Trabajar en el Banco Europeo de Inversiones. Procesos selectivos

El Banco Europeo de Inversiones (BEI)
26 de marzo 2012 – Jornada
“La oportunidad de encontrar empleo en las Instituciones Europeas”
European Investment Bank
Quiénes somos?
Qué hacemos?
Qué tipo de oportunidades de empleo ofrecemos?
Qué buscamos?
Por qué trabajar para el BEI?
Cómo es el proceso de selección?
European Investment Bank
What the EIB stands for and what it does
What can you expect if you decide to have a career in the EIB – speakers
will share their background and experiences
What are the different ways through which you can have a career with us
and participate in our mission
What we are looking for in terms of skills and competencies
Please feel free to interrupt if you have any questions – we want the
presentation to be as interactive as possible. Alternatively you may
ask your questions in the final Q&A session
El Banco de la Unión Europea
Misión de apoyo a las políticas de la UE
Financiación de inversiones a largo plazo
Servicios financieros y de Asistencia Técnica
El mayor banco multilateral del mundo
el mayor prestatario internacional no soberano
Se autofinancia, sin ánimo de lucro
European Investment Bank
• Gobernanza
• Consejo de Gobernadores – Ministros de
Finanzas de la UE
• Consejo de Administración – Estados
miembros y Comisión Europea
• Comité de Dirección – Órgano ejecutivo
• Comité de Vigilancia – Órgano
The Bank of the EU: our mission is to further the objectives of the EU, by
making long term financing available for sound investment. We lend to
projects which further European objectives, targeting and investing in
sound and sustainable projects that help to address important
challenges in society. More of that on the next slide.
European Investment Bank
Cifras clave en 2011( Millones de EUR)
• Total de préstamos:
– Unión Europea:
– Países Asociados:
• Empréstitos:
• Capital suscrito
60 900
53 800
7 100
76 000
232 400
European Investment Bank
Financiaciones del BEI 1958-2011
European Investment Bank
Operaciones firmadas y desembolsos 2002-2011
European Investment Bank
Operaciones firmadas en 2011: 61.000 M EUR
European Investment Bank
Valor añadido del BEI
Fomento de los objetivos prioritarios de la UE
Calidad y viabilidad de los proyectos
Ventajas financieras de los recursos del BEI
Asistencia técnica
Evaluación de los proyectos
European Investment Bank
Objetivos dentro de la UE
Cohesión y convergencia
Pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMEs)
Acción contra el cambio climático
Economía del conocimiento
Redes Trans- Europeas (RTEs)
Energía sostenible, competitiva y segura
European Investment Bank
The projects we finance are not abstract, and not remote from everyday life.
They bring real, tangible benefits to people
Cohesion and convergence - addressing social and economical imbalances
in disadvantaged regions/aiding social development in poorer regions.
Lending for convergence regions, phasing-out/in regions. Promoting
competitiveness, employment and European cooperation. Loans across all
major economic sectors: health and education infrastructure, SMEs,
transport and telecomms infrastructure, industry and the services sector and
urban infrastructure.
Often financing through PPPs.
Concept of partnership is crucial to our work – we are never the sole lender
– normally participate to a maximum of 50% (75% allowed for climate
change related projects and initiatives). Our participation encourages other
banks to come on board – our involvement is often seen as a mark of
quality, thorough due diligence.
SMEs: stimulating investment in small business. For projects where the total
cost is under EUR 25 million, the EIB provides intermediated loans (credit
lines) to local, regional and national banks, (eg SG) who will then pass on
loans, still at preferential rates, to SMEs. Eg we might offer €300m to SG
who will then lend to c 2,000 individual SMEs. Loans to SMEs in 2010
foucused on industry, energy and transport and services (including tourism).
Objectivos fuera de la UE
Desarrollo del sector privado
Desarrollo de las infraestructuras
Seguridad del abastecimiento energético
Sostenibilidad medioambiental
Apoyo a la presencia de la UE en América Latina y Asia a
través de la Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED)
European Investment Bank
Supporting EU Development and Cooperation Policies in Partner countries
EIB external mandates: Pre-accession countries, European neighbourhood,
Objetivos bajo mandato
– Preadhesión
• Países candidatos : Croacia, Islandia, Antigua República Yugoslava
de Macedonia, Montenegro y Turquía
• Países candidatos potenciales – Balcanes occidentales
– Política Europea de Vecindad
• Países Asociados Mediterráneos (FEMIP)
• Rusia y los países vecinos del Este
– Desarrollo
• Estados de África, del Caribe y del Pacífico (ACP, PTU)
• Sudáfrica
• América Latina y Asia (ALA)
European Investment Bank
Solidez financiera
• Capitalización
– Capital suscrito 232.400 millones de EUR
– Capital Adequacy Ratio - 24.9%
• Beneficios estables
– Resultados netos crecientes: EUR 2.300 m (2011), 2.100 m (2010)
– Fondos propios consistentemente reforzados: EUR 42.500
• Cartera de préstamos de alta calidad
– Préstamos problemáticos 0.1% del total de la cartera
– Gestión prudented del riesgo
• AAA ( Moody’s, S&P y Fitch)
European Investment Bank
Prioridades y orientaciones para el futuro
• Estimular crecimiento y empleo en la UE
– Esfuerzo especial en la financiación de PYMEs
– Explorar alternativas para optimizar fondos de la UE
• Acción contra el cambio climático
• Apoyo a políticas de la UE más allá de sus fronteras
– Pre-adhesión y política de vecindad
European Investment Bank
Crecimiento y empleo: apoyo a las PYMEs
Las PYMEs generan el 80% de los
nuevos empleos en la UE
El grupo BEI proporcionnó en 2011
13.000 M EUR de financiación para
120 000 PYMEs
European Investment Bank
Cohesión: préstamos desarrollo regional
Desarrollo equilibrado en la
Union Europea
20.000 M EUR de financiación
para la cohesión para 74
regiones en Europa
European Investment Bank
Financing the
Acción contra el cambio climático
9.000 m para redes de transporte en
la UE favoreciendo ferrocarril vs.
Casi un tercio de la financiación a
través de partenariados publicoprivados (PPPs)
- Instalación de más de 4000 mega
watts en plantas solares y de viento,
para más de 120 000 hogares
- 7.000 millones de para renovables y
eficiencia energética
European Investment Bank
• Autofinanciación
• Fondos para préstamos a través de empréstitos en los
mercados de capitales internacionales.
• Un actor líder en los mercados de bonos
• Los clientes se benefician de las ventajas de la financiación:
solidez (AAA), posición en los mercados
• Sin animo de lucro
European Investment Bank
Self financing – as before, we don’t take money from our shareholders to
lend, but rather raise our own funds on the capital markets.
Our funding strength adds value for customers:
Loan portfolio is mainly funded through bond issues on international capital
Emisiones de bonos 2007-2011
European Investment Bank
Emisiones en 2011
Total de empréstitos en 2011: 76 000 millones EUR
294 emisiones de obligaciones en 19 divisas diferentes
Principal emisor supranacional
European Investment Bank
El valor añadido del BEI
• Apoyo a los objetivos prioritarios de la UE
• Calidad y solidez de los proyectos: análisis técnico y
• Montantes significativos en distintas monedas.
• Largos períodos de reembolso
• Tipos de interés competitivos
• Catalizador de la participación de otros bancos y entidades
• Asistencia Técnica
European Investment Bank
Nuestra gente
• Cerca de 1.900 empleados
• 29 nacionalidades diferentes, diversidad como valor
• Basados en Luxemburgo y oficinas externas
European Investment Bank
We are now a group of c 1,900 staff.
We have a very diverse workforce representing 29 EU nationalities (can hire
from Croatia, Iceland and Turkey, on a fixed term basis, as these three
countries have passed the required point in their accession negotiations).
The majority of our staff are based in Luxembourg (c 90%) but we also have
a network of regional offices around the world. Many are very small (eg just
3 in London). 3 largest (over 20) are in Rome, Vienna and Warsaw. The
latter 2 mainly because of JASPERS – see joint initiative slides
As a global organisation committed to EU objectives and global sustainable
development, our diversity and inclusion strategy is critical to strengthen our
partnership with clients; enhance responsiveness and our ability to adapt to
new developments in EU policies and challenges around the globe.
Therefore, we strongly promote diversity, including gender, nationality, race,
culture, education and experience, sexual orientation, and people with
Staff ratios: c 30% support, c 55-60% professional and c10-15% managerial
Male: female balance is overall good but with discrepancies according to
level: Support staff are 52.4% female. F-D is 42.2% and C ans SC 18.9%.
Por qué trabajar para el BEI?
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Por qué el BEI?
Pr sar
of ro
es llo
European Investment Bank
Multicultural environment, Teamwork, Development, Work-life balance, Compensation & Benefits,
Multicultural environment:
- High professional and challenging environment where you will work with people from a wide range of
backgrounds and experiences
- An exciting international and multicultural environment that fosters cooperation and innovation.
- link to living in Luxembourg
- We offer a challenging work environment with significant responsibility and individual impact
- together with numerous opportunities to contribute to teams, committees, cross directorates committees and
- Excellent training opportunities for your professional development as well as career growth, both in-house and at
external providers premises
Work-life Balance:
- A work environment that helps you achieve your goals while maintaining a work-life balance
- Sponsored Schooling facilities for dependant children
- Sponsored in-house sports facilities
Compensation & Benefits:
We would still need to agree on which Comp&Ben items we wish to put here
A prestigious organization with a strong reputation for promoting European objectives and help building
the future of Europe and the world.
High professional and challenging environment where you will work with people from a wide range of
backgrounds and experiences.
An exciting international and multicultural environment that fosters cooperation and innovation.
We offer a challenging work environment with significant responsibility and individual impact
Since we understand the complexity and importance of their task, the EIB is fully committed to its staff by
providing a competitive package
A work environment that helps you achieve your goals while maintaining a work-life balance
Excellent training opportunities for your professional development as well as career growth, including access
to leadership positions based on performance
We are a prestigious organization with a strong reputation for building the future of Europe and the World. A
little further in the presentation I will talk about the programs and projects that the EIB is involved.
Relocation and Expatriation allowances
Family, dependent child and school allowances
Healthcare Scheme for you and your dependents
Insurance coverage for life and accidents
Qué oportunidades de empleo ofrecemos?
– Empleo indefinido y temporal
• Personal profesional y de dirección
• Apoyo administrativo
– Programa GRAD
– Internships
– Otros
• Programa de verano para estudiantes
• Empleo a través de agencias
European Investment Bank
The EIB has employment opportunities in 4 main areas:
1. Professional and Managerial – 80-90% of such roles are permanent
2. Administrative Assistance/Support – as above
3. Graduate Recruitment And Development Program (GRAD) – fixed term
contract only – 1-2 years
4. Internships:
General internships
FEMIP Internship Program
Note: Depending on the population you are presenting to, you can choose to
be more or less focussed on each of the employment opportunities’
information. For example, if you are conducting outreach to Grad students,
you may want to use the slides on internships to its fullest. If you are
conducting outreach to mid-career candidates, you may focus primarily on
other employment opportunities.
Qué buscamos?
Motivación por las políticas y objectivos del BEI
Excelencia académica
Formación y experiencia en las disciplinas buscadas
Capacidad analítica
Deseo de contribuir a mejorar el futuro
Compromiso para construir relaciones profesionales
Capacidad de trabajar en un entorno internacional
Espíritu de equipo
Lenguas: Inglés y/o francés
European Investment Bank
What do we look for in our people?
We are looking for people with the right mix of skills and experience to help us achieve our ambitious goals and
we think that we need people highly motivated and committed to our mission and goals and to our clients.
As I mentioned in the introduction, our organization is expanding its business to other areas such as the
improvement or protection of the environment to different regions outside the EU. For over 50 years the EIB has
financed infrastructure and other projects in the European Union. In recent years however, its financing outside
the European Union has grown steadily, starting with EU neighbour and accession countries, and beyond to
countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America. Given the EIB’s workforce’s Diverse nationalities and
experiences, our staff are expected to be comfortable and effective in working with colleagues from different
cultures and different experience backgrounds. As a global organization dealing with so many different clients, our
diversity and inclusion strategy is critical to strengthening our client focus, enhancing our responsiveness, and
improving the quality of results on the ground.
Technical expertise. We want the best people with a solid education and very well trained in their field of
We also want people who can analyze problems and generate innovative ideas and also people who
systematically achieve results and have a strong desire to make a difference to themselves, their colleagues, to
the organization, and to the world.
Strong interpersonal and teamwork skills.
Qué ofrecemos?
Entorno verdaderamente internacional
Retos profesionales
Trabajo en equipo
Equilibrio vida profesional / vida privada
Formación y desarrollo profesional
Condiciones de empleo
European Investment Bank
Oportunidades para profesionales
• Especialistas en Banca y Financiación estructurada
• Abogados, Economistas, Ingenieros
• Especialistas en Sistemas de información
• Especialistas en transacciones, tesorería y mercados de
European Investment Bank
We are seeking talented and motivated professionals to play a variety of roles such as:
• Corporate Bankers and Structured Financiers, with experience in origination, credit, risk
management, monitoring and/or restructuring
• Lawyers with experience in structured/project finance, debt restructuring, capital
markets/treasury/derivatives; EU law, and corporate governance
• Economists and Engineers with a focus on energy, social or urban development, environment,
transportation and other infrastructure areas
• Macroeconomists to engage in research, analysis, and evaluation
• Transaction Processing Officers, Liquidity Portfolio Management Officers, and Capital
Markets specialists.
• Human Resources specialists to provide expertise in talent acquisition and retention,
organisational effectiveness, and compensation and benefits
Prácticas (Internships)
• Duración de 1 a 5 meses
• Titulados universitarios sin experiencia (o menos de 1 año
desde la graduación
• Compensación mensual, siempre que no se perciba de otras
• Reembolso de viaje desde/hacia punto de origen
• Oportunidades publicadas en el website
European Investment Bank
The EIB offers a limited number of Internships for university graduates
with less than one year of professional experience who wish to acquire
an understanding of the Bank’s work or gain experience in the field of their
studies. Internships normally last between one and five months, and cannot
be extended beyond the maximum period. Most are based at the EIB’s
headquarters in Luxembourg.
Our interns will gain:
an overview of the EIB's objectives and the problems arising in achieving
practical knowledge in the field of their studies
a first professional and personal experience through the contacts
established in the course of their everyday work
Interns receive a flat-rate monthly allowance, provided they are not entitled
to similar compensation from another source. We also reimburse one round
trip from the country of origin or residence to the place of the internship.
Interns must cover their own accommodation costs.
If you wish to apply for an Internship in the EIB, please view Current
Vacancies and respond to one of the current internship opportunities by
submitting your application on-line.
El programa GRAD
• Dirigido a titulados universitarios recientes buscando
experiencia profesional directa
• contratos de 1 a 2 años
• Experiencia de menos de 2 años despues de la graduación,
excluyendo trabajos de verano / prácticas
• Programa de formación
European Investment Bank
The European Investment Bank has put into place a Graduate Recruitment And Development (GRAD)
programme aimed at recent graduates looking to gain early professional "hands-on" experience in the Bank of the
European Union and major international financial player.
The openings will be for junior roles allowing GRADs to gain first hand experience in a dynamic multicultural
environment or to further their existing experience by working alongside expert professionals. The appointments
will be mainly at the EIB headquarters in Luxembourg but may also involve assignments in its external offices
according to the Bank's needs. The candidates selected for this programme will be offered a fixed term contract of
a minimum of one year and up to a maximum of two years.
The selection is made on the basis of the candidates' qualifications, interviews, and professional and
psychometric assessments. Candidates need to apply for specific positions published under “Current Vacancies”.
If there are no openings suiting your profile, we invite you to visit our website from time to time as new vacancies
are posted regularly.
If you wish to have an opportunity to gain valuable work experience in excellent working conditions, please apply
on-line to the job openings of your interest. Before starting your application, please take some time to review the
description of the various job families at the EIB and prepare your motivation letter in one of the two working
languages (EN or FR) as well as your cv. You will need this text to complete your application.
Depending on your area of work, you may be asked to participate in business travel (inside or outside of the EU).
Only online applications can be considered. Your application will be retained for a period of 5 years from
application date in our database.
Eligibility and conditions of the Programme. You must have a university degree in one of the fields related to
the Bank's activity. We welcome applications from candidates without any or with limited work experience of
up to two years maximum at the date of application.
You must be a national of one of the EU member-states1 or candidate countries having started accession
negotiations with the EU².
Your work experience should be limited to a maximum of two years after graduation, excluding summer jobs and
You must have excellent knowledge of English and/or French which are the working languages of the EIB
The duration of the graduate contract is for a maximum period of 2 years. It will not lead to an indefinite contract
at the end of that period.
The graduate contract will be for a fixed monthly basic salary, currently set at € 3,315.89. It will offer benefits such
Health and Pension Scheme coverage, accident insurance and, if applicable, family allowances. The salary is
subject to EU community tax.
Development programme. Whilst learning on-the-job alongside highly qualified EIB experts, you will have the
opportunity to develop from a personal and professional point of view by attending a tailor-made development
Vivir en Luxemburgo
European Investment Bank
Luxembourg is a country of contrasts (architecturally, culturally,
linguistically, demographically, and so on)
Located in the Western part of Europe and surrounded by Belgium,
France and Germany
Luxembourg City is the political and cultural centre of Luxembourg and
one of the European Union’s capitals
Strong cultural heritage from its rich history and the diverse flows of
invasion and immigration.
Great traveling connections, Luxembourg is a major touristic hub.
From Luxembourg airport, you can fly to more than 50 European cities
Enjoys one of the highest standards of living not only in Europe but
among all developed countries.
Excellent salary to prices of goods ratio CP I would delete this sentence
Offers numerous sports opportunities, whether outdoors or in its
many sports facilities.
Top-quality golf courses (PE this falls under sports opportunities
don’t think it should be mentioned separately)
Wide variety of bicycle paths PE is this really attracting people?
Excellent venues to socialize (pubs, restaurants) and cultural life
(theaters, museums, classical music concerts)
Linguistically, Luxembourg is a paradise
Cómo es el proceso de selección en el BEI?
El BEI gestiona su propio proceso de selección
No hay funcionarios ni oposiciones
Vacantes publicadas en
solicitud de empleo: exclusivamente on-line
– Sólo para puestos publicados
Selección sobre CV
Tests: competencias y técnicos
Entrevistas RR HH y línea
Contratos indefinidos y temporales
European Investment Bank
Más detalles y contacto: sitio web
98-100 boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-2950 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 43 791
European Investment Bank
European Investment Bank
European Investment Bank
Loan Officer
As a Loan Officer you will:
• Take end to end responsibility for the identification, structuring,
negotiation and execution of financing opportunities, in line with the
Bank’s objectives.
• Manage day-to-day relationships with key clients, and follow up on
proposals’ development, within a designated market.
• Market will normally be by reference to a particular geographical region,
requiring in-depth knowledge of local markets and relevant language
skills, but possibly also by sector, where a specialist transactional history is
European Investment Bank
Credit Risk Officer
As a Credit Risk Officer you will:
• Provide specialist credit support to the Bank’s loan origination teams
• Provide credit opinions on a wide variety of lending operations, across a
variety of sectors, and originated both inside and outside the EU.
• Advise on the formulation of, and approve, loan agreements and
associated legal documentation, from draft term sheet through to final
contracts, bringing solutions to complex and sometimes unique, deal
European Investment Bank
Financial Monitoring/Transaction Management
As an EIB Financial Monitoring or Transaction Management Officer, you will:
• Proactively follow the EIB loan book, post-signature, enabling the Bank to
act on post-signature events, to maintain the credit quality of its
operations, and to protect its financial interests and reputation
• Take responsibility for a defined portfolio of operations, preparing regular
financial reviews, and maintaining relationships with borrowers, agent
banks and co-lenders
• Negotiate any necessary amendments and/or contractual waivers, in view
of post-signature events.
• In distressed cases, take responsibility for, often complex, restructuring
European Investment Bank
As an EIB lawyer, you will:
• Create the legal framework for financing operations and guarantees,
notably structured finance and project finance (drafting, advisory support,
conclusion of contracts and completion of all related legal formalities)
• Manage high-level contacts and negotiations
• Liaise where necessary with external consultants and supervise their work
• Complete administrative formalities vis-à-vis clients (public institutions
and private enterprises)
• Undertake research and conduct legal studies on problems of law arising
in connection with the Bank’s operations and in the context of developing
new financial instruments.
European Investment Bank
Economists & Engineers
As an EIB Sector Specialist, you will:
• Prepare techno-economic assessments of projects in your sector including
assessment of compliance with environmental and procurement policies
• Track the evolution of your sector, and produce policy and sector papers
and briefs
• Support clients in the development of programmes, in your specialist
sector, notably in the context of the different project assistance and
project development services
• Liaise with EU institutions and international organisations on policy/sector
questions. Participate in conferences and other sectoral events.
European Investment Bank