RFID in Robot-Assisted Indoor Navigation for the Visually Impaired Vladimir Kulyukin Department of Computer Science Utah State University Logan, UT vkulyukin@cs.usu.edu Chaitanya Gharpure John Nicholson Department of Computer Science Utah State University Logan, Utah cpg@cc.usu.edu, jnicholson@cc.usu.edu Abstract— We describe how Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) can be used in robot-assisted indoor navigation for the visually impaired. We present a robotic guide for the visually impaired that was deployed and tested both with and without visually impaired participants in two indoor environments. We describe how we modified the standard potential fields algorithms to achieve navigation at moderate walking speeds and to avoid oscillation in narrow spaces. The experiments illustrate that passive RFID tags deployed in the environment can act as reliable stimuli that trigger local navigation behaviors to achieve global navigation objectives. I. I NTRODUCTION For most visually impaired people the main barrier to improving their quality of life is the inability to navigate. This inability denies the visually impaired equal access to buildings, limits their use of public transportation, and makes the visually impaired in the United States a group with one of the highest unemployment rates (74%)[1]. Robot-assisted navigation can help the visually impaired overcome the navigation barrier for several reasons. First, the amount of body gear required by wearable navigation technologies, e.g., [2], [3], is significantly minimized, because most of it is mounted on the robot and powered from on-board batteries. Consequently, the navigation-related physical load is significantly reduced. Second, the user can interact with the robot in ways unimaginable with guide dogs and white canes, i.e., speech, wearable keyboard, audio, etc. These interaction modes make the user feel more at ease and reduce her navigation-related cognitive load. Third, the robot can interact with other people in the environment, e.g., ask them to yield. Fourth, robotic guides can carry useful payloads, e.g., suitcases and grocery bags. Finally, the user can use robotic guides in conjunction with her conventional navigation aids, e.g., white canes and guide dogs. What environments are suitable for robotic guides? There is little need for such guides in familiar environments where conventional navigation aids are adequate. For example, a guide dog typically picks a route after three to five trials. While there is a great need for assisted navigation outdoors, the robotic solutions, due to severe sensor challenges, have so far been inadequate for the job and have not compared favorably to guide dogs[4]. Therefore, we believe that unfamiliar indoor environments that are dynamic and complex, e.g., airports and conference Sachin Pavithran Center for Persons with Disabilities Utah State University Logan, UT sachin@cpd2.usu.edu centers, are a perfect niche for robotic guides. Guide dogs and white canes are of limited use in such environments, because they do not have any environment-specific topological knowledge and, consequently, cannot help their users find paths to useful destinations. II. R ELATED W ORK The idea of robotic guides is not new. Horswill[5] used the situated activity theory to build Polly, a robotic guide for the MIT AI Lab. Polly used lightweight vision routines that depended on textures specific to the lab. Thrun et al.[6] built Minerva, a completely autonomous tour-guide robot that was deployed in the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. Burgard et al.[7] developed RHINO, a close sibling of Minerva’s, which was deployed as an interactive tour guide in the Deutsches Museum in Bonn, Germany. Unfortunately, these robots do not address the needs of the visually impaired. First, the robots depend on the users’ ability to maintain visual contact with them, which cannot be assumed for the visually impaired. The only way users could interact with Polly[5] was by tapping their feet. To request a museum tour from RHINO[7], the user had to identify and press a button of a specific color on the robot’s panel. Second, these solutions require substantial investments in customized engineering to become operational, which makes it difficult to use them as models of replicable solutions that work out of the box in a variety of environments. The approach on which Polly is based requires that a robot be evolved by its designer to fit its environment not only in terms of software but also in terms of hardware. The probabilistic localization algorithms used in RHINO and MINERVA, require a great deal of processing power. For example, to remain operational, RHINO had to run 20 parallel processes on 3 on-board PCs and 2 off-board SUN workstations connected via a customized Ethernet-based point-to-point socket communication protocol. Even with these high software and hardware commitments, RHINO reportedly experienced six collisions over a period of fortyseven hours, although each tour was less than ten mintues long[7]. Mori and Kotani[4] developed HARUNOBU-6, a robotic travel aid to guide the visually impaired on the Yamanashi University campus. HARUNOBU-6 is a motor (a) RG (b) An RFID Tag Fig. 1. (c) Navigation Robot-Assisted Navigation wheel chair equipped with a vision system, sonars, a differential GPS, and a portable GIS. While the wheel chair is superior to the guide dog in its knowledge of the environment, the experiments run by the HARUNOBU-6 research team demonstrated that the wheel chair is inferior to the guide dog in mobility and obstacle avoidance. The major source of problems was vision-based navigation because the recognition of patterns and landmarks was greatly influenced by the time of day, weather, and season. Additionally, HARUNOBU-6 is a higly customized piece of equipment, which negatively affects its portability across a broad spectrum of environments. Several research efforts in mobile robotics are similar to the research described in this paper in that they also use RFID technology for robot navigation. Kantor and Singh used RFID tags for robot localization and mapping[8]. Once the positions of the RFID tags are known, their system uses time-of-arrival type of information to estimate the distance from detected tags. Tsukiyama[9] developed a navigation system for mobile robots using RFID tags. The system assumes perfect signal reception and measurement and does not deal with uncertainty. Hähnel et al.[10] developed a robotic mapping and localization system to analyze whether RFID can be used to improve the localization of mobile robots in office environments. They proposed a probabilistic measurement model for RFID readers that accurately localizes RFID tags in a simple office environment. III. A ROBOTIC G UIDE FOR THE V ISUALLY I MPAIRED In May 2003, the Department of Computer Science of Utah State Univeristy (USU) and the USU Center for Persons with Disabilities launched a collaborative project whose objective is to build an indoor robotic guide for the visually impaired. In this paper, we describe a prototype we have built and deployed in two indoor environments. Its name is RG, which stands for “robotic guide.” We refer to the approach behind RG as non-intrusive instrumentation of environments. Our current research objective is to alleviate localization and navigation problems of purely autonomous approaches by instrumenting environments with inexpensive and reliable sensors that can be placed in and out of environments without disrupting any indigenous activities. Effectively, the environment becomes a distributed tracking and guidance system[11]. Additional requirements are: 1) that the instrumentation be fast, e.g., two to three hours, and require only commercial off-theshelf (COTS) hardware components; 2) that sensors be inexpensive, reliable, easy to maintain (no external power supply), and provide accurate localization; 3) that all computation run onboard the robot; 4) that robot navigation be smooth (few sideways jerks and abrupt velocity changes) and keep pace with a moderate walking speed; and 5) that human-robot interaction be both reliable and intuitive from the perspective of the visually impaired users. The first two requirements make the systems that satisfy them replicable, maintainable, and robust. The third requirement eliminates the necessity of running substantial off-board computation to keep the robot operational. In emergency situations, e.g., computer security breaches, power failures, and fires, off-board computers are likely to become dysfunctional and paralyze the robot if it depends on them. The last two requirements explicitly consider the needs of the target population and make our project different from the RFID-based robot navigation systems mentioned above. A. Hardware RG is built on top of the Pioneer 2DX commercial robotic platform [12] (See Figure 1(a)). The platform has three wheels, 16 ultrasonic sonars, 8 in front and 8 in the back, and is equipped with three rechargeable Power Sonic PS-1270 onboard batteries that can operate for up to five hours at a time. What turns the platform into a robotic guide is a Wayfinding Toolkit (WT) mounted on top of the platform and powered from the on-board batteries. As can be seen in Figure 1(a), the WT currently resides in a PVC pipe structure attached to the top of the platform. The WT’s core component is a Dell laptop connected to the platform’s microcontroller. The laptop has a Pentium 4 mobile 1.6 GHz processor with 512 MB of RAM. Communication between the laptop and the microcontroller is done through a usb-to-serial cable. The laptop interfaces to a radiofrequency identification (RFID) reader through another usb-to-serial cable. The TI Series 2000 RFID reader is connected to a square 200mm × 200mm antenna. The arrow in Figure 1(b) points to a TI RFID Slim Disk tag attached to a wall. Only these RFID tags are currently used by the system. These tags can be attached to any objects in the environment or worn on clothing. They do not require any external power source or direct line of sight (a) Empty Spaces (b) RG’s Grid Fig. 2. Potential Fields and Empty Spaces. to be detected by the RFID reader. They are activated by the spherical electromagnetic field generated by the RFID antenna with a radius of approximately 1.5 meters. Each tag is programmatically assigned a unique ID. A dog leash is attached to the battery bay handle on the back of the platform. The upper end of the leash is hung on a PCV pole next to the RFID antenna’s pole. As shown in Figure 1(c), visually impaired individuals follow RG by holding onto that leash. B. Navigation Since RG’s objective is to assist the visually impaired in navigating unknown environments, we had to pay close attention to three navigational features. First, RG should move at moderate walking speeds. For example, the robot developed by Hähnel et al.[10] travels at an average speed of 0.223 m/s, which is too slow for our purposes because it is slower than a moderate walking speed (0.7 m/s) by almost half a meter. Second, the motion must be smooth, without sideways jerks or abrupt speed changes. Third, RG should be able to avoid obstacles. RG navigates in indoor environments using potential fields (PF) and by finding empty spaces around itself. PFs have been widely used in navigation and obstacle avoidance[13]. The basic concept behind the PF approach is to populate the robot’s sensing grid with an vector field in which the robot is repulsed away from obstacles and attracted towards the target. Thus, the walls and obstacles around RG generate a PF in which RG acts like a moving particle[14]. The desired direction of travel is the direction of the maximum empty space around RG, which, when found, becomes the target direction to guide RG through the PF. This simple strategy takes explicit advantage of the way human indoor environments are organized. For example, if the maximum empty space is in front, the navigator can keep moving forward; if the maximum empty space is on the left, a left turn can be made, etc. This strategy allows RG to follow hallways, avoid obstacles, and turn without using any orientation sensors, such as digital compasses or inertia cubes. To find the maximum empty space, RG uses a total of 90 laser range finder readings, taken at every 2 degrees. The readings are taken every millisecond. An initial threshold of 3000 mm is used. If no empty space is found, this threshold is iteratively decreased by 100 mm. In Figure 2(a), laser readings R1 and R2 are the boundary readings of the maximum empty space. All readings between R1 and R2 are greater than the threshold. The next step is to find the target direction. For that, we find the midway point between R1 and R2 and the direction to that point is the target direction αt . RG’s PF is a 10 × 30 egocentric grid. Each cell in the grid is 200mm × 200mm. The grid covers an area of 12 square meters (2 meters in front and 3 meters on each side) in front of RG. Each cell C ij holds a vector that contributes in calculating the resultant PF vector. The direction to the cell from RG’s center is αij . There are three types of cells: 1) occupied cells, which hold the repulsive vectors generated by walls and obstacles; 2) free cells, which hold the vector pointing in the target direction obtained by finding the maximum empty space; and 3) unknown cells, the contents of which are unknown, since they lie beyond detected obstacles. Unknown cells do not hold any vectors. In Figure 2(b), dark gray cells are occupied, white cells are free, and light gray cells are unknown. If d(C ij ) is the distance from the robot’s center to the cell C ij in the grid, L(αij ) is the laser reading in the cell’s direction, and T is a tolerance constant, then the occupation of C ij is computed by the function ζ(i, j): if |d(Cij ) − L(αij )| < T 1 if L(αij ) − d(Cij ) > T ζ(i, j) = 0 (1) −1 if d(Cij ) − L(αij ) > T In Equation 1, the constants 1, 0, -1 denote occupied, free, and unknown, respectively. By default, all vectors in occupied and free cells are unit vectors. However, since closer obstacles have more effect on the robot, the vector magnitude increases with the proximity of the cell to the robot. Therefore, the vector magnitude in the cell is a function of the cell’s row and column. A repulsive vector in C ij is denoted as Rij (mij , −αij ), where mij is the vector’s magnitude and −α ij is its direction. The magnitude is inversely proportional to the distance of the occupied cell from the robot. For the leftside vectors, mij = M agn(i, j) ∗ P1 ; for the right-side vectors, mij = M agn(i, j) ∗ P2 , where M agn(i, j) is the magnitude of the corresponding vector and P 1 and P2 are constants that vary the replusion vectors on the robot’s left and right sides, respectively. Thus, one can adjust the distance maintained by RG from the right or left wall, respectively. Since RG’s localization relies on RFID tags placed in hallways, it has to navigate closer to the right wall, which is achieved by increasing the repulsive force of the left side vectors. Repulsive vectors for occupied cells are summed up to get the resultant repulsive vector Rr = ij Rij . The target vector in a free cell C ij is denoted as Tij (M, αt ), where M is the vector’s magnitude. In our implementation, all vectors in the unoccupied cells are unit vectors. The resultant target vector is T r = ij Tij = Tr (M ∗N, αt ), where N is the number of unoccupied cells. The resultant vector, RES, is the sum of the repulsive and target vectors: RES(mr , αr ) = Rr + Tr , where, mr is the magnitude and α r is the direction. To ensure smooth turns and avoid abrupt speed changes, RG never stops and turns in place. Instead, RG sets the left (V1 ) and right (V 2 ) wheel velocities, to produce a smooth turn. V 1 and V2 are functions of m r and αr : V1 = V2 = v + (αr ∗ S)/mr , v is the robot’s velocity, and S is a constant that determines the sharpness of turns; αr is positive for left turns and negative for right. The robot’s velocity v is a function of the front distance. Thus, if mr is large, the turns are less sharp. This is precisely why RG follows a smooth, straight path even in narrow hallways without oscillating, which has been a problem for some PF algorithms[15]. Given this implementation, RG maintains, at most times, a moderate walking speed of 0.7 m/s without losing smoothness or robustness. C. Ethology and Spatial Semantic Hierarchy As a software system, RG is based on Kupiers’ Spatial Semantic Hierarchy (SSH)[16] and Tinbergen’s ethology[17]. The SSH is a framework for representing spatial knowledge. It divides spatial knowledge of autonomous agents into four levels: control, causal, topological, and metric. The control level consists of low level mobility laws, e.g., trajectory following and aligning with a surface. The causal level represents the world in terms of views and actions. A view is a collection of data items that an agent gathers from its sensors. Actions move agents from view to view. The topological level represents the world’s connectivity, i.e., how different locations are connected. The metric level adds distances between locations. In RG, the control level is implemented with the PF methods described above and includes the following behaviors: follow-wall, turn-left, turn-right, avoid-obstacles, go-thru-doorway, pass-doorway, and make-u-turn. These behaviors are coordinated and controlled through Tinbergen’s release mechanisms[17]. RFID tags are viewed as stimuli that trigger or disable specific behaviors. To ensure portabilty, all these behaviors are written in the behavior programming language of the ActivMedia Robotics Interface for Applications (ARIA) system from ActivMedia Robotics, Inc. The routines run on the WT laptop. In addition, the WT laptop runs three other software compo- nents: 1) a map server, 2) a path planner, and 3) a speech recognition and synthesis engine. The Map Server realizes the causal and topological levels of the SSH. The server’s knowledge base represents a connectivity graph of the environment in which RG operates. No global map is assumed. In addition, the knowledge base contains tag to destination mappings and simple behavior trigger/disable scripts associated with specific tags. The Map Server continuously registers the latest location of RG on the connectivity graph. The location is updated as soon as RG detects a RFID tag. Given the connectivity graph, the Path Planner uses the standard breadth first search algorithm to find a path from one location to the other. A path plan is a sequence of tag numbers and behavior scripts at each tag. Thus, RG’s trips are sequences of locally triggered behaviors that achieve global navigation objectives. The SSH metric level is not implemented, because, as studies in mobile robotics show[16], [14], odometry, from which metric information is typically obtained, is not reliable in robotic navigation. D. Human-Robot Interaction Human-robot interaction in RG is described in detail elsewhere[18], [19]. Here we give a brief summary only for the sake of completeness. Visually impaired users can interact with RG through speech and wearable keyboards. Speech is received by RG through a wireless microphone placed on the user’s clothing. Speech is recognized and synthesized with Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) 5.1. RG interacts with its users and people in the environment through speech and audio icons, i.e., non-verbal sounds that are readily associated with specific objects, e.g., the sound of water bubbles associated with a water cooler. When RG is passing a water cooler, it can either say “water cooler” or play an audio file with sounds of water bubbles. We added audio icons to the system because, as recent research findings indicate [20], speech perception can be slow and prone to block ambient sounds from the environment. To other people in the environment, RG is personified as Merlin, a Microsoft software character, always present on the WT laptop’s screen. IV. E XPERIMENTS We deployed our system for a total of approximately seventy hours in two indoor environments: the Assistive Technology Laboratory (ATL) of the USU Center for Persons with Disabilities and the USU CS Department. The ATL occupies part of a floor in a building on the USU North Campus. The floor has an area of approximately 4,270 square meters. The floor contains 6 laboratories, two bathrooms, two staircases, and an elevator. The CS Department occupies an entire floor in a multi-floor building. The floor’s area is 6,590 square meters. The floor contains 23 offices, 7 laboratories, a conference room, a student lounge, a tutor room, two elevators, several bathrooms, and two staircases. Forty RFID tags were deployed at the ATL and one hundred tags were deployed at the CS Department. It took one (a) Narrow (1m wide) Hallway Runs (b) Medium (1.5m wide) Hallway Runs Fig. 3. (a) Narrow (1m wide) Hallway Runs Path Deviations in Hallways (b) Medium (1.5m wide) Hallway Runs Fig. 4. (c) Wide (2.5m wide) Hallway Runs (c) Wide (2.5m wide) Hallway Runs Velocity Changes in Hallways. person 20 minutes to deploy the tags and about 10 minutes to remove them at the ATL. The same measurements at the CS Department were 30 and 20 minutes, respectively. As Figure 1(b) indicates, the tags were placed on small pieces of cardboard to insulate them from the walls and were attached to the walls with regular scotch tape. The creation of the connectivity graphs, took one hour at the ATL and about 2 hours at the CS Department. One administrator first walked around the areas with a laptop and recorded tag-destination associations and then associated behavior scripts with tags. RG was first repeatedly tested in the ATL, the smaller of the two environments, and then deployed for pilot experiments at the USU CS Department. We ran two sets of pilot experiments. The first set did not involve visually impaired participants. The second set did. In the first set of experiments, we had RG navigate three types of hallways of the CS Department: narrow (1 m), medium (1.5 m) and wide (2.5 m) and estimated its navigation in terms of two variables: path deviations and abrupt speed changes. We also wanted to test how well RG’s RFID reader detected the tags. To estimate path deviations, in each experiment we first computed the ideal distance that the robot has to maintain from the right wall in a certain type of hallway (narrow, medium, and wide). The ideal distance was computed by running the robot in a hallway of that type with all doors closed and no obstacles en route. During the run, the distance read by the laser range finder between the robot and the right wall was recorded every 50 milliseconds. In recording the distance, the robot orientation was taken into account from two consecutive readings. The ideal distance was computed as the average of the distances taken during the run. Once the ideal distances were known, we ran the robot three times in each type of hallway. The hallways in which the robot ran were different from the hallways in which the ideal distances were computed. Obstacles, e.g., humans walking by and open doors, were allowed during the test runs. Figure 3 gives the distance graphs of the three runs compared in each hallway type. The vertical bars in each graph represent the robot’s width. As can be seen from Figure 3(a), there is almost no deviation from the ideal distance in narrow hallways. Nor is there any oscillation. Figure 3(b) and Figure 3(c) show some insignificant deviations from the ideal distance. The deviations were caused by people walking by and by open doors. However, there is no oscillation, i.e., sharp movements in different directions. In both environments, we observed several tag detection failures, particularly in metallic door frames. However, after we insulated the tags with small pieces of cardboard (see Figure 1(b)), the tag detection failures stopped. Figure 4 gives the velocity graphs for each hallway type (x-axis is time in seconds, y-axis is velocity in mm/sec). The graphs show that the narrow hallways cause short abrupt changes in velocity. This is because in narrow hallways even a slight disorientation, e.g., 3 degrees, in the robot causes changes in velocity because less free space is detected in the grid. In medium and wide hallways, the velocity remains mostly smooth. Several speed changes occur when the robot passes or navigates through doorways or avoids obstacles. The second set of pilot experiments involved five visually impaired participants, one participant at a time, over a period of two months. Three participants were completely blind and two participants could perceive only light. The participants had no speech impediments, hearing problems, or cognitive disabilities. Two participants were dog users and the other three used white canes. The participants were asked to use RG to navigate to three distinct locations (an office, a lounge, and a bathroom) at the USU CS Department. All participants were new to the environment and had to navigate approximately 40 meters to get to all destinations. Thus, in the experiments with visually impaired participants, the robot navigated approximately 200 meters. All participants reached their destinations without a problem. In their exit interviews, the participants complained mostly about the human-robot interaction aspects of the system. For example, all of them had problems with the speech recognition system[21], [19]. The participants especially liked the fact that they did not have to give up their white canes and guide dogs to use RG. V. L IMITATIONS In addition to velocity changes in narrow hallways, RG has three other limitations. First, the robot cannot create a connectivity graph for a given environment once the RFID tags are deployed. We are currently working on creating connectivity graphs and behavior scripts in a semiautomatic fashion. Second, the robot cannot detect route blockages. If the route is blocked, the robot first slows down to a stop and then starts turning in order to find some free space. In this fashion, RG makes a gradual uturn by looking for the maximum free space around itself. Since RG has no orientation sensor, currently the only way it can detect a detour is by detecting an RFID tag that is not on the path to the current destination. Finally, while several visually impaired participants told us that it would be helpful if RG could guide them in and out of elevators, RG cannot negotiate elevators yet. VI. C ONCLUSION In this paper, we showed how Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) can be used in robot-assisted indoor navigation for the visually impaired. We presented a robotic guide for the visually impaired that was deployed and tested both with and without visually impaired participants in two indoor environments. The experiments illustrate that passive RFID tags can act as reliable stimuli that trigger local navigation behaviors to achieve global navigation objectives. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the visually impaired participants for generously volunteering their time for the pilot experiments. The authors would like to thank Marty Blair, Director of the Utah Assistive Technology Program for his administrative assistance and support. The first author would like to acknowledge that this research has been supported, in part, through the NSF Universal Access Career Grant (IIS-0346880), a Community University Research Initiative (CURI) grant from the State of Utah, and through a New Faculty Research grant from Utah State University. R EFERENCES [1] M. P. LaPlante and D. Carlson, Disability in the United States: Prevalence and Causes. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 2000. [2] S. Shoval, J. Borenstein, and Y. 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