Office of Head Start - Program Information Report (PIR) PIR Indicator Report - 2015 - Grant Level Grant - Head Start has 1 Program(s) • • • The PIR Performance Indicators highlight annual program PIR data in areas of frequent interest and are not intended to serve as a full summary of programs' performance. The PIR Performance Indicator Formulas document provides the question numbers used for indicator calculations and is available at Numerators and denominators are included in the report to supply context for percentages. Enrollment - PIR Performance Indicators Context Cumulative Enrolled Children 2015 # PIR Performance Indicator 101 Percentage (%) of children enrolled for multiple years 102 Percentage (%) of children enrolled less than 45 days (%) of children and pregnant women (if EHS) who left the 103 Percentage program and did not re-enroll Number 376 Number 91 3 Percentage 24.20% 0.80% 21 5.59% Services to All Children at Beginning of Enrollment Year Compared to End of Enrollment Year (based on Cumulative Enrollment) - PIR Performance Indicators Context Number Percentage Cumulative Enrolled Children 376 Children Enrolled less than 45 Days 3 0.80% Percentage Number at at Number at Percentage Beginning Beginning End of at End of 2015 # PIR Performance Indicator of of Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment Year Year Year Year 111.1 Percentage (%) of children with health insurance 112.1 Percentage (%) of children with a medical home Percentage (%) of children with up-to-date 113.1 immunizations, all possible immunizations to date, or exempt 114.1 Percentage (%) of children with a dental home 356 344 94.68% 91.49% 363 350 96.54% 93.09% 359 95.48% 357 94.95% 336 89.36% 340 90.43% Services to All Children (based on Cumulative Enrollment) - PIR Performance Indicators Context Number Cumulative Enrolled Children 376 2015 # PIR Performance Indicator Number 121 Percentage (%) of children with an IFSP or IEP 43 Percentage (%) of children up-to-date on a schedule of preventive 122 and primary health care per the state's EPSDT schedule at the end of 285 enrollment year Of the children up-to-date on health screenings, the percentage (%) 123 of children diagnosed with a chronic condition needing medical 18 treatment Of the children diagnosed with a chronic condition needing 124 medical treatment, the percentage (%) of children who 16 received medical treatment Date Printed: Dec 14, 2015 at 13:38:09 EST Percentage 11.44% 75.80% 6.32% 88.89% Page 1 Services to Preschool Children (based on Cumulative Enrollment) - PIR Performance Indicators Context Number Cumulative Enrolled Preschool Children 376 Cumulative Enrolled Preschool Children with an IEP for one of the Primary 43 Disabilities Reported in the PIR 2015 # PIR Performance Indicator Number Percentage Percentage (%) of preschool children that received special education 131 or related services for one of the primary disabilities reported in the 42 97.67% PIR (%) of preschool children completing professional dental 132 Percentage 311 82.71% exams Of the preschool children receiving professional dental exams, the 133 percentage (%) of preschool children needing professional dental 86 27.65% treatment Of the preschool children needing dental treatment, the 134 percentage (%) of preschool children who received dental 60 69.77% treatment Family Services - PIR Performance Indicators Context Total Number of Head Start Families 2015 # PIR Performance Indicator Percentage (%) of families 141 services reported in the PIRwho received at least one of the family Context Total Number of Families Experiencing Homelessness that were Served During the Enrollment Year 2015 # PIR Performance Indicator Percentage (%) of families experiencing homelessness during the 142 enrollment year that acquired housing during the enrollment year Number 354 Number Percentage 171 48.31% Number 43 Number Percentage 3 6.98% Preschool Staff and Classes (Head Start and Migrant/Seasonal preschool staff only) - PIR Performance Indicators Context Number Preschool Classroom Teachers 21 Preschool Classes 20 Preschool Classroom Assistant Teachers 15 2015 # PIR Performance Indicator Number Percentage Percentage (%) of preschool classroom teachers that meet the 151 degree/credential requirements of Section 648A.(2)(A) (BA or higher 11 52.38% ECE/related) that will become effective September, 2013 Percentage (%) of preschool classes in which at least one teacher the teacher degree/credential requirements of Section 152 meets 20 100.00% 648A.(3)(B) (AA or higher - ECE/related) that became effective October, 2011 Percentage (%) of preschool classroom assistant teachers with a 153 CDA/equivalent or higher, or are enrolled in a CDA or ECE degree 15 100.00% program Date Printed: Dec 14, 2015 at 13:38:09 EST Page 2 Grant - Early Head Start 1 Program(s) • • • The PIR Performance Indicators highlight annual program PIR data in areas of frequent interest and are not intended to serve as a full summary of programs' performance. The PIR Performance Indicator Formulas document provides the question numbers used for indicator calculations and is available at Numerators and denominators are included in the report to supply context for percentages. Enrollment - PIR Performance Indicators Context Cumulative Enrolled Children 2015 # PIR Performance Indicator 101 Percentage (%) of children enrolled for multiple years 102 Percentage (%) of children enrolled less than 45 days Context Cumulative Enrolled Children and Pregnant Women (if EHS) (%) of children and pregnant women (if EHS) who left the 103 Percentage program and did not re-enroll Number 120 Number 55 2 Percentage 45.83% 1.67% Number 128 8 6.25% Services to All Children at Beginning of Enrollment Year Compared to End of Enrollment Year (based on Cumulative Enrollment) - PIR Performance Indicators Context Number Percentage Cumulative Enrolled Children 120 Children Enrolled less than 45 Days 2 1.67% Percentage Number at at Number at Percentage Beginning Beginning End of at End of 2015 # PIR Performance Indicator of of Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment Year Year Year Year 111.1 Percentage (%) of children with health insurance 112.1 Percentage (%) of children with a medical home Percentage (%) of children with up-to-date 113.1 immunizations, all possible immunizations to date, or exempt 114.1 Percentage (%) of children with a dental home 114 110 95.00% 91.67% 116 118 96.67% 98.33% 120 100.00% 115 95.83% 97 80.83% 107 89.17% Services to All Children (based on Cumulative Enrollment) - PIR Performance Indicators Context Number Cumulative Enrolled Children 120 2015 # PIR Performance Indicator Number 121 Percentage (%) of children with an IFSP or IEP 22 Percentage (%) of children up-to-date on a schedule of preventive 122 and primary health care per the state's EPSDT schedule at the end of 100 enrollment year Of the children up-to-date on health screenings, the percentage (%) 123 of children diagnosed with a chronic condition needing medical 2 treatment Of the children diagnosed with a chronic condition needing 124 medical treatment, the percentage (%) of children who 1 received medical treatment Date Printed: Dec 14, 2015 at 13:38:09 EST Percentage 18.33% 83.33% 2.00% 50.00% Page 3 Family Services - PIR Performance Indicators Context Total Number of Head Start Families 2015 # PIR Performance Indicator Percentage (%) of families 141 services reported in the PIRwho received at least one of the family Context Total Number of Families Experiencing Homelessness that were Served During the Enrollment Year 2015 # PIR Performance Indicator Percentage (%) of families experiencing homelessness during the 142 enrollment year that acquired housing during the enrollment year Number 108 Number Percentage 57 52.78% Number 19 Number Percentage 6 31.58% Infant/Toddler Staff (EHS and Migrant/Seasonal infants/toddler staff only) - PIR Performance Indicators Context Number Early Head Start Center-Based Teachers 16 2015 # PIR Performance Indicator Number Percentage Percentage (%) of infant and toddler classroom teachers that meet 161 the degree/credential requirements of Section 645A.(h) 16 100.00% (CDA/equivalent or higher) that became effective September, 2010 Date Printed: Dec 14, 2015 at 13:38:09 EST Page 4 Report Filters Filter Name Program Year Program Types Grants Filter Value 2015 HS, EHS 06CH7105 - CEN-TEX FAMILY SERVICES INC Date Printed: Dec 14, 2015 at 13:38:09 EST Page 5