The Certified Environmental Professional July-August 2015 The Monthly Newsletter of the Academy of Board Certified Environmental Professionals Contents President’s Message 1 Webinars – Conferences of the Present 3 A View from the Water 4 P RESIDENT ’ S M ESSAGE Mark F. Gerber, CEP Certification Review Board Update 5 Note from the Editor 5 NEW CEP EXAM AND SUSTAINABILITY FUNCTIONAL AREA ON-LINE SEPTEMBER 1! As we’ve listened to the membership of ABCEP and polled incoming CEPs, we’ve received feedback on many things. One of the items we’ve received feedback on is the relevance and currency of the essay questions that CEP applicants must respond to as part of the application process, and some downsides to being restricted to certifying in a particular Functional Area. Newsletter Policy In the interest of presenting material on which our members can formulate their own views regarding environmental matters, we present articles representing a variety of viewpoints. Whereas there may be limitations which trammel inquiry elsewhere, we take the position that it is through continual and fearless sifting and winnowing of information from various sources can the truth be found. Should you take issue with an article appearing in this Newsletter, you are encouraged to submit an article with your viewpoint which will be published in a future issue. For almost two years, the ABCEP Board of Trustees has been working to revise and to update this portion of the CEP Exam as well as make the Functional Areas something that serves more as a guide than a CEP pathway of progress. As you may remember during your own application process, you selected a “Functional Area” in which to become certified. There were six Functional Areas: Assessment, Documentation, Operations, Planning, Research, and Education. These Functional Areas serve two purposes. Guide applicants to essay questions that were more pertinent to their field of expertise and experience. Create an identifier in which the applicant would be associated through their CEP certification. The ABCEP Board of Trustees formed a task force two years ago to address the concerns with the CEP Exam questions and Functional Areas. This task force met with experts in academia (American Public University) and other organizations to formulate new questions and reformulate the old ones. The task force worked with a committee from the International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) to develop the Sustainability Functional area and associated exam questions. The result - a good, solid, and relevant set of essay questions and Functional Areas. One of the recommendations from the task force was to do away with the certification within a particular functional area and only use the functional areas as guides in the application process to direct applicants to the essay questions that are pertinent to them in their career path. As a result, future CEP’s will not be constrained to be certified in a particular Functional Area but will only use the Functional Areas to guide their application process. I’m pleased to announce that these changes will take effect on September 1, 2015. Any applicant that submits their initial fee and associated application after September 1 will be able to utilize this new process. We’re very excited and pleased to be able to help our CEPs through the application process by keeping the process relevant. As usual, the ABCEP Board of Trustees’ doors (phones and emails) are always open to CEPs who have questions and we are always in need of volunteers to assist with our committee efforts. You can also contact Andrea Bower at the ABCEP Office ( and, of course, you can always contact me at (208) 716-4921 or Mark Gerber is a Principal Scientist at Ophis Environmental LLC in Idaho Falls, Idaho The importance of mentoring is undeniable. Mentoring is an integral part of a CEP-IT’s learning and development throughout their professional careers, and it can be especially helpful during times of change or challenging environmental stewardships. Now is a good time to revive CEP’s interest in mentoring, teach them new mentoring skills, and invigorate mentoring practices. Currently, ABCEP has a mentor assignment rate of 100% - every request for a mentor is satisfied! The challenge is that many mentors are assigned to more than one mentee. As of June 2015: 31 CEP/CEP-IT mentors 56 mentees (people requesting mentors) Average assignments per mentor = 1.87 Applicants under the new essay process will be looking for guidance and support. Helping another person fulfill their goals can be just as rewarding as achieving a personal milestone. The relationship need not be profound or long-lasting to be effective, but the better the two know each other, and the more committed they are to their developmental purpose, the more they both benefit from the process. Please contact Andrea Bower at the ABCEP Office ( to volunteer or find out more about the CEP/CEP-IT mentoring process. Volunteer to be a mentor today! P a g e |2 W EBINARS – C ONFERENCES OF THE P RESENT EPA and others offer many free webinars on a wide variety of environmental topics. Below are some links to a few of my favorites. Melissa (Lisa) Douglas, CEP As companies and government organizations tighten their belts, one of the common casualties is travel/training funding. Many employees experience difficulty in getting approval to attend conferences, present papers, or even take mandatory training like the HAZWOPER refresher. This puts the onus on the individual to find innovative and inexpensive means to gain the continuing education units (CEUs) necessary to maintain their annual certification requirements and interact with their peers. erytext=webinars&fld=&areaname=&typeofsearc h=epa&areacontacts=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.epa. gov%2Fepahome%2Fcomments.htm&areasearch url=&result_template=epafiles_default.xsl&filter= sample4filt.hts&x=0&y=0 One option for cost-conscious individuals may be the use of webinars. There are numerous environmental webinars available covering a variety of topics. While some are offered for a fee, many are available free of charge. These can be watched live where interactive questions are answered by the experts presenting the information or they can be viewed on your schedule. Another plus is that many organizations will allow you the time to view a webinar even if they are not willing to fund a week trip to a conference or training seminar. Training can then be performed in little segments throughout the year without a lot of out-of-pocket expense or using your own vacation time. The webinar hosts are always looking for presenters as well. This medium provides a mechanism to present information to a wide audience interested in your area of expertise without ever leaving your office which gives you another great opportunity to earn CEUs as the preparer of a paper. Remember to plan ahead to ensure that you can meet the requirements for your annual CEP or CEP-IT certification renewal hours. Melissa (Lisa) Douglas, CEP is a member of the ABCEP Board of Trustees KEEP US STRONG AND MAINTAIN ON! It’s time to start tracking your 2015 Maintenance Hours in CEP-EXPRESS. The Certified Environmental Professional P a g e |3 A V IEW FROM THE W ATER Donald Deis, CEP As your immediate past president, I have been the person asking for you to get involved or reporting to you on recent happenings within the Academy. I wanted to give you a little insight into one of my projects. Since 2006, I have had the fortune to study the seagrass community on the flood tidal shoals of Sebastian Inlet. Sebastian Inlet is a beautiful small Atlantic Ocean inlet located south of Cape Canaveral and connecting the ocean to the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) (Figure 1). The study began with the development of a mitigation plan for the construction of a channel from the Intracoastal Waterway within the IRL to the ocean through the inlet. The construction of the channel eliminated some seagrasses and the mitigation plan was designed to compensate for the impact to the seagrasses. Figure 1. Location of Sebastian Inlet along the central east coast of Florida. The Certified Environmental Professional The mitigation plan had several elements and I am just going to focus on one – we studied the seagrass species and distribution on the flood tidal shoals yearly since 2006 using high resolution aerial imagery and field verification. We were interested in the seagrass species and distribution, but we were also interested in propeller damage (=prop-scarring) caused by boater activity around the shoals. Prop-scarring of seagrasses on the shoal was a problem prior to the completion of the channel and we felt that the construction of the channel would provide a marked channel for the boaters reducing propscarring. Sure enough we did find a near elimination of prop-scarring within three years of completing the channel. We started to see cyanobacteria blooms on the shoals starting in 2010 and rapid erosion of the seagrasses in 2011. By 2012, +90% of the seagrasses were lost on the shoals. This was not a local event; it occurred throughout the northern IRL. The problem has been suspected to be caused by cold periods within two sequential years. This caused a water column algal bloom beginning in the Cape Canaveral area of the IRL and the Banana River Lagoon (BRL). Water transparency was reduced significantly by this bloom causing the seagrasses to die from deep water to shallow water. Because all of the water in the northern IRL and BRL connects to the ocean through Sebastian Inlet, it took over one year for the water to exchange and the bloom to begin to dissipate. I am terribly simplifying this event and more can be found in Philps et al. 2014. The interesting part of the study has been following the recovery of the seagrasses on the shoals (Figure 2). The seagrasses on the shoals prior to the die-off were fairly stable in species distribution with a climax species, Syringodium filiforme (manatee grass), being the dominant species, particularly in deeper water. Because the die-off progressed from deep to shallow, this species was nearly eliminated from the area. Halophila johnsonii (Johnson’s seagrass, was found in low density and occurrence around the shoals. This species is currently a listed threatened species and its northern-most P a g e |4 occurrence along the east coast of Florida is at Sebastian Inlet. For more see: Phlips, E.J., S. Badylak, M.A. Lasi, R. Chamberlain, W.C. Green, L.M. Hall, J.A. Hart, J.C. Lockwood, J.D. Miller, L.J. Morris, J.S. Stewart. 2014. From red tides to green and brown tides: Bloom dynamics in a restricted subtropical lagoon under shifting climatic conditions. Estuaries and Coasts DOI 10.1007/s12237-014-9874-6 Donald Deis, CEP, is immediate past President of ABCEP and Principal Technical Professional, Infrastructure & Environment at ATKINS in Jacksonville, Florida. Figure 2. Predominant seagrass species/species combinations observed from 2008 to 2014. C ERTIFICATION R EVIEW B OARD U PDATE Abbreviations: Sf = Syringodium filiforme Sf /Hw = S. filiforme/Halodule wrightii Hw = H. wrightii Hw /Hj = H. wrightii/Halophila johnsonii Hj = H. johnsonii Total seagrass acreage within the mitigation zone displayed on the secondary y axis. Since June 1, 2015: Halophila johnsonii became the dominant species on the shoals in 2013. By 2014, we are beginning to see a mix of seagrasses; however, pioneering species, H. johnsonii and Halodule wrightii (shoal grass), still dominate. We are seeing slow succession of the seagrasses back to the climax state we were seeing in 2008-2010 and I predict 10-20 years before that occurs. Since April 1, 2015: 6 CEP Applications have been started 4 CEP-IT Applications have been started 0 CEP Emeritus Applications have been started 3 CEP Applications have been approved 3 CEP-IT Applications have been approved This project has shown me how hard our job is at times. What began as a simple study became very messy because of a “natural” event within the IRL. I have been fortunate to be a part of a research community in this area and have been working with our local water management district (St. Johns River Water Management District) researchers and researchers at Florida Atlantic University (my graduate school alma mater) at Harbor Branch. We have participated with them in a series of experimental seagrass transplant studies that have proven to be interesting. The Certified Environmental Professional P a g e |5 N OTE FROM THE E DITOR Call for Articles! Interesting projects, exciting research, new study applications – our community wants to hear about what our CEPs and CEPS-ITs are doing. The Communications Committee is seeking articles about your interesting projects for upcoming issues. This newsletter is a fabulous forum to share your insights, opinions, and application of sustainable solutions and sustainability principles. Our newsletter is only as strong as our members can make it. So don’t be afraid and GET INVOLVED! ABCEP Newsletter The ABCEP Newsletter is published monthly and is intended to serve four basic functions: A communication vehicle for the Board of Trustees and ABCEP Committees to inform and engage with CEPs and CEP-ITs on current activities within ABCEP and its future direction. A forum to report on current and emerging environmental issues, regulation and policy changes, and professional trends. A forum to provide professional guidance and advice to expand the professional growth and knowledge of members. A means for members to communicate with one another on current accomplishments, interesting projects, or lessons learned on the job with new approaches and successful problem solving solutions. A forum to acknowledge, highlight, and welcome active CEPs and CEP-ITs. All members are encouraged to be active in their profession and affiliated professional organization. If you have a topic of interest that you would like presented in the monthly The Certified Environmental Professional newsletter please submit your topic request or completed article to Andrea Bower at or Shari Cannon-Mackey, CEP ENV SP, at Thank you, Shari Cannon-Mackey, CEP, ENV SP Newsletter Editor The Certified Environmental Professional P a g e |6