Willmar Public Schools Curriculum Mapping Band - Grade 8 Month Sept _ _ _ _ Oct.Oct _ _ _ NovNov _ _ _ DecDec _ _ _ _ Jan.Jan _ _ _ _ _ Content (Tells what the student will know) Rhythms 15 - 17 _ Concert Bb, Eb and F Level 1 scales Red, Blue and Green lesson book _ Start October Band Concert music _ Rhythms #18-20 _ Level 1 Concert Ab, C and chromatic _ scales. Polish October concert music _ _ Rhythms #21-23. _ Level 2 extended register Bb, Eb and _ F concert scales. Count, clap and play Holiday Concert _ music. Rhythms #15 - 25 _ Level 2 extended register Ab, C and _ chromatic scales. Prepare Holiday concert music _ _ Count, clap and tap rhythms #15 _to 28 _ Introduce level 3 extended register Bb, Eb and F scales _ Introduce February concert music Work on several solos for later selection. Skill (Tells what the student will do) Count, clap and tap eighth- quarter-eighth on _ beat 2 Develop 2 octave scale skills within a limited _ range. Develop technical ensemble skills. _ Assessment Observe counting, clapping and tapping in lessons and rehearsal. Observe key signature skills in lessons and rehearsal. Observe reading and technical skills in lessons and rehearsal. Count, clap and tap #18 - 20 rhythms. _ Observe counting, clapping and tapping in Develop 2 octave scale skills in 5 keys and lessons and rehearsal. chromatic. _ Observe key signature skills in lessons and Higher level of performance skills in rehearsal and rehearsal. lessons. _ Observe reading and technical skills in lessons and rehearsal. Introduce clapped sixteenth note rhythms. _ Observe counting, clapping and tapping in Develop range and technique through level 2 lessons and rehearsal. scales. _ Observe key signature skills in lessons and rehearsal. _ Observe reading and technical skills in lessons and rehearsal. _ Develop skills in syncopation and sixteenth notes. _ Observe counting, clapping and tapping in Develop skill and technique in level 2 extended lessons and rehearsal. register scales. _ Observe key signature skills in lessons and Polish Holiday Concert music. rehearsal. _ Observe reading and technical skills in lessons and rehearsal. Develop skills in syncopation and sixteenth notes. _ Observe and listen to counted and clapped Develop skill and technique in level 3 extended rhythms register scales. _ Observe scales in lessons and rehearsal. Prepare February Concert music _ Observe prepared solo literature and band material. Essential Question (Creates a reason for student to learn the content). Month Content (Tells what the student will know) Willmar Public Schools Curriculum Mapping Band - Grade 8 Skill (Tells what the student will do) FebFeb _ _ _ Select Solo for performance. _ Concentrate on rhythms # 15 - 26. _ Present February 8th grade concert. _ MarMarch_ _ _ Perform Solo at local festival. _ Learn solo performance etiquette _ Work rhythms #15-26 _ Will develop finger skills for extended register _ Introduce level 3 Ab, C and playing. chromatic concert scales. _ Develop interpretive skills for dynamics and _ Pursue further lesson book technique phrasing. and reading concepts. Continue to refresh sixteenth note_ Count, Clap and tap syncopation and sixteenth _ rhythm patterns. rhythms. _ Work on music for MMEA Band _ Read music from lesson book in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, cut festival. and 6/8 time _ Start May pops concert music. _ Perform several first and second octave scales in groups. _ _ Develop finesse at clapping sixteenth note _ Play all level 3 scales. rhythms. _ Polish performance music for May_ Develop extended playing range skills. Pops concert. _ Perform pop music styles. _ ApriApril _ MayMay _ _ _ _ _ Learn age appropriate solo Learn technique in age appropriate solo. Develop dynamics and phrasing. _ _ _ Assessment Observe performance skills and difficulties of solo. Observe phrasing & dynamics Performance of solo in lessons and in rehearsal setting. Perform solo at local in house solo festival. Perform level 3 scales in lessons and rehearsal. Listen to rhythms in lessons and rehearsals. Observe counting and performance of music in a variety of time signatures. Observe festival music performance in rehearsals and lessons. Listen to rhythms in lessons and rehearsals. Observe counting and performance of music in a variety of time signatures and styles. Essential Question (Creates a reason for student to learn the content).