Faculty & Staff Guide to I N F O R M AT I O N A N D T E C H N O L O G Y S E R V I C E S 2006-07 Information Services and Resources www.bucknell.edu/isr Important ISR Contact Information Technology Desk x7-7777 techdesk@bucknell.edu Library Reference Desk x7-1462 refdesk@bucknell.edu Classroom Emergencies x7-3435 Library Circulation Desk x7-1882 circ-dept@bucknell.edu Equipment Desk x7-7733 isr-equipsvcs@bucknell.edu E-Reserves x7-1038 Instructional Technology (ITEC) x7-1049 itec@bucknell.edu Learning Spaces x7-7733 isr-learn@bucknell.edu Telecommunications Office x7-1810 phoneoffice@bucknell.edu Web Development x7-3310 rsims@bucknell.edu ISR/Computer Center Office x7-1795 ISR/Library Office x7-1557 Special Collections/ x7-3101 dysinger@bucknell.edu University Archives * * When dialing from off campus add 57 before the extension and the area code 570 as needed. ISR Website http://www.bucknell.edu/isr Webmail http://webmail.bucknell.edu/ Library Catalog http://libcat.bucknell.edu/uhtbin/webcat/ Blackboard http://www.bb.bucknell.edu/ myBucknell http://mybucknell.bucknell.edu/ Electronic reserves (E-Res) http://eres.bucknell.edu/ Research by Subject http://researchbysubject.bucknell.edu/ Voice Mail on the Web http://vmailweb.facstaff.bucknell.edu/ Ask ISR http://ask.bucknell.edu/ Faculty & Staff Guide to Information and Technology Services TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 WHERE TO GO FOR HELP ............... 2 BUCKNELL COMPUTING ACCOUNTS . . . . . . . 3 Library Liaisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Domain/File Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 myBucknell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Blackboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Library Account (My Account) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Campus Email List Address and Guidelines . . . . . . . 3 Information Guidelines for Campus Messages . . . . . . .4 TECHNOLOGY SERVICES & SUPPORT . . . . . . 5 Your Bucknell-Owned Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Dial-Up Access to the Bucknell Network . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Virtual Private Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Bison Laptop Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Wireless Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ISR Representatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Personal Computer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Technology Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Administrative Computing Committee (ACC) . . . . . . . 7 Committee on Academic Computing (CAC) . . . . . . . . 7 COMPUTING SECURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Viruses & Antivirus Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Requesting New Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Research Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 RefWorks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 User Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Special Collections/University Archives . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Other Services for Faculty and Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 University Library Committee (ULC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY (ITEC) . . . . . 21 Blackboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Audio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Learning Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Image Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Social Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Electronic Portfolios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Clickers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Exercises and Drills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Wide Format Color Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Photographic Consultation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 LEARNING SPACES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 APPROPRIATE USAGE POLICY . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Keeping Your System Secure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Password Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 COPYRIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Keeping Your Laptop Physically Secure on Campus . 10 What Material is Copyrighted? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Spyware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Fair Use of Copyrighted Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Peer-to-Peer Sharing Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Copyright FAQs for Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Four Factors for Determining Fair Use . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND TV . . . . . . . . . . 12 Voice Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 APPENDIX A – ASK ISR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Voice Mail on the Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Conference Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Calling Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Speaker Phones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Cellular Discounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Cellular Loaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 BU TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 LIBRARY SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 General Library Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 APPENDIX B – KEY NETWORK SETTINGS . . . . 32 APPENDIX B – CAMPUS COMPUTER LABS . . . 33 Introduction you need to use interlibrary loan to get a book or Dear Bucknell Faculty and Staff: ■ Information Services and Resources (ISR) provides ■ you have a classroom technology emergency; library, technology, media, cable TV, and telephone ■ you would like to talk about alternatives to solve a journal article from another library; specific problem; services to the Bucknell community. ISR's compre■ hensive web site can be found at: you need current versions of virus/spyware tools to install on your home computer. www.bucknell.edu/isr. This booklet provides a comprehensive overview of Here are just some of the ways ISR can help you: ■ ■ ■ ■ the technology and information resources at Bucknell you have a technology question or problem, or you as well as instructions for how to use popular services require different equipment; and resources. As a member of our University you would like to set up some library/research or community, you have a Bucknell e-mail address, a technology education for your class; Blackboard account, a Banner Web account, personal you have a problem with your telephone or require file storage space on a network file server (that you specific telephone services; can access from anywhere), and the ability to create you would like to integrate technology into your web pages for departmental, class or personal use. teaching; ■ Campus computing resources are delivered via our you need to borrow equipment (like a camera, robust fiber optic network. High capacity internet video camera or projector); ■ service and data storage for academic work and you would like a tutor to help you learn a software electronic mail are provided to everyone. Many parts application or build a web page; ■ of the campus are equipped for wireless access so you need to put library materials or documents on that you can use our network resources and the reserves or e-reserves; internet from anywhere your work takes you. 1 With over 4 million articles online and over 750,000 Online Chat volumes housed in the library, electronic reserves, Support through online chat is available during regular and access to expert librarians, our library is the Tech Desk hours by clicking Technology Support > center of information services for the campus. Visit Get Technology Help > Chat from the ISR website. the Information Commons on the first floor of the library for all of your research needs. Your technology Classroom Emergencies support needs are addressed through our call center If you encounter a technology problem during and at the Tech Desk, which is also located on the a class call the Classroom Support Emergency first floor of the library. And, of course, the library Hotline at x7-3435. offers computer workstations and both wired and TELEPHONE HELP wireless network connections for laptops. By Phone You can always find current news and a vast amount Telephone and voicemail support is available by of useful information on our web page at calling the Telephone Office at x7-1810. If your www.bucknell.edu/isr. request cannot be resolved over the phone, we will dispatch a technician to assist you. The staff of Information Services and Resources looks forward to working with you. We will help you Email make effective use of information, library resources, Help is available by emailing and technology. phoneoffice@bucknell.edu. The staff of Information Services & Resources RESEARCH SERVICES Bucknell University In Person The Reference Desk is located on the main level of Where to go for help the Bertrand Library and is staffed by ISR staff and graduate student assistants during regular library hours. You can get help at the Reference Desk for all C O M P U T E R S U P P O RT of your research and library needs. In Person Email Technology support is provided through the Help is available by emailing refdesk@bucknell.edu. Technology Desk (Tech Desk) located on the main level of the Bertrand Library. It is open during regular Online Chat library hours and is staffed with members of the ISR Research help is available through online chat by staff and professional student employees. visiting Ask a Librarian > eCare on the ISR website. By Phone By Phone Support is available by dialing the “Sevens” Research help is available by calling the Reference (x7-7777). If your request cannot be resolved over Desk at x7-1462. the phone, we have the option of dispatching someASK ISR KNOWLEDGEBASE one to assist you. Support for most of your computing needs can be Email found online by searching the Ask ISR Knowledge- Email support is available by emailing base. Select Ask ISR from the Quick Links menu on techdesk@bucknell.edu. the ISR website. Please see the appendix at the end of this guide to view commonly asked questions. 2 Bucknell Computing Accounts EMAIL Your electronic mail (email) logon allows you to send and receive electronic mail. When off campus, you can use Webmail (http://webmail.bucknell.edu/) to access your email. All Bucknell email accounts are limited by a 100 megabyte quota. DOMAIN/FILE SERVICES Your Bucknell Domain/File Services logon gives you access to shared disk space on servers available over the network (NetSpace). Faculty and staff receive 1 gigabyte of disk space and have two main folders: public and private. The contents of the public folder can be viewed by anyone on campus, while the contents of the private folder can only be viewed by you. myBUCKNELL Your myBucknell account provides access to the campus portal. Each individual’s myBucknell account gives them access to a web site created especially for them based on their role(s) within the University (student, faculty, staff, alumni, or parent) and the to renew items online, check to see how many items courses, activities, or interests that are specific to you have charged out and when they are due, recall them. myBucknell is customizable so that each indi- items that are charged to other borrowers, and see vidual can decide the content they would like to see. what fines might have been charged to your account. To login to myBucknell you must use your Domain/ CAMPUS EMAIL LIST ADDRESSES AND GUIDELINES File Services password. From there myBucknell provides access to other external services such Faculty and staff will be part of several email as Blackboard, Webmail, BannerWeb, the Library distribution lists on campus. With the exception of the faculty discussion list, these lists are for catalog and more. distribution of information and should not be used BLACKBOARD to conduct discussion. Your Blackboard account provides access to The list below can be “opted out” of by a member of Bucknell’s course management system. You can the community, so it is not necessarily all-inclusive. share course materials and communicate with your campus@bucknell.edu students in a variety of ways using Blackboard. Includes all faculty, staff, students. L I B R A RY A C C O U N T (MY ACCOUNT) faculty@bucknell.edu Includes all faculty, retired faculty by request, and In addition to your computing accounts you also non-faculty receiving faculty meeting minutes. have a Library Account (My Account) that allows you 3 facstaff@bucknell.edu allstudents@bucknell.edu Includes all faculty, all administrative and Includes all students. support staff, and retiree's by request We moderate messages (review to ensure that they adhere to the campus list guidelines) twice daily faculty-announce@bucknell.edu Includes all faculty, retired faculty, and non- Monday through Friday, 7:30-8:30 a.m. and 1:30-2 faculty who receive faculty minutes. This list p.m. (excluding Bucknell and national holidays). should be used by non-members of the faculty@ We will review messages on a first come, first served bucknell.edu list who need to distribute an basis, and those we were unable to finish within the announcement specific to the faculty. time period will be moderated during the next moderation time. Therefore, you should plan accordingly students@bucknell.edu in sending your messages to the lists. The campus Includes all undergraduate and graduate students. lists are not an immediate way to get information firstyear@bucknell.edu out to the campus. Please allow at least two full Includes all first-year students. business days for your message to be moderated sophomore@bucknell.edu and delivered. Includes all sophomore students. To ensure the fastest possible delivery of your juniors@bucknell.edu message, please verify that your message conforms Includes all junior students. to the campus list guidelines below. seniors@bucknell.edu Sending a complete message with all required Includes all senior students. information will avoid unnecessary delays when our Postmaster has to return your message to you graduates@bucknell.edu for correction. Includes all graduate students. Lost & Found and For Sale messages cannot be posted. The faculty@bucknell.edu list is a closed, unmoderated discussion list for members only, meaning mesmessage delivery is usually rapid. I N F O R M AT I O N G U I D E L I N E S FOR CAMPUS MESSAGES Please note that there are other lists below can not ■ sages flow freely without intervention from ISR and All messages must have a subject line that be “opted out” of by a member of the community, pertains to the announcement and describe and they can only be sent to by a select group of something of the message content, or the administrators on campus. These lists can be used message will be refused. by a select group of administrators only. ■ Messages that could be considered controversial, and may start a discussion, are not allowed to be allcampus@bucknell.edu posted to these lists. All messages must also be Includes all faculty, staff and students. sent from a Bucknell email address. allfacstaff@bucknell.edu ■ Includes all faculty, administrative and Usage of Bucknell’s moderated list resources is limited to announcements and notices of events support staff. and academic endeavors that are sponsored by allfaculty@bucknell.edu officially recognized Bucknell organizations, such Includes all faculty. as Greek or student organizations. alladmin@bucknell.edu ■ Includes all administrative staff. Include the following information when posting event announcements: allsupport@bucknell.edu – What is the name of the event? Includes all support staff. – Where is it being held? 4 – Who is the sponsoring organization(s) for this event? (It must be an officially recognized Bucknell organization or one that is in the process of forming.) – What date and time will the event be held? – If there is a cost to the event, please add it. – Who do the proceeds go to? ■ In order to use copyrighted pictures or other material, users must have been granted copyright permission to be used for this purpose. Messages with copyrighted material in them without permission will be rejected. ■ Reminders of ‘events’ can be posted to the moderated lists as long as the reminder is posted at least one week from the original announcement. Technology Services & Support connection already have access to the network as YOUR BUCKNELL-OWNED COMPUTER connection to Bucknell’s network, while providing easy Faculty and staff who receive a computer have a access to the following services: choice between a laptop or desktop, PC, Mac, or Linux ■ File Services on NetSpace ■ Library resources requiring Bucknell affiliation ■ Secure email from off campus described above. The VPN provides a more secure (Red Hot Enterprises). Computers are replaced on a four-year cycle. DIAL-UP ACCESS TO THE BUCKNELL NETWORK To learn more about the VPN click Ask ISR from the ISR website and search for “VPN.” Faculty and staff who need to connect to the Bucknell network and use the Internet for academic purposes from off campus can gain dial-up access at no cost BISON LAPTOP PROGRAM through an arrangement with ProLog, a local Internet Bucknell University had partnered with Dell and Apple service provider. Please be aware that this is a limited to provide you with the opportunity to take part in this resource. More information and instructions for dial-up voluntary laptop purchase program. The program offers access is available by clicking Technology Support on you the chance to purchase a Dell or Apple laptop at the ISR website or by going to Ask ISR. special discount pricing. ISR staff have secured and configured the Windows laptops appropriately for use V I RT U A L P R I VAT E N E T W O R K at Bucknell. The Bucknell Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a tool that For more information about the current laptop models, allows users to access many of Bucknell’s network how to order, and the benefits of purchasing a resources while off campus. The VPN is designed for BU–recommended and configured laptop, please visit use with a high speed (broadband) Internet connection. our Bison Laptop information web page from the Those connecting to Bucknell through a dial-up 5 ISR home page. If you have questions about this program, please don’t hesitate to email bisonlaptop@bucknell.edu WIRELESS COMPUTING Bucknell has a wireless network that has expanded significantly over the past few years. This means that network services such as email, instant messaging, and the Internet are now available from most areas on campus. All newer faculty and staff laptops come with wireless that is preconfigured for Bucknell’s ISR has also purchased licenses for some software wireless network. If you are unsure whether your lap- that can be installed on personal computers. Titles top is wireless-ready, call the Tech Desk (x7-7777) include Microsoft Office, VTex, Open Mind, Mathe- for help. Using wireless on campus should not matica, Eudora, Meeting Maker, and Symantec affect your ability to use a wireless network at home AntiVirus. CDs with this software, as well as other or in Internet cafés, especially with Windows XP internet tools, can be picked up at the Tech Desk. and Mac OS X, which automatically recognize the available networks. TECHNOLOGY TRAINING For a complete list of areas on campus that support Workshops wireless computing, click Wireless on the ISR website. ISR regularly offers technology workshops which help you learn more about various aspects of computing. I S R R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S Available at all levels of user expertise, workshops range Every department is assigned one or two ISR tech- from brown-bag lunch talks to a more formal classroom nology representatives (ISR Reps) who work with setting. To see a list of upcoming workshops, register your department to identify your department’s tech- online or request a customized workshop click nology-related goals, needs, and desires. ISR Reps Technology Support > Technology Learning have broad knowledge of the services available from Resources > Workshops from the ISR website. ISR. Your Rep is the one special person that you can always contact about anything related to ISR. If your Online Manuals Rep does not know how to help you, he or she will get you connected with the right people in ISR who Online manuals are available for a variety of commonly can. To locate your ISR Rep, click Technology used applications as well as programming languages Support > Get Technology Help > ISR Represen- and more. To view online manuals click Technology tatives for Departments on the ISR website. Support > Technology Learning Resources > Online Manuals from the ISR website. P E R S O N A L C O M P U T E R S U P P O RT Web-based Training (Element K) If you are having problems with your personallyowned computer, you may choose to use our Element K is an e-learning system, available to users Advanced Support service located at the Tech Desk 24/7 via the web, that allows you to learn computer on the main level of the library. Computers must skills at your own pace. In this interactive training, meet certain hardware specifications, and are serv- you perform actions in an interface resembling the iced on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority application itself. To sign up for an account and given to student computers. For more information, check out the over 100 available courses click click Technology Support > Get Technology Help Technology Support > Technology Learning from the ISR website. Resources > Web-based Training (Element K) from the ISR website. 6 Computing Security Microsoft Office User Specialist Program (MOUS) The Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) pro- Though almost everyone at Bucknell uses an gram provides a way for you to develop and prove Internet-connected computer daily, many do not your skills in using the Microsoft Office package. Two realize the responsibility involved. Most simply use levels of certification are available, Core User the Internet as a tool without being aware of the Specialist and Expert User Specialist. To become a risks. Many don’t realize that the Bucknell network is specialist the candidate must pass a hands-on certi- constantly under attack and that malicious activity fication exam. For more information, click occurs every day. Today’s technology tools are Technology Support > Technology Learning incredibly powerful and one must remember that Resources > Microsoft User Specialist Program with great power comes great responsibility. Each of (MOUS) from the ISR website. us must take responsibility to keep Bucknell’s computing environment safe. A D M I N I S T R AT I V E C O M P U T I N G COMMITTEE (ACC) The Administrative Computing Committee (ACC) is VIRUSES AND ANTIVIRUS S O F T WA R E charged with making policy recommendations con- Viruses, worms and Trojan horses are man-made soft- cerning the administrative computing and networking ware programs created to wreak havoc on comput- support functions of ISR. ACC also provides advice ers and the Internet. The chances of getting a virus as appropriate to ISR and/or the President’s Staff. over the Internet have increased incredibly over the For more information on ACC click About ISR > last few years. Advisory Committees > Administrative Computing Some viruses are relatively harmless while others are Committee from the ISR website. more destructive. Most recently many harmless viruses have been spread through opening email COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC COMPUTING (CAC) attachments. These types of viruses or worms often cause a sudden flood of email that overwhelms mail The Committee on Academic Computing (CAC) servers and the network, causing them to become is charged with making policy recommendations very slow or crash. concerning the academic computing and networking support functions of ISR. CAC also provides advice More destructive viruses are ones that are placed on as appropriate to ISR and/or the President’s Staff. your computer and activate on a certain day in the For more information on CAC click About ISR > future. These often involve data and programs on Advisory Committees > Committee on Academic your computer being deleted or changed. In the Computing from the ISR website. worst case, all the contents of your computer may be lost. These often start on one computer and replicate from computer to computer. how big is the computing security problem? ■ 10,000 virus infected emails are caught each day by Bucknell’s email virus scanner. ■ Every other day there is a campus computer broken into by a hacker. ■ 4.3 million virus infected emails were caught by Bucknell’s email virus scanner in the two days after the My Doom virus was released in January 2004. 7 Protecting Against Viruses .wsc, .wsf, .wsh, .xnk. If you need to receive a file with ISR provides Symantec Antivirus, to all faculty, one of these extensions, please call the Tech Desk. staff and registered students at no cost. Symantec All incoming email is sent through Bucknell’s spam Antivirus software is required by the Appropriate filtering service works before the mail is delivered to Usage Policy for all Windows computers connected your inbox, very similar to the email virus scanning to the network. service. Your email will be scanned by the spam It is not enough to simply install antivirus software; server and all “spam-like” emails will be placed in you must ensure that your virus definitions are up to quarantine. Each day you will receive a spam digest date. Up-to-date definitions will ensure that your that allows you to review the messages that have virus scanner is scanning for the most recent viruses. been placed in quarantine. If, by chance, any non- All computers on Bucknell’s campus are connected spam (false positives) messages were placed in automatically to Bucknell Symantec Antivirus quarantine, you can use the digest to “Allow” these (NAVSYSTEM) server. This server automatically deliv- messages through to your inbox. ers updates to your anti-virus software when you are connected to our network. Email Viruses Symantec Antivirus can locate viruses on your com- Most viruses are spread through email. Even with puter by completing regular virus scans and using Bucknell’s email screening software there are times AutoProtect. Virus scans are automatically set to run when a virus will slip through and show up in your on Tuesdays at noon. AutoProtect is enabled when inbox. There are several tips to help you prevent an Symantec is installed. Additional virus scans can be infected email from infecting your computer: started manually or scheduled as needed. ■ Configure your email program securely When your anti-virus software locates a file that is ■ Never open attachments unless you are expecting them infected with a virus it either cleans the file or quarantines the file. More than likely the file is quar- ■ Never open attachments that are programs (with antined. These files will no longer affect your system. the extensions .bat, .chm, .cmd, .com, .exe, .hta, It is good practice to occasionally delete these files. .ocx, .pif, .scr, .shs, .vbe, .vbs, or .wsf) ■ Virus and Spam Scanning Realize that the “From:” email address can be faked All email sent to or from your Bucknell email address is automatically scanned for viruses. If it contains a virus, the attachment will be removed and the KEEPING YOUR SYSTEM SECURE message will be sent to the intended recipient along Keeping your operating system updated is the most with a text message indicating that an attachment important thing you can do to protect your computer was removed because it contained a virus. against viruses, spyware, and security break-ins. In order to send and receive “clean” messages, it is Simply by connecting your computer to the Internet necessary to receive mail through mail.bucknell.edu or network for a few minutes you open it up to the and send mail through our SMTP server, possibility of attack. It is critical that every computer, smtp.bucknell.edu. especially newly installed systems, take steps to ensure system security. Leaving your computer sys- The virus scanning software is also looking for files tem insecure is like leaving your house with the door that appear like virus-ridden attachments. For your unlocked. An up-to-date operating system is your information, files with the following extensions are best protection against worms that spread across a intercepted since they are commonly infected attach- network from computer to computer. ments: .bat, .cmd, .com, .exe, .reg, .chm, .cnf, .hta, .ins, .jse, .lnk, .pif, .scf, .scr, .sct, .shb, .shs, .vbe, .vbs, 8 top 10 security mistakes ■ Not using up-to-date antivirus software ■ Opening unsolicited email attachments ■ Using easy-to-guess passwords ■ Not using a “firewall” on your personally owned computer ■ Sharing access to your computer with strangers through file sharing programs ■ Staying connected to the Internet when not in use ■ Not making backups of your data ■ Not regularly updating your operating system ■ Not completing a regular check on your computer’s security ■ Not being aware of the support on campus should your computer get infected Updating Your System PA S S W O R D S E C U R I T Y Windows Passwords are the first level of protection users use In today’s world it is a common occurrence to turn to protect their computer systems and accounts. on the news and hear stories about a new Microsoft People make two big password mistakes: vulnerability that was just announced. To secure 1. they create easy-to-guess passwords and against these and other dangers, Windows users 2. they write their passwords down and leave them must faithfully update their operating system. Many in places where others can see them (on their do not complete an update because they believe the computer screen). process will take a long time or that it will be difficult to understand. Windows Update may take a long Most hackers will attempt to break into someone’s time in some circumstances, but it is far faster than system using passwords first. Hackers do this with rebuilding a compromised system. It is actually very password-cracking software. This software utilizes simple to update your Windows operating system many dictionaries (including a variety of languages with Microsoft’s Windows Update as well as common popular words) to crack the (http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com). passwords. In order to guard against this you should create harder-to-crack passwords. One of the best Macintosh OS X ways to do this is to use mnemonics and numbers. Software Update is an application in Mac OS X that checks weekly (by default) for updates to certain Another common password problem is that, due to pieces of software. When Software Update finds a the large number of passwords required in today’s new update, it will keep prompting you until you world, many use the same password for each sys- either install the new software or choose to ignore it. tem. Once one system is cracked the others are Please don’t ignore it! Software Update keeps your soon to follow. operating system from security flaws. 9 Examples of Secure Passwords ■ Charge your batteries. Some airports will require ■ hR7u9Is3 you to turn on your computer to demonstrate that ■ 3Dop89G# it really is a functional computer. You could be sig- ■ L-2rz4Hx nificantly delayed by dead batteries, not to mention you won’t have any entertainment for the trip. Password Security Tips ■ Do not send passwords in email. ■ Do not write your passwords in a place where ■ Run Symantec AntiVirus Live Update and make sure you have the most current virus definition files. ■ Run Windows Update(Windows) or Software others could find it. Update (Macintosh) and make sure your operating ■ Be sure no one is watching when you login using your password. system is up-to-date. ■ If you enter a password into a Web site, be sure to While traveling ... close all open browser windows when done. ■ ■ Don’t walk away from a computer until you are cer- mends that you put cell phones, pagers, and tain that you have logged off or locked the system. PDAs (Palms) in your carry-on luggage. Be pre- ■ Do not use “remember password” options. ■ Be wary of using Internet Explorer’s (or other pared to take your laptop out of its case and send it through the x-ray machine in a separate bin from rest of your carry-on. programs’) AutoComplete function for usernames ■ and passwords on web pages. ray. You want to reach the pickup point as quickly as possible. Label your laptop! All the Dell computers going through the x-ray machine look the same. How will you know when yours comes out the other side? The Transportation Security Administration says that laptops “are one of the most forgotten items at Screening Checkpoints.” The easiest way to label your laptop: tape your business card to it! ■ Lock your office door or residential hall room. ■ Don’t leave it sitting on a table in the library or café ■ Buy a good, durable travel bag for your laptop. It should have lots of padding and reinforcement. Laptop bags come in several different configurations: there are shoulder bags, backpacks, and wheeled bags that you pull. A good bag will not look like a laptop bag – nothing attracts more attention than a bag with a computer manufacturer’s name splashed across the side. ■ If the security checkpoint is very crowded, wait for a gap before you put your laptop through the x- KEEPING YOUR LAPTOP P H Y S I C A L LY S E C U R E ON CAMPUS ■ The Transportation Security Administration recom- Make your bag instantly recognizable. Use colored tape, stickers, labels, nametags, or other unique ways of telling your bag from all the rest. If your bag starts to leave without you, you’ll notice! 10 ■ If you are traveling with a group, the first person ■ through can stand by the pickup point and watch Install any new critical or security updates. everyone’s laptops. ■ ■ Check Windows Update and Software Update. ■ Run a full backup of all your new data. Be alert! Watch who is watching you, near you, being overly helpful or overly interested. Ticket S P Y WA R E and rental counters can be very stressful and dis- Spyware, also called adware, is software that is hidden tracting. If one person is being helpful, watch the on your computer that gathers personal information other person. about you and your Internet use habits. The software Laptops should never be too hot or too cold, too then relays it to advertisers, sponsors and others. jostled or too bumped around. Treat them gently The one way that spyware is similar to a virus is in all the time, especially when they are on. the way it affects your computer. Some typical ■ Never leave your laptop unattended. symptoms of spyware include: ■ Keep some part of your body through the strap of ■ Computer instability — Slow down or hangs the laptop case at all times. ■ Random strange behaviors Put your laptop in the trunk of your car before you ■ Software conflicts leave for your destination, not when you arrive. It ■ Slow network performance when others are fine ■ Advertising popups (including pornography) ■ New toolbars appear in your browser ■ Your browser opens to a different webpage ■ is less likely that someone watching you will follow you or end up at the same location. ■ Disconnect from the Internet when you aren’t using it. Who knows what kind of security your hotel offers? Your computer may be vulnerable to Spyware is normally installed without your knowledge the computers of all the other guests. when you install a legitimate software package. Sometimes the fine print of license agreements includes the You’re on your own! ■ ■ information about the spyware but not always. For LiveUpdate is not automatic when you are off the example, while simply installing freeware software like Bucknell campus. You need to run LiveUpdate to weather monitoring software or peer-to-peer software protect your computer from viruses. like KaZaa or Morpheus, you also will install up to six Backups are not automatic when you are traveling. spyware applications on your system. You will need to bring blank CDs and burn copies Spyware is hidden so it is difficult to recognize and of your files. ■ remove. Spyware programs run in the background Windows Update is not automatic when you are and consume significant amount of memory and traveling. Check the Windows Update website or CPU speed. Thus the applications you need to use the Software Update website at least once a do not perform at their best. week, especially if you don’t have a consistent ■ Internet connection. Many believe that spyware can be removed using If your laptop is lost, stolen, or damaged, contact Bucknell immediately. Symantec AntiVirus. However, even though some of the files may be detected by the anti-virus software, it cannot remove all the spyware. Two tools that can When you return... ■ ■ be used to remove spyware are Lavasoft’s Ad-Aware When you have reconnected to the Bucknell and Spybot Search & Destroy. Beginning this fall, a network, restart your computer. licensed, managed spyware tool called Spy Sweeper, will be installed on everyone’s machines. This tool Check your virus definition dates. Run LiveUpdate will automatically scan and remove spyware from if these dates are not current. your computer. 11 Telecommunications & TV VOICE MAIL Voice mail is available to all faculty and staff. For information on how to set up and use your voice mail click Telecommunications & TV > Voice Mail from the ISR home page. VOICE MAIL ON THE WEB Faculty and staff can check their voice mail online from any PC on or off campus. This means that you do not have to make a long-distance call to check your voice mail from off campus. Please see the “How to …” section of this guide for instructions on accessing your voice mail on the web. CONFERENCE CALLS It is recommended that everyone, even if you have not installed suspicious software, should use these Bucknell’s Conferencing allows you to make a tools to scan their computer for Spyware. conference call with up to sixteen people at a time PEER-TO-PEER ence call, please call x7-2000. and costs 8¢ per minute, per line. To set up a conferPrograms that allow you to share files on another computer directly are called Peer-to-Peer or P2P. CTI Conferencing allows you to make a conference File sharing programs also allow others using the call and charges 18¢ per minute, per line, for auto- same software to access your computer and your mated service or 26¢ per operator-assisted service. files. Obviously, anyone with an interest in securing For more information please call the Telephone Office a computer has to pay close attention to any pro- at x7-1810. gram that admits another user directly into parts of CALLING CARDS their hard drive, and everyone involved in network security has to look at P2P as a potential hole for Calling Cards are available through CTI at 9¢ per dangerous entry. minute. They are available upon request and approval to those employees who travel frequently Bucknell uses packet shaping to limit the amount for the University and need to make business-related of bandwidth that can be utilized for file sharing. A phone calls and/or to maintain regular contact with college network with its fast connections, technically your office. International Calling Cards are also avail- savvy users and entertainment-oriented population able for certain countries. Rates vary for International presents an unbelievably attractive target for people Calling. For more information please call the from around the world looking for music and video Telephone Office at x7-1810. files. If unattended, Internet traffic devoted to file sharing would quickly overwhelm every academic SPEAKER PHONES pursuit on campus and strangle our connection to Speaker phones are available per request. These the Internet. Because of this, only a small percentage are great if you are having a meeting in a large of our bandwidth is open to file sharing to or from off room with a group of people. There is no charge campus users. for the use of a speaker phone. Please call the 12 Telecommunications Office at x7-1810 in advance current BUTV channels to reserve a speaker phone. Speaker phones only work with single line phone connections. CELLULAR DISCOUNTS WPSX WYOU WBRE WVIA WOLF WNEP WSWB WGAL WLYH WITF WPIX WHTM PAX LOCAL 1 LOCAL 2 LOCAL 3 WHP QVC HSN ESPN ESPN 2 ESPN CLASSIC CNN HEADLINES CNN FOX NEWS MSNBC CNBC BLOOMBERG C-SPAN WEATHER CHANNEL LOCAL WEATHER E! TV PCN SPORTSNET ESPN NEWS OUTDOOR SPEED TBS FX SPIKE TV USA TNT ANIMAL Employees receive a monthly 18% discount on any rate plan $34.99 or higher through Verizon Wireless as long as the cell phone has a Pennsylvania phone number. Employees also receive discounts on phones and accessories through Verizon Wireless. The activation fee is also waived for Bucknell employees. To receive these discounts, you must purchase your service through Bucknell’s representative. Click Telecommunications & TV > Cellular Services from the ISR home page for more information. CELLULAR LOANERS These loaner cell phones are great for someone who does not need a phone on a regular basis, and does not want the monthly fee of a cell phone. The cost is $2.25 per day for a National Coverage Area. Phones are available on a short term basis only (no longer than a month). If you would like more information on our Cellular Loaners, please contact the Telecommunications Office at x7-1810. Phones cannot be borrowed longer than a 30-day period. Detailed reference guides for telephone services are available from the ISR website by clicking Telecommunications & TV > Departmental Telephone Services. Global Cell Phones – The cost is $2.25 per day. There will also be a per minute rate if the phone is used in another country (rates vary per country). Phones cannot be borrowed for more than 30 days. BUTV BU TV provides television programming to the Bucknell community. Bucknell students can subscribe for a fee to BU TV in the individual residence hall rooms. BU TV is also available in many lounges, classrooms and other areas of campus. Departments are charged for content descriptions where BUTV is already installed. 13 DISCOVERY SCIENCE TLC HISTORY NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY TRAVEL FAM HALLMARK FAMNET TVLAND BRAVO AMC A&E COMEDY CENTRAL SCIFI NIK CARTOON NETWORK COURT TV EWTN TBN MTV FUSE VH1 CMTV BET HGTV LIFETIME OXYGEN WOMENSNET FOOD TV5 - French GALA - Spanish NTVI - Russian DW - German RAI - Italian SCOLA3 - Chinese JNG - Japan Bucknell Information Channel Library Services Bertrand Café The library has a café, which serves coffee drinks, baked goods, soda, juices, sandwiches, and other The Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library, located at the grab-n-go food items. The café is located next to the center of campus on the academic quad, offers a Technology Desk. You can use your Bucknell ID to pay welcoming and engaging environment for faculty, for items here. staff, and students. The library serves as the keystone of the many services provided by Technology Courtyard Information Services and Resources (ISR). ISR supports the Technology Courtyard on the first In addition to traditional functions such as circulation floor of the Bertrand Library, offering a wide array of and reference, the library also houses the Technology high-end computers with a variety of technology Desk, the University’s Web Development Team, resources. Hardware includes large screen monitors instructional technology experts (the ITEC group), and scanners and CD/DVD burners. The courtyard University Archives/Special Collections, and the has been updated with all new machines in the Learning Spaces group, which provides all multime- summer of 2006. dia services for classrooms and labs across campus. The courtyard is adjacent to the Tech Desk, with its complement of students and staff trained to provide G E N E R A L L I B R A RY I N F O R M AT I O N assistance in using the software, which includes OmniPage Pro, Flash, Fireworks, Photoshop, Library Hours Acrobat, Microsoft Office, Illustrator, and CD/DVD Monday – Thursday: 7:45 a.m. – 2 a.m. burning software. The courtyard also offers two Mac Friday: 7:45 a.m. – 10 p.m. G5 digital video editing computers, as well as self- Saturday: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. service laminating, transparencies, and video and CD Sunday: 10 a.m. – 2 a.m. duplication. A dedicated high-speed Canon Image Hours are extended during reading period and Runner printer serves the 28 machines (22 Windows finals week. machines and 6 Macs). Color printing is available at the Tech Desk for a small fee. 14 In additon to the computers in the technology court- Databases yard, the Library has 60 open access computers in The library provides access to a wide array of data- the research area on the first floor. bases, containing citations and/or the full text of articles and other sources of information. Databases are L I B R A RY L I A I S O N S accessible by clicking Databases and E-Journals Each academic department and program is assigned on the ISR website. Many database subscriptions a library liaison who offers personalized service to limit access to Bucknellians. If you attempt to access meet your specialized information needs. Your library a database from off campus you may be asked to liaison is your contact/resource for user education, enter your user name and password to verify you are reference services and collection development. In an authorized user. To locate databases on specific addition, each department has also appointed one subjects, check the Research by Subject page. of its members as a library representative. Library liaisons and departmental library representatives Government Documents work together to assess the needs of the department Bertrand Library is a depository for documents as a whole and determine how the library’s resources produced by the federal government and the and services would best address these needs. To Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This collection locate your library liaison or departmental represen- supports the curriculum needs of Bucknell as well as tative, click Doing Research > Ask a Librarian > the needs of the local community. The library’s Contact a Subject Librarian on the ISR web site. Government Information Guide helps you locate information (including legal information) from federal, COLLECTIONS Pennsylvania state, and local governments. The The library’s collection includes books, periodicals, library’s collection of government documents can be videos and DVDs, reference material, U.S. and PA searched by using the Library Catalog. To limit your state government documents, maps, CDs and other search to government documents in print, select the multimedia sources, microforms, specialized data- “Advanced Search Options,” and limit the location to bases and other online resources, sound recordings “Government Documents.” and music scores, teaching materials, children’s books, Masters and Honors Theses, and more. Your ICPSR subject liaison can help you develop and enhance Since many Bucknell faculty and students are new and/or existing areas of the collection. involved in quantitative research, Bucknell University has joined with over 325 institutions around the Books world to provide access to the data files available Bertrand Library has an extensive collection of through the Inter-university Consortium for Social books, totaling more than a half million volumes. and Political Research (ICPSR). These data sources The collection is designed primarily to support the cover a broad range of disciplines including political University’s curriculum. To access the collection science, sociology, demography, economics, history, search the library catalog by clicking Catalog on the education, gerontology, criminal justice, public ISR website. health, foreign policy, and law. Journals and Periodicals Videos & DVDs The Bertrand Library’s periodical collection contains The library has a significant collection of educational tens of thousands of journals, magazines, newspa- and feature films that support the curriculum at pers and newsletters with millions of articles accessi- Bucknell University. Some recreational items are also ble in print and online. To search for a journal by its available. To search for films in the library catalog title, check in both the Catalog and the E-Journals use the “Advanced Search Options,” and limit the page on the ISR website. 15 format to “Video or DVD.” A search for “feature films” > Requesting Materials > Gladys Brooks Fund is also a popular way to browse this collection online. Request Form from the ISR website. R E Q U E S T I N G N E W M AT E R I A L S Journals Books, Videos, CDs, etc Due to their annual price increases, a new journal subscription represents a long-term The Acquisitions Department orders materials of all commitment of financial resources. For this types, excluding journal and database subscriptions, reason all requests for new journals received during to support the teaching and research needs of the year are carefully reviewed by the New/Core Bucknell University. These materials include, but are Journals Committee in the fall. To learn more about not limited to: books, videos, DVDs, multimedia the process to request a new title and to fill out the products, musical recordings (CDs), maps, and request form, click on Collections and Borrowing > audiocassettes. Requesting Materials > New Journal Request Form on the ISR website. Orders may be submitted by faculty and staff using one of the online forms found by visiting Collections To ensure the journal collection keeps up with and Borrowing > Requesting Materials from the changing departmental needs, each department ISR website, by email, or by sending us a note, completes a Core Journal Review at least every three catalog, review or other blurb. Please check the years. For more information about the Core Journal online catalog before placing an order to ensure that Review process, visit About ISR > Advisory the item is not already in the collection. Turnaround Committees > ULC > OngoingCore Journal Review time for most regular items is about six weeks. on the ISR website or contact your subject liaison or departmental representative. New Book Approval Plan We have a new book approval plan with Yankee Book C I R C U L AT I O N Peddler, a library book provider. Weekly, we receive a The Circulation Department provides access to the shipment of recently published books, which we main book collection, to items on reserve in Bertrand display in call number order in the Library lobby. Library, and to equipment that is loaned out to facul- Department library representatives and subject librari- ty, staff, and students. At the Circulation Desk, you ans are expected to review the books each week. may check books out, return or renew books, pay fines, and ask for help in locating books. Our staff About one-half of all new library books are received and students at the desk also shelve returned books, via the approval plan. search for missing books, and help patrons recall books that are checked out to other users. Gladys Brooks Fund In 1986, the Gladys Brooks Endowment was estab- The Reserves section of the desk is the primary lished for the Bertrand Library as a grant from the location for books, films, and other materials that Gladys Brooks Foundation. New faculty members faculty have placed on reserve for student usage can use these funds to purchase library materials in during the semester. their areas of teaching and research. The funds can Bucknell staff and faculty can check out such items be used to support the acquisition of books, videos as digital cameras, data projectors, and portable and other one-time purchases. However, the money hard drives as well as purchase some media materi- cannot be used for journal subscriptions or electron- als at the Equipment section of the desk. ic resources. Students, faculty, staff, spouses, and dependents To request funds from this program, complete the may check out books or equipment using their form found by clicking Collections and Borrowing Bucknell University ID card. 16 Other services E-Reserves and Traditional Reserves: Reserves at Bucknell encompasses both traditional reserves system, which includes books, maps, movies, etc., as well as electronic reserves system that provides online access to materials. ■ E-Reserves: Bucknell uses E-Res by Docutek to create electronic course web pages and make articles, book chapters, old exams, problem sets, and homework solutions available online. Faculty can drop off materials for scanning, send email attachments directly to E-Res by using the eres@bucknell.edu address, or send URLs to this address for links to be made on the course pages, or faculty can manage their own pages by using the straightforward menus on the E-Res pages. More information for faculty can be found by clicking Collection and Borrowing > Reserves from the ISR website. ■ Traditional Reserves: Faculty can place books, films (videos and DVDs), personal copies, and unscannable items on hard copy reserve. The loan Books requested through E-Z Borrow are often periods for these items range from 1 hour to received within three days. overnight and Bucknell students and staff can check material out with their IDs from the Reserve If you are searching for other material or the book desk on the first floor of Bertrand Library. The you are seeking is not available through E-Z Borrow, forms needed to place material on reserve are you can fill out an ILL request form through the available at the circulation desk and by clicking ILLiad system online. Collection and Borrowing > Reserves from the For more information and to request an item through ISR website. ILL, click Collections and Borrowing > Interlibrary Hold for Classroom Showing Loan and E-Z Borrow from the ISR website. Faculty and staff may request that a video or DVD Searches: We want to make sure that each borrower be held at the Circulation Desk for a classroom gets the materials that he or she needs. If you cannot showing. Forms to schedule videos/DVDs are find an available book on the shelf, let the circulation available at the Circulation Desk or online by click- staff know. We will search for it and notify you when ing Collections and Borrowing > Requesting we find the item. Materials > Video/DVD Scheduling from the ISR website. Periodicals/Microform Service Desk: Staff members at the Periodicals/Microform Service Desk on Interlibrary Loan (ILL): You may borrow items Level Two of the library, provide assistance in locat- (books, articles, etc.) that Bucknell does not own ing periodicals in the stacks, finding periodicals in from other libraries and commercial document the online catalog, using microform readers, and delivery services through ILL. The quickest way to printing copies from microform materials. There is request a particular book is to search the E-Z Borrow no charge for printing copies of microform materi- database which contains information about the als. Copy services are limited to those permitted holdings of most academic libraries in Pennsylvania. under the Copyright Law. 17 Listening/Viewing Equipment & Facilities: We have ■ regular and language-learning cassette players and Maps, annual reports, multimedia, audiocassettes, music CDs, Records headsets available at the Technology Desk for use ■ within the library. Multimedia computers, videocas- ■ sette players and a compact disc player are available 3 weeks Videos and DVDs (available for students, faculty, staff, and spouses only) in either the Technology Courtyard or on the 2nd ■ floor. Two microfiche readers, one LAC fiche reader, ■ one film reader, one Opaque reader, and four micro- 3 days Reserves ■ form reader/printers are located in the Periodicals/ 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, or overnight at faculty members’ discretion. Microform service area. There is also one microform ■ reader/printer on the Main Level of the library. Photocopy and Copy Card Services: We have pho- Equipment for Checkout ■ 3 days for all equipment except laptops ■ 2 weeks for laptops tocopy machines on the Main Level, and Level Two. Copy cards can be purchased from the vending Recall Information machine in the 2nd level copier room. Cards cost A recall is a request by a current Bucknell faculty $1.00 and can by encoded with up to $30.00 of member, staff member or student for material value. Copies made using vendor cards or coins cost charged to another borrower. The policy allows ade- 10¢. Bertrand Library adheres to the copyright law quate time for the initial borrower to use the item, but (Title 17, section 108, United States Code) which also ensures that a request is satisfied in a timely governs the making of photocopies or other repro- manner. Items recalled for the Reserve Room must ductions of copyrighted material. Under certain con- be returned immediately. All borrower information is ditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are confidential and borrowers can recall any item, even authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduc- if someone else has recalled it from them. tion. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy of reproduction is to be used only for pri- Extended loan borrowers (faculty, staff, graduate vate study, scholarship, or research. If a user makes students, and spouses) will be notified of a new due a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess date if an item they have is recalled. The new due of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright dates will allow five days to return recalled items. A infringement. The photocopiers in the library are notice will be sent encouraging the current borrower maintained by Administrative Services. A networked to return it before the due date if possible. Items printer is also located in the Tech Courtyard. charged to dependents, alumni, consortium or community borrowers are recalled immediately to accom- Summary of Loan Periods modate the research needs of our primary users. Unless recalled for a current Bucknell student or staff member, or for the Reserve Desk, loan periods are as follows: ■ For more information on the recall policy click Books, Oversized Books, Asia Library, Collections and Borrowing > Circulation Paperbacks, Government Documents, Juvenile Information > Recall Policies from the ISR website. Books, Curriculum Collection: ■ ■ ■ RESEARCH SERVICES 3 weeks — Undergraduate students, dependents, alumni, community borrowers Our Research Services staff is available to help you Semester — Graduate students, spouses/ or your students search for, access and evaluate the spousal equivalents information they need. Research services are available Academic Year — Faculty and staff through the ASK Reference / Information Desk at x7-1462, by emailing refdesk@bucknell.edu, or through our online chat service accessed by clicking Ask a Librarian > eCare on the ISR web site. You 18 U S E R E D U C AT I O N Our staff provides research and technology instruction to your classes by request. We can also assist you in developing assignments incorporating information and technology skills, which can be tailored for specific class objectives and assignments. To request classroom instruction, click Support for Teaching > Instructional Technology on the ISR website, or contact your library liaison or technology representative. The ISR web pages contain several guides to assist students with their research, including the “Doing Research” section, the “Research and Evaluation Guides” series, the Citation Guides, and guides on searching for and evaluating internet sites. To find these, click Doing Research on the ISR website. As a one stop service for your students’ information research needs, “Research by Subject” brings together information resources by subject. Links to guidelines for evaluating information resources, citation guides, as well as one-on-one help are readily available to assist your students with their research. It can also contact your Librarian liaison for specialized also includes links to Interlibrary Loan, E-Reserves, and extended research service. Blackboard and other services used frequently during the research process. “Research by Subject” can be REFWORKS accessed on the front page of the ISR web site. RefWorks, a web-based service that enables users to Contact your library liaison if you have suggestion for create collections of citations from anywhere, at any resources to include in “Research by Subject.” time, is available for you and your students. Citations can be added to RefWorks manually or imported You may also encourage your students to make an from many of ISR's databases, including the library appointment with a subject liaison if they need in- catalog. Your EndNote and other bibliographic files depth, personalized research help. can also be easily converted into RefWorks files. The files that you create can be shared with others, or SPECIAL COLLECTIONS/ UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES worked on by a group. The citations can be inserted into Word documents in a citation format you wish to use, such as APA, MLA, or a specific journal format. Special Collections/University Archives offers an You can sign up for an account at abundant array of original and primary sources that www.refworks.com from a Bucknell computer. support the academic and administrative needs of faculty, students, staff, and visiting scholars. Located For more information on RefWork click Doing on Lower Level 1 of the library, the collections Research > Citation Guides from the ISR website. contain such items as rare books, manuscripts, and University records. The staff of Special Collections/ University Archives plays an active role in User Education, presenting a high number of sessions each semester, and assisting students when they 19 return to consult original and primary materials for research, which, although it involves no deadline, their class projects. requires extensive access to library materials. Due to limited availability, length of occupancy is Call x7-3101 or click Collections and Borrowing -> normally one year. Special Collections and University Archives on the ISR website for more information. Applications are available online at Library Facilities and Services > Study Carrels on the ISR website, O T H E R S E R V I C E S F O R FA C U LT Y A N D S TA F F or in the ISR office on Level 2 of the Bertrand Library. For additional information, contact the ISR office at x7-1557. Faculty Study Carrels Twenty-five faculty studies are located on Level 3 of New Storage Lockers in the Library the Bertrand Library and are available to faculty members in order to support research that entails Located on the far side of the Tech Desk, there are extensive usage of library materials for limited peri- STORAGE LOCKERS available for borrowers to use in ods of time. Network and phone connections are the Library. If you have a number of books checked available in these studies. Many will accommodate out and you don’t want to carry them around all the two persons; faculty members may be asked to time, a locker is an ideal solution for you! share a study with a colleague which is usually done Twenty of the lockers are available from the Reserves on a time-sharing basis. ISR will assign studies to Desk (at the Circulation Desk) for three-day loans. interested applicants on the basis of the following: ■ The rest of the lockers (34 of them) are available on First priority will be given to faculty members a semester-loan basis (first come, first served). working on a book, paper or other significant project (e.g., curriculum development), which There is an Agreement Form to sign and a $30 requires extensive access to library materials and refundable deposit for the locker key. Keys can be acquired from a Circulation staff member during involves a specific deadline. ■ regular business hours. Further instructions are Second priority will be granted to faculty members available at the Circulation Desk. on leaves of absence who are engaged in 20 Instructional Technology (ITEC) Photocopying Service Faculty and staff can submit a request to have articles and chapters from a periodical photocopied by clicking Library Facilities and Services > ITEC offers support for faculty members’ use of Photocopying Services from the ISR website. instructional technology. Following is a list of some Exam/Survey Scanning of the services we provide. In addition we are always Opscan services are available to faculty and staff happy to consult on projects for courses. For more who are conducting evaluations or exams that information on the services ITEC provides, email require the use of “bubble forms.” Click on Support itec@bucknell.edu, or stop into our office on the for Teaching > Exam/Survey Scanning from the ground floor of Bertrand Library. ISR website. BLACKBOARD Detecting Plagiarism Blackboard is a course management software pack- If a faculty member believes that a student’s paper age that provides faculty and students with central- may be plagiarized he or she has the option of using ized online access to course documents, various Turnitin.com. Turnitin.com is a company that special- communication tools, and online quiz and grade izes in helping faculty ferret out problems in papers book features. It allows instructors to create and to by checking them against a database of over maintain a course web site with little or no knowl- 100,000 online papers as well as performing a com- edge of HTML code or of web page editing software. plete search of internet sources. ISR has contracted with Turnitin.com to aid faculty and students at Blackboard allows faculty members to provide easy Bucknell by making the process of tracking down access to course-related documents in multiple for- online sources easier, faster, and more complete. For mats, such as a course syllabus, assignments, dis- more detailed information and instructions for using cussion questions, PowerPoint files, images, video Turnitin.com, click Support for Teaching > Detecting and audio files, etc. Blackboard also allows you to Plagiarism at Bucknell from the ISR website. provide links to documents that are stored elsewhere on the Web: for example, articles on Electronic U N I V E R S I T Y L I B R A RY COMMITTEE (ULC) Reserve (ERes), external Web sites, etc. Materials in Blackboard are normally available only to students The University Library Committee’s (ULC) charge enrolled in the course. is to make policy recommendations concerning the academic functions of the University library, and to Blackboard can enhance communication between provide other advice to the Associate Vice President faculty members and students and also among the for Information Services and Resources. For more students in the course. It allows a faculty member information, click About ISR > Advisory to post course-related announcements for the Committees > ULC on the ISR website. students to see, it allows the instructor or any member of the class to email the entire class, groups of students, or individual students, and it can facilitate group interaction by providing a group discussion board, document storage space, and group chat area. Together, these features make Blackboard a great tool to support student learning and collaborative class projects. 21 If you want to know more about how Blackboard, discuss ways to create appropriate learning objects contact us at itec@bucknell.edu, or access for your course. Blackboard from myBucknell and check out your Blackboard course. To log in to Blackboard for the I M A G E D ATA B A S E S first time, you’ll most likely need your 8-letter password that you received in the mail. If you have prob- Bucknell offers faculty three tools for working with lems logging in to Blackboard, you can use the digital images: Insight, ARTstor, and ImageDB. “Forgot your password?” link at the bottom of the login form to change your Blackboard password to Insight is a digital object collection, management, whatever you want it to be. (This will NOT affect your and presentation tool developed by Luna Imaging, file services or email passwords.) Inc. Collections within Insight are available to the entire Bucknell community or can be shared with the world. Images can be saved into groups, down- VIDEO loaded to individual computers, exported to ITEC can assist faculty with video production, edit- PowerPoint, or displayed through Insight’s own pres- ing, and delivery. Faculty use video in a variety of entation tools. Insight is best used for managing ways: introducing material, reviewing concepts, cre- large collections of images to be shared with stu- ating in-class exercises or homework assignments, dents or used by colleagues – either at Bucknell or at evaluating students, and as student projects. other institutions. Several collections – created at Bucknell as well as from other institutions -- are cur- ITEC provides beginning instruction in video editing. rently available. Some collections include: We will also consult with you on your video projects. - Allentown Art Museum Video cameras are available for checkout, and edit- - AMICA – Art Museum Images ing software is available in various locations around - Archive of Early American Images from the John campus, including the video editing suite in the Carter Brown Library Library Courtyard. Video files can be posted and - Bucknell University History (Collection created at viewed as movies on the Web, within Blackboard, Bucknell.) from our streaming server, on a CD, or on a DVD. - Catena Digital Archive of Historic Gardens and Landscapes - Construction Collection (Collection created at AUDIO Bucknell.) - Hoover Institution Poster Collection ITEC can help faculty members create podcasts - Humanities Digital Image Collection (Collection (audio broadcasts) of course materials for electronic created at Bucknell.) delivery, including iPods and other mp3 devices. - Japanese Historical Maps - Maps of Africa - MOAC – Museums and Online Archive of LEARNING OBJECTS California A learning object is any digital resource that can be - National Palace in Taipei reused to support learning. ITEC staff welcomes the - Pennsylvania Covered Bridges (Collection created opportunity to work with faculty to create a wide at Bucknell.) variety of learning objects, including animations, - Political Americana Collection simulations, quizzes, tutorials, collections, presenta- - Rutgers Art History Collection tions, and exercises. We use various types of soft- - Samek Art Gallery Digital Image Collection ware to create and to deliver these materials to your (Collection created at Bucknell.) students. Come see us with your ideas, and we’ll - Stanford Geological Survey 22 E L E C T R O N I C P O RT F O L I O S Collections are being added on a regular basis. See the ISR > Digital Collections web site for details ePortfolios have a wide variety of applications, about the collections. including evaluating student work and creating ARTstor is an online collection of hundreds of thou- teaching and scholarly portfolios. Consult with ITEC sands of digital images related to art, art history, for ways to use ePortfolios and for suggestions on architecture, history, etc. ISR has licensed a sub- getting started. scription to ARTstor. Faculty are able to use images from ARTstor (along with the associated data for CLICKERS those images) for teaching and research purposes. A second component of ARTstor, the Offline Viewer, Clickers or personal response device, collects and allows faculty to uses high-resolution images in records student responses to questions during class. classroom presentations. The Offline Viewer allows The system allows for active participation of the stu- users to create customized slide shows incorporating dents and provides immediate feedback to the personal images alongside of ARTstor content. instructor. ITEC has a limited supply of clickers to lend Another tool ISR provides for faculty is ImageDB, a to faculty for trial use; you are able to order clickers web-based application used to organize and access for your students by placing the request on your personal collections of digital images. ImageDB is Instructional Materials Request for the Bookstore. highly flexible and can be adapted for specialized uses such as creating field names and data in foreign languages. Faculty are able to upload images and data to their collections on their own. Users can search for images based on criteria that you specify or browse through web-based “slides shows” that collection owners can create. ITEC is happy to consult with faculty to determine which software option will best suit their needs. S O C I A L S O F T WA R E Social software is a class of software used to support communications, interactions, and group projects. Examples include journals (weblogs or blogs), group project tools (Wikis), discussion boards and listservs, and instant messaging. ITEC is continually looking for ways that faculty can use social software in the classroom. We will happily demonstrate and answer questions about social software and help you explore ways to integrate these tools into your courses. We currently have journal (blog), collaborative editing (Wiki), and discussion board capabilities in Blackboard. 23 EXERCISES AND DRILLS Delivery of media equipment for class use When faculty or staff request occasional media ITEC supports two products that allow faculty to fill equipment and for classroom presentations in rooms out a form that generates web-based completion, that do not have the equipment, and when there is flash card, and matching exercises: The Makers and not a room available with the needed equipment, the StudyMate. Bring your exercise materials to ITEC, Learning Spaces team will deliver and set up the and we will help you get started. equipment providing what is necessary is available. We respectfully request one week’s notice. W I D E F O R M AT C O L O R P R I N T I N G Event service ITEC has a 36" wide color inkjet printer available to We work closely with the RICS (Reservation, faculty and their students who are exhibiting their Information and Conference Services x73167) office research findings at conferences or on campus. and others to make sure the computing and media Please read a copy of the tip sheet for details on needs for non-academic events enjoy the same high poster preparation and submission. There is a charge standards that we set for our academic programs. of $15 per poster. CAC-Labs Request Consultation We provide consultation to departments working on P H O T O G R A P H I C C O N S U LTAT I O N Laboratory Computing Equipment Request forms. (CAC-Labs requests) Photographic consultation is available for faculty research or classroom activities. Computer labs and classroom installations If you have a problem with any equipment or software installation in a lab or classroom, please let us know. Learning Spaces Software installation and maintenance The Learning Spaces team provides media and com- We install and maintain the software in computer puting solutions for the learning spaces across cam- labs and classrooms. Please request that a case be pus, including all classrooms and computer labs. initiated for specific classroom or lab software installation. We respectfully request two weeks notice, and Learning Spaces staff can be contacted by emailing software submitted via CD-ROM with a copy of isr-learn@bucknell.edu or calling x7-7733. Below is license agreement. information regarding the services we offer. Classroom emergencies Videotaping services Technology help is dispatched in real time exclusive- We require two weeks notice. Confirmation of taping ly for emergencies while class is in session. Make will occur when an available videographer has been sure you call x7-3435 for fastest service. assigned. As there are a limited number of videographers, we are also prepared to train a member of Lab/classroom walkthrough your class or TA and provide the equipment on a Please call and request that a case be initiated for a check-out basis. walk-through with a member of the Learning Spaces team in the lab or classroom that you will be teach- Teleconference and satellite programming services ing in. This will give you an opportunity to become We respectfully request two weeks notice. acquainted with the technology available and how Video and audio duplication to control the technology components, lighting For an average size duplication job, we require two controls etc. weeks turn-around time. If a job is special (large or 24 Copyright unusual format), more time may be required. NOTE: If material is copyrighted, clearance from the company must be obtained by requestor for permission to With the evolution of computing and digital technology, copy the media. copyright law has become a major issue for colleges and universities. Students, faculty, and staff of aca- Computer laboratory reservations demic institutions such as Bucknell are given certain Computer lab reservations for academic programs rights when using copyrighted material for educational should be requested through the Calendar and purposes. It is important for you to be familiar with Scheduling office x7-1116. Should our assistance be these rights and understand what you can and cannot required, Calendar and Scheduling will contact us. do with copyrighted material at Bucknell. Film showings We can support 16mm film showings. If your title is WHAT MATERIAL IS COPYRIGHTED? available on DVD or VHS, we recommend one of According to the U.S. Copyright Office, “original these formats. If these formats are not available, we works of authorship including literary, dramatic, may relocate your class to a location where the musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, 16mm equipment is available. movies, songs, computer software, and architecture” are copyrighted. This means that anything that has Lab software requests less than $1,000 been written, recorded, performed, or displayed is Note: This is software for instructional facilities only, owned by someone. A work is copyrighted from the and the $1000.00 must meet the need for the entire moment it is produced — there is no need to have facility required. any paperwork on file with any agency. So, if you have a personal website, it is protected under copy- Plan, request, and install new Learning Spaces right law. No one else can use the original material The Learning Spaces team inventories all computing on your site without your permission. and media equipment. When appropriate, the Learning Spaces team will help other departments write these FAIR USE OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL requests. We also work with the Instructional Facilities U.S. Copyright law permits certain academic use of Committee and Facilities on classroom renovation and copyrighted material through a principle called “fair new and renovated buildings. use.” Fair use can be difficult to determine. However, if you are using a small portion of a copyrighted item exclusively for non-commercial, academic work and Appropriate Usage Policy do not try to pass it off as your own work, fair use The purpose of this policy is to promote the use of C O P Y R I G H T FA Q S F O R FA C U LT Y should apply. Bucknell’s computing resources in an efficient, ethi- 1. Why do I have to concern myself with copyright cal and lawful manner. By using University comput- law since I’m using materials for educational ing facilities, resources, and accounts, users agree to purposes? the guidelines contained within the Bucknell Appropriate Usage Policy. Most of these guidelines All educational use is not automatically legal follow the general rules of common sense and com- under the fair use guidelines of U.S. copyright mon courtesy. The full text of the AUP can be found law. There are four factors that must be assessed online by clicking Policies and Guidelines > for each copyrighted work to determine if your Appropriate Usage Policy from the ISR website. use is fair use. See the four factors listed below for details. 25 2. How much information can I use from a 3. May I use charts, graphs and other pages from copyrighted work without getting permission? the course textbook in my PowerPoint presentation for lectures? The following figures are based on the “Agreement on Guidelines for Classroom Copying in If you are using the material once (only for one Not-For-Profit Educational Institutions With course, for one semester) and you are not using Respect to Books and Periodicals.” These are the more than 10% of the publication, you may incor- so-called “Fair Use Guidelines” which have been porate a scanned image into your presentation. generally accepted by the educational and publishing communities even though they do not If you want to use the material in presentations on have the force of law: a repeated basis, seek permission from the publisher of the textbook. Publishers frequently are willing • Prose: to let educators use their materials, but you legal- From any publication: one complete article, ly must seek permission before using copyrighted story or essay of less than 2,500 words OR materials in class in this manner. An excerpt from any prose work of not more than 1,000 words or 10% of the work, which- 4. Can I rent a video from the local video store and ever is less, and not less than 500 words show it in my class? • Illustration: If you are using the video for instructional purposes One picture, chart, graph, diagram, drawing, during a regularly-scheduled class period, you may or cartoon per book or per periodical issue. use the video. However, you may only show the video once. For additional showings, you must receive permission from the copyright holder. 26 5. Can I check out a video from the library and show 8. May I use excerpts from an anthology or from it at an event other than my class? various works and authors to create a compilation of readings for my course? Not unless the library has purchased the video with public performance rights. Check with the No. It is a violation of the fair use guidelines. library to see if the video you want to use is In order to copy or create an anthology or course available for public showing. pack, it is necessary to obtain the publisher’s permission for each item. 6. I’m teaching the same course next semester. May 9. I can’t find a book I’d like to assign to my stu- I leave my photocopied materials on reserve for a second semester? dents. May I photocopy the entire book? No. In order to use materials for a second semes- If an extensive marketplace search has been ter, you need to first receive permission from the conducted and it has been determined that the publisher/copyright holder. book cannot be purchased at a reasonable price and within a reasonable time period, the entire book may be photocopied. You must search 7. Is there anything that can be freely shared and put on reserve without obtaining permission from commonly-known U.S. trade sources and, if that the copyright holder? fails, an attempt must be made to obtain the copyright owner’s permission. As a last resort, if Any item in the public domain may be used with- all of these methods fail, you may photocopy and out obtaining permission. For example, anything distribute the book to your students. published by the U.S. government, unless stated 10. What is an open access journal? otherwise, is in the public domain and may be freely used. Also, many journals include a state- An open access journal is one that does not ment that will let you place an article on reserve charge readers or institutions for access. These for academic purposes. journals are online, free of most copyright restrictions, and can be distributed freely. 27 11. I have written an article which was published. 15. Are images protected under copyright law? Can I place a copy of it on my web page? Yes. Copyright law protects an “original work of Generally, no, unless you have retained that right authorship” which includes “pictorial, graphic, when you signed your publication agreement. and sculptural works.” This covers any and all Once the article is published the copyright trans- images in any format, including digital images. fers to the publisher and all copyright guidelines apply. You would need to receive permission from 16. I’d like to show slides or digital images in class that the publisher to place it on your web page. come from my students’ textbook. May I scan/make Check the language of the publisher’s contract slides of all of the images in our textbook? before you sign it. You may be able to negotiate with the publisher for permission in advance. No. The amount of images from a book, whether or not they are available for purchase, and 12. Can I copy a worksheet or test from a published whether or not you intend to use the images in source to use in class? future semesters are all factors. If you would like to use a large number of images from a given No. These are “consumable” items and require source, contact a librarian to see if those images permission from the copyright holder. Consum- are available for purchase. ables of this nature are usually available for pur17. As an assignment, my students are building web chase — either as an instructor’s pack or as a pages for non-profit organizations as a service student workbook. learning project. Are there any special copyright 13. Do copyright laws apply to items found on the web? laws I should be aware of? All materials — even those that are unpublished, Yes. Service learning projects generally do not do not contain the © copyright symbol, or are fall under educational copyright protection. Web freely available on the Internet — are covered by sites that are built for organizations and published copyright law. To use anything found on the on their web sites need to abide by full copyright Internet, you need to follow the same procedures guidelines. Make sure your students do not use to obtain permission from the copyright owner as images or text from Internet sources that could you would if you were trying to use the material potentially make the organizations liable for in printed format. breach of copyright law that occurred without their knowledge. 14. Can I print or download information from 18. How do I cite an article or image I found on a the web without violating copyright laws? web site? Generally, you may download and print a single copy for your own personal, non-profit use. Most of the standard citation formats include However, you do not have permission to make information about citing electronic sources — web copies, include the resource in an article or book sites, articles on the Internet, and articles down- you are submitting for publication, or distribute loaded from electronic databases. The ISR web the work to your students. The same copyright site has short guides to various citation formats. laws apply to materials found the Internet. For more information, ask a librarian. 28 F O U R FA C T O R S F O R D E T E R M I N I N G FA I R U S E • The less you take the more likely your use will be covered under fair use. However, if you take the “heart” of the work, the copying will not be 1. The purpose and character of the use, including considered fair use. whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes 4. The effect of the use upon the potential market • Fair Use favors educational use over commercial for or value of the copyrighted work use. It also favors uses that are “transformative” • If your use of copyrighted material is in an and not merely reproductions. For example, area where the purchase of an original should have quotes from a book or article that are used in a occurred, then you are probably in violation of fair paper for commentary and critique are covered use. The “effect” is closely linked with “purpose.” If under Fair Use. your purpose is research or scholarship there is probably little market effect. Reproductions of soft- 2. The nature of the copyrighted work ware and videotapes, no matter what their use, will • Nonfiction is generally favored over fiction. probably have adverse effects on potential markets Printed works are generally favored over audio- for those works. visual material. Fair use of a commercial work that is produced for the educational market is usual- While copyright law is complex, intellectual property ly not covered under the guidelines. A consum- violations are serious. You, your students, ISR, and able workbook that is copied for class use will Bucknell University are all responsible for appropriate not be favored under fair use. usage of copyrighted materials. Bucknell adheres to all U.S. copyright laws. For more information, visit 3. The amount and substantiality of the portion used the ISR website or contact the ISR office at x7-1557 in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole if you have specific questions. 29 30 Appendix A ASK ISR — TOP 12 MOST POPULAR QUESTIONS Ask ISR is our knowledge base of over 1400 articles It’s a great first place to look for answers to your library or technology questions. To search ASK ISR, just use the search box at the top of the ISR website, or choose ASK ISR from the quick links on the ISr website. Here are popular questions for faculty and staff. Just insert the question below or the key words. How do I access Bucknell resources off-campus? How do I access my network space? How do I get help in incorporating new technology into the classroom? How do I get classroom technology help? How do I order new books for the library? How do I set up a networked printer? How do I order equipment for my classroom? How do I add something to my ERes page? How do I add or remove channels in myBucknell? How do I find out who is my Library Liaison? How do I find out who is my ISR Technology Representative? How do I schedule a library research session for my class? How do I know if my computer is backing up?What types of files are being backed up? How do I schedule technology training for my class? How do I get help with my office computer? How do I find information about copyright compliance? How can I get one-on-one help using my computer 31 Appendix B KEY NETWORK SETTINGS E-mail or return address username@bucknell.edu, where username is several initials followed by a three-digit number Mail server type POP3 or IMAP Incoming mail server mail.bucknell.edu Outgoing mail (SMTP) server smtp.bucknell.edu (works only on the Bucknell network) Ldap host (Find People) In the “Searchbase” field ou = people dc = bucknell cc = edu server = ldap.bucknell.edu (only accessible on campus) FTP to NetSpace ftp.netspace.bucknell.edu Sun/UNIX server unix.bucknell.edu Other Engineering Sun/UNIX servers spectrum.eg.bucknell.edu pollux.eg.bucknell.edu castor.eg.bucknell.edu hera.eg.bucknell.edu zeus.eg.bucknell.edu linuxcomp1.eg.bucknell.edu linuxcomp1.eg.bucknell.edu linuxcomp1.eg.bucknell.edu 32 Appendix C CAMPUS COMPUTER LABS Teaching Facilities Open-Access Labs Art 212 (Mac) Larison 127 (Windows) Bertrand Library 012 (Windows) Rooke 10 (Windows) Breakiron 164 (Linux) Roser 30 (Windows and Mac) Dana 221 (Windows) Smith 111 (Windows and Mac) Dana 132 (Windows) Bertrand Library 1st Floor (Windows/Mac) Dana 213 (Linux) Langone 015 – CyberCafé Bison (Windows) Dana 214 (Windows) Dana Lobby (Windows) Dana 325 (Windows) O’Leary 202 (Mac and Windows) Rook 9 (Windows) Rook 17 (Windows) Taylor 203 (Windows) open 24 hours 33 Information Services and Resources Bucknell University Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 www.bucknell.edu/isr