Formulas in Solid Mechanics Tore Dahlberg Solid Mechanics/IKP, Linköping University Linköping, Sweden This collection of formulas is intended for use by foreign students in the course TMHL61, Damage Mechanics and Life Analysis, as a complement to the textbook Dahlberg and Ekberg: Failure, Fracture, Fatigue - An Introduction, Studentlitteratur, Lund, Sweden, 2002. It may be use at examinations in this course. Contents 1. Definitions and notations 2. Stress, Strain, and Material Relations 3. Geometric Properties of Cross-Sectional Area 4. One-Dimensional Bodies (bars, axles, beams) 5. Bending of Beam Elementary Cases 6. Material Fatigue 7. Multi-Axial Stress States 8. Energy Methods the Castigliano Theorem 9. Stress Concentration 10. Material data Version 03-09-18 Page 1 2 3 5 11 14 17 20 21 25 1. Definitions and notations Definition of coordinate system and loadings on beam Mz Tz Mx N My q ( x) N Mx x Ty Ty y z A L My Tz Mz Loaded beam, length L, cross section A, and load q(x), with coordinate system (origin at the geometric centre of cross section) and positive section forces and moments: normal force N, shear forces Ty and Tz, torque Mx, and bending moments My, Mz Notations Quantity Symbol SI Unit Coordinate directions, with origin at geometric centre of x, y, z m cross-sectional area A Normal stress in direction i (= x, y, z) σi N/m2 Shear stress in direction j on surface with normal direction i τij N/m2 Normal strain in direction i εi Shear strain (corresponding to shear stress τij) γij rad Moment with respect to axis i M, Mi Nm Normal force N, P N (= kg m/s 2) Shear force in direction i (= y, z) T, Ti N Load q(x) N/m Cross-sectional area A m2 Length L, L0 m Change of length δ m Displacement in direction x u, u(x), u(x,y) m Displacement in direction y v, v(x), v(x,y) m Beam deflection w(x) m Second moment of area (i = y, z) I, Ii m4 Modulus of elasticity (Young’s modulus) E N/m2 Poisson’s ratio ν Shear modulus G N/m2 Bulk modulus K N/m2 Temperature coefficient α K− 1 1 2. Stress, Strain, and Material Relations Normal stress σx σx = N A ∆N = fraction of normal force N ∆A = cross-sectional area element ∆N or σx = lim ∆A → 0 ∆A Shear stress τxy (mean value over area A in the y direction) τxy = Ty (= τmean) A Normal strain εx Linear, at small deformations (δ << L0) δ du(x) εx = or εx = L0 dx δ = change of length L0 = original length u(x) = displacement Non-linear, at large deformations L εx = ln L0 L = actual length (L = L0 + δ) Shear strain γxy γxy = ∂u (x, y) ∂v(x, y) + ∂y ∂x Linear elastic material (Hooke’s law) Tension/compression σx εx = + α ∆T E ∆T = change of temperatur Lateral strain εy = − ν εx Shear strain τxy γxy = G Relationships between G, K, E and ν G= E 2(1+ν) K= E 3 ( 1 − 2ν ) 2 3. Geometric Properties of Cross-Sectional Area e The origin of the coordinate system Oyz is at the geometric centre of the cross section O y f dA z Cross-sectional area A A = ⌠ dA ⌡A Geometric centre (centroid) dA = area element e = ζgc = distance from η axis to geometric centre f = ηgc distance from ζ axis to geometric centre e ⋅ A = ⌠ ζ dA ⌡A f ⋅ A = ⌠ η dA ⌡A First moment of area S y = ⌠ zdA and Sz = ⌠ ydA ⌡A’ ⌡A’ Second moment of area A’ = the “sheared” area (part of area A) Iy = ⌠ z 2dA ⌡A Iy = second moment of area with respect to the y axis Iz = second moment of area with respect to the z axis Iz = ⌠ y 2dA ⌡A Iyz = ⌠ yzdA ⌡A Parallel-axis theorems First moment of area and Sη = ⌠ (z + e) dA = eA ⌡A Second moment of area Iη = ⌠ (z + e)2 dA = Iy + e 2A , ⌡A Iyz = second moment of area with respect to the y and z axes Sζ = ⌠ (y + f) dA = fA ⌡A Iζ = ⌠ (y + f)2 dA = Iz + f 2A , ⌡A Iηζ = ⌠ (z + e) (y + f) dA = Iyz + efA ⌡A 3 Rotation of axes y Coordinate system Ωηζ has been rotated the angle α with respect to the coordinate system Oyz z y dA z Iη = ⌠ ζ2 dA = Iy cos2 α + Iz sin2 α − 2Iyz sin α cos α ⌡A Iζ = ⌠ η2 dA = Iy sin2 α + Iz cos2 α + 2Iyz sin α cos α ⌡A Iηζ = ⌠ ζη dA = (Iy − Iz ) sin α cos α + Iyz (cos2 α − sin2 α ) = ⌡A Iy − Iz sin 2α + Iyz cos 2α 2 Principal moments of area I1, 2 = Iy + Iz ±R 2 √ Iy − Iz 2 2 + Iyz 2 where R = I1 + I2 = Iy + Iz Principal axes sin 2α = − Iyz R or cos 2α = Iy − Iz 2R A line of symmetry is always a principal axis Second moment of area with respect to axes through geometric centre for some symmetric areas (beam cross sections) B y Rectangular area, base B, height H BH 3 HB 3 and Iz = Iy = 12 12 H z y Solid circular area, diameter D πD 4 Iy = Iz = 64 D z y Thick-walled circular tube, diameters D and d π Iy = Iz = ( D 4 − d 4 ) 64 d D z 4 Thin-walled circular tube, radius R and wall thickness t (t << R) t R y Iy = Iz = πR 3t z Triangular area, base B and height H BH 3 HB 3 Iy = and Iz = 36 48 H y B/ 2 B/ 2 z a a y a Hexagonal area, side length a 5√ 3 a 4 Iy = Iz = 16 a a z 2a y Elliptical area, major axis 2a and minor axis 2b πab 3 πba 3 Iy = and Iz = 4 4 2b z Half circle, radius a (geometric centre at e) π 8 4a Iy = − a 4 ≅ 0, 110 a 4 and e = 3π 8 9π a y e z 4. One-Dimensional Bodies (bars, axles, beams) Tension/compression of bar Change of length NL δ= or EA N, E, and A are constant along bar L = length of bar L L N(x) δ = ⌠ ε(x)dx = ⌠ dx ⌡0 E(x)A(x) ⌡0 Torsion of axle Maximum shear stress Mv τmax = Wv N(x), E(x), and A(x) may vary along bar Mv = torque = Mx Wv = section modulus in torsion (given below) Torsion (deformation) angle Mv L Θ= GKv Mv = torque = Mx Kv = section factor of torsional stiffness (given below) 5 Section modulus Wv and section factor Kv for some cross sections (at torsion) Torsion of thin-walled circular tube, radius R, thickness t, where t << R, t R y Wv = 2πR 2t z Thin-walled tube of arbitrary cross section A = area enclosed by the tube t(s) = wall thickness s = coordinate around the tube 4A 2 Wv = 2Atmin Kv = ⌠ [t(s)] − 1 ds ⌡s (s) s t(s) Area A y Thick-walled circular tube, diameters D and d, π D4 − d4 π Kv = (D 4 − d 4) Wv = 16 D 32 d D z y Solid axle with circular cross section, diameter D, πD 3 πD 4 Kv = Wv = 16 32 D z Solid axle with triangular cross section, side length a a3 a4 √ 3 Kv = Wv = 20 80 a y a/ 2 a/ 2 z 2a y Solid axle with elliptical cross section, major axle 2a and minor axle 2b π πa 3b 3 Wv = a b 2 Kv = 2 2 a + b2 2b z Solid axle with rectangular cross section b by a, where b ≥ a Wv = kWv a 2b Kv = kKv a 3b b y Kv = 2πR 3t a z for kWv and kKv, see table below 6 Factors kWv and kKv for some values of ratio b / a (solid rectangular cross section) b/a kWv kKv 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 10.0 ∞ 0.208 0.219 0.231 0.246 0.258 0.267 0.282 0.291 0.312 0.333 0.1406 0.1661 0.1958 0.229 0.249 0.263 0.281 0.291 0.312 0.333 Bending of beam Relationships between bending moment My = M(x), shear force Tz = T(x), and load q(x) on beam dT(x) dM(x) d2M(x) = − q(x) , = T(x) , and = − q(x) dx dx dx 2 Normal stress N Mz σ= + A I Maximum bending stress | M| I | σ | max = where Wb = Wb | z | max I (here Iy) = second moment of area (see Section 12.2) Wb = section modulus (in bending) Shear stress TSA’ τ= Ib SA’ = first moment of area A’ (see Section 12.2) b = length of line limiting area A’ T τgc = shear stress at geometric centre τgc = µ µ = the Jouravski factor A The Jouravski factor µ for some cross sections rectangular triangular circular thin-walled circular elliptical ideal I profile 1.5 1.33 1.33 2.0 1.33 A / Aweb 7 Skew bending Axes y and z are not principal axes: N My (zIz − yIyz ) − Mz (yIy − zIyz ) σ= + A Iy Iz − Iyz2 Iy, Iz, Iyz = second moment of area Axes y’ and z’ are principal axes: N M1 z’ M2 y’ σ= + − A I1 I2 I1, I2 = principal second moment of area Beam deflection w(x) Differential equations d2 d2 EI(x) = q(x) w(x) dx 2 dx 2 EI when EI(x) is function of x d4 w(x) = q(x) dx 4 when EI is constant Homogeneous boundary conditions Clamped beam end d w(*) = 0 and w(*) = 0 dx where * is the coordinate of beam end (to be entered after differentiation) Simply supported beam end d2 w(*) = 0 and − EI 2 w(*) = 0 dx x x=L x x=L Sliding beam end d d3 w(*) = 0 and − EI 3 w(*) = 0 dx dx x Free beam end d2 − EI 2 w(*) = 0 dx x d3 and − EI 3 w(*) = 0 dx 8 x=L x=L Non-homogeneous boundary conditions (a) Displacement δ prescribed w(*) = δ x x=L (a) (b) Slope Θ prescribed d w(*) = Θ dx O (b) z M0 (c) Moment M0 prescribed d2 − EI 2 w(*) = M0 dx O x=L M0 x (c) P (d) Force P prescribed d3 − EI 3 w(*) = P dx x=L x P (d) Beam on elastic bed Differential equation d4 EI 4 w(x) + kw(x) = q(x) dx EI = constant bending stiffness k = bed modulus (N/m2) Solution w(x) = wpart(x) + whom(x) where whom(x) = {C1 cos (λx) + C2 sin (λx)} eλx + {C3 cos (λx) + C2 sin (λx)} e − λx ; λ4 = k 4EI Boundary conditions as given above Beam vibration Differential equation ∂2 ∂4 EI 4 w(x, t) + m 2 w(x, t) = q(x, t) ∂x ∂t EI = constant bending stiffness m = beam mass per metre (kg/m) t = time Assume solution w(x,t) = X(x)⋅T(t). Then the standing wave solution is T(t) = e iωt and X(x) = C1 cosh (µx) + C2 cos (µx) + C3 sinh (µx) + C4 sin (µx) where µ4 = ω2m /EI Boundary conditions (as given above) give an eigenvalue problem that provides the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes (eigenforms) of the vibrating beam 9 Axially loaded beam, stability, the Euler cases Beam axially loaded in tension Differential equation d4 d2 EI 4 w(x) − N 2 w(x) = q(x) N = normal force in tension (N > 0) dx dx Solution w(x) = wpart(x) + whom(x) where √ √ √ N N N x + C3 sinh x + C4 cosh x EI EI EI New boundary condition on shear force (other boundary conditions as given above) d3 d T(*) = − EI 3 w(*) + N w(*) dx dx whom(x) = C1 + C2 Beam axially loaded in compression Differential equation d2 d4 EI 4 w(x) + P 2 w(x) = q(x) dx dx P = normal force in compression (P > 0) Solution w(x) = wpart(x) + whom(x) where √ √ √ P P P x + C3 sin x + C4 cos x EI EI EI New boundary condition on shear force (other boundary conditions as given above) d3 d T(*) = − EI 3 w(*) − P w(*) dx dx whom(x) = C1 + C2 Elementary cases: the Euler cases (Pc is critical load) Case 1 P P L, EI Pc = Case 2a Pc = Case 3 P P L, EI π2EI 4L 2 Case 2b L, EI L, EI π2EI L2 Pc = 10 π2EI L2 Pc = 2.05 π2EI L2 Case 4 P L, EI Pc = 4π2EI L2 5. Bending of Beam Elementary Cases Cantilever beam P w(x) = L, EI x w(x) z PL 3 w(L) = 3EI M L, EI q = Q/L L, EI z ML 2 x 2 2EI L 2 w(L) = ML 2 2EI w(x) = qL 4 x 4 x3 x2 4 − 4 3 + 6 2 24EI L L L w(L) = qL 4 8EI x w(x) q0 L, EI z q0 L 4 w(x) = 120EI x w(x) d ML w(L) = dx EI d qL 3 w(L) = dx 6EI x5 x3 x2 5 − 10 3 + 20 2 L L L 11 q0 L 4 w(L) = 120EI q0 L 3 d w(L) = dx 8EI q0 L 4 x 5 x4 x3 x2 w(x) = − + 5 4 − 10 3 + 10 2 120EI L 5 L L L q0 L, EI z d PL 2 w(L) = dx 2EI w(x) = x w(x) z PL 3 x 2 x 3 3 − 6EI L 2 L 3 x w(x) q0 L 4 w(L) = 30EI 11 q0 L 3 d w(L) = dx 24EI Simply supported beam Load applied at x = αL (α < 1), β = 1 − α L P L w(x) = + =1 w(x) for x ≤α L PL 3 2 2 α β . When α > β one obtains 3EI 1+β 1+β 1 − β2 wmax = w L = w(αL) 3β 3α 3 x z PL 3 x x3 β (1 − β2) − 3 6EI L L w(αL) = L, EI √ √ PL 2 d PL 2 d w(0) = α β (1 + β) w(L) = − α β (1 + α) dx 6EI dx 6EI MA MB w(x) = MA L MB L d w(0) = + dx 3 EI 6 EI x w(x) z L M L, EI w(x) = L z L, EI x w(x) w(L/2) = L, EI w(x) = Q w(x) L, EI w(x) = Q z w(x) 5 QL 3 384 EI L, EI 12 x ≤α L ML d w(L) = (1 − 3α2) dx 6EI d d QL 2 w(0) = − w(L) = dx dx 24EI QL 3 x 5 x3 x 3 5 − 10 3 + 7 180EI L L L d 8 QL 2 w(L) = − dx 180EI QL 3 x 5 x4 x3 x − 3 5 + 15 4 − 20 3 + 8 180EI L L L L d 8 QL 2 w(0) = dx 180EI x for x4 x3 x 4−2 3+ L L L d 7 QL 2 w(0) = dx 180EI x z ML 2 x x3 (1 − 3β2) − 3 6EI L L QL 3 w(x) = 24EI Q z MA L MB L d w(L) = − − dx 6 EI 3 EI ML d w(0) = (1 − 3β2) dx 6EI x w(x) x x3 x2 x3 L2 x MA 2 − 3 + M − + B 6EI L L L 3 L 2 L 3 d 7 QL 2 w(L) = − dx 180EI Clamped simply supported beam and clamped clamped beam Load applied at x = αL (α < 1), β = 1 − α Only redundant reactions are given. For deflections, use superposition of solutions for simply supported beams. PL P + =1 MA MA = β (1 − β2 ) L L 2 x z L, EI MA MB MA = MB 2 MA = M (1 − 3β2 ) 2 MA = QL 8 MA = 2 QL 15 x z MA L, EI M L L + =1 x z L, EI Q MA x L, EI z Q MA MA P L z MA L L, EI MB MA = PL α β2 x L, EI L MB MA = − M β (1 − 3α ) x + =1 Q MA = MB = MB MA z z L, EI QL 12 x L, EI Q MA MB = PL α2 β + =1 M L z x L, EI z MA = MB x 13 QL 10 MB = QL 15 MB = M α (1 − 3β ) 6. Material Fatigue Fatigue limits (notations) Load Alternating Pulsating Tension/compression ± σu σup ± σup Bending ± σub σubp ± σubp Torsion ± τuv τuvp ± τuvp The Haigh diagram a σa = stress amplitude σm = mean stress σY = yield limit σU = ultimate strenght σu, σup = fatigue limits λ, δ, κ = factors reducing fatigue limits (similar diagrams for σub, σubp and τuv, τuvp) Y u up u m up up Y U Factors reducing fatigue limits Surface finish κ 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Factor κ reducing the fatigue limit due to surface irregularities (a) (b) (a) polished surface ( κ = 1) (b) ground (c) machined (d) standard notch (e) rolling skin (f) corrosion in sweet water (g) corrosion in salt water (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 300 600 900 1200 MPa U 14 Volume factor λ (due to process) Factor λ reducing the fatigue limit due to size of raw material 1.0 (a) diameter at circular cross section (b) thickness at rectangular cross section 0.8 (a) 20 (b) 10 40 20 60 30 80 100mm 40 50mm Volume factor δ (due to geometry) 1.0 Factor δ reducing the fatigue limits σub and τuv due to loaded volume. Steel with ultimate strength σU = (a) 1500 MPa (b) 1000 MPa (c) 600 MPa (d) 400 MPa (e) aluminium Factor δ = 1 when fatigue notch factor Kf > 1 is used. (a) (b) 0.9 (c) (d) (e) 0.8 0 40 80 120 Diameter or thickness in mm Fatigue notch factor Kf (at stress concentration) Kt = stress concentration factor (see Section Kf = 1 + q (Kt − 1) 12.8) q = fatigue notch sensitivity factor Fatigue notch sensitivity factor q q 1.0 Fatigue notch sensitivity factor q for steel (a) with ultimate strength σU = (a) 1600 MPa 0.8 (b) (b) 1300 MPa 0.6 (c) (c) 1000 MPa (d) (d) 700 MPa 0.4 (e) (e) 400 MPa 0.2 0.1 0.5 1 2 5 10 Fillet radius r in mm 15 Wöhler diagram a σai = stress amplitude Ni = fatigue life (in cycles) at stress amplitude σai ai 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 log N Damage accumulation D D= ni = number of loading cycles at stress amplitude σai Ni = fatigue life at stress amplitude σai ni Ni Palmgren-Miner’s rule Failure when I n i ∑ =1 i = 1 Ni ni = number of loading cycles at stress amplitude σai Ni = fatigue life at stress amplitude σai I = number of loading stress levels Fatigue data (cyclic, constant-amplitude loading) The following fatigue limits may be used only when solving exercises. For a real design, data should be taken from latest official standard and not from this table.1 Material Carbon steel 141312-00 141450-1 141510-00 141550-01 141650-01 141650 Tension alternating pulsating MPa MPa ± 110 ± 140 ± 230 ± 180 ± 200 Bending alternating pulsating MPa MPa Torsion alternating pulsating MPa MPa 110 ± 110 130 ± 130 ± 170 ± 190 150 ± 150 170 ± 170 ± 100 ± 120 100 ± 100 120 ± 120 160 ± 160 180 ± 180 ± 240 ± 270 ± 460 210 ± 210 240 ± 240 ± 140 ± 150 140 ± 140 150 ± 150 Stainless steel 2337-02, σu = ± 270 MPa Aluminium SS 4120-02, σub = ± 110 MPa; SS 4425-06, σu = ± 120 MPa 1 Data in this table has been collected from B Sundström (editor): Handbok och Formelsamling i Hållfasthetslära, Institutionen för hållfasthetslära, KTH, Stockholm, 1998. 16 7. Multi-Axial Stress States Stresses in thin-walled circular pressure vessel σt = circumferential stress R R σt = p and σx = p (σz ≈ 0) σ = longitudinal stress x t 2t p = internal pressure R = radius of pressure vessel t = wall thickness (t << R) Rotational symmetry in structure and load (plane stress, i.e. σz = 0) Differential equation for rotating circular plate u = u(r) = radial displacement d2 u 1 d u u 1 − ν2 2 − ρω + = − r ρ = density E d r2 r d r r2 ω = angular rotation (rad/s) Solution B0 1 − ν2 u (r) = uhom + upart = A0 r + − ρ ω2 r 3 r 8E Stresses σr (r) = A − where B 3+ν − ρ ω2 r 2 2 8 r A= E A0 1−ν and σφ(r) = A + and B= B 1 + 3ν − ρ ω2 r 2 2 8 r E B0 1+ν Boundary conditions σr or u must be known on inner and outer boundary of the circular plate Shrink fit δ = difference of radii p = contact pressure u = radial displacement as function of p δ = uouter(p) − uinner(p) Plane stress and plane strain (plane state) Plane stress (in xy-plane) when σz = 0, τxz = 0, and τyz = 0 Plane strain (in xy-plane) when τxz = 0, τyz = 0, and εz = 0 or constant Stresses in direction α (plane state) σ(α) = σx cos2(α) + σ y sin2(α) + 2τxy cos(α)sin(α) y τ(α) = − (σx − σ y ) sin(α)cos(α) + τxy (cos (α) − sin (α)) 2 ( ) 2 σ(α) = normal stress in direction α τ(α) = shear stress on surface with normal in direction α 17 ( ) x Principal stresses σ1, 2 and principal directions at plane stress state σ1, 2 = σc ± R = sin(2ψ1) = τxy R σx + σ y ± 2 √ σx − σ y 2 2 + τxy 2 or cos(2ψ1) = ψ1 = angle from x axis (in xy plane) to direction of principal stress σ1 σx − σ y 2R Strain in direction α (plane state) ε(α) = εx cos2(α) + εy sin2(α) + γxy sin(α)cos(α) γ(α) = (εy − εx ) sin(2α) + γxy cos(2α) ε(α) = normal strain in direction α γ(α) = shear strain of element with normal in direction α y x Principal strains and principal directions (plane state) ε1, 2 = εc ± R = sin(2ψ1) = εx + εy ± 2 γxy 2R √ εx − εy 2 γxy 2 + 2 2 or cos(2ψ1) = ψ1 = angle from x axis (in xy plane) to direction of principal strain ε1 εx − εy 2R Principal stresses and principal directions at three-dimensional stress state The determinant σx τxy τxz | S−σI| =0 Stress matrix S = τyx σ y τyz gives three roots (the principal stresses) τzx τzy σz (contains the nine stress components σij) 1 0 0 Unit matrix I = 0 1 0 0 0 1 Direction of principal stress σi (i = 1, 2, 3) is given by nix, niy and niz are the elements of the unit (S − σi I) ⋅ ni = 0 and vector ni in the direction of σi T ( T means transpose) ni ⋅ ni = 1 18 Principal strains and principal directions at three-dimensional stress state Use shear strain εij = γij / 2 for i ≠ j The determinant | E−εI| =0 gives three roots (the principal strains) εx Strain matrix E = εyx εzx εxy εy εzy εxz εyz εz I = unit matrix Direction of principal strain εi (i = 1, 2, 3) is given by nix, niy and niz are the elements of the unit (E − εi I) ⋅ ni = 0 and vector ni in the direction of εi T T ( means transpose) ni ⋅ ni = 1 Hooke’s law, including temperature term (three-dimensional stress state) εx = 1 [σ − ν(σy + σz )] + α ∆T E x εy = 1 [σ − ν(σz + σx )] + α ∆T E y εz = 1 [σ − ν(σx + σ y )] + α ∆T E z γxy = τxy G γyz = τyz G γzx = α = temperature coefficient ∆T = change of temperature (relative to temperature giving no stress) τzx G Effective stress The Huber-von Mises effective stress (the deviatoric stress hypothesis) σvM =√ σ2x + σ2y + σ2z − σx σ y − σ y σz − σz σx + 3τ2xy + 3τ2yz + 3τ2zx e = √ 1 {(σ1 − σ2)2 + (σ2 − σ3)2 + (σ3 − σ1)2 } 2 The Tresca effective stress (the shear stress hypothesis) σTe = max [ | σ1 − σ2 | , | σ2 − σ3 | , | σ3 − σ1 | ] = σprmax − σprmin 19 (pr = principal stress) 8. Energy Methods the Castigliano Theorem Strain energy u per unit of volume Linear elastic material and uni-axial stress σε u= 2 Total strain energy U in beam loaded in tension/compression, torsion, bending, and shear L Mt(x)2 Mbend(x)2 N(x)2 T(x)2 dx Utot = ⌠ + + +β ⌡0 2EA(x) 2GKv(x) 2EI(x) 2GA(x) Mt = torque = Mx Mbend = bending moment = My Cross section β Kv = section factor of torsional stiffness β = shear factor, see below µ Shear factor β 6/5 3/2 2 A ⌠ SA’ β = 2 dA I ⌡A b 10/9 4/3 2 2 A/A web β is given for some cross sections in the table (µ is the Jouravski factor, see Section 12.3 One-Dimensional Bodies) A/A web Elementary case: pure bending M1 Only bending momentet Mbend is present. The moment varies linearly along the beam with moments M1 and M2 at the beam ends. One has Mbend(x) = M1 + (M2 − M1)x /L, which gives L {M12 + M1 M2 + M22 } Utot = 6EI The second term is negative if M1 and M2 have different signs M2 L, EI x M1 M M2 The Castigliano theorem δ= ∂U ∂P and Θ = δ = displacement in the direction of force P of the point where force P is applied Θ = rotation (change of angle) at moment M ∂U ∂M 20 9. Stress Concentration Tension/compression Maximum normal stress at a stress concentration is σmax = Kt σnom, where Kt and σnom are given in the diagrams Kt 3.0 r P P B thickness h P = nom bh B/b 2.0 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.05 1.01 2.0 1.5 0.1 0.2 r/b Tension of flat bar with shoulder fillet P P P b 2.5 thickness h = nom 2.0 P bh B/b 2.0 1.2 1.1 1.05 1.01 1.5 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 r/b r Kt 3.0 P P d D P B Tension of flat bar with notch r Kt 3.0 r b 2.5 1.0 0 Kt 3.0 D d 2.5 2.5 nom 2.0 = 4P d2 nom D/d 2.0 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.05 1.01 1.5 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 2.0 D/d 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.05 1.01 1.0 0.3 r/d Tension of circular bar with shoulder fillet = 4 P2 d 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 r/d Tension of circular bar with U-shaped groove 21 a 2r 0 0 B Kt B/a= 5 3.2 3.0 3 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.25 B 2.2 nom = B - 2 r 2 0 2.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 r/a Tension of flat bar with hole Bending Maximum normal stress at a stress concentration is σmax = Kt σnom, where Kt and σnom are given in the diagrams d d Kt Kt Mb Mb Mb Mb 3.0 3.0 D B 2.5 thickness h d/h = 0 0.25 0.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.5 nom = 2.5 = nom 2.0 Mb D 3 d D2 32 6 1.5 6 Mb (B-d)h 2 1.0 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 Bending of flat bar with hole 0.6 d/B 0 0.1 0.2 Bending of circular bar with hole 22 0.3 d/D r Kt 3.0 Mb Mb B 2.0 = 1.0 0.1 hb 2 0.2 r Mb 3.0 2.5 thickness h Mb hb 2 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 r/b Bending of flat bar with notch Kt r Mb Mb 3.0 D 2.5 B/b 1.2 1.1 1.05 1.01 1.02 1.5 d D 6 Mb = nom 2.0 r/b Bending of flat bar with shoulder fillet Kt b 6 Mb B/b 6.0 2.0 1.2 1.05 1.01 1.02 1.5 Mb B thickness h nom r Mb b 2.5 0 Kt 3.0 d 2.5 = nom 2.0 32 M b d3 2.0 D/d 6.0 2.0 1.2 1.05 1.01 1.02 1.5 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 = nom d3 D/d 1.5 1.2 1.05 1.01 1.02 1.0 0.3 r/d Bending of circular bar with shoulder fillet 32M b 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 r/d Bending of circular bar with U-shaped groove 23 Torsion Maximium shear stress at stress concentration is τmax = Kt τnom, where Kt and τnom are given in the diagrams r Kt 3.0 r Kt Mv Mv 3.0 Mv Mv d D D d 2.5 2.5 nom = 16 M v d3 nom 2.0 = 2.0 D/d 2.0 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.5 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 1.5 1.2 1.05 1.01 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 r/d Torsion of circular bar with notch r Kt 4.0 D/d 0.3 r/d Torsion of circular bar with shoulder fillet 16 M v d3 d Kt 2.0 Mv Mv D d /4 3.5 7d 8 nom = 1.5 3.0 Mv D 3 d D2 16 6 d 2.5 nom = 16 M v d3 2.0 1.0 0 0.05 0.10 r/d Torsion of bar with longitudinal keyway 0 0.1 0.2 Torsion of circular bar with hole 24 0.3 d/D 10. Material data The following material properties may be used only when solving exercises. For a real design, data should be taken from latest official standard and not from this table (two values for the same material means different qualities).1 Material Young’s modulus E GPa ν Carbon steel 141312-00 206 0.3 141450-1 205 0.3 141510-00 205 0.3 141550-01 205 0.3 141650-01 206 0.3 141650 206 0.3 α106 Ultimate strength K-1 MPa 12 360 460 430 510 510 640 490 590 590 690 860 11 Yield limit tension/ compression MPa bending torsion MPa MPa >240 260 140 >250 290 160 >270 360 190 >310 390 220 >550 610 >320 Offset yield strength Rp0.2 (σ0,2) Stainless steel 2337-02 Aluminium SS 4120-02 196 0.29 16.8 70 23 SS 4120-24 70 23 SS 4425-06 70 23 >490 >200 170 215 220 270 >340 >65 1 >170 >270 Data in this table has been collected from B Sundström (editor): Handbok och Formelsamling i Hållfasthetslära, Institutionen för hållfasthetslära, KTH, Stockholm, 1998. 25