K o z eny-Wagner has provided diversf i e d
c o n struction services throughout the
M i d west since 1965. We have the
i n d ustrial expertise and resume to he l p a n y
c l i e nt with their unique needs in indu s t r i a l
c o n struction, machinery installation,
m a i ntenance, and repair. Our Millwri g h t s
a r e highly trained and skilled profess i o n a l s .
Packaging Systems/Palletizers
Bulk Material Handling Systems
Field Fabrication
Product Line Retrofit
Pump/Compressor Repair/Maintenance
Cooling Tower Maintenance
Oil Refinery
Energy Industry
Bucket Elevator
Machinery Access Platforms
O u r Millwright team combines for ove r 5 0
y e a rs of divers ified industrial experie n c e
s e r ving clients such as Ameren, Mon s a n t o ,
M i s souri Ameri can Water, Metropolit a n S t .
L o u is Sewer District, and Nice-Pak.
R o b ert Breen, Sr. Project Manager
L e e Eikermann, Superintendent
L u k e Eikermann, Superintendent
C h u ck Lee, Superintendent
Kozeny-Wagner, Inc.
951 West Outer Road
Arnold, MO 63010
P: 636.296.2012
C: 636.296.2409
C o r p o r a t e Overview ::
Kozeny-Wagner is a full-service construction service provider. Since 1965, Kozeny-Wagner has provided
diversified construction, construction management and design/build services throughout the Midwest. We service
our clients in innovative ways, including; general contracting, cost studies, business solutions, design/build, program
management and value engineering. Kozeny-Wagner provides competitive solutions to challenging design and
engineering projects through an analytical, innovative and responsible approach.
At Kozeny-Wagner, we are proud of our profession and take our work personally. We believe in the highest quality
projects, delivered on time and within budget. Using the latest construction technology available, we build trust and
client satisfaction. When performance counts, you expect and demand the most knowledgeable, experienced and
proven management team. Kozeny-Wagner is the construction service provider with the proven performance and
service capabilities to meet your needs.
Industrial + Millwright ::
Main Address
Kozeny-Wagner, Inc.
951 West Outer Road
Arnold, Missouri 63010
(t) 636.296.2012
(f) 636.296.2409
Kozeny-Wagner’s industrial experience is evident. Throughout the many
years of business we have worked with myriad world class clients completing
a wide array of projects. Our Millwright services have greatly advanced over
the years and increased our already large capability. This advancement is
much due to our highly trained and skilled Millwrights.
Robert Breen, Sr. Project Manager
Lee Eikermann, Superintendent
Ty p e o f F i r m
Luke Eikermann, Superintendent
State of Incorporation
Chuck Lee, Superintendent
Ye a r s i n B u s i n e s s
Some of our recent clients include Monsanto, Nice-Pak, Missouri American
Water, Ameren, and Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District.
To t a l E m p l o y e e s
80 +/-
Differentiating Factors ::
Primary Contact
Patrick J. Kozeny
President and CEO
Firm Certification
Small Business Certified
Firm Ownership
Patrick Kozeny - President and
Michael Kozeny - Vice President
Areas of Expertise
General Construction
Construction Management
k o z e n y w a g n e r. c o m
Our vast building expertise is complemented by a series of industry leading
business units that perform a full spectrum of construction services, from
site and transportation to commercial and technology driven construction
projects. Our expertise allows us to serve our client’s varied construction
needs more completely than any other construction company in our region.
Asso ciations and Memberships ::
Kozeny-Wagner is dedicated to construction and the Midwest region.
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
American Subcontractors Association (ASA)
Associated General Contractors (AGC)
Construction Financial Managers Association (CFMA)
Missouri Growth Association (MGA)
Missouri Kansas Wireless Association (MOKAN)
Missouri Society of Certified Public Accountants (MSCPA)
St. Louis Council of Construction Consumers (SLCCC)
St. Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association (RCGA)
The Regional Concrete Council of St. Louis (CCSL)
United States Green Building Council (USGBC)
Urban Land Institute (ULI)
Kozeny-Wagner, Inc.
951 West Outer Road
Arnold, MO 63010
P: 636.296.2012
C: 636.296.2409