiiinti Hiver Hoail. ' Iirhardt. 14 a.cre 20 to 30 inc 32 7.00 L. Potter, wesl by L. Hatch. 1011x142.0:1 £77.50 ' SI 111.10 Hawkins Ave. 3 acres 3 7. (1(1 .1. A. Sti-alMl, 0, 7, 11, 15 0.35 A. Tairoi-ol'-i. 11 to 15 i n c . 32 \ c. Nash. 20 lo m Inc. 12 202. Unknown Owner, Centereacli - Land acre S15.48 2.5 acriis 7.00 feet 315.10 ! 502. Nora K. Banks, Patchogue. BuildII. J. Priiilcan, II 4.!)3 Alimltllh. 30. 40 12 10-1. Simon Chnanbcrlain, llToolthaven. bounded -lortii by Wiclera, cast liy . | | 3 4,21 il 304. Cemetery Oardcns Inc., West 7.06 St. T. II. O'Wciil. 16 to "0 Inc. 32 ing and land bounded nortli b:y L. "Manor. Land ! 498. Marie Tcykl. South Iluildjpij and lnnal bounded north liy Nicholas Ave., soulli and -west by Wilkin- Middle Island. Land bounded norlh by 12 4.51:1 I). J. C r a w f o rd . 0 lo '1:1 ,1. I.. Steele. 43. 44 VV. C. Hecves Ik Sclialiewell bounded north b.v 11. English , east by Schmidt, cast by Samuel Colin, south by inc lirunkhaven Ave, east by J. Marlin. soutii son & Hoen. 1/ 10 acre 3 7.00 IV C. Hecves & Schnbc-woll SlO.U'l . Kiminn Est., oast by Jerry Hsotka. south Mollitt Map. Silas Carter Tract, south 1ft- ¦ Laurel St., west by G. Robertson, li acre Hc.-dtv Corp., 21 to 25 *Hc.ilty Corp.. 1 to 22 I* . M . Spriimstc.'icl, 21 to 24 205. Joseph .t Florence Anius, Selden. by Orlando Edwards ' -west b .v Sunshine 3. Ilirsch. wesl by Lot 318 & 319, Hoflllt | inc 32 3.03 by ISiookhavcn Lodse, west hy Brewster, S03.24 <inc., 27 lo 3'J inc Vt acre SI47.42 Land liounilcd noi'»!i by C. Hcrnitis, cast Farms. Map 311. 2a acres •inc. 3 0.10 W. C. Hceve-s S: Schahcw-cll 13 0.15 S13I1.72 51ap 237. 3 acres A. Beacher or Mary L. S19.74 | 5SG. Cora A. .1. Sirlin, 25. 20 3 105. Salvatorc Hilucian, Ilrookhavcn, by Magnolia Drive, soiiili and west by I 4113 I- I) . S u l l i v a n , 23 to 27 390. Alfred Dilucian, East Middle Island. llenlly Corp.. 0, 7, & 25 Patchogue. Land bounded Clroenbaiim, 4B1). Samuel Weiss. Soutii Manor. Land |norlli by Maiden Lane, cast by R. 3 7,00 inc 13 7.00 1'. S. "While, 30 lo 40 inc. lo 30 inc 33 3.08 Land h o u n d e d north by 11. II.i\.vkins. cast Scldcn Ga-rdens Inc. 1/(3 acre S25.89 j Land hounded north by Artists Lake, cast : 11 lo 13 by S. & II. Hawkins, soutii hy (f ront South 14 5.(13 W. C. llceves & Selmhewell ,1 VV. Harris, 1 lo 3 lnc 271. Leonardo Fcrraa-n, Scldcn. Land • by Julfranlc Healty Corp., soulh hy "Lake bounded n o r t h by L. I. li. il.. Alain Line, O'Beirne, south and west by G. Kaplan. E. n. Sru i ri^ stcad, ' F. Xcli, south by 5'apl l c a l t y Corp., 40 to 00 ¦D cast and wesl b>Hay, wesl by F. K«ost. 4 acres S45.01 bounded nor!!; b.v S. LJorc Est., east by 14 '1.03 TI VO , west hy E. Hcimcrs Jr. 50x1J5 feet .1. w. Evans, 4. 5 inc 33 5-0.3 60x52 feci S27.47 inc. «.- 00 lo 03 S49.10 j 5118. Palrlciia A. Benjamin, Patclrogue. 100. Salvatore Dilucian, 11 i-ookbavcn, Hitehcnck. south by Hawkins Hoad. -west Inc. 3 4.21 I l . i i n c l l Hay Co., 21 to 24 j II. C u i i i i i n u l l u m , (I to !> S9.30 hank Manor Koad. 10 acres lnc 1-1 li.35 I*. L. lluckeriiian, 51 to 55 399. Hichard Gibbs, East Middle Island. 500. Samuel Weiss, South Manor. Land \ Building and land bounded nortli toy 51. inc 33 .0.35 Land bounded norCh by K. H a w k i n s Heirs, liy . Ansclo l.odolcc. 11.9 acres S55.72 inc 3 7.00 T. II. Iliirkc, 1, 2 ( '. A. Loss, 10 In 13 Inc. 14 0.35 274. Kenneth Leeds. Seidell. Land Building an<! land buunded north b.v I.nke bounded north by Camp Upton, east and Hooney, T. Dioguardo, & A. McMnllen, 34 4.03 cast l.-y F. Edwards, soutii by C real Sotilji A. Hackei'in.'iii, 56 to 50 inc. 3 0.35 .1. J. Klein. 3, 4 W ( ". Itccvcs & Scliiibe^vcll 4.1)3 Hay, west by D. Hawkins Heirs. 3 acres bounded n o r t h and soutii hy land for- Dj-iv e, cast by 11. Ennls, south b .v Artist west by Fred Hell, soutii by ' L. 1. P.. lt. east by ltisley ltoad , south by lUgcht of 34 T. Pnpiuidnkcs, TO. (15 '3 4,»3 il. W. Fl-lcller, S, 6 SS5.2G merly ol' "William Norton, cast hy Helson Lake, west by J. Unglio. 'A acre llenlly Corp .. 14 to 25 '.14 4.03 S44.50 lZlii acres S4O.10 Wav or Joanitis, west by G'. Fordham. 4 4.II3 1 VV. C. HccvCS 107. alary E. 3Iarlman, 11look.bavini. Norton, w-est hy Boyle ltoad. 5 acres .1.41 P. Caill.-inl. 0, 10 inc 14 400. Mary 51. Howard, East Middle IsS75.85 502. Joseph Busccml & Wife. East 105x200 feel * Schahcw-cll Land bounded nor Ih and west b 4 4.21 v G. At14 4.21 .vt. II. Thoninsnn. 11 . -; Di -iulni -r. 20 land. Building and land hounded nortli llcnllv Corp., 734 3.74 S*-!5.80 Manor- Bulldliu; and land bounded norlh | 592. George V. bishop, Patchioguc. kins, cast b .v 11. Hawkins, soutti hy Client • 14 4 4.03 Scbabewcll llcalty Corp.. 8 '. 13 4.01I J . Mc Plicrsnn. 3'. II, !'. Taylor. :>7, :>8 275. Lewis Lnnd Corp,, Seidell. Land by Bohnitz. east by Hiekl, south by Hart- by Hast Manor School, east by Marsh and • Building and land bounded north by Un1 S45.W bounded n o r t h by l a n d formerly of J. lelt, west by Ashton ltoad, owners Lo! 7.00 ! W. C. llceves ,'i Si-h.- ilicwcll 11. I!. Kcssler. 20 lo 33 Inc. 14 3.0!) Soulh Hay. 4 acres to 12 inc 34 Road, south by P. Melnlkowich, west by i derwood SI., cast and soutii by Soutti Bay lU-ally CH I P .. 11, 15, 31 14 4.03 1J VI . T. Siu-imkel. 31. 35 S:10.i;0 P. McLnikowlch. 0 acres 34 7.00 :12. Gertrude 3. Schroctlar, llrook- Hammond Ovcrlon, cast by Peiuiyquid 250 lo 202 Inc. '!'i acre A. II . DihS. IP. to 22 inc 305.32 ' Boat Works, west by A. Volfcman. 71x08 -., til .Ifi 111' «. 511. . 60 .... 4 4.21 7.0(1 1 IV' ylle. 1 to 5 inc. 15 404. Christian Krabbc, East Middle Isll. haven. Land buunded north and -.vest !iy Hoa 'd, s o u t h by MX land formerly of M. feci S100.1O II. I'. Cllilltivick, 23 to 27 503. Thomas GrilUn, East Manor. Buildw.j ranlcli, 0 to 10 lnc 15 7.00 ; VV. O. Ik- G u w n r l , 20 to 30 inc 34 7.00 L\ .Morrow, east by HeavcriLmi Koad, illetzncr, west by II. Lonfibollmm. 05 land. Land bounded norlh and soutii by 504. Albert E. Branch & Wife, Patinc 4 v- Unknown Owner, ina and land bounded north by A. Ray7.06 IV,*"*:. llceves £• Schahe-M-ell MANORVILLE ESTATES acres 5854.03 Van Horn Kst.. cast b . south by Heaverdam Hoad. '/B acre chogue. Building and land bounded north , ,1. Hawkins, south by S. li. nor, east by .1. K. Sinitii. 30 to 40 Inc. 4 7.06 M a p 252 filed in Sulfijllc County Clerk's 12 acres Itcnlty Corp.. 11 lo 15 27.0. K u t h Hiissell, Scldcn. Buildine; west by II. Itobinson Est. $25.50 by Ivy Brancli. cast by Madeline Brown & 1-1. ,M. IK p r i l l K s l r a i l . 41. 42 4 i.X inc., '. m nu inc.. -MI 10 ' i ii>25.25 Jenkins, west by .Mary Vuiick. 11 acres Ors., south by Mary & Madeline B-rown. . 113. Irvinff & He tty Smith, 11 l-ookiuvcn. and land bounded norlti and cas: by 0111-ce, J a n u a r y 22. 1015 S54.31 4 4.03 405. Christian Krabbc, Easi' Middle Is55 Inc.. 61 to 03 Inc. 15 5.15 VV . .1. . S n n i l c r s o i i , 43, 44 ... liuilci hig nncl laml bounded noi Ih hy Aliearn, roulli by ."Vllddle Country Road, Seclion F west by Wes t Ave. I-i acre S150.27 505. Wilhelm Lohr, East Manor. Land 15 4.21 T. V. C(ilct.hiui;H, 47 to 51 i:.,st Knd Harness, 10 15. Urquliiirt, 3 to 12 inc. 0 10.02 L. 1. H. IL. east by Faei.v.old. south liy west hy Sun Glow Park. 132.03x120 feet lnnd. Land bounded norlli by Van Horn, 507. Fred J. Hubb & Wife. Patctiosuo. inc 4 7.00 15 4.03 J. /.ycrvcld, wesl toy A r t h u r A-vc. 7 acres Sloa.l'i oast by J. Btircliell, soulh by Copas Sc Old bounded norlh b.v Henry Terry, east by Building and. land bounded nortli "by F. I' . 1". Keir.edy. 21. 22 231. Sutl'oll; Syndicate, Scldcn. 15 4.03 (1. A. K r a f t , 52 lo ,55 Inc. 4 A .1. Itced. 24. 25 S293.57 Land C o u n t r y Lake, west by Robinson Est. 17 land formerly of Ncinstadt Est., south by 1 Uoinschkc Jr.. east by James G. Shand. 0.35 TOWN OF BROOKHAVEN S21.40 Hot W a t e r St., west by Joseph Kelly. 90,5 Leahry, & Fischer, south by Bight of W. II. S m i t h , 211 to 30 Inc. 15 7.00 VV. II. ICiikl-S. 61 to 05 Inc. 114. U n k n o w n Owners, 15-rookirjven. bounded norlh b .v Middle Country Road, acres -1 7.06 400. Christian Krabbc. Easi Middle Is- acres S271.30 Way, west by Union Ave. C. VV . Simpson. 1 to 5 inc. Strand hounded north b .v G. A t k i n s & cast and west by "Oernare, soulh by W. .1. Colibledlcll . 31 to 35 5 7.00 S34.62 BOUNDED & DESCRIBED PROPERTY land. Build ing and land hounded north Mooncy Pond Hoad. 4 lnc 15 7.00 I-'. (I. H u n t e r , G to 11 inc . 5 acre* C. Krabbe, cast hy Motts bane, soulh hy S25.80 7.73 50G, James F. Murdoek, East Manor. C01. Wick ham F. Case & Wife, Pat15 4.03 VV. C. llceves tk Scbabewcll 205. Salvatorc Ahhatc & Wire, Holts- by Mrs. G. Freeman., east hy W. Kiichnel Land bounded norlli h .v Hot Water St., chogue. Building and land bounded norlh Hay, west hy Atkhns and Others, li acre I' W. Griffin, 40, 47 2 B. Kills X n n k u l . K.astpoi'1. llu 'i ldinc nnd ll . .1. Hem. 50 lo 00 lnc, 15 7.01! l l c a l t y Corp., 1-1 to 10 S15.75 ville. Land b u u n d e d north by II. Wind- and Ors., soutii hy Artists Lake, west by east b>y Peter Blind, south by Eastpin t by E. II. Case Est., cast by Case Ave., SL21.50 .Manor Road, west by land formerly of south by A. Capohe, west by A. Mauen. 7.0(1 T .1. l l u l t o n, (10 lo 70 Inc. 15 l a n d h o u n d " il n o r t h by V. Sachak, east by 119. Richard Ilarbcc, Ilcllpoi-t, r.uildlng horst, east by Bussing and Others , south Robinson Est. 08 V4 acres inc., 35 tn 40 Inc.. 43 O'Brien, west 407. Christian Krabbc, East Middle Is- Raynor. 56.21 acres 7.0(1 E, .Manor lid., . s o u t h by by Farm lo Market lload, west by 31,-irx 10 and land houndciL n o r t h hy Association C. K. Ortlc, 1 lo 5 lnc lo 4G Inc.. 50 to 511 Inc. 5 4.03 $140,22 60x212 tcet $.133.10 S40.7O Hoad , easi by R, M alella & L. Le-.ili. south and Terry. 105.35 acres S137.M0 land. Land bounded north by .1. Ohied8.113 1 11. IlaiU Olwolll, 17. Ill .1. I.. O i t n e r , 6 to ll Inc. . .. 10 5 4.1i:s bv II. ,t K. I t a y n o r '.'¦acre 510. Ambrose Williams, East Manor. G03. Hose Castaldi, Patchogue. Building 1(1 283. Mildred ilerucr, Holtsville. p. ,V. H a r t l e y . 1), 10 . . Land zensky, cast by W. Wood, soutii by Yap4. M.-dcolin O. Itoacknvv. Eastport . Build- by V- Dinai'o, west by Fuoco Head. 2 acres 4.03 I F. II. Kelly. 10. 20 5 4.!i:; "bounded n o r t h by G. Marino, cast Land and land boiindcd north, east and soutii 16 0.35 I 11. S, H a c k . 21. 22 S227.13 bounded j iorlh by Lame, cast hy Terry, liank llond, west by V. Marshall. 03 ncres by Chapman lllvd., soulh by II. A. Reeve, 5 .1. ''(.'. Pick. I t lo 14 lnc- , .. 4.!i:> i n n ami land bounded n o r t h liy a hedller, Ib v W. Hubbard, west by North Ocean W r f ";. llceves .V . cast by VV. IL Molt Map, south by VV. II. 121. Daniel \V., Heliport. Hulld- south by Crinin, wesl hy Wavcrly Ave. S cbalie v.- cll I K. 11. S n r i m s M c a d . 25, 20. wesl by H. Cosine. 30 acres S115.81 Ave. 57x25S feet S16D.30 400. Christian Krabbc, East Middle Is*lleally Corp.. 15, 19 lo 41. 42 5 (i .35 Molt M n n . west by Scatuch Ave. V- Acre hill r,nil land hotctided north by H. ill, Vi acre . S25.4I1 I 004. Alfred Celentano & Wife. Pat512. James P. & Alice C. Hughes, I'atSI 13.77 Chase, cast by llcUhavcn ltoad- south ami 280. Katlicrlne Cafoni, Holtsville. Build- land. Land bounded north by VV. Ilarlfill Inc.. 42 to 4,'l. 51 5 0.35j IV. II. S l i c k e r . 27 to 30 Inc. I Building and land bounded 5. IToi'incc llaxtcr. Easi Moriches. Land west by .1. It. Warner. 1/1U IK . 'I S20.45 ing and land bounded n o r t h hy Zunno, lott, east by V. Marshall & Grant, soulh clioiiue. -Land b ounded north by Jamaica choguc. to 05 inc 10 5.117 1 VV . C r a w f o r d . 31 to 35 inc. 5 7.0IS north b .v V. Celenteno, east by Ch-estnut & Calhoun & Ave., east by Schniacler, Cove, cost by 1 ), by J. Morris Fa rm, west by M. Achcrly. h o u n d e d n o r t l i by West east by Terry, south hy land formerly of 12fJ. Stanley <;orncll, Bellport. Land J H e r n . 10. to 111 inc. . 10 5.63 . .1. K. lli-enn.'iil. -17. 411 . . fl 4.D3V Ave., south by B. Westlncr, west by It. 20 acres 329.10 Others, south by G. V'auber. west by John 7.711 I K. 11. J l l i n t c r , 00 to 05 inc. I '.. I' . /.end-r, 33 lo 31! Inc. 16 5 7.7IX Fred It . T u t h i l l . soulh by Harry Seaman, bounded n u r t h b .v- C. M. Hradfo rd, cist Terry, west by Wavcrl y Ave. '.-i acre $06.00 S47.30 ! Jones & .11. 3Ialcr. 67x171 feet 400. John O'Kecfc, East Middle Island. Saxer. 5 acres 1(1 .1 . M. I' lllcy, .11). 40 -1.03 : II. Ilc.ilncr. 00 lo 70 Inc. S35.22" 5 7.0S west bv Flc-anui- llclwlij . 135 x 320 feci by Zuplier Mills Ksl.. soulh by Horse 005. Vincent Celentano, Patc3iogue. S41.15 Htovk iload. west by Miller Av-. 3 acres 2D1. Vito Castasna S: "Wire, Holtsville Land bounded nortli by Ilelmc, Davis & V.ii 'i.cll .v Vorncll, 41 16 4.21 j VV. (l.-illlarcl. I, 2 0 •!.!« 514. Christian Krabbc, Patchogue. Land I by Harold Brbckwell, nbrth iLand bounded Woodhull. cast by Davis & Edwards, soutii 0. K a t l i c r i n e E. Ileers. East Moriches. S31.62 Land bounded norlh hy Terry, enst by 11 S' orcll. -!!l. 50 10 'I.03 ! .1. P,II > II ;I !M 0 lo 10 inc. II 7.0C bounded north by L. I. Ave east by by N*cllson, we-sl by by Whiskey, west h .v S. Swczcy Est., 51. Charles Bonuo, south by L. I. lt. R., west east byChcstnut Ave., south by A. CelenlSuililin:.; anil land bounded n o r t h by w . I- ', l l a u v v c 'i. (If, to 70 inc. 10 I 7.00 U . C. llceves .V Sclialiewell 130. Dorothea Walsh Emo '.t, Hcllnort, Tliron, south tano, west by Michael Maler. 67x171 ieet $175.40 by Tunncll Hoafl. 41-4 acres L W. C. Ueevi-H A- Schalic well l l c a l t y Corn., 11 to 15 I u l u U. i l n y n o r , cast by Lulu G. R a y r . o r, Land bounded north by V. 4. O'ltmihke, Cnstagna & Lots 210, 211. Sec. 5, 3inp of Swezcy, & H. Roland. W acres S31.S6 S19.3G 410. Stella Hasnuisse-n, East Middle Iss south bv VV' oodlawn Ave., west by 11. east hy IJrewsters Lane, soulli liy 1. II. Natures Gardens, li PCI - C S15.74 llcnllv Corp.. fl lo - ~ inc., 30 In -10 Inc.. 47. 515. Christian Krabbc, Patchot'ue. Land Clarence, Pate hoguo. 008. William ¦!,",. •!•). 51 to 00 inc.. S1U0.35 Kopej ', west by IL H u n t e r . 'A acre 292. Nuilso n 51. Clarke, Holtsville. Buikl- land. Building and land bounded Jioi-th I Carter. 2/ 5 Acre L. inc.. 31. 32. 41 lo 50 hounded norlli by L. I. Ave, east by Un- Building and lancl bounded north b .v F. by P. Scdlak, c?.st j and by L. & J. Kaminski, ini; and 7. Marlon A. (>. Brady, East atoriches. huundcO. norlli by Horse(ill lo (ill i n e (1 inc. . 17 0.11 5.13 520.31 known, south by L. I. H. R. . west by L. I. Crowe, cast hy Chapel Ave., south, by D. 1 SluiliUn, ', a "id land boundeil n o r t h by II. IV. IliiM-Tillml. 20. 27 ., , 17 0 .I.Sl-. H' '1.03 .1. C. Patlmi, 21, 22 . . 132. Sadie Havens, Hellp.'.rl. lliiildini! block ltoad, De Silva, enst by S. Hodmes south by M. Ruland, west by Rocky Point FrciRl-it Yard, except 07xlO0 f t . of II. 0. Costanzn & S. Ilandc, west by S. Kislk. S29.10 i" IV. H a r r i s . -.Ml. :«.), 30 6 7.0(3 I1 J-Io h n Winers, cast by V. D. M a t h e r . and land hounded n o r t h by Willis Haw- ,1: De Silva, south hy Hawkins, west by Koad. :li acre . 17 5.63 .r . II. Kliilille. :'i i to 30 Inc. JoiiBbloed, & except 07x100 ft. of Robert 07x170 feel S101.22 : 425. Christian Krabbc, Yaphank. Buildby W i l l i a m «: 11. Howell, west by kins, east by Acnulcmy Lane- south by Hahnmiller. 24 ii acres SUI3.42 II. S. Sinitli . S3. 34. 33 0 li.Iifs south I . 17 5.63 L. A. I'c i T c l l o , 50 lu 53 inc. S20.CU C10. Lucy Cognata. Patchogue. Building c Ave. \W Acre S200.00 l.ul 28, Oshorn HlulTs Map 213, west by 295. Melita & SI. Kielsen De Silva, ing and land bounded north hy C. Wal- E. Longman. 5!/i acres V 0 ,\ .» II. Mc Cl.iv. 30 lo 40 inc. 17 7.00 K. M. SoriniMcad. (W. 7') 4.!i:s|I VVntcboini Brush, and land bounded north by George Sarah DitfT, West Manor. Building 520. Cc-.noiov .v, I1 11. Ida lljiiwn and a n n t h c r . Hast Mor- VV. Austin, i/i acre 7. 1)5 VV. C. llceves ^ S c h a b e u e l l Vt- .V. f l a c k , 57 lo 01 inc . 17 S70.IH Holtsville. B u i l d i n g aaid land bounded ters, east by Hoswcll Davis & , Iliillclini : and land b ounded nortli Eoail, east hy south by Highway, It. Davis. & Charles E. anil lancl bounded north by Eastport east by Hirer Ave., south by P. Irizarry, iches l l c a l t y Curl. .. ! to T i V. N. G era Til, 1 to 3 Inc. Hi 5.63 i:',:>. Delia Jackson & Ors. , Boliporl. north by Horseblock "Weeks. acre S192.04 west by 11. ' A G . N. H y r i d c r . 0 tn 10 Inc. Ill 7.011 Inc.. 0. 12 to 10 inc.. I 1by W i l l i a m 11. C h apm a n , cast by Charlotte Huildinji and lancl bounded riortli to a Holmes, south and west "by Clark. 1 acre Walters, west by E. S. & TI. Manor Road, cast by HI, Haucr, south by OIL Lena Cohen, Patchogue. Building S170.01 land formerly of SlodholV, west by Hide. iI Harli 1 .'i , -iiutli by Cliarlotle R a r b e r . west point, cast by A. Pratlieo, south by Head S23H.24 Swczcy. 33 acres P.. I" . Ilaivsi.n. 17. Ill . IK 4.03 22 to 30 inc., 41 lo -IB . su:!.Dt and land hounded north by Hammond St., '!¦ South Pi.i( iu a t u c k Ave. 3 Acres S111.40 of N'eck lload, west hy Old Dock R'oml, by inc., 50 lo 54 inc.. (i() lo 11. M. Fisher. 22 lo 23 Inc. Ill 0.35 420. Christian Krabbc (8), Yaphank. 8 acres 300. Jolin W. Gerard & Wire. Mollseast by ill. Seigel, south by Hcnrand Ry. 13. Doris Dana. Knst Moriches. Land 521. Carl Heyscr Jr., Calverton. Lnnd 117 ine 7 0.35 W . .1. SllcPnnrd, 20 lo 50 li acre SSO.SI ville. lliiildini,' and land bounded, n o r t h Land bounded north by Gerard Mill 3'ond, Co., & Baptist Church & Kuschcl, west by 1 n o r t h by Great South Hay, east 7.0(1 11. C. Vcttcr. II Ill 7 4.21 I bounded inc. • .. 1.3S. Katlicrlne ICreamor, Bcllsiorl. Build- and south by Haughto', east by To-.vcll, cast hy Depot Ave., south by I'atchogue bounded north l>y Manovville & Calverton Palchogue Village Prop. Vi acre S84.71 Est., south by Grace I by (Iconic Plan' I * M. A. D.etl -ick. 17. Ill . . . . 7 4. 03: Road, cast by land formerly of Y OUIIRV W. C. |lccv<"i A S r h a l i i - l l c l l S83.S3 Road, west by F. Sheridan.' 4 acres iiiK and land hnusidcd north 3jy Cntlaci* west by Wavcrly Ave. >i acre v Bitters, west h .v .limes a n d (lis. ! 014. Harold B. Conklin Jr. , Patchogue. 7 5.o:-J M •' a s u r v , wesl by O. Jl. Smilli. 5 Acres Places cast by llrcivstci-s Lane- south and Corp.. 41 lu 51 .V I. K. (Irililn. 10 to 20 inc. 301. Morris 51. Hawkins, Holtsvilta. Land S57.70 south b . SO.CO by bounded north by Sixth St., east 7 5.0; : $110.10 j l.and Inc . ,v 03. 04. 05 . , 111 1. 44 (' . K. Mvers. 30 to 311 inc. 427. Christian Krabbc, Yaphank. Land 94 acr-es west by M. It. Thams. Vi acre S200.4') b o u n d e d ' n o r t h by W i l l i a m Clark, past by 14. Deris D a n a . East Moriclics. Lund south by 11. Wcstaway, & F. 13 4. 03 S. I' l . -h l i i - k . 3-:i. 40 i: . .!(,!.ii'.Pill. 6-1. 5.1 . 7 4.0.M 13.. Anders P. Carson, Heliport. Build, Holmes, south by Sliaip. west by Balm- bounded north by M a i n - St., cast lay Al. 524. Charles 1-1. Sullivan .1 Albert Le- G. Horton, linundcd no!lh by Great Soulh Hay, cast 5.(i:-i ' 111 4.03 C. !'. A.-l.i.-iH- t/. 47 . 411 . 40 7 i:. .1 . F r a n k . 511. 57 ini,' ami laiul houndec! norlh by D. V. mullet-. 20 ceres S54.71 Herbert, soutii by Conncctlqiiot Ilivcr. vcrl, Cj ilvcrloii. Land b o u n d s .! n o r t h by Olivares. west by J. Davis. 50x120 feet ] l a n d fni'liierly of 0. B. Sin 'lli, sclith Tylor, S9.50 7 7.00 by Ill 4.03 P. I-'. Clil l ieoly, 53 tn 50 inc. VV. ll. FrnnS;, 511. 50 . S20.09 Peconic River, cast b.v Hi-h-s of 'I'. Os302. W i l l i a m G. Ilennessy, Holtsville. west hy C. -Krabbc. 3 acres cast b .v VV" . CI. French, south by ); . v, wesl Jjy FJaynor Circa,1 South Bay, 610. John Connelly, Patch'oguc. B u i l d i n g .1. C. Tl/cl. 60 to 02 Inc . Ill 5.03 IV. II. H a m i l t o n . (.','1 to 70 420. Ciiristian Krabbc, Yaphank. borne, south b.v 11. Osborne, west i.-y I) , c_ ' " Grace Ma sui- . west by lircw-stcrs Lane. Land hounded norlli toy Lyman, cast by S13.C0 2 acres and land bounded north by A. Brown & ¦ 7.0(1 liu7 o.on <or astiiniis . 5 Acres 11. C. l l o M v or th . (ill '. '.' 70 inc. Ill Building and land Mounded nortli by Powell, south by Sin'llnian, west b y WavS745.03 Hulse Est. 72.0 .teres S 102.39 15. Illclinril F. Uillon S; wire. Hast MorR. Itiley, & J. Carter, east by Patchogue .'! 5.0:1 P.. .lacol.M.ll. 1 to 5 inc. . 10 7. 1)0 L. ( i o l d i n .'ill. 1 i n 3 inc. . S15.74 Krnbbe & A/ Hard, east by Anson Hard , 140. Marion D. H.ennon. Heliport. Lnnd crly Ave. I.7G acres 525. David C. Walts, Calverton. Land , River, south by Baker Place, w«st by ! iches. H u i l d i n .'! and laud bounded n o r t h h o u n i l u d north b;y Man 0110, lli-nacivlevv II 7.0U!' .1. I-: . Conner. (1. 7 . 10 I.O.'I A. L i n n . f. lo 10 inc. south by C. Krabbc, west hy Continuation 304. Holtsville Lumber Co., Holtsville. by ,C,cori:c I- . Broolcs, :!i acre bounded nortli l>y Edwards & Brown Est., S234.S8 I by ."u.-iin S'^ ,. Fast VV. C. ll.'.-.-es & Schalii-ivi-ll V ':f- :- llvcvcs ' A Schnbi-vvell Property, east liy J. O. HoyC Kst.. south Building and land hounded north tjy L. 1. of ltoad A-cross Mill Dam, 'A acre S24.U0 least liy Edwards & Ors., south by land Hiver Ave. l* soutii by ( i c on i c F. Ilrouks, west by E. by "VV . D. lioliiizi, west by Row nml Ave. & Hope, cast hy Hope, soulh by L. ]. 617. John Connolly, Patchogue. B-uildlng ^ llcnllv Corp.. II lo 2-1 I t c a l t v Corp., 23 lo 211 431. Margot Mor, Yaphank. Building formerly of Weeks Est., west b v Fanning. S100.35 Holiiin. 0 acres . ami land hounded norlli by Baker Place, Inc.. 31 to 33 inc., 44 i n c ., 20. 20. 30. 43. 41 . 'II. VVainei - . .403 Avta S212.3?. R. It., west by Hope & Street. VA acres nnd land bounded norlli by II. Weis &: P. 62!i acres S1G0.22 east by Patchogue Diver, south by R. & 17. Friiiicrs 1-;. Foley. East Moriches. to 55 inc , . 5.1 *5 I . 0 -13. SI. 52 f. 03 to 07 S152.ll Raimond, east by Yaphank-Middle Island 142. N o r m a V. Ovcrlon. ncll-norl. Hulld52G. Allan Homes Inc., Blue Point. Land E. E. Hawk-ins. west by Edward Beebeo. I -I.O.'I j ]I'. iiiblini.' arid leuci hotindcd n o r t h by inil and l a n d hoiaudci! nort'n b v If. VY, 5.C.1 I. A. Hrnnrli . 20, 30 1!) 305. "Mollsvlllc Lumber Co.. Ilollsvillo. llond, south liy C. Trachanis, west by ilic . cast, hy E. A. Firrcliild, M o n t a i i l ; A y e . : S277.91 K) bounded north lay II. Svvitzkofski. casl by 70.70 ;275.51 feet 'i". II 7.n s l | u-nians 7.0(1 K. .vialicr, lie to River. 4 C. -I. Andrew!. . 36 to 40 Inc. 10 inc. !i acres S107.40 1 Lnnd bounded nortli by L. I. Ave. easi C. by Sisters of C h a r i t y , west by. H a m l i n, east liy Bellport Lane, s o u t h by liy Hone, south by L. 1. 11. I!„ wesl by - Wife, Pntl.l.'l. Stamford Conquest «. I! 4.0:1 -soiiili 1.03 1".. A. Crowlcv , 50 . 57 432. George W. Morrcll, Yaphank. Jiuild- .1. Hansen, south hy Alfan Homes, \ P. VV. B r o w n , 41. 42 . . Ill City Farmers Trus-t Co.. west )>y Academy 4 Acres 5111 1-:. W a r n e r . .40 chogue. Land bounded north by J. Norby R o w l a n d Ave. Ifl5x95 feet S44.07 V.'i acre T. .1. Ilrupliv. 53 10 4.21 VV. ll. Ileevcs \- Si-h.-ibcwell S25.4I! iiiK and land bounded north by L. I. 11. II., S27l,.2;i Auclitore. 211. Hd'.vina H a m m o n d . East Moriches. Lane, l-i acre Ileal IV Corp., 1 to IO P .1. I l n i ' b i i r l l l . 51. 55 10 4.H3 310. William & Anna Lanuto. Holts- east b .v Lof 1. Great Division of Lots, 527. A l l a n Homes Inc., Blu e Point. Land |clonic, casl by O. Culbcrt. south by West 144. H a r r i e t II. Itccvcs. Heliport. Lnnd I!iiili!i:i:4 :i:ul l a n d hounded norlh by Sixth St., w e s t by C. Conklin. 50x127 feet ;:;, 4.(13 Inc.. 14. 10, 20. 23. Ill ville. IluiLding and land bounded n o r t h by south by M n p 404. Belllnavcn Terrace;, west 11. VV. I t e i n e c k e , 50. 57 .... A n n a TfiiiKuseli, east liy Hd OSI K I I - TI Est., biiunded n o r t h lu Ilcaverdiirn lload k Zucck, cast by Terry, soutii by Terry, by Center Line, Lot 2, Gt. 'Div. of Lots, & bounded north L\v J . lliigcl, east by HowS13.1G (' . L". Hells, (111, (ill . 70 24. 41 to -13 Inc., 40. 5.03 10 land Ave, sou'.!i by L. .1. Pfister, wesl hy II. a. Hulse, ens -, by 11. F. l l o y t Ksl ., uise suiitli bv l.-j P. lloefcr. west by Pine Patchogue. liuild01!!. Orlettn Corloy, •17. 53 lo fi!) Inc.. 02. s 100 01 Fished, llrunii & Ors. 200x101 feet C . I-:. Illdell, 1. 2 20 -1.03 west hy Wavcrly Ave. Vi acre SO.I.On S. N a d r a m i n . 5.37 acres So.3.10 sinllli hy Soulli Country llond , 13. IJ. ,lnIl .' l. 00 il 5.03 St. ' ¦• Vci e 436. Alice Ovtbalit Si-., Yaphank .Huild311. Walter & Katlicrlne L y m a n , HoltsW . C. llceves A ScllnliL-vvell S41.U7 ing and land bounded north by Edwards 25. ,Mieh,ii 'l llijowskl Sr. Fast Moriches. cobus and lo a noint, west by J. Shaliev, ville. Land bounded Jiorlh by l > n u R h t y , inK and land bounties n o r t h by W an n e r St., cast by E. Tlbliltts & B. Johnson, C. .Monel. 21. 22 II 4.03 Ili- .- dlv C H I P ., 3 I n 5!, II. Susajlo, and Jacobus. 0.110 520- Sadie Ilettnctt. Hlue Point. UuildinB south bv K. Tcdaldl, west by M. Cheshire. 0 4.0:1 1 L n n d hdiiiicli'd m i r t h b .v head or Neck acrea ';: lid., cast liy William Sexton, soutii hy |.i. Sin ill. . 27, -. cast hy Powell, south 2iy Hennessey, west inc.. 10 lo 13 Inc., 10 SUII.21 and l a n d bounded north by Frledlander & .i,i. 'I'l'ollcr, so-.ith v Geortie by east b. S134.00 (I A. II. P.nsch, 31 l o 35 inc. 7.03 1 K" S15.74 IM. & A. linrllett, west hy A. Oilbnld L. St alios, X. G r a y , east by L. V. Collin, 1/4 acre lo 20 Inc.. 21) lo 30 Inc., I4CI. Jessie Tov-'iiscnil. Bell port. Land h .v Wavcrly Ave. ,50 acre 021. Francis J. Coslello & WiCe, PatI) 5.117 VV . II . F a n n e r , 30 III 40 Inc. 7.IU! F i l l , west hy Kijowskl. 2II.H04 bounileil niii -th hy Sills lload, -easi b v Lot 313. William It. Mortal. Holtsvlll. .. Land DO x 230 ft. - S33.3S south by Middle Hoad, west by Blue Poln t •14 to -I'l Inc. ilt 57 . . 20 . Ac:-., SSllblia . liuilding and land linundcd north chogue. I) 4.2 1 20 4.21 ; A. It.- .pcre.ian, -III bounded north and sonth hy Hiihtvnallor , U n k n o w n Clivner. 0 . 4311. Alma PiuTinnn. Yaphanlt . IlulldiniT Ave. 2 aercn S22I .0-J l.-y Camillas St,, cast hy Edelman. Sbanl. 27. K a t h l e e n .Mnrrin. East Moriches. 30, Croat Division of Lons Lots, smith cast h v IM. Hawkins, west liy Evei-;|cecn 0 4.!i:i , 2(1 4.03 ! T. S. hccl '-y. 01, 0.1 . I ' H i t . Clinelc 11. 15 and land bouiulcd norlli by Bartleti Est., v ii, b v N. Y. & Hkl west by Lot -12. Great . . nni-lli by I l u i l d i m i aiid l a n d hounded > south by F, Klrschcnfnd, west I) 530. Frances E. I!ournhollzcr, ilhi « & Hemic, 4.03 •1.03 ' Jl. S. I'.ennc!' . (17, 011 .. 20 .v r. II . W i l l i a m s . 27. 20 , cast by Ashton Iload, south by I) . Cock5415,07 Park , Lots 348 to 303 Inc. 4!i acres .'.lain St., cast by L. T u t h i l l . siitilh by lliv. of Lons Luis- CO acres S113.33 Point. Land bounded .norlh by E. Foiirnei:, by Fred VVcnger. !'J acre 4.03 i l l . (I. l- .dr.cnimlnr. 1 -to 12 S25.4B lj urn, west b .v Barllctl Est. 2d II. I',. Alliens. 37. 311 Mi ncre 15:1, .Melton E. Walters, Hell 1101" . . Ilullil* VV. I.. VV. D a r n e l l and Kst. of V. Vandc S25. Gene Dc IMnrchl, Patchogue- liuild10 12.05 4. 03 1 Inc. 2d •I. II . Swain, 30. 40 851.59 casl hy It. Iluecliclc , south hy Oakwooci 314. Christian Nielsen & Wire. Holtsfaii ,:e, west by of b'red Vandef.iniic. Ini! ami l a n d boil nded norlli by Hoy I,. 5 0.1 ! C., 15 In 24 inc. C. I I , La/.owski. 41, 42, 43 2(1 ¦140. Fred Chrisllnii.ton, Ridge, lliiildini,' Ave, west by Tovvnlinc ltoad or EdcndiiUi ing and land bounded north by G-. Mule, S12i.H1 Hi-own, cast by M e l t o n 15. Wallers, sotn h villo. L u n d bounded n o r t h h .v llnlininuller, cast by Willow Wallt. south by C. Are. 2 acres SO-1,3 1 ,1- 5(1 Pi 70 ine 10 25.53 11.1 Acre 20 5-03 I VV. A. Sinllli, 40. 50, r.l I) and land bouiulcd north by Medfo rd lload, 20. Andrew Piisluwskl & wire. East liy I'liyllls . Slrci t, west by browns Lane. cast hy Clark Est., sou Hi hy Middle Island 7.0(1 7.(10 I VV. V.' in.-l. -ver, 2:5 to 2!) inc. 10 I' . A. L u t z . 52 Pi 50 Inc. 20 532. Itoscoo C. Clock, Blue Point. l„ni-l Schwartz, west by .1. N. Ncwlns. 47xl3B acre , S200.4!) Lino, west hv Cherry Ave., Oakcrest Park. oasl by J. linglcv,south by Pine Woods Moriches . H u i l d i n w and land bounded 3/5 feet S91.07 7.0(1 ! VV. C. P e e v e s .V Sehaliewcll ' 15-1. 51ary P. WSiificrnth, Heliport. Lnml Lots 1110. 1117. 100x400 reel v M a i n l a n d , cant by M, T. I' , llovb- . fill lo 02 i n c , 20 hounded norlh b Inc., west by Scliuctt St Pino Woods, IIS . S15.74 031. John Donato &. Wife. Patchogue. 3.74 n n r l l i by m a p of M o r i c h e s Hay Park , No. hnuiiiled n o r t h b v It. hllenzor. cast by lic.i l l v Corp.. 30. 41) .... 10 20 4.03 i H. II. Holier. 01. 05 $51.13 N e w m a n , soutii and west liy South Hay Building and hind bounded north by J. 310. Lester Redmond Tilistcc, Holtsville. acres . 5.03 00. cast by M a i n St.. soulh by Wasyl ilrewBtcr. south lay 4.03 1( 1. VV. V i i u n u ', 41, 42. 43 .... 10 P.. I) . Frost. 1. 2 21 Holding Corti 1.7 acres $14.(1:1 Cni-1 454. . J. Keyset- Jr., ltidfic. Land Fourth SI., west liy Huililln K .mil land hoiuided north hy L. I. W, Kaznowsk'. by Donato, east by Union Ave., south by M. 7. 0(1 K a / . n o w s k l , west .1 . P. Collins , (1 't o 1.0 I n c . 11 VV . C. llceves & Schabcivcll 1/1S H. IL, enst by Nettle Schullz, south h.v bounded n o r t h hy Itoulc i!5, east by Pino 535. Marlon n. Fields, llluo Pnlirt, Krny, Poller, Sutclill, W. Sinn, & Daly, $401.40 Lot 37. Map 001, J. A. WnUiltv. 11.11) 150 X 100 feet C l l n l i i i i M . i l , 11 to 111 i n c . l t llenlly Ooip.. 8 lo 23 S 103.42 "Woods Inc., south hy Phu- VVoods Inc., Hiiililing and land bounded nortli by H. west by Caroline- Wright. 50x250 feet acre S7,lir> H u s t l n , west h .v Loull's. 13 acres 32. Kdilli M. K n o w s or Unknnwii Ownibevvell I VV. C . Itei ves ,t- Scll. inc., 40 to 50 Inc., 56 SOO.10 •Stevenson, east b .v Kvnns Amilyvlllt310. KiiRchcrt Slcsliartner & Wife, west by R . Hauso, 3 acres 155. 13. II. T n l f r c c , llclliiorl. Land er. F.asl Moriches. Land bounded north S113.33 0.11 l l e n l l y C H I P .. 1!) In 40 to 0.1 Inc., 70 21 457. Krncst & Katlicrlne J u n u k , Kidiic Dairy, south by H. KehlenliQck, west b y liy (ircal Smith May &' Count, cast by hounded norlh a n d west hy Varro-.v liny, Holtsville. Lnnd botuui-ci! n o r t h and soulh G32. John Donato & Wife, Patchogue. Inc.. 43 lo 53 inc., OD 21 4.03 I' n k n o w n Owner. 21. 25 ... Bulldlnit lnml hounded nortli h v Here Hell Ave. 50x115 feet andby Strom, cast b v Natures Gardens, west east by Nnmnv Hay, & ll'lviven Town . . SlOll.lO 'Building and land bounded north by WilSliiriO's Omni & SulTolk County, noutli by 11 5.07 In 05 inc 21 -II in 45 inc. A . fl . W a l k e r . Tiuislccs, south hv 15. II, Toli'l-ec. 35 liens by LhlKc Drive. 150x*55 feet S25.43 T.ecp, cast by Chin-buck, south by Upton east by Union Ave, s<iulh by II 7, (10 A t l a n t i c liceiin, wesl liy Sturccs & Ilnnn. 7.011 M. D a v i s , 54 lo 511 lnc .1. ']'. Itclsy, M lo 05 inc, 21 ;I2I, Arlhtli- & Cliarlotle Terry. Ilolls- j Vnlloiiii! Forest, west by Thomas, 3 acres . 537, Etncsl Fournell, Hlue Point. I.nnd liam Perry- west by C. O. Wright. 50x350 aia.wj $51.5.7 houndeil norlli by Georiie E. S t r i f f l c r, enst .1, Donato, '* '¦" I. Iiiivls , 1 12 4.21 30.00 Acres !¦' W e l n l e , till to fill Inc. 1:1 S35.33 150. H. It. Tnlfrcc. Heliport. Lnml villo. IlulldlnK and lnn«l bounded niu-tli by " ' 40. A l f r e d VV. Heck. Center Moriches. feet S31.02 7.0(1 VV. C. llceves & Sclialiewel l . 22 l. *"fF. Fleet, 1 to 5 Inc. 401. MniRai-ct Palcrniii, Itldifc. Land by H. llueslile. soulli b .v Hourgnolben, Land biuincli -il n o r t h hy A. Heck, cast by hounded n o r l h hy K . Sinllli ,»t; E. It. 'lul- I'orlinn Road, ensl h .v A. E. Terry, soutii 035. Nicholas Dims, Patchogue, Builiilng wesl hy Tnvvn Line or Eilcndale Avr- . l l c n l l v C H I P ., a, 12 to 24 VV . C. llceves ,v Schnlicvvi-ll frcc (ninhilaiul), ensl by Tiiiffce (mnlii- by S. 13. Terry, wes! by Wn.slilngtoii Ave. bounded n o r t h by I'lnc Woods Inc., cast Mitilli by rljjlit of way, HowIhiion Ave, east St., and land hounded nortli by Sixth SIIS.LO I n c . 20 to 35 inc.. 44 to Iteally Corp., II t«i 15 Sll,l.(i7 b .v Union N a t i o n a l Forest, south lay llu- 1 ncrc illlch Lane ,-VVeci:ar, west b .v Mrs, Fred lnnil) & SulTolk C o u n t y Property, soulli 7 ncres 47 Inc.. 50 Kl 5!l Inc., 02 541. Anna M a n d l e u r , Blue Point, blin d by II. H, Conklin Jr., south by R, WcstInc., 21 to 25 Inc., 33 S10.51 322. U n k n o w n Owner, Ilollsvllle. Laud pont. west b .v Sally Lane. 1 ncre :l.i by Toll' ree (bench properly), U. S. Const Acres SI00 .01 llowdlleh Wi-ccir. 2 away, west by N. Dins. 100x120 feet 12 0.1 1 lo (14 lnc In 37 inc., 41 to 45 Inc ., 402. WdlUani !•'. Pausewanil. Uidilc bouiMled north by A l e x a n d e r Ave, enst 41. Allie d VV. Heck. Center Modelled. (luai'd. Lauds nf Suli' iilk Cou n ty, Gulden bnmidcd north by New SI,, cast h y Lot 1, S40.03 12 4.<>3 5.07 II. K. dross, -1, 5 53. 54, 35, Oil 10 71) inc. 22 (Into Clardcns Inc.. west by Hrooklinveii Onlicrcsl Park, soulh¦ hy L. I. Ave. wesl BulldiiiK iVn tl land bounded norlh b .v Med- anil -wesl by Leeds, soulh by A. Svveie .v, 030. Edwin 1) . Ell, PatchoRiio , "-liuldlni! * 7.711 Iluildliii: acid l n n d h o u n d e d north by A. Town Tnistces. 22 7.00 !¦', II. VYiilTiii 'i'. fl In 11 Inc. 12 ford Hoiul, east by Scliociisler .\ Irwin, CI, H u l i c r & S. Clroenhaum. 2 acres •I . Zllkc. 10 lo 20 Inc. . . . . lo 11 noint, ! / i acre S 1:111,53 S15.74 v llnloii Ave,, s o u t h b .v Hci'iiHtcin, east b. St., and land bouiulcd north by Fordham 2a tn ]¦ 7.Oil .1. F. Wclnlielinor. 25 $1,1,72 VV . '. (' renter, HO l" 30 inc. 22 W l l l l n m s o n, Holtsville. soulh hy Wildwooil Iload. west by Peconic .'127, Trnysln 1511, Joseph AUiinlcr, utnnkonkoiiKi. 1.2011 • cast by Jl- Dcglola, south by Kl-ile Otis, 12 II.:?.. B u w d i t c h . west by Senlx Creek . 4.113 Inc. C. A. S i'x a u r r , 31. 32 .'. . .. 22 S110.27 llililiUni: and luaul liounilcd north b;.- BiiildhiR and In 'ncl l i n u n d c d norlli _ liy lloli- llond, mi ncres 543. Frank MflKlino, llhio Point. Hulld . wesl by Aniodt'o, li acre Acres Vi'MM S41.7H 1(1 O'Cl-lldy, 40 liur 12 7.U0 30 . 5.03 IV. P. I". II. C h r i s t i a n , .'III, on, 40 22 403. Pine Woods Inc.. R h i n e . U u l l d l i i K Ins and laud bounded n o r t h by 1', .1, 111 Earl E). .1- .liiscphliic Dcpcw. C c n l c r Iluelllniicr. nasi l i y H a w k i n s Ave, mnitli lnsiiii Ave, ensl hy Sherlock, s o u t h and 1 G'.«). Hinnnlil It. Kvorctt & W i f e , Put12 4.21 7.00 .11. I ' l i l l l i i i .-i. 41 .1 . Mc Hoiinirr; 40 tn 50 Inc, 22 $44.(17 and land hounded iicu-tH hy llce.i- Loep, AvIUiblc, .»: S. Falzone, eust by Wells M. choguc. IlulldliiR and lnnd boundeil north M, A. 5Icl/ii'cr Est,, wesl by *Vlclziwr west hy Ili-oda. 'fi ncr-c l l n l l d l i i K nnd liind h n t u i d c d hy .|.IM Moriches. 11.35 11. II. W i l l i a m s o n . 42, 43 .... 12 22 I" . H i l l , 50 lo 00 Inc. . . . cast by Dew FltiK, r.imlh h .v C a m p "Upton, CnrloiiKli, ,v C c g l l n , south b .v S. Cord, 1 /4 3211, Cl cuirito Cain|i))4ell, Holbrook. Land Kst. acre *UI0ai '. I>. I hiwkiiis. cast liy Lake 11111th by <. *>.(« K. I.. Mii-ki-l, 411, 40 by II. SlmkolV, cast by Chestnut Ave., Ti 4.W! VV. .1. Ktnwiirl. 1 In a lnc, 23 west hy Seventeenth til. 11.0 acres l(>;i. I r v i n / i lKci-nstcin, Koiikonkuiiiii. bounded n o r t h by A n a l , C i t y Co,. Mnp 0, west by Sinllli . Mlgllnii, l l c i n c r , C'eulUi, south hy .1. Vnn I.ocuwen. wesx hy L. 4 .f»:i SI., south by Cedar SL„ west b .v V. & Lnnd liounilcd north by nortli by Mills ensl hy Dnvles & Oilman, soulh by L. I, I.. [•:. Iliisscnlinch. 110. 01 12 VV. C. llceves ts Sclnilxmvcll 530.115 Sylvester, & llimmurt, 1113x140 feci C, Vcntl. 1.2 Acres $1114.01 S104.03 Wicks. 50x170 feet (1.1 12 4.21 II. .1. I l r a n n . 3 4, 11 •104, Pine Woods Inc.. Rldfie, IHilldliut llenlly Corp.. * Siril,7(! ¦ill. Ibirr . -v S, Dlsliiirt. Center Mcu-lidics Path, ensl by Hudson Avn ., south hy lt, ll„ wosl b .v L. 11, "I'ouirord, 73 acres 043. (Icorge Fordham & Wlft. Pat12 4.2U I . C. llav-l.'i . (Hi lo III Inc.. Ill In 23 Inc., S,'I12,I10 and land hounded mirth by I'llznhclh lliiildini! n ml l n n d linundcd n o r t h , ensl M c t a n c r list,, west by Sinittitown Lino. A. Mechoiincl Land bounded north h.v 543. Craco A. M u r p h y . Blue 1 'iilivl, 12 4.21 M. Soul l i i r . l t . 00 83, :ii, Wny, enst by Pine Bark, south hy l i n e r ar. in an inc., iFail.,17 332, Gustavo Kolcnsld , Holbrook. Land » ncrc H t i l l d l n g and land h o u n d e d north Uy Mullen, C. D u n h a m , & CI. I'oosch & J, 12 4,21 and .soulh hy I I , lllsliarl, wufil hy Manoi I) . I. vim, 70 172. \V. A. (Jockerhiini, ISmikonkniiin. boundt'd north and south hy Schlssel, cast l.oep, west by KniR & Miller, 12 ncres & 40 iii r.;l inc., 57 in (in Illed. ,';¦ ll.- illroiid Ave. 1 /1) Acre S100.HI Ilfil.«r.>y K. H'llson, ensl hy Hide Point Ave,, Flgiiorhi, cast by P. I l e n j n n i l n, south by " Inc., 07 lo 70 lnc 23 n.ll VV. C. Kccvcn .t- Sclialiewell S7.-I.7l i ncrc L n n d h o u n d e d ncir'.h hy Tlilrd Kb. enst by i\vc. A, west by L«ui so & Ors. ! t l l s l i a r t . C e n t e r M.ii'lches . ' S. 40. I h i r r . s o u t i i by Kiln Mimleltli, wesl by Jack liar, l l l g h t of "Way, or A, Dlnnllns, west b .v 4.21 l l e n l l y Corp.. 21 to 30 ¦105. Pine Woods Inc. Rldifc , Dniuilni.' 23 $1Q,I!3 A. I) . Iluiiiundcr, 7 liy UlcCnrlliy & Plllger, couth hy Siiciind S35JH hurl, llllxl'lll feel SHIO.ffl Louise Smith. lVfi acres 15 4, 21 Land biiun-ib-d n orlh by Iluhei- St., ensl St.. west b v Sehcibcrt. '-j ncro 4-llll Ine 23 .1. II. P l o v e r , II. Il IMS , Leo Steidel, Ilollii-nnk. Land Hound- and lnnd bounded norlh hy Klt?n 'n c t h KlilHV . St., noiilli by llolilnsiiii hy Huso 5iicnlc 015. Heimlnlck I'u u n r o . Pa-tcliogtie. lll.lii! ••¦*} .1. A , S l i n l l l l , 31 tn 40 Inc . 13 540. .Sylvester McLniiiihlln. Hlue Pnliit, "5 A. .1. Tlumii'i'. 10 174. A n n a Cuiibny, llnnkniihnitiii . lliiild- ed n o r t h hy Leeds, c-nsl hy Jlnpln Ave, Way, He I'c r u t l l i H l i n m * llruniicr, enst by west hy Cinnii. ot I'lihllc VVc lfaro, Hlecl liuilding luid lnnd liounilcd norlh by East VV. C. Itccvcs ,1 Hclllibcwcll 4.. Iluildliii, and lnnd bounded norlh by 23 ' II. M. C r a w f o r d , 17 Slid .11 ini! nnd bind hininded nn,'li» hv Laurel smith by Powers, west liy York Mini 777. Cresceiil How, llo I t c r n i i i i K h n m , smilh by Slxlli Sl„ <'iist by J. Ilergcn, south by W, • ,v Ors, 1(> Acres l l e n l l y Ciirp,, I In 35 23 .1 . R Slllili>li-rs, 24 'J.-1 S10.S3 M. I'lillei', west hy Plousunt View & Smll h St.. ennl b .v llavld r o r l c r . soulh by Horn, west by Wavcrly Ave, vi acre v 150x120 feet 51 , linya ril C. Fennel- Jr. CcnUo- .11or St,, cast b .v Summer Nowlnii , soulli b . 0,35 5(1 to 00 lnc 14 1 4 1 3 Inc. ill, Siirliighorn, west by A n n a 23 SS.1.1U L0"""'" VV , llllllllcs, 2ft, 3(1 * Ji.'ifl, U n k n o w n Ownnr, Ilolbrnolc, Land llruniicr, 4 nerns Cnvc, wenl by I'lfslisnvc Ave, 00.<I)-1 feel $11,1.33 7.011 iclic.'i, b a u d ' linitiidcil n o r t h liy Scilii'Miicn 4-11 .1. II. Scllacli , :t0 In 40 Inc. 14 411(1. Pine Woods Inc., llldKe. Land fillxirill feet $03,47 .1 . II, W a r e , 33 $D7,(iri bounded n o r l h by U n i o n Ave., enst liv 23 Land 017. Daniel ,1. Gnle. Pnteliogiie-. 7.CM lload. caul hy AiTlscunli Creek, scuith li) I) . VV. JlilM'll. llll lo 70 lnc, 14 H . I.. Mac K u y , .'111 to 40 175. A n n n Conhiiy. Konknnitniiii. lliiild- W i l d , soutii by Ilnllruiid Ave, -west by liounilcd n o r l h h .v Hemic 25 & 13, I'ci.un, filJO. Antiiiie Prcnzcl, llluo Point, hnntl Ano, west hy U n i o n Ave Fcniicr .Ir. and Sieger, & 1 1. J. Halo, m i r t h by II. 10 7.011 7.1)11 V, VV. Frew, (1 in 10 inc 23 cast by E. Pclltos & Pine llni -k, soulh by bounded north by I t o i n u n o Urns ., ensl by hounded G:-!c, ine, JIOO.III ini: a n d land h o u n d e d n n r l l i hy Care , l a n d f o r m e r l y of booths. I!'.-, ncres •1. 14 Acres snittii hy Voiing, west by S. east by (. l l l n c l c f o r d , 11 to 15 ' . II. JM> I' . W. Soliiis, 41 In 4fJ Inc. 23 S"0,!0 (lull Dip, west b.v ,1, llclln & Sawyer, 10.7 L'l i k n n w n (nviu-r & I' litcliiiKiii ^ ' Lnkes An53. M a r r y llni-l & wife. Center Moriches cast hy K. II. INow'Jii E.H-, soulli by S43.11II Illnes , 5 1/0 acres 10 7.CK1 !">. !.I lnc S7,H3 nex, Sec. II, el- Ilnhei'l W c s t a w a y , sniir .h S. .1. M, Ilnbs-in, 54, 55, .1(1 .... 23 337, U n k n o w n Owner, llolhrnnlc, Lnnd acres ncro Iluildliii,' a n d l n n d hiiutidcd n n r t l i b .v A Noilcrns. west by- IMcfuiuro A v e . 1/5 LiiU Clclclic, Palchogue. Land 051, Kr. K; .Scliiiluiwcll C. Ileevcs \V, ' SSO.lii! bounded norlh and enst hy W i l d , soulh 4- 1 23 •107, Pine Woods lnc, lliilKc lltilldlni; b.v n, Hdwards fc N, G r a y , west hy T, c . I,. Achcrniiin. 00 Vlvone, cast by Mollltt Mn p 00-237, .soul] bounded n o r t h hy 11. G a r r l t a n, enst by llenlly Colli., 10 In 20 VV, (' Il'-i'vcii A- Srhnbcwi-ll 170, A n n a ll, Cnrni-ly. Honkoiikomn . by Union Ave,, west liy Mnnlo /We. ''i nml land hounded n o r t h mid went by F. nlni' Mt'iirotli Ik U n k n o w n Owner. .'IllII'10 I). Van It roil sky, & N . Hoc, south by HI, 4.-14 bv Peter Ellinil , wesl by llrookl'ichl Ave HiillilInK n n d hmil bounded n n r l l i unci acre Inc. & 5(1 I n 01 Inc. . ., 10 He H e r m i n c h n n i , cast by L. M l r i i l t l l , s o u l h acres l l e n l l y Corp., I In 5 SHl .ffil $1112.71 Itohlnsiin, west hy pine Neck .Ave. Hi . Acre $100.31 '• 10 7.011 :«i In 40 lnc, C. A. K e n d a l l . l.ccp. 1 ! ncres *23 v llccr S'l'l. In r^ ! Hllil h , U n k n o w n Own er. I l n l h r n o k , l and . Ini ' ., 7, II. I I , 12. .11. .Vl .vii.iu L. Hulse Center Moriches smith liy Kyrync os, cist hy Lake Sllcs, 551, M u n n Ilyder, llluc Point. Httll dln .'l acres $27.33 ¦ (l.:.]5 A, I!. S'l i p p c 'ls, 31 In 51 lnc, 10 •1011, Pino Woods Inc., HldKc Huilcllni : S-OM.-li! hounded n o r t h to 11 i>nl>il. cast by Wycll, no inc., an, no, :-m lo Iluildliii! mid lnnd linundcd n o r t l i li; VVC K I hy Vli'Kliiln A v e 4.3 nc:-i032, Frank Clclclic. Pnteliogue. Land and land bounded n o r t h hy VV. (Irecn vv , W. (' . Hecves & Sclinbcwcll 1711, J o h n Curtis Kstiilc, l ionkiinltniiiii, Kleiner, Kei-rnnto it Ors., south ii .v Poller- and land hounded ncirlh hy Itoulc. 25 & cast Ivy Hell Ave. south by G e r t r u d e n .v hniinileil n o r t h by 1), Croc-nan, east by N, 4"40 Inc.," r.l lo 55 Inc., Ave, Sou! Hell, east by Union s m i t h hj It v 0 lo 25 l l e n l l y l.'urn.. , s o u l h b .v 24 ••- •< (ill lo 03 lnc 11. W. .liimcs, wesl by V>r. W n r n c r . i, ( llvilliliiiil nml litml hiniiulctl n u i t l i hs' sun. west hy T. A. It. "Webster M a n , 1 acre llaiilcy. oust b .v Hull IVlmin llond dec, west hy Allele Hii|,',iVt, 122x120 fe.'l Hoc, sniilh hy ,1. Sonic, west by I'Liui N e c k Inc. . Ml I" '»> Inc. 5S. .• i in.... .1 IM 4.-1 , (lull 4'/j ncres (, Dip, west by How FI IIB SI 0.23 Ceilnr ' nivi! Mai» , cast oy llv-oi'tnn, mmlli S11.0II . SI 11,1. Oil Ave.. 50s221! reot ¦"¦' r..ri7 Acre 17 r.n. r.i). 00 553,30 •'¦ ;j 310, J o h n A l t n n a s l i i ,v ClmrUn flnlnt - siowui-t. II. m 511, Ahren Mcn ltl, Ciintnr M u i l c l i c s by Smllhs ltonil, "West by I'lscotla. 2 IIITCM H5:i. Frank lllcicho, Patchogue. liuilding HI 7.C10 55-4 , Mrs, H u d s o n S l l l l , Illtie Piiiisl. 4. .1 \V, llnlcu, 1 to R l n c •Iflll, I'lnc Woods Inc., llldnc, Lnnd 81-111,57 l a n d , Cut-nni , Land hoiinrleil north by Fells 24 ll . II. Woni'cr. 13, 14 l l i i i l d i n i ! J IIH I l a n d liiiuiiiled n o r t h li; bu u n d e d nortli by 1.. II C J T V , cast and land ¦ , 0 I II Hi lnc Ill 7.CII I. K. Cnhli 7. lfll, Sarah liccl.ccn, Honknnluinin. lliiild- I, enit hy VV. ,1 . l^ riiclilh-h. rnitilli houiiilcil n o r t h b .v Wills, etui by Mcili 'nrd Iliillcllng and land liounilcd norlli mid hy M a p of Hoc Ave. Est., south Jiy .1. A, •I . A. T u r n e r , 111 tn 22 Inc. 24 7.011 A l i c e Oaks-, cant by 50 fool rliihl of w n y 4. .1 K. A, l.lffi'liu:, 11 In 15 lite, 111 .. . Hini-. nnd l a n d I I I I M I I I I CI I n n r l l i by llnvvlilns by A. l-wiminrwRlti, vvnst hy 13, S. Sllll. lload. son th to n iniliit, west by lied M '.pic 'cast h .v F. A h r a n i s , Miut. 'i by South CI I I I I I - H a m i l t o n , west by I'lnc Nock .Ave. l-i •i . VV. Frli-sm-i' . 27, 20 (liu'deiis, tVI. wesl h v A soiiili hv C . f. 5,11,71 try Iload, west by Kilmir K in g , 3 ncres ¦• • VV , (' . Km.'Vi'ii i ' .'iclinliewcll 31-1,711 llond. ,7.n.fl acre c . F. Nelson, 31 In 3,1 Inc. 2 $130. II: Kst. and School, i-ast hy iSli-iiltunsnii. «l!i 5 acres S'i7.13 Hci ',.o|.' . INI X 100 f e e t l l c n l l v (' m i l ,. 10 lu 211 SIJMII .EKI acres 7. I 470. Pine Woods Inc., III I I RC . lliiildini! Anne CniTailii , Coram, Land .'112, ( ' . I.. S m i t h , 'II In -in Inc. '!• HO . Fran Id in Me n III. C c n l c r M m l c h e ' i by l l l f i h w u y , wesl by Lake d rove Sclinnl. (1.1-1, W i l l i a m Cordon. Pnlclin .lii--. l l n l l d HI 4.21 inc.. 2(1 In IW lnc ¦• • 'anii. nnd laud h o u n d e d n o r l h hy Timber Drive I)!) ' I ' f u n i l s l n i n , Piiiiniled n o r l l i by ,1, SllilMia l55n . Miielon VV , Slroni! Est., llliiu Pnlnt, liiK and liind liotindeil n o r t h by VV , llras.s. i nc res A , l„ ( n n h i ' l c , 40 tn 0(1 Inc. 21 biilblliii: .mil hind l u u i n i l c i l i in r l l i !v * 1 10 7.011 |.;. h'lsliec, C ¦ liy llcyiu-r , soutii . Meilfni-il llnml, casl. * ; :n:!A. Pln lc. Iliinkniikcim'i. tiu'cl ors Ave. enst by ;\vc. It .», Plniiil- «: Iliillcllng and !:«iiil h o u n d e d n o r l l i by I' ur- hci'Kcr, east by C o n k l i n Ave., sainth by I.. D i i r a l n . 5(1. 57 IM ll.:i:i U n w e l l hi Irs . ensl hy (' . V. Iludcckcr l i n u n d c i l Hv:' i, Fi-elilicl ;, 2 In 5 Inc. - - 10 4.11, !!• n o r l h liy N e w t o n i'-lst,, ensl by slcllt, smith by H e n j a i n i i i llliceo. West hy bv lOnide Drive ci- Sp a n n e r , west hy Wild- Kiilorj l.'1-ci'k. i- .isi b .v s t u r d y Ilouies Inf., F l i n t Sinll li, west hy J. Sobel u nil A n n , • i . II. Liiiinu, 04, 05 iiniiih hv liiwoiid St,, wesl by Tlni'iia *"*¦ * VV , C. Hecves -i1".' Mclililicwcll Avoi-nioi -e I' uil!, isniiili b .v Hill I H n a d , wi .sl ,lllW' |l|l ,1'UV.ZO & 11(111 llllI 'll-lt. I.I1IH llll, 'III, wood llond & (H u n t Oak Hoiul , (14.770 sun Hi b .v I'l i r i c k SI,, west by VV, II, Vi ncrc 75 N 270 feet S02.7 l l l l i l s o i l ti S i n l l l i . I" . lt. Mlnnlinll, HO In 70 Inc. 21 S.17.0',1 Ite.'.lli Corp,, li In 11! Sl(i:i,ll7 i i i i c i i i c . r,5.v:io5 root ncri-H 7 '"' 11117,441 ¦II), l.'orinn (lardens, .Sec, 3. II JUi-ren s7i, o:i li . I., Wllinn. 1 t" 15 lnc '-'r' (1 1. F r a n k l i n C. . V l c c r l l t . Ccnlci- film liy lliihimck. 7 acres 0511. VVil Ham .1, Cl i'nssbcrger A Wife, ' i n c . 21 In 25 Inc., 27 Lnml 471. I*|.H' VVnoils Inc ., Illdifc. SI 0,07 HI7 , Wnllci- r- l l c l l i y , IlKiiliiinkiiiiio, '.V , C, lIl 'I'VI-K & Sclll ll>l 'tt -l 'l l , l i u i l i l i n i : and l n n d houiiilcil nor! 55tl. W a l l e r Suytlniii ,lr, Ksl,, Hlue I'nlul. Hiiildlnii a n d laud liiiuuded lelics . ' ileliniaie. I' ID 4.fill in 30 ine 315, Clcni'i'o C, Ki l.llllnil rdwitnls, liiiundcil n o r l l i hy ' r c l n k e n . ensl hy Nolle I l i i l l c l l n e . a n d l e n d lioiinilcil n o r l h by (I, 1'. iioclh Ii v A. llciinhiii. cast by C i i n k l l i i Laivl l u u i n i l c i l 1111 rlli by vS'iiriK-r L a n e riii-l It ,. ally I'ni'ii .. 0 In 11 . 7.00 hy P O I T I 'I T'.'i'i' .v. e- 'sl hy Lain' Avi- ,. sniill L. A. i.tfi ' i'iiiii. '.n in 20 lnc 10 h .i Moll, v.iitli hy l-lnsl Laldi 'L'oriMcn, vvn.l Coram, r l t i l l d l m i nnd hind boiiiiil "d n o r l h it l.oncek.i , .smilli by I' rvi/liil llrnnlt H n a d , lleeker. ei"-'. pi S H I l n i n n s Creek, soulli by Ave., siitilli by Willliiin Gordon, wesl by Inc ., .11. In 111 l n c, 33 In by O'. ni I' M iei, wesl hy Ccnrilc M. S i n l l l i V 0, 11(13 ncres S33.0II ' VV, " l ' . l t e' VI-1 . ; H r l l i l l l e i V I ' l l *! •>¦ ,1, I* , Sinnl west hv Finn Hnad. $lll l:i K u n i p , easi liy Coniiii -.Vil, Ib ii'viilln MisLOd 1'cct * h , v by SlKli .il i. 311 Inc. 41 in Oil lnc, Jimi-jili V.' . Snyclaiii, wort b^ M i d d l e H IIIK I, .1. Siihel d Ano. la ncrc fill X Hill f e e t Sii.'i.U:i ;; 1 In 5 Inc., , Cii'-p,, |t" 'i l ' v l.anil Hi. -leei", 472. I'lnc VVi .nds Inc.. Illihic, 4 , .,1 I fin , A n n i e 11. .1 . S l i e r n i a n A. day, linn- l l o a d , smith h .v HI, Sllll, west by VV. ,1. I!!} Vv" 11, Cnvcn, II , PI 113. J n l i r . A, Pi -niiy. Ccnlci' rilorlcl "." (1511, Carrie i\ Clrinin. Patchoitii.', H u i h t $II7, '70 n, ii -ii 11 in no im* . S1HI.P2 hiiiindeil norlh by I'.ln I ' l n c lload, ensl 7. Bl'i acres , Itnukoni.i. I lullili UK mul l a n d li 'iuinlrcl Fi' .ielillcki. VV , Clii-lntlc, 14 to 11! Inc. M.1 n u i tl i li I l u i l d l i i i ! n n d lnml I K I I I I I I I I 'I I ini! and l a n d hiitiiided n o r t h by Division (1 Oi '» Inc. 211 7.00 557, ( . niivvn Owner, Mine I'uliil. Unl' I.nml . '-iuii". noiics, soutii h v Timber . ¦• 1 11, l „ Neii :ili!, (!<'(irn< ! &• Susan l l o l n u l i c k . C'lir am. h .v Sully I ,:111c & .' n n r l l i hy I' lii-llnra H n a d , ensl by Knn|i|i- 1l l e r h o w l l / . I'Vc ', .*'.- Levey, ensl by ill St.. ensl by A. Lntciiiiiii.1, south by L, • I . II. rii f w n t ' l . Ill ' II a:i Inc. 25 ! W. C, 1,'ncves ,<J SclllllieWcll and land liuiinrlcd i i w 'li h.v Drive it' Cnoncs, wi 'Nl hy Ci'.v slai Ilrunk h n u i K h ' d nnrlh b .v Koimnio Urns., ensl by llcarslcv, vvest by fl, Sokup. !i acre 23 ' •V . P o l l a c k , 24, 35 llni'olt. w e s t hy .1 . lleci'H n m l A i m wi"i ,v- M' , J.-iv, .v.uili hv Vi.ll/p -i-T Mai> , ivcs l II11II1II11K Sl.' l . Oll l.iltl.i P i i l e h n g l i e Creek S: lo 11 i m l n l , Ki' .' d ly Corn., (i In III SfiU',2 Farnici -B Ave., ennl h .v A. Cnrrailo. soulh llond, 5, "'7(! ncres by 11, A. .lay, 2 j arred '!• ¦ 25 IV , fi C, Cdrlincli, I'll. 27 S07.ll: svw.ii 'Vere 'ii by Ihilnii A v e I n c . 13 lu 15 Inc. , 10 I n 473. l'lne W m i d r , Inc. Illilii e. Hvilhllii'i mini ii hy Pii ' i'luiimi' Lukes A n n e x . See. tl. 2<VV .lay N , N i-wliin .ll' .. !Son 'iimUiMui, by .limci-h l'nv-.'/ti, west l.i .v M, l i m - i r a , <-nst * • ' . ,1 , Mc Calif. 211, ' 21b 30 23 ¦'- ; 1 (Kill . Mai -Ion Hayes, Patchogue. Land 01. Aiill -'nii .v I' t'ofci-n. Ccnlci' Miii'lchc ¦:. lnc '••' SIHI. 417 -. '»• » I hy !• ¦ of Lots -111, 47, Coa 'niu C n i ' d c n - i, N'n. 3. and land b o u n d e d noi -lli hy (I. I l v r n e . cast West Ii .v A . I' i' iiiizi-I, 11 2 10 iii-l - i'ii • and lniul luuinilci l n n r l l i Ilullili , 11! ¦•"• luiiiiulcil n n r l h by li St,, by M. eas t hoiuided n o r t h hy S i x t h J. T. A n d e r s o n, llll, IV» H i . i l i l i n r . land l a n d -'' -21 '1.!I3 S, 1' 1' , 'llllck , 1*1. 25 55;I, I' nknovv n O w n e r F.iiie P o i n t . 1,11ml P r u d e n t , »«intli by It. Wcslnway. we st liy . SI 111,51 hy I 'p t n n N'n t l i i n a l Fni'i'sl, s n i i l h h .v U n c l e N i i v v i n n lllvd.. e nsl hy Suiuiici' N'civlmi, 1 acre II , l l u i i n .«.- illc ( l u l l . i n , III lee C I I I I I I '.-' i i p i 'i ' i i t l n i : Cnt 'p,, eii'il 'iv .. . . _ „ , .1 W, C, llceves ,"4' Sclinlii'ivell • icrcs r Corn 111. Land llond, we.-il hy Sally banc. 13.5:111 . nnrlli by VVa vvi' ly Ave., oust by II. I l o r i o n . 50\i:!H feet w l n n Si-, b u u n d ' d ivest by ,lay N'c :i4!i. Kmiiornvvsld, Meeker , I'Vlht J. smi lli bv r .Oti e-il A l s l . u i t , so ivi'sl Ivy W Mcnl (15 \ !l. .inlli h, In Inc -' 7.' 11 i >:i' . ,7'l I' aleiiiipiic l,iilii-s A n n e x , See. 5, M I I I I I I I >,V C c i l l .v (' oi l' .. J In iO ClOlll.l liounilcd iini'tli hy ICiiiiuu'invalil. e.-isl hy In ,- iei-c " 3120.1 ''l illlli . l,orcti .-.(i ll , llcndriclisoii Jl: WH'c, .1. II, (llhliii. 11(1 In 7G lnc, 25 K! .5. 15 I' l'eell, W", jic.-cs L a n d I' l i l c d o g u i . I.nki -'i A n n e x , Sec. 11, west by •17 1, I'l lie VVonds Inc., Itbbic. bic. 2.1 lo 2.1 l n c l'.D7. M i i r l n Phi mo, Hiiiikiiiilmnia , llul hl- VV. ,1, Frni'hllch, s o u t h h y .1, W h c l n n , went Hiiildln ii n n d lnnd s u i u i i i l i '.l ¦ ' :;i, ' „.-v. 3H. 21, :!'! VV , C. llccvi'K *; Si'linlii'ivi'll 73. Meliolii'' -1' M n r .v Soivlnk, Ccnli DM .. . «:5 , 11, r u i i u i p 11, V V I M i l r e . 1 7 1(1 .teres v De -..72,70 Patcliiigiie,,1, Hiipolo, cast hiinnileil n n r l h nnd west h . SI O.Ill 1 not-ill by Car-Ciiiiiniled by II, Wllshi-rc. Ill ii cros mid bind [liiic by I liy s. I), .u i i u c s i , L a n d lioinnletl n n r l l i n o r l h by , Moi'ieiii's l l e n l l y Con. ,. I n> III 7,01) 22 2( 1 Inc, soulh by ! lu 30 Clnnsiilvcs, li.-iui, I ' IIK I Ii .v Klni! .f; Kinic. 1 iil', iinvMi O n - i e r . |t|iu> P o i n t , l.n .t.l sinllli I iv < ink St., vvcit by M c i l f n n l Ave. A, N'eivlnn. Corniii . Land 5311. -v I i i i h n o w n (ivvui-r, l a m l h I.y 357. S. inicluiel. ensl h ' . Ave,, s m i l l i I east liy ucean Inc., IP ,Min ,11 11, lnc, 20, 27 to 31 SH!, 7.i liiitiliih-il nni'lli b y l. oii H i . a d . 0.1st by P u t I ncre VV, C, lli'cvi'H iS Kclin licwi-ll il'h, ' SI1111I St., vvi-i t by Pleiis'.irc Ave ' v hiiniided n o r l h liy Knit » Hnnil t 12. <'ii»l .Vlndi 'lliie Hoiul. ?IIIH.!!0 VV, C l u i p m a H 0 x t 7 3 feet. liy X: VI, Snwliili, west N, 42 In 45 Inc. Ill In *!!"< ¦ S H u l l 'l h u : clliu; ill ' A l l l l c x , See. II. s o u t h '.iv • 473. M i l l o n I' II II C I , llhl i.'c . He.illy coi n.. 0 to '« „„ S.fi7. ii:> hy K. II. Leeds, smith, h .v Old Town nnml , , „„ La n d 070. HciU'iind Curp,, PalclliHIiicShi, : I ac r e an •;• ;I inc., no, nn, 07 ''-fll1 UliNlfi O fe-el '•*> h"'. - ¦¦ a ' 1 i nc . HI I " '¦ l,im«l wet hy Cumin l l c l r d i t s . iS'o. 411(1. !i PITH and hind lioiinili-d n o r l l i h .v .Mlddl " I' miii- WllVfl 'lY Ave., wcs| hv I I . W l l s h h v . II15- X h o u n d e d m u l l i by .VI. Sh-gel it I.. Culu-n, I I 225 . M a r y Vnhni'ln, IloiiUiiiilioiiin, Ceiilcr '. S l n c i l h i l l i l , Mo 7,1. IVniii-lii 1' \: ,i, ji 'iin, 14 to in im- - •! .v, ;,oiPli by ; I ,:, K . sliotcsnniiKl. 11 to 75 $; O , I I I lev Ilniid, ciiil Ii .v I'lc-isaiH Vh' llll) feel I33II ..S7 casl hy E. Colby, south by Sunlli St.. west mi«l N e w l m i l l l v d . . east t'-v i hiiiUKled n o r t h I •>•' ensl (> ,»Clii'«nn ,v , 20 Iclii '-i , l.niiil hoimdcil n n r l l i and I *} —1 i nc. 3511, C n n i l l l n C n r n i n i . , Wenl "V' n p h i i n k H u l l Hip. wesl by I ' l n c H a r k , 21,- I I C I 'I - N , 501 ) . I ' liUnnvv n O w n e r, H i m - P.iiu ' . L n n d by Firm I L i P t i s I Church, !i acre ' • u " 11. Hlliiil. i i n i i i h by T h i r d Sl„ vc-,i 1 linutli hy Deli.- , wesl hy Diini .'lh. A SIII||I > .$^7.17 <' ¦;• j I f fi. Sluink, :!',', iii :in Inc. sn SS'.M.l'M Ilium ded nnrlli hv ,M \ .-- v . ', lll 'l-VIIK <•>' .Scliiilicwi-ll SIIIJII Land h n u n i l c i l n o r t h liy iliirilim llclii lils, 1I VV. ¦ pcili'ii. 110x110 fm.-l Laud 071. Kiuniiel Hinds, Pnlchiii'.iic. SHU ¦ I||..:,ll " ' •( hv A, llrnoklli 'lil A ve , (lOs-HK) runt A , Pi'inr, 41 I .mil I t> P o l le n , Hldlle. 170. M l l l o u I;;. Coi'P., v Hun. I" Wire , Hce 7, I ,(its 1 ,1- (III, c a n hv Allen VVilciiK , , li;il). A n t l i i i i i v Ansclniii & ., t ' .. i' in' L, hoiindcil n-Ji'lh by o, I., SchweiieKc l.a.ul ¦"' (' cnlcr Mni' .clu l'Hi /i -l. . s P. S1oi'ii"iii' ¦¦ I' . W n i n e i ' ' ' !', I 77, D a v i d K. ¦ -1J C .1, A ' i i n n n , nn. 57 I(» . wnsl li.iiuiilcil n n r l h b.v (lull Dip. cast hy Pious. N n v l c k . A. llni -i , ,".¦ V. -.; ..1 . -. i - i . . - 1- . nvsl (o III) . I'll li'iuniliM l s o u t h h v (li..'ilon See. ' lh-h :>ilh. • I I n c . ; Iiiinlminii. HnllilJiiK a n d la nd smith , by M . I-;, Wilson, l't els' al hup. > „ lioiinilnd n n i 'lli A •}¦-., n n d ln n d 7. . Kiilldliill - l hv A, l i a r 1 , Wenii , • , In • ..kiinvc n .!•:, null., r.n ;| 1 c. \v, Siu-ni'ii. (l -»ln 10 Inc. -• nni'lli hy Ccnlci - (Ini'il eini, cist by Wml-i - hv l.uts 14 In 1(1 |ne, it I In II Inc, II 11 tit View, son'li liy . M a d e l i n e \\.\v. w e3(1 hy i). L, Seliwoncke Land >v Imp. Co .. ' A . ,1, Knillll. HI I" I" I'l'" - !:" 7. 00 wesl by s l i i u ui- eui.l b v Cliicluu l cr Avi T'l I 11 |i iinci.n, -II I" l'5 I n c . "'I S7 «:i 1.111 In 11 i m l n l . 3 10 ni'l'c I n i f l i i n A v e ,, r.imilli liy Slnv-lk. wml li v m r e 'I'niv n Llll'' . 15 l l ' l d . . . 37l .o:i west hv Svvim Creek, Uli. acres S 17.00 rowi.i '.. n in 15 Ir-c. «fi w m i h hv I' l'ivni" iiniii i . ';¦ .i''i'" ' 7.0(1 .1. (I. Pnincc, (l« L a n d I'lip ¦177. II H I IM . Kldili', lini' , Milton I' HI! r'niTi 'M. rn Vup300, Laulovlco Chnli'ivuinle. Wott , J, 11. -, limn H I T r .' I lv M n p 1, 1 acre (172. ,1, .l.'i'oiiie llnnimi, I' atchniltce. Land . ¦!, .il' A W h i l e I m i i' f c n i I ' h i , HI . ' illm-iv I,. 711. Vniiilcrlin , l u l , ni . 501. Henry I'n (in, T, v, .'iiiilb'nn, 7" liiiuiiiled n o r l l i hy ' .nil DIP t< JI.- idcHiii ' A Sl'lin lil 'Wl'll ' llll( ' I l e e v c s Ciniloni iieli, h a n k . L a n d biiunilcil n o r t h by I Inn " u;i7.. Lelilla C r i i i K l n l l , litchoiuic. VV 111,1'lh by H l g h l a n d i of I' 1,11 h o u n d e d Ct-lil. Cenii'i' M m l c l i i ' s . H II II I II IH : mill Limit liiiiinilnil n n r l h h v .1 s i ' I c i l e i ^1 ' H e n l ly Con' - . 10 I" -" ESTATES Or W A O I N O RIVPR , llniltllilM nnd In nil lii iiiuih 'il i i ' i i l h t'l 11 bcrl. i-nrit by Linden I' lirl:. imillli h .v Cliim, iV' nv, e n s l by I'li'iis.inl View, sin ni l by I'lvu .Mill- LiioH I' ni'ii , .i S l a p 7:M, e i<t hy Nnrlh Ocean Avi- ., south ,. liiiuiiiled „r D 'lnl by Tlilii 'i ' im. norl li Mini 455 lllcd In SiilVnlk Ciiiiii ly C .loill . ' ' ' 'i VV, I „ llll ' p o i n t , eicd ' bv A'o r l h Wash liid' ni Ave., llciiillnli. , west b,v UcillPiii'l llnml, 1 a n c Kll/.nl .'clh W a y , wesl by I ' l n c ll.irli, :!3.3 . ,'" '. "'' H n i v n , and ln n d I'I I I ' III 'M'I .V n " Ch l e l i e i . i e Hnyd 11111 , ensl by l-'lvu M i l e l.oi.l. I'.iil; Ji liv Thomas. St ., F. INirri'll, K. Ilinynur vt »:i 1 Olllce, N i i v c i n br i ' HI, HH1 Sli7. si-i ,r,u 5 1 lu'i'cs S|.ilip;s!i.|,d, I" N, fl, mnilh liy WiilliM ,'*- si„ wcM hy 11.-my S t , i-r y . v Ucd IVi'lili 'I'c Mivith li , ennl liv U, Section 3 " ' ' .'v inc 7,UI IP l I**, I' , Hlll'l. 0 lu 10 IW .^(..isi-tl lu Loin lock Assessed to .. -. Lots Illoek Assessed lit Lois Illoek