Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions

Oracle’s PeopleSoft 9.0 Recruiting and
Admissions: Managing PeopleSoft
Admission Transactions
July 2011
Oracle’s PeopleSoft 9.0 Recruiting and Admissions: Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
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Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions................................................ . . . . . . . . 1
Admission Applications Web Services (AAWS)............................................................ . . . . . . . . 1
Prerequisites................................................................................................. . . . . . . . 2
External Search/Match and AAWS........................................................................ . . . . . . . 2
Using Self-Service (Applicant) and Administrator Modes for AAWS.................................. . . . . . . . 2
Bulk Loading of Applications Using File Parser............................................................ . . . . . . . . 3
CRM for Higher Ed EIPs and Admission Transactions.................................................... . . . . . . . . 4
Setting Up Admission Transactions.......................................................................... . . . . . . . . 4
Pages Used to Set Up Admission Transactions......................................................... . . . . . . . 6
Setting Up Counters ........................................................................................ . . . . . . . 8
Defining a Transaction...................................................................................... . . . . . . . 9
Defining the Search/Match Criteria........................................................................ . . . . . . .19
Defining Data Update Rules for Online and Offline Application Transactions.. ...... ....... ...... . . . . . . . . .21
Setting Up Affiliation Overrides for a Data Update Rule... ............................................. . . . . . . .27
Mapping Online Application Transactions to Academic Careers...... ................................ . . . . . . .28
Setting Up Application Defaults for Offline and Online Application Transactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Setting Up Prospect Creation Rules and Defaults for Offline and Online Application
Transactions.................................................................................................. . . . . . . .32
Setting Up Home or Unlisted Schools for Online Application Transactions.......................... . . . . . . .34
Setting Up List of Values for Online Applications........................................................ . . . . . . .36
Maintaining and Extending Data for Online and Offline Transactions..... ........ ......... ........ .. . . . . . . .37
Reviewing and Processing Staged Admission Transactions............................................. . . . . . . . .37
Pages Used to Review and Process Staged Admission Transactions............................... . . . . . . .40
Reviewing Applicant Error Messages and Transactions............................................... . . . . . . .43
Reviewing Applicant Details................................................................................ . . . . . . .48
Reviewing Applicant Participation Details................................................................ . . . . . . .50
Reviewing Applicant’s Additional Personal Information................................................ . . . . . . .52
Reviewing Applicant’s Regional Information............................................................. . . . . . . .55
Reviewing Application Error Messages and Application Data......................................... . . . . . . .56
Reviewing Applicant’s Education History................................................................. . . . . . . .63
Reviewing Additional Academic Information............................................................. . . . . . . .65
Reviewing General Materials and Attachments......................................................... . . . . . . .65
Reviewing Application Regional Information............................................................. . . . . . . .66
Updating and Posting Transactions in Batch............................................................ . . . . . . .67
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Specifying Search/Match Parameters for Batch Processing........................................... . . . . . . .70
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
This chapter has been modified for Bundle 22. Modifications include:
- Moved the entity registry and list of values content to two new Campus Community chapters: Setting Up List of
Values and Setting Up Entity Registry. These two chapters are available on My Oracle Support for Bundle 22.
- Added cross references to these two new Campus Community chapters. Note that numerous changes have been made
to the List of Values and Entity Registry components for Bundle 22.
- Changes to the Transaction Setup and Constituent Staging components. You can find these changes by searching
for the words Bundle 22.
This chapter discusses:
• Admission Applications Web Services (AAWS).
• Bulk loading of applications using File Parser.
• CRM for Higher Ed EIPs and admission transactions.
• Setting up admission transactions.
• Reviewing and processing staged admission transactions.
Admission Applications Web Services (AAWS)
The PeopleSoft system delivers web service operations that enable your online application to interface with the
Campus Solutions system. The AAWS User’s Guide contains details about the following service operations:
Create Application
Save Application
Submit Application
Get Application
Get Applications
Get Attachment
User Registration
User Authentication
Initiate Electronic Payment
Complete Electronic Payment
Get List of Values
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Note. The "Setting Up Self-Service Request Information and Using Self-Service Student Recruiting" chapter
in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Recruiting and Admissions 9.0 PeopleBook is no longer supported. Oracle
expects that academic institutions will use AAWS to develop and deploy their self service online applications.
See Also
AAWS User’s Guide
AAWS Developer’s Guide
Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker
PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook, “Setting Up Entity Registry”
PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook, “Setting Up List of Values”
Complete the following post installation setups described in the AAWS Developer’s Guide:
Verify web service security settings.
Set up user accounts.
Perform a security analysis.
Publish web service.
Refresh the HCM registry cache.
Set up Integration Broker.
Verify Campus Solutions SOA framework setup entries.
Verify Constituent Transaction Manager setup entries.
Set up attachments URL.
External Search/Match and AAWS
If you want the system to search for duplicate records in an external system when a user submits an online
application through AAWS, ensure that the CWS External Search/Match is set up.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Search/Match"
PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook, "Setting Up External Search/Match"
Using Self-Service (Applicant) and Administrator
Modes for AAWS
The Self-Service mode is also known as the Applicant mode. In this mode, an applicant creates and submits an
admission application through AAWS.
In the Administrator mode, the administrative user creates and submits an application on behalf of an
applicant. The administrator may create the application for an existing EMPLID (if the administrator knows
the applicant’s ID when creating the application), or for an unknown or new applicant.
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
In the Administrator mode, the system associates the application with the administrator’s user ID. You can
view this association on the Application Transactions component when reviewing the submitted applications.
In other words, you can use the Application Transactions component to see which administrator has created an
application for an applicant.
In the Applicant mode, the system associates the application with the applicant’s user ID.
In both modes, the system uses the Search/Match setup to determine which application records it should load
into your database as new records, which records it should append to existing records in your database, which
records it should suspend for your further review, and which records should be ignored.
In the Administrator mode, the user must provide an institution and application center to create an application.
The system enforces application center and academic structure security for the administrative user.
If an administrator saves an application, another administrator cannot submit it through AAWS. However, the
other administrator can use the Application Transactions staging component to update the application status
to submitted and post the application.
In the Administrator mode, the Get Applications service call returns only in-progress applications, that
is, applications which have not been posted or cancelled. It is optional for an administrator to provide an
EMPLID for a Get Applications call. If the administrator does not provide an applicant’s EMPLID, the system
returns all the in-progress applications.
[ Bundle 22: Corrections have been made to the following code. ]
The Administrator mode is activated by the presence of this optional parameter in an incoming message:
<SCC_ADMIN_MODE>. For example, an online application might send this message to Campus Solutions
for administrator mode:
The AAWS User’s Guide lists the parameters that an online application and the Campus Solutions system
exchange through AAWS.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions 9.0 Application Fundamentals PeopleBook, “Securing Recruiting
and Admissions”
PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions 9.0 Application Fundamentals PeopleBook, “Securing Your
Academic Institution”
Bulk Loading of Applications Using File Parser
You can use the PeopleSoft File Parser utility to load applications from an external file into Campus Solutions.
The external file can be a delimited file or a flat file.
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
See Also
AAWS Developer’s Guide
Updated "Using the File Parser Process" Campus Community PeopleBook chapter.
CRM for Higher Ed EIPs and Admission Transactions
Enterprise Integration Points (EIPs) enable your institution to exchange data between CS and CRM. EIPs
publish data either whenever data updating happens for the given entities of the EIPs or when the user requests
data. This data can be created, updated, or deleted through various channels like components, component
interfaces, and batch processes.
The system publishes the following EIPs when an application that is submitted through AAWS or File Parser
process is posted:
The system can publish SAD_ADM_PRSPCT_DATA_SYNC when the system creates a prospect record for
a saved or posted application. You use the Prospect Setup page to indicate when (upon save or post) the
system should create a prospect record. The Prospect Setup page is discussed in the “Setting Up Prospect
Creation Rules and Defaults” section of this chapter.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions 9.0 Application Fundamentals PeopleBook, “Introducing Customer
Relationship Management for Higher Education”
CRM for Higher Education Developer’s Guide
Setting Up Admission Transactions
Campus Solutions generates a transaction when:
An applicant uses an online application to register for a user name and password through the User
Registration web service operation (online transaction).
An applicant or administrator uses an online application to create, save or submit an application through
AAWS (online transaction).
You use the File Parser utility to load applications from an external file (offline transaction).
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
An admissions-related online or offline transaction includes both the constituent and application data.
Constituent data may include person data or data that is considered as not associated with the application.
Examples of constituent data include Name, Gender, Address, and Email. Examples of application data include
Academic Program, Admit Term, and Academic History.
When a transaction is generated, the system uses Search/Match to look for constituent data in your production
environment (based on the Search/Match parameters) that matches the constituent data in the transaction. Each
defined transaction can have its own Search/Match setup. You can therefore determine the rules for creating
a new ID, updating an existing ID, suspending or ignoring a record.
The system stores the constituent and application data in staging tables. If there are errors or if Search/Match
determines that the incoming constituent record should be suspended or ignored, use the Constituent Staging
and Application Transactions components to correct the admissions transaction data. You can post transactions
individually or by batch to the Campus Solutions database. The Constituent Staging and Application
Transactions components are discussed in the “Reviewing and Processing Staged Admission Transactions”
section of this chapter.
Before you deploy your online application or start loading the applications, you must set up the transactions.
For AAWS, a minimum of two transactions must be set up: one for the data that a user submits through the
new user registration service operation and another for the online application that a user saves or submits
through the Save Application or Submit Application service operations. The following default transactions for
user registration and online application are delivered with the system:
If you want to load admission applications using the PeopleSoft File Parser utility, set up an offline transaction
for the batch load.
Warning! For new user registration, do not define a new transaction. The system uses the
delivered ADMISSIONS_REGISTRATION for AAWS user registration. Do not modify the
ADMISSIONS_REGISTRATION transaction name because the system uses the name to register a user account.
Academic institutions require different rules for updating constituent and application data based on a
transaction and the affiliation the institution has with the constituent. For example, you may have a graduate
online application rule where you want to update the constituent’s home email address in your database with
the value from a submitted graduate application. On the other hand, you may have a graduate application load
rule where you do not want to update an existing home email address value when you use File Parser to load
graduate applications into Campus Solutions. Additionally, you may want to override this graduate application
load rule if the constituent is a prospect. The Data Update Rule Entry component allows this flexibility. The
system uses these rules when it posts a transaction.
Different admission transactions may have different Search/Match settings and data update rules. For instance,
an academic institution might allow undergraduate applicants to update their passport details when submitting
an online application. Conversely, the institution might not want to allow graduate applicants to update their
passport details if that data is already on the system. You can associate the two different data update rules to
these two separate transactions. Both these transactions may or may not have different Search/Match settings.
When establishing transactions, a single transaction for each institution and career combination could
be defined. In this way, you can accommodate online applications for different careers (Examples:
Undergraduate, Graduate, Graduation Business) which may have different Search/Match requirements, data
update rules, or intended methods of processing.
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
It is typical for administrators to enter the admissions application data for an applicant. It is possible for an
administrator to use the same online application to do so, as long as the application user interface is constructed
to distinguish between an administrator log in and a self service applicant log in.
Administrators can use a different institution-developed user interface designed for quick data entry. The same
transaction value applied to the self service application is utilized for the institution/career combination for
which the application is being created.
Use the Transaction Setup component to define a transaction, associate a data update rule with the transaction,
and define the Search/Match setting for the transaction. Note that you cannot define a Search/Match setting
for the user registration transaction. The new user registration feature does not ask the user enough personal
information for creating a new ID. Also, a new user may create a user ID and password without ever coming
back to fill out an online application. The information entered as part of the new user registration process is
therefore kept in the constituent data staging table until the user actually performs a transaction.
Applications typically vary among institutions and academic careers. Use the Appl Config page in the
Application Configuration component to map an institution and career to a transaction. The system uses this
mapping to identify which transaction to use when it receives an application through AAWS. For example,
suppose you have defined two transactions: UG Transaction for undergraduate applications and Grad
Transaction for graduate applications. When an applicant submits an undergraduate application, the system
looks at the Appl Config page settings to determine that it needs to use the UG Transaction.
This section discusses how to:
Set up counters.
Define a transaction.
Define the search/match criteria for a transaction.
Define data update rules for offline and online application transactions.
Set up affiliation overrides for a data update rule.
Map online application transactions to academic careers.
Set up application defaults for offline and online application transactions.
Set up prospect creation rules and defaults for offline and online application transactions.
Set up home or unlisted schools for online application transactions.
Set up list of values for your online application.
Maintain and extend data for online and offline transactions.
Pages Used to Set Up Admission Transactions
Page Name
Counter Setup
Definition Name
Set Up SACR, System
Administration, Utilities,
Constituent Transaction
Mgmnt, Counter Setup
Set up the max ID number
for the Temporary
Constituent ID.
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Page Name
Transaction Setup
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Definition Name
• Set Up SACR, System
Administration, Utilities,
Constituent Transaction
Mgmt, Transaction Setup
Define the transaction for
an online transaction or an
offline transaction.
• Student Admissions,
UCAS Processing,
Search/Match Processing,
Transaction Setup
Search/Match Setup
• Set Up SACR, System
Administration, Utilities,
Constituent Transaction
Mgmt, Transaction Setup,
Search/Match Setup
• Student Admissions,
UCAS Processing,
Search/Match Processing,
Transaction Setup,
Search/Match Setup
Data Update Rule Entry
Affiliation Overrides page
Appl Config
Application Setup
Define the Search/Match
criteria for an online
transaction or for running
Search/Match manually
from the Constituent Staging
Not applicable for the user
registration transaction.
Set Up SACR, System
Administration, Utilities,
Constituent Transaction
Mgmt, Data Update Rule
Define how the constituent
data is processed for an
online transaction or offline
Set Up SACR, System
Administration, Utilities,
Constituent Transaction
Mgmt, Data Update Rule
Entry, Affiliation Overrides
Override a data update rule
based on the affiliation the
constituent has with the
academic institution.
Set Up SACR, Product
Related, Recruiting and
Admissions, Application
Configuration, Application
Configuration, Appl Config
Map online application
transactions to academic
Set Up SACR, Product
Related, Recruiting and
Admissions, Application
Configuration, Application
Configuration, Application
Define how the system
should assign an application
center and optionally assign
3Cs to an application by
defining which Event
ID should be used in the
processing. The system
uses this setup when you
load applications in batch
or when the user saves or
submits an application
through AAWS.
Not applicable for the user
registration transaction.
Not applicable for the user
registration transaction.
Not applicable for user
Not applicable for the user
registration transaction.
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Page Name
Prospect Setup
Definition Name
Chapter 1
Set Up SACR, Product
Related, Recruiting and
Admissions, Application
Configuration, Application
Configuration, Prospect
Define how the system
should create a prospect
record, and if a prospect
record is created, how to
assign default values to the
prospect record. The system
uses this setup when you
process applications in batch
or when the user saves or
submits an application
through AAWS.
Not applicable for the user
registration transaction.
School Setup
Set Up SACR, Product
Related, Recruiting and
Admissions, Application
Configuration, Application
Configuration, School Setup
Define how the system
should process unlisted or
home schools. The system
uses this setup when you
load applications in batch
or when the user saves or
submits an application
through AAWS.
Not applicable for the user
registration transaction.
List of Values Setup
Set Up SACR, Product
Related, Recruiting and
Admissions, Application
Configuration, List of Values
Optional. Define how the
system should return the list
of values for a field. The
system uses this setup when
the online application calls
the Get List of Values service
Entity Registry
Set Up SACR, System
Administration, Entity,
Entity Registry
Maintain and extend the data
structure that represents
the information collected
from an online application or
batch load.
Setting Up Counters
Access the Counter Setup page (Set Up SACR, System Administration, Utilities, Constituent Transaction
Mgmnt, Counter Setup).
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Counter Setup page
The field on this page is automatically incremented by one by default when using the Constituent Transaction
Manager functionality. Set the last used number so that automatic numbering does not create numbers that
already exist in the data.
Temp Constituent ID
Displays the last Temporary Constituent ID assigned. A Temp Constituent ID
is given when a transaction is performed from the Constituent Transaction
Manager framework.
See “Defining a Transaction” and “Reviewing Applicant Error Messages and
Transactions” sections, for more information.
Fix Counter
Clicking this button resets the Temp Constituent ID based on the highest
value of that field in the database. The field is dynamically found based on
the Peopletools metadata for the record field relationships, and the max
possible value for that field across all possible records is set as the counter.
This avoids the possibility of the system trying to reuse an ID and being
polluted by pre-existing data.
Note. After you have begun using the Constituent Transaction Manager functionality, you can access this page
to determine the last number that was incremented for the Temporary ID. Manually changing this number is
practical for the initial setup, but not recommended for further changes. If the ID entered is changed to an
existing number, the system will attempt to re-use the ID. Instead use the Fix Counter button.
Defining a Transaction
Access the Transaction Setup page (Set Up SACR, System Administration, Utilities, Constituent Transaction
Mgmt, Transaction Setup).
This is an example of the delivered sample online application transaction:
[ Bundle 22: Transaction Status region has been changed to Transaction Status and Date ]
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Transaction Setup page: Online application transaction (1 of 2)
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Transaction Setup page: Online application transaction (2 of 2)
This is an example of the delivered new user registration transaction:
[ Bundle 22: Transaction Status region has been changed to Transaction Status and Date. Partition Data
region has been hidden. ]
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Transaction Setup page: New user registration transaction
This is an example of a transaction for the File Parser batch load of applications:
[ Bundle 22: Transaction Status region has been changed to Transaction Status and Date. ]
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Transaction Setup page: File Parser batch load transaction (1 of 2)
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Transaction Setup page: File Parser batch load transaction (2 of 2)
For a File Parser batch load you must clear the Online Transaction check box and select the Batch option for
processing Search/Match. Also, set up the transaction code for the batch load of applications on the Mapping
page of the File Mapping Definition component. You can set this code as a default value (by default, the
SCC_TRANSAC_CD field in the SCC_STG_CONSTIT record stores the transaction code). The File Parser
process can also retrieve the transaction code directly from the load file (in such a case, set the mapping action
to Direct from file). For more information about the File Mapping Definition component, refer to the updated
Campus Community File Parser PeopleBook chapter.
Indicates the transaction code.
You specify the transaction code when you add a transaction.
Transaction Status
Activate or inactivate the transaction.
Data Update Rule
Select the data update rule that you want the system to apply to the constituent
(person) data managed by this transaction. You define a data update rule in
the Data Update Rule Entry page.
Transaction Options
Online Transaction
Select to indicate that the transaction is performed online by a user. For
example, an online transaction occurs when an applicant saves or submits an
admission application through AAWS.
Clear this check box to indicate that the transaction is performed offline by a
user. For example, an offline transaction occurs when you use File Parser to
load applications from a text file.
New User Registration
Select to indicate that the transaction is used to perform registration and
authentication of a new user.
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
If you select this check box, the system hides the Search/Match Setup tab, the
Partition Data group box, and the Transaction Data Launch View group box,
because they are not applicable for a new user registration transaction.
Note. Your system allows for only one transaction to be set as new user
registration at a time. The ADMISSIONS_REGISTRATION transaction is
delivered with your system. Because of this restriction, the system hides the
New User Registration check box for all other transactions. Do not modify the
ADMISSIONS_REGISTRATION transaction name because the system uses
the name to register a user account.
Select if you do not want the system to immediately run Search/Match when
the data is individually submitted. If you select this option, the system stores
the submitted data in staging tables and you will need to run the Transaction
Management process to run Search/Match and post the submitted data to
Campus Solutions.
When you deselect the Online Transaction check box, the system automatically
selects and disables the Batch option. In other words, because the transaction
will be processed offline, Search/Match can only be run by Batch.
Select to have the system immediately run Search/Match when the data is
saved or submitted from an online transaction.
Run on Save
This check box appears if the Realtime check box is selected.
Select this check box if you want the system to immediately run Search/Match
when a user saves a transaction.
Clear this check box if you want the system to immediately run Search/Match
when a user submits a transaction.
Warning! Selecting Run on Save will trigger Search/Match immediately after user saves the transaction.
Make sure your user interface requires sufficient personal information to be entered so that there is enough
data to populate the search criteria used by Search/Match. Otherwise, Search/Match could create a new ID
or update an existing record with erroneous or missing information.
Transaction Handler
A transaction can contain generic information about a constituent (such as names, addresses, and date
of birth), as well as data specific to the transaction. For example, an admission transaction will include
personal information (constituent data) and application data (transaction data). You can use the Transaction
Handler group box to define how the system should handle all the transaction data. You can create your
own PeopleCode application class handler for the transaction data and then associate that application class
with the transaction in this group box.
The following table lists the delivered transaction handler values for ADMISSIONS_APPLICATION. Do
not change these values. Also use these values when defining a transaction handler for any new application
transaction you may create.
Root Package ID
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Application Class ID
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
The following table lists the delivered transaction handler values for ADMISSIONS_REGISTRATION.
Do not change these values.
Root Package ID
Application Class ID
Transaction Status and Date
The system needs a record in transaction staging tables where it can store the status of the transaction
(SCC_TRANS_STS) as well as the transaction status date (SCC_TRANS_STS_DT). The Staged Record
Name field indicates the record where the transaction status and the transaction status date are stored.
SAD_APL_DAT_STG is the delivered record name that stores the transaction status and transaction status
date value for ADMISSIONS_APPLICATION. Do not change this value. You should always use this value
when defining any new application transaction you may create.
SCC_STG_CONSTIT is the delivered record name that stores the transaction status and transaction status
Constituent Handler
You can use the Constituent Handler group box to define how the system should handle the constituent data in
a transaction. You can create your own PeopleCode application class handler for the constituent data and then
associate that application class with the transaction in this group box.
The default application class that handles the constituent data is delivered with the system. You can modify
this application class or create a new application class.
The following table lists the default constituent handler values. You should always use these values when
defining the constituent handler values for an online application transaction or batch load transaction.
Root Package ID
Application Class ID
Partition Data
Use the following options to indicate how the system should maintain the data in the staging tables.
By Constituent
Select this option to have the system maintain only one instance of the
constituent data for all transactions of the constituent (that is, One Constituent
: Multiple Transactions ratio). This means that constituent data updates
performed within a single transaction are visible across all other transactions.
An example of the By Constituent impact: An applicant (user ID: Gina) has
used an online application to register for a user account and then, later on,
saved or submitted four admission applications. The system creates a total
of five transactions for Gina, one transaction for user registration and four
transactions for the four applications. For all the five transaction records, the
system maintains a single constituent record. Gina updates her email address
when saving or submitting the fourth application. The system updates Gina’s
constituent record with the new email address.
By Transaction
Select this option to have the system maintain a separate instance of constituent
data for every transaction of the constituent (that is, One Constituent : One
Transaction ratio). This means that constituent data updates performed within
a single transaction are not visible across all other transactions. An example of
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Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
the By Transaction impact: An applicant (user ID: Jason) has used an online
application to register for a user account and then, later on, saved or submitted
four admission applications. The system creates a total of five transactions
for Jason. For all the five transaction records, the system maintains five
constituent records of Jason. Jason updates his email address when saving or
submitting the fourth application. The system updates Jason’s constituent
record related to the fifth transaction with the new email address but does not
update his other four constituent records.
If you have selected By Constituent, the Summary Information page of the Constituent Staging component
displays multiple transaction rows in the Related Transactions region (if multiple transactions exist for the
constituent). When you search for transactions of a user who has multiple By Constituent transactions,
the Constituent Staging component automatically displays the Summary Information page of the user with the
related transactions. In the following example, the partition data by constituent option has been selected for
the GLAKE_GRAD_TEST and PSUNV_BUSN_APPLICATION transactions and, therefore, the Summary
Information page displays for the constituent Paul, the two application transactions he applied to, on a single
Partition Data By Constituent (Summary Information page)
If you have selected By Transaction, the Summary Information page of the Constituent Staging component
always displays only one transaction row in the Related Transaction region (even if multiple transactions
exist for the constituent). When you search for transactions of a user who has multiple By Transaction
transactions, the Constituent Staging component displays multiple search results. In the following example,
the partition data by transaction option has been selected for the PSUNV_UENG_APPLICATION and
ADMISSIONS_APPLICATION transactions and, therefore, the system displays multiple search results
for the constituent Sarah Dominguez.
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Chapter 1
Partition Data By Transaction (search results)
In the following example, you can see that the Summary Information page displays only one application
transaction for the constituent because the partition data by transaction option has been selected for the
Partition Data By Transaction (Summary Information page)
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
If you have selected the partition by transaction option, the system assigns a unique temporary ID to each
transaction that the system generates for the constituent. If you have selected the partition by constituent option,
the system assigns a unique temporary ID to all the transactions that the system generates for the constituent.
See “Reviewing and Processing Staged Admission Transactions” section in this chapter for information
on the Constituent Staging component.
For the User Registration transaction, partitioning is not applicable.
Note. In the AAWS administrator mode, the system always generates a temporary ID for each application that
an administrator creates, regardless of whether you have selected the By Transaction or By Constituent option.
In other words, the system does not support partition by constituent for the administrator mode.
Transaction Data Launch View
This group box indicates how you can access the transaction details by clicking a link on the Summary
Information page of the Constituent Staging component. By default, the text you enter in the Transaction
Name field becomes the label for the link on the Related Transactions grid of the Summary Information page.
The following table lists the delivered Transaction Data Launch View settings for ADMISSIONS_
APPLICATION transaction. You should always use these values when defining the transaction data launch
view settings for any new application transaction you may create.
Menu Name
Process Applications
Menu Bar Name
Menu Item Name
Menu Page Name
The Transaction Data Launch View group box is not available for user registration. Therefore, by default, the
Summary Information page does not display a link for the user registration transaction.
Defining the Search/Match Criteria
Access the Search/Match Setup page (Set Up SACR, System Administration, Utilities, Constituent Transaction
Mgmt, Transaction Setup, Search/Match Setup).
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Search/Match Setup page
Note. The words “Parameters Refreshed” appear if this is the first time you have entered this page, or if any of
the parameters on this page changed since the last time you accessed this page.
Batch, Realtime and Run
on Save
Indicates the Search/Match options you have selected on the Transaction Setup
page. These options are discussed in the "Defining a Transaction" section.
Select a Search Type, Search Parameter, Search Result Code, and other search fields as appropriate. The
values selected on this page are used behind the scenes when Search/Match is processed Realtime at the time
the user saves or submits and from the Summary Information page when an administrator manually triggers
Search/Match by clicking the Search/Match Results link for a specific transaction.
To set up Search/Match when set to process by Batch, see the “Specifying Search/Match Parameters for
Batch Processing” section.
Note. Transaction Manager supports only person searches at this time. Therefore, the Search Type field
defaults to Person and only Search Parameter and Search Result Code values set up for Person are valid.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Search/Match" for
information about setting up Search/Match rules, order, parameters, and results.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook , "Setting Up External
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Match(es) Found
This group box contains one row for each search rule defined in the Search Parameter selected. Define
Search/Match orders and Search/Match rules on the Search/Match Rule page.
Search Order Nbr (search
order number)
For each order number, select what you want to do with the incoming record if
the search/match/post process discovers one or more matching records.
One Match and Multiple
Select whether you want to add, update, suspend, or ignore matching records:
Add: Add a new record to your database using the staging table record.
Update: Update the existing record with the data in the staging table record.
Note. Updates are dependent on what has been defined as update rules on the
Data Update Rule Entry component.
Suspend: Suspend any processing of the staging table record. Use the
Constituent Staging component to determine manually whether or not this
staged record matches a record in your database. The Constituent Staging
component is discussed in the “Reviewing and Processing Staged Admission
Transactions” section of this chapter.
Ignore: Ignore the staging table record that matched a record in your database.
No Match Found
Select one of the following options to specify what Search/Match should do when it does not find a matching
record in your database or the external system if you use External Search/Match:
Add: Add the unmatched record, including personal data, to your database.
Suspend: Keep the unmatched record in the staging tables to be looked at manually. Use the Constituent
Staging component to review the record.
Ignore: Ignore the unmatched record completely.
See Also
AAWS User’s Guide, “Configuration Hints and Tips”, Constituent Transaction Manager
Defining Data Update Rules for Online and Offline
Application Transactions
Access the Data Update Rule Entry page (Set Up SACR, System Administration, Utilities, Constituent
Transaction Mgmt, Data Update Rule Entry).
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Data Update Rule Entry page (1 of 4)
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Data Update Rule Entry page (2 of 4)
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Data Update Rule Entry page (3 of 4)
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Data Update Rule Entry page (4 of 4)
A data update rule defines whether or how transactions can update data in the constituent production tables.
When you add a new data update rule, the Data Update Rule Entry page displays only those entities for which
the Apply Data Update Rule check box is selected. This check box is available on the Entity Registry page
(Set Up SACR, System Administration, Entity, Entity Registry).
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook, “Setting Up Entity Registry”
for information about the Entity Registry page.
The default value for Update Action is Do Not Update.
Click to access the Copy Data Update Rule page and copy an existing rule’s
settings to the new rule.
Click to refresh the entities populated on the Data Update Rule Entry page.
When you click the button, a message appears indicating which entities have
been added or removed from the page.
For example, suppose you added a new entity and selected the Apply Data
Update Rule check box on the Entity Registry page. In such a case, you must
click the Refresh button to populate the Data Update Rule Entry page with this
new entity. Conversely, you cleared the Apply Data Update Rule check box
on the Entity Registry page for an entity. In such a case, you must click the
Refresh button to remove the entity from the Data Update Rule Entry page.
Set All Actions To
Select an update action that you want to apply for all the entities. The
update actions you can select are Add If Blank, Do Not Update, Safe Update
(applicable for only non-type entities) and Update/Insert.
Entity Name
Displays the name of the entity as defined on the Entity Registry page.
Staging Record
Displays the staging record where the system stores the incoming entity data
from a transaction. You define a staging record for an entity on the Entity
Registry page.
Entity Type
This field is only available for entities with multiple types, such as Address
(Address Types) and Name (Name Types) entities. The default value is All.
Select Show All Types to display all the types for an entity. Select this value
if you want to specify a different update action for one or more types of an
entity. For example, suppose you want to enter Update/Insert update action for
campus address and Add If Blank update action for all the other address types
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
(such as home or billing). In such a case, select Show All Types for the Address
entity and specify the update action for each address type.
Select All if you do not want to display all the types for an entity. Select this
value if you want to specify the same update action for all the types of an
entity. For example, select All if you want to enter Update/Insert update action
for all the address types (such as campus, home and billing).
Warning! Do not confuse the meaning of entity type described here with the
Entity Type defined in the Entity Registry component. In the context of Data
Update Rule, entity type refers to the types included inside certain data
fields. For example Names has different types, so do Addresses, Phone,
and Email Address.
Entity Field
This field is only available for entities that do not have any types, such as
Constituent and Diversity entities.
Select Show All Fields to display all the fields of an entity. Select this value
if you want to specify a different update action rule for one or more fields
of an entity. For example, suppose you want to enter Do Not Update update
action for Date of Birth field and enter Add If Blank update action for rest of
the Constituent fields (such as Birth Location or Birth Country). In such a
case, select Show All Fields for the Constituent entity and specify the update
action for each Constituent field.
When you select Show All Fields, Entity Field actually displays the long
description of the entity field. You include entity fields in the production
record to define an entity name.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook,
“Setting Up Entity Registry” for information on defining an entity name
Update Action
Identify what the system should do when it posts the entity data to the
production records of an existing constituent:
Select Add If Blank to add the entity data only if the constituent does not have
the entity data. For example, suppose you have assigned Add If Blank to the
Home Email Address entity type for the graduate application transaction. The
system receives a graduate application with a home email address through
file load or AAWS. The constituent does not have a home email address in
the database. In such a case, the system adds the constituent’s home email
address to the database.
Select Do Not Update to prevent the constituent’s entity data from being
updated. For example, suppose you have assigned Do Not Update to the
National ID entity for the graduate application transaction. The system receives
a graduate application with a National ID through file load or AAWS. The
applicant already has a National ID on the production record of the database.
In such a case, the system does not update the applicant’s existing National ID.
Warning! Note that if the Do Not Update action is selected for an entity, the
data will not be posted even if data does not exist on the production record.
Select Safe Update to update or insert the constituent’s entity data only if the
incoming data is populated. This action is available only for entities without
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
a type. If the entity data has an effective date, then the system inserts new
effective dated rows but does not overwrite existing fields with blank or zero.
If the entity data does not have an effective date, then the system updates the
existing record only for the fields where incoming data is populated. For
example, suppose you have assigned Safe Update to the Constituent entity
for the graduate application transaction. The system receives a graduate
application with only Date of Birth and Birth Country populated for the
Constituent entity through file load or AAWS. Birth State and Birth Location
are not populated as part of the incoming data. The applicant already has Date
of Birth, Birth Country, Birth State and Birth Location on the production
record of the database. In such a case, the system updates Date of Birth and
Birth Country with the incoming data but will not update Birth State and Birth
Location as these fields are not populated as part of the incoming data.
Select Update/Insert to update or insert the constituent’s entity data, even if the
incoming and existing values are the same. If the entity data has an effective
date, then the system inserts a new effective dated row if the incoming data
differs from the current effective dated row. If the entity data does not have an
effective date, then the system updates the existing record.
Warning! Note that the Update/Insert action will update character-based fields
to blank or null and numeric fields to zero if the field is not populated on the
incoming entity. For example, suppose you have assigned Update/Insert to
the Constituent entity for the graduate application transaction. The system
receives a graduate application with only Date of Birth and Birth Country
populated for the Constituent entity through file load or AAWS. Birth State
and Birth Location are not populated as part of the incoming data. The
applicant already has Date of Birth, Birth Country, Birth State and Birth
Location on the production record of the database. In such a case, the system
updates the applicant’s existing Date of Birth and Birth Country with the
incoming data but will also update Birth State and Birth Location to blank. For
this reason, use caution when selecting the Update/Insert action to prevent
existing data from being updated to blank or zero.
Refer to the next section “Setting Up Affiliation Overrides for a Data Update Rule” for information on how
you can have the system update constituent data based on the affiliation the institution has with the constituent.
See Also
AAWS User’s Guide, “Configuration Hints and Tips”, Data Update Rules
PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook, “Setting Up Entity Registry”
Setting Up Affiliation Overrides for a Data Update Rule
Access the Affiliation Overrides page (Set Up SACR, System Administration, Utilities, Constituent
Transaction Mgmt, Data Update Rule Entry, Affiliation Overrides).
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Affiliation Overrides page
Note. To use Affiliation Overrides, Transaction Setup must be set to Partition by Transaction, Institution
must be a field for the Record Name entered in the Transaction Status section of Transaction Setup, and the
Affiliation Overrides page must be set up.
Rule Name
Displays the name of the base update rule.
Institution and Affiliation
Enter the academic institution and affiliation for which you want to override
the rule defined on the Data Update Rule Entry page.
For example, suppose for a rule name UGRD_APPLICATION you have
defined an Update/Insert update action for the Home Address entity type.
For the same rule, UGRD_APPLICATION, you can specify that if the system
receives an application and the constituent has an affiliation of Employee for
the PSUNV institution, apply a different rule that has an update action of Do
Not Update for the Home Address entity type.
Affiliation Override
Rule ID
Enter the overriding rule for the academic institution and affiliation
Indicate the order in which you want the system to check the override rule.
The system applies the Affiliation Override Rule ID for the affiliation assigned
to the constituent using the following criteria:
The highest order where the affiliation status is Active.
The affiliation start date is less than or equal to the date when the
transaction is submitted.
The affiliation end date is either blank or greater than or equal to the date
when the transaction is submitted.
For example, if you have defined an override rule for PSUNV and Employee
with order number 10 and another rule for PSUNV and Student with order
number 20, the system evaluates the the Employee rule before the Student
rule. If the constituent has active affiliations for both Employee and Student,
the system applies the override rule for Employee. If the constituent has an
active affiliation for only Student, the system applies the override rule for
Student. If the constituent does not have an affiliation for either Employee or
Student, the system applies the base update rule.
Mapping Online Application Transactions to Academic Careers
Access the Appl Config page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, Application
Configuration, Application Configuration, Appl Config).
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Appl Config page
You can enter only online transactions (except user registration transaction) in the Transaction field. To check
whether a transaction has been marked as Online or Batch, use the Transaction Setup page (Set Up SACR,
System Administration, Utilities, Constituent Transaction Mgmt, Transaction Setup).
See Also
AAWS User’s Guide, “Configuration Hints and Tips”, Application Configuration
Setting Up Application Defaults for Offline and Online
Application Transactions
Access the Application Setup page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, Application
Configuration, Application Configuration, Application Setup).
Application Setup page: Criteria tab (1 of 2)
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Chapter 1
Application Setup page: Criteria tab (2 of 2)
Application Setup page: Assigned Values tab (1 of 2)
Application Setup page: Assigned Values tab (2 of 2)
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Use the Criteria tab to define the selecting criteria — such as academic career, academic program, and
academic plan — that will constitute a particular group of applications. Use the Assigned Values tab to
define the application center and event ID that the system assigns to the particular application group. When
the system receives an application, it uses this mapping to determine which application center and event
ID should be assigned to an application.
In the exhibit example — Application Setup page: Criteria tab (2 of 2) — you can see that for row 12, career is
UGRD, program is AA and plan is Music. For the same row, in the exhibit example — Application Setup
page: Assigned Values tab (2 of 2) — the application center is APP3. Assume that the system receives an
application for a career of UGRD, program of AA, and plan of Music through AAWS or batch load. In such a
case, the system assigns APP3 to this application.
The system requires an application center to create an admission application. Therefore, you must map each
career with an application center on the Application Setup page. The system generates an error message if it
receives an application through AAWS or batch load and it does not find the corresponding application center
from this mapping. You can view this error message on the Application Transactions staging component. Note
that the system assigns an application center from this mapping when an application is saved or submitted. The
system assigns the 3C Event ID when an application is posted.
Note. You should complete this mapping for only self-service (applicant) mode. In the administrator mode,
the user provides the application center when creating an admission application. Therefore, this setup is not
relevant for administrator mode.
Enter the career for which you want to assign an application center (and
optionally, an event ID).
Optionally, enter the program for which you want to assign an application
center (and optionally, an event ID).
If you leave this field blank, the system assigns the application center to
all the programs within the career. For example, suppose you have two
application centers: APP01 and APP02. Map the career GRAD and program
MBA combination to the APP01application center and map the GRAD career
to the APP02 application center. In such a case, the system will assign APP01
application center to an MBA application and it will assign APP02 to other
non MBA applications such as a MS or MA application.
Optionally, if you have entered a program, enter the plan for which you want
to assign an application center (and optionally, an event ID).
If you leave this field blank, the system assigns the application center to all the
plans within the program. For example, suppose you have two application
centers: APP03 and APP04. Map the career GRAD, program MS, and plan
Finance combination to the APP03 application center and map the GRAD
career and MS program to APP04 application center. In such a case, the
system will assign APP03 application center to an MS Finance application
and it will assign APP04 to other Master of Science applications such as MS
in Biochemistry or MS in Physics.
Country and Citizenship
Enter the country and citizenship if you want to assign an application center
(and optionally, an event ID) based on the applicant’s citizenship. For
example, you could have the career UGRD, country USA, and citizenship Alien
Temporary mapped to an Undergrad International Office application center
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
and GRAD, USA, and Alien Temporary mapped to a Graduate International
Office application center.
Note. If you enter a value in one of the two fields, you cannot leave the
other field blank. For example, if you enter a country, you must specify
the citizenship.
Note. When determining the application center assignment, the system uses the following order: citizenship
status, academic plan, academic program, and academic career.
Assigned Values
Enter the application center, and optionally the event ID, for the row entered on the Criteria tab.
Only the event IDs that have the administrative functions ADMA (admissions application) and ADMP
(admissions program) are available. ADMP is available only if you select an academic program on the Criteria
tab. Define event IDs on the Event Definition page.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community 9.0 Fundamentals PeopleBook , "Using the 3C Engine,"
Defining 3C Engine Events.
See Also
AAWS User’s Guide, “Configuration Hints and Tips”, Application Configuration
Setting Up Prospect Creation Rules and Defaults for Offline
and Online Application Transactions
Access the Prospect Setup page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, Application
Configuration, Application Configuration, Prospect Setup).
Prospect Setup page: Criteria tab
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Prospect Setup page: Assigned Values tab
Use the Criteria tab to specify whether you want the system to create a prospect when the user saves an
application through AAWS or when you post an application to the Campus Solutions database. Also,
on this tab define the criteria for creating the prospect. Use the Assigned Values tab to specify the default
values that the system assigns to the prospect. You must specify the recruiting center, recruiting status, and
referral source values.
In the exhibit example — Prospect Setup page: Criteria tab — you can see that for row 3, career is MED,
program is MED, plan is Pharmacology and Create Prospect value is SAVE. For the same row, in the exhibit
example — Prospect Setup page: Assigned Values tab — values such as the recruiting center MPHA is
assigned. Assume that a user saves an pharmacology application through AAWS. In such a case, the system
creates a prospect record for the applicant and also assigns the default values such as the recruiting center
MPHA to this newly created prospect record.
Note. To create prospect on save, the online application must ensure that the required constituent data is
collected before the user saves the application.
Also, ensure that the related transaction is set to run real time on save. If the related transaction is set to
run on submit, then the Prospect Setup page displays a warning message if you choose the Save option for
Create Prospect. For example, suppose you have a transaction UGRD_online_app and you have mapped this
transaction to the UGRD career and GLAKE institution on Appl Config page. You have not selected the Run
on Save check box on the Transaction Setup page for this transaction. In such a case, the Prospect Setup page
displays a warning message if you select the Save option for the UGRD and GLAKE criteria. If the prospect
setup is set to create a prospect on Save, but the transaction is not set to run real time on Save, you can still
create the prospect record by running the Transaction Management process for Saved transactions.
Enter the career for which you want to create prospect records and assign
default values.
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Chapter 1
Optionally, enter the program for which you want to create prospect records
and assign default values.
If you leave this field blank, the prospect records are created for all the
programs within the career.
Optionally, if you have entered a program, enter the plan for which you want
to create prospect records and assign default values.
If you leave this field blank, the prospect records are created for all the
plans within the program or career.
Create Prospect
Identify how you want to create prospect records for the career (and program
and/or plan, if applicable):
Save: Select if you want the system to create a prospect record when it
receives a Save Application service operation request or when the applications
are loaded into the staging tables using File Parser and have a transaction
status of Saved.
Post: Select if you want the system to create a prospect record when the online
or offline transactions are posted to the Campus Solutions database.
If the prospect record already exists for the institution and career of the transaction, the system updates the
prospect record to insert program and plan data that does not exist, and also inserts Housing Interest, Financial
Aid Interest, Last School Attended and Graduation Date if not previously populated.
Note. If you want to create prospects for all applications received for the criteria entered, enter a row for Save
and a row for Post. This will ensure that the system will create a prospect record when an application is
not saved prior to submission.
Assigned Values
Enter the recruiting center, recruiting status, referral source and optionally the event ID, for the row entered on
the Criteria tab.
Only the event IDs that have the administrative functions PROS (prospect) and PROP (prospect program) are
available. PROP is available only if you select an academic program on the Criteria tab. Define event IDs
on the Event Definition page.
See Also
AAWS User’s Guide, “Configuration Hints and Tips”, Application Configuration
Setting Up Home or Unlisted Schools for Online
Application Transactions
Access the School Setup page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, Application
Configuration, Application Configuration, School Setup).
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School Setup page
An online application may need to capture the applicant’s academic history. The online application may
present a field with a list of schools, colleges, and universities that exist in the system’s External Organization
table and the user may select a value from this list. However, two applicant categories exist, those who have
attended an academic institution that is not listed in the list of values (unlisted schools) and those who are
home schooled. The online application may present a text field or some other method to capture the home
or unlisted school details. Use the School Setup page if you want to define how the system should process
these unlisted or home schools.
Unlisted Schools
Post Application Using
Select if you want to specify a default organization ID for unlisted schools or if
the applicant has not provided the school name.
Default Organization
This field appears if you select the Post Application Using Default option.
Specify the default organization ID to post with the application record.
Note. If the application contains multiple rows of Unlisted School data, the
default will apply to the first processed row. Because External Organization
ID is a key field, it is not possible to use the default more than once. In the
event of multiple Unlisted Schools, the web service will create a reconciliation
error in the staging component and will require manual reconciliation of the
additional Unlisted School rows.
Require Manual
Select if you want to manually correct an application that has an unlisted
school or no school.
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Chapter 1
If you select this option and if the application transaction has an unlisted
school or no school, the system retains the transaction in the staging table with
a constituent status of Error. You will have to resolve the error message and
then post the application. You can use the Application Transactions component
to select an appropriate External Org ID and run the post process. Refer to the
“Reviewing and Processing Staged Admission Transactions” section of this
chapter for more information on this component.
Home School
Post Application Using
Select if you want to specify a default organization ID for home schools.
Default Organization
This field appears if you select the Post Application Using Default option.
Specify the default organization ID to post with the application record.
Note. If the application contains multiple rows of Home School data, the
default will apply to the first processed row. Because External Organization
ID is a key field, it is not possible to use the default more than once. In the
event of multiple Home Schools, the web service will create a reconciliation
error in the staging component and will require manual reconciliation of
the additional Home School rows.
Require Manual
Select if you want to manually correct an application that has a home school.
If you select this option and if the applicant has mentioned home school,
the system retains the transaction in the staging table with a constituent
status of Error. You will have to resolve the error message and then post the
application. You can use the Application Transactions component to select an
appropriate External Org ID and run the post process. Refer to the “Reviewing
and Processing Staged Admission Transactions” section of this chapter for
more information on this component.
See Also
AAWS User’s Guide, “Configuration Hints and Tips”, Application Configuration
Setting Up List of Values for Online Applications
An online application, for which you have created a user interface externally from PeopleSoft Campus
Community system, may present list fields for the users. If you want these fields to present list of values that
are defined in the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system, use the Get List of Values web service operation
(SCC_GET_LOV service operation). This service operation returns the valid values for such fields. The list of
values could be translate values or setup values. The following is an example of a field with a list of values.
A List field
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See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook, “Setting Up List of Values”
AAWS User’s Guide, “Configuration Hints and Tips”, List of Values
AAWS User’s Guide, List of Values Web Service Operation
AAWS Developer’s Guide, User Interface Considerations
Maintaining and Extending Data for Online and
Offline Transactions
Access the Entity Registry page (Set Up SACR, System Administration, Entity, Entity Registry).
The web services that are part of the AAWS feature are constructed based on entities. Entities are delivered
with your system and are defined inside the Entity Registry component. Review the delivered entities and
modify their default setup according to your requirements. Also, if you have customized the delivered
Recruiting and Admissions functionality by creating new records or adding extra fields to delivered records,
you can extend the entity registry by creating new entities or modifying the delivered ones.
Note. Refer to the “Extending AAWS” section in the AAWS Developer’s Guide for more information about
the Entity Registry page and how to create new entities.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook, “Setting Up Entity Registry”
AAWS User’s Guide, “Configuration Hints and Tips”, Entity Registry
AAWS Developer’s Guide, “Extending AAWS”
AAWS Developer’s Guide, “Developer’s Reference”
Reviewing and Processing Staged Admission Transactions
Use the Constituent Staging and Application Transactions components to review or edit the admissions
transaction data stored in the staging tables. The staging tables are holding tables and are separate from the
core production records. Any changes you make in the components posts to the core production records
when the posting process is executed (real time or batch) depending on data update rules. You can use these
components to review the information stored in the staging tables at any time during the Processing Admission
Transactions business process. For example, you might prefer to look at the transaction data immediately after
the system loads it into the staging tables or after posting. This data is no longer editable once all transactions
related to the constituent record have a transaction status of Posted or Cancelled.
Note. The Created By field has been added to all the pages of the Constituent Staging and Application
Transactions components for Bundle 21. In this chapter, some of the graphics for these pages have not
been updated for this change.
The following is an example of the Created By field:
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Example of a Created By field
Correcting Admission Transaction Errors
When a user saves or submits an application through AAWS or when you use File Parser to batch load an
application, the system creates a transaction. A transaction might have an error status for the constituent
(person) or the application record. For error indicators, look through both the components to find the
corresponding field and enter a valid value.
For example, suppose you selected the Manual Reconciliation option for Home Schools on the School Setup
page. If the applicant has indicated that a school of attendance is a home school and submitted the application,
the Application Transactions component displays an error message.
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Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Example of an error message in the Application Transactions component
To resolve such an error, you can click the Education History tab, then select the valid external organization
ID for the home-schooled applicant and finally click the Save button.
Posting Admission Transactions
After you have reviewed a transaction and corrected the errors, you can run the search/match/post process from
the components itself by clicking the Run Search/Match/Post button. On clicking this button, you can run both
processes at once: to search for matching people in your database and to post the transaction according to the
Search/Match parameters you set up on the Transaction Setup component. The latter happens if Search/Match
identifies an ID that needs to be created or updated or if the user has used a User ID already tied to an ID.
In either way, the system uses the identified ID (EMPLID) to post the data. Alternatively, you can use the
Constituent Staging and Application Transactions components to correct multiple transactions and then run the
Transaction Management process to post the multiple transactions to the Campus Solutions database.
If you have selected the Batch option on the Transaction Setup page, the system stores the transactions in
staging tables and you will need to run the Transaction Management process to run Search/Match and post
the transactions to Campus Solutions. However, if the system knows the EMPLID for the applicant, then
the transaction is effectively treated as real time.
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Chapter 1
Before running the Transaction Management process, set up the Search/Match parameters on the Transaction
Management Process component. The Search/Match parameters that you define for the Transaction
Management process overrides the Search/Match parameters set up on the Transaction Setup component.
Regardless of how the post process is run, if it encounters any problems during processing, it will assign the
record an application status of Saved Error or Submitted Error. Use the Constituent Staging and Application
Transactions components to review these errors.
Pages Used to Review and Process Staged Admission
Page Name
Summary Information
Definition Name
• Student Admissions,
Application Transaction
Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Summary
• Campus Community,
Constituent Transaction
Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Summary
Constituent Details
• Student Admissions,
Application Transaction
Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Constituent
• Campus Community,
Constituent Transaction
Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Constituent
Participation Details
• Student Admissions,
Application Transaction
Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Participation
• Campus Community,
Constituent Transaction
Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Participation
Additional Personal Info
• Student Admissions,
Application Transaction
Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Additional
Personal Info
• Campus Community,
Constituent Transaction
Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Additional
Personal Info
Review the constituent
status, and the error
messages and transactions
for the applicant.
Run the search/match/post
process or post the
transaction data. Manually
trigger Search/Match to
review the list of matching
Review and edit the
applicant’s personal
information in the staging
record. An applicant’s
personal information
includes data such as date
of birth, national ID, and
Review and edit the
applicant’s participation
details in the staging
record. An applicant’s
participation details may
include information such as
work experience and honors
and awards.
Review and edit the
applicant’s additional
personal information in
the staging record. An
applicant’s additional
personal information may
include citizenship details
and emergency contacts.
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Page Name
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Definition Name
• Student Admissions,
Application Transaction
Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Regional
Review and edit the
applicant’s regional
information in the staging
• Campus Community,
Constituent Transaction
Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Regional
Application Data
• Student Admissions,
Application Transaction
Mgmt, Application
Transactions, Application
• Click the <Transaction
Name> link on the
Summary Information
Education History
• Student Admissions,
Application Transaction
Mgmt, Application
Transactions, Education
• Click the <Transaction
Name> link on the
Summary Information
page and then click the
Education History tab.
Additional Academic Info
• Student Admissions,
Application Transaction
Mgmt, Application
Transactions, Additional
Academic Info
• Click the <Transaction
Name> link on the
Summary Information
page and then click the
Additional Academic
Info tab.
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Review the error messages
pertaining to the application
in the staging record.
In addition, review and edit
the application program data
and academic plan data. You
can also review and edit
the additional information
regarding the application,
such as application center,
application fees, and
recruiter assigned to the
Review and edit the
education history pertaining
to the application in the
staging record. Education
history includes information
such as schools attended and
degrees that are in progress
or completed.
Review and edit the
additional academic
information pertaining to the
application in the staging
record. Additional academic
information includes test
results and academic
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Page Name
Supplemental Information
Definition Name
Chapter 1
• Student Admissions,
Application Transaction
Mgmt, Application
Supplemental Information
• Click the <Transaction
Name> link on the
Summary Information
page and then click the
Supplemental Information
Application Regional
• Student Admissions,
Application Transaction
Mgmt, Application
Transactions, Application
Review and edit the
supplemental information
pertaining to the application
in the staging record.
Supplemental information
includes general materials
and file attachments.
Review and edit the
country-specific data
pertaining to the application
in the staging record.
• Click the <Transaction
Name> link on the
Summary Information
page and then click the
Application Regional tab.
Selection Parameters
Student Admissions,
Application Transaction
Mgmt, Transaction
Management Process,
Selection Parameters
Campus Community,
Constituent Transaction
Mgmt, Transaction
Management Process,
Selection Parameters
Enter selection parameters
for running the Transaction
Management process. You
can run search match and
post for saved and submitted
transactions in the staging
records. Also, you can
process a transaction for a
single person, all persons, or
use Population Selection
to select the persons in the
staging records.
Before you post the data,
set up the Search/Match
parameters on the
Search/Match Parameters
Search/Match Parameters
Student Admissions,
Application Transaction
Mgmt, Transaction
Management Process,
Search/Match Parameters
Campus Community,
Constituent Transaction
Mgmt, Transaction
Management Process,
Search/Match Parameters
Set up your Search/Match
parameters for the
Transaction Management
process. These are the rules
that determine what the post
process should do with the
staging record after the
Search/Match process is
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Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Reviewing Applicant Error Messages and Transactions
Access the Summary Information page (Student Admissions, Application Transaction Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Summary Information).
[ Bundle 22: Batch Trans check box has been replaced by the new Online check box. ]
Summary Information page
Temporary ID
Displays the auto-generated number.
The system assigns this number depending on whether you partitioned the
transaction either by constituent or by transaction on the Transaction Setup
page. If you have selected the partition by constituent option, a single
Temporary ID is associated to all the transactions of the individual. If you
have selected the partition by transaction option, the system assigns a new
Temporary ID to each transaction of the individual.
Note. Temporary ID is also known as Constituent Temporary ID. It is the main
key to the constituent and the transaction staging tables.
Note. The auto-generated number is initially set up in the Counter Setup
Constituent Status
Indicates the status of the constituent data in the staging table. This status
controls when a transaction can be posted. Refer to the below table in the
sub section titled Constituent Statuses for details.
Note. Do not modify the delivered values in any way. Any modifications to
these values require a substantial programming effort.
Indicates the ID that will be used to post a transaction. ID value is determined
either by the User ID that performs the transaction (in the case of returning
users), the Search/Match process, or manually by an administrator if the search
for duplicates was performed individually.
Note that a returning user is a user ID that already has an EMPLID.
Run Search/Match/Post
Click to run Search/Match and if an ID is identified, post the constituent with
the transactions that are listed in the Related Transactions section.
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
If Search/Match has already been run, an ID is identified and the transaction
status is Submitted, the system displays the Post Transaction Data button
instead of the Run Search/Match/Post button.
If all the transactions in the Related Transactions have a status of Posted the
system disables the Post Transaction Data button.
Indicates the status of the related transaction. This status, along with the
Constituent Status, controls when a transaction can be posted. Refer to the
table in the following topic titled Constituent Statuses for more information.
Note. Do not modify the delivered values in any way. Any modifications to
these values require a substantial programming effort.
<Transaction Name>
Click to access the Application Transactions component and view the
admission application staged data. You can access the Application
Transactions component only if you have access to the application center
associated with the application transaction.
Note. The link name, by default, matches the name given to the transaction
on the Transaction Setup component. In the preceding exhibit example —
Summary Information page — you can see that the link is Application Data
because for the ADMISSIONS_APPLICATION transaction the Transaction
Name is set to Application Data on the Transaction Setup component.
Online (Online Transaction)
Indicates whether this transaction is set as an online transaction or not on
the Transaction Setup page. For example, if the transaction is generated
because an applicant has saved an application through AAWS, the system
selects this check box. If the transaction is generated because you have
loaded an application using the File Parser utility (offline), the system does
not select this check box.
Search/Match Results
Click to run Search/Match and manually review the matching candidates. If
matches are found, the system displays the Integrated Search Results page
after Search/Match has run. The Search/Match function uses the Search
Parameter and the Search Result Code values related to the transaction,
for which you clicked the Search/Match Results link. You specify the
Search Parameter and the Search Result Code values for a transaction on
the Transaction Setup component.
Note. The system does not display the Search/Match Results link for a
new user registration transaction.
Set To Update ID
Click this button if inadvertently you or the system has created or updated
the constituent data to a wrong ID and you want to repost the data with
the correct ID.
The button appears only when Constituent Status = New ID Created or ID
Updated and none of the transactions listed in the Related Transactions grid
have a status = Posted (other than the new user registration transaction called
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Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Note. If a transaction was posted with the wrong ID, you need to first unpost
the transaction, delete the created transaction and then you will be able to
see the Set to Update ID button and change the ID. You unpost a transaction
from the Application Transactions component.
The page displays the Constituent Errors section if the constituent status is Error.
Application Center Security
There are two ways to access the admission application transactions:
Campus Community menu path navigation (Campus Community, Constituent Transaction Mgmt,
Constituent Staging)
Student Admissions menu path navigation (Student Admissions, Application Transaction Mgmt,
Constituent Staging)
If you use the Campus Community menu path navigation and if your user ID is not associated with a
particular application center, you cannot access the application data associated with that application center.
However, you can see how many applications exist for an applicant. In the following example, a user can
see there is one application for the constituent. However, the user cannot view the application data because
the <Transaction Name> link is disabled. The system has disabled the link because the user does not have
access to the application center.
Application Data link disabled for a user who does not have application center access
If you use the Student Admissions menu path navigation and if your user ID is not associated with a particular
application center, you cannot see how many applications associated with the application center exist. Also,
you cannot view the application data associated with the application center. Therefore, the system strictly
enforces the application center security for Student Admissions menu as compared to Campus Community
menu where the security is not enforced. In the following example, a user cannot see whether there is an
application transaction for the constituent because the user does not have access to the application center.
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Hidden search results for a user who does not have the application center access
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions 9.0 Application Fundamentals PeopleBook , “Securing
Recruiting and Admissions”, Setting Security for Application Centers
Constituent Statuses
The following table describes the various constituent statuses:
This status indicates that the system has loaded the data into the
staging records and has not run Search/Match.
How Status is Set
Set by the system if
Search/Match has not run
or after an administrator
corrects an error.
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New ID Created
This status indicates that the system has run Search/Match and has
created a new Employee ID for the staging record.
How Status is Set
Set by the system.
The system assigns this status to a record when it adds a new
Employee ID. It adds a new Employee ID when the Search/Match
settings for the transaction determine that the record is new. The
system also assigns this status to a record when you manually set
the constituent status to Add New ID and then click the Run Search
Match Post button or run the Transaction Management process.
The system can assign this status at any time during the process
depending on how the transactions are set up. If you have selected
the real time option on the Transaction Setup page, the status assigns
this status when the user saves or submits the admission application.
ID Updated
This status indicates that the system has run Search/Match and
has found an existing Employee ID for the staging record or the
transaction has been processed for a returning user where the
Employee ID is known for the user.
Set by the system.
The system assigns this status to a record when it updates constituent
data for an existing Employee ID. It updates an existing Employee
ID when the Search/Match settings for the transaction determine
that a matching record exists or if a returning user saves or submits
a subsequent transaction. This can be done at any time during the
process depending on how the transactions are set up. If the process
is real time, it will be done at the point the user either saves or
submits their application.
This status indicates that the system has run Search/Match and has
suspended the staging record for your review.
Set by the system.
Set manually.
The system suspends a record from further processing because
possible matches have been found based on the Search/Match
settings for the transaction.
If previously you had changed the status from suspended to any
other status, you can manually change the status back to suspended
(depending on whether the constituent data has been posted to the
production record).
This status indicates that the system has run Search/Match and the
Search/Match parameters setup suggests you to ignore the staging
Set by the system.
Set manually.
Processing of the record will not continue while this status is set. You
can also manually assign this status if you want the system to ignore
the staging record for further processing.
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
How Status is Set
This status indicates that the system has encountered a problem when Set by the system.
processing the record.
The system can assign this status to a staging record when it
encounters a problem during data validation, when running
Search/Match, or when the data is being posted.
The system displays the error message on the Summary Information
page. You must resolve the error and save the record. The system
does not allow you to manually change from Error status to another
status. When you resolve an error and save the record, the status
automatically changes to Loaded, which indicates that you need to
start the processing again by running the post process again (whether
it is done by clicking the Run Search/Match/Post button or the Post
Transaction Data button or by running the Transaction Management
process). Notice that if an ID was already identified, the post process
will use it to revalidate and to post the data.
Add New ID
This status indicates that you have determined that the constituent
should be added as a new person.
Set manually.
You can assign this status when you have determined that the staging
record should be added with a new Employee ID.
Update ID
This status indicates that you have determined that an existing
constituent record should be updated with the staging record.
Set manually.
You can use the Search/Match results or the ID field to choose the
Employee ID whose record you want to update. After assigning this
status and choosing an Employee ID, you can click the Run Search
Match Post button or run the Transaction Management process to
update the existing record.
This status indicates that you have determined the transaction is
Set by the system.
incomplete, duplicate or should not be processed further. You cannot
Set manually.
delete a transaction but you can cancel a constituent transaction. No
further data updates by the user or the administrative user can be
performed on a cancelled row. The Transaction Management process
ignores the cancelled rows.
Note. Cancelling a constituent implies that none of the transactions
tied to it can be updated or processed further.
Also if your user interface for the online transaction is configured
appropriately, this status can be used when an end user has manually
cancelled the transaction (for instance closed the browser window)
before saving or submitting an admission application.
Reviewing Applicant Details
Access the Constituent Details page (Student Admissions, Application Transaction Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Constituent Details).
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Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Constituent Details page (1 of 2)
Constituent Details page (2 of 2)
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Reviewing Applicant Participation Details
Access the Participation Details page (Student Admissions, Application Transaction Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Participation Details).
Participation Details page (1 of 3)
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Participation Details page (2 of 3)
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Participation Details page (3 of 3)
Reviewing Applicant’s Additional Personal Information
Access the Additional Personal Info page (Student Admissions, Application Transaction Mgmt, Constituent
Staging, Additional Personal Info).
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Chapter 1
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Additional Personal Info page (1 of 3)
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Additional Personal Info page (2 of 3)
Additional Personal Info page (3 of 3)
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Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Reviewing Applicant’s Regional Information
Access the Regional page (Student Admissions, Application Transaction Mgmt, Constituent Staging,
Regional page (1 of 2)
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Regional page (2 of 2)
Reviewing Application Error Messages and Application Data
Access the Application Data page (Student Admissions, Application Transaction Mgmt, Application
Transactions, Application Data).
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Chapter 1
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Application Data page (1 of 2)
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Application Data page (2 of 2)
Set Status to Submitted
This button only appears if the application status is Posted.
If you have inadvertently posted the transaction data to a wrong ID, click the
Set Status to Submitted button. On clicking the button, the system sets the
application status back to submitted. For example, you may notice that an
application was posted to a new ID but you should have created the application
for an existing ID. To repost the application to the existing ID, perform
the following steps:
1. Run the Application Delete process to delete the application that you have
posted to the wrong ID so that you do not maintain duplicate applications
in the system.
2. Click the Set Status to Submitted button and save the record.
3. Click the Set to Update ID button on the Constituent Staging component
and select the existing ID.
4. Click the Run Search/Match/Post button to post the application.
The following table describes the application statuses:
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Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Application Status
This status indicates that system has saved the admission application to the staging
records and the application is not ready to be processed.
The system automatically assigns this status when the online application calls
the Save Application service operation.
You can also manually set this status if you want to indicate that the application is
not ready for processing.
When setting up the File Mapping Definition, you can define the default value that
File Parser should assign as the Application Status.
This status indicates that system has submitted the admission application to the
staging records and the application is ready to be processed.
The system automatically assigns this status to an application when the online
application calls the Submit Application service operation.
You can manually set this status if you want to indicate that the application is
ready for processing. You cannot post Saved transactions; only transactions with
Submitted status can be posted.
When setting up the File Mapping Definition, you can define the default value that
File Parser should assign as the Application Status.
Saved Error
This status indicates that the system encountered problems when saving an
admission application. You must resolve these errors before the admission
application can be posted.
You cannot manually change this status. When you resolve the error and save the
staging record, the system automatically sets the status back to Saved.
Submit Error
This status indicates that the system encountered problems when submitting
an admission application. You must resolve these errors before the admission
application can be posted.
You cannot manually change this status. When you resolve the error and save the
staging record, the system automatically sets the status back to Submitted.
This status indicates that manual reconciliation is required for some data element
which is not necessarily an error. For example, when manual reconciliation is
required for application fee waiver requests, the status is set to Pending and the
application fee status is set to Waiver. You can manually change this status.
This status indicates that the system has posted the data. The system runs the
posting process when you click the Post Transaction Data button or the Run
Search/Match/Post button, or when you run the Transaction Management process.
The setup of the AAWS Application Fee and Waiver Processing group box on the Application Center Table
page controls how an online application fee payment or waiver is processed.
See: PeopleSoft Enterprise Recruiting and Admissions 9.0 PeopleBook, Building Your Recruiting Structure,
Setting Up Your Recruiting Structure, Setting Up Application Processing Centers
For information about how the payment is collected through third party hosted payment processing using
Student Financials web services, refer to the following:
See: PeopleSoft Enterprise Student Financials 9.0 PeopleBook, Using Student Financials Web Services for
Hosted ePayment Transactions
See: PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions 9.0 Admission Applications Web Services Developer’s Guide
on My Oracle Support
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
See: PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions 9.0 Admission Applications Web Services User’s Guide on
My Oracle Support
When payment is authorized, the Amount Sent to GL field is updated in the Application Transactions staging
component (the field is not visible on the page) and is carried through to the core production Application
Maintenance component (Application Items page). The Generate Direct to GL process uses the Amount
Sent to GL value.
See: PeopleSoft Enterprise Student Financials 9.0 PeopleBook, Using GL Interface Processing, Generating
Direct to GL Entries
The following documentation discusses how the Application Data staging page fields are updated when an
online application fee or waiver is processed—based on the setup of the AAWS Application Fee and Waiver
Processing group box on the Application Center Table page.
The staging field SAD_APL_DAT_STG.APP_FEE_STATUS is not visible on the Application Data staging
Processing Application Fees When Waiver Request is Not Allowed
The Application Center Table setup is:
An application fee is required.
Payment is required when the application is submitted.
Waiver request is not allowed.
When an applicant has completed all the required data for the online application and is ready to submit
the application, the applicant clicks a payment button which triggers the AAWS Submit web service
(SAD_SUBMITAPPL). The web service calls the Application Fee Calculation API which calculates the fee
and returns the amount and currency to the external user interface which displays the fee to the applicant.
The staging field SAD_APL_DAT_STG.APP_FEE_STATUS is set to Calculated.
When the applicant successfully makes a payment, the application is submitted. The
SAD_APL_DAT_STG.APPL_FEE_STATUS field is set to Received.
The field values are carried through to the core production Application Maintenance component:
is set to Received.
If the applicant does not successfully complete the payment process, the application remains in a saved status.
The Application Center Table setup is:
An application fee is required.
Pay later is allowed.
Waiver request is not allowed.
If the applicant selects to pay now, the process is the same as scenario 1.
If the applicant selects to pay later, SAD_APL_DAT_STG.APP_FEE_STATUS is set to Calculated and
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Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
These values are carried through to core production: ADM_APPL_DATA.APP_FEE_STATUS is set to
Calculated and ADM_APPL_DATA.APPL_FEE_STATUS is set to Deferred.
The Admissions office must follow up on fee payment. No other processing occurs in AAWS.
Processing Application Fee Waivers in Staging
The Application Center Table setup is:
An application fee is required.
Payment is required when the application is submitted OR pay later is allowed.
Waiver request is allowed.
Manual reconciliation is required.
If the applicant completes the payment, the process is the same as scenario 1.
If the applicant requests a waiver, the applicant indicates the waiver basis (if required based on setup on
Application Center Table page) and provides supporting documentation (optional - may be submitted by
uploading an attachment or at a later time) and submits the application.
Because Require Manual Reconciliation is selected as the Application Fee Waiver Process option on the
Application Center Table page, then when the applicant submits the application, the staging fields are set
as follows:
SAD_APL_DAT_STG. SAD_APPL_STS is set to Pending.
SAD_APL_DAT_STG.WAIVED_AMT is set to blank.
The administrator reviews supporting documentation (Supplemental Information page) and grants or denies
the waiver.
If the waiver is granted, the staging fields are updated as follows:
The administrator changes the staging Application Fee Status value to Waived.
Programmatically, SAD_APL_DAT_STG. SAD_APPL_STS is set to Submitted.
SAD_APL_DAT_STG.WAIVED_AMT shows the waiver amount.
SAD_APL_DAT_STG.APP_FEE_STATUS is set to Calculated.
These values are carried through to core production Admissions tables:
On the Application Data - Application Fees page, the Fee Status value is Waived, the Waive Amount value
appears, and the Waiver Basis Code value appears based on the value in the related staging field.
On the Application Data page, the value in the Status field in the Application Fee Information group
box is Calculated.
If the waiver is denied, the administrator sets the Application Fee Status to Pending and the Application
Status is automatically set to Saved. The administrator must manually notify the applicant that the waiver
request is denied.
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Processing Application Fee Waivers in Core Admissions
The Application Center Table setup is:
An application fee is required.
Payment is required when the application is submitted OR pay later is allowed.
Waiver request is allowed.
Application can be posted to core production before waiver request is determined.
If the applicant completes the payment, the process is the same as scenario 1.
If the applicant selects to pay later, the process is the same as scenario 2. The Admissions office must follow
up on fee payment or waiver. No other processing occurs in AAWS.
If the applicant requests a waiver, the applicant indicates the waiver basis (if required based on setup on
Application Center Table page) and provides supporting documentation (optional - may be submitted by
uploading an attachment or at a later time) and submits the application.
If Allow to Post is selected as the Application Fee Waiver Process option and the App Fee Status Waived
option is selected on the Application Center Table page, then when the applicant submits the application, the
staging fields are set as follows:
SAD_APL_DAT_STG.WAIVED_AMT is set to blank.
SAD_APL_DAT_STG.APP_FEE_STATUS is set to Calculated.
These values are carried through to core production Admissions tables:
On the Application Data - Application Fees page, the Fee Status value is Waived, the Waive Amount value
is blank and the Waiver Basis Code value appears based on the value in the related staging field.
On the Application Data page, the value in the Status field in the Application Fee Information group
box is Calculated.
The App Fee Status Waived option could be used by schools who allow waivers but automatically grant the
waiver without review or assessment.
If Allow to Post is selected as the Application Fee Waiver Process option and the App Fee Status Waiver
Request option is selected on the Application Center Table page, then when the applicant submits the
application, the staging fields are set as follows:
SAD_APL_DAT_STG.WAIVED_AMT is set to blank.
These values are carried through to core production Admissions tables:
On the Application Data - Application Fees page, the Fee Status value is Waiver, the Waive Amount value
is blank and the Waiver Basis Code value appears based on the value in the related staging field.
On the Application Data page, the value in the Status field in the Application Fee Information group
box is Pending.
Waiver requests must be assessed using the core production Application Maintenance component.
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Query adm_appl_data.appl_fee_status to find the applicants with waiver requests.
Reviewing Applicant’s Education History
Access the Education History page (Student Admissions, Application Transaction Mgmt, Application
Transactions, Education History).
Education History page (1 of 3)
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Education History page (2 of 3)
Education History page (3 of 3)
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Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Reviewing Additional Academic Information
Access the Additional Academic Info page (Student Admissions, Application Transaction Mgmt, Application
Transactions, Additional Academic Info).
Additional Academic Info page
Reviewing General Materials and Attachments
Access the Supplemental Information page (Student Admissions, Application Transaction Mgmt, Application
Transactions, Supplemental Information).
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Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Supplemental Information page
Reviewing Application Regional Information
Access the Application Regional page (Student Admissions, Application Transaction Mgmt, Application
Transactions, Application Regional).
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Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Application Regional page: Australia
The system displays this page only if the country-specific options are selected on the SA Features and
Academic Institution 6 pages.
See Also
PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions 9.0 Application Fundamentals PeopleBook , “Reviewing Installation
Setup and System Defaults”, Selecting Student Administration Installation Options
PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Solutions 9.0 Application Fundamentals PeopleBook , "Designing Your
Academic Structure," (AUS, CAN, GBR, NZL, NLD) Activating Other Student Administration Features
Updating and Posting Transactions in Batch
Access the Selection Parameters page (Student Admissions, Application Transaction Mgmt, Transaction
Management Process, Selection Parameters).
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Selection Parameters page
Use this functionality to process temporary constituent IDs stored inside the constituent and the transaction
staging tables. You can process all IDs, just one at a time or use Population Selection to select staged IDs
meeting custom criteria. You can decide to only process the saved transactions, the submitted transactions or a
combination of both. The process allows you to change the transaction (application) status from Saved to
Submitted, run Search/Match and once an EMPLID is identified, post the constituent and transaction data to
production tables. The Transaction Management process does not process IDs with a Constituent Status set to
Cancelled or for which their transaction is already Posted. It also does not run the Search/Match process when
an EMPLID is already identified or the Constituent Status is set to Ignored, Suspended, or Error. When an
ID is set to be suspended, only manual intervention performed from the Constituent Summary page can be
done to reset the status to something else after evaluation. For instance, a self-service user submits an online
application. Search/Match found one exact match and the transaction was set up to suspend the constituent
if this condition is encountered. The suspended record requires manual intervention by the administrative
user to validate the matching candidate found should be updated or not.
Transaction Name
Select the transaction for which you want to process the constituent and their
transactions (applications).
ID Selection
ID Selection
Select one of these values:
One Person Temporary ID: Select to run the process for a single person
(constituent) in the staging record who is associated with the selected
transaction name.
All Person Temporary IDs: Select to run the process for all the persons in
the staging record who are associated with the selected transaction name.
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Population Selection: Select if you want to use the population selection
process for selecting the temporary IDs who are associated with the
selected transaction name.
Temporary ID
Available only when the ID Selection is One Person Temporary ID. You must
enter the specific temporary constituent ID to process here.
Process Submitted
Select if you want the system to process transactions that have an application
status of Submitted. When you select this option, the Submitted Transactions
box appears.
Process Saved Transactions
Select if you want the system to process transactions that have an application
status of Saved. When you select this option, the Saved Transactions box
The system posts only submitted transactions to the database.
Submitted Transactions
This group box appears only when the Process Submitted Transactions option is selected.
Run Search Match
Select to run Search/Match for the Submitted transactions.
Post Transaction Data
Select to post the Submitted transactions.
Note. When processing submitted transactions, the component forces you to select both check boxes. This is
to ensure that you are not introducing duplicates into your database. If an ID is already identified, the process
skips Search/Match and proceeds to validate and post the transaction data.
Saved Transactions
This group box appears only when the Process Saved Transactions option is selected.
Update Status to Submitted
Select to change the application status from Saved to Submitted.
Run Search Match
Select to run Search/Match for the saved transactions. If the process identifies
that a new ID needs to be created or an existing ID needs to be updated, the
constituent data is posted.
When an EMPLID is already known to the system, Search/Match is not
invoked by the process.
Post Transaction Data
Select to post the transactions (applications). Only submitted transactions for
which you have run Search/Match can be posted. Therefore, to be able to
select this check box, you must select the Update Status to Submitted and the
Run Search Match check boxes. If you select all the three check boxes, the
Transaction Management process will first change the status to Submitted, then
it runs Search/Match and finally depending on the Search/Match parameters
it posts the transactions.
Population Selection
This group box appears only when the ID Selection of Population Selection is selected.
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Managing PeopleSoft Admission Transactions
Chapter 1
Population selection is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. Selection tools are
available based on the selection tools that your institution selected in the setup of the Population Selection
process for the Transaction Management process and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear
based on the selection tool that you select. If your institution uses a specific delivered selection tool (PS Query,
Equation Engine equation, or external file) to identify IDs for a specific transaction, you must use it.
See PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 PeopleBook, Using the Population Selection
Specifying Search/Match Parameters for Batch Processing
Access the Search/Match Parameters page (Student Admissions, Application Transaction Mgmt, Transaction
Management Process, Search/Match Parameters).
Search/Match Parameters page
Use this page to set up your Search/Match parameters. These are the rules that determine what the post
process should do with the staging record after the Search/Match process is complete. The fields on this page
are similar to the Search/Match Setup page (Set Up SACR, System Administration, Utilities, Constituent
Transaction Mgmt, Transaction Setup, Search/Match Setup).
Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.